
zFolio Society

MS Buffalo V.A.19 28v 29 Draft details

{ms, 029}

|1They whirl He whirls1| giddily. He stops. The room whirls backwards. He totters, closes eyes. Red railway line fly out through space. Stars everywhere turn round about |1whirligig1| suns, dancing midges, re yellow, red, green, blue. |1A screaming bittern splitting whistle.1| Groaning, grousing, gurgling. |1With a barang clang of a lacquey's bell1| Toft's cumbersome hobbyhorse machine turns the room right roundabout the room. Riders Toft's |1baraabum |asort of aa|1| |1brass gillies1| band blares |1Yorkshire relish for1| brass |1baraabum shire baraabumshire1| |1my girl's a |athough she's a factorya|1| rose. Baraabum. |1Four gilded snakes1| Riders on |1nags, hogs hogs, nags1|, |1steers,1| piglings, scud past, in a cockboat a lame sailor |1folded arms hornpipes |acrutch and leg stampinga|1|, my girl's a Yorkshire through and, priest on a bull, baraabum, |1hogs, nags nags, hogs1|, |1Gaderene swine,1| Dilly eating snowcake on barrel, |1|xCorny in coffin,x| |xsteel shark with stone Nelson, plumstained midwives |ain child's bawl froma| pram, |afalling,a|x|1| on |1horse bellhorse1| facing tail blind tuner, baraabum, in |1bump1| lumbering up and down mashtub viceroy and vicereine, sort of a |1bump1|, |1bump1| viceroy |1and reine,1| relish for, vicereine, lumbering |1tublumberbump tublumberbumpshire1| rose. Baraabum!