The Mime

Revised pages of transition 22 (February 1933), January-February 1934, II.1§4 draft level 7

MS missing Draft details

But low, boys, low he rises, shrivering, with his spittyful eyes and his whoozebecome woice. Ephthah! Cisamis! Examen of conscience scruples now he to the best of his memory do. He dooly redecant allbigenesis' henesies. He proform penance. He make polentay rossum out of (7bianconies bianconies,7) hiking ahake like any nudgemenoughgorude all over Terracuta. No more throw acids, face all lovabilities. He make clean breast of goody girl now as ever drank milksoep from a (7spoon spoen7), weedhearted boy of potter and mudder, chip off old flint, twig of the hider that tanned him. He relation belong this remarkable moliman, Anaks Andrum, pure blood Jebusite. Intrance on back. Most open on the laydays. He(7, A. A.,7) possible, sooth to say, notwithstanding he gaining fish considerable, to look most prophitable out of smily skibluh eyes. He repeat of him as pious alios cos he ast for shave and haircut people said he'd shape of hegoat where he just was sheep of (7herrgot herrgott7) with his tile (7togged top. togged. Top.7) Not true his (7portmanteau portemanteau7) priamed full potatowards.
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Big dumm crumm digaditchies say he coaxyorum offering (7barley candid7) zuckers on Spinisters' Walk in presents to lilithe maidinettes for at bloo his noose for him with pruriest pollygameous (7inattentions inatentionsº7), he having that pecuniarity spectacularly on gale days because souffrant chronic from a plentitude of house torts. Colossul rhodomantic lie Scholarina say when he walk in her sleep his pig indicks weg more als femtifem funts. How coold one classically? One could naught clitically. Ininest lightingshaft only for lovalit smugpipe, his Mistress Mereshame, of cupric tresses, the formwhite foaminine, the ambersandalled. A mish he is as good as a (7mountain, mountain7) and everybody he know Meisther Wickingson, with complexion of blushing dolomite fanned by ozeon brisees, have his ignomen of being Master Milchku, queerest man in the benighted queendom, and how he found the kids. Other accuse about him as lochkneeghed forsunkener, all a meltingmoult after rhomatism, purely simply tommy ratkins. They whiteliveried ragsups, two (7whales Whales7) of the Sea of Deceit, they bloodiblabstard shooters, three Dromedaries of the Sands of Calumdonia. In his contrary this Heer Assassor Neelsoen laxtleap great change of retiring family buckler, highly accurrect in his everythinks, from tencents (7top coupoll7) to bargain basement, live with howthhold of (7number nummer7) seven, wideawake, woundabout, wokinbetts, weeklings, in black velvet sidden mangy yaars and got a babyboy bucktooth coming on ever so nursely at 81. That why all parks up excited about his gunnfodder. That why he, persona erecta, glycorawman, arsenicful feminister, with two purses, agitating his theopot with wokkleabout shake, rather uncoherend, from one 18 to one 18 bis. Old grand tut tut toucher up of young poetographies and he turn aroundabrupt red altfrumpishly falls some make one noise. It's his last lap, Gigantic, fare him weal! A fact. True bill. By a jury of matrons. Hump for humbleness, dump for dirts. (7And And,7) to make a long stoney badder, his Thing went the wholyway rutup Suffrogate Strate.

Helpmeat too, contrasta toga, his fiery goosemother, woman who did, he tell princes of the age about. Meet the Mem, Avenlith, all viviparous out of couple of lizards. She just as fenny as he is fulgar. How laat soever her latest still her logs come up all standing. His cheekmole of Allaph foriverever her allinall and his Kuaran never teachit her the be thee owner of thyself. So she not swop her eckcot heim for Howarden's Castle, Englandwales. But be the alleance of iern on his flamen vestacoat, the fibule of broochbronze to his wintermantle of pointefox. Who not knows she, the Madame Coolley-Couley, spawife to laird of manna, when first
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come into the pictures more as hundreads elefents yahrds of annams callaway, factory fresh and (7foaming fiuming7) at the mouth, wronged by Hwemwednoget (he take a rap for that early party) and whenceforward, Ani Mama and her forty bustles, terrified of gmere gnomes of gmountains and furibound to be back in her (7maidenbed mytinbeddy7)? Yet jackdicktating
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all around her about his poorliness due to panellism and grime for that he harboured her when feme sole and led her in antient consort ruhm and bound her durant coverture so as she cowed not steal from him so as if ever she's beleaved by chickenbrooth death since both was parties to the feed it's Hetman MacCumhal foots the funeral. Mealwhile she feed him jacent from her elmer's almsdish when his favourites were all beruffled on him and her own undesirables justickulating, it was such a blowick day. The why if he but would bite she would delicate her nutbrown (7glorycloak glory cloack7) to Mayde Berenice and hang herself in Ostmannstown Saint Mary's and make no more mulierage before mahatmas or moslemans, but would ondulate her shookerloft hat like any purple cardinal's princess to the papal's legate from the Vactucum, Monsaigneur Rabbinsohn Crucis, on account of all he quaqueduxed and the nations abhord him and wop mezzo scudo to Sant Pursy Orelli to be offered up missas for vowts for widders.
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Hear, O worldwithout! Tiny tattling!

But who comes yond with pire on poletop? He who relights our spearing torch, the moon. And the hag they damename Coverfew hists from her lane. And haste, 'tis time for bairns ta hame. Chickchilds, comeho to roo. Comehome to roo, wee chickchilds doo, when the wildwerewolf's abroad. Ah, let's away and let's gay and let's stay chez where the log foyer's burning!