
Faber and Faber (London: 1939) II.1§6

First edition, first printing (details)

Postreintroducingº Jeremy, the chastenot coulter, the flowing
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taal that brooks no brooking runs on to say how, as it was mutualiter foretold of him by a timekiller to his spacemaker, velos ambos and arubyat knychts, with their tales within wheels and stucks between spokes, on the hike from Elmstree to Stene and back, how, runningº awage with the use of reason (sics) and ramming amok at the brake of his voice (secs), his lasterhalft was set for getting the besterwhole of his yougendtougend, for control number thrice was operating the subliminal of his invaded personality. He nobit smorfi and goº poltri and let all the tondo gang bola del ruffo. Bartoº no know him mor. Eat larto altruis with most perfect stranger.

Boo,º you're through!

Hoo, I'm true!º

Men, teacan a tea simmering, hamoº mavrone kerry O?

Teapotty. Teapottyº.

Kod knows. Anything ruind. Meetingless.

He wept indeiterum. With such a tooth he seemed to love his wee tart when abuyº. Highly momourningº he see theº before him. Melainedº from nape to kneecap though vied from her girders up. Holy Santalto,º cursing saint, sight most deletious to ross up the spyballs like exude of margary!º And how him it heaviered that eyerim rust! An they bare falls witless against theeº how slight becomes a hidden wound?º Soldwoter he wash him all time bigfeller bruisy place blong him. He no want missies blong all boy other look bruisy place blong him. Hence. It will paineth the chastenot in that where of hisº whence he had loseth his once for every, evenº though mode grow moramor maenneritsch and the Tarara boom decay. Immaculacy, give but to drink to his shirt and allº skirtaskortas mustº change her tunics. So warred he from first to lastº forebannedº and betweenlyº a smuggler for lifer.º Lift the blankº ve veeredº as heilº! Split the hvideº and aye seize heaven!º He knows for he's seen it in black and white through his eyetrompitº trained upon jenny's and all that sort of thingº which is dandymount to a clearobscure. Prettimaid tints may try their taunts: apple, bacchante, custard, dove, eskimo, feldgrau,º hematite, isingglassº, jet,º kipper, lucile, mimosa, nut, oysterette, prune,
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quasimodo, royal, sago, tango, umber,º vanilla, wisteria, xray, yesplease, zaza, philomel, theerose. What are they all by? Shee.

If you nude her in her prime, make sure you find her complementary or, on your very first occasion, byº Angus Dagdasson and all his piccionsº,º she'll prick you where you're proudest with her unsatt speagle eye. Look sharp, she's signallingº from among the asters. Turn again, wistfultone, lode mere ofº Doubtlynn! Arise, Land-under-Wave! Clap your lingua to your pallet, drop your jowl with a joitº, tambourine until your breath slides, pet a pout and it's out. Have you got me, Allysloper?

|shMyº top it was brought Achill's low, my middle I ope before you, my bottom's a vulser ifº ever there valsed and my whole the flower that stars the day and is solly well worth your pilger's fahrt. |shWhere there's a hitch, a head of things, let henker's halter hang the| For I see through your weapon. That cry's not Cucullusº. |shAnd his eyelids are| If my tutor here is cut out for an oldeborre I'm Flo, shy of peeps, you know. But when he beetles backwards,º ain't I fly?sh| |shPull the boughpeeº to see how we sleep. Bee Peep! Peepette!sh| |shWould you like that lump of a tongue for lungeon,ºsh| |shor this Turkey's delighter, hys hyphen mys?sh| My bellyswain's a twalf whulerusspowerº though he knows as much how to man a wife as Dunckle Dalton of matching wools. Shake hands through the thicketloch.º Sweet swanwater! Myº other is mouthfilled. This kissing wold's full of killing fellows kneeling voyantly to the cope of heaven. And somebody's coming, I feel for a fect. I've a seeklet to sell thee if old Deannsº won't be threaspanning. When you'll next have the mind to retire to be wicked this is as dainty aº way as any. Underwoods spells bushment's business. So if you sprig poplar you're bound to twig this. 'Twas my lord of Glendalough benedixed the gape for me that timeº at Long Entry, commanding the approaches to my intimast innermost.º Look how they're browthered.º Six thirteens at Blanche de Blanche's of 3 Behind Street and 2 Turnagain Lane. Awabeg is my callby, Magnus here's my Maxº, Wonder One's my cipher and Seven Sisters is my nighbrood. Radouga, Rabº will ye na pick them in their pinkº of panties. You can colour up till you're
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prawn while I go squirt with any cockle. When here who adolls me infuxes sleep. But if this could see with its backsight he'd be the grand old greeneyed lobster. |shHe's my first viewmarc since Valentine. Wink'sº the winning|


Inº the house of breathings lies that word, all fairness. The walls are of rubinen and the glittergates of elfinbone. The roof herof is of massicious jasper and a canopy of Tyrian awning rises and still descends to it. A grape clusterº of lights hangs therebeneath and alº the house is filled with the breathings of her fairness, the fairness of fondance and the fairness of milk and rhubarb and the fairness of roasted meats and uniomargrits and the fairness of promise with consonantia and avowals. Thereº lies her word, you reder.º The height herup exalts it and the lowness her downº abaseth it. It vibroverberates upon the tegmen and prosplodesº fromº pomaeriaº. A window, a hedge, a prong, a hand, an eye, a sign, a head and keep your other augur on her paypaypay. And you have it, old Sem, pat as ah be seated.º And Sunny, my gander, he's coming to land her. The boy which she now adores. She dores. Oh backed von dem zug! Make weg for their tug!º

|shWithº a ring ding dong,ºsh| |shthey raise clasped handssh| and |shadvance more steps to retire to the saum. |shCurtseyº one, curtsey two,ºsh| with arms akimbosh|, devoteesº.


All sing:

|shI rose up one |shmaypolesh| morning and saw in my glass how nobody loves me but| Ugh. Ugh.º

All point in the shem direction as if to shun.

My name is Misha Mishaº but call me Toffey Toughº. I mean Mettenchoughº. It was her, boy the boyº that was loft in the larch. Ogh! Ogh!

Her reverence.

All laugh.

They pretend to helf while they simply shautedº at him sauce to make hims prich.º And ith ith noth cricquette, Sallyº Lums. Not by ever such a lot. Twentynines of bloomers gegingº een man
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arose. Avis was there and trilled her about it. She's her sex, for certain. So to celebrate the occasion:

Willestº thou rossy banders havind?

He simules to be tight in ribbings round his rumpffkorpff.

Are you Swarthants that's hitº on a shorn stile?

He makes semblant to be swiping their chimbleys.

Can you ajew ajewº fro' Sheidamº?

He finges to be cuttingº up with a pair of sissers and to be buytings ofº their maidens and spittingº their heads into their facepails.

Spickspuk!º Spoken.º

Soº now be hushy,º little pukers! Side here roohish,º cleany fuglers!º Grandicellies, allº stay zitty! Adultereux, rest as befour! For you've jollywelly dawdled all the day. When ye colfº tantoncle's hat then'll be largely temtsº for that. Yet's the time for being now, now, now.

For a burning wouldº is come to dance inane. Glamours hath moidered's lieb and hereforeº Coldours must leap no more. Lack breathº must leap no more.

Lel lols for libelmanº libling his lore. Lolo Loloº liebermannº you loved to be leaving Libniusº. Lift your right to your Liber Lord. Link your left to your lass of liberty. Lala Lala, Leapermann, your lep's but a loop to lee.

A fork of hazel o'er the field in voxº the verveine virginsº ode. If you cross this rood as you roamed the rand I'm blessed but you'd feel him a blasting rod. Behind, me, freesº from evil smells! Perdition stinks before us.

Aghathareptº they fleurellyº to Nebnos will and Rosocaleº. Twice is he gone to quest of her, thrice is she now to him. So see we so as seed we sow. And their prunktqueenº kilt her kirtles up andº set out. And her troupº came heeling, O. And what do you think that pride was drest in!º Voolykins'º diamondinah's vestin. For ever they scentº where air she went. While all the fauns' flares widens wild to see a floral'sº school.

Led by Lignifer, in four hops of the happiest, achº beth cac duff, a marrer of the sward incoronate, the few fly the farbetween! We haul minymony on that piebold nig. Will any dubble dabble
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on the bay?
Nor farº jocubus? Nic for jay? Attilad! Attattilad! Getº up, Goth's scourge on you! There's a visitation in your impluvium.º Hun! Hun!

He stanthº theirs munº in his natural, oblious autamnesically of his very proprium, (such is stockpot leaden, so did sonsepunº crake)º the wont to be wanton maid a will to be wise. Thrust from the light, apophotorejected, he spoors loves from her heats. He blinkth. But'sº wrath's the higher where those wreathe charity. For all of these have been thisworlders, timeº liquescing into state, pitiless age grows angelhood. Though, as he stehs, most anysing may befallhimº from a song of a witch to the totter of Blackarss,º given a fammished devil, a young sourceress and (eternal conjunction) the permission of overalls with the cuperation of nightshirt. If he spice east he seethes in sooth and if he pierce north he wilts in the waist. And what wonder with the murkery viceheid in the shade? The specks on his lapspan are his foul deed thougthsº, wishmarks of mad imogenation. Take they off!º Make the off!º But Funnylegs are leanly. A bimbamb bum! They vain would convert theº to be hers in the word. Gush, they wooed! Gash, they're fair ripecherry!

Asº for she could shake him. An oaf, no more. Stillº he'd be good tutor two in his big armschair lerningstoel,º and she be waxen in his hands. Turning up and fingering over the most dantellising peaches in the lingerous longerous book of the dark. Look at this passage about Galilleotto. Iº know it is difficultº but when your goche I go dead. Turn now to this patch upon Smacchiavelluti.º Soot allours, he's sure to spot it.º 'Twas ever so in monitorology since Headmaster Adam became Eva Harte's toucher, in omnibus moribus et temporibusº, with man's mischief in his mind whilst her pupils swimmed too heavenlies,º letº his be exaspirated, letters be blowed,º I is a femaline person. O, of provocative gender. U unisingular case.

Which is why trumpers are mixed up in duels and here's B. Rohan meets N. Ohlan for the prize of a thou.

Butº listen to the mocking birde to micking barde making bared! We've heard it aye since songdom was gemurrmalº.º As he was
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queering his shoolthers. So was I. And as I was cleansing my fausties. So was he. And as way ware puffiingº our blowbags. Souwouyouº.

Come, thrust! Go, parry! Dvoinabrathran, dare! The mad long ramp of manchind's parlements, the learned lacklearning, merciless as wonderful.

— Nowº may Saint Mowy of the Pleasant Grin be your everglass and even prospectº!

— Feeling dank.

Exchange, reverse.

— And may Saint Jerome of the |shHarlots'º Cursesh| make family three of you which is much abedder!

— Grassy ass ago.

And each was wrought with his other. And his continence fellº.º The bivitellinesº, Metellus and Ametallikos, her crown pretenders, obscindgemeinded biekerersº, vaying directiyº, uruseye each oxesother, |shsuperfetatedsh| (never cleaner of lamps frowned fiercelier on anointer of hinges), while their treegrown girls, king's game, if he deign so, are in such transfusion just to know twigst timidy twomeys, for gracious sake, who is artthoudux from whose heterotropic, |shthe sleepy or the glouchsh|, for, shyly bawn and showly nursuredº exceedingly nice girls can strike exceedingly badº times unless so richtly chosen's by (what thoughº of riches he have none and hope dashes hope on his heart's horizon) toº gar their great moments greater. Theº thing is he must be put strait on the spot, no mere waterstichystuff in a selfmade world that you can't believe a word he's written in, not for pie, but one's only owned by naturelº rejection.º Charley, you're my darwing.º So sing they sequent the assent of man. Tillº they go round if they go roundagainº before breakparts and all dismissed. They keep. Step keep.º Step. Stop.º Who is Fleur? Where is Ange? Or Gardoun?

Creedlessº, croonless hangs his haughty. There end no moe red devil in the white of his eye. Braglodyte him do a katadupe.º A condamn quondam jontom sick afº a suckbut! He does not know how his grandson's grandson'sº grandson's grandson will stammer up
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in Peruvainº for in the ersebest idiom I have done itº equals I so shall doº. He dares not think why the grandmother of the grandmother of his grandmother's grandmother coughed Russky with suchky husky accent since in the mouthart of the slove look at me nowº means I once was otherwiseº. Nor that the mappamund has been changing pattern as youth playsº moves from street to street since timeº and races were and wise ants hoarded and sauterelles were spendthrifts, no thing making newthing wealthshowever for a silly old Sol, healthytobedder and latewiser. Nor that the turtling of a London's alderman is ladled out by the waggerful to the regionals of pigmyland. His part should say in honour bound: So help me symethew, sammarc, selluc and singin,º I will stick to you, by gum, no matter what, bite simbum, and in case of the event coming off beforehandº even so you was to release me for the sake of the other cheap girl's baby's nameº plaster me but I will pluckily well pull on the buckskinº glovesº. But Noodynaady's actual ingrate tootle is of come into the garner mauveº and thy nice are stores of morning and buy me a bunch of iodines.

Evidentament he has failed as tiercely as the deuce before forº she is wearing none of the three. And quite as patenlyº there is aº hole in the ballet trough whichº the rest fell out. Becauseº to explain why the residue is, was, or will not be, according to the eighth axiom, proceeded with, namely, since ever apart that gossan duad, so sure as their's a patch on a pomelo,º this yam ham in never live could,º the shifting about of the lassies,º the tug of loveº of theirº lads ending with a great deal ofº merriment, hoots, screams, scarf drill, cap fecking, ejaculationsº of aurinos, reechoable mirthpeals andº general thumbtonoseryº (Myama's a yaung yaung cauntry)º, one must reckenº with the sudden and gigantesquesque appearance unwithstandable as a general election in Barnado's bearskin amongst the brawlmiddle of this village childergarten of the largely longsuffering laird of Lucanhof.

But, vrayedevrayeº Blankdeblank, god of all machineries and tomestone of Barnstaple, by mortisection or vivisuture, splitten up or recompounded, an isaac jacquemin mauromormo milesian, how accountibus for him, moreblue?º
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Was he pitssched for an ensemple asº certain have dognosed of himº against our seawall by Rurieº, Thoath and Cleaver, those three stout sweynheartsº Orion of the Orgiasts, Meereschal MacMuhun, the, Ipse dadden,º product of theº extremes giving quotidients to our means, as might occur to anyone,º your brutestº layaman with the princest champion in our archdeaconsyº, or so yclept º from Clio's clippings, which the chroncherº of chivalries is sulpiciousº save he scan, for ancients link with presents as the human chain extends, have done, do and will again asº John, Polycarp and I renewsº eye-to-eye ayewitnessed and toº Paddy Palmer, while monks sell yewº to archers or the water of the livvying goesº the way of all fish from Sara's drawhead the corralsomeº to Isaac'sº the lauphed butt one, with her minnelisp extorreor to his moanolotheº inturnedº? So Perrichon with Bastienne or heavy Humph with airy Nanº Ricqueracqbrimbillyjicqueyjocqjolicass? How sowesthow, dullcisamicaº? A and aa ab ad abu abiad. A babbel men dub gulch of tears.

º º The mar of murmuryº mermers to the mind's ear, uncharted rock, evasive weed. Only the caul knows his thousandfirst name, Hocusº Crocusº, Esquilocus, Finnfinn the Faineant, how feel full foes in furrinarrº. Doth it not allº º º come aft to you, puritysnooper, in the way television opesº longtimes ofterº when Potollomuck Sotyr or Sourdanapplousº the Lollapaloosa?ºº The charges are, you will remember,º the chances are, you won't bit it's old Joe, the Java Jane, older even than Odam Costollo,º and we areº recurrently meeting em, par Mahun Mesme, inº cycloannalismº, |sh from space to space, time after time,sh| in various phases of scripture as in various poses of sepulture. Greets Godd, Groceries!º Merodach! Defend the King! |shHoet of the rough throat attack but whose say is soft butº whose ee has a cute anglesh|, |shhe whose hut is a hissarlik even as her hennin's aspiresh|. And insodaintily she's a quine of selm ashakerº while as a murder of corpse when his magot's up he's the best berrathon sanger in all the aisles of Skaldignavia. Asº who shall hear. For now at last is Longabed going to be goneº to, that more than man, prince of Bunnicombe of wide roadsterds, the herblord the gillyflowrets so fain fan to flatter about. Artho is the
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name is on the hero
, Capellisatoº, |shshoehanded slaughterer of the shader of our leavessh|.

Attach him! Hold!

Yet stir thee, to clay, Tamor!

Why wilt thou erewaken him from his earth, O summonorother: heº is weatherbittenº from the dusts of ages?º The hour of his closing hies to hand; the tocsin that shall claxonise his wareabouts.º If one who remembered his webgoods and tealofts were to ask of aº hooper for whose it was the storks were quitting Aquileyria, this trundler would not wot; if other who joinedº faith when his depth charge bombed our barrel spillway were to —!º

Jehosophat, what doom is here! Rainº ruth on themº, sire.º The wing of Moykill cover him! The Bulljon Bossbrute quarantee him! Calavera, caution! Slaves to Virtue, save his Veritotem! Bearara Tolearisº, procul abeatº! The Ivorbonegorer of Danamaraca be,º his Hector Protector! Woldomar with Vasa, peel your peeps! And try to saviourise the nights of labour to the order of our blooding worold! While Pliny the Younger writes to Pliny the Elder his calamolumen of contumellas, what Aulus Gellius picked on Micmacrobius andº what Vitruvius pocketed from Cassiodorus. Like we larnt from that Buke of Lukan in Dublin's capital, Kongdamº Coombe. Even if you are the kooper of the winkelº over measure never lost a licenceº. Nor a duckindoncheº divulse from bath and breakfast. And for the honour of Alcohol drop that you-know-what-I've-come-about-|shI-saw-your-act air.ºsh| Punch mayº be pottleproud but his Judy's a wife's wit betterº.

For the producer (Mr John Baptister Vickar) caused a deep abuliousness to descend upon the Father of Truants and,º at a side issue, pluterpromptly brought on the sceneº the cutletsized consort, foundling filly of fortyshilling fostertailor and shipman's shopahoyden, weighingº ten pebble ten, scaling five footsy fiveº and spanning thirtyseven inchettes round the good companions,º twentynine ditties round the wishful waistress, thirtyseven alsos round the answer to everything, twentythree of the same round each of the quis separabits, fourteen round the beginning of happiness and nicely nine round her shoed for slender.
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And eher you could pray mercy to goodness or help with your hokey or mehokeypoo,º Gallus's hen has collared her pullets. That's where they have wregliasº for. Their bone of contention, flesh to their thorns, prest as Prestissima, makes off in a thinkling (and not one hen only nor two hens neytherº but every blessed brigid came aclucking and aclacking), while, a rum a rum, the ram of all harns, Bier, Wijn,º Spirituosen for consumption on the premises, advokaat withouten pleaders, Mas marrit, Pas poulit, Ras ruddist of all, though flamifestouned from galantifloures, is hued and cried of each's colour.

Home all go. Halome. Blare no more ramsblares,º oddmund barkes! And cease your fumings, kindalled bushies! And sherrigoldies yeassymgnaysº; your wildeshaweshowe moves swiftly sterneward!º For here the holy language. Soons to come. To pausse.

'Tis goed. Het best.

Forº they are now tearing, that is, teartoretorning. Too soon are coming tasbooksº and goody, hominy bread and bible bee, withº jaggery-yo toº juju-jaw, Fine's French phrases from the Grandmère des Grammairesº and bothered parsenaps from the Four Massores, Mattatias, Marusias, Lucanias, Jokinias,º and what happened to our eleven in thirtytwo antepostdating the Valgur Eire and why is limbo where is he and what are the sound waves sayingº ceased ere they all wayed wrong and Amnist anguished axesº Collis and where fishngaman fetched the mongafesh from and whatfor paddybird notplease rancoon and why was Sindat sitthing on himº sitbom like a saildior, with what the doc did in the doil, not to mention define the hydraulics of common salt and, its denier crid of old provaunce, where G.P.O. is zentrum and D.U.T.C. are radients write down by the frequency of the scores and crores of your refractions the valuations in the pice of dinggyings on N.C.R. and S.C.R.

That littleº cloud, a nibulissa, still hangs isky. Singabed sulks before slumber. Light at night has an alps on his druckhouse. Thick headº and thin butter or after you with me. Caspi, but gueroligue stings the air. Gaylegs to riot of us! Gallocksº to lafft.º
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What is amaid today todo? So angelland all weeping bin that Izzy most unhappy is. Fain Essieº fie onhapje? laughs her stella's vispirine.