The Letter

Fair copy, December 1923-January 1924, I.5§2 (FH X) draft level 3

MS British Library 47473 13-19 Draft details

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Majesty well Ive heard all those muckbirds what they are bringing up about him and they will come to no good. The Honourable Mr Earwicker, my devout husband, and he is a true gentleman who changes his two shirts a day which is what none of the sneakers ever will be because as sings the royal poet their likes must be first born like he was, my devout, and it was between Williamstown and the Ailesbury road I first saw the lovelight in your eyes |3like a pair of candles3| on |3the3| top of the longcar I think he is looking at me yet as if he would pass away in a cloud when he woke up |3|ain all ofa| a sweat |abeside mea|3| and told me his true opinion to pardon him, golden one, but |3he dreamt about me3| I had got a lovely face that day and I simply thought I was back again in paradise lost when all the world was June|3, love|a, where us two walked hand in handa|3|.

Well, revered majesty, I hereafter swear never in his life did my husband send out the swags with a drop of anything in them but milk as it came from the natural cow and that is all a pure makeup by a snake in the grass and his name is McGrath Brothers against that dear man, my honorary husband. If I was to let out to your revered all that caffler whispered to me was it this time last year as I told Mrs Pat for his accomodation McGrath Brothers I'm saying and his bacon not fit to look at never mind butter which is strictly forbidden by the ten commandments thou shalt not unbare your false witness against thy neighbour's wife. Aha, McGrath, the lies is out on him like freckles. But I could read him. When I think what that slime had the shame to suggest about my dearly respected husband can I ever forget that? Never! So may the Lord
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forget McGrath Brothers for all his trespasses against the Honorary Mr Earwicker. For two straws, yes and less, I could let out to someone I know and they would make a corpse of him with the greatest of pleasure by private shooting and not leave enough of McGrath Brothers for the peelers to pick up.

Lies! There never was any girl in my house expecting trouble off my esteemed husband, never! Those pair of prostitutes that committed all the nuisance, neither of them were virtuous, pursuant to said declaration of their medical officer out of the Lock whereas I shall bring under revered notice the above Honourable Earwicker to possess from a child a chest second to none very hairy with eyebrows of same for it to be able to be seen which I am the most privileged to behold and pursuant to same very affectionate after salesladies' company. I will not have a wriggling reptile the like of the McGraths to be sprinkling his lies all around where we live if he thinks he is the big noise here about the prostitutes as I simply agree to it. There, |3you you3| wurrum|3, you3|! I know you now. I would hate to have to say what I think about him. I exgust Sneak McGrath|3, purveyors and Italian warehousemen by royal appointment,3| wanting to live on me and my noblest husband like a dirty pair of parachutes. I wouldn't dream of a sausage of his for to poison a cat and it was in all the Sunday papers about Earwicker's farfamed fatspitters that they were eaten and appreciated by over fifteen thousands of people in Dublin
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this weekend. The obnoxious liar! First he was a Scotchman at one time and then he was fired out of Clune's where he was only a one of your common floorwalkers for giving guff.

Moreover I have heard a certain remark stated about |3setting his bad example before3| |3the those3| military but did space permit it is the best of my belief I could show that it was from the earliest wish of his mind to mitigate the King's evil and I hereinafter swear by your revered majesty that it was him gave me the price of my new bulletproof dress with the angel sleeves |3for my looking about twentyone3| and he said to my presence in these words: Just as there is a God of all |3things, Livvy,3| my mind is a complete blank.

Well, revered, I tender your heartbroken thanks with regrets for lettering you and will now close, hoping you are in the best. I don't care a fig for such and erronymous letter about an experience on the part of me alleged as girl, alleged unpleasant, with a |3handsome prepossessing3| clerical friend. How about it!º I was young and easy then |3and my shape admired from the first3| to feast his eyes on with my sweet auburn hair hanging to my |3bare innocent3| thighs and I can do just as I |3simply3| please with them because now it's my own by married women's improperty act. Never mind poor Father Michael now (the Lord reward him!) but chat me instead. If McGrath Brothers could only handle |3virgins3| like he used he would simply jump out of his dirty skin. When next you see M.G. ask him what about his wife, Lily Kinsella who became the wife
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of Mr Sneak, with the kissing solicitor, at present engaging attention by private detectives being hidden under the grand piano to find out whether nothing beyond kissing goes on. Lily is a lady, liliburlero bullenalaw! And she had a certain medicine brought her in a licensed victualler's bottle. Shame! Thrice shame! I only wish he would look in through his letterbox one day and he would not say that that was a solicitor's business. What ho, she bumps! My, he would be so surprised to see his old girl |3in the hands of a solicitor3| with Mr Brophy, the Solicitor, quite affectionate together, kissing and looking into a mirror.

So much for sneakery talk that I was treated not very grand by the thicks off Bully's Acre. If any of Sully's thicks was to pull a gun on me he will know better manners the way I'll sully him. I will herewith lodge my complaint on him to police sergeant Laracy who does be on the corner of Buttermilk Lane |v3with the Rafferty's nursev3| and he will take such steps so as to have his head well and lawfully broken in consequence by a Norwegian who has been expelled from christianity.

Dear Majesty, I hope you are quite well. How are |3you ye3| all? |3We are always talking of all of ye in bed. I am anxious myself about ye all. I'm feeling the cold more than I used and has to wear flannels to the skin.3| To speak truth I was rather put out latterly in my health about the thugs got up for McGrath by Sully. I am advised the waxy is at the present in hospital with palpitations from all he
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drunk and it's seldom I saw him any other way. That he may never come out but he he is a rattling fine bootmaker in his profession. And now whereas I will let all whom it may concern to know that I am perfectly proud of this great civilian, |3A.P. A.L.P.3| Earwicker, long life to him, my once handsome husband who is as gentle as a mushroom to be seen from my improved looks and a greatly attractable when he always sits fornenst me, poor ass, |3for his wet3| to resume our polite conversations |3with Earwicker3| over lawful business and pleasures when he is after a good few mugs of four ale and shag and he never chained me to a chair or followed me about with a fork on |3Independence Thanksgiving3| Day ever since this native island was born and this is why all the police and everybody is all bowing around to me whenever I go out in all directions. Earwicker is a hundred per cent human, I tell Slysneakers and you, Master McGrath, pale bellies, our mild cure, back and streaky, ninepence. I can hereby shows show whoever likes original bag of one apiece cakes and Adam Findlater's choice figrolls which was given to me |3when |asoa| fondly remembered3| on occasion of our last golden wedding by Mr Earwicker. Thank you, beloved, for your beautiful |3present parcel3|. Always the born gentleman can be plainly seen by all from such behaviour.

Wellº I |3simply3| like their damn cheek for them to go and say about he being as
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bothered as he possible could. I must beg to contradict in the strongest as indeed I think I may |3say add at this stage3| in the matter of hearing that he is after his manner and certified of so being quite agreeable deef. I'd give him his answer if he was to dare to say my revered husband was never a true widower in the eyes of the law on consideration of his diseased |3obsolete3| inasmuch as the present Mr Earwicker Esquire has often given said deponent full particulars answering to description of the late diseased in dear delightful twilit hours when this truly timehonoured man is a great warrant to play slapsam and population peg and Sally Shorthclothes when he can proudly hold his own always whilst we frankly enjoyed more than anything the secret workings of nature (thank heaven for it, I humbly pray!) and was really so delighted of the nice time. Who would stoop to argue with a particularly mean stinker called McGrath Brothers. If I am credibly informed cannonballs is the only true argument with a low sneak. Ping! Ping! Hit him again! Ping! That ought to make him hop it. Ha! Ha! Ha! I must |3simply3| laugh. Sneak McGrath has stuffed his last black pudding. 3 p.m. Wednesday. Grand funeral by |3special request torchlight3| of McGrath Brothers. Don't forget. His funeral will now shortly take place. Remains must be removed before 3 sharp. R.I.P.
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Well, revered majesty, I take this liberty of cherishing expectations that the clouds will soon dissipate |3looking forward to the fine day we had3| and will now conclude above epistle with best thanks |3and my thousand blessings3| for your great kindest and all the trouble to took for self and dearest of husbands who I'll be true to you unto life's end as long as he has a barrel full of Bass with love to Majes and all at home in the earnest hopes you will soon enjoy perusal of same most completely.

So help me witness to this day to my hand and mark from your revered Majesty's most duteous I remain

Your affectionate

Dame Anna |3Livia3| Plurabelle Earwicker

(Only lawful wife of |3A.P. A.L.P.3| Earwicker)

|3P.S. N.B.3| This simply puts the tin hat on M.G.