
Fair copy and re-draft, January 1935, II.2§1 draft level 5, 5+

MS British Library 47478 161, 157-159; 162-165 Draft details

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RM1 As we there are where are we are we here haltagain. |v5By recourse, of course, recoursingº From fromv5| Tomtittot to |v5teetotuntotalitarian Teetootomtotalitarianºv5|. |v5Of course, recourse.v5| LM1 And |v5how else howelsev5| do we hook our hike to find |v5this thatv5| pint of porter place? Am shot, says the |v5biggerd bigguardv5|. |5|+F1+|5|

|5RM35| Whence.

|+5+|5| Quick lunch, buy our lefts, wheel, to |v5halt wherev5|. Long Livius Lane, mid Mezzofanti Mall, diagonising Lavatery Square, up Tycho Brahe Crescent, |5|+F2+|5| shouldering Berkeley's Alley, querfixing Gainsborough Carfax, LM3 under |v5Guy d'Arezzo Guido d'Arezzo'sv5| Gadeway, by New Livius Lane till |v5Vico's roundpoint |+Vico's Roundpoint |aVico's Roundpoint where we whiled while we whithered where we whiled while we whithered. Old Vico Roundpointa|+|v5|. But |v5fair fahrv5|, be fear. The marriage of Montan wetting his moll, we know, |v+5as likev+|5| any enthewsyass cuckling a hoyden, |v5with inv5| her rougey
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gipsylike chinkaminx' |v+5pulshandjupyjade pulshandjupeyjadev+|5| and her petsybluse indecked o' voylets. |5|+F4+|5| When who was wist was wan. En elv, et fjaell. |5|+And the whirr of the whins hinning us howeº. His hune.+|5| Hencetaking tides we haply |v5return, return v5| to befinding |v5ourself, ourselfv5| when old is said |v5and one, in onev5| |5and maker mates with made |v+(O my!) v+|5| afore a mosoleum, LM4 Length |v5withought Without Withoughtºv5| Breath, of |v5him him,v5| a chump of the evums, upshoot of picnic or stupor out of sopor, Cave of Kids or Hymanian |v5Gladstonbury Glattstoneburyºv5|, |5denary, danery, donnery |+done, domm+|,|+F5º+|5| who, entiringly as he continues |v5fictitious highlyfictionalv5|, |5|+LM5+|5| tumulous
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|v5in underv5| his chthonic |v5external exteriorv5| but plain Mr Tumulty in |v5real life muftilifeºv5|, in his |v+5anticipience antesipiencesºv+|5| as in his recognisances, is (Dominic Directus) a manyfeast |v5munificient munificentv5| more mob than man. |5|v+An Sv+|5|

|5RM4 An soph, this upright one|+,+| with that noughtyº |abesighedhima| zeroine?º To see in his horrorscup he is mehrkurios than saltz of sulphur. But is he? |v+what Whov+| is he? |v+whose Whosev+| is he? |v+why Whyv+| is he? |v+howmuch Howmuchv+| is he? |v+which Whichv+| is he? |v+when Whenv+| is he? |v+where Wherev+| is he? |v+how Howv+| is |v+he and he? Andv+| what the decans is |v+therev+| about him
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anyway? Easy, calm your haste! Approach |v+and tov+| lead our passage!

|5RM55| This bridge is upper.


Thus come to castle.


A |v5password password,v5| thanks.

|v5Yes Yes,v5| pearse.

|v5Well Well,v5| all be |v+5dumbed. dumbed!v+|5|

O |v5Really. |v+really. really?v+|v5|

Hoo |v5caved in cavedinv5| earthwight.

At |v5fursht furschtºv5| krach of thunder.

LM8 When Shoo, his flutterby,

Was netted and named.

|v5Erdnacrushar Erdnacrushav5|, requiestress, wake |v5them! |v+em. em!v+|v5|

And let luck's puresplutterall lucy at |v+5ease. ease!v+|5|

To house as wise fool ages builded.

Sow byg eat. |5|+F13+|5|

|5RM6 Staplering to tether to, steppingstone to mount by;º and coach house entranceº as the |v+Boot Bootev+| at |aBallymun has Pickardstowna|. |+Or be these wingsets leaned to the outwalls of booth of Baws the balsamboards?+| |aBurials be |v+ballyhouraised. ballyhouraised!v+|a| So let Bacchus e'en call! Inn |v+inn. inn!v+| Inn |v+inn. inn!v+| |v+Where.v+|5| The |v5babers babbersv5|
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LM10 ply the |v5pen; the pen. Thev5| bibbers drang the den. The papplicom, the pubblicam, he's |5tilling turning5| tin for ten. |5That same erst crafty hakemouth |v+that whichºv+| of foggy old harangued |+ballyhooting bellyhooting+| |afishdrinks fishdrunksa| from a |v+fathertheobald waggon fathertheobalderº brakev+|.|+F15+| |aRolf the Ganger, Rough the Gangster, not a feature alike and the face the same.ºa| And |aEurope |v+Egypt Egyptus v+|a| as Cyrus |aheard |v+conceived heardv+|a| of |v+her and him? Andv+| Major A. Shaw after he |v+had gotv+| the smellpax? And oldº Whiteman |v+himself selfv+|, |athe blighty, the blotched one |v+over the water the blighty, the blotched one the blighty blotchy, beyond the bays,v+|a| |v+thev+| hope of Ostrogothic and Ottomanicº fatherº convertersº, |v+thev+| despair of Pandemia's |v+postwar postwartemv+| plastic surgeons,º Hispano-Caledonian-Euxine, |aCastilian-Hiberno-Czernowits |v+Castilian-Englo-Czernowits Castilian-Hiberno-blankv+|a|, |v+Espanol-Cambrian, — — Hellenic Espanol-Cambric-Helleniky?ºv+|5| Pastimes are past times. Now let |v5bigones bygonesv5| be bei |v+5Gum's Gunne'sv+|5|. Saa, leddies, er it in this warken |v5werlden werdenv5|, minne boerne, and it vild need olderwise since primal made alter in garden of Idem. The tasks above are as the flasks below, saith the Emerald Canticle of Hermes. LM13 And |v+5all is all'sv+|5| loth |v5& andv5| pleasestir, |5|v+we are told are we toldv+|,5| solarsystemised |v5by that |v+round that under one v+|v5| original sun. |5|xSecurely judges the orb terrestrial.x| |v+Haud certo ergo. Butv+| LM145| O felicitous culpability, |v5sweetv5| bad cess to you for an archetypt!