Circe Notesheets

Print edition: Phillip F. Herring, ed., Joyce's Ulysses Notesheets at the British Museum (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia 1972), 265-367.

MS: British Library Add. MS 49975 fols. 16-21 Notesheet details

Circe sector 0

BL Add MS 49475-??,21v JJA 12:062-3
(Herring Cir-20, 21)
This fascinating selection of persons and themes featuring (or alluded to) in the already-written fourteen chapters of the novel in progress was most probably drawn up by Joyce immediately before or shortly after he set to work on composing ‘Circe’. It was evidently intended to assist him in the particular inclusiveness of “characters” he wanted for that hallucinatory episode.
The text reference, here and elsewhere in this list of persons, is to the earliest (draft) citation of the character in the ‘Circe’ episode, at which point Joyce would have marked the worksheet entry/character as now included (in such context as he then created).
In the list the episodes are each designated by a corresponding number (eg, 1 = ‘Telemachus’) prefixed to each group. The fifteen sets of names are neatly arranged in a series of boxes: 8 in two columns (1–4 and 5–8) on ‘Circe’ sheet 20, and 7 (which prospectively includes ‘Circe’ itself) also in two columns (9-12 and 13–15) on sheet 21. The organizing grid with its numbers was evidently laid out before any names were entered, as in some of the boxes the entries are compressed to fit.

Circe: sector 0(a)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the first episode: ‘Telemachus’.
Circe: sector 0(b)
Stephen Dedalus Red
Note: From Telemachus. The artist as a still-young man:
Stephen, an elbow rested on the jagged granite, leaned his palm against his brow and gazed at the fraying edge of his shiny black coatsleeve. Pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart.”
Circe: sector 0(c)
Buck Mulligan Blue
Note: From Telemachus.
“Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.”
Circe: sector 0(d)
Stephen's Mother Blue
Note: From Telemachus.
“You could have knelt down, damn it, Kinch, when your dying mother asked you, Buck Mulligan said. I'm hyperborean as much as you. But to think of your mother begging you with her last breath to kneel down and pray for her. And you refused.”
Circe: sector 0(e)
Simon Dedalus Red
Note: From Telemachus.
Buck Mulligan slung his towel stolewise round his neck and, bending in loose laughter, said to Stephen's ear:
— O, shade of Kinch the elder! Japhet in search of a father!
Circe: sector 0(f)
Haines Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Telemachus. An English writer staying with Buck Mulligan in the Tower:
“That's folk, he [Mulligan] said very earnestly, for your book, Haines. Five lines of text and ten pages of notes about the folk and the fishgods of Dundrum. Printed by the weird sisters in the year of the big wind.”
Circe: sector 0(g)
Bannon Blue
Note: From Telemachus. Haines comments:
“I got a card from Bannon. Says he found a sweet young thing down there. Photo girl he calls her.”
Circe: sector 0(h)
Clive Kempthorpe Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Telemachus. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ca).
“Young shouts of moneyed voices in Clive Kempthorpe's rooms. Palefaces: they hold their ribs with laughter, one clasping another. O, I shall expire! Break the news to her gently, Aubrey! I shall die! With slit ribbons of his shirt whipping the air he hops and hobbles round the table, with trousers down at heels, chased by Ades of Magdalen with the tailor's shears. A scared calf's face gilded with marmalade.”
Circe: sector 0(i)
The Milkwoman Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Telemachus.
“Haines came in from the doorway and said quietly:
That woman is coming up with the milk.
— The blessings of God on you! Buck Mulligan cried, jumping up from his chair. Sit down. Pour out the tea there. The sugar is in the bag. Here, I can't go fumbling at the damned eggs.”
Circe: sector 0(j)
Note: From Telemachus. It. l'annegato, drowned man:
The man that was drowned. A sail veering about the blank bay waiting for a swollen bundle to bob up, roll over to the sun a puffy face, salt white. Here I am.”
Circe: sector 0(k)
Note: From Telemachus. Based on Joyce's close friend J.F. Byrne, Cranly is briefly alluded to by Stephen:
Cranly's arm. His arm.”
Circe: sector 0(l)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the second episode, ‘Nestor’.
Circe: sector 0(m)
Note: From Nestor.
“He held out his copybook. The word Sums was written on the headline. Beneath were sloping figures and at the foot a crooked signature with blind loops and a blot. Cyril Sargent: his name and seal.”
Circe: sector 0(n)
Garrett Deasy Blue
Note: From Nestor. See also Sheet 15.037(r). Owner of the school at Dalkey, cited in the episode only as ‘Mr Deasy’, he is based on Francis Unwin, an Ulster Scot and a Trinity College graduate, founder of the Clifton School, Dalkey, where Joyce taught for a short period:
“A hasty step over the stone porch and in the corridor. Blowing out his rare moustache Mr Deasy halted at the table.
— First, our little financial settlement, he said.”
Circe: sector 0(o)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the third episode, ‘Proteus’.
Circe: sector 0(p)
Kevin Egan Blue
Note: From Proteus.
“Patrice, home on furlough, lapped warm milk with me in the bar MacMahon. Son of the wild goose, Kevin Egan of Paris.”
Circe: sector 0(q)
Patrice Egan Blue
  • Ulysses
  • 2021
  • 2017
  • 1986 (15.4502)
  • 1922
  • MS NLI.Q-24
  • Usage
  • Draft: 15§2.3
    Patrice, home on furlough, lapped warm milk with me in the bar MacMahon. Son of the wild goose, Kevin Egan of Paris. My father's a bird, he lapped the sweet lait chaud with pink young tongue, plump bunny's face. Lap, lapin.”
Circe: sector 0(r)
Aunt Sally
Note: From Proteus.
“His pace slackened. Here. Am I going to aunt Sara's or not? My consubstantial father's voice. Did you see anything of your artist brother Stephen lately? No? Sure he's not down in Strasburg terrace with his aunt Sally? Couldn't he fly a bit higher than that, eh?”
Circe: sector 0(s)
Richie Goulding Red
Note: From Proteus. Stephen recalls his uncle's family life: Richie Goulding, his wife Sara, and their children Walter and Crissie.
Circe: sector 0(t)
The Gipsies Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Proteus. A couple pass by Stephen, who pictures them as ‘red Egyptians’, or gypsies:
“With woman steps she followed: the ruffian and his strolling mort. Spoils slung at her back. Loose sand and shellgrit crusted her bare feet. About her windraw face her hair trailed. Behind her lord his helpmate, bing awast to Romeville.”
Circe: sector 0(u)
Anna Kearns / Florence McCabe Blue
Note: From Proteus. The two cocklepickers (rendered here as ‘plumstained midwives’) Stephen sees walking on the shore. She is not named in the episode. :
“They came down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, Frauenzimmer: and down the shelving shore flabbily, their splayed feet sinking in the silted sand. Like me, like Algy, coming down to our mighty mother. Number one swung lourdily her midwife's bag, the other's gamp poked in the beach. From the liberties, out for the day. Mrs Florence MacCabe, relict of the late Patk MacCabe, deeply lamented, of Bride Street.”
Circe: sector 0(w)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the fourth episode, ‘Calypso’.
Circe: sector 0(x)
Leopold Bloom Red
Note: From Calypso.
“Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.”
Circe: sector 0(y)
Marion Bloom Red
Note: From Calypso.
“Two letters and a card lay on the hallfloor. He stooped and gathered them. Mrs Marion Bloom. His quickened heart slowed at once. Bold hand. Mrs Marion.
— Poldy!”
Circe: sector 0(z)
Milly Bloom Blue
Note: From Calypso.
“He looked at them. Mullingar. Milly.
— A letter for me from Milly, he said carefully, and a card to you. And a letter for you.”
Circe: sector 0(aa)
Blazes Boylan Blue
Note: From Calypso.
“There is a young student comes here some evenings named Bannon his cousins or something are big swells he sings Boylan's (I was on the pop of writing Blazes Boylan's) song about those seaside girls. Tell him silly Milly sends my best respects.”
Circe: sector 0(ab)
Professor Goodwin Blue
  • Ulysses
  • 2021
  • 2017
  • 1986 (15.4017)
  • 1922
  • MS NLI.Q-20
  • Usage
  • Draft: 15§2.3
    “Poor old professor Goodwin. Dreadful old case. Still he was a courteous old chap. Oldfashioned way he used to bow Molly off the platform. And the little mirror in his silk hat. The night Milly brought it into the parlour.”
Circe: sector 0(ac)
Moses Dlugacz Blue
Note: From Calypso. Owner of Bloom's local butcher:
“He halted before Dlugacz's window, staring at the hanks of sausages, polonies, black and white.”
Circe: sector 0(ad)
The Servant Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Calypso. A girl who works for Woods family (who live next door to the Blooms) is served in the butcher's immediately before Bloom:
“Mr Bloom pointed quickly. To catch up and walk behind her if she went slowly, behind her moving hams. Pleasant to see first thing in the morning.”
Circe: sector 0(ae)
Philip Beaufoy Red
Note: From Calypso.
“Asquat on the cuckstool he folded out his paper, turning its pages over on his bared knees. Something new and easy. No great hurry. Keep it a bit. Our prize titbit: Matcham's Masterstroke. Written by Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London.”
Circe: sector 0(af)
Paul de Kock Red
Note: From Calypso. Paul de Kock (1793–1871) was a French novelist. His books, dealing with Parisian life and amounting to more than a hundred titles, were out of print by major publishers for over a century, but many of them are now available (e.g., Bookdepository. In his lifetime he was immensely popular among all classes of readers: the statesman as well as the commercial traveller and the schoolboy, the great ladies in society and the grisettes. Molly asks Bloom to pick up something of his for her to read while he is out, as she likes his writing:
“Get another of Paul de Kock's. Nice name he has.”
Circe: sector 0(ag)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the fifth episode, ‘Lotus Eaters’.
Circe: sector 0(ah)
Henry Flower Red
Note: From Lotus Eaters. Bloom's pseudonym. He collects a letter thus addressed to him while calling into the postoffice:
Henry Flower Esq, c/o P.O. Westland Row, City.”
Circe: sector 0(ai)
Martha Clifford Red
Note: From Lotus Eaters. Bloom's correspondent, a woman with whom he is engaged in a clandestine, amatory correspondence, who ‘answered anyhow’ his letter to her. Bloom collects her reply to him and reads it as soon as circumstances permit, after having been interrupted by C.P. M'Coy, in the empty lane off Cumberland Street.
Circe: sector 0(aj)
C.P. M'Coy Blue
Note: From Lotus Eaters.
“Tell you what, M'Coy said. You might put down my name at the funeral, will you? I'd like to go but I mightn't be able, you see. There's a drowning case at Sandycove may turn up and then the coroner and myself would have to go down if the body is found. You just shove in my name if I'm not there, will you?”
Circe: sector 0(ak)
Hoppy Holohan Blue
Note: From Lotus Eaters.
“I must try to get out there, M'Coy said. Eleven, is it? I only heard it last night. Who was telling me? Holohan. You know Hoppy?
Circe: sector 0(al)
Father Conmee Blue
Note: From Lotus Eaters.
“Same notice on the door. Sermon by the very reverend John Conmee S.J. on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the African mission.”
Circe: sector 0(am)
The Druggist Blue
Note: From Lotus Eaters.
“Better get that lotion made up. Where is this? Ah yes, the last time. Sweny's in Lincoln place. Chemists rarely move.”
Circe: sector 0(an)
Hornblower Blue
Note: From Lotus Eaters. See also Sheet 15.071(f) and Sheet 15.0071(s) and UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ao). Bloom passes him while out walking:
“There's Hornblower standing at the porter's lodge. Keep him on hands: might take a turn in there on the nod. How do you do, Mr Hornblower? How do you do, sir?”
Circe: sector 0(ao)
Bantam Lyons Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Lotus Eaters. But see also Sheet 15.071(b).
“At his armpit Bantam Lyons' voice and hand said:
— Hello, Bloom, what's the best news? Is that today's? Show us a minute.”
Circe: sector 0(ap)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the sixth episode, ‘Hades’.
Circe: sector 0(aq)
Paddy Dignam Red
Note: From Hades. Joyce shaped his account of Patrick Dignam's funeral on that of Matthew F. Kane, the chief clerk in the crown solicitor's office, Dublin. Kane died of heart disease on 13 July 1904, at the young age of 40. He had been bathing from a boat in Dublin Bay. Kane's wife was an alcoholic and, according to Stanislaus Joyce, a “consummate whore”. Joyce, who attended the funeral, long retained a newspaper cutting of the event. A second source of inspiration for Joyce was the funeral of his brother George, whose death is poignantly related (under the guise of being a sister, Isabel) in Stephen Hero. George died on 14 March 1902, aged fourteen, some months before James left University College.
Circe: sector 0(ar)
Patsy Dignam Blue
Note: From Hades. Paddy Dignam's son Patsy (Patrick Aloysius) does not feature by name in ‘Hades’, but as a member of the attending family party:
“— Martin is going to get up a whip for the youngsters, Ned Lambert said, pointing ahead. A few bob a skull. Just to keep them going till the insurance is cleared up.
— Yes, yes, Mr Dedalus said dubiously. Is that the eldest boy in front?
— Yes, Ned Lambert said, with the wife's brother.”
Circe: sector 0(as)
Brother in law
Note: From Hades. That is, Paddy Dignam's brother-in-law. Bloom notices him at the funeral:
“Corny Kelleher and the boy followed with their wreaths. Who is that beside them? Ah, the brother-in-law.”
Circe: sector 0(at)
Tom Kernan Blue
Note: From Hades. Kernan attends Dignam's funeral, having arrived (with companions Ned Lambert and Joe Hynes) in a second funeral carriage. In the first carriage mentioned we find Bloom, Simon Dedalus, Martin Cunningham, and Mr Power.
Circe: sector 0(au)
Joe Hynes Not cancelled
Note: From Hades. Arrives at the funeral with Tom Kernan and Ned Lambert.
Circe: sector 0(av)
John Henry Menton Blue
Note: From Hades.
“Yes, Ned Lambert said, with the wife's brother. John Henry Menton is behind. He put down his name for a quid.”
Circe: sector 0(aw)
Mackintosh Red
Note: From Hades. In listing the names of the attendees at the funeral, Hynes misunderstands Bloom's reference to an unidentified person:
“— And tell us, Hynes said, do you know that fellow in the, fellow was over there in the …
Macintosh. Yes, I saw him, Mr Bloom said. Where is he now?
— M'Intosh, Hynes said, scribbling. I don't know who he is. Is that his name?”
Circe: sector 0(ax)
Father Coffey Red
Note: From Hades. See Sheet 15.064(u). The priest officiating in the mortuary chapel:
Father Coffey. I knew his name was like a coffin. Dominenamine. Bully about the muzzle he looks. Bosses the show. Muscular christian. Woe betide anyone that looks crooked at him: priest. Thou art Peter. Burst sideways like a sheep in clover Dedalus says he will. With a belly on him like a poisoned pup. Most amusing expressions that man finds. Hhhn: burst sideways.”
Circe: sector 0(ay)
John O'Connell Red
Note: From Hades. Director of the graveyard:
“The barrow turned into a side lane. A portly man, ambushed among the grasses, raised his hat in homage. The gravediggers touched their caps.
John O'Connell, Mr Power said, pleased. He never forgets a friend.”
Circe: sector 0(az)
Note: From Hades.
“Crossguns bridge: Water rushed roaring through the sluices. A man stood on his dropping barge between clamps of turf. On the towpath by the lock a slacktethered horse. Aboard of the Bugabu. Their eyes watched him. On the slow weedy waterway he had floated on his raft coastward over Ireland drawn by a haulage rope past beds of reeds, over slime, mudchoked bottles, carrion dogs.”
Circe: sector 0(ba)
Ned Lambert Blue
Note: From Hades. Arrives at the funeral with Joe Hynes and Tom Kernan.
Circe: sector 0(bb)
Martin Cunningham Red
Note: From Hades. Arrives at the funeral with Bloom, Simon Dedalus and Mr Power.
Circe: sector 0(bc)
Jack Power Red
Note: From Hades. Arrives at the funeral with Bloom, Simon Dedalus and Martin Cunningham.
Circe: sector 0(bd)
Dodd & Son Blue
Note: From Hades. Reuben J. Dodd was a Dublin-based solicitor and moneylander, to whom John Joyce became heavily indebted. Dodd's son (also named Reuben) was a student in the same class as Joyce at Belvedere College. On 2 December 1911 the younger Dodd threw himself in desperation into the Liffey in an attempt at ending his life. He swum about a little but failed to make meaningful use of a lifebuoy thrown to him by a passing docker, one Moses Goldin, who had, it was reported, in recent years saved some twenty persons from drowning in the same river. After fishing Dodd out, Goldin was taken to a hospital as he suffered from pulmonary trouble brought about by the past exertions. On being visited by Goldin's wife, who had lost a day's wages (a shilling) through absence from the sack factory that employed her, the senior Dodd (after much delay) informed the poor woman that her husband should have minded his own business. After further unsolicited and unwelcomed advice, the solicitor handed over 2s./6d. to assist her. The newspaper article reporting the events concludes: “Mr. Dodd thinks his son is worth half-a-crown. We wouldn't give that amount for a whole family of Dodds”.
Circe: sector 0(be)
Bootlaces Blue
Note: From Hades. In the course of attending the funeral Bloom encounters an unfortunate:
“Oot: a dullgarbed old man from the curbstone tendered his wares, his mouth opening: oot.
— Four bootlaces for a penny.

Wonder why he was struck off the rolls. Had his office in Hume street. Same house as Molly's namesake, Tweedy, crown solicitor for Waterford. Has that silk hat ever since. Relics of old decency. Mourning too. Terrible comedown, poor wretch! Kicked about like snuff at a wake. O'Callaghan on his last legs.”

Circe: sector 0(bf)
Corny Kelleher Blue
Note: From Hades. Corny Kelleher is the undertaker who takes care of the funeral details: hearse, accompanying coaches, wreaths and so forth.
Circe: sector 0(bg)
Rudy Not cancelled
Note: From Hades. Bloom thinks of Rusy, his dead son:
“A dwarf's face, mauve and wrinkled like little Rudy's was. Dwarf's body, weak as putty, in a whitelined deal box. Burial friendly society pays. Penny a week for a sod of turf. Our. Little. Beggar. Baby. Meant nothing. Mistake of nature. If it's healthy it's from the mother. If not from the man. Better luck next time.”
Circe: sector 0(bh)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the seventh episode, ‘Aeolus’.
Circe: sector 0(bi)
Red Murray Not cancelled
Note: From Aeolus. John (Red) Murray, Freeman's Journal employee:
Red Murray's long shears sliced out the advertisement from the newspaper in four clean strokes. Scissors and paste.”
Circe: sector 0(bj)
Brayden Blue
Note: From Aeolus. William Braden, Esquire, of Oaklands, Sandymount:
“Red Murray touched Mr Bloom's arm with the shears and whispered:

Mr Bloom turned and saw the liveried porter raise his lettered cap as a stately figure entered between the newsboards of the Weekly Freeman and National Press and the Freeman's Journal and National Press. Dullthudding Guinness's barrels. It passed statelily up the staircase, steered by an umbrella, a solemn beardframed face. The broadcloth back ascended each step: back. All his brains are in the nape of his neck, Simon Dedalus says. Welts of flesh behind on him. Fat folds of neck, fat, neck, fat, neck.
— Don't you think his face is like Our Saviour? Red Murray whispered.

Circe: sector 0(bk)
Nannetti Blue
Note: From Aeolus. Joseph Patrick Nannetti, Dublin City councillor and foreman at the Freeman's Journal. Bloom delivers a cutting to him:
“Through a lane of clanking drums he made his way towards Nannetti's reading closet.”
Circe: sector 0(bl)
Myles Crawford Red
Note: From Aeolus. See also Sheet 15.000(eg) below. The editor of the Evening Telegraph:
Myles Crawford began on the Independent. Funny the way those newspaper men veer about when they get wind of a new opening. Weathercocks. Hot and cold in the same breath.”
Circe: sector 0(bm)
Professor MacHugh Blue
Note: From Aeolus. A character based on the real-life Hugh Aloysius McNeill, classics scholar and occasional lecturer at University College:
“— The ghost walks, professor MacHugh murmured softly, biscuitfully to the dusty windowpane.”
Circe: sector 0(bn)
Lenehan Blue
Note: From Aeolus. A dubious friend of Stephen, a character taken over from Joyce's short story ‘Two Gallants‘:
“— Is the editor to be seen? J.J. O'Molloy asked, looking towards the inner door.
— Very much so, professor MacHugh said. To be seen and heard. He's in his sanctum with Lenehan.”
Circe: sector 0(bo)
J.J. O'Molloy Blue
Note: From Aeolus. A Dublin solicitor:
“The doorknob hit Mr Bloom in the small of the back as the door was pushed in.
— Excuse me, J.J. O'Molloy said, entering.”
Circe: sector 0(bp)
Newsvendors Blue
Note: From Aeolus. The newsboys in the episode:
“A bevy of scampering newsboys rushed down the steps, scattering in all directions, yelling, their white papers fluttering. Hard after them Myles Crawford appeared on the steps, his hat aureoling his scarlet face, talking with J.J. O'Molloy.”
Circe: sector 0(bq)
Nelson Blue
Note: From Aeolus. The destination for the two elderly Dublin Vestals of Stephen's parable:
“On now. Dare it. Let there be life.
— They want to see the views of Dublin from the top of Nelson's pillar.”
Circe: sector 0(br)
Moses Blue
Note: From Aeolus:
“— No, Stephen said, I call it A Pisgah Sight of Palestine or The Parable of the Plums.
— I see, the professor said.

He laughed richly.
— I see, he said again with new pleasure. Moses and the promised land. We gave him that idea, he added to J.J. O'Molloy.”

Circe: sector 0(bs)
John F. Taylor Blue
Note: From Aeolus.
“No, thanks, professor MacHugh said, waving the cigarettecase aside. Wait a moment. Let me say one thing. The finest display of oratory I ever heard was a speech made by John F. Taylor at the college historical society. Mr Justice Fitzgibbon, the present lord justice of appeal, had spoken and the paper under debate was an essay (new for those days) advocating the revival of the Irish tongue.”
Circe: sector 0(bt)
Tim Healy Blue
Note: From Aeolus.
“— He is sitting with Tim Healy, J.J. O'Molloy said, rumour has it, on the Trinity college estates commission.
— He is sitting with a sweet thing in a child's frock, Myles Crawford said. Go on. Well?”
Circe: sector 0(bu)
Gerald Fitzgibbon Blue
Note: From Aeolus. See Sheet 15.058(aa).
“He turned towards Myles Crawford and said:
— You know Gerald Fitzgibbon. Then you can imagine the style of his discourse.”
Circe: sector 0(bv)
Skin the Goat
Note: From Aeolus. Mentioned by Myles Crawford in the context of “the smartest piece of journalism ever known”: when Ignatius Gallaher cabled the New York World with details of the murder in the Phoenix Park:
New York World, the editor said, excitedly pushing back his straw hat. Where it took place. Tim Kelly, or Kavanagh I mean, Joe Brady and the rest of them. Where Skin-the-goat drove the car. Whole route, see?”
Circe: sector 0(bw)
Seymour Bush Blue
Note: From Aeolus.
“— Grattan and Flood wrote for this very paper, the editor cried in his face. Irish volunteers. Where are you now? Established 1763. Dr Lucas. Who have you now like John Philpot Curran? Psha!
— Well, J.J. O'Molloy said, Bushe K.C., for example.
— Bushe? the editor said. Well, yes: Bushe, yes. He has a strain of it in his blood. Kendal Bushe or I mean Seymour Bushe.”
Circe: sector 0(bx)
Childs Blue
Note: From Aeolus. See also Sheet 15.008(p).
“J.J. O'Molloy turned to Stephen and said quietly and slowly:
— One of the most polished periods I think I ever listened to in my life fell from the lips of Seymour Bushe. It was in that case of fratricide, the Childs murder case. Bushe defended him.”
Circe: sector 0(by)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the eight episode, ‘Lestrygonians’.
Circe: sector 0(bz)
Elijah Red
Note: From Lestrygonians. Bloom reads a leaflet (a ‘throwaway’) handed to him by a Y.M.C.A. young man:
“His slow feet walked him riverward, reading. Are you saved? All are washed in the blood of the lamb. God wants blood victim. Birth, hymen, martyr, war, foundation of a building, sacrifice, kidney burntoffering, druids' altars. Elijah is coming. Dr John Alexander Dowie, restorer of the church in Zion, is coming.”
Circe: sector 0(ca)
Parallax Not cancelled
Note: From Lestrygonians. See Sheet 15.054(am).
“Parallax. I never exactly understood. There's a priest. Could ask him. Par it's Greek: parallel, parallax.”
Circe: sector 0(cb)
Mrs Breen Red
Note: From Lestrygonians. Bloom meets and converses briefly with Mrs Breen, who explains to him her husband Denis's latest odd behaviour.
Circe: sector 0(cc)
Mr Denis Breen Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians. Mrs Breen, on seeing Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, worries that her husband (Mr Denis Breen) will be as eccentric as him one day.
Circe: sector 0(cd)
Tisdall Farrell Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians.
“— Who is he if it's a fair question? Mrs Breen asked. Is he dotty?
— His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom said, smiling. Watch!”
Circe: sector 0(ce)
J.H. Parnell Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians. The surviving brother of Charles Stewart Parnell:
“The sun freed itself slowly and lit glints of light among the silverware opposite in Walter Sexton's window by which John Howard Parnell passed, unseeing.”
Circe: sector 0(cf)
Davy Byrne Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians.
“Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's. Stopgap. Keep me going. Had a good breakfast.”
Circe: sector 0(cg)
Nosey Flynn Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians. Nosey Flynn is hanging out sipping grog in a nook in Davy Byrne's when Bloom arrives. They chat briefly.
Circe: sector 0(ch)
Paddy Leonard Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians. While Bloom is having lunch in Davy Byrne's, Paddy Leonard and Bantam Lyons come in. Tom Rochford follows. Paddy Leonard stands the round of drinks. Lyons has a stone ginger, and Rochford a glass of water. On being questioned, Lyons discloses that it was Bloom gave him a hot tip for the Ascot Gold Cup, on which he is about to plunge five bob.
Circe: sector 0(ci)
Tom Rochford Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians. See UN4 (NLI.5A):023(bt). Accompanies Leonard and Bantam Lyons into Davy Byrne's, but has nothing stronger than a glass of water to drink:
Tom Rochford spilt powder from a twisted paper into the water set before him.
— That cursed dyspepsia, he said before drinking.”
Circe: sector 0(cj)
Note: From Lestrygonians. Fr. l'aveugle, the blind man. Bloom tries to help the blind piano-tuner he comes upon in Dawson Street:
A blind stripling stood tapping the curbstone with his slender cane. No tram in sight. Wants to cross.”
Circe: sector 0(ck)
Recorder Blue
Note: From Lestrygonians. Having left Davy Byrne's, Bloom strolls on and recognises the Recorder:
“Sir Frederick Falkiner going into the freemasons' hall. Solemn as Troy. After his good lunch in Earlsfort terrace. Old legal cronies cracking a magnum. Tales of the bench and assizes and annals of the bluecoat school. I sentenced him to ten years. I suppose he'd turn up his nose at that stuff I drank. Vintage wine for them, the year marked on a dusty bottle. Has his own ideas of justice in the recorder's court. Wellmeaning old man.”
Circe: sector 0(cl)
Note: From Lestrygonians. Bloom, observing the silent veining of the oaken slab of the bar-counter, is minded of beauty and curves:
“Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves the world admires. Can see them library museum standing in the round hall, naked goddesses. Aids to digestion. They don't care what man looks. All to see. Never speaking.”
Circe: sector 0(da)
Note: Sheet 21 begins. This number, entered in green pencil, designates the ninth episode, ‘Scylla and Charybdis’.
Circe: sector 0(db)
Lyster Red
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis. Thomas W. Lyster, a Quaker, was the director of the National Library in Kildare Street. Lyster had earlier praised Joyce's article on Ibsen when it appeared in the Fortnightly Review.
Circe: sector 0(dc)
Best Red
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis. Richard I. Best (tall, young, mild, light), an assistant librarian at the National Library. He took over as director after Lyster left the position. He was a considerable scholar.
Circe: sector 0(dd)
John Eglinton Red
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis. See also In real life Eglinton was W.K. Magee, an assistant librarian at the National Library. He was the editor of Dublin's short-lived literary magazine Dana. He rejected Joyce's essay A Portrait of the Artist as incomprehensible. Joyce met Magee in the library on the morning after he walked out of the tower in shock in September 1904. They seem to have got on well.
Circe: sector 0(de)
Geo. Moore
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis. George Moore was a well-known Irish novelist. Though not physically present in the library, he was spoken of as hosting a much-anticipated soirée at his home later that evening.
Circe: sector 0(df)
Shakespeare Blue
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis. See also Sheet 15.031(bl). The exceptionally literate Stephen expounds grandiloquently with much nice detail his notions about William Shakespeare's dark play Hamlet with a group of Dublin intellectuals — the urbane Quaker librarian Thomas W. Lyster, the writer George Russell (“AE“), John Eglinton (in real life W. K. Magee, editor of the magazine Dana) and a member of the library staff, and, lastly, the assistant librarian Richard I. Best.
Circe: sector 0(dg)
Socrates Not cancelled
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis. Stephen broods:
“Part. The moment is now. Where then? If Socrates leave his house today, if Judas go forth tonight. Why? That lies in space which I in time must come to, ineluctably.”
Circe: sector 0(dh)
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis.
“That was Will's way, John Eglinton defended. We should not now combine a Norse saga with an excerpt from a novel by George Meredith. Que voulez-vous? Moore would say. He puts Bohemia on the seacoast and makes Ulysses quote Aristotle.”
Circe: sector 0(di)
Jesus Christ Blue
Note: From Scylla and Charybdis.
“All these questions are purely academic, Russell oracled out of his shadow. I mean, whether Hamlet is Shakespeare or James I or Essex. Clergymen's discussions of the historicity of Jesus.”
Circe: sector 0(dj)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the tenth episode, ‘Wandering Rocks’.
Circe: sector 0(dk)
Dudley Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Wandering Rocks.
“Off an inward bound tram stepped the reverend Nicholas Dudley C.C. of saint Agatha's church, north William street, on to Newcomen bridge.”
Circe: sector 0(dl)
Sailor Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks.
“A onelegged sailor, swinging himself onward by lazy jerks of his crutches, growled some notes. He jerked short before the convent of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.J. Father Conmee blessed him in the sun for his purse held, he knew, one silver crown.”
Circe: sector 0(dm)
Dilly Dedalus Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks.
Dilly Dedalus, listening by the curbstone, heard the beats of the bell, the cries of the auctioneer within. Four and nine. Those lovely curtains. Five shillings. Cosy curtains. Selling new at two guineas. Any advance on five shillings? Going for five shillings.”
Circe: sector 0(dn)
Boody Dedalus
Note: From Wandering Rocks. Katey and Boody Dedalus, sisters of Stephen, arrive home at No. 7, Saint Peter's Terrace in Cabra, where a third sister, Maggy, is boiling shirts and preparing pea-soup. Dilly, a fourth sister, has gone out in search of their father Simon.
Circe: sector 0(do)
Maggie Dedalus
Note: From Wandering Rocks. Joyce spelled ‘Maggy’ as ‘Maggie’ until at the earliest August 1921.
Maggy at the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.”
Circe: sector 0(dp)
Miss Parker Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks. A shopgirl, not named in the episode:
The blond girl in Thornton's bedded the wicker basket with rustling fibre. Blazes Boylan handed her the bottle swathed in pink tissue paper and a small jar.”
Circe: sector 0(dq)
Artifoni Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks.
“His heavy hand took Stephen's firmly. Human eyes. They gazed curiously an instant and turned quickly towards a Dalkey tram.
Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni said in friendly haste. Venga a trovarmi e ci pensi. Addio, caro.”
Circe: sector 0(dr)
Ben Dollard Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks.
“— O, Father Cowley said. A certain gombeen man of our acquaintance.
— With a broken back, is it? Mr Dedalus asked.
— The same, Simon, Father Cowley answered. Reuben of that ilk. I'm just waiting for Ben Dollard. He's going to say a word to Long John to get him to take those two men off. All I want is a little time.”
Circe: sector 0(ds)
Father Cowley Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks. See Sheet 15.063(c). A spoiled (former) priest:
“— Hello, Simon, Father Cowley said. How are things?
— Hello, Bob, old man, Mr Dedalus answered, stopping.”
Circe: sector 0(dt)
Jimmy Henry Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks. See Sheet 15.047(ak). The assistant town clerk:
“ They went down Parliament street.
— There's Jimmy Henry, Mr Power said, just heading for Kavanagh's.
— Righto, Martin Cunningham said. Here goes.”
Circe: sector 0(du)
Long John Blue
Note: From Wandering Rocks. See &UN4023ds& UN4 (NLI.5A):023(ds). Martin Cunningham, Mr Power and John Wyse Nolan wend their way from the courtyards of Dublin Castle to James Kavanagh's wine-rooms at No. 27, Parliament Street, where they meet the city sub-sheriff:
Long John Fanning made no way for them. He removed his large Henry Clay decisively and his large fierce eyes scowled intelligently over all their faces.”
Circe: sector 0(dv)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the eleventh episode, ‘Sirens’.
Circe: sector 0(dw)
Miss Douce Blue
Note: From Sirens. Miss Lydia Douce (bronze) is one of the rwo barmaids in the Ormond Hotel.
Circe: sector 0(dx)
Miss Kennedy Blue
Note: From Sirens. Miss Mina Kennedy (gold) is one of the rwo barmaids in the Ormond Hotel.
Circe: sector 0(dy)
Geo. Lidwell Blue
Note: From Sirens.
“To the end of the bar to him she bore lightly the spiked and winding seahorn that he, George Lidwell, solicitor, might hear.”
Circe: sector 0(dz)
Boots Blue
Note: From Sirens. Young servant at the Ormond hotel:
“The boots to them, them in the bar, them barmaids came. For them unheeding him he banged on the counter his tray of chattering china.”
Circe: sector 0(ea)
James Barton hackney Blue
Note: From Sirens.
“A hackney car, number three hundred and twentyfour, driver Barton James of number one Harmony avenue, Donnybrook, on which sat a fare, a young gentleman, stylishly dressed in an indigoblue serge suit made by George Robert Mesias, tailor and cutter, of number five Eden quay, and wearing a straw hat very dressy, bought of John Plasto of number one Great Brunswick street, hatter.”
Circe: sector 0(eb)
Mario Red
Note: From Sirens. Though not mentioned by name (as he is in ‘Aeolus’) Mario the tenor (full name Giovanni Matteo de Candia) was famed for many outstanding performances, including that of the farmer Lionel in Flotow's opera Martha. In the episode a song, ‘M'appari’, from the opera is sung by Simon Dedalus.
Circe: sector 0(ec)
Lionel Red
Note: From Sirens. Lionel is the principal male character in Friedrich von Flotow's Martha, a romantic comic opera in 4 parts. Simon Dedalus sings (Lionel's) ‘M'appari‘ from the opera:
“The voice of Lionel returned, weaker but unwearied. It sang again to Richie Poldy Lydia Lidwell also sang to Pat open mouth ear waiting to wait. How first he saw that form endearing, how sorrow seemed to part, how look, form, word charmed him Gould Lidwell, won Pat Bloom's heart.”
Circe: sector 0(ed)
Croppy Boy Blue
Note: From Sirens.
“— Qui sdegno, Ben, said Father Cowley.
— No, Ben, Tom Kernan interfered. The Croppy Boy. Our native Doric.”
Circe: sector 0(ee)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the twelfth episode, ‘Cyclops’.
Circe: sector 0(ef)
I Red
Note: From Cyclops. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):023(s). ‘I’: the nameless narrator, currently a collector of bad and doubtful debts.
Circe: sector 0(eg)
Crawford Blue
Note: From Cyclops. See Sheet 15.000(bl) aboveMiles Crawford, editor of the Evening Telegraph:
“Sure enough the castle car drove up with Martin on it and Jack Power with him and a fellow named Crofter or Crofton, pensioner out of the collector general's, an orangeman Blackburn does have on the registration and he drawing his pay or Crawford gallivanting around the country at the king's expense.”
Circe: sector 0(eh)
Crofton Blue
Note: From Cyclops. J.T.A. Crofton was an associate of John Joyce in the Dublin Rates Office [the Collector General's Office] in 1888:
“Sure enough the castle car drove up with Martin on it and Jack Power with him and a fellow named Crofter or Crofton, pensioner out of the collector general's, an orangeman Blackburn does have on the registration and he drawing his pay or Crawford gallivanting around the country at the king's expense.”
Circe: sector 0(ei)
Alf Bergan Blue
Note: From Cyclops.
“Little Alf Bergan popped in round the door and hid behind Barney's snug, squeezed up with the laughing, and who was sitting up there in the corner that I hadn't seen snoring drunk, blind to the world, only Bob Doran. I didn't know what was up and Alf kept making signs out of the door. And begob what was it only that bloody old pantaloon Denis Breen in his bath slippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him, unfortunate wretched woman trotting like a poodle. I thought Alf would split.”
Circe: sector 0(ej)
Bob Doran Red
Note: From Cyclops. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):023(bn).
“Little Alf Bergan popped in round the door and hid behind Barney's snug, squeezed up with the laughing, and who was sitting up there in the corner that I hadn't seen snoring drunk, blind to the world, only Bob Doran.”
Circe: sector 0(ek)
Dog Red
Note: From Cyclops. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):039(ak)
“So we turned into Barney Kiernan's and there sure enough was the citizen up in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of drink.”
Circe: sector 0(el)
Citizen Blue
Note: From Cyclops. Michael Cusack (1847-1907), founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA):
“So we turned into Barney Kiernan's and there sure enough was the citizen up in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of drink.”
Circe: sector 0(em)
Moses Herzog Not cancelled
Note: From Cyclops. See UN7 (V.A.2):13(r). A merchant of 13 Saint Kevin's Parade:
“— What are you doing round those parts? says Joe.
— Devil a much, says I. There's a bloody big foxy thief beyond by the garrison church at the corner of Chicken lane—old Troy was just giving me a wrinkle about him—lifted any God's quantity of tea and sugar to pay three bob a week said he had a farm in the county Down off a hop of my thumb by the name of Moses Herzog over there near Heytesbury street.”
Circe: sector 0(en)
Geraghty plumber Not cancelled
Note: From Cyclops. See UN7 (V.A.2):13(r). Michael E. Geraghty, 19 Arbour Hill, Dublin:
“An old plumber named Geraghty. I'm hanging on to his taw now for the past fortnight and I can't get a penny out of him.
— That the lay you're on now? says Joe.
— Ay, says I. How are the mighty fallen! Collector of bad and doubtful debts.”
Circe: sector 0(eo)
Beresford Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: From Cyclops.
A rump and dozen, says the citizen, was what that old ruffian sir John Beresford called it but the modern God's Englishman calls it caning on the breech.”
Circe: sector 0(ep)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the thirteenth episode, ‘Nausicaa’.
Circe: sector 0(eq)
Gerty MacDowell Red
Note: From Nausicaa. Gerty's bicycle, which she crashed, leaving her limp, is reflective of Nausicaa's mule-drawn cart. She is the Nausicaa figure of the episode:
Gerty MacDowell who was seated near her companions, lost in thought, gazing far away into the distance was in very truth as fair a specimen of winsome Irish girlhood as one could wish to see.”
Circe: sector 0(er)
Cissy Caffrey Blue
Note: From Nausicaa. See UN4044(bi). Gerty's friends, squinty Eddy Boardman and gawky Cissy Caffrey, stand in for Nausicaa's slave girls. These run off when Odysseus pops naked out of his hiding place. The misplaced ball occurs in both texts precisely at the moment when the hero makes his appearance. The time of day, however, is upside down. Nausicaa encounters Odysseus towards noon, whereas Gerty and Bloom meet at sunset.
Circe: sector 0(es)
Edy Boardman Blue
Note: From Nausicaa. Gerty's friends, squinty Eddy Boardman and gawky Cissy Caffrey, stand in for Nausicaa's slave girls. These run off when Odysseus pops naked out of his hiding place. The misplaced ball occurs in both texts precisely at the moment when the hero makes his appearance. The time of day, however, is upside down. Nausicaa encounters Odysseus towards noon, whereas Gerty and Bloom meet at sunset.
Circe: sector 0(et)
The Twins Blue
Note: From Nausicaa.
“The three girl friends were seated on the rocks enjoying the evening scene and the air which was fresh but not too chilly. Many a time and oft were they wont to come there to that favourite nook to have a cosy chat beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, Cissy Caffrey and Edy Boardman with the baby in the pushcar and Tommy and Jacky Caffrey, two little curlyheaded boys, dressed in sailor suits with caps to match and the name H.M.S. Belleisle printed on both. For Tommy and Jacky Caffrey were twins, scarce four years old and very noisy and spoiled twins sometimes but for all that darling little fellows with bright merry faces and endearing ways about them. They were dabbling in the sand with their spades and buckets, building castles as children do, or playing with their big coloured ball, happy as the day was long.”
Circe: sector 0(eu)
Father John Hughes S.J. Blue
Note: From Nausicaa. A retreat is taking place at the R.C. Church of Mary, Star of the Sea, off Leahy's Terrace near Sanymount Strand, as Bloom wanders along the strand:
“It was the men's temperance retreat conducted by the missioner, the reverend John Hughes S.J., rosary, sermon and benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.”
Circe: sector 0(ev)
Canon O'Hanlon Blue
Note: From Nausicaa. Canon John O'Hanlon was parish priest at the church of Mary, Star of the Sea, off Leahy's Terrace near Sanymount Strand. He lived at no. 3, Leahy's Terrace. The Canon O'Hanlon Memorial National School now occupies the very spot where Joyce has Bloom masturbate.
Circe: sector 0(ew)
Father Conroy Blue
Note: From Nausicaa.
“Gerty could picture the whole scene in the church, the stained glass windows lighted up, the candles, the flowers and the blue banners of the blessed Virgin's sodality and Father Conroy was helping Canon O'Hanlon at the altar, carrying things in and out with his eyes cast down. He looked almost a saint and his confessionbox was so quiet and clean and dark and his hands were just like white wax and if ever she became a Dominican nun in their white habit perhaps he might come to the convent for the novena of Saint Dominic.”
Circe: sector 0(ex)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the fourteenth episode, ‘Oxen of the Sun’.
Circe: sector 0(ey)
nurse Callan Red
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. Nurse Callan is the counterpart to the Homeric Lampetia “of the trailing robes”, the shepherdess, daughter of Helios the Sun God, who with her sister Phaethusa (Joyce's Nurse Quigley) tends the sacred animals of his island sanctuary of Thrinacia. It is Lampetia who informs Helios of the desecration wrought by the Achaens in stealing, slaughtering and consuming his sacred oxen. It is Nurse Callan who admits Bloom into the hospital and, in one of Joyce's bizarre meta-levels, is the womb his fecund seed enters into.
Circe: sector 0(ez)
Dixon Blue
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. One of the medical students Bloom encounters on his visit to the National Maternity Hospital at 29-31 Holles Street to see how his acquaintance Mrs Mina Purefoy, who is three days overdue, is faring. Dixon was the “nice young student” who had attended on Bloom when he went to the Mater Hospital over a bee-sting in his breast.
Circe: sector 0(fa)
Punch Costello Red
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. Francis “Punch” Costello, whom Bloom picks out as being of a particular level of infamy:
“But the word of Mr Costello was an unwelcome language for him for he nauseated the wretch that seemed to him a cropeared creature of a misshapen gibbosity born out of wedlock and thrust like a crookback toothed and feet first into the world, which the dint of the surgeon's pliers in his skull lent indeed a colour to, so as it put him in thought of that missing link of creation's chain desiderated by the late ingenious Mr Darwin.”
Circe: sector 0(fb)
Madden Red
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. William Madden, a young squat medical student, “a Scots fellow”, is among the group that Bloom joins on calling at the hospital.
Circe: sector 0(fc)
Nurse Quigley Red
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. Nurse Quigley's Homeric counterpart is Phaethusa, the second daughter of Helios. She seems to be the older of the two nurses:
“when here nurse Quigley from the door angerly bid them hist ye should shame you nor was it not meet as she remembered them being her mind was to have all orderly against lord Andrew came for because she was jealous that no gasteful turmoil might shorten the honour of her guard.”
Circe: sector 0(fd)
Mrs Purefoy Not cancelled
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. Bloom confuses her name with that of the author (Philip Beaufoy) of the piece he read on the toilet in ‘Calypso’. Mrs Mina Purefoy is the reason for Bloom's visit to the maternty hospital:
Mistress Purefoy there, that got in through pleading her belly, and now on the stools, poor body, two days past her term, the midwives sore put to it and can't deliver, she queasy for a bowl of riceslop that is a shrewd drier up of the insides 7and her breath very heavy more than good and should be a bullyboy from the knocks, they say, but God give her soon issue.”
Circe: sector 0(fe)
Theodore Purefoy Blue
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. The husband of Mina Purefoy:
“By heaven, Theodore Purefoy, thou hast done a doughty deed and no botch! Thou art, I vow, the remarkablest progenitor barring none in this chaffering allincluding most farraginous chronicle.”
Circe: sector 0(ff)
Lynch Red
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. The character Vincent Lynch (based on Joyce's college friend Vincent Cosgrave who, it seems, drowned himself in the Thames) is portrayed as a medical student, one of the group of young men gathered in the hospital as Bloom arrives:
“There too, opposite to him, was Lynch whose countenance bore already the stigmata of early depravity and premature wisdom.”
Circe: sector 0(fg)
Crotthers Blue
Note: From Oxen of the Sun. Mr J. Crothers was one of the group of young men gathered at the hospital, drinking and discoursing:
Crotthers was there at the foot of the table in his striking Highland garb, his face glowing from the briny airs of the Mull of Galloway.”
Circe: sector 0(fh)
Note: This number, entered in green pencil, designates the fifteenth episode, ‘Circe’.
Circe: sector 0(fi)
Zoe Higgins Red
Note: Circe. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):022(ao). An English girl, she is the first of the prostitutes in Bella Cohen's house to greet Bloom.
Circe: sector 0(fj)
Florrie Talbot Red
Note: Circe. Spelled “Florrie” in the early drafts, Florry Talbot is one of the prostitutes in Bella Cohen's house.
Circe: sector 0(fk)
Kitty Ricketts Red
Note: Circe. Named “Kitty Lawrence” in the earliest known draft, Kitty Ricketts is another of the prostitutes in Bella Cohen's house.
Circe: sector 0(fl)
Bella Cohen Red
Note: Circe. Bella Cohen, Joyce's man-hating Orc, was not fictitious; her maiden name was Bella. She ran her shop out of 82 Tyrone Street, lower, not (as cited in ‘Circe’) at No. 81. No 81, in 1904, was rented by a Miss Callan. Curiously, the correct address {no. 82) is cited in ‘Ithaca’. At one time in the late 1890s No. 82 housed a Midnight Mission set up by some Protestant clergymen with the fervent desire of reforming the whores of Dublin. Joyce's portrait of the massive whore-mistress may borrow something from another well-known madam, Mrs Peggy Arnott. She ruled the roost at No. 83 and was by repute herself a fine figure of a woman. She lived in a large, eminently respectable house elsewhere in Dublin and sent her daughter to a finishing-school in England. And all out of the takings from No. 83.
Circe: sector 0(fm)
Private Carr Blue
Note: Circe. An ignorant loutish British private. Joyce seems to have selected the name Carr solely to reflect his (unjustified) contempt for Henry Carr, an individual he (unsuccessfully) sued in the period when he was involved with the English Players in Zurich. Carr was employed in the British Consulate in Zurich, having been invalided from his Black Watch Regiment. Joyce was happy to engage him as an actor. There was a dispute between them regarding payment to Carr, who subsequently pronounced Joyce a swindler and a cad, which in this instance he undoubtedly was.
Circe: sector 0(fn)
Note: The total number of names and themes listed is 140. If the names ‘Corny Kelleher’ and ‘Rudy’ were late additions to ‘6’ [‘Hades’], as they seem to be, the earlier total would have been 138.

Circe sector 1

BL Add MS 49475-19v(right) JJA 12:057
(Herring Cir-10) left column

Circe: sector 1(a)
topknot Blue
Circe: sector 1(b)
pigtail Blue
Circe: sector 1(c)
toupee Blue
Circe: sector 1(d)
little mites drowned in weir
Circe: sector 1(e)
cleaver used by Mrs Pearcey to slay Hogg / Hatchet purchased by Koczula to murder his employer / Voisin dismembered the wife of a compatriot / Hid remains in a cellar / phial containing arsenic retrieved from body of Miss Barrow sent Seddon to the gallows Blue
Note: These tidbits presumably derive from an article in the Daily Mail (referred to in the Auckland Star of 18 December 1920) on various items exhibited in New Scotland Yard's famous ‘Black Museum’. Mrs Mary Pearcey (b.1866) murdered Mrs Phoebe Hogg 24 October 1890, hanged 23 December 1890. Paul Koczula (b.1870) murdered Sophia Rasch on 25 May 1894, hanged 14 August 1894. Louis Voisin (b.1875), a butcher, murdered Emilienne Gerard on 31 October 1917, hanged on 2 March 1918. Frederick Seddon (b.1872) murdered Eliza Barrow on 14 September 1911, hanged 18 April 1912.
Circe: sector 1(f)
Neil Cream, poisoner of 5 young women
Note: From the Daily Mail. Dr Thomas Neil Cream (b.1850), the ‘Lambeth Poisoner’, hanged at Newgate Prison in 1892.
Circe: sector 1(g)
drunk cover distance Blue
Circe: sector 1(h)
see behind in mirror Blue
Circe: sector 1(i)
Circe's Teiresias, her tipster, Blue
Then I spake among my men as they went on their way, saying: “Ye deem now, I see, that ye are going to your own dear country; but Circe hath showed us another way, even to the dwelling of Hades and of dread Persephone, to seek to the spirit of Theban Teiresias.” Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), 171
Circe: sector 1(j)
carry on back, waiting, lurking fish
Circe: sector 1(k)
Ostrich monocle barelegged, ~ Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 1(l)
~ flat head
Circe: sector 1(m)
elephant bagslops Blue
Circe: sector 1(n)
cabbage ear Blue
Circe: sector 1(o)
Seal [maimed] crawl old emperor Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 1(p)
Camel man under carpet disgruntled hindquarters, Blue
Circe: sector 1(q)
flamingo stilts, Blue
Circe: sector 1(r)
Moly - indifference / Moly - beauty / Moly - laughter / Moly - satire / Moly - pessimism Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 1(s)
LB no face Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 1(t)
monkey picks hat to bits Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 1(u)
woman embrace pugilists Red
Circe: sector 1(v)
cockspur, Blue
Circe: sector 1(aa)
spavined (G.D.) Blue
Note: Not in final (1922) text.
Circe: sector 1(ab)
Esther Osvalt
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.449: see JJA 12:259)
Circe: sector 1(ac)
Alo! bonjour Blue
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.440: see JJA 12:259)
Circe: sector 1(ad)
Word known to all men, Blue
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.435: see JJA 12:259)
Circe: sector 1(ae)
wild goose ~ Red
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.164)
Circe: sector 1(af)
~ beasts like mirrors
Circe: sector 1(ag)
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.165)
Circe: sector 1(ah)
Bill O'Connell's speech
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.269)
Circe: sector 1(ai)
gaitered feet, Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.186)
Circe: sector 1(aj)
~ hackles,
Circe: sector 1(ak)
honey hair Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.197)
Circe: sector 1(al)
2 notes (1 torn) 1 sov, 2 crowns 2∕- Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.209ff)
Circe: sector 1(am)
If youth but knew Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.238)
Circe: sector 1(an)
I paid my way Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.251)
Circe: sector 1(ao)
Per vias rectas Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.282)
Circe: sector 1(ap)
rocky road to - Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.285)
Circe: sector 1(aq)
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.253)
Circe: sector 1(ar)
Duke of Beauford, Ceylon '66 (LB n) Blue
Note: ‘'66 (LB n)’ not crossed through. Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.302)
Circe: sector 1(as)
Even money Fair Rebel Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.309)
Circe: sector 1(at)
10 to 1 field, Not cancelled
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.310)
Circe: sector 1(au)
Skeleton horses Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.300)
Circe: sector 1(av)
proceeded to pound his face to a jelly
Circe: sector 1(ba)
stick one into Jerry Blue
Circe: sector 1(bb)
Chinaman J.E. pigtail Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.000(dd).
Circe: sector 1(bc)
chalk circle Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.029(p).
Circe: sector 1(bd)
bishop of Down & Connor Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bv) (for UG 15.1477) and Sheet 15.070(o) (for UG 15.1470).

Circe sector 2

BL Add MS 49475-19v(right) JJA 12:057
(Herring Cir-10) right margin

Circe: sector 2(a)
scarlet yellow blue green & white parrot Blue
Circe: sector 2(b)
forget how to stand Blue
Circe: sector 2(c)
Circe: sector 2(d)
puppy Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 2(e)
lash into fury Blue
Circe: sector 2(f)
Joachim Abbas
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.108)
Circe: sector 2(g)
wolfdog crossed every 4th generation
Circe: sector 2(h)
wolf loves dogflesh
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.46ff)
Circe: sector 2(i)
wolf's stomach odds & ends Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 2(j)
world without end Blue
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.27f)
Circe: sector 2(k)
Frauenzimmer Blue
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.30)
Circe: sector 2(l)
simper Blue
Circe: sector 2(m)
Arius Blue
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.50)
Circe: sector 2(n)
gutted spears Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.318)
Circe: sector 2(o)
eartips Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 2(p)
Cassandra Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.329)
Circe: sector 2(q)
~ harlot's cry Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.355: see JJA 12:237)
Circe: sector 2(r)
prism light on GD's blue eyes Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.352f: see JJA 12:237)
Circe: sector 2(s)
nightmare ~ Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.377: see JJA 12:237)
Circe: sector 2(t)
~ History Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.377: see JJA 12:237)
Circe: sector 2(u)
O'Rourke of Breffni
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.393)
Circe: sector 2(v)
Amor matris
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.393f)
Circe: sector 2(w)
M. Maimonides & Averroes
Circe: sector 2(aa)
to rear up Blue
Note: Copied from the Proteus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 3.344)
Circe: sector 2(ab)
to buck Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.026(f).
Circe: sector 2(ac)
to shy Blue
Circe: sector 2(ad)
caparisoned horse Blue
Circe: sector 2(ae)
horserace Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: proto-idea for Deasy hallucination.
Circe: sector 2(af)
bolts Blue
Circe: sector 2(ag)
eatenaway nose Blue
Note: Cf. Proteus 3.481
Circe: sector 2(ah)
indiarubber woman Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 2(ai)
swell mobsmen Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):042(e) for UG 16.64.
Circe: sector 2(aj)
playfight of beasts Blue
Circe: sector 2(ak)
waxworks Blue
Circe: sector 2(al)
Circe: sector 2(am)
world's fair Blue
Circe: sector 2(an)
Circe: sector 2(ao)
all follow [panther] ([BG]) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 2(ap)
he diffuses smell Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bw).
Circe: sector 2(aq)
[protested punishment]

Circe sector 3

BL Add MS 49475-19v(right) JJA 12:057
(Herring Cir-10) left margin

Circe: sector 3(a)
Know me next time Blue
Circe: sector 3(b)
swan Blue
Circe: sector 3(c)
carefully nurtured Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(cf) for UG 16.1421, and Sheet 15.064(l).
Circe: sector 3(d)
eartips fly across

Circe sector 4

BL Add MS 49475-19v(right) JJA 12:057
(Herring Cir-10) top

Circe: sector 4(a)
squirm Blue
Circe: sector 4(b)
vindictively Red
Circe: sector 4(c)
Zoe: I fell. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 4(d)
I did what I did Blue
Circe: sector 4(e)
Kids Blue
Circe: sector 4(f)
LB red tie Blue
Circe: sector 4(g)
J.C. catholic
Circe: sector 4(h)
Circe: sector 4(i)
jellybag Red
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 5

BL Add MS 49475-19v(left) JJA 12:056
(Herring Cir-13) left column

Circe: sector 5(a)
as a matter of courtesy Blue
Circe: sector 5(b)
mercury's hats Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.601)
Circe: sector 5(c)
green boots
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.516)
Circe: sector 5(d)
~ Haines as soldier
Circe: sector 5(e)
boneless snail
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.142)
Circe: sector 5(f)
heresiarchus Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.659)
Circe: sector 5(g)
frogwise, jelly
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.680f)
Circe: sector 5(h)
Harry Gogarty in Mull.
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.682ff)
Circe: sector 5(i)
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.65)
Circe: sector 5(j)
fabled by daughters of memory, Not cancelled
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.7)
Circe: sector 5(k)
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.123)
Circe: sector 5(l)
~ fox & granny, Blue
Note: Copied from the Nestor drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 2.115)
Circe: sector 5(m)
epi oinopa ponton Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.78)
Circe: sector 5(n)
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.128)
Circe: sector 5(o)
dogsbody Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.112)
Circe: sector 5(p)
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.154)
Circe: sector 5(q)
giddy ox
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.171); recopied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bq).
Circe: sector 5(r)
Caliban, Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.143); recopied to Sheet 15.009(at).
Circe: sector 5(s)
grasshalms Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.175)
Circe: sector 5(t)
Offend memory of mother Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.124f)
Circe: sector 5(u)
Love's bitter mystery Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.240)
Circe: sector 5(v)
Liliata rutilantium Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.276)
Circe: sector 5(aa)
Silk of kine Blue
Note: Copied from the Telemachus drafts, possibly the typescript (cf. U84 1.403)
Circe: sector 5(ab)
Mulligan meets his afflicted aunt Blue
Note: Possibly copied from the eo-draft of Telemachus: see JJA 10:1220.
Circe: sector 5(ac)
No give in it
Circe: sector 5(ad)
corset laced vice Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(l).
Circe: sector 5(ae)
fascinated by sister's stays Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(s).
Circe: sector 5(af)
LB at Xmas tree Blue
Circe: sector 5(ag)
〃 bathing, Sad thing making [hunger] for your country
Circe: sector 5(ah)
LB stiff leg Blue
Circe: sector 5(ai)
smbdy trails Blue
Circe: sector 5(aj)
walls fall asunder Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 5(ak)
Convers. speak out of turn
Circe: sector 5(al)
arguments don't convince
Circe: sector 5(am)
questions not replied to Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 5(an)
tread on tail of coat
Circe: sector 5(ao)
man upholds train Red
Circe: sector 5(ap)
tailwagging Red
Circe: sector 5(aq)
Circe: sector 5(ar)
female impersonator, Not cancelled
Circe: sector 5(as)
loitering Blue
Circe: sector 5(at)
intent to commit a felony
Circe: sector 5(au)
life preserver killed Red
Circe: sector 5(av)
SD wires for cash
Circe: sector 5(ba)
descriptive particulars Blue
Circe: sector 5(bb)
and ruin you? And make me? [??] ruin you [??],-

Circe sector 6

BL Add MS 49475-19v(left) JJA 12:056
(Herring Cir-13) right column

Circe: sector 6(a)
superfluous hair Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):009(ch)
Circe: sector 6(b)
pigtail tied to waistband
Circe: sector 6(c)
elbows tight together
Circe: sector 6(d)
grizzly Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 6(e)
SD [in] but enters
Circe: sector 6(f)
bestie sudditanza Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 6(g)
bearhead cocked R-L for sugar Blue
Circe: sector 6(h)
corsetlover Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(ao).
Circe: sector 6(i)
strapped to a bedpost Blue
Circe: sector 6(j)
a cod's mouth Blue
Circe: sector 6(k)
evensong Blue
Circe: sector 6(l)
LB asks way Blue
Circe: sector 6(m)
LB shocked in crowd Red
Circe: sector 6(n)
totters on hams Blue
Circe: sector 6(o)
|acranesa| Blue
Circe: sector 6(p)
head comes round corner & vanishes
Circe: sector 6(q)
reflects, refracts Blue
Circe: sector 6(r)
corpulent, Blue
Circe: sector 6(s)
They strip
Circe: sector 6(t)
Mrs Europe speaks
Circe: sector 6(u)
Tooraloom Tay Blue

Tootle tum, tootle tum, tootle tum, tootle tum,
Tootle tum, tootle tum tay.

Arthur Lloyd, I vowed that I never would leave her (ca. 1870), chorus
Note: Joyce probably quoted the song from memory (hence ‘Tooraloom’ for ‘Tootle tum’). For more ‘Tooralooms’ see UN7 (V.A.2):012(m), UN7 (V.A.2):012(n); also UN4 (NLI.5A):002(h) for UG 5.14f, UN4 (NLI.5A):002(ae), UN4 (NLI.5A):002(ah), UN4 (NLI.5A):005(au) for UG 6.686, and UN5 (NLI.5B):004(bf).
Circe: sector 6(v)
LB talks German Blue
Circe: sector 6(aa)
Circe: sector 6(ab)
Circe: sector 6(ac)
Circe: sector 6(ad)
raughty tinker / soldering iron
Circe: sector 6(ae)
sinking floor Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 6(af)
Vase appears on table Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bt) for UG 15.3621.
Circe: sector 6(ag)
brought to justice
Circe: sector 6(ah)
[Coney] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 6(ai)
tammy toque Blue
Circe: sector 6(aj)
run to earth
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bx) and Sheet 15.057(r).
Circe: sector 6(ak)
LB ideas for Zoo
Circe: sector 6(al)
he kicked
Circe: sector 6(am)
badgered Red
Circe: sector 6(an)
pussy four corners Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bs) for UG 15.1602.
Circe: sector 6(ao)
alanna Blue

Circe sector 7

BL Add MS 49475-19v(left) JJA 12:056
(Herring Cir-13) left margin

Circe: sector 7(a)
Circe: sector 7(b)
fawn spats Darkgray
Circe: sector 7(c)
clear my name Blue
Circe: sector 7(d)
lingerie Blue
Circe: sector 7(e)
stiffly Blue
Circe: sector 7(f)
Dundrearies Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(am) for original insertion of this word at draft 1.
Circe: sector 7(g)
two detectives Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 7(h)
talking to himself Blue
Note: See JJA 14:326 (V.B.13d-66)
Circe: sector 7(i)
keyhole eye Blue
Circe: sector 7(j)
Circe: sector 7(k)
Mary Martha
Circe: sector 7(l)
Mary lost the string of her Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 7(m)
reindeer Red
Circe: sector 7(n)
goddesses speak through nose
Circe: sector 7(o)
white slave traffic Red
Circe: sector 7(p)
manh(e)ater Not cancelled
Circe: sector 7(q)
I hate you Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bh). See also Sheet 13.009(bt).

Circe sector 8

BL Add MS 49475-19v(left) JJA 12:056
(Herring Cir-13) loose units

Circe: sector 8(a)
author Blue
Circe: sector 8(b)
savagely Blue

Circe sector 9

BL Add MS 49475-16r(left) JJA 12:042
(Herring Cir-1) left column

Circe: sector 9(a)
Note: Circe: written in blue pencil (top left).
Circe: sector 9(b)
tennis racket feels heavier & bigger in left hand Blue
Circe: sector 9(c)
left hand smaller (si) on unaccustom? Blue
Circe: sector 9(d)
fingertips feel without touching Blue
Circe: sector 9(e)
magic lantern ~ Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 9(f)
~ (Irving Bishop) Blue
Note: Washington Irving Bishop (1847-1889), an American mind-reader and magician who was popular in the British Isles in the 1880s.
Circe: sector 9(g)
Juggler Blue
Circe: sector 9(h)
'cushion' between nerve & objects always Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 9(i)
redhot lava walked on South Sea
Circe: sector 9(j)
plunges bare hand in molten steel (foundry)
Circe: sector 9(k)
smoking = to occupy mouth Green
Circe: sector 9(l)
sweet [rum] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 9(m)
Close eyes in sun, mist of blood, see red, bloodvessels of retina
Circe: sector 9(n)
No! Blue
Note: And passim.
Circe: sector 9(o)
SD remembers falsely place not seen Green
Circe: sector 9(p)
More limelight, Charley Blue
Circe: sector 9(q)
only for what happened him Red
Circe: sector 9(r)
Mind the cornflowers Green
Circe: sector 9(s)
Chummy faithful to trulls Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 9(t)
LB likes to be tempted Darkgray
Circe: sector 9(u)
Le père d'un satyre, la mère d'un minotaure déroge aux lois de la nature et au lieu du roi des animaux ne produit qu'un monstre. C'est faire a la société un tort considérable (said that very well) Red
Le pere d'un Satyre, la mere d'un Minotaure déroge aux Loix de la nature, & au lieu du Roi des animaux ne produit qu'un monstre. C'est faire à la société un tort considérable. Michel Coltell. L'Art de faire des garçons (1750?), vol 2,113
Note: See also Sheet 15.012(m).
Circe: sector 9(v)
Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(ap). The Russian, Elie Metchnikoff (1845-1916) was a biologist. See also Sheet 14.087(x).
Circe: sector 9(aa)
whore sneers at other w's big words. Green
Circe: sector 9(ab)
LB unlaces her boot, learnt to make knots tying parcels for mail order business. Blue
Circe: sector 9(ac)
So that? So that... Blue
Circe: sector 9(ad)
horned man Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 9(ae)
Lambert family pigs Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ba) for UG 15.3867.
Circe: sector 9(af)
How would it be if I was to bash in your jaw? Blue
Circe: sector 9(ag)
snowing & sneezing
Circe: sector 9(ah)
imbecillic Darkgray
Circe: sector 9(ai)
Give a thing & take it back / Never go to God again / See a man behind the church / Washing his face in a bowl of blood Blue
Circe: sector 9(aj)
does yr. father fish for trout?
Circe: sector 9(ak)
Never brush away a ladybird
Circe: sector 9(al)
Star on mount of thumb (cautious in love)
Note: See also Sheet 15.018(m) and Sheet 15.027(q).
Circe: sector 9(am)
Drop curtsy to new moon & turn silver money
Circe: sector 9(an)
Put on new on Whitsunday
Circe: sector 9(ao)
MB bringing salt to new house Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 18.006(t)
Circe: sector 9(ap)
Existence of God easily proved by holy writ Blue
Circe: sector 9(aq)
Wait my love & I'll be with you Red
Circe: sector 9(ar)
Beauty & Beast, Blue
Circe: sector 9(as)
~ Comus,
Circe: sector 9(at)
Caliban, Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.005(r); copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(br) for UG 15.1760.
Circe: sector 9(au)
~ Renan,
Circe: sector 9(av)
Lycanthropy. nabuchodonosor rex, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 9(ba)
Circe: sector 9(bb)
blotches Blue
Circe: sector 9(bc)
finger short Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.027(p).
Circe: sector 9(bd)
lunatics, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: cf. 17.1947 Ith B
Circe: sector 9(be)
mammoth roses Darkgray
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.030(c).
Circe: sector 9(bf)
disorderly house Blue

Circe sector 10

BL Add MS 49475-16r(left) JJA 12:042
(Herring Cir-1) right column

Circe: sector 10(a)
SD drunk remember somethg / smby told, not know what / reader also not Green
Circe: sector 10(b)
SD friends of the [manner] of iniquity
Circe: sector 10(c)
son of a whore (Pan) Blue
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):009(l).
Circe: sector 10(d)
all one & same God. Darkgray
Circe: sector 10(e)
God help yr. head. Red
Circe: sector 10(f)
LB More? And more's mother Darkgray
Circe: sector 10(g)
SD delighted own politeness Red
Circe: sector 10(h)
How is yr. middle leg? Darkgray
Circe: sector 10(i)
Roman collar back hidden Darkgray
Circe: sector 10(j)
spreadeagle Blue
Circe: sector 10(k)
kick him in the knackers Blue
Circe: sector 10(l)
I gave it to Nelly / To stick in her belly / The leg of a duck Red
Circe: sector 10(m)
Jupiter is animal Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 10(n)
lucky number
Circe: sector 10(o)
: Noah Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: 15.3868 entered rather late.
Circe: sector 10(p)
Bohee Bros Livermore minstrels Green
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.026(h).
Circe: sector 10(q)
MB likes sweep:, so dirty. Green
Circe: sector 10(r)
fawn(ing) Green
Circe: sector 10(s)
accost Darkgray
Circe: sector 10(t)
solicit Darkgray
Circe: sector 10(u)
cub, Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.064(ca).
Circe: sector 10(v)
have you any tickles Blue
Circe: sector 10(aa)
sumptuous Green
Circe: sector 10(ab)
women like sleepy men Red
Circe: sector 10(ac)
vidi acquam Blue
Circe: sector 10(ad)
mixoldyian Green
Circe: sector 10(ae)
Are you out of Maynooth? Out of it now ~ Darkgray
Circe: sector 10(af)
~ Well out of it Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 10(ag)
SD see yr. hand on wall
Circe: sector 10(ah)
Want will be yr. master Blue
Circe: sector 10(ai)
whore tell of a Mr Dedalus / (sailor) / (circus rider) Red
Note: See also Sheet 16.023(e)
Circe: sector 10(aj)
Give a thing & take it back / God'll ask you where is that. / You'll say you don't know / God'll send you down below Blue
Circe: sector 10(ak)
Itch palm touch wood
Circe: sector 10(al)
My boy's thinking of me Blue
Circe: sector 10(am)
Mother Slipperslapper Green
Circe: sector 10(an)
devil is in that door (opens self) Blue
Circe: sector 10(ao)
end of the world Not cancelled
Note: See also Sheet 15.024(j).
Circe: sector 10(ap)
Whore to LB - You're not his father? No. I thought on account of you both being in black Darkgray

Circe sector 11

BL Add MS 49475-16r(left) JJA 12:042
(Herring Cir-1) left margin

Circe: sector 11(a)
salt spilt, diners climb on table to fight
Circe: sector 11(b)
roulette Green
Circe: sector 11(c)
Rien ne va plus faites vos jeux le jeu est fait Green
Circe: sector 11(d)
parsley for corpse (Greek)
Circe: sector 11(e)
Hold out hand Blue
Circe: sector 11(f)
SD, long / LB, shorter, all / fingers equal & round tips
Circe: sector 11(g)
3rd. & 4th. far apart impulsive
Circe: sector 11(h)
1st. & 2nd. self willed
Circe: sector 11(i)
bend back easily shy
Circe: sector 11(j)
equal = original
Note: Joined to unit above ‘1st. & 2nd’
Circe: sector 11(k)
triple bracelet, health, / wealth, happy / 30 yrs each,
A line traced on the wrist is a sign of long life; above all, if there are three of these lines, as is sometimes seen, forms the triple bracelet. These lines indicate, in Chiromancy, thirty years of life each, and the three lines form what is called the magic bracelet, indicating long life, health, and riches. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 95
Circe: sector 11(l)
if sun up rise, if not descent
Circe: sector 11(m)
purple nails heart
Circe: sector 11(n)
long white cruel
Circe: sector 11(o)
red nails hasty
Circe: sector 11(p)
short broad extravagant
Circe: sector 11(q)
3rd. fingernail ridged & tender [bright red]
Circe: sector 11(r)
speckled unhealthy
Circe: sector 11(s)
side cushions impulse
Circe: sector 11(t)
Mounts of Venus, Jove, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury love, ambition, conduct, art, industry

Circe sector 12

BL Add MS 49475-16r(left) JJA 12:042
(Herring Cir-1) loose units

Circe: sector 12(a)
gorgeous stuff Blue
Circe: sector 12(b)
Old Glory Blue
Circe: sector 12(c)
wouldn't do a less thing Red
Circe: sector 12(d)
Minnie Hauck Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.021(d).
Circe: sector 12(e)
come to bed hat Darkgray
Circe: sector 12(f)
money spider
Circe: sector 12(g)
maul Blue
Circe: sector 12(h)
LB [piss] on floor Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 12(i)
educated greyhound Blue
Circe: sector 12(j)
Dunleary Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 12(k)
grousing Blue
Circe: sector 12(l)
King of beasts
Circe: sector 12(m)
〃 animals Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.009(u) above.
Circe: sector 12(n)
Ruby Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):001(o) and source title.

Circe sector 13

BL Add MS 49475-16v(left) JJA 12:044
(Herring Cir-2) left column

Circe: sector 13(a)
Note: Circe: written in blue pencil (top right).
Circe: sector 13(b)
Ul. carries shot stag with [lugarm] & spear Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
But as I came and drew nigh to the curved ship, some god even then took pity on me in my loneliness, and sent a tall antlered stag across my very path. He was coming down from his pasture in the woodland to the river to drink, for verily the might of the sun was sore upon him. And as he came up from out of the stream, I smote him on the spine in the middle of the back, and the brazen shaft went clean through him, and with a moan he fell in the dust, and his life passed from him. Then I set my foot on him and drew forth the brazen shaft from the wound, and laid it hard by upon the ground and let it lie. Next I broke withies and willow twigs, and wove me a rope a fathom in length, well twisted from end to end, and bound together the feet of the huge beast, and went to the black ship bearing him across my neck, and leaning on a spear, for it was in no wise possible to carry him on my shoulder with the one hand, for he was a mighty quarry. And I threw him down before the ship and roused my company with soft words, standing by each man in turn: Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 158
Circe: sector 13(c)
crew lie with muffled heads, they feast. Blue
“Friends, for all our sorrows we shall not yet a while go down to the house of Hades, ere the coming of the day of destiny; go to then, while as yet there is meat and drink in the swift ship, let us take thought thereof, that we be not famished for hunger.”
Even so I spake, and they speedily hearkened to my words. They unmuffled their heads, and there on the shore of the unharvested sea gazed at the stag, for he was a mighty quarry. But after they had delighted their eyes with the sight of him, they washed their hands and got ready the glorious feast. So for that time we sat the livelong day till the going down of the sun, feasting on abundant flesh and sweet wine. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 158
Circe: sector 13(d)
½ Ul. ½ Euryl. 22 each (mother in law fight Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Then I numbered my goodly-greaved company in two bands, and appointed a leader for each, and I myself took the command of the one part, and godlike Eurylochus of the other. And anon we shook the lots in a brazen-fitted helmet, and out leapt the lot of proud Eurylochus. So he went on his way, and with him two and twenty of my fellowship all weeping; and we were left behind making lament. In the forest glades they found the halls of Circe builded, of polished stone, in a place with wide prospect. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 159f
Note: See also Sheet 15.018(bq).
Circe: sector 13(e)
drew lots in helmet Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Then I numbered my goodly-greaved company in two bands, and appointed a leader for each, and I myself took the command of the one part, and godlike Eurylochus of the other. And anon we shook the lots in a brazen-fitted helmet, and out leapt the lot of proud Eurylochus. So he went on his way, and with him two and twenty of my fellowship all weeping; and we were left behind making lament. In the forest glades they found the halls of Circe builded, of polished stone, in a place with wide prospect. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 159f
Circe: sector 13(f)
Circe sings Blue
So they stood at the outer gate of the fair-tressed goddess, and within they heard Circe singing in a sweet voice, as she fared to and fro before the great web imperishable, such as is the handiwork of goddesses, fine of woof and full of grace and splendour. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 160
Circe: sector 13(g)
Euryloch. comes back Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Now Eurylochus came back to the swift black ship to bring tidings of his fellows, and of their unseemly doom. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 159f
Circe: sector 13(h)
Polites. Ul. favourite Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Then Polites, a leader of men, the dearest to me and the trustiest of all my company, first spake to them: “Friends, forasmuch as there is one within that fares to and fro before a mighty web singing a sweet song, so that all the floor of the hall makes echo, a goddess she is or a woman; come quickly and cry aloud to her.” Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 160
Circe: sector 13(i)
invent card dealer
Circe: sector 13(j)
lions & wolves Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
In the forest glades they found the halls of Circe builded, of polished stone, in a place with wide prospect. And all around the palace mountain-bred wolves and lions were roaming, whom she herself had bewitched with evil drugs that she gave them. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 160
Circe: sector 13(k)
Circe's web Blue
So they stood at the outer gate of the fair-tressed goddess, and within they heard Circe singing in a sweet voice, as she fared to and fro before the great web imperishable, such as is the handiwork of goddesses, fine of woof and full of grace and splendour. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 160
Circe: sector 13(l)
LB gets roastbeef for S.D. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
And I threw him [the stag he had killed] down before the ship and roused my company with soft words, standing by each man in turn […] Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 158
Circe: sector 13(m)
MB wishes to see brothel Red
Then Polites, a leader of men, the dearest to me and the trustiest of all my company, first spake to them: “Friends, forasmuch as there is one within that fares to and fro before a mighty web singing a sweet song, so that all the floor of the hall makes echo, a goddess she is or a woman; come quickly and cry aloud to her.” Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 160
Circe: sector 13(n)
And straightway she came forth and opened the shining doors and bade them in, and all went with her in their heedlessness. But Eurylochus tarried behind, for he guessed that there was some treason. So she led them in and set them upon chairs and high seats, and made them a mess of cheese and barley-meal and yellow honey with Pramnian wine, and mixed harmful drugs with the food to make them utterly forget their own country. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 160
Circe: sector 13(o)
cheese, barley, wine, [seed] honey Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
And straightway she came forth and opened the shining doors and bade them in, and all went with her in their heedlessness. But Eurylochus tarried behind, for he guessed that there was some treason. So she led them in and set them upon chairs and high seats, and made them a mess of cheese and barley-meal and yellow honey with Pramnian wine, and mixed harmful drugs with the food to make them utterly forget their own country. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 160
Circe: sector 13(p)
smitten with wand Red
Now when she had given them the cup and they had drunk it off, presently she smote them with a wand, and in the styes of the swine she penned them. So they had the head and voice, the bristles and the shape of swine, but their mind abode even as of old. Thus were they penned there weeping, and Circe flung them acorns and mast and fruit of the cornel tree to eat, whereon wallowing swine do always batten. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 161
Circe: sector 13(q)
Ul. sword & bow
So spake he, whereon I cast about my shoulder my silver-studded sword, a great blade of bronze, and slung my bow about me and bade him lead me again by the way that he came. But he caught me with both hands, and by my knees he besought me, and bewailing him spake to me winged words: Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 161
Circe: sector 13(r)
Eur. beseeches him to abandon others. No. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
But he caught me with both hands, and by my knees he besought me, and bewailing him spake to me winged words: “Lead me not thither against my will, oh fosterling of Zeus, but leave me here! For well I know thou shalt thyself return no more, nor bring any one of all thy fellowship; nay, let us flee the swifter with those that be here, for even yet may we escape the evil day.”
On this wise he spake, but I answered him, saying: “Eurylochus, abide for thy part here in this place, eating and drinking by the black hollow ship: but I will go forth, for a strong constraint is laid on me.” Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 161f
Circe: sector 13(s)
Circe's oath lest she castrate Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Thenceforth disdain not thou the bed of the goddess, that she may deliver thy company and kindly entertain thee. But command her to swear a mighty oath by the blessed gods, that she will plan nought else of mischief to thine own hurt, lest she make thee a dastard and unmanned, when she hath thee naked. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 163
Note: Cf. Ulysses 15.3461 entered rather late.
Circe: sector 13(t)
Moly hard to dig. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Therewith the slayer of Argos gave me the plant that he had plucked from the ground, and he showed me the growth thereof. It was black at the root, but the flower was like to milk. Moly the gods call it, but it is hard for mortal men to dig; howbeit with the gods all things are possible. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), 163
Note: See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(b)
Circe: sector 13(u)
Elpenor. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
There was one, Elpenor, the youngest of us all, not very valiant in war neither steadfast in mind. He was lying apart from the rest of my men on the housetop of Circe's sacred dwelling, very fain of the cool air, as one heavy with wine. Now when he heard the noise of the voices and of the feet of my fellows as they moved to and fro, he leaped up of a sudden and minded him not to descend again by the way of the tall ladder, but fell right down from the roof, and his neck was broken from the bones of the spine, and his spirit went down to the house of Hades. Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), [Book X] 171
Note: Cf. UG 15.3377ff. See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(c).
Circe: sector 13(v)
LB women love to be let into little secret Red
Circe: sector 13(aa)
LB beetles, they feel themselves open women Blue
Circe: sector 13(ab)
Poodle lion, Circe's pet Red
Circe: sector 13(ac)
Organ do good biz in kips. Soon got soon gone Blue
Circe: sector 13(ad)
Whore after fall, Jesus! then sings
Circe: sector 13(ae)
bearskin rug Blue
Circe: sector 13(af)
Leopardstown races. Foxrock Blue
Circe: sector 13(ag)
Hiccuping whores (O excuse) Blue
Circe: sector 13(ah)
LB laughs outright. Blue
Circe: sector 13(ai)
Someone puts on whore's hat. She whips it off Blue
Circe: sector 13(aj)
whore dislike microscope ~
Circe: sector 13(ak)
~ & science Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(al)
Fight in street. Blue
Note: protonote.
Circe: sector 13(am)
Side pockets, Blue
Circe: sector 13(an)
~ broad in beam Blue
Circe: sector 13(ao)
Flashing firepins Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(ap)
Drunken sneeze. Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(co) for UG 15.247.
Circe: sector 13(aq)
Lot of nakedness knocking about. Darkgray
Circe: sector 13(ar)
LB like him she knew before Blue
Circe: sector 13(as)
x Dog if larger, (v other) Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.026(l).
Circe: sector 13(at)
Circe: sector 13(au)
rooster: Blue
Note: See JJA 14:333 (V.B.13d-73)
Circe: sector 13(av)
dry rush: sensation Blue
Circe: sector 13(ba)
Camel's hump potstill, ferm. datejuices Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.026(u).
Circe: sector 13(bb)
[muddies] pool not to see face. only Mrs? Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(bc)
object to negro porter Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(bd)
all that Blue
Circe: sector 13(be)
Faithful Place Blue
Circe: sector 13(bf)
Great unjust God Red
Circe: sector 13(bg)
says the girl (the one) Blue
Circe: sector 13(bh)
Ever see me running? Green
Circe: sector 13(bi)
SD drunk sleeps on [showing] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(bj)
33 is a bitch (log. [machine]) Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.042(c)
Circe: sector 13(bk)
colour corresp. to her aura Red
Circe: sector 13(bl)
Danish sailor, drunken animal in kips Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(bm)
why show it me Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(bn)
handsome man, blackguard, women'd like Blue
Circe: sector 13(bo)
bit of business Blue
Circe: sector 13(bp)
LB [dispraises] her dress Darkgray
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(bq)
Dr Swift Blue
Circe: sector 13(br)
get connection Blue
Circe: sector 13(bs)
3 children of syph father, couldn't swallow Red
Circe: sector 13(bt)
LB hugs SD for wit
Circe: sector 13(bu)
My wife wd. like you but fears he is not that way built Blue
Circe: sector 13(bv)
LB wishes SD teach her Italian Blue
Circe: sector 13(ca)
whores dance round LB Blue
Circe: sector 13(cb)
LB & SD walk in street linked Red
Note: See also Sheet 16.026(bu)
Circe: sector 13(cc)
twofaced. LB looks at girl's rump Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(cd)
SD door closed that time, yes Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(ce)
Poldy (Saul! Saul!) Red
Circe: sector 13(cf)
commonwoe of Ireland Darkgray
Circe: sector 13(cg)
.) eatondph œ ador dorador douradora Blue
Circe: sector 13(ch)
[of] it
Circe: sector 13(ci)
bird that can sing & won't sing. Blue
Circe: sector 13(cj)
ask & forget question Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 13(ck)
Would you suck a lemon Green
Circe: sector 13(cl)
Drunk (sober) watches drunk (drunk) Blue
Circe: sector 13(cm)
Philip v [sup.] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 14

BL Add MS 49475-16v(left) JJA 12:044
(Herring Cir-2) right column

Circe: sector 14(a)
thank yr. mother for the rabbits. Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(b)
πολυφαρμακος Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: polyfarmakos
Circe: sector 14(c)
SD's unwrinkled face Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 14(d)
Clap on the back for Charley Red
Circe: sector 14(e)
beauty spot of me behind Blue
Circe: sector 14(f)
You're that sly, old cocky, I could kiss you, straight Blue
Circe: sector 14(g)
Such is life in an outhouse Blue
Circe: sector 14(h)
black mass Green
Circe: sector 14(i)
mantrap Red
Circe: sector 14(j)
hell's gates Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(k)
manhandle Blue
Circe: sector 14(l)
SD [[??]] friendly Blue
Circe: sector 14(m)
respect for contemptibles Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 14(n)
idiot prophet with boiled eyes Blue
Circe: sector 14(o)
light from the [west]. Blue
Circe: sector 14(p)
Give me that money. Blue
Circe: sector 14(q)
gunboat Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.061(cd). See also JN1 (NLI.2A):039(n).
Circe: sector 14(r)
bridle up Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(s)
Slyboots Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.021(ac).
Circe: sector 14(t)
San Tommaso Mastino Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.024(a)
Circe: sector 14(u)
silent means consent Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(v)
Go farther & fare worse Red
Lady A. Come, Sir John, you may go further and fare worse. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, 299
Circe: sector 14(aa)
gridiron hand Blue
Circe: sector 14(ab)
goldstopped mouth Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(ac)
swaggerroot Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(ad)
disguise Blue
Circe: sector 14(ae)
those that hides knows where to find Blue
Note: See JJA 14:325 (V.B.13d-65)
Circe: sector 14(af)
neigh Blue
Circe: sector 14(ag)
~ bray
Circe: sector 14(ah)
quack Blue
Circe: sector 14(ai)
working overtime Red
Circe: sector 14(aj)
stye in her eye Blue
Circe: sector 14(ak)
pig it Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bk).
Circe: sector 14(al)
sow's ear into a silken purse Blue
Never. Why, what! you can have no more of a cat than her skin; you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, 315
Circe: sector 14(am)
higgledypiggledy Blue
Circe: sector 14(an)
ugly duckling Green
Circe: sector 14(ao)
O, you ruck Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(ap)
fingers made before forks Green
Col. Here, miss; they say fingers were made before forks and hands before knives. (301) Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, 301
Circe: sector 14(aq)
after you is good manners Darkgray
Lady A. O! madam; after you is good manners. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, 301
Circe: sector 14(ar)
Hog's Norton where the pigs play the organs Darkgray
Never. Faith, I believe he was bred at Hog's Norton, where the pigs play upon the organs. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, 315
Circe: sector 14(as)
what's mine is my own Blue
Never. Why, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is my own. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, 316
Circe: sector 14(at)
mimic animals Red
Circe: sector 14(au)
whores put silver paper on teeth. Mycene Blue
Circe: sector 14(av)
walking with Red
Circe: sector 14(ba)
Fairyhouse Red
Circe: sector 14(bb)
LB memory of only spree Darkgray
Circe: sector 14(bc)
truffles Blue
Note: See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(d), and Sheet 15.018(ch) for UG 15.2439.
Circe: sector 14(bd)
Camiknickers Red
Circe: sector 14(be)
Henna of hair Red
Circe: sector 14(bf)
ghoststory (Circe) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bj) for UG 15.3053.
Circe: sector 14(bg)
who was it told me her name (SD) Green

Circe sector 15

BL Add MS 49475-16v(left) JJA 12:044
(Herring Cir-2) left margin

Circe: sector 15(a)
cute as a shithouse rat Not cancelled
Circe: sector 15(b)
Circe: sector 15(c)
heart [torn] big grinning claws Blue
Circe: sector 15(d)
Moly - circumcis. Blue
Note: Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 15(e)
Circe - pox Blue
[Suggested by context of herb Moly] Butcher & Lang, trans. The Odyssey Of Homer (1906), p. [Book X] 163
Circe: sector 15(f)
briskly Blue
Circe: sector 15(g)
squarepusher Red
Circe: sector 15(h)
Maggot O'Reilly Red
Circe: sector 15(i)
fetishism Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 15(j)
picture Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 15(k)
make love to a hat Green
Circe: sector 15(l)
blow. great guns Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 15(m)
setting to Blue
Circe: sector 15(n)
Tommy Tittlemouse Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(ct); recopied to Sheet 15.020(j).
Circe: sector 15(o)
true lover's knot Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.024(af).
Circe: sector 15(p)
Let me like a soldier fall
Circe: sector 15(q)
Cat's rambles through the slack Red
Circe: sector 15(r)
whores despise trade Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 15(s)
objection to French lozenges Darkgray
Circe: sector 15(t)
don't be all night Red
Circe: sector 15(u)
Florrie Power, mouldy sweat Red
Circe: sector 15(v)
taken be a friend
Circe: sector 15(aa)
Wom. autobiog. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 15(ab) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 15(ac)
drunken engagement Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 15(ad)
As a matter of fact. Red
Circe: sector 15(ae)
S.D. [dances] Blue
Circe: sector 15(af)
S.D. no fear of what can talk to Blue
Circe: sector 15(ag)
fractious Blue
Circe: sector 15(ah)
Circe: sector 15(ai)
lemur Blue

Circe sector 16

BL Add MS 49475-16v(left) JJA 12:044
(Herring Cir-2) right margin

Circe: sector 16(a)
liontamer: Blue
Circe: sector 16(b)
Circe: sector 16(c)
Memory hunts for vermin in her clothes. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 16(d)
Monster sale Blue
Circe: sector 16(e)
horses fuck, learnt that from us?
Circe: sector 16(f)
ladies first Blue
Circe: sector 16(g)
horse full
Circe: sector 16(h)
Poulaphouca Blue
Circe: sector 16(i)
erotic woman in photo eye on camera Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):002(cf).
Circe: sector 16(j)
vivisection Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.023(c).

Circe sector 17

BL Add MS 49475-16v(left) JJA 12:044
(Herring Cir-2) loose units

Circe: sector 17(a)
kick over traces
Circe: sector 17(b)
the Kildare girl Blue
Circe: sector 17(c)
stag Red

Circe sector 18

BL Add MS 49475-16v(right) JJA 12:045
(Herring Cir-3) main column

Circe: sector 18(a)
Note: Circe: written in blue pencil (top left).
Circe: sector 18(b)
Names, Cicero, Buonaparte, Christ gilt off gingerbread Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.003(r) and Sheet 14.003(s).
Circe: sector 18(c)
unripe fruit Blue
Note: Extradraft only; copied to NLI.Q-4
Circe: sector 18(d)
‘our’ men Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(j).
Circe: sector 18(e)
Swift, 1 man in armour beat 10 in shirts Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(t).
Circe: sector 18(f)
State: 12 soldiers shoot, 1 is bloodguilty (cf. jury) Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(ad). See also Sheet 15.064(v).
Circe: sector 18(g)
Irish missile troops Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(av).
Circe: sector 18(h)
Danes & Normans conquered England. Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(bd).
Circe: sector 18(i)
H.M. as fireman or D.M.P. Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(bi). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):003(cu) for UG 5.74f, and Sheet 15.018(ct) for UG 15.4458f.
Circe: sector 18(j)
to have or not to have Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(bs).
Circe: sector 18(k)
noble art of self pretence Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(v).
Circe: sector 18(l)
Anybody here for there? Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bl) for UG 15.4024; copied from Sheet 13.017(d).
Circe: sector 18(m)
Mount of thumb
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.020(ah). See also Sheet 15.009(al) and Sheet 15.027(q)
Circe: sector 18(n)
Respect yourself! Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.022(bd).
Circe: sector 18(o)
lily of the alley Green
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.022(cd).
Circe: sector 18(p)
if you value your safety Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.022(cb).
Circe: sector 18(q)
for keeps? Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.023(ah).
Circe: sector 18(r)
that's not for you to say. Darkgray
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.012(a).
Circe: sector 18(s)
hooks & tache: whore's request Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.009(u).
Circe: sector 18(t)
wrong one brings ill luck Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.020(ag).
Circe: sector 18(u)
Blumenlied (Gustav Lange)
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.009(p). See also Sheet 13.001(ac), Sheet 17.002(a), and UN5 (NLI.5B):011(ao) for UG 11.844f.
Circe: sector 18(v)
Gretchen - do you believe?
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.011(c)
Circe: sector 18(aa)
Starve warts, caustic prevents rebirth, wartblood spreads blood snip off with horsehair on denned neck Darkgray
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(v).
Circe: sector 18(ab)
Tansy, pennyroyal Blue
Note: UG 15.2736: not in final (1922) text. Copied from Sheet 12.003(aq) and UN4 (NLI.5A):023(bq).
Circe: sector 18(ac)
~ Spanish fly Blue
Circe: sector 18(ad)
Night insects follow smell of female Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(bc).
Circe: sector 18(ae)
Devil & witches lefthanded, kithog
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(au). See also Sheet 15.031(an).
Circe: sector 18(af)
Ring on left hand, not to spoil them
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(ba).
Circe: sector 18(ag)
[chacone (Durard)]
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.001(ab).
Circe: sector 18(ah)
Molly will change furniture. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.004(bs). See also Sheet 13.001(e).
Circe: sector 18(ai)
non corrosive sublimate (hell) Blue
Note: Not in final (1922) text. Copied from Sheet 14.058(an).
Circe: sector 18(aj)
that is another pair of trousers Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.060(n).
Circe: sector 18(ak)
for 5 wickets
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.060(am).
Circe: sector 18(al)
Haines I was polite (make a friend of woman of iniquity.)
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(bp).
Circe: sector 18(am)
fool's advice Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(bq).
Circe: sector 18(an)
Si. D. what's wrong. He sleeps in my bed.
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(br).
Circe: sector 18(ao)
World made by Brit. Bible Society Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(ad).
Circe: sector 18(ap)
Gent. patriot scholar & judge of malt. Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(bc).
Circe: sector 18(aq)
who live by the pen shall perish by the pen.
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(be).
Circe: sector 18(ar)
what did thought do? Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(bv).
Circe: sector 18(as)
Tell me news Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.022(aq).
Circe: sector 18(at)
Came from a hot place Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.022(ap); see also Sheet 15.020(r) below.
Circe: sector 18(au)
Have it now or wait till you get it Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.022(al).
Circe: sector 18(av)
Mumchance hanged for saying nothing
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.022(an).
Circe: sector 18(ba)
Was your father a glazier?
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.022(ak).
Circe: sector 18(bb)
SD objects to Eng. abroad Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.072(l); recopied to Sheet 16.027(ah).
Circe: sector 18(bc)
SD addresses letter from Paris.
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.072(m).
Circe: sector 18(bd)
By the way have you the lamp, the key the - etc. Not cancelled
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(r).
Circe: sector 18(be)
Fallopian tube Red
Circe: sector 18(bf)
Lock hospital Blue
Circe: sector 18(bg)
meretricious finery Blue
Circe: sector 18(bh)
green rag to a bull Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.031(l).
Circe: sector 18(bi)
Love's old sweet song. Blue
Circe: sector 18(bj)
Rose of Castile Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(ae). See also UN7 (V.A.2):012(l).
Circe: sector 18(bk)
6 medicals Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.084(c).
Circe: sector 18(bl)
sidles Darkgray
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.038(e).
Circe: sector 18(bm)
Female catheter
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.084(e).
Circe: sector 18(bn)
Circe: sector 18(bo)
wipe (handkerchief)
Circe: sector 18(bp)
Bloom leaves High School ([1884]) at 15 Blue
Circe: sector 18(bq)
Eurylochus - leader of opposition Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):001(r). See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(m) and Sheet 15.013(d).
Circe: sector 18(br)
Ire. renitente alla leva.
Circe: sector 18(bs)
The hawk. Sun of living. Sun of dead. Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):016(e) and UN3 (VIII.A.5):016(g).
Circe: sector 18(bt)
Egyptian gipsy Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 18(bu)
Thot (Enros): Sit: Sapdi. Notos. (pillars of table world)
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):016(f).
Circe: sector 18(bv)
Egyptians 4 suns for seasons (4 maids)
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(a).
Circe: sector 18(ca)
Ra: Harma Kouiti Atoumou: Khopri
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(b).
Circe: sector 18(cb)
Filling belly with husks of swines Blue
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(f). See also Sheet 14.004(cn).
Circe: sector 18(cc)
I will arise and go to my father Blue
Circe: sector 18(cd)
Ireland a pontine marsh Blue
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(h). See also Sheet 14.070(i) and Sheet 14.085(e).
Circe: sector 18(ce)
Romans got corn there in famine.
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(i)
Circe: sector 18(cf)
Tarquin's booty: Suessa Pometia
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(j) and UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(k).
Circe: sector 18(cg)
Homebrew. Moly. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(b). Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 18(ch)
: truffles Darkgray
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(d). See also Sheet 15.014(bc) for UG 15.2741 and UG 15.2851.
Circe: sector 18(ci)
Elpenor. Verg. 6.107
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(c).
Circe: sector 18(cj)
goddess of fauves Darkgray
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(d).
Circe: sector 18(ck)
porcupine Blue
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(j).
Circe: sector 18(cl)
House beyond marsh: woman singing. Darkgray
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(l) and UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(m).
Circe: sector 18(cm)
they pass winter there: [varmo] in Maremma:
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(f) and UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(i).
Circe: sector 18(cn)
Feronia. Bene meriti servi sedeant, liberi surgant Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):018(u) and UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(a).
Circe: sector 18(co)
Freeman Blue
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(g)
Circe: sector 18(cp)
Shaven heads of slaves: Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(g)
Circe: sector 18(cq)
biscuit caps Blue
Circe: sector 18(cr)
Equine faces Blue
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(e), which see for UG 3.111f. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cp) and Sheet 15.073(k).
Circe: sector 18(cs)
snouts Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(f).
Circe: sector 18(ct)
Edw. VII. Mason. Peace, perfect peace Blue
Note: See also Sheet 12.014(bi), Sheet 15.018(i) for UG 15.4455, and UN4 (NLI.5A):003(cu) for UG 5.74f.
Circe: sector 18(cu)
Moly (Mlh - salt)
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(k). Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 18(cv)
Ringocandies Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):021(k), which see for UG 9.628.
Circe: sector 18(da)
Tiresias, hermaphrodite, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):029(g). See also UN2 (VI.D.7):035(k).
Circe: sector 18(db)
~ saw Minerva at bath or jealousy / of gods, [feud], judge between Juno & Jove ~
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):029(g)
Circe: sector 18(dc)
~ Golden rain: ~
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):032(b).
Circe: sector 18(dd)
~ Jove fucked Alcmene as Amphitryon |a(Helios) for 3 long daysa| when he came she knew. Tiresias revealed last mortal / fucked by Jove. Amph. burned her Jove sent rain / dies in Thebes, Jove send Hermes to bring to Elys.
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):032(a), UN3 (VIII.A.5):032(c)
Circe: sector 18(de)
~ Hermes put stones in coffin. Herocleades couldn't carry
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):032(d).

Circe sector 19

BL Add MS 49475-16v(right) JJA 12:045
(Herring Cir-3) loose, centre

Circe: sector 19(a)
Haines with cricketbat
Circe: sector 19(b)
barnacles, Blue
Circe: sector 19(c)
limpets Blue
Circe: sector 19(d)
tatterdemalion Blue

Circe sector 20

BL Add MS 49475-16v(right) JJA 12:045
(Herring Cir-3) right margin

Circe: sector 20(a)
boa over back of chair catterpillar Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):015(j).
Circe: sector 20(b)
Malthus in Irel. food decreases arithm / population incre geometrically
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):016(l).
Circe: sector 20(c)
Jimmy Pidgeon Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):023(i).
Circe: sector 20(d)
Shortall Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):023(h).
Circe: sector 20(e)
Mrs Mack or Mrs Cohen, 85 Tyrone Street Darkgray
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):023(l).
Circe: sector 20(f)
Er kehrt zum Vater wenn er die Erbsünde vermeint. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):029(b).
Circe: sector 20(g)
whore's silk politics Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 20(h)
Corporal Punishment Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(o).
Circe: sector 20(i)
Hai! Hoop! Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(br).
Circe: sector 20(j)
Tommy Tittlemouse Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.015(n). See also UN1 (NLI.3):032(ct).
Circe: sector 20(k)
maidenhead Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(cv), which see also for UG 15.81.
Circe: sector 20(l)
sicksweet weed Darkgray
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(ee).
Circe: sector 20(m)
bogus Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(dp).
Circe: sector 20(n)
hoax Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(dq).
Circe: sector 20(o)
enema Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(eg). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):023(co).
Circe: sector 20(p)
Glauber's salts Darkgray
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(ef).
Circe: sector 20(q)
Circe: sector 20(r)
came from a hot place Green
Note: See Sheet 15.018(at) above.
Circe: sector 20(s)
what you can't [??] [scene] Blue
Circe: sector 20(t)
birdseye fags Darkgray
Circe: sector 20(u)
knows more than you've forgotten Red
Circe: sector 20(v)
bluecaps (D. Fusiliers) Blue
Circe: sector 20(aa)
bitched acc. funeral Red
Circe: sector 20(ab)
SD tells whore of Antisthenes Red
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):023(dc) for UG 15.2642.
Circe: sector 20(ac)
fresh beef
Circe: sector 20(ad)
bilgewater Blue
Note: See also Sheet 16.025(u) for UG 16.938, and UN5 (NLI.5B):017(ad).
Circe: sector 20(ae)
Circe's Knot Blue
Circe: sector 20(af)
Old sailor after each death, sighs, Ay, ay. Blue
Circe: sector 20(ag)
East wind bad that comes from England Blue
Circe: sector 20(ah)
Sinbad the Sailor Red
Circe: sector 20(ai)
Iron [rare]
Circe: sector 20(aj)
Flash woman Red
Circe: sector 20(ak)
wet dreams Blue
Circe: sector 20(al)
Gadarene swine Blue
Circe: sector 20(am)
Oceanus -- Helios = Pérse / (witch) Circe & Aetes (wizard)
Circe: sector 20(an)
Stop that & begin worse Darkgray
Circe: sector 20(ao)
Wait till I tell you Blue
Circe: sector 20(ap)
You're killing Red
Circe: sector 20(aq)
fag Red
Circe: sector 20(ar)
Sixth of Edward Blue
Circe: sector 20(as)
Circe: sector 20(at)
Man with braces down |atwotailed apea| Red
Circe: sector 20(au)
Fuck dressed beast in furs Darkgray
Circe: sector 20(av)
Glory Alice! Red

Circe sector 21

BL Add MS 49475-16v(right) JJA 12:045
(Herring Cir-3) left margin

Circe: sector 21(a)
Eriphyle drove husband Amphiaraos to war. Knew he would fall Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):033(b).
Circe: sector 21(b)
Amphi. - asks son to revenge him
Circe: sector 21(c)
Anticlea = Sisiphus bore Ul. on hill in shower
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):032(f).
Circe: sector 21(d)
Minnie Hauk (Carmen) Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.012(d).
Circe: sector 21(e)
cuddle Darkgray
Circe: sector 21(f)
Dog in kips Blue
Circe: sector 21(g)
Someone posts in Too Late Box Blue
Circe: sector 21(h)
I'm slightly drunk Darkgray
Circe: sector 21(i)
rosemary Red
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.031(n).
Circe: sector 21(j)
Eannas (SD remembers)
Circe: sector 21(k)
Woman spits Blue
Circe: sector 21(l)
Cavan Cootehill & Belturbet Red
Circe: sector 21(m)
luscious lips Darkgray
Circe: sector 21(n)
China dog with views Red
Circe: sector 21(o)
holster Red
Circe: sector 21(p)
LB salutes card falls from hat Darkgray
Circe: sector 21(q)
mucksweat Darkgray
Circe: sector 21(r)
Chinese boxes with little wax pellets. Put these in water - they open. One a boat, another waterlily etc. Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.018(t).
Circe: sector 21(s)
Jonathan Hogg
Circe: sector 21(t)
fucking [train] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 21(u)
guinea pig Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 21(v)
Milly lupanars Not cancelled
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.027(ag).
Circe: sector 21(aa)
tomb of Agamemnon
Circe: sector 21(ab)
She caught a stray hair deftly and twisted it to her coil Darkgray
Circe: sector 21(ac)
Slyboots Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.014(s).
Circe: sector 21(ad)
Proud flesh
Circe: sector 21(ae)
Face transformed into landscape Darkgray
Circe: sector 21(af)
whore tells his fortune: knobby knuckles Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):003(n).
Circe: sector 21(ag)
Thursday's child has far to go (SD) Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):011(c).
Circe: sector 21(ah)
dreams of seeing himself
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):011(d).
Circe: sector 21(ai)
Artist: makes plays of incidents. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):011(d).
Circe: sector 21(aj)
Woman's character depends on things they wear Red
Circe: sector 21(ak)
Left hand, cult of Shakti, Shiva's spouse black magic Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):013(g) and UN1 (NLI.3):013(i), which see for source reading.
Circe: sector 21(al)
Great yoghin of the gods Green
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):013(h).
Circe: sector 21(am)
Punarjanam (reincarnation): wildfowl [Pyth] Green
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):013(n).
Circe: sector 21(an)
God's handwriting on wall Blue
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):013(ba).
Circe: sector 21(ao)
new taste of chocolate Blue

Circe sector 22

BL Add MS 49475-16v(right) JJA 12:045
(Herring Cir-3) mid left margin

Circe: sector 22(a)
arabesque Darkgray
Circe: sector 22(b)
mosaic Darkgray
Circe: sector 22(c)
anklets Darkgray
Circe: sector 22(d)
goatskin Blue
Circe: sector 22(e)
gum benjamin Blue
Circe: sector 22(f)
kohol Blue
Circe: sector 22(g)
coin on brow Darkgray

Circe sector 23

BL Add MS 49475-16r(right) JJA 12:043
(Herring Cir-4) centre column

Circe: sector 23(a)
lipless Green
Circe: sector 23(b)
no whites of eyes Green
Circe: sector 23(c)
vivisection Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.016(j).
Circe: sector 23(d)
short legs long body
Circe: sector 23(e)
Cornwall case, Blue
Circe: sector 23(f)
on all fours Red
Circe: sector 23(g)
foam at mouth Blue
Circe: sector 23(h)
incarnation, descent of man to dog Blue
Circe: sector 23(i)
animalism / labour Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(j)
try to remember past greatness Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(k)
His master's voice: Red
Circe: sector 23(l)
gramophone: thinking? Red
Circe: sector 23(m)
l'homme qui rit Green
Circe: sector 23(n)
manufactured monsters: suck Blue
Circe: sector 23(o)
contortionists Blue
Circe: sector 23(p)
changes juices of glands
Circe: sector 23(q)
crossbreeding - what use?
Circe: sector 23(r)
Better invent a platewasher Blue
Circe: sector 23(s)
trained animals: parrots Blue
Circe: sector 23(t)
alchemist: [gare di] bestie
Circe: sector 23(u)
vaccination: hair of dog that might bite you
Circe: sector 23(v)
animal, night, winter (nightbeasts) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: ‘winter’ not crossed through
Circe: sector 23(aa)
Acquired characteristics not transmitted
Circe: sector 23(ab)
Melon - meet & love a foreign lady & go abroad Blue
Circe: sector 23(ac)
Air. I flew, there was wind Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(be). See schema V.A.19-33.
Circe: sector 23(ad)
Art of gestures Blue
Note: now 15/105
Circe: sector 23(ae)
Ace of spades Blue
Circe: sector 23(af)
Crimson: live old, peaceful death
Circe: sector 23(ag)
Ballet - Blue
  • Ulysses 15.passim
Circe: sector 23(ah)
rheumatism Red
Note: now 15.2782 ‘sciatica’
Circe: sector 23(ai)
shooting a bishop Red
Circe: sector 23(aj)
dream of contrary / dream goes by contraries Blue
Circe: sector 23(ak)
spades - unhappy in children
Circe: sector 23(al)
Flying escape danger, foes: ambition Blue
Circe: sector 23(am)
Amor me solo Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(an)
Earth (moves) round Sun, oblique fall towards Hercules, diurnal rotation, oscillation of inclination, annual variation of elipse, displacement of polar axis, (Vega was polar star 16000 yrs & will be in 12000 years) [mutation], elipse of equator poles, change of c. of gravity due to moon, in front she quickens, behind delays, (monthly) action of planets, most Saturn, change of solarterrestial c. of gravity. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(ao)
Midnight sun: Red
Circe: sector 23(ap)
antidote: C and Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(aq)
[Tiresias] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(ar)
Roots grow down into earth
Circe: sector 23(as)
Jimmy sittin knittin in her chinashop Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):050(d).
Circe: sector 23(at)
Better chance of lighting if match nearer Blue
Note: See JJA 14:330 (V.B.13d-70)
Circe: sector 23(au)
odour of whore's slip Red
Circe: sector 23(av)
agorafobia Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(ba)
water other in calm light Darkgray
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 23(bb)
lip pomade - swinefat rendered with rosewater Darkgray
Circe: sector 23(bc)
sublime to the ridiculous Darkgray
Circe: sector 23(bd)
fortunetellers more harm that good Blue
Circe: sector 23(be)
anonymous letter: beware st. roller Darkgray
Note: cf. also Eumeus 16.1780
Circe: sector 23(bf)
there's not to reason why Blue
Circe: sector 23(bg)
smooth eyebrows spittle: Green
Circe: sector 23(bh)
rickets Red
Circe: sector 23(bi)
Upright going man = reason Blue
Circe: sector 23(bj)
Collapse Blue
Circe: sector 23(bk)
v hiccup tie a knot in yr. shift & stick it back in yr. breeches Red
Circe: sector 23(bl)
locomotor ataxy Green
Circe: sector 23(bm)
will centre over [ears] back Blue
Circe: sector 23(bn)
13 = death: 3 candles

Circe sector 24

BL Add MS 49475-16r(right) JJA 12:043
(Herring Cir-4) right column

Circe: sector 24(a)
curvature of spine
Circe: sector 24(b)
none laughs
Circe: sector 24(c)
pair not everywhere Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 24(d)
aping & shaping
Circe: sector 24(e)
Dancer Moses Red
Circe: sector 24(f)
oxygenated water gold hair Blue
Circe: sector 24(g)
whore man's socks Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bf) for UG 15.2923.
Circe: sector 24(h)
Fifi donc Blue
Circe: sector 24(i)
Last Day Red
Circe: sector 24(j)
End of the World Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.010(ao).
Circe: sector 24(k)
It was in the paper Red
Circe: sector 24(l)
Dead - you hear from living
Circe: sector 24(m)
For anyone to dream they are very handsome
Circe: sector 24(n)
rhubarb Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 24(o)
antlered hatrack Green
Circe: sector 24(p)
whore's ring
Circe: sector 24(q)
talisman Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.012(d); see also Sheet 16.017(bb).
Circe: sector 24(r)
stye cure (wheatenmeal, honey, nutmeg, salve, smear, bath) Red
Circe: sector 24(s)
eagle eye Red
Circe: sector 24(t)
mad dog Blue
Note: Cf. Sheet 15.042(f).
Circe: sector 24(u)
foretell weather
Circe: sector 24(v)
Serpentine avenue Blue
Circe: sector 24(aa)
Incantation: nonsense Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 24(ab)
Paolini's eyewash
Circe: sector 24(ac)
evil eye Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):001(cg) for UG 12.198, and also UN4 (NLI.5A):045(d).
Circe: sector 24(ad)
fennel & bee
Circe: sector 24(ae)
xrays Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 24(af)
black knot Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.015(o).
Circe: sector 24(ag)
goldring v stye Green
Circe: sector 24(ah)
Bitter almonds = amethyst
Circe: sector 24(ai)
striscio Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: It. I glide
Circe: sector 24(aj)
1st step / 1.2! Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 24(ak)
passo scacciato
Circe: sector 24(al)
LB(SD)wt = S/T/L Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 24(am)
palmistry Blue
Circe: sector 24(an)
Legget Byrnes Blue
Circe: sector 24(ao)
tobacco an aphrodisiac Blue
Circe: sector 24(ap)
pinch of t in wine makes drunk Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):030(ap)
Circe: sector 24(aq)
chewers deaf / weak eyes Blue
Circe: sector 24(ar)
1600 Urban 7 exc. snuffers
Circe: sector 24(as)
potato came 130 yrs after. Blue
Circe: sector 24(at)
Circe: sector 24(au)
weak memory Darkgray
Circe: sector 24(av)
ragpicker Red
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.066(c).
Circe: sector 24(ba)
sweat, blood smells alcohol
Circe: sector 24(bb)
pianolysts Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 25

BL Add MS 49475-16r(right) JJA 12:043
(Herring Cir-4) left margin sideways

Circe: sector 25(a)
deportment Blue
Circe: sector 25(b)
[Lung] airport for locomot. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(c)
every man anat. except acrobats heart disease
Circe: sector 25(d)
cobbler's chest Blue
Circe: sector 25(e)
baker's leg
Circe: sector 25(f)
clown Blue
Circe: sector 25(g)
muscular seldom healthy cf. Greek statues
Circe: sector 25(h)
fragende Frau / hangende hunger Blue
Circe: sector 25(i)
Day & Night / Man & Woman
Circe: sector 25(j)
people are queer Blue
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(ck) for UG 13.415.
Circe: sector 25(k)
[changes] smile Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(l)
cuckoo Blue
Circe: sector 25(m)
shifting centre of gravity Blue
Circe: sector 25(n)
play of muscles and bones
Circe: sector 25(o)
Atta Troll
Circe: sector 25(p)
fandango saraband Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bg) for UG 15.4127, and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bh).
Circe: sector 25(q)
[Ines], dance, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(r)
dagger in heart Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(s)
evening hours Red
Circe: sector 25(t)
lice dance Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(u)
7 veils Blue
Circe: sector 25(v)
transformation scene Blue
Circe: sector 25(aa)
forest glade Red
Circe: sector 25(ab)
Morris: witches Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):023(ci); ‘witches’ not crossed through
Circe: sector 25(ac)
500 muscles
Circe: sector 25(ad)
fairies dress bull Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(ae)
machines supplant muscles to free thought Blue
Circe: sector 25(af)
glib p[?]ol Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(ag)
it is bad art Blue
Circe: sector 25(ah)
mouth shut dances Blue
Circe: sector 25(ai)
nose filter
Circe: sector 25(aj)
race downhill
Circe: sector 25(ak)
looking forward with eager antici. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 16.025(ab) and Sheet 16.028(i).
Circe: sector 25(al)
impetiginous sores Red
Note: See FW 189.32
Circe: sector 25(am)
poetry of motion Red
Circe: sector 25(an)
[fig] : warlike: relig (jews) esth (Gr)
Circe: sector 25(ao)
limbs escape from reign of brain Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(ap)
pressure soil & foot: bowels leap Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bi) for UG 15.4127.
Circe: sector 25(aq)
[tired brats] flopping bubbe: races Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(ar)
eye spots 1 spot & off jump Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(as)
rivalry: difficulty overcome
Circe: sector 25(at)
man: then woman joins
Circe: sector 25(au)
You may touch my, O but lightly Blue
Circe: sector 25(av)
hands, breast,
Circe: sector 25(ba)
can't walk to place Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: ‘toplace’ not crossed through
Circe: sector 25(bb)
light, dress, scents
Circe: sector 25(bc)
pavement dance,
Circe: sector 25(bd)
clap Blue
Circe: sector 25(be)
more power Red
Circe: sector 25(bf)
think of mother's people Blue
Circe: sector 25(bg)
hear dance you must Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(bh)
cock pigeon dance men feather heads Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 25(bi)
m'inchino a lei, signora / signora, a lei m'inchino Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: It. I bow to you, madam, / madam, to you I bow
Circe: sector 25(bj)
curchycurchy Green
Circe: sector 25(bk)
dance of death Blue
Circe: sector 25(bl)
anthem: arcad. flower dance
Circe: sector 25(bm)
[Thersichoir] 9th muse
Circe: sector 25(bn)
light fantastic Red
Circe: sector 25(bo)
Soph. 16 nude, oiled, lyre dance pean Apollo's altar
Circe: sector 25(bp)
balloon Blue
Circe: sector 25(bq)
tripudium Blue
Circe: sector 25(br)
who is this? Green

Circe sector 26

BL Add MS 49475-16r(right) JJA 12:043
(Herring Cir-4) mid-column sideways

Circe: sector 26(a)
jump lash belly knotted thong Blue
Circe: sector 26(b)
lions block tackle strangling pully Blue
Circe: sector 26(c)
redhot crowbars Blue
Circe: sector 26(d)
irons Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 26(e)
carriage whip Blue
Circe: sector 26(f)
bucking bronchos Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.002(ab).
Circe: sector 26(g)
LB bores whore with pessimism Blue
Note: Theme: see 15.1971ff.
Circe: sector 26(h)
Bohee Bros [??] ask Blue
Note: Cf. Sheet 15.010(p).
Circe: sector 26(i)
spiked saddles Blue
Circe: sector 26(j)
good conduct badges Blue
Circe: sector 26(k)
knockabout men Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 26(l)
service chevrons, Blue
Circe: sector 26(m)
S.P.C.A. Blue
Note: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Circe: sector 26(n)
S.P.C.C. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Circe sector 27

BL Add MS 49475-17r(right) JJA 12:047
(Herring Cir-5) main column

Circe: sector 27(a)
Mount of Mars (at side) domination
The Mount of Mars is at the side of the hand, opposite the thumb, just below the Mount of Mercury and when well-developed, indicates courage, ardour, and resolution; in excess it gives cruelty, anger, revenge and tyranny; the absence of the mount gives cowardice and want of self-command. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 80
Circe: sector 27(b)
〃 〃 Moon, imagination Blue
The Mount of the Moon is found immediately below that of Mars and when well-developed, gives imagination of the dreamy, sentimental order, gentle melancholy, and love of solitude; in excess it gives morbid melancholy, caprice, and fantastic imagination; the absence of the mount indicates want of poetry in the nature, positivism. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 80
Circe: sector 27(c)
Line of Heart, Head, Life

In the plate belonging to this chapter we give a hand on which are marked the principal lines seen on the palm; three of which, viz., the Line of Life, the Line of Head, and the Line of Heart, are found in a clearer or fainter degree on all hands, but which vary, as regards their relative position, in every hand. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 77 and passim
Circe: sector 27(d)
If L of L broken on both accident
If the Line of Life is broken on one hand, but is marked in a continuous line on the other, these signs indicate an illness of a very serious nature; but if the broken line should appear in both hands, it means death at the epoch corresponding with the place on the line where the break occurs. When the Line of Life is not clearly defined, but is formed by a sort of chain of small lines, it indicates continuous small illnesses. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 82
Circe: sector 27(e)
Branches to Jove, money, marriage Red
When the Line of Life, instead of starting from the side of the hand, takes its rise in the Mount of Jupiter, which is sometimes, but rarely, the case, it is supposed to indicate a life of successful ambition, honours, and celebrity—qualities given by the influence of Jupiter. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 82
Circe: sector 27(f)
If crossed by line from Venus then unhappy love Red
Lines going from the base of the thumb across the Mount of Venus and cutting the Line of Life denote illness from money worries if they stop at the Line of Head; and from heart troubles if they go direct to the Line of Heart. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 84
Circe: sector 27(g)
double L of L luck
A double Line of Life is sometimes, but rarely, seen: this indicates excess of health and long life, and also success in a military career. This line is sometimes called the Line of Mars. To a woman it indicates success in love. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 83
Circe: sector 27(h)
L of Heart till under m of Mer forgiving
Circe: sector 27(i)
Line of Fate [blank] influential friends Blue
The Saturnian Line, or Line of Fate, overrides the Mount of Saturn, and generally penetrates to the root of the second finger. […] [p. 101:] Two crosses on the second phalanx of the first finger are a sign of the friendship of distinguished persons. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 88
Circe: sector 27(j)
Girdle of Venus
Circe: sector 27(k)
Circe: sector 27(l)
If at the end of the Line of Life, towards the wrist, there is a small triangle, it denotes loquacity and falsehood; but with a good Line of Head and Heart, tact and eloquence. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 83
Circe: sector 27(m)
Sentimental Mulligan Blue
Circe: sector 27(n)
Circe: sector 27(o)
twice married Not cancelled
Circe: sector 27(p)
Little finger short henpeck Blue
a very short little finger shows unselfishness, and, some old writers say, happiness in marriage. (101) Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 101
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.009(bc).
Circe: sector 27(q)
Will 1st. mount of thumb
The first joint of the thumb (that which is nearest the nail) represents Will; therefore, when this is short, such a form indicates want of will — a character very impressionable, and therefore easily led; when this joint is long, it indicates great power of will, and therefore force of character. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 99
Note: See also Sheet 15.009(al) and Sheet 15.018(m)
Circe: sector 27(r)
Face, record of past Blue
Habitual drunkards show their vice on their faces, even when they are perfectly sober; so also do the other vices show themselves by the lines left on the face by the constant recurrence of the contraction of the features when under the immediate and violent influence of the ruling passion. But these traces of past — or, at any rate, slumbering — passion are not always visible to the ordinary observer. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 119
Circe: sector 27(s)
Head front human, back animal Blue
there is no doubt that a good development of the front of the head shows intelligence, whilst a head which is inordinately protuberant at the back indicates the dominance of animal instincts in the organisation. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 113
Circe: sector 27(t)
Children go by faces / My face is me Blue
There is a certain sort of instinctive power of judging character by the face, possessed by children and animals, which is in harmony with the theories of those who have thought and written most upon this interesting subject. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 115
Circe: sector 27(u)
Head wide over ears anger
A head which is large just above the ears, shows a tendency to anger, and, if the signs of benevolence on the brow and lips are entirely wanting, it would be mean cruelty; but in physiognomy the signs on both the head and face must be considered as a whole, and the qualities shown by both weighed one against another, before any right judgment can be arrived at. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 114
Circe: sector 27(v)
Head high veneration
Thus we may be sure, when we see a broad, full, but yet not necessarily high, forehead, that the intellectual faculties are strong; that if the top of the head is raised from the brow to the centre there is benevolence and the power of veneration, […]. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 113f
Circe: sector 27(aa)
Sanguine (Mars & Jupiter): red: curly hair:
These temperaments have been classified under four heads, — viz., the sanguine or choleric, the lymphatic, the bilious, and the melancholic. The first, the sanguine or choleric, is the result of the astral influence of Mars and Jupiter; […] The sanguine temperament is shown by a skin with a good deal of colour in it, either of a soft pinky white with a rosy peach-like colour on the cheeks, in which case it is Jupiter which dominates in the temperament; or of a deep red colour all over the face, when the sanguine temperament in dominated by Mars, the hair being red or brown, crispy or curling. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 116
Circe: sector 27(ab)
lymphatic (moon & Venus): pale: ash hair: fairness / ~
These temperaments have been classified under four heads, — viz., the sanguine or choleric, the lymphatic, the bilious, and the melancholic. […] the lymphatic, [is the result of the astral influence] of the Moon and Venus, but more especially of the Moon; […] The lymphatic temperament is shown by a soft, pale skin of a thick dead white, the lips and cheeks being only slightly coloured; the hair is fine and long, but not thick, and is light, not golden, but rather colourless, or what the French call “un blond cendré” — that is, of an ash-coloured fairness, sometimes of a soft brown, when Venus is the dominating planet. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 116
Circe: sector 27(ac)
melancholic Saturn: velvety skin: heavy hair:
These temperaments have been classified under four heads, — viz., the sanguine or choleric, the lymphatic, the bilious, and the melancholic. […] the melancholic temperament is the result of the dominance of the sad planet, Saturn. […] The melancholic temperament is that of those born under the dominant influence of Saturn. People of this temperament are of a pale or livid and, sometimes, of a greenish-tinted or earth-coloured skin, and their hair is always of a dead black. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 116f
Circe: sector 27(ad)
bilious (sun & mercury): sallow: lank black hair
These temperaments have been classified under four heads, — viz., the sanguine or choleric, the lymphatic, the bilious, and the melancholic. […] the bilious (which is especially the intellectual temperament), [is the result of the astral influence of] the Sun and Mercury; […] The bilious temperament is the result of the combination of the astral influences of the Sun and Mercury, the planets which give artistic feeling and intelligence. Those having this temperament have yellow skins of a soft, fine texture, and when the Sun is the dominant planet they have a vivid colour in the cheeks; the hair of those of the bilious temperament is golden, and is generally curly or wavy; if the melancholic temperament given by Saturn is in combination (and it is frequently so in the bilious temperament) with the yellow-tinted skin of the bilious temperament, we find also the straight, deep black hair peculiar to the Saturnian. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 116f
Circe: sector 27(ae)
face is transparent
The skin of the face […] is more transparent than that of the other parts of the body. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 118
Circe: sector 27(af)
Wrinkles: 1. Saturn |aprudencea|, 2. Jupiter |avolupcya|, 3 Mars |acouragea|, Blue
Though the skin of the forehead may be equally wrinkled in different faces, the forms which these lines take vary very much. The first line next the hair, which is rarely seen till past middle age, is referred to the influence of Saturn; the second to Jupiter; the third to Mars; [etc.]. When the Line of Saturn is long and well-defined, it indicates the prudence and sagacity which ought to come with age; […]. The Line of Jupiter, […], shows an honourable and just person; if broken or taking oblique curves it indicates a very voluptous person. If the Line of Mars should be long and clear, […], it denotes courage and much warlike ambition; […]. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 120f
Circe: sector 27(ag)
over r. brow sun, over left moon, between brows Venus, Mercury on bridge of nose
the fourth, over the right eyebrow, to the Sun; the fifth, over the left eyebrow, to the Moon; the sixth, between the eyebrows, to Venus, and Mercury is assigned his place on the bridge of the nose. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 121
Circe: sector 27(ah)
Mercury on bridge, 3 wit; 4 deceit
If three lines appear in the place of Mercury across the bridge of the nose, they denote eloquence and wit; if more than three, loquacity and deceit. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 121
Circe: sector 27(ai)
arched foreheads artistic, project eyebrows research,
Arched foreheads, somewhat low, but full at the temples, with long, sweeping, and mobile eyebrows, appear properly to be feminine, […]. This sort of brow, […], is seen in poets, musicians, and artists of all kinds. A forehead with sharp projecting eyebones—that is, the bone on which the eyebrows appear—shows an acute intellect and fondness for research. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 122
Circe: sector 27(aj)
No wrinkles, no wit Blue
High, narrow, and wholly unwrinkled foreheads, over which the skin seems tightly drawn, are indicative of weakness of the will-power, want of imagination, and very little susceptibility. They are the foreheads of narrow-minded, commonplace persons. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 122
Circe: sector 27(ak)
Inter brows wrinkles if short & = anger, not, thought
Perpendicular wrinkles, those between the eyes, are natural to the forehead where they are sometimes seen in extreme youth. When much accentuated, they show application and thought, habits of concentration; we invariably knit the brows when we wish to grasp a subject. These perpendicular wrinkles on the forehead are, however, often the traces of habitual indulgence in anger; therefore, to be sure of the indication, one should have to consider the temperament. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 123
Circe: sector 27(al)
Knit the brows, far apart openhearted, meeting jealous, delicate gentle, lighter than hair weakness
When the eyebrows are far from each other at their starting point between the eyes, they denote warmth, frankness, and impulse — a generous and unsuspicious nature. A woman or man having such eyebrows would never be causelessly jealous. Eyebrows, on the contrary, which meet between the eyes in the manner so much admired by the Persians denote a temperament ardent in love, but jealous and suspicious: all Saturnians have these eyebrows. […] Delicately marked eyebrows, slightly arched, indicate tenderness and gentle temper. […] Eyebrows lighter than the hair show weakness and indecision. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 124f
Circe: sector 27(am)
nose length of forehead / — width length of eye
A nose to be perfect should equal the length of the forehead; it may, when the forehead is exceptionally low, be even longer than the forehead (and in most of the beautiful antique statues it is so), but on no account should it be shorter than the brow. […] Perhaps a better rule of proportion — as regards the whole face — is that the width of the nose between the eyes should be exactly the length of the eye. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 133
Circe: sector 27(an)
button nose, snub, Blue
Snub-noses — that is, noses short in proportion to the brow and with round fleshy tips — are indicative of commonplace, somewhat coarse natures, especially if the nostrils are round and the bridge of the nose very low between the eyes. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 136 and passim
Circe: sector 27(ao)
carnivorous teeth Blue
The more the teeth, in point of size, shape, and arrangement, approach to those of the carnivorous animals, the more violent are the animal instincts in the person; whilst the more the human teeth in shape and position approach to those of the graminivorous animals, the more placid is the character. Rosa Baughan, The Influence of the Stars (1891) 139
Circe: sector 27(ap)
Laughter (A (frank) ~ Blue
Note: And passim (V.A.19-26v, 28, NLI.Q-19)
Circe: sector 27(aq)
~ E (melan) ~ Blue
Note: And passim (V.A.19-26v, 28, NLI.Q-19)
Circe: sector 27(ar)
~ I (weak) ~ Blue
Circe: sector 27(as)
~ O (bold) Blue
Note: And passim.
Circe: sector 27(at)
~ U (misanthrop.) Blue
Note: And passim
Circe: sector 27(au)
her risibles, Blue
Circe: sector 27(av)
~ giggle Blue
Note: And passim(V.A.19-26v)
Circe: sector 27(ba)
chuckling, chortled) Green
Circe: sector 27(bb)
Loud laugh that speaks the vacant mind. Blue
Circe: sector 27(bc)
Odd laughs infectious, Blue
Circe: sector 27(bd)
laundered, Green
Circe: sector 27(be)
bedraggled Red
Circe: sector 27(bf)
Handshake Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 27(bg)
slinking, Red
Circe: sector 27(bh)
glide, slide, prance,
Circe: sector 27(bi)
waddle, Blue
Circe: sector 27(bj)
stumble Darkgray
Circe: sector 27(bk)
graceful carriage, awkwardness (O o U [Bliz]), flare / of skirt up, antics, andrewmartin,
Circe: sector 27(bl)
jerk, Blue
Note: now 15.34 ‘spurts’; and passim
Circe: sector 27(bm)
kangaroo hop, Green
Circe: sector 27(bn)
straighthaired rule earth,
Circe: sector 27(bo)
shapely, long foot diplomacy,
Circe: sector 27(bp)
heartless flirt, Blue
Circe: sector 27(bq)
pillar throat long life, short toes & high instep
Circe: sector 27(br)
luxury Red
Circe: sector 27(bs)
hazel eyes Darkgray
Circe: sector 27(bt)
spaewife, shuffle, cut with left, wish a wish, whist
Circe: sector 27(bu)
Kings, 9 in a row, read cards round Queen
Circe: sector 27(bv)
Queen his lover, knave his thoughts, read every / 7th from lefthand, top, dominoes

Circe sector 28

BL Add MS 49475-17r(right) JJA 12:047
(Herring Cir-5) bottom right and centre

Circe: sector 28(a)
Circe: sector 28(b)
over woman, he dripping = courtship / 〃 she 〃 = marriage
Circe: sector 28(c)
swing umbrella over head = I am a nuisance
Circe: sector 28(d)
short nails devil to argue
Circe: sector 28(e)
fan-flirt quick engaged Green
Circe: sector 28(f)
〃 slow married Red
Circe: sector 28(g)
open & shut wish to speak / open wide wait me
Circe: sector 28(h)
place on r. ear = forgot me? Red
Circe: sector 28(i)
twirl in l. hand = we watched
Circe: sector 28(j)
draw over eyes = sorry
Circe: sector 28(k)
handle on lips = kiss me
Circe: sector 28(l)
parasol handle shoulder = indiff.
Circe: sector 28(m)
〃 high = daring
Circe: sector 28(n)
drop to left = lean on you
Circe: sector 28(o)
shut = dare all
Circe: sector 28(p)
carried = love
Circe: sector 28(q)
ferule = could beat you
Circe: sector 28(r)
2 hands = well?
Circe: sector 28(s)
beat toes = hate

Circe sector 29

BL Add MS 49475-17r(right) JJA 12:047
(Herring Cir-5) right margin

Circe: sector 29(a)
Ace of ♦ letter
Circe: sector 29(b)
9 of ♥ wish
Circe: sector 29(c)
Q of ♦ coquette ~
Circe: sector 29(d)
~ (fond of what she likes) Green
Circe: sector 29(e)
7 of ♦ gambler
Circe: sector 29(f)
4 of 〃 vexation
Circe: sector 29(g)
Ace of ♠ love, rev. death
Circe: sector 29(h)
K of ♠ ambition, [??]
Circe: sector 29(i)
9 of 〃 worst
Circe: sector 29(j)
2 |a(deuce)a| of ♠ coffin
Circe: sector 29(k)
Ace of ♣ wealth
Circe: sector 29(l)
K of ♣ upright
Circe: sector 29(m)
10 〃 fortune, friend die
Circe: sector 29(n)
8 〃 miser
Circe: sector 29(o)
(C.K.) / lacklustre Blue
Circe: sector 29(p)
chalked circle Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.001(bc).

Circe sector 30

BL Add MS 49475-17r(right) JJA 12:047
(Herring Cir-5) left margin

Circe: sector 30(a)
Purefoy / swing out of your whiskers Blue
Circe: sector 30(b)
(fleece v cold) Blue
Circe: sector 30(c)
mammoth Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.009(be).
Circe: sector 30(d)
bear, dog, cat
Circe: sector 30(e)
(carnivora) Blue
Note: Copied to UN7 (V.A.2):011(ai)
Circe: sector 30(f)
quadrumani Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Italian: primates.
Circe: sector 30(g)
52, 34, 11, 2, 1⁄10 [??] / 12[??], 8, 2½, ¾, 5⁄3600
Circe: sector 30(h)
Arab, Red Sea, Aegean
Circe: sector 30(i)
ice period
Circe: sector 30(j)
Descent of alpine
Circe: sector 30(k)
Pyrr. & polar caps / (cosmic cause)
Circe: sector 30(l)
Man with beasts of caverns
Circe: sector 30(m)
Homo Primogenius (dolicocefalic proptotic) Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 30(n)
Homo Sapiens mesaticefalo cranio large triumph of intellect
Circe: sector 30(o)
receding Blue
Circe: sector 30(p)
unified races
Circe: sector 30(q)
man in ice period
Circe: sector 30(r)
woman race link
Circe: sector 30(s)
V. visavis Blue
Circe: sector 30(t)
Tiroirs, Darkgray
Circe: sector 30(u)
carré Darkgray
Circe: sector 30(v)
avant deux Darkgray
Circe: sector 30(aa)
[Cours de] mains Darkgray
Circe: sector 30(ab)
balancé Darkgray
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.034(ae).
Circe: sector 30(ac)
Circe: sector 30(ad)
saluts Darkgray
Circe: sector 30(ae)
leaves her
Circe: sector 30(af)
chassé croisé Darkgray
Circe: sector 30(ag)
avant huit Darkgray
Note: See also Sheet 15.030(ap) below.
Circe: sector 30(ah)
Circe: sector 30(ai)
double satin
Circe: sector 30(aj)
3 Saluts Darkgray
Note: See above.
Circe: sector 30(ak)
M de cavaliers / 1 with 2, 2 with 1
Circe: sector 30(al)
Circe: sector 30(am)
visit 2 / lady pass before / double moulinet / chaine anglaise
Circe: sector 30(an)
Grande Chaine
Circe: sector 30(ao)
face about / 3 saluts / Fox & Geese / Chassé Croisé galop / pomenade
Circe: sector 30(ap)
avant huit Darkgray
Note: See also Sheet 15.030(ag) above.
Circe: sector 30(aq)
tout le monde en avant / reverence, t.l.m. en place Red
Circe: sector 30(ar)
les cavs. avant vos dames Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 30(as)
donnez le petit bouquet à v. dames / remerciez vos dames Blue

Circe sector 31

BL Add MS 49475-17v(left) JJA 12:048
(Herring Cir-6) left column
Sources: Alphabetical Notebook (JJA 7.109-56: Cornell 25-1-48)

Circe: sector 31(a)
Birth SD Acquarius
Circe: sector 31(b)
(Dublin) Castles in the air
Circe: sector 31(c)
Someone in house with Dina Green
Circe: sector 31(d)
Rebecca Cohen Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(e)
~ (blue, yellow, l.)
Circe: sector 31(f)
Maidens (30) take your due, her garters
Circe: sector 31(g)
witch 3 tears only & left eye Blue
Note: See Sheet 15.073(i) for UG 15.1687, and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bp).
Circe: sector 31(h)
crooked 6d. or hole luck
Circe: sector 31(i)
the missus is master Green
Circe: sector 31(j)
hawthorn, [shaking] grass, bad
Circe: sector 31(k)
4leaved shamrock Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):016(f) for UG 12.668.
Circe: sector 31(l)
loves me, loves me not Blue
Circe: sector 31(m)
fairies eat daisyroot Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(n)
rosemary strengthens memory Red
Note: Cf. Sheet 15.021(i).
Circe: sector 31(o)
applepeels Hallow eve
Circe: sector 31(p)
wordly goods I thee and thou. Green
Circe: sector 31(q)
old new borrowed blue
Circe: sector 31(r)
change name & not letter Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(s)
La belle dame sans merci Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bq) for UG 15.122.
Circe: sector 31(t)
prof. Maghinni Red
Circe: sector 31(u)
Jesus, S of Pantherus & parfumeuse Blue
Circe: sector 31(v)
fille d'Israel qui se donna aux porcs
Circe: sector 31(aa)
castration Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(ab)
antagonistic muscles
Circe: sector 31(ac)
scratching Blue
Note: And passim.
Circe: sector 31(ad)
clean with spittle Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(ae)
quel homme [juste, hien] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(af)
motor nerve fibres [endplates] / in layers of vol. muscle
Circe: sector 31(ag)
invol. net of plexuses
Circe: sector 31(ah)
lockjaw, Red
Circe: sector 31(ai)
~ g.p.i. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(aj)
consciousness secreted by brain
Note: See also JN2 (Cornell.25):017(a).
Circe: sector 31(ak)
left weight call for more effort Blue
Circe: sector 31(al)
deafmutes not sick (Erin's King)
Circe: sector 31(am)
speech brain centre left only Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(an)
kithogue Blue
Note: Kithogue (Irish phrase): a left-handed person. See also Sheet 15.018(ae).
Circe: sector 31(ao)
~ right
Circe: sector 31(ap)
~ lefthander Blue
Circe: sector 31(aq)
writes muscle left [ameboid]
Circe: sector 31(ar)
gesture right speech
Circe: sector 31(as)
animals hear extra notes Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 31(at)
visual loss loss balance Blue
Circe: sector 31(au)
incline head L to R causes endolymph
Circe: sector 31(av)
to press R haircells
Circe: sector 31(ba)
divide horizontal canal head wags / 〃 vertical
Circe: sector 31(bb)
~ somersaults: Blue
Note: Repeated at Sheet 15.053(t).
Circe: sector 31(bc)
~ squints
Circe: sector 31(bd)
SD whirled round (blind) Blue
Circe: sector 31(be)
dancing letters midges Blue
Circe: sector 31(bf)
Stop seen going other way Blue
Circe: sector 31(bg)
fluid rebound
Circe: sector 31(bh)
thumb in vest, Green
Circe: sector 31(bi)
~ Indian chiefs,
Circe: sector 31(bj)
wrist up, over, forearm in swing twist
Circe: sector 31(bk)
carry square shoulders, Mrs Kane
Circe: sector 31(bl)
Cunningham in mirror W.S. Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.000(df)
Circe: sector 31(bm)
akimbo Red
Circe: sector 31(bn)
seguidilla half distances
Circe: sector 31(bo)
Circe: sector 31(bp)
tableau, seizes [Sevile]
Circe: sector 31(bq)
2 hold same cloth
Circe: sector 31(br)
hornpipe, Blue
Circe: sector 31(bs)
Circe: sector 31(bt)
arms folded Blue

Circe sector 32

BL Add MS 49475-17v(left) JJA 12:048
(Herring Cir-6) second column

Circe: sector 32(a)
Circe: sector 32(b)
table rapping
Circe: sector 32(c)
crystal gazing Blue
Circe: sector 32(d)
Something Within Red
Circe: sector 32(e)
Cosmic forces Red
Circe: sector 32(f)
harmonial philosophy Red
Circe: sector 32(g)
Sex secrets Blue
Circe: sector 32(h)
Letters vibrate light v hue
Circe: sector 32(i)
hermetic science Green
Circe: sector 32(j)
petticoat government Green
Circe: sector 32(k)
mother took the strap to you Blue
Circe: sector 32(l)
on the job: Green
Circe: sector 32(m)
~ [hug]:
Circe: sector 32(n)
~ prism (be a): Red
Circe: sector 32(o)
conscious = phys. resistance
Circe: sector 32(p)
[pure] sensation impossible, memory,
Circe: sector 32(q)
(sub)liminal consciousness
Circe: sector 32(r)
daggered hair Darkgray
Circe: sector 32(s)
omne animal triste praeter gallum
Circe: sector 32(t)
capillary attraction Blue
Circe: sector 32(u)
embrace all women Red
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):032(d).
Circe: sector 32(v)
epil. cry Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.049(aj), Sheet 15.042(ai), Sheet 15.073(bu), UN4 (NLI.5A):023(al) and UN6 (NLI.4):023(al).
Circe: sector 32(aa)
a year to study religious problem Red
Circe: sector 32(ab)
Agamemnon du ciel Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 32(ac)
homme squelette
Note: It. = skeleton
Circe: sector 32(ad)
&mash; enclume ~
Note: It. = anvil
Circe: sector 32(ae)
~ nane Blue
Note: Italian: dwarf
Circe: sector 32(af)
— cautchouc Blue
Note: Italian: Indian rubber
Circe: sector 32(ag)
— electrique
Circe: sector 32(ah)
femme colone, à barbe Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 32(ai)
chevaux de bois (leap forward to other dame) Blue
Circe: sector 32(aj)
les ponts, escargots, boulangère, corbeille Darkgray
Circe: sector 32(ak)
dansez avec vos dames. Blue
Circe: sector 32(al)
~ cotillion presents Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 32(am)
viole mobile, parete,
Note: It. violet, furniture, wall
Circe: sector 32(an)
ventaglio, dadi Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: It., fan, dice
Circe: sector 32(ao)
blindman's buff ‘Who is it’? Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 32(ap)
~ man & man
Circe: sector 32(aq)
throw wipe,
Circe: sector 32(ar)
cuscino / fiori, [pegni], cantoni Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Italian: cushion / flowers, [pledges], corners
Circe: sector 32(as)
specchio, heads same way Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Italian specchio: a mirror.
Circe: sector 32(at)
Kinch & Lynch Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(br) for UG 15.3535.
Circe: sector 32(au)
Circe: sector 32(av)
zigzag, Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.041(b).
Circe: sector 32(aw)
aprons, Blue
Note: The segment from draft 3, was later moved to section 1A.
Circe: sector 32(ax)
Circe: sector 32(ba)
catch Blue
Note: And passim.
Circe: sector 32(bb)
ball, fanfara, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 15.073(m) and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cw).
Circe: sector 32(bc)
minuet, Blue
Circe: sector 32(bd)
cipria, Blue
Circe: sector 32(be)
languid eye, Blue
Circe: sector 32(bf)
laughing mouth, Blue
Circe: sector 32(bg)
waspwaist, Blue
Circe: sector 32(bh)
innocent hands, ambitious feet Blue
Circe: sector 32(bi)
motion weaves net Blue
Circe: sector 32(bj)
lift arms, Blue
Circe: sector 32(bk)
~ jeté, highland fling
Circe: sector 32(bl)
beat thighs Red
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.037(b).
Circe: sector 32(bm)
beat hands, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 32(bn)
point, pavan
Circe: sector 32(bo)
precision of men, grace of women

Circe sector 33

BL Add MS 49475-17v(left) JJA 12:048
(Herring Cir-6) third column

Circe: sector 33(a)
1st. m little vulva
Circe: sector 33(b)
eleph. bull to knees Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 33(c)
scrotum other colour
Circe: sector 33(d)
Roman wives prefer eunuchs
Circe: sector 33(e)
[guest] fat, poppe
Note: It. = paps
Circe: sector 33(f)
She is some president Red
Circe: sector 33(g)
fleshpink Blue
Circe: sector 33(h)
call her up by sunphones Red
Circe: sector 33(i)
Circe: sector 33(j)
up to you Red
Circe: sector 33(k)
a God or a clod Red
Circe: sector 33(l)
Just one more word Red
Circe: sector 33(m)
in this vibration Red
Circe: sector 33(n)
It is immense Red
Circe: sector 33(o)
joking apart Red

Circe sector 34

BL Add MS 49475-17v(left) JJA 12:048
(Herring Cir-6) right column

Circe: sector 34(a)
allium redyellow flower
Circe: sector 34(b)
allium niger aphros.
Note: garlic
Circe: sector 34(c)
no-one, Bloom, has ever
Circe: sector 34(d)
are you describing T.F. / Precisely Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 34(e)
skiprope Darkgray
Circe: sector 34(f)
marionette (Little Milly) Blue
Circe: sector 34(g)
Lynch whinny Red
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):003(b).
Circe: sector 34(h)
dislike seen with women Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):007(i).
Circe: sector 34(i)
whetstones Red
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):008(f).
Circe: sector 34(j)
dislike bottle, Blue
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):009(a).
Circe: sector 34(k)
shut eye to disloyalty Green
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):009(b).
Circe: sector 34(l)
growing pain
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):009(f).
Circe: sector 34(m)
Conservio lies captured Red
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):037(i), full source for UG 15.2664ff.
Circe: sector 34(n)
Marcello cœli enarrant gloriam Domini, Red
Circe: sector 34(o)
dumped- Red
Circe: sector 34(p)
Sultan Napoleon Red
Circe: sector 34(q)
Rite poet's rest Red
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):014(c).
Circe: sector 34(r)
whores bad conductors Blue
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):014(e).
Circe: sector 34(s)
a pig's whisper Red
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):018(a).
Circe: sector 34(t)
levels of association
Circe: sector 34(u)
mockery of it ~ Blue
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):019(c).
Circe: sector 34(v)
~ — patriot of solar system
Note: Copied from JN2 (Cornell.25):019(b). See also Sheet 14.004(ah) and Sheet 14.086(j).
Circe: sector 34(aa)
identify Red
Circe: sector 34(ab)
what can it all mean? Darkgray
Circe: sector 34(ac)
chain purse Blue
Circe: sector 34(ad)
quadrille: pantalon:
Circe: sector 34(ae)
balancé Darkgray
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.030(ab).
Circe: sector 34(af)
ch. anglaise dedans
Circe: sector 34(ag)
Circe: sector 34(ah)
~ traversé Darkgray
Circe: sector 34(ai)
Poule, cav. seul
Circe: sector 34(aj)
Anthony says creed Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 34(ak)
Changez de dames Blue
Circe: sector 34(al)
Les Ronds Darkgray
Circe: sector 34(am)
~ dos à dos Darkgray

Circe sector 35

BL Add MS 49475-17v(right) JJA 12:049
(Herring Cir-7) left column

Circe: sector 35(a)
garlic Mars, red, Saturn
Circe: sector 35(b)
[Diseas] 7 + 14 = 28 days
Circe: sector 35(c)
worms, scurvy, hysteria, ~
Circe: sector 35(d)
~ dropsy Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):016(e) for UG 12.1785.
Circe: sector 35(e)
Mercury, lavender, valerian, mandrake / liquorice, fennel, parsley, horehound / elecampane
Circe: sector 35(f)
Cir. draws [Sun] from [herd] ~
Circe: sector 35(g)
~ makes / [young], changes Faunus to Pica. Blue
Circe: sector 35(h)
Scylla to monster, ~
Circe: sector 35(i)
purifies Jason after murder ~ Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 35(j)
~ aunt of Medea,
Circe: sector 35(k)
Arètes, K Colchis, Telegonus?
Circe: sector 35(l)
From this it has been inferred that the builder of the second Pyramid was also the erector of the Sphinx. […] the Arabs name it the Lion of the Night (Saba E1 Lejl). Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 68 [The Pyramids]
Note: See also Sheet 15.047(k), UN4 (NLI.5A):056(at), and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(b) for UG 15.3631.
Circe: sector 35(m)
Egypt. head feet profile, bust full, ¾ never
[On old Egyptian art] These figures are invariably with the profile of the head turned to the right or left, but the breast appears always in full. The legs again are in profile, and remain so even when the head, which is very seldom the case, is in full view. A three quarter figure is never seen. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 95 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 35(n)
sounding Memnon
The so called sounding Memnon is most sadly mutilated—the inscriptions upon it say, by Cambyses. A tradition—believed till not long since—has it, that it greeted the rising sun with a peculiar tone. Roman prefects, and emperors listened with devotion to the wondrous sound. In later times it was considered a freak of nature. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 102 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 35(o)
bust, head, pathos; legs, joy;
Circe: sector 35(p)
contract tempo forte / relax 〃 debole
Circe: sector 35(q)
direction of motions melodic line
Circe: sector 35(r)
[Demenes, Soudaz]
Circe: sector 35(s)
not abdomen & back
Circe: sector 35(t)
3 Legs of Man Red
Circe: sector 35(u)
Heaven becomes a back number Red
Circe: sector 35(v)
Ra (Phra) sparrowhawk Blue
The adoration of the sun god was the most ancient and widely spread worship. Ra—or with the article Phra—appears on the monuments with the red disk of the sun on the head, the colour of its body is also red, its sacred animal is the sparrow-hawk, sometimes with the head only and the disk. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 7 [Introduction]
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cj) and Sheet 15.073(j).
Circe: sector 35(aa)
Pthah - dungbeetle Blue
In Lower Egypt Ptah, also a god of light and chiefly worshipped at Memphis, was considered as great a deity as Ra. [...] He is considered as generator of the sun. An inscription says, “Ptah, who revolves his egg in heaven.” With this idea the head of the scarabee is frequently substituted for that of Ptah on the monuments; even the god himself is represented by the scarabees, a dung-beetle which the Egyptians believe rolls its eggs thither. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 7/8 [Introduction]
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cn) and Sheet 15.073(j).
Circe: sector 35(ab)
Apis - ox
The ox was also sacred to Ptah, hence the worship of Apis in Memphis. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 8 [Introduction]
Circe: sector 35(ac)
Pasht - cat
Pacht was another goddess, worshipped both in Upper and Lower Egypt. She is represented with a lion's head, sometimes with the sun's disk over her and the hooked cross in her hand. The cat, the animal of great propagating powers, was sacred to her, and she appears to have been the goddess of birth and happy children. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 8
Circe: sector 35(ad)
Toth - ibis - dogmonkey Blue
From among the inferior gods we select Chonso, the god of the moon, and Thot, the celestial writer, frequently represented with the head of the ibis, the bird sacred to him. [...] In [some] capacities he is represented, not with the head of the ibis, but with that of the dog-monkey. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 9 [Introduction]
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ck) and Sheet 15.073(j); ‘dogmonkey’ not crossed through.
Circe: sector 35(ae)
Hathor - white cow Blue
By the side of Horus is the goddess Hathor, who sometimes appears as the goddess of love, with bands and the tambourines in her hand, which are the symbols of fascinating charms and delightful lust, sometimes only as nature's mother. In the last capacity the female sparrow-hawk and the cow are dedicated to her, and as in her chief temple a white cow was kept, she is represented with a cow's head and horns. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 10
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cm) and Sheet 15.073(j).
Circe: sector 35(af)
a striding bird. Blue
To the first [class of symbols] belong the circle which represents the disk of the sun, and the figures of animals sacred to the gods; to the second, the ostrich feather—typical of truth, the ringed cross—of life, the fish of all things to be detested, the striding bird—of a journey, and the vulture—of a mother [...] Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 15 [Introduction]
Circe: sector 35(ag)
camel [hump] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
The luggage is then conveyed to an hotel, at the option of the stranger, either by a camel while he himself goes on foot, or by an ass [...] Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), ?31 [Alexandria]
Circe: sector 35(ah)
retain his perpendicular Blue
The obelisks, known as Cleopatra's Needles, stood opposite the temple of Caesar. One of them still retains its perpendicular, the other lies close by, partly covered with earth [...] Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 34 [Alexandria]
Circe: sector 35(ai)
camel dung for clay walls
The Fellah villages in the immediate neighbourhood of Cairo are excessively ugly, most of them nothing but walls of clay, without windows, stuck together with cow or camel dung. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 50 [Cairo]
Circe: sector 35(aj)
rock to and fro Blue
The worship began with a slow rhythm which was struck up by the sheikh, and joined in by the forty dervishes on their knees. [...] Then followed another hymn sung in chorus, while the dervishes who had risen on their feet rocked themselves right and left. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 56 [Cairo]
Circe: sector 35(ak)
dervish (howl, dance, wander) Green
The convent near Old Cairo belongs now to the sect of the Gelanieh, who number with the howling dervishes, and not with the dancing ones. [...] In front of the niche for devolution—which is striped with red and white—are two flags, between which a tin vessel hangs which is carried by the wandering dervishes. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 56 [Cairo]
Circe: sector 35(al)
Old Irel. bad eggs SD v Carr Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 35(am)
LB son. I suppose so. Blue
Circe: sector 35(an)
warm seat - ware Sitting Bull Blue
Circe: sector 35(ao)
SD's mother drag him to hell Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 35(ap)
Don Juan Blue
Circe: sector 35(aq)
SD - words of eternal life
Circe: sector 35(ar)
to all the more influence Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.028(g). See also N05.017(s) for UG 16.1828.
Circe: sector 35(as)
it is perhaps here / retrospect Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.028(e) and Sheet 16.028(f).
Circe: sector 35(at)
turtle Blue
Circe: sector 35(au)
~ hurdles, cycles
Circe: sector 35(av)
old gummy granny Blue
Circe: sector 35(ba)
Staggering Bob Blue
Circe: sector 35(bb)
tampered with Blue
Circe: sector 35(bc)
carapace Blue
Circe: sector 35(bd)
vintage dance
Circe: sector 35(be)
palsy, Blue
Circe: sector 35(bf)
S. Vitus. Blue

Circe sector 36

BL Add MS 49475-17v(right) JJA 12:049
(Herring Cir-7) second column

Circe: sector 36(a)
Styx hate
Circe: sector 36(b)
Persephone soul
Circe: sector 36(c)
head averted Blue
Circe: sector 36(d)
Hermes, S of Maia, babe
Circe: sector 36(e)
1st day robs Apollo's cows,
Circe: sector 36(f)
|aUla| troop back, Iris (Il)
Circe: sector 36(g)
He [(Od) wind] herald
Circe: sector 36(h)
guide, to & from Hereafter
Circe: sector 36(i)
wakes souls with caduceus stick 2 serpents, Blue
Circe: sector 36(j)
~ god of / dreams (nightcap) speed
Circe: sector 36(k)
gymn. eloqu sacrif. tongue
Circe: sector 36(l)
Trismegistos Blue
Circe: sector 36(m)
~ streets, crossways
Circe: sector 36(n)
fingerposts (erme) Red
Circe: sector 36(o)
~ travellers Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 36(p)
Circe: sector 36(q)
thieves, Blue
Circe: sector 36(r)
good shepherd crioforo
Circe: sector 36(s)
Nile swine trample weeds after flood
Circe: sector 36(t)
Kitty Ricketts heart disease
Circe: sector 36(u)
Corn. Kell. business card sober drivers speciality Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.065(ae) and UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cn).
Circe: sector 36(v)
Sir H. Rumbold Blue
Note: This segment from draft 3 was later moved to section 1A.
Circe: sector 36(aa)
jujube of women Blue
Circe: sector 36(ab)
Stork (Purefoy)
Circe: sector 36(ac)
crowd acclaims LB Blue
Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):025(al).
Circe: sector 36(ad)
calling loftily
Circe: sector 36(ae)
Handy Andy Blue
Circe: sector 36(af)
Leopopold. Blue
Circe: sector 36(ag)
Mirror with words on it
Circe: sector 36(ah)
bellhorses Red
Circe: sector 36(ai)
marionettes advt
Circe: sector 36(aj)
Shakes water out of ears?
Circe: sector 36(ak)
SD begins long sentence & forgets start Blue
Circe: sector 36(al)
ear to ground Blue
Circe: sector 36(am)
Jackals at Bourse Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.073(l) and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cv).
Circe: sector 36(an)
eternity junction Blue
Circe: sector 36(ao)
watching brief Blue
Circe: sector 36(ap)
dragging me along Blue
Circe: sector 36(aq)
LB fell out of bed Blue
Circe: sector 36(ar)
elicited the information Blue
Circe: sector 36(as)
Stop thief Blue
Circe: sector 36(at)
~ Charm = Moly (narrow [??]) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 36(au)
impresario to engage criminal
Circe: sector 36(av)
dandered, Blue
Circe: sector 36(ba)
~ pigeonlofts, fancier
Circe: sector 36(bb)
to grass a stag Blue
Note: See UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ap) for UG 15.1395.
Circe: sector 36(bc)
hypnotism & lies Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 36(bd)
black sheep Blue
Note: Entered with Sheet 15.039(o)
Circe: sector 36(be)
Ossian 1 day = 20 years Blue
Circe: sector 36(bf)
Horn of bull, hoof of horse, smile of Saxon Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):025(r) for UG 1.732, and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bs)

Circe sector 37

BL Add MS 49475-17v(right) JJA 12:049
(Herring Cir-7) left margin

Circe: sector 37(a)
Pelt Blue
Circe: sector 37(b)
Ben Dollard beats thigh Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.032(bl).
Circe: sector 37(c)
face towards sky Blue
Circe: sector 37(d)
face towards earth Blue
Circe: sector 37(e)
MB's angle askew [finds] LB
Circe: sector 37(f)
Shitbreeches Blue
Circe: sector 37(g)
bites his ear Red
Circe: sector 37(h)
[sinking] bed
Circe: sector 37(i)
Rawhead & Bloody Bones Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):008(ag) for UG 8.726.
Circe: sector 37(j)
Waxworks horrors
Circe: sector 37(k)
riding stick / broom
Circe: sector 37(l)
Kitty [stands] / touches soleil Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 37(m)
[promiscuous pronouns] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 37(n)
see yr. backview Red
Circe: sector 37(o)
Unisexual dance / [leave] / Bisexual dances / [say]
Circe: sector 37(p)
naked Blue
Circe: sector 37(q)
rhododendrons Blue
Circe: sector 37(r)
Garrett Deasy, Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.000(n).
Circe: sector 37(s)
shirtsleeves Blue
Circe: sector 37(t)
mutton broth, Blue
Circe: sector 37(u)
racer Blue

Circe sector 38

BL Add MS 49475-17v(right) JJA 12:049
(Herring Cir-7) loose, centre

Circe: sector 38(a)
leapfrog Blue
Circe: sector 38(b)
shark Blue
Circe: sector 38(c)
plop Blue
Circe: sector 38(d)
strut Blue
Circe: sector 38(e)
sidle Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.018(bl).
Circe: sector 38(f)
to [gore] Blue
Circe: sector 38(g)
bathing Blue

Circe sector 39

BL Add MS 49475-17v(right) JJA 12:049
(Herring Cir-7) right margin

Circe: sector 39(a)
fall of man Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bu) for UG 15.2545.
Circe: sector 39(b)
[orders] (Major now) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 39(c)
slightly passée Blue
Circe: sector 39(d)
shot his bolt Blue
Circe: sector 39(e)
spunk Blue
Circe: sector 39(f)
Flies sticky / wax of antennae / to stick
Circe: sector 39(g)
[nunnery] Red
Circe: sector 39(h)
haddock fingermark of God Blue
Circe: sector 39(i)
Circe: sector 39(j)
spider, beetle
Circe: sector 39(k)
peacock eyes
Circe: sector 39(l)
tiger stripes Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 39(m)
Circe: sector 39(n)
moulting Blue
Circe: sector 39(o)
branded sheep Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):001(al) for UG 4.160, and UN4 (NLI.5A):057(ag) for UG 6.385. This unit entered with Sheet 15.036(bd).
Circe: sector 39(p)
divine origin Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 39(q)
rostrum Blue
Circe: sector 39(r)
a mare's nest Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(au) for UG 15.775.
Circe: sector 39(s)
animals & fools
Circe: sector 39(t)
blushingly Blue
Circe: sector 39(u)
do him in Blue

Circe sector 40

BL Add MS 49475-17r(left) JJA 12:046
(Herring Cir-8) left column

Circe: sector 40(a)
sturgeon type 1st fish
Circe: sector 40(b)
cartilage spine, bony plates / external, tail accretion,
Circe: sector 40(c)
insects, reptiles,
Circe: sector 40(d)
Irel. emerges part of America
Circe: sector 40(e)
differentiated temperature
Circe: sector 40(f)
oyster beds
Circe: sector 40(g)
coral goes to equator
Circe: sector 40(h)
Note: It. seppia: cuttlefish.
Circe: sector 40(i)
10 footer crabs Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 40(j)
viviparous reptiles
Circe: sector 40(k)
seaserpent Blue
Circe: sector 40(l)
crocodile brain = 100 Brontosaurus (20 metres)
Circe: sector 40(m)
brain smaller than medula
Circe: sector 40(n)
flying reptiles
Circe: sector 40(o)
de [??] [??]
Circe: sector 40(p)
(paleozoic formation)
Circe: sector 40(q)
Monti Caledoniani
Circe: sector 40(r)
formerly boreal & tropical continents
Circe: sector 40(s)
Water middle sea
Circe: sector 40(t)
seasons (deduced now from concentric boles of trees) non existent ferns Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 40(u)
zoe Red
Note: Passim.
Circe: sector 40(v)
diff. angle of earth axis on ecliptic
Circe: sector 40(aa)
trilobite - head, chest, belly.
Circe: sector 40(ab)
all eyes, roll itself
Circe: sector 40(ac)
insects of imperfect metamorphosis
Circe: sector 40(ad)
6 wings, 6 [pairs]
Circe: sector 40(ae)
armoured fish
Circe: sector 40(af)
ruminants 2 horns Red
Circe: sector 40(ag)
pig, Blue
Circe: sector 40(ah)
~ pachyderm, hipp.
Circe: sector 40(ai)
~ rhinoc. Blue
Circe: sector 40(aj)
~ tapir
Circe: sector 40(ak)
perissodachtylic (3) artiodact (2)
Circe: sector 40(al)
solipedi (horse) from perissod. pachyd.
Circe: sector 40(am)
ruminants from artiodact.
Circe: sector 40(an)
sheep's trotters, Blue
Circe: sector 40(ao)
crubeens, Blue
Circe: sector 40(ap)
Rumin. no incisors in upper jaw. / cannot defend ∴ horns
Circe: sector 40(aq)
leathery plants = teeth sharp
Circe: sector 40(ar)
hoofs to flee
Circe: sector 40(as)
sow that eats her young Blue
Circe: sector 40(at)
stormy petrel Blue
Circe: sector 40(au)
feel earthquake, eruptions, epidemics
Circe: sector 40(av)
swear by Styx Blue
Circe: sector 40(ba)
charm said backwards Blue
Circe: sector 40(bb)
signs of rain, bats, fly low
Circe: sector 40(bc)
Animals silent when storms nigh
Circe: sector 40(bd)
spider ceases to weave, rain
Circe: sector 40(be)
if good night coming weaves long threads
Circe: sector 40(bf)
In 1st rain if chicks scratch = long
Circe: sector 40(bg)
[dogfear] paralyses partridge snake
Circe: sector 40(bh)
destroy the charm, Blue
Circe: sector 40(bi)
break the spell Darkgray
Circe: sector 40(bj)
spider & snake draw prey
Circe: sector 40(bk)
snake milks female animals Red
Circe: sector 40(bl)
cow goes to snake's nest Red
Circe: sector 40(bm)
fascinated boy apes movement of snake Blue
Circe: sector 40(bn)
Pythian Apollo of Delphos
Circe: sector 40(bo)
cochon Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 40(bp)
basilisk Blue
Circe: sector 40(bq)
Clap your wings and crow
Circe: sector 40(br)
flesh willing, spirit weak Blue
Circe: sector 40(bs)
ce sont des oignons Blue
Circe: sector 40(bt)
[money] bubbles
Circe: sector 40(bu)
forget teapotlid = stranger
Circe: sector 40(bv)
bubbles go to side = rain
Circe: sector 40(ca)
Mole on throat bad (left breast) Blue
Circe: sector 40(cb)
〃 〃 right thigh good
Circe: sector 40(cc)
LB pretends to be jealous Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bm).
Circe: sector 40(cd)
LB speak to her seriously Blue
Circe: sector 40(ce)
3 acres & cow Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.073(h) for UG 15.1687, UN5 (NLI.5B):017(dn) and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bo). .
Circe: sector 40(cf)
Amsterdam [??] Blue

Circe sector 41

BL Add MS 49475-17r(left) JJA 12:046
(Herring Cir-8) centre column

Circe: sector 41(a)
approach Red
Circe: sector 41(b)
zigzag Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.032(av).
Circe: sector 41(c)
clog Green
Circe: sector 41(d)
seldom to back
Circe: sector 41(e)
breakdown Green
Circe: sector 41(f)
jig Red
Circe: sector 41(g)
cavalier Blue
Circe: sector 41(h)
Circe: sector 41(i)
advance Red
Circe: sector 41(j)
Circe: sector 41(k)
Circe: sector 41(l)
cavity of form
Circe: sector 41(m)
Circe: sector 41(n)
Circe: sector 41(o)
fossil tree (coal)
Circe: sector 41(p)
Subsitution (veins of leaves fibres in coal)
Circe: sector 41(q)
primitive man Red
Circe: sector 41(r)
whores not persons Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(s)
[Paleologo.] Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(t)
hollow bones
Circe: sector 41(u)
bird beaked teeth
Circe: sector 41(v)
no groppone
Note: It. = back
Circe: sector 41(aa)
24 verteb in tail
Circe: sector 41(ab)
marsupials no placenta, short gravidance hold in pouch Blue
Circe: sector 41(ac)
emerging archipelago
Circe: sector 41(ad)
Circe: sector 41(ae)
Circe: sector 41(af)
man's touch on piano Darkgray
Circe: sector 41(ag)
Circe: sector 41(ah)
temp. [??] = 25~~ (now 11~~)
Circe: sector 41(ai)
deciduous leaves Blue
Circe: sector 41(aj)
flowering plants Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(ak)
amber = fossil resin
Circe: sector 41(al)
human pig dentition
Circe: sector 41(am)
head over heels Blue
Circe: sector 41(an)
R.B slept with dog (rheum) Red
Circe: sector 41(ao)
catskin Blue
Circe: sector 41(ap)
~ cat & child
Circe: sector 41(aq)
lapdog Red
Circe: sector 41(ar)
Jesus born stable |ahorse assa| and ox
Circe: sector 41(as)
Molly riding whip, Darkgray
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(at)
[jolts] of horse Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(au)
horse knows
Circe: sector 41(av)
Give the paw, Red
Circe: sector 41(ba)
~ R to R sleep R to L wake
Circe: sector 41(bb)
murderer returns wishes to be killed Red
Note: Copied to UN7 (V.A.2):015(ak)
Circe: sector 41(bc)
murderer kills self first
Circe: sector 41(bd)
dog knows death barks Red
Circe: sector 41(be)
Walpurgisnacht Blue
Note: Theme: see 15.4661ff.
Circe: sector 41(bf)
deaf & dumb Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(bg)
female animals ugly Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(bh)
keeper rubs liniment leopard Blue
Circe: sector 41(bi)
Bantam gamecock Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 41(bj)
puts hounds to flight
Circe: sector 41(bk)
natts out of hair Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):023(ap).
Circe: sector 41(bl)
sovereign lord of all things Red
Circe: sector 41(bm)
Jetez la gourme / que jeunesse se passe Blue
Circe: sector 41(bn)
[negro in mime]
Circe: sector 41(bo)
emerald v impure
Circe: sector 41(bp)
ruby dark at peril
Circe: sector 41(bq)
sapphire priests kill spiders
Circe: sector 41(br)
diamond = courage
Circe: sector 41(bs)
handk: drop = friend
Circe: sector 41(bt)
both twirl = indiff
Circe: sector 41(bu)
over cheek = love
Circe: sector 41(bv)
over hand = hate
Circe: sector 41(ca)
[v.] r. cheek = yes
Circe: sector 41(cb)
〃 l. cheek = no
Circe: sector 41(cc)
twirl l. hand = riddance
Circe: sector 41(cd)
〃 r. hand = love another
Circe: sector 41(ce)
fold = wish to speak
Circe: sector 41(cf)
in pocket = no more at present

Circe sector 42

BL Add MS 49475-17r(left) JJA 12:046
(Herring Cir-8) right column

Circe: sector 42(a)
up guards & at them Blue
Circe: sector 42(b)
dog obeys Blue
Circe: sector 42(c)
bitch, Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.013(bj)
Circe: sector 42(d)
Circe: sector 42(e)
dogs like LB Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.053(f).
Circe: sector 42(f)
mad dog in Gloucester Street Blue
Note: Cf. Sheet 15.024(t).
Circe: sector 42(g)
dog bites tail stiff (whore) Blue
Circe: sector 42(h)
Knut Hamsun Mysterien
Circe: sector 42(i)
promiscuity Green
Circe: sector 42(j)
dozes, horsenod
Circe: sector 42(k)
stubborn as a mule Red
Circe: sector 42(l)
stag that one Red
Circe: sector 42(m)
plants can't move
Circe: sector 42(n)
women birds
Circe: sector 42(o)
cocks henpecked Red
Circe: sector 42(p)
mon loup Blue
Circe: sector 42(q)
Circe: sector 42(r)
healthy man cheers up
Circe: sector 42(s)
love me, love my dog Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 42(t)
lick of dog good - on old sore Blue
Circe: sector 42(u)
doctors live on disease
Circe: sector 42(v)
hydro Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 42(aa)
[semamitismus] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 42(ab)
MB objected Milly sleep with Mrs R
Circe: sector 42(ac)
scapegoat Blue
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):010(al).
Circe: sector 42(ad)
animals healthier Blue
Circe: sector 42(ae)
cow's lick Blue
Circe: sector 42(af)
do [reins] cross
Circe: sector 42(ag)
ducky little Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.021(g)
Circe: sector 42(ah)
S. Anthony Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 42(ai)
epilepsy Green
Note: See also Sheet 15.032(v), Sheet 15.049(aj), Sheet 15.073(bu), UN4 (NLI.5A):023(al) and UN6 (NLI.4):014(al).
Circe: sector 42(aj)
whore whip LB Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 42(ak)
old are young
Circe: sector 42(al)
heretic catechism
Circe: sector 42(am)
philtre Blue
Circe: sector 42(an)

Circe sector 43

BL Add MS 49475-17r(left) JJA 12:046
(Herring Cir-8) loose units

Circe: sector 43(a)
litter Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 43(b)
[??] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 43(c)
Circe: sector 43(d)
weasel Blue
Circe: sector 43(e)
piglings Blue
Circe: sector 43(f)
~ polecat Blue
Circe: sector 43(g)
steer Blue
Circe: sector 43(h)
dog on broad of back Blue
Circe: sector 43(i)
corncrake Green
Circe: sector 43(j)
Circe: sector 43(k)
beaver lodges Blue
Circe: sector 43(l)
Circe: sector 43(m)
Circe: sector 43(n)
Circe: sector 43(o)
venisons of the forest

Circe sector 44

BL Add MS 49475-18r(right) JJA 12:051
(Herring Cir-9) left column

Circe: sector 44(a)
Dreck: Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ch)
Circe: sector 44(b)
~ gold, Lutetia, amber, musk, embryo, thoughts,
Circe: sector 44(c)
pissed on in death Blue
Circe: sector 44(d)
and rinse them well, mind. Blue
Circe: sector 44(e)
dirtiest things clean (cf. soot) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 44(f)
smell trousers and socks v. nosebleeding Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 44(g)
Passio iliaca Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Italian: bodily ailment
Circe: sector 44(h)
[Ringpissen] v impotence Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ci).
Circe: sector 44(i)
shirt waist
Circe: sector 44(j)
black oath Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cj).
Circe: sector 44(k)
qualm of conscience
Circe: sector 44(l)
on my sacred honour
Circe: sector 44(m)
victim of intrigue
Circe: sector 44(n)
will write fully tomorrow Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(af) and Sheet 15.045(ab).
Circe: sector 44(o)
hounded to death
Circe: sector 44(p)
apply his eye Blue
Circe: sector 44(q)
The Natural
Circe: sector 44(r)
fullback (football) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(aa) for UG 15.767.
Circe: sector 44(s)
when you's teapot Blue
Circe: sector 44(t)
3 bird cries
Circe: sector 44(u)
postagestamps on face Blue
Circe: sector 44(v)
cordial to support
Circe: sector 44(aa)
hurl lamp
Circe: sector 44(ab)
swept things off table
Circe: sector 44(ac)
laid on the floor (Pen)
Circe: sector 44(ad)
lap up. Blue
Circe: sector 44(ae)
He spends the day in bed Blue
Circe: sector 44(af)
With at least 1 woman Blue
Circe: sector 44(ag)
smothered in blood Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 44(ah)
dons the cap Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(e) for UG 15.1168.
Circe: sector 44(ai)
foul play
Circe: sector 44(aj)
Circe: sector 44(ak)
topping! Blue
Circe: sector 44(al)
jammed Blue
Circe: sector 44(am)
Black Church Blue
Circe: sector 44(an)
LB worked on the census Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 44(ao)
family crest Blue
Circe: sector 44(ap)
Agatha Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(ar).
Circe: sector 44(aq)
I'll hold you down Blue
Circe: sector 44(ar)
Slaps his face Blue
Circe: sector 44(as)
God's time is 6:30 Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(f) for UG 15.2191.
Circe: sector 44(at)
Lynch him Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(g) and on to Sheet 15.073(e) for UG 15.1762.
Circe: sector 44(au)
Bloodhounds Blue
Circe: sector 44(av)
la crevette. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: French: shrimp
Circe: sector 44(ba)
duchess Blue
Note: See Sheet 15.045(k) below.
Circe: sector 44(bb)
the last straw Blue
Circe: sector 44(bc)
I am sad you are engaged
Circe: sector 44(bd)
Philip Augustus Blue
Circe: sector 44(be)
went through a form of marriage Blue
Circe: sector 44(bf)
deploy Blue
Circe: sector 44(bg)
barbed wire (beads) Blue
Circe: sector 44(bh)
shrubbery Blue
Circe: sector 44(bi)
blurred memory
Circe: sector 44(bj)
Driscoll Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(h).
Circe: sector 44(bk)
fog cleared off Blue
Circe: sector 44(bl)
Show! Show backside! Blue
Circe: sector 44(bm)
black satin shift Blue
Circe: sector 44(bn)
LB WC dark window open
Circe: sector 44(bo)
LB peers & sees nothing. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 44(bp)
beastly awful Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):022(ah) for UG 15.833, and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(i).
Circe: sector 44(bq)
Circe: sector 44(br)
hawk volant in a field azure Blue
Circe: sector 44(bs)
I caught you nicely Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(k) for UG 15.395.
Circe: sector 44(bt)
LB phones indecently Blue
Circe: sector 44(bu)
put you to shame
Circe: sector 44(bv)
unsolicited testimonials Blue
Circe: sector 44(ca)
pass the evening of his days Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(l) for UG 15.907.
Circe: sector 44(cb)
Your wife dressed? Blue
Circe: sector 44(cc)
Coaxing hand Blue
Circe: sector 44(cd)
merry twinkle in his eye Blue
Circe: sector 44(ce)
not fit to touch the garment of a pure woman Blue
Circe: sector 44(cf)
You ought to feel yourself honoured Blue
Circe: sector 44(cg)
See life Blue
Note: Also copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(m).
Circe: sector 44(ch)
I have some private business with your wife Blue
Circe: sector 44(ci)
squat: Blue
Note: And passim.
Circe: sector 44(cj)
~ spittoon: Blue
Circe: sector 44(ck)
~ pisspot: Blue
Circe: sector 44(cl)
need mountain air Blue
Circe: sector 44(cm)
accoutrements Blue
Circe: sector 44(cn)
make the bed Blue
Circe: sector 44(co)
don't keep me waiting. Blue
Circe: sector 44(cp)
get my tub ready Blue
Circe: sector 44(cq)
caprice of humour Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 44(cr)
hide & seek, he's not here Blue
Circe: sector 44(cs)
flea in her drawers Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ak) for UG 15.3184.
Circe: sector 44(ct)
holds in her breath Blue
Circe: sector 44(cu)
drink me Blue
Circe: sector 44(cv)
death rattle Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):039(dd)
Circe: sector 44(da)
viveur de pots Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: French: viveur, pleasure-seeker.
Circe: sector 44(db)
he's after hitting me Blue
Circe: sector 44(dc)
speak while she pisses Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 44(dd)
he twists her arm Blue

Circe sector 45

BL Add MS 49475-18r(right) JJA 12:051
(Herring Cir-9) right column

Circe: sector 45(a)
LB auctioned Blue
Circe: sector 45(b)
talk of trivial man talk Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 45(c)
[shim, sher, shig] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 45(d)
women squabble for LB Blue
Circe: sector 45(e)
enfant martyr
Circe: sector 45(f)
Hop! Blue
Circe: sector 45(g)
O! O! O! Blue
Circe: sector 45(h)
one pulls off others Blue
Circe: sector 45(i)
are you finished? Blue
Circe: sector 45(j)
I'm not Blue
Circe: sector 45(k)
dowager duchess of K Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.044(ba) above.
Circe: sector 45(l)
The King v Bloom Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ai) for UG 15.859.
Circe: sector 45(m)
extensive property Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(aj) for UG 15.981.
Circe: sector 45(n)
8 men fuck her Blue
Circe: sector 45(o)
flew out of room Blue
Circe: sector 45(p)
rub shoulders with Blue
Circe: sector 45(q)
stunned Blue
Circe: sector 45(r)
professor Zodiac
Circe: sector 45(s)
a man I know named Charles Albert Marsh Blue
Circe: sector 45(t)
limp [pissing] penis in [hand] Blue
Circe: sector 45(u)
don't be cruel, nurse Blue
Circe: sector 45(v)
play horse, Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 45(aa)
Can't hold this lot Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(j).
Circe: sector 45(ab)
can't write fully Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.044(n) for UG 15.2499, and UN5 (NLI.5B):021(af).
Circe: sector 45(ac)
wide cavalry legs Blue
Note: Not in final (1922) text.
Circe: sector 45(ad)
[she] - [??] drawers Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 45(ae)
I am the daughter of. My father what do you call him Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ah) for UG 15.779.
Circe: sector 45(af)
LB cuts anus hair Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ag) for UG 15.3000.
Circe: sector 45(ag)
kept man Blue
Circe: sector 45(ah)
jews stand at wailing wall / sackcloth & ashes / lamenting LB's defection Blue
Circe: sector 45(ai)
Sheridan the Quadroon / Croesus Blue
Circe: sector 45(aj)
don't ask me Blue
Circe: sector 45(ak)
they the Blue
Circe: sector 45(al)
at fault
Circe: sector 45(am)
you can touch & examine Blue
Circe: sector 45(an)
wanton Blue
Circe: sector 45(ao)
handles him Blue
Circe: sector 45(ap)
does she
Circe: sector 45(aq)
Venus, Juno, Ceres,
Circe: sector 45(ar)
Circe: sector 45(as)
was in store for you
Circe: sector 45(at)
what most revolting obscenity Blue
Circe: sector 45(au)
LB mumbles Blue
Circe: sector 45(av)
gloating Blue
Circe: sector 45(ba)
the bidding Blue
Circe: sector 45(bb)
bidder for another Blue
Circe: sector 45(bc)
pinioned Blue
Circe: sector 45(bd)
pillory Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(am), and Sheet 15.073(f) for UG 15.1885.
Circe: sector 45(be)
plucks at with nails
Circe: sector 45(bf)
elbows his way Blue
Circe: sector 45(bg)
weight of bosom Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(al) for UG 15.2356.
Circe: sector 45(bh)
[fake] attitudes Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 45(bi)
breath good Blue
Circe: sector 45(bj)
what tastes
Circe: sector 45(bk)
virgin LB? Blue
Circe: sector 45(bl)
powderpuff Blue
Circe: sector 45(bm)
Hold yr. tongue Blue
Circe: sector 45(bn)
dismounted Blue
Circe: sector 45(bo)
lobster Blue
Circe: sector 45(bp)
It will hurt you Blue
Circe: sector 45(bq)
chemise Blue
Circe: sector 45(br)
No, Leopold Bloom, - Blue
Circe: sector 45(bs)
my chest Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):013(ao).
Circe: sector 45(bt)
infernal Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):057(al) for UG 15.2679, and UN5 (NLI.5B):004(bm) for UG 6.609.
Circe: sector 45(bu)
don't tear my Blue
Circe: sector 45(bv)
this repugnant Blue
Circe: sector 45(ca)
[swish] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 46

BL Add MS 49475-18r(right) JJA 12:051
(Herring Cir-9) left margin

Circe: sector 46(a)
Isaac Laquedem
Circe: sector 46(b)
I see Keating Clay is vicechairman of the Richmond Asylum Blue
Circe: sector 46(c)
severed head speaks Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(r).
Circe: sector 46(d)
don't be greedy Blue
Circe: sector 46(e)
Lend him to me Blue
Circe: sector 46(f)
3 gallons a day Blue
Circe: sector 46(g)
Can this thing be true
Circe: sector 46(h)
Bello belches Blue
Circe: sector 46(i)
walk on him Blue
Circe: sector 46(j)
varsity eight Blue
Circe: sector 46(k)
he'll be good, Mr. Bello! Blue
Circe: sector 46(l)
LB wrote in urinal Blue
Circe: sector 46(m)
to correct you Blue
Circe: sector 46(n)
I wouldn't hurt yr feelings for the world Blue
Circe: sector 46(o)
Shit on LB's letter Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(q) for UG 15.1071.
Circe: sector 46(p)
Satinlined boots Blue
Circe: sector 46(q)
delays to provoke
Circe: sector 46(r)
send bottled stout Blue
Circe: sector 46(s)
Have I given ...? / You have!
Circe: sector 46(t)
|aAll Dublina| [coaxingly], now for your short heart to heart talk, dear. Blue
Circe: sector 46(u)
Blazes Kate Blue
Circe: sector 46(v)
hide & uncover Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 47

BL Add MS 49475-18r(right) JJA 12:051
(Herring Cir-9) mid-columnar

Circe: sector 47(a)
LB repeats sentence of BC Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 47(b)
Can I help. Cook Blue
Circe: sector 47(c)
Circe: sector 47(d)
Note: See also Sheet 15.069(ai).
Circe: sector 47(e)
shall have been saying Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ck) (for UG 15.2375).
Circe: sector 47(f)
sarcastically Blue
Circe: sector 47(g)
crow to pluck with you
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):040(ck)
Circe: sector 47(h)
nuptual Blue
Circe: sector 47(i)
eating grass Blue
Circe: sector 47(j)
short stock ([tothe])
Circe: sector 47(k)
sphinx Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(b) for UG 15.3631. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(at) and Sheet 15.035(l).
Circe: sector 47(l)
Circe: sector 47(m)
Caligula dances
Circe: sector 47(n)
horse made consul Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ab) for UG 15.1504f.
Circe: sector 47(o)
ape consul
Circe: sector 47(p)
O, cold! (croup) [?(culo)] Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ae) for UG 15.1108.
Circe: sector 47(q)
move on! Not cancelled
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ad).
Circe: sector 47(r)
[men] round [master]
Circe: sector 47(s)
Elephantine Blue
Note: Possibly also copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ac).
Circe: sector 47(t)
hidden under sofafringe Blue
Circe: sector 47(u)
pretend whore is RL Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(w).
Circe: sector 47(v)
has been bled
Circe: sector 47(aa)
wandering at night
Circe: sector 47(ab)
Molly's ring.
Circe: sector 47(ac)
Jackdaw of Rheims (P. Beauf.) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(u) for UG 15.837. The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels is a collection of myths, legends, ghost stories, and poetry written supposedly by Thomas Ingoldsby of Tappington Manor (a pseudonym of an English clergyman named Richard Harris Barham). The best-known poem of the collection is the ‘Jackdaw of Rheims’, about a jackdaw, who steals a cardinal's ring, and is made a saint.
Circe: sector 47(ad)
might have been ~
Circe: sector 47(ae)
~ poisoned Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 47(af)
LB & the spinach with hemlock Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(v).
Circe: sector 47(ag)
I was indecently treated Blue
Circe: sector 47(ah)
paroxysm Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(t) for UG 15.1081.
Circe: sector 47(ai)
nose to ground Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(s) for UG 15.247 and for UG 15.3954.
Circe: sector 47(aj)
Circe: sector 47(ak)
Jimmy Henry with corn Blue
Note: See Sheet 15.000(dt)
Circe: sector 47(al)
[turn] round to crow [clockface]
Circe: sector 47(am)
loud cough
Circe: sector 47(an)
hides her face in armpit. Blue
Circe: sector 47(ao)
this lot Blue
Circe: sector 47(ap)
There's no excuse for him Blue
Circe: sector 47(aq)
I [weakly] went astray Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(p).
Circe: sector 47(ar)
unbuttons her gauntlets Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(o).
Circe: sector 47(as)
forepaws crossed sits on chair
Circe: sector 47(at)
animated meat
Circe: sector 47(au)
chases tail Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.059(i)
Circe: sector 47(av)
peep out hurries back Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 47(ba)
ma'amsir Blue
Circe: sector 47(bb)
coiled up Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(n).
Circe: sector 47(bc)
shit in sawdust corner Blue
Circe: sector 47(bd)
looks at [bird notto] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 48

BL Add MS 49475-19r(left) JJA 12:054
(Herring Cir-11) middle, sideways

Circe: sector 48(a)
M S / James Joyce / rue de l'assomption 5 / Passy / Paris
Note: Predates notes: see also Sheet 15.052(a).

Circe sector 49

BL Add MS 49475-19r(left) JJA 12:054
(Herring Cir-11) left column

Circe: sector 49(a)
Ireland's sweetheart Blue
Circe: sector 49(b)
when in doubt persecute the jew Blue
Circe: sector 49(c)
[closes] in dumbshow Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 49(d)
SD à moi S.D. ~ Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 49(e)
~ scream of vulture Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 49(f)
Circe: sector 49(g)
zoological biscuits, geographical balls, geometrical bricks Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 17.030(k).
Circe: sector 49(i)
tyre explodes,
Circe: sector 49(j)
LB boasts of successes (1 Waterloo) Blue
Circe: sector 49(k)
[shined] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 49(l)
A Gautama, A Jesus, An Ingersoll. Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.077(c)
Circe: sector 49(m)
body, soul & spirit
‘Earth’ … So gradually the earth lover realises the golden world is all about him in imperishable beauty, and he may pass from the vision to the profounder beauty of being, and know an eternal love is within and around him, pressing upon him and sustaining with infinite tenderness his body, his soul and his spirit. A. E. (George Russell). The Candle of Vision (1918), 172
Circe: sector 49(n)
I perhaps to build on had some little
‘The Mingling of Natures’ … The cave of the body can be lit up. If we explore it we shall there find lights by which the lights of day are made dim. I perhaps to build on had some little gift of imagination I brought with me into the world, but I know others who had no natural vision who acquired this, and by [end of 48] sustained meditation and by focussing the will to a burning-point, were raised above the narrow life of the body. A. E. (George Russell). The Candle of Vision (1918), 48
Circe: sector 49(o)
Live cloak Blue
Circe: sector 49(p)
I make question
‘The Mingling of Natures’ All my imaginations—the old man, his [end of 50] yellow-white beard, his fumbling movements, the watchful girl, her colour, the steps, the cobbled pavement—were not imaginations of mine in any true sense, for while I was in a vacant mood my companion had been thinking of his home, and his brain was populous with quickened memories, and they invaded my own mind, and when I made question I found their origin. But how many thousand times are we invaded by such images and there is no speculation over them? A. E. (George Russell). The Candle of Vision (1918), 51
Circe: sector 49(q)
Dark Hidden Father. Red
‘The Many-Coloured Land’ I rose through myself and suddenly felt as if I had awakened from dream. Where was I? In what city? Here were hills crowned with glittering temples, and the ways, so far as I could see, were thronged with most beautiful people, swaying as if shaken by some ecstasy running through all as if the Dark Hidden Father was breathing rapturous life within His children. A. E. (George Russell). The Candle of Vision (1918), 29
Circe: sector 49(r)
You man
Circe: sector 49(s)
As H has said. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
‘The Slave of the Lamp’ I remember the exultation with which I realised about life that, as Heraclitus has said, it was in a flux, and that in all its flowings there was meaning and law; that I could not lose what was my own; I need not seek, for what was my own would come to me; if any passed it was because they were no longer mine. A. E. (George Russell). The Candle of Vision (1918), 17
Circe: sector 49(t)
Circe he, LB, she (his or her) Blue
Note: And elsewhere.
Circe: sector 49(u)
Vladimir Pokethankerscheff
Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):024(c) and UN7 (V.A.2):025(ap).
Circe: sector 49(v)
SD rips coat Blue
Circe: sector 49(aa)
Rlwy collision Blue
Circe: sector 49(ab)
Very much so Blue
Circe: sector 49(ac)
Convex barber mirror elongated [elargated] Blue
Circe: sector 49(ad)
slip 'twixt cup & lip Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(p) for UG 16.1338.
Circe: sector 49(ae)
LB sent verses to woman Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 49(af)
Jacobs Vobiscuits. Red
Circe: sector 49(ag)
Circe's luck has turned Red
Circe: sector 49(ah)
got up wrong side of bed Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):003(j) for UG 4.233.
Circe: sector 49(ai)
Gods are in us
Circe: sector 49(aj)
epilepsy Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.032(v), Sheet 15.042(ai), Sheet 15.073(bu), UN4 (NLI.5A):023(al) and UN6 (NLI.4):014(al).
Circe: sector 49(ak)
SD smashes lamp Blue
Circe: sector 49(al)
Vengeance of Carr
Circe: sector 49(am)
Circe = hawk = fate.
Circe: sector 49(an)
if so inclined Blue
Circe: sector 49(ao)
Virag points & cries Blue
Circe: sector 49(ap)
don't walk on my train
Circe: sector 49(aq)
prophecy = why he know more?
Circe: sector 49(ar)
fate of pigmen after
Circe: sector 49(as)
Goodwin - wig. Blue
Circe: sector 49(at)
wear filthy petticoats & things. Blue
Circe: sector 49(au)
badger full of sandburrs
I'd been ragin' around like a badger full of sand burrs about what they'd done to Custer. Laura Federici, Memories of Buffalo Bill (1919), 273
Circe: sector 49(av)
I just kept working that bowie knife
And when I saw old Yellowhand swallowing dust there, I just kept on working that bowie knife. And almost before I knew what I'd done, I'd ‘lifted his hair’ and was waving the scalp in the air. Laura Federici, Memories of Buffalo Bill (1919), 273
Circe: sector 49(ba)
Hamlet, I thy father's gimlet, Blue
Circe: sector 49(bb)
LB thinks of Cycl & stumbles Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 50

BL Add MS 49475-19r(left) JJA 12:054
(Herring Cir-11) right column

Circe: sector 50(a)
hallucination Blue
Circe: sector 50(b)
permeate Blue
Circe: sector 50(c)
mirage Blue
Circe: sector 50(d)
clumsy Blue
Circe: sector 50(e)
bonham Blue
Circe: sector 50(f)
dame in pantomime Blue
Circe: sector 50(g)
bloodstock dealer
Circe: sector 50(h)
reveal the fact Blue
Circe: sector 50(i)
LB goes too far in train Blue
Circe: sector 50(j)
much in evidence Blue
Circe: sector 50(k)
in yr heyday Blue
Circe: sector 50(l)
a black [man] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 50(m)
giddy on peak Blue
Circe: sector 50(n)
switchback Blue
Circe: sector 50(o)
Sabine women
Circe: sector 50(p)
LB button snaps Blue
Circe: sector 50(q)
Mary lost the pin Blue
Circe: sector 50(r)
LB weeps Blue
Circe: sector 50(s)
Coat of fluff
Circe: sector 50(t)
thistledown refracts Blue
Circe: sector 50(u)
SD hates action Blue
Circe: sector 50(v)
SD chants Blue
Circe: sector 50(aa)
nightwalker Blue
Circe: sector 50(ab)
flake of mud on cheek Blue
Circe: sector 50(ac)
cycling Blue
Circe: sector 50(ad)
shoelace catch in cog / shoeheel catch in track Blue
Circe: sector 50(ae)
sateen Blue
Circe: sector 50(af)
vaccination Blue
Circe: sector 50(ag)
lion of night Red
Circe: sector 50(ah)
to retrieve, Blue
Circe: sector 50(ai)
Rudolph predicts / LB non [eviter] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 50(aj)
Virag tells future in past tense & yawns Blue
Circe: sector 50(ak)
Smbdy hypnotizes Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 50(al)
very like a whale in a pillbox Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bp).

Circe sector 51

BL Add MS 49475-19r(left) JJA 12:054
(Herring Cir-11) left margin and mid-columnar

Circe: sector 51(a)
tailormade Red
Circe: sector 51(b)
make it hot for you Blue
Circe: sector 51(c)
his carryings on Red
Circe: sector 51(d)
LB & Virag born same horoscope
Circe: sector 51(e)
when you were [??] I was Blue
Note: See Sheet 17.050(bk).
Circe: sector 51(f)
antipodes Blue
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):054(bc) for UG 16.635.
Circe: sector 51(g)
skunk Green
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):022(dq) for UG 15.3059.
Circe: sector 51(h)
It is capital
Circe: sector 51(i)
hussy Red
Circe: sector 51(j)
make her smart Blue

Circe sector 52

BL Add MS 49475-19r(right) JJA 12:055
(Herring Cir-12) middle, sideways

Circe: sector 52(a)
Ulysses / II / (continued)
Note: Predates notes: see also Sheet 15.048(a).

Circe sector 53

BL Add MS 49475-19r(right) JJA 12:055
(Herring Cir-12) left column

Circe: sector 53(a)
cut girl's plaits Blue
Circe: sector 53(b)
beaverdykes Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 53(c)
pairing time Blue
Circe: sector 53(d)
magpie Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 53(e)
rogue elephant
Circe: sector 53(f)
company liked by beasts Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: But cf. Sheet 15.042(e).
Circe: sector 53(g)
flock of soldiers
Circe: sector 53(h)
hennessy's Blue
Circe: sector 53(i)
SD frogsplits Blue
Circe: sector 53(j)
business menagerer Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):038(dk).
Circe: sector 53(k)
smell of animals Blue
Circe: sector 53(l)
uncertain movements Blue
Circe: sector 53(m)
it's just too sweet Blue
Circe: sector 53(n)
soapy sneak Blue
Circe: sector 53(o)
Virag sloughs skin Blue
Circe: sector 53(p)
chattering Blue
Circe: sector 53(q)
SD Nebrakada Red
Circe: sector 53(r)
LB starts Blue
Circe: sector 53(s)
horsework reliable (CK)
Circe: sector 53(t)
somersault Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.031(bb).
Circe: sector 53(u)
regains her composure Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 53(v)
took his stand in the dock
Circe: sector 53(aa)
sever the main artery
Circe: sector 53(ab)
swing for her Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):020(eo), and Sheet 16.007(s) for UG 16.1061.
Circe: sector 53(ac)
Head R. foot L (O.W.) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bm).
Circe: sector 53(ad)
LB in topcoat
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):019(dm).
Circe: sector 53(ae)
the latter Blue
Circe: sector 53(af)
Circe: sector 53(ag)
ant milks aphis Red
Circe: sector 53(ah)
hand to stop traffic Blue
Circe: sector 53(ai)
Moly = escape from poison Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 53(aj)
pass 5 pm accident 5:5 Red
Circe: sector 53(ak)
amnesty Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bn). See also Sheet 15.071(e) for UG 15.1690.
Circe: sector 53(al)
kilts Red
Circe: sector 53(am)
Moly = conscience Blue
Note: Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 53(an)
Paleface Blue
Circe: sector 53(ao)
accessory before the act Blue
Circe: sector 53(ap)
newpowdered gloves Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(ag).
Circe: sector 53(aq)
trying on Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(ah).
Circe: sector 53(ar)
wrinkles Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(ai).
Circe: sector 53(as)
soft comments exchanged Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(aj).

Circe sector 54

BL Add MS 49475-19r(right) JJA 12:055
(Herring Cir-12) right column

Circe: sector 54(a)
magnetic field
Circe: sector 54(b)
pack Blue
Circe: sector 54(c)
our old friend, Blue
Circe: sector 54(d)
amputate Blue
Circe: sector 54(e)
unsophisticated Blue
Circe: sector 54(f)
Flipperty Jibbert Blue
Circe: sector 54(g)
black brute Red
Circe: sector 54(h)
worth whiles Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 54(i)
boo Blue
Circe: sector 54(j)
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):011(e).
Circe: sector 54(k)
SD & Hamlet reluctant avenger Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 54(l)
Look facts in face Blue
Circe: sector 54(m)
Circe: sector 54(n)
fine thing & superfine Blue
Circe: sector 54(o)
diamond b. thunderbolt
Circe: sector 54(p)
up to sample or money back Blue
Circe: sector 54(q)
stable with these people Blue
Circe: sector 54(r)
help me save them Blue
Circe: sector 54(s)
[dad], Blue
Circe: sector 54(t)
~ governor, Blue
Circe: sector 54(u)
[lord] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 54(v)
succulent bivalves Blue
Circe: sector 54(aa)
I am going to talk about Blue
Circe: sector 54(ab)
this book tells you Blue
Circe: sector 54(ac)
Oysters are upon us Blue
Circe: sector 54(ad)
LB awkward Blue
Note: And passim.
Circe: sector 54(ae)
LB & 2∕ 6 Blue
Circe: sector 54(af)
whores pat omoplates Blue
Circe: sector 54(ag)
SD drunk visit smbdy Blue
Circe: sector 54(ah)
ollav, Blue
Circe: sector 54(ai)
~ next king, 21 cows
Circe: sector 54(aj)
glass, accept reflection only from
Circe: sector 54(ak)
[??], ward sanctuary
Circe: sector 54(al)
2 hounds, 6 horses
Circe: sector 54(am)
Parallax Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.000(ca), Sheet 17.027(bp), Sheet 17.047(u)
Circe: sector 54(an)
high time too Blue
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):018(am) for UG 13.568.
Circe: sector 54(ao)
La Stretta
Circe: sector 54(ap)
ring (keeper) Blue
Circe: sector 54(aq)
the world over Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):018(ct) for UG 15.786 (Ros).
Circe: sector 54(ar)
figures come back Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 54(as)
put a knife through
Circe: sector 54(at)
groundbirds Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 54(au)
leverett Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 54(av)
fall upstairs Red
Circe: sector 54(ba)
Circe: sector 54(bb)
deepseafish rise gallbladder / expand, muscles too flabby, / distend, burst
Circe: sector 54(bc)
all is not well Blue
Circe: sector 54(bd)
seeing is believing Blue
Circe: sector 54(be)
20 button gloves Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(al) for UG 15.3079; see also UN4 (NLI.5A):044(at).
Circe: sector 54(bf)
Gerald, feel laces round bare legs contrast with tight stays Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.075(ak) and Sheet 15.075(an) for UG 15.3009 and 15.2982.

Circe sector 55

BL Add MS 49475-19r(right) JJA 12:055
(Herring Cir-12) loose units

Circe: sector 55(a)
the latter
Circe: sector 55(b)
masquerade Blue
Circe: sector 55(c)
Circe: sector 55(d)
gene Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 55(e)
bluebottle Blue
Circe: sector 55(f)
in a word Blue
Circe: sector 55(g)
lampoon Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 55(h)
Blum pascha Blue
Note: See also Sheet 17.009(k).

Circe sector 56

BL Add MS 49475-18r(left) JJA 12:050
(Herring Cir-14) left column

Circe: sector 56(a)
1 2 / 2 1
Circe: sector 56(b)
Sweetly hoarsely Blue
Circe: sector 56(c)
kiss the whip Blue
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):056(l) for UG 15.2892.
Circe: sector 56(d)
Mrs Bloom Blue
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):014(j).
Circe: sector 56(e)
last articles Blue
Circe: sector 56(f)
ask every 20 minutes Blue
Circe: sector 56(g)
administer a regular whipping Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(ar) for UG 15.2883.
Circe: sector 56(h)
(a fact) Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.014(t).
Circe: sector 56(i)
sodden no hair Blue
Circe: sector 56(j)
touches the spot Blue
Circe: sector 56(k)
exhaust him with power Blue
Circe: sector 56(l)
his memory abolished Blue
Circe: sector 56(m)
yoke Blue
Circe: sector 56(n)
LB pelted Blue
Circe: sector 56(o)
stables of men Blue
Circe: sector 56(p)
carries in trouser pocket
Circe: sector 56(q)
who docked it? Blue
Circe: sector 56(r)
Our |amutuala| faith Blue
Circe: sector 56(s)
plump for B- Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(as).
Circe: sector 56(t)
gravel cabbagestumps Blue
Circe: sector 56(u)
St. Jacob's oil Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(at).
Circe: sector 56(v)
sold after dark in Paris boulevards Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(au) for UG 15.1066.
Circe: sector 56(aa)
let yrself go!
Circe: sector 56(ab)
incredibly small shoe for small foot Blue
Note: See also Sheet 16.014(bf).
Circe: sector 56(ac)
dark theatre unbridles vice Blue
Circe: sector 56(ad)
in ward politics
Circe: sector 56(ae)
porksteaks Blue
Circe: sector 56(af)
Acute trouble
Circe: sector 56(ag)
told the bench
Circe: sector 56(ah)
whip yrself Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(ba). See also UN7 (V.A.2):012(cl).
Circe: sector 56(ai)
the Whipping Post Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(av) for UG 15.907.
Circe: sector 56(aj)
doorhandle turns Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bb) for UG 15.2692.
Circe: sector 56(ak)
WS paralysed speech Blue
Circe: sector 56(al)
What a lark! Blue
Circe: sector 56(am)
flow of animal spirits Blue
Circe: sector 56(an)
Bobs Blue
Circe: sector 56(ao)
throwing their tongues Blue
Circe: sector 56(ap)
freshfound, Blue
Circe: sector 56(aq)
scrapes at door Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bd).
Circe: sector 56(ar)
blows into LB's ear Blue
Note: Not in final (1922) text.
Circe: sector 56(as)
schooling gallop Blue
Circe: sector 56(at)
[hare] lopes Blue
Circe: sector 56(au)
scent [catchy] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 56(av)
Most Low sulpher
Circe: sector 56(ba)
limb of devil Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bk).
Circe: sector 56(bb)
LB steals Blue
Circe: sector 56(bc)
LB forgets MB Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 56(bd)
Raoul Blue
Circe: sector 56(be)
Bella avenges other women Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 56(bf)
incest Blue
Circe: sector 56(bg)
habits form character Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 56(bh)
LB on W.C. Green
Circe: sector 56(bi)
Bella. When? How? How often? What time? Be truthful, for once Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(be) for UG 15.3054, and UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bf). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(ac) for UG 15.3043.
Circe: sector 56(bj)
if you have any grace about you Blue
Note: |copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bg) for UG 15.3204.
Circe: sector 56(bk)
basted Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bh) for UG 15.2900.

Circe sector 57

BL Add MS 49475-18v(left) JJA 12:050
(Herring Cir-14) right column

Circe: sector 57(a)
Circe: sector 57(b)
chive (civet)
Circe: sector 57(c)
Circe: sector 57(d)
lingam / yoni Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.060(ak) for UG 15.2549f. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(aq) for UG 15.2552.
Circe: sector 57(e)
relic Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(aq).
Circe: sector 57(f)
wash in blood
Circe: sector 57(g)
exorcism Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(ap) for UG 15.2722; see also UN4 (NLI.5A):052(h).
Circe: sector 57(h)
fires spring up Blue
Circe: sector 57(i)
|aadonai speaksa| Blue
Circe: sector 57(j)
[phallos] under soutane Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.069(l) and UN4 (NLI.5A):023(do).
Circe: sector 57(k)
Sabbath Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 57(l)
antidote Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bq).
Circe: sector 57(m)
the colonel Blue
Circe: sector 57(n)
my programme Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bp) for UG 15.1368.
Circe: sector 57(o)
Caesar Borgia walk over living bull's guts Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(br).
Circe: sector 57(p)
Coactus volui Blue
Note: Latin: (loosely) Compelled, I accept.
Circe: sector 57(q)
cesspool Blue
Circe: sector 57(r)
run to earth Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bx) and Sheet 15.006(aj).
Circe: sector 57(s)
suffocated Blue
Circe: sector 57(t)
massed bands Blue
Circe: sector 57(u)
hot pursuit Blue
Circe: sector 57(v)
[tailing] kilt
Circe: sector 57(aa)
OGG poignard hands. Blue
Note: OGG: Old Gummy Granny
Circe: sector 57(ab)
goaded Blue
Circe: sector 57(ac)
holy abbot Blue
Circe: sector 57(ad)
a saint |aLeopolda| couldn't resist Blue
Circe: sector 57(ae)
you'll drive me mad Blue
Circe: sector 57(af)
LB mad laugh Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bo).
Circe: sector 57(ag)
LB mimic gestures
Circe: sector 57(ah)
she idolizes him Blue
Circe: sector 57(ai)
Leopoldleben Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bn) for UG 15.275.
Circe: sector 57(aj)
tumble her Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bm) for UG 15.2342.
Circe: sector 57(ak)
She didn't mean it Blue
Circe: sector 57(al)
beats LB for lost race Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Theme: 15.266ff
Circe: sector 57(am)
Circe: sector 57(an)
sign document Blue
Circe: sector 57(ao)
langue de [penis] / erection Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 57(ap)
hate him for favours
Circe: sector 57(aq)
Bella false accuser Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 57(ar)
deaf Mullins Blue
Note: now "Brophy" 15.3466
Circe: sector 57(as)
honey mane Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 57(at)
Theodora pia
Circe: sector 57(au)
make gold
Circe: sector 57(av)
Sticks pin through hat viciously Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bj).
Circe: sector 57(ba)
I suggest you ... (JJ O M) Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cm) for UG 15.1677.
Circe: sector 57(bb)
brimstone Blue
Circe: sector 57(bc)
spirits sniff round MB & BB Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 57(bd)
lady Hamilton
Circe: sector 57(be)
fruit, flower Blue

Circe sector 58

BL Add MS 49475-18r(left) JJA 12:050
(Herring Cir-14) left margin

Circe: sector 58(a)
Lion's share Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bs).
Circe: sector 58(b)
witch in vest bare rump Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(cq) for UG 15.4705.
Circe: sector 58(c)
broomstick Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bu) for UG 15.4679. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):039(j).
Circe: sector 58(d)
rut end of dance Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bt).
Circe: sector 58(e)
Mrs Purefoy's belly Blue
Circe: sector 58(f)
altar of rump, Blue
Circe: sector 58(g)
black candles Blue
Circe: sector 58(h)
frig with crucifix Blue
Circe: sector 58(i)
walk on cross
Circe: sector 58(j)
seed of hanged Blue
Circe: sector 58(k)
ropes Blue
Circe: sector 58(l)
black host Blue
Circe: sector 58(m)
Madame Blue
Circe: sector 58(n)
let him look Blue
Circe: sector 58(o)
Dalila / her [lust] was also remarkable Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bv).
Circe: sector 58(p)
dial on arse Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(cb).
Circe: sector 58(q)
devil 3 pricks Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 58(r)
Manx cat Blue
Circe: sector 58(s)
tatter clothes off him Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(cc). See also Sheet 18.013(ar) for UG 18.961.
Circe: sector 58(t)
bub falls in soup Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(ca) for UG 15.2358.
Circe: sector 58(u)
procurator Blue
Circe: sector 58(v)
Shouts as one man
Circe: sector 58(aa)
Mr Justice Fitzgibbon Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.000(bu)
Circe: sector 58(ab)
turpitude Blue
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):038(de)
Circe: sector 58(ac)
British empire Blue
Circe: sector 58(ad)
Rumbold, demon barber Blue
Circe: sector 58(ae)
lame gardener Blue
Circe: sector 58(af)
tail through shift

Circe sector 59

BL Add MS 49475-18r(left) JJA 12:050
(Herring Cir-14) loose units

Circe: sector 59(a)
Circe: sector 59(b)
extreme unction.
Circe: sector 59(c)
titter Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bc).
Circe: sector 59(d)
leprechauns Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):015(cc) for UG 12.1787.
Circe: sector 59(e)
pandemonium Blue
Circe: sector 59(f)
[snaps] at moth Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 59(g)
piffpaff: Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bl).
Circe: sector 59(h)
Popo. Not cancelled
Circe: sector 59(i)
(he chases his tail round) Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.047(au).
Circe: sector 59(j)
Roebuck Blue
Circe: sector 59(k)
Circe: sector 59(l)
last debauch
Circe: sector 59(m)
prick behind Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(bi).

Circe sector 60

BL Add MS 49475-18v(right) JJA 12:053
(Herring Cir-15) entire

Circe: sector 60(a)
Did he not from an elevated terrace watch
Circe: sector 60(b)
gave examples of an excessive sensuality Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(an) and thence to Sheet 15.073(u) for UG 15.1798.
Circe: sector 60(c)
not allow such women
Circe: sector 60(d)
convulsions Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ap) for UG 15.2580.
Circe: sector 60(e)
excuse me not mentioning him Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: FW 421.19f
Circe: sector 60(f)
hesitation waltz [valse] Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ao) for UG 15.4017.
Circe: sector 60(g)
Theodora empress laments body no 4th. [altar]
Circe: sector 60(h)
Adonai - Kill! Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 60(i)
muddy boots
Circe: sector 60(j)
tore handkerchief with teeth
Circe: sector 60(k)
gingerbread Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(ef).
Circe: sector 60(l)
rub against rump Blue
Circe: sector 60(m)
in bridal wreath Blue
Circe: sector 60(n)
nurse's costume Green
Circe: sector 60(o)
lingam, the stiff one, Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(aq) for UG 15.2552. See also Sheet 15.060(ak) for UG 15.2549f.
Circe: sector 60(p)
hate nightdress Blue
Circe: sector 60(q)
nail in boots
Circe: sector 60(r)
tiny drop of blood
Circe: sector 60(s)
Circe: sector 60(t)
leave you & never come back
Circe: sector 60(u)
entrails of croppy boy. Blue
Circe: sector 60(v)
Rumbold ejaculates Blue
Circe: sector 60(w)
rob. curtain (polo) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 60(aa)
ride a cockhorse (Lotty) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ar) for UG 15.2944 and UG 15.3803.
Circe: sector 60(ab)
move speech be printed at expense of society Blue
Circe: sector 60(ac)
on the word of a Bloom. Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(as). See also Sheet 15.060(al), and Sheet 15.073(g) for UG 15.1543.
Circe: sector 60(ad)
Mrs Purefoy pregnant Blue
Circe: sector 60(ae)
loquacity lunacy Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 60(af)
rising sun
Circe: sector 60(ag)
of his - of her - Kingdom
Circe: sector 60(ah)
hyena! Blue
Circe: sector 60(ai)
tisuepaper hoop Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 60(aj)
Whodoyoucallhim, |aThatface Strangefacea|, Sawyoubefore, Fellowsthatslike, Chapwithawers, Friend of Lyons, man in the street, Footballboots, Other man in the street, Livesin Hardwicke place, rich protestant lady Blue
Circe: sector 60(ak)
woman |aallmoista| with sweet pudor |ashows no man offersa| her yoni to man's lingam. Almost immediately after man presents woman with pieces of meat. Woman shows joy and covers herself with feather skins. Man loves er |a|byonib| fiercelya| with |ahis biga| lingam. Then giddy woman will run about. Strong man grasps |aher woman'sa| wrists. Woman squeals, bites, spucks. Man, now angry, strikes woman's yadgana. Blue
Note: Engrosses elements from Sheet 15.057(d). See also Sheet 15.060(o).
Circe: sector 60(al)
word of a Bloom Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(as), Sheet 15.060(ac) and Sheet 15.073(g) for UG 15.1543.
Circe: sector 60(am)
LB's phantom son (Bridie Kelly's) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(at). See also UN1 (NLI.3):023(j).
Circe: sector 60(an)
65 C. Blue
Circe: sector 60(ao)
Circe: sector 60(ap)
I done jest got him [even] Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):021(au) for UG 15.2217.
Circe: sector 60(aq)
Circe: sector 60(ar)
backsliding. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated

Circe sector 61

BL Add MS 49475-21r(left) JJA 12:060
(Herring Cir-18) main column

Circe: sector 61(a)
LB & rlwy separation,
Circe: sector 61(b)
North Wall,
Circe: sector 61(c)
LB follows girl in train
Circe: sector 61(d)
wildgoose, they know their [holes]
Circe: sector 61(e)
International corpse
Circe: sector 61(f)
vipercatcher viser Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: FW 210.27
Circe: sector 61(g)
should a girl tell? Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bh)
Circe: sector 61(h)
Given away
Circe: sector 61(i)
Curtain veil
Circe: sector 61(j)
trolley maker Blue
Circe: sector 61(k)
Moustache comb (H. Flower) Green
Circe: sector 61(l)
LB when I saw artless blush I looked always away Blue
Note: This speech of Bloom's was moved to its present location (from 15.3353ff) at draft 3.
Circe: sector 61(m)
Fringes (Bella) Blue
Circe: sector 61(n)
She ofttimes wondered (Naus) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bi).
Circe: sector 61(o)
Menstru. hot [jamrolls] Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bj).
Circe: sector 61(p)
And you let him go [to]. Curtain. No more work
Circe: sector 61(q)
Few wellchosen words. Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):007(s).
Circe: sector 61(r)
Cat sleeps on cocaine
Circe: sector 61(s)
LB & MB part after 1 year.
Circe: sector 61(t)
~ 1st lap Blue
Circe: sector 61(u)
Bareback (I) Red
Circe: sector 61(v)
international jamboree
Circe: sector 61(aa)
Voulez-vous que je vous embassy Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 61(ab)
showring, lugger
Circe: sector 61(ac)
offence complained of Blue
Circe: sector 61(ad)
my name Van- Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 61(ae)
He pleaded he had had some beer Blue
Note: Reference to beer omitted in repositioning at draft 3.
Circe: sector 61(af)
grave predicament Blue
Circe: sector 61(ag)
in a situation Blue
Circe: sector 61(ah)
try to do the right thing Blue
Circe: sector 61(ai)
Circe: sector 61(aj)
Bruin, Blue
Circe: sector 61(ak)
~ Reynard, [Pull], Bunny, Ned Blue
Circe: sector 61(al)
~ Fido Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):023(dm)
Circe: sector 61(am)
~ Towser, Blue
Circe: sector 61(an)
~ Leo, Blue
Circe: sector 61(ao)
with a request for the use of hairbrush Blue
Circe: sector 61(ap)
down on his luck, Blue
Circe: sector 61(aq)
let it slide Blue
Circe: sector 61(ar)
Molly in gent's greatcoat Blue
Circe: sector 61(as)
from behind, interfering with her clothes, pinched her Blue
Circe: sector 61(at)
: intimacy took place Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(ae).
Circe: sector 61(au)
long unintelligible speech Blue
Circe: sector 61(av)
quite permitted in his native place (Barbados) Blue
Circe: sector 61(ba)
surprised him in the bathroom Blue
Circe: sector 61(bb)
You have access to ink & paper Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(bb).
Circe: sector 61(bc)
deliberate lie (Naus) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bl).
Circe: sector 61(bd)
~ nepenthe
Circe: sector 61(be)
~ proprietary article Blue
Circe: sector 61(bf)
taxed her with Blue
Circe: sector 61(bg)
~ weddingbells have rg for (Naus) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bm).
Circe: sector 61(bh)
girl was in trouble: Blue
Circe: sector 61(bi)
~ ever set eyes on
Circe: sector 61(bj)
~ back to back Blue
Circe: sector 61(bk)
Detained during H.M.'s pleasure Blue
Circe: sector 61(bl)
~ [bearhug pads] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 61(bm)
play a man's part (O. of S.) Red
Note: Also copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):021(ad) for UG 14.1342.
Circe: sector 61(bn)
only man in world for her Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bn).
Circe: sector 61(bo)
what you might call (Cycl) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(ca); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):017(c)
Circe: sector 61(bp)
head down Blue
Note: Too late for Cyclops Rosenbach
Circe: sector 61(bq)
~ Nelson's Pillar Blue
Circe: sector 61(br)
~ Don Giovanni Blue
Circe: sector 61(bs)
morphasmos (domest. animals
Circe: sector 61(bt)
Tango (casto, sornione, languido, sport, amoroso, matematico)
Note: It., chaste, sly, ...
Circe: sector 61(bu)
8 yearly dances (bear) to Artemis) in crocus chlamys
Circe: sector 61(bv)
leg up behind feet locked, ~ Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ce).
Circe: sector 61(ca)
~ both bend
Circe: sector 61(cb)
footmarks Blue
Circe: sector 61(cc)
clasp head & back
Circe: sector 61(cd)
gunboat Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.014(q). See also JN1 (NLI.2A):039(n).
Circe: sector 61(ce)
She draws him Blue
Circe: sector 61(cf)
~ plausibly Blue
Circe: sector 61(cg)
He behind her
Circe: sector 61(ch)
danza staccata (r & l in street)
Circe: sector 61(ci)
position woman's hand dancing to hide defect
Circe: sector 61(cj)
Man lives in 4 elements
Circe: sector 61(ck)
~ evensong Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.006(k).
Circe: sector 61(cl)
statue holds lapel of coat Blue
Circe: sector 61(cm)
pocket in underskirt Blue
Circe: sector 61(cn)
harakiri, Red
Circe: sector 61(co)
commission peace Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):002(bt).

Circe sector 62

BL Add MS 49475-21r(left) JJA 12:060
(Herring Cir-18) loose units

Circe: sector 62(a)
: at the ready Blue
Circe: sector 62(b)
panto favourite Red
Circe: sector 62(c)
French & [bear]
Circe: sector 62(d)
La Amora and Karini Blue


In a Spanish Speciality.

Freeman's Journal (19 July 1920), 4
Circe: sector 62(e)
I expect that's the ([??]) drink Blue
Circe: sector 62(f)
Eng huge jaws crocodiles Blue
Circe: sector 62(g)
LB my wife jealous of [others] Blue
Circe: sector 62(h)
(do that at once) Blue
Circe: sector 62(i)
appeal to her (Naus) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bk).

Circe sector 63

BL Add MS 49475-21r(left) JJA 12:060
(Herring Cir-18) left margin

Circe: sector 63(a)
velvet paws Blue
Circe: sector 63(b)
Pianola, Blue
Circe: sector 63(c)
Father Cowley Blue
Note: See Sheet 15.000(ds)
Circe: sector 63(d)
[Fregoli,] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Italian: rut.
Circe: sector 63(e)
Giorgio & D. Sy. & cigarette “No thanks” & takes Blue
Circe: sector 63(f)
Flowered man pfauen Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: German: peacocks.

Circe sector 64

BL Add MS 49475-21r(right) JJA 12:061
(Herring Cir-19) left column

Circe: sector 64(a)
basilicogrammate Blue
In the inner chamber, the inhabitant of the tomb, a basilicogrammate or king's secretary is placed before a tribunal of the dead, as in usual, previous to his admittance to Osiris. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 114 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 64(b)
plinth Blue
The fourth pylon, in the wall itself, leads to a picturesque sphinx avenue interspersed with palms, - immense figures on high plinths with outstretched paws and powerful hips. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 123 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 64(c)
Egypt fisheaters
The dried fish hanging up in the boat prove that Diodorus was right in saying, that fish were one of the principal means of subsistence among the Egyptians. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 114 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 64(d)
flay Blue
Not far from this, an ox is slaughtered; servants flay it, cut it up and carry the joints away. The head is given to a beggar [...] Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 115 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 64(e)
Eg. not eat heads
The head is given to a beggar, by which it may be inferred, that Herodotus' statement of the Egyptians not eating the heads of animals, is unfounded. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 115 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 64(f)
bustle (dress) Red
Circe: sector 64(g)
parry chest
Circe: sector 64(h)
dream - [Lorenzetto] - popgun - voice - rat - / falls - grows - huge - tailfaced - mush / boneless - ooze - (Rat, marble eyes - family / on back - food eaten [??]
Circe: sector 64(i)
America - religion - take off shoes - priest(ess)
Circe: sector 64(j)
Miss Barney - fam. song.
Circe: sector 64(k)
LB dislikes books where you must read over twice
Circe: sector 64(l)
nurtured Blue
Music and poetry must have been also nurtured by the Egyptians. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 14 [Introduction]
Note: See also Sheet 15.003(c).
Circe: sector 64(m)
Yoke of buckets Blue
A winding gallery receiving light from the shaft reaches to the bottom of the first division, where is a space hewn out out of the rock the great wheel worked by a horse draws up a great many buckets of water from the well below. The water is poured into a large vessel, whence it is forwarded by a yoke of buckets to meet the light of day. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 48 [Cairo]
Circe: sector 64(n)
painters singers Red
The first [grotto] displays a hunt [...] In another place, women playing with a ball, in another barbers, glass blowers, goldsmiths, sculptors, painters, weavers and potters at their trades. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), ?83 [On the Nile to Thebes]
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bf)
Circe: sector 64(o)
1st. thing in the morning Blue
Meals in the first class—first thing in the morning after rising, coffee with bread and biscuit, at 10 o'clock a good lunch—pancakes, two courses of meat, cold meats, fruit, tea, coffee, and red wine. At 4 o'clock, an excellent dinner—table wine, a variety of dessert wines, beer and coffee, and evening, 5 o'clock, tea, with bread and biscuit,—nothing further need be desired. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 18 [Introduction]
Circe: sector 64(p)
micturate Red
Circe: sector 64(q)
codicil Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(r)
ball at yr. feet Blue
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):031(ce).
Circe: sector 64(s)
Circe: sector 64(t)
~ cornjuice Blue
Circe: sector 64(u)
cow eats yewtree dies Blue
Circe: sector 64(v)
firing squad Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):009(do) and Sheet 15.018(f).
Circe: sector 64(aa)
boy's washing water Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):013(an).
Circe: sector 64(ab)
suffice it to say Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(ag), UN5 (NLI.5B):012(o) for UG 16.627, and UN5 (NLI.5B):012(cb) for UG 16.1750.
Circe: sector 64(ac)
quinine Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cc).
Circe: sector 64(ad)
concoction Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 16.009(bc)
Circe: sector 64(ae)
knuckle of veal / saddle of mutton
Circe: sector 64(af)
ghosts of cats Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(ag)
speak of weather Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(ah)
Natural Le Coultre 55 Boul. Haus Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(ai)
LB found purse, don't warrant it held only 9 frs Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(aj)
Douglas Hunter, Sicilian House, Southampton Rd. WC 1 Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(ak)
Tress hat, Norwell Perth N.B. brogues. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(al)
c[ws.] same style of beauty Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):005(av) for UG 13.1222.
Circe: sector 64(am)
sleep - all show worst side of self Blue
Circe: sector 64(an)
servant in sheepskin Red
Circe: sector 64(ao)
circus mimes in hoop of paper Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cd) (for UG 15.704).
Circe: sector 64(ap)
Fels, Bpte. 13, Bd. M. 13 g Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(aq)
1 way of getting on in world (Just) Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):010(q) for UG 8.317.
Circe: sector 64(ar)
policeman's lot is not a happy one Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):009(dn)
Circe: sector 64(as)
Martha feels her arms Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(at)
Life of drifting cabmen Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):003(cj).
Circe: sector 64(au)
Toadbelly wryneck, Coffey (Circe) Red
Circe: sector 64(av)
Vander Pyl, Gay Lussac 13 Red
Note: Fritz Vanderpyl, a Belgian art critic whom Joyce visited on 26 July 1920 at the suggestion of Ezra Pound (Ellmann, p.504).
Circe: sector 64(ba)
glands or bumps
Circe: sector 64(bb)
Pasini, 325 Aleardi Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(bc)
Steinberg, Battisti, 18, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(bd)
Manna white pearly pea melt in sun on twigs of tamarisk tree by bite of coccos insect
The quail, which supplied the Israelites with food during their progress through the deserts, is still found, but never in flights. Manna is also rare; it is seen in sparkling drops on the branches and twigs (not on the leaves) of the turfa, a kind of tamarisk tree, from which it oozes out as a consequence of the sting of an insect of the coccos species. It is white, sweet, about the size of a small pea, and melts in the sun. It is to be had of all druggists in Cairo Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 160 [[Tours from Cairo]
Circe: sector 64(be)
moated grange Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(ba) and UN6 (NLI.4):017(dv).
Circe: sector 64(bf)
¼ Egypt. adults monks
Egypt, where the monasteries originated, and where at one time nearly a fourth of the adults led a monastic life, has at the present time, only counting the natives, i.e., Coptic monasteries, no more than seven for monks, and no nunneries. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 173 [Tours from Alexandria]
Circe: sector 64(bg)
365 monasteries
It is said that Egypt and its deserts formerly possessed no less than 365 monasteries. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 174 [Tours from Alexandria]
Circe: sector 64(bh)
winelodge Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(aa) for UG 14.553.
Circe: sector 64(bi)
looked the part Blue
Circe: sector 64(bj)
handicapped Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):031(ah). Copied to Sheet 16.009(h) for UG 16.35f.
Circe: sector 64(bk)
put it there, Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(br) for UG 12.886.
Circe: sector 64(bl)
~ put it mildly
Circe: sector 64(bm)
fail to apprehend ~
Deserters Caught. Irish Volunteer's End Pest in Tipperary

The Volunteer organisation is in a high state of efficiency in the part of Tipperary chosen by the Englishmen for their operations.

It is said that the R.I.C. were notified of the the [sic] outrageous doings of the military quartette and instituted a search, but failed to apprehend the delinquents.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 5
Circe: sector 64(bn)
~ the delinquent Blue
Deserters Caught. Irish Volunteer's End Pest in Tipperary

The Volunteer organisation is in a high state of efficiency in the part of Tipperary chosen by the Englishmen for their operations.

It is said that the R.I.C. were notified of the the [sic] outrageous doings of the military quartette and instituted a search, but failed to apprehend the delinquents.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 5
Circe: sector 64(bo)
they will have better manners Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 64(bp)
Bennett's right eye was almost closed Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”

The End.

Round 7.—Burns' right eye was almost closed but he was game and crafty. Beckett caught him a nasty one to the jaw and then upper-cut him. Burns hung on but Beckett caught him with a right to the jaw and he was down for a count of 8. Beckett then upper-cut him again, and just as the bell went Burns' seconds threw in the towel.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bj) for UG 12.973.
Circe: sector 64(bq)
brimful of confidence, the bulkier man Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”

Physically Well Matched.

Burns stepped into the ring, weighing 13 stone 5 lbs., looking wonderfully well and brimful of confidence. Beckett, on the other hand. was possessed of equal confidence in his youth, his strength, and his own ability.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bk) for UG 12.975, UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bl) for UG 12.972.
Circe: sector 64(br)
B. was tricky, his footwork a treat to watch Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”


Beckett was the first to lead, with a left to the jaw, and then they clinched and twice Burns tried to bring the right round to the jaw but failed. Beckett crouched and covered up and at close range caught Burns one or two to the body. Burns was twice cautioned for holding. Burns was tricky and his footwork perfect.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bm) and UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bn) for UG 12.978f.
Circe: sector 64(bs)
Referee twice cautioned Bennett for holding Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”


Beckett was the first to lead, with a left to the jaw, and then they clinched and twice Burns tried to bring the right round to the jaw but failed. Beckett crouched and covered up and at close range caught Burns one or two to the body. Burns was twice cautioned for holding.

Round 2.—Burns rushed in but failed with a right lead to the head, and then Beckett caught Burns a couple of hard ones to the ribs. Burns, however, retaliated with a right near the point. Beckett caught him a flash hit to the mouth, drawing blood. Burns was still holding and the referee again cautioned him. In close fighting Beckett punished Burns about the ribs.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bo) for UG 12.977f.
Circe: sector 64(bt)
a hefty battle. Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”

A Hefty Battle.

Round 4.—Beckett led off with the left and when in holds he played on Burns' ribs. Beckett got in a couple of lefts straight to Burns' chin. It was a hefty battle. Burns was countering and frequently made Beckett miss.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bp) for UG 12.960.
Circe: sector 64(bu)
~ Myler then got busy Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”

A Hefty Battle.

Round 6.—Burns was the first to get to work and got a light one to Beckett's head. Beckett then got busy and Burns was receiver-general with lefts and rights from Beckett, but Burns was the worse for wear and hung on. Beckett punished him severely with hard body blows.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bq) for UG 12.971; see also UN5 (NLI.5B):018(n).
Circe: sector 64(bv)
Burns was receiver general of r's & l's, Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”

A Hefty Battle.

Round 6.—[…] Burns was receiver-general with lefts and rights from Beckett, but Burns was the worse for wear and hung on. Beckett punished him severely with hard body blows.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bs) for UG 12.965.
Circe: sector 64(ca)
cub , whelp
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.010(u).

Circe sector 65

BL Add MS 49475-21r(right) JJA 12:061
(Herring Cir-19) centre column

Circe: sector 65(a)
stud fee Blue
Circe: sector 65(b)
The pillars are connected by joists with each other and with the remains of the wall. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 99 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 65(c)
gag Blue
First Picture. A war-chariot comes rolling in, in which stands the Egyptian king—always much larger than the other figures—shooting arrows at the confused and flying enemy. In the foreground Egyptian officers in chariots with their soldiers and Fekkaros, their allies, butchering or gagging the Roboo. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 105 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 65(d)
the Pharaoh Blue
The Pharaoh, on a sort of throne, with his left arm resting on a cushion, addresses his sons and the highest officers of the army. His oration ends with these words: “Amunre was at my right hand and at my left. His spirit has inspired me with resolution. Amunre has himself brought about the downfall of my enemies, and laid the whole world at my feet.” Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 107 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 65(e)
high jinks Blue
Circe: sector 65(f)
stand on trevets
In the first apartment on the left side, is the court-kitchen; where oxen are being slaughtered, and the joints thrown into copper vessels, which stand on trevets over the fire. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 110 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 65(g)
But, if he passes the mouth of the upper shaft he will reach a room, where the quadrilateral passage separates a piece of the rock, which appears, from its architectural decorations like a sarcophagus. All of these different apartments are covered with sculpture. Moritz Busch. Guide for Travellers to Egypt (1858), 113 [Thebes]
Circe: sector 65(h)
Rorke's drift Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):035(f) for UG 15.78 and UG 18.690.
Circe: sector 65(i)
Lough Neagh (Naus) petrified Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):019(au) for UG 17.1975.
Circe: sector 65(j)
hob of hell
Circe: sector 65(k)
faiseuse d'anges Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):021(ab). French: abortionist.
Circe: sector 65(l)
on yesterday Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(bc) for UG 16.255f.
Circe: sector 65(m)
invite to breakfast Blue
Note: Copied to VI.C.7:224
Circe: sector 65(n)
small blame to him
Circe: sector 65(o)
limitless will = no will
Circe: sector 65(p)
LB or MB corns
Circe: sector 65(q)
LB takes off hat Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):009(dp) and UN4 (NLI.5A):034(v).
Circe: sector 65(r)
furniture van
Circe: sector 65(s)
LB sits on bumwarmed seat Blue
Circe: sector 65(t)
〃 meets someone who not salutes
Circe: sector 65(u)
〃 dances right & left of someone (hot) Red
Circe: sector 65(v)
: agog: Red
Circe: sector 65(aa)
do it now. Red
Circe: sector 65(ab)
hayfever (O of S) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):021(ac) for UG 14.1426.
Circe: sector 65(ac)
slobber (Cir. Gerty) Red
Circe: sector 65(ad)
fornicating (Cycl) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bt) for UG 12.803.
Circe: sector 65(ae)
sober hearsedrivers (Cir) Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cn) and Sheet 15.036(u).
Circe: sector 65(af)
Lucia finger in mouth / hesitates to buy
Circe: sector 65(ag)
woman stand hands crossed there Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 65(ah)
Portrait reveals diseases |a(† Dignam photo)a|
Circe: sector 65(ai)
povertystriken (Cycl) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bu).
Circe: sector 65(aj)
Circe: sector 65(ak)
Hammam (bath) Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):003(ck). The Hammam Family Hotel and Turkish Baths, 11-12 Sackville [O'Connell] Street upper.
Circe: sector 65(al)
Most of us think Red
Circe: sector 65(am)
Without loss of time Green
Circe: sector 65(an)
woman once possessed take the starch out of her Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):003(cl).
Circe: sector 65(ao)
marriage has been arranged Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bb).

Circe sector 66

BL Add MS 49475-21r(right) JJA 12:061
(Herring Cir-19) right column

Circe: sector 66(a)
The odds are Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):031(bd).
Circe: sector 66(b)
Haines cleans teeth at [night]
Circe: sector 66(c)
ragpicker Red
Note: See Sheet 15.024(av).
Circe: sector 66(d)
LB false inkstain W. Hely's Red
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):009(dq)
Circe: sector 66(e)
LB want a thing done do it yourself
Circe: sector 66(f)
Martha - hag - answers advert. Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):003(cn).
Circe: sector 66(g)
None the worse for wear Blue
Circe: sector 66(h)
luring him to doom Blue
Circe: sector 66(i)
coughs of laughter Blue
Note: cf. U84 2.443, in Nestor Rosenbach.
Circe: sector 66(j)
make short work of Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: 6.980 in Rosenbach; see also UN4 (NLI.5A):005(ah).
Circe: sector 66(k)
Si D. sings in house he leaves - Shall carry my heart to thee Red
Circe: sector 66(l)
Happy Kings whose orders are at once executed (SD)
Circe: sector 66(m)
Girl cyclists free wheel free view Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bc), UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bd) and UN4 (NLI.5A):019(be).
Circe: sector 66(n)
fluent (SD)
Circe: sector 66(o)
girl pianist her bow behind Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 66(p)
[Sapo ait] (Cir) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 66(q)
3 garments Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(av).

Circe sector 67

BL Add MS 49475-21r(right) JJA 12:061
(Herring Cir-19) left margin

Circe: sector 67(a)
heads all to 1 side Blue
Circe: sector 67(b)
clasp hands Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):057(d).
Circe: sector 67(c)
Buck M serious
Circe: sector 67(d)
Circe: sector 67(e)
Burn's second threw in the towel Red
Triumph of Youth. Burns' Game but Futile Effort to “Come Back”

The End.

Round 7.—Burns' right eye was almost closed but he was game and crafty. Beckett caught him a nasty one to the jaw and then upper-cut him. Burns hung on but Beckett caught him with a right to the jaw and he was down for a count of 8. Beckett then upper-cut him again, and just as the bell went Burns' seconds threw in the towel.

Freeman's Journal (17 July 1920), 6
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):017(bv) for UG 12.984.
Circe: sector 67(f)
LB hates to read al fresco
Circe: sector 67(g)
believer in
Circe: sector 67(h)
Martha uses knee Red
Note: Copied to UN4 (NLI.5A):019(bg).
Circe: sector 67(i)
J.H.P. chessboard costume Blue
Note: See also Sheet 15.070(n) for UG 15.1412f, and UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ce).
Circe: sector 67(j)
[Man] not on table
Circe: sector 67(k)
Haines bow and arrow, flee from justice Blue
Note: Copied to VI.C.7:212

Circe sector 68

BL Add MS 49475-21v(right) JJA 12:063
(Herring Cir-21) lower right
NOTE. The following material was added only after the completion of the listing of names (see Personae) and is not connected with it.

Circe: sector 68(a)
Circe: sector 68(b)
Former Days, Stoer & LB ‘Live us again’ Blue
Circe: sector 68(c)
scrofulous Blue
Circe: sector 68(d)
[syphilitic] whore dream Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cb).
Circe: sector 68(e)
Moly = absinthe, mercury, Blue
Note: Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 68(f)
LB Jim Bludso Blue
Circe: sector 68(g)
a nigger squats on her safety valve,
Circe: sector 68(h)
hold her nozzle again the bank Blue
Circe: sector 68(i)
Christ ain't to be too hard on a man as died for men.
Circe: sector 68(j)
Circe: sector 68(k)
make his way
Circe: sector 68(l)
a 3 yr. old Blue
Circe: sector 68(m)
Miriam Dandrade Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):010(am) for UG 8.350, and UN4 (NLI.5A):022(as) for UG 15.3001.
Circe: sector 68(n)
Gisella Goldschmidt.
Circe: sector 68(o)
LB cheapjack. Won't you buy Blue
Circe: sector 68(p)
Moly = chastity
Note: Moly (μῶλυ) is a magical herb, in appearance like a snowdrop, dear to the Homeric gods: see Sheet 15.013(t).
Circe: sector 68(q)
LB in dunce's foolscap.
Circe: sector 68(r)
archconspirator of the age Blue
Circe: sector 68(s)
plodge (wade) Blue
Circe: sector 68(t)
& don't you forget it, old bean, Blue
Circe: sector 68(u)
the wall of the heart, Blue
Circe: sector 68(v)
spirit moved him Not cancelled
Circe: sector 68(aa)
I am the Virag who Blue
Circe: sector 68(ab)
Dig deep & win wisely Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):014(bj).
Circe: sector 68(ac)
Dublin city & urban district. Blue

Circe sector 69

BL Add MS 49475-20r JJA 12:058
(Herring Cir-16) left column
NOTE. Most of these units were used in constructing the post-Rosenbach interpolated Bloom Parade extension.

Circe: sector 69(a)
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(v).
Circe: sector 69(b)
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(ch).
Circe: sector 69(c)
motor jerkin Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(cn).
Circe: sector 69(d)
goggles on brow Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(co).
Circe: sector 69(e)
Messiah Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):020(db) for UG 15.2601.
Circe: sector 69(f)
Sir L Bloom Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(et).
Circe: sector 69(g)
municipal morals Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(es).
Circe: sector 69(h)
he scarcely looks 30 Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):022(bd).
Circe: sector 69(i)
stake faggots Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):022(cv).
Circe: sector 69(j)
eat roast heretic Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):022(da).
Circe: sector 69(k)
LB forgets birthday Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):023(bc).
Circe: sector 69(l)
Note: See also Sheet 15.057(j) and UN4 (NLI.5A):023(do).
Circe: sector 69(m)
simple & lovable Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(ed).
Circe: sector 69(n)
this stinking goat of Mendes Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(ak).
Circe: sector 69(o)
rid Dublin of this pest Green
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):038(dh) and Sheet 16.003(o).
Circe: sector 69(p)
Sjambok Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):039(e).
Circe: sector 69(q)
libertine Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(cf).
Circe: sector 69(r)
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(cp).
Circe: sector 69(s)
Venus Callipyge Syracusas Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(bn).
Circe: sector 69(t)
That man is Leopold Macintosh Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(cn). The second usage was deleted on the placards.
Circe: sector 69(u)
you beast Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(do); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(o).
Circe: sector 69(v)
waters of Salmacis make hermaphrodite
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(bc).
Circe: sector 69(aa)
Baubo shows [bald] cunt Ceres laughs
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):038(aq).
Circe: sector 69(ab)
embroidered prayerbook, Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(t).
Circe: sector 69(ac)
LB excited social success Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(v).
Circe: sector 69(ad)
LB walk on net Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(bf).
Circe: sector 69(ae)
Kept the 10 commandments Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(bh).
Circe: sector 69(af)
Man like Ireland wants Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(bi).
Circe: sector 69(ag)
LB crusader Le Vitrail have you been true
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(bk), UN4 (NLI.5A):040(bl), UN4 (NLI.5A):040(bm).
Circe: sector 69(ah)
LB fire raiser Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(ce).
Circe: sector 69(ai)
Exultet roll
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(cm). See also Sheet 15.047(d).
Circe: sector 69(aj)
So may the Creator deal with me Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(co).
Circe: sector 69(ak)
intrigue very breath of his life Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(cq).
Circe: sector 69(al)
You have said it Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(cr).
Circe: sector 69(am)
I was in bed with Mr X & 2 other gentlemen Not cancelled
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(d).
Circe: sector 69(an)
Sgeul i mbarr bata coisde gan capall Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(ae).
Circe: sector 69(ao)
under canal bridge Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(an).
Circe: sector 69(ap)
man pal of mine
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(bh).
Circe: sector 69(aq)
LB going to have a baby Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(bv).
Circe: sector 69(ar)
What to do about taxes. Pay them. Thanks. Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(cj).
Circe: sector 69(as)
funniest man in the world Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(cl).
Circe: sector 69(at)
ear covers eye, contracts face Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(ap).
Circe: sector 69(au)
LB turns on 1 foot Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(aj).
Circe: sector 69(av)
cities of the plain Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):022(cc).
Circe: sector 69(ba)
ass's colt.
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(d). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(as)
Circe: sector 69(bb)
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(e). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):044(cb).
Circe: sector 69(bc)
love with moon Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(t).
Circe: sector 69(bd)
|ala Saa| père |ale sona| mère
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(ag).
Circe: sector 69(be)
Aquinas de [Cabbagitus]
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(al).
Circe: sector 69(bf)
Crab a bushranger Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(an).
Circe: sector 69(bg)
Bloom 1st Bloom 2nd Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(bb)
Circe: sector 69(bh)
Sybilline Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(be).
Circe: sector 69(bi)
Ulster King at Arms, Athlone Poursuivant Green
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cf), UN4 (NLI.5A):038(f) for UG 15.3949, UN4 (NLI.5A):056(b) and UN4 (NLI.5A):056(c).
Circe: sector 69(bj)
Sirs, take notice for 6 mths / You're bound over in yr. own recognisances in the sum of £5. Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):056(h) and UN4 (NLI.5A):056(m); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):001(p).
Circe: sector 69(bk)
Where do I draw the £5. Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):056(n).
Circe: sector 69(bl)
midsummer madness Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):056(ak).
Circe: sector 69(bm)
viper slander Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):056(an).
Circe: sector 69(bn)
whores sing litany Green
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):056(bn), and UN6 (NLI.4):014(de) for the litany.
Circe: sector 69(bo)
LB & little child pokes smile ~ Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(g); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bi).
Circe: sector 69(bp)
~ pigmentless eyes ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(g); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bj).
Circe: sector 69(bq)
~ hiccup, milkcurdles Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(g); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bk).
Circe: sector 69(br)
〃 distributes medal Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(be).

Circe sector 70

BL Add MS 49475-20r JJA 12:058
(Herring Cir-16) right column

Circe: sector 70(a)
witch's wart = devil's teat
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):022(k).
Circe: sector 70(b)
cloven hoof Not cancelled
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):022(bh).
Circe: sector 70(c)
a disgrace to Christian men Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):039(i).
Circe: sector 70(d)
seamless (J.C.) Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):039(n).
Circe: sector 70(e)
babes & sucklings lifted up to see LB Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):039(ac); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):003(an)
Circe: sector 70(f)
caldron of boiling oil Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(bc).
Circe: sector 70(g)
urine, spittle, saliva, sweat Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):039(bb).
Circe: sector 70(h)
tuber tuberculosis Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):039(bf).
Circe: sector 70(i)
roots of hell Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(an).
Circe: sector 70(j)
you have the advantage of me Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cl).
Circe: sector 70(k)
precocious Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(ar).
Circe: sector 70(l)
Stop the War Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(ac).
Circe: sector 70(m)
cattle creep subway Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(bq).
Circe: sector 70(n)
JHP chessboard tabard Green
Note: See also Sheet 15.067(i) above, and UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ce).
Circe: sector 70(o)
bishop of Down & Connor Green
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bv) (for UG 15.1477) and Sheet 15.001(bd) (for UG 15.1420).
Circe: sector 70(p)
LB declines honours Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):003(ah).
Circe: sector 70(q)
insults blind beggar Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):040(w).
Circe: sector 70(r)
some ghastly joke Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(ai).
Circe: sector 70(s)
old offender Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):044(ak); cf. VI.C.11:85; FW 356.13
Circe: sector 70(t)
womanly man Green
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):053(ac) and UN4 (NLI.5A):019(ah).
Circe: sector 70(u)
LB denounces Citizen Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):003(ai).
Circe: sector 70(v)
gillie on rumble
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):003(aj).
Circe: sector 70(aa)
O'Madden Burke Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(m).
Circe: sector 70(ab)
under geasa Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):053(u).
Circe: sector 70(ac)
Spare my past (weeps) Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):056(ah).

Circe sector 71

BL Add MS 49475-20r JJA 12:058
(Herring Cir-16) left margin

Circe: sector 71(a)
Glynn at organ Red
Circe: sector 71(b)
Bantam Lyons Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):021(v); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cr) and Sheet 15.000(ao).
Circe: sector 71(c)
S. Michael
Circe: sector 71(d)
Crofton Red
Circe: sector 71(e)
amnesty Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bn). See also Sheet 15.053(ak).
Circe: sector 71(f)
Hornblower Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ao). See also Sheet 15.000(an) abovr and Sheet 15.071(s) below.
Circe: sector 71(g)
[fluid] invisible hedge
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ac)
Circe: sector 71(h)
the man called Bloom Red
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(aa)
Circe: sector 71(i)
row in gallery for & against Bloom Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(b)
Circe: sector 71(j)
Ecce Homo! Green
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cw), and UN5 (NLI.5B):008(au) for UG 15.329.
Circe: sector 71(k)
Excellency Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(d).
Circe: sector 71(l)
eagles & palms Green
Note: Imperial eagles. Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(j).
Circe: sector 71(m)
laurels Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(k). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):054(bi) for UG 16.1746.
Circe: sector 71(n)
Phoenix Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):056(au).
Circe: sector 71(o)
crowded wall falls Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(l).
Circe: sector 71(p)
bone thrown at LB Red
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(n).
Circe: sector 71(q)
S. Michael archangel
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(v).
Circe: sector 71(r)
Ben Israel Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(t).
Circe: sector 71(s)
Hornblower Green
Note: See also Sheet 15.000(an) and Sheet 15.071(f) above and UN5 (NLI.5B):006(ao).
Circe: sector 71(t)
clap clap hands Poldy come home Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(cu). See also Sheet 13.004(cg).

Circe sector 72

BL Add MS 49475-20r JJA 12:058
(Herring Cir-16) loose

Circe: sector 72(a)
Larry Green
Circe: sector 72(b)
born in bedlock Red
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):056(am).
Circe: sector 72(c)
IHS Green
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bg) for UG 15.3215, UN6 (NLI.4):014(dp) and Sheet 12.002(cu). Monogram (Greek) for the name Jesus.

Circe sector 73

BL Add MS 49475-20v JJA 12:059
(Herring Cir-17) main column
NOTE. Most of these units were used in constructing the post-Rosenbach interpolated Bloom Parade extension. The elements seem now to be copied from and not to notebook UN5 (NLI.5B):

Circe: sector 73(a)
elephantiasis, Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bf). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):016(u) and Sheet 12.009(d).
Circe: sector 73(b)
~ fiendish Green
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):006(db).
Circe: sector 73(c)
~ aleph Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(c); see also UN5 (NLI.5B):002(aa).
Circe: sector 73(d)
Lamech, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(d).
Circe: sector 73(e)
~ Lynch him, Red
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(g); see also Sheet 15.044(at).
Circe: sector 73(f)
pillory, Green
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(am), and Sheet 15.045(bd) for UG 15.1920.
Circe: sector 73(g)
~ word of a Bloom, Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(as). See also Sheet 15.060(ac) and Sheet 15.060(al) above
Circe: sector 73(h)
~ 3 acres & a cow, Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bo); see also Sheet 15.040(ce) and UN5 (NLI.5B):017(dn).
Circe: sector 73(i)
witch 3 tears from left eye Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bp); see also Sheet 15.031(g).
Circe: sector 73(j)
ibis sparrowhawk Hathor white cow dungbeetle,
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(ck), UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cj), UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cm), UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cn); see also Sheet 15.035(v), Sheet 15.035(aa), Sheet 15.035(ad), and Sheet 15.035(ae).
Circe: sector 73(k)
~ equine face
Note: See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):019(e) for UG 3.111f, UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cp), Sheet 15.018(cr), and Sheet 15.075(q).
Circe: sector 73(l)
jackals at Bourse
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cv). See also Sheet 15.036(am).
Circe: sector 73(m)
~ fanfara
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(cw) and Sheet 15.032(bb).
Circe: sector 73(n)
Bantam Lyons, Green
Note: Repeated at Sheet 15.071(b).
Circe: sector 73(o)
~ wobbly legs, forelocks shaking,
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):022(da).
Circe: sector 73(p)
on horse sidling prances [blank] Adam was tempted,
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):022(ao), UN5 (NLI.5B):022(dd).
Circe: sector 73(q)
you're a credit to yr. country, sir, Red
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):022(bd).
Circe: sector 73(r)
Noah's ark
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):021(bd) for UG 15.3868.
Circe: sector 73(s)
[exposure] Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):022(bu).
Circe: sector 73(t)
lechery with dissolute granddam, Red
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):022(bt).
Circe: sector 73(u)
~ gave example of excessive sensuality, Red
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):021(an). See also Sheet 15.060(b).
Circe: sector 73(v)
LB visited medically, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(u)
Circe: sector 73(aa)
women pour scent & roseleaves from top window, victor, Bloom parade, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ac).
Circe: sector 73(ab)
LB explains plans, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ai).
Circe: sector 73(ac)
I believe in him, Green
Note: See also Sheet 15.073(be) below, UN6 (NLI.4):010(ap) and UN6 (NLI.4):010(cv).
Circe: sector 73(ad)
~ David's house, Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(as).
Circe: sector 73(ae)
Emmanuel, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(at).
Circe: sector 73(af)
~ postexilic Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ar).
Circe: sector 73(ag)
~ hegemony
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ar).
Circe: sector 73(ah)
white bull of Apocalypse, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(av).
Circe: sector 73(ai)
Belial, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ba).
Circe: sector 73(aj)
~ Messiah the tailor, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(aq).
Circe: sector 73(ak)
hid under Jahveh's seat,
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bc).
Circe: sector 73(al)
~ pseudo Messiah Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(be).
Circe: sector 73(am)
[Messiah] ben Joseph or ben David, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bd).
Circe: sector 73(an)
~ Abulafia, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bg).
Circe: sector 73(ao)
~ Asher,
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bh).
Circe: sector 73(ap)
Menanem S. of Judas Abram,
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bf).
Circe: sector 73(aq)
~ Lammlein Istria, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bi).
Circe: sector 73(ar)
LB pissed against, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bk).
Circe: sector 73(as)
~ his prick preserved, Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bn).
Circe: sector 73(at)
fife & drum band, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(bp).
Circe: sector 73(au)
~ triumphal arch Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(br).
Circe: sector 73(av)
escaped from Eustace's private asyl. for lunatic gentlemen, Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ce).
Circe: sector 73(ba)
3 x 3,
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(cg).
Circe: sector 73(bb)
~ LB carries sheep on back, he stinks fetor judaicus Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ch), UN6 (NLI.4):010(ci).
Circe: sector 73(bc)
LB stoned & crucified, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(cr).
Circe: sector 73(bd)
~ All hollow, hollow, hollow
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(ct).
Circe: sector 73(be)
I believe in him, Red
Note: See also Sheet 15.073(ac) above (for UG 15.1736), UN6 (NLI.4):010(ap) and UN6 (NLI.4):010(cv).
Circe: sector 73(bf)
~ I Bloom tell you so, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(dc); see also UN7 (V.A.2):012(ch)
Circe: sector 73(bg)
Bravo! Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(db).
Circe: sector 73(bh)
magnesium photo taken, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(dd).
Circe: sector 73(bi)
~ LB speaks Hebrew (official translation) Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):010(de).
Circe: sector 73(bj)
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(do)
Circe: sector 73(bk)
~ don't you believe a word he says, throw him out, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(du)
Circe: sector 73(bl)
world's greatest Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(b)
Circe: sector 73(bm)
Cead Mile Failte, Green
Note: See UN4 (NLI.5A):045(m) and UN7 (V.A.2):011(ds)
Circe: sector 73(bn)
~ Writing on the Wall, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(l)
Circe: sector 73(bo)
ordeal of witch
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(f)
Circe: sector 73(bp)
~ Music Sculpture Justice Industry Commerce Painting Chemistry Publicity Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(k)
Circe: sector 73(bq)
600 voices Alleluja chorus, boo Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(n) and UN6 (NLI.4):014(s)
Circe: sector 73(br)
unbridled lust, Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ad)
Circe: sector 73(bs)
~ just like old times Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(af)
Circe: sector 73(bt)
~ rosewater Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(u); engrossed Sheet 15.023(bb).
Circe: sector 73(bu)
epilepsy Green
Note: See also Sheet 15.032(v), Sheet 15.049(aj), Sheet 15.042(ai), UN4 (NLI.5A):023(al) and UN6 (NLI.4):014(al)
Circe: sector 73(bv)
~ [??] Illustrious Bloom Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(bb)
Circe: sector 73(ca)
~ dog of a Christian Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(bc)
Circe: sector 73(cb)
~ Dr Bloom Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(be)
Circe: sector 73(cc)
the lady Joan Mulholland, Green
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):040(bo) and UN6 (NLI.4):014(bf)
Circe: sector 73(cd)
scapegoat with sins sent to Azazel spirit of wilderness, Lilith night hag Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(bg)
Circe: sector 73(ce)
suckeress psychoanalysed, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(bh), UN6 (NLI.4):014(bv) and UN6 (NLI.4):010(cc)
Circe: sector 73(cf)
LB funny word Recorder what |ais wasa| that? Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(br)
Circe: sector 73(cg)
~ What is the man saying?
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(bs)
Circe: sector 73(ch)
What about mixed marriage? Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(cd)
Circe: sector 73(ci)
~ Mixed Bathing? Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(cd)
Circe: sector 73(cj)
He is agnostic. Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(cf)
Circe: sector 73(ck)
~ Golden City that is to be Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(cg)
Circe: sector 73(cl)
You deserve it, Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ch)
Circe: sector 73(cm)
~ lost his reason Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ci)
Circe: sector 73(cn)
virgo intacta Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(cl)
Circe: sector 73(co)
~ Dixon collection for LB / American pays, Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(cr)
Circe: sector 73(cp)
~ that's what you are Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ct)
Circe: sector 73(cq)
removes boot to throw at him Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(db)
Circe: sector 73(cr)
~ his real name is Higgins Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(da)
Circe: sector 73(cs)
1st citizen thats the famous Bloom now ~ Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(dg)
Circe: sector 73(ct)
~ 2nd citizen Is that Bloom Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(dg)
Circe: sector 73(cu)
Women touch hem of robe Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(dh)
Circe: sector 73(cv)
Little father, ~ Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ed)
Circe: sector 73(cw)
~ gives Maundy money, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ed)
Circe: sector 73(da)
uncloaks impressively, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ec)
Circe: sector 73(db)
patellar reflex absent Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(ei)
Circe: sector 73(dc)
LB covers organs ~ Red
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(el)
Circe: sector 73(dd)
~ Kiss it,
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):014(em)
Circe: sector 73(de)
LB swears on testicles Green
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):024(k) and UN4 (NLI.5A):038(al).
Circe: sector 73(df)
Egypt Mizraim, land of Ham, Green
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):024(ac)
Circe: sector 73(dg)
cuckoos oust other birds, gawk
Note: Copied from UN6 (NLI.4):018(o).
Circe: sector 73(dh)
~ bill of health, Green
Circe: sector 73(di)
ascendants, Green
Circe: sector 73(dj)
flatty (PC), Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):014(ah). Slang: flatty: policeman.
Circe: sector 73(dk)
squeak is out, Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):014(aj).
Circe: sector 73(dl)
Split (G), Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):014(ai), Slang: split: informer.
Circe: sector 73(dm)
rattler (NS) Green
Note: Copied from UN5 (NLI.5B):014(ak), Slang: rattler: coach.
Circe: sector 73(dn)
Mother Grogan Red

Circe sector 74

BL Add MS 49475-20v JJA 12:059
(Herring Cir-17) left margin

Circe: sector 74(a)
shooting peasants and phartridges.
Circe: sector 74(b)
what was that?
Circe: sector 74(c)
S. Edw's staff golden spurs scep & cross with dove curtana trainbearer Green
Then the Master of the Jewel-house presents, in like manner, the sword curtana [pointless], and the two pointed swords severally one after the other to the Lord High Constable, and he to the Lord Great Chamberlain, who draws them out of the scabbards, (which are returned to the Master of the Jewel-office,) and lays them also on the table before the King.

In like manner and state, the golden spurs are presented and laid on the table.

Then the King's Regalia, borne by the Dean and Prebends,
St. Edward's crown on a cushion of cloth of gold, by the Dean,
The Oil with the cross, by one of the Prebends,
The Sceptre with the dove, by another,
The Sceptre with the cross, by a third,
St. Edward's Staff by a fourth.

Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), 206
Circe: sector 74(d)
Dalton lord mayor [blank] His worship [blank] mayor of Sligo Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(bj).
Circe: sector 74(e)
Circe: sector 74(f)
codpiece Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: But see also UN4 (NLI.5A):011(bk).
Circe: sector 74(g)
pudet. nasonis
Circe: sector 74(h)
nudity in glass scared
Circe: sector 74(i)
member standing committees Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(bk); possibly copied on to UN7 (V.A.2):012(d) for UG 15.1567f.
Circe: sector 74(j)
Caracciolo corpse upright in sea
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(bd).
Circe: sector 74(k)
cheered to the echo Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(be), which see for UG 12.1834. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):015(an).
Circe: sector 74(l)
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):037(dc).
Circe: sector 74(m)
alle Bettpisser
Circe: sector 74(n)
James Talbot Power
Circe: sector 74(o)
goddesses on car / keeper Green
Circe: sector 74(p)
(loincloth) Green
Circe: sector 74(q)
tred Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 74(r)
Jack Meyers Green
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(af).
Circe: sector 74(s)
Jerry Perry
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(ai).
Circe: sector 74(t)
[lady] Doctor
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(bl).
Circe: sector 74(u)
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):037(ar).
Circe: sector 74(v)
|apillar pina| of collar
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):036(dg).
Circe: sector 74(aa)
Gentl. of bed chamber Green
THE KING. Then appears his train borne by four Earls' eldest sons, assisted by the Master of the Robes, Captain of the Horse Guards in waiting, a gentleman of the Bed-chamber, and two grooms of the Bed-chamber. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), 205
Circe: sector 74(ab)
Black Rod, Deputy Garter Green
His Majesty then ascends the stone steps, attended only by the great officers and the two Archbishops, with Garter, and the Usher of the Black Rod, and places himself in his chair of state under a canopy, at the upper end of the hall on the right of the Queen, when her Majesty also seats herself. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), 205
Circe: sector 74(ac)
Lord Gt. Chamberlain Green
Then the Master of the Jewel-house presents, in like manner, the sword cutana [pointless], and the two pointed swords severally one after the other to the Lord High Constable, and he to the Lord Great Chamberlain, who draws them out of the scabbards, (which are returned to the Master of the Jewel-office,) and lays them also on the table before the King. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), 206
Circe: sector 74(ad)
Earl Marshal, High Constable / Sword of State Green
The Lord Great Chamberlain, in his robes and coronet, and white staff in his hand. [followed by]
[centre] The Sword of State in the scabbard, borne by the premier Earl, in his robes and collar of the order.
[left] The Earl Marshal, in his robes, with coronet, or staff in his hand.
[right] The Lord High Constable, with his coronet, and constable's staff, or mace. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), 207
Circe: sector 74(ae)
S E's crown Green
St. Edward's Crown, with which His Majesty is crowned, so called in commemoration of the ancient crown, which was kept in the church of Westminster till the beginning of the civil wars, when, with the rest of the regalia, it was stolen; it is a very rich imperial crown of gold, embellished with pearls and precious stones of divers kinds; Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), 211
Circe: sector 74(af)
[oils], patina Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
The Bible, Paten and Chalice are brought by the Bishops who had borne them, and placed upon the Altar during a British Coronation service. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), not in source
Circe: sector 74(ag)
chalice & bible Green
The Bible, Paten and Chalice are brought by the Bishops who had borne them, and placed upon the Altar during a British Coronation service. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), not in source
Circe: sector 74(ah)
Goldstick, M of Horse, Green
The Gold Stick and the Silver Stick are bodyguard positions in the British Royal Household, personal attendants to the Sovereign on ceremonial occasions. The Master of the Horse was once an important official of the sovereign's household, though the role is largely ceremonial today. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), not in source
Circe: sector 74(ai)
Gent at arms Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
The Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms form the bodyguard to the British Monarch. Coronation of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain. The World of Fashion (September 1831), not in source

Circe sector 75

MS NLI 22030-14 (Quinn)

Circe: sector 75(a)
anticipation of punishment soon to be inflicted: Blue
Circe: sector 75(b)
mantamer Blue
Circe: sector 75(c)
stiff white cap streamers, white apron,
Circe: sector 75(d)
I promise never to disobey: Blue
Circe: sector 75(e)
laced into corsets with cruel force: Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.005(ad)
Circe: sector 75(f)
tied up from hook: Blue
Circe: sector 75(g)
Circe: sector 75(h)
I brought all my powers of fascination to bear on him: Blue
Circe: sector 75(i)
footstool: Blue
Note: Not in final (1922) text.
Circe: sector 75(j)
enthralled: Blue
Note: Copied from UN4 (NLI.5A):020(ei).
Circe: sector 75(k)
punishment frock: Blue
Circe: sector 75(l)
vicelike corset: Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.005(ad)
Circe: sector 75(m)
stick of rhubarb heels: Blue
Circe: sector 75(n)
the boys like to see me: Blue
Circe: sector 75(o)
so glistening in their proud erectness: Blue
Circe: sector 75(p)
Nubian slave of old: Blue
Circe: sector 75(q)
corsetted waist & hips: Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 75(r)
emerald Blue
Circe: sector 75(s)
fascinated by sister's stays: Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.005(ae).
Circe: sector 75(t)
[ulhafight] Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 75(u)
measurements taken next your skin: Blue
Circe: sector 75(v)
the pull, pull of the skirt; Blue
Circe: sector 75(aa)
you will shed your masculine garments: Blue
Circe: sector 75(ab)
figure restrained, Blue
Circe: sector 75(ac)
wigged, painted & powdered: Blue
Circe: sector 75(ad)
Bella in snuffbrown suit: Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Circe: sector 75(ae)
Alpine: Blue
Circe: sector 75(af)
feel my entire weight: Blue
Circe: sector 75(ag)
newpowdered gloves, Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.053(ap).
Circe: sector 75(ah)
trying on Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.053(aq).
Circe: sector 75(ai)
wrinkles Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.053(ar)
Circe: sector 75(aj)
soft comments exchanged Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.053(as).
Circe: sector 75(ak)
Gerald, Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.054(bf).
Circe: sector 75(al)
20 button gloves, Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.054(be). See also UN4 (NLI.5A):044(ar).
Circe: sector 75(am)
talc, Blue
Circe: sector 75(an)
feel laces round bare legs with tight stays contrast, Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.054(bf)
Circe: sector 75(ao)
corsetlover Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 15.006(h).
Circe: sector 75(ap)