
Re-draft, October-November 1925, III§4R draft level 1+

MS British Library 47482a 52-53 Draft details

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Fred Watkins, all the ways from Melmoth in Natal, she calls him when he commits his certain question on a point of our sutton down, how was it, jimmy? — many sinnerettes to declare? Phiss! Touching our phoenix rangers nuisance which were they forgiving up their fogging trespasses by order which we foregathered he must be raw in sugar, the party, jimmy MacCawthelick, no? — who trespass against me. Briss! That's him wiv his wig on achewing of his maplegum, that's Mista Beardall, an accompliced burgomaster, which he told us privates out of his own scented mouf he used to was afore this Wine act come, what say, our jimmy? — Who fears all masters. Spiss! Hi, Jock Nowlong, my own sweet boosy love, what he behind beggarsbush to me, does Freda, don't be an emugee we must spy half and half ahind on honeysuckler says Fred, now he's hardalone & off his guard, and Jemasine she says she must, here unread 'll do a retroussy from her point of view to keep her flouncies off the grass while paying the wetmenots a musichall visit & pair her fiefighs fore him after His Corkiness lay up 2 bottles of joy including a shandy had by Fred and a fino oloroso he was warming to, my right, jimmy my old brown freer? — dolorosus, dolor meus.

Following idly up to seepoint, how did you dew? Hollymerry, iveysad, whicher & whoer were you there? Was all snow, moonmounded snow? Or did wolken hold o'er earth, breathless still, the fulmenbomb? Full! Was glimpsed the mean amount of cloud? Or did but fall rain spill in a sprinkling? Tingle Tom, pull the bell, Izzy's busy down the dell Mizpah low, youyou, number one, now in deep humidity. Listen, misled peerless, please! You are, of course: and missintoo. Of course, there's noel like him here to
{ms, 053v}
hear. Triss! Only trees, such are these, such were those, waving there, the Barketree, the O'Briertree, the Rowantree, the O'Corneltree, the Behanshrub near Windy Arbour, the Magill O'Dendron More.