List of Sources

Details of notebook locations

Compiled by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

List of Sourced Indexes

The following list of the original sources for the “notons” (the words or phrases) with which James Joyce revised the text of Ulysses draft by draft is necessarily incomplete. Wherever possible we have indicated the name of the first scholar (or group of scholars) to discover the source and the publication where the details (original text and notebook variants) were first listed.

JN1 (NLI.2A)    Paris, Spring 1903

Aristotle. Psychologie d’Aristote. Traité de l’âme, traduction J. Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire, (Paris: Librairie Philosophique Ladrange, 1846).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: JN1 (NLI.2A), p. 3b-m, 4a-c
  • Sample use: JN1 (NLI.2A):003(b)
  • Publication: Fran O'Rourke, Allwisest stagyrite: Joyce's quotations from Aristotle (Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 2005).
  • Note: see also: Jacques Aubert, Introduction à l’esthétique de James Joyce (Paris: Marcel Didier, 1973), and Richard F. Peterson, “More Aristotelian Grist for the Joycean Mill”, James Joyce Quarterly 17 (1980), 213-217.
Aristotle. Psychologie d’Aristote. Opuscules (Parva Naturalia), traduction J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, (Paris: Dumont, 1847).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: JN1 (NLI.2A), p. 4d-f
  • Sample use: JN1 (NLI.2A):004(d)
  • Publication: Fran O'Rourke, Allwisest stagyrite: Joyce's quotations from Aristotle (Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 2005).
  • Note: see also: Jacques Aubert, Introduction à l’esthétique de James Joyce (Paris: Marcel Didier, 1973), and Richard F. Peterson, “More Aristotelian Grist for the Joycean Mill”, James Joyce Quarterly 17 (1980), 213-217.
Victor Cousin. De la Métaphysique d’Aristote. Rapport sur le concours ouvert par l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques; suivie d’un essai de traduction du premier et du douzième livres de la métaphysique (Paris: Ladrange, 1838).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: JN1 (NLI.2A), p.11h, 12j-k
  • Sample use: JN1 (NLI.2A):011(h)
  • Publication: Fran O'Rourke, Allwisest stagyrite: Joyce's quotations from Aristotle (Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 2005).
  • Note: see also: Jacques Aubert, Introduction à l’esthétique de James Joyce (Paris: Marcel Didier, 1973), and Richard F. Peterson, “More Aristotelian Grist for the Joycean Mill”, James Joyce Quarterly 17 (1980), 213-217.
The Academy and Literature no. 1609 (London: 14 March 1903).
Aristotle. Métaphysique d’Aristote, traduction J. Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire, (Paris: Librairie Germer-Baillière, 1879).
  • Source online: Tome 1 here, Tome 2 here, and Tome 3 here.
  • Original index: JN1 (NLI.2A), p.12a-i,l-m
  • Sample use: JN1 (NLI.2A):012(a)
  • Publication: Fran O'Rourke, Allwisest stagyrite: Joyce's quotations from Aristotle (Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 2005).
  • Note: see also: Jacques Aubert, Introduction à l’esthétique de James Joyce (Paris: Marcel Didier, 1973), and Richard F. Peterson, “More Aristotelian Grist for the Joycean Mill”, James Joyce Quarterly 17 (1980), 213-217.
United Irishman (Dublin, 7 March 1903).
  • Transcription of source article.
  • Original index: JN1 (NLI.2A), p. 16-17 (all).
  • Sample use: JN1 (NLI.2A):016(b)
  • Publication: Frank Callanan, “James Joyce and the United Irishman, Paris 1902-3”, Dublin James Joyce Journal, Number 3, 2010, pp. 51-103.
  • Identified by: Frank Callanan
United Irishman (Dublin, 4 April 1903).
  • Transcription of source article.
  • Original index: JN1 (NLI.2A), p. 30 (all).
  • Sample use: JN1 (NLI.2A):030(b)
  • Publication: Frank Callanan, “James Joyce and the United Irishman, Paris 1902-3”, Dublin James Joyce Journal, Number 3, 2010, pp. 51-103.
  • Identified by: Frank Callanan

PN1 (Buffalo II.A)    Dublin, 1904

Joyce, Stanislaus. Complete Dublin Diary, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1971). Joyce copied from the original manuscript.

UN1 (NLI.3)    Zurich, late 1917

Frankfurter Zeitung (Frankfurt, October 1917).
The Theosophical Review, vol. 43 (London, December 1908).
  • Original index: UN1 (NLI.3), p. 13(b)-(am)
  • Sample use: UN1 (NLI.3):013(b)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.7 255(f)-258(a)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
The Theosophist, vol. XXXI, No. 7 (London, April 1910).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN1 (NLI.3), p. 13(an)
  • Sample use: UN1 (NLI.3):013(an)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.7 258(f)-261(e)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
The Theosophist, vol. XXXI, No. 8 (London, May 1910).
The Theosophist, vol. XXXI, No. 12 (London, September 1910).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN1 (NLI.3), p. 14(f)-14(i)
  • Sample use: UN1 (NLI.3):013(an)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.7 261(g)-162(c)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
The Theosophist, vol. XXXII, No. 1 (London, October 1910).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN1 (NLI.3), p. 14(j)-14(k)
  • Sample use: UN1 (NLI.3):013(an)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
“FENIANS” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edit. (Cambridge: at the University Press, 1911).
“News of the Week in Ireland”, Weekly Irish Times (Dublin: 6 Oct 1917).
  • Original index: UN1 (NLI.3), p.17
  • Sample use: UNI (NLI.3):017
  • Raphael copy: none
  • Publication: Luca Crispi, “The Genesis of Leopold Bloom: Writing the Lives of Rudolph Virag and Ellen Higgins in UlyssesJournal of Modern Literature Vol. 35, No. 4 (Summer 2012), pp. 13-31.
  • Identified by: Luca Crispi
Gosse, Edmund. Modern English literature, a short history (London, William Heinemann, 1897).
  • Source online: 1907 impression here.
  • Original index: UN1 (NLI.3), p. 5(o)-(ba)
  • Sample use: UN1 (NLI.3):005(o)
  • Raphael copy: not copied
  • Publication: Tristan Power, “Joyce's Ulysses Library” Studies in Bibliography vol. 60, 2018, pp. 229-250.
  • Identified by: Tristan Power
Müller, Alphons Victor. Die "hochheilige vorhaut Christi" im Kult und in der Theologie der Papstkirche (Berlin: C.A. Schwetschke und Sohn, 1907)
  • Source online: here,
  • Original index: UN1, p 25b,d
  • Sample use: UN1 (NLI.3):025(b)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.7 265-266
  • Publication: Geert Lernout, “Collector of Prepuces: Foreskins in UlyssesJames Joyce Quarterly 44.2 (Winter 2007), 345–352.
  • Identified by: Geert Lernout
Weininger, Otto. Über die Letzen Dinge mit einem biographischen Vorwort von Moritz Rappaport (Wien und Leipzig: Wilhelm Braunüller, 1904)
“HERALDRY” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edit. (Cambridge: at the University Press, 1911).

UN2 (VI.D.7)    Zurich, late 1917

The Times (London: June 1904).
  • Original index: UN2, pp 3-23
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):003(a)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 232-247
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
  • For his recreation of Bloomsday, Joyce read through the back numbers of this newspaper (historic Irish newspapers not being available in war-time Zurich) starting with the 17 June 1904 issue and ending with 1 June 1904.
Times Literary Supplement (London: June 1904).
  • Original index: UN2, p 12
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):012(a)
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 241-242
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
“Thomas Fitzgerald” in Leslie Stephen, ed., The Dictionary of National Biography vol. VII [originally vols. 19-21) (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1908.)
  • Source online: See pp. 148-150 here.
  • Original index: UN2, pp 1-2
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):001(a)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16. 232-233
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
Ware, J. Redding. Passing English of the Victorian Era (London: George Routledge & Sons; New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., n.d. but probably 1909)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN2, pp 24a,d-m; 25c-e; 26e-k; 27b-i; 28h
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):024(a)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 247-252
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
  • See also: sourced index at UN3 (VIII.A.5).
Bérard, Victor. Les Phéniciens et l'Odyssée (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1902)
  • Source online: vol I here, vols. I and II microfilm here.
  • Original index: UN2, pp 24-26, 28-37, back cover recto
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):024(b)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 247-274
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
  • See also: sourced index at UN3 (VIII.A.5).
Leaf, Walter. Troy: A Study in Homeric Geography (London: MacMillan & Co., 1912)
  • Source online: 1912 edition here.
  • Original index: UN2, pp 38-41
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):038(a)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 264-270
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
Baumann, Heinrich. Londinismen (Slang und Cant) Wörterbuch der Londoner volkssprache (Berlin: Langenscheidtsche verlagsbuch-handlung, prob. 1903)
  • Source online: 1903 edition (the one Joyce used) not available; the 1887 edition here.
  • Original index: UN2, pp 42-48
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):042(a)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 270-274
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
  • Note: See also: sourced index at Sheets 14 and Sheets 19.
Wycherley, William. The Plain Dealer (London: Printed for the Company, n.d. [c. 1720])
  • Source online: here is the copy that Joyce consulted.
  • Original index: UN2, pp 34
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):034(b)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 258-259
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon.
  • Note: Ronan Crowley has found the actual volume consulted by Joyce in the Zentralbibliothek Zurich. The printing was done in The Hague (not London) for the book pirate Thomas Johnson in the 1720s.
Cassandre, François, trans. La Rhétorique d'Aristote en français (Amsterdam: 1733)
  • Source online: 1691 edition here,
  • Original index: UN2, pp 30
  • Sample use: UN2 (VI.D.7):030(a)
  • Raphael copy: VI.C.16 258-259
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon
  • See also: sourced index at UN3 (VIII.A.5).

UN3 (VIII.A.5)    Zurich, late 1917

Bérard, Victor. Les Phéniciens et l'Odyssée (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1902)
  • Source online: vol I here, vols. I and II microfilm here.
  • Original index: UN3, pp 1-8, 10-20, 22-23
  • Sample use: UN3 (VIII.A.5):001(a)
  • Publication: James Joyce, Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses, ed. Phillip F. Herring (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977).
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
  • See also: sourced index at UN2 (VI.D.7).
Ware, J. Redding. Passing English of the Victorian Era (London: George Routledge & Sons; New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., n.d. but probably 1909)
Otway, Thomas. The Souldiers Fortune (London: 1733)
  • Source online: 1687 edition here, vol I of 1712 Works here
  • Original index: UN3, pp 20-21
  • Sample use: UN3 (VIII.A.5):020(g)
  • Publication: James Joyce, Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses, ed. Phillip F. Herring (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977).
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
Otway, Thomas. Venus Preserv'd (London: 1752)
  • Source online: 1682 edition here, vol II of 1712 Works here.
  • Original index: UN3, pp 22
  • Sample use: UN3 (VIII.A.5):022(f)
  • Publication: James Joyce, Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses, ed. Phillip F. Herring (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977).
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
Otway, Thomas. The Atheist (London: 1733)
  • Source online: vol II of 1712 Works here.
  • Original index: UN3, pp 21
  • Sample use: UN3 (VIII.A.5):021(m)
  • Publication: James Joyce, Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses, ed. Phillip F. Herring (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977).
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
Roscher, W. H. Ausführliches Lexicon der grieschischen und römischen Mythologie, 6 vols. and 2 supp. vols. (Leipzig, 1884-1937)
  • Source online: Band 1 A-H here, Band 2 I-K here, Band 3 N-P here, Band 4-5 Q-T here, Band 6-7 U-Z here, Supplement here.
  • Original index: UN3, pp 5-10, 26, 28-29, 32-33
  • Sample use: UN3 (VIII.A.5):005(k)
  • Publication: James Joyce, Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses, ed. Phillip F. Herring (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977).
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
Cassandre, François, trans. La Rhétorique d'Aristote en français (Amsterdam: 1733)
  • Source online: 1691 edition here,
  • Original index: UN3, pp 23-25
  • Sample use: UN3 (VIII.A.5):023(b)
  • Publication: James Joyce, Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses, ed. Phillip F. Herring (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977).
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring.
  • See also: sourced index at UN2 (VI.D.7).
Homer The Odyssey, trans. S.H. Butcher and Andrew Lang (New York: Macmillan, 1906)
  • Source online: 1900 edition here
  • Original index: UN3, pp 30a-m; 31a-j
  • Sample use: UN3 (VIII.A.5):030(b)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring

UN4 (NLI.5A)    Zurich, 1918–1920

A. E. (George Russell) The Candle of Vision (London: Macmillan, 1918)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN4, p 11k-t
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):011(k)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: See also sourced indexes at Sheets 15 and Sheets 19. A few elements in the text were sourced in Weldon Thornton, Allusions in ‘Ulysses’ (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1968), pp. 393–94; Ralph Jenkins, ‘Theosophy in “Scylla and Charybdis”’, Modern Fiction Studies, 15, No. 1 (Spring 1969): 36–37; and Vivian Mercier, ‘John Eglinton as Socrates: A Study of “Scylla and Charybdis”’, in James Joyce: An International Perspective, ed. Suheil Badi Bushrui and Bernard Benstock (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe; Totowa: Barnes & Noble, 1982), 75–76.
Reade, Amye. Ruby (London: Author's Co-operative Publishing Company, 1889)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN4, p. 1n,o
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):001(n)
  • Publication: Mary Power, “The Discovery of RubyJames Joyce Quarterly 18 (Winter 1981), pp 115-121.
  • Identified by: Mary Power
  • Note: see also mention of title in Sheet 15.012(n).
Lloyd, Arthur. “I vowed that I never would leave her” (London: H. D'Alcorn, n.d.)
  • Source online: A version can be found here.
  • Original index: UN4, p.2(h,ae,af.ah), 5(au)
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A): 002(h)
  • Identified by: Aida Yared.
  • Note: Joyce probably quoted the song from memory. See also: sourced indexes at Sheets 15 and Sheets 19.
Preston, W., ed. The Argonautics of Apollonius Rhodius, with notes and observations, critical, historical, and explanatory (Chiswick: C. Whittingham, 1822)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN4, 23av
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):023(av)
  • Identified by: JJDA correspondent
  • Note: this source yet to be confirmed.
McCabe Joseph. The Religion of Woman: An Historical Study (London: Watts & Co., 1905)
  • Source online: 1908 2nd impression here.
  • Original index: UN4, p.25u-ab
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):025(u)
  • Publication: Ronan Crowley and Geert Lernout, “Joseph McCabe in UlyssesGenetic Joyce Studies 2012.
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley and Geert Lernout
  • Note: See also: sourced index at UN6 (NLI.4).
The Observer (London: 22 May 1921).
Dulaure, Jacques-Antoine Des Divinités génératrices, ou du culte du phallus chez les anciens et les modernes (Paris: Dentu, 1805)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN4, 38ag-bd
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):038(ag)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: work on this index is unfinished.
Lodge, Sir Oliver The Survival of Man; a study in unrecognized human faculty, 2nd ed. (New York: George H. Doran, 1920)
  • Source online: here.
  • Shakespeare & Co.: borrowed December 14, 1920; returned December 24, 1920.
  • Original index: UN4, 45aj-al, an, ck
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):045(aj)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
“Deuteronomy”, The Holy Bible (King James version).
Peacock, William. English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin, (London: Oxford University Press, 1903)
Huneker, James. Painted Veils, (New York: Boni & Liveright, 1920)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN4, 52ak-al, 56al-am
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):052(ak)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
Federici, Laura Memories of Buffalo Bill (New York and London: D. Appleton, 1919)
Jacob, Max. Cinématoma, (Paris@ Aux éd. de La Sirène, 1920)
Collins, Joseph. Idling in Italy: studies in literature and in life, (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920)
  • Source online: here.
  • Publication: Tristan Power, “Joyce's Ulysses Library” Studies in Bibliography vol. 60, 2018, pp. 229-250.
  • Original index: UN4, 60h-m
  • Sample use: UN4 (NLI.5A):060(h)
  • Identified by: Tristan Power

UN5 (NLI.5B)    Zurich, 1918–1920

Mangan, James Clarence. “Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland” in Poems, (New York: P.M. Haverty, 1859)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN5, p. 1bl-bq
  • Sample use: UN5 (NLI.5B):001(bl)
  • Identified by: Danis Rose
  • Note. Joyce may have found the poem in another collection.
Murison, A.F. Selections from the Best English Authors (Beowulf to the Present Time), (London, Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1907)
  • Original index: UN5, p. 7au, 7bc, 15bl
  • Sample use: UN5 (NLI.5B):007(au)
  • Publication:
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 418.
Pater, Walter. Imaginary Portraits (London: Macmillan, 1896)
  • Source online: here; transcription of VIII.B 8-13 here
  • Original index: UN5, p. 7bp-bq
  • Sample use: UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bp)
  • Identified by: John O'Hanlon
  • Note: the immediate source for these few elements was Joyce's compilation of extracts from Pater copied into Buffalo notebook VIII.B (James Joyce Archive, “Notes, Criticism, &c.”, vol.II, pp.384-389). See also parallel index in Sheets 14.
Pater, Walter. Marius the Epicurean vol. 1 (London: Macmillan, 1911)
  • Source online: here; transcription of VIII.B 8-13 here
  • Original index: UN5, p. 7br
  • Sample use: UN5 (NLI.5B):007(br)
  • Identified by: John O'Hanlon
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 367.
  • Note: For this single element, Joyce used the extracts from Pater that he earlier copied into Buffalo notebook VIII.B (James Joyce Archive, “Notes, Criticism, &c.”, vol.II, pp.384-389). See also parallel index in Sheets 14.

UN6 (NLI.4)    Paris, 1921

McCabe Joseph. The Religion of Woman: An Historical Study (London: Watts & Co., 1905)
  • Source online: 1908 2nd impression here.
  • Original index: UN6, p. 3b, 14ce-cg
  • Sample use: UN6 (NLI.4):003(b)
  • Publication: Ronan Crowley and Geert Lernout, “Joseph McCabe in UlyssesGenetic Joyce Studies 2012.
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley and Geert Lernout
  • Note: See also: sourced index at UN4 (NLI.5A).
Ellis, Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, vol. V (Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 1906)
  • Source online: 1929 edition here.
  • Original index: UN6, p.5m-r, 10bm-bn,dh, 13aa-ad, 14dm-dn,du,eh-ei,ek-em, 14dm-dn,du,eh-ei,ek-em, 19dp-ds, 22di,dk-do, 23cp=cs,de-dh,dj-dm,do-dp,du,eb-ed, 24b,d,f-g,i-k,m,o-p,u-v
  • Sample use: UN6 (NLI.4):005(m)
  • Publication: Ronan Crowley, “Looking at Animals without Seeing Them: Havelock Ellis in the “Circe” Episode of UlyssesHumanities 2017.
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: the bulk of Crowley's work on this source in UN6 is not in the published article, but was communicated in draft form. See also parallel index in UN7 (V.A.2).
Victoria. Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands from 1848 To 1861, ed. by Arthur Helps (Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1884)
  • Source online: 1884 edition here, 1868 edition here
  • Original index: UN6, p. 10bp-bt,cf-ch, 12u-ab,bk-bo,bs-bt, 15cr-cu,cw-dd,ds-dt,ea 22bh,bj,bl-bp,br-ca,cf-ch
  • Sample use: UN6 (NLI.4):010(bp)
  • Publication: Ronan Crowley, “The Queen Is Not a Subject: Victoria’s Leaves from the Journal in Ulysses” in John Nash, ed. James Joyce in the Nineteenth Century (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 200-214.
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: This work was first published privately in 1861, then in London by Smith, Elder and Co. in 1868. The pagination cited in the JJDA follows that of the 1884 Tauchnitz copyright edition.
Strachey, Lytton. Queen Victoria (London: Chatto and Windus, April 1921)
  • Source online: here
  • Original index: UN6, p. 14bj-bm,bo-bq
  • Sample use: UN6 (NLI.4):014(bj)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: This might not be the exact source: Crowley has found similar phrasing in The Girlhood of Queen Victoria: A Selection from Her Majesty's diaries between the years 1832 and 1840 (2 vols; 1912).
“Court Puzzled by Expert on Book's Morals,” New York Tribune (New York: 15 February 1921).
d'Alméras, Henri. La Femme amoureuse dans la vie et dans la littérature: Le Cœur et les sens (Paris: A. Michel, 1920)
  • Original index: UN6, p. 17bi,bk-bn,bp-bs,cd-ch,cj
  • Sample use: UN6 (NLI.4):017(bm)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
Meyer, Hermann Julius. Meyers Konversations-Lexikon: ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, (Leipzig: Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, 1890), vol. 7 pp.326-327 (“Gibraltar”).
‘An Old Inhabitant’ Traveller's Hand-Book for Gibraltar, (London: Cowie, Jolland, and Co., 1844)

UN7 (V.A.2)    Paris, 1921

Gibraltar and Its Sieges: With a Description of Its Natural Features, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1879)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN7 (V.A.2) 1
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2): 001(b)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring; further material by Ronan Crowley.
Field, Henry M. Gibraltar, (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1888)
  • Source online: 1889 edition here, 1893 edition here
  • Original index: UN7 (V.A.2) 2k-u
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2): 002(k)
  • Publication: “A Gibraltar Sourcebook for ‘Penelope’” James Joyce Quarterly 8 (Winter 1971), pp 163-175.
  • Identified by: James V.D. Card
  • Note: See also: sourced index at Sheets 18.
‘An Old Inhabitant’ Traveller's Hand-Book for Gibraltar,(London: Cowie, Jolland, and Co., 1844)
Ford, Richard. A Handbook for Travellers in Spain, Part 1, 3rd edition (London: John Murray, 1855)
  • Source online: here
  • Original index: UN7 (V.A.2) p. 5s-t,v-ab,ae-af,ah-ai
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2): 005(s)
  • Publication:
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring; additional material by Ronan Crowley
  • Note: Though this book was published in many editions, Ronan Crowley has established that the 3rd edition is the most likely ultimate source for Joyce's borrowings.
O'Shea, Henry G. Guide to Spain & Portugal, (Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1878)
  • Source online: here
  • Original index: UN7 (V.A.2) p. 6
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2): 006(a)
  • Publication:
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
“GIBRALTAR” Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. V (New York: Ktav Publishing House, n.d.[1903]).
  • Source online: here
  • Original index: UN7 (V.A.2) p. 6ch
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2): 006(ch)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
Lorne, Marquis of (John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Duke of Argyll). V.R.I. Queen Victoria, her life and empire (New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1901)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: UN7, p. 7i-aa,ac-ad, 11d-f,bc-bi,bn-bo,bq-bv,cb-cd,de-dg,di-dn
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2):007(i)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
Lancaster Summer Assizes. Trial of the Rev. Richard Blacow for Libels on Her Late Majesty, the Queen of England, (London: T. Dolby, 1821)
  • Source online: here
  • Original index: UN7 (V.A.2) p. 7ck-cm, cr, 11ed-ee
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2): 007(ck)
  • Publication: Harald Beck, “The irreverent Richard Blacow in UlyssesJames Joyce Online Notes, September 2012.
  • Identified by: Harald Beck
  • Joyce may have read an account of this trial elsewhere, in a secondary source.
Freeman's Journal (Dublin: 1 October 1921).
Ellis, Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, vol. V (Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 1906)
  • Source online: 1929 edition here.
  • Original index: UN7, p. 7bs-bt, 11an-bb,cg-cl
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2):011(an)
  • Publication: Ronan Crowley, “Looking at Animals without Seeing Them: Havelock Ellis in the “Circe” Episode of UlyssesHumanities 2017.
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: See also parallel index in UN6 (NLI.4). Richard Brown first suggested Ellis as a possible source in his James Joyce and Sexuality (New York: Cambridge Univery Press, 1985).
Joyce, James. “ULYSSES episode IX [sic]” and “ULYSSES episode X (continued)”in Little Review, vol.VI, nos 2-3 (New York: June-July 1919).
Russell, Bertrand Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, 2nd edition, (London: George Allen & Unwin; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1920)
  • Source online: here
  • Original index: UN7 (V.A.2) pp. 28-30
  • Sample use: UN7 (V.A.2): 028(am)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring

Sheets 12 (Cyclops)    Zurich, Summer 1919

Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland 3rd edition (New York: Peter F. Collier, 1878).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 12 sector 1ci-cp
  • Sample use: Sheets 12.001(ci)
  • Identified by: Danis Rose
Irish Daily Independent and Nation (Dublin: 16 June 1904).
  • Original index: Sheets 12, sectors 3a-3, 8al-ao, 10e-j
  • Sample use: Sheet 12.003(a)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
MacPherson, James. The Poems of Ossian (Leipzig: G. J. Goeschen, 1840; or, London: Scott, Webster & Geary, 1840).
  • Source online: 1840 Leipzig edition of Volume 1 (Joyce had this in Trieste) here, 1840 London edition, including Dr. Blair's “Critical Dissertation”, here.
  • Original index: Sheets 12 sector 4
  • Sample use: Sheets 12.004(r)
  • Publication: Harald Beck, John Simpson, and Ronan Crowley, “Ossian's Poems — Notesheets: with updates” James Joyce Online Notes, Issue 14, June 2019.
  • Identified by: Harald Beck, John Simpson, Ronan Crowley
  • Note: In the late 1930s Joyce mined an 1806 edition of Macpherson (he had left the 1840 Leipzig copy in Trieste) for material for Finnegans Wake (see N53 (VI.B.46) and N54 (VI.B.45)).
Evening Herald (Dublin: 6 May 1917).
  • View PDF of source.
  • Original index: Sheets 12 sector 11bw
  • Publication: See ‘Billy Sunday: A New Source for “Oxen of the Sun”’, James Joyce Quarterly, 44.1 (2006), pp 133-135.
  • Identified by: Peter Gilliver, Ronan Crowley.
  • Note: see also indexes at Sheet 14.004 and Sheet 19.004. While the Evening Herald article is closer to Joyce's notes, neither it nor the The Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Ill: 5 May 1915) can be the correct source as there other clearly related elements in the notesheets.
“Ulysses Maximillian von Brown or Browne” in Leslie Stephen, ed., The Dictionary of National Biography vol. VII (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1886.)
  • Source online: See p.35 here.
  • Original index: Sheets 12 sectors 014(ba)-(bd)
  • Sample use: Sheets 12.014(ba)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley

Sheets 13 (Nausicaa)    Trieste, late 1919

Alexander, Mrs. (Annie French Hector). A Life Interest, (Toronto: The National Publishing Company, 1888)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 13, sector 9q,v-at, 12f-l
  • Sample use: Sheet 13.009(q)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
Harraden, Beatrice. The Guiding Thread, (New York: F.A. Stokes, 1916)
  • Source online: here.
  • Publication: Harald Beck, ‘Beatrice Harraden guiding the thread and Clarence E. Mulford shanghaied: Nausicaa notesheets 4 and 8’ James Joyce Occasional Notes, March, 2014.
  • Original index: Sheets 13, sector 9bl-bv, 10ai,ao,ar
  • Sample use: Sheet 13.009(bl)
  • Identified by: Harald Beck; also Ronan Crowley
Clay, Bertha M. (Charlotte Mary Brame). A Woman's Temptation, (New York: G. W. Carleton & Co., 1880)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 13, sectors 10k-t,al,aq,as, 11g-h, 13 n,o,q-v
  • Sample use: Sheet 13.010(k)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley; also independently by JJDA correspondent and John O'Hanlon
Mason, Edith Huntington. The Politician, (New York: A. L. Burt, 1910)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 13, sector 20
  • Sample use: Sheet 13.020(t)
  • Identified by: JJDA correspondent
Mulford, Clarence Edward. Bar-20 Days, (New York: A. L. Burt, 1911)
Magruder, Julia. Honored in the Breach, (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1888)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 13, sector 25b
  • Sample use: Sheet 13.025(b)
  • Identified by: Danis Rose
  • Note: There may be more elements from this book in the notesheets.

Sheets 14 (Oxen)    Trieste, Spring 1920

Evening Herald (Dublin: 6 May 1917).
  • View PDF of source.
  • Original index: Sheets 14 sector 4ak
  • Sample use: Sheets 14.004(ak)
  • Publication: See ‘Billy Sunday: A New Source for “Oxen of the Sun”’, James Joyce Quarterly, 44.1 (2006), pp 133-135.
  • Identified by: Peter Gilliver, Ronan Crowley.
  • Note: see also indexes at Sheet 12.011 and Sheet 19.004. While the Evening Herald article is closer to Joyce's notes, neither it nor the The Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Ill: 5 May 1915) can be the correct source as there other clearly related elements in the notesheets.
Peacock, William. English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin, (London: Oxford University Press, 1912)
  • Source online: 1928 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 4al-bd,bf-ci,cm-co; 6b-ak, [Herring Oxen-7]; 9b-t,bb-bi,bm,cn-ct,cv-fs, 10a-n [Herring Oxen-3]; 13bt-bu,ca-cv; 15ah,ak; 16g [Herring Oxen-4]; 24q-s.u,aa,as-at; 25ag-aj,al-av,ba-bh [Herring Oxen-2]; 28f-j,l-r,t [Herring Oxen-1]; 35r-ah [Herring Oxen-15]; 47d-l,n-al, 48b-e,j-k,n-o,q-u,ac-al,an-ao,as-be, 49a-k, 50a-j [Herring Oxen-13]; 80be-bg, 81a-ai,ak-ar,at-bb, 82i-p [Herring Oxen-19]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.004(al)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (University Microfilms, 1969; UMI Research Press, 1983); James S. Atherton, “The Peacock in the Oxen” A Wake Newslitter n.s. 7 (October 1970), pp 77-78; Phillip F. Herring, “More Peacock in the Oxen” A Wake Newslitter n.s. 8 (August 1971), pp 51-53; see also Gregory M. Downing, “‘Joyce's "Oxen of the Sun" NotesheetsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002.
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring, James S. Atherton, Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 153.
Barnett, Annie, and Dale, Lucy. An Anthology of English Prose (1332-1740), (London, New York, Bombay and Calcutta: Longmans, Green & Co., 1912)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 4cg,cj-cl,cp-dh, 5e-r, 6a,al-as,au-bd, 7a,c [Herring Oxen-7]; 9u-ag,aj-al,bj-bl,bn-cm,cu,fu-ga [Herring Oxen-3]; 14b-r,t-af,ah-aq,at-bb, 15q-ag, 16a,d-f, 18e [Herring Oxen-4]; 22a,i-k,m-p,r-t [Herring Oxen-8]; 28a-e [Herring Oxen-1]; 32s-aa,ad-an [Herring Oxen-15]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.004(cg)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, James Joyce Quarterly 27 (Winter 1990), pp 257-81.
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
Saintsbury, George. A History of English Prose Rhythm, (London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1912)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 8a-e,j,ac-af [Herring Oxen-13]; 9ah-ai,an-ao,ar-au [Herring Oxen-3]; 37be-bi [Herring Oxen-16]; 45d-f,h-q [Herring Oxen-14]; 56b-i [Herring Oxen-20]; 60ap-be,bh-bi [Herring Oxen-11], 82f-g, 83a-q [Herring Oxen-19]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.008(e)
  • Publication:
  • Identified by: Richard Ellmann; Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 410.
Swift, Jonathan. A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books and other Satires, (London & Toronto: J.M. Dent and Sons; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1916)
  • Source online: later printing here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 11a-d,h-i [Herring Oxen-3]; 20bt-ca, 22aa-al,an-aq [Herring Oxen-8]; 31a-d,f-g,i=j,n [Herring Oxen-1]; 32ao-au [Herring Oxen-15];
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.011(a)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983) and “‘Further OxcavationsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002; see also Gregory M. Downing, “‘Joyce's "Oxen of the Sun" NotesheetsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002.
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 483.
  • Note: see also index at Sheet 15.014.
Trench, Richard Chevenix. On The Study of Words, (New York, H. W. Bell, 1904)
  • Source online: 1904 N.Y. edition here, 1904 London edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 12d,f-k,m-n [Herring Oxen-3]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.012(d)
  • Publication: Gregory M. Downing, “Richard Chenevix Trench and Joyce's Historical Study of Words”, Joyce Studies Annual 1998, pages 37-68; see also Sarah Davison, “Joyce’s incorporation of literary sources in ‘Oxen of the Sun’Genetic Joyce Studies 2009.
  • Identified by: Gregory M. Downing; further material by Sarah Davison
Joyce, James. “ULYSSES episode II” in Little Review, vol.IV (misnumbered V), no 12 (New York: April, 1918) pp. 32-45.
Joyce, James. “ULYSSES episode IV” in Little Review, vol.V (misnumbered IV), no 2 (New York: June, 1918) pp. 39-52.
Joyce, James. “ULYSSES episode III” in Little Review, vol.V, no 1 (New York: May, 1918) pp. 31-45..
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come; Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream, (London, Manchester, Brighton: The Religious Tract Society, [1875])
  • Source online: 1904 Religious Tract Society edition here; Everyman's Library edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 15c-p, 17a-g [Herring Oxen-4]; 23ci-cj,cm-cp,cr-cu,da-dg, 24ae-ae,ag-ai,an-ar,au,ba-bc,be,bi-bl [Herring Oxen-2]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.015(c)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (University Microfilms, 1969; UMI Research Press, 1983).
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 81.
Malory, Sir Thomas. Morte Darthur, Globe edition, with an Introduction by Sir Edward Strachey (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott; London: Macmillan, 1868)
  • Source online: 1868 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 23a-k,m-af,ah-as,au,ba-bd,bf,bh-bk,bm.bo,bs, 26a,b,d,e [Herring Oxen-2]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.023(a)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983)
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
Defoe, Daniel. Moll Flanders, vol. II (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1903)
  • Source online: 1903 edition of volume II here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 28v [Herring Oxen-1]; 71f,h-k,m-n; 72g [Herring Oxen-6]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.028(v)
  • Publication: Sarah Davison ‘“The True-Born Englishman” and the Irish Bull: Daniel Defoe in the “Oxen of the Sun” Episode of Ulysses.’ European Joyce Studies 25, 111-40 (2016).
  • Identified by: Sarah Davison
Defoe, Daniel. Life, Adventures, and Piracies of Captain Singleton and Life of Colonel Jack, (London: George Bell & Sons, 1908)
  • Source online: 1882 printing here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 25a-ac [Herring Oxen-2]; 2w-ac, 29a,c-i,k-s, 30a-i,k-m,o [Herring Oxen-1]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.029(a)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983); see also Gregory M. Downing, “‘Joyce's "Oxen of the Sun" NotesheetsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002.
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 130.
Goldsmith, Oliver. The Complete Works, comprising his essays, plays, poetical works, and Vicar of Wakefield, with some account of his life and writings, (London: Routledge, n.d.)
  • Source online: Routledge edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 32bg-bi,bl,bn-bp,bs [Herring Oxen-15], 40a-i.o-s,u, 41a-m, 43a-i, 45b [Herring Oxen-14]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.032(bh)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983) and “‘Further OxcavationsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English opium-eater (London: J. M. Dent & sons ltd; New York: E. P. Dutton & co, 1913)
  • Source online: 1913 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, Sectors 33(r-v), 35(b-h), 36(b-f, l-p) [Herring Oxen-15], 80(s, av) [Herring Oxen-19]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.033(r)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983) and “‘Further OxcavationsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
De Quincey, Thomas. Selections from De Quincey, including Joan of Arc, The English mail coach, Levana and our ladies of sorrow, and Savannah la mar, ed. by W.V. Moody (Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1909)
  • Source online: 1909 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, Sectors 35g-q, 36g-k,q-v [Herring Oxen-15]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.035(g)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983) and “‘Further OxcavationsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
Anon. Letters of Junius, (London: Chiswick, 1824)
  • Source online: 1806 printing vol. I here, and vol. II here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 37a-f,p-t,aa-ae,ag-ai,ak-an,ap,ar-bd,bl,bp-bq,bs,ca-cb,ce-cg,ck, 38ab [Herring Oxen-16]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.037(a)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983)
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 254.
Dobson, Austin. Eighteenth Century Studies, (London: The Wayfarer's Library, J.M. Dent & sons, 1914)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 38b-m,p-s [Herring Oxen-16]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.038(b)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley; also Sarah Davison
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 140.
Sterne, Laurence. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, (London, Glasgow and New York: George Routledge and Sons, 1888)
  • Source online: 1888 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 39a-f,h,j-am; 42a-ar [Herring Oxen-14]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.039(a)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983)
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 471.
The Spectator, (London: March 20, 1710)
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 40(j-n) [Herring Oxen-14]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.040(j)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, “‘Further OxcavationsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko
Valenti, Giulio. Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia applicata alle Scienze Mediche, (Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice, 1893)
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 24bh [Herring Oxen-2], 51an-au,bd-bk; 53b,d-e; 54a-i,k-l,o-al [Herring Oxen-12], 77f-l,q-ac,ae-ah,ak-an,aq-bj,bl-bp; 78b,d-j [Herring Oxen-18]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.051(bh)
  • Publication: Udo Benzenhöfer, Medezin und Literatur — James Joyce (Heidelberg: Diss. med., 1983). and “Joyce and Embryology: Giulio Valenti's ‘Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia‘ as a Source for ‘Oxen of the Sun’” James Joyce Quarterly 26 (Summer 1989), pp. 608-611.
  • Identified by: Udo Benzenhöfer;
  • Note: more work is required to correct (especially the translations) and complete the listing of notesheet elements from this important source.
Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield, (London: Dent, 1907)
  • Source online: reprint of 1907 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 55(h-l, n, q-r, t, ae-ai, al) [Herring Oxen-20]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.055(h)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983)
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further material by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 138.
Newman, Cardinal John Henry. Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations, (London: Longmans, Green 1902)
  • Source online: 1902 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 55am-av [Herring Oxen-20]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.055(am)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, “A Grave Beauty: Joyce's Newman.” James Joyce Quarterly vol. 28 (Spring 1991), 617-621.
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko
Murison, A.F. Selections from the Best English Authors (Beowulf to the Present Time), (London, Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1907)
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 55ba-bp [Herring Oxen-20]; 58h-ba [Herring Oxen-11]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.055(ba)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, “Yet Another Anthology for the ‘Oxen’: Murison's Selections”, Joyce Studies Annual 1990, pages 117-131.
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 418.
Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present, (London, &c.: Oxford University Press, 1909)
  • Source online: 1915 reprint here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 56j-l [Herring Oxen-20]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.056(j)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983)
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further details by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 100.
Pater, Walter. Marius the Epicurean vol. 1 (London: Macmillan, 1911)
  • Source online: here; transcription of VIII.B 8-13 here
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 56m-o,q-u,aa-ac [Herring Oxen-20]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.056(m)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, ‘Pater: Leopold the Epicurean’ James Joyce Occasional Notes, January, 2013.
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko, further material by John O'Hanlon
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 367.
  • Note: In compiling his list, Joyce used not only his copy of Marius but also the extracts from Pater that he earlier copied into Buffalo notebook VIII.B (James Joyce Archive, “Notes, Criticism, &c.”, vol.II, pp.384-389). See also parallel index in UN5 (NLI.5B).
Pater, Walter. Imaginary Portraits (London: Macmillan, 1896)
  • Source online: here; transcription of VIII.B 8-13 here
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 56p [Herring Oxen-20]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.056(p)
  • Identified by: John O'Hanlon
  • Note: For this single element Joyce used the extracts from Pater that he earlier copied into Buffalo notebook VIII.B (James Joyce Archive, “Notes, Criticism, &c.”, vol.II, pp.384-389). See also parallel index in UN5 (NLI.5B).
Lincoln, Joseph Crosby. Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (New York; A.L. Burt, 1904)
Browne, Sir Thomas. Religio Medici; a letter to a friend, Christian morals, Urn-burial, and other papers, (Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1862)
  • Source online: 1862 edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 60(h, a-r, bf-bh), 61(n-q) [Herring Oxen-11]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.060(h)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (University Microfilms, 1969; UMI Research Press, 1983).
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko
Smollett, Tobias. The Adventures of Roderick Random, (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1915)
  • Source online: n.d. edition here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 62cp [Herring Oxen-10], 65e,g-k,m, 67a-g [Herring Oxen-9]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.062(cp)
  • Publication:
  • Identified by:
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 461.
FitzGerald, Edward. Sea Words and Phrases along the Suffolk Coast (Lowestoft: Samuel Tymms, 1869)
  • Source online: reproduced in Edward Fitzgerald The variorum and definitive edition of the poetical and prose writings, vol. 6 (New York: Doubleday, 1902) here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sectors 73a-k [Herring Oxen-17]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.073(a)
  • Publication: Harald Beck, “Edward FitzGerald at sea: Oxen notesheet 17JJON 2011; also Chrissie Van Mierlo, “‘Oxen of the Sun’ Notesheet 17: Commentary and Annotations with a New List of Sources, and TranscriptionsGenetic Joyce Studies 2014.
  • Identified by: Harald Beck; Sarah Davison and Chrissie Van Mierlo
  • Note: This is a short pamphlet—less than twenty pages—reprinted from the East Anglian with new wrappers. Ronan Crowley has cross-referenced the receipt for Joyce’s purchase of the pamphlet with the bookshop’s (Simmel & Co.) 1910 catalogue. A copy of the bill (dated 20 April 1920) sent to Joyce is reproduced on p. 236 of Tristan Power, “Joyce's Ulysses Library” Studies in Bibliography vol. 60, 2018.
Francis, John Oswald. Change: A Glamorgan Play in Four Acts (Cardiff: The Educational Publishing Company, n.d.); Change, with introduction by Montrose J. Moses (New York: Doubleday, Page & Company 1914)
Harte, Bret. Tales of the West (London, Edinburgh, New York: T. Nelson & Sons, [1913])
Baumann, Heinrich. Londinismen (Slang und Cant) Wörterbuch der Londoner volkssprache (Berlin: Langenscheidtsche verlagsbuch-handlung, prob. 1903)
Burke, Thomas. Limehouse Nights (London: Grant Richards, 1917)
Freeman's Journal (Dublin: 17 April 1920).
Landor, Walter Savage. Imaginary Conversations, (London, &c: The Walter Scott Publishing Company, [1913])
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 14, sector 80a-p,r,t-al,ao-ar,at,bd [Herring Oxen-19]
  • Sample use: Sheet 14.080(a)
  • Publication: Robert Janusko, The Sources and Structure of the “Oxen of the Sun“ Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983) and “‘Further OxcavationsGenetic Joyce Studies 2002
  • Identified by: Robert Janusko; further details by Danis Rose
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 272.

Sheets 15 (Circe)    Trieste/Paris, Spring-Fall 1920

Lloyd, Arthur. “I vowed that I never would leave her” (London: H. D'Alcorn, n.d.)
  • Source online: A version can be found here.
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 6(u)
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.006(u)
  • Identified by: Aida Yared.
  • Note: Joyce probably quoted the song from memory. See also: sourced indexes at UN4 (NLI.5A) and Sheets 19.
Procope-Couteaux [pseud. of Michel Coltelli]. L’Art de faire des garçons, ou Nouveau tableau de l'amour conjugal, (Montpellier: Chez Francois Maugiron, n.d. [?1750]).
  • Source online: here
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 9u
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.013(b)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
Butcher, S.H., & A. Lang. The Odyssey of Homer, (New York: Macmillan, 1906).
  • Source online: 1887 edition here, 1906 edition here
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sectors (?1i), 13b-u
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.013(b)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
Swift, Jonathan. A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books and other Satires, (London & Toronto: J.M. Dent and Sons; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1916)
  • Source online: later printing here.
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sectors 14v,
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.014(v)
  • Publication: Mackie L. Jarrell, “Joyce's Use of Swift's Polite Conversation in the ‘Circe’ Episode of UlyssesPMLA, Vol. 72, No. 3 (Jun., 1957), pp. 545-554.
  • Identified by: Mackie L. Jarrell (source text); notesheet location by Ronan Crowley.
  • HRC Texas: JJ Trieste library, item no. 483.
  • Note: see also index at Sheet 14.011. The Sheet 15 notes may have been copied from a now-lost Oxen notesheet.
Baughan, Rosa. The Influence of the Stars: a book of old world lore, (London: Kegan Paul Trench Trubner, 1891)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 11k, sector 27a-ao
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.027(a)
  • Publication: John Simpson, “Volupcy and mystic bliss” James Joyce Online Notes, November, 2011.
  • Identified by: John Simpson; further material by Ronan Crowley.
Joyce, James. Alphabetical Notebook, (1909), MS
    Cornell.25, published in James Joyce Archive, vol. 7 (New York: Garland, 1978), pp. 109-156.
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sectors 31(bj), 32(u), 34(g-m, q-s, u-v).
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.031(aj)
  • Identified by: Danis Rose
Busch, Moritz. Guide for travellers in Egypt and adjacent countries subject to the Pasha (London:Trübner & Co, 1858)
  • Source online: here.
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.035(l)
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 35l-n,v-ak [Herring Circe-7], 64a-e,l-o,bd,bf-bg, 65b-d,f-g [Herring Circe-19]
  • Publication: John Simpson (Harald Beck), ‘basilicogrammate: the Egyptian royal secretary’ and Ronan Crowley, ‘Some further additions from the Wrankmore translation of Moritz Busch's Guide’ James Joyce Occasional Notes, March, 2019.
  • Identified by: John Simpson (with update by Ronan Cowley), also indepentently by Danis Rose.
A. E. (George Russell) The Candle of Vision (London: Macmillan, 1918)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 49(m-s)
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.049(m)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: See also sourced indexes at UN4 (NLI.5A) and Sheets 19. A few elements in the text were sourced in Weldon Thornton, Allusions in ‘Ulysses’ (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1968), pp. 393–94; Ralph Jenkins, ‘Theosophy in “Scylla and Charybdis”’, Modern Fiction Studies, 15, No. 1 (Spring 1969): 36–37; and Vivian Mercier, ‘John Eglinton as Socrates: A Study of “Scylla and Charybdis”’, in James Joyce: An International Perspective, ed. Suheil Badi Bushrui and Bernard Benstock (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe; Totowa: Barnes & Noble, 1982), 75–76.
Federici, Laura Memories of Buffalo Bill (New York and London: D. Appleton, 1919)
Freeman's Journal (Dublin: 19 July 1920).
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 62d
  • View PDF of source.
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.062(d)
  • Publication: John Simpson, ‘LA AMORA AND KARINI’ James Joyce Broadsheet, no. 94 (February 2013): 4.
  • Identified by: John Simpson. PDF supplied by Ronan Crowley.
Freeman's Journal (Dublin: 17 July 1920).
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 64(bm)-(bv), 67(e)
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.064(bm)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
The World of Fashion, and Continental Feuilletons (London: September 1831).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 15, sector 74c,aa-ai
  • Sample use: Sheet 15.074(c)
  • Identified by: Danis Rose
  • Note: this is probably not the particular source for Joyce's ‘Coronation’ notes, but should help find it.

Sheets 16 (Eumeus)    Paris, Spring 1921

Butcher, S.H., & A. Lang. The Odyssey of Homer, New York: Macmillan, 1906).
  • Source online: 1887 edition here, 1906 edition here
  • Original index: Sheets 16, sector 21ak-bm, bo, br-bs, bu-ct, cv-dl; 22 af-ag, ai-ao,ar-av, bc-cb, cd-cm; 23a=d
  • Sample use: Sheet 16.021(ak)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring

Sheets 17 (Ithaca)    Paris, Summer 1921

Irish Times (Dublin: 30 May 1902).
  • Original index: Sheet 17 sector 7n
  • Sample use: Sheet 17.007(n)
  • Publication: John Simpson, “A missing gent answering to the name of Bloom” James Joyce Online Notes, February 2016.
  • Identified by: John Simpson
  • Note: the same advertisement also appeared in the Freeman's Journal.
Wentworth, George Albert, and George Anthony Hill. A Text-Book of Physics, (Boston: The Atheneum Press, 1900).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 17, sectors 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
  • Sample use: Sheet 17.016(u)
  • Publication: Yi Jean Chow. “Sifted Science: James Joyce's References to George Albert Wentworth and George Anthony Hill's A Text-Book of Physics”; James Joyce Quarterly vol. 52, No. 3-4 (Spring-Summer 2015), pp. 637-654.
  • Identified by: Yi Jean Chow; further material by Danis Rose.
  • Note: This important index is spread out irregularly over a sequence of sheets (Herring 6–8: our ‘sectors’ 16–26) The degree of relatively tight clustering indicates Joyce definitely used Wentworth and Hill. In a number of cases, the precise extract from the source that Joyce used is difficult to determine, there being multiple uses of the word or phrase in question. In these cases we use an exemplary extract based on the cluster in which it is found. Joyce's focus was on approximate sense rather than exact sense, and the incorporation (however far-fetched in an Eccles Street context) of a scientific pedigree to the elements used (eg, the ‘false balance’ of Molly's mind). It provides, at the same time, much lighthearted humour to this otherwise rather dry episode.
Flammarion, Camille. Astronomy for Amateurs, trans. by Frances A. Welby (New York: D. Appleton, 1904).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 17, sectors 27b-d,f-r,v-ao,aq-ba,bd-bj,bl-br, 28r-s,v,ad-af
  • Sample use: Sheet 17.027(b)
  • Publication: Ronan Crowley, “Astronomy for Amateurs” James Joyce Online Notes, Issue 15, December 2019 (forthcoming).
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
Butcher, S.H., & A. Lang. The Odyssey of Homer, New York: Macmillan, 1906).
  • Source online: 1887 edition here, 1906 edition here
  • Original index: Sheets 17, sectors 33b-bg, bj-bl; 34a=c, g-j, m-q, t-aa
  • Sample use: Sheet 17.033(c)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring

Sheets 18 (Penelope)    Paris, Summer 1921

Irish Times (Dublin: 19 March 1920).
Daily Mail (London: 23 September 1913).
  • Original index: Sheets 18, sectors 1x-aa
  • Sample use: Sheet 18.001(x)
  • Publication: John Sampson, “Kidfitting corsetry” James Joyce Online Notes, May 2012.
  • Identified by: John Sampson
  • This may not where Joyce saw the advertisement; Molly herself claims (in the book) to have seen it in The Gentlewoman, a turn-of-the-century ladies' magazine.
Butcher, S.H., & A. Lang. The Odyssey of Homer, New York: Macmillan, 1906).
  • Source online: 1887 edition here, 1906 edition here
  • Original index: Sheets 18, sectors 4aj-as,au; 5a, e-g; 6a-h,j-k,m-q,ab; 19al
  • Sample use: Sheet 18.004(aj)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
Joyce, James. Notes for Exiles (ca. 1913): : Buffalo MS III.A, published in James Joyce Archive vol. 11 (New York: Garland, 1978). pp. 1-61.,
  • Original index: Sheets 18, sectors 6u-aa; 7aa-ac,ai-ak; 8a-c,f,h,n; 19a,c-e,g-m
  • Sample use: Sheet 18.006(u)
  • Identified by: Phillip Herring
“GIBRALTAR” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edit. (Cambridge: at the University Press, 1911).
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 18, sector 8(i-m)
  • Sample use: Sheet 18.008(i)
  • Identified by: Danis Rose
Field, Henry M. Gibraltar, (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1888)
  • Source online: 1889 edition here, 1893 edition here
  • Original index: Sheets 18, sector 16h-j,m-t,v-an,at-bj,bl-cd
  • Sample use: Sheet 18.016(h)
  • Publication: “A Gibraltar Sourcebook for ‘Penelope’” James Joyce Quarterly 8 (Winter 1971), pp 163-175.
  • Identified by: James V.D. Card
  • Note: See also: sourced index at UN7 (V.A.2).

Sheets 19    (Virtual)

Irish Daily Independent and Nation (Dublin: 16 June 1904).
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 1
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.001(a)
  • Publication: Don Gifford with Robert J. Seidman, Ulysses Annotated, second edition (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of Californa Press, 1989).
  • Identified by: Contributor to Gifford and Seidman; new material by Ronan Crowley
Irish Daily Independent and Nation (Dublin: 17 June 1904).
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 2
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.002(a)
  • Publication: James Joyce, The Lost Notebook, ed. Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1989), Afterword (supplement).
  • Identified by: Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon; new material by Ronan Crowley
Evening Telegraph (Dublin: 16 June 1904).
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 3
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.003(a)
  • Publication: Ian Gunn and Alistair McCleery, LAST PINK. Dublin EVENING TELEGRAPH 16 June 1904 (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1996).
Hampstead & Highgate Express (London: 12 December 1896).
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 1o
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.001(o)
  • Note: this probably not the true source of the element but is added to establish 1904 existence of the product.
A. E. (George Russell). The Candle of Vision (London: Macmillan, 1918)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 4a
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.004(a)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: See also sourced indexes at UN4 (NLI.5A) and Sheets 15. A few elements in the text were sourced in Weldon Thornton, Allusions in ‘Ulysses’ (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1968), pp. 393–94; Ralph Jenkins, ‘Theosophy in “Scylla and Charybdis”’, Modern Fiction Studies, 15, No. 1 (Spring 1969): 36–37; and Vivian Mercier, ‘John Eglinton as Socrates: A Study of “Scylla and Charybdis”’, in James Joyce: An International Perspective, ed. Suheil Badi Bushrui and Bernard Benstock (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe; Totowa: Barnes & Noble, 1982), 75–76.
Lodge, Sir Oliver. The Survival of Man; a study in unrecognized human faculty, 2nd ed. (New York: George H. Doran, 1920)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 4b
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.004(b)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley
  • Note: See also sourced index at UN4 (NLI.5A).
Foote, C. W. Flowers of Freethought (London: R. Forder, 1893)
Evening Herald (Dublin: 6 May 1917).
  • View PDF of source.
  • Original index: Sheets 19 sector 4e
  • Sample use: Sheets 19.004(e)
  • Publication: See ‘Billy Sunday: A New Source for “Oxen of the Sun”’, James Joyce Quarterly, 44.1 (2006), pp 133-135.
  • Identified by: Peter Gilliver, Ronan Crowley.
  • Note: see also indexes at Sheet 12.011 and Sheet 14.004. While the Evening Herald article is closer to Joyce's notes, neither it nor the The Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Ill: 5 May 1915) can be the correct source as there other clearly related elements in the notesheets.
Allyn, Avery. A Ritual of Freemasonry (Philadelphia: John Clarke, 1831)
  • Source online: here.
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 5a-aj
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.005(a)
  • Identified by: Ian MacArthur, additional material by John O'Hanlon
  • Note: Joyce had twice asked Budgen to send him a book on freemasonry: on 28 February and again on 6 November 1921. There were numerous editions of this book, and we don't know which one Joyce read.
Baumann, Heinrich. Londinismen (Slang und Cant) Wörterbuch der Londoner volkssprache (Berlin: Langenscheidtsche verlagsbuch-handlung, prob. 1903)
  • Source online: 1903 edition (the one Joyce used) not available; the 1887 edition is here.
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 5(ak)
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.005(ak)
  • Identified by: Ronan Crowley.
  • Note: See also: sourced index at UN2 (VI.D.7) and Sheets 14.
Lloyd, Arthur. “I vowed that I never would leave her” (London: H. D'Alcorn, n.d.)
  • Source online: A version can be found here.
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 5(al)
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.005(al)
  • Identified by: Aida Yared.
  • Note: Joyce probably quoted the song from memory. See also: sourced indexes at UN4 (NLI.5A) and Sheets 15.
Greene, E. A. Saints and their Symbols: A Companion in the Churches and Picture Galleries of Europe (London: Whittaker & Co., 1913)
  • Source online: A 1909 printing can be viewed here.
  • Original index: Sheets 19, sector 6a-bq
  • Sample use: Sheet 19.006(a)
  • Identified by: Michael Patrick Gillespie; further material by Ronan Crowley
  • Note: Joyce's copy of this book is in the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Centre at the University of Texas at Austin (Item 199 in Mark Patrick Gillespie's Catalogue).
Foli, P. R. S. (Cyril Arthur Pearson) Fortune-Telling by Cards (London: C. Arthur Pearson, 1904)
Butcher, S.H., and; A. Lang. The Odyssey of Homer (London and New York: Macmillan, 1900).