1st draft, October-November 1925, III§4D draft level 0
MS British Library 47482a 27, 41-42 Draft details
{ms, 027v}
every blank night while twelve good men & true in their numbered habitations tried him in over |ain their minds on their
juremembersa| & |awhereasa| found him guilty on |athe their &
thosea| imputations
{ms, 041v}
of |afornication minus copulation fornicolocopulation |bwith two |cpretty carnations corans correlations
|d|gwhom he enjoyed by anticipationg| whose colours at standing up from the above were of a pretty carnation,d|c|b|a| or |abut
|breallyb|a| if 'twere not so, |aof somea| deretane denudation with intent to excitation |aby
retrogradationa| of firearmed forces |aof the |bof this proper to thisb|a|
nation but |awith apart from such titillation which he said was undera| family |aheat & blooda| pressures as
|aa gooda| mitigation |aand without whicha| in any case he |ainsists
upona| being worthy of |aremuneration continued alimentationa| for his having displayed|a, he
said,a| so much |aliberalorda| toleration, reprobate |aso noteda| and all as he was, in respects to his
|ahigh highpowereda| station |awhereofa| more especially as
|apossiblya| he was |ameantimea| suffering |a|ball our
|cas he oftentimes didc| genteelb| torturesa| from |aa the
besta| medical attestation having only strength enough to |aimplore deplorea| for
|aall |bwith his whole soulb| on everybodya| concerned |ain
ita| the curses of coagulation for, |ahe tells me |bby way of festination after |caboutc| 2 o 3 hours of close
confabulationb|,a| by |aall that's holy this pewterful of goatswhey which is his prime consolationa|, if he was
|astill extremelya| offensive to |atheir nostrils |b24 a score &
fourb| nostrils' dilation |bstill sure he was likewiseb|a| on the other side |ahas as I believe I
|bshld might have been |cwithout the least alienationc|b|a|
{ms, 042v}
distinctly |athe eye's |btwo a pair ofb| eyes'a| delectation
|aso prays of his fault you wd make an obliterationa| but |aas for our friend behind the bars though a man of high estimationa|,
summing him up |ato be done, be what will |bof spirits excessb| hisa|
hyperborean exaltation |ais no this we think, is no extinuation fora| contravention to our statute & common legislation
|afor which the appropriate expiation resides in corporal amputationa| so three months for |athe Old Jeroboam, the beerheadeda| pest of
the park, as per act one, section two, schedule three |aclause foura| of the |afirst fiftha| of King Jark, this sentence to be carried
out |aby Nolans Volansa| tomorrow morn at six o'clock shark & |amay the hail of maiz may the
yeastwind |bwholehail have hoppinghail maltb|a| mercy on his
|ahoneymead & hisa| hurlyburlygrowth. Amen says the clerk!