[United Irishman, issue of 4 April 1903, p. 5.]

[Column 1]



The following is a complete list of the works
in Irish or dealing with the Irish language
suitable for a rural library. It is likely, however,
that in many cases the funds at the disposal
of the library will not permit of the
purchase of all the works here given. In such
a case we shall be glad to assist the library
authorities in making a selection:—


Lessons in Gaelic, compiled by the Gaelic
Union; First, Second, and Third Irish
Books, published by the Society for the
Preservation of the Irish Language; Parts I.
to V., inclusive, of O'Growney's Simple Lessons
in Irish; Canon Bourke's Easy Lessons in Irish;
Lessons in Irish, by B. O'Keeney of Strabane
Gaelic League; A Primer of the Irish Language
for the use of Students of St. Columba's
College; The Irish Instructor, by John Owens;
Ceachta Beaga Gaedhilge, by Miss Borthwick;
O'Donovan's Irish Grammar; O'Connellan's Irish
Grammer; Neilson's Irish Grammar (two imprints);
Canon Bourke's Irish Grammar; John
H. Molloy's Irish Grammar; Joyce's Irish
Grammar; J. P. Craig's Irish Grammar;
Christian Brothers' Irish Grammar; Comhradh
le h-Agbaidh Mac-Leighinn, by Rev. Bernard
Crehan; Leabhar Cainte, by J. J. Doyle;
Raiteachais, from Neilson's Grammar, edited
by John MacNeill; Mion-Chaint, Parts I., II,
and III., by Rev. Peter O'Leary; Is agus Ta,
by Father O'Leary; Irish Composition, by
Father O'Leary; Irish Composition, by J. P.
Craig; Hand-book of Irish Teaching, by P. T.
MacGinley; Irish Phrase-book, by Rev. Edmund
Hogan, S.J.; Irish Idioms, by Rev. Edmund
Hogan, S.J.; Leabhar Mion-Cnainte, Parts I.
and II., by Professor Aherne; O'Reilly's Irish-
English Dictionary, Coney's Irish-English
Dictionary, O'Brien's Irish-English Dictionary,
Foley's English-Irish Dictionary.


Windisch's Compendium of Irish Grammar
(two translations); Dr. Hogan's Outlines of the
Grammar of Old Irish.



Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne, Fate of
the Children of Lir, Fate of tbe Children of
Tuireann, Fate of the Children of Usnach, all
published by the Society for the Preservation
of the Irish Language; Siamsa an Gheimridh,
by Domhnall O Fogharta; Cois na Teineadh,
by Dr. Hyde; Cheithre Sgeulta, by Dr. Hyde;
Cheitre Sgeulta Eile, by Dr. Hyde; Gadaidhe
Dubh O Dubhain, published by the Celtic
Literary Society, Dublin; Aesop a Thainig go
h-Eireann, by Father O'Leary; Seadna, by
Father O'Leary; Eolas ar Aireamh, by Father
O'Leary; Cormac Ua Conaill, by Father
Dinneen; Cill-Airne, by Father Dinneen;
Beatha Eoghain Ruaidh Ui Shuilleabhain, by
Father Dinneen; Sgeilini, by Eadmoun o
h-Albain; Fath-Sgeul, by Dr. Hyde; Greann
na Gaedhilge, by Enri Ua Muirgheasa; Sean-
Fhocail na Mumhan, by Tadhg O Donncadha;
Blatha Bealteine, by Tomas Ua Conceanainn
I dTaoibh na h-Oibre, by Eoghan O'Neachtain;
Dionbhrollach Forais Feasa ar Eirinn, by Dr.
Keating, edited by David Comyn; Leabhar
Sgeulaigheachta, by Dr. Hyde; An Sgeulaidhe
Gaodhalach, by Dr. Hyde, Parts I. and II.;
Sgeulaidheacht Cuige Mumhan, by Patrick
O'Leary; Sgeulta, by Padraig 0 Seaghdha;
Teanga Tioramhuil na h Eirinn, by T. O'Neill
Russell; Donlevy's Irish Catechism, two imprints;
Catechism compiled for the Diocese of
Raphoe; Catechism compiled for the Diocese of
Tuam; Catechism compiled for the Diocese of
Cleyne; Father Furlong's Prayer Book; St.
Patrick's Prayer Book, by Father Nolan; Mac-
Gniomhartha Fhinn, edited by David Comyn;
An Boramha Laighean, edited by T. O'Neill
Russell; The Gospels in Irish, by Father
O'Leary; Na Sacramainti Deidbeanacha, published
by the Catholic Truth Society of Ire-


land; Eachtra Lomnochtain. edited by MacNeill
and Bergin; An Biobla Naomhta, by Bishop
Bedell; Leabhar na n-Urnaidhe Comhcoithcine
(Book of Common Prayer); An Tiomna Nuadh
(The New Testament, several imprints); Maith
agus Dearmad, by Thomas Feenaghty; Tri
Bior-Gaoithe an Bhais, by Dr. Keating;
Sgealaidhe Fearnmuighe, edited by J. H.
Lloyd; Keating's history of Ireland, Book I.,
edited by P. W. Joyce; Gluaiseachd an
Oilithrigh (The Pilgrim's Progress), Life of St.
Patrick, by a Redemptorist Father; Life of St.
Ciaran, by Father Mulcahy; Dr. Keating's
Eochair-Sgiath an Aifrinn, edited by Patrick
O'Brien; Father O'Sullivan's Searc-Leana-
mhain Chriost; Father Hogan's Luibh Leabharlan;
An Buaiceas; Smuainte ar Arainn, by
Miss O'Farrelly; Dubhaltach MacFirbisigh, by
Eoghan O'Neachtain.


Poems of Dr. Keating, edited by Rev. J.
MacErlean; Love Songs of Connacht, edited
by Dr. Hyde; Poets and Poetry of Munster,
translated by Mangan; Ambrain Eoghain
Ruaidh Ui Shuilleabhain, edited by Father
Dinneen; Amhrain Sheaghain Chlaraigh Mhic
Dhomhnaill, edited by Father Dinneen;
Danta Sheafraidh Ui Dhonnchadha an Ghleanna,
edited by Father Dinneen; Pious Miscellany,
by Tadhg Gaodhalach (several imprints);
Aighneas an Pheacaigh leis an mBas; Irish
Language Miscellany, edited by John O'Daly;
Tuireadh na h-Eireann, by Dr. O Connell,
Bishop of Kerry; Ubhla de'n Craoibh, by
Dr. Hyde; Danta duthcasacha na h-Eireann,
translated by Edward Walsh; Laoi Oisin ar
Tir na n-Og, edited by D. Comyn, and also by
Tomas O Flannghaoile; An t-Aithriseoir,
edited by Tadhg O Donnchadha agus Padraig
MacPiarais; Moore's Melodies, translated by
Archbishop MacHale, and edited by T. O'Neill
Russell; Fior-Chlairseach na h-Eireann, by T.
O'Neill Russell; Irish Music and Song, by Dr.
Joyce; the Clairseach na n-Gaedheal and Ceol-
Sidhe series; Cuairt an Meadhon Oidhche, by
MacGiolla Meidhre; Duanaire na Nuadh-
Ghaedhilge, edited by Patrick O'Brien; Jacobite
Relics, translated by Edward Walsh; Bach-
logai Beodha, with pianoforte accompaniment,
by J. P. Craig; An Ceoltair, by J. P. Craig;
Oireachtas Choir Songs.


Blath-fhleasg na Gaedhilge, edited by
Patrick O'Brien; Oireachtas Proceedings for
the years 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, and 1901;
the Publications of the Irish Texts Society;
the MacTernan Prize Essays.


Bas Dhallain, agus Tadhg Saor, by Father
O'Leary; Seaghan an Diomais, by Conan
Maol; The Dentist, by John Cannon and
Michael Rogers; An Sprid, by Father O'Leary;
An Tobar Draoidheachta, by Father Dinneen;
Creideamh agus Gorta, by Father Dinneen; An
Tailliur Cleasach, Doctuireacht Nuadh, Eilis agus
an Bhean Deirce, by Peadar Magfhionnlaoich.


Cath-Finntragha, edited by Dr. Kuno Meyer;
Voyage of Bran, by Dr. Kuno Meyer;
Moirtimcheall Eireann Uile, edited by Dr. Hogan,
S.J.; Latin Lives of the Saints, edited by Dr.
Hogan, S.J.; Cath Ruis na Riogh, edited by Dr.
Hogan, S.J.; Leabhar na gCeart, edited by
Dr. O'Donovan; Leabhar Gabhala; Saltair na
Rann, edited by Dr. Whitley Stokes; Lives of
the Saints from the Book of Lismore, edited by
Dr. Whitley Stokes; Three Poems in Middle
Irish, edited by John MacNeill; Cogadh
Gaedhil agus Gaill, edited by Dr. Todd; Beatha
Aoidh Ruaidh O Domhnaill, edited by Rev.
Denis Murphy; Annals of the Four Maters,
edited by Dr. O'Donovan; Ancient Laws of

We shall publish, next week if possible, a
short supplementary list of books in English on
Irish or general subjects suitable for an Irish
rural library. This will render complete the
list of all that is needed in our opinion to make
such an institution of service and interest to
the people of the district it is situated in and
to the nation at large.