
Textual development Manuscript to Errata III.3§B

Compiled by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

|8|aAmunreadadam Amtsadama|!8| Sirº, to you!º |10'Eternest cittas, heil!10'| |4Here we are again!º4| I am bubub brought up under a camel act of |v5a dynasty dynastiesv5| long sinceº out of print, the first of |8Sitric Silkenbeard Shitric Shilkanbeard8| |s12(or is it Owllaugh MacAuscullpth the Thord?)s12|, but|s12, in pontofacts massimust,s12| I am known throughout the world whereverº |v5a myv5| good |6English |8Allenglisch Allenglisches'º Angleslachsen8|6| is spoken |3|8|saby Sall and Willsa| from |saAugustus Augustulunread Augustanussa| to Ergastulus8|, as asº this is,º3| |s12whether in f Farnum's rath or Condra's ridge or the meadows of Dalkin or Monkish T tunshep, |s13iss13|s12| |4|s13protesteds13|4| as by |4saint and sinner saints and
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|ain silks |v5eye eye eyeeyev5|a|4| alike as a cleanliving man |v5and and,v5| as a matter of |s13fact ficts13||4,º by my |awife halfwifea|,4| I think how our public at large appreciates it most highly from me that I am as cleanliving as could be and that my game was a fair average since I perpetually kept my wicket up ouija ouija wicket up. |4On my |awife |s12very wife verawifes12|a|4| I never was nor can afford to be guilty of breach,º crimº |4crig4| con,º |8malfeasance8| or trespassº |4on the person with against |v5myv5| parson with the person of4| a youthful |s12girl gigirls12| frifrif friend |8named chirped8| Apples|8, acted by Miss |a Dashea|,8| (17|sh|saorsa| withº annyº of my cousinessh|17) |s12in Kissilov's |saSlutsgarten Slutsgartern or Giglottes Gigglotte's Hill,ºsa|s12| |4when I would |8feel |afeel for touch toa| her dot and feel |saunread most greenilysa|8| of her |aripe unripea| ones,º4| as it |4'would should4'| prove |8most unnieceº |saandsa|8| far too |3bad |s14baad bahads14||10, nieceless to say,10|3| to my reputation |s12on |aBabbel Babbyla| Malketºs12| |4for daughters-in-trade4| |3being lightly |v5clad clad.v5|3| |10'|17Yet, as my acquainters do me the complaisance of apprising me,º17| I should her have awristed |s12under my duskguise of whippers |saby throughsa| |s13Tombs toombsºs13| and |sagreats deempeys, lagmen,sa|s12| was she but tinkling of such a tink.10'| |v5and |s13And And,s13|v5| as a mere matter of |s13fact |s14fecfact, fifact ficfact,ºs14|s13| |4I tell of myself how4| I popo possess the |4sweetest ripest4| |8little wife littlums wifukie |a|9whom I streike ownly on her bux9|a|8| (+6round around+)6| the |4globe |8globelettes8| globes4| |8on |awhom I streike ownly on her buxa| upon8| which she won |4walked off was |s13raping rompings13| |s12away first off |safirst on Floss Mundaisa| out of haram's way |afirsta| round Skinner's Circusalleyº firsts12|4| with |s12the hers12| consolation prize in |4the my4| serial |4dream dreams4| of fairº |3women's |4'woman women,º4'|3| |8Mannequins Passe,º8| |18with awards in |shfigure and smile subsectionssh|,18| handicapped by two breasts in ohoh |s13opera tops operatopss13|.º |8Aº remarkable little |s15endowments15| garment.8| |s15Fastened at various places.s15| |10'What spurt!10'| I (6kickick kickkickº6) keenly love
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,º particularlyº |v5while savouring of their flavoursv5| |4at their most perfect best when4| served with heliotrope |s12eyelips ayelipss12||3, as this is,º3| where |4|v5savouring ofv5| its |v5their flavoursv5|4| I |5do5| drench my jolly soul on theº pupureº beautyº of hers past.

She is my |v5best preserved bestpreservedv5| |4wife wholewife|8, sowell her as herafter,8|4| |3in |4'God's Evans's4'| |4eye and eye,º with |s15'incompatiblys15'| (6the6) smallest |ashoenumber |v5shoenumbers shoenumberv5|a| outside ofº |aChinatown Chinatinsºa|. They are |v5unread jollyv5| dainty|s12, spekinº tlulys12|. May |v5I wev5| not recommend them? |s12It was my proofpiece from my prenticeservingº.s12| And, alas,4|3| our private chaplain |8of Lambeyth |saand Dolekey|s14, bishopregionaryºs14|sa|8|, an always sadfaced man, |s13when in his lutestring dewcapeº |sa& withsa| |s15poplin tabinets15| band,s13| who has visited our various hea hard hearts and reins by imposition of fufuf fingersº, |s12olsoº haddock's fumb,s12| |s10'inº that upper Upper Room,ºs10'| can speak loud to you some quite complimentary things about my clean characteractingº even|4, when detected,º4| in the |s10'dark duskºs10'|, |s14painful distressfuls14| though such recital prove to me,º |3as this is,º3| when I introducedº her |10(frankfurters |anumberines numbourinesa| why drive fear!)º10| to our p fourposter |s14(16tunis tunies16)s14| |s12singing chantreying|sa, underº Castrucci Siniorº and De Mellos,º |s14those whapping oldsteirs,s14|sa|s12| |8with |s14sycamodes14| euphonium |s14in either notations14|8| in our |3altogether |8|s12cagehauseds12| duckkyheimº8|3| |s14homesweeteneds14| |4gloom gleegloomº4| |s12on Goosna Greene,º |s14that cabinteenyºs14| homesweetened |s14through affection's hoardpayns,ºs14|s12| |3there is no such places like Norway |4there is no such places like Norwage there'sº gnome sweeplacesº like theresweep |s13Norwage Nowhergss13|4|3|. |9First Murkiss, or so they |s15sang sankeyeds15|. Dodo! O Clearly! And the gregorio at front with Johannes far in back. Aw aw!º9| By whom, asº |8my |s12Church Kerks12| |s13Findlaters Findlater'ss13||s12, ye littel church round litel chuch rond ye coner,s12|
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|s14and K. K. K |saKatekism Katakasmsa|s14| enjoineth |s12upon all swaddleredºs12| |s10'on in the |s13belief Beliefs13|s10'| andº asº8| you all know as a matter of pure fact, dear humans, of a childº one of |10the my life'sº10| ambitions of my yougendº from an early peepee period |s12while still |saat tosa| hedjeskool,ºs12| |3intended for |4the church broadchurch,º4|3| Iº was |s12parruchiallys12| confirmed in |s12Caulofat'sºs12| bed by our |3bujibuji3| beloved curate-author.º Michael |10'Angel Engels10'| is your man. Let Michael |s10'relay Sutton ands10'| tell you people here |s10'who have the |satelephone phoneysa| habits10'| |8(it wasº remarketable)º8| in his clairaudience,º |3as this is,º3| as only our own Michael can|8, whenº |s14reacherout reicherouts14| at superstation,º8| to bring ruptures to our |4oars roars4| how I am amp |s11amps11| amplify|s12. Hiemlancollin.ºs12| |s12Guinness's Pimpim'ss12| Ornery fortninehalf.º Shaun Shemsen saywhen saywhen.º |s12Holmstock unsteaden.s12| Livpoomark lloyrge hoggs one four tupps noying.º |s12Big Butter Boost!s12| Sorry! Thnkyou! |4Thatll beall fortodayº.º4|
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Callº it off!º |s15Godnat Godnotchs15|, vrybolly!º |10|s+End a muddy chrushmessº!s+|10| Abbreciades |s13anews13| York gustoms. Kyow!º Tak!º

|s12⇒ — Tiktak. Tiktak.º

Awin Awind abuzz awater falling.

Poor a cowsº his jew placator.

— It's the damp damp damp.s12|

|8Calmº has entered. Big Bigº Calm., announcer!º8| It is |8truly most ernst terooly |s14as14| mostº moresome8| |v5amusin. |s13immusin. |s14amusin. |saentertenmont! intartenmont!ºsa|s14|s13|v5| |4Colt's tooth!º4| |s13I will give tandsel to it.s13| |4There I protest there4| is |s12|s13lutterelly luttrellys13|s12| not one teaspoonspill of evidence |8at |abottom bottomliea|8| to myº |3bad |14baad babad,º14| |aas you shall see,º as thisº is,ºa|3| |4Keemun Lapsang of |v51st pickings first pickings.v5|4| |v5and Andv5| |4I |v5contago contangov5|4| Iº can take off my |4'dudud myº dirtynine4'| |v5coats articles of quotingv5| here |s12in Pynix Parks12| before those in heaven to |8|s+12prove provosts+|12| myself |12|s+by gramercy of |s13great justnesss13|s+|12| aº |aman again virgomanº |s12|s14and moremons14|, stiff and staunch for ever,s12|a| andº8| enter |10under |athea| advicies |aof |bto their favoured clientºb| froma| |s12Messires Misrss12| Norris, Sothebyº, Yates and Weston, Inc,º10| intoº my |4protestant preprotestant4| Caveatº against the pupup publication of libel |4|v5on my backwardationsv5|4| by any |8Ticks Tipsylon |s13Ticks Tipsyloon (19tix tixtim19) tipsyloons13|8| |s12|s+or tobtom towleyºs+| of Keisserse Leanºs12| toº that highest personage at moments holding down the throne. |8So to speak of beauty scoutsº |s12in elegant pursuit of flowers,s12| |s15searchers forº tabernacless15| |aand the celluloid arta|!8| |12|s+Happen seen sore eynes belived?s+|12| |4The caca cad!4| |10A |s13blueeyed man bloweyed |s14man |salamejoynted man lanejoyntºsa|s14|,s13| |s+12in the warings+|12| lowbelt suit|12|s+, withº knockbrecky kenees and bullfist rings round him and a fallse roude axehand (he is cunvesser |safor tosa| Saunter's |s13Noceletteres Nocelettress13|) |s13and the Poe's Toffee's Directorys13| in his pisness),º the |s13most morassed man in Moravior best begrudged man in |saBelgravia Belgradiasa|,ºs13| who doth notº belease to our |s13pavior paviours13|,º |saheº walked by North Strandº with his |s13Thom'ss13| towel in handsa|s+|12|.º10| |s10'|s+The snakeeye! Snakeeye!s+| |aStrangler of |s12soffiacateds12| green parrots!a|s10'| |4I protest it that he is,º by my wipehalf|10, my nomesuchº10|!º4| |12|s+He was leaving out of my double inns while he was |saallsa| teppling over my single ixits. |saSo was |s15told on keshaned onºs15| for |sbhissb| recent| |s15'Sherlook is (16lorkin lorking16) for him.s15'| Allare beltspanners!ºs+|12| |10Hourspringlike his |s13jousture jousstures13|, |s13blank my gruss! As you blank, so we then. immitiate
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my chry! Asº urs now, so yous then!s13|º10| |s14Get your air curt!s14| |v5Shames Shamev5| upon pipip Private M—!º Shames on his foulsomenessº! |4'Shames Shamus4'| on his |s15atkinscum'ss15| lulul lying |6sowel suulenº6| |s12for an outcast mastiff littered in blood currishs12|! |s12Erestocrassº |satil tillsa| Hanging Tower!s12| |s15Steck a javelin through his advowtried heart! Instaunton!s15| |s14Flap, my Larrybird! Dangle, my highflyer! Jiggety jig,º my
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jackadandyline! |saLet me never see his |sbphez waddphezsb| again!sa|s14| And |8mine it was|a, Barktholed von Hunarig,º |bSoesown afº Furrows,ºb|a| when8| to |10my our10| lot it fell |4on my |s10'poplarºs10'| |s13sexsex Sexsexs13|, my |v5sexcentenary |8sexencentenary |s13sexencentaurnary Sexencentaurnarys13|8|v5|,4| when |s12byº gateº of Hal|s13, before his hostel of the Wodin Man,ºs13|s12| I |4presented |s12holded up hestened to hold up |s14holdit freeholdits14| ops12|4| to Hisº Mamº |v5tov5| Hisº Mamamº |10Majusculesº10| His |10'|aMagnum Magnusa|10'| Maggerstickº |10'the keys of our city |s12the city first city'ss12| |s13keys |s14kuays leasekuayss14|s13| of |s14our thiss14| |s+New Novas+| Tara,º |s14|sathe oursa| most noble,s14|10'| |8when hrossbuckedº8| on his pricelist chargerº|10, |aPferdinamdºa| Allibusterº |12|s+(|sayou need not light over the yeddonot need light |s14oer oars14| tillsa| Norewayº for you fanned |s14him in one o'erºs14| every doorway)s+|12|,º10| with my |3greetings words |aalbums words allbum'sº |4words greethims4|a|3| |s13through this whole of my promisess13|:º |8Hearty Handshakey8| Congrandyoulikethems,º |s15Excellency! Ecclesency!ºs15|º

Whosaw |12|s+the jackerys+|12| dares at |v+3attack handgripperv+|3| thisa breast? |8|aDose makkers! ginder!ºa| Some |s+12ome ones+|12| |aI wea| was with us all fours.8| |4'The Adversary. Adversarian!º4'| |s14The (+Spiking Devil spiking Duyvil+)!s14| First liar inº |s12landend. Londsend!ºs12| |s13Wulv! See yonº scargore on her skeepsbr that skeepsbrow!s13| |8And |athat meisies those |s9'meisie meisiess9'|a|! |s13Sulk e'en Sulkens13| taarts!8| Man sicker at I |s11are eres11| |v+3bluffet konserfateve! bluffitº konservateveº?v+|3| Shucks! Such |s12bughouse filth ratshause |s13bugfilth bugsmesss13|s12| |v+3as sov+|3| I cannot barely conceive of! |s14Lowest basemeant in hystry!s14| |s12Ibscenest nansence! (+15Knocksacked! Noksagt!º+)15|s12| |s15'Per Peeler and Pawr!ºs15'| The |6brokenhearted villain |s13brknhrtd vlln brokerheartened shugons13|6|!º Hole affair is rotten |s15muckswinishs15| |v+3pigs' |s14pig's porcupig'ss14|v+|3| draff!º |s13Enouch!s13|

|3⇒ — Is that |4you yu4|, Whiteheadº?

— Have you |s14Headnoise headnoises14| now?

— Give us |v+a yourv+| |s15muddy mespilts15| reception, will |v+you yousv+|?

— Pass the fish for Christ'º sake!3|

|3⇒ Oldº Whitehowth |s12hes12| is speaking again. |s12Ope eustaceº tube!s12| Pity poor |v+Whitehowth Whiteoathºv+|! Dear gone mumumº mummeries, goby! Tell the woyld I have |v+lived livetºv+| true thousand hells. |4Pity, please, lady, for poor O. W.º in this |s12profoundest profondest profundusts12| snobbing I have caught.4| Nine dirty years |amine agea|, hairs |s15white hoars15|, mummeryº |s12failing, deaf |safailend |s13faillend failends13|sa|, snowdrift to |s15his mys15| ell ellpow, deffs12| as Adder,º I |v+ask asktv+| you|a, dear lady,a| to judge |v+onv+| my tree by our fruits. |xI gave you of |amy thea| tree. I gave two smells, |10two three10| eats.º |10Myº freeandies, my celeberrimates!º10| My happybossomsº, my allfalling fruits of my |+Boom boom+|. Pity poor |aHas |bHave |cHath Havethc|b|a| |aChildren |v+Childereen |aChildren |bChildereen |s12Children Childerss12|b|a|v+|a| Everywhere with |aMudder. Mudder!a|x|3|

|3That was Communicatorº |a, a former colonel|8, disincarnated8|a|.º |10He is not all |s12here hears12|.º10| |8Aº
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spiritº called |s+Daniel Stu Sebastianºs+| |s13fromº the Rivera in Janueroºs13| mayº |acall up |s12phone fernspreaks12| shortly |s12with messuages from my |s13deadparted deadporteds13|s12|a|. |aHe does not believe in |10ourº10| |s+psychic psychouss+| |10of the Real Absence|s14, neither miracle wheat nor soulsurgery of P. P. Quembys14|10|.ºa| Let us cheer him up a little and make an |s12appointment appunkments12| for a future date. |aHello, Communicatorº! |10Eh?º10| How'sº the |s14butts buttess14|?a| |~blank |10Everseptic! |s+Eversepistic! Everscepistic!s+|10|~|8| Heº
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has |ahada| some |v+indigestion |4'indiegestings indiejestings4'|v+|, poor thing, but to make light for quite a little while|s14, confused by his tonguer of baubbles14|. |s14Awayº with him!s14| |a|bPoor Felix |v+Culiper Culaperºv+|!b| |s12Ring his mind, |samy staples! ye staples |s14(bonze!),ºs14| in my |sbold rockeries ould reekeries'ºsb| ballyheart andº in |s+my krumlin and in |s13great and aroundisementss13| ands+| stremmis! |s+Sacks |s13eleathur eleathurys13|! Sacks elethur |s13eleathur eleathurys13|!ºs+| Bam!sa|s12| |8I deplore over him |s14ruelys14|.8| |s15Mongrieff! O Hone!s15| |s12Todie Guestermed with the nobelities, todieº |s+bronxitics+| in |saakershous achershoussa|!s12| |4So enjoying of old |8while thick whiles8|,º |ain |v5unread|s15tall hautes15| whitev5| |s+12hat |s13tile |s14top |s15haut toff's hoyts15|s14|s13|s+|12| of |s15four our formeds15| reflections,ºa| |12|s+with stock of eisen all his prop|s13, soº buckely hosiered from the Royal Leg,s13| and |s13hiss13| puertos |s14magnum mugnums14|,s+|12| |ahe |v5it heºv5|a| |v5did wouldºv5| puffout a |s15smokeful dhymfuls15| bock!º4| |12|s+And how the how he would husband her |s15that verikerfullys15|, his cigare divane |s13(heº would |salight reddensa| her with his vestas, but 'tis naught!),ºs13| |s14with |saall his us,º hissa| nephos and his neberls,º mest incensed and befogged by him |s15and his smoke thereofs15|s14|!ºs+|12| |8|s14He But hes14| shall have his glad stein of our |s15zobers15| |abeer beerbesta| |s12in |saunread Oscarshal'ssa| winetaverns12|.8| |12|s+Buen retiro!ºs+|12| |v+His |v5Its Thev5|v+| |s15boyces15| |s15voice voyces15| is still |s15flutish flautishs15| and |v+his |~8its his~|8|v+| mounth still wears |4'its that4'| soldierº scarlet though the |s14hairs |saflaxaunread flaxafloyedssa|s14|, alas,º are peppered with |8silver |s15silvern salsedines15|8|. It is |4because bycauseº4| of what he was |v5sent ascendv5| into |4his4| |v+prison (19prisons prisonce19)v+| on account |s12of offs12|.a| |8Iº |s15wit whits15| it wellº.8| Hence |5his he'sº5| |v5depressed |~8deepressed deepraised~|8|v5| words.º |8Some day I may tell |s+12the story of his second storeys+|12|. |aMood! Mood!a|8| It looks like |v5somebody someonev5| |s+12else others+|12| bearing my |v5burden burdensv5|. I |v5can't cannotv5| let it. |v+Cans nikt. |4'Cans note. |v5Can |s15Cans Kaness15|v5| nought.º4'|v+|3|

|3Well, |s12sir yeamens12|,3| |4I have bared my whole past|12|s+, I flatter myself,s+|12| on |v5two bothv5| sides.4| |3Give |4give Give4|3| me even |3|v+myºv+|3| two months |4by |v5lax law laxlawv5|4| in second divisionº and |4I will see my first |abroadcloth isa| business will be to protest4| |12|s+to Recorder at Thing of all Things|s14, or at court of Skivinis,s14| with marchants grey, antient andº credibel, |s14Zerobubble Barrentone, Jonah Whalley, Determined Codde or Cucumber Upright,ºs14| my |s15jurers jurats,s15|s+|12| if it does not occur again. |12|s+O rhyme us! Haar Faagherº, wild heart in Homelan,º Harrod'sº be theeº naun, mineº kinder come, |same minesa| wohl be won!ºs+|12| |10There is nothing like leuther |s13and. O sheeº! Ands13| |s+12Nosty nostys+|12|
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mens in gladshouses they shad not peggottº |s13stones! stones.s13| |s13O shee! The elephant's house is his castle.s13|10| I |3am here to tell you|10'|x, indeed to goodness,ºx|10'|, peeples, |s12that, allbe I discountenanced by all this beallpersuasions |s13|s14inºs14| rinunciniation of myº |sapomps ofsa| heretofore, with a unread wax too held in hands13|,s12| |4I am |s13thoughtful thort thorgtfulldts13| to |10do dope me of |s12her misciswassers |saovocna's |sbher Ovocna'sºsb| miscisprinkssa|s12| |s11ands11| |s12by virchow of |saher filtered those filtheredsa| watersº |s+presently,º |s14like Browne |saembracing umbracingsa| Christina Anya,s14| after the Irishers,s+| toºs12|10| |s15become convert me intos15| a Seltº |s15(but first I must proxy babetise my old antenaughties)ºs15| |10'when|sa,º |sbbeing fully alive to it,ºsb| as Sigismond Stolterforth|s12, withº Rabbin Robroostº for my auspicer and Leecher Rutty for myº |salifeart lifearstºsa|s12| (Ehren tilº vike |s14viketrae! viktrae!)s14|,ºsa| I will westerneyes those poor sunuppers and outbreitenº their land's eng10'| |6when. A man should stump up and6|4| |v+Iv+|3| will pay |4the my4| |3pretty decent3| trade price |4for my glueglue glucoseº4|,º |3|v+peeples peeblesv+|,3| were it even|3|v+, as |v5it thisv5| is,ºv+|3| the legal eric |3for |4wholewiping cleanº4| infelicitous |s13conduct conduicts13|3| |s14(here incloths |saplacefind placefinedsa| my pocketanchoredcheck)s14| and, as a matter of fact,º I undertakeº to discontinue |s13entyrelys13| all practices
{f10, 418}
and I deny |4inº toto4| at my own request in all |s15stoutness stoytnesss15| to have |4confederated confermentated4| |s12and confoederateds12| and agreed |8|10in times prebellic|a,º when here were waders for the trainsfolka|10|, as it is |s15now nuggentlys15| laid to me,º8| |4with |aa friend from mine,ºa| Mr Billups,º |s12pulleter, my quarterbrotherº,s12| |10who sometimes he is doing my locum for me |s13on a grubstakes13| andº10| |awhom I have |s14called clepeds14| |8good pu |s13clean constoutuents13|8|,ºa|4| |s14for it so it was felt by me,s14| |8to buy atº goodbuy |sacootcoopºsa|8| |s10'|abya| usucapitureºs10'| a |6mouthless6| niggeress|4, |aBlanche Blanchettea| Brewster |s10'from |s12Cherna Djamja,s12| Blawlawnd-via-Brigstowºs10'|,4| |8or to illsell my fourth part in her,8| whichº |8although allowed of in Deuterogamy |s13as in several places of s Scriptures13| |15(+(copyright)º+)15| |10'and excluded books |x(they should quite rightlyº verbanned be)x|10'|8| wouldº |v+3be seemv+|3| eggseggs excessively harroweenº to my feelimbs,º |8|agootcoop, |bcootcoop,b|a|8| forº |8eight twaº8| punt scotch|s12, oneº pollard and a unread crocardºs12| |8or three pipples on the bitch8|. |8Thou, Frick's flameº, |aUden Sulfer, who strikest only on the marryd bokks,a| entquickº me if so |~be~| I did cophetuise milady's maid|err,!err| |s15|errin Inºerr| |xspite spectx| of her beavers she is |xone ax| womanly and |xsacred sacretx|.ºs15|8| |10|s+Such wear a frillick for my comic strip |s13(Monsº Meg's Monthly|s15', comesº out aich Fanagan's (19wake Weck19))s15'| toº bray at |s14by C clownsilliess14| in Donkeybrook Fairºs13|.s+|10| |s12Itº would lackin mackin |satheir |s14Hodders and Cockers Hodder's and Cocker'ss14|sa| a erithmatic.ºs12| |4|aThe |s14unpurdonables14| |~8preumption |s15preemption preempsons15|~|8|
{f39, 538}
of |10her all of her of yourn10||8, by Juno Moneta8|!a| |10|s+Such wear a frillick for my comic strip.s+|10| |8If she|s12, irished |s13Marrya Theresya Marryonn Teheresianns13|,s12| has been disposed of for her consideration,º I|s12, Ledwidge unread Salvatorious,ºs12| am tradefully |~uninterested unintiristid~|. |aAnd if she is still further talc slopping over her |~chocolate cocoa~| contours|s15,s15| I|10, hwat mick angars,º10| am strongly of opinion why I should not be.a|8| Improbable!º |10|s+I do not credit one word of it |18from such and suchess mistraversers18|.s+|10| |s13Just feathers!s13| |s15Nanenities!s15| Or to have |v5sold same |s13resold same ochtroyed to resolde or |saborroughed borroughsa| |s+by exchanges+| same super melkkaart,s13|v5| |8|~means help~|8|,º |abest |+8Bristol |s12Briston Brixtons12|+|8|,º high yellow,a| |6no outings,º6| cent for cent on Auction's Bridge. |s12'Twereº a honnibel crudelty wert so |saunread their naklives tentement to their naktlivessa| and scatab orgias we devour about in |sathesa| mightyevil roohms of |saunshent encient ence enceintºsa| Cartageº.s12| Utterly improperable!4| |10'Not for alledº Crusos or white soul of gold!º10'| |10|xA |v+pebble pipplev+| on the panis, two claps on the cansill,º or three packº pocks |s14cassey knockeds14| on the postern!ºx|10| |10'Not for one |s13scrupleless testey tickeys13| |s12culprick's culprik'ss12| coin coyndeº |s12ore all the for all écusº in cunzieh cunziehowse cunziehowffses12|!º10'| |10(+I do not credit one word of it. Dog! Dog!+)10| Soº |s15'help humpºs15'| me Cash!º |8|~I meanit.~|8|

|4My herrings!4| |8The surdity of it, meanº to say.8| |3|aThe idea Her bare |4idea idears4||v+, itºv+|a| is |s14too choochoos14| chucklesome.º |4|aAbsurda| |v5Bargain bargainv5|, |6mum,º6| will call.º |aOne line, wrapped up! One line,º with! One line, with,º with!a|4| |s13Will ate |s15'everyday salmon everadayde saumones15'| like a boyne alive O.s13| |aThe |v+twin |s15two tews15|v+| |s12cherrypickers cherripickersº with their catheringnettesº,s12| Lizzy and Lissyº Mycockº |s12|safrom street Street Fleshshamblessa|, were they moon at aube with |sahespermoon hespermun or their c and I their covin guardientsa|,s12| I would not know |4to contact4| |8them th such |agretcheda| (19youngsters youngsteys19)8| |bin my |v5way waysv5|b| from |~8Adam |s13Hadem Haddems13|~|8| or any |8suistersees or8| heiresses of |8theirs theirn8|,º claiming by, through,º or under them.a| |s12Ous of their freiung pfann into myne foyer!ºs12| |10'Her is one which rassembled to mein |s+enormally! enormally.s+| |s15The man what shocked
{f10, 419}
his shanks at |xConty carlow contey Carlow's
x|.s15| He is Deucollion. Each habe goheard:º |s+We sin Uptakingº you are innersenceº but we sens+| you meet sose infance. Deucollion! Odor:º |s+Thee Evilling chimbes is |sasmutsicksa| rivulverblott but thees+| hard casted thereass pigstenes upann Congan's shootsmen |s12in Schottenhofs12|, ekeascent? Igen Deucollion!10'| |s12I liked his gothamnº chic! St Stuttertub!s12| |4What a shrubbery trick to play!4| |aHear this!ºa| I will |4put my |ahead oathheada| |~8under unner~|8| my |awhite oath |6white pot whitepot6|a| |s14for ransom of beevess14| and will4| stand me |4where I stood mine4| |aupon |bbeside |4hard in |v5allv5| free heat |8between |~Pelagia and little Chistaia Pelagios and little
{f39, 539}
|s14Chistaias Chistayass14|~|8| |s12|s14my gentilitial armss14|s12| |v5hardv5|4| byb|a| |s14Roderick's,ºs14| |athe our mosta| monolith,º |4|aupon aftera| my |abotha| earstoear |aand |v5breeches brebreechesv5|a| |v5buybuy bibles buybiblesv5|4| and(19,19) |v+|s12public minhatonº(19,19)s12|v+| testify |4|aon white oatha|4| to my |8unclothed8| |v5virtus virtuev5| by the longstone |~8erection erectheion~|8| of our |v+first allfirstv+| manhere.3| |4I should tell you that4| |v5Honestly honestlyv5||3,º on my honour of a Nearwicked,º3| I always think |4(inº |athe words |v5your av5| wordsworthºa| of |8that |10'primed10'| favourite continental poet|~, Daunty, Gouty and~|8| Shopkeeper|8|~, A. G.,~|8| |s15whom the generality admoyers in this that is |x& andx| that this is to comes15|)º4| |s14as like asºs14| my |10|xpalmer'sºx|10| |s12best pasts12| policy I have had my |10|s+bests+|10| |5master's5| lessonº(19,19) |8and as the public he knows. Andº8| do you know, homesters,º I honestly think |v5|v6that,v6|v5| |4ifº I have failed lamentably by accident benefits|8|~,º though shintoed, spitefired, perplagued and cramkrieged,º~|8|4| I |s14am doing my dids bits ands14| have made |v5of my prudentialsv5| good. |8|~I have been told I own stolemines or something of that sortº in the sooth of Spainien. Hohohohoº!~|8| |4Have I said |8|~ogso~|8| how4| I abhorº myself |4|v5vastly, vastlyv5|4| |v5truth to tell, (truth to tell)v5| and do repent meº |4to my nether heartº4| of |4sundry. |s15sundry suntrys15| clothing?4| |8|~I have been told I own stolemines or something of that sort in the sooth of Spain.~|8| The |3amusing amusin3| part is,º I will say|8, hotelmen,º8| |4|v5at my outskirtsv5|4| that|10, afterº |a|s14martiel martiells14|a| siegewin |s12with Abbot Warre to blesseºs12| on th yon slauchterday of cleantarriffs,º10| sinceº I|s12,º yetnotº a bottlenim,º |s13over the deep drowner |saDublin |s14Athacleeth Athacleeaths14|sa| to seek again Irrlanding, shamed in mind, with three |s14leaps plungess14| of my ruddertail,ºs13| |s14|s15hoisted vanceds15| imperial standard |saby weaponrightsa| ands14| platzed mine residenze |sahere, taking |s13|s14board bourds14| ands13| burgage under (19starrimisty starrymisty19),ºsa| ands12| ran |s13and operateds13| |s14a mys14| |8|~Bristol Brixtolº~|8| selection here |8|s12at thollstalls12|,º |10|xfor mean straits male with evorage fimmel,x|10| |ain |s13common communes13| soccage,ºa| amongº strange and enemy, |aamong these |s14building sites plotletss14|,ºa|8| |4|8in atº8| |s15Hoplinstown Poplinstowns15||5,5| |10'alore Fort Dunlip,10'| |8|athen-on-seaº,a| |s13hole of Serbonian bog, now city of magnificent distances, |s14good & walled goodwalldabouts14|, with talus |s14& ands14| counterscarp |s14and pale of palisadess14|,s13| |10|x(+after consortiums with theves & mumphies and ures and hissorlikers,+)x|10| inº that year which I have called |~blank |s15'mirabellous myriabellouss15'|,~| |saand overdrave these landet markenºsa|8| under |s14|sapatroonship patroonshaapsa| ofs14| our good |aking Urban the First |v5Kings about |s14kingsabout kingsinnturns,ºs14|v5| |8T.R.H.º8| Urban First and Champaign |v5Charles |8Cholly Chollyman |aand Hungry the Loaved and Hangry the Hatheda|8|,v5|a|4| |8|~hereº~|8| where |s14my tenenure of office ands14| my toils of domestication first |6began began,º6| |8|~though with~| weight of woman |~wound my neck |s13wund my nack my skat and skuld |abut Flukie of the Ravens myº sure piloter,a|s13|~|8| |8famine |~though blank, spitefired, perplagued, cramkrieged, |s+blank famines+|~|8| |s12with Englisch sweat andº oppedemicss12||s14, theº twotoothed
{f39, 540}
º with allsort serpents,s14| has |3|4wellnigh |~8teetotally |s13completely compolitelys13|~|8|4|3| |v5receded secededv5| fromº |3the land this landleagueº of many nations|s13, and openº and notorious naughty livers are |s14no longer found nots14| on our rollss13|3|.º |s14This seat of our city it is of all sides pleasant, comfortable and wholesome. If you would traverse hills,
{f10, 420}
they are not far off. If Champaign champain land, it lieth of all parts. If you would be delited withe with fresh water, the famous river called of Ptolemy
the Libnia |saLabiaºsa| runneth fast by. If you will take the view of the sea, it is at hand. Give heed!s14|

|s14⇒ — Do d Drumcollogher whatever you do!º

Visitez Drumcollogher-la-Belle!

And sie so Be suke and sie so ersedº Drumcollogher!

Vedi Drumcollogher e poi |s+Mooney's! Moonis!ºs+|

|s+Thingsº are not as they were.º Let me briefly survey. Pro clam a shunº! Pip! Peep! Pipitch!s+|s14| |10'|x|s+Where popjay piped pep |s+14Here popjay piped now pep Ubipop jay piped, ibipeps+|14|s+| goes the wi whistle. |s+Where Heres+|º Tyeburn |v+throttle throttled,v+| massed marmursº |s+arch marchºs+|:x|10'| |10whereº the bus stops,º there shop there I: here which ye see,º yea reste.º10| |12|s+On me, your sleeping |s14giant, from giant. Estoesto! Estote sunto! Froms14| the hold of my |s14capt ins14| altitude till the mortification that's my fate.s+|12| |s14The end of ourº aldest mosest ist the beginning of all thisorder so the last of their benbaiffs benbaliffs |s15benbailiffs hansbailiss15| shall the first in our sheriffsby.s14| |s10'Peace and plenty!ºs10'| |8|a|bNew highs for all!b| |s12Redu Negru may beº black in tawn but under them lintels |s+great great great are staying my horneymen meet each his maid mansiemagds+|. For peers and gints, quaysirs and galleyliers, for unread fresk letties from the say and stale headygabblers,º gaingangers and dudder waggoners wagoners, pullars off societies am andº pushers on rothmere'sº homes. |saObeyance from the townsmen spills felixityº by the|s12| Ourº bourse and our politico-ecomedyº are in safe with good Jock Shepherd,º |~our lives are on sure in sorting~| with Jonathans,º |~wilde wild~| and great.º |~|9'Are Been9'| so free! Thank you,º besters!~|a| Hattentats have mindered |atoa|, |s+12thuggeries |s14blueblaze blaublazeºs14| devilbobs have gone from the mode and hairtrigger nicks are quite out of time now. Thuggeriesºs+|12| are |s14rere as glovers meeting reere as glovars' metinss14|, |~lepers lack and~| ignorantsº show beneath |asuspicionºa| like the |awives |s+12bitterharfs bitterhalvess+|12|a| of esculapuloids. |10'In midday'sº mallsight let m Miledd discurverself,º Meluddº in her hide park seek Minuitetteº.10'| All is waldlyº |~bona bonums~|. |s13Aeros, Blownose aer air aerios,ºs13| we luft to you! Firebugs,º good blazes! Lubbersº, keepº your poudies drier! Seamen, we |s12bless segns12| your w |s+'15ship skivss+'|15| and wives!º8|
{f39, 541}

|8|aSevenº ills |12|s+sobarelyº |s14as centripuntss14|s+|12| havd I |~hadt habt,º seaventy seavens |12|s+|s14for circumferences14| inkeptives+|12| are your |s12hills12| prospect|12|s+: Brayd,º Blackfordrock, the Calton, the Liberton, Craig and Lockhart's, A. Costofino, R. Thursittºs+|12|.~|a| |aThe chort of |bOld Nichilas |~Nichilas Nicholas~| Withinb| was my guide and I raised a |s14dom on the bog dome on the wherewithoutss14| of Michan|s14: by awful tors my wellworthº building sprang sky spearingº spires, cloud cupoled campaniless14|.a| |10Furtherº this.10| |aBy fineounce |s12and impostss12| I |s12got andºs12| grew and by grossscruple |s12I grew |s+got gats+| I growns12| outreachesly|12|s+: murageº andº lestage were my mains |s14for Ouerlord's tithings14| andº |s14great great great my drains |safor render and prendersa| the doles and |satributes the tributesa|s14|s+|12|:ºa| |s12I was merely out of my mintº |s+with all those the percussors on my braincaps+| till I |s+muched struck for myselfs+| |s14and mucheds14| morely
{f10, 421}
by |s14token token:s14|s12| |s14To tos14| |s+12Milud Sirrherrs+|12| |s13of gamble Gambeldenºs13| |ablank oldº |s14ruddys14| moneya| andº to |~Milady Madame~| |s13of Pitymounts13| |aher blank |s14fresh advances I |salooe louesa| youss14|.a|8| |8|x(+10Dutch Paybadsº+)10| |s14florinners moved floriners |savanced movedsa|s14| |s12in hugheknotss12| against us and |~I~| |10'met matt10'| them |s12Bartholomew|sa, pepst to papst,sa| barth barthelemews12|:º |s+blank milreys |10'|x(mark!)ºx|10'| onfellºs+| and |10'Luc (luc!)º10'| I arose,º Daniel in Leonden.x|8| |s12|s+|s14Bulafest's Bulafestss14| onvied me, Corkcuttas graachtedº.s+| Atabey!s12| |10The soord |s13of ons13| |s14Whenhislaws Whencehislawss14| was mineº |s+& ands+| mine |s+blank|s12great great great the prusshing unread stock of |saAlbert the Bear |s13Albrech the Bear |s14Albrecht Allbrechts14| the Bearns13|sa|s12|.ºs+|10| |10'|aI |s14schicked wegschickeds14| Duke Wellinghof to |s14shockle reshockles14| Roy |s14Shackleton, Shackleton:s14| |s+wallhalloo, wallhalloo, wallhalloo, |s14walhalloo, walhalloo, walhalloo Walhalloo, Walhalloo, Walhalloo,s14|s+| mourn in |||++|12playn pleins++|12|!º |bI braved Brien Berueme to berow him against the |s+Loughlin Loughlinss+|, all |s+the hers+| tolkies shraking: f Fugabollags! Lusqu'au bouº!b|a| |s12|s+if she had ire in her eyeball she got dane on her tooth Ifº they had ire |sain the back ofsa| eyeball they got dann danage on |sathe frontsa| tooth:s+| theres |sawas revery were revelriessa| at ridottos, here was rivalry in redoubt.ºs12| Underº law's marshall |s12and |s14warschauw warschouws14|s12| did I thole till lead's plumbate|s12, ping on pang,s12| |s14relieved reliefeds14| me. I made |s+12preyer |s15'prahar praharfeasts15'|s+|12| upon acorpolous and |s15'fastings down (+fast brokedown fastbroke downº+)s15'| in Neederthorpe.10'| |s14I let faireviews in on slobodensº but ranked rothgardes round wrathmindsers: I bathandbaddend on mendicity and I cowcuredº off the on unoculated.s14| |8|aWho can Can youºa| tell their tale whom I filled ad liptum on the plain of Soulsbury?8| |10With three hunkered peepers and twa and twas!º |xFor sleeking |s12beautes beautiess12| I spinned their nightinveils, to slumbred beastsº I tummed the tiefº air.ºx| |s12Round |samusky went the musky movedsa| a murmelº but |s14mewses (19whinninared whinninaird19) ands14| |sabelfas belluassa| zoomed:º «++|sasoft tendulcissa| tunes like water parted fluted up from the westinders while from gorges in the east came the strife of ourangoontangues.s++|s12| |xAllº in my thicville |s12Escuterre ofens12| was thorough |s12fair fears12| but in the |s+meckle mecklings+| of my |s12burgh Burghº Belvaross12| was the site |s12forbid forbeds12|:x| |xI |s14made meadeºs14| uisanceº of many wellpressedº (+15meadows champdamors+)15| andº peddled freely in the scrub:ºx| |12«++tuberclerosies I
{f39, 542}
reized |s14up from the spudplantz spudfully from the Hawkin's murphyplantz Hawkinsoniaºs14| andº berriberries from the |s14great pletoras of the Irish shous14|.ºs++|12| |xI heard my libertiladsº making frayº through their curraghcoombs andº my trueblues herusalamingº before Wailingtone's Wall:x|10| |s12«++out of fundness for the |s13blanks13| outozone I carried them |saand curried themsa| and curried them in my putzemedon Putzemdownº cars to my Kommeandine hotels:º I |s15collected the rain's riches richmounded the rainelags15| in my bathytubº of roundwood and conveyed it with cheers and cables|sa, rearingº mighty shouts,ºsa| through my longertubes of elm:ºs++|s12| |s12Iº made sprouts fontaneously from |s13Sir Sober Phillup Philuppe Sobrietys13| in the |s13cup coupes13| that's |s14chained cheyneds14| for noon inebriates: |s+when |saI theysa| «++waxed waned weaneds++| weary of that bibbing I made infusion more infused:º sowerpacers of the |s14vineyaard vinegarths14|, obtemperate unto me! Whenº you think me in my coppeecuffs «++be aware lookinwareºs++| «++how wouldºs++| you meckamockame, as you pay in caabmand'sº sheltar tot the ites like you corss the tee: tees. Wherefore watch ye well! For,º while I |s14oplocked oploockedºs14| the first of Janus's S |s13Janus'strait |s14Janus's trait Janus's straight,s14|s13| I downsaw the last of Christmas steps: syndic podesterilº and on the rates, I for indigent and intendente:s+| inº Forum Foster I |sademonsthened my unread |s+'15demonsthenated demonsthrenatedºs+'|15| my folksfiendshipsa|,º |saand all enmy |sbpeople pupulssb|sa| felt my |sabark burksa| was no worse than their brite: |saSapphrageta and |s14Conchincia Consciencias14| were undecidedly
{f10, 422}
attached to me but the maugher machrees and the |s13antiparthenopes auntieparthenopess13| |s14great great great, my |saswallowunread schwalbysa| words with |salighted sponges litted spongeletssa| set their |sasoaking bonnets soakeypokeysº and botchbonsºsa| afume: Fletcher-Flemmings, elizabothº, how interquackeringly they rogated me, their golden one, I inhesitantº made replique: Mesdememdes |sato leuresponsor leursieuresponsorsa|: Andº who in hillsaide, |sadon't Don'tº yousa| let flyfire till you see their whites of the bunkers' eyes?º Mr Answers: Bringemº young, bringem young, bringem young!ºs14| in my bethel of Solyman's I accouched their rotundaties and I turnkeyed most |sbinsultanly insultantlysb| over |s+the lutetiass+| rapedº and in the lock:º I gave bax obº biscums to the jacobeaters |s+blank and pottage bakes to the esausted:º I (++delivered blank chauk dehlivered them with |s14frekandesias freakandesiass14| by the constant droppings from my smalls instalmonths while I titfortotalled up their farinadays for them on my |s13slatoper's slataper'ss13| slate with my chandner's chauk:º++)s+| I jaunted on my jingelbrett rapt in neckloth and sashesº and I begged abo beggaredº about the amnibushes like |s13a belly in belly in as13| bowle.ºsa|s12| |s13|saOut of Insa| the humanity of my heart I sentº out heywheywomenº for to |sablank refreshsa|
{f39, 543}
the ballwearied
and then, doubling |s+14metropolitan megalopolitans+|14| |sapoliteness |s14polateness which was poleetness, which was my great greats14| greatest of these charitiessa|, |s+14devalised devaleuriseds+|14| the base fellows for the curtailment of their lower man:º with a slog to square leg I put sent my my boundary to Botany Bayº and I ran up a score and four of |s14me mess14| while the Yanksº were huckling the Empire:ºs13| |s12I have been reciping on om omominous lettersº |14|s+and widelysigned petitionss+|14| full of pieces of pottery about my |s14great great monumentalnesss14| |sagreat as a thingabollssa| and I have beenº inchanting causeries to the feshest cheoilboysº so that they are allcalling on me for |saa thesa| song of |sathe asa| birtch.ºs12| |s12Attent! Couunread Couch hear!s12| |4Iº have |v5built |s15reared beckets15|v5| my |10vonderbilt10| |s14hut |s15cot hutchs15|s14| in |s15the night |sasunmidnat sunsmidnoughtsa|s15| and at |s+12morn morningrises+|12| Iº was |v5surrounded |s12encompassed encampasseds12|v5| of mushroofs|a:º theº |5more5| secretlyº bi builtº, the |v5morev5| openly |s12plastered palastereds12|a|.º |12|s+Rest and |sabethankful bethinkfulsa|, with licence, thanks.s+|12| |6I considered the lilies on the veldt and unto Balkis did I disclothe mine glory.6| |8|aFullgent, |~Fulgent~|a| |~I funked forth~| |a|~(drat it!),~|a| |~voldsom they veered.~|8| Lo,º I have looked |alongºa| upon my |ablank |v5pumpadears |s12pompadours pumpadearss12|v5|a| in their |v5loveliness easanciesv5| and my drummers have |s15told tattleds15| |atheir talla| tales of me in the land.º4| |8|~(13Fulgent I funked forth (drat it!); voldsom (veh!) they veered.13)~|8|

|14|++|14| |10Andº this.º10| |8|aFrom This maydsº my taughtersº and these man,º my son, froma| |s15my fief ofs15| the Villaº of the Ostmannorumº to Thorstan's,º recte |9'blank Thomars Sraid,º9'| |s12and from Huggin |saPlace |sbPleace Pleazesb|sa| to William Inglis his house,ºs12| |s13that man de Loundres,s13| |s12|s+in |saall the |s13whole alls13| theirsa| barony of Saltus, bonders and foburgh furb foeburghers, |s14helots and zelots,s14| strutting oges andº swaggering j macks, |s15the darsy jeamses, the drury joneses,s15| redmaids and bleucottsº,s+|s12| |s14in hommage all andº felony, |s15all who have received tickets,ºs15| (afair home overcrowded, tidy but very little furniture, respectable, whole family attends daily massº and is dead sickº of bread and butter, sometime in the militia, mentally strained from reading work on Germanº physics, shares closet with eight other dwellings, more than respectable, getting comfortable parish relief, wage-earnerº freshly shaven from prison, highly respectable, planning new departure in |s15montgomery |errmountgomery Mountgomeryºerr|s15| cyclefinishing,
{f10, 423}
eldest son will not serve |s+but peruses Big-Man-up-in-the-Skyº scrapss+|, anoopanadoon lacking backway, quasi respectable, pays ragman in bones for faded windowcurtains, staircase continually lit up with guests, particularly respectable, house lost in dirt and blocked with refuse, getting on like Roe'sº distillery on fire, slovenly wife active with the jug, in business for himself, has a tenth illegitimate coming, partly respectable, following correspondence courses, chucked work over row, both
{f39, 544}
cheeks kissed at levee by late marquess of Zetland, sharing closet which is profusely written over with eleven other subscribers, once respectable, open hallwayº pungent of Baltic dishes, bangs kept woman's head against wall thereby disturbing neighbours, private chapel occupies return landing, removal every other quarter day, case one of peculiar hopelessness, most respectable, nightsoilº has to be removed through snoring household, eccentricº naval officer not quite steady enjoys weekly churchwarden and laugh while reading foreign |s+picture publications pictorialsºs+| on clumpstumpº before door, known as the trap, widow rheumaticº and chars, haunted, condemned and execrated, of dubious respectability, tools too costly pledged or uninsured, reformed philanthropist whenever feasibleº takes advantage of unfortunates against dilapidating ashpits, serious student is eating his last dinners, floor dangerous for unaccompanied old clergymen, thoroughly respectable, many uncut pious books in evidence, nearest watertapº two hundred yards'º run away, fowlº and bottled gooseberry frequently on table, man has not had boots off for twelve months, infant being taught to hammer flat piano, outwardly respectable, sometimes hears from titled connection, one foot of dust between banister and cracked wall, wife cleans stools, eminently respectable, ottawark and regular loafer, should be operated onº would she consent, deplorable rent in roof, claret cellar cobwebbed since the pontificate of Leo, wears drill trousers and collects rare buddhas, underages very treacly and verminous have to be separated, sits up with fever casesº for one and threepence, owns two terraces (back to back breeze), respectable in every way, harmless imbecile supposingly weakminded, a sausage every Sunday, has a staff of eight servants, (17outlook marred by ne'er-do-wells |shusing the lanewaysh|,17) lieabed sons go out with sisters immediately after dark, has never seen the sea, travels always with her eleven trunks of clothing, starving cat left in disgust, the pink of respectability, resting after colonial service, labours at plant, the despair of his many benefactresses, calories exclusively from |errrowntrees Rowntreesºerr| and dumplingsº, one bar of sunlight does them all January and half Februaryº, the V. de V's (animal diet) live in fivestoriedº
{f39, 545}
but rarely pay tradesmen, went security for friend who absconded, shares same closet with fourteen similar cottages and an illfamed lodginghouseº, more respectable than some,
{f10, 424}
teawidow pension but held to purchase, inherited silk hat from father-in-law, head of domestic economy never mentioned, queryº how they live, reputed to procure, last four occupants carried out, mental companionship with mates only, respectability unsuccessfully aimed at, copious holes emitting mice, decoration from Uganda chief in locked ivory casket, grandmother has advanced alcoholic amblyopia, the terror of Goodmen's Fieldº, and respected and respectable, as respectable as respectable can respectably be, |s+|s15missing though their orable amission were the herrors I (19could19) have expected,s15|s+| all,º let them all come,ºa)s14| they are my vill villeins, |awithº chartulariesa| I have talledged them.º8|

(13Wherforº I will and firmly command|s14, as I willed and firmly commanded, upon my Royal royal word,º and cause the great seal |sato be now now to besa| affixed,s14| that |s14from the farthest of the farther of their fathers to their children's children'sº childrens14| they do inhabit it and hold it for me and my heirs,º |s14unencumbered,ºs14| firmly and quietly, amply and honestly, and with all the liberties and free customs which the men of Tolbris|s14, a city of Tolbris,ºs14| have at Tolbris, |s14in the county of their citys14| and through whole my land. |s14Hereto my |avouchers:ºa| knifeº and snuffbuchs.s14| |s+Fee for farm. Enwreakº us wrecks.s+|13)

(1919) |10'|xStrugglingº forlongs I have |s13freed livramentoeds13|, millesº on milles of mancipelles.x|10'|º |10'|aMine |s12Mint Mineds12|a| outskirts benlewd,º men breaches portpoinsed:º inº morgenattics litt I hope,º in seralcellars louched I bleakmealers:º |sxon my |s12seats sieges12| of my mightyº I was parciful of my subjects,º |s12but |s14boss buts14|s12| in |s12streets streetwauksºs12| that are darkest I |adebelled debelled emºa| superb:sx|10'| |s12I deemed the drugtails in my unread pettycourts and domstered |sadustyfeet dustyfeetssa| in my great husinclose:ºs12| |10|xat Guy'sº they were swathed, |s14as ats14| Foulkes'sº slashed,x| |xthe game for a Gomezº, the |s12law |salex loysa|s12| for a Lynch:º |s12if I was |samagmanimoss magmonimosssa| as a staidy lavgiver I revolucanized by my eructions:ºs12| onº |s14high hyes14| and |s12bys12| bye |s12wayseedss12| I scattered em, in my |s12holy fields |safields of Graben graben fields sew sowagesa|s12| I gathered em:ºx|10| |s13in Sheridan's Circle my wits |sarest repose,ºsa| in |sathe pits black pittssa| of the pe pestered Lenfant he isº |sadamb dummedsa|. |sa|s14(Wake not! Walk not!) Heartsº of Oak, may ye root to piece!
{f39, 546}
Rechabites,º obstain! Clayed sheets, pineshrouded, wake not, walk not!º |s16Sigh lento, Morgh!ºs16|s14|sa|s13|

|s14s14| |4|v5My sovereign has wherefore blank |s14Wherefore Quoº warrantoºs14| has |s12his greatsºs12| my |s15sovereign solivens15| |s14and puissants14| lord |10V. Kingº10| regards for mev5| and he has given to me my |s12neckname necknameshs12| |10(flister it!)º10| which is second |afiddlera| to nomen.4| |14|s+These be my |sagentalitian genteeliciansa| arms.s+| |sxAt the crest, two young frish, etoiled, flappant,º devoiledº of their habiliments, vested sable, withdrewers argent. For the boss,º a |s+coleopteron coleopterºs+|, pondant, partifessewiseº, (17blazond blazoned17) sinister, at the slough, proper. In the lower field,º at a terce of lanciers, shaking |s15unsheatheds15| shafts, their arms crossedº in saltire, embusked, sinople. |s+Motto|sa, in letters (19potent portent19)sa|: |saHircus Civis Eblanensis |sbHeri Herysb| Crass Evohodiesa|.s+|sx|14|

|s14s14| Idleº were it|8, repassing |s12from elsergrounds12| to the elder disposition,º |ain so |~blank~| and such a matter |~as me it so besitteth~|,ºa|8| to inquire whether I|v5, |s12huddledtogether huddledtill huddled til
{f10, 425}
summones12|,ºv5| be the |v5mass product massproductv5| of |4team work |v5team work, draggedasunder, teamworkv5|4| or |v5a I, draggedasunder, theºv5| forced |s14outcome generations14| of groupº |3marriage |4marriages |v5marriages, huddledtogether, marriageºv5|4|3| |8or carried of cloud from land of locustº |~,~|8| |s12in ouzel galley borne,ºs12| |10three surtouts wripped up in |s14itchothers itchother'ss14|, two twinº |s15pretticoaxes pritticoaxess15| lived as one, troubled in trine or dubild into dubildin too,10| for,º |8holocryptogam of my essenses,º8| |10abram nude be I or roberoyed with the faineans |s15orº Feejeean grafted ape on |sxfish |samerfish merfischºsa|sx|s15|,10| surrounded by obscurity, |4most surely4| Iº |3claim pretendº3| |s13and reclams13| byº |s12virtue my virtuss12| of creation and by boon of promiseº my naturalbornº freeman's |4journeyman4| rightº |8and |amya| Other Church's inher lightsº8| toº opt for simultaneous. |v5Amen.v5| |8Till daybow breakº and showshadows flee.8| |4|~8So Thus~|8| be Hek!º4| |4Verily verily. |v5Verity, verity. Verily! Verily!ºv5|4| |10'Time, place!10'|

— What is your numb? |3One. Bun!º3|

Who gave you that numb? |3Two. Poo!º3|

— Have you put in all your spare penniesº? |v5I'm listening. unreadv5| |3Three. Sree!º3|

— Keep clear of propennies!º |v5I'm listening.v5| |3Four. (19Kore Fore19)!º3|

|3|10Invisible Mr Televox, Mrs Taubiestimm,º and invisible10|º friends!º3| I maymay mean to say|4. Annoyinº part of it |ais wasa|,º4| had myº faithful Fulvia, followingº the |s12wienings12| |v5fashion coursesv5| of this world, turned her back on her ways to goº on |s14the hills in uphills upons14| search of |s12louvers,s12| brunette men of |4Iraland |10Iarland Earalend10|4|, Chief Nightcloud by the Deeps and Chief |3Blackwater Goes-in-Blackwater3| and Chief Northpaw |4and Chief Brown |s14Pool Pooles14|4|,º or|4, again,º4| had |4she Fluvia|s12, amberº witch whitch she was,s12|4| left her |s12chivilys12| crookcrook crocus bed at the bare suggestions of some |4fisherfolk |s12prollings12| bywaymen4|
{f39, 547}
|s12from Moabits12| who wouldº have abused of her|s14, the foxrogues,s14| there might accrue advantage to ask |s14|sawhere wher in pellmellsa| her deceivers sinneds14|. Yet know of oldº it was vastly otherwise |8which I have heard it by (17my mmummy17) goods waif,º8| asº I |8chieflyº endmost8| |s15heartily |sxhartenly hartylysx|s15| |3blank aver3|,º for (4she Fulvia Fluvia|s12, iddle woman to the |s14great plusneeborns14|,s12|4) ever did ensue |8tillstead8| the |3thing (4things |6tinge |~8thinge things~|8|6|4)3| that pertained unto fairnessº|s14, this where |sawhy wharomsa| I am fawned on, that which was loosts14|. Even (4so, so. Forº I waged love on |6me her6|: and spoiled her undines: andº she wept|s14|s15, exceeding bitters15|s14|.º4) (4O Lord. O my |6laws lors6|!4)

|8⇒ — Till we meet!

Ere we part!

|s+Tolloll, all! Tollollall!s+|

This time a hundred years!8|

|88| Butº Iº was firm with her. Andº I did take the |8hand reached8| of my delights, my jealousy, (17ymashkt, beyashmakt, earswathed, snoutsnooded,º17) and did raft her |s12riverworthily flumingworthilys12| and did |8lead leftlead8| herº overland the pace, |s14from lachsleapº up to liffsloup, |satiding down,sa|s14| |s12as portreeve should,ºs12| whimpering by |3Gardiner's Mall and Gormanstown |v+Gardiner's Mall and Kevin's port Kevin's |s14port creeks14|º |4'and |10'Hurdlesford Hurdlesfjordº10'|4'| and |4Gardiner's Gardener's4| Mallv+|3| |s12|s14and, |saby longsa|s14| |sariverside riviersidesa| driveº|s14, embankment large,s14|s12| to Ringsend |s14|saFloat Flottsa| ands14| Ferry|s14, where she began to bump a little bit,s14|
{f10, 426}
|s12my dart to throws12|:º and there|4, |s12on byºs12| wavebrink,º4| |s12on strond of south,º thats12| |8|s12by mace of with mace tos12| |~Masthigh masthigh~|,8| |10|atallas taillasa| Cowhowling, quailless Highjakes,10| |3by I bade |v+didv+| I |aarose |s14uplift (16upriesed upreizeº16)s14|a| my |amagicianer'sa| puntpole(19, the tridont sired a tritan stock, farruler,19) and I bade3| |4the those4| pollyfizzyboisterousº seas |3|ato retire |bhimself with |8himselves hemselves8|b| from |bus osºb| |b(rookwardsº, thou |cseaseac| |s14stammerer stamorors14|!)b| and I abridged |4with domfineº |s9Norsemanship norsemanships9|4| |s14till I had done abatt abates14| her |s14maiden maidans14| race, and my baresark bride,a| |v+I andv+| knew her fleshly (4whenº with all my bawdy did I her |10'worship whorshipº10'|, min |s14bryllupswipe bryllupswibes14|:º Heaven, he hallthundered; Heydaysº, he flung (6blizzforhers blissforhers6).4) (4and And I4) |ahad delight of her |v+had castv+| my |bten man's tenspanb| joys ona| her|s12, |saarsched overtupped,sa| from bank of call to echobank,s12| and by dint of strongbow |10(Galata! Galata!)10|,º |a|v+and so |s12strong strengs12|v+| we were |v+inv+| one,º malestream |s12and ins12| shegulf:ºa| and3| |s12to ringstresses12| |8with |s9iron |s12iren ierns12|s9| of |~Ierne |s12ierne Erins12|~|8| I |s12thumbringed thumbeds12| |8herº8| and tradesmanmarked |3her |8lieflang8| |v+minev+|3| |v5for all and singularv5||8, iday, igone, imorgensº and for ervighedsº |sa(|s14base your peak, you:! you, strike your flag!s14| whatº screech of shippings! what low of dampfbulls!):ºsa|8|
{f39, 548}
|10goosegaze annoynted uns, canaill |s14canailes canailless14| canzoned;º |afrom Livland,º hockº zivios, from Lettland,º skall vives!ºa|10| |10'and Withº Impress of Asias and Queen Columbia for her pairanymphsº and the singing sands for herbrides'º music,º10'| |s12|sato mine meº tosa| she her |s14skyblumes shyblumess14| liftedº ands12| Iº |s12chained padd pudds12| a name andº wedlock |s14boltoneds14| |3round her3| |10missing10| the which to carry till her grave, |10Appa Lippia Pluviabille,º10| my |s15dirty deary durdin dearleyºs15||10', whilesº I herr lifer |s14amstell ands14| been10'|:º |10'I chained her chastemate |alest the to grippea| fiuming snugglers, her chambrett I bestank so to spunish furiosos: |aI was her hochsized, her cleaveintoº, her everest, she was my |bann annointedºb|, my |blaurels, laurelled,ºb| my proved:ºa| who cut her ribbons when nought my prowes?º who expoused that havenliness to |s14collective anchorrides beachalured ankerridess14| when not I,º freipforter?º in trinity huts they met my dama,º pick of their |s14pock |sapack pokesa|s14| for me: |xwhen I forgetherº 'twas my sumbad, if I farseeker itch my list:x| |sxhadº I not workit in my cattagut |s12with dogshounds' unread dogshunds' crotts to cleneºs12| and had I not giftetº of my coataways|s12, to greats great constant to noble's constantonoble's aims12|?ºsx|10'| and|s8, fortiffed by my right |s13as man of capitols13|,ºs8| I didº |s12encompass |saumgirdle umgyrdlesa|s12| her about, my |3verminbreeder vermincelly |+vinegarette+|3|,º with all loving kindnessº as far as in |v+3my man'sv+|3| might it lay |3andº enfranchised her to liberties of fringes:º3| and I gave |4unto until4| my lilienyounger turkeythighs soft goods and hardware |s14(catalogue, passimº)s14| and fineº ladderproof hosiery lines |s14(see stockingers'º raiment)s14| |s13and cocquetteº coiffs |s14(see Agnes' hats)s14|s13| |s12and potted fleshmeats |s13and potted fleshmeats from stove dampkookins13|s12| and pennigsworthsº of the best ofº taste |8of of |aknobby leeks knaggyº jetsa| and silvered |awatercress waterrosesa| and8| geegawsº (4of my pretty novelties4) |3and |s14wispy wispywaspys14| frocks|s10',º |s+transparencies, trancepearancesºs+|s10'| (4of redferns and |10'lauralworths lauralworths,º10'|4)3| suchº as women cattleº (4wear |s14wear, bare and peltries piled |saand samite supple, an rosselling gownssa|,ºs14| |8the |s15'pick peaks15'| |afrom ofa| Pim's and |aTodd's Slyne'sa| and Sparrow's,8| |10|s+loomends day lumineused,ºs+| luxories on looks,10| La Primamère, Pyrrha Pyrrhine, Or de Reinebeau, Sourireº d'Hiver,º and a crinoline, wide unread a shire,4) and (4pattens for her trilibies |s13that know she might the |s14torture tortuourss14| of the bootss13| |s14and bedes |saof wampun withsa| to ply unread to toy, and a |samurcerysa|
{f10, 427}
glaze of shard to mirrowºs14| for4) all daintinessº by |s13teatime me and theetime, the cupandnaggin hours13|:º |4and I wound around my |aswanling's swanchen'sa| neckplace a school of |v5unread |s14joys schellsºs14|v5| of moyles marine to |s9ring |s12sing swings12|s9| their |v5sunread |s8seabells |s13seasangs saysangss13|s8|v5| in her |s13silence silentss13|: and, upping her |v5unread asºv5| king's count,º |s15her aldritch cry (19olos oloss19) unheading(+,+) what though exceeding bitter(+,+)s15| I pierced her beak with order of the
{f39, 549}
Danabrog |10|x|s+— sall live! (Cunnig's great! |s12Sall live! Sall live! |s13Soll live! Soll live! Soll leve! Soll leve!s13|s12|)s+|x|10|:º4| |s13|saWith mares' with mare'ssa| greaseº cressets at Leonard's and Dunphy's |saandº Madonna |s15lanterns lanthornss15| before quintacasas |s15and tallonkindles |sxspearheadsx| syngeing nickendbookers, and mhutton lightburnes |sxdipdipdownes dipdippingdownessx| in blackholess15|, the tapers of the toperssa| and his buntingpall |saon Mall!) |s14on the Mall; at Hoist,ºs14|sa| for days there was no night for nights were days and our folk had rest from Blackheathenº and the pagans from the prince of |s14peace; pacis:s14| what was trembling sod |s14quacked quakeds14| no more,º what wereº frozen loins were stirred and lived:s13| |s14gone the septuor, dark, deadly dismal doleful desolate dreadful desperate, no more |sathesa| tolvmaans, bloody, gloomy, hideous, fearful, furious, alarming, terrible, horribleº , mournful, sorrowful frightful, appalling,: peace,º perfect peace:s14| and I hung up |4at |s13Yule Yulºs13|4| my |s12pigmy dwindling duindleeing duindleengs12| |s15suns lunass15| |4|aat Yulea|4||8, helphelped of Kettil Flashnose,8| for the |s12supperhour |sasupperhore souperhoresa|s12| of my frigidº one|8, |s14coulomba coloumbas14| mea, frimosa |s14mia meas14|,º8| |s12in |s13great great great |s15Waste Filth Wastewindy Tarreds15| Avenue Strateºs13| and Elgin's marble |s13halls halles|sa,º lamping light |s14lithe limps14| from black to block,sa|s13|s12| |4through all |8Livania |aLivania Livania's volted ampire,ºa| fromº |s12anods anodesºs12| to |s+12cathods cathodess+|12| and8|4| from the topazolites of Mourne|s13,º |saWykinloflare Wykinloeflaresa|,s13| by Arklow's sapphire |s+12seamanslure siomen's lures+|12| and |18Waterford's Wexterford's18| hook and crook lights to the polders of Hy Kinsella:º |12|s+aven avenyue |s14seen ceens14| my peurls ahumming|s13, the crown to my |s14eastuarine estuarines14| munipicence?ºs13| |s14and great great great;s14|s+| threeº firths of the sea I |s+great & great great swept with draughtness and all ennempties I bottled em up in bellomport:ºs+|12| |s14whenº I stabmarooned jack and maturin I was a bad boy's bogey but it was when I went on to sankt piotersbarq that they gave my devil his (19due dues19): what is seizer can hack in the old wold a sawyer may hew in the green: |s+on the island of Breasil the wildth of me perished and I took my plowshure sadly, feeling pity for me sored:s+| where bold (16O'Conee O'Connee16) weds |saonsa| Alta Mahar|sa, the tawny sprawlingº beside that silver burn,sa| I sate me and settled with the little crither of my hearth:s14| |10'|sxher intellects I charmed with I |s13called calles13| them |s12utiles12| thoughts,º |s+blank |s12great great great her turlyhyde I plumped with |sapotatumssa|s12|s+| |s+12peace and plenty! for amiens in |s14peace peases14| unread in plenty:ºs+|12|sx|10'| |s12my biblous beadells |sashowed shewedsa| her |satheir triumphs of |sbcraftygildsb|sa| pageantries,º loftust Adamº |saduffedsa| our |saclother cousterclothersa|, Conn and Owel with |saupset basket cortoppled baskibsa|, sir Noah Guines, exposing |s+sirr Sireºs+| Noeh (16Guinass Guinnassº16) exposant of his bargenessº and Lordº Joe Starr to hump the body of the (19camel camell19):ºs12| |s15I screwed the Emperor down with ninepins gaelic with sixpennyhapennies
{f39, 550}
for his hanger on
: my worthies were bissed and trissed from Joshua to Godfrey but my processusº prophetarum they would have plauded to perpetuation. Moral: book to besure,º see press.s15|
{f10, 428}

— He's not all buum and bully.

— But his members handly food him.

— Steving's grain from for the for's greet collegtium.º

— The S.S.º |saPatrick's Padraic'sºsa| in the harbour.ºs+|12| |12|s+

s+|12| |10and And after these thingsº10| I fed her, my |s13carleen carlens13|, my |s13little lean steer bareleen barelean linsteers13|, upon spiceries for her garbage breath, italics of |s+12knobbyleek knobbylauchº |s13and the rich |s14morcel morsels14| of the Marrylebon marroleboneºs13| and shains of garleekss+|12| and swinespepper and gothakrautsº |s12|s+and pinkee dilliskss+|, primes of meshallehs,ºs12| |s13and subtletiesº in jellywork|sa,º come the feast of Saintº Pancreas,ºsa| |s14and shortcake nutrients for Paas and Pingster's pudding,s14| |s15bready and nuttalled,ºs15| and potted fleshmeats from stoveº dampkookinºs13| |8and the drugs of Kafa and Jelapaº and shallots out of Ascalon|s14, feeding her food convenient herfor, |sa(+chuckings for her gay regime+) |sband a (+with an odd+)sb| (+kip to break the charm,+) and unreadsa|s14| |s15to pass thenº into earths15|8|:º and to my saffronbreathing mongoloid|s14, the skinsyg,s14| I gave |s12Biorwik'ss12| powlver and |s12gentle Uliv'sºs12| oils|12|s+, unguentsº |s14great of cuticures14|,s+|12| for the swarthy |s14|sasearching searchall'ssa|s14| face |v+3of onv+|3| her andº handewers and |s14loinscrubbers groinscrubberss14| and a |s+12currycomb carrycams+|12| |3for to teaseº3| her tuzzyº |3|v+out|12|s+, the brown but combly,ºs+|12|v+|3| |s14unread and aº mopsa's broom to duist her sateºs14| and clubmoss and wolvesfoot for her more moister wards |10'|x(amazing efficiencies!)x|10'|:º |v+andv+| and |4forº my shopsoiled doveling|10'|x, when weeks of kindness skinlyº civicised,x|10'|4| |10in our |s14salons saloonss14| esquirial |s13withº fineglas |s14frontbays bowbays, draped embrasuresºs14| |saand giltedged librariumsºsa|s13|10| I |v+3devised did devisev+|3| my prizelessº telltale games sports atº evenbread to wring her withers limberly, |8wheatears, slapbangº, |s13draper-cut-dean drapier-cut-deans13|,8| bray |8and, nap,8| spinado and ranter-go-round:º |s13we had our lewd |sameyers mayerssa| and our lairdie |sameirisses meiressessa| |15|s+'kiotowing ands+'|15| smulingº |sadown fullfacesa| on us outunread out of their |safunreadous framoussa| |s14lakenesses latenesses,s14| oilclothed over for cohabitation and allpointed by Hind:ºs13| |s14|saCusake, Wittington, Tamlane the Cussacke, Dirk Wettingstone, Pieterºsa| Stuyvesant, |saO'Neill Outlawrie O'Niellsa|, Mrs Currens, Mrs |s15Figgis Reyson-Figgiss15|, Mrs Datteryº |saandsa| Mrs Pruny-Quetch: |saIn in hym we trust, footwash and sects principles,º apply to the overseer,º Amos five six:sa|s14| |12|s+she had |s14her dabblingtime in her dunsingkalls dabblingtime for |saexhibiting her grace of aljambras andsa| duncingk for the |saunread bloodanoobssa| in her vauxhallsºs14| while I|s14, dizzed |saand dazedsa| by the lumpty thumpty |saof our
{f39, 551}
interloopingssa|,s14| fell clocksure off my ballast:ºs+|12| |10'|x|ainº our windtor palast it vampared foreº elenden,º we lubded Sirº |s14Wohl Gudds14| for the sleep (+& and+) the |v+ghosts ghoastsºv+|:a| she chauffed her feusiesº at my Wigan's jewels |aand while shea| skalded herº |v+mermerise mermeriesv+| on my Snorryson's sagos:ºx|10'| |s13in payunread paycook's thronsaale she domineered:º lecking icies off the dormer panes all admired her in |s14camaises; camises:s14| on Rideau Row |sashe Duannasa| dwells, you merk well what you see:ºs13| |s12let wellth |s14wore weres14| I our pantocreator would theirs be tights for the gods:ºs12| |s14in (19littlered ridinghats littleritt reddinghats19) and cindery yellows and tinsel and glitter and bibs under hoods:s14| |8Iº foredreamed for herº and,º more than fallmaked,º I prevened for herº in the |ahouse hauntsa| that joybelled frail light-a'-leavesº for sturdy traemen:º |aPelvis ad Hombre Pelves ad Hombresa|
{f10, 429}
Sumus:º I said to the shiftless prostitute,º Letº me be your fodder; and |s11I said to the tos11| roadiesº |10|+|sx|s11ands11| prater brotherssx|+|10|,º Chau,º Camerade!º8| |s14Evangelº of good tidings, omnient as the Healer's word, for the lost, loathsome and whomsoever will:º who, in regimentation through liberal donation in coordination for organisation of their installation and augmentation plus some annexation and amplification with precip without precipitation towards the culmination in latification of what was formerly their utter privation, competence, cheerfulness, usefulness and the |sareward meedsa|, shallº in their second Adamsº all be made alive.ºs14|

|1414| |s12Myº tow tugs |samoved long steered downsa| canal grand, my lighters lay longside on Regalia Water:ºs12| andº I built |4in Urbs in Rureº4| for |s14mine minnes14| elskede, my shiny |3brow brows3|, |s12under astrolobe from my upservatory,s12| an |s15earthcloset erdclosets15| |s14with showne ejectors14| wherewithin to be |s14quit squatquits14| in most convenienceº from her sabbathº needs|s12, when open noise should stilled bes12|: |8|xdid not I festfix |s14with mortarboards14| my unniversiriesº, wholly,º rational and gottalike|s12, |sasophister agen sophister |sbsowfister sorefistersb| agen sowfisterºsa|, lifunread life sizars alls12|?º was not Iº |arockcut rosetteda| on two stelasº of little egypt?º had not Iº rockcut redersº, |ablank hieros, |sbblank gregossb| and democriticos|s12, tricastellated and, bimedalliseds12|?º |~chortwork made not (I) of her hogs and bogarisses~| and by my |s14syvendialed sevendialledºs14| |achanginga| charties Hibernska Ulitzas made |sanotsa| Iº to pass through twelveº Threadneedles and Newgade and Vicus Veneris to cooinsight?º |10myº camels'º walk, kolossa! kolossa!,º no porte sublimer benared my ghates:º10| |bOi polled ye Manyº but my fews were chousen |10'(voterº, voter, early voter,
{f39, 552}
he was never too oft for Old Sarum)10'|:ºb|a|x|8| |s12terminals four my |s14statiens statiess14| were, |sathe geenar Geenar, the greasouwea Greasouwea, the Debwickweck, the |sbBroadstone Migreawissb|sa|:ºs12| |8andº I setº up twinminsters, the pro and the con, |a|s12woven my stavekirks, wove so norcelys12| of peeled wands and attachattouchyº floodmud, |s12now all loosebrick andº |s14stonefast stonefests14|,s12| |s15freely masoned,s15| |b|cArches |s14Arched arkedºs14|c| for theº covenantersº and shinners' rifuge:ºb|a|8| |s14descendº from above on us, Hagiasofia of Astralia, our orisons thy nave and absedes, our aeone tone aeones thy studvaast vault!º Hams, circuitise! Shemites,º retrace!º horns,º hush! no |s15dogs (+barkies barkeysº+)s15|! hereround is't holied!ºs14| |8all truant trullsº |adid madea| I comepull, all rubbeling gnomes I pushed, |s12go, go gowgows12|:º8| |s14Cassels, Redmond, Gandon, Deane, Shepperd, Smyth, Neville, Heaton, Stoney,º Foley, Farrellº, |saZnest Vnost,ºsa| with Thorneycroft and Hogan too:ºs14| |s13|s14spirits spridss14| serve me,º gobelins guard!º |s14tickt tectºs14| my tileries |s14(O tribes! O gentes!)s14|,º keep my keep|s14, the peace of my four great wayss14|!ºs13| |10'oathioseº infernals,º to |aBoothºa| Salivation!º arcaneº celestials,º to Sweatenburg'sº Welhell!º10'| and |8thirdly, for evigsº,8| I did |3reform and3| restore for my smuggy |3piggiesnees piggiesknees(19,19) |s15her my sweets15| |s14coolockedº(19,19) |s15coymiening one |sxand mysx| auburn coyquailing one, hers15|s14|3| paddypalace on the crossknoll |10with massgo bell|s15, |sxsexton sixtonºsx|s15| clashcloshant,º duominous and muezzatinties to commind the fitful: doom adimdim adoom adimadim:º |aand the oragel |bof the laudsb| to tellforth'sº glory:a|10| and Iº added thereunto a shallow laver to |s12put |s14sclub slubs14|s12| out her hellfire |3and posied windows for her oriel house|10': gospelly |s+promillieu pewmillieus+|, |s14kristeichy christouss14| |s+promillieu pewmillieus+|:º |athe zeºa| zackbutts
{f10, 430}
|s14zounded B babazoundeds14||aand, zeºa| |s14ollgunnes rulled ollguns tararulleds14|:10'|3| and she |3sat her down sass her nach3|, |3chillybombom and3| forty bonnets, upon the |3altarstone, |s14altarstane, altarstane.s14|3| |s14may Mays14| all have |3mercy on her mossyhonours3|!

— Hoke!

— Hoke!

— Hoke!

— Hoke!

Andº |3rain or shower or drizzle or sleet |s14hail or rain or drizzle or sleet wholehail,º |sasnayfel snaefellºsa|, dreardrizzle or sleetshowers of blessings14|3|,º |10whereº it froze in |s14chalice chalixs14| eller |s+blank |s12great and great swum in the vestry,s12|s+|10| |4with fairskin
{f39, 553}
book and ruling rod|8, |s12vain vienºs12| of my vergin page,8|4| |s15her chastener ever,ºs15| I did learn my little annaº countrymouse in |4alphabeater alpabeaterº4| cameltemper,º from |3ashenbirch to hazelyou |s14alderbirch alderbirks14| to tannenyou3|,º withº |s12my myraws12| rattan |s12at her atters12| |s14drum dundrum,ºs14| ooah oyir oyir oyir:º |10'myº seven wynds I trailed to maze her and ever a wynd had saving closes and all theseº closes fluggedº with the gust, hoops for her, hats offº for him and |s+long shall live for blank |s12great great great |saruffles rerufflesºsa| through Neeblow's |sagarding: and garding. Andºsa| that was why Blabus was razing his wall and eltering the |s14suzzannes suzanness14| of his |s14neighbours nighboorss14|.ºs12|s+|10'| |s12and Andºs12| Iº did spread before my Livvy|8, whereº Lord Streetº lolls and ladies linger |10|s+where ands+| Cammomileº |s14row pass Passs14| cuts Primrose |sawalk Riseºsa| |s12and Coney Bend bounds Mulbreys Islandºs12| but never a |s14bled blids14| had |agreened |s14bladed bledded or bluddeds14|a| since |s15long agore whens15| the whole |s14budding |sabludding blightysa|s14| acre was |s14bladey wells14| pessovered10|,º8| my selvage mats of |s10'softest lecheworkeds10'| lawn|8, my carpet gardens of Guerdon Cityº|10, |awith chopes |+|s14peramidous pyramidouss14|+| and mouselimesº and |v+bacons beaconphiresv+| andº colossets and pensilled turrissesº |v+, forv+| |bthe |v+bussplace busspleachesv+| of |s14thes14| summiramiesºb| and |v+statuescos |s13statuesques esplanadas statuesqueºs13|v+| |v+& andv+| templeogues:ºa| |s13the |sapardon pardonellºsa| of Maynooth, Fra Teobaldo, Nielsen, rare |saadmiral admirable, Jean de |s14Portelau Porteleaus14|sa|, |s14ands14| Conall |s14Greatcloak Greteclokes14|, Guglielmus Caulis and |s14the |s15'eilighs15'| ediculouss14| |saPassifyoucant Passivucantsa|s13| |s12(|sagloreette's glorietta'ssa| inexcelsiored!):ºs12| for irkdays and |afor |v+prank forv+|a| |v+follidays folliedaysv+| |atill the |v+compleannuums comple anniumsv+| of calendarias, gregoromaios and gypsyjuliennesºa|10| |s10'|safor all who please their air as such are pleased |v+their of theirsv+|sa| to walks10'|8|: and I planted for my own hot |s12lisbings12| lass a |s14quicksets14| vineyardº |s10'|s15and rigs of barlows15| |s12and bowery nooks and greenwished villas and pampos animosº and |s14necessitads (N.I.) necessitadess14| iglesiasº and pons for aguaducks,º a hawthorndene, a feyry feyrieglenn, the hallaw vall, the dyrchaces12|, |aFinmark Finmark'sa| |v+how Howeºv+|,s10'| and I fenced it about with |4huge4| Chesterfield elms and Kentish hopsº againstº budmonthº and gleanermonthº |s13|saand withsa| a magicscene wall |s14(|sarim! rim! rimrim! rimrim!sa|)s14| |safor |s14the as14| Queen's Gardenº of |s14the hers14| Phoenixºsa| |s14great great greats14|s13|: and (hush! hush!) I brewed for my alpine plurabelle |3|s14(speakeasy!), wigwarming wench (speakeasy!),ºs14|3| my |s14granvilleds14| brandold Dublin linb lindub, the free, the froh, the |3foamy frothy3| freshener, theº pusspussº pussyfoot, to split the spleen of her maw: and I laid down before the trotters ofº my eblanite my stonybatteredº waggonways|4, my |anordsud nordsouda| circulums, my eastmoreland and westlandmore,4| |s13running boullawardsº and |sagreat, syddenly paradingºsa|s13| |s12(hearsemen, opslo! nuptiallers, get |saunread stortingsa|!)ºs12|
{f10, 431}
whereon|6, in |8mask mantram8| of truemen like yahoomen |10|x(expectº |v+til tillv+| |v+cundoctor |~trawncundounread dutc cundoctor~|v+| summoneth him all fahrts to pay, velcome |v+velcomen |~velkomen velkommen~|v+| |v+to intits & fellonskin |~to intits and fellowskins all hankinhunkn~|v+| |v+in the |~to the in this~|v+| vognº of |v+Hosaeh Hoseyehv+|!)x|10|,º6| |8claudesdales |aand withºa| |s15arabstreeds arabinstreedss15|,8| |10'Roamer Reich's |v+rickyshow rickyshawsv+| with Hispain's king'sº |v+trombeteer |s14trombateers trompateerss14|v+|,º10'| |s13madridden mustangs,
{f39, 554}
buckarestive bronchos,ºs13| |s12postershaysº and turnintaxis |s13andº tall tall |s14tiburys tilburyss14| |sa|s14& ands14| nod nod noddiessa|s13|,s12| |s14others gigging gaily, some sedated in |sasedan sedanssa|,ºs14| |10my |s12pricking priccopings12| gentsº aroger, aroger, my |v+blank |s13great great (19damsels damsells19)s13|v+| |s13so softsidesaddledºs13| covertly, covertly,º10| |s13and |s14lawdeedaw Lawdy Dawes14| aper a perch behind,ºs13| the mule and the hinny and the jennet and the mustard nag and piebald |8Shetlands |ashelties shjeltiesa|8| and skewbald |8Orkneys awknees8| |s8stepped steppits8| lively for her pleashadure |6(lift ye the left and |aring rinka| ye the right!):º6| and she |6laughed lafaughedº in her diddydid dominoº6| |4at the switchering to the switcheries4| of the whip. |4Down with them! Kick! Playyup!º4|

— Mattahah!º Marahah! Luahah! |3Joahah! |aJoahanahana! Joahah |4Joahanahana! Joahanahanahana!4|a|3|