Finnegans Wake

II.2: Book II Chap. 2

Details of the various draft stages.

Compiled by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

2010 edition FW pages 205-237
1939 edition FW pages 260-308

II.2 Sections (includes footnotes and marginalia)
  • II.2§1 : FW 1939 260-263.30 (opening pages of “Storiella As She Is Syung”)
  • II.2§2 : FW 1939 264.01-266.19 (opening pages of “Storiella” cont'd)
  • II.2§3 : FW 1939 266.20-275.02 (opening pages of “Storiella” cont'd)
  • II.2§4 : — — (“Scribbledehobbles”)
  • II.2§5 : FW 1939 275.03-278.24
  • II.2§6 : FW 1939 279 footnote (“Issy's Letter”)
  • II.2§7 : FW 1939 278.25-282.04
  • II.2§8 : FW 1939 282.05-304.04 (“The Triangle”)
  • II.2§9 : FW 1939 304.05-308 (closing pages of “Storiella”)
II.2 — “night studies” in the 1926 plan for Book II (see Letters, I, 7 June 1926) — is perhaps both textually and visually the most convolute episode in Finnegans Wake. It consists of nine sections, composed at different times: first, II.2§8 (originally called “The Triangle”) in 1926; an abandoned §4 (“Scribbledehobbles”) in 1932 or 1933; II.2§1-3 and §9 (“Storiella as She is Syung”) in 1933-5; and the shorter, infill §5-7 (partly made by cannibalising §4) in 1937, following which all the pieces (except for §4) were gathered together for submission to Faber and Faber as a continuous, if complexly stylised, single episode.

1926 drafts

Section 8 (“The Triangle”): 1939 FW 282.05-304.04
First draft (pencil), written in the large fiberboard-covered notebook containing the first drafts of III.4 and I.1; July 1926 (see Letters, 1, 15 July, 25 July, and 18 August, 1926).
First draft (pencil) of the central pages; folios. 62v, 65r, and 63r carry material used in III§3A.5χ/3B.5χ and III§2B.1, respectively; and fol. 59v contains some unplaced miscellaneous material also intended for Book III; July 1926.
Second draft (pencil); July 1926.
  • MS: BL 47482a, fols. 68v-69r, 70r, 70v-71r, 72r, 73v-74r, 73r, 74v-75r, 76r, 77r, 78r, 79r, 79v-80r, 81r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 14-34
  • Notebooks used: N12 (VI.B.14)°, N23 (VI.B.12)
Fair copy (ink); completed 22 September 1926 (sent to Harriet Shaw Weaver from Brussels 25 September 1926; see Letters, Beach, 22 September 1926).
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 4r, 5r, 6r, 7r, 8r, 9r, 10r, llr, 12r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 35-43
  • Notebooks used: N23 (VI.B.12), N25 (VI.B.15)
Typescript (3 copies were made); 22-25 September 1926 (see Letters, I, 24 September, Beach, 25 September, and III, 26 September, 1926). This extant copy was sent to Wyndham Lewis ca 1 October 1926 and is not the copy from which the transition proofs (§8.4) were set.
  • MS: Cornell (Wyndham Lewis Collection), pp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 45-55
  • Notebooks used: N25 (VI.B.15)
Holograph list of corrections (added to above draft by Sylvia Beach) sent to Sylvia Beach (see Letters, Beach 26 September 1926).
  • MS: Buffalo, X.C.116
With the corrected typescript of “The Triangle“ (as it was then called) sent off, Joyce turned to composing a new opening chapter for his book (see I.1§1A.0 and Letters I, 24 September, 1926). In the event, Lewis never published the piece, nor did he return the manuscript (see Letters, Buffalo, N.D. January, III, 16 January, and BLHW, 26 January, 1927). Instead, Joyce submitted another copy (revised) for publication in transition at the beginning of 1928, after all the episodes of Book 1 had appeared seriatim, and before submitting for publication the episodes of Book III.

Copy for transition

A copy of §8.3 (the 1926 typescript) sent to transition in January 1928.
  • MS: missing
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): not reproduced
Galley proofs for transition 11 (first set); dated by the printer 10 January 1928.
II.2§8.5 (See also II.1§8.5′, II.1§8.5″ and II.1§8.5+)
Galley proofs for transition 11 (second set; one page reproduced in J. J. Mayoux, La Bibliotheque Ideale: Joyce [Paris, 1965], facing page 192); dated by the printer 18 January 1928.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 23r, 24r; MS: Buffalo VI.F.4, pages 1-4
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 68-71, not reproduced
  • Notebooks used: N26 (VI.B.18)°, N29 (VI.B.21)
Galley proofs for transition 11 (second set) with different overlay; dated l8 January 1928.
Galley proofs for transition 11 (second set; duplicates of above) with new overlay; dated 21 January 1928.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 29r, 30r, 31r, 32r, 33r, 34r, 35r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 77-82a
  • Notebooks used: SA (VI.A)°, N29 (VI.B.21)
Late corrections contained in a letter to Eliot Paul, the editor of transition; January 1928.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 25r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 84
  • Notebooks used: N29 (VI.B.21)
Page proofs for transition 11; January-February 1928.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 36r-v, 37r-v, 38r-v, 39r-v, 40r-v, 41r-v
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 85-96
Following the February 1928 publication of transition 11, Joyce worked on preparing III.1-2 for the same review (see III§1.8/2.8), and did not return to II.2§8 until Spring 1929 when he included it in Tales Told of Shem and Shaun and gave it a new name (“The Triangle” was too easily be confused with the sign for ALP).

Copy for Tales Told of Shem and Shaun

Harry Crosbie of the Black Sun Press went to see Sylvia Beach in February 1929 to ask for a fragment of Work in Progress for a deluxe publication. Joyce agreed to give him II.2§8 and the two fables. A contract was signed on 4 April 1929 (see Letters, SIBS, 4 April 1929). See also I.6§3.3 and III§1C.3.
II.2§8.7 (See also II.1§8.7+)
Marked transition 11 pages, prepared for the printer of Tales Told of Shem and Shaun; probably April 1929 (see Letters, III, 12 April 1929).
Setting typescript, unrevised carbon, including some pages of above draft that were not typed, for Tales Told; probably April or May 1929 (see Stuart Gilbert diary, 10 April 1929).
  • MS: Private 7, Yale 9.4, fols 8r, 8v, 8br, 8bv, Private 9, 10, Yale 9.4 fols. 11r, 11v, 11br, 11bv, Private 12, 13, Yale 9.4 fols. 14r, 15r, 16r, 17r, 18r, 18v (marked ‘19’), 20r, 20v (marked ‘21’), 22r, 22v (marked ‘23’), 24r, 24v (marked ‘25’), 26r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 98-119
Proofs (first set) for Tales Told. It was on these proofs, fol. 43, that Joyce changed the name of the piece from ‘The Triangle’ to ‘The Muddest Thick That Was Ever Heard Dump’; probably April-May 1929 (see Letters, III, 26 April 1929).
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 43r, 44r, 45r, 46r, 47r, 48r, 49r, 50r, 51r, 52r, 53r, 54r, 55r, 56r, 57r, 58r, 59r, 60r, 61r, 62r, 63r, 64r, 65r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 121-143
  • Notebooks used: N34 (VI.B.27)
Proofs (second set) for Tales Told, incomplete; probably May 1929.
  • MS: Yale 9.5, fols. 25r, 26r, 27r, 28r, 29r, 30r, 31r, 32r, 33r, 34r, 35r, 36r, 37r, 38r, 39r, 40r, 41r, 42r, 43r, 44r, 45r, 46r, 47r, 48r, missing
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 145-168
  • Notebooks used: N34 (VI.B.27)
Proofs (third set) for Tales Told; probably late May 1929.
  • MS: SH, fols. 26r, 27r, 28r, 29r, 30r, 31r, 32r, 33r, 34r, 35r, 36r, 37r, 38r, 39r, 40r, 41r, 42r, 43r, 44r, 45r, 46r, 47r, 48r, 49r, 50r, 51r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): not reproduced
  • Notebooks used: N34 (VI.B.27)
Proofs (fourth set) for Tales Told; late May 1929.
  • MS: Texas (Hanley Collection), fols. 17r, 18r, 19r, 20r, 21r, 22r, 23r, 24r, 25r, 26r, 27r, 28r, 29r, 30r, 31r, 32r, 33r, 34r, 35r, 36r, 37r, 38r, 39r, 40r, 41r, 42r, 43r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 169-195
Proof (resetting of fol. 19r above) for Tales Told; late May 1929.
  • MS: Texas (Hanley Collection), fol. 19br (also marked ‘19’)
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 196
Tales Told of Shem and Shaun was ready, if not officially published, before Joyce went on holiday in England on 10 July (see Harry Crosbie diary 17 June and Letters, 17 July, 1929). He did not return to Paris until mid-September 1929, at which time he got III.4 ready for transition (see III§4.4).

1932 drafts

Section FOUR “Scribbledehobbles” (Abandoned piece later partly incorporated into §5)
We do not know exactly when this section was composed. It takes its name from its first word (a word taken from a large notebook often given the same name) and was most likely composed in 1932 or thereabouts: the earliest drafts are similar to those of II.1. It deals with the apparent futility, in Issy's mind at any rate, of school exercises. Joyce appears to have written it very rapidly, sometimes overlooking revisions, and drawing material from the workbooks in a direct pattern of progression.
First draft (pencil); probably 1932.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 239r, 240r, 241r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 148-150
  • Notebooks used: SD1 (VI.A)
Fair copy (ink); 1932.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 242r, 243v-244r, 245r, 246r, 247r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 151-156
  • Notebooks used: SD1 (VI.A)
Typescript, possibly typed by Joyce or dictated, with new material in pencil; 1932.
Fair copy (ink): 1932.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 266r, 258r, 259r, 260r, 261r, 262r, 267r, 264r, 265r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 164-172
  • Notebooks used: N12 (VI.B.14), N25 (VI.B.15)
Redraft (ink) of fol. 266r and part of 258r; 1932.
Redraft (ink) of fol. 267r, not used in preparing §4.4; 1932.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 263r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 173-176
Second typescript; probably 1932 or 1933.
The third typescript, which follows, was made probably Spring or Summer 1933 (see, Letters, NLHW, 14 March 1933). It resembles the typescript of II.2§1.4/2.2/3.4. The wide margins may indicate Joyce's intention to add footnotes and marginalia and use the material directly, possibly as the opening scene, in II.2.
Carbon of the third typescript, to which Joyce appended the first draft of II.2§3; probably 1933.
Third typescript, top copy, only a few of the revisions on these pages relate to this draft level. The cancelled phrases throughout the typescript were re-used in §5.0 (to which draft also belong the revisions on folio 288. The material appended to the end of folio 298 relate to §7.2; either 1933 or 1937.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 288r, 288v, 289r, 290r, 291r, 292r, 293r, 294r, 295r, 296r, 297r, 298r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 197-208
  • Notebooks used: N41 (VI.B.33), N44 (VI.B.34), VI.C.1°
Manuscript copy of the revised typescript material from folios 297 (last line only) and 298, but excluding the new material appended to the end of folio 298. See also §3.2χ, §7.2χ.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 314r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 242
h4>1933-35 drafts
Sections 1-3, 9: opening and closing pages of II.2
It is not clear precisely when Joyce began work on on the opening and closing pages of II.2 (later known as “Storiella As She Is Syung”), or in what order he composed the earliest drafts. He was despondent in the Spring of 1933 and did no work (see Letters, NLHW, 2 April, 16 April, and I, 25 April, 1933). Yet by the time he left Paris for Evian at the end of June, he had started again (see NLHW, 7 July and NLPL, 9 July, 1933).
Section 1: 1939 FW 260-263
First draft, probably postdates first draft of §2; 1933 or 1934.
One unit on a Book III extradraft sheet; 1933 or 1934.
  • MS: BL 47486a, fol. 5r
  • JJA: 61 (III transitions): 120
  • Notebooks used: N3 (VI.B.3)
Second draft (missing), possibly a dictated version; 1933/1934.
  • MS: missing
Section 2: 1939 FW 264-266.19
First draft (missing), incorporating material in Sheets II (see §2.0χ); Summer 1933.
In Sheets II: a list of addresses and information on Chapelizod derived from Thom's Dublin Directory and used to compose the above draft; probably 1933.
Section 3: 1939 FW 266.20-275.02
First draft (ink) added to the end of the discarded section (cf. §4.5); possibly the first paragraph to be written for the passages later published as Storiella As She Is Syung; probably Summer 1933.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 286r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 14
  • Notebooks used: N33 (VI.B.4)°
Second draft (ink) composed piecemeal under a variety of headings and with much new material. Extends to 1939 FW 270.28; 1933.
Section 9: 1939 FW 304.05-308
First draft (ink); probably 1934.
Second draft (missing; this draft stage may be MS or TS or represent verbal revision in dictation); 1934.
  • MS:, missing
Sections 1, 2, 3 and 9 integrated
The following typescripts and a new fair copy were prepared in late 1934 and early 1935 (see Letters, BLHW, 17 December, NLHW, 20 December 1934, NLPL, 10 January, 15 January, 16 January and NLPK, 21 February, 1935)
II.2§1.2/2.1/3.2/.../9.2 (See also II.1§2.1+)
Typescript, possibly typed by Joyce (see 15 June 1934). A long extension (which appears in §3.3) is missing, apart for some extradraft material (see §3.2χ); late 1934-January 1935.
Fourth draft (missing; this draft stage may represent revisions in dictation); probably January 1935.
  • MS: missing
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.2°
A few additonal revisions (missing); probably January 1935.
  • MS:, missing
Diverse fragments (Sheets II) of extradraft material used inter alia to construct the long extension for §3.2. Some material remains missing. Evidently, Joyce had difficulty deciding what exactly to include - and where to include it - in the fluid, Issy-oriented sections. See also §4.5+, §5.2χ, §7.0χ, §7.2χ; 1933 or 1934.
II.2§3.3 (See also II.1§3B.3)
Retyped version of §3 (possibly typed by Joyce). Fol. 130r was not retyped). Prepared in two stages: first, the text of the extant §3.2; second, the text of the missing extension based on §3.2χ; January 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. (130r), 132r, 133r, 134r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 18, 25-27
  • Notebooks used: N44 (VI.B.34)
II.2§1.4/2.2/3.4/ … /9.3 (See also II.1§1.4′/2.2′/3.4′/ /9.3′ and II.1§3B.4)
New typescript, made with a wide left margin, followed by additions for the margins (most already noted for insertion in the typescript); probably January 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 138r, 138v, 139r, / 140r, 141r, 142r, / 142v, 143r, 144r, 145r, 146r, 147r, 148r, 149r, 149v, 150r, 151r, /…/ 152r, 152v, 153v, 237r, 153r;
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 31-48 /…/ JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 268-272
  • Notebooks used: SA (VI.A)°, N46 (VI.B.36), VI.C.1°, VI.C.3°, VI.C.5°, VI.C.6, VI.C.9, Sheets II°
II.2§1.4'/2.2'/3.4'/ … /9.3'
Additions, principally for the margins: most are already noted for insertion in the above typescript (note coding revised from Archive); probably January 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 154r, 154v, 155v // (155v)
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 49-51 /…/ JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 273
Extradraft material. See also §3BC.5χ and §9.6χ; 1934-1935.
II.2§1.5/2.3/3.5/ … /9.4 (See also II.1§1.5+/2.3+/3.5+/ /9.4+ and II.1§3B.5)
Fair copy (ink), of 1939 FW 260-274.13, 304.05-308; the opening page is signed by Joyce and addressed as “Hotel Elite Zurich”. Probably January 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 161r, 157r, 158r, 159r, 159v, / 166r, 166v, 167r, / (167r), 168r, 168v, 169r, 169v, 170r, 170v, 171r, 171v, 172r, l72v, 173r, l73v, 174r, 174v / … / 175r-v, 176r-v, 177r-v, 178r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 53-75 /…/ JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 274-280
  • Notebooks used: N44 (VI.B.34), N46 (VI.B.36), VI.C.2, VI.C.4°, VI.C.5, VI.C.6°, Sheets II, Sheets IV°
Partial redraft (ink) of 1939 FW 260-263; further late additions (See also §9.4χ); probably January 1935.
Extradraft material used in fol. 156v; 1934-1935.
  • MS: BL 47486a, fol. 34v
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 82a
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.3
Extradraft material (see also §1.5+); 1934-1935.
Joyce returned to Paris from Zurich at the end of January 1935 (see Letters, NLHW, 1 February 1935).
II.2§1.6/2.4/3.6/ … /9.5 (See also II.1§2.4+/3.6+/ /9.5+, II.1§1.6++/3.6++/ /9.5++ and II.1§3B.6)
Typescript made of the above fair copy, again with §3 extending only to 1939 FW 274.13; probably January or February 1935; it was sent to Harriet Weaver on 29 March 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 182r, 183r, 184r, 185r, 186r, 187r, / 188r, 189r, 190r, / (190r), 191r, 192r, 193r, 194r, 195r, 196r, 197r, 198r, 199r, 200r, /…/ 201r, 202r, 203r, 204r, 205r, 206r, 207r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 84-102 /…/ JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 282-288
  • Notebooks used: N25 (VI.B.34)°, N46 (VI.B.36), VI.C.2, Sheets IV°
Transcription of late additions for above draft; early 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 209r, 210r, 211r, / (211r), 212r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i):103-106
Unrevised scribal copy of above; early 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 213r, 214r, 215r, / (215r), 216r, 217r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 107-111
II.2§2.4+/3.6+ / … / 9.5+
Further additions in Joyce's hand (incomplete); early 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 218r, / (218r), 219r, 220r, 221r 223r, 224r, missing / … / 222r, (223r), (224r), missing, 225r, 226r, (229r)
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 112-117 /…/ JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 289-295
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.2
Further additions; early 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 227r, / (227r), 228r, 229r, / (229r)
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 118-120
On March 29 1935, after he had no more need of it, Joyce sent the above typescript (II.2§1.6/2.4/3.6/9.5) to Harriet Weaver (from her notes).
II.2§1.7/2.5/3.7/ … /9.6
New typescript or 1st proofs, missing, for transition 23; March-April 1935.
II.2§3.7χ/ … /9.6χ
Extradraft material (from Sheets III, Sheets II); probably 1935.
  • MS: BL 47486a: fol. 7v (one unit only) /…/ MS: BL 47478, fol. (231r)
  • JJA: 61 (Book III transitions): 123 /…/ JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 296
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.1
Section 3, extensions B and C: 1939 FW 274.13-275.02
First draft of this subsection (1939 FW 274.13-274.27); probably April 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 232r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 122
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.10
Second draft, imperfectly copied, with no new overlay; April 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 234r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 123
Fair copy (ink:) of concluding piece of §3; 1935. Harriet Shaw Weaver writes in her notes: “these two pages were sent to me later (see Letters, NLHW, 24 June 1935) and do not appear in the typescript [II.2§1.6/2.4/3.6)] made for transition (no. 23, published July 1935). But they follow straight on after the 13th page of the fair copy and must have been inserted before transition was printed.”
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 235r, 236r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 124-125
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.2°, VI.C.10
Extradraft material. See also §3.4χ and §9.6χ; early 1935.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 231r, 233r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 126-127
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.10
Typescript (missing): 1935.
  • MS:, missing
II.2§1.8/2.6/3.8/ … /9.7
Proofs (missing) for transition 23; April-May 1935 (see Letters, III, 15 April and I, 1 May, 1935).
  • MS:, missing
transition 23 was published on 3 July 1935 (see Letters, I, N.D. July, 1935.
When Joyce had finished with the proofs for transition, probably in early May 1935, he began preparing copy of Book III (corrected transition pages) for Faber and Faber (see Letters, NLHW, 19 July, 1935). transition 23 was published early July 1935 (see Letters, I, N.D. July, 1935. He was done with it, and made only minor revisions for the 1937 fine-press edition.

Copy and proofs for Storiella As She is Syung

II.2§1.9/2.7/3.9/ … /9.8 (See also II.1§1.9′)
Marked copy (missing) of transition 23 for Storiella As She Is Syung; sent to the publisher (Lord Carlow) on 6 August 1936, along with two of Lucia Joyce's lettrines (“A” and “R”: the latter indicating that the footnote beginning “Rawmeash” was included): (see Letters, NLFF, 12 July, III, 22 July, NLCV, 6 August and 29 Aug, 1936). By 1 Sep 1936 (see Letters, III, 1 September 1936) at least three items had not yet been supplied: the title, and the marginalia “SIC” and “Miltiades Strategos.
II.2§1.9'/2.7'/3.9'/ … /9.8'
Copy of transition 23 with, on page 110, one further addition in Joyce's hand (“Rawmeash ...”) intended for Storiella As She Is Syung; 1936.
  • MS: Zurich, pp. 110-123 /…/ 124-128 (online)
  • Notebooks used: VI.C.18°
II.2§1.10/2.8/3.10/ … /9.9
Proofs (missing) for Storiella As She Is Syung; January/February 1937 (see Letters, NLCV, 4 January, Yale, 4 February and III, 18 February, 1937).
  • MS:, missing
II.2§1.11/2.9/3.11/ … /9.10
Page proofs for Storiella As She Is Syung, unrevised, incomplete, and, except for the mispositioning of some marginalia, identical with the published version. The pages are unnumbered: pages [17-18], [23-24] are duplicated (see Letters, NLCV, 22 November 1937) and pages [19-22] are missing. November 1937.
  • MS: Buffalo VI.G.4, pps. 5, 6, missing, / missing, 7, 8, 9, / (9), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 /…/ 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 130-145 /…/ JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 297-303

Completing II.2: three new sections

In order to combine “Storiella” (§1-3 and 9) with “The Muddest Thick” (§8) more or less seamlessly, Joyce found it necessary to add two new sections (§5 and 7) and, to give voice to Issy, a long footnote (§6).
Section 5: 1939 FW 275.03-278.24
First draft (incorporating elements from §4.5'); marked by typist to indicate pagination of following draft: November-December 1937.
Extradraft material. Fol. 23r, a typescript, was originally intended for II.1. Its verso, fol. 23v, carries additions for both II.1§1.3 and II.1§2.1)
  • MS: BL 47477, fol. 23r; MS 47486a, fols. 36r, 37r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 217-219
  • Notebooks used: N3 (VI.B.3)
Typescript (carbon) made from above draft (see also §5.2); a few scribal emendations only. December 1937.
Another copy (missing) of the typescript made from §5.0 (see also §5.1) prepared for the printer of Finnegans Wake. Extended by the use of notesheets and further material from §4. Combined with, and revised at the same time as, §6.4 and §7.3. The drafts of some footnotes and marginalia are extant; December 1937.
Extradraft material used in above draft (§5.2). See also §4.5+, §3.2χ, 7.2χ. and 7.3χ.
Section 6: 1939 FW 279 footnote 101 (“Issy's Letter”)
First draft (pencil), compiled from notesheet elements; probably 1933.
Extradraft material (Sheets II); 1933.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 302r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 230
  • Notebooks used: N3 (VI.B.3)
Second draft (missing); 1933.
Extradraft note; 1933.
  • MS: BL 47478, fol. 305r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 231
First typescript; 1933.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 306r, 307r, 308r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 232-234
  • Notebooks used: N44 (VI.B.34)
Second typescript; late 1934.
  • MS: BL 47478, foIs. 309r, 310r, 311r
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 235-237
  • Notebooks used: N46 (VI.B.36)
Section 7: 1939 FW 278.25-282.04
First draft; extradraft fragments only; probably summer 1933.
Second draft, missing except for the Edgar Quinet piece; July 1933 (see Letters, NLPL, 6 July and 7 July, 1933)
  • MS: missing; Yale 10.13, fol. 1r, 1v
  • JJA: 52 (II.2 vol. i): 252-253
  • Notebooks used: N9 (VI.B.1)°, VI.C.1°
Composite draft, made from authorially emended typescript and manuscript pages (covering 1939 FW 281.14-27); the individual pieces date from the early 1930s but the composite draft and some revisions date from mid-to-late 1937.
Extradraft material for the extension to above draft; 1933-1934. Includes phrases "And, But Rather." appended to the end of §4.5. See also §3.0, and §3.2χ.
Sections 6, 7 (integrated)
Typescript (carbon) prepared for the printer of Finnegans Wake. This copy might not be the one sent to London (two corrections, some footnotes and marginalia are missing). December 1937.
Extradraft material used in above (1937) draft (§6.4/7.3). See also §5.2χ.

Copy for Faber and Faber

The copy of II.2 for Faber and Faber was sent on 11th December 1937 (see Letters, NLFF, 18 December 1937).
II.2§1.12/2.10/3.12. … /9.11
Marked copy (missing) of a proof of the first part of Storiella As She Is Syung (published in February 1938) for the printer of Finnegans Wake; December 1937.
  • MS: missing
Marked pages of Tales Told of Shem and Shaun (Paris, August 1929); November 1937 but possibly revised at various times between 1934 and 1937. The material added last (the N53 (VI.B.46) and the later N52 (VI.B.42) material) was not included in the following typescript (§8.13+), but had to be added again (in Paul Léon's hand).
Extradraft material; 1930s.
II.2§8.13 (See also II.1§8.13+)
Typescript (carbon; missing); this copy, if not the following, was sent to Faber and Faber 11 December 1937.
  • MS: missing
Typescript (top copy of above) with additions (including additions also made in §8.12) in the hand of an amanuensis; December 1937.
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 84r, 85r, 86r, 87r, 88r, 89r, 90r, 91r, 92r, 93, 94r, 95r, 96r, 97r, 98r, 99r, 100r, 101r, 102r, 103r, 104r, 105r, 106r, 107r. 108r, 109r, 110r, 111r, 112r, 113r, 114r, I15r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 230-264

Proofs for Finnegans Wake II.2 (1939 FW 260-308)

Galley proofs 293-319 for Finnegans Wake with marginalia boxed in the text; dated by the printer February 1938: the marginalia were incorrectly indented (see Letters, NLFF, 6 January, NLPL, 27 February and NLFF, 11 March, 1938).
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 329r, 329v, 330r, / 331r, 332r, / (332r), 333r, 334r, 335r, 336r, 337r, / (337r), 338r, 339r, / (339r), 340r, / 341r, 342r, 343r, 344r, 345r, 346r, 347r, 348r, 349r, 350r, 351r, 352r, 353r, / (353r), 354r, 355r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 307-334
  • Notebooks used: N53 (VI.B.46), N54 (VI.B.45), Moore's Melodies, N55 (VI.X.5)
Galley proofs 293-325 with marginalia as published and with typed versions of additions to above draft; dated by the printer 29 March 1938; sent to Faber and Faber the end of June 1938 (see Letters, NLFF, 27 June 1938).
  • MS: BL 47478, fols. 357r, 358r, 358v, 359r, 359v, 360r, / (360r), 360v, 361r, 361v, 362r, / (361 v), (362r), 362v, 363r, 363v, 364r, 364v, 365r, 365v, 366r, 366v, 367r, 367v, 368r, / (367v), (368r), 368v, 369r, 369v, 370r, / (369v), (370r), 371r, 371v, 372r, / (371 v), (372r), 372v, 373r, 373v, 374r, 374v, 375r, 376r, 376v, 377r, 378r, 378v, 379r, 379v, 380r, 380v, 381r, 381v, 382r, 382v, 383r, 383v, 384r, 384v, 385r, 385v, 386r, 386v, 387r, / (386v), (387r), 387v, 388r, 388v, 389r, 390r
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol. ii): 336-400

Page proofs for II.2 (1939 FW 260-308)

Though there was very little revision or new text introduced at this draft stage, it nevertheless caused considerable difficulties. Everyone involved, including Joyce, was overwrought, and sick and tired of the whole business, wishing it were over.
Page proofs, first set; dated by the printer 23 September 1938; they were found unsatisfactory (see Letters, NLFF, 21 November and 29 November, 1938).
  • MS: Tulsa, R 260-272, S 273-288, T 289-304, U 305-308
Page proofs, first set, duplicates (incomplete, gathering R only, extending to page 272, continuous with those for II.1§7.8) for Finnegans Wake with marginalia reversed on the even pages. One addition only (‘it is’ to go after ‘Murph’ on p. 272); dated by the printer 23 September 1938.
  • MS 47477, fols. 319v 320r 320v, 321r, / 321v, 322r, 322v, / (322v), 393r, 323v, 324r, 324v 325r, 325v
Page proofs, second set, a few revisions were made at this draft stage; gathering R dated by the printer 9 December 1938, remainder undated; received back by Faber and Faber end December 1938 (see Letters, NLFF, 30 december 1938).
  • MS: Tulsa, R' 260-272, S' 273-288, T' 289-304, U' 305-308
Page proofs, probably a third or, for signature U, even a fourth set (see Letters, NLFF, 2 January, 12 January,13 January, 16 January, 17 January, 20 January and 24 January, 1939); missing; January 1939.
  • MS: , missing

Errata for II.2 (1939 FW 260-308)

Errata for Finnegans Wake, begun in 1939 by marking up an unbound copy of the first edition (see Letters, NLFF, 22 July, NLPL 10 August, 19 August, and NLFF, 30 August, 1939) and completed in the summer of 1940 at Saint Gerand-le Puy; the corrections were then typed in duplicate (Buffalo VI.H.4.b, c) or triplicate and given to Maria Jolas on 28 August, 1940 for delivery in New York to B.W. Huebsch of the Viking Press. Presumably a copy was also sent to Faber and Faber.
  • MS: Buffalo VI.H.4.a, pp. 260-308; VI.H.4.b, fols. 17-19; VI.H.4.c, fols. 17-19
  • JJA: 53 (II.2 vol ii): not reproduced; 416-420; not reproduced