Shutmup. And bud did doomº well right. And if he sung dumb in his glass darkly speech lit face to face on all aroundº.
— That is trueº enough in Solidan's Islamdº as in Moltern Giaourmany, and from the Amalekins off to date back to land of engined
Egypsians,º assented from his opening before his inlookers of where an oxmanstongue stalled stabled, the wellnourished one, lord of the seven days, overlord of sats and suns,
the sat of all the suns which are in the ring of his system of the sats of his sun, god of the scuffeldfallen |2skillfilledfellon
skillfilledfelon2| who (he contaimns) hangsters, who (he constrains) hersirrs, the topside humpy upº stummockº atween
his showdows |2fella fellah2|, Mistoº Teewiley Spillitshops, who keepeth watchº in
Khummer-Phett, whose spouse is An-Livph, the dog's bladder, warmer of his couch in fore. We all have been wonterers in that childerness which is
our true name after the allfaulters (mug's luck to em!) and, bespeaking of love and lie detectors in venuvarities, whateither the drugs truth of it was
{f39, 356}
there an iota omicroneº from the faust to the lost. And that is at most redoubtedly an overthrew of each and
ilkermann of us, I persuade myself, gentlemenº, so true as this are my kopfinpot astrode onº these is my boardsoldereds.
It sollecited, his roundhouse of seven orofaces, of all, guiltshouters |2and or2| crimemummers, advicesº for, free of gracies, scamps encloded, competitioning them, if they had steadied Jura or when they had raced Messafissi, husbondº of your wifebetter or bestman botchalover of you yourself, how comes ever a body in our taylorised world to selve out thishis, whither it gives a primeum nobilees or naught, the farst wriggle from the ubivence, whereom is man, that old offender, nother man, wheile he is asame. And fullexampling. The pints in question. With some byspills. And sicsecs to provim hurtig. Soup's on!
—º I have just (let us suppraise) been reading in a (suppressed) book — it is
notwithstempting by meassures long and limited:º the |2letterpress latterpress2| is eminently
legligibleº and the paper so eagerly seized upon has scarsely been
{f10, 276}
buttered in works of previous publicity. Enough, however, have I read of it toº augur
in the hurry of the times that it will commend the widest circulation and a reputation coextensive with its merits when inthrusted into safe and pious
hands uponº so edifying a mission as it, I can see, as is his. It isº ambullished with expurgative
platesº replete in information and accampaigning the action passimº, as I have just been seeing, with my wormestº venerections,
|2of a townside upthecountrylifer,º2| allthose everwhalmed upon that preposterous blank seat, before the
wordcraft of this early woodcutter, Mr Aubeyron Birdslye. And whilst (when I doot my sliding panel and I hear cawcaw) I have been idylly turning over the loose looves leaflefts casuallty
on the lamatory, as is my this is, often, so far as I can chance to recollect from themº some farnights
ago,º when I, if you willº excuse for me this informal leading down of illexpressibles, enlivened toward the Author of Nature by the natural sins before me,
weatheredº they be of a general golf stature or blossomly emblushing themselvesº underneed of some howthern folleys, am entrenched
{f10, 277}
up contemplating of myself, wiz my naked I, for relieving purposes in our trurally virvir vergitabale (garden) I sometimes, maybe, what has justly said of old Flannagan a wakeº
from this or |2huntsforwards huntsfurwards2|, with some shock (shell I
so renderº
{f39, 358}
it?) have (when I ope my shylight window and I see coocoo) a notion quiet involuptary of that I am cadging hapsnots as at murmurrandoms of distend
renations and ficsimilarº phases, dugoutsº in the behindscenes of our
earthwork,º as this is, at no spatial time processly which regards to concrude chronology about which in fact, at spite of I having belittled myself to my
giftname of insectarian happy burgages abeyance would make homesweetstown hopey goalucrey, my mottu |2proppior propprior2|, as
I claim I coined,º I am wholly pelaged
to see by their loudest reports from my bottery partsº (shsh!) that,
|s2colomophile columbophiles2| and corvinophobe alike,º
|s2when I have regrouped myself cad's truck, after my contractual expandituresº,s2| I, I am, I am
big alltoogooderº.
Fromº whose plultibust preaggravated, they were whoalike placed to say,º taking him apart, frons, fesces and frithstool: 1)
he hade to die it 2) he didhithim self 3) all ever he
hunteredº was forsake in his chiltern and lumbojumbo 4) he was
sometimes too damned merely often on the saved side, saw he was 5) he was no better than he shouldº have been before he could have been
{f10, 278}
better than what he was after 6) he's the same old dustamount on the same old tincoverdull bauble
classº butº what we warm to hearº is the woods of chirpsies cries to singaloo sweecheeriode and sock him up, the old
cantº rogue.
Youº have jest (a ham) beamed listening through (a ham pig) his haulted excerpt from John Whitton'sº production, The Coach With The Six Insides, all souledº. Goes Tory by Eeric Whiggsº is To Become Tintinued in Fearson's Nightly in the Lets All Wake Brickfaced In Lucan. Lhirondella, jaunty lhirondella! With tirra lirraº rondinelles atantivyº we go.
Attention! Stand at!! Ease!!!
Weº are now diffusing among our wordless lovers of this sequenceº (toyou! toyou!º) the dewfolded song of the naughtingels (Alys! Alysaloa!) from their sheltered positionsº in
rosescenery haydyngº on the heather side of Waldalureº, Mount Saint John's, Jinnyland,
whither our allies winged by duskfailº, swift sanctuary seeking, after Sunsink
gongº (Oiboe!
{f39, 360}
Hitherzither! Almostº dotty! I must dash!) to pour their peace in partial (floflo floreflorence), sweetishsad lightandgayle, twittwin twosingwoolow.
Let everie sound of a pitch keep still in reasonanceº, jemcrow, jackdaw, prime and secund with their terceº that whoe betwides them, now
fullº theorbº, now dulcifair, and when we press of pedal (sof!) pick out and vowaliseº your name.
A munº. You pereº Golazy, you mereº
Bareº and you Bill Heeny,º and you Smirky Dainty and, more beethoken, you
whackfoolthenairyansº with all your badchthumpered peanas! We are gluckglucky in our being so fortunate that bark and bay duol with Man Goodfox
inchimingsº having ceased for the moment to allow the clinkars of our nocturne fieldº, night's sweetmoztheart, their Carmen Sylvae. May
song it flourishº (in the underwood), in chorush, long make it flourish (in the Nut, in the Nut skyº) till thorush! Secret
— Roguenaarº Loudbrags, that soddy old samph! How hijhº is vuile!
To which yes he did, capt, that was the answer.
{f10, 279}
— And his shartshort trooping its colours! We knows his ventruqulence.
Which tuat tuatº rang ripprippripplying.
Bulbul, bulbulone! Pschtt! Salan, saluisº salaum! Caroluis!º Did you aye, did you eye, did you everysee,º suchaway, suchawhy, eeriewhigg airywhugger? Hopping Gracius, onthy ovful! O belessk meº, what a nerve! How a mans in his armor we nurses know.º Wingwong wellyº, pitty pretty Nelly! Some Poddy puttedº in, will annyº petty pullet out? Call Kitty Kelly! Kissykitty, killykelly!º What a nossowl buzzard! But whatº a nice ung gels!
Here all the leaves alift aloft full o' liefingº fell a-laughingº over Ombrellone and his parasollierasº with their black thornguardsº from the County Shillelagh. Ignorantº invincibles, innocents immutandº! Onzel grootvatter Lodewijk is onangonamed before the bridge of primerose and his twy Isas Boldmans is met the blueybells near Dandeliond. A lark of limonladies! A lurk of orangetawneymen! You're backleyº wounted, buckleyº mister, bester of the boyne.
Theº all of them boys, in that
{f39, 362}
pig's village smoke, a sixdigitarian legion,º the Clandibblon
cartel,º foursquaredº in condomnation of his totomptation and for the
duration till his repepulation,º rally agreed,º theirº roasted malts with
blank, uponº old nollcromforemost ironsides since he might as coolly have rolled to call out of the cuptin klanklordº kettle auction like the soldr of a britsh he was bound to be and become till
the sea got himº whilask from maker to misses and what he gave wayº as a pattern, he, that hun of a horde,
is a finn as she, his tent wife, is a lap, at home on a steed, abroad by the fire,º and whoasever spit her in
howsoever's profocation it was anybody's beastness as usualº and she was noboddy'sº fondling saving her keepers, the peg in his pantry to hold the heavyache off his heart. Auspicablyº suspectable but in expectancy of respectableness. From
dirty flock bedding, drip dropping through the ceiling, with two sisters of charities on the front steps and three evacuan cleansers at the back gaze,
single box and pair of chairs (susceptible)º, occasionally and alternatively used by husband when having writing to do in connection with
equitable druids and friendly or other societies through periods of dire want with comparative plenty (thunderburst,
ravishment, dissolution and providentiality) to a sofa allbeit of hoarsehaar |2and with2|
Amodicum cloth, hired |2playono payono2|, still playing off,
used by the youngsters forº czurnying out oldstrums, three bedrooms upastairs, of which one with fireplace (aspectable), with
greenhouse in prospect (particularly perspectable).
And you, when you kept at Dulby, were you always (for that
{f39, 363}
time only) what we knew how when we (from that point solely) were you know where? There you are! And why? Why,º hitch a cock eye, he was snapped on the sly upsadaisying
coraspearlsº out of the pie when all the perts in princer street set up their tinker's hymmº
|2(the rann, the rann, that keen of old bards)º2| with
{f10, 281}
them newnesboys |2pearcon pearcin2| screaming off their armsworths. |2Detective
Deductive Allmen Almayne Rogers2| disguides his voiceº,
sheltersº behind hoax chestnote from |2excessive
exsessiveº2|. Heat wives rasing. They jest keeps rosing. He jumps leaps risingº. Howlong!
You known that tom? I certainly know. Is their bann bothstiesed? |2Suddenly Saddenly2| now. Has they bane reneemed? Soothinly low. Does they ought to buy the papelboy when he footles up their suit? He's their mark to foil the flouter and they certainty owe.
He spritº in his phiz (baccon!). He salt to their bizº (pudden!).º He toockled her palam (so calam is solom!). And he suked their friends' leave (bonnick lass, fair weal!).º
Guilty but fellows culpas! It was felt by me, sindecadeº, that submerged doughdoughty
doubleface told waterside labourers. But since we have chanced all that, the wild whips, the wind ships, the wonderlost for
world hips, unto theirº trust prayed in aid its plumptylump piteousness which, when it turtled around seeking a sorth of turft,
spokeº to approach from inherdoff trisspass through minxmingled hair. Though I may have hawked it,
said,º and selled my hot peas after theactrisscalls from my imprecurious position and though I could have emptied a pan of backslop down drain by whiles of dodging a rere from
the |2middenprivy middenprivet2| appurtenant thereof, salving the presents of the board
of wumps and pumps, I am ever incalpable of unlifting upfallen girls wherein dangered from them in there open out of unadulteratous bowery, with those hintering influences from angelsexonism. And if my
litigimate was to wrenn cackling about it in the Cutey Strict,º shoving off her
handpicked hensbend, as she would be calling upon all her wayfererº gods and reannouncingº my devilries until I
got my purchase on her I am, by their sacreligion of daimond cap daimond, confessedly till ladiest day to have
splet fortº a peer of bellows at any old cerpaintimeº by peaching (allsole
we are not amusical) the warry warst against myself in the defile as a lieberretter of these
mispeachyitesº of the first virginial water who with gladdystº tone ahquickyessed in it,
overhowe and underwhere. My little love apprencisses,º theº estelles, van Nessies von Nixiesº
voon der pool, when,º as Beacher |2seeth seath2|,º she was like a
little chilled by my tide impracing, andº all the colories,º my dears,º fled from my folced
{f39, 366}
Sir, kindest of bottleholder, and very dear friend, it will |2be for
befor2| you, me dare beautiful young soldier, before you goº to mats, you who have watched
your share at our love tennis when on with the balls did disserve the fair, my goldrush gainst her silvernetss, to say, for the love of goddess and as you reveres your one mothers
andº while I reveal thus my deepseep daughter which was bourne up out of me unclouthed when I was pillowing in my brime (of Saturnay Eve, how now, weren'tº we't?), to see, I say, whoahoa,º
in stay of execution what you feel upon every strong ground
you have ever taken up, if that is grace to the grass what is balm for the bramblers, that I am the catasthmatic old ruffin to be
seducingº trovatellas, the dire daftyº damedeaconesses,º like (why sighs the
soothesingerº) the lilliths oft I feeled, andº when brutals and cautiouses only aims at the hogs in the human
thenº (Houtes, Blymey and Torrenation, upturks and |v2cotch em
scotchemv2|!) I'll tell croon paysecurers |2that2| thash on me stumpen blows the gaff off mombitionº and
|2thit2| thides ofº marse makes a good dayle to be shattat. Fall stuff.
Here endeth |2Chinchinatibus chinchinatibus2| with have speak finish. Pink, pleasº pink, two pleas pink, how twoº pleas pink.