
1st draft, November 1923, I.3§1 draft level 0

MS British Library 47471b 2-3 Draft details

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A cloud of witnesses indeed! Yet all these are as much now no more as were they |anowa| not yet or had they then not ever been. Of Hosty, quite a musical genius in a small way, the end is unknown. O'Donnell|a, somewhat depressed by things,a| is said to have enlisted at the time of the Crimean war under the name of Buckley. Peter Cloran, at the suggestion of the Master in Lunacy, became an inmate of an asylum. Treacle Tom passed away painlessly in a state of nature propelled into the great beyond by footblows of his last bedfellows, 3 Norwegian |asailors of the seafaring classa|. Shorty disappeared from the surface of the earth so completely as to lead one to suppose |ahad come to pass during our unreada| that |ahe (who |bhad possessedb| at times a large amount of the humorous)a| his habitat had become the interior. Then was the reverend, the sodality director the fashionable vice preacher to whom |aSinninga| society |aladies beauties |b(vide the daily press)b|a| often became so enthusiastically attached and was a |anondescript objectionable assa| who sometimes wore a |anondescripta| raffles ticket in his hat & was openly guilty of malpractices with his tableknife the Cad with a pipe encountered by HCE?
{ms, 003}

The data, did we possess them, are too few to warrant certitude, the testifiers too irreperible but certain it is that ere winter turned the leaves of the book of nature the shade of the great outlander had stood at the bar of a hundred tribunals, here condemned before trial with Jedburgh Justice, there acquitted against evidence with benefit of clergy. The heroic shade looms up big, human, erring, forgivable behind the varied speeches of his fellow men & women. Three soldiers of the Coldstream Guards were walking in Montgomery street. One gave an opinion in which all concurred. It was the women, they said, he showed himself a man afterwards. A |aleading cominga| actress |awho has been called by 1 critic ‘a vestpocket Siddons’a| was interviewed in a beauty parlour and |awhile righting her cartwheel hat, said:a| said she hoped he would |abe acquitted and get an Xmas pardon |bas the world had been unkind to himb|a|. Then he has been so truly wonderful, she added. A dustman named Churches in the employ of Bullwinkle and |aMcHanger McTiguea| was asked |athe question in a hashhousea| and replied: We have just been discussing the case. All the fellows |asay blanka| he is a |agame gameya| one. A taxidriver |atook a strong view anda| said: |aHe Earywiggera| is a damned scoundrel in private life but |afolks saya| he has parliamentary privilege. A barmaid: it would be a shame to jail him on account of his health. |aBrian |bLinskeyb|, the boy curser, was questioned & |bimmediately answered gave a snappy comebackb|: |bI'm for caveman sex life, curse it!b| Them two whores ought to |bbe getb| strangled or axed. Mrs Ida Wombwell, the 17º old |bgirl preacher daring revivalistb|, said of |bhim of the fusiliersb| incident |bwith the rosiest of cheeksb|: That man is a brute — but he is a magnificent brute. Sylvia Silence, the girl detective, said when told of all the facts: |bHave you thoughtb| Greatness was his tragedy but he should pay the full penalty. The ends of justice must not be earwigged.a| A sailor seated on the granite setts of the fish market, was encouraged to speak by his fiancée & said I think he was to blame about the two slaveys |bas he had a perfect rightb|, but I think there was someone else behind it about the 3 drummers.
{ms, 003v}

|aOf the 2 maids one, it is stated, drank carbolic while |bofb| the other |boneb|, Barbara Feeney, we hear that |bshe havingb| discovered that she stripped well, her hat became too small for her and blanka|