
First draft, mostly unavailable, 1920, draft level 0

MS Private Draft details

Draft 0 that follows is a partial reconstruction of fragments deduced from Sotheby's catalogue and associated commentary relating to the sale on 10 July 2001. Text in orange text, taken from later forms of the episode, is added here and there to show the context.

<> means unavailable text.

We use Joyce's pagination. Draft 0 is written on verso 1(p.0); rectos and versos 2(p.1)-23(p.21) and, in inverse order of the leaves, versos 23(p.21)-19(p.17): cf. Rosenbach fol. 40 - fol. 54: U-G 16.1444-1895

{PART A} u84: 1 - 490


{ms, 000}


{ms, 000v}

|aCorny Kelleher
Italian chips car

|aBefore entry Skin the Goat
& whoreºa|

{ms, 001}

UG 1
|a|bIf there were a there being nob| pump
of Vartry water handy
Mr Bloom suggested
the propriety of —
sir John Graya|

{ms, 000v}

UG 18
|aAfter these
and such like

UG 25
|aMr <>
It <> like
|ba <> a conveyanceb| <> seem to
<> place.a|

|a<> anticipateda|

|aplying for hirea|

|aand Mr B— <>
unable to whistle
loudly was <>
summon a <> by
placing his <> |bhis headb| <>a|

{ms, 000v}

UG 42
|a“R”a| <>
“R” |a|bAs it happenedb| The sandstrewer just then returning Mr
Bloom recounted to Stephen his own
miraculous escape of an hour or so before.a|

{ms, 001}

UG 42

Amiens street railway terminus was
passed: |a“B”a|
|a‘B’ proceeded in the direction of the Custom house
past Liddy's the confectioner'sa|
          then Talbot place where
Stephen unread thought to think of Ibsen:
the policebarracks: the high sullen
warehouses: then |a“A”a|

UG 49
|bultimately proceeunread
reached the &cb|a|

          Beresford place.
UG 60

To his silent companion

{ms, 000v}

|aEn route to his taciturn and,
|bnot to put too
fine a point
on itb| not yet
perfectly sober companiona|

{ms, 001}

Mr Bloom spoke of the dangers of
nighttown. Soldiers furnished with
weapons were almost invited to
use them against civilians.
One |alost frittered awaya| money, health
and time <>

UG 65
|aregular deathtrapa|

{ms, 000v}

UG 69
|aMost |bunread providentialb| was the intervention
of Corny Kelleher but for whom|b, thank goodness,b| the
end might have been the
bridewell and an appearance
in the police court the next
day for many of those policemen
were admittedly unscrupulous and
|b(he unread <>
a case <>
the A division in
Clanbrassil streetb|
would swear a hole in a
10 gall pot
. They were
never there when wanted.
But in quiet parts of the
city you could always find
one. The reason was that
they were paid to protect the upper

{ms, 001}

|a& loss of charactera|
UG 87
|aand unread ran away with a lot of money
|binto the bargainb|a|
|athe great danger
was who you
got drunk

also in nighttown and most of
all he commented on the desertion
of Stephen by all his unread |ahis pubhunting confrèresa| companions
except one.

— And that one was Judas, Stephen
said, breaking silence.
UG 100
UG 104
|a, by the firelight,a|

UG 108
|a|bbutb| it cost him no smalla|

<> he recognised in the watchman
ruined Gumley his father's friend

UG 111

— Someone saluted you, Mr
Bloom said.

A figure prowling
under the arches saluted again

— Night!

Stephen stopped. Mr
Bloom moved off a few paces,
but remained on the watch
|awith a shade of anxietya|
Though unusual in Dublin
UG 119

{ms, 002}

UG 120
he k<>
unknown <>

|awho had
nextdoor to
live ona|

abroad <>
in some <> (
|amen<> <>a| <>
|aasks demandsa| <>

|aand then decamp
with |bthe spoils.
anything and
can lay hands on.b|a|
Stephen, that is when the
laya<> <>
figure <>
UG 129
Corley <>
|abreath that
reeked of
Lord <>
him <>
|aand his genealogy
|boccurred came aboutb| in this way.
a| <>
Corely <>
a <> Mrs Donegan
the <>
His <>
|ait should be

{ms, 003}

UG 163
|athe first go offa|
to believe
his digs <>
off the<>
Mrs Maloney's, <>
doss <>
tavern <>
UG 185
|afor his money
but found it
. A
few broken
biscuits were

|aHe was altogether
too fagged out to
institute a thorough
search for the
biscuits <>
remembered. <>

UG 194

— Those

|aYou're a gentleman.a|
|aone timea|

{ms, 004}

|a<> him two shillings <> <>a|
|a<> a job as a sandwichman <> <>a|
<> said, laughing <>
<> you to ask some <>
<>, a billsticker, <>
<> a sandwichman.

Mr Bloom vie<>
<> Custom house an<>
<>body gets |aluc<> a certain
of lucka|.
How m(<>
<> him|a, if I'm not <>a| <>
<> a crown, Stephen <>
<> |awants needsa| it |afor a to <>a|
<> |asure of guaranteea| |athat he doesa| Mr <>
Everyone according to his needs <>
everyone according to his deeds.
<>on. Where will <>

UG 250
and if you did you would have
to walk back. They won't let
you in. Why did you leave your
father's house?

To seek misfortune, Stephen said.
UG 253

{ms, 005}

UG 300
<> Mr Bloom, uncertain in solicitude, looked at Stephen's face and tried to
read there whether these things were unseen by him <>

{ms, 006}

UG 343

UG 345

— A beautiful language, Mr Bloom said. I mean
for singing |aor poetry. Italiana|. Why do you not write
your poem poetry in that language? Poetria,
is that the |aItaliana| word?
Bella Poetria. It is so
full. Bella Donna.

To fill the ear of a cow elephant, Stephen
said. They were haggling over money.
Sounds are impostors too like names.

UG 367
<> what might your name be?

|a“F”a| Stephen, in spite of th<>
pressure of Mr Bloom's boot, answered:


The sailor stared heavily <>
<>y eyes.

You know Simon Dedalus? he <>

I've heard of him, Stephen said.

|a … from Ireland <>a| the sailor <>
nodding. All Irish.

All too Irish, Stephen added.

UG 385

The sailor turned to <>
<>; |aexplaininga|.

<>n him, he said, shoot <>
<>wo bottles at thirty yards <>
<>shoulder. |a“F”a|

|aHe explained with <> with <> He explaineda| <>
<>ures and impeded by a rare stammer<>

Bottles out there, say. Thirty y<>
measured. Eggs on the bottles. <>
<> gun over his shoulder. <>
<>ms. |aFa|

He |ascrewed turneda| his body <>
<> |aupa| his right eye |aand <> <>a|
<> features sideways up <>
UG 398

{ms, 007}

UG 421
|a<>le <>nd <> anybody
hereabouts remember Caoc O'Leary, a favourite
|brecitation declamationb| piece |c“F”c|
of poor John Casey.a|

|aMr Bloom pensively <>
homecoming |bto the mariner's roadside shielingb|. He tho<>
of |b<>b| Enoch Arden and <>
|bwindow <>b| and other <>
number but nev<>
coming back
. The face at the

|bYou little
expected me
but I've
come to stay

|cand make a fresh startc|.b|
There she sits at the fire,
believes me dead. <>
she married
|bin his shirtsleeves
eatingp |crumpc|steak <>b|
|bBroo! The wind!b|
lap, <>
|blo. <>b|
a high <>
a ran <>
|btand<> <>b|
UG 438

{ms, 008}

UG 458
|aseen circumnavigateda| a bit since firs<>
was in the Red sea. <>
South America and <>

{ms, 007v}

|aWe was chased by pirates
one voyage.
I seen icebergs plenty, growlers.a|

{ms, 008}

I was in Stockholm <>
Sea, the Dardanelles <>
|aunder Captain
best bloody
man that
ever scuttled
a ship
Gospodi pomilyou. <>
the Russians pray <>

— Well, you're |aaftera| seei<>
don't be talking, <>

— Why, the sailor sa<>
the chewed plug, <> <>
too, I seen <>
<> Santiago <>
UG 465

{PART B} u84: 490 - 1241 (in V.A.21)

UG 490
|athough if it ever
would come off was
a very moot

{ms, 007v}

UG 516
|aIt struck him also that much
might be done |bto open in the |cway linec| of openingb| up newa|
<> à propos of the Fishguard-
<>ute which was saida|
tapisb|. |b“F”b| |bpeople ought <>
<> Brown
& so forthb| <>b|
<> the world and
<> <> cooped up since my
<> <>mud <>

UG 549
|ato rejuvenate ina|

UG 565
|aand the accomodation
left much
to be desired.a|

{ms, 009}

UG 593
<> exchanged glances in turn towards where the keeper, unmoved, unheeding,
drew spurts of liquid from his boiler <>

UG 704
|awhen they lived in Holles Street and were so hard up he himself had
often washed Molly's things for her
. There was something very intimate about

{ms, 010}


{ms, 011}


{ms, 012}

UG 782
|aunread it's a big question
who wrote them
like Hamlet
as, of course, you

UG 792
|awith something approachinga|

UG 795
vagrants, <>
|aclasses ordersa| <>
that they had paid his wife, Madam Tweedy,
a very
|a<> |bmodestb|
playing <>
|a<> was strongly
inclined to
was to do good and net a
profit, there being no com-
Sulphate of copper
th<> case or some
dried peas

|ain a cheap
but he could not remember
when <>
seemed <>

— Try <>

UG 808
|alifted the
heavy mug
from the
brown lake
in the saucer &a|

Our mutual friend's stories are like
himself, Mr Bloom …
|aremarked sotto voce
to Stephena|
Do you
think they are genuine?
He could spin
those yarns all night
|afor hours on enda|

UG 824
|aand lie like
old boots
look at him.a|

UG 825
|athough his eyes are
thick with |btheb| sleep

and sea aira|

{ms, 013}

UG 889
<> All are washed in the blood of the sun. <>

{ms, 014}

UG 937
|aFor a brief space of time silence reigned supremea|

UG 941
|aand harness jingleda|


UG 965
|awhen the
scheme was mooteda|

|apalm oila|

UG 969
|aSkipper, he asked
addressing the
now returning
his private

|afag enda|

|anone too
musically but
with great
UG 972

{ms, 015}


{ms, 016}

<> the riches drained out of it by England. All agreed it was a fact <>
<> You could grow anything in Irish soil <>
UG 995

{ms, 017}

UG 1066
keeper was Skin the Goat
|aas he was reliably informed was not actually in the ambush partya|)
simply driven the car for the
|aothers actual perpetrators of the outragea|
and in fact it was on
that plea he |agot off saved his skina|. In any
case that was ancient history.
He had outlived his welcome:
he ought to have died
naturally or on the scaffold high.
They were like actresses: always giving
farewell performances and never
retiring. |a“M”a| Then as for the sailor Mr
Bloom had heard |aquite recentlya| pretty much
the same |a“F”a| language and he told
Stephen of how he had silenced
the offender

— He |awent out of his waya| called me a jew, you see, Mr
Bloom |asaid declareda|. And in an offensive
way. So |awithout deviating 1 iota from the plain facts,a| I
          |asimplya| told him his God was
a jew like me and all his
family were jews. |aI mean Christa| That was
one for him |ain the gizzarda|. He hadn't a word
to say for himself.
|a(He chuckled silently) People
will stand a bite from a wolf
but what riles them beyond
measure is a bite from
a sheep.a|
          Am I not
UG 1088

He turned a long |adark  …a|
|aglance gazea| on Stephen in which
|a|bdeepb| beneath glancings of entreatya|
a dark timorous pride. Stephen
heard the silent claim. Ex quibus
Christus secundum carnem

— Of course, Mr Bloom |awent on proceeded to sayºa|
          You must
look at both sides of the question. R

|aR It is hard
to say what
is right or
wrong |bor lay down any hard & fast ruleb| but
there certainly
is room

|aThey say every country has the government it deserves.a|

with a little good will all round
it ought to be |apossible the simplest thing in the worlda| to clear
the matter up.

{ms, 016v}

UG 1098
|aBoasting of superiority
was easy enough
but he just thought
of how rare was a
talent for equality

|a|bI'm not in
the least
I |bhate resentb| violence
|b& displays of animosityb|
and intolerance |bin any shape or formb|
It never reaches any
thing or stops
must come
gradually bit
by bit.a|

{ms, 017}

UG 1101
          It's absurd to hate
people because they speak another
language and live round the corner
|aor in the next house so to speaka|
You might.

— That |a|bfamous memorableb|a| battle of Bloody bridge, Stephen said,
was fought between the boys of Skinner's
alley &
the boys of Ormond market.

|aYou just took the words out of my mouth.a|
|aThat was overwhelmingly right.ºa|

Yes, Mr Bloom |athoroughly agreeda| agreed with
sorrow. |a“F”a| The world was full of that
kind of thing. |a“M”a|
And |a“W”: as far as politics were concerneda| the whole thing
was such a hocuspocus
of conflicting
that you couldn't |aknow
what to believe

get at the real facts of the casea|

It was Mr Bloom's
view that all that all those wretched quarrels
UG 1111

{ms, 018}

UG 1114
|a& largely a
question of


UG 1119
ruining unread <>
that Spain <>
the jews out <>
and do you<>
began to b<>
Cromwell <>

they are practical. <>
you're a <>
the priest <>
decay. Spain <>
compared <>
instance Turkey.
|aIt's in the
religion. Because if
unread they
go to
they did<>
after death
to make <>
you see <>
how <>
money <>
UG 1131

Irishman <> |a<> rudea| <>
I told <>
to see <>
|aHe concluded his allocution,a| all creeds and classes <>
a comfortable <>
It co<>
that's <>

<>bub's sloping
<>k for nightdress
<>ybody, like a
<> shegoat's uddera|

|a<> changing words <>
<> coffee at eyes
<> constant in <>a|

{ms, 017v}

UG 1138
|aWhere you can live <>.

|bas we learned in
our classical days
though I have only a
smattering of itb|

Ubi patria,
What is it in
Latin? Ubi
vita bene
The sense
is <>|a

{ms, 019}

UG 1240

|a … the outsidera|
Throwaway at long odds.

{ms, 019}

UG 1244
1000 Lives Lost. Foot and
Mouth Disease. Funeral of the
late Mr Patrick Dignam.

from his res
Sandymount for <>
in Glasnevin. The deceased
most popular and gen
and his |adeath demise |bafter a brief illnessb|a| came as <>
shock to citizens of all c

|a<> whom he is deeply regretteda| <>
obsequies were, at which <>
of the deceased were present<>
carried out by Messrs
H. J O'Neill
and Sons, Amiens Street. <>
mourners included: Patk. Dignam
(son), |aWa| Bernard Corrigan (bro<>
law) |a<> Henry <> solr,a| Martin Cunningham,
John Power, Thomas Kernan <>
J. Lambert, Joseph Hynes, <>
Dedalus, Stephen Dedalus B.A.,
Joseph Hynes, |aFa| L. Boom, C.P.
McCoy, — Mackintosh <>
several others.

Irritated <>
and the line <>
UG 1263

{ms, 020}

UG 1277
<> |aFa| Secured the <>
by a length. 1000 so<>
in specie added. Also <>
Bremond's Maximum <>
trained by Braine. The t<>
methods of getting money <>
Mr Bloom's mind for a <>
unread of the horserace, for <>
and then the lovemaking <>
, damages £200.º

{PART C} u84: 1295 - 1454

{ms, 020}

UG 1295

|aI suspected There was every indicationa| they would arrive at that <>

He listened to {athem theira| talk which <>
sailor also heard. |a‘B’a|

|aA Dublin fusilier was
in the shelter
that night and said he saw
him in Sth Africa
UG 1299

|aThat woman was <>

              Pride it was that killed <>
<> ought to have laid low for a time <>
<> then they would have <>
<> knees to him to c<>
<>d come back
<>ll. The coffin they <>
<> stones.
He had ch<>
UG 1300

{ms, 020}


{ms, 021}

I suspec<>

UG 1277
you would
open the paper and read:
Return of Parnella|

&<> bet
&<> what
they liked.

He <>
sailor al …
|aruination <> <>a| <>
He ought to have
|adone away with himselfa|
and the<>
their <>
would <>
at all<>
full of <>
priests <>

all the<>
fresh <>
story <> truth in the
stones <>
|aSomething evidently riled them in his death: either he had gone out
too tamely, so to speak, or they felt the job was taken out of
their hands.a|
the <>
to co<>
came <>
|athat … “F”a|
|athe <> <>a|

|aLucky if they didn't set the terrier at you.
Then a good deal of shilly shallying
usually followed, one for, another againsta|
UG 1341
{ms, 020v}

UG 1352 |a

That bitch, that English whore was
his ruination, the |bcarman keeperb| said She
put the first nail in his coffin

— Fine woman all the same, the car<>a|

UG 1401

{PART D} u84: 1454 - 1894 (in V.A.21)

{ms, 017v}

UG 1456
|a<> have liked to <>
<> and leave the <>
<> moments. It was
<> pleasing kind of a <>
<>inous desires
<>e |b“F”b| More wise th<>
<> |b …b| still the |bslightlyb| soiled <>
<>ooked away. <>
|bin factb| <>
<> soiling |bwasb| only an<>
<> slightly soiled |b“F”b|, a<>

UG 1476
<> of the young man <>
<> extravagant
<>ing pleasure. It <>
<> Stephen had foun<>
<> handsome. Why not<>
<> pretence had to some <>
<>, and the King's proctor <>
<> and relations <>
<> Bloom felt it <>

UG 1555
<> to waste <>
|bwith profligate womenb|
<> of course.a|

|aIn the nature of things he would
one day take unto himself a
wife but in
the interima|

UG 1566
|awith landladies
worse than

UG 1574

<> dine? Mr <>

— Some time yesterday, Stephen said.

<> exclaimed. Ah, you <>

<> Stephen said.
|aLiterally astounded by this
piece of intelligencea|
<> reflected.

UG 1578

|aThough In point of facta| they didn't see eye to eye in
everything a certain analogy there
undoubtedly was |asomehowa| as if both their minds
were travelling, so to speak, in the
same train of thought
. And at the
young man's age Mr Bloom recollected |ain retrospecta|
that he had |abeen an ardent
|bardently a sneaking sympathyb|a|
|awhen the evicted tenants question bulked largely in the public eyea|
landleaguer and even
went a step further than Michael Davitt in his views.

|aas far as politics were concerneda|

|a“N”and |bthe casualties resulting from itb| the misery and
suffering it entailed on fine young fellows — destruction of the fittesta|

|awith the pros and cons of
the situation for it was
time to be retiring for the nighta|

{ms, 16v}

UG 1603
|a|bThis remark The crux of the situationb| preoccupied
Mr Bloom for a few moments. It was somewhat risky to bring
him home
as eventualities
might |bpossiblyb| ensue
as on the night
when he had brought home
the lame Newfoundland
Ontario Terrace, as he very
distinctly |brecollected rememberedb|
On the other hand it was
entirely too late for the
Sandycove suggestion
so that
he was |bpreoccupied in some perplexityb| as to
which of the two alternatives.
It seemed to him that he ought to
avail himself of the opportunity to
cultivate Stephen's acquaintance
|bas mutually usefulb|,
all things considered. |bHisb| First |bhe
thought him
impression was he wasb| a

|bbit shadeb| standoffish
but he felt a kind of
liking for him
growing on
, so
to speak.
|bHe mightn't exactly jump at the ideab|

|b<> if he would entertain the proposalb|

|bbothered him, how to lead up to it or to word it properlyb|
|bthat wayb|

|bAfter all At all eventsb|,
|bhe wound up by concluding,b| a cup of
cocoa and a shakedown for
the night there could be no
very |bgreat vastb| |bamount ofb| harm
|beven at that late hourb| in
|balwaysb| with
the proviso
that no rumpus of any kind
was kicked up.a|
UG 1625

unread The sailor seemed in no particular hurry home unread
|aunread beloveda| unread and in all unread

UG 1643

— I propose, he said
you might come home with me

{ms, 022}

UG 1708

As they lef<>
<>d a moment <>
<> never under<>
<> the chairs
<> at night in<>
<>en floor in <>

{ms, 017}

UG 1794
|ain a most
manner in public at
a great gathering
of the clans

{ms, 021v}

UG 1795
|aThey passed
back by the
where the corporation
was to
and purposes wrapped
in placid sleep.a|

<> peasant
<> the
<>s part
<> probably
<> very evicted
<> tenants he
<> done
<> most for.a|

UG 1800
|a<> be very |bmuchb| interested to
<> acquaintance, the facts
<>ed doubtfully, that
<> attached to music
<> friendly doubtful
<> singer's face
<> |b<> kind of a way <> the same as those
<> handsome blackguards
<> a feeling for,
as he was perhaps not that way built.a|

|aand would not
detract froma|

UG 1860
|aHe could
literature in
his spare

|a‘M’ for the sake
of filthy

{ms, 022}

UG 1790
<> size, for example, <>
<>Kiernan's would <>
animal to face. It was <>
Because they were built that <>
distil datejuice into potheen <>
humps. <>
nothing beyond the art of man <>
the bees. Whale a harpoon <> alligator
tickle |ahis thea| small of his back <>

chalk a circle, tiger my eagle eye <>
These |athoughts <>a| gave Mr Bloom solace <>
food for thought.º
UG 1799


|aMr Blooma| The |ayoung mellow voice <>a| <>
up new vistas in Mr Bloom's mind such <>
|a<> the Countess of
Fingall's recent |bindustrialb| cooncert
could easily procure for its fortunate owner
entree into the best fashionable houses and <>

<> university education |aunreada| he would <>
<> success, |a“M”a| added to which of course
would be the emolument Not that he <>
necessarily embrace the concert platform
<> But it contained no reflection
<> at all and it
<> be handed a cheque <>
<> when every little helped
<> decided novelty for Dublin<> {
musical world <>
UG 1847


UG 1780
|aOur lives
are threatened

|a<> a hipshaker<>a|

UG 1880
<> they passed side by side through the gap of the chain, divided by the upright, and Stephen went towards Gardiner's street, Stephen singing, somewhat more boldly but not loudly.