[United Irishman, issue of 7 March 1903, p. 6.]


We have been asked, in connection with the
successful efforts which Cumann na nGaedheal
is making to procure the adoption of the Public
Libraries' Act in the Rural Districts, to publish
a list of books suitable for such libraries.
Nearly three years ago such a list, compiled by
William Rooney, appeared in our columns, and
with a few emendations and a number of
additions we reprint it below. It must be
understood that this list does not profess to be
the ideal list. We have borne in mind the
circumstances, financial and otherwise, under
which these libraries will at first be obliged to
work. There are scores of books which we
would wish to see in such libraries, but which,
owing to financia1 or other reasons, it is impossible
to expect could be at the start found in
them. A few of the books we recommend,
such as Mitford's History of Greece and Mommsen's
Rome are expensive. Others are out of
print, but may easily be procured through the
second-hand booksellers in Dublin. The list
we give below is a list of books written in
English. In our next issue we shall give a list
of books written in Irish.

Rollins' Ancient History.
Russell's History of Modern Europe.
Mitford's History of Greece.
Mommsen's History of Rome.
Hallam's History of the Middle Ages.
Story of the Nation Series:

History of France.
  〃     Spain.
  〃     Italy.
  〃     Germany.
  〃     Switzerland.
  〃     Russia
  〃     England,
  〃     Scotland.

Cæsar's Wars in Gaul.
Montalambert's Monks of the West.
Thiers' French Revolution.
L. A. Thiers' History of the Consulate and the Empire.
Lempriere's Classical Dictionary.
Haydn's Dictionary of Dates.
Haydn's Index to Biography.
Plutarch's Lives.
Lewis's History of Philosophy.
Plato's Republic.
The Iliad.
The Odyssey.
The Æneid.
The Georgics.
The Odes of Horace.
Carey's Dante.
St. Augustine's Confessions.
Shakespeare's Works.
The Spectator.
The Chronicle of the Cid.
Don Quixote.
Gil Blas.
Ibsen's An Enemy of the People.
The Morte d'Arthur.
Washington Irving's Alhambra.
〃 〃 Life of Columbus.
Emerson's Essays.
Goethe's Faust.
Scotts' Quentin Durward.
Swift's Drapiers' Letter.
Gulliver's Travels.
Thoreau's Walden.
Motley's Rise of the Dutch Republics.


Goldsmith, Callanan, Moore, Davis, Mangan,
Rooney, Ferguson, Dwyer Joyce, Griffin,
Dalton Williams, Lionel Johnson, Ethna
Carbery, Aubrey De Vere, W. B. Yeats,
Dora Sigerson, P. J. M'Call, Nora Hopper,
Spirit of the Nation (with music), Hayes'
Ballad Poetry, M'Carthy's Ballad Poetry,
Duffy's Irish Ballads, Barry's Songs of Ireland,
Sparling's Irish Minstrelsy, Lover's Songs of
Ireland, Varian's Household Songs of Ireland,
J. Keegan Casey's Poems, Graves' Irish Song
Book (with music), Goodman's School and
Home Song Books (with music), William
A1lingham's Poems, J. F. O' Donnell's Poems,
Madden's Literary Remains of the United
Irishmen, Speranza's Poems, Dr. Sigerson's
Bards of the Gaels and Gall.

[column 2]


Richey's Letters on Irish History. Darcy
M'Gee's Life of Art MacMurrough. John
Mitchel's Life of Hugh O'Neill. Father
Meehan's Fate and Fortunes of the Earls and
Kilkenny Confederation. J. F. Taylor's Life
of Owen Roe. J. P. Prendergast's Cromwellian
Settlement. Davis' Patriot Parliament. Count
Plunkett'a (edition). O'Kelly's Narrative of the
War. Dr. Todhunter's Life of Sarsfield.
O'Connor'e Military History of the Irish Nation.
R. Ashe King's Swift in Ireland. Monck
Mason's History of the Parliaments of Ireland
(edited by Canon O'Hanlon). Wm. Molyneux's
Case of Ireland Stated (edited by the same).
Thomas MacNevin's History of the Volunteers.
Barrington's Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation.
Teeling's Personal Narrative of the Rebellion.
Father Kavanagh's History of the Insurrection.
Wolfe Tone's Memoirs (Barry O'Brien's edition).
M'Dermott's edition of Moore's Life of Lord
Edward. O'Donoghue's Life of Robert
Emmet. Quaid's Birthplace and Burial of
Emmet. M'Donagh's Life of Dr. Doyle.
Luby's Life of O'Connell. Duffy's Young
Ireland. Mitchel's Last Conquest, Jail Journal,
History of Ireland and Apology for the British
Government in Ireland. Doheny's Felon's
Track. Daunt's A Life Spent for Ireland. Duffy's
League of the North and South. O'Leary's
Fenians and Fenianism. Sullivan's Speeches
from the Dock. Sullivan's New Ireland.
Denvir's The Irish in England. T. P. O'Connor's
Parnell Movement. Barry O'Brien's Life of
Parnell. Keating's History of Ireland.
Haverty's History of Ireland. M'Gee's History
of Ireland. Moore's History of Ireland.
MacGeoghegan's History of Ireland. Joyce's
History of Ireland. Lecky's History of
Ireland in the 18th Century.


Lady Morgan's O'Donnell. Gerald Griffin's
works. The Banim's complete works. Carleton's
complete works. Sheridan LeFanu's House
by the Churchyard, Torlough O'Brien, Cock
and Anchor, Uncle Silas, and Wylder's Hand.
Lover's Rory O'More, Handy Andy, and
Treasure Trove. Lever's Jack Hinton, Tom
Burke, Con Cregan, Knight of Gwynne, St.
Patrick's Eve, Maurice Tierney, Barrington,
Lord Kilgobbin, Roland Cashel, The Daltons,
Martins of Cro' Martin, Luttrell of Arran,
Sir Brooke Fosbrooke, Sir Jasper Carew, and
Miss Lever's A Day's Ride. C. J. Kickham's
Knocknagow, Sally Cavanagh, For the Old
Land. Richard Dowling's The Mystery of
Killard. R. Ashe King's The Wearin' of the
Green, A Leal Lass. Edmond Downey's
Through Green Glassess, Memoirs of Colonel
Faly, Merchant of Killogue, and Anchor Watch
Yarns. Miss Gallagher's Thy Name is Truth.
Lady Gilbert's Marcella Grace, A Fair Emigrant,
The Wicked Woods of Tuberevil,
Maureen Lacy and Other Tales, Wild Birds of
Killeevey. Dean O'Brien's Jack Hazlitt, The
Daltons of Crag. Mrs. Sigerson's A Ruined
Race. Charlotte G. O'Brien's Light and Shade.
William Boyle's A Kish of Brogues. P. J.
M'Call's Fenian Nights' Entertainment.
Ferguson's Hibernian Nights' Entertainment
(3 Vols). O'Donoghue's Book of Irish Humour.
Gill's Irish Pleasantry and Fun. Mrs. Sadleir's
Old House by the Boyne, Burkes and
Flanagans, Shemus Rhua, Confederate Chieftains.
P. G. Smyth's The Wild Rose of
Lough Gill. Mrs. Pender's The Green
Cockade. Father Finlay's The Fortunes
of War (published by Gill). Rev. P. A. Sheehan's
Geoffrey Austin, Luke Delmege. Dr.
J. T. Campion's Michael Dwyer, Galloping
O'Hogan. T. O'Neill Russell's Dick Massey.
Julia Kavanagh's Queen Mab. Seamas
MacManus' Leadin' Road to Donegal, In
Chimney Corners, Through the Turf Smoke, In
Dhroll Donegal. Miss M. E. L. Butler's Bundle
of Rushes. Frank Mathews' At the Risin'
o' the Moon. Shan F. Bullock's Ulster
Sketches, By Thrasna River, The Squireen.
Patrick Kennedy's Legendary Fictions of the
Irish Celts, Banks of the Boro', Evenings in
the Duffrey. W. B. Yeats' Irish Fairy and
Folk Tales. Lady Wilde's Irish Fairy Tales.
Curtin's Irish Fairy Tales. Crofton Croker's
Fairy Legends of Ireland. MacAnally's Folk
and Fairy Tales of Ireland. Lover's Legends
and Stories of Ireland. FitzJames O'Brien's
The Diamond Lens. Jane Barlow's Irish
Idylls, Kerrigan's Quality, A Creel of Irish
Stories. Standish O'Grady's Bog of Stars,
Finn and his Companions, Coming of Cuchulain,
Captivity of Red Hugh, Flight of the
Eagle, Lost on Du Corrig. M. L. O'Byrne's
Art MacMorrough, Court of Rathcroghan,
Pale and the Septs. Emily Lawless' Maelcho,
Songs of the Brigade. William Buckley's
Croppies Lie Down. Lady Gregory's Cuchulain
of Muirthemne.

(Biography, Literature, Topography,
Collectana, &c.)

Douglas Hyde's Literary History of Ireland.
Dr. P. W. Joyce's Irish Names of Places,
Ancient Irish Music. Read's Cabinet of Irish
Literature. Alfred Webb's Compendium of
Irish Biography. D. J. O'Donoghue's Dictionary
of Irish Poets, Life of James Clarence
Mangan. C. G. Duffy's Short Life of Davis.
Mrs. Sarah Atkinson's Essays. Father Joseph
Farrell's Lectures of a Certain Professor. L.
Ginnell's Brehon Laws. Rolleston's Essays of
Thomas Davis. Dr. Healy's Irish Schools and
Scholars. Margaret Stokes' Early Irish Art.
Sullivan's Irish Penny Readings. Henry Giles'
Lectures and Addresses. Barry O'Brien's
Hundred Years of Concessions to Ireland. Professor
Hall's Geology of Ireland. O'Curry'a
Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish,
MS. Materials of Irish History. Canon
O'Hanlon'a Lives of the Irish Saints. Mervyn
Archdall's Monasticum Hibernicum. Rev. J.
F. Shearman's Irish Church History. Rev.
Father Brenan's Ecclesiastical History of Ire-

[column 3]

land. Father Meehan's History of the Irish
Franciscans, Edition of O'Daly's History of
the Geraldines. Fitzpatrick's Secret Service
Under Pitt. Speeches of Grattan, Curran,
Shiel, Plunkett, Parnell (Mrs. Power's edition).
Rosa Mullholland's edition of J. F. Maguire's
Life of Father Mathew. J. Fintan Lalor's
Writings. Sheridan Knowles' Plays and
Poems. Richard B. Sheridan's Collected
Dramas. Hely Hutchinson's Commercial Restraints
of Ireland. O'Neill Russell's Irish
Antiquities. Wild's Beauties of the Boyne and
Blackwater. Read's Cabinet of Irish Literature.
Hyde's Story of Early Gaelic Literature.
Miss Hull's The Cuchullain Saga. Mrs.
Sophie Bryan's Celtic Ireland. Lady Ferguson's
Ireland Before the Conquest. De Jubainville's
Celtic Mythology (Best's Translation). Joyce's
Old Celtic Romances, Irish Local Names Explained.
O'Flannaghaile's For the Tongue of
the Gaedheal. O'Keeffe and O'Brien's Irish
Dancing. Kane's Industrial Resources of Ireland.
Ireland Industrial and Agricultural.