Joyce-Léon corrections 1939-1940 IV§2
MS: Buffalo VI.H.4.a, pp. 604.27-607.22 Draft details
Of Kevin, of Increate God the servant, of the Lord Creator a filial fearer, who|err,ºerr| given to the growing
grass|err,ºerr| took to the tall timber, slippery dick the springy heeler, as we have seen, so we have heard, what we have received, that we have transmitted, thus we shall hope, this we shall pray till, in the search for love of
knowledge through the comprehension of the unity in altruism through stupefaction, it may be again how it may be again, shearing aside the four wethers and passing over the dainty daily dairy and dropping by the way the lapful of live coals and smoothing out Nelly Nettle and her lad of mettle, full of stings,
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fond of stones, friend of gnewgnawn sbones, and leaving all that messy messy to look after our douche douche, the miracles, death and life are these.
Yad. Procreated on the ultimate ysland of Yreland in the encyclical Yrish archipelago, come their feast of precreated holy whiteclad angels, whomamong the christener of his, voluntarily poor Kevin, having been graunted the praviloge of a priest's postcreated portable altare cum balneo when espousing the one true cross, invented and exalted, in celibate matrimony at matin chime
arose and westfrom went and came in alb of cloth of gold to our own midmost Glendalough-le-Vert by archangelical guidance where amiddle of meeting waters of river Yssia and Essia river on this one of eithers lone navigable lake piously Kevin, lauding the Triune Trishagion, amidships of his conducible altar super bath rafted centripetally, diaconal servent of orders Hibernian, midway across
the subject lake surface to its supreem epicentric lake ysle, Inis Kevin, whereof its lake is the centrifugal principality, whereon by prime, powerful in knowledge, Kevin came to where its centre is among the circumfluent watercourses of Yshgafiena and Yshgafiuna, an enysled lakelet yslanding a lacustrine yslet, whereupon with beached raft subdiaconal bath propter altar, with oil extremely
anointed, accompanied by prayer, holy Kevin bided till the third morn hour but to build a rubric penitential honeybeehivehut in whose enclosure to live in fortitude, acolyte of cardinal virtues, whereof the arenary floor most holy Kevin excavated as deep as to a depth of a seventh part of one full fathom, which excavated, venerable Kevin, anchorite, taking counsel, proceeded towards the lakeside
of the ysletshore whereat seven several times he eastward genuflecting in entire ubbidience at sextnoon collected Gregorian water sevenfold
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and with Ambrosian eucharistic joy of heart as many times receded carrying the lustral domination contained within his most portable previliged altar unacumque bath, which severally seven times into the cavity excavated, a lector of water levels, most venerable Kevin then effused, thereby letting there be water where was theretofore dry land, by him so concreated, who now, confirmed a
strong and perfect Christian, blessed Kevin, exorcised his holy sister
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water, perpetually chaste, so that, well understanding, she should fill to midheight his tubbathaltar, which handbathtub most blessed Kevin ninthly enthroned in the interconcentric centre of the translated water whereamid, when violet vesper vailed, Saint Kevin Hydrophilos, having girded his sable cappa magna as high as to his cherubical loins, at solemn compline sat in his sate of
wisdom, that hipbathtub, whereverafter, recreated doctor insularis of the universal church, keeper of the door of meditation, memory extempore proposing and intellect formally considering, recluse, he meditated continuously with seraphic ardour the primal sacrament of baptism or the regeneration of all man by affusion of water. Yed.
Bisships, bevel to rock's rite! Sarver buoy, extinguish!
Nuotabene. The rare view from the three Benns under the bald heaven is on the other end, askan your blixom on dimmen and blastun, something to right hume about. They were erected in a purvious century as a hen fine coops and, if you know your Bristol and have trudged the trolly ways and elventurns of that old cobbold city, you will sortofficially scribble a mental Peny-Knox-Gore. Whether they
were franklings by name also has not been fully probed. Their design is a whosold word and the charming details of light in dark are freshed from the feminiairity which breathes content. O ferax cupla! Ah, fairypair! The first exploder to make his ablations in these parks was indeed that lucky mortal which the monster trial showed on its first day out. What will not arky paper, anticidingly
inked with Penmark, push, per sample prof, kuvertly falted, when style, stink and stigmataphoron are of one sum in the same person? He comes out of the soil very well after all just where Old Toffler is to come shuffling alongsoons Panniquanni starts showing of her peequuliar talonts. A waywrong wandler siuking to a rightrare rute for his plain utterrock sukes, appelled to by her fancy claddaghs.
You plied that pokar, gamesy, swell as aye did, while there were flickars to the flores. He may be humpy, nay, he may be dumpy, but there is always something racey about, say, a sailor on a horse. As soon as we sale him, gee, we gates a sprise! He brings up tufatufa and
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that is how we get to Missas in Massas. Thee old Marino tale. We veriterse verity notafew demmed lustres priorly magistrite maximollient in ludubility
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learned. Facst. Teak off that wise head! Great sinner, good sonner, is in effect the motto of the MacCowell family. The gloved fist (skrimmhandsker) was intraduced into their socerdatal tree before the fourth of the twelfth and it is even a little odd all four horolodgeries still gonging restage Jakob van der Bethel, smolking behind his pipe, with Esav of Messagepostumia, lentling out his
borrowed chafingdish, before cymbaloosing the apostles at every hours of changeover. The first and last rittlerattle of the anniverse: when is a nam nought a nam whenas it is a. Watch! Heroes' Highway where our fleshers leave their bonings and every bob and joan to fill the bumper fair. It is their segnall for old Champelysied to seek the shades of his retirement and for young Chappielassies
to tear a round and tease their partners lovesoftfun at Finnegan's Wake.
And it's high tigh tigh. Titley, hi ti ti. That my dig pressed in your dag si. Gnug of old Gnig. Ni, gnid mig brawly! I bag your burden! Mees is thees knees. Thi is Mi. We have caught oneselves, Sveasmeas, in somes incontigruity coumplegs of heoponhurrish marrage from whose I most sublumbunate. A polog, my engl! Excutes. Om still so sovvy. Whyle om till ti ti.