UN5 (NLI.5B)

Print edition: Danis Rose, ed., The Dublin Ulysses Papers (East Lansing: House of Breathings, 2012), vol. 5.

MS: National Library of Ireland Add. MS 36,639/5B Notebook details
UN5: (NLI.5B) front cover recto(a)
Note: In pencil.
UN5: (NLI.5B) front cover verso(a)
Note: BLANK page
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(a)
Note: Title underlined with ink and blue crayon.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(b)
flaskets of cauliflowers, Blue
Note: A ‘flasket’ is a long, narrow basket.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(c)
floats of spinach, Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):045(ba)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(d)
drafts of eels, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(e)
farmers' firkin, Blue
Note: A firkin is a small vessel, shaped as a barrel. Formerly, farmers used them to bring salt-butter to market. Coopers made these firkins from logs of wood sawn into staves and a thresh hoop was put around the top and another was put around the bottom. Then a small fire was put in the middle of the barrel to bring the staves together. Then hoops made out of salleys were nailed on with ‘dholls’, nails with two points.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(f)
South come flying on all W. coast,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(g)
foison of the year, Blue
Note: Cf. Shakespeare, Sonnet LIII:
Speak of the spring, and foison of the year,
The one doth shadow of your beauty show,
The other as your bounty doth appear;
And you in every blessed shape we know.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(h)
empress of Ind, Red
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):017(cv) for UG 12.296.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(i)
victress, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(j)
release out of the pop, Red
Note: Pop: an old slang word for ‘pawn.’
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(k)
nowhere, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):045(bf) for UG 12.1220.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(l)
in re, Green
Note: In re: a Latin tag, used in legal affairs to abbreviate ‘in the matter of’, ‘petition of’, ‘application of’, and similar expressions.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(m)
phrenology bump,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(n)
mistake of name, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(o)
at or in the licensed premises, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(p)
Sirs, take notice, Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):001(ca), Sheet 12.011(t), Sheet 14.007(k), and Sheet 15.069(bj) for UG 15.1642.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(q)
Any amt of money advanced on note of hand Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(r)
distance no object Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(s)
committee of whole house, Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):016(cm).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(t)
no answer was returned,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(u)
tally (cabbages) Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(v)
float (beet) Red
Note: See above.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(aa)
butts of butter, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ab)
cows & beeves Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ac)
culls (y. lambs) Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ad)
sieve of gooseberries Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):045(ba).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ae)
vetches and rape, Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):015(e) below. Vetch: a widely distributed scrambling herbaceous plant of the pea family, which is cultivated as a silage or fodder crop. Rape: a bright-yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae, cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed,
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(af)
an instant, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ag)
Strongbow financed by jews
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ah)
Bloody hell Blue
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Use at UG 12.1357 (in Rosenbach) probably not from this notebook.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ai)
ginnochie montagne, Red
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(aj)
silk of kine,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(j)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ak)
Kathleen ni Houlihan, Red
Note: Phrase also occurs in proto-Scylla (episode 9 draft 1).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(al)
poor old woman, Red
Note: Also in Telemachus Rosenbach (ep. 1, draft 2).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(am)
little red rose,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(k)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(an)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(l)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ao)
St. Patrick landed at Ballykindlar, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ap)
(Candles for Chr. Church)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(m)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(aq)
Milesian, Blue
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):011(ah) for UG 12.1310.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ar)
cromlechs, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(as)
standing stones, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(at)
rath, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(au)
dun, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(av)
slogan, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ba)
Brigid, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bb)
Colmcille, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bc)
lamh dearg abu, Red
Note: The Red Hand (Irish ‘lamh dearg’) is rooted in Gaelic culture and, although its origin and meaning is unknown, it is believed to date back to pagan times. An early Irish heraldic use in Ireland of the open right hand can be seen in the seal of Aodh Reamhar Ó Néill, king of the Irish of Ulster, 1344-1364. The combination with ‘abu’ (to victory) is used as a battle cry.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bd)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(be)
Inns (4 courts)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bf)
S. Michan 25∕ viii) Red
Note: ‘25∕ viii’ not crossed out
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bg)
mart, fish, fowl & potato,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bh)
J.S. Vandeleur / commune land & livestock, no drink, ~
Note: J.S. Vandeleur set up one of the first agricultural workers' cooperatives in Relahine, Co. Clare in 1831: it lasted until 1833. See Author: Edward Thomas Craig, An Irish commune : the history of Ralahine, 1804-1894 (Dublin: Trübner & co., 1882).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bi)
~ Co. Clare, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bj)
bad times, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bk)
an inspiring book this,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bl)
Armagh the splendid, Blue
I also found in Armagh, the splendid,
Meekness, wisdom, and prudence blended,
Fasting, as Christ hath recommended,
And noble councillors untranscended. James Clarence Mangan, Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland (1859), 379
Note: See also Sheet 12.011(bt).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bm)
unfettered Munster of any, Red
I found in Munster unfettered of any,
Kings, and queens, and poets a many—
Poets well skilled in music and measure,
Prosperous doings, mirth and pleasure. James Clarence Mangan, Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland (1859), 380
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bn)
Connacht the just Red
I found in Connaught the just, redundance
Of riches, milk in lavish abundance;
Hospitality, vigor, fame,
In Cruachan's land of heroic name. James Clarence Mangan, Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland (1859), 380
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bo)
in Cruachan's land, Red
I found in Connaught the just, redundance
Of riches, milk in lavish abundance;
Hospitality, vigor, fame,
In Cruachan's land of heroic name.
[Footnote] 1. Cruachan, or Croghan, was the name of the royal palace of Connaught. James Clarence Mangan, Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland (1859), 380
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bp)
Leins smooth & sleek Red
I found in Leinster the smooth and sleek,
From Dublin to Slewmargy's peak;
Flourishing pastures, valor, health,
Long-living worthies, commerce, wealth. James Clarence Mangan, Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland (1859), 381
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bq)
from Dubl to Slievemargy, Red
I found in Leinster the smooth and sleek,
From Dublin to Slewmargy's peak;
Flourishing pastures, valor, health,
Long-living worthies, commerce, wealth.
[Footnote] 2 Slewmargy, a mountain in the Queen's county, near the river Barrow. James Clarence Mangan, Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland (1859), 381
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(br)
(for steer & stark victories of O. I.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(j)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bs)
royal strain,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(k), VI.C.07:202(l)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bt)
never lack a male heir & never engage in trade,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(m), VI.C.07:204(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(bu)
to the divisional magistrates & clerk of peace, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ca)
Sirs, take notice, Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):001(p), Sheet 12.011(t), Sheet 14.007(k), and Sheet 15.069(bj) for UG 15.1642.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cb)
who was received with applause & hisses, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cc)
a Kathleen mavourneen, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cd)
Cyclops red, red, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ce)
leave it to yr honour, Green
Note: See also Sheet 14.070(u) and Sheet 14.088(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cf)
true as you're there, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cg)
evil eye, Balor, Green
Note: Balor was the fiercest of the Fomorian leaders of Ireland, whose ‘evil eye’ caused the death of those on whom he gazed with malevolence. He lived on Tory Island and was the thief who stole the magic cow of Cian. His destiny was to be slain by his own grandson, Lugh, the son of Cian. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):045(d), and Sheet 15.024(ac) for UG 15.214.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ch)
Note: Ir. Ulaidh: Ulster.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ci)
drouth, Green
Note: Top margin
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cj)
shoot him
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ck)
rower's heart Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cl)
looderamaun Blue
Note: Irish liúdramán: a lank, lazy loafer.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cm)
Note: See also UN1 (NLI.3):016(c) for UG 3.247f.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cn)
Mrs O'Shea
Note: Left margin
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(co)
tinkers, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cp)
screech the heads off him
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:202(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cq)
O.M.I. Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cr)
P.P.V.F. Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cs)
O.P. Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(ct)
O.D.C Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(cu)
The Laity Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(da)
CP / SM Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(db)
Turks piastres Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(dc)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(dd)
royal stuarts no better Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(bv).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(de)
usquebaugh Blue
Note: Irish uisce beathadh (Scottish Gaelic uisge beatha): ‘water of life’ or ‘whiskey’.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(df)
tall talk Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(r).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(dg)
penal days
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(dh)
Nelson's wooden walls
Note: Nelson's ‘wooden walls’: that is, his sailing ships.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:203(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(di)
remember Limerick Blue
Note: An Irish military shout, to be uttered in moments of peril: Cuimhnígí ar Luimneach agus ar fheall na Sasanach! (Remember Limerick and the perfidious English!), in reference to the broken Treaty of Limerick.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(dj)
2nd city Blue
Note: See Sheet 12.001(j) for UG 12.1186.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(dk)
most obedient Blue
Note: See Sheet 12.009(g) for UG 12.1185.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 1(dm)
JJ & S Blue
Note: John Jameson and Son, distillers of whiskey.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(a)
Note: Title is underlined in blue crayon.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(b)
time hang heavy on hands,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(c)
relaxing, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(f)
LB fear of moony sky, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(g)
Kifeloch harimon rakatejch m'baad l'zamatejch (pomegranate, temple and hair) Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(h)
Tiberius Biberius,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(i)
E obliges L to present always same face, Red
Note: See also Sheet 17.027(bl) for main use at draft 1: ‘forced’ only at draft 3 possibly from this notebook.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(j)
tenons in sockets,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(k)
left ball bigger,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(j)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(l)
postcards with reply,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(k)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(m)
to SD ad of girl writing, Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 17.047(i) for UG 17.609 (see also UN4 (NLI.5A):037(cg)).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(n)
cf naked Apollo (balls) museum,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(l)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(o)
household slops, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(p)
suggested by dung of B. of Ireland pigeons, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(q)
punishment no fuck,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(r)
3 men = 1 woman,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(s)
LB money in Sth Americas, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(t)
call a truce,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(u)
clear out drawer,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(v)
2 dead stars = 1 new star, Red
Note: See also Sheet 17.031(s).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(aa)
Aleph, Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(c) and Sheet 15.073(c).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ab)
a⁄b = [a ptr b] of which is = 1 :
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ac)
continued product Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ad)
HCF x LCM = A x B
Note: See also Sheet 17.024(b).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ae)
multiple projection,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(af)
acid base,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ag)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ah)
chem. equivalent,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(j)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ai)
atomic weight
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(k)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(aj)
agent reagent Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ak)
refrigerator, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(al)
water dissolves all Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(am)
distil Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):058(ao) for UG 17.211.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(an)
condense Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ao)
combustion oxygen, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ap)
sulphur zinc copper platinum gold nickel mercury phosphorus
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(l)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(aq)
chlorate of lime,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:205(m)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ar)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(as)
cohesion molecular affinity Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(at)
aggregate / alloy / amalgam
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):023(as) for UG 17.1121.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(au)
synag. Mary's Abbey, Blue
Note: IN 1836 when the Stafford Street Synagogue in Dublin was forced to close, Dublin's Jewish congregation moved to premises at 12 Mary's Abbey, off Capel Street, and remained there for almost two generations until 1892. The new synagogue was Dublin's fourth, following short-lived synagogues at Crane Lane, off Dame Street; Marlborough Green, off Marlborough Street; and the converted rooms on an upper floor of a private house at 40 Stafford Street, now Wolfe Tone Street. Saint Mary's Abbey, which gives its name to nearby Abbey Street, was founded by the French Cistercians in 1147 on the site of an older Benedictine foundation. It was dissolved at the Reformation in 1539 and its lands divided. See also Sheet 17.031(l).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(av)
Armi investibola Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.. Italian armi: arms, weapons.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ba)
Albania, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bb)
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Italian mutilazione: mutilation.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bc)
ocultarione Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bd)
zenith Red
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also Sheet 17.028(ad) for UG 17.1212.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(be)
apogeo, Red
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also Sheet 17.028(ae).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bf)
Rothschild in every capital, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bg)
each carries 16T, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bh)
gaps and crooked writing began again,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bi)
mock grave [corresp.] LB & [chum],
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bj)
pure water = good eggs, Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):007(c); recopied below at UN5 (NLI.5B):003(f) for UG 4.43.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bk)
linseed oil & vinegar for chair, Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):007(b).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bl)
Utica colony
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bm)
dep. 150[6] Albanians [Epistor],
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bn)
madness flotilla of 30 ships on Danube,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bo)
finding goldseams ore, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bp)
cavities, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bq)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(br)
conjugal love,
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.004(bg).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bs)
Merchant's Arch,
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.004(bg).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bt)
commissioner of peace,
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.061(co).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bu)
MB leaves pen in pot, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(bv)
how do you make a Q? Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ca)
cash rlwy,
Note: Top margin
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(cb)
LB & immortality,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:204(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(cc)
gilt on house, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Left margin
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(cd)
Aristotle learned from a [??] pupil of rabbi Simon the Just, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ce)
Benjamin, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(cf)
erotic girl eyes on camera, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.016(i).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(cg)
Mts detain winds,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:206(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ch)
Lost & stolen or strayed Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(ci)
answering to name of Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 2(cj)
incision Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(a)
Note: Title is underlined and crossed through with blue crayon.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(b)
animals see men larger Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(c)
first aid to drowned friction tickle throat with feather,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(d)
no followers allowed, Blue
Note: A phrase commonly appearing in advertisements seeking a maid, meaning ‘no new friends allowed to call,’ e.g. “Wanted a Maid-Servant of all Work; also a handy girl to assist in the House […] No followers allowed.” [Daily Advertiser, 1 September 1774; and Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1839): “Five servants kept. No man. No followers.”
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(e)
travel round E in front of sun gain 1 day, Blue
Note: Possibly moved from Sheet 17.027(bd).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(f)
pure water = eggs, Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):002(bj) above.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(g)
fresh air help their memory, Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):014(k).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(h)
boys, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(i)
crazy door, Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(df).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(j)
got up wrong side of bed, Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.049(ah) for UG 15.1971.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(k)
ahbeesee defeegeee &c Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(l)
spud in pocket, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(m)
flowers foul water, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(n)
rain coming creaky boots, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):001(v) for UG 4.49.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(o)
hump of bridge visible, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):037(b).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(p)
woman to PC I am lost in the wood, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(q)
kelomenopeecue rustyoveedoubleyou, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(r)
Note: Title is crossed with orange and with red crayon.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(s)
Nana & Messalina, 2 legs' names, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):035(cq).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(t)
frig white kidgloves, Green
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):035(cr) and UN3 (VIII.A.5):008(b).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(aa)
prick warts, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):035(cs).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ab)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ac)
corked behind Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ad)
begin to get ready, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ae)
glenageary, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(af)
cringe, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ag)
a Daniel did I say? Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ah)
LB declines honour, Green
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.070(p).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ai)
LB denounces the citizen, Green
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.070(u).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(aj)
gillie on the rumble Green
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.070(v).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ak)
LB stutters, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(al)
eclipse of Sol Red
Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):011(r).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(am)
cooee Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(an)
infants held up to see LB, Green
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):039(ac) and Sheet 15.070(e) for UG 15.1588.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ao)
if accused cd speak, Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):004(be)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 3(ap)
defeat ends of justice, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(a)
Note: Underlined in blue ink
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(b)
cremate for plague, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(c)
Kaddish by discalced, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Kaddish [or Qaddish or Qadish (Aramaic ‘holy’)] is a hymn of praises to God found in Jewish prayer services. Discalced refers to monks or nuns who go barefoot or wear only sandals.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(d)
blue & green flies Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(e)
sarcophagus, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(f)
butterflies, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(g)
4000 † per hour, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(h)
only jew touch jew ~ Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(i)
~ at les pleureuses, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(j)
Ragout di ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(k)
~ pollo Esquilapio Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(l)
cremate Blue
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(m)
hume street Blue
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(n)
camposanto ebreo Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Jewish graveyard: see also
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(o)
exhume Blue
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):005(do) for UG 6.481.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(p)
relics Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(q)
parenti ossa Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(r)
fiverpit Blue
Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(s)
ants & wasps bury dead, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(t)
elixir of life, Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):058(al) for episode 5 draft use only.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(u)
start feeding on itself, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(v)
tie string round finger white & livid = alive
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(aa)
apparatus in tomb, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ab)
flag of distress, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ac)
bell telephone Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ad)
peace to his ashes, Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):004(aa) for UG 6.927.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ae)
elegy in a country churchyard, Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):004(bh) below for UG 6.940.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(af)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ag)
mother & neonato in same coffin, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ah)
Irishman's house is his coffin, Green
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):054(ad) for UG 13.46f.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ai)
pity absent lover's suicides, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(aj)
putrefaction, Blue
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):057(q) for UG 6.999.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ak)
retarded by age, lean, dry soil, dark, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(al)
stiff left hand & foot slower after poison,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:208(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(am)
raise blister to see,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:208(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(an)
press lower eyelid Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ao)
pupil eye O, murderer Blue
Note: See UN5 (NLI.5B):004(bd) below for UG 6.478.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ap)
must laugh at funeral (J O'C) Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(aq)
dead to reply close eyes, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ar)
never sit down Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):004(bs) below.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(as)
rosbif [ten talose] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(at)
gold reins Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):028(a).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(au)
all want to be on good terms with J O'C Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(av)
decent fellow, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(aw)
no piebald horses, Blue
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ba)
Mask Tarnkappe Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):026(d). See also UN6 (NLI.4):014(at). The most famous Norse ‘magical helmet’ was called Hildegrim, or Helkappe, or Tarnkappe, the ‘cap of darkness.’ Wearing it rendered one invisible and able to move in and out of the underworld. Some write that the mask was made of dogskin, and that it was the mask worn by Hades.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bb)
death no. 13, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bc)
Telamonian Ajax Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):001(h). Telamonian Ajax [Ajax the Greater]: another name for Ajax (or Aias), to distinguish him from Ajax the Lesser. After the Trojan War, he committed suicide as he believed his valour and prowess in that war was unacknowledged, in that Odysseus and not he was given Achilles' magical armor after the latter's death.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bd)
photo in murdered eye Blue
Note: See also Sheet 16.026(bi), and UN5 (NLI.5B):004(ao) above.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(be)
coiled coffinband = navelcord Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.013(cc).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bf)
with yr tooraloom Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 15.006(u) for UG 15.4916f, UN4 (NLI.5A):002(h) for UG 5.14f, UN4 (NLI.5A):002(ae), UN4 (NLI.5A):002(ah), and UN4 (NLI.5A):005(au) for UG 6.686.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bg)
flaxseed tea, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bh)
eulogy in country graveyard Blue
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):004(ae) above. It is commonly held that Thomas Gray began work on what was then called ‘Elegy, Wrote in a Country Church-yard’ in 1742 and completed it in 1750. It was first published anonymously in February 1751 and was an instant success. The likely setting for the poem is the St. Giles churchyard of the village of Stoke Poges in Buckinghamshire. ‘Elegy’ established Grey as one of the pre-Romantic ‘Graveyard school’ along with Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, Robert Blair, and Edward Young.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bi)
postmortem aid to science, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bj)
died of a Tuesday, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bk)
heart of hearts, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bl)
proxynete in graveyard, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bm)
infernal, Green
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):057(al) for UG 15.2679, and Sheet 15.045(bt) for UG 15.1199.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bn)
to inexpressible grief of Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):004(a) for UG 6.161, and UN4 (NLI.5A):004(ap).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bo)
on whose soul sweet Jesus have mercy, Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):004(bf) for UG 6.162.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bp)
dogbiscuits, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bq)
flying words of jarvies, Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(br)
wailers to scare evil spirits,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:208(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bs)
buried sitting standing kneeling, Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):004(ar) above and UN4 (NLI.5A):057(af).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bt)
insects come even before death, Blue
Note: See also Sheet 17.044(be).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(bu)
hurry up, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: But see UN5 (NLI.5B):008(v) below.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ca)
false report of death, Blue
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):006(t) for UG 6.795f.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(cb)
smile goes a long way, Blue
Note: See also Sheet 17.042(e).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(cc)
death screen in hospital Blue
Note: Left margin. See also Sheet 18.003(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(cd)
memory of Dignam,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:207(j)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ce)
Miss Parker,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:208(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(cf)
child healthy praise ma if not blame da Blue
Note: See also Sheet 17.004(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(cg)
atoms of old man are not old, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 17.032(m).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ch)
in old key & Mendelsohn
Note: See also Sheet 17.032(l).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:208(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(ci)
his hair same,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:208(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 4(cj)
violets in old Vic's hat Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(a)
Note: Underlined in blue crayon
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(a)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(b)
Litany of Loreto 1492, Green
Note: ‘1492’ not crossed out. The Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Litany of Loreto, is a popular prayer of supplication prayed in processions to atone for sins and to prevent calamities. It is believed that the litany was initially adopted by the miraculous shrine in Loreto, Italy, where tradition claims the original house of the Virgin Mary was transported. The shrine was immensely popular in the 15th and 16th century, attracting pilgrims from all over Europe.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(c)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(d)
Regina pacis, Mater boni Consilii [mare], ora p. nobis after each title,
Note: Queen of Peace, Mother of good counsel, pray for us: verses from the Litany of Loreto.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(e)
puts key in door with LB
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.013(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(f)
moustache, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(g)
astride of a beam, Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(s).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(h)
where you know, Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.009(r)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(i)
half offered Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.009(at).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(j)
crosscat Green
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(k)
she knew it was him, Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.009(cb)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(l)
bored to tears,
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.009(bu)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(g)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(m)
mirror left hand right,
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(h)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(n)
pavement artist, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.004(e)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(o)
sippets of dry toast, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.004(t); See also UN4 (NLI.5A):008(ai) for UG 8.676.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(p)
quick as lightning, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.004(bk).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(q)
yester eve, Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.005(s).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(r)
perfectly appointed, Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.005(c).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(s)
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.005(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(i)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(t)
golden syrup, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.001(f)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(u)
poem to man's sock, Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.001(t)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(v)
LB wishes to be man,
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(j)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(aa)
cat the painter,
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.002(af)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(k)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ab)
LB glad he didn't frig in bath, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.079(b).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ac)
Mrs Reggy Wylie, Green
Note: See also Sheet 13.024(b), UN4 (NLI.5A):018(cq) and UN4 (NLI.5A):019(cq).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ad)
patrician Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.023(ak)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ae)
perfectly served, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.023(am)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(af)
a charm few cd resist, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.022(bn)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ag)
strained look in her face, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.025(t)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ah)
smile that verged on tears, Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.025(d)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ai)
radiant reflection the mirror gave back to her, Green
Note: Possibly copied from Sheet 13.022(am), but see: ‘Her face flushed deeper, and as she now on the radiant reflection that the mirror gave back, she felt a conscious joy to find herself so fair. (In Lippincott's Monthly Magazine (1888), p.386.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(aj)
sparkling waves, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.022(j)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ak)
pinny, Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.021(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(al)
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.021(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(b)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(am)
little wife, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 13.013(ac), and Sheet 13.013(be) for UG 13.220.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(an)
fatigue image, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.017(s)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ao)
yellow blotch, stare sun, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.017(s)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ap)
Mary & Martha, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.017(aj)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(aq)
her dreams, Red
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ar)
fits of laughter, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):034(j) for UG 18.211.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(as)
O'Hare & nurse Callan, Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):037(ag)
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(at)
whiteflowers kill sperm Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.063(s). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cr).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(au)
sperm up v gravity, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 14.062(be) for UG 14.1234.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(av)
same style of beauty, Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.064(al) for UG 15.206.
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ba)
oftentimes, Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(am).
UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bb)
all that, Red
Note: Examples at 13.18, 13.390, 13.376 all in
  • MS-Ros.
  • UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bc)
    milk footbath Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bd)
    buckle high arch instep Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(be)
    toe turned down Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bf)
    Dame Fashion, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):018(aj) for UG 13.148, and UN4 (NLI.5A):019(t).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bg)
    cupid's bow mouth Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bh)
    standard design, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bi)
    broken bottles set fire to furze, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bj)
    puny little kinnatt, Green
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(o). Kinnatt (also ‘canatt’, ‘cnat’, ‘kinnit’, and other variations) is Irish slang for a sly, tricky person, a ‘smart Alec.’
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bk)
    artist leave pictures about, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):013(m) for UG 18.601.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bl)
    electricity base of life,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bm)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bn)
    know his head at once, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bo)
    ownest girlie, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bp)
    ruched cosy, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 17.042(p). Ruche: a pleated, fluted, or gathered strip of fabric used for trimming.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bq)
    painter = man maker, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(br)
    thing broken lucky (hymen)
    Note: See also Sheet 17.001(d).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bs)
    defect worse in women, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.001(p).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bt)
    forgot lotion because dislike carrying bottle, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bu)
    not a cheque, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(bv)
    smthg to learn from newsboys mockery, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ca)
    see ourselves as others see us, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):009(bt) for UG 8.662.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cb)
    letter on forehead of cat, Red
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):005(ce) below, and Sheet 17.010(k).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cc)
    women never forget a [ap] with man Green
    Note: Top margin
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cd)
    mirage Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ce)
    cat never tricolor, letter on forehead Red
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):005(cb) above.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cf)
    LB searches 3 stars, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cg)
    seasickness nausea Red
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ch)
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Saltatore: [of a horse] a steeplechaser.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:209(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ci)
    LB ciclista Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. It. ciclista: a cyclist.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cj)
    RW Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Reggie Wylie.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(ck)
    how many women in D have it today, Martha smthg in air, Red
    Note: Left margin. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):019(at).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cl)
    Molly & Milly same time, once [nils] got out of step, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cm)
    fish for compliments,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(cn)
    mirror good place for ads for women Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 5(co)
    holding child out to shit Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(a)
    Note: Title is underlined in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(b)
    Pro e contra barufa nella galleria LB Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Copied to Sheet 15.071(i).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(c)
    due genera Tuoni
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(d)
    Excellency Green
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Copied to Sheet 15.071(k). s.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(e)
    chimerical Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(ba), and UN7 (V.A.2):010(t) for UG 15.1392.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(f)
    LB dimentica nome Red
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. It. dimentica nome: forget name.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(g)
    danza serpeggiante fra i fusti Red
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(h)
    alma mater Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):009(du), and UN7 (V.A.2):007(b) for UG 16.1139.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(i)
    password Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also UN6 (NLI.4):010(bo) for UG 15.216. .
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(j)
    LB aquille palmi ~ Green
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Copied to Sheet 15.071(l) for UG 15.1409.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(k)
    ~ lauro Green
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Copied to Sheet 15.071(m).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(l)
    muro cade Green
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Copied to Sheet 15.071(o) for UG 15.1555.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(m)
    bopeep Red
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(n)
    osso lanciato, Red
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Copied to Sheet 15.071(p) for UG 15.1765.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(o)
    porta scrichiola Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Italian, door creaks.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(p)
    [reocasitele] time, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(q)
    plunge, feet first out of bath,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(l), VI.C.07:211(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(r)
    pander to, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(s)
    Easter kiss of brotherhood, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):038(am) for UG 15.2683.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(t)
    Ben Israel, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.071(r).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(u)
    Bloom? Never heard of him. Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(v)
    S. Michael arcangels, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.071(q).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(aa)
    the man called Bloom, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.071(h) for UG 15.1753.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ab)
    druid, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ac)
    invisible hedge, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.071(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ad)
    Sibyl, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ae)
    Zoe reads LB's character, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(af)
    bloodhound trousers Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ag)
    I'll ride you in the park, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ah)
    hard voice, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ai)
    knees, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(aj)
    squeeze testicles, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ak)
    Gee up! Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(al)
    LB caresses Zoe's bum,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(am)
    You which? (M.C) Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(an)
    household word, Green
    household words Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), Words 160
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.039(av)). See also Sheet 14.012(f) for UG 14.792.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ao)
    Hornblower, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.071(f) for UG 15.4329; see also Sheet 15.071(s) for UG 15.1897 and Sheet 15.000(an).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ap)
    grass a stag, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.036(bb).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(aq)
    Bous Stephanoumenos,
    Note: See also (possibly copied from) Sheet 14.017(h), which see for UG 14.1115.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ar)
    [& boy]
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(as)
    ass's colt Green
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):053(d) and Sheet 15.069(ba).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(at)
    [with roperons]
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(au)
    mare's nest, Blue
    Note: See also Sheet 15.039(r) (used in proto only).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(av)
    purblind, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ba)
    carnally knowing, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bb)
    Mirus bizaar Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bc)
    LB's little child, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bd)
    bumboosers save yr stamps, Red
    Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):050(f).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(be)
    LB distributes medals, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.069(br) for UG 15.1568f.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bf)
    elephantiasis, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(a) for UG 15.1778. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):016(u) and Sheet 12.009(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bg)
    I.H.S. Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.072(c) for UG 15.1935, Sheet 12.002(cu) and UN6 (NLI.4):014(dp). Monogram (Greek) for the name Jesus.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bh)
    I hate you, Red
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.007(q) for UG 15.375. See also Sheet 13.009(bt).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bi)
    LB pokes infants who smile at him ~ Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.069(bo) for UG 15.1595.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bj)
    ~ from pigmentless eyes Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also Sheet 15.069(bp).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bk)
    milk curdling, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.069(bq) for UG 15.1595.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bl)
    larrup it into me, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(x).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bm)
    Head R ft L, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also Sheet 15.053(ac).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bn)
    amnesty, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.071(e) for UG 15.1690; see also Sheet 15.053(ak)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bo)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.053(am).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bp)
    Very like a whale in a pillbox,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.050(al).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bq)
    Haines giddy ox,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.005(q).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(br)
    Caliban, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.009(at).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bs)
    pussy 4 corners, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.006(an). ‘Pussy Four Corners’ (also, ‘Puss in the Corner’ and ‘Mouse in the Corner’) is a children's game, played by five persons, four of which stand in each of four corners while the fifth (‘puss’) attempts to touch any of the players who race from corner to corner. As the players race around they taunt the puss: ‘puss, puss, puss, pretty pussy, how do you do, pussy’. If touched, or if one's vacated corner is occupied by the puss, the two roles are interchanged after a piggyback penalty.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bt)
    vases appear on table, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.006(af).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bu)
    [medditanza of dog],
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bv)
    bishop of Down & Connor, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.001(bd) (for UG 15.1420) and Sheet 15.070(o) (for UG 15.1470). The Bishop of Down was an episcopal title that took its name from the town of Downpatrick in Northern Ireland. The bishop's seat (Cathedral) was located on the site of the present church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity. The title is now united with other bishoprics. In the Church of Ireland it is held by the Bishop of Down and Dromore; in the Roman Catholic Church by the Bishop of Down and Connor.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bw)
    he diffuses smell,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.002(ap).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(bx)
    run to earth,
    Note: See also Sheet 15.006(aj) and Sheet 15.057(r).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ca)
    Clive Kempthorpe,
    Note: See also Sheet 15.000(h).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cb)
    syphilitic whore dream,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.068(d).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cc)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.064(ac).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cd)
    circus paper hoop, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.064(ao).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ce)
    JHP chessboard tabard, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.070(n) for UG 15.1412f, and Sheet 15.067(i).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cf)
    Ulster King at Arms, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.069(bi) for UG 15.1413, UN4 (NLI.5A):038(f) for UG 15.3949, and UN4 (NLI.5A):056(b).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cg)
    brood anow
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ch)
    Dreck! Red
    Note: See Sheet 15.044(a) for UG 15.2626.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ci)
    Ringpissen v impuissance
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(h).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cj)
    black oath,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(j).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ck)
    shall have been saying, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(e).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cl)
    you have advantage of me, Green
    Note: See Sheet 15.070(j) for UG 15.1677.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cm)
    I suggest to you, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.057(ba) for UG 15.983.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cn)
    sober hearsedriver Red
    Note: Top margin. See also Sheet 15.036(u) and Sheet 15.065(ae), both for UG 15.4883.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(co)
    beloved parent,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cp)
    [Minnedienst] Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cq)
    what have we here (prick) Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cr)
    priest's hours,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cs)
    Zoe holds out LB to shit,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(ct)
    Bello ahah,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:210(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cu)
    clap clap hands Green
    Note: Left margin. Copied to Sheet 15.071(t) for UG 15.1593. See also Sheet 13.004(cg).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cv)
    Martha Clifford: my real name is Kitty, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cw)
    Ecce Homo! Green
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):008(au) for UG 15.329, and Sheet 15.071(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(cx)
    ginger cordial (Moly)
    Note: Moly (μῶλ;υ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:211(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(da)
    that man! Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(db)
    fiendish Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.073(b) for UG 15.1754.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(dc)
    LB hums as if careless Red
    Note: Drafts only.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(dd)
    Gerty tells him Martha is a cheat Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 6(de)
    won't that be nice? Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(a)
    Oxen of Sun
    Note: Title is underlined in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(b)
    losel, Red
    Note: Losel (archaic): a scoundrel.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(c)
    hithe, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also Sheet 14.008(ad) for UG 14.88. Hithe (archaic): a small port or harbour, especially on a river.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(d)
    tipstaff, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):046(aq). Tipstaff: a sheriff's officer; a bailiff.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(e)
    glaive (Cycl)
    Note: A glaive is a European polearm, consisting of a single-edged blade fixed on the end of a pole.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(f)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(g)
    by our Virgin Mother, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(h)
    burgeon, Red
    Note: Burgeon: to begin to grow or increase rapidly, to flourish.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(i)
    having put up his beaver, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.058(d). Beaver (from Fr. baviere, a child's bib, from bave, saliva), the lower part of the helmet, fixed to the neck armour to protect the face and cheeks; properly it moved upwards, as the visor moved down, but the word is sometimes used to include the visor. The right form of the word, ‘baver,’ has been altered from a confusion with ‘beaver,’ a hat made of beaver-fur or a silk imitation, also, in slang, called a ‘castor,’ from the zoological name of the beaver family.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(j)
    Note: See also Sheet 14.004(be) for its use in the drafts, and Sheet 14.058(d). Vizard: a mask or disguise.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(k)
    without they see it, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.006(h).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(l)
    quick with child, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.072(g).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(m)
    kidneys of fecund wheat, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.013(am).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(n)
    plaguily, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(l). Plaguily (slang): excessively.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(o)
    good my friend, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.014(p).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(p)
    auditors, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(q)
    sound & cogent, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.042(ad) for UG 14.1278f, and Sheet 14.082(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(r)
    ovoblastic gestation in prostratic utricle or male womb, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.084(h) and Sheet 14.084(o).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(s)
    took on to ask, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.071(m).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(t)
    But I wander from the . Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.037(ag).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(u)
    in good earnest, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.042(ao).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(v)
    Doc? Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.068(b); see also Sheet 14.002(d) for UG 14.1482.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(aa)
    Gad's bud, Red
    . . . but the Half-Swearers, who split, and mince, and fritter their oaths into gad's bud, ad's fish, and demme, the Gothic Humbuggers, and those who nickname God's creatures and call a man a cabbage, a crab, a queer cub, an odd fish, and an unaccountable muskin, should never come into company without an interpreter William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 241, Cowper
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.049(a).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ab)
    horrid imprecation, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.065(e).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ac)
    time was,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.037(cn), which see for UG 14.118.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ad)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.033(ag). Thilk (obsolete): that same; this, that.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ae)
    harkee, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.065(g); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):019(bh) for ‘young sir’ addition.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(af)
    Jackjohn's (Ivan's), Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ag)
    by this hand, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.058(ab).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ah)
    a gallant scene it made, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.047(h).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ai)
    Note: See also Sheet 14.058(e) for UG 14.1183.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(aj)
    about a crib Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.082(q).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ak)
    and [soft] too, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(al)
    being stayed for, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.058(aq)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(am)
    with dundrearies, Red
    Note: See Sheet 15.007(f) for reinstatement of first unit above at UG 14.889. Dundrearies: long, bushy sideburns (called ‘Piccadilly weepers’ in England), worn with a shaven chin.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(an)
    should be a bullyboy, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ao)
    those in ken say, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.022(g) for UG 14.510.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ap)
    with bottom of reason, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.061(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(aq)
    in brace of shakes, Red
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is written in pencil and not crossed), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    ‘In a brace of shakes:’ that is, in a moment, ‘in two shakes.’ An allusion to the shaking of a dice-box. See also Sheet 14.022(o) for use of ‘brace of’ in Oxen protodrafts.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ar)
    feet of the table Red
    I . . . heard several dreadful stories of ghosts as pale as ashes, that had stood at the feet [end] . . . of a bed, or walked over a church-yard by moon-light . . . . William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 155, Addison
    Note: This is a reinstatement of a change made at draft 2 from Sheet 14.035(ad).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(as)
    chanceable Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.058(aj). Chanceable (archaic): fortuitous, casual, accidental. Used as in ‘For that is chanceabe which happeneth; and if it happen, there was a time before it happened when it might have not happened; or else it did not happen, and so, if chanceable not eternal.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(at)
    catchpole, Red
    catchpole Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), Words 78
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.012(m). ‘Catchpole’: a taxman, one who gathers taxes; a sheriff's officer, usually one who arrests debtors. Also found as a surname.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(au)
    indentured, Red
    Shall we buy treason? and indent with fears, / When they have lost and forfeited themselves? (Note. Indent, compound, bargain; lit. to notch like the teeth (Lat. dentes) of a saw. When an indenture (contract of apprenticeship) was drawn, the copies for the contracting parties were inscribed on the same piece of parchment, and then separated by a tooth-like cutting, so that they should correspond when compared.) A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), 114, Shakespeare
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.059(t).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(av)
    & was back now with naked pockets, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.025(u).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ba)
    foot it, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bb)
    wether wool, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(am) and Sheet 14.004(t).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bc)
    spermacetic, Red
    And telling me the sovereign'st thing on earth / Was parmaceti for an inward bruise . . . . (Note. Parmaceti, spermaceti, a fatty matter obtained chiefly from the head of a certain species of whale. From Gr. and Lat. sperma (seed) and Gr. ketos (sea-monster).) A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), 114, Shakespeare
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.059(s).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bd)
    cleaning his royal pelt, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(be)
    sprang their luff, Red
    Which [maneuvre] he performed upon divers of the foremost [enemy ships], who, as the mariners term it, sprang their luff, and fell under the lee of the Revenge. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 36, Raleigh
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.009(ct).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bf)
    Note: A wardmote was a meeting of the inhabitants of a ward, or a court held in the ward (e.g. in London) to try defaults in matters relating to the watch, police, and the like.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bg)
    hack canter, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.021(b). ‘In a hack canter’ means ‘easily;’ a hack is any horse used for ordinary riding so the horse is not at full racing pace because it is so far ahead of its rivals.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bh)
    a full head of water, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also Sheet 17.019(bv) for UG 17.1712. When Charles II of Spain died, the autopsy stated that his body ‘did not contain a single drop of blood’ and ‘his head was full of water.’
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bi)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bj)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bk)
    ventre gris Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Ventre-saint-Gris! was the usual oath of Henri IV.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bl)
    shaker hides,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bm)
    speaking [meor]
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bn)
    effectu secuto, Green
    Note: Effectu secuto: ‘as a secondary effect.’ A Scholastic expression implying that an event may produce a certain effect only if it is followed immediately by a second particular event.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bo)
    debarred from holy orders, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bp)
    Pater, ~ Red
    Walter Pater / “Imaginary Portraits” Walter Pater, Imaginary Portraits (1896), titlepage
    Note: Copied from page 10 of Buffalo VIII.B, a selection of quotations from Pater that Joyce had earlier made.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bq)
    ~ “as if” “evoked by” “with their pleasant” Red
    And meantime those dreams of remote and probably adventurous travel lent the youth, still so healthy of body, a wing for more distant expeditions than he had ever yet inclined to, among his own wholesome German woodlands. In long rambles, afoot or on horseback, by day and night, he flung himself, for the resettling of his sanity, on the cheerful influences of their simple imagery; the hawks, as if asleep on the air below him; the bleached crags, evoked by late sunset among the dark oaks; the water-wheels, with their pleasant murmur, in the foldings of the hillside. Walter Pater, Imaginary Portraits (1896), 134
    Note: Copied from page 10 of Buffalo VIII.B, a selection of quotations from Pater that Joyce had earlier made.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(br)
    yellow & red, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    The habit-makers made a great sale of the spoil of all such furry creatures as had escaped wolves and eagles, for presents at the Saturnalia; and at no time had the winter roses from Carthage seemed more lustrously yellow and red. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 12, p. 211
    Note: Copied from page 10 of Buffalo VIII.B, a selection of quotations from Pater that Joyce had earlier made. See also Sheet 14.056(n).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bs)
    roaming Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.074(t).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bt)
    I suppose, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.074(u).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bu)
    accuse me, rebel, accuse me, traitor,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.080(p) (which see for source details).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(bv)
    cloven hoof,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.060(h).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ca)
    after règles boys, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.062(bl).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cb)
    consanguineous ~ Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.062(av).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cc)
    ~ sterile, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.062(ba).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cd)
    [Cudditsan] prolonged gestation,
    Note: VI.C.07.214.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ce)
    [Caesarean] section, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cf)
    Mrs Thornton
    Note: Top margin. Copied from Sheet 14.021(m).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cg)
    Churching of women
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(bm).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ch)
    monstrous fine Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ci)
    Note: Left margin
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:212(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cj)
    demene, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ck)
    Cleo's needle Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: ‘Cleopatra's Needle’ is the popular name for each of three Ancient Egyptian obelisks re-erected in London, Paris, and New York City during the nineteenth century. The obelisks in London and New York are a pair; the one in Paris is also part of a pair originally from a different site in Luxor, where its sister remains.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cl)
    to un
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cm)
    drat 'em Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: An old expression, ‘drat 'em,’ often as ‘drat ‘em and oddrot 'em' meaning ‘may the gods outroot them’.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cn)
    phalli obelisk Green
    Note: An obelisk is a tapered monolithic pillar, originally erected in pairs at the entrances of ancient Egyptian temples. The Egyptian obelisk was carved from a single piece of stone, usually red granite drawn from the quarries at Aswan.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(co)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cp)
    why yes
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cq)
    menopause womb involuted Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.060(b).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cr)
    whiteflowers kill sperm Red
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):005(at) above.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cs)
    syringe fuck Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.063(v).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(ct)
    ossif. of thigh 15 days a. N.
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.054(ab).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:213(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 7(cu)
    motherhood brings out latent diseases Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(cc).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(a)
    Note: Underlined in blue crayon
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(b)
    Lollipop Blue
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(c)
    barbers itch, Red
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(d)
    convert China Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(e)
    Maynooth, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(f)
    blood of statue, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(g)
    still life, Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):047(i).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(h)
    after church libertine courage, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(i)
    Irish in U.S.A. fleshpots of Egypt Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(j)
    forget, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(k)
    sleep 6 months out of 12, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(l)
    heresy Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(m)
    God speed scut, Blue
    Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):003(n).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(n)
    far East, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(o)
    Hours sits on leaf, Blue
    Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):015(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(p)
    incense Blue
    Note: See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):003(b).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(q)
    to stupefy Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(r)
    chloroform, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):002(aq) for earlier use.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(s)
    shamrock, Blue
    Note: See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):003(a).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(t)
    INRI, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(ct). Latin: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum: Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews. Colloquially, Iron nails ran in.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(u)
    one door opposite another, Blue
    Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):007(u) for UG 7.51.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(v)
    don't keep us all night, though, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.015(p). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):004(bu) above.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(aa)
    Doctor Whack, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ab)
    physick yrself, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ac)
    loofah, Red
    Note: Loofah: the fibrous interior of a fruit that resembles a marrow, dried and used as a sponge for washing the body.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ad)
    LB stucco in ciesa, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ae)
    handsome woman Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(af)
    reserved about to yield, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ag)
    sweat, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ah)
    boy for the skins, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ai)
    girl massage, Red
    Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):002(au)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(aj)
    LB & n[a]vel, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ak)
    warts, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(al)
    lilypots, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):003(da) and Sheet 13.004(aq)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(am)
    shrunken skull, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(an)
    alabaster, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ao)
    stone steps worn by feet, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ap)
    1st communicant, Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):002(as) for UG 5.361.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(aq)
    Irish lovescene running round corners, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(ar)
    child looks at other, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(as)
    Salvation Army, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(at)
    Buddha, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(au)
    Ecce Homo, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 15.071(j) and UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cw).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 8(av)
    duke of Albany only 1 skin, Red
    Note: Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, KG, KT, GCSI, GCMG, GCStJ, was the eighth child and youngest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Leopold was later created Duke of Albany, Earl of Clarence, and Baron Arklow. He had haemophilia, which led to his death at the age of 30.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(a)
    Note: Underlined in blue crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(b)
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. ‘Laputa’ is a flying island derived from Jonathan Swift's novel Gulliver's Travels.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(c)
    Ireland's portfolio, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(d)
    serried peaks, Blue
    Note: Said of a chain of mountains or hills that have rugged peaks suggestive of saw teeth.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(e)
    quarrels with stony obstacles, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(f)
    [passed] bridge, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(g)
    tumbling waters of the ocean, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(h)
    wellpraised prototype, few other prize regions, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(i)
    Slieve Bloom, Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):037(ad) (for UG 4.139) and Sheet 17.047(m).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(j)
    note the —, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(k)
    Score! Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(l)
    hapax legomenon, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Hapax legomenon is a term applied to a word that occurs only once within a context, either in the written record of an entire language, or in the works of an author, or in a single text.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(m)
    prosthesis down adown Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(d). Prosthesis is the addition of a sound or a letter at the beginning of a word, as is Spanish escala from Latin scala (ladder).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(n)
    epenthesis cornfederate Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(e). Epenthesis is the insertion of one or more sounds in the middle of a word.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(o)
    syncope ne'er a Blue
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(h). Syncope is the contraction of a word by omitting one or more sounds from the middle.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(p)
    apocope tho' Blue
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(i). Apocope is the loss or omission of the last letter, syllable or part of a word.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(q)
    tmesis satis bl– faction Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(j). Tmesis (Gk. a cutting) is the interpolation of one or more words between the parts of a compound word.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(r)
    metathesis 3 3rds Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(k). Metathesis (Gk. transposition) is the transposition of letters, syllables of sounds within a word (aks rather than ask).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(s)
    pleonasm The Lord, He is God / Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(m). Pleonasm is the use of more words than required to express an idea.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(t)
    epizeuxis happy, happy, happy boy Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(n). Epizeuxis, in rhetoric, is the repetition of a word or phrase in immediate succession, typically within the same sentence, for vehemence or emphasis.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(u)
    hyperbaton arma virumque cano
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(s). Hyperabaton, in rhetoric, is an inversion of the normal order of words, especially for the sake of style or emphasis.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(v)
    hysteron proteron coward lips from their colour fly Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(t). Hysteron proteron is a trope in which the logical order of two elements in a discourse is reversed (thus bred and born for born and bred)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(aa)
    parable - fable of bees Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(ac). A ‘parable’ is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ab)
    allegory: pilgrim's progress Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(ab). An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ac)
    oxymoron festina lente Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(al). Latin festina lente, make haste slowly. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ad)
    paradox sphinx – riddles Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(ak). ‘Paradox’ not crossed out. A ‘paradox’ is a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition that, when investigated, may yet prove to be true.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ae)
    climax - on - kill! Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(an). Climax: a figure of speech in which a series of phrases or sentences is arranged in ascending order of rhetorical forcefulness.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(af)
    bull father of chemistry & brother of earl of Cork Red
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(ba).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ag)
    catachresis, architect & froz music Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(bb). Catachresis: the use of a word in a mistaken way.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ah)
    FF pres insignia of Austr. fieldmarshal to Edw. VII: going to be trouble, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ai)
    Tay Pay speaks at Entente Cordiales dinner Blue
    Note: See UN5 (NLI.5B):009(bk) below, and UN5 (NLI.5B):015(bq) for UG 12.1387.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(aj)
    welshcombed, Blue
    Note: To ‘Welsh comb’ the hair is to comb it using one's fingers and thumb.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ak)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(al)
    shelved or
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(am)
    metaphor Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(v). A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(an)
    parison : the good is geason & short is his abode the bad bides long & easy to be found Green
    Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):024(g). ‘Parison’ is a figure of speech where there is a corresponding structure in a series of clauses.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ao)
    speak in, breath, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ap)
    whirlwind 1∕ 5∕ 904 Green
    Note: See also Sheet 12.009(i).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(aq)
    Paddy Kelly's Budget, Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):007(an) for UG 7.734, Sheet 12.013(a) and UN4 (NLI.5A):052(e). Paddy Kelly's Budget (or ‘A Pennyworth of Fun’) was a comic newspaper brought out in Dublin over a six-year period, with its first issue on 14 November 1832. ‘Paddy Kelly’ was the pseudonym of Alfred Howard.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ar)
    the great Gallagher, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(as)
    stale news, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(at)
    LB believes with each different writer Green
    Note: Left margin. See also Sheet 17.022(c).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(au)
    new feature Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(av)
    [topica] Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(ba)
    alliteration Blue
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):027(at). Alliteration: the recurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bb)
    sorites, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Sorites (Gk. soreites: heaped up) is a form of argument having several premises and one conclusion, capable of being resolved into a chain of syllogisms, the conclusion of each of which is the premise of the next.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bc)
    headlines from 1795 to now list a z Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bd)
    Stromboli brass / pumice lifebelt
    Note: Top margin. Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):015(e).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(be)
    pillar of cloud, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):015(i), which see for UG 7.865f.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bf)
    Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):015(c).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bg)
     ? ? ? Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bh)
    poetic licence Blue
    Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):007(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bj)
    hoodlum Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Top margin
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 9(bk)
    Tay Pay Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):009(ai) above and UN5 (NLI.5B):015(bq) below for UG 12.1387 (7.687 is already in Rosenbach). ‘Tay Pay’ was The popular name of the politician and journalist Thomas Power O'Connor (1848-1929), from a broguish pronunciation of his initials.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(a)
    Note: Underlined in blue crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(b)
    blue jacket & yellow cap (Rothschild's), Red
    Note: In 1843 Mayer Rothschild registered the racing colours of dark blue and yellow. As his interests became increasingly concentrated on the turf he set horses to train with John Scott, before establishing his own training quarters at Russley Park in Berkshire in 1853.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(c)
    Derby 1904. St Amant sire S. Fresqu Frusquin, Red
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):010(d). Leopold de Rothschild's great hope for the Derby in 1896 was his horse, St. Frusquin who entered the race as favourite. But after a close race he was beaten by a neck by the Prince of Wales's Persimmon. At their next meeting St. Frusquin was the victor; but his nerve failed in training for the St Leger and so there was not to be the eagerly awaited public rematch. In tribute to the horse, Marie, Leopold's wife, had a silver model cast of him by Fabergé for Leopold's 67th birthday. Twelve smaller bronze figures were made for friends. Despite St. Frusquin's uneven performance, Leopold headed the list of winning owners in 1896, with some £46,766 to his credit.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(d)
    roundness good to eat, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.028(ap).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(e)
    Elijah / polygamy, wife stopped it, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(f)
    relics of old decency, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):005(g) and UN4 (NLI.5A):009(as), and NLI.10-30v (Cyclops protodraft).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(g)
    Bobbob eating soup can't hear speech, Red
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):008(aa) for use in proto, and UN4 (NLI.5A):009(dd) for UG 8.160.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(h)
    man drinks from sir Phil. / Crampton's cup, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(i)
    Hely's disinfected paper goblet, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(j)
    eat out of house & home, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(k)
    fork up, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(l)
    watching his water, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(m)
    boy nibbling crust of sore knuckle, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(n)
    replete, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):051(b).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(o)
    DMP whistle, Red
    Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):013(l).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(p)
    lounged round corner, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(q)
    one way of getting on in world, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.064(aq)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(r)
    white stockings foot looks smaller, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(s)
    milk & soda, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(t)
    microbes on glass, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(u)
    fizz, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See UG 8.865 in Rosenbach
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(v)
    venison (Ph. Park) Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See UG 8.881 in Rosenbach.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(aa)
    chew cud Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ab)
    to know other chap paid whets his appetite, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ac)
    pillar of salt, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ad)
    will eat anything, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ae)
    JH [on] CSP used men as pawns, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(af)
    hard as to get Lsd out of him, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ag)
    people who get drunk to say smthg, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ah)
    all up a plumtree, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ai)
    eat with watch, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(aj)
    pigeons B of I. shit, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ak)
    cows can't fly, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(al)
    Door of B of I Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(am)
    Miriam Dandrade, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 15.068(m) for UG 15.2994 and 15.4360, and UN4 (NLI.5A):022(as) for UG 15.3001.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(an)
    EK. LB threw biscuits in starboard wake 70 yds astern gulls picked up, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.041(bo).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ao)
    Victoria good layer, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ap)
    consort † 1861 widow,
    Note: See also Sheet 17.024(d).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(aq)
    dinner of 20 courses all harmless mix inside, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.001(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(ar)
    Milly photo Virag, atavism Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(as)
    Tom Kernan knows smthg about eating Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: 8.759 seems too early (Spring 1918) for this notebook
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(at)
    LB cook waiter, Green
    Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):009(bk).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 10(au)
    PC's clothes,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:214(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(a)
    Note: Underlined in blue crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(b)
    [serra Arasferito archiottone] Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(c)
    [MUSIC notes drawn on stave with words:] Sussex blackbird
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(d)
    damper whisper,
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(e)
    hooter Not cancelled
    Note: See also Sheet 15.054(j).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(f)
    time makes the tune, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(g)
    barcaroles, Blue
    Note: Barcarole: a song sung by or in imitation of Venetian gondoliers.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(h)
    tambourined, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(i)
    improvising, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(j)
    made grave approach, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(k)
    rosiny ropes, ships' lanterns Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(l)
    chorus girl's romance Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(m)
    contrite beard Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(n)
    sad sea waves, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(o)
    I never signed, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(p)
    demisemiquaver, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(q)
    to go to hear, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(r)
    He was left up a dying rhythm, Not cancelled
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(s)
    tries to say smthg, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(t)
    transpose Blue
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(u)
    obstacle race, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(v)
    sacks Not cancelled
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(aa)
    martyrs, they went to girl, wipe away a tear, stabs Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ab)
    remind him of Home sweet home, Blue
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ac)
    paint 2nd face on bald head behind for a lark, Janus, Red
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ad)
    recognise from back Red
    Note: This draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ae)
    characteristic ~ Red
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(af)
    ~ woman Not cancelled
    Note: This draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The word was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ag)
    Span. Patio, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(i).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ah)
    shade of peartree, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(i).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ai)
    cuckoo's a fine bird, he sings as he flies,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(bm). A verse from an old English nuresery rhyme goes:

    The cuckoo's a fine bird,
    He sings as he flies;

    He brings us good tidings,
    He tells us no lies.

    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(aj)
    And 123 & 123 & 123 & 123 etc Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ak)
    croak batrachians only musical sounds till mammals came, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(al)
    abreuvent nos sillons, nos sillons, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: From La Marseillaise, the French national anthem: Qu'un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons!
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(am)
    hole to see & hole to hear,
    Note: See also Sheet 17.041(bm).
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(an)
    chap who sold LB razor, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.001(bb).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ao)
    bought Blumenlied for [Milly] found her playing it when home from whore Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.002(a), Sheet 13.001(ac), Sheet 13.009(p) and Sheet 15.018(u).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ap)
    MB snores violin, sirens, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(aq)
    sing wrong words, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ar)
    women can't do intervals, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(as)
    2 pianos going together, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(at)
    hear it better here than in the bar, though farther, trams outside, Blue
    Note: ‘trams outside’ not crossed out
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(au)
    band parts, Brown
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(av)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(aw)
    woman & music better a truce, Brown
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(ba)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(bb)
    violin string snaps menses,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(bc)
    socks with skyblue clocks Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 11(bd)
    whore too near home Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(a)
    Note: Title is underlined in blue crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(b)
    Par excellence Blue
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(c)
    obviating Blue
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):018(bd).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(d)
    obvious Blue
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. And passim.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(e)
    made amenable, Blue
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(f)
    Ormond mkt v Coombe weavers, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(g)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(h)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(i)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:215(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(j)
    Bish. O'Deveny, Fr Lonergan [sleep] on Arbour hill
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(k)
    Sheares Bros executed croppy
    Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):011(cm) for UG 12.498. Henry and John Sheares, both well-off barristers and members of the United Irishmen, were tried for treason in July 1798, four month's before Wolfe Tone's trial. They were found guilty, sentenced to death and hanged. Henry seems to have been a more reluctant and a less deeply implicated conspirator than his enthusiastic brother John.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(l)
    embracing the, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(m)
    whilst still speaking Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(n)
    quite in keeping with, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(o)
    suffice it to say, Green
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(ag), UN5 (NLI.5B):012(cb) for UG 16.1750, and Sheet 15.064(ab).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(p)
    in a way that might be yes, ay or no, Blue
    Note: Second part of unit crossed in green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(q)
    a work of art in its way, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(r)
    dreaming of fresh woods & pastures new, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.009(j). From John Milton's Lycidas:
    At last he rose, and twitched his mantle blue:
    Tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(s)
    roughly some score of years previously, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(t)
    not forgetting, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(u)
    had a full view of, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(v)
    brief duration, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(aa)
    fleeting glimpse Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ab)
    sine qua non, Green
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):030(u) for UG 16.1558. A sine qua non, without which, nothing, is an essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ac)
    rather a far cry, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ad)
    was free to admit, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.028(s).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ae)
    inherent, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(af)
    dumpy sort of a gait, Green
    Note: The unit was moved to its present position at draft 4, but not deleted from the old position until draft 6
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ag)
    Brummagem, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.006(u) for UG 16.1002.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ah)
    despite power of pelf, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.007(ab) for UG 16.492. Pelf (archaic): money, especially when gained in a dishonest or dishonourable way.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ai)
    pseudo (2) Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.017(bv) for UG 16.1043ff, and Sheet 16.010(a) for UG 16.1070.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(aj)
    effusion, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ak)
    stuck to his guns Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.014(i) for UG 16.1497.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(al)
    till the last drop, Green
    Note: The latter insertion was of the word ‘drop’ only omitted from the first.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(am)
    rough & tumble, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.012(b) for UG 16.1634.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(an)
    fits & starts, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.003(q) for UG 16.601.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ao)
    absorbing Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.015(c) for draft 1 insertion at the same position but omitted from draft 2.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ap)
    words to that effect, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(aq)
    interest starting to flag, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ar)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(as)
    if properly handled, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(at)
    |abone-a|black buttocks, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(au)
    centripetal gestures,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(av)
    better half, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ba)
    pass the remark, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bb)
    move a motion, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bc)
    geese to save capitol,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(cf).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bd)
    chip potato persuasion Green
    Note: That is, Italian, from the first fish and chip merchants to set up in Dublin.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(be)
    left in his stocking feet, Green
    Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):007(cc).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bf)
    evildisposed, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bg)
    wherewithal, Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):048(bf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bh)
    in specie, Blue
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):005(a), Sheet 16.018(u), and Sheet 19.003(h) for UG 16.1277.
    The Gold Cup, value 1,000 sovs., with 3,000 sovs. in specie in addition, added to a sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, h ft; weight for age, with allowances; the second received 700 sovs. and the third 300 sovs. Two miles and a half. The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bi)
    b.h. by Rightaway, 5 yrs, 9 st 4lb (W Lane) Blue
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):005(b), and Sheet 16.018(w)
    Mr F. Alexander's b h Throwaway, by Rightaway-Theale, 5 yrs, 9st. 4lb. (W. Lane) The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bj)
    Lord Howard de W ch c Blue
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):005(d), and Sheet 16.018(aa)
    Lord Howard de Walden's ch c Zinfandel The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bk)
    2m½ Blue
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):005(a), and Sheet 16.018(v).
    The Gold Cup, … Two miles and a half. The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bl)
    Mr W Bass's b. Sceptre Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.018(ab) for UG 16.1280. See also UN2 (VI.D.7):005(f).
    Mr W. Bass's b f Sceptre, 5 yrs, The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bm)
    Winner trained by Braime Blue
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):005(i), Sheet 16.018(ad), and Sheet 19.003(o).
    The Gold Cup, … (Winner trained by Braime) The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bn)
    |aBettinga| 20 to 1 off T Blue
    Betting. — 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 7 to 4 agst Sceptre, 10 to 1 Maximum II, 20 to 1 Throwaway (offered) The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):005(i), and Sheet 19.003(n) for UG 16.1280f.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bo)
    T got long lead Blue
    Note: See also UN2 (VI.D.7):004(a).
    The race was a peculiar one for Throwaway was allowed to get a long lead, … The Times (London), 17 June 1904, p.12
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bp)
    Lenehan's a/c wrong, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.018(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bq)
    Cricket. Notts v Kent Red
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):006(b); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(eh).
    CRICKET / NOTTINGHAMSHIRE v. KENT. […] The Times (London, 17 June 1904), 12/3
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(br)
    418 3 wkts Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):006(c).
    Nottinghamshire.—First Innings.
    Mr. A.O. Jones, c. Penn.jun, b. Fielder … 14
    Iremonger, not out … 221
    Total (3 wkts.) … 418 The Times (London, 17 June 1904), 12/3
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bs)
    Iremonger 221 not out Red
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):006(b); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(ei).
    Nottinghamshire.—First Innings.
    Mr. A.O. Jones, c. Penn.jun, b. Fielder … 14
    Iremonger, not out … 221
    Total (3 wkts.) … 418 The Times (London, 17 June 1904), 12/3
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bt)
    unmitigated ass, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):043(t) for UG 16.951.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bu)
    whatdyecallit, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bv)
    with a vengeance, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(bw)
    upset the applecart, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ca)
    drunk expose weakest side, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also Sheet 17.046(a), and UN4 (NLI.5A):055(ch) for UG 16.94.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cb)
    Suffice it to say, Green
    Note: Top margin. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(ag), UN5 (NLI.5B):012(o) for UG 16.627, and Sheet 15.064(ab).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cc)
    breast the tape, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cd)
    understood WS 2nd time of reading Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also Sheet 17.010(af).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ce)
    wield the willow, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):043(bp), and UN4 (NLI.5A):043(bo) for UG 16.1683.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cf)
    boy Jones Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cg)
    drink little & well Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ch)
    choice vintage Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ci)
    impro' Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cj)
    SD read music Blue
    Note: Left margin
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ck)
    voted a fine filly,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cl)
    in the fish way Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cm)
    trains rarely start at 7
    Note: See also Sheet 17.012(o).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cn)
    G. Bennett
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(co)
    flinch Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cp)
    kick upstairs Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cq)
    subpoenaed Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cr)
    G Slocum disaster Green
    Note: See UN2 (VI.D.7):007(b) for source details.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cs)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(bk).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(ct)
    kudos Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(bl). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):030(dg) for UG 16.1153.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cu)
    aboveboard Blue
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):017(bm) for UG 16.1484.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(cv)
    qualified man Blue
    Note: See also Sheet 16.004(w) for UG 16.796.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(da)
    rum puncheon Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(db)
    Theatre Green
    Note: Right margin
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(dc)
    been there Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 12(dd)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:216(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(a)
    Note: Underlined in blue crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(b)
    Non signora maybrick Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See Sheet 18.006(k) for UG 18.234. See also UN6 (NLI.4):020(dh).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(c)
    about inside Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. Possibly copied to Sheet 18.007(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(d)
    L.B. festa da pollo
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(e)
    after Europa Pt up treeshaded road ~ Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(f)
    ~ = Williss rd, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(g)
    hairpin bends, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(h)
    10ft wide,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(i)
    ships = chips, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(j)
    morocco visible, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(k)
    straits = river, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(l)
    galleries & casemates, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(m)
    leaving those things about, Blue
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):005(bk).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(n)
    Barbary apes on top wild, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(o)
    left side face better, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(p)
    Atlas, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):035(di), UN7 (V.A.2):002(al) (for UG 18.860) and Sheet 18.011(aj).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(q)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(r)
    Arks (arse) Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(s)
    or similar 3 for 2, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(t)
    servant sings well treated, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.004(bb)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(u)
    moustache beards carry germs,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.017(as)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(v)
    bold as brass,
    Note: See also Sheet 13.018(j) for UG 13.346.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(aa)
    her love for him,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.014(b)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ab)
    picking his nose, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.014(r)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ac)
    worms, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ad)
    scents hide,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.014(s)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ae)
    tick tack two, wd you set a shoe, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.014(ab)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(af)
    Circe Red
    Note: Title boxed in orange crayon. The further title “Naus” is scrawled over these few notes in blue crayon.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ag)
    the door had opened,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.014(af)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ah)
    ~ to admit servant [announces]
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ai)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.013(an)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(aj)
    sweet crushed blossom,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.013(q)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(n), VI.C.07:218(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ak)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.014(ag)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(al)
    camphor, lavender,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.013(ar)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(am)
    borrows tongs,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(an)
    boy's wash. water,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.064(aa).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ao)
    my chest Blue
    Note: See also Sheet 15.045(bs) for UG 15.3258.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ap)
    exorcism, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(g); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):052(h).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(aq)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(e).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ar)
    administer a whipping, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(g).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(as)
    plump for Bloom,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(s).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(at)
    St. Jacob's oil,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(u). St. Jacob's Oil was a liniment, one of the common proprietary remedies for rheumatism and other aches and pains in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(au)
    sold after dark in Paris boulevards, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(v).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(av)
    in sight of the Whipping Post, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(ai).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ba)
    whip yrself, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(ah). See also UN7 (V.A.2):012(cl) for UG 15.1806.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bb)
    doorhandle turns, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(aj).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bc)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.059(c).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bd)
    scrapes at door,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(aq).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(be)
    Bella. Where? How? What times? With whom? Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(bi).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bf)
    Be truthful for once, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(bi); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(ac) for UG 15.3043.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bg)
    if you have any grace about you. Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(bj).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bh)
    basted, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(bk).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bi)
    Virag prick behind, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.059(m).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bj)
    sticks pin through hat viciously,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(av).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bk)
    limb of devil,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.056(ba).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bl)
    piffpaff, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.059(g), which see for UG 15.2556.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bm)
    tumble her, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(aj).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bn)
    Leopoldleben, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(ai).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bo)
    LB mad laugh,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(af).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bp)
    my programme, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(n).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bq)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(l).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(br)
    Borgia [in live] bull's guts,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.057(o).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:218(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bs)
    lion's share.
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(a).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bt)
    rut end of dance,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(d).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bu)
    witch on broomstick, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(c). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):039(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(bv)
    Dalila her lust was remarkable,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(o).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ca)
    bub falls in soup, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(t).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cb)
    dial on arse, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(p).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cc)
    tatter the clothes off him, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(s); see also Sheet 18.013(ar) for UG 18.961.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cd)
    MB turns away from unpleasant thoughts Blue
    Note: Top margin. See also UN7 (V.A.2):003(bt) for UG 15.1450.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ce)
    guyrope (spider's)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cf)
    lovely stuff in his suit Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cg)
    LB sneezes
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:217(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ch)
    Kearney Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ci)
    sun dance 3 times on Easter Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cj)
    J.C. = 6ft
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ck)
    MB stuck to chair, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cl)
    Note: Left margin. Arrow in margin joining UN5 (NLI.5B):013(cr) to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(ce) above.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cm)
    bottom bottom, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cn)
    He stole her glove (she knew) Blue
    Note: See Sheet 17.008(u) for UG 18.287.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(co)
    MB love man to buy her linen Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cp)
    turns her ring Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cq)
    witch in vest & bare rump Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.058(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cr)
    Driscoll cantat WC Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cs)
    Milly - what they cd pick out of her, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(ct)
    1st thing he did every morning was to look across Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cu)
    troopship Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 13(cv)
    know LB came by his appetite, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(a)
    Note: Title is underlined in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(b)
    Bollettino salute Green
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(c)
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(d)
    zingari Green
    Note: Entered in Lucia Joyce's hand. See also Sheet 17.027(ap). ‘i Zingari’ is the name of an amateur cricket club founded in 1845. Zingaro: a gypsy. See also UN6 (NLI.4):010(dg).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(e)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(f)
    hence fox scalp redskins,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(g)
    champions, Blue
    Note: UG 12.964 and 13.351 both in Rosenbach.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(h)
    just drizzled along,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(i)
    lifted the pellet,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(j)
    slammed out,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(k)
    grabbed off,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(l)
    donated Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(m)
    furnished costly muffs,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(n)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(o)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:219(n), VI.C.07:220(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(p)
    slashed the pill,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(q)
    redhosed crew,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(r)
    a daisy,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(s)
    turned on the teartap, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(t)
    a fare-thee-well
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(u)
    gnash their molars, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(v)
    woozy wobblers, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(w)
    smoke sphere [fared] Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(aa)
    on proboscis, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ab)
    banked his hopes on, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ac)
    jungle beasts, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ad)
    spoil the hash, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ae)
    speed pill, Red
    Note: Speed pill: in baseball a ‘fast ball,’ Hence the plumstones spat out by the two ladies atop Nelson's Pillar.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(af)
    those slightly rambunctious, Blue
    Note: Rambunctious: boisterous.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ag)
    are smarting this May morn, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ah)
    flatty (p.c.) Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(dj) for UG 15.1922. Flatty (slang): flatfoot, a policeman.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ai)
    split ([G]) Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(dl) for UG 15.1922. Split (slang): informer.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(aj)
    squeak is out, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(dk) for UG 15.1922.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ak)
    rattler (N-S) Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(dm) for UG 15.1922. Rattler (slang): coach.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(al)
    red lot =
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(am)
    Gold chain 'twas, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(an)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ao)
    Autobiog. of Unhappy Man,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ap)
    the jews' temple Blue
    Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):037(bj).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(aq)
    crannocks of corn, Green
    Note: Copied from V.A.3-13 (proto-Proteus) where it is crossed out in blue. Crannock: an old unit of capacity once used in the west of England and in Wales and Ireland and equal to two, four, or more bushels.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ar)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(as)
    chewed cigarettes, Blue
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(at)
    belly on him like a poisoned pup, Green
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(au)
    concealed about his person, Green
    Note: This draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ba)
    Bid me to live protestant, Green
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    Note: From the song, ‘To Anthea, who may Command him Anything’, by Robert Herrick.

    Bid me to live, and I will live
    Thy protestant to be;
    Or bid me love, and I will give
    A loving heart to thee.

    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bb)
    LB Lead kindly light, Red
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    See also Sheet 17.008(t) and UN6 (NLI.4):019(dr) for UG 18.380f. ‘Lead Kindly Light’ is a hymn written by Aled Jones. It begins:

    Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom,
    Lead thou me on;
    The night is dark, and I am far from home;
    Lead thou me on;
    Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
    The distant scene: one step enough for me.

    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bc)
    fit to be tied, Red
    Note: The draft 11.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.7A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bd)
    lame duck, Red
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(ba)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(be)
    Alle Bettpisser, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: German bettpisser: a bedwetter.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bf)
    harvest & hunter's moon,
    Note: The “harvest moon” is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox (22 or 23 September), coming anywhere from two weeks before to two weeks after that date. The “hunter's moon” is the full moon following it.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bg)
    Hazelhatch, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Hazelhatch (Irish: Collchoill) is an area on the border between County Kildare and South County Dublin in Ireland.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bh)
    queasy, Red
    Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):025(l).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bi)
    porter carries docket in hat, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bj)
    dig deep & win wisely,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.068(ab).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bk)
    Well, sir ... Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bl)
    jib, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bm)
    convert Dr. Wm Walsh DD to true religion, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bn)
    he [loused] 2 months ago when I came up those stairs
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:220(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bo)
    Go to hell Red
    Note: UG 7.672 too early.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bp)
    James Talbot Power, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bq)
    rollerskating, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(br)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:221(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bs)
    LB's shadow,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:221(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bt)
    Ovid A A. 2. 123ff
    Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):001(h); see also UN3 (VIII.A.5):005(m). Ovid, Ars Amatoria (The Art of Love): Ulysses wasn't handsome, but he was eloquent, / and still racked the sea-goddesses with love. / How often Calypso mourned his haste, / and denied the waves were fit for oars!
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:221(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bu)
    bald spot, Red
    Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):001(bf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(bv)
    rubbishtip. Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ca)
    make hay while sun shines, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.001(bf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(cb)
    People talk of what they want & haven't,
    Note: See also Sheet 17.001(br).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:221(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(cc)
    LB to sit in park, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(cd)
    flash of motor windscreen in Sol, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 14(ce)
    LB & ladies' bicycle Blue
    Note: Left margin
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(a)
    Note: Title is underlined in red crayon.
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(b)
    knight of razor, Blue
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(q).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(c)
    tarbarrels, Red
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(bi).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(d)
    fat ~ Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(cn).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(e)
    ~ vetches Red
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(cn); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):001(ae) above for UG 12.96. Vetch: a widely distributed scrambling herbaceous plant of the pea family, which is cultivated as a silage or fodder crop.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(f)
    bere, Red
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(cm). Bere, or barley (chiefly a Scottish term). Winter barley.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(g)
    stubble geese, Red
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(co).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(h)
    truss of hay, maureen lay, Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(ci). Cf. the song, ‘The Low-Backed Car’, which opens:
    When first I saw sweet Peggy,
    'Twas on a market day,
    A low-backed car she drove, and sat
    Upon a truss of hay.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(i)
    pavior & flaggers, Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(cj).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(j)
    flushed ewes, Green
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(cq). As in grain-flushed ewes that produce a smaller percentage of lambs than pasture-flushed ewes.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(k)
    Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(cr).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:221(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(l)
    mitred abbot, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(cd).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(m)
    drew my hand, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(n)
    of stature tall & personable, in each limb featured, of nature flexible & kind, easily with submission appeased,
    Thomas is described as a man of great natural beauty, ‘of stature tall and personable, in each limb featured, of nature flexible & kind, easily with submission appeased; ’ Dictionary of National Biography (1889), “Thomas Fitzgerald”
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):001(b), UN2 (VI.D.7):001(e), UN2 (VI.D.7):001(g), UN2 (VI.D.7):001(i); see also Sheet 12.007(d).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:221(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(o)
    hilarious applause from girl hands, Red
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):014(j).
    girl weavers shout hilarious welcome The Times (London), 14 June 1904, p.10
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(p)
    made his mark in visitor's book, Red
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):014(i).
    made his mark in vistors' book The Times (London), 14 June 1904, p.10
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(q)
    volume of word of G. Red
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):014(c).
    Queen Victoria sent two bound volumes of the Word of God, the secret of England's greatness The Times (London), 14 June 1904, p.10
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(r)
    Secret of E's greatness, Red
    Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):014(c).
    Queen Victoria sent two bound volumes of the Word of God, the secret of England's greatness The Times (London), 14 June 1904, p.10
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(s)
    Free fox in a free henroost, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(t)
    prayer by, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(u)
    Man Mt.
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(v)
    Finn MacCool, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(bb).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(aa)
    bumbailiff, Red
    Note: See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):001(e), and UN4 (NLI.5A):017(e) for UG 12.399. Bumballiff: an officer employed to collect debts and arrest debtors for nonpayment.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ab)
    Cyclops bespatters, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(bf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ac)
    Eng no music, Blue
    Note: Second insertion. See also Sheet 12.006(bk) for earlier version of the same unit entered into prototext.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ad)
    curse of Cromwell, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(cm).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ae)
    noserag history Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(u).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(af)
    Cambrian miners bear ~ Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(v).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ag)
    ~ shout superlatives, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(q).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ah)
    give him a lottery ticket, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(c).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ai)
    LB excited wants to say a lot Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.006(b).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(aj)
    transient beam,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(ab).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ak)
    red eye, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 12.004(ak), and Sheet 12.004(ac) for use in proto-Cyclops.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(al)
    wafty Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(as).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(am)
    Bloody wars, ~ Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(at).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(an)
    ~ says the queen of France, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(at).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ao)
    bill of attainder Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(bo). A bill of attainder (or act of attainder or writ of attainder or bill of penalties) is an act of a legislature declaring a person or group of persons guilty of some crime and punishing them, often without a trial.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ap)
    impeach a nation, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(bn).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(aq)
    grilse, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.010(e); see also UN7 (V.A.2):025(ai). Grilse: a young Atlantic salmon returning to its native river to spawn for the first time after one winter at sea.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ar)
    roach, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(as)
    underslip, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.003(k) which see for UG 12.1281.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(at)
    heeltapping, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.003(ab).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(au)
    bailiff to yield to effect an entrance, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(av)
    head addled, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(bu).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ba)
    magnify kittens,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(bd).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bb)
    mts & molehills,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.013(c). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):039(bn).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bc)
    Red Jim MacDermott, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.013(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bd)
    paraphernalia, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(ab).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(be)
    coverture of wife,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(ac). At Common Law during “coverture” (i.e. the state of being married) the wife's legal individuality was regarded as merged in that of her husband
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bf)
    roaring mares, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(ag).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bg)
    sheepdip for scab, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(ah).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bh)
    Granuaile, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(k), which see for UG 12.1375.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bi)
    ~ Grace O'Malley, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bj)
    & all the rest of them
    Note: ‘them’ inadvertently crossed in green
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bk)
    licensed for sale of beer wine & spirits &c Green
    Note: See also Sheet 12.011(v) for UG 12.1730f, and UN4 (NLI.5A):017(t) .
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bl)
    cry you mercy, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 14.058(ae).
    I cry you mercy A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), 118, Shakespeare
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bm)
    buttons = shields Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Top margin. Copied from Sheet 12.011(ak).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bn)
    birdseye view of [all Munster] Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bo)
    satyr in picture Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bp)
    measures thumb of giant (Timanthes) Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(am).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bq)
    Tay Pay at Entente Cordial dinner Green
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):009(ai) and UN5 (NLI.5B):009(bk) above.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(br)
    prepared for death by Green
    Note: Left margin
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bs)
    We, Wm Humble complim
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:221(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bt)
    The O'Donoghue of the Glens Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bu)
    who's hindering you? Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):016(bd) for UG 12.1488, Sheet 13.022(ad), and UN4 (NLI.5A):045(bi).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(bv)
    neither [??] Pencil
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ca)
    a nobody, Mr Nobody Red
    Note: See also Sheet 13.006(b).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(cb)
    Note: See also Sheet 12.011(bp).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(cc)
    leprechaun Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(af). See also Sheet 15.059(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(cd)
    couched spear Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(bl). To ‘couch’ a spear is to lower it to a position of attack.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(ce)
    Fenian tells secret in shout Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(cc).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 15(cf)
    billing (BB) & cooing
    Note: Copied from Sheet 13.001(aj).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(a)
    Scy & Caryb
    Note: The title is underlined in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(b)
    greyeyed Venus, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(c)
    bitch, hole of loss,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(i), VI.C.07:222(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(d)
    Can he always do all that he ever did (Petrus Lombardus) Not cancelled
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:222(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(e)
    Father who is in purgatory, Red
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(f)
    Conjugial love & chaste delights, Green
    Note: The draft 9.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8A (where it is uncrossed), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(g)
    scortatory love & its foul pleasures, Green
    Note: The draft 9.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(h)
    the church qua church, Red
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase is more likely taken from, not copied to, NLI.8A, as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):007(dg) for UG 7.730.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(i)
    I am in his priest, Green
    Note: The draft 9.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8A (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook. Literal translation from the Irish.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(j)
    strong waters, Red
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):007(bc) for UG 7.894.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(k)
    brisk as a galliard, Green
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook. Galliard: a brisk, lively dance in triple time 1553.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(l)
    Stephen, Stephen, cut the bread even, Blue
    Note: Originally from UN1 (NLI.3):032(db), this phrase was added to NLI.8C-27, and from there (where it is crossed in blue) copied into this notebook for final use on the placards.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(m)
    leman, Not cancelled
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8B (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(n)
    Mr William Himself, Blue
    Note: The draft 9.1 link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8C (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(o)
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8C (where it is crossed in blue), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(p)
    a hat is suited for a wedding Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(bt).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(q)
    & it not in the corner,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(bv).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(r)
    he died on her, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.004(cc).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(s)
    acquitted himself,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.005(r) and Sheet 14.001(bm).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(t)
    speech from dock,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.005(ao).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(u)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.009(d). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bf) and Sheet 15.073(a) for UG 15.1778.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(v)
    lie between Helen's thighs
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(ar).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(aa)
    silvermines of Euxine,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(as).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ab)
    I and I because I change Blue
    Note: This link should be considered reversed. The phrase was taken from, not copied to, NLI.8A (where it is uncrossed), as the prototext was drafted too early to make use of this notebook. See also Sheet 12.011(bi).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ac)
    OG's aunt going to write to Si D, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.060(c) for UG 14.1487.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ad)
    Lyster a pleased bottom, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(m).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ae)
    whoreson, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(af)
    whom Mr Magee reads in original Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ag)
    Sayest thou so? Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ah)
    Si D sings matins,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ai)
    SD wants a drink, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(aj)
    poor dear Gregory, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(ak)
    capon, Red
    Note: Capon: a castrated cock.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(al)
    so dandy, O!
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 16(am)
    a king & no king, Red
    Note: A King and No King is a Jacobean era stage play, a tragicomedy written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, first published in 1619.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(a)
    Note: Title is underlined in ink and in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(b)
    enter a demurrer, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(m). To ‘enter a demurrer’ is to make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially to answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(c)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(d)
    laugh immoderately Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(e)
    hails from, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 12.003(ak), Sheet 12.003(as), Sheet 16.002(br) for UG 16.419, and Sheet 16.017(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(f)
    aspirant to, Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):055(bn).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(g)
    dubbed, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(h)
    to start with, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.020(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(i)
    new York & new Dublin,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.017(au), itself from Sheet 12.014(db).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(j)
    quale cumque de Parnellio,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.020(f).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(k)
    evince interest, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.020(k).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(l)
    ensuing, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(m)
    tartan beard, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.017(bs).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(n)
    Dunleary Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.017(cg).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(o)
    doing a rere,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.017(cp)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(p)
    box compass, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.019(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(q)
    glum, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.020(r)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(r)
    Cornwall case, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.026(t)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(s)
    to all the more influence Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.028(g); see also Sheet 15.035(ar).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(t)
    that is to say, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.028(t)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(u)
    leading lady, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.028(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(v)
    miners 5 killed every day, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.028(o).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(aa)
    divers, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ab)
    revive ~
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ac)
    ~ Irish Hebrew, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ad)
    bilgewater, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.025(u) for UG 16.938, and Sheet 15.017(ad).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ae)
    Skin the Goat, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See See UG 16.323 and passim, also UN4 (NLI.5A):020(eu), UN4 (NLI.5A):053(l), Sheet 12.014(g) and Sheet 16.017(al).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(af)
    hearing a yarn a night,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ag)
    son of seacook, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.024(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ah)
    got his bearings, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.023(m) for UG 16.924 (entered at draft 1).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ai)
    relevant to issue, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(aj)
    invitation [to] early breakfast,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ak)
    without 1d to his name, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.001(h), which see for UG 16.953.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(al)
    wide berth, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.001(bi)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(am)
    Bloom was the man who, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.001(bq) for UG 16.1514.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(an)
    & find him he did, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.001(br)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ao)
    radically altered, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 16.001(cn) for UG 16.1505.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ap)
    four times the money, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.001(cu)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(aq)
    should by any chance he, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.001(cv), which see for UG 16.584.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ar)
    guardians of the law, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.003(u)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(as)
    here today & gone tomorrow, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.003(al)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(at)
    beggared description, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.002(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(au)
    bona fides, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.004(q) and Sheet 16.023(j).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(av)
    pro rata, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.004(r)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ba)
    tuitions, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.004(ab)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bb)
    minor injuries,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.014(k), which see for UG 16.1510.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bc)
    fort Camden & Carlisle, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):055(b) and Sheet 16.014(q). Forts Camden and Carlile were positioned west and east, respectively, at the entrance to Cork harbour.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bd)
    merry old soul, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.016(g), which see for UG 16.1626.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(be)
    annoying part of it was, FW2 425.16
  • MS BL.47484a-55
  • JJA 54:200 III§3B.4 Green
  • Note: This unit appears to have ended up in Finnegans Wake. Along with how many others? See also Sheet 16.016(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bf)
    familiarised with, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.013(al), which see for UG 16.949.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bg)
    none the less, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.013(aj)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bh)
    liquid fire, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.015(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bi)
    boodle, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.007(l); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):043(o). Boodle (Slang): money, especially that gained or spent illegally or improperly.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bj)
    ventilate the matter, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.007(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bk)
    Xmas festivities, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.007(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bl)
    a bit of perfect poetry in its way, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.007(ap)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bm)
    honest & aboveboard, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.007(au). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):012(cu).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bn)
    genuine forgery, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(bo)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bo)
    painting the town tolerably pink, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(bh), which see for UG 16.953.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bp)
    professional whistler, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(be)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bq)
    lady who is now my wife, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.006(bd)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(br)
    upshot was, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.006(al), which see for UG 16.1549.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bs)
    heaps of love, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.006(ao); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):017(ap).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bt)
    wdn't hold water, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(bc)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bu)
    no matter what cause is from, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(at)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(bv)
    wd answer (suit), Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(au)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ca)
    under false colours, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.005(af)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cb)
    mixed bathing, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.008(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cc)
    glutton for work, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.006(o), which see for UG 16.213.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cd)
    with gusto, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.006(k), which see for UG 16.1634.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ce)
    consult a specialist, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.006(au)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cf)
    perambulations, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.006(ar)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cg)
    did I say to you or you to me? Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(f).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ch)
    not care a continental Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ci)
    barque Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cj)
    hered. lord adm. of Irel. & waters adjoining Green
    Note: Top margin. “hereditary” only: see also Sheet 16.011(af), and UN4 (NLI.5A):013(ch) for UG 10.156f.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ck)
    crowned heads Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.012(d), which see for UG 16.1201.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cl)
    quondam Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(ch).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cm)
    interlocutor, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cn)
    grind of city life Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(co)
    Note: Left margin
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:223(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cp)
    mineral Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cq)
    found drowned Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cr)
    euchred Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.009(ah)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cs)
    squeamish Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.012(u)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(ct)
    hang it Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.012(ad)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cu)
    nozzle of which Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.009(q)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cv)
    blessed with brains Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.012(j), which see for UG 16.1553f.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(cw)
    vacationist Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(da)
    denouement Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(db)
    what was I saying? Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.009(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dc)
    Ah yes, to be sure, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.009(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dd)
    our national poet Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.012(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(de)
    put a stop to Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.010(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(df)
    turned up Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.010(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dg)
    father of a scheme for
  • MS missing I.2§3.4 FW2 36.13 Orange
  • Note: This unit appears to have ended up in Finnegans Wake. See also Sheet 16.010(ah).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dh)
    made him smell a rat Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.010(an)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(di)
    brother medico Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.009(ae). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):055(bf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dj)
    flusterfied Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.011(ae), which see for UG 16.708. This unit may have been used to restore the reading on Placards (see JJA 20-278, draft 6)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dk)
    every requisite, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.011(ab)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dm)
    soi-disant Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 17(dn)
    3 acres & a cow Blue
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bo) below, Sheet 15.073(h) for UG 15.1687, and Sheet 15.040(ce). ‘Three acres and a cow’ was a slogan used by British land reform campaigners of the 1880s, and revived by the distributists of the 1920s. It refers to an ideal land holding for every citizen.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(a)
    Note: Title is underlined in ink and in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(b)
    no women in Cyclopia, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(c)
    smote thigh, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(d)
    Goliath, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(e)
    Donnerwetter, Green
    Note: See UN6 (NLI.4):014(p) for UG 15.722.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(f)
    drum of figs, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.035(ak).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(g)
    darkened eyes stupid,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(h)
    one story good till you hear another, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(i)
    never cried crack till he, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(j)
    monocle, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(k)
    if they didn't roast him it's a queer story, Blue
    Note: See also Sheet 12.002(cl).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(l)
    Alleluija, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(m)
    wink of the word, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(n)
    got busy Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bq) for UG 112.971, and Sheet 15.064(bu).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(o)
    Ballyhooly blue ribbon Blue
    Note: This is from a late eighteenth-century broadside ‘Ballyhooly,’ which begins:
    There's a dashing sort of boy, who is called his mother's joy,
    For his ruction and elements they charm me; He takes the chief command in a water-drinking band,
    Called the Ballyhooly Blue ribbon Army
    The ladies all declare he's the pride of every fair,
    And he bears the patriotic name of Dooley;
    When the temperance brigade do go out upon the parade,
    There's not a sober man in Ballyhooly.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(p)
    stood off forwards with all sail set, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(q)
    good as a play Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(r)
    devil wdn't stop him, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(s)
    Fingal's cave, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(t)
    launched into eternity, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(u)
    LB after Virag “he” Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(v)
    timber ceased 1765
    Note: See also Sheet 17.031(b).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(w)
    deforesting for military gluttony,
    Note: See also Sheet 17.031(b).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(x)
    one's eyes to the fact, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(y)
    gouger, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(aa)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:224(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ab)
    name the day, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ac)
    Come out here, Geraghty, ye notorious bloody robber, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ad)
    souvenir?, Red
    Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):011(be) for UG 12.663.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ae)
    graduate? Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(af)
    Note: Title is underlined in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ag)
    without going into the minutiae of the business, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ah)
    not to say anything like the extent, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ai)
    influx, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(aj)
    fund of facts,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ak)
    cordially disliked, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(al)
    squandermania, Red
    Note: Squandermania: the practice of spending money extravagantly, especially by a government.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(am)
    take up cudgels, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):042(h).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(an)
    fast & furious, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):013(bo) for UG 10.548.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ao)
    SD will win also LB wdn't what LB wd like to be Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ap)
    Sherlock Holmesed, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.002(o).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(aq)
    not possessed of Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ar)
    hank which he had forgotten, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(as)
    quite oblivious, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(at)
    thames embankment, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 17.048(al)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(au)
    take a back seat, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.048(am)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(av)
    LB thought of smthg better & Orange
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(ba)
    a sprinkling of, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):031(dk) for UG 16.147.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(bb)
    as such, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(bc)
    his confidante, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(bd)
    obviating, Blue
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):012(c) for UG 16.1858.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 18(be)
    vastly amusing, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(a)
    Oxen of the Sun
    Note: Title is underlined in ink and orange crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(b)
    Euphuists, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Euphuism: an excessively elegant literary style. Copied from Sheet 14.009(ba).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(c)
    gramercy, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.023(bo). Gramercy: an exclamation expressing gratitude, surprise or sudden strong feeling.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(d)
    kidnap, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.029(e).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(e)
    beef to the heel, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.013(v).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(f)
    LB to study medicine, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.013(bb).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(g)
    Madagscar priests deflower virgins, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.013(bj).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(h)
    cozen, Red
    Beggars cozen him [the antiquarian] with musty things which they have raked from dunghills and he preserves their rags for precious relics. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 76, Earle
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.013(ct).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(i)
    this talkative, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.017(g).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(j)
    I'll be sworn, Red
    Prince. No, Ile be sworne, unlesse you call three fingers on the Ribbes bare. . . . Falstaff. What, Hal? How now, mad Wag! what a Devill dost thou in Warwickshire? A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 72, Shakespeare [Henry IV]
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.014(aa).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(k)
    round with you, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.014(o).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(l)
    Then did LB as his wont was, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.008(c).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(m)
    the mournful & applauding senate, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.048(ai). From page 56 of Edward Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (New York, 1839), vol. I: ‘The name of Paulus, a celebrated Secutor, was the only one which delighted his ear. It was inscribed on his colossal statues, and repeated in the redoubled acclamations of the mournful and applauding senate.’
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(n)
    Did he? No, fair reader, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.048(am).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(o)
    I like them (spaghetti)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.048(l).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(p)
    eachwhen, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.008(af).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(q)
    till that they both to sea came,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.008(b).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(r)
    sick & whole,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(a).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(s)
    cut bob, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(c).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(t)
    gentleman's gentleman, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(m).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(u)
    a footman (virtuous) who, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(q).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(v)
    shed a pint of tears, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(s). Cf. Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady, an epistolary novel by English writer Samuel Richardson, published in 1748: ‘I verily believe I have shed a pint of tears, and my heart is still bursting, tho' they cease not to flow at this moment, nor will, I fear, for some time.’
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(aa)
    SD drunk hear rain,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.038(ah).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ab)
    interjacent Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.037(n); see also UN7 (V.A.2):028(ae) for UG 17.1511.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ac)
    sack posset, Red
    … it is a sack-posset, wherein the deeper you go, you will find it the sweeter Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) 49
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.032(aq).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ad)
    of their darling mercury, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.032(bf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ae)
    King's evil, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.035(aq); see also UN7 (V.A.2):011(dm) for UG 15.1844.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(af)
    which are now in (fashion) Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.035(ao).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ag)
    favour of moonlight, Red
    The Indian [Yarico] grew immediately enamoured of him [Inkle], and consequently solicitous for his preservation [concerned for his life]. . . . To make his confinement more tolerable, she would carry him in the dusk of the evening William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 151, Steele
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.035(ac).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ah)
    bedesman Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.034(o). A bedesman, or beadsman, was generally a pensioner or almsman to whose duty it fell to pray for his benefactor.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ai)
    à ses terres, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.039(ac).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(aj)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.039(ap).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ak)
    dry nurse S.D,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.039(bc); see also Sheet 14.003(l).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(al)
    fiacre, Red
    —waiting, as I imagined, for a fiacre Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), p 1249
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.042(af).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(am)
    mille compliments, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.042(u).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(an)
    hand her to her coach, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.042(f).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ao)
    mercy on the [gouty] Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 14.042(i).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ap)
    Valerian tea,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(aq)
    sweet water,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ar)
    S. Blitz,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(as)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(at)
    lime soil impossible,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(au)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(av)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(p)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(aw)
    good oak sickened,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:225(q), VI.C.07:226(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(ba)
    lonely foliaged tree bad,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bb)
    walk to windward,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bc)
    [mirrors] bad,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bd)
    sunstroke, heatstroke,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(be)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bf)
    austral =
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bg)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bh)
    harkee, young sir, Red
    Note: Insertion of ‘young sir’ only. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ae) for UG 14.456.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bi)
    stress the point,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bj)
    Home sec. at birth Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bk)
    royal postmortem
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bl)
    storkbird Red
    Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):023(ab) and UN5 (NLI.5B):022(bq) below.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bm)
    prize baby, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bn)
    infanticide Red
    Note: Possibly copied from Sheet 14.060(ac). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):004(al) for UG 6.346, and Sheet 14.021(l) for UG 14.962.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bo)
    exposure, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bp)
    finders keepers,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bq)
    abortion Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.022(l) for UG 14.329.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(br)
    some of us, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bs)
    the Deity, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 14.004(n) for UG 14.1587.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bt)
    with Jacob's pipe, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bu)
    freshmen [juices]
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 19(bv)
    [2 solde chiesa domenia]
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:226(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(a)
    1866 LB.n.
    Note: Birthyear of Leopold Bloom. Possibly copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):fcv(d).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(b)
    1867 /   68 /   69 /  70
    Note: For this and the following entries see UN2 (VI.D.7):fcd(e).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(c)
      71: M.B. n. 8∕ 9∕ 921
    Note: In ‘Ithaca’, Joyce has Molly born in 1870 but on the same month and day.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(d)
      72 /  73 /   74 /   75 /   76 /   77 /   78 /   79
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(e)
      80: LB leaves H.S.
    Note: Leopold Bloom, aged 14 or 15, completes his education at The High School, a Protestant establishment in Rathgar, Dublin.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(f)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(g)
      82 : S.D n.
    Note: Birthyear of Stephen Dedalus (and James Joyce).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(h)
      83 /   84 /   85
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(i)
      86 : LB Thom's. RB †. Clanbrassil street. Charade Dolphin's Barn
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(j)
      87 Mat Dillons
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(k)
      88 LB & MB II. Hely's. |aLombard st Raymond terracea|
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(l)
      89 Milly n.
    Note: Birthyear of Milly Bloom.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(m)
      90 LB's mother?
    Note: Did Joyce intend this to be the year LB's mother died? Was she still living in Clanbrassil street?
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(n)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:227(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(o)
    1892 Rudy conceived. Greystones
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(p)
      93 Rudy n. et †.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(q)
      94 Arnott's fire. Val Dillon L.M. Phil Gilligan †. Lotto, Goodwin's concert. MB choir. left Lomb. St. Glencree
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(r)
      95 Holles St. Ben Dollard's concert. MB Coffee Palace, Cuffe's, City / Arms Hotel.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(s)
      96 LB in Drimmie's
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(t)
      97 /   98 /   99 / 1900 /   01 /   02
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(u)
      03 LB Freeman: Eccles Str
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(v)
      04 Milly Mullingar,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:228(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(aa)
    871 [+] 23 [=] 1894
    Note: Right margin. In pencil. Joyce appears to be calculating Molly's age in 1894.
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(ab)
    27 [+] 68 [=] 95
    Note: In pencil. Difficult to understand, as nothing pertinent about 1868 (LB was 2].
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(ac)
    89 [+] 4 [=] 93 [−] 66 [=] 27
    Note: In pencil. Joyce appears to be calculating Milly's and Leopold's ages in 1893 when Rudy was born.
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 20(ad)
    71 [+] 17 [=] 1888
    Note: Clearly a calculation of Molly's age in 1888 when she married Leopold Bloom.
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(a)
    Note: Title is underlined in blue crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(b)
    sphinx, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(k). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(at) and Sheet 15.035(l).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(c)
    aleph, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(c). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):002(aa).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(d)
    Lamech, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(e)
    dons black cap, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(ah).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(f)
    God's time is 6.30, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(as).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(g)
    Lynch him Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(at); copied to Sheet 15.073(e) for UG 15.1762.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(h)
    Driscoll [rincone],
    Note: See also Sheet 15.044(bj).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(i)
    beastly awful, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.044(bp), and UN4 (NLI.5A):022(ah) for UG 15.833.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(j)
    this lot, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.045(aa), which see for UG 15.3782.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(k)
    I caught you nicely, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(bs).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(l)
    pass the evening of his days, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(ca).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(m)
    see life, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(cg), which see for UG 15.330.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(n)
    coiled up Zoe
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(bb).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(o)
    unbutton her gauntlets, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(ar).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(p)
    I weakly went astray, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(aq), which see for UG 15.277.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(q)
    to shit on LB's letter, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.046(o).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(r)
    severed head speaks, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.046(c), which see for UG 15.2620.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(s)
    nose to ground, Red
    Note: See also Sheet 15.047(ai) for UG 15.3954.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(t)
    paroxysm, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(ah).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(u)
    jackdaw of Rheims, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(ac). The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels is a collection of myths, legends, ghost stories, and poetry written supposedly by Thomas Ingoldsby of Tappington Manor (a pseudonym of an English clergyman named Richard Harris Barham). The best-known poem of the collection is the ‘Jackdaw of Rheims’, about a jackdaw, who steals a cardinal's ring, and is made a saint.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(v)
    spinach or hemlock,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(af).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(w)
    pretend whore is RL
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(u).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(aa)
    fullback, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(r).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ab)
    horse made consul, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(n). According to Suetonius in the his Lives of the Twelve Caesars (121 AD) the emperor Caligula planned to make his horse Incitatus a consul and that the horse would ‘invite’ dignitaries to dine with him in a house outfitted with servants there to entertain such events. He also wrote that he had a stable of marble, with an ivory manger, purple blankets, and a collar of precious stones. Cassius Dio (155-235 AD) indicated that the horse was attended by servants and was fed oats mixed with gold flake, and that Caligula made the horse a priest.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ac)
    Elephants, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Possibly copied from Sheet 15.047(s), which see for UG 15.2362.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ad)
    move on!
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(q), which see for UG 15.4817.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ae)
    O cold! (culo) Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(p).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(af)
    will write fully, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.045(ab). See also Sheet 15.044(n) for UG 15.2499.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ag)
    LB cuts anus hair, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.045(af).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ah)
    daughter of my father what do you callhim, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.045(ae).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ai)
    King v Bloom Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.045(l).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(aj)
    extensive property, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.045(m).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ak)
    flea in her drawers, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.044(cs).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(al)
    weight of bosom, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.045(bg)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(am)
    pillory, Green
    Note: See Sheet 15.073(f) for UG 15.1885, and Sheet 15.045(b) for UG 15.1920.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(an)
    gave example of excessive sensuality, Green
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.060(b); copied to Sheet 15.073(u) for UG 15.1798.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ao)
    hesitation valse, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.060(f).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ap)
    convulsions, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.060(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(aq)
    Lingam, the stiff one, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.060(o). See also Sheet 15.057(d) and Sheet 15.060(ak) for UG 15.2549f. Ancient Sanskrit texts such as the Mahabharata and the Puranas relate narratives that identify the lingam as the phallus of Shiva.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ar)
    ride a cockhorse, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.060(aa).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(as)
    word of a Bloom, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(g) for UG 15.1543; see also Sheet 15.060(ac) and Sheet 15.060(al).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(at)
    Bridie Kelly's child,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.060(am). See also UN1 (NLI.3):023(j).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(au)
    I done jest got him, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.060(ap).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(av)
    you're dreaming! Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 16.016(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ba)
    Lambert family, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.009(ae).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bb)
    pip, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bc)
    Madame Steevens, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bd)
    Noah's ark Red
    Note: See also Sheet 15.073(r).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(be)
    air I flew Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.023(ac), which see for UG 15.3935.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bf)
    Mrs Keogh in men's socks, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.024(g).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bg)
    fandango, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.025(p).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bh)
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.025(p).
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bi)
    dance bowels leap, spurn soil with foot & fall again, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.025(ap).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bj)
    ghoststory, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.014(bf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bk)
    pig it, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.014(ak).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bl)
    anybody here for there, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.018(l). See also Sheet 13.017(d).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bm)
    LB pretends to be jealous,
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.040(cc).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bn)
    mole cinquespotted,
    Note: In Shakespeare's Cymbeline, on Imogen's left breast is ‘A mole cinque-spotted, like the crimson drops / I' th' bottom of a cowslip’.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bo)
    3 acres & a cow, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(h) for UG 15.1687. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):017(dn) above and Sheet 15.040(ce).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bp)
    witch 3 tears left eye, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(i) for UG 15.1880f; see also Sheet 15.031(g).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bq)
    le belle Dame sans merci Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.031(s). Assumed to have been written in 1424, La Belle Dame sans Mercy is a French poem on courtly love written by Alain Chartier.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(br)
    Lynch & Kinch, Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.032(at).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bs)
    horn of bull, hoof of horse, smile of Saxon, Green
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):025(r) for UG 1.732, and Sheet 15.036(bf). An Irish saying, regarding three things never to trust.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bt)
    jujube of women, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bu)
    fall of man, Blue
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.039(a).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(bv)
    trappa grazia,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ca)
    Saint Antonio,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cb)
    gold heels, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cc)
    boater straw, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cd)
    whistle, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ce)
    leg up, Blue
    Note: See Sheet 15.061(bv) for use in protoCirce. UG 8.963 probably too early foor this notebook.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cf)
    basket in mouth, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cg)
    several Dublin ladies hold up highly improper |amissives lettersa| recd from Bloom Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ch)
    guilty occurrence Red
    Note: Top margin
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ci)
    dungarees Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cj)
    sparrowhawk, Green
    Note: Left margin. Copied to Sheet 15.073(j); see also Sheet 15.035(v).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ck)
    Ibis Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(j); see also Sheet 15.035(ad)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cl)
    modern Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cm)
    Hathor white cow Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(j); see also Sheet 15.035(ae)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cn)
    dungbeetle Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(j); see also Sheet 15.035(aa)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(co)
    drunken sneeze Red
    Note: Copied from Sheet 15.013(ap)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cp)
    equine face, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(k); see also UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(e) for UG 3.111f, and Sheet 15.018(cr).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cq)
    Walpurgisnacht, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cr)
    Bantam Lyons, Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.071(b) for UG 15.1839.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cs)
    females ugly [Ulysses] Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(ct)
    dog days
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cu)
    rabies Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See UN7 (V.A.2):011(dn) for UG 15.694.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cv)
    jackals at bourse, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(l); see also Sheet 15.036(am).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cw)
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(m); see also Sheet 15.032(bb).
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cx)
    rugger Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 21(cz)
    Jack Joe (girl)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(a)
    Note: Title underlined in blue crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(b)
    old woman of prince's street, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(c)
    one of our saviours, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(d)
    his little joke, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(e)
    a modern newspaper in the making, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(f)
    |agentlea| art of advt, Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: UG 7.608 too early (Ros)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(g)
    Italy is Irela, if zoomed up
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(p)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(h)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(q)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(i)
    end shouting,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(r)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(j)
    raising the wind, Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):007(bd) for UG 7.999.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(k)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(s)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(l)
    Disc of Gorgias,
    Note: UG 7.1035 too early (Ros)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:229(t)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(m)
    picture ads v. news, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(n)
    someone converted [senor saperto], Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(o)
    scene in hotel, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(p)
    lost causes, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(q)
    kyrie eleison, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(r)
    memorable battles recalled, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(s)
    you can do it, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(t)
    a distant voice Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(u)
    Rhymes Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(v)
    sufficient for day Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(w)
    polished period Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(aa)
    a man of high morale Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ab)
    impromptu Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ac)
    from the fathers Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ad)
    ominous Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ae)
    a hope Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(af)
    Fumbally Lane, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: UG 7.924 too early (Ros). Fumbally Lane is a narrow street in the Liberties in Dublint connecting Blackpitts to New Street and is close to St Patrick's Cathedral. Brewing flourished in the Fumbally/Blackpitts area since the mid-eighteenth century; and it is possible that the first Dublin porter was brewed here.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ag)
    return of Bloom, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ah)
    a dayfather Blue
    Note: The term used to denote the leading representative of the day staff in a printing-house. ‘Old Monks’ is most probably Edward Monks, a printer-compositor who worked for the .
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ai)
    home memoirs, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(aj)
    our lovely land Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ak)
    a might have [been] Blue
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):007(dk) for UG 7.333. See UN5 (NLI.5B):023(a) for “been”.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(al)
    effendi Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):025(aq) for UG 12.562. Effendi: a man of high education or social standing in an eastern Mediterranean or Arab country
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(am)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(an)
    BB to LB - snapshot Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ao)
    Adam was tempted, Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(p).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ap)
    treated as if his own daughter, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(aq)
    responsible for her condition, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ar)
    prosecutrix, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):044(cf).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(as)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(at)
    “fox” him = spy,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(au)
    may I bring 2 male chums, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(av)
    about to become a mother, Red
    Note: Drafts only.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ba)
    acclimitasied Britisher Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bb)
    whip in strawberries with both hands,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bc)
    dastard, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bd)
    you're a credit to yr country, sir Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(q) for UG 15.1538.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(be)
    jinkleman, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bf)
    absolutely! Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bg)
    Pat with tilted spilling gravy, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bh)
    LB to watch young lad in [own] not unlike yrself, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bi)
    I put it to you, Blue
    Note: See also Sheet 14.013(av) for UG 14.1586, and Sheet 14.039(an).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bj)
    great free offer,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bk)
    claw & fang,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bl)
    sexology, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bm)
    mistress said, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bn)
    in a sisterly way, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bo)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bp)
    hunched child, Red
    Note: Word child is not crossed through.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bq)
    storkbird Red
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):019(bl) above for UG 14.1405.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(br)
    pig god Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bs)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bt)
    lechery in common with dissolute grandmother, Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(t) for UG 15.1756.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(bu)
    Goat exposure Green
    Note: See also Sheet 15.073(s) for UG 15.2795.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ca)
    the love passion Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cb)
    Dr G.L. says it is the [s] book sensation of 1904 Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cc)
    all the time Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cd)
    follow my leader Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ce)
    bosom of family, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cf)
    dibble Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cg)
    hairless cunt Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ch)
    no thoroughfare Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ci)
    amorous ram Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cj)
    warts on pricks Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ck)
    a hardon Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cl)
    wet deck, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cm)
    carry her round fucking, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cn)
    seed runs from her, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(co)
    stuck together, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cp)
    birdie, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cq)
    bird me,
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cr)
    & wipe it round, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cs)
    truss of ruptured gent, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(bj)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(ct)
    Bello ring Ruby Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(cu)
    LB rings Mrs Breen Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(da)
    wobbly legs forelock shaking Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Left margin. Copied to Sheet 15.073(o).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(db)
    LB skewered Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):044(cc)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dc)
    laurel crown Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dd)
    horse [sidling prances], Green
    Note: Copied to Sheet 15.073(p).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(de)
    you hig you hog ec Blue
    Note: A common children's rhyme: You hig, you hog, you dirty dog, &c. See John Simpson, “Hog” James Joyce Online Notes.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(df)
    pershon, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dg)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dh)
    touch wood,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(di)
    LB dishcloth tied to tail, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dj)
    ring jewel Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dk)
    stand behind my chair, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dm)
    Bellingham garnished sable [bugler arms] a buck's head couped or Blue
    Note: The arms of the Bellingham family, with its seat at Castle-Bellingham, Ireland, are: argent, three bugle-horns, sable, stringed and garnished, or. The crest is a buck's head, couped, or.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 22(dn)
    BB uses LB as hatrack Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(a)
    been Blue
    Note: Last word of UN5 (NLI.5B):022(ak).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(b)
    Windbag Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: UG 7.315 too early (Ros)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(c)
    what wetherup said Blue
    Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):012(t). A William Wetherup worked for some years alongside Joyce's father at the Office of the Collector-General of Rates in Dublin. Born in 1832 he rose from lowly beginnings as a sevant servant to become a grocer in Blackrock, but went bankrupt. A prominent member of the Freemasons he was held the rank of Prince Mason. He died in 1895.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(d)
    weather cock Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(e)
    an encounter Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(f)
    Exit Bloom Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(g)
    ~ & street procession Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(h)
    Smokers Blue
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(i)
    an ancient Roman Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(j)
    children's corner Uncle Remus Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(k)
    press boom Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(l)
    a stupid retort,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(m)
    I fake it,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(n)
    obituary notice Chatterton already written Red
    Note: UG 7.198 too early (Ros)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(o)
    Johnny, make room for yr uncle, Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):005(at).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(p)
    cloud over burning Mt, Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(q)
    LB's boots small nines, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(r)
    Note: Title is underlined in orange crayon
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(s)
    oleograph Red
    Note: An oleograph is a print textured to resemble an oil painting.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(t)
    matt etching frame
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(aa)
    recuperate Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ab)
    manipulate Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ac)
    opacity Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ad)
    subadjacent Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ae)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(p)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(af)
    scillas, ~ Blue
    Note: Copied to UN7 (V.A.2):030(dt) for UG 17.1556.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ag)
    ~ iris, hyacinth ~
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(q)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ah)
    ~ & crocus bulbs Blue
    Note: Copied to UN7 (V.A.2):030(dv) for UG 17.1556.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ai)
    dressed with camphorated wax Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(aj)
    polish elbow grease Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ak)
    minimum of labour Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(al)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(r)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(am)
    carat = [bean]
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:230(s)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(an)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ao)
    anthracite, lignite
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ap)
    ink = copperas green vitriol & nutgall Blue
    Note: Formerly black ink was usually made by exposing to the air a solution of green vitriol in an infusion of gallnuts in water containing dissolved gum, sugar, or mucilage. The result was a fine precipitate of tannate of iron held in suspension by the gum. Writing done with these inks was of a pale brown colo which, however, turned black on the paper.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(aq)
    lodes of ores quit to unite with magnetic Mt. Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ar)
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(as)
    (amalgam) Red
    Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):002(at)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(at)
    of mirror
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(au)
    gilt cheap subsidy gold
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(av)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(aw)
    & mercurial Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(ba)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bb)
    by agency of fire Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bc)
    rock crystal
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bd)
    subside Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(be)
    must change address if stop anywhere end of life, Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bf)
    Capel street library book Red
    Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):001(bo) for UG 4.360, UN6 (NLI.4):016(ba), and UN7 (V.A.2):007(db) for UG 16.422.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bg)
    LB decides to sleep in morning Red
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bh)
    tomorrow will be a week that I received it is no use Leopold to be Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bi)
    Do you know that we had war. Workingman is now king. This is other times at a premium discount.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(n), VI.C.07:231(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bj)
    LB likes to sit at a desk,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(p), VI.C.07:232(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bk)
    by inspection Green
    Note: Left margin. Copied from Sheet 18.009(j). See also Sheet 17.050(aj) for UG 17.383.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bl)
    he proves by algebra
    Note: Left margin. Copied from Sheet 18.009(q). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):023(bn) below.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bm)
    Note: Left margin. Copied from Sheet 18.009(n)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bn)
    he proves by algebra Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    Note: Left margin. Copied from Sheet 18.009(q). Cf. UG 1.555 (Ros). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):023(bl) above.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bo)
    cleared of fractions (abbrev)
    Note: Left margin. Copied from Sheet 18.009(l)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(j), VI.C.07:231(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bp)
    lineal descendant
    Note: Left margin. Copied from Sheet 18.009(m)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 23(bq)
    x4 - x3y + x2y2 &c
    Note: Left margin. Copied from Sheet 18.009(k)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:231(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(a)
    LB, b '66 / left school '80 / Hely's 1895 / Cuffe's 1896-7 / Insur. 1901-2 / Freeman 1902-4
    Note: Compare this with ‘Cyclops’ chronology on V.A.8 cover recto: JJA vol. P.84.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:232(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(b)
    Now round from Bloom with Simon far / Zoe atwirl they moving & swaying their heads / meet part waists in a link by Bella / he buxom B Cohen cold Kitty and / Florrie Bloom bloom.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:232(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(c)
    Note: Title is underlined in orange crayon.
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(d)
    stratified Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(e)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(f)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(g)
    insoluble Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(h)
    deposited Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(i)
    constituent Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(j)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(k)
    asbestos incombustible,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(l)
    [minerals] accrete,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(m)
    phosphate of lime (bone)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(n)
    marble (carbonate of lime)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(o)
    initiates ~ Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(p)
    ~ growth
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(q)
    trap rocks
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(r)
    newel Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(s)
    duplex in grain,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(t)
    transverse swags of floral design Red
    Note: Swag: an ornamental wreath or festoon of flowers, foliage, or fruit, fastened up at both ends and hanging down in the middle.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(u)
    panel Red
    Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):028(bh).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(v)
    oblong Blue
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(aa)
    balusters Red
    Note: Baluster: a slender post (one of a series or balustrade) upholding a rail.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ab)
    drapes Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ac)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ad)
    embossed Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ae)
    parquet cues,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(af)
    stepped up dado Red
    Note: Dado: the finishing of wood running along the lower part of the walls of an interior room, made to represent a continuous pedestal. Also, any lining, painting, or papering of the lower part of an interior wall different from that of the upper part.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ag)
    varnish Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ah)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ai)
    expenditure Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(aj)
    break room
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ak)
    SE aspect Red
    Note: See also Sheet 17.030(j) for UG 17.1505.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(al)
    crown frieze, Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(am)
    zinc oxide enamel
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(p)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(an)
    neutral blue
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(q)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ao)
    [stripe] and whiting
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(r)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ap)
    paint remover
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(s)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(aq)
    effervescent Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ar)
    convalescent Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(as)
    undulating Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(at)
    pre-existing Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(au)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(t)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(av)
    reconstructed Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ba)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(u)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bb)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:233(v)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bc)
    fissure Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bd)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(a)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(be)
    strike & dip
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(b)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bf)
    accumulate Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bg)
    solidify Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bh)
    juxtaposition Green
    Note: Not in 1922 or 2021 texts, but in 1986 (17.733).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bi)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(c)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bj)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(d)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bk)
    concussion Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bl)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(e)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bm)
    submerge Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bn)
    immerse Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bo)
    vegetation Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bp)
    every age ends with destruction, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bq)
    parallel Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(br)
    exterminate, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bs)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(f)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bt)
    lacustrine, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bu)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(g)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(bv)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(h)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ca)
    3 Rock Mt boulder,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(i)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cb)
    Hollow amphitheatre,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(j)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cc)
    amatory apparatus
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(k)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cd)
    quiescent, Green
    Note: See also 17.190, deriving from UN7 (V.A.2):030(a).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ce)
    LB's confessions
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(l)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cf)
    subterranean Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cg)
    Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):028(bc) for UG 17.1997.
    Raphael transcription: not copied
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ch)
    eruptions Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ci)
    vents Green
    • Ulysses unlocated
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cj)
    truncated cone Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ck)
    penetrate Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cl)
    percolate Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cm)
    creaking boards
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(m)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cn)
    subject to a headrent,
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(n)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(co)
    statute measure Red
    Note: Irish (or plantation) measure was a system of units of land measurement used in Ireland from the sixteenth-century plantations until the nineteenth century, with residual use into the twentieth century. The units were based on English measure but used a linear perch measuring 7 yards (6.4 m) as opposed to the English rod of 5.5 yards (5.0 m). Thus, linear units such as the furlong and mile, which were defined in terms of perches, were longer by a factor of 14:11 (27 percent more) in Irish measure, while areas such as the rood or acre were larger by 196:121 (62 percent more). After the Act of Union in 1800, Ireland was part of the United Kingdom, whose Parliament passed the Weights and Measures Act (1824) that established English measure in Ireland as ‘Imperial measure’ or ‘statute measure’. Imperial measure soon replaced Irish measure in the use of the Irish Government, but Irish measure persisted in local government, and longer still in private use.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cp)
    adjoining Green
    Note: See also Sheet 17.025(u) for UG 17.14.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cq)
    public thoroughfares, Green
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cr)
    treads & risers Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cs)
    rondels of coloured glass, Green
    Note: The glazing of windows with round disks of glass called ‘rondels’ was widely used in the town houses of bourgeois families and other secular buildings during the Middle Ages. These small panes of glass were held together by grooved channels of cast lead.
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(ct)
    |aricha| wine colour Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cu)
    Raphael transcription: VI.C.07:234(o)
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(cv)
    stiles & rails Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(da)
    carriage finish Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(db)
    stuccofronted Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(dc)
    dwarfwall & railings Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) 24(dd)
    put up in 1 lb tins Red
    UN5: (NLI.5B) back cover recto(a)
    Note: In crayon. Joyce's code for Finnegans Wake Book III, chapters 1-4, respectively. Added much later. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):fcv(a) and UN6 (NLI.4):bcr(a).
    UN5: (NLI.5B) back cover verso(a)
    Note: BLANK page