
Comparison of 1939 and 2010 texts II.2§2

Emendations by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

Key:  (f391939 text 2010 textf10)

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RM7 Honour commercio's energy yet aid the linkless proud, the plurable with everybody and ech with pal, this ernst of Allsap's ale (f39halliday hailadayºf10) of roaring month with its two lunar eclipses and its three saturnine settings(f39.!ºf10) Horn of Heatthen, highbrowed! Brook of Life, (f39backfrish bachfrishºf10)! Amnios amnium, fluminiculum flaminulinorum! We seek the Blessed One, the Harbourer-cum-Enheritance. Even Canaan the Hateful. Ever a-going, ever a-coming. Between a stare and a sough. Fossilisation, all branches.F19 Wherefore Petra sware unto Ulma: LM15 By the mortals' frost! (f39And Butºf10) Ulma sware unto Petra: LM16 On my veiny life!

RM8 In (f39these thesesºf10) places sojournemus, where Eblinn water, leased of carr and fen, leaving amont her shoals and (f39salmen browses salmonbrowsesºf10), whom inshore breezes woo with freshets, windeth to her broads. A phantom city, phaked of philim pholk, bowed and sould for a four of hundreds of manhood in their three and threescore fylkers for a price partitional of twenty six and six. LM17 By this
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riverside(f39, on ofºf10) our sunnybank, F20 how buona the vista, by Santa Rosa! A field of May, the very vale of Spring. Orchards here are lodged(f39;:ºf10) sainted lawrels evremberried(f39. You: youºf10) have a hoig view ashwald(f39,:ºf10) a glen of marrons and of thorns(f39.:ºf10) Gleannaulinn, Ardeevin: purty glint of plaising height. This Norman court at boundary of the ville, yon creepered tower of a church of Ereland, meet for true saints in worshipful assemblage,F21 with our king's house
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of stone, belgroved of mulbrey, the still that was mill and Kloster that was Yeomansland, the ghastcold tombshape of the quick foregone on, the loftleaved elm Lefanunian abovemansioned, each, every, all is for the retrospectioner. Skole! Agus skole igen!F22 Sweetsome (f39asf10) auburn(f39,ºf10) cometh up as a selfreizing flower(f39,ºf10) that fragolance of the fraisey beds: the phoenix, his pyre, is still flaming away with trueprattight spirit: the wren his nest is niedelig as the turrises of the (f39sabines Sabinesºf10) are televisible. Here are the cottage and the bungalow for the cobbeler and the brandnewburgher:F23 but Izolde, her chaplet gardens, LM18 an litlee plads af liefest pose(f39,ºf10) arride the (f39winnerful wimmerfulºf10) wonders off, the winnerful wonnerful wanders off, (f39F25f F24ºf10) with hedges of ivy and hollywood and bower of mistletoe, are, tho if it theem tho and yeth if you (f39pleathes pleathef10), (f39F24fºf10) for the blithehaired daughter of Angoisse. (f39F25ºf10) All out of two barreny old perishers, Tytonyhands and Vlossyhair, a kilolitre in metromyriams. Presepeprosapia, the parent bole. Wone tabard, wine tap and warm tavernF26 and, by ribbon development, from contact bridge to lease lapse, only two millium two humbered and eighty thausig nine humbered and sixty radiolumin lines LM19 to the wustworts of (f39aºf10) Finntown's generous poet's office. Distorted (f39mirage mirrageºf10), aloofliest of the plain, wherein the
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(f39boxomeness boxomnessºf10) of the bedeliasF27 makes hobbyhodge (f39LM20ºf10) happy in his hole.F28 The store and charter, Treetown Castle under Lynne. Rivapool? Hod a brieck on it! But its piers eerie, its span spooky, its toll but a till, its parapets all (f39peripateting peripatetingf10)(f39.,ºf10)
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D'Oblong's by his by. Which we all pass. (f39Tons Ponsºf10). In our snoo. Znore. While we (f39hickerwards the thicker hitherward the thitherºf10). Schein. (f39Schore Shoreºf10). Which assoars us from the murk of the mythelated in the barrabelowther, bedevere butlered table round, past Morningtop's necessity and Harington's invention, to the clarience of the childlight in the studiorium upsturts. Here we'll dwell on homiest powers, love at the latch with novices nig and nag. The chorus: the principals. For the rifocillation of their inclination to the manifestation of irritation: doldorboys and doll.F29 After sound, light and heat, memory, will and understanding.