
2nd draft, 1937, II.2§5 draft level 1

MS British Library 47480 66-67 Draft details

{f10, 274}

butt and taffº (desprot slave wager and foeman feodalº unsheckled, now one and the same person, their fight upheld to right for a wee while being baffled and tottered, umbraged by theº shadow of Old Erssia'sº magisquammythical mulattomilitiaman, the living by owning over the surfers of the glebeº whose sway craven minnionsº had caused to revile, as, too foul for hell, under boiling Mauses' burning brand, he falls by Goll's gillie, but keenheartened by the circuminsistence of the Parkes O'Rarelys in a hurdly gurdlyº Cicilian concertone of their fonnafeenaº barneybrawl,º shaken everybothy's hands, while S. E. Morehampton makes leave to E. N. Sheilmartin after Meetinghouse Lanigan has embaraced Vergemontº Hall, and, without falter or mormor or blatherhootº of sophsterliness, pugnate the pledge of fiannaship with a commonturn oatchdº of fest man and best man in whichº astoutsalliesemoutiounº palms it off like commodity tokens against a cococancancacacauotiounº): When old the wormd was a gadden opter and apter were twummily twims and if fieforlife fells farforficular allonall's not too particular so till budly shoots the rising germinal let bodley chew the fat of his anger and badley bite the dustice of the piece.
{f39, 355}

[The pump and pipe pingersº are ideally reconstituted. The putther and bowls are peterpacked up. All the presents are determining as regards for the future the howabouts of their past absences which they might see on at hearing could they once smell of tastes from touch. |1(+To ought find a values for. The must overlistingness. When ex what is ungiven. As ad where. Stillhead. Blunk.]+)1|