
Houyhnhnm Press (Mousehole: 2010) II.1§2

Edited by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon (details)

Chuffyº was a nangel then and his soard fleshed light like likening. Fools top! Singtyº sangtyº meekly loose, defendy nous from prowlabouts. Make a shine on the curst. Emem.º

But the duvlin sulph was in Glugger, that lost-to-lurningº. Punct. He was sbuffing and sputing, tussing like anisine, whipping his eysoultº and gnatsching his teats over the brividies from existers and the outher liubbocks of life. He halth kelchychosenº a clayblade and makes prayses to his
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three of clubs. To part from theesº, my corsets, is into overlusting fear. Acts of feet, hoof and jarrety: athletes longfoot. Djowl, uphere!

Aminxt that nombre of evelings, but how pierceful in their sojestiveness,º were those first girly stirs, with zitterings of flight releashedº and twinglings of twitchbells in rondel after,º with waverings that made shimmershake rather nightilyº all the duskscendedº airs and shylit beaconingsº from shehind hims back. Sammy, call on!º |shMirrylambsh|, she was shuffering all the diseasinesses of the unherd of. Mary Louisan Shousapinas! If Arck could no more salve his agnolsº from the wiles of willy woollyº woolf! If all the airish signics of her dipandump helpabit from an Father Hogamº till the Mutther Masons could not that Glugg to catch her by the calour of her brideness! Not Rose, Sevilla nor Citronelle; not Esmeralde, Pervinca nor Indra; not Viola even nor all of them four themes over. But, the mouthageº stick in the melmelode jawr, I am (twintomine) all thees thing. Up tighty in the front, down again on the loose, drim and drumming on her back and a pop from her whistle.º What isº that, O holytroopers? Isot givin yoe?

Up he stulpled, glee you gees,º with search a mugº did die near sea, beamy owen and calmy hugh,º and if you what you my call for me I will wishyoumaycull for you.

And they are met, face a facing. They are set,º force to force. And no such Copenhague-Marengo was less so fated for a fall since in Glenasmole of Smiling Thrushes Patch Whyte passed O'Sheen ascowl.

Arrestº thee, scaldbrother! cameº the evangelionº, sabre accusant, from all Saint Joan's Woodº to kill or maim him, and be dumm but ill s'arrested. Et would proffer to his delected one the his trifle from the grass.

A space. Who are you? The cat's mother. A time. What do you lack? The look of a queen.

But what is that which one isº going to prehend? seeks, buzzlingº is brains, the feinder.

The howtosayto itiswhatis hemustwhomust worden schall. A darktonguesº kunning. O theoperil! Ethiopº lore, the poor lie!º

Heº askit of the hoothed fireshield but it was untergone into the matthued heaven. He soughed it from the luft but that bore ne mark ne message. He luked upon the bloomingrund where ongly his corns were growning. At last he listed back to beckline how she pranked alone so johntily. The skand for schooling.

With nought a wired from the wordless either.

Item. He was hardset then. He wented to go (somewhere) while he was weeting. Utem. He wished to grieve on the good persons, that is the four gentlemen. Otem. And it was not a long time till he was feeling true forim
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he was goddaº purssia and it was short after that he was fooling mehaunt to mehynte he was an injine ruber. Etem. He was at his thinker'sº auntsº to give (the four gentlemen) the presence (of a curpse). And this is what he would be willing. He fould the fourd; they found the hurtled stones; they fell ill with the gravy duck: and he sod town with the roastº of the meast. Atem.

Towhere byhangs ourtales.

Ah ho! This poor Glugg! It was so said of him about of his old fontmouther. Truly deplurabel! A dire, O dire! And all the freightfulnessº whom he inhebited after his colline born janitor. Sometimeº towerable! With that hehry antletsº on him and the baublelight bulching out of his socketsº whiling awayº she sprankled his allover with her noces of interregnation: How do you do that lack a lock and pass the poker, please? And bids him tend her, lute and airly. Sing, sweetharp, thing to me anone! So that Glugg, the poor one, in that limbopool which was his subnesciousness he could scares of all knotknow whither his morrder had bourst a blabber orº if the vogalstones that hit his tynpan was that mearlyº his skoll missed her. Misty's trompe or midst his flooting? Ah, ho! Cicely, awe!

The youngly delightsome frilles-in-pleyurs are now showen drawen, if bud one, or, if in florileague, drawens up consociately at the hinder sight of their commoner guardianº. Her boy fiend,º or theirs, if they are so plurielled, cometh up as a trapadour, sinking how he must fendº for himself by gazework what their colours wear as they are all showen drawensº up. Tireton, cacheton, tireton, basº! Doth that not satisfy youth, sir? O quantyº purty bellasº here, Madama Lifay! And what are you going to charm them to, Madama, do say? Cinderynelly angled her slipper; it was cho chiny yet braught her a groom. At next lineupº heº will angskt of them from their commoner guardianº (who is really the rapier of the two, thoughº |shthother brother can hold his own,sh| espaciallyº for he bandishesº it with his hand the hold time, mamain)º a simply gratiousº: Mi, O la!º andº reloose that thong off his art: Hast thou feel liked carbunckley ones? Apun which his poohoor pricoxity theirs is a little tittertit of hilarity (Lad-o'-me-soulº! Lad-o'-me-soul, see!) and the wordchary is atvoiced ringsoundinglyº by their toots enssembled,º though not meaning to be clever but just with a shrug of their hips,º to go to troy and harff a freak at himself by all that's toryº to the ulstramarines. Otherwised, holding their noises, they insinuate quiet private, Ni, he make peace in his preaches and play with esteem.

Warewolff! Olff! Toboo!

So olff for his topheetuck the ruck made raid, aslick aslegs would run,º and he ankered on his hunkers with the belly belly prest. Asking: What's my muffinstuffinaches for theaseº times? To weat: Breath and bother and
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whatarcurss. Then breath more bother and more whatarcurss. Then no breath no bother but worrawarrawurms.º And Shim shallave shome.

As Rigagnolinaº to Mountagnone, what she meanedº he could not can. All she meaned was golten sylvupº, all she meaned was some knight'sº ploung jamn. It's driving her dafft like he's so dumnb. If he'd lonely talk instead of only gawk as thought Yatemanº hat stuck hits stick athroughtº his spokeº and if he woold nut wolly so!º Hee. Speak, sweety bird! Mitzymitzy! Though I did ate tough turfº I'm not the bogdoxy.

— Have you monbreamstone?

— No.

— Or Hellfeuersteyn?

— No.

— Or Van Diemen's coral pearl?

— No.

He has lost.

Off to clutch, Glugg! Forewheel!º Shape your reres, Glugg! Forweal!º Ring we round, Chuff! Fairwell! Chuffchuff's inner seven: all'sº rice with their whorl!

Yet, ah tears, who can her mater be? She'dº promised he'd eye her. To try up her pretti. But now it's so longed and so fared and so forth. Jerry for jauntings. Alabye! Fled.

|shThe flossies all and mossies all,º they drooped upon her draped brimfall. The bowknots, the showlots, they wilted into woeblots. The pearlagraph, the pearlagraph, knew whitchly whether to weep or| For always down in Carolinas lovely Dinahs vaunt their view.

Poor Isa sidsº a glooming,º so gleaming in the gloaming; the tincelles a touch tarnished wind no lovelinoise awoundº her swan's. Hey, lass! Woefear gleamsº she so glooming, this pooripathete Isoldeº? Her beauman's gone of a cool. Be good enough to symperise. If he's at anywhere she's therefor to join him. If it's to nowhere she's going to too. Butº if he'll go to be a son to France's she'll stay daughter of Clare. Bring tansy, throw myrtle, strew rue, rue, rue. She is fading out like Journee's clothes so you can't see her now. Still we know how Day the Dyer works, in dims and deeps and dusks and darks. And among the shades that Eve's now wearing she'll meet anew fiancy, tryst and trow. Mammy was, Mimmy is, Minuscoline's to be. In the Dee dips a dame and the dame desires a demselle but the demselle dresses dolly and the dolly does a dulcydamble. The same renew. For though she's unmerried she'll after truss up and help that hussyband how to hop. Hip it and trip it and chirrub and sing. Lord Chuffy's sky sheraph and Glugg's got to swing.
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So and so, toe by toe, to and fro they go round, forº they are the ingelles, scattering nods as girls who may, for they are an angel's garland.

Catchmire stockings, libertyed garters, shoddyshoesº quicked out with selver. Pennyfeirº caps on pinnyfore frocks and a ring on her fomefing finger. And they leap so looply, looply, as they link to light. And they look so loovely, loovelit, noosed in a nuptious night. Withasly glints in. Andecoy glants out. They ramp it a little, a lessle, a lissle. Then rompride round in rout.

Say them all but tell them apart, cadenzando coloraturaº! R is Rubretta and A is Arancia, Y is for Yilla and N for greeneriN. B is Boyblue with odalisque O while W waters the fleurettes of novembrance. Though they're all but merely a schoolgirl yet these way went they. I' th' view o' th' avignueº dancing goes entrancing roundly. Miss Oodles of Anems before the Luvium doeslike. So. And then again doeslike. So. And Missº Endles of Eons efter Dies of Eirae doeslike. So. And then again doeslike. So. The many wiles of Winsure.

The grocer's bawd sheº slips her hand in the haricot bag, the lady in waiting sips her sup from the paraffin can, Mrs Wildhare Quickdoctor helts her skelts up the casuaway the flasht instinct she herds if a tinkle of tunder, the widow Megrievy sheº knits cats' cradles, this bountiful actress leashes a harrier under her tongue, and here's the girl who she's kneeled in coldfeshionº and she's tooldº her priest (spt!) she's pot on a chap (chp!),º and this lass not least, this rickissime woman, who she writes foot fortunes money times over in the nursery dust with her capital thumb. Buzz. All runaway sheep bound back bopeep, trailing their teensº behind them. And these ways wend they. And those ways wendº they. Winnie, Olive and Beatrice, Nelly and Ida, Amy and Rue. Here they come back, all the gay pack, for they are the florals, from foncey and pansey to papavere's blush, forsake-me-noughtº, while there's leaf there's hope, with primtim'sº ruse and marrymay's blossom, all the flowers of the ancelles' garden.

But vicereversing thereout from those palms of perfection to anger arbour,º treerack monatan, scourcelyº out of scout of ocean, virid with woad,º what tornaments of complementary rages rocked the divlunº from his punchpoll to his tummy's shentre as he displaid all the oathword science of his visible disgrace!º He was feeling so funny and floored for the cue, all over which girls as he don't know whose hue. If goosseys gazious would but fain smile him a smile he would be fondling a praise he ate some nice bit of fluff. But no geste reveals the unconnouth. And they'reº all odds against him, the beasties. Scratch. Start.

He dove his head into Wat Murrey, gave Stewart Ryall a puck on the plexus, wrestled a hurry-come-union with the Gillie Beg, wipedº all his sinses, martial and menial, out of Shrove Sundy MacFearsomeº, excremuncted
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as freely as any frothblower into MacIsaacº, had a belting bout, chaste to chaste, with McAdoo abuttº nothing and, childhood's age being aye the shameleast, tel a Tartaran tastarin toothsome tarrascone tourtoun, vestimentivorous chlamydophagian, imbretellated himself for any time untellable with what hung over to the Machonochie Middle from the MacSiccaries of the Breeks. Home!

Allwhile, moush misquiesº from mungy mousieº, preying in his mind, son of Everallin, within himselfº he swure. Macnoon maggoty mag!º |shCross of a coppersmith bishop!sh| He would split. He do big squeal like holyº Trichepatte. Seek hellswhereº from yank islanders the petriote's absolation. Mocknitza! Genik! He take skiff come first dagrene day overwide tumbler, rough and dark, till when bow of the shower show of the bower,º with three shirts and a wind, pagoda permettant, crookolevante,º the bruce, the coriolano and the ignacio. From prudals to the secular but from the cumman to the nowter. Byebye, Brassolis, I'm breaving! Our war, Dully Gray! A conansdream of lodascircles, he here schlucefinis. Gelchasser no more! Mischnary for the minestrary to all the sems of Aram, Shimachº , sonº of Ere.º |shMum's for's maxim, ban's for's book and Dodgesome Dora for hedgehung sheolmastressº.sh| And Unkel Silanse coach in diligence. Disconnection of the succeeding. He wholehog himself for carberry banishment care of Pencylmania, Bretish Armerica, to melt Mrs Gloria of the Bunkers' Trust, recorporated (prunty!),º by |shmeteoromancysh| and linguified heissrohgin, quit to hail a hurry laracor and catch the Paname-Turricum and regain that absendee tarry easty, his città immediataº, by an alley and detour, withº farecard awailable getrennty years. Right for Rovy the Roder. From the safe side of distance! Liberaº nostalgia! Beate Laurentie O'Tuli!º Euro pra nobis!º |shEvery monk his own cashel where every little ligger is his own liogotenente with inclined jambs in full purview to his pronaose and to the deretane at his| Fuisfinister, fuyerescaper! He would, with the greatest of ease, before of weighting midhook, by dear home trashold on the raging canal, for othersites of Jordenº (heave a hevy, waterboy!),º make one of hissens with a knockonacow and a chow collegions and fire off, gheol ghiornal, foull subustioned mullmud, his farced epistol to the hibruws. From Cernilius,º slomtime prepositus of Toumaria,º to the clutch in Anteach. Salvo! Ledigsº and jointuremen! No more turdenskaulds! Free leaves for ebribadies! All tinsammon in the yord! With harm and aches till farther alters! Wild primates not stop him frem at rearing a writing in handy antics. Nom de plume!º Gout strap Fenlanns! And send Jarge for Mary Inklenders!º And daunt you logh if his vineshanky's schwemmy! For he is the general, make no mistake in he. He is General Jinglesome.
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Go in for scribenery with the satiety of arthurs in S.P.Q.R.ish and inform to the old sniggering publicking press and its nation of sheepcopers about the whole plighty troth between them, malady of milady made melodi of malodi, she, the lalage of lyonesses, and him, her knave arrant. To Wildrose La Gilligan from Croppy Crowhore. For all within crystal range.

Ukalepe. Loathers' Laveº. Had Days.º Nemoº in Patria.º The Luncher Out. Skilly and Carubdish. A Wondering Wreck. From the Mermaids' Tavern. Bullyfamous. Naughseecalvesº. Mother of Misery. Walpurgas Nackt.

Maleesh! He would bare to untired world of Leimunconnulstriaº (and what a strip poker globbtrottel they pairs would looks!) how Wholephallowsº, his guffer, the sabbatarian (might faction split his beard!), he too had a greakº big oh in the megafundum of his tomashunders and how Herº Lettyshape, his gummer, that congealieelº sponsar, she had never cessed at waking malters among the jemassons since the cluft thatº meataxeº delt her made her microchasm as gap as down low. So they fished in the kettle and fought free and if she bit his tallibontº all hadº tiffin for teaº. He would jused sit it all write down just as he would jused set it up all writhefully rate in blotchº and voide, |shyieldingº to no man in hymns ignorance,ºsh| seeing how heartsillyº sorey he was,º owning to the condrition of his bikestool. And, reading off his fleshskin and writing with his quillbone, fillfull nine quiresº with it for his auditers, Caxton and Pollock, a most moraculous jeerymyhead, |shsindbookº for all the peoples,sh| under the presidency of the suchess of sceauonsceauº, a hadtobe heldin, |shthoroughly enjoyed by many so meny |shon blocksh| at Boyrut season and for their accountsh| |shottorly admired by her husbandsh| |shin sole intimacy,sh| about whose told his innersense and |shthe grusomehed's yoeureeke of his spectrescopesh| and why he was off colour and how he was ambothed upon by the very spit of himself, first on the cheaksideº by Michelangelo and then, besouns thats, onº the owld jowly side by Bill C. Babby, and the suburb's formule whyº they provencials drollo eggspilled him out of his hometyº dometyº narrowedknee domum (osco de basco de pesco de bisco!) because all his creature comfort was an omulette finas erbas in anarkº finis orbe and, no master how mustered, mind never mend, he wouldº neither swinkº in nonneither swimp in the flood of cecialism and the best and schortest way of blacking out a caughtalookº of all the sorrors of Sexton until he would accoster her coume il fou in teto-dous as a wagoner would his mudheeldy wheesindonk at their trist in Parisise after tourments of tosend years, breadsº cast out on waters, making goods at mutuurity, Mondamoiseau of Casanuova and Mademoiselleº from Armentières. Neblonovi's Nivonovio! Nobbio and Nuby in ennoviacion! Occitantitempoli! |shHe would sitº through severalls of sanctuariessh| maywhatmay mightwhomight |shso as to meet somewhere, if produced,ºsh|
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onº a |shdemipanssionº for his whole lofetime,º payment in gootoslee Musicº and poisonal comfany,sh| following which, like |shIpsey Secumbesh|, |shwhen he fing anº to foil the fluter,sh| |shshe could have all the g. s. M.º she moohooed after fore and rickwards to herslFº,sh| |shincluding science ofº sonorous silence,ºsh| while he, being brung up on soul butter, |shhave recourse of courseº to| With, forº his coronachionº, tearsº such as engines weep. Was liffe worth leaving? Nej!

Tholedoth, treetrene! Zokrahsing, stone!

Arty,º reminiscensitive, at bandstand finale on grand carriero, dreaming largesse of lifesighs over early lived offs — |shallº old Sator of the Sowsceptre'sº highly nutritius family histrionic, genitricksling with Avus and Avia, that simple pair, and descendant down on veloutypads by a vuncular process to Nurus and Noverca, those notorious nepotists, circumpictified in their sobrine census, patriss all of them by the glos on their germane faces and their socerine eyes like transparents of vitricus, patruuts to a man, the archimade levirs of his ekonome worldsh|. Remember thee, castle throwen? Ones propsperups treed, now stohonyº baroque. And oil paint use a pumme if yell trace me there title to where was a hovel not a havel (the first rattle of his juniverse) with a tingtumtingalingº and a next, next and nextº (gin a paddy? got a petty? gussies, gif it ope?), while itch ish shome.

Myº Cod,º alas,º that dear oldº tumtum home
Whereof in youthfood'sº port I preyed
Amonk thyº verdigrassy convinctº wallsall dazedº
And cloitered for amourmeant in thy boosome shede!º

His mouthfull of ecstasyº (for Shing-Yung-Thing in Shina from Yoruyume across the Timor Sea), hereapongº (maladventure!) shot pinging upthroughº the erroroothº of his wisdom (who thought him a Fonar all, feastking of shellies by googling Lovvey, regally feytheredº, eagelly plumed, and wasbut gumboil owrithy prodsº wretched some horseyº megee plods coffin acid odarkery pluds dense floppens mugurdy)º as thought it had been zawhenº intwo. Wholly's anguishº blooded up disconvulsingº the fixtures of his fizz. Apang which his temporychewerº med him a crazy chump of a Haveajube Sillsyassº. Joshua Croesus, son of Nunn! Though he shall live for millions of years a life of billions of years, from their roseaced glows to their violast lustres, he shall not forget that pucking Pugases. Holihowlsballs and bloody acres! Like gnawthing unheardth!

But, by Jobe,º Chronides, Seed of Summ, after at |shhe had bate his breastplatesº for, forfor, forforget, forforgettingº his birdsplace,sh| itº was soon that, that he, that he rehad himself. By a prayer? No, that comes later. By contrite attrition? Nay, that we passed. Mid esercizism? So is richt.
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And it was so. And Malthos Moramor resumed his soul. With: Go Ferchios off to Allad out of this! An oldsteinsong. He threwed his fit up to his aers, rolled his poligone eyes, snivelled from his snose and blew the guff out of his hornypipe. The hopjointº jerk of a ladle broom jig that he learned in locofoco when a redhot turnspite he. Under reign of old Roastin the Bowl.º Ratskillers, readyos! Why was that man for he's doin her wrong?º Lookeryº looks, how he's knots in his entrails! Mookery mooks, it's a grippe of his gripes. Seekeryseeks, why his biting he's head off? Cokerycokes, it's his spurt of coal. And may his tarpitch dilute not give him chromitis! For the mauwe that blinks you blank is mostly Carbo. Where the inflammabilis might pursuive his comburenda with a pure flame and a true flame and a flame alltoogasser. Soot.º The worst is over. Wait! And the Dubunyº Mag may gang to preesses. With Dinny Finneen, me cantyº ho! In the lost of the gleamens. Sousymoust. For he would himself deal a treatment as might be trusted in anticipation of his inculmination unto fructificationº for the major operation.

Whenº (pip!) a message interfering intermitting |shinterskipssh| from them (pet!) |shon herzian wavessh| (call her venicey names! call her a stell!), aº butterfly from her |shzipclaspedsh| handbag, |sha woundedº dove astarted from, escaping out her forecotessh|. Isle wail for yews, O doherlynt!º The poetesser.º |shAnd around itsº scorched cap she has twilled a twine of flame to let the laitiest know howº she's marrid. And pim it goes backballed. Todº burns it so| A claribel cumbeck to errind. Hers before hisº even, posted ere penned. He's yourº change, thinkyou methim!º |shGo daft noon,º madden, mind the| |shPlease stoop Oº to please.| |shWhat saying?sh| I have soreunder from to him now, dearmate ashore, so, Oº so comepleasely,º though I'd much rather not, Pepette,º till I can get redressed.º Like things are,º m.ds. is all in vincibles,º which means the end of my stays in the languish of Tingtangleº. Is you zealous of mes, brother? Did you boo moiety lowd? You suppoted to be theº on conditionally reejectedº? Satanly, lade! Can that sobstuff, Whingeywilly! Stopº up, mavroseº, and sit in my lap.º ||

Now a run for his money! Now a dash to her dot! Old cocker, young crowy, sifadda, sosson. A bran, newº speedhoundº, outstripperous on the wind. Like a waft to wingweary oneº or a sos to a coastguard. For directly with hisº whoop, stoopº and an upalepsy didando a tishy, in appreciablyº less time than it takes a glaciator to submerger an Atlangthis, wasº he again, agob, before the trembly ones, a spark's gap off, doubledasguesched, gottenº |shorlopsh| in a simplasailormadeº and shaking the storm out of his hiccups. The smartest vessel you could find would elazilee him on her knee as her lucky for the Rio Grande. He's a pigtailº tarr and if he hadn't got it toothick he'd a telltale
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tall of his pitcher on a wallº with his photure in the papers for cutting moutonlegsº and capers, letting on he'd jest be japers and his tail cooked up.

Goal!º It's one by its length.

Angelinas, hide from light those hues that your ain beauº may bring to nightº! Though down to your dowerstrip he's bent to knee he maun't know ledgings here.

For a haunting way will go and you need not make your mow. Find the frenge for frocks andº translace it into shocks of such as touch with show and show.

He is guessing at hers for all he is worse, the seagoer. Hark to his wily geeses goosling by, and playfair,º lady!º And note that they who will for exile say canº for dog while them that won't leave ingle end says now for know.

For he faulters how hehatesº to trouble them withbut.º

|shBut leaving codhead's mitre and the heron's plumes sinistrant to the server of servants and rex of regumssh| |shand making a balderdashº for lubberty of speech,º he asks not have you seen a match being struck nor is this powder mine but, letting punplayº pass to ernest:ºsh|

— Haps thee jaoneofergs?

— Nao.

— Haps thee mayjaunties?

— Naohao.

— Haps thee per causes nunsibellies?

— Naohaohao.

— Asky, asky!º Gau on! Micaco! Get!

Ping an ping nwan ping pwan pong.

And he did a get, their anayance, and slink his hook away, aleguere come alaguerre, like a chimista in chamisasº, whom the harricana hurries andº hotzº foots, zingoº zango, segur!º To hoots of utskut, urqurd, jamal, qum, yallah, yawash, yak! For he could ciappacioppachew upon a skarp snakk of pure undefallen engelsk, melanmoon or tartatortoise, tsukisaki or soppisuppon, as raskly and as baskly as your cheesechalk cow cudd spanich. Makoto! Whagta kriowday! Gelagala nausy is. Yet right divining do not was. Hovobovo hafogate hokidimatzi niº kamicha! He had his sperrits all foulenº on him; to vet, most griposly, he was bedizzled and debuzzled; he had his tristiest cabaleer on; and heº looked like bruddy Hal. A shelling a cockshy and be donkey shot at? Or a peso besant to join the armada?

But, Sin Showpanza,º could annybroddyº which walked this world with eyes whiteopen have looked twinsomer than the kerl he left behind him? Candidatus, viridosus, aurilucens, sinelab!º Of all the green heroes everwore cotanº breiches, the whitemost, the goldenest! How he stud theirs with himselfs
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mookst kevinly, and that anterevolitionary, the churchman childfather from tonsor's tuft to almonder's toes, a hajjiographyº in duotrijesumyº, son soptimost of sire sixtusks, of Mayaqueenies signosureº, hevnly buddhy time, inwreathed of his nearcissiesº, a mickly dazzleyº eely oily |shwith looiscurralssh|, |sha soulnetzer by zvesdals priestessd,sh| their trail the tractive (and dem dandypanies knows de play of de eyelids),º with his gamecox spurts and his smile likuidº glue |sh(the suessiest sourir ever weanling wore)sh|, whiles his host of facefulº spritties, lusspillerindernees, they went peahenning a ripidarapidarpad around him,º pilgrim prinkips, kerilour kevinour, in neuchoristic congressulations, quite purringly excited,º rpdrpd, allauding to him by all the licknames in the litany with the terms in which no little dulsy nayer ever thinks about implying except to her future's yeaº andº sending him perfumemostº praypuffs to setisfire more then to teasimº (shllwe help, now you've massmuled, you t'rigolect a bit? yismik? yimissy?) that he, the finehued, the fairhailed, the farahead, mightº bouchesave unto each but everyone, asfar as safras durst assune, the havemercyonhurs of his kissier licenceº. Meanings: Andure the enjurious till imbettrerº. We know youº like Latin with essies impures (and your liber as they sea),º we certney like gurgles love the nargleygargley so, arrahbeejee, tell that old frankay boyuk to bellows up theº tombucky in his tumtum argan and give us a gust of his gushy old. Goof!

Hymnumber twentynine. O, the singing! |shHappy little girlycumsº to have adolphted such an Adelphus!ºsh| |shO, the swingswungº hopops so goholden! They've come to chant en| |shThey say their salatº, |shthe mahdiens'º prayer to the messiager of His Nabisº,sh| prostitatingº their selfs eachwise and combinedly.ºsh| |shFatehaº, fold the| |shBeº it honoured, bow the head.ºsh| May thine evings e'en be blossful! Even of bliss! |shAs we sohopeº for ablution.ºsh| |shFor the sake of the farbung and of the scent and of the holiodrops. Amemus.ºsh|

A longº pause.º Their orison arises misquewhite as Osman glory, ebbing wasteward, leaves to the soul of light its fading silence (allahlah lahlah lah!), a turquewashed sky. Then:

Xanthos! Xanthos! Xanthos! We thinkº to thine, mighty innocent, that diddest bring it off fuitefuite. Should in ofter years it became about you will after desk jobduty becoming a bank midland mansioner we and I shall reside with our obeisant servants among Burke's mobility at La Roserieº, Ailesbury Road. |shRed bricks are all hellishly good values if you trust to the roster of ads but we'll save up ourselves and nab what's nicest and boskiest of timber trees in the| Oncaill's plot. Luccombe oaks, Turkish hazels, Greek firs, incense palms,º edcedras. The hypsometers of Mount Anville is held to be dying out of arthataxis but, praise send Larix U'Thuleº,
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the wych elm of Manelagh is still flourishing in the openº because it'sº native of our nature and the seeds was sent by Fortune. We'll have our private palypeachum pillarposterns for lovesick letterines fondly affianxed to our front railings and swings, hammocks, tighttaught balletlines, accomodationnooks and prismic bathboitesº to make Envyeyes mouth water and wonder when they binocular us from their embrassured windows in our garden rare. Fyat-Fyat shall be our number on the autokinaton and Chubby in his Chuffs oursforownly chuffeur. |shT will be waitingº for uns as I sold U at the first| Our cousin gourmand, Percy, the pup, will denounce the sniffnomers of all callers whereamongº our Seemyeaseº Sister, Tabitha, the ninelived, will extend to the full her hearthy welcome. While the turf and twigs they tattle. Tintin tintin. Lady Marmelaº Shortbred will walk in for supper with her marchpane switch on andº her necklace of almonds and her poirette Sundae dress with bracelets of honey and her cochineal hose with the caramel dancings, the briskly best from Booteestownº, and her suckingstaff of ivory mintº. You mustn't miss it or you'll be sorry. Charmeuses chloes, glycering juwells, lydialight fans and puffumed cynarettes. And the Prince Le Monade has been graciously pleased. His six chocolate pages will run bugling before him and Cococream toddle after with his sticksword in a pink cushion. We think Hisº Sparkling Headiness ought to know Lady Marmelaº. Luisome his for lissome hers. He's not going to Cork till Cantalamesse or mayhope till Rose Easter or Saint Tibble's Day. So Niomon knows. The Fomor's in his Fin, the Momor's her and hin. A paaralone! A paaralone! And Dublin's all adin. We'll sing a song of Singlemonth and you'll too and you'll. Here are notes. There's the key. One two three. Chours! So come on, ye wealthy gentrymen wib frufrocksfullº of fun! Thin thin! Thin thin! Thej olly and thel ively, thou billy with thee coo, for to jog a jig of a crispness nice and sing a missal too. Hip champouree!º Hiphip champouree! O you longtailed blackman, polk it up behind me! Hip champouree! Hiphipº champouree! And, jessies, push the pumkik round. Anneliuia!

Since the days of Roamaloose and Rehmoose the pavanos have been strident throughº their struts of Chapelldiseut, the vaulsies have meed and youdled through the purly ooze of Ballybough, many a mismy cloudy has tripped taintily along that hercourt strayed reelweyº and the rigadoons have held ragtimed revels on the plateauplainº of Grangegorman; and, though since then sterlings and guineas have been replacedº by brooks and lions and some progress has been made on stilthsº and the races have come and gone and Thyme, that chef of seasoners, has made his usual astewte use of endadjustablesº and whatnot willbe isnor was, those danceadeils and cancanzanies
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have come stimmering down for our begayment through the bedeafdom of po's taeorns, the obcecity of pa's teapucsº, as lithe and limbfree limberº as when momie mummed at ma.