
2nd draft, 1931-1932, II.1§4 draft level 1

MS missing Draft details

But low, boys, low he rises, shrivering. (1He he1) be good. He relation belong this remarkable man. Intrance on back. Most open on the laydays. He possible to look joylike out of smily blue eyes. Not true his portmanteau (1filled fulled1) potatowards.
{f39, 241}
Big dumm crumm he offering barley zuckers in presents (1of to maidineats maidinettes1). Other accuse about him all tommy rotkins. In his contrary this Heer Assassor Neelsoen (1lastlap lastleap1) great change of retiring family buckler, highly accurrect in his everythinks, live with howthhold of number seven in black velvet sidden mangy yaars and got a (1baybay backtooth bayboy bucktooth 1) coming on ever so nursely at 81. That why all parks up excited about his gunnfadder. That why he man with two purses, agitating his theopot with wokkleabout shake, rather uncoherend, from one 18 to one 18 bis. Old grand tut tut toucher up of young poetographies and he turn (1round quick aroundabruptº1) red (1allmaidishly alldamishly if falls1) some make one noise. A fact. True bill. By a jury of matrons. And his thing went the (1whole way wholyway1) up (1Suffogate Suffrogate1) Street.
{f39, 244}