
3rd typescript, January 1935, II.2§3 draft level 4, 4'

MS British Library 47478 142-151; 154-155 Draft details

Here till wranglers for wringwrowdy wready are, F F, |4fourteenthº baronet, meet, altrettanth bancorot, chaff,º4| and |4LM21º4| ere commence commencement catalaunic when Aetius's check chokewill Attil's gambit, lead us seek, O june of eves the jenniest, thou who fleest ficklesome the fond fervid frondeur to thickly thyself attach with thine eft eased eschewer, |4ondrawer of our unconscionable, flickerflapper fore our unterdrugged,4|
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lead us seek, lote us see, light us find, let us miss not maidadate, Mimosa Multimimetica, the maymeaminning of mamiemiening. |4Elpis! All shall blank theeward,º the |akongerne kongena| in his canteenhouse, the kniversº on the |aknoll knocka|.4| Singalingalying. Storiella as she is syung. Whence, |4LM224| plutonically pursuant on any glimpse from gladrags, followeup with endspeaking nots for yestures Pretty Proserpronette whose slit satchel spilleth peas.

|4Belisha beacon, beckon bright!4| |4The That4| green ray of even it waves us to yonder |4where flash becomes word and silence selfloud4|. |4To traceº cogeners, trebly bounden and asservaged twainly. Adamnan, Emhe, Issossianusheen and some types Yggly ogs Weib. |xU Eiwoya y yua Uyawoei!x|4| So mag this sybilette be our |4shiboleth shibboleth4| that we may syllable her well. A one of charmers, yet Una Unica. Charmers who under the branches of the elms, |4LM244| in shoes as yet
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unshent by stoniness, wend went will wend a way of honey myrrhs and rambler roses, mistymusky, while still the Maybe mantles the maiblume fore ever her
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If has faded from the fleur, their arms enlocked (ringrang, the chime of sexappealing's as Conchitas with Sentas stray. Rung!), |4LM254| all thinking all of it, the It with an itch in it, the All every inch of it, the pleasure each will preen her for, the business each was bred to.

Soon jemijohns will cudgel about some arithamatick or other over Browne and Nolan's divisioning tables, whereas she, of nimious novence charily being cupid |4LM264| for mugs's wumping, grobser's grubbiness, aundt's avaries and grossoper's grandegaffe with her tootpettypout of je men fichus, will knit and sit on solfa sofa. All is her inbourne. From |4LM27º4| gramma's grammar she has it that if there is a third person, mascarine, phellinine or nuder, being spoken abad it moods prosode from a first person speaking to her second which is the direct object that has been spoken to, with and at. Take the dative with his oblative for, even if obsolete, it is always of interest, so spake gramma on the impetus of her imperative, only mind you're genderous towards the reflexive side such that I was with your |4LM28º4| grappa when him was me hedon and mine his analectual pygmyhop. It's a wilds |4cat cat, my dear,4| who can tell a wilkling from a warthog. Have your little sintalks in the dunk of subjunctions, dual in duel and prude to pruriel, but even the aoriest chap whatever plaudered perfect may perhaps chance to be about to be in the case to be becoming a pale Peter Wright after a yearn or sob. Flame at his fumbles but freeze on his fist. Jeg suis you wore a gentleman, thou err I am a kveen. |4Cookcook! LM30º Search me. Yea beggar the maid yea bigger the mauler.4| O love it is the common knounest thing how it pashes the plutous and the paupe. |4Pop!4| And, egg she active or play she passive, all them fine clauses in Lindley and Murrey's never braught the participle of a present to a desponent hortatrixy
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from her postconditional future. Lumpsome is who lumpsum pays. Quantity counts if accents falter. Yoking apart, and oblique orations parsed to one side, |4LM31º4| a brat, alanna, can choose from so many, from the languors and weakness of |4limberlimbedº4| lassihood till the head, back and heartaches of |4waxed-upº4| womanage, and heaps on heaps of other things too. Atac first quecqueck quicks after. Beaware how in that hist |4impure subtaile4| of schlangder lies liaison — to tease oreilles. |4|xLearn from the ancient tongue to be modern to the minute.x|4| Little looker through the leafery, ours is mystery of pain. You may spin on Youthlit's bike to multiplease your |4Mick Mike4| and Nike with your kickshoes on the algebrars but the O of woman is long if burly those two muters sequent her so from Nabob see ye never stray who'll nimm ye nice and |4name |animm nehma|4| the day.

One hath just been areading, hath not one, in their memoiries of |4LM344| O'Brien,
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O'Conor, MacLoughlin and MacMurphy, with summed their appendix, of Sire |4Jellyous Jeallyousº4| Seizer |4|xthe gamely torskmester, x|4| with his duo of druidesses |4LM354| and the tryonforit of Oxthievious,
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Lapidous and Malthouse |4Anthony, Anthemy,4| but so bright as Mutua of your mirror holds her candle to your caudle reek you not a spirt of anyseed whether trigemellmen cuddle his coddle or nope. Gaff Gunne may blow, Gamm Gonna flow, the gossans eye the Gunnings aye. |4LM364| From the butts of Heber and Heremon nolens violens brood our pansies brune in brume. |4There's a split in the infinitive from to haveº been to will be.4| As they warred in their big innings ease now we never shall know. Eat early earthapples. Coax Cobra to chatters. Hail, Heva, we hear. |4LM37º4| Wide hiss, we're wizening.
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Hoots fromm, we're globing. Why hidest thou hinter thy husband his name? Aida, Aida, aflattered, afraida, how does thy girdle grow! Willed without witting, world without aimed. |4Pappapassos, Mamamanet: warwhetswut and whowitswhy.4| But it's tails for toughs and titties for totties and come buckets |4LM384| come bats till deeleet.

Dark ages clasp the daisy roots. Stop, if you please, a sally of the allies, hot off naval actiums, picked engagements and banks of rowers. Please stop if you are a |4LM394| B.C. minding |4girl lassy4|, please do. But should you prefer A.D. stepplease, O do. And if you miss with a venture it serves you girly well glad. Here, Hengeggst and Horsesauce, take your heads out of your tub. |4LM404| It is distinctly understout that sense the tide you put your timepates in it Messherrn the grinning statesmen Broch and Leon have shunted the grumbling coundedouts Starlin and Ser Artur Ghinis. |4LM414| Bull igien bear and then bearagain bulligan. Gringrin gringrin. Staffs varsus herds and bucks vursus barks.
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By old Grumbledum's walls. Bumps, bellows and bawls. |4Opprimor's down, up up Opima! Rents and rates and tithes and taxes, wages, saves and spends. Hail the |aheptarch spanning heptarched span ofa| peace! Live, league of lex, nexº & the mores. Fas est das and foe err you. Impovermentº of the booble by the bauble for the bubble. So wrap upº your worry in woe, (wumpumtum!) and take down the shuffle for the throw. For there's one mere ope for doomfall ned.4| As Hanah Levy, shrewd shroplifter, and nievre anore, skidoos with her spoileds. For hugh and guy and goy and jew. To dimpled and pimpled and simpled and wimpled a peak in a poke and a pig in a pie. She wins them by wons, |4LM464| a haul hectoendecade, for mangay mumbo jumbjubes tak mutts and jeffs muchas bracelonettes gracies barcelonas. O whataloovely forespeech 'twas |4(tep)º4| to gar howalively hindergrunting. |4Tup. |aThis Witha| is the wink for |athe muckwits ofa| willessley and |athis nitha| is the nod for the umproar napollyonº and that hither isº poorblind piebold horse.4| Don O'Connlath is mitriarch in Kildare. Daft Dathy is on the Maddeerhorn daring Dunderhead to shiver his timbers. Hannibal MacHamilcar is chasing Kate O'Carthydge around the Capuawalls. Hibrahim the Hegirite is minsterbuilding up Saunt Barnabash's. Eleven hundred and thirtytwo is seeing the blank (may all |v4at lentetidev4| in the tocoming of the |v4supremeeternal sempereternalv4| be spry
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with |v4it it!v4|) |v4that doloriferous selfregant datetree that datetree doloriferousv4| which |v4ever & more andv4| ever leafeth earlier than every growth |v4& andv4|, elfshot, |v4and, put through to kismetv4| wondering |v4&v4| headwagging |v4right enoughv4| |4with frayed nervesº4| till they feeled sore, like any woman |v4who has been that |awas has beena|v4| born |v4at all v4| to the purdah, for the |v4howmanyth howmanyethv4| and howmoving |v4atv4| time at what the demons |v4upstars with frayed nervesv4| in that jackhouse that jerry built |v4Massa & Missus (Massa and Missus and (hijo de puta) hijo de puta!), which never happened blank the sparksown fermamentv4| of the starryk fieldgaysongingon where blows |v4an emone a nemonev4| at |v4eachv4| wink of windstill, they were |v4sliding along and sleeting aloof and shooting & scouting scouting around and shootingv4| about. and two plies sixteen plus twice femm hondered hug treedivels are wetnessing the blank And Dagobert, doing his preparatory in Slane, is learning how to put a broad fecce on to a |4LM514| broken material
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from Bryan Aulining, Erin's hircohaired culoteer.