
1st fair copy, July 1923, IV§2 draft level 2

MS British Library 47488 25 Draft details

{ms, 025}

|2Of Kevin, of |aIncreatea| God the servant, |aof the Lord |bCreatorb| a |bfilialb| fearer,a| the miracles, death and life are these ……2|

|2Born Procreated2| on the |2|afinal ultimatea|2| island of Ireland in the Irish ocean, come his feast of |2precreated2| holy angels, Kevin, having been granted the privilege of a priest's |2postcreated2| portable altar cum bath |2when espousing true religion in celibate matrimony2| |2came arose & went & came2| to midmost Glendalough by archangelical guidance where amiddle of the |2meeting waters of2| river Slaney and the Liffey river on this lone |2navigable2| lake, piously Kevin amidships of his conducible altar super bath centripetally rafted, servant diaconal of orders Hibernian, |2midway across the lake subject lake2| to its |2supreme2| lake isle, |2Inis Kevin2| whereof its lake is principality, whereon, powerful in knowledge, Kevin came to where its centre is between among the circumfluent watercourses of |2Ishgagrana Ishgagrania2| and |2Ishgacarrara Ishgadectera2| a lakelet islanding an islet whereupon with beached raft subdiaconal bath propter altar, with oil |2extremely2| anointed, accompanied by prayer, holy Kevin bided but to build a |2penitential2| honeybeehivehut wherein to live in virtuous fortitude, acolyte of |2cardinal2| virtues, whereof the |2arenary2| floor most holy Kevin excavates as deep as to a depth of a seventh |2part2| of a full fathom which excavated venerable Kevin, taking counsel, proceeds to the lakeside of the isletshore whereat seven several times he fills with Gregorian water and with eucharistic joy of heart recedes carrying the lustral domination of contained within his most portable privileged altar unacumque bath which severally seven times, a rea lector of water levels, most venerable Kevin effuses into the cavity excavated thereby letting there be water where before there was dry land having |2created cocreated2| which, confirmed and a strong and perfect Christian, blessed Kevin exorcises holy water so that understanding it may fill to midheight his tubbathaltar which handbathtub most blessed Kevin enthrones in the intercentre of the translated water whereamid saint Kevin, having girded his frock to his cherubical loins, solemnly seats himself in his seat of wisdom, that hiptubbath, whereverafter, |2recreated2| s doctor solitarius, keeper of the door |2in of2| meditation, he |2recreated2| meditates with seraphic ardour the initial sacrament of baptism or the regeneration of man by water.