|12RM2312| |7Boon |aat ona| begyndelse.7|
|12RM2412| |5''Atº maturing daily gloryaims!|12f10712|5''|
|12RM2512| A |4great
flink4| dab |12for a freck dive and a stern poise for a swift pounce12| wasº
frankily at the manual arith sure enough which was the bekase he knowed from his cradle|8,8| no
|12boy bird12| better|8,8| why his tenº
fingures were giving him whatfor to fife with. First|7, byº
observation,7| there came |12LM8012| bokoº
andº nigh him wigworms
{f10, 219}
and nigh him tittlies and nigh himº |12cheekchaps cheekadeekchimplesº12| and nigh him pickpocket with
pickpocketpumbº, pickpocketpointº, pickpocketprod, pickpocketpromise and upwithem.|12f108º12|
|12Holy Joe in lay Eden.º12| And anyhows always after them the dimpler he weighed the fonder fell he of
|5'cardinals his null four lovedroyd curdinals|a,
|12LM81º12| hisº
element curdinal numen and his enement curdinal marryng and his epulent curdinal weisswassh and his eminent curdinal |bKayb| O'Kaya|5'|. Always would he be
arecitingº of them|14, hoojahs koojahsº,14| up by rota
|7in |athe hisa| Fanden'sº
Catachysm7|,º from fursed to laced, quickmarch to |s9decemver
decemversºs9|, soº asº to pin the tennersº, thumbs down. And anon and aldays, strues yerthere, would he wile arecreating emº
|5'and ingreasing em and moultipiecing emº5'| |5'in
by rightleft byº5'| lumerous
ways|11,11| |s9caiuscountingºs9|
|5'in the scale of |12pin puff |apin piveº
piffa|,12| |8|11pip piff11| puffº pive
poo,8| too poo puff pive pree|8,8| pree puff pive pfoor,º5'|
|8pfoor puff pive, pippive, poopive,º |12f10912|8|
|9Niall Dhu,
{f39, 283}
Foughtyº Unn, Enoch Thortig, endso one,9| like to pitch of your cap, pac,º on to tin tall
spillicans.|12f11012| |5'To sum,º
|12LM8212| borusº pew notus pew eurus pew zipherº.5'|
Ace, deuce, tricks,º quarts,º quims. |7Mumtiplay of course and
carry to their whole number.7| Whileº on the other hand,
|7traduced by their comedy nominatorsº |ato theº
loafer'sº terms for their aloquent partsa|,7|
sexes, suppersº, oglers, novels and
dice.|12f11112| |7He could find |12(the
rakehelly!)º12| by practice the |avalues valusea| of
|~thine to mine thine-to-mine~| articles with no reminder and,º for theº
equality ofº |10reasons
|15reations relations15|10|,º |10with the helpings from his
tablesº10| |aproduce improduceºa|
|8|s9fullmen fullminºs9| to trumblers,8|
|10links unto chains, weys in Nuffolk till tods of Yorek,10| oozies ad libs and several
townsendsº several hundreds andº |~civil to civil civil-to-civil~| imperious gallants
toº gells (Irish)|~, bringing~| |a|bsome
|~aliving alliving~| soltsb| stone
|bodd allaughing down to grave |~cloth nails,
clothnails~|b|a| and a |12LM8312| league of
achersº |a, foolsº |~&
unread and lurchersº~|a| under the rude rule of
|s9thumb fumbs9|.7| What signifieth
|8all whole8| that|12f11212|
but|7, be all the prowess of ten,7| 'tis as strange to relate he, nonparile to
reedº, rite and reckan, caught allmeals dull marksº for his nucleudº and |5allgobrew
alegobrew5|. |12They wouldn't took bearings no how
|aanywheresa|.º12| Oº themº
|5doddhunters and allanights|10, aahsº and baas for agnomes, yees and
zees for incognits,º10|5| bate him up jerrybly! |14Worse nor herman
dororrhea.14| |12Give you the fantods, seemed to him. They ought to told you
every last word first stead of trying every which way to |akindera| smear it
outº poison long.º12| |5Show that the
{f39, 284}
median|10, |12LM8412| hce che
ech,º10| interecting |aat roideº anglesa|
the |8legs parilegs8|
of a given obtuse |aonea| biscuts both the arcs that are
|8subtendered in curveachord8| behind. |10Brickbaths.10|
|12The family umbroglia.12| A Tullagroveº
{f10, 220}
pole|12f11312| to the Height of County Fer Fearmanagh has a septain
inclinaisonº+||12f11412| and the
|agraphplots graphplota| for all the functions in Lower County Monachan, whereat samething isº rivisible by nighttim, may be involted
into theº zeroic couplet|8,8|
|+allis pall pall'sº pellº+|
in hisº heventh gleikeº noughty times
|12LM8512| ∞,º
find|8,8| if you are not |7|~literally~|7|
cooefficient,º how minney combinaisies and permutandies can be played on the international
surdº |athynderclxpz,
|8thyndwrclxpz, |a¡pthyndxrclzp!,
¡pthwndxrclzp!,ºa|8|a| hids |+quth
cubid+| rute being extractedº, taking anan illitterettes, ififif at a tom.5|
|7Answers |8(forº teasers
only)8|.|12f11512| Ten, twent, thirt, see, ex and three
|8pippy ickyº totchty8| ones.7|
|10Fromº solation to solution.10| |8Imagine the twelve deaferended dumbbawls
of the whowl abovebeugledº to |s9bes9| the contonuation through |s9rogeneration
regenerations9| of the urutterationº of the word in |10procress pregross10|. It follows that, if the two antesedents be bissyclitties
and the three comeseekwenchers trundletrikes, |10then |11then; then,11|10|
|14Aysha Lalipat behidden on the footplate,14|
|12LM8612| Big |12Wheeler
Whigglerf11612| |abeing restanta| upsittuponable, the
NCR|12f11712| presents to us
|14(tandem year at lasted length!)14| |10an ottomanticº turquo-indaco of10| pictorial shine by pictorial shimmer so long
as|14, gad of the gidday,14| pictorial summer|10,º viridorefulvid,10|
(11lets lits11) asheen;º
{f39, 285}
but |12(lenz alack lends a lot)12|, if this |s9habbys9| cyclic
|12order |errredor erdorº16|12|
be outraciously enviolated,º |12by a merelinº roundtableturning, like knuts in maze,12|
|s9the zitas runnind hare and dart,º |12f11812|
|10with10| the yeggs in |10the their10| muddle,
|14like a seven of wingless arrows,14| |12hodgepadge, thump, kick and
hurry, all boy more missis blong him he race quickfeller all same hogglepiggle longaº house blong
him,º |14f11914|12| while
|12LM87º12| the catched and dodged
|10exark exarx10| seems
himmulteemiouslyº |10to beem10| |14(he wins her headº! he falls to
tail!)14| the ersed ladest mand|14f12014| and
|14(uhu and uhud!)14| the losed farce on
erroroots,|12f12112|s9| |12twalegged poneys and threehandled
dorkeysº (madahoy, morahoy, lugahoy, jogahoyaway),º12| m MPM
brings us a rainborne |12LM8812| pamtomomiomº |11equilavant
|15aquilavant aqualavant15|11| to
|12|a(dog my cats, (cat my
dogs,ºa| if I baint dingbustedº like
everything!)º12| kaksitoista volts yksitoista volts kymmenen volts yhdeksan volts kahdeksan volts seitsemanº volts
kwu kuusiº volts viisi volts nelja volts |akolne kolmea| volts kaksi volts
yksi|14, allahthallacamellatedº caravan series,º14|
to the finish of helve'sº fractures.|12f12212|8|
|12LM8912| |10In
(11either outher11) wards,º one from
{f10, 221}
five, one from ten two |errone from fives two, two to fives one two to fives ones, one from fives twoºerr| millamills with a mill and
a half |11a mill11| and twos |errtwosºerr| fives fives.
ofº |11ballycleeves |12ballycleevers
bullyclavers12|11|. For a surview over |aalla| the factionables see Iris in the
|12Evening Evenine's12|
Worldº.|12f12312|10| Binomeans to be comprendered.
|12Inexcessible as thy by god ways.º12| The aximones. |5And their
{f39, 286}
For his neuralgiabrowsº.5| Equal to =º
|8hsaoc |12soahc
|12RM2612| |4P.l.o.a.t.o. P.t.l.o.a.t.o.4|
|12RM2712| So, |5'bagdad,5'| |12after those initials falls and that primary taincture,º12| as |5'I know and5'| you know yourself|12, begath,12| |5'and the arab in the |12street ghetto12| knows5'| better|12, by |anettor nettura|,º12| nor |5'anyone else anymeade or persan5'|, comic cuts |5|~in sections~|5| |12and series exerxeses12| always were to be |4seen capered4| in Casey's,º frost book of, page torn on dirty, |4to be hacked|5, ever so new,º5| at |12LM90º12| Hickey's, hucksterº, Wellington's Iron Bridge,4| and so, by long last,º |5|~ecad,~|5| as it would |5''fall shuffle5''| out, must heº to |5''bid trump5''| adieu |5(12adroit adieu12)5| |5''atout atous5''| to those cardinhands he |5''so greatly a big dealº5''| missed|5'', |12LM9112| |ared machrees radmachreesa| and rossecullinans and blagpikes in suitclover5''|. Dearº hearts of my counting, wouldº |5''it lilt then he revoke them5''|, forewheel to |5''backnumbers packnumbers5''|, and, the time being no help fort, |4please plates to4| lick one and turn over. Problem the first,
|12RM2812| Problem ye ferst, constructº an ann aquilittoralº dryankle.º Probe loom!º With his primal handstoe in his sole salivarium. |12LM9212| Concoct y ann an equoangular trilitterº.|12f12412| On the name of the |9teaser tizzer9| and off the tongs and off the mythametical tripods. Beatsoon.
|5|~? <!~|5|
|5|~! > !?~|5|
|12RM2912| Can you |s9not
neis9| doº her, numb,? asks
Dolph,|12f12512| suspecting the answer know.
|s9I cont, Oikkont,ºs9| kenº
you?, ninny? |2answers asks2|
Kevº,|12f12612| expecting the answer
guess.|12f12712| Nor wasº the noer for long disappointed for,º easiest of
kisshams, he was |s9told made vicewises9|.º |2|s9O
Ocs9|, tell it to |s9we, oui,ºs9| do, Sem! Wellº, 'tis
|s9oils9| thusly.2|
|12LM9312| f First mull a mugfullº of mud,
son.|14f12814| Oglores,
{f39, 287}
|s9he the virtuosers9| prays, olorum! What |2the D.V.2|
would I do that for? That's a goosey's ganswer you're |4for4| givingº me, wh he is told,
what |2the Deva2| would you do that
for?|12f12912| |5Now, sknow royalº
road to Puddlin,5| |5Take takeº5| your mut for a first
beginning|12, big to bog, back to bach12|.
|12LM9412| Anny liffle mud which cometh out of Mamº will doob, I guess.
|12|aA.1. Amnium instar.a| |shAnd to find a locus forº an alp get a howlth on her bayrings as a prisme
O and for a second O unbox yourº compasses. I cain but are you able?sh|
|shAmicably nod. Gu it! So let's seth off betwain| Prompty?12| Mux
|5it your pistany5| at a point of the
{f10, 222}
coastmapº to be called αº but pronounced olfa. There's the isle of Mun, ah! O! |5'Tisº
just.5| Bene!º
|8⇒8| Now|2,º |12all
whole12| in applepine |4order, |9erdor,
(forº |12— husk, hisk, a spirit spires —º12| Dolphº, dean of
|3idles idlersº3||2,
meagerºa|5| suckling of |5a
gert5| |12stone
stoanº12|,2| |3though barekely
|5a in hisº5| |9balboseº9| boy, he
tooº3| — veniteº praeteriti,º
|12f13112| sine mora dumque de entibusº nascituris decentiusº in lingua romana mortuorum parva chartula
livianaº ostenditur, sedentes in laetitiaº super ollas carnium,º spectantes immo situm lutetiae undeº auspiciis secundis
|11tales unread11| tantae consurgent humanae stirpes, antiquissimam flaminum amborumº Jordani et
|aJambaptistae, Jambaptistaeºa| mentibus revolvamus sapientiam:º totum tute fluvii modoº
mundo fluere, eademº quae ex aggere fututa fuere iterum intraº alveum fore futura, quodlibet sese ipsum perº aliudpiamº agnoscereº contrarium, omnem
demumº amnem ripis rivalibus amplecti|12f13212| — recurrently often|4, when him moved he would cake
|athe theira| chair,º4| coached ribolliumtendingº mikes of his same and over his own choirage
|4at Backlane |5'university |15univarsity
Univarsity15|5'|4|,º among of |4whom which pupal souav
souavesº4| |5he the pizdru pizdrool5| was
pulledº up, |4bred and battered,4|
{f39, 288}
|2for a dillon a dollar,|12f13312|2| changingº letters for them |4vice
o' verseº4| to |2bonnes bronze2| mottes and blending tschemes for
em in tropadores andº |4doublecrossingº twofold truthsº and4| devising tinglingº tailwords too
whilestº|2, cunctant that another would finish his sentence for him,2| he
|12would 'druiderº12| smilabit eggwaysº
|12f13412| ned, he would, |12to don't say
nothing,º12| |5so prim,5| and pick upon his ten ordinailed ungles, |12trying to undo
with his teeth the knots made by his tongue,12| |2telling retelling2| humself |5by
theº math hour|12, long as he's brood,º12|5| a reel of funnish
fictsº apout the sheeº, how faust of all and on segund thoughts and the third'sº the charmhim girlaloveº and fourthermore and filthily with bag from Oxatown and baroccidents and
proper accidence and hoptohill and hexenshoesº|12, in fine the whole damning letterº12|:;
and|9,9| in point of feet|9,9| when he landed in ourland'sº
leinster|12f13512| |4of
|5scamps and sinners saved and solomnones5|4| for the twicedhecame timeº |2off Lipton's
|4launch strongbowed launch, the Lady Eva,4| in aº
|3black suit tan soute3| of
sails|12f13612|2| he converted its nativesº, |4name
saints,º4| young ordnands|9,9|
|7maderaheads7| and old unguished |5elders,
P.T.º Publikums,º5| |7through
the medium of znigznaksº with |asotirical sotirica|
zeal,º7| to put off the barcelonasº |12f13712| from their
|5'sinful peccaminous5'| |11corpicules corpulums11|
|4(Gratings,º Mr Dane!)4| |2and
{f10, 223}
kiss on their |8boots bottes8|2|
|3(Master!)3| as often as they came within bloodshot of |3another that
other3| familiar temple and showed em the celestine way to by his tristar and |3his flop3| hattrick and his
|4perry4| humdrum dumb and numb nostrums |2that he larned in Hymbuktu2|;º
|12f13812| and that same gallo-romanº cultous is very prevailend up to this windiest of
|4soirées laud-have-miseries4| allº over what was |8beforeabouts
beforeaboots8| a landº of nods, in spite of all the bloot, all the braim, all the brawm,º all the brile,º that was shod, that were shat, that was shukº all the while, for our
|12massangrey |abut ifa|
mosshungryº12| people |4at |athea| Wickerworksº
|12f13912|4| still hold
{f39, 289}
|4ford4| |2to2| their healing
and|12f14012| byleave in the old weighsº downupon the Swannyº innovatedº by
him|2,º the |4prince prence4|
|aof propaganda di Propagandia|, the chrism |aof fora| the
christmass|8, the pillar of the perished8| and the rock of o' ralerealityº,2| and it is veritably
beliedº, we belove, that not |7all the soupcans allsods of
esoupcans7| that's in the queen's |2cellars pottagepotsº2| and
not |7all the green gold allfines ofº greendgold7| that the Indus contains would ever
|2induce hinduceº2| themº (o.p.) to steeplechange back|12,
onceº from their ophis workship and twice |aa Sunday, on sundiscs,ºa|12| to their ancient
|4flash and crash4| habits |4of old Pales time4| |5ere
beam |v+killed slewedv+|
cable|12f14112| or |v+Derseherr Derzherr, live
wire,v+| fired |v+Bendjermine Benjerminev+| Funkling |v+outa
the th'Empyrev+|, |asin's sina| righthand
|8son, son;º8|5| which |5(h.o.o.p.t.)5|,º
|4cumma cummal4|, having listed curefully to his |12blessed by Pointer the
Grace'sº12| continental'sº curses,
|4pummel,º4| apostrophised Byrne's and Flaming'sº and Furniss's and Bill Hayses'sº and Ellishly Haught's,
they hooº, they |8(a.t.W.)º|12, sick or whole, stiff or
sober,12|8| let drop as a doombody drops|9,9| without another
|12ostrovgods'º12| word eitherways, |12|alike
|bas inb|a| their own lineal |adescendants
descendance,a|12| as |4swift priesto4| as
paddywhackº,|12f14212| coal on:º
|12f14312| and, |14as we gang along to
gigglehouse,14| talking of |12molniacs' manias and12| missions
|4in general madeº to scotchº the schlang4| |4and leathercoats
forº murty magdies4|,º of course this has blameall in |3this that3|
|12medeoturanianº12| world to say to |12|athe interlooking and the underlacking
ofa| her twentynine shifts or12| hisº private'sº jidgmentsº
|12f14412| when, soº to put it, |12disparito, duspurudo,
desterrado, despertieu, or, saving his presents for his own onefriend Beveradge,º12|
|5on |15conn Conn15|5| the
|15shaughraun Shaughraunº15|; but to return for a |4mere moment
|~halfmot mereº moment~|4| |4from the reptile's
age|12f14512|4| to the |4coxswain on theº4|
firstº landing (|4half a mot page Ainée |9Riviere
Rivière9|!4|),º if the pretty |12elisabess Lady
Elisabbess12||4, Hotel des Ruines4| — she laid her |3sleeve
batsleeveº3| for him |2the two2| trueveres
|3say tell3| |7(Loves. |aAt
Onº the Ides of Valentine'sº, ata| Idleness, Floods Area, Isolade, Liv's
{f10, 224}
lonely daughter, with |athea| Comes Tichiami, of |aabroad Primavista,º Abroada|,
suddenly)7|,º and beauty alone of all kn daresº say |7where
when7| now|12, uncrowned,
{f39, 290}
deceptered,12| |4in what niche of
time|12f14612|4| is Shee |~7shee
Shee,º~| or where in the rose world |~trysting,~|7| thatº was the belle of La Chapelle, shapely
Liselle,º |2and the peg-of-my-heart of all the tompull,º2| or on whose limbs-to-lave her semicupioseº eyes now kindling themselves are
brightning,º |12f14712| |8the
O8| Shee who then (4.32 m.p.º|7, old time,7| to be precise,º accordantº to all three
|2Doctor Waterburies, doctors' waterburies,º that was MacAuliffeº and poor MacBeth and poor oldº
|~7MacCamell MacGhimley~|7|,º2| to the tickleticks, of the synchronismsº, all
lauschening,º a time also confirmed |2seven sincuriesº later2| by the |12fourth
quatrenº12| medical johnny, |2poor old MacAdoo |4Abooº4|
MacDollett,º2| with notary,|12f14812| whose presence was required by theº law
|8of |adevine Forsyth Devine-Foresygthºa| |12and theº
decretal of the Dougeº12|8|) who|4, afterº the first
compliments|12f14912| |7med darkist
daylightº7|,4| gave him |3then3| that vantageº of a
|5Blinkensope's5| cuddlebath at her proper mitts — if she then|2, the then that
mattersº2| — but, |8seigneur! seigneur!8|,º she could never have
forefelt|4, as she yet will fearfeel, when the lovenext breaks out,4| such a coolcold douche as him|5, the tottererº,
|12the four-flights-the-charmer,º12|5| |2coming doubling2| back
|2|5inº nowtime|12f15012|5|
|12bymbyº when saltwater he washº him these
iselandsº12|, O alors!,º2| to mountº miss |5(the wooeds of
Foglootº!)5| under |4|8the thatº8|
chemise de ferº and4| a vartryproof name|4,
Multalusi4| (would it wash?),º |2with a cheek
|5as white5| peaceful as, |awill shalla| we
sayº, a |4pretty single4| professed
claire's|12f15112| |5and his |awashawasha| tubatubtub
and his diagonoser's lampblick|15,15| to pure into |aunto
their where wherº they wherea| hornest
girls5|,º2| to buy her in,º |2faith
|8mon foie |12mon foie par jure12|8|,2|
|4ifº you |aplate plaita|,º4|
|2|3nunc nunc3| and |3tunc tunc3|
|4and for simper4|,º2| andº other |4duel4|
mavourneens |2by her side in plurible numbers |afrom Arklow
|4shore Vikloeº4|
to Louth |4super Lusk4|,º |bcome
messes,º come mams, and touch your spottpriceb|a|2| (for 'twasº he wasº the born suborner, man),º on behalf of an
oldest ablished firma of winebakers,º Lagrima undº Gemiti,º laterº on|5', his craft ebbing,º5'|
|5'called invoked5'| |2by the unirish |4name
title|15,15|4|2| Grindings |4and ogº4|
Nash,|12f15212| |2the
{f39, 291}
|aall one |bAll One One andº |3Only
Firm, Only,º3|b|a|2| |4Unic bar None,4| lastlyº of |3Saint Yves
by3| Landsend corner, man —º |4shipº me silver!,º4| it must have been,
faw!,º a terrible mavrue mavroneº |5'to synamite up the old Adam-he-used-to5'|,º such a finalley,
|5'as |aanda| that's5'| flat as
|5'his Tut's5'| fut, for whowhowho?,º the poourº girl, |2a lonely peggy, given the
bird,2| so |8isoladed iseulatedº8| |4as Crampton's
peartreeº |5|~iceule en tristresse,~|5| (she shallº
earnº |aher bittera| bed by |athe
thatºa| sweet of her face!),4| and short wonder so mannyº of the |2male
tomdick tomthick and tarry2| members in all there
{f10, 225}
sobsequiousº ages |12of our timocracy12| uppedº to console with her
|5'|ain ata| her mirrorable gracewindow'd
hut|12f15312|5'| |2till the |4ides
ives4| of Manxº |a, the O'Kneels and the O'Prayins and the O'Hyens |4of
Lochlaunstown4| and the O'Hollerins |4of Staineybooter4|,ºa|2|
|3hollyboysº all,3| |4burryripe,º who'll buy?,º
|12f15412|4| in juwelietry and |4kickyochoses
kickychosesº4| and madornaments and that's not the finisº of it (would it were!º) — but to think of him foundingº a
|2nellisa nellizaº2| the
second|8,|12f15512|8| also clipt bussº |5'(the best was
still there if the torso was gone),º5'| where |5he did
|~in the hole of space he did~|5| and when
|5|~in the niche of time~|5| he did|2, retriever to the
last|12f15612| —º2|
|4forget escapes my forgetness4| |5now
|~for the locusth instant now~|5| was it |4dustcovered|8,
nom de Lieu!,º8|4| on |4street Waterlow
|5raid |arhode |brout
|~Rout raidº~|b|a|5|4| or
|4street4| downº|12, through, for or from a foe, by,º with orº on a friend, at the
Rectory? Vicarage Road? Bishop's Folly? Papesthorpe?|a, after picket fences, stonewalls, out and
ins or oxersºa|12| — |2for merry a valsehood whisprit he to minnyº
a lilyingº earling;|12f15712|2| and to
tryº to analyse that |2ambo's2| pair of |2arms braceleans2| akwart the
|4sea rollyonº4| trying to amarm
all|12f15812| of that |4miching micher's4| bearded
|2but insensible2| virility |7and its gaulishº
mousetachesº|15,15|7| |12Dammad and
Groany|15,15|12| into her limited |5lapse5|
|4(tufftuff,º que tu es pitre!º)4| |4lap
lapse4| at the same |5slap slapse5| for towelling
ends|12f15912| |2in their delightfulº
|4Sessex Sexsexº4| home, Somehow-at-Sea |5|~no 1, bass,
Esaup's Cottages,~|5| |4(O little oily head, sloper's brow and prickled
ears!)4|,º2| as though he|4, a notoriety, |aa foist edition,a|4| were a wrigular
writher neonoveneº babe!|12f16012| — well, diarmueeº
{f39, 292}
|5granyu granyou5| |7andº Vae
Vinctis7|,º if that is what lamoor that of gentleº breast rathe is intaken seemsº circling towardsº out yondestº
|14(it's life that's all chokered by that batch of grim rushers)14| heaven holpº the his
hindmostº and, mark meº, |5if the |v+so greatly displeacedv+|
diorems in |v+the Saint Lubbock's Day number of that most improving of roundshows,v+| Spice and Westend Womanº
|v+|a(utterly exhausted before publication, indiapepper edition shortly)a|,v+| are
|+for+| our indices,5| it |2begins
|3egins agins3|2| to pear like it|err,err| par my
fay|err,ºerr| and there is no use for your pastripreaching for to cheeseº it either or praying |4fresh4|
fleshblood claspers |4|aof youngº catholick throatsºa| on Huggin
Green|12f16112|4| to take warnungº by the trispastº, why?, bycowsº
|5'Q man, in shirt, is how he is |aand
piùºa| la gonna è mobileº and /5'| they wonotº do ut;
and|15,15| an you couldº peep inside the cerebralised saucepanº of this ourº
|5illwinded5| goodfornobody|15,15| you would see in his house of thoughtsam
|12(was you, that is, decontaminated enough to look discarnate)º12| what a
|2jetsam2| litterage of
{f10, 226}
convolvuliº of times lost orº strayedº, of lands derelictº or sunkº and of tongues laggin too,º |12beached,
bashed and beaushelled à la |amer Mera|,º12| andº not only that
but,º on byº |2looking farahead searchlightingº |12longa
yamsayoreº12| pharaheadº2| into faturity,º your own convolvulis|12, pickninny
capman,º12| would real to |8jazzfancy jazztfancyº8| the
|4fresh novo4| takingplaceº of what stale words whilom were woven with and fitted fairly featly for;º
|2and so; and equally so|15,15|2| the crameº of
|12it the whole faustian fustian, whether your launer's lightsomeº
or your soulard's schwearmood,º12| isº that|8,8| whenas the
|3swiftshot swiftshutº3| sore soareyesº of our
pupilteachertautº duplex willº hark back to lark to you |12symb
symibellicallyº12| that|12, though a day be as dense as a
decade,º12| no mouth has the might to set a mearbound to the march of a |2landsmaal
in half a sylbº|12, helfº a solb, holf a salb12|
onward|12f16312| the beast of |2burden
boredomº|9,9|2| common sense|9,9| lurking
|12gyrographicallyº12| down insideº his loose
|2Eating2| |4S.S.4| collar is
|3going gogoing3| toº whishtº to you sternly |12— Plutonic lovelinks
twinxtº Platonic yearlings —º12| |3that
how3|)º you must, haw,º |12in undivided reawlity,º12|
draw the line somewhawre.º
{f39, 293}
|5Fig.1. (+bass, Bass.º+)5|
|8⇒8| |12RM3012|
|2|5'Whats? Coss? Cossist?5'| Yourº parn! |12You, you make
what name?º12| (Andº in truth|12, as a poor soul is between shift and shift ere
the death he has lived through becomes the life he is to die into,º12| he |12or heº12| had
albut |12— he was rickets as to reasons but the balance of his minds wasº
stables —º12| lost |12himself orº12| himself
|12some |shsomnione sciupionesº sh|12|, so
|12swhitchoverswetchº12| had he |12or
heº12| gazedº|12, murphyº come, murphy go, murphy, plant, murphy grow, a
maryamyriameliamurphies,º12| in the |acrystal lazilya| eye of his lapis,
|12LM9512| |avieus von Dublin
Vieusº Von |12DVbLIn) |14DVbLIn, DVbLIn
—14|12| |14|ait was
'twasºa| one of doze deamsº
|adotties |bdatties
|cdatters darkiesc|b|a| ding in dewood —º14| |12the
Turnpike under the Great Elmº withº Mearingstone in Foreground.)º
f16412|a|2| Givenº now
|5an inch ann linch5| you take |5an enn5| all.
|8Allow me|err.!º16|8|
|5|aAnd,, heaving alljawbreakical expressions |v+out of old
|12Sire Sare12| Isaac's|12f16512|
universal |aof speciousa| aristmysticv+|
unsaideº,a| A is for Anna like L is for
{f10, 227}
liv. |12LM96º12|
Ahahahahº, Ante Ann,º you're apt to ape aunty annalive! Dawn gives rise.
Lo, lo, lives love! Eve takes fall. La, la, laugh leaves alass! Aiaiaiai, Antiann, we're last to the lost!, Loulou! 'Tisº perfect.5| Now (lens
{f39, 294}
your |2dappled2| eyeº here|5, mine'sº
presbyoperian|7, shill undº
wall7|5|),º we seeº the copyinkº |5'strayed5'|
lineº ALº |5(in Fig.,º the forest)|8,
fromº being continued,8|5| stops |7at ait7|
Lambday.º |12f16612| Modder ilond there too. |8Allowº me
anchore|err.!º16|8| |7I bring down noth and carry awe.7|
Nowº |5then, take this |~7in, in!~|7|5|
|12One of the most murmurable |shloose carollariessh| ever Ellis threw his cookingclass.12|
|12LM9712| |~7with With~|7| Olaf as centrum and
Olaf's lambtail for his spokesman |8circumscribe circumscript8| a cyclone. |8Allow ter!8| Hoop!
|4As round as the calf of an egg!4| O, dear me! O, dear me now!º |7|aAnother grand
discobely!a| |14After Makefearsome's |+Ocean.
Ocean!º+|14| |9You've actuary entducked one!
Quok! |s+13Quok? Quok!s+|13|9| Why,º you haven't a
passer!7| |5Fantastic!5|
|2|4So the Earlyº4|
clever, |4early surely4| doomed, |4to
Swift's|8,8|4| alas|7, theº
galehus7|!º2| |7Match of a
matchness,º7| |12LM9812| |4like your
Bigdudº8|7| Dadderº |5'in the bouedevilleº
song5'|,º4| |7Gorotsky Gollovar's
Troublesº,7| |5|+Raucking
rauckingº+| his |ablank
flavourite |+turco turvku+|a| in the
|a|+varied smukking+|a| precincts of |+ladies.
|13lydias. lydias,13||12f16712|+|5|
|7|11With with11| Mary Owens and Dolly Monks seesidling to edge his cropulence and |~Blake Roche
Blake-Roche,~| Kingston and Dockrell auriscentingº him from afurz.º7| |5Doweth knoweth
him|a, |7ourº papacocopetl
papacocopotl,|12f16812|7| Abraham Bradley King |+(tingting!
tingting!)+|a|?º |7By his magmasineº fall. Lumps, lavas and
all.|14f16914|7| Bene!º5| But|12,
thunder and turf,º12| it's not aloverº
yet|err.!ºerr| |12One recalls
Byzantium.º12| The mystery repeats itself todate as our |4callback4| motharº
|2Gaudyanna, that wasº daughter to a tanner,|12f17012|2| used to
sing|12, as I think,º12| |5now and
then5| |4|aconsinuouslya| over her possetpot4| |10in her quer
{f39, 295}
homolocous |away humminbassa|10| |5hesterday
hesterdie5| and |5istherday istherdie5| andº
forivor|12f17112| |5andº for a night
|12of thoughtsendyuresº12|
and a dayº5|. |12As |aGreata|
Shapesphere puns it.º12| |5|aVanissas Vanistatums!ºa|
|12LM99º12| In effect.º5| I remumble,
|12from the yules gone by,º12| |2purr lil |3murr of mine murrer
ofº myhind3|,2| so she used indeed!. |12When she give meº the
Sundaclouthsº she hung up for Tate and Comyng and snuffed out the ghost in the candle at his old game of haunt the sleepper.º12|
|3|aDear Faithfula| departed.º
|12When I'm dreaming back like that I begins to see we're only all telescopes. Or the comeallyoum of sandsº. |aLike when I
dromed I was in Dairy and was wuckened up with thump in thudderdown.ºa|12| Restº in peace!3|
|12But to return.º |14f17214|12| What a wonderful memory you
have too! Twonderfulº morrowy! |5|10Straorbinairr Straorbinaire10|!º5|
Bene!º |7Iº bring town eau and carr curry nothung up my sleeve.º7|
Now|8,º8| springing quickenly
{f10, 228}
from the mudland Loosh from Luccan with Allhim as her Elder |8turn tetraturn8| aº somersault.
|8All's fair on all fours|12, as my instructor unstrict meº12|.8| Watch!
|12And you'll have the whole inkle.º12| |8Allow, allow!8|
|12Gyre O, gyre O, gyrotundo!º12| Hop lala! |4As umpty herum as yourº
seat!4| O, dear me,º that was very nesse! Very nace indeed! |8And makes a usº a daintical pair
of accomplasses!8| |12lm10012| |12Youº
allus for the kunst and me for |aa thing um omethinga| with a handel to
it.12| Bene!º Now, |12as will pressantly be felt,º12| there's tew tricklesome
poinds where our twain of doubling bicirculars|12, |shmating approxemetely in their suite poi and poi,sh|12|
dunloopº into eathº the ocher.º Lucihere!º I fee where you
{f39, 296}
mea. |7The doubleviewed seeds.7| |7Now
Nunº7|, |5lemmas
quatsch|7,7| |12vide pervoys akstiom,12| and5| I think as I'm squeezing theº
|2lemon limonº2| |7stickme
|apunktom punktumºa| butº7| I'd
|2like likelong|14, by Araxes,14|2| to
|2have mack2| a capital Pee for Pride down there |7on the
batom|12f17312|7| |12lm10112|
andº let youº go|14, Airmienious,14| and |2muck
orrangeº2| your modest |2mockº2| Pie out of Humbles up your end. |12Where your
apexojesus will be a point of order.º12| |5With a geignº groan grunt and a croak click
cluck.|12f17412| And my faceage kink and kurkle trying to make keek
peep.|14f17514|5| Are you right there, Michael, are you rightº? |12Do you think you can hold on by sitting tight? Well, of
course, it's awful angelous. Still I don't |athink feela| it's so dangelousº.12| Ayº,
I'll write h I'm right here, Nickelº, and I'll writeº. |12Singing the top line why it suits me mikey
fine.12| But|14, yaghags hogwarts and
arrahquinouthianceºa|,14| it's the muddestº thick that was ever heard dumpº
|14since Eggsmather got smothered in the plap of the pfan14|. Now|12, toº compleat anglers,12|
|14beloved birouthiarnº and hushtokan hishtakatsch,14| |7for
semenal |arations |11reations
rations11|a|7| joinº alfaº |3pee
pea3| and |3pee |v8pea
pullºv8|3| loose by dottiesº and|7, to be more sparematically
logoical,7| eelpie and paleale by trunkles. |8Allowº me align while I |aencloud. encloudº
|v9especies. especious|err.!º16|v9|a|8|
|12The nikeº done it.º12| Like |8pat
pah8|.º |12f17612| I
|8pea peh8|. |8Innate little bondery. And as plane as a
pokestiffº.|12f17712|8| Now, aqua in buccat,º
|12lm102º12| I'll make you to see figuratleavelyº the
|8whom whome8| of your eternal
{f39, 297}
geomater. |7|aWhere Hoddum and Heave, our monsterbilker,º bauked his bawd of parodies.ºa|
|12|shAnd ifº you flung her headdress on her from under her highlows you'd wheeze whyse Salmonson set his seel on a
Hissss!º7| |4Arrah, go on! Finº for fun?º |7You've spat your
shower|a, syphsyphºa| |12like a a son of
Sibernia12|.7| |7Let's Butº
let's7| have at it!º4| |7Subtendº to me
now!7| |4Pist! Pisk!4| |7We Outer serpumstances
beingº ekewilled, we7| carefully|2, if |4you please she
pleats4|,2| lift upº by her |12seam,º12| hem
|12and jaboteº12| |7at its the
|~spidsict of its spidsiest of her~|
trickkikant7| |4(like thousands done before |12since fillies calpered.
{f10, 229}
Ocone! Ocone!º12|)4| the maidsapron of our A.L.P., fearfully!,º till its
netherº nadir is |5vortically5| where |8(allow me aright to two cute
|awinkels winklesa|)8| its naval's napex will have to beandbe.
|12lm10312| |5You must
|8come nearnear |abase proacha|
nearmearº8| for at is dark. |14Lob.14|
And fight your matchº. |14Jeldy!14| And this is
whatº you'll say.|12f17912|5| |12For addn't we to
gayatsee at with Puhll the Punkah's bell?º12| Waaaaaa. Tch!º
|7Sluice!7| Pla! And |2there's
|4there there,º redneck |12(your sow to the
duble!)12|,º4| |5mygh a and thy,5|
|12the living spit ofº dead waters,º
|14f18014| |afastness firm of Hurdlebury
Fenn,ºa|12| |8discinctº and
|aisoplural isopleuralºa|
in itsº |asixual sixuousa|
parts,8| |12flument, fluvey and fluteous,º12|
|5''midden middenwedgeº5''| of
|5the itsº5| stream'sº2| your muddy old
|5triagonal5| delta|12, fiho miho,º12|
|5|8plane plain8|5| for you now,
|7appia lippia pluvaville |12(hop the hula,º
girls!)12|,º7| |5the no niggard spot of her safety vulve,5|
|5the ourº5| first of all usquill usquiluteralº
|2triangons. |5triangons threeingles5| |7|12(and why wouldn't
she sit |acrosslegged cressloggeda| likeº the lass that lured a
tailor?)12|,º the constant of |8blank
fluxion|12, Mahamewetma,º pride of the province,º
|14f18114|12|8|7| and|12, whenº that tidled boare rutches up from the
Afrantic,º12| Allaphº Quaran'sº
|5his5| |4bed or end. bett und
{f39, 298}
|12lm10412| |7Paa lickam laa, all lickam pal!º7|
|5This it is an her. You see her it. Which it whom youº seeº it is her
herº.5| |12And if you |acan
coulda| go a neggbetterº we'dº soon see some raff and some scrumbleº
riffa.º12| |4Quicks herit fossyending.4| |5Quef!5|
|12|aSo post that to your pape and smarket|err.!ºerr|a| And you can haul up that languil pennant, mate. I've read
your tunc's dimissage.12| |8For, let it be taken that her |12littlenest
littlenistº12| is of no |amagnitude
magnetudeºa| or|12, again,º12| let it be
granted that Doll the laziest can be dissimulant with all respects from Doll the fierct fiercet fiercst,
|athen thencea| must any whatyoulikeº in the power of empthood be either
|12lm10512| greater |9than
THANº9| or less |9than
THANº9| the unitate we have in one or hence shall |athe
|bvectoriousb| readyeyesº ofa| evertwo
|acircumflickering circumflickerentºa| searclhers never film in the elipsities of their gyribouts those fickers which are
|a|9reternally returnally9|a| reprodictive of
themselves.|12f18312| Which is unpassible.º
|aQuarrelary Quarrellaryºa|.
The logos of somewomeº to that base anything, when most characteristicallyº mantissaminus,º
comes to nullum in the endth:|12f18412| Orso orso,
here is nowetº badder than the sin of Aha with his cosin
Lil|a,º verswaysed |band onb|
coverswisedº,a| and all that's consecants and cotangincies till
|aPeppep Perpperpºa| stops repippinghim|a,
sinceº her redtanglesº are all abscissans,ºa|
for |9limiting limitsing9|
this tendencyº of our paradismic perimutter|a, Frivulteeny
|12Sexagesima Sexuagesima12|,º
|12f18512|a| |12lm10612|
to expense herselfs |aas sphere as possibleºa| in all directions
on the bend of the unbridalled, the |9number
infinisissismallsº9| of her facetsº becoming manier and manier as the
|9measures calicolum9| of her umdescribables
|12(one has thoughts of that eternal
{f10, 230}
Rome)º12| |9shrink shrinks9| from
{f39, 299}
to scherts.|12f18612| Scholium:º there are
|9free trist9| sighedsº to everysing |9but ichs on the freed brings euchs to the
|afearth feareda|9|. |9Quad?
Qued?9|8| |12|shMother of us
all!sh|12| O, dear me,º look at that now!
|12I don't know is it your spictre or my omination butº12| |9I'm glad you
dimentioned it!9| |5My Lourde! My Lourde! |12If that aint just
the beatenest lay I ever see!º12| And a |+superbposition
superpbositionº+|!5| |5''What
Quoint5''| a quincidence! |12O.K. lm107 Omnius Kollidimus.º12|
|4As Olloverº |12Cromlech K
Krumwall12| |12said sayed12| when he slepped |5''over
überº5''| his |8graunyamother |9graunyamather
grannyamatherº9|8|.4| |14Kangaroose
feathers.º14| |12Who in the name of thunder'd ever belevin you were that that bolt?12| But you're
|4|5all holy5| mooxed and4| |2looking
gaping2| up the wrong |2place palce|12f18712|2|
|5asº if you was seeheeing |+a ghoats the gheist that stays
forenenst+|5|, you blessed |3simpletop. simpletopº
|4domefool4|!º3| |12Where's your belested loiternan's
lamp?12| You must |2look on lap |7wandret7|
down2| the bluishing |~7reflection refluction~|7| below.
|5''Her trunk's not her braindboxº.5''| |7|aHere
Heara| where the bolgylines.º Yseen here the
puncture.º7| |12See her
good.º12| |2|4This. |5''This!
Luck!º5''|4| |12So he done it.º12|
|12lm10812| Well, well, well, well,º well!2| O Dee, O Dee,º that's very
lovely! |12We |shlike Simperspreach Hammeltones to |afollow fellowa| Selvertunes
O'Haggans.º sh||14f18814|12|
|14When he rolls over his ars and shows the hise of his heels.14| |14Very lively entirely Vely lovely
entilely14|!º |14Like a yangsheepstangº with the
tsifengtse.14| |7|aSo |banaletical
analyticalb| plausible!ºa| |12And, be the powers of Moll Kelly,
|aneighbour topsowyer,ºa|12| |10|12It
itº12| will be a lozenge to me all my |12lipe.
lauffe.f18912|10| |12More better twofeller we been speak
copperads.º12| |8Ever thought about Guinness's?º8|
|12And the regrettable Parson Rome's advice?º12|
{f39, 300}
Want to join the police?º |12f19012|7| You know, you were alwiseº
one of the bright ones, |5since a foot made you an unmentionable,º5|
fakes|err.!ºerr| You know, you'reº the
|7devil's divver's7| own smart gossoon,
|5aequal to yoursell and |8unequo
|12unugol anigelº12|8| to
|8anyother anglyother8|,º5| so you are, hoaxº! You
know,º you'llº be |5damned dampned5|, so you will,º |5one
of these invernal days,º5| but you will be,
|12RM3112| |12lm10912|
Whereapoolº|4, gayedº that |12when he stop look time
he stop long ground who here hurryº12| he would have ever the lothstº
word,4| with a sweetº me ah err eye ear marie to reat fromº theº
jacob's|12f19212| and a slypullº |7for toothsake of his
armjaws7| at the slidepage |8|12of de Vere Foster12|,8|
would|7, would and could,º7| candydissingº P. Kevin|5, toº fress up the rinnerung and to ate by hart
|7(leo,º I read, such isº
spanish, |~escribbis escribibis~|,º all
yourº mycoscoups)7|,º5| wont to
|5nibble nibbleh5| |8ravenostonnoriously8|
|5his ihs5| mumº to me in bewonderment of his chipper chuthor
|12|sh(for|15,15| whileº
that Other by the halp of his creactive mind offered to deleberate
{f10, 231}
the mass from the booty of fight,º our Same with the holp of the bounty of food sought to delubberate the mess from his creucti
corructiveº mund)º sh|12| |5|awith his muffetee
cuffsºa| ownconsciously5| grafficking |5with his
sinister5| cyclopes after trigamies |12and spirals' wobblesº12|
pursuiting |5'theirselves their |arovinghamelton
rovinghamiltonºa| selves5'| andº godolphing in fairlove to see around the waste of
noland'sº browne |2paper
jesus|12f19312| (|4give
thur4| him no |apaper quartosa|!)2| till that on him
soº poorin sweat |12lm11012| the juggaleer's veins
|2(quench his quill!)2| in his |5'napier5'|
scragº stud out bursthright tamquam
{f39, 301}
taughtropes. |14(Spry him! Callº a bloodlekar! Where's Dr
Brassenaarse?)º14| |7|aEt
was Es wara| itwas in his priesterrite.7| |5O He Must Suffer!5| From this misbelieving
|5facemaker feacemaker5| to his noncredibleº
fancyflame.|12f19412| Ask for Bosthoonº, late for Mass, pray for theº blaablaablackº sheep.
|2(Sure,º you could |7rite
wright7| |4|8any anny8| pippap passage, Eye bet,4| as
foyne as that |4moultylousy Erewhigº4| yerself, mick! |7Nock the muddy
nickers!|12f19512| Christ's Church varses
Bellial!7|)2| Dear and he went on to scrippleº gentlemine born, milady bread,
|12lm11112| he would pen for her, he would pine for
her,|14f19614| how he would patpunº fun for
all|14f19714| with his frolicky frowner so and his glumsome grinner otherso. And how are you,
waggy?|12f19812| My animal isº sorrafool! And trieste|2, ah2|
trieste |2all ate I2| my liver!º
|2Se non èº vero son trovatore.º2| O jerry! He was
|5'soso. soso, harriot all!5'| He was |5'sadfellow.
sadfellow,º steifel!5'| He was mistermysterion. |4|aLike a pyrateº out of pensionceº with a gouvernament job.a| All
moanday, tearsday,º wailsday, thumpsdayº, frightday, shatterday till the fear of the
Law.4| Look at hisº twitchersº! He was quisquis, floored on his plankraft of shittim wood.º Look at him!
|12lm112º12| |5'Sink deep or touch not the Cartesian spring!5'|
|2Want more ashes|4, griperº4|?2| Nowº
|7diesmal7| he was lying low on his rawsideº laying siege to goblin castle.
And|5',º bezouts that,5'| nowº
|7hyenasmealº7| he was laying him long on his laughside lying sack to croakpartridge. |4(Be thouº
wars of |7his Rolaf'sº7| intestions!º
{f39, 302}
quothsº the |7reverend Bhagavat7|
|5'bishop biskop5'| |5'Lynch
Leech5'|.)º4| Ann opes |2soon to
|7too tipoo7| soon2| ear.º
|2|aWithout If you |bcould meb|
lendtillºa| |5'my pascol's |7candle
|12candle kondylº12|, sahib,7| and5'| the price of a plate of
poultice.2| |4Punked.4| With best apolojigs |5and
|v7very merryv7| money thanksº5| to self for
|8all8| |2the clericalsº and2| again
|4trispassing begs guerdon for |abistrispassing
bistrispissingºa|4| on your bunificence. |12lm113º12|
Well,º wiggywiggywagtailº, and how are you,º yaggy? |4With a capital Tea for Thirst.4|
|12From here Buvard to dear Picuchet.º12| Blott.
{f10, 232}
|12RM3212| Nowº |2(|12peel your eyes, muggins,º andº12| brush your |ahat! |3flop saton3| hatº, |5me |8elementato elementatorº8| joyclid,5| son of a Butt!a| She's mine|7, Jow low jure,|12f19912|7| |4beº Skibbering's eagles,º4| sweet tart of Whitekneesº |aLane Archwaya|)2| watch him|7, having caught at |ahis thea| bifurking calamum |ain his bolsillosa|, the onelike underworp he |acould hada| everº funnet inº without |8difficulties difficultads8|, the aboleshqvick,7| signing away in h |~7happynest |8happinest happinext8|~|7| complete.º |12lm11412| |7(|12Exquisite.º |aGame of inspiration! I always adored your handº.a| So could I too and without the scrapeº of a pen. Ohr Ohrº for oral, key for crib, olchedolche and a lunge ad lib.12| Canº you write |ame usa| a last line? From |~Smith-Jones-Browne Smith-Jones-Orbison~|?)º7| Intricatedlyº in years,º jirryalimpaloop. And |3I romain i Romainº3| to fallthere at bare feet, hurryaswormarose.º |2|aHp uº bn gd grl.|12f20012| Und. Undº A alws my thts.ºa| |7|aTwo dies of one rafflement. Eche bennyache.a| Outstamp and distribute him at the |8expense expanseº8| of his society.7| Toº be continued. Anon.2|
|12RM3312| And |6(+ook,+)6| ook, ook,º fanky!
|7All the cari charictures|12f20112| inº the
drame!7| This is how San Holypolypoolsº.
{f39, 303}
And this|4, pardonsky!,º4| is the way
Romeopullupaleapsº.|12f20212| |2Pose the pen,
man,º way me does. |aWay |bOleb| Missa |~7Yellatruth
Yellatoothº~|7| fust show meº how.a|2| |5'Fourth power to her illpogue!5'|
|12lm11512| |4Bould strokes for your life! |5'Tip!5'|
This is Steal, thisº is Barke, this is Starn,º this is Swhipt, this is |5'Wiled Wiles5'|, this is Pshaw, this areº
|5Doublinbayates |aDibblinnbbayyates
Dibbllinnbbayyatesºa|5|.|14f20314|4| |5'This is brave Danny
|awriting weepinga| his |aspeech spachea| for the popers. This is
|athe coola| Connollyº wiping his hearth with the brave Danny.5'| And
this,º |12lm116º12| regard!,º isº how Chawleses Skewered
|3'Paruppernelligoes paraparnelligoesº3'| |5'between
|athe bravea| Danny boy and the Connolly5'|.
|7Upanishadem!7| |5'Top.5'| |5|+Spoken
|v7has hathv7| Allgobragh
|v7Arty Magory L'Artyº
|~Maggory Magory~|v7|. Ergobragh!º+|
Prouf!º |12f20412|5|
|4⇒4| |12RM3412| |4And |aJerr Kevºa| was wreathed with his pother.º4|
|12RM3512| Butº |2(that Jacoby feelingº again
|4for forebittenº fruit4|!º and|12, my
Georgeous,º12| Kevvyº |4too4|
|12heº12| just loves |ait his
puppadums|12, I judge12|a|!)º2|
afterº all his |12autocratic writings ofº12|
(9paraboles of famellicurbsº and9) meddlied muddlingisms,º
theeº faroots hof cullchaw end ateº citrawn,º |12lm11712| woodint
one wunº able rep of the triperforatorº awlriteº
|5blastº5| through his pergamanº |12hit
him where he lived andº12| doº for the |5blessted5| selfchuruls|12,
what I think,º12| smarterº like it done for
|12aº12| manny another |4unpiousº4| of the
hairydary |5quite quare5| quandary firstlingsº |5till at length|12,
you one bladdy bragger,º12| |12by mercystroke12|
he measured his earth |12anyway12|?º5|
couldº not but reckonº in his adder's |12bitter badder cadder12| way our frankson who, to be plain,
|12he fight him all time twofeller longa kill dead finish bloody face
{f10, 233}
blong you,º12| was misocain. Wince
{f39, 304}
wan's won! Rip!|12f20512| Andº his countinghands rose.º
|12RM3612| |12Formalisa.12| |5''Love's Loves (9deathow deathhowº9) simple!5''|
|12RM3712| |7Slutningsbane.|12f20612|7|