
2nd draft, late 1932, II.1§6 draft level 1

MS missing Draft details

Postreintroducing (1Jeremy. Jeremy, The the1) flowing
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tale that knows no brooking runs on to say, (1His his1) lasterhalft was set for getting the (1bester besterwhole1) of his yougendtougend for control number thrice was operating the subliminal of his invaded personality. He nobit smorfi endgo poltri (1& and let1) all the tondo gang bola del ruffo. Baito no know him (1mor, eat larti autruis mor. Eat larto altruis1) with most perfect stranger.

He wept indeiterum. With such a tooth he seemed to love his wee tart when a buy. Highly momourning, he see thee before him. Melained from nape to kneecap though vied from thigh girders up. Santalto, sight most deletious! Lift the blank, ve veared as hell! Split the hvide and aye seize heaven! He knows for he's seen it in black (1& white. and white,º Tantamount tantamount1) to a clearobscure. (1Prettymaide Prettimaid1) hues may have their (1cry cry;1) apple, bacchante, custard, dove, eskimo, fawn, ginger, hematite, isinglass, jet, kipper, lucile, mimosa, nut, oysterette, prune,
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quasimodo, royal, sago, tango, umber, vanilla, wistaria, xray, yesplease, zaza, philomel, theerose. What are they all by? Shee.

If you (1knew nude1) her in her (1prime prime,1) make sure you find her (1complementary. Or complementary or,1) by Angus Dagdasson (1& and1) all his picciapiccions, on your very first occasion she'll prick (1you1) where you're (1proud proudest1) with her (1unsatt1) speagle eye. Look sharp, she's signalling again from among the asters. Turn again, wistfultone, loud mere of (1Doubtlinn Doubtlin!1) Arise, (1land under wave Land-under-Wave!1) Clap your lingua to your pallet, drop your jowl with a jolt, tambourine until your breath slides, pet a pout and it's out. Have you got me, Allysloper?
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My bellyswain's a (110 twelve1) whulehrusspower (1though he knows as much how to man a wife as Dunckle Dalton of matching wools1). Shake hands (1thro' through1) the (1thicket loch. thicketloch.1) Underwoods spells bushment's business. (1If So if1) you sprig poplar (1you must you're bound to1) twig this. (1Veni vidi victam. Twas 'Twas1) my lord of Glendalough benedixed the gape for me that day at Long (1Entry Entry,1) commanding the approaches to my intimest innermosts. (1See Look1) how they're browthered. Six thirteens at Blanche de Blanche's of 3 Behind Street (1& and1) 2 Turnagain Lane. Awabeg is my (1name, & callby,1) Magnus (1is here's1) my max, (1wonder one is wonder one's1) my (1cypher cipher & 7 sisters and Seven Sisters1) is my nighbrood. Radouga, (1radouga Rab1), will (1you ye1) na pick them in their pinks of panties. You can colour up till you're
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prawn while I (1may spit go squirt1) with any cockle. But (1If he cd if this could1) see with (1his its1) backsight he'd be (1a the grand old1) greeneyed lobster.

In the house of breathings lies her word, all fairness. The walls are of (1rubies rubinen1) and the (1windows glittergates1) of elfinbone. The roof herof is of (1solid massicious1) jasper and a canopy of Tyrian awning (1arises rises1) and (1still1) descends to it. A grapecluster of lights hangs (1there beneath the canopy therebeneath1) and all the house is filled with the breathings of her fairness, the fairness of (1mixed acidulateds acidulates & and1) the fairness of milk and rhubarb and the fairness of roasted meats and unionmargrits and the fairness of promise with consonantia and avowal. Their lies her word, (1O thou1) reder. The height herup exalts it and the lowness herdown abases it. It vibroverberates upon the tegmen and prosplodes from the pomoeria. A window, a hedge, a prong, a hand, an eye, a sign, a head (1& and1) keep your (1eye other augur1) on her mouth. And you have it, old Sem, pat as ah be seated. And Sunny, my gander, he's coming to land her. O backed von them zug! Make weg for their tug!
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(1|shWithº a ring ding dongºsh| |shthey raise clasped handssh| and |shadvance more steps to retire to the saum. |shCurtseyº one, curtsey two,ºsh| with arms akimbosh|.1)

All (1sing sing;1)

(1|shI rose up one morning and saw in my glass how nobody knows me but|1)

(1All point in the shem direction.1)

— My name is Mishamisha but call me Toffeytough. I mean Muttonchough.

All laugh.

They pretend to helf while they simply schutet at him.

— Willst thou rossy banders having?

He pretends to be tight in ribbings round his (1rumpffkorp rumpffkorpf1).

— Are you (1Blackhans Blackhands1) that's hits on a shorn stile.

He pretends to be swiping the chimbley.

— Can you ajew, ajew, fro' Scheidan?

He pretends to be cuttling up with a pair of sissers and to be buythings off their maidens ends pitting their heads into their face.

So now be hushy, little (1pukers. pukers!1) Side here roohish, cleany fuglers. Grandicellies, all stay zitty! Adultereux, (1ye shall stale ye shall not stale1)! When ye coif Tantoncle's hat then'll be largely tempts for that. Yet's the time for being now, now, now.

For a burning would is come to dance inane. (1Lel is for libelmanº libring his lore. Lolo lolo, liebermann,º you loved to be leaving Libniusº. Lift your right to your Lieber Lord. Link your left to your lass of liberty. Lala lala, leaperman, your lep's but a loop to lee.1)

And led by Lignifer, in (14 four1) hops of the happiest, ac beth cac duff, the few fly the farbetween. Attalad! (1Atunread Attattald!1) Get up, (1Got's Goth's1) scourge (1to on1) you! There's a visitation in (1yr impluviroom your impluvium1). (1Hun, Hun!1)

As he was
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queering his shoolthers. So was I. And as I was cleansing my fausties. So was he. And as way ware puffin our blowbags. Sou wous you.
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— Now may (1S. Saint1) Mowy of the Pleasant Grin be your everglass (1& and1) evenprospect! Feeling dank. And may (1S. Saint1) Jerome (1& his of the1) Harlot's Curse make a fancy three (1for you of you which is1) much (1a bedder. abedder.1) Grassy ass ago.

The bivetellines(1, obscindgemeinded bickerersº, varying directlyº, oxeye each other uruseye each oxesother1), superfetated (1(never cleaner of lamps frowned fiercelier on anointer of hinges)1), while (1the belles their treegrown girls, king's game, if he deign so,1) are in (1such1) transfusion (1just1) to know who is (1orthodux artthoudux1) from whose heterotropic, (1|shthe sleepy or the glouchsh|,1) for(1, shyly bawn and showly nursured 1) exceedingly nice girls can (1have strike1) exceedingly hard times unless (1the rightly so richtly1) chosen's by (1to1) (what though of riches he have none (1& and1) hope gainst hope's his heart's horizon) (1make1) their great moments be the greater. Till they go round if they go (1round again roundagainº1) before (1break parunread breakparts1) and (1now dismiss all dismissed alldismissed1). They keep. Step keep. (1Step stop. Stepstop Step. Stop.1)

Creedless crownless hangs his haughty. He does not know how his grandson's grandson's grandson's grandson will stammer up
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(1as a in1) Peruvian for in the ersebest idiom I have done it (1means equals I soon shall do I so shall do1). He dares not think (1why1) the grandmother of the grandmother of his (1grandmother's1) grandmother coughed Russky with (1a suchky1) husky accent (1since in the mouthart of the slove look at me now means I once was otherwise1). Nor that the mappamund has been changing pattern as youth (1plays moving playº moves1) from (1st to st. street to street1) since time was and races were and wise ants hoarded and sauterelles were (1spendthrifts spendthrifts. nor Nor1) that the turtling of a London's alderman is ladled out by the (1earful waggerful1) to the regionals of (1pigmy land pigmyland1). His part should say in honour bound: So help me (1symetthy symethew1), sammarc, selluc (1& and1) singin, I will stick to you, by gum, no matter what and in case of the event coming
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off beforehand, (1even if I was to sleep across 2 beds1) even so you was to release me for the sake of the other cheap girl's baby's name, plaster me but I will pluckily well pull on the buckskin gloves because it is the month of brumes. But Noodynaady's actual ingrate tootle is of come into the garner, mauve, and thy nice are (1crimsome flowers stores of morning1) and buy me a bunch of iodines.

Evidentament he has failed as tiercely as (1the deuce1) before. For she (1wears is wearing1) none of the three. And quite as patently there is a sort of a hole in the ballet through which the rest fell out. For to explain why the residue (1is or was not is, was, or will not be 1) proceeded with, namely, the shifting about of the lasses and the tug-of-love of the lads ending with a great deal of rough merriment, hoots, screams, scarf drill, (1cap fecking,1) ejaculations of urine, reechoable mirthpeals and general thumb-to-nosery, one must reckon with the sudden and gigantesquesque appearance (1in1) Barnado's bearskin (1among amongst1) the (1middle brawlmiddle1) of this (1childersgarten village brawl village childergarten1) of the largely longsuffering laird of Lucanhof.

(1God But, god1) of all (1the1) machineries, (1And1) how to account for him?
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Was he pitssched|1, asº |~not few certain~| have dognosed of him,º1| aginst our seawall by Rurie, Thoath and Cleaver, Orion of the Orgiasts, Meereschal MacMuhun, the product of the extremes giving (1the unread to present quotidient as a1) means, or so yclept|1, as |~will might~| occur to anyone,º1| from Clio's clippings, for ancients link with presents as the human chain extends, have done, do (1& and1) will again while monks sell yew to archers or the water of the livvying goes the way of all fish from Sara's drawed to Isaac's, with her minnelisp extorreor to his moanolothe inturned?

And he! Who? Old (1Joe Joe, the1) Java Jane, older even than Adam (1Costola1). The mar of murmury mermers to the mind's (1ear. Uncharted ear, uncharted1) rock, evasive weed. Only the caul knows his (11001st thousandfirst1) name. Hocus Crocus Esquilocus.
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Finnfinn finnfinn. Doth all this two way teleopic come aft to you, puritysnooper, as eft it were longtimes ofter when Potollomuck Satir when Sourdaulnapplous the Lollapaloosa (1or blank1) put back Omega with the beths of alpability? The charges are you will remember, the chances are you won't. We are always meeting him in pcyclo-annalism. Greets Godd, Groceries! How many foes in furrinarr? Merodach! Defend the King! Hoet has a rough breathing but his say is soft and his ee has a cute angle. When is Longabed going to be gone to, (1Less a man that more1) than man.

Why wilt thou earwaken him from his earth, O blank? He is weatherbitten from the dusts of ages. The hour of his closing hies to hand, the tocsin that shall claxonise his (1blank. wareabouts.º1) If one who remembered his webgoods (1& and1) tealofts were to ask of (1a anyº1) hooper for whose it was the storks were quitting (1Aquileia Aquileyrie1) this (1wd would1) not wot; if other who found faith when his depth charge bombed our river (1were to —!º1)

Jehosophat, what doom is here! Rain ruth on them, sire. If you are a publican itself, over measure never lost a licence. And for the honour of Alcohol drop that you-know-what-I've-come-about-I-saw-your-act air. Punch may be pottleproud but his Judy's one better.

For the Producer (Mr John Baptister Vickar) caused a deep abuliousness to descend upon the Father of Truants and, as a side issue, pluterpromptly brought on the scene his cutletsized consort, weighing ten stone ten, scaling (15 five1) footsy five, and spanning 37 inchettes round the good companions, 29 ditties round the wishful (1waiter waitress1), 36 of the same round each of the quis separabits, 14 round the beginning of happiness and nicely nine round her shoed for slender.
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And eher you could pray mercy to goodness or help to the rescue, Gallus's hen has collared her pullets. Their bone of contention makes home in the flesh while beer, wine (1& andº1) spirits for consumption on the premises is hued & cried of all the colours.

|v1And Forºv1| they |v1wear are nowv1| tearing, |v1simply tearing. Samply tee hee eh ah are eye end gee yes that is, teartoretorningv1|. |v1For too quickly Too soonv1| are coming |v1lessons taskbooksºv1| and goody|1, hominy bread & bible beee bee,1| Fine's French |v1compliments phrases from the Grandmère des Grammairesº andv1| what happened to |v1the 32nd of the eleventh, our eleven in thirtytwo and |sawhat whysa| is limbo where is he andv1| what |v1were arev1| the sound waves saying that ceased ere they |v1told their song, all wayed wrong andv1| |1amnist Amnist1| |v1Anguished anguishedv1| axes Collis |v1not to mention define |sathe hydraulics ofsa| common salt and with GPO as centre where G.P.O. is zentrumv1| and D.U.T.C. |v1as radient are radients describe a cycling NCRRCS write down the valuations on N.C.R. and S.C.R.v1|

(1A That1) little cloud (1still1) hangs (1above isky1). Singabed cries before (1sleep slumber1). Light at night has (1the an1) alps on his (1pectus druckhouse1). Thick bread and thin (1butter? After butter or after1) you with (1me? me.1)
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(1But what What1) is (1a maid amaid today to woo todo1)? (1All So1) angelland (1is crying all weeping bin1) that Izzy (1is unhappy most unhappy is1). Fain (1Issy Essie1), fie (1onhappje onhapje1)? laughs her stella's (1visperine vispirine1).