
1st draft, December 1923, I.5§1 draft level 0

MS British Library 47471b 33v-25v Draft details

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|aUntitled as her memorial is it has been nam gone by many names in many times: Pro Honafrio, The Groans of a Briton, An Apology for a Husband, Can you excuse him, The |bonlyb| true a/c |bof |callc| aboutb| Mr Earwicker & the Snake by an honest Woman of the world who can only tell the naked truth
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about a dear man and all his conspirators how they tried to fall him by putting it all around |bLucalizodb| by a mean Sneak About E- and a dirty pair of sluts, showing to all the unmentionablenesss falsely accused |babout the redcoatsb|a|
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The proteiform graph itself is a polyexegetical piece of scripture. There was a time when |anaifa| alphabetters would have written it down the tracing of a pure deliquescent recidivist, |apossibly, ambidexterous,a| snubnosed, probably, and having a |afairlya| profound rainbowl in his (or her) occiput. Closer inspection of the bordereau would however reveal a multiplicity of personalities inflicted on the provoking document and a prevision of |avirtuala| crime or crimes unwarily be made before any suitable occasion for it or them had presented arisen. But under the very eyes of |ainspection the inspectora| the traits which feature the sympathetic |apage chiaroscuroa| coalesce, their contrarieties eliminated in a stable somebody, as by the |aprovidentiala| warring of housebreaker |aon witha| heartbreaker, |a&a| of dramdrinker with freethinker, |asociety our social somethinga| bowls along bumpily through generations, more generations & still more generations. Who in hell wrote the durn thing anyway? Standing, seated, on horseback, against a partywall, below zero, by the use of quill or style, with perturbed or pellucid mind, accompanied or the reverse by mastication, interrupted by visit of person to scriptor or of scriptor to place, rained upon or blown around, by a regular racer from the soil or a whittlewit laden with the loot of learning?
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Now, patience. And remember patience is the great thing. And above all things we must neither be nor become impatient. Think of all the patience possessed by |abotha| Bruce |aBrothersa| & |athe their |bScotchb|a| spider. If after years and years of research a sage solemnly tells us that the great one is |a3 syllablesa| less than |aa name his own surnamea|, that the ear of Earwicker was the trademark of a broadcaster and his wicker the local cant for an aeronaut |apatenta| then as to this |aoscillating epistle radio-oscillating epiepistle |bto which we must ceaselessly returnb|a| |awhat is he who is the man where |bexactly at presentb| is the bright soandso who is ablea| to give us the dinkum oil?

To conclude |apurely negativelya| from the |apositivea| absence of political |aallusions hatreda| and its blank that it cannot ever have been the |awork pen producta| of a man or woman of that period & those parts is as unjust as it would be to conclude from the nonpresence of inverted commas on any page that its compiler was constitutionally incapable of misappropriating the actual words of others.

Has anyone, it might with profit some |acloudya| evening be |aasked quietly suggesteda|, ever looked sufficiently longly upon an env a stamped addressed envelope. Admittedly it is but a covering; it bears an economic classification: its character is the civic clothing of whatever purepassionpallid or nudity or plaguepurple nakedness it may or may not contain.
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Yet to concentrate solely on the psychological content or even the mental configuration of any document to the neglect of the facts which circumstance it is as hurtful to good sense (and let us add, goo the best taste) as were |athe vision someone or othera| when |aperhapsa| presented by a friend |aof hisa| to a lady of the latter's acquaintance straightaway to vision her in unapparelled naturalness deliberately closing his eyes to the fact that she was after all wearing some definite articles of clothing, inharmonious, a captious one might, |aora| not strictly necessary, |aora| a little irritating |abut stilla| suddenly full of local |acolour &a| personal |acolour perfumea|, suggestive of much more, capable of being stretched if need were, their parts capable, even, of being separated for closer comparison by the careful hand of the expert. Who in his heart doubts either that the facts of |afemininea| clothing are there and that the feminine fiction, stranger than the facts, is there at the same time
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and that one may be separated from the other, that both may |athena| be contemplated |asimultaneouslya| & that each may be considered in turn apart from the other successively?

Let then the facts speak in their own favour. It was wont to be wittily wagged by the |asterna| chuckler Mahappy Mahapnot that Lucalizod was the only place in the world where the possible was always |athea| improbable, and the improbable the inevitable. This implies a sequentiality of |aimpossible probables but improbable possibles though possiblya| nobody
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who has read up his subject probab probably in Aristotle will applaud the sentiment or sentence for utterly impossible as are all these events they are probably as like those which happened took place as any |aother othersa| which never took place at all are ever likely to be.

About the hen., first. Midwinter was in the offing when a poorly clad shiverer, |aa mere the meresta| bantling, observed a cold fowl behaving strangely on the fatal dump at the spot called the orangery when in the course of its deeper demolition it |aunexpectedlya| threw up certain fragments of orange peel, the remnant of an outdoor meal of some unknown sunseeker illico in
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in a mistridden past. What child but little Kevin would ever |ain such a scene |bin such despondful weather in the desponfulº atmosphere of such biting coldb|a| have found a motive for future sainthood saintity by euchring the discovery of the Ardagh chalice by another innocent on the seasands near the scene of the massacre of most of the jacobiters. The bird of promise in the case was the hen of the Dorans and what she was scratching looked uncommonly like a |a|bgoodish goodishsizedb|a| sheet of letterpaper |aorign originating from Boston (Mass)a| of the eleventh of the fifth to dear which proceeded to mention Maggy well and |aeverybody's everybody athome'sa| general health and well and |a|bthe ab|a| lovely face of some |aborna| gentleman |aand witha|
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a parcel of cookycakes |afor deara| well and |ait was must now close |bab|a| grand funeral Maggy and hopes to hear from with love |a& four ki crosses |bfrom lovingb|a| from a |alarge largelookinga| stain of tea. The stain, & that of tea, marks it off at once as a genuine |arelique ofa| old Irish |aMS poetrya|.
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Any photoist worth his chemicals will tell you that if a negative melts while drying the resultant postive will be a grotesque distortion of values, tones & masses. This freely is what must have happened to that missive unfilthed by the sagacity of a |aslant eyeda| hen. The heat Heated residence |afor who since nobodya| knows when in the orangeflavoured mound had gro |apartlya| dissolved the first impression and caused some features palpably |anear nearera| us to be swollen up |amosta| grossly while the farther back we |aseem toa| get the more we need the loan of a lens to see as much as the hen saw.

Wonderfully well this explains the double nature of this gryphonic script and while its ingredients stand out with stereoptican relief we can |asee |bpeep tourb|a| beyond the figure of the scriptor into the subconscious editor's mind.
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|xWould we vision her with stereoptican relief (subconscious editor)x|