
Fair copy, some pages redrafted, December 1925-January 1926, III§4 draft level 2, 2+, 2++

MS British Library 47485 2-41 Draft details

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Whatº was thassº? Fog was whaas? Too mult sleepth. Let |v+2sleepl sleepthv+|2|.

|2|+But really |anowa| whenabouts. Expatiate |athena| how much times we live in!º Yes?+|2|

So nat by night by naught by |v+2naked naketºv+| in the good old days |v+in those good old lousy days gone by |a(theº days, shall we say?,º of whom,º shall we say?)ºa|v+|2| while kinderwardens minded their twinsbed, there now they stood, the sycomores, |v+2the allv+|2| four of them, |2in at2| their pussycorners, |2and their old timeº pallyollogass,º |aplaying |bcopersb| fearsome, |bwith |cJules Gus Walkerc|, the cuddy, |v+with andv+| his poor old dying boosy cough,b|a| esker, newcsle, saggard, crumlin, dell me, donk, the way to |+Mumblin, Wumblin,º+| followº me beeline and you're bumblin, esker, newcsle, saggard, crumlin, |v+andºv+|2| listening, soº gladdied up when nicechild Kevin Mary (who was going to be commandeering chief of the choirboys' brigade the moment he grew up under all |v+2their thev+|2| auspices) |2smiled irishsmiledº2| in his milky way of cream |+2dribble dwibble+|2| and |2|v+onagev+|2| |v+2mustard custardv+|2| and |+2dressed dessed+|2| cabbage, but soº frightiedº out when badbrat Jerry Godolphing (who was hurrying to be cardinal scullion in a night refuge as soon asº he was cured enough |2to leave all |v+fromunder underº allv+|2| the hospitals) |2frowned furrinfrowned2| down his wrinkly |v+2way wastev+|2| of methylated spirits and |2|+lemoncholy lees and+|2| pulverised |v+2rhubarb rhubarbarorum v+|2|:º
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nightº by |2|v+silentsailingv+|2| night while infantina Isobel (who will be blushing |2|+all day+|2| to beº when she |2grewed growed2| upº one Sunday |2when she took the veil,º2| the beautiful |2mercynun presentation nun2|, so barely twenty, in her pure coif, sister Isobel, and next Sunday|2,º when she looked a peach,2| the bountifulº Samaritan, still as beautiful and still in her teens, nurse Isabelle,º with stiffstarched cuffs,º but on holiday, christmasº |v+2and,v+|2| easterº mornings,º |2when she wore a wreath,2| the wonderful widow of eighteen springs, Madame Isa |2|v+Veuveºv+|2| La Belle, so sad but lucksome in her boyblue's long black |2with orange2| |2weeping veil |v+weeping wail blossoming weeper's veilv+|2|),º for she was the only girl
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they loved,º as she is the |2only queenly2| pearl you prize,º because of the way |2the night that first we met2| she is bound to be |2|amethinks,ºa| and not in vain —º2| the darling of my heart, sleeping,º in her april cot, within her singachamerº, with her greengageflavoured candywhistle duetted to the crazyquilt, Isobel, she is so pretty, truth to tell, wildwood's eyes and primarose hair, quietly, all the woods so wild,º in mauves of moss and daphnedews, how all so still she lay|2|+, neath of the whitethorn, child of tree,+|2| like some losthappy leaf, like blowing flower stilled, as fain would she anon,º for soon again 'twill be, win me, woo me, wed me, |2ahº2| weary me,º deeply,º now evencalm lay sleeping:º

nox upon nachtº while in his tumbril watchman Havelookº |v+2Seequeerscene Seequeerscenesºv+| from yonsides of the choppy2|, punkt by his curserbog, went long |2adream his way the grassgross bumpinstrass that henders the pubbel to pass2|, sequestering for |v+2loaferslost lovers' lostv+|2| propertied offices the leavethings from allpurgers' night, |2og gneiss ogas gnasty,º2| kikkers, brillers, knappers and bands, handshoonº and strumpers, sminkysticks and eddiketsflaskers:º

wanº fine night and the next fine night and last fineº night while Kathareenº the Slop in her native's chambercushy was basquing to her pillasleep how she thawght a knogg came to the |2|+dowanstairs+|2| dour at that howr and dowandshe went to see was it sweeps or Shuhorn the poshtº with a tillycramp
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for Hemself and Co, Esquara, and, glorybit of the Sanes in Hevelº, there was a crick up the stairkiss and when she ruz the cankle to see, galohery, downandsheº went on her knees to blessersef that were knogging together like milkjuggles as if it was old Kingº |+2O'Toole's Gander O'Toole of the Mountains or his+|2| googoo ghost |2|+she seein+|2|,º sliving off over the sawdust |2|+lobby+|2| out of the backroom|2|+, wan ter,º+|2| that was everywans in turruns, in his honeymoon trim, holding up his fingerhat for her to whisht, you sowbelly, and the whites of his pious eyeballs swearingº her to silence and coort:º Inanimate hour, hug us avick, hug us in sperrit knavery, Man.

|2eachº and2| every juridical sessions nightº |+2while twelve good men whenas goodmen twelve+|2| and true |2|+at Fox and Geeseº+|2| in their numbered habitations tried |2Oldun Old Wirelessº2| |2over overboordº2| in their juremembers andº whereas |2by reverendum2| they found him guilty |v+2on ofv+|2| their and those imputations of |2fornicocopulations |v+fornicolopulations fornicolopulationv+|2| with two of his |2intercrural2| correlations |2on whom he was said to have enjoyed by anticipationº when schooling them in amown, mid grass, she sat, when man was, amazingly,º frank,º for their first conjugation,º2| whose colours at standing up from the above were of a pretty carnationº |2whom he was said to have enjoyed by anticipation,2| but,º if really 'twere not so, of some
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deretane denudationº with intent to excitation, caused by his retrogradation, among firearmed forces proper to this nationº but apart fromº all titillationº which, he said, was under heat pressure and a good mitigationº without which in any case he insists upon being worthy of continued alimentationº for |2his him2| having displayed, he says, such grand toleration, reprobate so noted and allº as he was|2,º with his washleather sweeds and his smokingstump,º2| for denying transubstantiationº nevertheless in respects to his highpowered station, whereof more especially as probably he was meantime suffering genteel tortures from the best medical attestation, as he oftentimes did, having only strength enough,º by way of festination, to implore or (Iº believe I mightº have said better) to comploreº with complete obsecrationº on everybody connected with himº the curse of coagulationº for, he tells me |2outside Sammon's in King Streetº2| after
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two or three hours of close confabulation, by this pewterpint of |2Gilbey's2| goatswhey which is his prime consolation, if he was still extremely offensive to a score and four nostrils' dilatationº still he was likewise, on the other |2hand side of him2|,º for some eyes a delectation, as he asserts without the least alienation, so prays of his faultº you would make obliterationº but asº for our friend behind the bars,º though |2like Adam Findlaterº2| a man of highº estimation, summing him up to be done, be what will of excess his exaltation, still we think |2with Sully2| there can be no right extinuationº for contravention of common and statute legislationº for which the fit remedy resides, |2forº Mr Sully,º2| in corporal amputation:º so three months forº |2blank Gubbs2| Jeroboam, the |2beerheaded frothwhiskered2| pest of the park, as per act one, section two, schedule three, clause four of the fifth of King Jark, this sentence to be carried out tomorrowmorn by Nolans Volans at six o'clock shark, and may the yeastwind and the hoppinghail malt mercy on his |2|ahoneymead sevena| honeymeads and2| his hurlyburlygrowth, Amen, says the clerk:

niece by nice by neat by nattyº whilst mongstº revery's happy gardens nine |2and with2| twenty Leixlip yearlings had such a ripping time with gleeful cries of what is |2nice2| Toppingshaunº made of made for and weeping like fun, him to be gone, for they were never happier|2, huhu,2| than when they were miserable|2, haha2|:º

in their bed of trial, on the bolster of hardship, by the glimmer of memory, under coverlets of cowardice, his mace of might mortified, her beautyfellº hung upº on a nail, he, Urº of our Fathersº, she, our moddereen rueº arue arueº, they, ay, by the hokypokerº and |v+2fiddle brazierºv+|2|, they are, as sure as Dinnyº |2falls drops2| into the |v+2ditch dykev+|2|

A cry,º off.
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Where are we at all? |2|+|aWhenabouts? Andº whenabouts in the name of space?a|+| Iº don't understand. |+I fail to see. +|2|

|2Scene and property plot.2| Interior of dwelling on outskirts
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of city. |2Second Groove |v+2 twov+|.2| Ordinary bedroom set. Salmonpapered walls. Back centreº, empty Irish grate. North, wall with window,º practicable. No |v+2curtain curtainsv+|2|. Blind |v+2down drawnv+|2|. South, party wall. Bed for two. Chairº for one. Woman's garments on chair. Man's trousers |2with crossbelt braces2|, collar,º on bedknob. Man's corduroy coat |2|+with seapenº nacre buttons +|2| on nail, wall rightº. Woman's gown on ditto, ditto leftº. Over mantelpiece picture of Michael, lance, slaying Satan, dragon with smoke. Small table near bed, front. |2Bed with bedding. Flagpatch quilt. Limes.2| Lighted lampº without globe, |v+2practicable,v+|2| scarf, gazette, tumbler|2, quantity of water, |v+Gummy article for man, pink one |aman'sa| gummy article, pinkv+|2| |v+2etcv+|2|.

|2|+A time.+|2|

|2Time: after four a.m. Act: dumbshow.2|


Man,º with nightcap, in bed, fore. Woman,º with curlpins|2|+, hind+|2|. Discovered. Side point of view. First position of harmony. |2|+Say! Eh? Ha!+| Check action. Matt!º2| Male partly masking female. Domicy.º Man looking round, beastly expression, fishy eyes, exhibits rage. |2Business.2| Ruddy blond, |2beer wig,2| gross build, |2episcopalian,º2| any age. Woman, sitting, looks at ceiling, haggish expression, peaky nose, exhibits fear. Welshrabbit tint, |2|+turfi tuft,+|2| undersized, |2|a|v+perukette,v+|a| free kirk,2| no age. |2Closeup. Play!2|

Cry,º off. |2Her move.2|

By the sinewy forequarters of the mare Pocahontas,º you should have seen how that smart sallowlass just hopped |2a nanny's gambit2| |v+2aroundv+|2| out of bunk like old Motherº Mesopotomac and in |2one, five, nine and away eight and eight sixtyfour2| she was off, door, |2lamp knightlamp2| with her, |2billy's2| largelimbs prodgering
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|2in her wake |v+afterv+| to queen's lead2|. |2Huff! His move. |+Blackout.+|2|

Shifting scene. |2|aWall flats: sink and fly.º Spotlight working |bwalls wallclothsºb|. Room to sink: stairsº to sink behind room.a| Two pieces. Kayingº after |aque qeueºa|. Replay.2|

The old |2burgh humburgh2| looks a thing incomplete,º so. It is so. But it will |2make pawn up2| a fine head of porter when it is finished. The |2castle2| arkwright put in a |2chequeredº2| staircase,º certainly. It has only one |2square2| step, to be steady,º yet notwithstumbling are they |2going stalemating2| upstairs tiltop double corner. Game.

Tell me something. The Porters, so to speak, are very nice people, are they not? Very. Mr Porter (|2|+Bartholomewº,+|2| heavy man, astern, mackerel shirt) is an excellent forefather and Mrs Porter (leading lady, apoopaheadº, saffronbun nightdress) is a most kindhearted messmother. They care for nothing except |+2what is porterous everything is allporterous+|2|. |2Isn't that nice of them?º2| You can |2see ken2| that they come of a rarely old family by their |2costume costumance2|. I think I begin to divine so much.
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Here are two rooms on the upstairs, at |v+2the forkside |aforkside forkflanksa|v+|2| and at |+2knifeside knifekanter+|2|. Whom |2|+in the wood+|2| are they for? Why,º for little |+2porters, porterº babes +|2| to be saved!º |2Ah, so! This |aonea| once |aupon awhilea| was the other but this is the other |anow one nighadaysa|. |aAho Ah so?ºa| They are one numerable. Guest them!º2| Who sleeps in |2now2| number one|2, for exampleº2|? A pussy|2, for example2|. How sweet of her! Has your pussy a name? Yes, indeed, and she is named Buttercup. How very sweet of her and what an excessively |+2charming lovecharming+|2| |2name missyname2| to forsake,º now that I come to drink of it |2|+filtred+|2|, a |2cup filled with gracecup fulled of2| bitterness. |2She is |adaddy's littlest dadad's lottiesta| |v+daughterheart daughterpearlv+| and |v+brudder's sweester mothersoul brooder's cissiest auntybridev+|. Would one but to |v+make dov+| |+open apart+| a |+little lilybit+| her |+breastplates virginelles+| and, so, to breath, so, therebetween, behold, she |awould hada| instant with her hand |amake madeºa| as to graps the myth inmid the air|v+, auntyhandv+|. Mother of moth!º I will to show on her in flesh. |aApproach not, forº ghost sake! |v+It is dormition!v+|a|2| Alone? Alone what? I meanº does she do asleep with herself?º |2A pussy Pussy2| is never alone for she can always look at Biddles and talk |2hands |v+pethands petnamesv+|2| with her little
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playfilly when she is sitting |2down downy2| on the ploshmat. O, she talks, does she? |2|+Marry, how?+|2| Ah Biddles es ma plikplak. Ahº plikplak |v+2wet wellv+|2| ma Biddles. A nice |2light baritone jezebel baritonette2| she will |2have gift2| but I much prefer her |2name missnomerº2| in |2buttercups |amaidenly, golden, |blovelike lasslikeb| gladsome |v+balmful wenchfulv+| flowery girlisha| beautycapes2|. So do I, much.º She promises beautifully |2if Wilfred comes|a, her Trinity boy, |b|v+in while he wears hisv+| black satin neptunesb|a|. Have no fear |afor our |blove |v+ladykin ladykin!v+|b|a|2| She |2is will blow2| ever so much more |2promiseful promisefuller, blee me,2| than |2Selina or Teasy or Fauna or Flora |v+allv+| |athe other common marygales that |bblow rompb| round Brigid's school,a| charming Carry Whambers or saucy |aSally |bSusie |v+Susey Susyv+|b|a| Maucepan orº merryº Anna Patchbox or silly Polly Flinders2|. Platsch! |2|v+A plikplak! A plikaplak.v+|2|

And who sleeps in room number |v+2two twobisv+|2|? The twobirdsº. O, I see! Of what age are your birdies? They are to come of twinning age |+2as so+|2| soon as they may be born. |2They are?2| Andº they seem to be so |2perfectly attached tightly tattached2| as two maggots to |2each touch2| other, I think I notice, do I not? You do. |2Our bright bull babe,º |a|bTwin |v+Franks Frankv+|b|a|2| Kevin,º is on |2the heartside heartsleeveside2|. Do not you waken him!º He is happily to sleep |2with his lifted in blessing2| like the |2little blissed2| angel he looks so like and his |+2mouth mou+|2| is semiope as though he were blowdelling |2on2| a bugigle. |2That By gorgeous, thatº2| boy will blare some |2day knight |awhen he will take his dane's pledges a|2|. |2That |adear dean keen |v+Dean deanv+| |band withb| his veen nonsolancea|!2| O, I adore the |2profane profeen2| music! He is too |2adorable audorable2| really! I guess to have seen |2someone somekid2| like him |2in the storybookº2|, guess I met somewhere |2someone somelambº2| to whom he will be becoming |2like liker2|. But hush! |2How unpardonable of me!2| I beg |2youº2| for your |2pardon venials2|, sincerely I do.
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Hush! The other,º |2twin on the liverside |aglegg twineda| on codliverside2|,º has been crying in his sleep. What a |2teething2| wretch! Here are |2posthumious2| tears on his |v+2pillowcase intimellev+|2|. |2Andº he has |apipettishlya| bespilled himself from his foundingpen.2| He is |2Twin jem |v+jo jobv+| joy pip |+par paaº+| pat (|v+drat it drat um v+|!)º2| Jerry |2Jehuº2|. You will know him by |2name namesº in the |acaper capers |v+as an exhibitioner in the preparatoryv+|a|2| but you cannot see |2what whose heel2| he |2has in sheepfolds |v+with inv+|2| his |2wrought2| hand because I have not told |2|v+it tov+|2| you. He |2is will be2| quite |2within the pale when he vows him2| to be of the |2sirº2| blakeº |2tribe tribes2|. |2Blake! Bleak!º Are you not somewhat bulgar with your bowels?2| Whatever do you mean with |2Blake sourº bleak2|? With |2pale2| blake I write |2ink inkhorn2|. O, you do?º |2And with steelwhite and blackmail I scentº for my sweet an anemone letter. So you did? |aFrom the Cat and Cage.a|2| O, I see |2now. and see.2| You never |2can may2| know |2in the preterite2| all perhaps that you |2did not know would not believe2| that you |2|aevera| even2| saw |2to be about to2|. Perhaps. But they are two very nice little |v+2porterines portereensv+| after their bredscrums2| as for my |2|+part+|2| opinion indeed. They |2were would be2| born so|2, |acostarred,ºa| the maryboy at theº Donnybrook fair, the godolphinglad |v+atv+| in the Hoey'sº |v+coort courtv+|2|. |2What |afollya| innocents! I will to leave |athem a blessing myº copperwise |v+blissing blessingv+| between the pair of them, for rosengorge, for greenatootha|. |+So you be either man or mouse and you be neither fish nor flesh.+| Take. And take.2| Adieu, soft adieu, for these nice presents, kerryjevin!º |2Still tosorrow!2|
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|2Jeminy!2| Whatº is the view which now takes up a second position |2of discordance2|, tell it,º please? |2Mark!2| You notice it in that rereway because the male entail partially eclipses the famcovert. It is so called for its discord the meseedo. Do you ever heard the story about Helius Croesus, |v+2that |aour thata|v+|2| white and gold Elephantº in our zoopark? You astonish me by it. Is it not that we |2have are commanding2| from |2here, back fullback2|, woman permitting, a profusely fine birdseye view from beauhind this park?º Finn his park has been much the admiration of allº the stranger ones, greekishº and romanos, who arrive to here. The straight road down the centre (see |2relief2| map) bisexes the park which is said to be the largest of his kind in the world. On the right prominence confronts you the handsome viceregal lodge while, turning to the other supreme piece of cheeks, exactly opposite,º you are confounded by the equally handsome chief secretary's residence. |2Around is |aprettily a little amiablya| tufted and man is cheered when he bewonders through the boskage how the |awhole nature |bin |+al fresco all frisko+|b|a| is enlivened by gentlemen's seats. |aListeneth! 'Tis a tree story.a|2| The black and blue marks |2athwart the weald,º which now barely is so stripped,º2| indicate the |2presence prepresenceº2| of sylvious beltings. |2Shady Nilobstant shadyº2| rides lend themselves out to rustic cavalries. Any pretty |v+2deers dearsv+|2| are to be caught inside |2|+but it is |agreat a bada| pities of the plain+|2|. A |2dandelion scarlet |v+pimparnel pimparnellv+|2| now |2marks the spot mules the mound2| where |2formerly anciently2| first murders were wanted to take |2place root2|. Hystorical leavesdroppings |v+2can mayv+|2| also be garnered up with Sirº Shamus Swiftpatrick, archfieldchaplainº of Saint Lucan's. How familiar it is to see all thoseº interesting advenements with one |2another's anaked'sº2| eyes. Is all? |2Not yet. |+Not still. Yet not.+|2| Atº the |+2lowest bodom+|2| fundus of this |2royal2| park, which is open to the public, do not fail to point to yourself a depression called |2The Holl2| Hollow. It is often quite |2gloamy |v+guttergloamy guttergloomeringv+|2| and gives |2baddish wankyrious2| thoughts to the head but the band of the |2metropolitan policeforces pentapolitan policeforcers2| bassoons into it on windy Woodensdaysº their |v+2wellsounding wellboomingv+|2| wolvertones. Wolf us! Wolf us!

Why do you begin to tremble |2by our moving |v+picture picturesv+|2| at this moment when I am to place my hand of our true friendshapes upon thyº knee to mark well what I say? Thou sayest? In Amsterdam there
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lived a … But how? You are tremblotting like a |v+2very verryv+|2| jerry! |2Not? To feel, you!º Yes, how |+he it+| tremules,º the timid!!º |+Itº must have stole!º+|2| O, keep silence|2, bothº2|! I have heard her voice somewhere else's before me in these ears |2|+still+|2| that now are for mine.

You were dreamend, dear!º |+2The fawdra! The father! The pawdrag? The fawthrig?+|2| Shoo!º |+2Here Hear+|2| are no |+2fathers phanthares+|2| in the room at all. No bad big |+2fathern fauthernº+|2|, dear one. Gothgorodfatherº godown fallawayº |2tomollow2| the lucky load to Lublin |v+2to forv+|2| make his |2|+|abasso's thoroughbassa|+|2| grossman's bigness. Take that two pieceeº big slap slapº bold hintyº bottomsideº pap pap pappa!º

Li ne dormis?

S! Malbone dormas.

Kial |v+2le liv+|2| krias nokte?º

Parolas infanete. S!º

Sonlyº all in your imagination, dim!º Poor little brittle magicnationsº, dim of mind! Shooº to me now, dear! Shoom of me!º While elvery stream winds eelingº on for to keep this barrel of bounty rolling.

When you're coaching through Lucalizodº, |v+2at onv+|2| the |2Lucan sulphur2| spa to visit, it's safer to hit than miss it. Stopº at his inn! The hammers are telling the cobbles, the pickts are hacking the saxums, it's snugger to burrow abed than ballotº on broadway. Tuck in your
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blank!º For it's race pound race the hosties rear all roads to ruin and layers by lifetimes laid down riches from poormen. Cried onionsº to chip, saltpetre to strew, gallpitch to |v+2drain drinkv+|2|, stonebread to break, butº it's bully to gulp good blueberry pudding. Doze in |v+2the yourv+|2| warmth. While the elves |v+2of inv+|2| the moonbeams, feeling why, will keep my lilygem gently gleaming.

In the |v+2sleepingchamber sleepingchambersv+|2|. |2|aThe court to go into half morning.a| The four |v+seniorv+| seneschals |+with their palfrey+| to be there now|+, all balaaming,º+| in |v+their thev+| cedarmores and sharping up their peniscilsº. The boufeither Soakersoon at holdup |+tenstickor tentstickorº+|. |+The swabsister Katya to |ahave duntalking and toa| keep shakenin |ain |bdowin dowanb|a| her droghedars.+| Those twelve chief barons |v+blank to stand by with their folded arums and put down all excursions and false alarumsº and after that to go back |anowa| to their runameat farumsº and recompile their magnum chartarums with the width of the road between them and all |++harum harrum++|.v+| |++The maidbridesº all, in favours gay, to strew sleety
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cinders on their fallingº hair and for wouldbe joybells to ring sadly ringless hands.
++|2| The |2dowager dame dowagerº2| to stay kneeled downº how she is|2, asº first mutherer with cord in |+|++a++|+| coil2|. The |2|v+twov+|2| princes of the |2blood tower2| royal|2, daulphin and devlin,2| to lie how they are without to see. The |2dowager's gerent dame dowager'sº duffgerent2| to present |v+2arms right about truncheon and about wheelv+|2| without to be seen of them. |2The infantaº Isabella |ain froma| her coign of to do i++observience obeisancev++| toward the duffgerent,º as first futherer with drawn brand. Then the court to come intoº full morning.2| Herein see ye fail not!º

|2erased! Vidu, porkego!º2| Ili |2vi2| rigardas! Returnu,º porkego maldelikato!º

Hummels! |2That |v+peak cragv+|! Those hullocks!2| What have you therefore? I fear lest we have lost ours respecting these wildy parts. How shagsome all and beastful! What do you show on? I show because I must see before my |2figure |+fortune mayfortune+|2| so a stark |+2pointingpost pointingpoleº+|2|. Can you read the |2|+verst+|2| legend hereon? To |2|v+thev+|2| Dunleary
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Obeliskº via the Rockº |+28 miles what myles knots furlongs+|2|: toº the |v+2General General'sv+|2| Post Officeº |+22 miles howsands of patience+|2|: toº the Wellington Memorialº |+2800 yards i++½ halfv++| a league i++wrongward wrongwardsv++|+|2|: toº Sara's Bridgeº |+2300 yards good |ahundred huntera| and i++ninety nine tov++| meet her+|2|: toº the Point,º |+21 yard i++1 onev++| yeoman's yard+|2|. He, he, he! At whatº do you leer? I leer because I must see a buntingcap of so |2|v+av+|2| pinky on the poink!º It is for |+2a nice |aan april a true glover'sa|+|2| greetingº and many burgesses |2|v+by us v+|2| uses to pink it in this way. Do you not have heard that the King shall come tomorrow|2|++,º Michaelmasº ++|2|? He shall come |2|++with |awith bya| Jubilarianº i+++and withv+++| — who can doubt it? —++| his golden beagles |++i+++the great and his whitev+++| elkox terriers++|2| for a hunting on our |2|+little |++littlest littlego++|+|2| illcome faxes. |2i++Mr Mayor |aMr Meynhira| Mayourv++||+, our |aborrowmaister boorgomaistera|,+| |++in best bib and tucker,º i+++with surrounded ofv+++| his full coop coorporationº++| shall receive |++him Allhall Dom King at Broadstone Barrowº++| with a keys |+|aof goodmorrowa| |++on on toº++| his pompey cushion+|. It will give piketurns |++on the i+++Tumliplads Tummlipladsºv+++|++| |+and crosshurdles+| and |++manovers dollmanovers++| and |+vicuvious+| pyrolyphiesº at |++even darkfall++| for i+++the ourv+++| |+fancy+| ladies. You do not have heard?2| I have heard anyone tell it |++2yesterday jesterday++|2| thatº one should come on morrow here but it is never here today. |v++2Yes, Well,ºv++|2| but remind you that it is always tomorrow in another place.
{f10, 444}
|2O, I will! True! True!º2| |2Has Is2| |+2Mr Porter rich Mr Pornter +|2| always in his such strong health? I thank you for the best, he is exceedingly |+2well |++herculous herculaneousº++|+|2|. One sees how he is |2|+lot+|2| |++2stoutlier stroutlierº++|2| than of formerly. One would say him to |v+2have holdv+|2| whole a litteringture of |++2piglets kidlings++|2| under his aproham. He!º Has |+2Mr Porter handsome Mr Pournter+|2| always been so long married? O yes, |+2he Mr Pournterfamilias+|2| has been marryingman |v++2since ever ever sincev++|2| so long |2|v+timev+| |+and,º yes indeed, he has |ahis a i++mick micv++| son and hisa| two fine |ai++mack macv++|a| sons i++ofv++| his an age and a superfine mick they mack |++between metween++| them+|2|. She, she, she! But |v++2at onv++|2| what do you again leer? I am not leering, I pink yourº pardons!º I am highly she sheº sherious.

Do you not must want to go somewhere on the present? Yes, O pity! |v++2Now Herev++|2| we shall do a far walk |2|v+(O pity!º)v+|2| |v++2until tillv++|2| the number one of |++2Sara's Sairey'sº++|2| place. |++2We can I want you to++|2| admire her sceneries |2|++illustrationing our national rout,º one ought ought one++|2|. |2Do not show ever |ain your retro. retrorsehim |+till that you become quite crimstone in the face+|!ºa| |++Beware!++| |+Guardafew!º+| |+You will fall yourself. |++You will overthrow your saltstand. I am anxious |ain regarda| you should overthrownº your sillarsalt.++|+|2|
{f39, 571}
These brilling streamlines! Pleaseº |v+2tell sayv+|2| me how |++2you sing sing you++|2| them.º They arise from a clear springwell |v+2of |++to in the near of++|v+|2| our park which makes the blind to see all blind. How it is clear! |2i++And how they cast their spells upon, the leaves that |athere thereupa| float, the bookstaff branchings! Do you can their |atantrista| spellings? I can spell. Elm, bay, this way, cull dare, take a message, |atawney tawnya| runes ilex sallow, meet me at the pine.v++|2| Yes, |++2we shall have come they shall have brought us++|2| to the watertrystingº |v+2for thenv+|2| here in another place is their chapelofeases|2|+, sold for song,+|2| of which you have thought |v+2so much |atoo much my |bprice praiseb| too much my pricea|v+|2|. |2O ma ma! |++Speak Sell me++|, my soul dear! |aHow |bO Ahb|, my sorrowful, his cloister dreeping of |bthe hisb| monkshood,º howa| it is triste to death,º all his dark ivytod! Yet see, my blanching kissabelle, |ain |v+her thev+|a| under close |v+all is she is allv+| |asoa|º gay, her kirtlesº |abright |blace greenb|a|, her |agambolets curtsies whitea|, her |acurtsies white peonyº |v+pearsv+|a|, her nistlingsloe!º2| Oº, |2|+pipette,+|2| I must also |2quickingly quicklingly2| to tryst myself |2|++softly++|2| |v+2in intov+|2| this |++2pretty pleasechapel! little easechapel!º++|2| But,º |2|v+I pray,v+|2| make so!º Do your easiness! O, |2|++peace ppeaceº++|,2| this is heaven! O, Mr |+2Porter |aPouringter Pouringtohera|+|2|, |v++2what whateverºv++|2| shall I |2ever |++pease pppease++|2| to do? Why do you so sigh, |2|++my precious,++|2| as I hear |2|v+fromv+|2| you, |v+2over afterv+|2| that swollen one? I am not |v+2sosighing sighingv+|2|, I assure, but only I am |v+2so sosov+|2| sorry about all in my Sara's place.
{f10, 445}
Listen, listen!º I am doing it. Hear |v++2again morev++|2| to those voices! Always I am hearing them. |2Humbert Hoarsehemº2| coughs enough. Annshee lispes privily.

— He is quieter now. |v+2Let us wait.v+|2|

— Legalentitled. Accesstopartnzz.º |v+2Notwildbeetch. — i++Notwildbeetsh. Notwildbeestsch.v++|v+|2| |v++2Byrightofcaptsh. Byrightofcaptz.ºv++|2| Twainbeoneflesh.º Haveandholdpp.

— S! Let us go. Make a noise. Slee …º

|v+2Obstructionofways. Beautofusions. Claimtoposessk. i++Obstructionways. Obstructionwayszz.v++| Beautofusion. Claimtopossessk.ºv+|2|

|v+2Quiet! Qui...ºv+|2| The li...º

|v+2Huesofrichunfoldmornin. Wakenupriseandprove. Huesofrichunfoldingmorn. i++Wakenuprisendprove. Wakenupriseandprove.v++|v+|2| Provideforsacrifice.

— Wait!º Hist! Let us |v+2listen listv+|2|!

For our netherworld'sº bosomfoes are working tooth and nail overtime:º in earthveins, toadcavities,º cheeseganglions,º saltklosters,º
{f39, 572}
underfed: nagging firenibblers knocking aftermanº up out of his hinterclutch. Tomb be their tools. When the youngdammers will be soon heartpocking on their betters' doornoggersº: and the youngfries will be backfrisking diamondcuts over their lyingin underlayers,º spick and spat trowelling a gravetrench for their fourinhand forebears. Vote for your club!

— Wait!

— What?º

— Her door!

— Ope?

— See!º

— What?

— Careful!º

— Who?

Honuphrius is a concupiscent exserviceman who makes dishonest propositions to all. He is considered to have committed simple infidelities with Felicia, a virgin, and to be practising for unnatural coits with Eugenius and Jeremias, twoº philadelphians. Honuphriusº, Felicia, Eugenius and Jeremias are consanguineous to the lowest degree. Anita,º the wife of Honuphriusº, has been told by her tirewoman, Fortissa, that Honuphrius has confessed under voluntary chastisement that he has instructed his slave Mauritius, a widower,º to facilitate their neighbour Magravius,º a commercialº emulous of Honuphrius, to solicit the chastity of Anita. Anitaº isº informed by some illegitimate children
{f10, 446}
of Fortissa with Mauritius that Gillia, the wife of Magravius, is visited clandestinely by Barnabas, the advocate of Honuphrius, an immoral person who has been corrupted by Jeremias. Gillia has been tenderly debauched by Honuphrius,º and Magravius knows from spies that Anita has formerly committed double sacrilege with Michael, a perpetual curateº who wishes to seduce Eugenius. Magravius threatens to have Anita molested by Sulla, |2a bandit a savage |a(and leader of a band of twelve mercenaries, the Sullivani)ºa|2| who desires to procure Felicia for Gregorius, Leo, Vitellius and Macdugalius, four excavators, if she will not yield to him and also deceive Honuphrius by rendering |2marital conjugal2| duty when demanded. Anita,º who claims to have discovered incestuous temptations from Jeremias and Eugenius,º would yield to the lewdness of Honuphrius to appease |2Magravius the |aferocity savagerya| of Sulla and the mercernariness of the |atwelvea| Sullivaniº2| and to save the virginity of Felicia for Magravius,º when converted by Michael after the death of Gillia,º but she fears thatº by allowing his marital rights she may cause reprehensible conduct between Eugenius and Jeremias. Michael, who has formerly debauched Anita, dispenses her from yielding to Honuphrius who pretends publicly to possess his |2woman conjunct2| in |2thirtynine2| several manners |2(turpiter!)2| for carnal hygiene whenever he has rendered himself impotent to consummate by subdolence. Anita is disturbed,º but Michael comminates that he will reserve her case |2tomorrow2| for the ordinary |2Guglielmus2| even if she should practise a pious fraud during affrication which, from experience, she knows to be |2leading to2| nullity. Fortissa, however, |2encourages is encouraged by Gregorius, Leo, Vitelliusº and Magdugalius to warn2| Anita by describing the |2strong2| chastisements of Honuphrius and the depravities |2(turpissimas!)2| of Canicula, the deceased wife of Mauritius, with Sulla who repents. Has he hegemony and shall she submit?

This is perhaps the commonest of all casesº in our courts of litigation. |2|aDoyle D'Oylya|2| Owens holds that so long as there is a joint deposit account in the two names a mutual obligation is posited. |v+2He Owensv+|2| cites Brerfuchs and Warren, a |2foreign2| firm registered as Tangos, Limited,º for the sale of certain proprietary articles. The action,º which was at the |+2suit instance+|2| of the
{f10, 447}
trustee of the Heathen Church Emergencyº fund for |2|v+thev+|2| payment of tithes due,º was heard by Judge Doyle and |2|v+also byv+|2| a common jury. No question arose as to the debt |2for which vouchers spoke volumes2|. The defence |v+2stated allegedv+|2| that payment had been made |2|v+effectivev+|2|. The fund trustee|2|+, one Jucundus Fecundus Xero Pecundus Copperchap,+|2| counterclaimed that |v+2this paymentv+|2| was invalid,º |2being |v+being made having been tenderedv+| to creditor2| |v+2by means under coverv+|2| of |2|v+av+|2| crossed cheque|2, signed in the ordinary |away course,ºa| in the name of Wieldhelm, |ahurdle's hurlsa| crossº, |v+andv+|2| drawn by the senior partner |2only2| by whom the lodgment of |2money the species2| had been |v+2made effectedv+|2| but in their joint names. The bank particularised, the National |2|+Miseryº+|2| (now almost entirely in the hands of |2the four |adirectors chief bondholders in |bfor valueb|a| in2| Tangos, Limited),º declined to pay the draft, though there were ample |+2funds reserves+|2| to meet |v+2it the liabilityv+|2|, whereupon the |+2trustee trusty Coppercheap+|2| negotiatedº it |2for and on behalf of the fund of the thing2| to a client |2of his, a notary,2| from whom|2, on consideration,º2| he received in exchange legal relief |2as between trusting and trusthee and |v+rethrust bethrust,º with thanksv+|2|. Since thenº the cheque, a |2good2| washable |2one pink2|, |2embossed |aD.U.D. D you Dºa| noº 1132 11 hundred and 3 thirty 2, |agood for the figure and face,a|2| had been circulating in the country for over |v+2thirty |athirtytwo thirtyninea|v+|2| years among |+2holders |ashareholders holdersa|+|2| of Pango stock, a rival concern,º though not one |2demonetised2| farthing |2|v+of damagesv+|2| had ever |2crossed spun |v+orv+| fluctuated across2| the counter in the semblance of |2hard2| coin |2or liquid cash2|. The jury (|2all a sour dozen of stout fellows all2| of whom were |2curiously2| named |2after2| Doylesº) naturally disagreed|2, jointlyº |v+& andv+| severally,º2| and the |2belligerent2| judge, disagreeing with |2the jury's decision |v+their thev+| |a|bneutral alliedb|a| |v+jurors'v+| disagreement2|, |2went outside the his |v+jury's fiction jurisfictionv+| |aaltogethera| and2| ordered |2the a garnishee2| attachment |2of to2| the |2neutral2| firm. No mandamusº could locate |2Brerfuchs |v+the depletedv+| Whilom Breyfawkesº |aas he had |v+meanwhilev+| entered into |v+a an
{f39, 575}
ancientv+| moratorium with benefit,º |v+which dated datingv+| back to the times of the early barters,º
a|2| and only the junior partner |2Warren Barren2| could be found, who turned |+2out to be up among the male jurors,º+|2| |v+2a an obsoleteºv+| |+woman turfwoman+| originallyº2| |v+2of fromv+|2| the proletarian |2class |aclass, named class withº |v+stillv+| a good title to |bthe herb| |+name sexname+| ofa| Ann Doyle|+, 2 Coppinger's Cottages, |aDoyle's the Doylea| Countryº+|2|. |2She Doyle |v+(Ann)|a, having regretfully left the jurybox,a|v+|2| |2stated that she had cheerfully protested cheerfully on the stand in a long jurymiad |+in re corset checks,º delivered in Doylish,º+| that she had2| often|2|a, inº |v+response supplyv+| to brusk demands rising |v+almostv+| to bollion point,ºa| discounted Mr Brakeforth's first of all in exchange at nine months |afroma| date without issue |+& gave and, to be strictly literal, unbottled+| |v+her av+| current |v+â accountv+| of how she |v+hadv+|2| been made |2|aat |v+on atv+|a| sight |afor services rendereda|2| the |+2drawee payee-drawee+|2| of unwashable blank |+2cheques assignations+|, |v+sometimesv+| |apink pinkwilliama| |+sometimes+| |+(laughter)º+| but more often |v+of thev+| rubbergrey
{f10, 448}
2| which she|2, as bearer,2| used to endorse|2, adhesively,º2| to her various |+2drawers payers-drawers+| |v+blankv+|2| who |2were in most cases in most cases were identified by the |atimbera| papers as2| wellknown tetigists of the city and |v+2country suburbanv+|2|. |+2She Coppinger's doll, as she was called,º then+|2| proposed for |2|v+herv+|2| satisfaction and as a whole |2|v+act ofv+|2| settlement to reamalgamate herself|2|+, tomorrow for cho perforce,+| in pardonership2| with the |2permanent2| suing |2|v+fondv+|2| trustee, Monsignore Pepigi, |2|v+who seemed to have the highest interest for her,v+| under the new style of Will Breakfast and Sparrem|v+, as he seemed to proffer the steadiest interest towards her,v+|2| but this |2|v+prepoposalv+|2| was ruled out on appeal by Judge Jeremy |2Doylerº2| who|2,º reversing the findings of the lower court,2| |2held found2| that, as a matter of tact, the woman |2|v+they gave as freev+|2| was born |2|+into contractual incapacity+|2| when|2|v+, howv+|2| and where |2Mary's Mamy's2| Mancipium Actº did not apply and |2thereforeº held supremely2| that, as no property |2|+in law+|2| |v+2exists can existv+|2| in a corpse,º Pepigi's pact was |2pure2| piffle |2|+(loud laughter)+|2| and |2Warren |v+Harrem Wharremv+|2| couldº whistle for the rhino. Will you, won't you, tango with Pepigi? Not for,º Nancy, how dare you do!º And whew whewwhew whew.º

— He sighed in sleep.

— Let us go back.

— Lest he forewaken.

— Hide ourselves.

While hovering dreamwings, folding round,º will hide from fears my |2|+wee neeº+|2| mannikin, keep myº |+2mannikin big wig long strong man of men+|2|, guard my bairn|2|v+, |amy beau mon beaua|v+|2|.º

— To bed!º

Projectorº and giant builder of all causeways woesoever, hoppingoffpointº and true terminus of straxstraightcuts and corkscrewn perambuloops, zeal whence to goal whither, wanderlustº, in sequence to which every muckle must make its mickle, as different as York from Leeds, being the only wiseº in a muck'sº world to look on itself from beforelandº; mirrorminded curiositease and would-to-the-largeº which bring hills to molehunter, home through first husband, perils |2before behind2| swine and
{f10, 449}
horsepower down to hungerford, prick this man and tittup this woman, our forced payrents, lame of his ear and gape of her leg, most correctingly, we beseach of you, down their laddercase of nightwatch service and bring them at suntime flush with the nethernmostº gangday of their stepchildren:º guide them through the labyrinth of their semilikesº and the alteregoases of their pseudoselves:º hedge them bothways from all roamers whose names are ligionsº, from loss of bearingsº deliver them; so they kreepº to their rights and be ware of dutyfreesº:º this prime white arsenic and mate alloyed, mortal sin with peccadilly, Hodinstagº on Friggabetº, baron and feme: that he may dishcover her, that she may uncouple him, that noneº may come and crumple them, that they may soon recoup themselves: now and then, time on time again, as per periodicity:º via mala, hyber pass, heckhisway per alptrack: throughº lands vagueº and vain, after many mandelays:º in their first case, to the next place, till their cozenkerries: the high and the by, both pent and plain: be they whacked to the wide other tied to husthings:º |2long sizzleroads neath arthurseatº,2| him to the derby, her to toun; in the grounds or unterlinnen: rueº to lose and ca'cannyº: at shipside, by convent garden: monk and sempstress, in sackcloth silkily: curious dreamers, curious dramas, curious demonº, plagiast dayman, playajest dearest, plaguiest dourest: for the strangfort planters are prodestingº and the karkery felons dryflooring it and the leperties' laddsº clearing the way, plump for Slygo Slee.

{f10, 450}

Stop! Did a stir? No, is fast. Onº to bed! So he is. |2It's onlyº2| the
{f39, 578}
windº on the road outside for to wake all shiveringº shanks from snoringº.

But who will he be,º this mitryman, some king of the yeast, in his chrismy greyed brunzewig, so bulk of build? He has only his bedcosycasketteº on and his woolseyº shirtplisse also his feet wear doubled width socks for he always must to insure warm sleep between a pair of fullyfleeced bankers. Can thus be Misthra Norkmann that keeps our hotel? Begor, Mr O'Sorgmann,º you're looking right well!º A jolly fine daysent form of one word. He's rounding up on his family.

And who is the bodikin by ye, sir? Her trixiestrailº is tripping her, watch! Luck at the way for the lucre of smoke she's looping the lamp! Why, that's old Missness Wipethemdryº! Well, well, wellsowells! With her halfbend,º as proud as aº peahen|2, andº her troutbeck quiverlipsº2|. Happy tea area, naughtygay frew! And she's just the same old haporth of dripping. She never turned a hair.

Which route are they going? Why? The solvent manº in his upper gambeson withnotº a breathº against him and the wee wiping womaneen. They'reº coming back |2|+forº their diamond wedding tour+|2|, down the scales, the way they went up, |2|+|acarbon in crystal crystal in carbona|,+|2| sweetheartedly, hotº and cold and electrickery with attendance and lounge and porter free. In spite of all that science could boot or art could eke. Bolt the gate. Postpone no bills. Thrive slowly.º Cave and caneº em. |2Single wrecks for the weak, double axe for the mail, and quick |+quick quicks queck quocksº+| for the radiose. You will never
{f10, 451}
have post in your pocket unless you have brass
º on your plate.
2| Beggars outdoor. Scrape your |v+2soles soulsv+|2|. |2|+Commit no miracles.º+|2| My time is on draught. Bottle |+2yourself your own+|2|. |2|+Love my label like myself.+|2| Credit tomorrow. |2Follow my |v+dealings dealingv+|. Fetch my price. Buy not from Divesº. Sell not to Freundº. |+Herenow chuck englishº and learn to pray plain.+|2| Lean on your lunch. No cods before me. Practise preaching. Think in your stomach. Import through the nose. By faith alone. Season'sº weather. Gomorrha. Solongº. Lots feedº from my timetable, oilsº wells in our lands. Let Earwigger'sº wifableº teach you the dance. |2|v+

v+|2| Now their laws assist them and ease theirº fall!º

For they met and mated and bedded and buckled and got and gave and reared andº raised |2and brought |athe land |v+the plainland the landv+|a| within their dangerº and turned them, tarrying,º to the seaº2| and |2planned planted2| and plundered and pawned our souls and pillaged |2their pounds the pounds of |v+their thev+| extramurals2| and fought and feigned with strained relations and broke all banks and hated theº sights of one another andº bequeathed us their ills and turned out coats and removed their origins and never learned the first day's lesson and tried to mingle |v+2but andv+|2| managed to save and featheredº foes'º nests and fouled
{f39, 580}
their own and escaped from liquidation |2by the2| by the heirs of their death and were responsible for congested districts and |2took reared2| up drink and |2published privates poured balm down the dustyfoot2| and tramped the world over to the court of pye powderº and were cuffed by their customersº and bit the dust at the foot of the poll after the battle of Multaferry. Yet they wend it back, light in hand, helmº on high, to peekaboo durk the thicket of Slumbwhereº, flispering in the nightleaves'º flattery,
{f10, 452}
dinsiduously, to Finegan, to sin again and to make grim grandma grunt and grin again,º while the first grey streaks steal silvering by for toº mock their quarrels in dollymount tumbling.

They near the base of the chill stair, that large incorporate licensed vintner, such as he is, nine hosts in himself, in his hydrocomic establishment,º and his ambling limfy peepingpartnerº, the slave of the ring that worries the hand that sways the lamp that shadows the walk that bends to his bane the busynext man that came on the cop in the Fenian'sº park that pickled his widow that primed the pope that passed it round on the volunteers'º plate till itº croppied the ears of Purses Paul that kneed O'Connell up out of his doss that shouldered Burke that butted O'Higgins that woke the busker that grattaned his crowd that bucked the jiggers to rhyme the rann that flooded the routes in Erian's isleº from Malin to Clear and Carnsore Point to Slynagollovº and cleaned the pockets and ransomed the ribs of all the listeners, lewdº and lay, that bought the ballad that |2Babs Hosty2| made.
{f39, 581}

Anyhow have they not called him |2at many's their mock indignation meeting2| inwader and uitlander, the notables, crashing libels in their |2Sullivan'sº mounted2| beards about him, their right renownsable patriarch|2, Heinzº Cans Everywhere,º2| and the swanee her ainsellº and Eyrewaker'sº family sock that they smuggled forº life betune them, roaring |2(Big Reilly was the worst)º2|

Free boose for the Man from the Nark,º
Sure, he never was worth a cornerwall fark,
And his banisheeº bedpan she's a quer oldº bite of a tarkº

as they wendelled their zingaway wivewards from his |2Find Me Cool'sº2| moist opulent vinery, highjacking through the nagginneck pass, asº they hauled home with their hogsheads, |2apoxtolating2| and claimandº cowled consollation, sursumcordial,º from the bluefunkfires of the dipper and the martians'º frost?º

Useº they not, our neosmallº termtraders,º to abhors offrom him, the yet unregendered thunderslog,º whose sbrogue cunneth none lordmade undersiding,º how betwixt wifely rule and mens conscia recti,º then hemale man all umbracingº to omniwomenº but now shedropping his hitches like any maidavale oppersite orseriders in an idinhole?º Ah, dearo, dearo, dear!º And her illian! And his willyum! When they were all there now,º matinmarked for lookin on. At the carryfour. Withº Awlus Plawshusº, their happyass cloudious! And then and too the trivials! And their bivouac! And his monomyth! Ah ho! |2Say no more about it!2| I'm sorry! I saw,º I'm sorry! I'm sorry to say I saw!º
{f10, 453}

Gives there not too amongst us cismarinesº after all events |2(or so |awhispers gruntsa| a leading hebdromadary)º2| some togethergush of stillandbutallyouknow that, insofarforth asº all up and down the whole concreationº anyº efficient first gets there finally every timeº as a complex matter of pure form, for those excessesº andº that pasphault hardhearingness from their eldfar, in gripesº and rumblions, through fresh taint and sourº treason, another like that alter but not quite such anander and stillandbut one not all the selfsame and butstillone just the maim and encore immerhim may always, with a little difference,º till the latest up to date so early in the morning, have evertheless been made amenable?
{f39, 582}

Yet he begottom.

Let us wherefore, tearing ages, presently preposteroseº a snatchvote of thanksalot to the huskiest coaxing experimenter that ever gave his best hand into chancery, wishing him with his famblings no end of slow poison and a mighty broad venue for themselves between the devil's punchbowl and the deep angleseaboard, that they may gratefully turn a deaf ear clooshed upon the desperanto of all their shareholders, from Taaffe to Auliffeº that will curse them below par and marº with their descendants, shame, humbug and profit, to greenmould upon mildew over jaundice as long as ever there's aº wagtail surtaxed to a testcase on everº a man.

We have to had them whether we'll like it or not. They'll have to have us now then we'reº here on the spot. Scant hope theirs or ours to escape life's high carnage of semperidentity by subsisting peasemeal upon variables. Bloody certainly have we got to seeº to it ere smellful demise surprends us on this concrete that down the gullies of the eras we may catch ourselves lookingº forewordº to what will in no time be staring you larrikins |2in on2| the postface |2in |athe thata| multimirror megaron of returningties2|, whirled without end to end. So there was a raughty … who in Dyfflinsborg did … withº his soddering iron, spadeaway, hammerlegs and … whereº there was a fair young … whoº was playing her game of … andº said she you rockaby … willº you dibble in my bog … andº he sod her in Iarland, paved her wayº from Maizenhead to Youghal. And that's how Humphreyº, champion emir, holds his own. Shy sweetº, she rests.

Or show pon him now, will you,º |2H.C.E.?, Hokoway,º2| in his hiphigh baresark? Third position of concord. |2Luk!º2| Excellent view from front. Sidome. Female imperfectly masking male. Red spotº his browbrand. Woman's the prey! Thon's the dalakeykongsbyogblagroggerswagginline (private judgers, change here for Looterstownº! onlyromansº, keep your seats!) that drew all ladies please to our great metrollops. Leary, leary, twentytun nearly, he's plotting Kingsº down for his villa's
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extension!º Gaze at him now in momentum! As his
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bridges are blown to babbyrags, by the lee of his hulk upright on her orbitsº and the heave of his juniper arks in action, he's naval,º I see. Poor little tartanelle, her dinties are chattering, the straitsº she's in, the bulloge she bears! Her smirk is smeeching behind for her hills. By the queer quick twist of her mobcap and the lift of her shift at randomº and the rate of her gate of going the pace, two thinks at a time, her country I'm proud of. The field is down, the race is their own. The galleonman jovial on his bucky brown nightmare. Bigbrobº dignagging his lilyputtanaº. One to one bore one! The datter, io, io, sleeps in peace, in peace. And the twillingsons, ganymede, garrymore, turn in trot and trot. But old Pairamereº goes it a gallop, a gallop,º a gallop. Bossford and phospherine. One to one on!

O, O, her fairy setalite! Casting such shadows to Persia's blind! The man in the street can see the coming event. Photoflashing it far too wide. It will be known through all Urania soon. Like jealousjoy titaning fear;º like rumour rhean round the planets;º like China'sº dragon snapping japets;º like rhodagrey up the east. Satyrdaysboost besets Phoebe's nearest. Here's the flood and the flaxen flood that's to come over helpless irrylandº. Is there no-one to malahide Liv and her bettyship? Or who'll buy her rosebuds, jettyblack rosebuds, the sloes of Niviaº, the paps of Nanº? From the fall of the fig to doom's last post every ephemeral anniversary. Whileº the park's police peels peering by for to weighº down morrals from county bubbling. |2Quick! Payº up!2|

Kickakick.º She had to kick a laugh. At her old stick-in-the-block. The way he was slogging his paunch about like hale King Willow, the robererº. |2Cainmaker's mace and waxendº capapee.2| At half past quick in the mormingº. And her lamp was all askew and a smoky wick-in-herº. She had to laugh, she had toº kicker, too thick of the wick of her pixy's loomph, lickering |2up wide up2| the smooky shiminey. And her big coverpoint of a wickedy batter, whenever she ducked behind her stumps after the rising bounder's |2balls corkers2|, it tickled her innings to consort pitch at kicksoclockº in the morm. Tipatonguingº him on in her pigeony linguish, with a flick at the bails for lubrication,º to scorch her faster, faster. You hig, you hog, Magrath he's my pegger, he is, for bricking up all my old Kentº road.º Goeasyoseyº, cuppy, we'll both be |2bye and byeº2| caught in the slips for fear he'd tyre and burst his dunlops and waken her bornybarnies making his boobybabies. The game old merriman, square to leg, in his norsery pinafore, treading her hump and down likeº a maiden clean bowled over with her crease where the back of her punishments ought to be by womanish rights,º when, keek,º the hen in the Doran'sº shantyqueer began in a kikkery key to laugh it off the way she was wuck to doodledoo by her gallows bird |2(how's that?) (how'sº that? noballº, he carries his bat!)2|,º nine hundred and dirty too not out, at all times long past conquering cock of the Morgansº.

º |2Armigerend everfasting horde, how blame us! |aCocorico!ºa| How blame us?º Armigerendº everfasting horde!º Rico!2| Weº herewith pleased returnº auditors' thanks for those and their favours since safely enjoined.º |2Cocori!2| Tubbernacul in Tipherairyº, sons, travellers inº company and theirº carriageable tochters, tanks tight Anne Thynneº for her contrectactionsº tugowards his personeel. |2Echoº choree choree!2| Well,º we all unite thoughtfully in rendering |2grace grace well2| between loves repassedº, begging your honour's pardon for|2, well,º2| exclusive pigtorial rights of Herehearº
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fond Tiplady,º his wekreationsº, appearing in next eon's issue of The Neptune's Centinel and Tritonville Lightowlerº with, well,º the widest circulation round the wholeº universe. |2Echoho choroh choree chorico!º2| Thanks |2farthermore furthermore2| to modest Miss Glimglow and neat Master Mattressonº who so kindly profiteered their serwishes as demysell of honour and, well, as strainbearer respectively. And a cordialestº brief nod of chinchin dankyshin to well patient ringasend,º as prevenient (by your leave)º to all such occasions, detachably replaceable (thanks too! twos intact!),º asº well as his auricular of Malthus, the promethean paradonnerwetterº which first (prayº go! prayº go!) taught love's lightning the way (pity shown!)º to well conduct itself (mercy, good shot! only please don't mention it!).º Come all ye goatfathers and groanmothers, come all ye markmakers and piledrivers, come all ye laboursaving devisers and chargeleyden dividends, firefendersº, waterworkers, deeply condeal with him! All that is still life with death inyeborn, all verbumsaps yet bound to be, to do and to suffer, every creature, everywhere, if you please, kindly feel for her! While the dapplegray dawn drags nearing nigh for to wake all droners that drowse in Dublin.

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Humpenfeldtº and Annuskaº, wedded |2now evermore2| in annastomoses by a groundplanº of the placehunter, whiskered beau and donahbelle,º |2Totumvir and Eskimeena,2| who so shall separate fetters to new desire,º repeals an act of union to unite in bonds of schismacyº. Oyes! oyes!º Withdraw your member. Closure. This chamber stands abjourned. Such precedent is largely a cause to lack of collective continencies among Donnelly's orchard as lifelong the shadyside to Fairbrother'sº field. Humbo, lock your kekkle up! Anny, blow your wickle out! Tuck away the tablesheet!!º You never wet the tea!º And you may go rightoway back to your Aunty Dilluvia, Humphreyº, after that!º

Retireº to rest without first |2disturbing misturbing2| your |v+2neighbour neighbobv+|2|, mankind of |2every |aany |+several baffling+|a|2| |2description descriptions2|. Others are as tired of themselves as you are. Let each oneº learn to bore himself. It is strictly requested
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that no cobsmoking, spitting, pubchat, wrastle rounds, coarse courting, smut, etc,º will take place |v+2during amongstv+|2| those hours devoted to repose. Look |2|+before+|2| behind before you strip |2|v+youv+|2|. |v+2Never divorce in the bedding the glove that will give you away. Disrobeº clothed in the strictest secrecy which privacy can afford.v+|2| Water nonº to be discharged |v+2in coramv+|2| grate or exº window. |2After circumspection disrobe. |v+Disrobe clothed in the strictest secrecy which privacy can afford. Never divorce in the bedding the glove that will give you away.v+|2| |2A maid says Maidº Maud ninnies2| nay but |2tells her mama: blabs to mama (O, forº your life, would you!):º2| she,º |2to her besomº friend2| |v+2Kate Strongv+|2| who does |2|athe alla|2| chores |2(andº what do you think |ait was |bshe my Madeleineb| sawa|?)2|:º this ignorant |v+2generally mostlyv+|2| sweeps it out along with all the rather old |v+2corporation, have corporators (havev+| you heard of |v+a onev+| humbledown jungleman|a, howº he bet Byrne-and-Busheº playing |v+peg-and-tom? peg and pom?)v+|a|2|: the |2maudlin2| river then gets its dues |2(adding a din a ding or do)º2|: thence those laundresses |2|aO tell me all the whole affair (O,º muddle me more about the maggies!º I mean |bfair bawneeb| Madge Ellis |v+& andv+| |bswarthy brownieb| Mag Dillon)a|2|.º Attention |v+2to it at |ait alla|v+|2|! Every ditch's dastard in Dupelingº will know ifº you have paid the mulctman by whetherº your rent is open to be foreclosed or |v+2back abackv+|2| in your arrears. This is seriously meant. |+2Ours Here+|2| is a homelet not a hothel.

That's right, old |2old one Oldunº2|!

Allº in fact is soon as all of old right as anywas ever in very old place. Were he, hwen scalded of that couverfowl, to beat the bounds by here at such a point of time as this |2is for at sammel up |aina| all woods's haypence and riviers argent (halfº back from three |v+goes gangsv+| |amultiplus |v+multiplusses multaplussedv+|a| on a twentylot add allto |athe aa| fiver |v+and withv+| the deuceº |awith ora| roamer's numbersº ell a fee and do little ones)º2| with the caboosh on him opheld for thrushes' mistiles yet singing oud his parasangs |2in Cornishº token2|: mean fawthery eastend appullcelery,º old laddy he high |2hay hole2|: pollysigh patrolman Seekerseen,º crumlin quiet down from his hoonger, he would mac siccar of |v+2inkit inketv+|2| goodsforetombed ereshiningem of light turkling eitheranny of thuncle's windopes. More, unless heº were neverso wrongtaken, if he brought his boots to pause in peace, the one beside the other one, right on the road, he would seize no
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sound from cache or cave beyond the flow of wand was gypsing water,º telling him now, telling him all, all about ham and livery, stay and toast ham in livery, and buttermore with murmurladen,º to
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waker oats for ham on livery. Right! Or wind thenº mong them treen.

Hiss!º Which we had only our hazelight to see with in our point of view, me and my auxy, Jimmy d'Arcy, hadn't we, jimmyº? — whoº to |2sin seen2| with? Kiss! No kidding which he stood us first a couple of mountjoysº and nutty woodbines in the snug of the Cambridge Arms which he said|2, |aa taking off his Whitby hat anda| wishing his long |alife life's strength a| to our allhallowed king (the Lord lengthen him!),º2| his standpoint was,º to belt and blucher him afore the hole pleading churchaleº but he made no class at all in port and cemented palships between our trucers, being a refugee, didn't he, jimmyº? — whoº true to me? Sish! Honeysuckler, that's what my young lady here, Fred Watkins, |2bugler Fred,2| all the ways from Melmoth in Natal, she calls him when he commit his certain questionº which it was on a point of our sutton down, how was it, jimmyº? — whoº has sinnerettes to declare? Phiss! Touching our Phoenix Rangers'º nuisance were they for giving up their fogging trespasses,º by order which we foregathered he must be raw in cane sugar, the party, no, Jimmy MacCawthelickº? — whoº trespass against me? Briss! That's him wiv his wig on, achewing of his maple gum, that's |2our grainpopaw,º2| Mister Beardall, an accompliced burgomaster, which he told us privates out of his own scented mouf he used to was afore this Wineactº come, what say, our jimmyº the chapelgoer? — whoº fears all masters! Spiss!º Hi, Jocko Nowlong, my
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own sweet boosy love
, which he puts his feeler to me behind the beggars'º bush,º does Freda, don't you be an emugee!º We must spy a half and halfº a hind on Honeysucklerº now his old face's hardalone wiv his defences down durinº |2a weapon his wappin2| stillstand, says my Fred, and Jamessime here which|2, pip it,2| she simply |2says she must must,º she says,2| she'll do a retroussy from her point of view (wayº you fly! likeº a frush!) to keep her
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flouncies off the grass while paying the wetmenots a musichall visit and pair her fiefighs fore him after His Corkinessº lay up two bottles of joy with a shandy had by Fred and a fino olorosoº which he was warming to, my right, jimmyº, my old brown freer? — whoseº dolour|2, O so2| mine!

Following idly up to seepoint, how didº you dew? Hollymerry, ivysad, whicher and whoer, were you there? Was truce of snow, moonmounded snow? Or did wolken hang o'er earth in umber hue his fulmenbomb? Number two coming! Full inside! Was glimpsed the mean amount of cloud? Or did pitter rain fall in a sprinkling? Tingleº Tom, pullº the bell! Izzy's busy down the dell! Mizpah low, youyou, number one, in deep humidity! Listen, misled peerless, please! You are,º of course. You miss him so, to listleto! Of course|2, my pledge between us,2| there's no-one noelº like him here to hear. Triss! Only trees such as these,º such were those, waving there, the Barketree, the O'Briertree, the Rowantree, the O'Corneltree, the Behanshrub near Windy Arbour, the Magill O'Dendron Moreº. Trem! All the trees in the wood that trembold, humbild, when they heard the stoppress from Domday's Erewoldº.

Tiss!º Twoº pretty mistletots, ribboned to a tree, up rose liberator and, fancy, they were free! Four witty missywives, winking
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under hoods, made lasses likeº lads love maypoleriding, dotting Harold's crossº green with tricksome couples, fiftyfifty, their childern'sº hundred. So childish pence took care of parents' pounds and |2money many2| made money the way in the world where rushroads to riches crossed slums of lice and,º the cause of it all, he forged himself ahead like a blazing urbanorb, brewing |2trouble treble2| to drown grief, giving and taking mayo and tuam, playing milliards with hisº three golden balls, making partyº capital out of landed selfinterest, light on a slavey but weighty on the bourse, our hugest commercial emporialist, with his sons booing home from afar and his daughters bridling up at his side.

How did he bank it up, swank it up, the whaler in the punt,º a guinea by a groat, his index on the balance and such wealth into the bargain? Humbly to fall and cheaply to rise, exposition of failures. First,º for a change of a seven days'º licenceº he wandered out of his farmer'sº health and so lost his early parishlife. Then, occidentally of a suddom,º six junelooking flamefaces straggled wild out of their turns through his parsonfired wicket, showing all shapes of striplings in sleepless tights. Promptly whomafter in undated times, very properly a dozen generations anterior to themselves, a mainº chanced to burst and misflooded his fortunes, wrothing foulplay over his fives' court and his fine poultryyard wherein were spared a just two of a feather in wading room only. Next, upon due reflotation, up started four |2hurricane hurrigan2| gales to smithereen his plateglass housewallsº and the slate for accounts his keeper wasº cooking. Then came three boy |2buglers buglehorners2| who counterbezzled and crossburgledº him. Later on in the same evening two hussyitesº absconded through a breach in his bylaws and left him, the infidels, to pay himself off in kind remembrances. Till, ultimatehim, fell the crowning barleystrawº when an explosiumº of his distilleries
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deafandumpedº all his dry goods downº to his most favoured sinfluteº andº dropped him, what remains of a |2heptarch heptark2|, |2leareyed and lotterishº,2| weeping worrybound on his bankrump.

Pepep.º Pay bearer, sure and sorry, at foot of ohoho honest policiestº. Oº never again|2, byº Phoenixº,2| swore on him Lloyd's, not for beaten |2wheat. wheat, notº after Sirº Joe Meade's |v+dada fatherºv+||a, thanksa|!2| They know him, the covenanter,º by rote at least,º for a chameleon at |v+2least lastv+|2|, in his true falseheaven coloursº from ultraviolent to subred tissues. That's his last tryon to march through |v+2his thev+|2| grand tryomphal arch. His reignbolt's shot. Never again! How you do that like, Mista Chimepiece? You got nice yum premyums?º Praypaid my promishles.

Agreed he was chogfulled of |v+2foxholed cunningmesses foxold cunningnessesv+|2| but who was the firmost of the firm? After all,º what followed for apprentice'º sake? Jeebies,º ugh, kek, ptah, that was an ill man!º Jawboose,º puddigood, this is for true oneº sweetish mand!º But Jumbluffer,º bagdad, sir, yondº would be for a once over our all |v+2hallowed honouredv+|2| christmastypeº easteredmanxº.

Fourthº position |2of solution2|. |2How johnny!2| |2View Finest view2| from horizon. Two me see.º Male and female unmask we |v+2them hemv+|2|. Who now broothes |2down. Nown! oldbawnº. Dawn!2| The nape of his nameshielder's |2neck. Hek! scalp. Halp!2| After having |2done all he dared. Air! drummed all he |v+done. Won! dun. Hun!v+|2| Worked out |2to the pinch of an inch. Hinz! to an inch of his core. More!2| While the |2queenbee |v+queanby queenbeev+|2| he staggerhorned blesses her bliss forº to feel her funnyman's functions rumbling.