
Fair copy or typescript, 1931-1932, II.1§4 draft level 3

MS missing Draft details

But low, boys, low he rises, shrivering. (3he examen Examen3) of conscience scruples now he to the best of his memory (3make make. He proform3) penance (3and. He 3) be good. He relation belong this remarkable (3molimen. molimanº, Anaks Andrum, Pure pure3) blood Jebusite. Intrance on back. Most open on the laydays. He possible to look most prophitable out of smily skibluh eyes. Not true his portmanteau fulled potatowards.
{f39, 241}
Big dumm crumm digaditchies say he coaxyorum offering barley zuckers in presents to maidinettes. Other accuse about him as lochkneeghed (3forsunkener forsunkener,3) all a meltingmoult after rhomatism, purely simple tommy (3rotkins ratkins3). In his contrary this Heer Assassor Neelsoen (3lastleap laxtleap3) great change of retiring family buckler, highly accurrect in his everythinks, live with howthhold of number seven in black velvet sidden mangy yaars and got a (3bayboy babyboy3) bucktooth coming on ever so nursely at 81. That why all parks up excited about his gunnfadder. That why (3he he, upreght person upright person3), glycorawman, arsenicful (3feminist feminister,3) with two purses, agitating his theopot with wokkleabout shake, rather uncoherend, from one 18 to one 18 bis. Old grand tut tut toucher up of young poetographies and he turn aroundabrupt red allfrumpishly falls some make one noise. It's his last lap Gigantic, fare him weal! A fact. True bill. By a jury of matrons. Hump for humbleness, dump for dirts. And his (3thing Thing3) went the wholyway rutup Suffrogate Street.

Helpmeat too, his fiery goosemother, woman who did, he tell princes of the age about. Who not knows she, when first
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come into the (3pictures pictures,3) factory (3fresh fresh,3) wronged by whomsoever (3he (he3) take a rap for that early (3party party)3) and whenceforward, Ani Mama and her forty bustles, terrified of mountains? But would wave her hat to the papal legate on account of all he quaqueduxed.
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(3⇒ Hear, O worldwithout! Tiny tattling!3)

But who comes yond with pire on poletop? He who relights the moon. And the hag they damename Coverfew hists from her lane. And haste, 'tis time for (3bairn bairns3) to hame. Chickchilds, comeho to roo. Comehome to roo (3as like3) chickchilds (3do doo,º when the wildwerewolf'sº abroad. Ah, let us gay, let us gay, let us gay, gay where the fire is!3)

(3Meanwhile elles parlent.3)