1st draft, September 1923, II.4§3B draft level 0
MS British Library 47481 6 Draft details
{ms, 133}
Anno Domini Nostri Sancti Jesu Christi
A thousand nine hundred & ninetynine pounds
Sterling in the black bowels of the bank of Ulster
|aBright Bronzea| pennies, by God, b my girling, & bright
pounds'll deck thee finely
And no damn |afool'll lout'lla| come courting or
by the Holy Ghost there'll be murder
{ms, 136}
O come all you young nymphs of Dingle
to see Brinabride |aunreada| a riding
In her coach of shells of daughter-of-pearl
& her |adiamondblue moonblue |bsilveryb|a| cloak of velvet
be around her
The velvet strand
by a gaunt grey barnacle gander