
Fair copy, January 1935, II.2§2 draft level 3

MS British Library 47478 166-167 Draft details

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|3RM73| Honour commercio's energy yet aid the linkless proud this ernst of |v3Allsaps Allsap'sv3| ale hailaday of roaring month with its |v32 twov3| lunar eclipses and |v33 its threev3| saturnine settings. |v3Ever a going, ever a comingv3|. |3Between a stare and a |asigh sougha|. Fossilisation, all branches.3| |v3Wherefore Petra sware unto Ulma: LM15 By the mortals' frost! And Ulma sware unto Petra: LM16 On my veiny life!v3|

|3RM83| In theses |v3placies places sojournamous sojournemousv3|, where Eblinn water, leased of carr and fen, leaving amont her shoals and |v3salmonbrowse salmonbrowsesºv3|, windeth to her broads. A phantom city phaked of philim pholk, |v3bowd bowedv3| and |v3soled souldv3| for a four of hundreds of manhood in their three and threescore fylkers for a price partitional of twenty six and six. LM17 By this
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riverside of our sunnybank, how buona the vista, by Santa Rosa! |v3Afield A fieldv3| of May, the very vale of spring. Orchards here are lodged: sainted |v3laurels lawrelsv3| evremberried: you have a hoig view |v3ashwald, ashwald:º aglen a glenv3| of marrons and of thorns: Gleannaulinn, |v3Ardeevin, Ardeevin:ºv3| purty glint |v3and ofv3| plaising height. This Norman court at boundary of the ville, yon |v3festooned creeperedv3| tower of a church of Ereland|v3,v3| |3F213| with our king's house
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of stone, belgroved of mulbrey, all is for the retrospectioner. |v3Sweet some Sweetsomev3| as auburn cometh up as a selfreizing flower that fragolance of the fraisey beds: the phoenix, his pyre, is still flaming away with |v3true Pratt trueprattightv3| spirit: the wren his nest is |v3niedelig, niedeligv3| as the turrises of the Sabines are televisible. |v3There Herev3| is the cottage and the bungalow for the cobbeler and the |v3brandnewburgher, brandnewburgher:v3| but Izolde, her chaplet gardens, LM18 an litlee |v3place pladsv3| af liefest pose arride the wimmerful wonders off, the winnerful wonnerful wanders off, with |v3ivy hedges hedges of ivyv3| and hollywood and |v3bowers bowerv3| of mistletoe, are for the blithehaired daughter of |v3Aengoisse Angoissev3|. All out of two barreny old perishers|v3. wone Wonev3| tabard, wine tap and warm tavern and, by ribbon development, only two |v3million milliumv3| two |v3hundred humberedv3| and eighty |v3thousand thausigv3| nine |v3hundred humberedv3| and sixty radiolumin lines |3LM193| to the |v3wuestworts wustwortsv3| of Finntown's generous poet's office. Distorted mirrage, aloofliest of the plain, wherein the
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boxomness of the bedelias makes |v3hubbyhodge hobbyhodgev3| LM20 happy in his hole. Rivapool? Hod a brieck on it. But its piers eerie, its span spooky, its toll but a till, its parapets all peripateting,
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D'Oblong's by his by. Which we all pass. Pons. In our snoo. Znore. While we hitherward the thither. Schein. Shore. |v3And so above Which assoars us fromv3| the murk of |v3thev3| mythelated in the |v3barbelow barrabelowther one ascends to the musingroom of three nursery minds to the clarience of the childlight in the studiorium upsturtsv3|. |3After sound, light and heat, memory, will and understanding.3|