Sheets VII, material for II.3§1: Paris

Facsimile edition: James Joyce Archive vols. 54 and 55, ed. Danis Rose.
Manuscript: British Library 47480 passim, December 1936-early 1937 Notebook details

FW Sheet 7 p. 1

[Paris, December 1936]
BL MS 47480-19v JJA 55:370

FW Sheet 7 : p. 1(a)

For the joy of the dew on the / flower of the fleets on the fields / of the foam of the waves of / the seas of the wildmain from / Borneholm has jest come / to crown. color t.b.a.

FW Sheet 7 : p. 1(b)

the rant, the rant, the king / of all ba[rss] in Stephen's Green / — — (Hosty) color t.b.a.

  • FW unlocated
Original notebook: VI.C.04:001(f)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 1(c)

go home to yr rotten mother / she will wash your face (Earth color t.b.a.

  • FW unlocated
Original notebook: VI.C.04:014(i), VI.C.04:015(a)

FW Sheet 7 p. 2

[Paris, December 1936]
BL MS 47479-119 JJA 54:192

FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(a)

1) jonjemsums both,

Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):150(a)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(b)

2) |ablessa| madhugh, mardyk, lunsk and / cong. ~

Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):150(b)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(c)

~ |aWith Blass Neddoos bray.a|

Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):150(c)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(d)

3) billy, bolly

Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):151(b)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(e)

4) judge,

Note: An instruction (carried out) to delete the comma at FW 326.04. Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):150(f)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(f)

5) beauw

Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):150(e)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(g)

6) as Horace Toler hath most cares to / call it,

Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):152(a)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 2(h)

7) And he pured him beheild / of the ouishguss, mingling / the sign of the cruisk.

Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):152(b)

FW Sheet 7 p. 3

[Paris, 1937]
BL MS 47479-195 JJA 54:318

FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(a)


FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(b)

|aIntroelbow, sazd / taylerens.a| ~ color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’. In text with Latin Introibo ad altare Dei (I will go unto the altar of God) [Mass].
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(c)

~ |aAfter he made / the disign on the corse.a| ~ color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’. Sign of the Cross.
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(d)

~ |aMesser, messered.a| color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(e)

He went to mass on him; ~ color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(f)

~ back, seat / and scyed. color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(g)

ten is midway 0 and 1 color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(h)

Square up from 29. ~ color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(i)

~ Apply the / whole shoulder width for fullness. ~ color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’
FW Sheet 7 : p. 3(j)

~ |aMessers, and all taller Danis.a| color t.b.a.

Note: All the material on this page is crossed with a large ‘X’

FW Sheet 7 p. 4

BL MS 47480-157 JJA 54:341

FW Sheet 7 : p. 4(a)

Extras for A

FW Sheet 7 : p. 4(b)

the king of all dronnings kissed / his busywaxed hand color t.b.a.

Note: Danish dronning: queen. Beeswaxed. Original notebook: VI.C.13:004(h)

FW Sheet 7 p. 5

BL MS 47488-264 JJA 54:342

FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(a)

Extras for H

FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(b)

we appeal to his patrons' said color t.b.a.

Original notebook: VI.C.12:133(a)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(c)

providenc[e], divine cow to milkfeeding man, color t.b.a.

Original notebook: VI.C.12:141(l), VI.C.12:141(k)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(d)

handing her the my breath of so dimly / bred at the prongt of my lifebaff[e]

Note: See also Sheet vii-6(m)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(e)

witnessing the 1st homd[ral] Homd Rular / Bull & cr for [home], [time] [and nunction] / creating the illstar question

Note: See also Sheet vii-6(n)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(f)

solafides color t.b.a.

Original notebook: VI.C.12:156(c)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(g)

what will all my friends say? Who / has my hat can harm me. color t.b.a.

Original notebook: VI.C.12:255(a), VI.C.12:255(d)
FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(h)

(for K) Stay where you're |a[damure] dummya|. To get her / to go ther. color t.b.a.

FW Sheet 7 : p. 5(i)

[??] color t.b.a.

  • FW unlocated

FW Sheet 7 p. 6

  • MS Zurich Sheet (scribal)

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(a)

    Butt Ahamaher! Mohorear

    Note: This short fragment never made it to the text proper.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(b)

    A. (coups shows with plosive plaining ~

    Original notebook: VI.C.08:009(j)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(c)

    ~ the buonaventure

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(d)

    [j] to wherever boy all shaws in shamefeast (Showshone! / Shemesheme!)

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(e)

    2 finechampered

    Note: Moved to Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(f)

    This is Portrgrot speaking. The hero home is eleven / thirty two pasamerdeme in the avalanche of usurpean / meantime ~

    Note: Moved to Sheet vii-14(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(g)

    ~ Je -- Perikof's of the Polish pump

    Note: Moved to Sheet vii-14(i)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(h)

    walking Sunday

    Note: Moved to Sheet vii-14(j) Original notebook: VI.C.09:065(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(i)

    Who can bulbomely descrighe his capital meliorable / ills a cinq of streets without hows a mudhole / almost

    Original notebook: VI.C.09:041(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(j)


    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(k)

    the col of

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(l)

    He has dovesandraves in his belly and she wears a / bowler in her bath

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:034(i); VI.C.09:220(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(m)

    so dimly bred at the prongt of my lifeshaff

    Note: Cf. Sheet vii-05(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 6(n)

    [witnessing the 1'st] homorable Homo Rulas Bull / fo him, time and [mq]etime creating the illstarquestion

    Note: Cf. Sheet vii-05(e)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 7

    BL MS 47480-18 JJA 55:32

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(a)

    pointing out |aimaginary impassiblea| objects color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:185(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(b)

    a smart boy, 37 color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:184(c)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(c)

    clerical appearance color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:184(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(d)

    looking through the roof color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:203(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(e)

    helping himself out of the cesspool color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:216(f), VI.C.10:216(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(f)

    still smolking his pulverite turkfish color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:225(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(g)

    the rocking pressance of laddioes color t.b.a.

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(h)

    who is supposing to be the sorry jester color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:252(h), VI.C.10:252(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(i)

    privious to his hostings of an emergency / imberolla) color t.b.a.

    Note: Privy; previous. Hoisting.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(j)

    |amiraculising into the |buttermouthst theb| Dann Deafir warcrya| color t.b.a.

    Note: See also VI.C.12:004(b). Irish déan deifir: make haste, hurry. Original notebook: VI.C.11:068(j)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(k)

    as he shouts his thump and foul fingures / up the heighohs of their ahs! color t.b.a.

    Note: As he shoves his thumb and four fingers up the hole of their arse. Hee-haw, ass.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(l)

    Yellup, yurrup color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.10:262(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(m)

    puts up a hare color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.11:042(i)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(n)

    slinking his coatsleeves over his shoulder so as / to loop more a jauntlyman color t.b.a.

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(o)

    with a gesture expansive of Mr Largewhite / Cadderpollard with |asunflowered sunflawereda| buttonhole / arriving at Oldbally Court color t.b.a.

    Note: With a gesture expressive of Oscar Wilde (Lady Campbell described him as resembling a 'great white caterpillar'), sporting a sunflower, arriving at the Old Bailey for his pederasty trial. Original notebook: VI.C.11:059(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(p)

    pulled up point blank mailbag monday color t.b.a.

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(q)

    switches his |agorsecopper'sa| langthorn fed on the green / oil of Aerin color t.b.a.

    Note: Grasshopper. Lantern fed with oil. Green isle of Erin. Wang Jian suggests it might also allude to ‘gorse hopper’, for which see The autobiography of William Jerdan.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(r)

    too wellbred not to ignore the unzemlianess of / the preceedings, in an effort at autosotinisation, effaces himself to in favour of the idiology / behounding his bump off homosodalism color t.b.a.

    Note: Russian zemlya (land).
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 7(s)

    such as the Deblin's Alps and the |aHoofda| [riviera] color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.11:122(g)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 8

    BL MS 47480-19 and 18v JJA 55:34-5

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(a)

    the birstol boys artheynes and is it her to[u]r color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.11:125(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(b)

    who in the cushlows of his heart is a niallist / of the ninthhomestages color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.11:258(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(c)

    explaining |aaposteriorlya| how he was in a greak esthate / phophiar an erixion on the soseptuple side / of him made spoil apriopi his popoporport[im]s color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.11:279(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(d)

    his first of Danda and and firth or Magne / principles [contiijest with longbarrowed ahiceasthers / at the same time as orifourne of behelch]

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(e)

    who meanwhile had been lavishing words of / |asilentgoldena| power at |athe oura| repeated |a|blighthouseman lighthoursemanb|a| innkeeper's right which, there / can be little doubt, have resulted |areplated |barmsalver speechsalvar armb|a| in |ahis anothera| / arriving approximating guidness, my good, to see) color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:064(g), VI.C.12:065(g), VI.C.12:065(b), VI.C.12:096(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(f)

    he |atakes takecupsa| the communion of sense at the hands / of the foregiver of trosstpassers and thereinofter / centellinates, the other proferring into his pauses /somewhog salt bacon color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:093(h), VI.C.12:093(i)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(g)

    |awhoa| feels like a badthefall of staot but falls for a borrlefell of bare color t.b.a.

    Note: Beer, ale, stout, bottle, barrel.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(h)

    while they all are bealting pots for old daddem / dombstom to tomb and wamb himbs limbs agamb / glimpse again, glance agame|a, rise up road & hive up hill &a| and find you / pollyvoulley foncy pitchin ingles in the parler color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:106(h), VI.C.12:113(m)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(i)

    he changes colour as he lefts the gat out of / the bag, his face glows green, his hair / greys white, his eyes bleyes bcome broon to suite his Celtic twilight color t.b.a.

    Note: See also Sheet vii-12(h). Original notebook: VI.C.12:108(c), N50 (VI.B.37):221(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 8(j)

    (as he holds him a yarn's length to be loffed at / and he puts him beside of the fixer color t.b.a.

    Note: Arm's length.

    FW Sheet 7 p. 9

    BL MS 47480-211v JJA 55:364

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 9(a)

    K knew he was boy by tassles

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:088(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 9(b)

    I made faces at sea

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:088(c)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 9(c)

    C inventing diplomas for se ~

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:120(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 9(d)

    ~ for / form sake

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:120(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 9(e)

    D favourite topic cremations

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 9(f)

    not talk, [teleperm, write [??]]

    FW Sheet 7 p. 10

    BL MS 47480-36 JJA 55:070

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(a)

    Extras for Buckley

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(b)

    (his widow [?]ff[?] keening after the / bank sheet in their faminy, to sweetanmly / frem [Oberdepots] color t.b.a.

    Note: Black sheep in the family.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(c)

    G the purgatory of sin praktice color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:124(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(d)

    passing |ahis thea| uninational truthbosh / in smoothering irony over the multi-/natural infructuosities of his grinner set color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:135(b), SD1 (VI.A):016(j)
    Note: Passing his toothbrush over the anfractuosities of his teeth. Smoothing iron.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(e)

    at the 4·32

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(f)

    senpatrick & 2 [youthens] & the 3 / [[??] frees] color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:138(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(g)

    The O Uralya gone bucker! Urelay / go braw! color t.b.a.

    Note: Not in 1939 text. O'Reilly abu!
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(h)

    die & be diademmed color t.b.a.

    Note: Die and be damned. Be be-diademed (be-crowned).
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(i)

    a bashman's harlotay color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:169(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(j)

    That they live nyet is my grief color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:184(j)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(k)

    As a marrer off act I am proppensing to find / him first. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:191(k), VI.C.12:191(l)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(l)

    Clummensy if ever misused, |amisus must useda| now. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:192(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 10(m)

    take my word for it color t.b.a.

    • FW unlocated
    Note: See also VI.C.04:245(f). Original notebook: VI.C.12:215(k)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 11

    BL MS 47480-193 JJA 55:334

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(a)

    Extra for Nightangels

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(b)

    I woke too early. Woke too early

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:124(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(c)

    he would have made a w of me the drowned try / to drown

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:125(f), VI.C.12:125(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(d)

    with a fellowfeeling to be patrified for / his ?? a willowwailing / t' toward the elmstree pattern

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:127(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(e)

    dingodelly Not cancelled

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:165(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(f)

    this littlest little Not cancelled

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:202(i)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(g)

    my our big alancey one Not cancelled

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:202(j)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(h)

    let's sit when not on this anthill |afor our frilldress talka| before / our groatsupper Punchomaster |aafter this day of making peaceful the hearta| and [let] the harleqwind play at peeptomine up all our colombinations. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:204(b), VI.C.12:205(e), VI.C.12:206(m), VI.C.12:207(a), VI.C.12:205(b)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(i)

    only I'm afre[u]d he doesn't tell the sky / terrior

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:205(c)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(j)

    nonce one is nought, nonce 2 is nil, nonce 3 / is nix, nonce 4 is nothing color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:207(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(k)

    and till Arthur comes again, we'll put him / together, a piece a pace. ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:209(i), VI.C.12:210(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(l)

    ~ Shares in guineases. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:211(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(m)

    There's lovely the sight, |asure mea| man weepful. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:219(c), VI.C.12:220(a), VI.C.12:219(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(n)

    Big Seat, you did hear. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:219(g), VI.C.12:219(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 11(o)

    And teach the tongue irish. Pat, let me goh / too. Quicken, aspen, ash yew, willow, broom / and oak to you, move your tellabout |alimpeta|! Not nice is that. Spose we try it promessily. / But don't tell [Mr] Eustace! Nobody has to / know about that. But whose joint is / out of jealousy now? Why everybody's. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:217(j), VI.C.12:217(l), VI.C.12:221(f), VI.C.12:236(g), VI.C.12:220(e), VI.C.12:220(d), VI.C.12:242(i), VI.C.12:242(j), VI.C.12:229(f)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 12

    BL MS 47480-20 JJA 55:33

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(a)


    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(b)

    (hearing someone suddenly give 3 |apeevisha| snores / like as if fall asleep he waitawhisht to see / might he stirs & goes on without / asking for a p.p. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:168(k), VI.C.12:169(a), VI.C.12:169(b), VI.C.12:183(b)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(c)

    that babybell in his baggutstract's / upper going off alla[?] lest he should / challenge himself till angush color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:184(d), VI.C.12:184(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(d)

    painfully he becomes faint color t.b.a.

    Note: marked to indicate place for insertion of following element. Original notebook: VI.C.12:195(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(e)

    , the issue of his mouth diminnuendoing, color t.b.a.

    Note: marked to indicate insertion in above element. Original notebook: VI.C.12:196(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(f)

    pulling stark Daniel color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:214(i)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(g)

    sensing an aggregate yup behowld their / disparate noys, totalage color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:225(l), VI.C.12:226(c)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(h)

    when seeing he has shook the gat out of the bog, ~ color t.b.a.

    • FW unlocated
    Note: See also Sheet vii-8(i) and Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):221(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 12(i)

    ~ wants to know who is after firing the guns color t.b.a.

    • FW unlocated
    Original notebook: N50 (VI.B.37):220(c)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 13

    BL MS 47480-3v JJA 55:006

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 13(a)

    A And cocked a snart at him. color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred to Sheet vii-15(v). Original notebook: VI.C.18:061(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 13(b)


    Note: Only some of the material on this page is extradraft; most consists of additions to the drafts and is not included here.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 13(c)

    P ere th'Osirian clumdung like a wallf on the falld. color t.b.a.

    Note: Also used in draft II.3.6B.0. Osiris. Sennacherib (king of Assyria, referred to by Byron: “The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold”). See also VI.C.06:008(k).
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 13(d)

    and, feeding and / sleeping on the / huguenottes and / and raiding / revelutions over / the allbegeneses, / (|aSaint senda| us & saint / us & sound us / agun!) color t.b.a.

    Note: Written sideways in the margin. [huguenote (platche bed) D]. Reading Revelations (Bible). Albigensians (massacred). Huguenots (massacred). Genesis (Bible). Latin Sanctus. Song, Father O'Flynn ('sláinte and sláinte and sláinte again'). Original notebook: VI.C.12:014(m)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 14

    BL MS 47480-151 JJA 55:123

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(a)

    Taff -- |aKnouta| Kittrick Kinkypeardy like. |aI'll gamble |ba coin on Strongbow's tombb|?a|

    Note: Transferred to Sheet vii-15(a), Sheet vii-15(b) Original notebook: VI.C.08:250(f), VI.C.06:148(a), VI.C.06:105(o), VI.C.09:072(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(b)

    Butt -- Kilturk, the bull of the meadow! Ussur / Ursussen of the viktaurious onrush! / With all the rats in his arctic. [missing insertion] And he / exposed to be kilt with the colt!

    Note: Transferred to Sheet vii-15(c), Sheet vii-15(d), Sheet vii-15(e), Sheet vii-15(f) Original notebook: VI.C.06:137(c), VI.C.18:006(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(c)

    Taff -- You |aaccurst collin cursta| on him, the corsar? |aAa|

    Note: Transferred to Sheet vii-15(g) Original notebook: VI.C.18:041(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(d)

    A I had my billyful of duckish delights / and her toes in my kidneys and the sassenacheribs |aand praying for Father Peter Petrie Spence to go & leave usa| so

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(e)

    Butt -- Boyle, Burke and Campbell! May his / boules be wilder as his skittle gets worse!

    Note: Transferred to Sheet vii-15(h), Sheet vii-15(i) Original notebook: VI.C.18:041(g), VI.C.18:053(l)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(f)

    Taff -- |awhom our patriot pollists votea| The aged monad!

    Note: Transferred to Sheet vii-15(j), Sheet vii-15(k) Original notebook: VI.C.09:040(j), VI.C.08:258(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(g)

    Butt -- Holy peater & coal, |aposchal the first and paschal the second (by their lights shaldows know him!)a| when I seen it |aacting surgenta| |awhata| betwink / the scimitar star & the horizontal moon |aand toll o'cloche rollond ollover ourland's lande,a| and / taking up a clamp of torf in ordure for / to claim his |amaking a vinture of the murder of investmenta| that I up with my |afinechampereda| crozier |aand I gave a double notch &a|

    Note: Transferred to Sheet vii-15(m), Sheet vii-15(n), Sheet vii-15(o), Sheet vii-15(l), Sheet vii-15(p), Sheet vii-15(u), Sheet vii-15(r), Sheet vii-15(q), Sheet vii-15(t), Sheet vii-15(s). See also Sheet vii-6(e). Original notebook: VI.C.08:089(a), VI.C.11:119(f), VI.C.11:243(f), VI.C.12:002(d), VI.C.10:160(d), VI.C.08:264(e), VI.C.11:133(h), VI.C.09:036(d), VI.C.11:136(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(h)

    This is Portrgrot speaking |xat the extremes mean|x*. The hero / hour is eleven thirty two pastmerdem in / the avalanche of |athea| usurpean meantime.

    Note: Moved from Sheet vii-6(f). See also VI.C.04:067(f) Original notebook: VI.C.09:039(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(i)

    General with his Perikof by the Polish pump

    Note: Moved from Sheet vii-6(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 14(j)

    |xin walking sunday|x*

    Note: Moved from Sheet vii-6(h) Original notebook: VI.C.09:065(h)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 15

    BL MS 47480-162 JJA 55:124

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(a)

    Taff -- Knout Kittrick Kinkypeard like, ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(b)

    ~ I'll / gamble a coin on Strongbow's tomb? color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(c)

    Butt -- Killturk, ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(b). Kilturk, Co. Fermanagh.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(d)

    ~ the bull of the meadow. ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(b). Clontarf (means 'Bull's Meadow).
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(e)

    ~ Ussur / Ursussen of the viktaurious onrush. With all the / rats in his arctic. ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(b). Latin ursus: bear. Victorious; Viking. Taurus (bull). Rats in the attic.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(f)

    ~ φ And he exposed to be kilt with / the cold.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(b)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(g)

    Taff -- You collin carrst on him, the corsar? color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(c).
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(h)

    Butt -- Boyle, Burke and Campbell. ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(i)

    ~ May his boules / be wilder as his skittles gets worse. color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(e). French boules (game: cf. skittles).
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(j)

    Taff -- The aged monad ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(k)

    ~ whom our patriol pollists vote ~

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(l)

    ~ acting surgent? color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(m)

    Butt -- |aAa| Hoary peater and coal, ~

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(n)

    ~ poschal the one and / paschal the other, ~

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(o)

    ~ (by their lights shaldhow throw / him!) ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(p)

    ~ When I seen him what betwinks the scimitar / star and the ashen moon ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(q)

    ~ and making a venture of / the murder of investment ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(r)

    ~ and taking up a clamp / of torf for to claim his, ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g). Taking up a clump of turf to clean his.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(s)

    ~ I gave a dobble notch ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g). ?Serbian dobro noc: good night!
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(t)

    ~ and / I up with my crozier ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(u)

    ~ and tolf o'cloche rolland / allover ourlond's lande, ~ color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-14(g). And [the bells for] twelve [Danish tolv] o'clock sounded all over Ireland's land. In text with Danish klokken tolv: twelve o'clock; Klokke Roeland (song, about cathedral bell); phrase: A Roland for an Oliver.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 15(v)

    ~ and cocked a snart at / him. color t.b.a.

    Note: Transferred from Sheet vii-13(a)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 16

    [Paris, ???]
    BL MS 47480-36v JJA 55:371

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(a)

    Vela, Lady Prettygrows color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:274(i)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(b)

    It is so long till I thanked you but I / do so much now. Thank you ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:238(a), VI.C.12:238(b)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(c)

    ~ You introduced me to forks. ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:249(b)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(d)

    ~ Have I assister? ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:253(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(e)

    ~ Who is this she was? ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:256(d)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(f)

    ~ So they |atold you! squealed!a| ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:267(a)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(g)

    ~ The / cads! ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:258(f)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(h)

    ~ It makes the wildfire break out all / over one. ~ color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:258(e)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(i)

    ~ What he did. The brute. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:262(h)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 16(j)

    ~ I'll / behead his old porterant, the wrex. color t.b.a.

    Original notebook: VI.C.12:265(j), VI.C.12:272(c)

    FW Sheet 7 p. 17

    BL MS 47480-19v JJA 55:370

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(a)

    A with authorsuggestions from Pelman color t.b.a.

    Note: Possibly a reference Emile Coué's Maitrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion consciente (Nancy: l'auteur, 1921); see Letters III, 17 October 1935, and N01 (VI.B.10):004(a).
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(b)

    B indiscriminating color t.b.a.

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(c)

    C , Jeremy Trouvers or Kefin O'Keepers, color t.b.a.

    Note: French trouver: to find. Jerry, Kevin. Finder's keepers.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(d)

    D on question color t.b.a.

    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(e)

    E helping mickle to mickle so that the / loiter end of that leader may twoddle out / after a cubital lull, color t.b.a.

    Note: Michael. Latter end. Letter. Capital L.
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(f)

    F not up to scratch bekicks of whatover / the kiddings color t.b.a.

    Note: Because of whatever. Original notebook: VI.C.12:135(g)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(g)

    G Mather Carey's chucklings, color t.b.a.

    Note: Storm petrels (Mother Carey's chickens) [pelagic seabirds]. Original notebook: VI.C.12:164(j)
    FW Sheet 7 : p. 17(h)

    H with |aaa| hopes soon to ear color t.b.a.

    Note: Hoping soon to hear. Original notebook: VI.C.12:190(g)