Ulysses Draft Analysis

Episode 15: Circe

Details of the various draft stages.

Compiled by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

2017 edition U pages 380-560
1922 edition U pages 408-565

§1 = U84 15.0001-3526 (minus Messianic “Scene” U84 15.1398-1956)

§2 = U84 15.3527-4966

Early Drafts

u15§1A.0 (eo-text)
First draft (missing) of this section (U84 15.0001-2855): Trieste, Spring-Summer 1920.
  • MS: missing
Buffalo MS V.A.19
School exercise book (Triestine) with tan paper covers. [40] leaves of unlined paper, 20.5 x 16.1 cm. First 13 rectos numbered 1-13 by Joyce. Text in black ink with pencil and ink additions and revisions. “CIRCE” handwritten on front cover.
  • Published edition: Joyce's Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses: Selections from the Buffalo Collection, ed. Philip Herring (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977), pages 211-247.
u15§1A.1 (proto-text)
Second (and first extant) draft of this section (U84 15.0001-2855), written on the first 15 leaves of V.A.19: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
u15§1D.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.3499-3506) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
  • MS:Buffalo V.A.19, fols 14v-15, 16
  • Reproduced: JJA 14:230-233
  • Notebooks used: Sheets 15 (Circe)
u15§2A.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.3654-3863) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
u15§2B.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.3873-3916), to which is appended (on page 28r) a passage not in Ulysses, in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
u15§2C.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.3921-3936) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
u15§2D.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.3960-3994) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
  • MS:Buffalo V.A.19, fols 29v-30v-31
  • Reproduced: JJA 14:252, 254-255
  • Notebooks used: Sheets 15 (Circe)
u15§2E.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.4032-4099) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
  • MS:Buffalo V.A.19, fols 20v-21, 21v-22
  • Reproduced: JJA 14:234-237
  • Notebooks used: Sheets 15 (Circe)
u15§2F.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.4112-4153) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
  • MS:Buffalo V.A.19, fols 28v-29
  • Reproduced: JJA 14:250-251
  • Notebooks used: Sheets 15 (Circe)
u15§2F.1+ (eo-text)
Redraft of §2F.1, written in black ink in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
u15§2G.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.4157-4240) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
u15§2H.1 (eo-text)
First draft of this subsection (U84 15.4369-4721) in the same notebook as §1A: Trieste-Paris, Spring-Summer 1920.
NLI Add. MS 36,639/12 (NLI.12):
School exercise book (French) with tan paper covers and black spine. [34] leaves, 21 x 17 cm, with the rectos numbered in pencil 1-32, 32(=33), 34 by Joyce.
  • fols. 1-21 (near end), including 2v-20v, Section 1A
  • fols. 20v-21 bottom, 21v (22v-23v-24v)-22r first draft of §1C (the nymph)
u15§1A.2 (proto-text)
Third draft of U84 15.0001-2855: Paris, Summer-Autumn 1920.
u15§1C.2 (eo-text)
First draft of U84 15.3232-3474: Paris, Summer-Autumn 1920.
NLI Add. MS 22,030 (NLI.Q):
The so-called Quinn manuscript; 27 large sheets of cross-ruled graph paper; 20 sheets 1 size (7 sheets different size) ca. 38.5 x 29.7 cm (39.7 x 26 cm). Text in black ink, revisions in ink and pencil.
u15§1A.3 (proto-text)
Fourth draft of U84 15.0001-2855 (though called by Joyce “8th draft”): Paris, Autumn 1920 (see Letters, I, 27 July and III, 16 August, 1920)
u15§1B.3 (eo-text)
First draft of U84 15.2856-3228, written in two columns on the bottom half of sheet of which the top half contains notes (i.e, a notesheet). It is the 14th of a set of 27 large sheets (the Quinn MS) and was probably the last to be inserted: Paris, Autumn 1920
  • MS:NLI.Q, fol. 14
  • Published edition: The Dublin Ulysses papers, vol. 2, ed. Danis Rose (East Lansing: House of Breathings, 2012), pages 92-94.
  • Notebooks used: Sheets 15 (Circe), UN4 (NLI.5A)
u15§1C.3 (proto-text)
Second draft of §1C (from NLI 36,639/12) and §1D (from Buffalo V.A.19) combined, U84 15.3232-3526, written on three of a set of 27 large sheets (the Quinn MS): Paris, Autumn 1920
  • MS:NLI.Q, fols 13v-15, 15v-16
  • Published edition: The Dublin Ulysses papers, vol. 2, ed. Danis Rose (East Lansing: House of Breathings, 2012), pages 94-101.
  • Notebooks used: Sheets 15 (Circe), UN5 (NLI.5B),
u15§2.3 (proto-text)
Second (or possibly third) draft of §2, engrossing (combining) all the §2 subsections detailed above in Buffalo V.A.19. It is possible that a (now missing) draft stage intervened between V.A.19 and the present draft. Written on the rectos only of sheets 17-27 (numbered by Joyce 1-11) of a set of 27 large sheets (the Quinn MS); Paris, Autumn 1920.

Fair Copy

It is clear from the state of final fair copy that it was assembled in a complicated manner, with numerous sheets revised, then rewritten, and with many of the originals discarded and now lost (see Letters III, 3 November, I, 10 November, and III, 24 November, I, 9 December and III, 20 December, 1920). To provide a full text of the immediate source of the typescript and scribal copy we have reconstructed the text of the missing Rosenbach pages (see draft 15.4+) by referring it to the closest available copy: a scribal copy (see draft 15.5) of the (missing) Rosenbach pages, and a small fragment from the typescript (to replace a missing page of the scribal copy).
u15.4 (fair copy)
Final fair copy (ink), incomplete (pages 55-56a, corresponding to U84 15.3357-3550, are not the immediate source of the typescript, and the pages corresponding to U84 15.3550-3713 are missing): Paris, November-December 1920.
u15.4+ (missing final fair copy)
Revised version, missing, of the final fair copy for U84 15.3357-3550 (corresponding to Rosenbach pages 55-56a) and 15.3550-3713 (corresponding to missing Rosenbach pages 57-61). Paris, November-December 1920.
  • [For the base text of the missing segment, see Buffalo V.B.13.d, pages numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Buffalo V.B.13.h, pages 109, 110 Buffalo V.B.13.d, pages 19, 20, 21. in JJA 14:316-331, JJA 15:266-267, JJA 14:332-334]

Amanuensis copy

u15.5 (transcript)   (Gabler—B)
Emendations or possible errors 1st half of episode, scribal copy of second half. In preparing the typescript, the typist first worked directly from the Rosenbach MS fols. 1 to mid-45 to produce TS pages 1-80 (U84 15.1-2610). From this point on (see Selected Letters 28 February 1921) the Rosenbach was first transcribed by a series of amanuenses into a more legible form and further revised by Joyce before being typed. A few pages of the transcript were destroyed by the husband of one of the typists (Letters III, 9 April 1921) and had to be re-done: see u.15.5' below.
  • MS:Buffalo V.B.13.d pp. 1-54, 55(1)-71(17), missing (18), 72(19)-77(24), 78(1)-86(9), MS Zurich (10), missing (11), MS: Buffalo V.B.13.d 87(12), 88(1)-92(5), missing(6-7), 93(8)-100(15), missing (destroyed text), 101(1)-119(19)
  • Reproduced: JJA 14:261-314, 315-331, n/a, 332-337, 338-346, n/a, 347, 348-352, n/a, 353-360, n/a, 361-379
  • Notebooks used: UN4 (NLI.5A), UN5 (NLI.5B), Sheets 15 (Circe)
u15.5' (transcript)   (Gabler—B)
Scribal copy made from photostats of Rosenbach pages 73-79a mailed from the U.S. to Joyce by John Quinn on 17 May 1921 for the purpose of replacing the missing (destroyed) text. Actually, this transcript covers more of the text than required.
  • MS:Buffalo V.B.13.b pp. 1-14
  • Reproduced: JJA 14:391-404


u15.6 (typescript)   (Gabler—C)
Typescript; first copy, contains only corrections and revisions made shortly after delivery of the typescript in April 1921 (see Letters I, 17 April 1921). The typing, begun in early January 1921, went slowly. Pages 54 and 78 have been re-typed. Page 54, additionally, is marked to include a long, 7-page insertion (MS V.A.20) in Joyce's hand (the “Messianic scene” U84 15.1398 - U84 15.1956): the initial revision dates from Spring 1921, while the “Messianic scene” insert dates from ca. early August 1921 (see Letters I, 12 August 1921).
u15.6' (typescript)  
Typescript (incomplete) of the replacement section (draft u.15.5' above): although unnumbered, the surviving (and unused) copy comprises two copies of page [1], 3 copies of page [2], and pages [6]-[13]. Pages [3], [4] and [5] were used as part of the printer's copy (see pages 130, 131 and 132 of draft u.15.7 below): late May or early June 1921.
  • MS:Buffalo V.B.13.c pp. 1-13
  • Reproduced: JJA 14:407-419
u15.7 (typescript)   (Gabler—D)
Typescript; copy for the printer of Ulysses, with further revisions made probably Summer-Autumn 1921; numbered twice, in pencil in left margin (pagination followed here) and also stamped in top right corner. There is in addition a long insertion, the typescript of the “Messianic scene”, paginated 1-12 (1'-12'), keyed to page 54.

Placards and Proofs

u15.8   (Gabler—1)
First placards; covers U84 15.1398–U84 15.1956 only (the “Messianic scene”); (PL Y-1) dated by the printer 20 October 1921.
u15.9   (Gabler—2)
Second placards; covers U84 15.1398–U84 15.1956 only (the “Messianic scene”); (PL Y-2) dated by the printer 9 November 1921
u15.10   (Gabler—3) (See also u15.10C)
First placards for opening segment; covers U84 15.1–U84 15.750 only; (PL 47), (PL 49) dated by the printer 15 November 1921, 16 November 1921
u15.10C   (Gabler—3)
Third placards; covers U84 15.1398–U84 15.1956 only (the “Messianic scene”); (PL Y-3) dated by the printer 22 November 1921
u15.11   (Gabler—4) (See also u15.11C)
First page proofs for opening segment; covers U84 15.1–U84 15.750 only; (PP 26-1) dated by the printer 22 November 1921
  • MS Buffalo V.C.1: gatherings (←) 26-1, 27-1
  • Reproduced: JJA 26: 9-18, 37-52
  • Notebooks used: UN4 (NLI.5A), UN6 (NLI.4)
u15.11C   (Gabler—4)
Fourth placards; covers U84 15.1398–U84 15.1956 only (the “Messianic scene”); (PL Y-4) dated by the printer 29 November 1921
  • MS Harvard: placards Y-4 Ybis-3, Z-4
  • Reproduced: JJA 20: 83-90, 96-97, 111-114
  • Notebooks used: UN7 (V.A.2)
u15.12   (Gabler—5) (See also u15.12B and u15.12D))
Second page proofs for opening segment; covers U84 15.1–U84 15.754 only; (PP 26-2) dated by the printer 1 December 1921, (PP 27-2) dated by the printer 3 December 1921, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 9 December 1921
u15.12B   (Gabler—5)
First placards for second section, U84 15.755–U84 15.1397 only; (PL 50) dated by the printer 3 December 1921
The “Messianic scene” section (U84 15.1398–U84 15.1956) was not revised at this draft level, though there is a note at the end of PL-52 for it to be included at the next (page proof) draft level.
u15.12D   (Gabler—5)
First placards for penultimate section, U84 15.1957–U84 15.3132 only; (PL 53), (PL 54), (pl-56) dated by the printer 3 December 1921, 5 December 1921, 6 December 1921
u15.12'   (Gabler—5)
Second copy of placard 53; a few corrections.
  • MS Harvard: placard 53
  • Reproduced: JJA 20: 125-132
u15.13   (Gabler—6)
First page proofs for combined sections, U84 15.755–U84 15.2849; (PP 28) dated by the printer 8 December 1921, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 13 December 1921; (PP 29-1), (PP 30-1), (PP 31-1) dated by the printer 8 December, 9 December, 10 December, 1921
u15.13'   (Gabler—6)
Second copy of gathering 28; a few additions only.
  • MS Texas: gathering 28
  • Reproduced: JJA 26: 87-102
u15.14   (Gabler—7) (See also u15.14E and u15.14'))
Second page proofs for combined sections, U84 15.1261–U84 15.2820; (PP 29-2) dated by the printer 19 December 1921, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 22 December 1921; (PP 30-2) dated by the printer 20 December 1921, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 22 December 1921; (PP 31-2) dated by the printer 21 December 1921, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 23 December 1921
u15.14E   (Gabler—7)
First placards for final section, U84 15.3133–U84 15.4967 (end) only; (PL 57), (PL 58), (PL 59), (PL 60), (PL 61) dated by the printer 29 December 1921, 30 December 1921, 31 December, 2 January, 4 January 1922
u15.14'   (Gabler—10)
Second copy of gathering 30-2; a few extra additions which arrived too late for inclusion in the text.
  • MS Buffalo V.C.1: gathering 30-2
  • Reproduced: JJA 26: 171-186
  • Notebooks used: UN7 (V.A.2)
u15.15   (Gabler—8)
First page proofs for combined sections, U84 15.2806–U84 15.3845; (PP 31-1) dated by the printer 3 January 1922, (PP 32-1) dated by the printer 5 January 1922, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 9 January 1922
u15.16   (Gabler—9)
Second page proofs for U84 15.2806–U84 15.3342 and first page proofs for U84 15.3832–U84 15.4967 (end); (PP 32-2) dated by the printer 6 January 1922, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 9 January 1922; (PP 34-1) dated by the printer 10 January 1922, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 12 January 1922; (PP 36-1) dated by the printer 11 January 1922
u15.17   (Gabler—10)
Second page proofs for U84 15.3832–U84 15.4967 (end); (PP 35-2) dated by the printer 13 January 1922, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 16 January 1922
u15.18   (Gabler—11)
Third page proofs for U84 15.4846–U84 15.4967 (end); (PP 36-3) dated by the printer 16 January 1922, marked “Bon à tirer” and dated 19 January 1922
  • MS Texas: gathering 36-3 (→)
  • Reproduced: JJA 26: 337-340

Errata (post 1st edition)

u15.19   (Gabler—12)
Revision of “1882” to “1886” in letter to Harriet Weaver of 4 October 1922.
  • MS:British Library
u15.19'   (Gabler—12)
“Errata”: printed errata list for first edition; 2 copies
  • MS:BL Add MS 57356, fols. 29r, 29v; 33r, 33v
  • Reproduced: JJA 12: 205-206, 212-213
u15.19+   (Gabler—12)
Typescript (six relevant items only, also included in u15.19' above).
  • MS:BL Add MS 57356, fols. 24
  • Reproduced: JJA 12: 198