Oxen of the Sun Notesheets

Print edition: Phillip F. Herring, ed., Joyce's Ulysses Notesheets at the British Museum (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia 1972), 162-264.

MS: British Library Add. MS 49975 fols. 11-15 Notesheet details

Oxen of the Sun sector 1

BL Add MS 49475-12r(right) JJA 12:027
(Herring Oxen-5) main column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(a)
Oxen of the Sun
Note: Title.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(b)
Jesus Christ save Mary Magdalen, (Mac) Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.085(t).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(c)
For the oaks! (B. Mulligan) Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.085(u).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(d)
Give us a shake of pepper, young fellow, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(e)
Where the fringes of her drawers were like featherings of soft white down,
Note: Her thighs, fuller and softhued as ivory, were bared almost to the hips, where the white fringes of her drawers were like feathering of soft white down. (Stephen's epiphany in Portrait.)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(f)
When the candle on the tomb was like flickerings of pale thin flame
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(g)
Children want presents
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(h)
How Buckley shot the Russian general
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(i)
Hat left behind. S.D. shows LB personality of [eve]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(j)
3 triplets huddled in womb: queen's bounty Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(k)
Death depends on cells. Nothing to do with life secretions. Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(k).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(l)
Examine me know the hour of my death. Kismet. Red
Note: See also Sheet 13.007(am); copied to Sheet 14.087(l).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(m)
Cleary ‘a pleased bottom’ (B. Mull) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):016(ad) for UG 9.1121.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(n)
Vicar of Christ / — 〃 Bray Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(v). See also Sheet 14.071(o).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(o)
LB & SD I'm experience he youth. What is wrong?
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(p)
Italian verse — ~ Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(q)
~ ear of cow elephant Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(r)
pair of buggers Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(s)
[they] never [??] with big balls Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(t)
“Did you just find out the [canonicity] [of] [casuity],:” SD to BM
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(u)
sodbox: Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(v)
~ coalbox. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(w)
~ childbed Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(x)
I larruped into her. Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(bl) for UG 15.2231.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(aa)
Bless us & save us! Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ab)
ma mère m'a mariée Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ac)
[Crothers: sod]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ad)
~ B.M. [proves] S.D. unclean poet. Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(n).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ae)
~ Punch Costello recalls SD at Clongowes. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(af)
~ “O our is the ruddy birth.” Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.087(m). From Swinburne's ‘Genesis’, in Songs Before Sunrise (1871), stanza 9: “For the great labour of growth, being many, is one; One thing the white death and the ruddy birth; […]”
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ag)
SD spits. [Dixon suave, civil.] Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.087(m).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ah)
SD wishes to [??] him but no. Kelwe's
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ai)
Laetabuntur in cubilibus suis. Red
Note: Latin: They will take joy in their beds.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(aj)
on the penultimate B.M. jump with delight
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ak)
With that the shepherd whooped for joy.
Note: From Michael Drayton (1563-1631), Drosabel:
With that she bent her snow-white knee,
Down by the shepherd kneeled she,
And him she sweetly kist.
With that the shepherd whoop'd for joy;
Quoth he, there's never shepherd's boy
That ever was so blest.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(al)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(am)
exposed [cabmen]. Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(an)
~ put up a 12 of stout.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ao)
Lightning. SD afraid Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ap)
~ Franklin: conductor.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(aq)
SD. paralyse Europe.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ar)
SD. laugh at funerals Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.088(a).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(as)
LB. sleek chops.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(at)
chick or child Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(dv). ‘child’ not crossed through
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(au)
[SD] Eternal youth. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(av)
Cabinet: where Scotchmen meet Scotchmen
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(aw)
Mead [100] B.C. in Europe (Ludovici: Aristocracy) Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(q). Ludovici, Anthony M., A Defence of Aristocracy (London, Constable, 1915). Item 295 in Joyce's Trieste Library (now at the HRC, Austin).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ba)
clapped hat on head
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bb)
noosing cows, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bc)
quicks (young shoots) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bd)
proud possessor Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(be)
Mute crash of [froth]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bf)
Chap thinks he has swallowed fly, Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(u).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bg)
deposit of lead in penis Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bh)
omphalos Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.013(aj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bi)
exponent of Hamlet
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bj)
greylunged citizens Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(o).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bk)
spat on floor. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bl)
dust in houses causes adenoids Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(p).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bm)
he acquitted himself Green
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):016(s). See also Sheet 12.005(r).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bn)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bo)
addled absinthe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bp)
Haines I was polite. Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(al).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bq)
SiD's |aa fool'sa| advice re friends Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(am).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(br)
what's awry: He sleeps in my bed Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(an).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bs)
So & not otherwise. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bt)
Church which has the words of eternal life, takes [times] [easy]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bu)
SD big job keep body clean Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(n).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(bv)
Make dog drunk (LB.) sick as a dog.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ca)
SD returns to thoughts of a.m. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cb)
Milly delicate, heavy sleeper.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cc)
change if mother. Brings out latent diseases Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cu).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cd)
Too full for words Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ce)
Pat Harding,
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):001(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cf)
the flower of the flock Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cg)
words to that effect Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ch)
Rock saltpetre Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ci)
Her father's fault — at least it ought to be Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cj)
there's six of them. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See Sheet 14.070(o) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ck)
Br: 8 Beat. Beef, Beer, Battleships, Bills, Business, Bulldogs, Buggery & Bishops Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(af).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cl)
Oxtail university, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cm)
~ Pale [case] [??]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cn)
Holy office, [??][??] on the [??] of the [??][??]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(co)
SD would this interest a woman?
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cp)
SD speaks to the unknown, unseen. What Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cq)
A held out thick lips for beer
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cr)
throw down, pass (medical) Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(s).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cs)
Go thou & do likewise Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(ct)
Urinal: 4 pissers: oxen in stall, hanging heads, jokes, epigraphs.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cu)
Those who have ‘passed’ on Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(cv)
Eternity cannot be hustled
Oxen of the Sun: sector 1(da)
Plenty of time in eternity

Oxen of the Sun sector 2

BL Add MS 49475-12r(right) JJA 12:027
(Herring Oxen-5) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 2(a)
dolt Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 2(b)
bawdyhouse Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 2(c)
ballad Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 2(d)
“Doc” Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.068(b), and UN5 (NLI.5B):007(v) for use in the protodraft.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 2(e)

Oxen of the Sun sector 3

BL Add MS 49475-12r(right) JJA 12:027
(Herring Oxen-5) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(a)
live on [sobs]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(b)
Hugh Hyacinth the MacDermot prince of Coolavin † 6/2/904 Red
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):016(c); moved to Sheet 14.087(ae). See also Sheet 12.007(j).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(c)
[WM:] motherhood immune from joy and pain. If she knew her love awkward. If not her [ignorance] & her manifestation of love is indecent Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(d)
transubstantiality combated by Duns Scotus
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(e)
In Gaul bread Jesus laid on altar, each took his bit.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(f)
Temple — where's the jakes, young man.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(g)
Toga girilis
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(h)
the wherewithal
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(i)
Malachi Mulligan / Fertilizer Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(j)
Les petites femmes des boulevards Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(k)
An enemy hath done this.
Note: Matthew 13:28: He said unto them, An enemy hath done this.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(l)
Dry nurse (OG for SD) Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ak) and Sheet 14.039(bc).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(m)
Learn what heart is & what it suffers. Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.088(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(n)
who called you from Paris? Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.088(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(o)
the present by no means desperate condition
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(p)
Give commonplace for a pearl. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(q)
Besmirch the lily virtue of a confiding female Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(r)
MacHugh Buonaparte, Cicero Racine, Jesus Doyle Blue
Note: See Sheet 12.002(e) for UG 16.363; see also Sheet 15.018(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(s)
Dixon = taking gilt off the gingerbread Not cancelled
Note: See also Sheet 12.002(f), and Sheet 15.018(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(t)
Fire Brigade Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 3(u)
[Connery] stands drink to medicals Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 4

BL Add MS 49475-12v(right) JJA 12:029
(Herring Oxen-7) main column Months 2 (drafts 0 and 1); also 3, placenta

Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(a)
for the intention of the sovereign pontiff. Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.022(bb).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(b)
Old hag in Hollis street window
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(c)
Stephens hospital. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(d)
Wrinkles of sucking babe
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.017(at).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(e)
Pregnant Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See Sheet 14.012(c) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(f)
~ — Cape of good hope
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(g)
Fire! Fire! Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(h)
Betting pubs can't recover debt (guessing act)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(i)
Porter carries docket in hat. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(j)
Behold the mansion reared by dedal Jack / See the malt stored in many a refluent sack, / In the proud cirque of Ivan's bivouac. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(k)
[Fliers] — periodic & wavelike, rut, birth etc Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(al).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(l)
unfolding of flower & leaf, reaction of seabeasts to tide Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(al).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(m)
climbing sap, blood temperature:23 .28: sex mixed: sickness dates. 7 years. worked by stars Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.007(al)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(n)
business proposition (Deity) Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(n). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):019(bs) for UG 14.825.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(o)
English: orate pro me Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(o).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(p)
Dixon from Eccles Street. Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(q).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(q)
S.D. forgets to pay. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied Sheet 12.008(ac).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(r)
Shrieks of silence Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(ad).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(s)
Greasy hog ~ Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(am).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(t)
~ and wether wool sales Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(am); copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bb) for UG 14.570.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(u)
Every moment be our next. Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.020(at) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(v)
Here's to us. Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.005(aj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(w)
Commit his ideas to paper
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.005(ak).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(aa)
Hairy arse Darius.
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.005(ar). See also Sheet 14.020(b) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ab)
nefarious designs Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.005(bg).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ac)
Places remember events. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(n).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ad)
~ Druggist
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ae)
risk life to save life Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.015(j), original from UN1 (NLI.3):032(ao).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(af)
Boosiness is boosiness Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(bk)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ag)
Congering in church Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(bs)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ah)
O.G. patriot of solar system Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(bn); see also Sheet 14.085(n)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ai)
Yank to glory ~ Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(bu); see also Sheet 14.071(e). Most likely from the correct source of the Billy Sunday piece (see Sheet 14.004(ak) below).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(aj)
winefizzling, ginsizzling, booseguzzling existences Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(bv). Most likely from the correct source of the Billy Sunday piece (see Sheet 14.004(ak) below).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ak)
Come on, you bullnecked, beetlebrowed, hogjowled peanutbrained weaseleyed fourflushers, false alarms and excess baggage Red
He entered the tabernacle at great speed, leaped at a bound to the top of the table on the stage, smacked his hands together with a report like a rifle shot and raised his voice to a shriek, crying, “Come on, you forces of evil in Philadelphia, that have made the Church a doormat to wipe your dirty feet upon, come on, you triple extract of infamy, come on, you assassins of character, come on, you defamers of God and enemies of His Church; come on, you bull-necked, beetle-browed, hog-jowled, peanut-brained, weasel-eyed, four flushers of false alarms and excess baggage! The Evening Herald, Billy Sunday (1915), 2
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(bw).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(al)
milk and money Red
And he made a conduit under earth, so that the three wells, at his list, one should run milk, another wine, and another honey. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(am)
And … and […] and Red
[Most sentences in the tale, Of a rich man, that made a marvellous castle, and cleped it Paradise; and of his subtlety, open with the conjunction “And”.] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(an)
sung full delectably Red
and there were [in that garden] many diverse things […] and of [mechanical] birds that sung full delectably and moved by craft, that it seemed that they were quick [living]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ao)
whereof anon Red
And then would he make them to drink of certain drink, whereof anon they should be drunk. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ap)
contrarious to his list ~ Red
And then would he shew them his intent, and say them, that if they would go slay such a lord […] that was his enemy or contrarious to his list, that they should not dread to do it, and for to be slain therefore themselves: for after their death, he would put them into another Paradise, that was an hundred-fold fairer than any of the tother: and there should they dwell with the most fairest damosels William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(aq)
Say them, ~ Red
And then would he shew them his intent, and say them, that if they would go slay such a lord William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ar)
~ for to be slain, ~ Red
And then would he shew them his intent, and say them, that if they would go slay such a lord […] that was his enemy or contrarious to his list, that they should not dread to do it, and for to be slain therefore themselves: for after their death, he would put them into another Paradise, that was an hundred-fold fairer than any of the tother: and there should they dwell with the most fairest damosels William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(as)
~ any of the tother ~ Red
And then would he shew them his intent, and say them, that if they would go slay such a lord […] that was his enemy or contrarious to his list, that they should not dread to do it, and for to be slain therefore themselves: for after their death, he would put them into another Paradise, that was an hundred-fold fairer than any of the tother: and there should they dwell with the most fairest damosels William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(at)
~ most fairest damosels, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
And then would he shew them his intent, and say them, that if they would go slay such a lord […] that was his enemy or contrarious to his list, that they should not dread to do it, and for to be slain therefore themselves: for after their death, he would put them into another Paradise, that was an hundred-fold fairer than any of the tother: and there should they dwell with the most fairest damosels William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Note: See also Sheet 14.024(t) and Sheet 14.074(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(au)
in hope to have Red
And thus went many diverse lusty bachelors [to slay and be slain] […] in hope to have that Paradise. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Note: now 14.133
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(av)
cautelous, ~ Red
And thus, oftentime, [Gatholonabes] was revenged of his enemies, by his subtle deceits and false cautels [tricks]. And when the worthy men of the country had perceived this subtle falsehood of this Gatholonabes, they assembled them with force, and assailed his castle, and slew him, and destroyed all the fair places and all the nobilities of that Paradise. The place of the wells and of the walls and of many other things, be yet apertly [plainly] seen, but the riches is voided clean [vanished]. And it is not long gone, sithen [since] that place was destroyed. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ba)
~ they assembled them ~ Red
And thus, oftentime, [Gatholonabes] was revenged of his enemies, by his subtle deceits and false cautels. And when the worthy men of the country had perceived this subtle falsehood of this Gatholonabes, they assembled them with force, and assailed his castle, and slew him, and destroyed all the fair places and all the nobilities of that Paradise. The place of the wells and of the walls and of many other things, be yet apertly [plainly] seen, but the riches is voided clean [vanished]. And it is not long gone, sithen [since] that place was destroyed. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Note: now 14.124
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bb)
and it is not long gone sithen ~ Red
And thus, oftentime, [Gatholonabes] was revenged of his enemies, by his subtle deceits and false cautels. And when the worthy men of the country had perceived this subtle falsehood of this Gatholonabes, they assembled them with force, and assailed his castle, and slew him, and destroyed all the fair places and all the nobilities of that Paradise. The place of the wells and of the walls and of many other things, be yet apertly [plainly] seen, but the riches is voided clean [vanished]. And it is not long gone, sithen [since] that place was destroyed. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bc)
Voided it clean, ~ Red
And thus, oftentime, [Gatholonabes] was revenged of his enemies, by his subtle deceits and false cautels. And when the worthy men of the country had perceived this subtle falsehood of this Gatholonabes, they assembled them with force, and assailed his castle, and slew him, and destroyed all the fair places and all the nobilities of that Paradise. The place of the wells and of the walls and of many other things, be yet apertly [plainly] seen, but the riches is voided clean [vanished]. And it is not long gone, sithen [since] that place was destroyed. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bd)
~ apertly Red
The place of the wells and of the walls and of many other things, be yet apertly [plainly] seen, but the riches is voided clean [vanished]. And it is not long gone, sithen [since] that place was destroyed. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(be)
vizard Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(j) and Sheet 14.058(d).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bf)
fully richly, Red
and all they were clothed in cloths of gold, fully richly: and he said that they were angels William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bg)
clept, Red
And that place he clept [named] Paradise William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bh)
And he let pour (mure) ~ Red
There was dwelling, sometime, a rich man; and it is not long sithen [since], and men clept him Gatholonabes; and he was full of cautels [trickery] and of subtle decits. And he had a full fair castle and a strong in a mountain, so strong and so noble, that no man could devise a fairer ne [or] stronger. And he had let mure [had had built] all the mountain about with a strong wall and a fair. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bi)
all the mountains about ~ Red
And he had a full fair castle and a strong in a mountain, so strong and so noble, that no man could devise a fairer ne [or] stronger. And he had let mure [had had built] all the mountain about with a strong wall and a fair. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bj)
a full fair castle and a strong ~ Red
And he had a full fair castle and a strong in a mountain, so strong and so noble, that no man could devise a fairer ne [or] stronger. And he had let mure [had had built] all the mountain about with a strong wall and a fair. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bk)
~ that no man / could devise a fairer ne stronger thilk Red
And he had a full fair castle and a strong in a mountain, so strong and so noble, that no man could devise a fairer ne [or] stronger. And he had let mure [had had built] all the mountain about with a strong wall and a fair. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Note: See also Sheet 14.033(ag).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bl)
to his desport, ~ Red
And when that any good knight, that was hardy and noble, came to see this royalty, he would lead him into his Paradise, and show him these wonderful things, to his desport William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bm)
~ hardy and noble, Red
And when that any good knight, that was hardy and noble, came to see this royalty, he would lead him into his Paradise, and show him these wonderful things, to his desport William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bn)
moved by craft, ~ Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bo)
seemed quick
and there were [in that garden] many diverse things […] and of [mechanical] birds that sung full delectably and moved by craft, that it seemed that they were quick [living]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bp)
I have heard counted Red
And therefore hath it befallen many times of one thing that I have heard counted [recounted] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 2, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bq)
unto his own marches Red
But I say, that [a worthy man] had gone so long, by land and by sea, that he had environed all the earth, that he was come again environing, that is to say, going about, unto his own marches, if he would have passed further, till he had found his country and his own knowledge. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 2f., Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(br)
environing Red
But I say, that [a worthy man] had gone so long, by land and by sea, that he had environed all the earth, that he was come again environing, that is to say, going about, unto his own marches, if he would have passed further, till he had found his country and his own knowledge. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 2f., Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bs)
and he trowed that they had said sooth Red
and he [Mahomet] trowed that they had said sooth [believed them truthful] [that he had himself when drunk killed an innocent hermit] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bt)
against (verso) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
and running against [towards] his so William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 6, Mandeville
Note: See also Sheet 14.023(ct).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bu)
shoon: ~
And the father said to his servants anon, Bring ye forth the first stole, and clothe ye him, and give ye a ring in his hand, and shoon upon his feet. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 6, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(bv)
bring ye, eat we Red
And he [the prodigal son] rose and came to his father […] And yet when he was far, his father saw him, and was moved by mercy, and running against [to] his son, fell on his neck and kissed him […] And the father said to his servants anon, Bring ye forth the first stole, and clothe ye him, and give ye a ring in his hand, and shoon upon his feet. And bring ye a fat calf, and slay him, and eat we, and feed us; for this son of mine […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 6, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ca)
this thy son ~ Red
But after that he, this thy son hath murthered his goods with hooris is come, thou hast killed to him a fat calf. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 7, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cb)
murdered his goods with whores ~ Red
But after that he, this thy son hath murthered his goods with hooris is come, thou hast killed to him a fat calf. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 7, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cc)
after that Not cancelled
But after that he, this thy son hath murthered his goods with hooris is come, thou hast killed to him a fat calf. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 7, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cd)
~ he drank never no ~ Red
And therefore Saracens that be devout drink never no wine: but some drink it privily. [Cf. 14.164] For if they drunk it openly, they should be repreved [reproved]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ce)
repreved Red
And therefore Saracens that be devout drink never no wine: but some drink it privily. [Cf. 14.164] For if they drunk it openly, they should be repreved [reproved]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cf)
fully delectably Red
and there were [in that garden] many diverse things […] and of [mechanical] birds that sung full delectably and moved by craft, that it seemed that they were quick [living]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 4, Mandeville
Note: See also Sheet 14.004(an) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cg)
pardee Red
The fourthe spece of bakbityng is this, that if men speke goodnesse of a man, thanne wol the bakbiter seyn, “Pardee! swich a man is yet bet than he,” in dispreisynge of hym that men preise. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 4, Chaucer
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ch)
this .. this
And when the worthy men of the country had perceived this subtle falsehood of this Gatholonabes, they assembled them with force, and assailed his castle, and slew him, and destroyed all the fair places and all the nobilities of that Paradise. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 5, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ci)
that was possible thing, Red
and that was possible [a true] thing. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 3, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cj)
yet natheless Red
But alle be it that thei ben withouten peril, yit natheless ne ben thei withouten drede, A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Note: See also Sheet 12.007(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ck)
Thing that was false ~ Red
And somtyme grucchyng sourdeth of envye, whan men discovereth a mannes harm that was pryvee, or bereth hym on hond thyng that is fals. Murmure eek is ofte amonges servantz, that grucchen whan hir sovereyns bidden hem doon leveful thynges A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 5, Chaucer
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cl)
~ murmur eke is oft among servants Red
And somtyme grucchyng sourdeth of envye, whan men discovereth a mannes harm that was pryvee, or bereth hym on hond thyng that is fals. Murmure eek is ofte amonges servantz, that grucchen whan hir sovereyns bidden hem doon leveful thynges A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 5, Chaucer
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cm)
departed him his goods
And the father de-parted [gave] him [the prodigal son] his goods. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 6, Wycliffe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cn)
husks of swine ~
And this son coveted to fill his belly with those holes [husks] that the hogs eat, and no man gave him. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 6, Wycliffe
Note: See also UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(f) and Sheet 15.018(cb).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(co)
hinds in my father's house be full of loaves
And this son coveted to fill his belly with those holes [husks] that the hogs eat, and no man gave him. And he, turning again, said, How many hinds in my father's house be full of loaves, and I perish here for hunger. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 6, Wycliffe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cp)
nigh a mile, ~
[The Vale Perilous:] There is a vale betwene the mountaynes, that dureth nyghe a 4 myle; and summen clepen it the Vale enchaunted A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cq)
~ dureth ~ Red
[The Vale Perilous:] There is a vale betwene the mountaynes, that dureth nyghe a 4 myle; and summen clepen it the Vale enchaunted A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cr)
~ men sayn ~
[The Vale Perilous:] And men seyn there that it is on of the entrees of helle. In that vale is gret plentee of gold and sylver: A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cs)
~ treasure that there is. ~ Red
[The Vale Perilous:] In that vale is gret plentee of gold and sylver: wherefore many mysbelevynge men, and manye Cristene men also, gon in often tyme, for to have of the thresoure that there is: A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(ct)
~ ne of Cristen man nouther ~ Red
[The Vale Perilous:] but few comen agen; and namely of the mysbelevynge men, ne of the Cristene men nouther [cf. 14.151: misbelieving]; for thei ben anon strangled of develes. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cu)
~ adread, ~ Red
[The Vale Perilous:] for thei ben anon strangled of develes. And in mydde place of that vale undir a roche, is an hed and the visage of a devyl bodyliche, fulle horrible and dreadful to see […] no man man in the world so hardy, Cristene man ne other, but that he wolde ben a drade for to beholde it A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(cv)
~ nighen ~ Red
[The Vale Perilous:] For he beholdethe every man so scharply […] that no man dar not neighen towardes him A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(da)
~ they shriven him Red
[The Vale Perilous:] But the gode Christene men that ben stable in the Feythe entren welle withouten perile. For thei wil first schryven hem, and marken hem with the tokene of the Holy Cros; so that the fendes ne han no power over hem. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 1, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(db)
as him thought ~ Red
And I trowe that unethe scholde ony contree have so moche peple within him, as lay slayn in that vale, as us thoughte; the whiche was an hidouse sight to seen. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 2, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(dc)
~ trowed well ~ Red
And I merveylled moche that there weren so manye, and the bodyes all hole withouten rotynge[…] But that myghte not ben to myn avys, that so manye scholde have entred so newely, ne so manye newely slayn, with outen stynkynge and rotynge. And manye of hem weren in habite of Cristene men; but I trowe well, that it weren of suche that wenten in for covetyse of the thresoure that was there […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 2, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(dd)
~ avis Red
But that myghte not ben to myn avys, that so manye scholde have entred so newely, ne so manye newely slayn, with outen stynkynge and rotynge. And manye of hem weren in habite of Cristene men; but I trowe well, that it weren of suche that wenten in for covetyse of the thresoure that was there […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 2, Mandeville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(de)
and x and y great plenty Red
and founden thereinne gold and sylver and precious stones and riche jewelles gret plentee A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 2, Mandeville
Note: now 14.155
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(df)
whiles, Red
Whatsoever is commendable to the grave orator is most exquisitely perfect in him, for by a full and significant action of body, he charms our attention: sit in a full theater, and you will thinke you see so many lines drawne from the circumference of so many eares, whiles the actor is the center. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 95f, Overbury
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(dg)
halp, ~ Red
but evere more God of his grace halp us; and so wee passed that perilous vale withouten perile and with outen encombrance. Thanked be alle myghty Godd. [cf. 14.166] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 3, Mandeville
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.023(ak).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 4(dh)
~ withouten Red
but evere more God of his grace halp us; and so wee passed that perilous vale withouten perile and with outen encombrance. Thanked be alle myghty Godd. [cf. 14.166] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 3, Mandeville

Oxen of the Sun sector 5

BL Add MS 49475-12v(right) JJA 12:029
(Herring Oxen-7) left margin sideways

Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(a)
LB [pays] compliment Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(b)
~ feebled
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(c)
bovril Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(d)
~ curious and fearful
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(e)
potent man Red
Potent men digest hardly anything that setteth up a Power to bridle their Affections; A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 115, Thomas Hobbes
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(f)
there be (who knows not that there be)
There be (who knows not that there be?) of Protestants and professors who live and dye in as arrant an implicit faith, as any lay Papist of Loretto. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 138, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(g)
To him he adheres
To him he adheres, resigns the whole ware-house of his religion, with all the locks and keyes, into his custody A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 138, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(h)
dresses us for heaven
And so God dresses [prepares] us for Heaven. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 151, Taylor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(i)
feast him Red
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.009(el).
He entertains him, gives him gifts, feasts him, lodges him; A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 139, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(j)
lodge him
He entertains him, gives him gifts, feasts him, lodges him; A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 139, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(k)
brewage Red
He entertains him, gives him gifts, feasts him, lodges him; his religion comes home at night, praies, is liberally supt, and sumptuously laid to sleep, rises, is saluted, and after the malmsey, or some well spic't bruage, and better breakfasted than he who […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 139, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(l)
who looks they should be?
Yet if all cannot be of one mind (as who looks they should be?) this doubtless is more wholesome […] that many be tolerated, rather than all compel'd. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 138, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(m)
apprehend it
He that can apprehend and consider vice with all her baits and seeming pleasures, and yet abstain, he is the true wayfaring Christian. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 136, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(n)
a homer of manna Red
And therefore, when he himself tabled the Jews from heaven, that omer which was every man's daily portion of manna is computed to have bin more than might have well suffic'd the heartiest feeder thrice as many meals. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 135, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(o)
it rained sadly
When the North wind blows hard and it rains sadly, none but fools sit down in it and cry A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 148, Taylor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(p)
not without, Red
I cannot praise a fugitive and cloist'd vertue, unexercis'd and unbreath'd, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race, where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 136, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(q)
I cannot praise a fugitive and cloist'd vertue, unexercis'd and unbreath'd, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race, where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 136, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 5(r)
as was the Roman wont Red
they are, by a sudden alarm or watch-word, to be call'd out to their military motions, under sky or covert, according to the season, as was the Roman wont A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 134, Milton
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(k)

Oxen of the Sun sector 6

BL Add MS 49475-12v(right) JJA 12:029
(Herring Oxen-7) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(a)
uterine brother Red
It was from out the rind of one apple tasted that the knowledge of good and evil, as two twins cleaving together, leap'd forth into the world. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 134, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(b)
this meanwhile ~ Red
This meanwhile came a messenger from King Rience of North Wales, and King he was of all Ireland, and of many isles. And this was his message […] that [he] had discomfited and overcome eleven kings, and every each of them did him homage, and that was this, they gave him their beards clean flayed off, as much as there was: wherefore the messenger came for King Arthur's beard [to complete a mantle of kings' beards for Rience] […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(c)
~ every each ~ Red
This meanwhile came a messenger from King Rience of North Wales, and King he was of all Ireland, and of many isles. And this was his message […] that [he] had discomfited and overcome eleven kings, and every each of them did him homage, and that was this, they gave him their beards clean flayed off, as much as there was: wherefore the messenger came for King Arthur's beard [to complete a mantle of kings' beards for Rience] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(d)
Well, sd. A — ~
Well, said Arthur, thou hast said thy message, the which is the most villainous and lewdest message that ever man heard sent unto a king […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(e)
- the which ~ Red
Well, said Arthur, thou hast said thy message, the which is the most villainous and lewdest message that ever man heard sent unto a king William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(f)
~ I owe none homage to him ~
But tell thou thy king this: I owe him none homage, nor none of mine elders, but, or it be long too, he shall do me homage on both his knees, or else he shall lose his head, by the faith of my body, for this is the most shamefulest message that ever I heard speak of. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(g)
~ but, or be it long too, he'll … ~ Red
But tell thou thy king this: I owe him none homage, nor none of mine elders, but, or it be long too, he shall do me homage on both his knees, or else he shall lose his head, by the faith of my body, for this is the most shamefulest message that ever I heard speak of. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(h)
~ without he do me ~ Red
I have espied thy king met never yet with worshipful man, but tell him, I will have his head without [unless] he do me homage. Then the messenger departed. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(k) for UG 14.152.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(i)
~ Now is there any here, said Arthur ~
Now is there any here, said Arthur, that knoweth King Rience? Then answered a knight that hight [was called] Naram, Sir, I know the king well; he is a passing good man of his body, as few be living, and a passing proud man, and Sir, doubt ye not he will make war on you with a mighty puissance. Well, said Arthur, I shall ordain for him in short time. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(j)
~ a knight that hight ~ Red
Then answered a knight that hight [was called] Naram, Sir, I know the king well; he is a passing good man of his body, as few be living, and a passing proud man, and Sir, doubt ye not he will make war on you with a mighty puissance. Well, said Arthur, I shall ordain for him in short time. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(k)
~ a passing good man of his body ~ Red
Then answered a knight that hight [was called] Naram, Sir, I know the king well; he is a passing good man of his body, as few be living, and a passing proud man, and Sir, doubt ye not he will make war on you with a mighty puissance. Well, said Arthur, I shall ordain for him in short time. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(l)
~ with a mighty puissance ~
[[…]] and Sir, doubt ye not he will make war on you with a mighty puissance. Well, said Arthur, I shall ordain for him in short time. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(m)
each slew other ~ Red
[How Balin met with his brother Balan, and how each of them slew other unknown, till they were wounded to death] When this knight in red beheld Balin by cause of his two swords, but by cause he knew not his shield he deemed it was not he [Balin]. And so they aventryd [couched] their spears and came marvellously fast together, and they smote each other in the shields […] and they lay both in a swoon. But Balin was bruised sore with the fall of his horse, for he was weary of travel William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(n)
~ by cause of … but by cause ~ Red
[How Balin met with his brother Balan, and how each of them slew other unknown, till they were wounded to death] When this knight in red beheld Balin by cause of his two swords, but by cause he knew not his shield he deemed it was not he [Balin]. And so they aventryd [couched] their spears and came marvellously fast together, and they smote each other in the shields […] and they lay both in a swoon. But Balin was bruised sore with the fall of his horse, for he was weary of travel William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(o)
~ aventried their spears ~ Red
[How Balin met with his brother Balan, and how each of them slew other unknown, till they were wounded to death] When this knight in red beheld Balin by cause of his two swords, but by cause he knew not his shield he deemed it was not he [Balin]. And so they aventryd [couched] their spears and came marvellously fast together, and they smote each other in the shields […] and they lay both in a swoon. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(p)
~ sore of limb ~ Red
[How Balin met with his brother Balan, and how each of them slew other unknown, till they were wounded to death] And so they aventryd [couched] their spears and came marvellously fast together, and they smote each other in the shields […] and they lay both in a swoon. But Balin was bruised sore with the fall of his horse, for he was weary of travel William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(q)
~ marvellously fast ~ Red
[How Balin met with his brother Balan, and how each of them slew other unknown, till they were wounded to death] And so they aventryd [couched] their spears and came marvellously fast together, and they smote each other in the shields William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 9, Malory
Note: ‘fast’ not crossed through.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(r)
stood full of ladies ~ Red
Then Balin looked up to the castle and saw the towers stand full of ladies. So they went into battle again, and wounded each other dolefully, and then they breathed ofttimes, and so went unto battle that all the place there as [where] they fought was blood red. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(s)
the place as they fought Red
Then Balin looked up to the castle and saw the towers stand full of ladies. So they went into battle again, and wounded each other dolefully, and then they breathed ofttimes, and so went unto battle that all the place there as [where] they fought was blood red. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(t)
or now Red
Then said Balin le Savage, What knight art thou? for or now I found never no knight that matched me. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 10, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(u)
to their both's health ~ Red
Alas, said Balin, all that made an unhappy knight in the castle, for he caused me to leave my own shield to our both's destruction, and if I might live I would destroy that castle for ill customs. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 10, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(v)
Sine that ~
Alas, said Balin, all that made an unhappy knight in the castle, for he caused me to leave my own shield to our both's destruction, and if I might live I would destroy that castle for ill customs. That were well done, said Balan, for I had never grace to depart from them syne that I cane hither, for here it happed me to slay a knight that kept this island William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 10, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(aa)
it happed me Red
Alas, said Balin, all that made an unhappy knight in the castle, for he caused me to leave my own shield to our both's destruction, and if I might live I would destroy that castle for ill customs. That were well done, said Balan, for I had never grace to depart from them syne that I cane hither, for here it happed me to slay a knight that kept this island William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 10, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ab)
that stood afore him Red
So Merlin had a knight that stood afore [in front of] him handle that word, and he assayed, and he might [but he could] not handle it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 11, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ac)
he was ware Red
this self-same day, in which he was not ware that it was by other devised, that himself should the same day be beheaded at London. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 19, More
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ad)
Also ~ Red
Also the scabbard of Balin's sword Merlin left it on this side the island, that Galahad should find it. Also […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 12, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ae)
on this side the … Red
Also the scabbard of Balin's sword Merlin left it on this side the island, that Galahad should find it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 12, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(af)
on live ~ Red
Sir, said Merlin, as of her [Guenever's] beauty and fairness she is one of the fairest on live [alive] […] there as a man's heart is set, he will be loth to return. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 13, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ag)
That is truth, said Bloom Red
Sir, said Merlin, as of her [Guenever's] beauty and fairness she is one of the fairest on live [alive] […] there as a man's heart is set, he will be loth to return. That is truth, said King Arthur. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 13, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ah)
What by water & what by land ~ Red
And so Leodegrance delivered his daughter Guenever unto Merlin, and the Table Round with the hundred knights, and so they rode freshly, with great royalty, what by water and what by land, till they came night unto London. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 14, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ai)
ran out freshly Red
And so Leodegrance delivered his daughter Guenever unto Merlin, and the Table Round with the hundred knights, and so they rode freshly, with great royalty, what by water and what by land, till they came night unto London. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 14, Malory
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(m)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(aj)
him needeth none ~ Red
And as for my lands, I will give him [Arthur] wist I it might please him, but he hath lands enow, him needed none but I shall send him […] the Table Round, the which Uther Pendragon gave me William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 13, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ak)
wist I that he … Red
And as for my lands, I will give him [Arthur] wist I it might please him, but he hath lands enow, him needed none but I shall send him […] the Table Round, the which Uther Pendragon gave me William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 13, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(al)
an I may Red
And as they rode, Arthur said, I have no swerd. No force, said Merlin, hereby is a sword that shalle be yours, an I may. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 6, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(am)
And as they rode, Arthur said, I have no sword. No force, sd. Merlin
And as they rode, Arthur said, I have no swerd. No force, said Merlin, hereby is a sword that shalle be yours, an I may. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 6, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(an)
sir Leopold, king Red
Syr Arthur, kynge, said the damoysell, that swerd is myne A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 6, Malory
Note: ‘king’ not crossed through
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ao)
I marvel Red
I merveylle, sayd Arthur, that the knyght wold not speke. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 7, Malory
Note: See also Sheet 14.023(bi) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ap)
had ado with Red
He hath ado with a knyght of yours that hyght Egglame, and they have foughten together, but at the last Egglame fledde A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 7, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(aq)
You shall have no worship to …
ye shal have no worship to have ado with hym A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 7, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ar)
jeopard her person Red
they marveilled that he would jeoparde his persone so alone. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 7, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(as)
leave this weeping Red
Than Syr Bedwere wepte for the deth of his brother. Leve thys mornynge and wepyng, sayd the kyng […] my tyme hyeth fast, sayd the kyng. Therefor […] take thou Excalybur, my good swerde, and go with it to yuonder water syde, and whan thou comest there I charge thee throwe my swerde in that water, and come ageyn and telle me what thou there seest A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 7, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(at)
his liefest love Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(au)
her time hied fast ~ Red
Than Syr Bedwere wepte for the deth of his brother. Leve thys mornynge and wepyng, sayd the kyng, for al thys wyl not avaylle me, for wyte thou wel an I myght lyve myself, the deth of Syr Lucan wolde greve me evermore; but my tyme hyeth fast, sayd the kyng. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 7f, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(av)
what thou there seest
Therefor, sayd Arthur unto Syr Bedwere, take thou Excalybur, my good swerde, and go with it to yonder water syde, and whan thou comest there I charge thee throwe my swerde in that water, and come ageyn and telle me what thou there seest. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(ba)
who would have weened
Who wold have weened that, thou that hast been to me so leef and dere, and thou arte named a noble knyght, and wold betraye me for the richesse of the swerde. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(bb)
And whan he waked it were harde ony tonge to telle the doleful complayntes that he made for his brother. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(bc)
as far as he might Red
and thenne he threwe the swerde as farre in to the water as he myght A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 8, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(bd)
All they had hoods Red
and al they had blacke hoodes, and al they wepte and shryked whan they sawe Kyng Arthur. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 9, Malory
Oxen of the Sun: sector 6(be)
this will more comfort than the other will dismay Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 7

BL Add MS 49475-12v(right) JJA 12:029
(Herring Oxen-7) right margin and loose

Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(a)
stiffness of a tower
For so have I known the boisterous North-wind pass through the yielding air, which opened its bosom, and appeased its violence, by entertaining it with easie compliance in all the regions of its reception: But when the same breath of Heaven hath been checked with the stiffness of a Tower, or the united strength of a Wood, it grew mighty and dwelt there, and made the highest branches stoop […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 151, Taylor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(b)
no other proof doth need
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(c)
with easy compliance
For so have I known the boisterous North-wind pass through the yielding air, which opened its bosom, and appeased its violence, by entertaining it with easie compliance in all the regions of its reception: But when the same breath of Heaven hath been checked with the stiffness of a Tower, or the united strength of a Wood, it grew mighty and dwelt there, and made the highest branches stoop […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 151, Taylor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(d)
Sight of married man bad Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(e)
bumshow Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(f)
Prussia Street Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(al).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(g)
~ Gavin Low Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.008(al).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(h)
SD lies. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(i)
purling ale Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.014(bu). Purl is ale infused with wormwood.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(j)
burly barboy
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):015(o) via Sheet 12.012(a).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(k)
take notice
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.011(t). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):001(p), UN5 (NLI.5B):001(ca), and Sheet 15.069(bj) for UG 15.1642.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(l)
9th long legs
Note: See also Sheet 12.011(r).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(m)
Archer up Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(l).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(n)
blue butter
Oxen of the Sun: sector 7(o)
white swelling Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 8

BL Add MS 49475-14r(right) JJA 12:035
(Herring Oxen-13) centred and circled.
NOTE. This Sheet (13) carries two texts, that in the centre (this page) was written early and circled by Joyce, and that in the margins (page 47), more extensive, was written later.

Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(a)
was wont that he would go on night to sea ~
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] The aforesaid holy man was wonted that he would go at night to the sea, and stand on the salt brim up to his swire singling his beads. Then on a certain night waited another monk his faring; and with slack stalking his footswathes followed till that they both to sea came. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 33
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(b)
till that they both to sea came ~ Blue
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] The aforesaid holy man was wonted that he would go at night to the sea, and stand on the salt brim up to his swire singling his beads. Then on a certain night waited another monk his faring; and with slack stalking his footswathes followed till that they both to sea came. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 33
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(q).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(c)
Then did Cuthbert as his wont was ~ Blue
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] Then did Cuthbert as his wont was; sang his beads in the sea-like ooze, standing up to the swire, and sithence his knees on the chesil [shingle] bowed, with outstretched handbreadths to the heavenly firmament. Lo! then came twey [two] seals from the sea ground […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 33
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(l) for UG 14.255.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(d)
twey seals ~ Red
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] Then did Cuthbert as his wont was; sang his beads in the sea-like ooze, standing up to the swire, and sithence his knees on the chesil [shingle] bowed, with outstretched handbreadths to the heavenly firmament. Lo! then came twey [two] seals from the sea ground […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 33
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(e)
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] Then did Cuthbert as his wont was; sang his beads in the sea-like ooze, standing up to the swire, and sithence his knees on the chesil [shingle] bowed, with outstretched handbreadths to the heavenly firmament. Lo! then came twey [two] seals from the sea ground […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 33
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(f)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(g)
(wreak (avenge) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(h)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(i)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(j)
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] […] and there were north of the stone waxen very rimy woods, and there were mists of darkness George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 27
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(k)
wellwilling (ness)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(l)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(m)
worthful Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(n)
weep Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.059(f).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(o)
~ wield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(p)
wifehalf Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(q)
wight Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(r)
upfloor Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(s)
unseeming Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(t)
undeadliness Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(u)
de congrus
Note: De congrus: in agreement.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(v)
S. John Damescene
Note: A seventh-century Greek theologian and writer of hymns.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(aa)
BVM no pangs of childbirth but passion Red
Note: ‘but passion’ not crossed through
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ab)
〃 Wife (not consummated)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ac)
[of compounds in OE] […] there really is no necessecity to ostracise “penetration” in favour of “gothroughness George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 12
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ad)
Dublin townhithe Red
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] To the bene a very gracious consent I was selling for my soul's leechdom, to the end that for my sins they might condescend that they should be frequent thingers with the Lord. Very lustfully, then forgiving I have left them all need-bids on two ships, which there bidden be by need-bidders in London town-hithe. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 33
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ae)
for that
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] But the manifold hardship was his soul's cleansing; and the rich man's uncost and up-a-heavedness were his degradation; for that he saw the other's misery, and him with puffed-up mind look down on. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 32
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(af)
~ eachwhen Blue
[Specimen passage (Aelfric):] Soothly he manifested mickle humility in this, that he said, “Lord, not am I worthy that thou infare under my thatch.” He had mickle wisdom in that he understood that Christ is eachwhere present: through his god-kindness—he who once bodily betwixt men seeably yode. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 32
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(p) for UG 14.217.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ag)
Ho! Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ah)
~ such an one Blue
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.041(m).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ai)
Knock a child out of her Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(aj)
25/3 Lady Day Easter LB Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ak)
〃 6 S. John [blank] Rudy Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(al)
〃 9 [Conc.] John [blank] Purefoy
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(am)
〃 12 Xmas [blank] [Birth] [SD]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(an)
though I'm stricken in years Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ao)
virgin [blank] Eve
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(ap)
~ forbidden tree Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 8(aq)
S. Mary

Oxen of the Sun sector 9

BL Add MS 49475-11v(right) JJA 12:025
(Herring Oxen-3) main column
Months 2 (draft 0) and 3 (draft 0)

Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(a)
Berners, Elyot, More, Latimer: Red
Note: Anthologised authors.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(b)
as well as other; Red
and if they laboured or did anything for their lords, they would have wages therefor as well as other. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 14f, Berners
Note: now 14.215
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(c)
of this imagination Red
And of this imagination was a foolish priest in the country of Kent called John Ball, for the which foolish words he had been three times in the Bishop of Canterbury's prison; William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(d)
because, they said … and in the beginning, they said … wherefore they maintained … and they said farther … Red
These unhappy people of these said countries began to stir, because they said they were kept in great servage, and in the beginning of the world, they said, there were no bondsmen, wherefore they maintained that none ought to be bond, without he did treason to his lord, as Lucifer did to God; but they said they could have no such battle, for they were neither angels nor spirits, but men […] and if they laboured or did anything for their lords, they would have wages therefor as well as other. And of this imagination [opinion] was a foolish priest in the country […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(e)
the mean people Red
wherefore many of the mean people loved him […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(f)
nor shall not do till …
Ah, ye good people, the matters goeth not well to pass in England, nor shall not do till everything be common, and that there be no villains nor gentlemen […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(g)
camlet furred with grise …
They [the landowners] are clothed in velvet and camlet furred with grise, and we be vestured with poor cloth […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(h)
~ to the intent to be Red
and if we go together, all manner of people that be now in any bondage will follow us to the intent to be [with the intention of being] made free William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(i)
Such as intended to no goodness said how he said truth. ~ Red
Thus John Ball [a foolish priest] said on Sundays, when the people issued out of the churches in the villages […] and such as intended to no goodness said how he said truth; and so they would murmur one with another in the fields and in the ways as they went together, affirming how John Ball said truth. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(j)
affirming how John Ball said truth ~ Red
Thus John Ball [a foolish priest] said on Sundays, when the people issued out of the churches in the villages […] and such as intended to no goodness said how he said truth; and so they would murmur one with another in the fields and in the ways as they went together, affirming how John Ball said truth. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(k)
a 2 or 3 months, ~
The archbishop of Canterbury, who was informed of the saying of this John Ball, caused him to be taken and put in prison a two or three months to chastise him […] but the bishop had conscience to [was morally unprepared to] let him die. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(l)
had conscience to let him die, Red
The archbishop of Canterbury, who was informed of the saying of this John Ball, caused him to be taken and put in prison a two or three months to chastise him […] but the bishop had conscience to [was morally unprepared to] let him die. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(m)
~ right evil governed Red
and then they [certain people in London] began to speak among them and said how the realm of England was right evil governed William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 16, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(n)
Howbeit Red
Howbeit, God kept her [the king's mother] […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 17, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(o)
a 100, 200, by 20 and 30 entered
and so they opened again the city, and there entered in at the gates [persons] in some place a hundred, two hundred, by twenty and by thirty William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 17, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(p)
never durst tarry Red
and she [the king's mother] came in one day from Canterbury to London, for she never durst tarry by the way. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 17, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(q)
a 100 mile off, 60 m, 50 m, 40 m and 20 m off ~
In like wise these villains and poor people came to London, a hundred mile off, sixty mile, fifty mile, forty mile and twenty mile off […] and as they came they demanded ever for the king. The gentlemen of the countries, knights and squires, began to doubt [fear], when they saw the people began to rebel […] [and] drew togther as well as they might. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 17, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(r)
demanded ever for the king, Red
In like wise these villains and poor people came to London, a hundred mile off, sixty mile, fifty mile, forty mile and twenty mile off […] and as they came they demanded ever for the king. The gentlemen of the countries, knights and squires, began to doubt [fear], when they saw the people began to rebel […] [and] drew togther as well as they might. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 17, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(s)
was in great doubt lest Red
She [the king's mother] was in jeopardy to have been lost, for these people came to her chare and dealt rudely with her, whereof the good lady was in great doubt lest they would have done more villainy to her or to her damosels. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 17, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(t)
but the king nor his council did provide no remedy Red
This rebellion was well known in the king's court, or any of these people began to stir out of their houses; but the king nor his council did provide no remedy therefor, which was great marvel. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 18, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(u)
desired him to smthg ~ Red
Sir, ye have desyred us to a thynge that is great and weyghtie, the which herafter may sore touch the countrey of Flaunders and our heyres […] but, sir, this thynge we can not do allone […] Sir, we shall go home and every man speke with his company […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 14, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(v)
Sir … but, sir … sir, now … Red
Sir, ye have desyred us to a thynge that is great and weyghtie, the which herafter may sore touch the countrey of Flaunders and our heyres […] but, sir, this thynge we can not do allone […] Sir, we shall go home and every man speke with his company […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 14, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(aa)
3 heads in 1 hood
And whan they saw him, they began to murmure, and began to ron together thre hedes in one hood and sayde […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ab)
He saw such as … he saw them
These wordes set them of Gaunt on fyre, and as he rode through the strete, he parceived that there was some new mater agaynst him, for he sawe suche as were wont to make reverence to him as he came by, he saw them tourne their backes towarde him and entre into their houses. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ac)
This was scant done but Red
Than he began to doute; and as sone as he was alyghted in his lodgyng, he closed fast his gates, doors and wyndose. Thys was scante done but all the strete was full of men […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 15, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ad)
They all cried with one voice Red
Than they all cryed with one voyce: “Come downe to us, and prech not so hyghe […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 16, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ae)
& so little & little Red
and so lytle and litle [little by little] the deth of Jaques d'Arteveld was forgotten. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 18, Berners
Note: now 14.215
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(af)
Now let us speak of Red
Nowe lette us speke of the knyghtes that were within the citye […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 19, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ag)
as it was informed me Red
And thus the forsaid thre frenchmen were taken, as it was enfourmed me. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 19, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ah)
orgulous, Red
[example of alleged ‘ungrammaticalness’] And when these knights and other men of arms knew the will and answer of King Dampeter, whereby they reputed him right orgulous [proud] and presumptuous, and made all the haste they could to advance, to do him all the hurt they could. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 94
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ai)
doublet words
But he [Berners] has a few tricks of the said rhetoric already, especially the doublet — ‘chivalrous feats and martial prowesses’, ‘uncunning and dark ignorance’ etc. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 94
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(aj)
and when .. whereby they Red
And whan the princes miners saw how the countermine againste them fayled, they saide to the prince: “Sir, whensoever it shal please you we shall cause a part of the wall to fall into the dyked, whereby ye shall entre into the citie at your ease, wythoute anye daunger”. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 19, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ak)
And the best word he could have of him was Red
and so they brought him to the princes presence, who beheld him right fersly and felly, and the beste worde that he could have of him was, how he woulde have his heed striken of A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 19, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(al)
Then Sir John of K said to Roger Stanforth Red
Then Sir Johan of Villemure sayde to Roger Beaufort: “Roger, it behoveth that ye be made a knight”. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 19, Berners
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(am)
let Red
Note: See Sheet 14.009(af) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(an)
gested, ~ Red
[passage from the Froissart Preface:] for when we (being unexpert of chances) see, behold, and read the ancient acts, gests [exploits], and deeds, how and with what labours, dangers, and perils they were gested and done, they right greatly admonish, ensigne, and teach us how we may lead forth our lives: and farther, he that hath […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 96
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ao)
~ farther, Red
[passage from the Froissart Preface:] for when we (being unexpert of chances) see, behold, and read the ancient acts, gests [exploits], and deeds, how and with what labours, dangers, and perils they were gested and done, they right greatly admonish, ensigne, and teach us how we may lead forth our lives: and farther, he that hath […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 96
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ap)
~ plenitude, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(aq)
plenary indulgence
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ar)
I promised to have gone, sith, Red
[passage from the Froissart Preface:] Then he called to him the gentle knight […] and said […] ye know well that I have had much ado in my days […] and when I had most ado, I made a solemn vow […] the which was, if I might achieve and make an end of all my wars, so that I might once have brought this realm in rest and peace, then I promised in my mind to have gone and warred on Christ's enemies […] And sith [since] it is so that my body can not go […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 96
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(as)
~ she is trespassed out of the world Red
[passage from the Froissart Preface:] I will, that as soon as I am trespassed out of this world, that ye take my heart out of my body, and embalm it George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 96
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(at)
dishonest a woman, ~ Red
[citation from Fisher:] A wariness of herself [a care] she had always to eschew every thing that might dishonest any noble woman, or distain her honour in any condition. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 99
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(au)
a wariness of mind … he would make Red
[citation from Fisher:] A wariness of herself [a care] she had always to eschew every thing that might dishonest any noble woman, or distain her honour in any condition. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 99
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(av)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ba)
~ 1st. Euphuists Blue
Note: Euphuism: an excessively elegant literary style, mentioned several times in Saintsbury. Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bb)
That is to wit. Red
Whereupon, soon after, that is to wit, on the Friday the — day of — many lords assembled in the Tower, and there sat in council […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 18, More
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bc)
these lords so sitting, he
These lords so sitting together communing of this matter, the Protector came in among them […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 18, More
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bd)
It was never other, Red
And therewith he plucked up his doublet-sleeve to his elbow upon his left arm, where he showed a werish [deformed] withered arm and small, as it was never other. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 19, More
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(be)
the self night next before his death Red
For the self night before his [Lord Hastings'] death, the Lord Stanley sent a trusty secret messenger unto him William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 20, More
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bf)
Flower for his cognisance, Red
And forasmuch as the Protector gave the boar for his cognizance, this dream made him so fearful an impression […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 21, More
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bg)
reserved (except) the judge, Red
[…] whereat all men were abashed, reserved [except] the chief justice […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 24, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bh)
Had to the prince these words following Red
The judge […] had [addressed] to the prince these words following: Sir, remember yourself […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 25, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bi)
quarrel (pretext) Red
And thereupon every man's mind sore misgave them, well perceiving that this matter was but a quarrel. For well they wist, that the Queen was too wise to go about any such folly. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 19, More
Note: now 14.202 (‘aresouns’)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bj)
at the least way ~ Red
And as touchinge grammer there is at thys daye better introductions and more facill than ever before were made, concerning as well both Greeke and Latin. And it is no reproche to a noble man to instructe his owne children, or at the least wayes to examine them by the waye of dalliance or solace A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 26, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bk)
as touching Red
And as touchinge grammer there is at thys daye better introductions and more facill than ever before were made, concerning as well both Greeke and Latin. And it is no reproche to a noble man to instructe his owne children, or at the least wayes to examine them by the waye of dalliance or solace A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 26, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bl)
The nurses to do the same Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Semblablye the nourises and other woemen about him, if it be possible, to do the same [speak pure and elegant Latin] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 26, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bm)
Showed all the whole affair. Red
Whereat his servants disdaining, came and shewed to the King all the whole affair. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 25, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bn)
An ancient and sad matron Red
saving that he [a child of seven] may have one yeare or two at the moste, an aunciente and sadde [serious] matrone attendinge on him in his chamber. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 27, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bo)
eyepleasing, Red
medowes [of Arcadia] enamelled with all sorts of eye-pleasing flowers A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 57, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bp)
dam, Red
while the prettie lambes, with bleating oratorie, craved the dammes comfort A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 58, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bq)
shut up in sorrow, Red
which speeches, though they had not a lively entrance to his senses, shut up in sorrow, yet, like one halfe asleepe, he tooke hold of much of the matters spoken unto him A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 57, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(br)
his cuisses
to venture without any inequalities, made him cast off his Cuisses [thigh armour] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 55, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bs)
blaze arms without a blemish Red
Or what Herald blaze their Arms without a blemish? A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 57, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bt)
accompagnable solitariness & civil wildness, Red
As for the houses of the countrey […] they were all scattered […] a shew, as it were, of an accompanable solitarinesse, and of a civill wildenes […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 58, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bu)
: forepassed happiness Red
It is therefore Death alone that can suddenly make man to knowe him selfe […] yea, even to hate their forepassed happinesse. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 44, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(bv)
of his enemies embraided Red
Dionise, King of Cycyle, when he was for tyranny expelled by his people, he came into Italy, and there in a commune schoole taughte Grammer, wherewith when he was of his enimies embrayded, and called a schoole master, he aunswered them. That […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 26, Elyot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ca)
parcel of our house Red
Within this ship that was drowned there was parcell of our house that was to be erected for them that should stay all the winter in Meta Incognita. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 49, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cb)
natural of those rivers:
we kept the other old Indian, which we handfasted to redeeme our pilot withall, for being naturall of [native to] those rivers we assured ourselves he knew the way better than any stranger could A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 40, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cc)
supposing to be better guarded ~
Other some fastened and mored anker upon a great Island of yce, and roade under the Lee thereof, supposing to be better guarded thereby from the outrageous winds A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 50, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cd)
other some Red
Other some fastened and mored anker upon a great Island of yce, and roade under the Lee thereof, supposing to be better guarded thereby from the outrageous winds A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 50, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ce)
ocean sea, Red
too cumbersome for so small a boate, that was to pass thorow the ocean sea at that season of the year A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 51, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cf)
so over hard,
And in very truth he was urged to be so over hard by hard reports given of him that he was afraid of the sea A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 51, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cg)
abaft. Red
the frigate was near cast away, oppressed by the waves, yet at that time recovered, and giving forth signs of joy, the Generall [Sir Humphrey], sitting abaft with a book in his hand, cried out to us in the Hind […] “We are as near to heaven by sea as by land” A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 52, Hakluyt
Note: See also Sheet 14.073(ba).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ch)
by course Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
at that season of the year, when by course we might expect much storm of foul weather, whereof, indeed we had enough. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 51, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ci)
real parts, ~ Red
Withall, such a lover of Mankind, and Goodness, that whosoever had any reall parts, in him [Sir Philip Sidney] found comfort, participation, and protection to the uttermost of his power The Universities abroad, and at home, accompted him a general Maecenas of Learning A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 53, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cj)
accompted him, Red
Withall, such a lover of Mankind, and Goodness, that whosoever had any reall parts, in him [Sir Philip Sidney] found comfort, participation, and protection to the uttermost of his power The Universities abroad, and at home, accompted him a general Maecenas of Learning A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 53, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ck)
jealous, Red
nor gave that sound party occasion to be jealous, or distracted A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 54, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cl)
barren Red
he piercing into men's counsels and ends, not by their words, oathes, or complements, all barren in that age, but by fathoming their hearts, and powers, by their deeds A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 54, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cm)
neither am I so much a lover of life nor believe so little
Neither am I (for my part) so much in love with this life, nor believe so little in a better to come, as to complain of God for taking him A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 54, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cn)
Chamber delights, ~ Red
Then went they together abroad, the good Kalender entertaining them with pleasant discoursing — how well he loved the sport of hunting […] in the comparison thereof he disdained all chamber delights, that the sun (how great a journey soever he had to make) could never prevent him with earliness […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 55, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(co)
prevent him,
Then went they together abroad, the good Kalender entertaining them with pleasant discoursing — how well he loved the sport of hunting […] in the comparison thereof he disdained all chamber delights, that the sun (how great a journey soever he had to make) could never prevent him with earliness […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 55, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cp)
leaves to (be) do (ne)
[…] oft it falls out that while one thinks too much of his doing, he leaves to do the effect of his thinking. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 55, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cq)
the time's haste, Red
[…] and so with pleasant company beguiled the time's haste, and shortened the way's length William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 55, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cr)
the wind's advertisement Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] the hounds were straight uncoupled, […] who, one taking it [scent] of another and sometimes believing the wind's advertisement […] with open mouths they denounced war, when the war was already begun. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 55f, Sidney
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cs)
Cast about,
The Lord Thomas with the rest hardly recovered the wind, which Sir Richard Grenville not being able to do, was persuaded by the Master and others to cut his mainsail and cast about, and to trust to the sailing of his ship William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 35, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ct)
sprang their luff, Red
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(be) for UG 14.643.
Which [manoeuvre] he performed upon divers of the foremost [enemy ships], who, as the mariners term it, sprang their luff, and fell under the lee of the Revenge. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 36, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cu)
so that the third day after, in the time that the morning did strow roses and violets in the heavenly floore against the coming of the sunne A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 57, Greville
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(cv)
in such sort ~ Red
In the meanwhile as he attended those [ships] which were nearest him, the great San Philip being in the wind of him, and coming toward him, becalmed his sails in such sort, as the ship could neither weigh nor feel the helm William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 36, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(da)
becalmed, Red
In the meanwhile as he attended those [ships] which were nearest him, the great San Philip being in the wind of him, and coming toward him, becalmed his sails in such sort, as the ship could neither weigh nor feel the helm William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 36, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(db)
past ten of the clock, Red
The fight, thus beginning at three of the clock in the afternoon, continued very terrible all that evening. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 36, Raleigh
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.025(at).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dc)
licensed to
[…] our general licensed [allowed] the gentlemen and soldiers, for their recreation, to go on shore. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 42, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dd)
reclaimed him, Red
[…] by gentle persuasions we reclaimed [returned] them to their houses. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 43, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(de)
used him
The General used Sir Richard with all humanity, William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 40, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(df)
scholar of my lord of: Red
Master Fenton, a gentleman of my Lord of Warwick's, was captain […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 42, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dg)
shorten the honour, Red
[…] but as they had like valiant resolute men repulsed so many enemies, they should not now shorten the honour of their nation, by prolonging their own lives for a few hours, or a few days. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 39, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dh)
in the mean season,
[…] the better sort to pay such reasonable ransom as their estate would bear, and in the mean season [interim] to be free from galley or galley or imprisonment. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 39, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(di)
as the night increased Red
But as the day increased, so our men decreased […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 38, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dj)
this agreeth also with, ~ Red
This agreeth also with an examination taken by Sir Francis Godolphin, of four other mariners […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 37, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dk)
never so wounded as that, ~
But two of the Revenge's own company brought home in a ship of Lime from the islands, examined by some of the Lords and others, affirmed that he was never so wounded as that he forsook the upper deck, till an hour before midnight; William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 37, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dm)
But two of the Revenge's own company brought home in a ship of Lime from the islands, examined by some of the Lords and others, affirmed that he was never so wounded as that he forsook the upper deck, till an hour before midnight; and then being shot into the body with a musket as he was a-dressing, was again shot in the head, and withal his Chirurgeon wounded to death. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 37, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dn)
deliverly escaped, Red
[…] who, after certain dumb signs and mute congratulations, began to lay hands upon them, but they delivery [capture] escaped, and ran to their bows and arrows and came fiercely upon them […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 46, Hakluyt
Note: Joyce mistakes the sense.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(do)
countervail the same, Red
Our generals […] caused knives and other things to be proffered unto them, which they would not take at our hands; but being laid on the ground, and the party going away, they came and took up, leaving something of theirs to countervail the same. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 46, Hakluyt
Note: now 14.325
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dp)
and thirdly, that by our Christian study and endeavour, those barbarous people, trained up in paganry and infidelity, might be reduced to the knowledge of true religion William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 48, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dq)
paganry Red
[…] those barbarous people, trained up in paganry and infidelity […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 48, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dr)
the capt. certain days, who coasting … Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Our general certain days searched this supposed continent with America […] returned to the Michael, whereof Master Yorke aforesaid was captain, accompanied with our master and his mate, who coasting along the west shore […] they perceived a fair harbour William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 49, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ds)
it so fortuned, Red
One day […] it so fortuned [happened] […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 52, Florio
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dt)
wishly, ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Androdus at last taking heart of grace; and by reason of the lion's mildness having roused up his spirits, and wishly [earnestly] fixing his eyes upon him, to see whether he could call him to remembrance; […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 52, Florio
Note: See alson Sheet 14.029(p) for UG 14.550.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(du)
blandishments, ~ Red
Androdus […] wishly [earnestly] fixing his eyes upon him, [the lion] to see whether he could call him to remembrance; it was to all beholders a singular pleasure to observe the love, the joy, the blandishments, each endeavoured to enter-shew [mutually show] one another. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 52f, Florio
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(dv)
intershow Red
Androdus […] it was to all beholders a singular pleasure to observe the love, the joy, the blandishments, each endeavoured to enter-shew [mutually show] one another. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 52f, Florio
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ea)
tasted storms, Red
Before we came within the making of these lands, we tasted cold storms, insomuch that it seemed we had changed with winter, if the length of the days had not removed us from that opinion. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 45, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(eb)
terrorcausing roaring, Red
[…] one [huge great lion] […] by reason of his furious and stately carriage, of his unmatched strength, of his great limbs, and of his loud, and terror-causing roaring, drew all bystanders' eyes to gaze upon him. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 52, Florio
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ec)
so seldomseen an accident, Red
[…] the Emperor willed the slave [Androdus] to be brought before him, as desirous to understand of him the cause of so strange and seldom-seen an accident […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 53, Florio
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ed)
advertised. Red
They did in like manner leave behind them a letter, pen, ink, and paper, whereby our men whom the captain lost the year before, and in that people's custody, might (if any of them were alive) be advertised of our presence and being there. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 50, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ee)
the one half part, Green
And that which was most to our disadvantage, the one half part of the men of every ship sick, and utterly unserviceable. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 35, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ef)
recovered England ~ Red
For had not twenty men been taken out of a barque […] and those appointed to her [the Bonaventure], she had hardly ever recovered [returned to] England. The rest for the most part were in little better state. The names of Her Majesty's ships were these as followeth: the Defiance […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 35, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(eg)
were these as followeth, Red
For had not twenty men been taken out of a barque […] and those appointed to her [the Bonaventure], she had hardly ever recovered [returned to] England. The rest for the most part were in little better state. The names of Her Majesty's ships were these as followeth: the Defiance [.lp] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 35, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(eh)
shrouded their approach, Red
The Spanish fleet having shrouded their approach by reason of the island […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 35, Raleigh
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ei)
to be wrecked of injuries,
Wherefore, if thou hast any heart to be recked of [avenge] the injuries thy Enemies have done thee, speed thee now, and let my misery serve thy turn, and so use it […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 33, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ej)
to pleasure thee, ~ Red
“And if it be so that thou dare not [avail of my service], and that thou art weary to prove [test] fortune any more, then am I also weary to live any longer. And it were no wisdom in thee to save the life of him who hath been heretofore thy mortal Enemy, and whose service now can nothing help nor pleasure thee.” Tullus hearing what he said, was a marvellous glad man, and […] feasted him for that time, and entertained him in the honourablest manner he could, taking with him of no other matter at that present. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 34, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ek)
honourablest manner, ~ Red
“And if it be so that thou dare not [avail of my service], and that thou art weary to prove [test] fortune any more, then am I also weary to live any longer. And it were no wisdom in thee to save the life of him who hath been heretofore thy mortal Enemy, and whose service now can nothing help nor pleasure thee.” Tullus hearing what he said, was a marvellous glad man, and […] feasted him for that time, and entertained him in the honourablest manner he could, taking with him of no other matter at that present. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 34, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(el)
they feasted him for that time, ~ Red
“And if it be so that thou dare not [avail of my service], and that thou art weary to prove [test] fortune any more, then am I also weary to live any longer. And it were no wisdom in thee to save the life of him who hath been heretofore thy mortal Enemy, and whose service now can nothing help nor pleasure thee.” Tullus hearing what he said, was a marvellous glad man, and […] feasted him for that time, and entertained him in the honourablest manner he could, taking with him of no other matter at that present. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 34, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(em)
which now he did begin Red
[…] which now I do begin William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 33, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(en)
to prove fortune once more ~
“And if it be so that thou dare not [avail of my service], and that thou art weary to prove [test] fortune any more, then am I also weary to live any longer. And it were no wisdom in thee to save the life of him who hath been heretofore thy mortal Enemy, and whose service now can nothing help nor pleasure thee.” Tullus hearing what he said, was a marvellous glad man, and […] feasted him for that time, and entertained him in the honourablest manner he could, taking with him of no other matter at that present. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 34, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(eo)
hearing, he was a marvelous glad man Red
“And if it be so that thou dare not [avail of my service], and that thou art weary to prove [test] fortune any more, then am I also weary to live any longer. And it were no wisdom in thee to save the life of him who hath been heretofore thy mortal Enemy, and whose service now can nothing help nor pleasure thee.” Tullus hearing what he said, was a marvellous glad man, and […] feasted him for that time, and entertained him in the honourablest manner he could, taking with him of no other matter at that present. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 34, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ep)
[…] but he only […] did outwardly show no manner of passion, nor care at all of himself. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 31, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(eq)
turmoiled with Red
So he [Martius] remained a few days in the country at his houses, turmoiled with sundry sorts and kinds of thoughts, such as the fire of his choler did stir up. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 31, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(er)
now that he was even in that taking it appeared right eftsoon. ~ Red
Now that Martius was even in that taking [mood], it appeared true soon after by his doings […] he went immediately to the gate of the city, accompanied with a great number of the Patricians, that brought him thither. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 31, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(es)
brought him Green
Now that Martius was even in that taking [mood], it appeared true soon after by his doings […] he went immediately to the gate of the city, accompanied with a great number of the Patricians, that brought him thither. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 31, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(et)
was pricked forward with, Red
In the end, seeing he could resolve no way to take a profitable or honourable course, but only was pricked forward still to be revenged of the Romans […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 31f, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(eu)
insomuch as: ~ Red
Martius knew very well that Tullus did more malice and envy him than he did all the Romans besides […] Insomuch as besides the common quarrel between them there was bred a marvellous private hate one against another. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 32, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ev)
malice and envy him: Red
Martius knew very well that Tullus did more malice and envy him than he did all the Romans besides […] Insomuch as besides the common quarrel between them there was bred a marvellous private hate one against another. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 32, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fa)
presently Red
North: Tullus rose presently from the board […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 33, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fb)
bewray, ~ Red
If […] I must of necessity bewray [reveal] myself to be what I am. I am Caius Martius, who hath done to thyself particularly, and to all of the Volsces generally, great hurt and mischief, which I cannot deny for my surname of Coriolanus that I bear. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 33, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fc)
this only surname, ~
If […] I must of necessity bewray [reveal] myself to be what I am. I am Caius Martius, who hath done to thyself particularly, and to all of the Volsces generally, great hurt and mischief, which I cannot deny for my surname of Coriolanus that I bear. For I never had another benefit […] but this only surname: a good memory and witness of the malice and displeasure thou shouldest bear me. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 33, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fd)
hurt, Red
If […] I must of necessity bewray [reveal] myself to be what I am. I am Caius Martius, who hath done to thyself particularly, and to all of the Volsces generally, great hurt and mischief, which I cannot deny for my surname of Coriolanus that I bear. For I never had another benefit […] but this only surname: a good memory and witness of the malice and displeasure thou shouldest bear me. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 33, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fe)
suitor, take thy chimney's hearth,
This extremity hath now driven me to come as a poor suitor, to take thy chimney hearth, not of any hope I have to save my life thereby. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 33, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ff)
to make away, ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Witchcraft: […] daughter […] who told him the whole manner used by her mother and other her companions [of sorceresses], with the intent also, which was to make away [murder] the king. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fg)
leman, ~ Red
Witchcraft: […] daughter […] who told him the whole manner used by her mother and other her companions [of sorceresses], with the intent also, which was to make away [murder] the king. The soldier having learnt this of his leman [whore], told the same to his fellows, who made report thereof […] and therewith sent for the young damsel […] and caused her upon straight examination to confess the whole matter as she had seen and knew: whereupon […] he sent forth soldiers, William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fh)
straight examen, ~
Witchcraft: […] The soldier having learnt this of his leman [whore], told the same to his fellows, who made report thereof […] and therewith sent for the young damsel […] and caused her upon straight examination to confess the whole matter as she had seen and knew: whereupon […] he sent forth soldiers, William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fi)
about the midst of the night ~ Red
Witchcraft: […] about the midst of the night, who breaking into the house, found one of the witches roasting upon a wooden bench an image of wax at the fire, resembling in each feature the king's person, made and devised as is to be thought, by craft and art of the Devil: another of them sat reciting certain words of enchantment and still basted the image with a certain liquor very busily. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fj)
still basted it very busily Red
Witchcraft: […] whereupon […] he sent forth soldiers, about the midst of the night, who breaking into the house, found one of the witches roasting upon a wooden bench an image of wax at the fire, resembling in each feature the king's person, made and devised as is to be thought, by craft and art of the Devil: another of them sat reciting certain words of enchantment and still basted the image with a certain liquor very busily. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fk)
clean consumed, ~ Red
And as for the words of enchantment, they served to keep him [the king] still waking from sleep, so that as the wax ever melted, so did the king's flesh: by which means it should have come to pass, that when the wax were once clean consumed, the death of the king should immediately follow. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 30, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fl)
to work the feat / to work the miracle Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] So were they taught by evil spirits and hired to work the feat by the nobles of Murrayland. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 30, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fm)
straight ways ~ Red
The standers by that heard such an abominable tale told by these witches, straight ways break the image and caused the witches (according as they had well deserved) to be burnt to death. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 30, Holinshed
Note: In 1986 (14.314) but not in 1922 or 2021 text.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fn)
delivered of his languor, ~ Red
[…] It was said that the king, at the very same time that these things were done within the castle of Fores, was delivered of his languour, and slept that night without any sweat breaking forth upon him at all, and the next day being restored to his strength, was able to do any manner of thing that lay in man to do, as though he had not been sick before any thing at all. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 30, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fo)
—- at all
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fp)
to tell the voices ~
When they came to tell the voices [hear the will] of the Tribes, there were three voices odd which condemned him to be banished for ever. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 30, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fq)
~ jocundly, Red
When they came to tell the voices [hear the will] of the Tribes, there were three voices odd which condemned him to be banished for ever. After declaration of the sentence, the people made such joy […] and went home so jocundly from the Assembly, for triumph of this sentence. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 30, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fr)
evil hap Red
Not that he [Caius Martius] did patiently bear and temper his evil hap [fortune] […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 31, North
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fs)
able to do any manner of thing that lay in man to do Red
It was said that the king, at the very same time that these things were done within the castle of Fores, was delivered of his languour, and slept that night without any sweat breaking forth upon him at all, and the next day being restored to his strength, was able to do any manner of thing that lay in man to do, as though he had not been sick before any thing at all. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 30, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ft)
I vow Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fu)
obvious to the generality
[…] to warn you against some mistakes which are obvious to the generality of mankind, as well as to me […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 218, Swift
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(fv)
I heartily wish the brood were at an end
I heartily wish the brood [of conceited clergymen] were at an end. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 219, Swift
Oxen of the Sun: sector 9(ga)
a divine Red
[…] and I desire to know what can be more inexcusable than to see a divine and a scholar at a loss in reading his own compositions […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 219, Swift

Oxen of the Sun sector 10

BL Add MS 49475-11v(right) JJA 12:025
(Herring Oxen-3) mid left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(a)
did nothing fail ~ Red
[…] and since it appeared manifestly by all outward signs and tokens, that natural moisture did nothing fail in the vital spirits […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(b)
want the effect ~ Red
[…] The physicians perceiving all their medicines to want the effect, yet to put him in some comfort of help, declared unto him that would send for some cunning physicians into foreign parts, […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(c)
for that ~ Red
[…] For there was seen in him no token, that either choler, melancholy, phlegm, or any other vicious humour did anything abound, whereby his body should be brought into such a decay and consumption […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(d)
unneth ~ Red
[…] whereby his body should be brought into such a decay and consumption (so as there remained unneth [scarcely] anything upon him save skin and bone:) and since it appeared manifestly by all outward signs and tokens, that natural moisture did nothing fail in the vital spirits […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(e)
When he was once come ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] the year was once come, which of itself should help thereunto […] But about that present time […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(f)
~ about that present time ~ Red
[…] the year was once come, which of itself should help thereunto […] But about that present time […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(g)
witty, Red
[…] Whereupon […] [the king] caused him to send forthwith certain witty persons thither to enquire of the truth. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(h)
dissembling, Red
[…] They were thus sent, dissembling [denying] the cause of their journey […] The soldiers which lay there in garrison William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(i)
so as there remained Red
[…] For there was seen in him no token, that either choler, melancholy, phlegm, or any other vicious humour did anything abound, whereby his body should be brought into such a decay and consumption (so as there remained unneth [scarcely] anything upon him save skin and bone:) William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(j)
soldiers which Red
[…] The soldiers which lay there in garrison […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(k)
a sort of Red
[…] the king was vexed with no natural sickness, but by sorcery and magical art, practised by a sort of witches dwelling in a town of Murrayland, called Fores. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(l)
other her friends Red
[…] who told him the whole manner used by her mother and other her companions [of sorceresses], with the intent also, which was to make away [murder] the king. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 29, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(m)
that … did anything abound ~
[…] that either choler, melancholy, phlegm, or any other vicious humour did anything abound William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28, Holinshed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 10(n)
not so grievous as strange
Witchcraft: In the mean time the king fell into a languishing disease, not so grevious as strange, for that none of his physicians could perceive what to make of it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 28f, Holinshed

Oxen of the Sun sector 11

BL Add MS 49475-11v(right) JJA 12:025
(Herring Oxen-3) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(a)
displode Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(c)
[…] whence, in every age, the zealous among their priesthood have brought over their choicest inspiration, fetching it with their own hands from the fountain-head in certain bladders, and disploding it among the sectaries in all nations, who did, and do, and ever will, daily gasp and pant after it. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 100
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(b)
When, by these and the like performances, they were grown sufficiently replete, they would immediately depart, and disembogue, for the public good, a plentiful share of the acquirements into their disciples' chaps. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 99
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(c)
put in his word Red
Upon which the second put in his word: “I never saw a piece of mutton in my life so nearly resembling a slice from a three-penny loaf.” Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 78
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(d)
Lapland Red
hus furnished and set out with gods, as well as devils, was the renowned sect of iEolists, which makes at this day so illustrious a figure in the world, and whereof that polite nation of Laplanders are, beyond all doubt, a most authentic branch; Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 102
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.013(bf).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(e)
Jacob & Esau struggle in womb Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(f)
Joseph's dream Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(g)
loaves & fishes Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(h)
Doctor Diet / — Quiet Red
Genteel and Ingenious Conversation […]
Col. Well, I have made my whole dinner of beef.
Lady A. Why, colonel, a bellyful's a bellyful, if it be but of wheat-straw.
Col. Well, after all, kitchen physic is the best physic.
Lady S. And the best doctors in the world arc Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 307
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(d).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 11(i)
not to do so by any means
But Martin, who at this time happened to be extremely phlegmatic and sedate, begged his brother, of all love, Not to damage his coat by any means; for he would never get another: Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 91

Oxen of the Sun sector 12

BL Add MS 49475-11v(right) JJA 12:025
(Herring Oxen-3) lower left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(a)
challenge to be Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(b)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(c)
pregnant remark Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.004(e) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(d)
Yea, nay, ay, yes, no,
Thus the fine distinction between ‘yea’ and ‘yes’, ‘nay’ and ‘no’, that once existed in English, has quite disappeared. ‘Yay’ and ‘Nay’, in Wiclif's time, and a good deal later, were answers to questions framed in the affirmative. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 258n
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(e)
beastly Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(f)
household word Red
[…] which step by step have come down, not debasing themselves in this act of becoming popular, but training and elevating an ever-increasing number of persons to enter into their meaning, till at length they have become truly a part of the nation's common stock, ‘household words,’ used easily and intelligently by nearly all. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 160
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(an). See also Sheet 14.039(av).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(g)
word changed as to pronunciation
[…] changes not in the pronunciation only, but in the word itself Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 83
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(h)
The written records may have been falsified by carelessness, by vanity, by fraud, by a multitude of causes; but language never deceives, if only we know how to question it aright. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 83
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(i)
longest wanderings Red
And even when the fact is not so obvious as in these cases, the etymology of a word exercises an unconscious influence upon its uses, oftentimes makes itself felt when least expected, so that a word, after seeming quite to have forgotten, will after longest wanderings return to it again. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 179
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(j)
shall we through such discovery obtain
And yet with how lively an interest shall we discover those to be of closest kin, which we had never considered but as entire strangers to one another; what increased mastery over our mother tongue shall we through such discoveries obtain. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 203
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(k)
at twain, at one
Tell your scholars that ‘atonement’ means ‘at-one-ment’—the setting at one of those who were at twain before, namely God and man, and they will attach to ‘atonement’ a definite meaning, which perhaps in no way else it would have possessed for them; Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 219
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(l)
he would witness Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(m)
catchpole Red
‘Policeman’ has no evil subaudition with us; though in the last century, when a Jonathan Wild was possible, ‘catchpole,’ a word in Wiclif's time of no dishonour at all, was abundantly tinged with this scorn and contempt. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 78
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(at) for UG 14.538.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 12(n)
fall in with Red
Now when you thus fall in with a word employed in these two or more senses so far removed from one another, accustom yourselves to seek out the bond which there certainly is between these several uses. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 204
Note: See also Sheet 14.055(as). Also in Newman [“Neglect”, 36]: He lives in the world, and believes nothing about the Sacraments, nor puts any trust in a Priest, if he falls in with one.

Oxen of the Sun sector 13

BL Add MS 49475-11r(left) JJA 12:022
(Herring Oxen-4) left column
Months 3, 7, 2, 4, 6, 5, 9, 8 and 1

Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(a)
pier — bridge
A pier, sir, Armstrong said. A thing out in the water. A kind of bridge. Kingstown pier, sir. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 33
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(b)
He held out his copybook. The word Sums was written on the headline. Beneath were sloping figures and at the foot a crooked signature with blind loops and a blot. Cyril Sargent: his name and seal. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 36
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(c)
foot & mouth disease Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
— I have put the matter into a nutshell, Mr. Deasy said. It's about the foot and mouth disease. Just look through it. There can be no two opinions on the matter. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 41
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(d)
Dixon warns SD
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(e)
European conflagration
May I trespass on your valuable space. That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history. Our cattle trade. The way of all our old industries. Liverpool ring which jockeyed the Galway harbour scheme. European conflagration. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 41
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(f)
pluterperfect imperturbability Red
Grain supplies through the narrow waters of the channel. The pluterperfect imperturbability of the department of agriculture. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 41
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(g)
Rinderpest in Habsburgs Red
Foot and mouth disease. Known as Koch's preparation. Serum and virus. Percentage of salted horses. Rinderpest. Emperor's horses at Mürzsteg, lower Austria. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 41
Note: See also UN1 (NLI.3):028(b)for UG 2.333.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(h)
Bull by the horns Red
All important question. In every sense of the word take the bull by the horns. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 41
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(i)
Thanking you for hospitality Red
All important question. In every sense of the word take the bull by the horns. Thanking you for the hospitality of your columns. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 41
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(j)
fruitful mothers Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.062(n) below
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(k)
Austr. doctors, Red
And it can be cured. It is cured. My cousin, Blackwood Price, writes to me it is regularly treated and cured in Austria by cattle doctors there. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 42
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(l)
Sinned v the light: Red
— They sinned against the light, Mr. Deasy said gravely. And you can see the darkness in their eyes. And that is why they are wanderers on the earth to this day. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 42
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(m)
Who not? Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Who has not? Stephen said. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(n)
Bullockbefriending bard Red
Still I will help him in his fight. Mulligan will dub me a new name: the bullockbefriending bard. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 44
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(o)
God shout in street. Red
—That is God.

Hooray! Ay! Whrrwhee!

What? Mr. Deasy asked.

A shout in the street, Stephen answered, shrugging his shoulders. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 43

Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(p)
A woman brought sin into the world. For a woman who was no better than she should be, Helen, the runaway wife of Menelaus, ten years the Greeks made war on Troy. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(q)
O'Rourke of Breffni
A faithless wife first brought the strangers to our shore here, O'Rourke's wife, Prince of Breffni. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(r)
Field M.P. = hero
Mr. Field, M.P. There is a meeting of the cattle trade association today at the City Arms Hotel. I asked him to lay my letter before the meeting. James Joyce, Little Review vol.IV no.12 (April 1918), 44
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(s)
pelican in her piety Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(t)
peacock in his pride
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(u)
Damon wants Fr. letters: Poyntz Red
Note: Second entry of ‘Poyntz’ basically in same position as the (deleted) first entry. Poyntz ran an india-rubber warehouse at 20 Clare Street, Dublin (Thom's Directory for 1899, p 1869).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(v)
beef to the heel Blue
We did great biz yesterday. Fair day and all the beef to the heels were in. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no.2 (June 1918), 49
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(e) for UG 14.503.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(aa)
Model farm Kinnereth Red
Sound meat there: like a stallfed heifer. He took a page up from the pile of cut sheets: the model farm at Kinnereth on the lakeshore of Tiberias. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no.2 (June 1918), 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ab)
dead sea barren Red
No, not like that. A barren land, bare waste. Vulcanic lake, the dead sea: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the earth. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no.2 (June 1918), 44
Note: See also Sheet 14.037(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ac)
Womb — oomb — tomb Red
His lips lipped and mouthed fleshless lips of air: mouth to her moomb. Oomb, allwombing tomb. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 42
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ad)
Melon dream SD
After he woke me up last night same dream or was it? Wait. Open hallway. Street of harlots. Remember. I am almosting it. That man led me, spoke. I was not afraid. The melon he had he held against my face. Smiled: creamfruit smell. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 41
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ae)
Their blood is in me, their lusts my waves. I moved among them on the frozen Liffey, that I, a changeling, among the spluttering resin fires. I spoke to no-one: none to me. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 39
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(af)
Ineluctable Red
Now where the blue hell am I bringing her beyond the veil? Into the ineluctable modality of the ineluctable visuality. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ag)
Flor. MacCabe. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
From the liberties, out for the day. Mrs. Florence MacCabe, relict of the late Patk MacCabe, deeply lamented, of Bride Street. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 32
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ah)
creation from nothing Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
One of her sisterhood lugged me squealing into life. Creation from nothing. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 32
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ai)
navelcord not by death severed Red
What has she in the bag? A misbirth with a trailing navelcord, hushed in ruddy wool. The cords of all link back, strandentwining cable of all flesh. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 32
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(aj)
omphalos, Red
That is why mystic monks. Will you be as gods? Gaze in your omphalos. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 32
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.001(bh).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ak)
mystic monks
That is why mystic monks. Will you be as gods? Gaze in your omphalos. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 32
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(al)
God: coupler
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(am)
Kidneys of wheat, Red
A choir gives back menace and echo, assisting about the altar's horns, the snorted Latin of jackpriests moving burly in their albs, tonsured and oiled and gelded, fat with the fat of the kidneys of wheat. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 34
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(m) for UG 14.155.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(an)
bulls of Bashan Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ao)
fichue position, c'est le pigeon, Joseph Red
&mdashQui vous a mis dans cette fichue position?

C'est le pigeon, Joseph.

James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 35f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ap)
seeds of brightness, wind Red
The new air greeted him, harping in wild nerves, wind of wild air of seeds of brightness. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 38
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(aq)
bulrushes saved from water Red
The two maries. They have tucked it safe mong the bulrushes. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 39
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ar)
dwarfs, blubber of turlehide whales
A school of turlehide whales stranded in hot noon, spouting, hobbling in the shallows. Then from the starving cagework city a horde of jerkined dwarfs, my people, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat. Famine, plague and slaughters. Their blood is in me, their lusts my waves. James Joyce, Little Review vol.V no. 1 (May 1918), 39
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(as)
chap frigs in bath: she conceives Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 14.077(ab).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(at)
knew her: Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(au)
~ lay with her
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(av)
I put it to you Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.039(an), and UN5 (NLI.5B):022(bi) for UG 15.947.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ba)
matriculation Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.062(cb)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bb)
LB to study medicine Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(f) for UG 14.255.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bc)
deae virginenses, prema,
Note: Prema: Roman goddess of newlyweds.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bd)
~ pertunda: Red
Note: Pertunda: Roman goddess of (the loss of) virginity.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(be)
~ Deus Subigus
Note: Subigus: Presiding Roman god of the bridal night. (The above entries possibly derive from Joyce's reading of Augustine's City of God, vi.9.3 (Adest ewnim de Virginiensis et deus pater Sugigus, et dea mater Prema et dea Pertunda, et Venus et Priapus).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bf)
Lapland: Red
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.011(d).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bg)
~ no menses or / in anno
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bh)
κ N Pole / Brazil Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bi)
[??] in anno [licet menstruam] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bj)
Priests deflower virgins, Madagascar Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(g) for UG 14.344f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bk)
Menses: breath stinks too LB
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bl)
SD's bridal rite Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bm)
to fray them away
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bn)
~ incubator Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bo)
1st month unnoticed, fear, resigned Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bp)
honoris causa,
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bq)
no reasonable offer refused, Blue
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):019(aq).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(br)
wrung ringless hands Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bs)
must cover my neck (SD)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bt)
which, as we judged, were, with the fury of great floods, rooted up Red
All along these seas, after we were six days sailing from Orkney, we met, floating in the sea, great fir trees, which, as we judged, were, with the fury of great floods, rooted up, and so driven into the sea. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 43, Hakluyt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bu)
both to be and to be: a rewarder
No man cometh unto God to offer him sacrifice […] which doth not first believe him both to be, and to be a rewarder of them who in such sort seek unto him. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 57, Hooker
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(bv)
Use vivid present Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ca)
the argument fire, the place whence heaven, the mood & figure devotion, the conclusion death to be overcome
It was a fair motion of Elijah; “I am only remaining a prophet of the Lord, Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty; let them choose one bullock, let me choose another; their devotion shall be combined, mine single; the God that consumes the sacrifice by fire from heaven, let him be God.” […] O strange disputation, wherein the argument, which must be used, is fire; the place whence it must be fetched, heaven; the mood and figure, devotion; the conclusion, death to be overcome! William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 63f, Hall
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cb)
old woman peeps (Hades) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: cf. pHades
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cc)
coiled coffinband, Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):004(be) for UG 6.914.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cd)
a proper man of person ~ Red
This Cymon was a fool, a proper man of his person, and the governor of Cyprus son, but a very ass […] In brief, he [Cymon] became from an idiot and a clown, to be one of the most complete gentlemen in Cyprus […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 66, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ce)
a very ass Red
This Cymon was a fool, a proper man of his person, and the governor of Cyprus son, but a very ass […] In brief, he [Cymon] became from an idiot and a clown, to be one of the most complete gentlemen in Cyprus […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 66, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cf)
became from a clown to be Red
In brief, he [Cymon] became from an idiot and a clown, to be one of the most complete gentlemen in Cyprus […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 66, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cg)
against her lover came ~ Red
[…] a ship is not so long a rigging, as a young gentlewoman a trimming up herself, against her sweetheart comes […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 67, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ch)
composed gait, clothes, gestures, action, all composed ~
[…] a ship is not so long a rigging, as a young gentlewoman a trimming up herself, against her sweetheart comes […] no so gracious an aspect in Nature's storehouse as […] a young man that is her suitor; composed looks, composed gait, clothes, gestures, actions, all composed; William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 67, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ci)
polite & terse ~ Red
[…] they are beyond all measure coy, nice, and too curious on a sudden. 'Tis all their study, all their business, how to wear their clothes neat, to be polite and terse William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 67, Burton
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.088(d)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cj)
nice ~ Red
[…] they are beyond all measure coy, nice, and too curious on a sudden William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 67, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ck)
slicks his hair Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.039(aq)
No sooner doth a young man see his sweetheart coming, but he […] ties his garters, points, sets his band, cuffs, slicks his hair, twirls his beard, &c. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 67, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cl)
being her mind is to do well Red
She doth all things with so sweet a grace, it seems ignorance will not suffer her to do ill, being her mind is to do well. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 68, Overbury
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cm)
there never breathed that person to whom mankind was more beholden Red
There never breathed that Person to whom Mankind was more beholden. [Aristotle] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 71, Seldon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cn)
'twas a milkmaid Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
As I left and entered in to the next field, a second pleasure entertained me; 'twas a handsome Milkmaid […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 73, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(co)
teeming earth Red
[…] sing whilst this shower falls so gently upon the teeming [fecund] earth, and gives yet a sweeter smell to the lovely flowers that adorn these verdant meadows. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 72, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cp)
I use to sell none.
I will bestow this [fish] upon you and your daughter, for I use [am wont] to sell none. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 73, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cq)
I sung Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Come, Maudlin, sing the first part to the gentlemen […] and I'll sing the second, when you have done. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 74, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cr)
tice him ~ Red
Nature and his parents alike dandle him [the child], and tice [entice] him on with a bait of sugar to a draught of worm wood. He plays yet, like a young prentice [apprentice] the first day, and is not come to his task of melancholy. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 75, Earle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cs)
Nature and his parents alike dandle him [the child], and tice [entice] him on with a bait of sugar to a draught of worm wood. He plays yet, like a young prentice [apprentice] the first day, and is not come to his task of melancholy. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 75, Earle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(ct)
cozen Blue
Beggars cozen him [the antiquarian] with musty things which they have raked from dunghills and he preserves their rags for precious relics. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 76, Earle
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(h) for UG 14.606.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cu)
No question but Red
When you are entered the [Dutch] house the first thing you encounter is a looking-glass. No question but a true emblem of polite hospitality; for […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 76, Felltham
Oxen of the Sun: sector 13(cv)
that you ere were there
When you are entered the [Dutch] house the first thing you encounter is a looking-glass. No question but a true emblem of polite hospitality; for though it reflects yourself in your own figure, 'tis yet no longer than while you are there before it. When you are gone once, it flatters the next comer, without the least remembrance that you ere were there. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 77, Felltham

Oxen of the Sun sector 14

BL Add MS 49475-11r(left) JJA 12:022
(Herring Oxen-4) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(a)
labour Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(b)
dearest pledges Red
Yet it were great Reason, that those that have Children should have greatest care of future times; unto which they know they must transmit their dearest pledges. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 61, Bacon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(c)
except to smthg Red
[…] perhaps, they have heard some talk, “Such an one is a great rich Man,” and another except to it, “Yea, but he hath a great charge of Children[…] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 61, Bacon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(d)
hortative Red
For Souldiers, I find the Generals commonly, in their Hortatives, put Men in minde of their Wives and Children […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 61, Bacon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(e)
not to can Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
In Place there is License to doe Good and Evill; whereof the latter is a Curse; for in Evill, the best condition is not to will, the second not to Can. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 63, Bacon
Note: See also Sheet 14.062(n)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(f)
delivery Red
At which words, or at his countenance in the delivery, or at both, my Lord Bishop being somwhat troubled, took the freedom to ask him whether he had never any secret abodement in his mind. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 78, wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(g)
[…] keepe times appointed; goe through with that which is in hand, and interlace not businesse but of necessitie. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 64, Bacon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(h)
if he be inward & no other cause
A Servant or a Favorite, if he be inward, and no other apparent Cause of Esteeme, is commonly thought but a By-way to close Corruption. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 64, Bacon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(i)
I think it be ~
Bates. I thinke it be; but wee have no great cause to desire the approach of day. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 66ff, Shakespeare [Henry V]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(j)
serve you? Green
Will. Under what captain serve you? A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 66, Shakespeare [Henry V]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(k)
nor is it not meet they will kill. Red
Bates. He hath not told his thought to the King? King. No; nor is it not meet he should. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 66, Shakespeare [Henry V]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(l)
by my troth Red
King. By my troth, I will speake my conscience of the King; I thinke hee would not wish himselfe anywhere but where hee is. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 67, Shakespeare [Henry V]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(m)
outstrip ~ Red
Now, if these men have defeated the Law and out-runne Native punishment, though they can out-strip men, they have no wings to flye from God: A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 68, Shakespeare [Henry V]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(n)
even as —- that look to be ~
King. Even as men wrack'd upon a Sand, that looke to be washt off the next Tyde. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 66, Shakespeare [Henry V]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(o)
round with you Blue
King. Your reproofe is something too round: I should be angry with you, if the time were convenient […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 68, Shakespeare [Henry V]
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(k) for UG 14.891.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(p)
what have you, good my friend ~ Red
Hamlet. Let me question more in particular. What have you, my good friends, deserved at the hands of Fortune, that she sends you to Prison hither? A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 69, Shakespeare [Hamlet]
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(o) for UG 14.664f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(q)
look you ~ Red
Hamlet. […] this most excellent canopy the Ayre, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majesticall Roofe fretted with golden fire, why, it appeares no other thing to me than a foule and pestilent congregation of vapours. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 70, Shakespeare [Hamlet]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(r)
no other thing Red
Hamlet. […] this most excellent canopy the Ayre, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majesticall Roofe fretted with golden fire, why, it appeares no other thing to me than a foule and pestilent congregation of vapours. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 70, Shakespeare [Hamlet]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(s)
he plucked one ope Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(t)
Falstaff. […] you would thinke that I had a hundred and fiftie tatter'd Prodigalls lately come from Swine-keeping, from eating Draffe and Husks. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 71, Shakespeare [&Henry IV]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(u)
It was said at first, that he had been stung with a deniall of his Captains place, who dyed in England […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 76, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(v)
what a devil ~ Red
Prince. No, Ile be sworne, unlesse you call three fingers on the Ribbes bare […] Falstaff. What, Hal? How now, mad Wag! what a Devill dost thou in Warwickshire? A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 72, Shakespeare [Henry IV]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(aa)
I'll be sworn Blue
Prince. No, Ile be sworne, unlesse you call three fingers on the Ribbes bare […] Falstaff. What, Hal? How now, mad Wag! what a Devill dost thou in Warwickshire? A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 72, Shakespeare [Henry IV]
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(j) for UG 14.807.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ab)
every art his due ~
wel couldst thou [Sir Philip Sidney] give every Vertue his encouragement, every Art his due, every writer his desert; cause none more virtuous, witty, or learned than thy selfe. But thou art dead in thy grave, and hast left us too few successors of thy glory, too few to cherish the Sonn of the Muses, or water those budding hopes with their plentie, which thy bounty erst planted. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 73, Nash
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ac)
cause ~
wel couldst thou [Sir Philip Sidney] give every Vertue his encouragement, every Art his due, every writer his desert; cause none more virtuous, witty, or learned than thy selfe. But thou art dead in thy grave, and hast left us too few successors of thy glory, too few to cherish the Sonn of the Muses, or water those budding hopes with their plentie, which thy bounty erst planted. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 73, Nash
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ad)
which thy — erst planted Red
wel couldst thou [Sir Philip Sidney] give every Vertue his encouragement, every Art his due, every writer his desert; cause none more virtuous, witty, or learned than thy selfe. But thou art dead in thy grave, and hast left us too few successors of thy glory, too few to cherish the Sonn of the Muses, or water those budding hopes with their plentie, which thy bounty erst planted. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 73, Nash
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ae)
sowe't gurnet
Falstaff. If I be not asham'd of my Souldiers, I am a sowe't-Gurnet [soused gurnet]. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 71, Shakespeare [Henry IV]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(af)
to my best remembrance Red
I spied a huge marble with a large inscription upon't which was thus, to my best remembrance:

Here lies John Oxenham, a goodly young man, in whose chamber, as he was struggling with the pangs of death, a bird with a white breast was seen fluttering about his bed, and so vanished.

A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 121, Howell
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ag)
inconceivable Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.039(ap)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ah)
of mean fortunes Red
There was a younger brother of mean fortunes, born in the County of Suffolk, by name John Felton […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 76, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ai)
to slumber (act [active]) Red
Therefore the truth is, that either to honest a deed after it was done, or to slumber his conscience in the doing, he studied other incentives […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 76f, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(aj)
it self
Whatsoever were the true motive, which I think none can determine but the Prince of Darkness it self […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 77, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ak)
he had maimed the other ~
In a by-Cutler's shop on Tower-hill, he bought a ten-penny Knife (so cheap was the instrument of this great attempt) and the sheath thereof he sewed to the lining of his Pocket, that he might at any moment draw forth the Blade alone with one hand, for he had maimed the other. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 77, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(al)
to make shift ~ Red
This done, he made shift, partly, as it is said, on Horseback, and partly on foot, to get to Portsmouth; for he was indigent and low in mony, which perhaps might have a little edged his desperation. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 77, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(am)
low in money
This done, he made shift, partly, as it is said, on Horseback, and partly on foot, to get to Portsmouth; for he was indigent and low in mony, which perhaps might have a little edged his desperation. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 77, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(an)
so dark is destiny Red
That against any popular fury, a Shirt of Mayle would be but a silly defence; and as for any single man's assault, he [Buckingham] took himself to be in no danger. So dark is Destiny. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 77f, Wotton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ao)
saluted her on the by. Red
They who have but saluted her on the by, and now and then tendred their visits, shee [poetry] hath done much for, and advanced in the way of their owne professions […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 80, Jonson
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ap)
memory of things in youth better than age
I my selfe could in my youth have repeated all that ever I had made, and so continued till I was past fortie; since, it is much decay'd in me. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 82, Jonson
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(aq)
lying at Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Lying at Aix, a wellknown town in Germany, and fixing there some time for the benefit of those baths, I found myself in a house which was divided into many families, and indeed so large as it might have been a little parish, or at least a great lim of a great one; A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 83f, Donne
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ar)
seek unto him Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(as)
man of art Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.020(av) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(at)
remember him Red
as that no saint nor angel, nor Christ Jesus himselfe should ever pray him to looke towards me, never remember him that such a soule there is; […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 85, Donne
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(au)
shaked his house Red
that that God, who, when he could not get into me by standing and knocking, by his ordinary meanes of entring, by his Word, his mercies, hath applied his judgements, and hath shaked the house, this body, with agues and palsies […] and so made an entrance into me A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 85, Donne
Note: Not in 1922 or 2021 text; in 1986 (14.314) text.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(av)
fell hard to Red
Ptolemæus, king of Egypt, […] became Strato's scholler, fell hard to his book, and gave himselfe wholly to contemplation […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 88, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(ba)
currish ~
and, howsoever borne with for a time, yet, for their tyranny and oppression, griping, covetousness, currish hardness, folly, intemperance […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 91, Burton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 14(bb)
put case Red
Or put case they escape, and rest unmasked to their lives' end, yet, after their death, memory stinks as a snuffe of a candle put out; and those that durst not so much as mutter against them in their lives, will prosecute their name with satyrs, libels, and bitter imprecations ; they shall mak audire in all succeeding ages, and be odious to the worlds end. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 91f, Burton
Note: See also Sheet 14.015(q)

Oxen of the Sun sector 15

BL Add MS 49475-11r(left) JJA 12:022
(Herring Oxen-4) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(a)
6 / 19 / 40 / 280
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(b)
280 / [678] / 10
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(c)
then came up C Red
Then up came Christian, and said to his brother John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 160 (EL 100)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(d)
ox's goad Red
Then they showed him the ox's goad wherewith Shamgar slew six hundred men John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 100 (EL 63)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(e)
question with him Red
When he came up to Christian, he beheld him with a disdainful countenance, and thus began to question with him: John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 106 (EL 65)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(f)
catch a slip
Yes, said Prudence, so it is; for it is a hard matter for any man to go down into the valley of Humiliation, as thou art now, and to catch no slip by the way; John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 102 (EL 64)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(g)
wherein, O x- Red
CHR. Wherein, O Apollyon, have I been unfaithful to him? John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 108 (EL 67)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(h)
grievous rage Red
Then Apollyon broke out into a grevious rage, John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 109 (EL 68)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(i)
spill thy soul Red
Prepare thyself to die […] here will I spill thy soul John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 111 (EL 68)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(j)
made at him Red
Apollyon as fast made at him, throwing darts as thick as hail John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 111 (EL 69)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(k)
was got to the door Red
I saw then in my dream, that when Christian was got to the borders of the Shadow of Death, there met him two men, John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 116 (EL 71)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(l)
quag Red
Again, behold, there was on the left hand a very dangerous quag into which, if even a good man falls, he can find no bottom for his foot to stand on. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 118 (EL 72)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(m)
gave back
Yet the fiends seemed to come nearer and nearer, but when they were come even almost at him, he cried out […] so they gave back, and came no further. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 120 (EL 74)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(n)
what he had best to do
[…] he stopped, and began to muse what he had best to do. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 120 (EL 73)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(o)
hubbub ~ Red
Well, so they [these pilgrims] did [walk through the fair]; but, behold, even as they entered into the fair, all the people in the fair were moved, and the town itself as it were in a hubbub about them; and that for several reasons: for- First, The pilgrims were clothed with such kind of raiment John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 170 (EL 106)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(p)
for: first: Red
Well, so they [these pilgrims] did [walk through the fair]; but, behold, even as they entered into the fair, all the people in the fair were moved, and the town itself as it were in a hubbub about them; and that for several reasons; for, First, The pilgrims were clothed with such kind of raiment John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 170 (EL 106)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(q)
durst not so much as mutter
Or put case they escape, and rest unmasked to their lives' end, yet, after their death, their memory stinks as a snuffe of a candle put out; and those that durst not so much as mutter against them in their lives, will prosecute their name with satyrs, libels, and bitter imprecations ; they shall mak audire in all succeeding ages, and be odious to the worlds end. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 91f, Burton
Note: See also Sheet 14.014(bb)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(r)
at commons Red
At meales he sits in as great state over his penny-commons, as ever Vitellius did at his greatest banquet […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 93, Overbury
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(s)
to brood (breed) Red
Thus honour […] fairely sits ore him and broods out of his memory many right excellent commonwealths men. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 95, Overbury
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(t)
dyed his desperation ~ Red
He is lord paramount within himselfe, though he hold by never so mean a tenure; and dyes the more contentedly (though he leave his heire young) in regard he leaves him not liable to a covetous guardian. Lastly, to end him; he cares not when his end comes, he needs not feare his audit, for his quietus is in heaven. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 97, Overbury
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(u)
~ in regard he — Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] and dyes the more contentedly (though he leave his heire young) in regard he leaves him not liable to a covetous guardian. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 97, Overbury
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(v)
more is but the same brought again ~
To live long, is it not to bee long troubled? But number thy years, and thou shalt find that whereas ten have over-lived thee, thousands have not attained this age. One yeare is sufficient to behold the magnificence of Nature, nay, even one Day and Night; for more is but the same brought againe. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 101, Drummond
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(aa)
~ stranger & new halcyon
If God had made life happier, hee had also made it longer. Stranger and newe Halcyon, why would thou longer nestle amidst these unconstant and stormie waves? A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 101, Drummond
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ab)
catched; Green
I sent my Brother a second time to call him away, and to tell him I catched cold, neverthelesse that I would stay there till sunset; A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 106, Herbert of Cherbury
Note: Repeated at Sheet 14.073(ap).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ac)
to be at Red
Also because there be some, that taking pleasure in contemplating their own power in the acts of Conquest, which they pursue further than their security requires; if others, that otherwise would be glad to be at ease within modest bounds, should not by invasion increase their power, they would not be able, long time, by standing only on their defence, to subsist. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 112, Hobbes
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ad)
sadcoloured heifer Red
and then having alwaies hooks ready hung with him, and having a bag also alwaies with him, with bear's hair, or the hair of a browne or sad-coloured heifer […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 118, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ae)
to hit
and have the luck to hit also where there is store of trouts […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 118, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(af)
smoking shower Red
and by the clouds, if I mistake not, we shall presently have a smoaking showre, and therefore sit close; this sycamore-tree will shelter us […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 119, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ag)
wind sitting in the west Red
Next to that, the west wind is believed to be the best […] let the wind sit in what corner it will and do its worst. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 119, Walton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ah)
for their abuses done by them Red
some men in the fair, that were more observant, and less prejudiced than the rest, began to check and blame the baser sort for their continual abused done by them to the men; William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 108, Bunyan
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ai)
chew the cud Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.061(d)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(aj)
a very pretty man Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 15(ak)
Chanced to Red
One chanced mockingly, beholding the carriage of the men, to say to them mockingly, What will ye buy? William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 107, Bunyan

Oxen of the Sun sector 16

BL Add MS 49475-11r(left) JJA 12:022
(Herring Oxen-4) lower left column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 16(a)
a matter of 200 yrs ago Red
This happen'd a matter of two hundred and fifty years since; and in that town, they date their bills and bonds, and other instruments in law, to this day, from the year of the going out of their children; besides there is a great pillar of stone at the foot of the said hill, whereon this story is engraven. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 120f, Howell
Oxen of the Sun: sector 16(b)
in pod Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 16(c)
in family way Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 16(d)
passage happened Red
I saw such prodigious things daily done these few years past, that I had resolv'd with myself to give over wondering at anything, yet a passage happen'd this week, that forc'd me to wonder once more, because it is without parallel. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 120, Howell
Oxen of the Sun: sector 16(e)
delights noble Red
The flight of hawkes and chase of wilde beasts, either of them are delights noble: but some think this sport of men the worthier, despight all calumny. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 96, Overbury
Oxen of the Sun: sector 16(f)
sit upon Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
for just in such bemoaning language I had used to talk to him and teach him; and he [Poll] had learned it so perfectly, that he would sit upon my finger, and lay his bill close to my face and cry. Poor Robin Crusoe ! A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 209, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 16(g)
concluded the deaths Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
This put the other party yet into greater rage, insomuch that they concluded the death [killing] of these two men. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 109, Bunyan

Oxen of the Sun sector 17

BL Add MS 49475-11r(left) JJA 12:022
(Herring Oxen-4) lower right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(a)
could not tell what to think
yet, at the sight of the old man at the mouth of the cave, he [Christian] could not tell what to think. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 125 (EL 77)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(b)
he was but a word & a blow Red
FAITH. […] So soon as the man overtook me, he was but a word and a blow, for down he knocked me, and laid me for dead. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 133 (EL 82)
Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):023(d).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(c)
and said he [blank] he
And, said he, as for disturbance, I make none John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 176 (EL 110)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(d)
that is it what I [said] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Talk. That is it that I said; for to talk of such things is most profitable; for by so doing a man may get knowledge of many things; John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 89)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(e)
as he talketh now with you, so will he talk when he is on the ale-bench; and the more drink he hath in his crown, the more of these things he hath in his mouth ; But since I live, let Jesus wear the crown. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 89)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(f)
beat pitifully Red
So they beat them pitifully, and hanged irons upon them, and lead them in chains up and down the fair John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 171 (EL 108)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(g)
this talkative Blue
This, Talkative is not aware of; he thinks that hearing and saying will make a good Christian, and thus he deceiveth his own soul. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), 82 (EL 93)
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(i) for UG 14.714.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 17(h)
Bous Stephenoumenos Red
Note: See also (possibly copied to) UN5 (NLI.5B):006(aq)

Oxen of the Sun sector 18

BL Add MS 49475-11r(left) JJA 12:022
(Herring Oxen-4) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 18(a)
forward to talk
Oxen of the Sun: sector 18(b)
outlandish Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 18(c)
naught else but notion Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 18(d)
will strain hard but Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 18(e)
[of kin]
[…] for though these habituall sins be so of kin as that they grow from one another […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 84, Donne

Oxen of the Sun sector 19

BL Add MS 49475-11r(left) JJA 12:022
(Herring Oxen-4) loose

Oxen of the Sun: sector 19(a)
lock hospital Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 19(b)
[Jesu] Not cancelled
Oxen of the Sun: sector 19(c)
~ hatch Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 19(d)
thus he replied

Oxen of the Sun sector 20

BL Add MS 49475-12r(left) JJA 12:026
(Herring Oxen-8) left column
Months placenta; 8 and 5

Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(a)
levity Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(b)
Story of Darius
Note: See also Sheet 14.004(aa) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(c)
cimex lectularius
Note: See also Sheet 12.005(av) for use in protoCyclops. This is the Latin term for the common bed-bug.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(d)
Big Wind, fire, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(e)
Cupric [female] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(f)
~ nice clean old man Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(g)
buttockbone of Pentecost
Note: Possibly John Heywood, or Chaucer: PARDONER. Well, let that pass and look upon this.
Here is a relic that doth not miss
To help the least as the most:
This is a buttock-bone of Pentecost
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(h)
whose breath is ashes Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(i)
the bull of Clontarf, [spumy] horns Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(j)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(k)
and when there's no-one looking
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(l)
cure of [soils]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(m)
Venus Pandemos. (to the woman who seduced him Red
Note: Venus Pandemos (the Venus of the people) was the goddess of lust and copulation; the more ancient Venus Urania, she of loveliness and beauty.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(n)
blessed Stephen, ever virgin. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(o)
SD drunk black greeted by arabs Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.070(ba).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(p)
O.G. imparts the papal benediction. SD salutes the urchins, himself in them. Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(v).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(q)
SD attacks hellenism, appendicitis of Europe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(r)
Lockjaw, tendon between thumb and finger.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(s)
Mickey O' (sir Michael O'Dwyer) chucking sisters in Mater under the chin Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(t)
Wardmaid (Hester) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(u)
Not a one of me knows Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(v)
Gregory of the golden mouth
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(aa)
Yeats [remains] a dear fellow
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ab)
a power of young men.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ac)
Irish winter ending in July, to recommence in August
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ad)
who made the world. British bible Society Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(ao).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ae)
Rose of Castille Red
Note: Repeated Sheet 15.018(bj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(af)
Hamlet: 2/2/9-
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ag)
What you want for ninepence? Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ah)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ai)
Roger O'Laughlin (O'Nowlan) too stupid
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(aj)
Rom. Church sacrificing mother to child, [earns] baptism & funeral. Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(bb); see Sheet 14.070(bc) for UG 14.257f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ak)
Omnipotentia supplex B.V.M. (S. Bernard) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(al)
LB: bicycle tour
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(am)
Never know who's yr son. Instance 20 yrs ago. Wise father knows his own child. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(an)
Yeats [history] designing females Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(w)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ao)
Man as old as his arteries Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.015(t).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ap)
G.P.O.: Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes 1904 Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.009(v) for UG 15.2590. The Russian, Élie Metchnikoff (1845-1916) was a biologist who studied ageing. See also Sheet 14.087(x).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(aq)
1/3 of children born blind Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ar)
Lenehan [8] for a … 2 Mrs. [Moby] [3]: Anno Domini made the [Tutu] (Camden Street)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(as)
O.G. go forth & preach the gospel. Lenehan: say [no] [more] Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(y).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(at)
would be his next Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.004(t) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(au)
Bonsoir la compagnie Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(av)
Man of Art (M.D.) Red
Note: See Sheet 14.014(as) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ba)
[??] one is my ear
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bb)
Birds of a feather laugh together Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bc)
Gent: patriot scholar: judge of malt Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(ap).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bd)
joke: always make [remd.] to self no [laughs] 1st self to make up for [??][??] : [??][??]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(be)
who live by the pen shall [??] Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(aq).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bf)
[all born] same: [die] different (laughs) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bg)
Hurrah there! Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bh)
Agendath Netaim Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.037(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bi)
Fucker obliges God to create
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bj)
Pregnant woman not to step over shaft ∵ umbilical cord might strangle Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bk)
[Voglie]. touch her backside. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bl)
Roast apple in mouth of babe so that not smell
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bm)
churching of women Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cg).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bn)
chicken [volte] puerpere [wind]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bo)
not praise her own milk
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bp)
not leave clothing under moon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bq)
Cut nails after 1 year else thief with teeth Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(br)
Give bit of all at table
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bs)
[Good] after baptism Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bt)
bosom friends become backbites.
Miss. Fie, Mr. Neverout, ar'n't you ashamed! I neg pardon for the expression, but I'm afraid your bosom friends are become your backbiters. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 279
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bu)
nice by name & — by nature Red
Lady S. Perfectly well, my Lord; she's nice by name and nice by nature. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 284
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(bv)
what did thought do? Blue
Spark. Pray, Madam, what did thought do? Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 287
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(ar).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 20(ca)
if you fall don't wait to — — Red
Lady S. Harkee, you fellow; run to my Lady Match, and desire she will remember to be here at six to play at quadrille; d'ye hear, if you fall by the way, don't stay to get up again. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 290

Oxen of the Sun sector 21

BL Add MS 49475-12r(left) JJA 12:026
(Herring Oxen-8) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(a)
Victory due to Lane, 4 winners yesterday & 4 today. Red
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):004(d); transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(o).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(b)
Won in a canter Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):004(g); copied to Sheet 14.085(p); see also UN2 (VI.D.7):010(f) for UG 11.374, and UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bg) for UG 14.1139.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(c)
Towards end in close order Red
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):005(l); transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(q). See also Sheet 12.003(u).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(d)
Run home. Red
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):005(m). See also Sheet 14.085(r).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(e)
~ 1 length. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):010(l). Copied to Sheet 14.085(s).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(f)
Jap. ship sunk by Russian war correspondents Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(g)
Question of magnet & high tension
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):009(a).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(h)
Baron de Caters Germany
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):009(j)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(i)
to forestall Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(j)
fraction of bread Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(k)
bold bad girl (Mullingar) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(l)
infanticide, Red
Note: Also copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(bn) for UG 14.1261. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):004(al) for UG 6.346, and Sheet 14.060(ac).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(m)
Mrs Thornton Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cf).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(n)
[??] [??]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(o)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(p)
LB. other son? (6th week) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(q)
soul born: conception Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 21(r)
rice dries milk Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 22

BL Add MS 49475-12r(left) JJA 12:026
(Herring Oxen-8) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(a)
such a pinch of time Red
Sir Christopher Mings was a very stout man, and a man of great parts, and most excellent tongue among ordinary men; and, as Sir W. Coventry says, could have been the most useful man at such a pinch of time as this. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 197, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(b)
[barred clouds]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(c)
bloom [surprising] day.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(d)
signs of rain
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(e)
prophecy of Malachi Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(f)
no man remembered to be without ~ Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(g)
in ken ~ Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ao) for UG 14.523.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(h)
birthmark Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(i)
flawed skin of face
the rest of the way having ben as they told us cover'd with snow since the Creation; no man remember'd it to be without […] we passed by several tall masts set up to guide travellers, so as for many miles they stand in ken of one another like to our beacons […] for as it snows often, so it perpetually freezes, of which I was so sensible that it flaw'd the very skin of my face […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 158, Evelyn
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(j)
climacteric Red
they are yet children, though they have grey hairs, and are still boys, though past their great climacterical [maturity of powers]. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 207, Glanvill
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(x).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(k)
miscarriage Red
[…] though after a great many essays and miscarriages, made me both butter and cheese at last, and never wanted it afterwards. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 211, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(l)
abortion Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):019(bq) for UG 14.1261..
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(m)
'twas answered
And whereas (4) 'tis objected, That a Knight that offered to go down could not be permitted. 'Tis answered me That the gentleman might have gone down […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 203, Glanvill
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(n)
he was sending ~
Beginning now to descend a little, Capt. Wray's horse (that was our sumpter and carried all our baggage) plunging thro' a bank of loose snow slid down a frightful precipice, which so incens'd the choleric cavalier his master that he was sending a brace a bullets into the poore beast […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 158, Evelyn
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(o)
a brace of bullets Red
Beginning now to descend a little, Capt. Wray's horse (that was our sumpter and carried all our baggage) plunging thro' a bank of loose snow slid down a frightful precipice, which so incens'd the choleric cavalier his master that he was sending a brace a bullets into the poore beast […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 158, Evelyn
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(aq) for UG 14.487. ‘bullets’ not crossed through.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(p)
Beginning now to descend a little, Capt. Wray's horse (that was our sumpter and carried all our baggage) plunging thro' a bank of loose snow slid down a frightful precipice, which so incens'd the choleric cavalier his master that he was sending a brace a bullets into the poore beast […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 158, Evelyn
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(q)
~ pillion
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(r)
Mr. Hater & I did put
Mr. Hater and I did remove my money and iron chests into the cellar […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 201, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(s)
to null the pretence ~
I say, to null this pretence, Mr. Mompesson and others assured me that the noise was oft in the midst of the room, and oft over head […] Thus, Sir, to the objections of others, which you have gathered, and to your own queries I make this return. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 204, Glanvill
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(t)
make this return Red
I say, to null this pretence, Mr. Mompesson and others assured me that the noise was oft in the midst of the room, and oft over head […] Thus, Sir, to the objections of others, which you have gathered, and to your own queries I make this return. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 204, Glanvill
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(u)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(v)
project: Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(aa)
~ & what & which
I always kept a large table-book in my pocket; and as soon as I left the company I immediately entered the choicest expressions that passed during the visit: which, returning home, I transcribed in a fair hand, but somewhat enlarged: and had made the greatest part of my collection in twelve years, but not digested into any method, for this I found was a work of infinite labour, and what required the nicest judgment, and consequently could not be brought to any degree of perfection in less than sixteen years more. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 236
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ab)
Horace, a Roman poet Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Herein I resolved to exceed the advice of Horace, a Roman poet, which I have read in Mr. Creech's admirable translation, that an author should keep his works nine years in his closet before he ventured to publish them: Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 236
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ac)
congratulate with Red
In the meantime, I cannot but with some pride and much pleasure congratulate with my dear Country, which has outdone all the nations of Europe, in advancing the whole art of conversation to the greatest height it is capable of reaching; Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 237
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.039(bb)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ad)
with movements Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
and in ladies, the whole exercise of the fan, fitted to the energy of every word they deliver; by no means omitting the various turns and cadence of the voice, the twistings, and movements, and different posturers of the body, the several kinds and gradations of laughter, which the ladies must daily practise by the looking-glass, and consult upon them with their waiting-maids. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 239
Note: Cf. UG 14.1269 tidal movements
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ae)
misses of quality
I remember, about thirty years ago, there was a Bohemian woman, of that species commonly known by the name of gypsies, who came over hither from France, and generally attended Isaac the dancing-master when he was teaching his art to misses of quality; Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 239
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(af)
bamboozle Red
Nor did the late D. of R— and E. of E— succeed much better, although they proceeded no further than single words; whereof, except bite, bamboozle, and one or two more, the whole vocabulary is antiquated. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 241
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(z).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ag)
incog. Red
together with some abbreviations exquisitely refined; as pozz for positive; mob for mobile; phizz for physiognomy; rep for reputation; plenipo for plenipotentiary; incog for incognito; hypps, or hippo, for hypochondriacs; bam for bamboozle; and bamboozle for God know's what; whereby much time is saved, and the high road to conversation cut short by many a mile. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 249
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(aa)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ah)
~ brangling disputes Red
When this happy art of polite conversing shall be thoroughly improved, good company will be no longer pestered with dull, dry, tedious story-tellers, no brangling disputers; for a right scholar of either sex in our science, will perpetually interrupt them with some sudden surprising piece of wit, that shall engage all the company in a loud laugh; Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 252
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ai)
was at home but is not gone out yet
Porter. She was at home just now, but she's not gone out yet. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 260
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(aj)
as cheap sitting as standing Red
Lady A. Well, but sit while you stay, 'tis as cheap sitting as standing. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 262
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ak)
was yr father a glazier Blue
Spark. I'm sure he sits in mine. Pr'ythee, Tom, sit a little further; I believe your father was no glazier. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 263
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(ba).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(al)
have it now or wait till etc Blue
Miss. Will you have it now, or stay till you get it? Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 263
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(au).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(am)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(an)
Mumchance hanged for saying nothing Blue
Never. Why, miss, you are in a brown study: what's the matter? Methinks you look like Mumchance, that was hanged for saying nothing. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 267
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(av).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ao)
tomorrow's a new day Red
Miss. Well, well; to-morrow's a new day; but, I suppose, you mean to-morrow come never. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 272
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(ap)
comes from a hot place Blue
Spark. This tea's very hot. / Lady A. Why, it came from a hot place, my lord. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 275
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(at).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 22(aq)
tell me news Blue
Miss. Poh! I know that already; tell me news. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Polite Conversations, p. 281
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(as).

Oxen of the Sun sector 23

BL Add MS 49475-11v(left) JJA 12:024
(Herring Oxen-2) left column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(a)
As for death, said king Arthur, welcome be it when it cometh; but to yield me unto thee as recreant I had lever die than to be so shamed. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 46
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(b)
more harder
Right so heard he a voice that said, Sir Launcelot, more harder than is the stone, and more bitter than is the wood, and more naked and barer than is the leaf of the fig-tree, therefore go thou from hence, and withdraw thee from this holy place. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 363
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(c)
Sir G heard in the leaves cry on high Red
With that Sir Galahad heard in the leaves cry on high. Knight, keep thee from me! Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 358
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(d)
As = when
And so as Sir Tristram rode into that forest up and down, he heard one sing marvellously loud; and that was Sir Palamides, that lay by the well. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 323
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(e)
he nighed it so nigh
And in the city of Sarras he converted a king whose name was Evelake. And so this king came with Joseph into this land: and always he was busy to be there as the Sancgreal was, and on a time he nighed it so nigh that our Lord was displeased with him, but ever he followed it more and more, till God struck him almost blind. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 367
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(f)
he did do make Red
As Sir Mordred was ruler of all England, he did do make letters as though that they came from beyond the sea, and the letters specified that king Arthur was slain in battle with Sir Launcelot. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 474
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(g)
he is gone
Sir, said Gawaine, and I had leisure I would speak with you, but my fellow here, Sir Ector, is gone, and abideth me yonder beneath the hill. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 381
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(h)
repent him,
Truly, said the queen, ye say truth, but heartily I thank you, said the queen, but ye must come in with me peaceably, for all thing is put in my hand, and all that is evil shall be for the best, for the knight full sore repenteth him of the misadventure that is befallen him. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 441
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(i)
~ marvelled them Red
Then all the knights of the Table Round marvelled them greatly of Sir Galahad, that he durst sit there in that siege perilous, and was so tender of age, and wist not from whence he came, but all only by God, and said, This is he by whom the Sancgreal shall be achieved, for there sat never none but he, but he were mischieved. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 351
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(j)
me list, me liketh
Then said the knight unto Arthur, Thou art in my danger whether me list to save thee or slay thee, and but thou yield thee as overcome and recreant thou shalt die. […] Whether liketh you better, said Merlin, the sword or the scabbard? Me liketh better the sword, said Arthur. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 46, 48
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(k)
all to-shivered
Anon he took his horse, and dressed his shield, and took a spear, and they met so hard either in other's shields that they all to-shivered their spears. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 46
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(l)
he childed or I fathered
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(m)
this shield behoveth to him Red
“Now since thou has conjured me so,” said the knight, “this shield behoveth unto no man but unto Sir Galahad.” Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 355
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(n)
as much as he might suffice Red
Sir Launcelot would not abide him in the field, for he was full loth to do battle against the king; but Sir Launcelot drew him to his strong castle with all manner of victual, and as many noble men as he might suffice within the town and the castle. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 461
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(o)
a spear wherewith he was smitten him Red
So therewith entered a spear, wherewith he was smitten him through both the thighs, and never sith might he be healed, nor nought shall tofore we come to him. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 395
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(p)
(attacks) I have endured you
Then Sir Launcelot felt him so come down; then he stretched him up, and stood near Sir Gawaine, and said thus. My lord Sir Gawaine, now I feel ye have done, now my lord Sir Gawaine I must do my part, for many great and grievous strokes I have endured you this day with great pain. Then Sir Launcelot doubled his strokes, and gave Sir Gawaine such a buffet on the helmet, that he fell down on his side, and Sir Launcelot withdrew him from him. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 472
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(q)
it shall so heavy me Red
That wot I well, said the king, but it shall so heavy me at their departing, that I wot well there shall no manner of joy remedy me. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 354
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(r)
she feebled so
So when she had thus endured a ten days, that she feebled so that she must needs pass out of this world, then she shrived her clean, and received her Creator. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 430
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(s)
there should be no man nixt thee
And so the covenant was made, there should no man nigh them, nor deal with them, till the one were dead or yielden. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 472
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(t)
by no mean,
Also, by no mean to be cruel, but to give mercy unto him that asketh mercy, upon pain of forfeiture of their worship and lordship of king Arthur for evermore. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 74
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(u)
~ a 2 mile Red
And so at the last Sir Launcelot cast up his eyes, and said, O Lavaine, help me that I were on my horse, for here is fast by within this two mile a gentle hermit, that sometime was a full noble knight […] and his name is Sir Baudewin of Brittany, and he is a full noble surgeon, and a good leech. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 423
Note: See Sheet 14.028(a)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(v)
~ all thing
And as soon as he was within the ship, there he felt the most sweetness that ever he felt; and he was fulfilled with all thing that he thought on or desired. Then Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 402
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(aa)
horse shoulder,
So by adventure he came by Sir Gawaine, and he smote him so hard that he clave his helm, and the coif of iron unto his head, so that Gawaine fell to the earth: but the stroke was so great, that it slanted down to the earth, and carved the horse shoulder in two. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 391
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ab)
heart root
Also, brother Sir Agravaine, said Sir Gawaine, ye must remember how ofttimes Sir Launcelot hath rescued the king and the queen, and the best of us all had been full cold at the heart-root, had not Sir Launcelot been better than we; and that hath he proved himself full oft. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 451
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ac)
thou were, I [etc] be
Ah, Launcelot, he said, thou were head of all christian knights; […] and thou were the truest lover of a sinful man that ever loved woman ; Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 486
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ad)
here is I and my brother (was)
My lord, said Agravaine, I shall tell you that I may keep no longer. Here is I and my brother. Sir Mordred, brake unto my brother Sir Gawaine, Sir Gaheris, and to Sir Gareth, how this we know all, that Sir Launcelot holdeth your queen, and hath done long, and we be your sister's sons, and we may suffer it no longer. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 452
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ae)
many causes causen me
And wit ye well, Sir Gawaine, as for Sir Gareth, I love none of my kinsmen so much as I did him, and ever while I live, said Sir Launcelot, I will bewail Sir Gareth's death, not all only for the great fear that I have of you, but many causes causen me to be sorrowful. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 466
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(af)
he alight(ed) he wend(ed)
And then Sir Launcelot alight, and dressed his shield on his shoulder with his sword in his hand, and Sir Meliagrance in the same wise dressed him unto him, and there they smote many great strokes together, […] And when he wend to have smitten him upon the bare head, then lightly he avoided the left leg and the left side, and put his right hand and his sword to that stroke,[…] and then with great force Sir Launcelot smote him on the helmet such a buffet that the stroke carved the head in two parts. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 446
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ag)
strong verbs p. part in en
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ah)
drad, Not cancelled
And so she departed into the country of Gore, and there was she richly received, and made her castles and towns passing strong, for always she drad much king Arthur. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 86
Note: See UG 14.82 (not in other editions) and Ros-4.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ai)
~ brake, Red
And by misfortune Sir Bors smote Sir Launcelot through the shield into the side, and the spear brake, and the head left still in his side. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 422
Note: repeated on Sheet 14.060(ao).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(aj)
~ brast,
I charge you, said Sir Launcelot, as ye love me draw it out. And therewithal he descended from his horse, and right so did Sir Lavaine, and forthwith Sir Lavaine drew the truncheon out of his side. And he gave a great shriek, and a marvellous grisly groan, and his blood brast out nigh a pint at once, that at last he sank down, and so swooned pale and deadly. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 423
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ak)
~ halp, Red
And then with great pain Sir Lavaine halp him upon his horse; and then they rode a great gallop together, and ever Sir Launcelot bled that it ran down to the earth. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 423
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.004(dg).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(al)
~ stack, strake
and in the midst thereof was like an anvil of steel a foot on high, and therein stack a fair sword naked by the point, and letters there were written in gold about the sword that said thus: Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of all England. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 28
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(am)
for then I (should have) rewarded
Then, fair knight, said she, will ye be my love? Jesu defend me, said Sir Launcelot, for then I rewarded to your father and your brother full evil for their great goodness. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 430
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(an)
to have shame.
Truly, said the good man, there be an hundred such as ye be, that never shall prevail but to have shame. And when they had heard these voices, they commanded him unto God. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 381
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ao)
like as = sicut
And so Sir Bors told Sir Launcelot of all the justs, like as ye have heard, Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 429
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ap)
not for that
Then had he of them great pity: not for that he was un-counselled within himself, that lever he had they all had lost their souls than he is: and with that they fell adown all at once unto the earth. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 387
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(aq)
say evil by him
No more will I, said Sir Gareth and Sir Gaheris, for we will never say evil by that man: for because, said Sir Gareth, Sir Launcelot made me knight, by no manner ought I to say ill of him. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 452
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ar)
for because Red
No more will I, said Sir Gareth and Sir Gaheris, for we will never say evil by that man: for because, said Sir Gareth, Sir Launcelot made me knight, by no manner ought I to say ill of him. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 452
Note: Not in final (1922) text, nor in 2021 text; in 1986 (14.314)14.117. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(n).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(as)
all long upon Red
So in this season, as in the month of May, it befell a great anger and unhap that stinted not till the flower of chivalry of all the world was destroyed and slain and all was long upon two unhappy knights, the which were named Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred that were brethren unto Sir Gawaine. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 451
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(at)
when he drank & he |a([??])a| both
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(au)
At the vigil of Pentecost, when all the fellowship of the Round Table were comen unto Camelot, and there heard their service, and the tables were set ready to the meat, right so entered into the hall a full fair gentlewoman on horseback, that had ridden full fast, for her horse was all besweat. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 348
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(av)
every of 2
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(aw)
Very God,
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ba)
much man
And so anon, there came striding a good knight, a much man and large, and his name was Colgrevance of Gore, and he with a sword strake at Sir Launcelot mightily, and he put aside the stroke, and gave him such a buffet upon the helmet that he fell groveling dead within the chamber door. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 454
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bb)
best knight of the world one Red
This is the cause, said Merlin: there shall never man handle this sword but the best knight of the world, and that shall be Sir Launcelot, or else Galahad his son, and Launcelot with this sword shall slay the man that in the world he loved best, that shall be Sir Gawaine. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 63
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bc)
our alter liege lord (of us all) Red
O lords, this noble knight that I have fought withal, the which me sore repenteth, is the most man of prowess, of manhood, and of worship in the world, for it is himself king Arthur, our alther liege lord, and with mishap and with misadventure have I done this battle with the king and lord that I am holden withal. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 83f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bd)
in my danger Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Then said the knight unto Arthur, Thou art in my danger whether me list to save thee or slay thee, and but thou yield thee as overcome and recreant thou shalt die. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 46
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(be)
[thou] lapses into yes Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bf)
doors shut by themself
So when they were served, and all sieges fulfilled, save only the siege perilous, anon there befell a marvellous adventure, that all the doors and the windows of the place shut by themself. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 350
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bg)
that 1.) which 2.) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bh)
~ after that
And after that, king Arthur said and commanded his cousin Howell that he should ordain for a church to be builded on the same hill, in the worship of Saint Michael. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 103
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bi)
I marvel what man (that) he is Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Mercy, said Sir Gawaine to Arthur, I marvel what knight that he is with the red sleeve. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 422
Note: But see Sheet 14.006(ao) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bj)
who that
Also who that assayeth to take that sword, and faileth of it, he shall receive a wound by that sword, that he shall not be whole long after. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 350
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bk)
either gave other
Then Sir Uwaine avoided his horse suddenly, and put his shield afore him and drew his sword, and so they dressed together, and either gave other such strokes, and there these two brethren wounded Sir Uwaine passing grievously, that the lady of the Rock wend he should have died. And thus they fought together five hours as men enraged out of reason. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 97
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bl)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bm)
ne … no[t]
and there was neither king, duke ne earl, baron ne knight, lady norr gentlewoman, but all they wept as people out of their mind, except Sir Gawaine; Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 468
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bn)
board at foot of bed
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bo)
gramercy Blue
And therefore, Sir Launcelot, said they, we will take the woe with the weal. Gramercy, said Sir Launcelot, of your good comfort, for in my great distress, my fair nephew, ye comfort me greatly, and much I am beholden unto you. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 455
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(c) for UG 14.225.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bp)
~ all when
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bq)
refund it
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(br)
~ bled
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bs)
he nist not Red
When Bors heard her say thus, he had so much sorrow there he nist not what to do. For if I let my brother be in adventure he must be slain, and that would I not for all the earth. And if I help not the maid, she is shamed for ever, and also she shall lose her honour, the which she shall never get again. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 384
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bt)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bu)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(bv)
Prorsa, Postverta, Nixii,
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ca)
~ Partula, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cb)
~ Genita Mana
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cc)
milk fever 3rd day
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cd)
Fallopian tube (hall) Not cancelled
Note: General concept.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ce)
egg: bird 1st stage
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cf)
Womb, 1st dense then spongy, ovum sticks Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cg)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ch)
~ dear sir, Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ci)
~ wotted, Red
So Christian turned but of his way to go to Mr. Legality's house for help; but, behold, when he was got now hard by the hill, it seemed so high, and also that side of it that was next the way-side did hang so much over, that Christian was afraid to venture further, lest the hill should fall on his head; wherefore there he stood still, and wotted not what to do. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 21)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cj)
Carnal physic for a sick soul. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 8)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ck)
~ tipple, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cl)
~ innocent as babe unborn Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(j).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cm)
lions, sword: Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
thou art like to meet with, on the way which they goest, wearisomeness, painfulness, perils, nakedness, sword, lions, dragons, darkness, and, in a word, death, and what not. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 32 (EL 19)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cn)
simpering Red
and as for his son Civility, notwithstanding his simpering looks, he is but a hypocrite, and cannot help thee. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 42 (EL 25)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(co)
these words were said
The words were thus pronounced; “As many as are of the works […] John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 42 (EL 26)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cp)
sorry me,
“May I enter here? Will he within / Open to sorry me, though I have been / An undeserving rebel. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 45 (EL 27)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cq)
[doubling], in fate
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cr)
lavish of his money
Then I saw that one came to Passion and brought him a bag of treasure, and poured it down at his feet: the which he took up and rejoiced therein, and withal laughed Patience to scorn. But I beheld but a while, and he had lavished all away, and had nothing left him but rags. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 34)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cs)
thither: Red
Then said Christian, May we go in thither? John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 37)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(ct)
~ against the place Red
when he had come over against the mouth of the pit John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 121 (EL 74)
Note: See also Sheet 14.004(bt).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cu)
if peradventure Red
Christian, then, seeing them lie in this case, went to them, if peradventure he might awaken them; John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 72 (EL 43)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(cv)
[Law] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(da)
venturous. Red
Chr. No; he took me and had me where he showed me a stately palace, and how the people were clad in gold that were in it; and how there came a venturous man, and cut his way through the armed men that stood in the door to keep him out; and how he was bid to come in and win eternal glory: John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 55)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(db)
thought good
Then Prudence thought good to ask him a few questions, and desired his answer to them. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 91 (EL 56)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(dc)
received of me
I do not know but that, after all, I might have gone back again; but now I thank God, I here; and I thank you for receiving of me. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 56)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(dd)
his original the dunghill
he had made many princes, though by nature they were beggars born, and their original had been the dunghill. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 97 (EL 61)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(de)
open towards the sunrising
the pilgrim they laid in a large upper chamber, whose window opened towards the sunrising: the name of the chamber was Peace. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 97 (EL 61)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(df)
any, even any
how willing their Lord was to receive into his favour any, even any, though they in time past had offered great affronts to his person and proceedings. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 99 (EL 62)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 23(dg)
that then you — withal Red
PRU. Did you not yet bear away with you some of the things that then you were conversant withal John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 92 (EL 57)

Oxen of the Sun sector 24

BL Add MS 49475-11v(left) JJA 12:024
(Herring Oxen-2) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(a)
throes Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(b)
tend guest
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(c)
unspelling guest
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(d)
rehearsed Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(e)
hold opinion Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(f)
fetus 1st independent
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(g)
Item Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(h)
childbearing healthy Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 18.001(e).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(i)
cheesecoat m. on
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(j)
Voluntary movement, 5th m Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(k)
meconic, white — bilegreen
Note: Meconium: the first matter defecated by the new-born: a dark-green, mainly bile mucus and disquamated epithelial cells.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(l)
milk = white blood
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(m)
not look at maimed Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(n)
influence in womb Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(o)
false appetites Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(p)
twilight sleep Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(q)
to witwanton ~ Red
[…] more dangerous is it to wit-wanton it with [jest at] the majesty of God. Wherefore, if without thine invention, and against thy will, by chance medley thou hittest Scripture in ordinary discourse, yet fly to the city of refuge and pray to God to forgive thee. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 80, Fuller
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(r)
by chance medley
[…] more dangerous is it to wit-wanton it with [jest at] the majesty of God. Wherefore, if without thine invention, and against thy will, by chance medley thou hittest Scripture in ordinary discourse, yet fly to the city of refuge and pray to God to forgive thee. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 80, Fuller
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(s)
like mummy (dead flesh)
4. Let not thy jest, like mummy, be made of dead men's flesh. Abuse not any that are departed […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 81, Fuller
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(t)
most brightest Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.004(at) and Sheet 14.074(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(u)
insult over him Red
That he [Marquis of Montrose] might not enjoy any ease or quiet during the short remainder of his life, their ministers came presently to insult over him with all the reproaches imaginable […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 83, Hyde
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.088(e).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(v)
upon a question
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(aa)
He [Montrose] magnified [said much of] the virtue, courage, and religion of the last king […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 84, Hyde
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ab)
it is a pity but such
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ac)
prate Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ad)
Note: In some editions can be found: The early part of Mr. Bunyan's life was also attended with some hair breadth escapes from dangerous accidents. At one time he fell into the river Ouse; at another into a creek of the sea; in a third instance he escaped the bite of an adder, and (after wounding it) drew out its sting with his fingers;
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ae)
~ jump with Red
I had aways the luck to jump in my judgement with the present way of the times. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 192 (EL 118)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(af)
chafe Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ag)
then Christian and Hopewent outwent them again, John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 203 (EL 125)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ah)
he saw also that in the door way stood many men in armour to keep it, being resolved to do to the men that would enter what hurt and mischief they could. Now was Christian somewhat in a maze: John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 37)
Note: In some editions, including EL, ‘a maze’ is ‘amaze’.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ai)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(aj)
J.B.'s salvation
Note: John Bunyan.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ak)
no other notion than
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(al)
J.B.'s wish to be Judas
Note: John Bunyan.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(am)
— phthisis
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(an)
Q & A Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
This answer, thus made by Mr. Money-love to Mr. By-ends' question, was highly applauded. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 123)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ao)
have endeavored to have [shewn] Red
Char. But you should have talked to them, and have endeavoured to have shewn them the danger of being left behind. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 58)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ap)
congee Red
Then I saw in my dream, that Christian and Hopeful forsook him, and kept their distance before him: but one of them looking back, saw three men following Mr. By-ends, and, behold, as they came up with him, he made them a very low congee; and they also gave him a compliment. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 119)
Note: In EL congé. Congee, a ceremonious bow. Copied to Sheet 14.087(h).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(aq)
for why
For my part, I see no reason but that this may lawfully be done. For Why? [Here follows enumerated reasons] John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 199 (EL 123)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ar)
beck Red
they at the first beck went over to Demas John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 208 (EL 128)
Note: See also Sheet 14.039(at).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(as)
excern Red
The covetous man of the first kind is like a greedy ostrich, which devours any metal, but it is with an intent to feed upon it, and it effect it makes a shift to disgest and excern it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 94, Cowley
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(g).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(at)
So it is with God and us in the intercourse of our prayers […] we beg for a removal of a present sadness, and He gives us that which makes us able to bear twenty sadnesses, a cheerful spirit, a peaceful conscience, and a joy in God, as an antepast [foretaste] of eternal rejoicings in the Kingdom of God. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 90, Taylor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(au)
ravish(er) Red
Methought those things did ravish my heart John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 90 (EL 55)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(av)
sorites) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.037(cl) and Sheet 14.042(k). See Goldsmith p.598, for: The disputes among the learned here are now earned on in a much more compendious manner than formerly. There was a time when folio was brought to oppose folio, and a champion was often listed for life under the banners of a single sorites.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(ba)
but to return Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
But let us return to our matter John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), (EL 179)
Note: See also Sheet 14.039(au).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bb)
had some guess of Red
Then I deem I have half a guess of you: your name is Old Honesty, is it not? John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 452 (EL 297)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bc)
beshrew Red
World. I beshrew him for his counsel. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 31 (EL 18)
Note: See also Sheet 14.042(j).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bd)
~ granados Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(be)
in order to their condemnation
they brought them forth to their trial in order to their condemnation John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 176 (EL 109)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bf)
Mr W W .. .. Mr W
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bg)
of Paul's Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bh)
plasmic memory Red
Tal fatto ci scuopre in parte il mistero della generazione, dimonstrandoci che vi e continuita di plasma vivente dai genitori al figlio, e che grande importanza deve avere la sostanza dei nuclei dei due elementi sessuali nella trasmissione di tutti quei caratteri che vengono dette ereditari.
[This fact partly explains the mystery of generation, proving to us that there is a continuation of living plasma from parents to the child, and that great importance must be given to the substance of the nuclei of both sexual elements in the transmission of all those characters that are called hereditary.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 29
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bi)
abundantly to fly
Now, when he had begun to sweep, the dust began so abundantly to fly about, that Christian had almost therewith been choked. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 54 (EL 33)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bj)
(but secretly) Red
cast (but secretly) into the fire John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 59 (EL 36)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bk)
lead him into Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
led him into a very large parlour John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 54 (EL 37)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 24(bl)
all prayer Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
where they showed him all manner of furniture, which their Lord had provided the pilgrims, as sword, shield, helmet, breast-plate, all-prayer, and shoes that would not wear out. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1875), p 99 (EL 19)

Oxen of the Sun sector 25

BL Add MS 49475-11v(left) JJA 12:024
(Herring Oxen-2) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(a)
headborough Red
I hope you are not concerned with him; if you are, I would advise you to shift for yourself, for the constable and the headborough are after him to-day, and if he can lay anything to you, he will do it, you may be sure; he will certainly hang you to save himself. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 324f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(b)
was or no
at least people might have thought I was among them, whether I was or no, and it would have rendered me suspected, though I was innocent. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 325
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(c)
 (im)peached me
Ay, says Will, I am undone for all that; for the officers are after me; and I am a dead dog if I am taken, for George is in custody, and he has peached me, and all the others, to save his life. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 325
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(d)
slept little or none
I went to sleep at first, but, notwithstanding I was so weary, I slept little or none for several hours; Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 327
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(e)
watchman Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
I was frighed to the last degree, and started up in my bed; but when I was awaked, I heard no noise at all, but of two watchmen thumping at the doors with their staves, Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 327
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(f)
(a)cross Red
I was surprised the very next morning, when, going cross Rosemary-lane, by the end of the place which is called Bag-fair, I heard one call Jack; he had said something before, which I did not hear, hut upon hearing the name Jack, I looked about me, immediately saw three men, and after them a constable coming towards me with great fury. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 330
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(g)
Mr Constable
It is but reason, said his worship. Mr. Constable, turning to the officers, are you sure this is the person that is intended in your warrant? Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 331
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(h)
at once or twice showing
They call you colonel, says he, and I believe you will be a colonel, or you must be some colonel's bastard, or you would never handle your arms as you do, at once or twice showing. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 355
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(i)
to buy a colour Red
In the next place, I remembered that I had almost 100l. in money in London, and if it should have been asked all the soldiers in the regiment, which of them would go to Flanders, a private centinel, if they had 100l. in their pockets, I believe none of them would answer in the affirmative; a 100l. being at that time sufficient to buy colours in any new regiment, though not in that regiment, which was on an old establishment. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 356
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(j)
refreshed Red
We refreshed here a little, but marched on with but little stay; Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 358
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(k)
Said I,
I like that the best of all the measures you have laid yet, said I; and so I consented to go, and went off with him immediately. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 357
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(l)
moonshiny Red
This minute, says he; no time to be lost; 'tis a fine moon-shining night. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 357
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(e).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(m)
same … with
It was not long before we made them understand that we were in the same circumstances with themselves, and so we soon became one company; Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 358
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(n)
a sneaker of punch
Yes, sir, says we again, we are ready to go this minute. No, no, says he, very kindly, we'll drink together; come, landlady, says he, make these honest gentlemen a sneaker of punch. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 360
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(o)
pushed it about apace Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
We drank on, and drank the punch out, and more was brought up, and he pushed it about a pace; and then came up a leg of mutton, and I need not say that we eat heartily, being told several times that we should pay nothing. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 360
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(p)
Cap. Jack was the same man
[…] there was no land any way, for many hundred leagues, so we had no remedy but patience, and to be easy as we could; only my surly Captain Jack continued the same man all the way. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 366
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(q)
is he in being
Mast. And is this gentleman in being that gave you the bill? Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 373
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(r)
(en)listed Red
Jack. No, indeed, sir, if I can but get my bread honestly here, I have no mind to go to England; for I know not how to get my bread there; if I had, I had not 'listed for a soldier. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 374
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(s)
better than ordinary
Here, says he, go in there a slave, and come out a gentleman; and with that carried everything into the room, and, shutting the door, bid me put them on, which I did most willingly; and now you may believe, that I began to hope for something better than ordinary. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 376
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(t)
upon a foot of
In a word, every Newgate wretch, every desperate forlorn creature, the most despicable ruined man in the world, has here a fair opportunity put into his hands to begin the world again, and that upon a foot of certain gain, and in a method exactly honest; Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 400
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(u)
pockets (naked) Red
Those were Scotchmen, and very poor, having not one penny in their pockets; and had no more when they made their escape but 8s. between them; Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 358
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(av) for UG 14.564.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(v)
cordial waters Red
we were two days more before we reached the shore, having all that while excessive hot weather, aud not a drop of water, or any other liquor, except some cordial waters, which one of our company had a little of left in a case of bottles. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 84
Note: See also Sheet 14.039(ar).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(aa)
husbandman Red
and in this method, I may add, no diligent man ever miscarried, if he had health to work, and was a good husband; for he every year increases a little, and every year adding more land, and planting more tobacco, which is real money, he must gradually increase in substance, till at length he gets enough to buy negroes and other servants, and then never works himself any more. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 399f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ab)
but of this hereafter Red
In short, I made him to me what my benefactor made me to him, and from him I gained a fund of knowledge, infinitely more infinitely more valuable than the rate of a slave, which was what I had paid for it, but of this hereafter. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 404
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.039(as)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ac)
(convulsion) was very uneasy to me
But the other shocked my very nature, chilled my blood, and turned the very soul within me; the thought of it was like reflections upon hell and the damned spirits; it struck me with horror, it was odious and frightful to look back on, and it gave me a kind of a fit, a convulsion or nervous disorder, that was very uneasy to me. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 402
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ae)
cow with the crumbly horn
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(af)
Deine Kuh trubsal etc Red
Note: A quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra, Erster Teil, Die Reden Zarathustras, V. “Von den Freuden und Leidenschaften”: [First Part, Zarathustra's Discourses, V. Of Joys and Passions.] Aus deinen Giften brautest du dir deinen Balsam; deine Kuh Trübsal melktest du -- nun trinkst du die sü{w}G{/w}e Milch ihres Euters. [Out of your poisons you brewed your balsam; affliction, your cow, milks thou: now you drink the sweet milk of her udder.] Copied to Sheet 14.087(f) where the quotation is completed.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ag)
no, not to himself
The first [species of Avarice] does much harm to mankind, and a little good too, to some few. The second does good to none; no, not to himself William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 94, Cowley
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ah)
with their hands across Red
(for they now began to bestir themselves, and not till now, who hitherto had stood as men intoxicated, with their hands across) William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 102, Evelyn
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ai)
though the man may be, the prayer is not, in proper
Many times good men pray, and their prayer is not a sin, but yet it remains empty; because, although the man may be, yet the prayer is not, in proper disposition William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 88, Taylor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(aj)
skittish Red
The Duke of Monmouth is the most skittish leaping gallant that ever I saw, always in action, vaulting or leaping, or clambering. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 122, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ak)
confinement Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(al)
brave dry Red
[…] the news coming every moment of the growth of the fire, so as we were forced to begin to pack up our own goods, and prepare for their removal; and did by moonshine (it being brave dry and moonshine and warm weather) carry much of my goods into the garden William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 128, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(am)
a pair of virginals Red
River full of lighters and boats [escaping the Great Fire] taking in goods, and good goods swimming in the water, and only I observed that hardly one lighter or boat in three that had the goods of a house in, but there was a pair of Virginalls in it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 127, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(an)
he home and he to Paul's Red
We parted at Paul's; he home, and I to Paul's Wharf, where I had appointed a boat to attend me William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 127, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ao)
for aught he knew Red
she mighty fine, and her husband, for aught I see, a likely man. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 126, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ap)
to night (stanotte) Red
By and by Jane comes and tells me that she hears that above 300 houses have been burned down to night [last night] by the fire we saw William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 124, Pepys
Note: Stanotte (Ital.): tonight.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(aq)
Drought,) Red
Having stayed, and in an hour's time seen the fire rage every way, and nobody, to my sight, endeavouring to quench it, but to remove their goods, and leave all to the fire, and having seen it get as far as the Steele-yard, and the wind mighty high, and driving it into the City, and everything after so long a drought proving combustible, even the very stones of churches, and among other things, the poor steeple by which pretty Mrs. —— lives William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 125, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ar)
likely man Red
and so home, and there find my guests, who were Mr. Wood and his wife Barbary Shelden, and also Mr. Moone; she mighty fine, and her husband, for aught I see, a likely man William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 126, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(as)
at nine at night all
And my Lord Mayor commands people to be within [indoors] at nine at night all, as they say, that the sick may have liberty to go abroad for air. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 123, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(at)
ten of the clock Red
The fight, thus beginning at three of the clock in the afternoon, continued very terrible all that evening. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 36, Raleigh
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.009(db).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(au)
which put him .. but .. now. ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] presently they come up to some people that stood looking after it, and told our gallants that it was a maid of Mr. Wright's carried away sick of the plague; which put the young gentleman into a fright had almost cost him his life, but is now well again William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 123, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(av)
looked v. ill and in a sick dress & stunk mightily Red
The brother […] there saw somebody look very ill, and in a sick dress, and stunk mightily: which the coachman also cried out upon. And presently they come up to some people that stood looking after it, and told our gallants that it was a maid of Mr. Wright's carried away sick of the plague; which put the young gentleman into a fright had almost cost him his life, but is now well again. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 123, Pepys
Note: See also Sheet 14.080(d).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(aw)
chamberlain Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(ba)
darkish Red
We stayed till, it being darkish, we saw the fire as only one entire arch of fire from this to the other side the bridge […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 123, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(bb)
what do angry men ail to rail?
What do angry men ail, to rail so against moderation? William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 115, Savile/Halifax
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(bc)
dry flag catch at 1st fire Red
Our Trimmer therefore dreads a general discontent […] it works several ways […] sometimes like dry flag prepared to catch at the first fire, or like seed in the ground ready to sprout up on the first shower […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 117, Savile/Halifax
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(bd)
manse Red
Several manses composed a march; and several marches formed a pagus, or district. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 296, Hallam
Note: See also Sheet 14.081(ba)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(be)
Soon as Red
Soon as dined, I and Moone away, and walked through the City, […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 127, Pepys
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(bf)
he give me Red
Those who accuse him [Will. Shakespeare] to have wanted learning, give him the greater commendation […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 119, Dryden
Note: See also Sheet 14.045(h)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(bg)
the betraying him. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] and persuade the king to retrench his own greatness, so as to shrink into the head of a party, which is the betraying him into such an unprincely mistake […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 116, Savile/Halifax
Oxen of the Sun: sector 25(bh)
seed to sprout Red
[…] it [general malaise] works several ways, sometimes like a slow poison that has its effects at a great distance from the time it was given; sometimes like dry flag prepared to catch at the first fire, or like seed in the ground ready to sprout up on the first shower: In every shape 'tis fatal, and our Trimmer thinks no pains or precaution can be so great as to prevent it William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 117, Savile/Halifax

Oxen of the Sun sector 26

BL Add MS 49475-11v(left) JJA 12:024
(Herring Oxen-2) mid-columns

Oxen of the Sun: sector 26(a)
Woe worth.
Then Sir Accolon bethought him, and said, Woe worth this sword, for by it have I gotten my death. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 83
Note: An expression meaning “may woe befall”, as in “Woe worth the man that fathered such a child”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 26(b)
tofore Red
When this word came unto Sir Ontzlake he was passing heavy, for he was wounded a little tofore through both his thighs with a spear, and made great dole: but as he was wounded he would have taken the battle on hand. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 81
Note: To fore: before, in the past.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 26(c)
till the table
Note: That is, towards, or to, the table.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 26(d)
to himward Not cancelled
How Sir Percivale saw a ship coming to him-ward, and how the lady of the ship told him of her disheritance. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 18, 370
Oxen of the Sun: sector 26(e)
or ever
The meanwhile as this was adoing, in came Merlin to king Mark, and seeing all his doing said, Here shall be in this same place the greatest battle betwixt two knights that was or ever shall be, and the truest lovers, and yet none of them shall slay other. Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur (1868), 54

Oxen of the Sun sector 27

BL Add MS 49475-11r(right) JJA 12:023
(Herring Oxen-1) centre
Months 5 and 6

Oxen of the Sun: sector 27(a)
Note: The units that follow surround (and were written later than) a schematic drawing (of nine ovals) of a swelling womb, and indicating (sketchily) the development of the foetus month by month. The specifics are:
[First month] corion; amnion; yolk; punctum; folicle; womb
[Second] 1-3 cm, 2-6 g; boatshape; big head; sprout limbs; web fingers; eyeless, noseless, earless, mouthless, sexless; 1st bones
[Third] 9 cm, 30 g; lips, ears, sex, fingers, jawbone, tail
[Fourth] [blank]
[Fifth] nails; iris membrane; 1st hair; 25 cm, 250 g; cheekbone, fingerbone
[Sixth] 30-34 c, 1000 g; scrotum empty; down; skin red; head smaller; pubis; fontanelles
[Seventh] fore fontanelle smaller; old face; testicles in groin; breastbone; heelbone; 40 cm, 1500 g
[Eighth] 45 cm, 2000 g; fontanelles almost shut; face younger, cheeks fuller; outer ears; nails longer, testicles lower; clitoris; nipples; sacral bone; caseous gloss in joints
[Ninth] 50 cm, 3000 g; tooth sockets; thigh bone nucleus; sex complete; nails long; hair 3 cm long

Oxen of the Sun sector 28

BL Add MS 49475-11r(right) JJA 12:023
(Herring Oxen-1) top left

Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(a)
3 mile or thereabout Red
In about three mile, or thereabout, coasting the shore, I came to a very good inlet or bay […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 208, Defoe
Note: See Sheet 14.023(u).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(b)
I kept it in good order, being
[…] for I always kept it [his bower] in good order, being, as I said before, my country house. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 208, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(c)
my — growing low
[…] and as I have said, my ammunition growing low […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 209, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(d)
he made nothing needless (= —)
If knowledge and understanding had been useless additions to the sex, God Almighty would never have given them capacities; for he made nothing need-less. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 213, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(e)
all the world are Red
And herein it is that I take upon me to make such a bold assertion, That all the world are mistaken in their practice about women […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 213, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(f)
poring at the clouds ~ Red
And no wonder, if they who were poring [staring] continually at the clouds saw shapes and figures William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 130, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(g)
coffins carrying to be buried Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] and no wonder if they who were poring continually at the clouds, saw shapes and figures […]. There they saw hearses and coffins in the air carrying to be buried. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 130, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(h)
everyone (their):
[…] and every one was so positive of their having seen what they pretended to see […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 130, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(i)
skip: Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
I was surprised to see a skip [lackey] transformed so speedily into a trumpeter […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 133, Defoe
Note: See also Sheet 14.039(a). Note the idiosyncratic use of this word.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(j)
to the life,
She described every part of the figure [of her hallucination] to the life, showed them the motion and the form […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 131, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(k)
Welsh Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(l)
wander thro' the world etc. Red
However, she turned on me, called me profane fellow, and a scoffer, told me that it was a time of God's anger and dreadful judgements were approaching, and that despisers, such as I should wander and perish. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 131, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(m)
merryandrew: Red
[…] in an instant rose up a complete merry-andrew. My surprise was now heightened, and though honest pickle with a world of grimace and gesticulation endeavoured to move my gaiety, I began to be very fearful where the metamorphosis might end. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 132, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(n)
tester Red
[…] offering health and immortality to sale for the price of a tester. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 133, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(o)
honest pickle Red
My surprise was now heightened, and though honest pickle with a world of grimace and gesticulation endeavoured to move my gaiety, I began to be very fearful where the metamorphosis might end. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 132, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(p)
open the design of his embassy Red
After a short preamble, he [the quack] began to open the design of his embassy, setting forth at large the great affection which he bore in particular to the people of that place […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 133, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(q)
Burst his sides Red
You'd have burst your sides had you but heard the foolish allusions, quaint expressions […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 133, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(r)
every mother's son Red
He [the quack] threatened us with death in case of refusal, and assured us with a prophetic air that without his physic every mother's son of us would be in our graves by that day twelve-month. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 134, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(s)
itinera[ry]: Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] the havoc which this itinerant man-slayer made in the space of two hours William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 135, Defoe
Note: See also Sheet 14.051(i) below for UG 14.896
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(t)
viz Red
Lastly, I shall calculate the loss which the government sustains […] viz. that the quacks contribute more towards keeping us poor than all our national debts […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 135, Defoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(u)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(v)
pleaded her belly Red
Two other indictments being brought against them, and the facts being proved upon them, they were both condemned to die. They both pleaded their bellies, and were both voted quick with child; though my tutoress was no more with child than I was. Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. 11, 14
Note: See also Sheet 14.072(g)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(w)
son of shame Red
It happened that her own son (for she had a little boy of her own, about one year older than I) was called John too, and about two years after she took another, son of shame, as I called it above, to keep as she did me, and his name was John too. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 262
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(aa)
can't, won't Red
Note: Numerous examples in source.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(ab)
ignorant from a child Red
His temper was sly, sullen, reserved, malicious, revengeful; and withal, he was brutish, bloody, and cruel in his disposition; he was as to manners a mere boor, or clown, of a carmanlike breed; sharp as a street-bred boy must be, but ignorant and unteachable from a child. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 263f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 28(ac)
I remember that one cold winter night we were disturbed in our rest with a constable and his watch, crying out for one Wry-neck, who it seems had done some roguery, and required a hue and cry of that kind; and the watch were informed he was to be found among the beggar-boys under the nealing-arches in the glass-house. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 267

Oxen of the Sun sector 29

BL Add MS 49475-11r(right) JJA 12:023
(Herring Oxen-1) top right

Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(a)
brought himself off with his tongue Red
However, I many times brought myself off with my tongue, where my hands would not be sufficient; and this, as well after I was a man, as while I was a boy. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 265
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(b)
buglehorn Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: A “bugle” or bugle's (ox's) horn (also, bugle-horn) was used as a drinking vessel [late 14th century].
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(c)
tale or tidings: Blue
Captain Jack in this time fell into bad company, and went away from us, and it was a good while before we ever heard tale or tidings of him, till about half a year I think, or thereabouts, I understood he was got among a gang of kidnappers, as they were then called, being a sort of wicked fellows that used to spirit people's children away; Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 268f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(d)
hanker about Red
We went no more to the custom-house, it was too bold a venture; besides, I did not care to show myself again, especially with him in company; but we went directly to the Exchange, and we hankered about in Castle-alley, and in Swithin's-alley, and at the coffee-house doors. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 297
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(e)
kidnap Blue
and indeed they scourged him so severely, that they made him sick of the kidnapping trade for a great while; but he fell in among them again, and kept among them as long as that trade lasted, for it ceased in a few years afterwards. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 270
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(d) for UG 14.562.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(f)
was earnest to know Red
I was very earnest then to know how he came by this wealth, for he had for his share 7s. 6d. in money, the silver thimble, and a silk handkerchief, which was, in short, an estate to him, that never had, as I said of myself, a shilling together in his life. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 272
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(g)
mess Red
N.B. We had each of us a good mess of charming beef-broth into the bargain; and, which cheered my heart wonderfully, all the while we were at dinner, the maid and the boy in the house every time they passed by the open box where we sat at our dinner, would look in and cry, Gentlemen, do you call? and. Do ye call, gentlemen? I say this was as good to me as all my dinner. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 275
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(h)
victuals Red
Hark ye. Major Jack, you and I never had any money in our lives before, and we never had a good dinner in all our lives: what if we should go somewhere and get some victuals? I am very hungry. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 272
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(i)
boiling cook's Red
So we will then, says the major, I am hungry too; so we went to a boiling cook's in Rosemary-lane, where we treated ourselves nobly, and, as I thought with myself, we began to live like gentlemen, for we had three-pennyworth of boiled beef, two-pennyworthi of pudding, a penny brick (as they call it, or loaf), and a whole pint of strong beer, which was seven-pence in aU. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 273
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(j)
bitter end Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Bitter end: uttermost extremity.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(k)
N.B. We had each of us a good mess of charming beef-broth […] Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 275
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(l)
gotten Red
The major failed not to let me see every day the effects of his new prosperity, and was so bountiful, as frequently to throw me a tester, sometimes a shilling; and I might perceive that he began to have clothes on his back, to leave the ashhole, having gotten a society lodging (of which I may give an explanation by itself on another occasion), and which was more, he took upon him to wear a shirt, which was what neither he or I had ventured to do for three years before, and upward. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 274
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(m)
what in the earth Red
at last I was going away with a heavy pocket, and I assure you not a light heart, for I was so frighted with having so much money that I knew not what in the earth to do with myself: Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 294
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(n)
big of my age Red
He was a bigger boy than I a great deal; for though I was now near fifteen years old, I was not big of my age, and as to the nature of the thing [pickpocketing], I was perfectly a stranger to it. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 276
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(o)
While I was in the first transport of my joy, as I have said, I run about, and knew not what I did; but when that was over I sat down, opened the foul clout the money was in, looked at it, told it, found it was all there, and then I fell a-crying as savourly as I did before, when I thought I had lost it. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 283
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(p)
wishly Red
Well, young gentleman, says a man that stood at the Door, you look wishly, do you see anything you like, and will your pocket compass a good coat now, for you look as if you belonged to the ragged regiment? Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 283
Note: See also Sheet 14.009(dt).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(q)
upon the persuasions of Red
Well, upon the persuasions of this lad, I walked out with him; a poor innocent boy, and (as I remember my very thoughts perfectly well) I had no evil in my intentions; I had never stolen anything in my life; Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 276
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(r)
pushing at getting of money
This was enough to let any one see how all the sorrows and anxieties of men's lives come about; how they rise from their restless pushing at getting of money, and the restless cares of keeping it when they have got it. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 295f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(s)
come, come, plain dealing Red
Come, come, colonel, says he, don't flatter me; I love plain dealing; liberty is precious to everybody; if you have a mind to have your money brought over, you shall have your liberty to begin for yourself, and I will take care you shall be well used by the country, and get you a good plantation. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 1395
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(t)
the more he has the [greater] lord
Oxen of the Sun: sector 29(u)
we understood this, who

Oxen of the Sun sector 30

BL Add MS 49475-11r(right) JJA 12:023
(Herring Oxen-1) bottom left

Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(a)
with the clerk who the man that stopped the boy had called to. Red
they would be of no use to the rogue that had them, but they would be of infinite damage to the gentleman that had lost them; and that he had left word with the clerk, who the man that stopped this boy had called to, and who was there with him, that he would give 30⁄- to any one that would bring them again, and give all the security that conld be desired, that he would give them no trouble, whoever it was. […] and that he had left word with the Clerk, who the Man that stop'd this Boy had call'd to, and who was there with him, that he would give 30l to any one that would bring them again Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 285f
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(b)
Indeed says he, Robin, that was his name. Red
Indeed, says I, Robin, that was his name, I will be very honest; let me know how it is, for I would fain have him have his bills. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 286
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(c)
crimp Red
Being early in the morning, he took his walk to Billingsgate, where it seems two sorts of people make a great crowd as soon as it is light, and at that time a-year, rather before daylight; that is to say, crimps, and the masters of coal ships, who they call collier-masters; and, secondly, fishmongers, fish-sellers, and buyers of fish. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 298
Note: Crimp, a person who entraps or forces men into shipping as sailors or into enlisting in an army or navy.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(d)
broad day, Red
The collier-master had his money lying before him, just as I had told him, and had two or three small payments of money, which he had put up in little black dirty bags, and lay by themselves; and as it was hardly broad day, he found means, in delivering his message, to lay his hand upon one of those bags, and carry it off perfectly undiscovered. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 298f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(e)
along of me Red
Thou art a lucky Boy, Jack, says he, thou deservest a good share of this job truly, for it is all along of thy lucky news. So he pours it all out into my hat, for, as I told you, I now wore a hat. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 299
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(f)
what belonged to women Red
I was a mere boy in the affair of love, and knew the least of what belonged to a woman of any man in Europe of my age; the thoughts of a wife, much less of a mistress, had never so much as taken the least hold of my head, and I had been till now as perfectly unacquainted with the sex, and as unconcerned about them, as I was when I was ten years old, and lay in a heap of ashes at a glass-house. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 430f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(g)
how he did to
How he did to whip away such a bag of money from any man that was awake and in his senses, I cannot tell; but there was a great deal in it, and among it a paper-full by itself. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 299
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(h)
how I went on
I found he began to be above the mean rank of a poor pickpocket, so I saw him but seldom; however, once coming to me in a very friendly familiar manner, and asking me how I went on, I told him that I I told him that I used the old trade still, that I had had two or three good jobs; one with a young woman, whose pocket I had picked of eleven guineas Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 313
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(i)
oaths, Red
and in bargaining for his goods, he swore most horrible oaths at every two or three words. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 315
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(j)
~ offered to hit, Red
Note: Several examples in source (Col. Jack) of “offer'd to”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(k)
punk Red
here they ventured to rob another coach, that is to say, one of the two other rogues and Will did it, between the Park-gate and Knigtsbridge; there was in it only a gentleman and a punk that he had picked up, it seems, at the spring-garden, a little farther. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 318
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(l)
run for it, Red
Will got notice of this just time enough to run for it, and not to be taken, and away he came to look for me; but, as my good fate still directed, I was not at home neither. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 323
Note: now 14.487f (‘scamper’)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(m)
mighty brisk, Red
Will and I parted for that time, but next morning we met again, and Will was mighty brisk and merry; And now, Colonel Jack, says he, we shall be rich very quickly. Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 321
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(n)
pretty talk Red
Note: now 14.543 (‘randy quip’)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 30(o)
gentlemen of gallows Red
Did you ever see any of them cry when they see gentlemen go to the gallows? Daniel Defoe, Colonel Jack (1908), 322

Oxen of the Sun sector 31

BL Add MS 49475-11r(right) JJA 12:023
(Herring Oxen-1) bottom right

Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(a)
naturals Red
However, I thought it fairer dealing to offer the whole work in its naturals. If any gentleman will please to furnish me with a key, in order to explain the more difficult parts, I shall very gratefully acknowledge the favour, and print it by itself. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 27
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(b)
at cuffs with
[…] when a man's fancy gets astride on his reason, when imagination is at cuffs with the senses, and common understanding, as well as common sense, is kicked out of doors Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 109
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(c)
(reason) just at yr. elbow
And first with relation to the mind or understanding, it is manifest what mighty advantages fiction has over truth; and the reason is just at our elbow, because imagination can build nobler scenes, and produce more wonderful revolutions, than fortune or nature will be at expense to furnish. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 109
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.085(y)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(d)
[…] this I have produced as a scantling of Jack's great eloquence, and the force of his reasoning upon such abstruse matters Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 123
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(e)
previous existence Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(f)
slap his posteriors Red
He would stand in the turning of a street, and, calling to those who passed by, would cry to one, “Worthy sir, do me the honour of a good slap in the chaps”; to another, “Honest friend, pray favour me with a handsome kick on the arse Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 125
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(g)
ungrates Red
[…] the base detracting world would not then have dared to report that something is amiss, that his brain hath undergone an unlucky shake; which even his brother modernists themselves, like ungrates, do whisper so loud, that it reaches up to the very garret I am now writing in Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 108
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(h)
swim for it Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(i)
towardly word Red
For I have remarked many a towardly word to be wholly neglected or despised in discourse, which has passed very smoothly, with some consideration and esteem, after its preferment and sanction in print Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 132
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(j)
to his mind Red
How Jack, having got rid of the old landlord, set up another to his mind [Cromwell], quarrelled with Martin, and turned him out of doors. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) History of Martin, p. 138
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(k)
due to misconception Red
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):013(ag). Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(a)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(l)
green rag to a bull Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(bh).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(m)
unhung his hat
Oxen of the Sun: sector 31(n)
stood him friend Red
How the lady, farther to confirm this change, wisely imitating her father, degraded Peter from the rank he pretended as eldest brother, and set up herself in his place as head of the family, and ever after wore her father's old cap, with the fine feather he had got from Peter for standing his friend; Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) History of Martin, p. 135
Note: Standing, being and remaining.

Oxen of the Sun sector 32

BL Add MS 49475-14v(right) JJA 12:037
(Herring Oxen-15) left column
Months 7 and 6

Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(a)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(b)
~ bedside manner. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(c)
toast Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(d)
extol Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(e)
overjoyed Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(f)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(g)
alleviation Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(h)
ladies' friend Red
Note: now 14.685 ‘Omphalos’
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(i)
conjugal vexations Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(j)
jointure Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(k)
to lose their bloom Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(l)
caressed by many pretty fellows Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(m)
interesting condition Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(n)
happiness to take place Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(o)
to advise with Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(p)
Note: Ashlar: a square hewn stone.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(q)
value themselves upon Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(r)
tautologous Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(s)
mended their pace Red
I observed two or three lusty black men that followed me half way up Fleet-street, and mended their pace behind me, in proportion as I put on to get away from them. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 220, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(t)
fell a praising her Red
He then renewed his attention, and, from time to time, fell a praising the Widow. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 222, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(u)
piebald Red
[…] and are as pleased to hear of a piebald horse that is strayed out of a field near Islington, as of a whole Troop that has been engaged in any foreign adventure. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 224, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(v)
touched on Red
By a Fisherman which lately touched at [stopped at] Hammersmith […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 225, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(aa)
of it Red
In short they have a relish for everything that is news, let the matter of it be what it will. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 224, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ab)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ac)
this was so happy a conceit that it renewed the storm of Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ad)
led into this thought Red
I am led into this thought by a visit I made an old friend, who was formerly my schoolfellow. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 226, Steele
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(ed).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ae)
rallied upon ~ Red
After which they began to rally me upon a thousand little stories they heard in the country, about my marriage to one of my neighbour's daughters. Upon which the gentleman, my friend, said “Nay, if Mr. Bickerstaff marries a child of any of his old companions, I hope mine shall have the preference […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 226, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(af)
~ the young gentleman, his friend, Red
After which they began to rally me upon a thousand little stories they heard in the country, about my marriage to one of my neighbour's daughters. Upon which the gentleman, my friend, said “Nay, if Mr. Bickerstaff marries a child of any of his old companions, I hope mine shall have the preference […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 226, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ag)
to bear him out Red
For there is no Sickness so great but Children endure it, and have natural strengths to bear them out quite through the Calamity, what period soever Nature hath allotted it. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 150, Taylor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ah)
passage which had happened Red
With such reflections on little passages which happened long ago, we passed our time, during a cheerful and elegant meal. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 227, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ai)
good woman (sentim) Red
“Do not you think the good woman of the house a little altered since you followed her from the play-house, to find out who she was, for me?” I perceived a tear fall down upon his cheek as he spoke, which moved me not a little. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 227, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(aj)
that exc. ~ Red
It is impossible that the most beauteous face in nature should raise in me such pleasing ideas, as when I look upon that excellent woman. That fading in her countenance is chiefly caused by her watching with me in my fever. This was followed by a fit of sickness, which had like to have carried her off last winter […] Oh! she is an inestimable jewel. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 227f, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ak)
~ had like to ~
It is impossible that the most beauteous face in nature should raise in me such pleasing ideas, as when I look upon that excellent woman. That fading in her countenance is chiefly caused by her watching with me in my fever. This was followed by a fit of sickness, which had like to have carried her off last winter […] Oh! she is an inestimable jewe. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 227f, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(al)
~ inestimable jewel Red
It is impossible that the most beauteous face in nature should raise in me such pleasing ideas, as when I look upon that excellent woman. That fading in her countenance is chiefly caused by her watching with me in my fever. This was followed by a fit of sickness, which had like to have carried her off last winter […] Oh! she is an inestimable jewel. A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 227f, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(am)
guessed at ~
[…] seeing her husband receive her with great concern under a forced cheerfulness, immediately guessed at what we had been talking of; A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 228, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(an)
~ applying herself to Red
[…] seeing her husband receive her with great concern under a forced cheerfulness, immediately guessed at what we had been talking of; and applying herself to me, said with a smile, “Mr Bickerstaff […] A. Barnett & L. Dale, An Anthology of English Prose(1912), 228, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ao)
banter & brigue
Upon all which, we think it very unbecoming our prudence that the determination should be remitted to the authors themselves; when our adversaries, by briguing and caballing, have caused so universal a defection from us, that the greatest part of our society has already deserted to them, and our nearest friends begin to stand aloof, as if they were half ashamed to own us. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p. 49
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ap)
sublunary Red
But the greatest maim given to that general reception which the writings of our society have formerly received (next to the transitory state of all sublunary things) has been a superficial vein among many readers of the present age, who will by no means be persuaded to inspect beyond the surface and the rind of things; Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p.49
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(aq)
sackposset Blue
whereas, wisdom is a fox, who, after long hunting, will at last cost you the pains to dig out; it is a cheese, which, by how much the richer, has the thicker, the homelier, and the coarser coat; and whereof, to a judicious palate, the maggots are the best: it is a sack-posset, wherein the deeper you go, you will find it the sweeter. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) Tale of a Tub, p.49
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ac) for UG 14.540. Sack-posset was a drink made of sack (a dry, sweet, light-coloured wine) to which eggs, cream, sugar, and nutmeg had been added.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ar)
Further, that nothing less than a violent heat can disentangle these creatures from their hamated station of life, or give them vigour and humour to imprint the marks of their little teeth. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) A Discourse, p. 179
Note: Hamated: hooked, or set with hooks.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(as)
hawking Red
Hawking, spitting, and belching, the defects of other men's rhetoric, are the flowers, and figures, and ornaments of his. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) A Discourse, p. 181
Note: Hawking is a form of rough expectopation, more throaty than in spitting.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(at)
a covey of Red
Lastly, in a certain town of Attica, the whole solemnity, stripped of all its types [Dionysia Brauronia], was performed in puris naturalibus, the votaries not flying in coveys, but sorted into couples. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) A Discourse, p. 185
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(au)
thorn in the flesh Red
Besides, the spinal marrow, being nothing else but a continuation of the brain, must needs create a very free communication between the superior faculties and those below; and thus the thorn in the flesh serves for a spur to the spirit. Jonathan Swift, Satires (1916) A Discourse, p. 186
Note: now 14.680
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(av)
to halse
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ba)
housel bread Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bb)
mazer Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bc)
dight, scathe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bd)
advance a paradox Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(be)
as the chemists said
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bf)
of their darling mercury Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ad) for UG 14.384.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bg)
multiply the inlets to happiness Red
In whatsoever light, therefore, we consider luxury; whether as employing a number of hands naturally too feeble for more laborious employment; as finding a variety of occupation for others who might be totally idle, or as furnishing out the inlets to happiness, without encroaching on mutual property; Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 419
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bh)
encomiums Red
The piece was large, and it must be owned he did not spare his colours; for which my wife gave him great encomiums. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), The Vicar of Wakefield, p 654
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bi)
direct to him Red
I am not certain how long my stay here may be: however I expect to have the happiness of seeing you at Kilmore, if I can, next March.

Direct to me, if I am honoued with a letter from you, to Madame Diallion's at Leyden.

Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, p 11
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bj)
latent heat Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bk)
I cannot forbear to tell Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bl)
pray, sir (to LB) Red
I would give a thousand guineas to lay on the colouring of this cheek more smoothly. But I ask pardon, pray, Sir, proceed. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 489
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bm)
belly that never bore a bastard Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bn)
hussy, Red
CRO. And you have but too well succeeded, you little hussy, you. With those endearing ways of yours, on my conscience, I could be brought to forgive any thing, unless it were a very great offence indeed. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), The Good-natur'd Man, p 97
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bo)
~ trollop Red
TONY. The daughter, a tall, trapesing, trolloping, talkative maypole; the son, a pretty, well-bred, agreeable youth, that every body is fond of. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), She Stoops to Conquer, p 128
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bp)
~ drab
To her a mawkish drab of spurious breed. / Who deals in Sentimentals, will succeed! / Poor Ned and I are dead to all intents; / We can as soon speak Greek as Sentiments! Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), She Stoops to Conquer, p 121
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bq)
most violent agitation of delight Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(br)
SD coadjutor bishop Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bs)
prolific Red
Thus Nilus pours from his prolific urn, / When from the fields o'erflowed his vagrant streams return. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 230
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bt)
sylvan [honours] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bu)
when was it known Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(bv)
wheres X? X! Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 32(ca)
instituting unnecessary emulation by insidious incitements

Oxen of the Sun sector 33

BL Add MS 49475-14v(right) JJA 12:037
(Herring Oxen-15) centre column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(a)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(b)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(c)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(d)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(e)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(f)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(g)
couth Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(h)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(i)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(j)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(k)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(l)
herd / healer Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(m)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(n)
vat Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(o)
bet Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(p)
wife Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(q)
bairn Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(r)
To intercept the evil whilst yet in elementary stages of formation, was the true policy; whereas I in my blindness sought only for some mitigation to the evil when already formed, and past all reach of interception. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 16
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(s)
I repeat again and again, that not the application of opium, with its deep tranquillising powers to the mitigation of evils, bequeathed by my London hardships, is what reasonably calls for sorrow, but that extravagance of childish folly which precipitated me into scenes naturally producing such hardships. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 22f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(t)
burden ~
Gathering courage from the silence, the groom hoisted his burden again, and accomplished the remainder of his descent without accident. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 93
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(u)
~ groom Red
Gathering courage from the silence, the groom hoisted his burden again, and accomplished the remainder of his descent without accident. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 93
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(v)
— and looking back to the Cambrian hills from distant years, discovered to my surprise what a parliamentary wretch I had been in elder days, when I slept amongst cows on the open hillsides. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 151
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(aa)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(ab)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(ac)
[an] Irish Kin
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(ad)
twain Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(ae)
minish Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(af)
the ilk
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(ag)
thilk Red
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ad). See also Sheet 14.004(bk).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 33(ah)

Oxen of the Sun sector 34

BL Add MS 49475-14v(right) JJA 12:037
(Herring Oxen-15) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(a)
Some man Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(b)
man offslew
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(c)
woe worth
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(d)
behest Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(e)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(f)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(g)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(h)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(i)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(j)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(k)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(l)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(m)
swink Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(n)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(o)
bedesman Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ah) for UG 14.220. A bedesman is a person who is paid to pray for the soul of another.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(p)
might = could
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(q)
masspriests Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(r)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 34(s)

Oxen of the Sun sector 35

BL Add MS 49475-14v(right) JJA 12:037
(Herring Oxen-15) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(a)
hurricane Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] but simply on a prudential instinct warning me not to trifle with an engine so awful of consolation and support, nor to waste upon a momentary uneasiness what might eventually prove, in the midst of all-shattering hurricanes, the great elixir of resurrection. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 21
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):007(q) for UG7.399, UN4 (NLI.5A):052(k) and Sheet 14.035(a), UN4 (NLI.5A):007(av), and UN4 (NLI.5A):052(k).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(b)
There were no naughty people among them: most of them were rich, and came to church in carriages Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 28f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(c)
[…] there arose a deep buzz of anxiety, which soon ripened into an articulate expression of fear, that the bishop would think himself bound, like the horrid eikonoclasts of 1645, to issue his decree of averruncation to the simple decoration overhead Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 30n
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(d)
Whose voice is that which calls upon the spearmen, keeping watch for ever in the turret […] a festal company of youths, revelling under a noonday blaze of light, from cressets and from bright tripods that burned fragrant woods Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 249f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(e)
Whose voice is that which calls upon the spearmen, keeping watch for ever in the turret […] a festal company of youths, revelling under a noonday blaze of light, from cressets and from bright tripods that burned fragrant woods Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 249f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(f)
bequeathed by the storm
But upon the forests of Lebanon there hung a mighty mass of overshadowing vapors, bequeathed by the morning's storm. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 253
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(g)
offence that walks
[…] the Furies are three, who visit with retribution called from the other side of the grave offences that walk upon this ; Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 163f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(h)
sad truths, elder truths
So shall he read elder truths, sad truths, grand truths, fearful truths. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 171
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(i)
God smote Savannah la mar
God smote Savannah-la-mar, and in one night, by earth-quake, removed her Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 172
Note: Also in Saintsbury, p.319.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(j)
(& his voice swelled)
(and his voice swelled like a sanctus rising from the choir of a cathedral) Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 175
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(k)
32 ft. per sec Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(l)
road sank into silence
By sunset, therefore, it usually happened that, through utter exhaustion amongst men and horses, the road sank into profound silence Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 171
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(m)
Us ——
It was not that I feared for ourselves. Us, our bulk and impetus charmed against peril in any collision. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 134
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(n)
1 ½ min,
Between them and eternity, to all human calculation, there is but a minute and a half. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 138
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(o)
70 sec
[…] must, within seventy seconds, stand before the judgment-seat of God Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 139
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(p)
sweet moonlight, dreamlight ~
From the silence and deep peace of this saintly summer nigh - from the pathetic blending of this sweet moonlight, dawnlight, dreamlight - from the manly tenderness of this flattering, whispering, murmuring love Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 143
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(q)
~ flattering, whispering love
From the silence and deep peace of this saintly summer nigh - from the pathetic blending of this sweet moonlight, dawnlight, dreamlight - from the manly tenderness of this flattering, whispering, murmuring love Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 143
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(r)
So agreeable a man Red
I have been obliged to him [Dick Estcourt] for so many hours of jollity, that it is but a small recompense, though all I can give him, to pass a moment or two in sadness for the loss of so agreeable a man. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 146, Steele
Note: Repeated at UN4 (NLI.5A):046(al).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(s)
made his court to Red
This was easily to be observed in his inimitable faculty of telling a story, in which he would throw in natural and unexpected incidents to make his court to one part, and rally the other part of the company. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 146, Steele
Note: Repeated at UN4 (NLI.5A):046(am).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(t)
person very much of his care dandisd
It is indeed to his exquisite talent this way, more than any philosophy I could read on the subject, that my person is very little of my care, and it is indifferent to me what is said of my shape, my air, my manner […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 148, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(u)
preserving his distance Red
I have been present with him among men of the most delicate taste a whole night […] [entertaining them yet] still preserving the distance his circumstances [his breeding] obliged him to […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 149, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(v)
who, upon his offer, Red
I found her [Arietta] accompanied with one person only, a common-place talker, who, upon my entrance, arose, and after a very slight civility sat down again […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 150, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(w)
larum ~ Red
She had often an inclination to interrupt him, but could find no opportunity, till the larum ceased of itself, which it did not till he had repeated and murdered the celebrated story of the Ephesian Matron. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 151, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(x)
Ephesian matron Red
She had often an inclination to interrupt him, but could find no opportunity, till the larum ceased of itself, which it did not till he had repeated and murdered the celebrated story of the Ephesian Matron. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 151, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(y)
as it dwelt upon his memory Red
I was the other day amusing myself with Ligon's Account of Barbadoes; and, in answer to your well-wrought tale, I will give you, (as it dwells upon my memory) out of that honest traveller, in his fifty-fifth page, the history of Inkle and Yarico. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 151, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(aa)
in the main of America Red
[…] the Achilles, in some distress, put into a creek of the main of America, in search of provisions. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 151f, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ab)
solicitous for its preservation ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
The Indian [Yarico] grew immediately enamoured of him [Inkle], and consequently solicitous for his preservation [concerned for his life] […] To make his confinement more tolerable, she would carry him in the dusk of the evening, or by the favour of moonlight, to unfrequented groves William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 151, Steele
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ac)
~ favour of moonlight Blue
The Indian [Yarico] grew immediately enamoured of him [Inkle], and consequently solicitous for his preservation [concerned for his life] […] To make his confinement more tolerable, she would carry him in the dusk of the evening, or by the favour of moonlight, to unfrequented groves William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 151, Steele
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ag) for UG 14.562.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ad)
[at] the feet of the table Red
I […] heard several dreadful stories of ghosts as pale as ashes, that had stood at the feet [end] […] of a bed, or walked over a church-yard by moon-light […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 155, Addison
Note: Dropped at next draft stage; reinstated on the TS from UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ar) for UG 14.529.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ae)
what is the reason = why Red
What is the reason,” said I, “that the tide I see rises out of a thick mist at one end, and again loses itself in a thick mist at the other?” William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 163, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(af)
I here fetched a deep sigh Red
I here fetched a deep sigh; “Alas,” said I, “man was made in vain! […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 165, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ag)
Gladness grew in me Red
Gladness grew in me upon the discovery of so delightful a scene. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 165, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ah)
suitable to the relishes Red
These are the mansions of good men after death […] distributed among these several islands, which abound with pleasures of different kinds and degrees, suitable to the relishes and perfections of those who are settled in them […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 166, Addison
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ai)
grazing, Red
Note: See Sheet 14.037(ci).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(aj)
artless Red
Note: Repeated at Sheet 14.042(ak).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ak)
a drum of figs Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):018(f) for UG 12.93.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(al)
sir fopling Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(am)
cornetcy Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(an)
his name N.N. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ao)
in (fashion) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(af) for UG 14.497.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ap)
clumsy Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(aq)
King's evil Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ae); see also UN7 (V.A.2):011(dm) for UG 15.1844.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 35(ar)
Sir Sharpset Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 36

BL Add MS 49475-14v(right) JJA 12:037
(Herring Oxen-15) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(a)
(which … I have seen)
[…] taking the shape (which among tombs and churches I have seen) of woman bursting her sepulchral bonds Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 144
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(b)
Know all men Red
Know all men by these presents, that I, S.T.C., a noticeable man with large grey eyes, am a licensed opium-eater, whereas this other man is a buccaneer, a pirate, a flibustier, and can have none but a forged license in his disreputable pocket Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 17f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(c)
toothache — rheumatism
Most truly I have told the reader, that not any search after pleasure, but mere extremity of pain from rheumatic toothache—this and nothing else was it that first drove me into the use of opium. Coleridge's bodily affliction was simple rheumatism. Mine, which intermittently raged for ten years, was rheumatism in the face combined with toothache. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 15
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(d)
Squabble STC & TdQ
[Discussed in the Introduction] Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), x et seq.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(e)
held such language
It is really memorable in the annals of human self-deceptions, that Coleridge could have held such language in the face of such facts Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 19
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(f)
to that you can speak
It is notorious, that in Bristol (to that I can speak myself, but probably in many other places) he went so far as to hire men—porters, hackney-coachmen, and others—to oppose by force his entrance into any druggist's shop. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 20
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(g)
averted signs
Passion of sudden death! that once in youth I read and interpreted by the shadows of thy averted signs rapture of panic taking the shape (which among tombs in churches I have seen) of woman bursting her sepulchral bonds—of woman's Ionic form bending forward from the ruins of her grave with arching foot, with eyes upraised, with clasped adoring hands—waiting, watching, trembling, praying for the trumpet's call to rise from dust forever! Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 144
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(h)
Sat mighty mists
I looked to the weather side, and the summer had departed. The sea was rocking, and shaken with gathering wrath. Upon its surface sat mighty mists, which grouped themselves into arches and long cathedral aisles. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 146f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(i)
in extremity of haste
I saw a girl, adorned with a garland of white roses about her head for some great festival, running along the solitary strand in extremity of haste. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 148
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(j)
sickening lamps
Headlong was our pace; and at every altar, in the little chapels and oratories to the right hand and left of our course, the lamps, dying or sickening, kindled anew in sympathy with the secret word that was flying past. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 151
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(k)
purple granite
Of purple granite was the necropolis; yet, in the first minute, it lay like a purple stain upon the horizon, so mighty was the distance. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 152
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(l)
opium >/< wine
Coleridge, professing to believe (without reason assigned) that opium-eating is criminal, and in some mysterious sense more criminal than wine-drinking or porter-drinking, having therefore the strongest moral motive for abstaining from it […] Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 19
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(m)
lancinating Red
In both, there are at times what surgeons call ‘lancinating’ pangs—keen, glancing, arrowy radiations of anguish Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 16
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(n)
else drooping
[…] sustain through twenty-four consecutive hours the else drooping animal energies Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 14
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(o)
toothache (Haines) ~ Not cancelled
that supposing toothache liable in ever so small a proportion of its cases to a fatal issue, it would be generally ranked as the most dreadful amongst human maladies; whereas the certainty that it will in no extremity lead to death, and the knowledge that in the very midst of its storms sudden changes may be looked for, bringing long halcyon calms, have an unfair effect in lowering the appreciation of this malady considered as a trial of fortitude and patience Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 16n
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.085(w).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(p)
~ not deadly
that supposing toothache liable in ever so small a proportion of its cases to a fatal issue, it would be generally ranked as the most dreadful amongst human maladies; whereas the certainty that it will in no extremity lead to death, and the knowledge that in the very midst of its storms sudden changes may be looked for, bringing long halcyon calms, have an unfair effect in lowering the appreciation of this malady considered as a trial of fortitude and patience Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 16n
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(q)
house of (astron.) Red
House of life: an astrological term, used in the casting of horoscopes. But De Quincey means merely “one's lot.” Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 171n
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(r)
coach & gig
Even in that moment the thunder of collision spoke aloud. Either with the swinglebar, or with the haunch of our near leader, we [the mail coach] had struck the off-wheel of the little gig; which stood rather obliquely, and not quite so far advanced as to be accurately parallel with the near wheel. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 142
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(s)
ship & pinnace
The everlasting gates of life and summer are thrown open wide; and on the ocean, tranquil and verdant as a savanna, the unknown lady from the dreadful vision and I myself are floating&mdas;she upon a fairy pinnace, and I upon an English three-decker. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 146
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(t)
1) stains / 2) trembled into terraces / 3) we enter suburbs
Of purple granite was the necropolis; yet, in the first minute, it lay like a purple stain upon the horizon, so mighty was the distance. In the second minute it trembled through many changes, growing into terraces and 5 towers of wondrous altitude, so mighty was the pace. In the third minute already, with our dreadful gallop, we were entering its suburbs. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 152
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(u)
70 leagues
Lo! as I looked back for seventy leagues through the mighty cathedral, I saw the quick and the dead that sang together to God, together that sang to the generations of man. Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 155f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 36(v)
the secret word Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
A thousand times, amongst the phantoms of sleep, have I seen thee entering the gates of the golden dawn, with the secret word riding before thee, with the armies of the grave behind thee—seen thee sinking, rising, raving, despairing; Thomas De Quincey, Selections (1909), 156

Oxen of the Sun sector 37

BL Add MS 49475-14r(left) JJA 12:034
(Herring Oxen-16) left column
Month 8

Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(a)
let me ask you Red
Now, my Lord, let me ask you, Has it never occurred to your Grace, while you were withdrawing this desperate wretch from that justice which the laws had awarded, and which the whole people of England demanded against him, that there is another man, who is the favourite of his country, whose pardon would have been accepted with gratitude, whose pardon would have healed all our divisions? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 54
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(b)
Have you quite forgotten? or is it? Red
Have you quite forgotten that this man was once your Grace's friend? Or is it to murderers only that you will extend the mercy of the crown? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 54
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(c)
lord paramount Red
The extraordinary step you took to make Sir James Lowther lord paramount of Cumberland, has ruined his interest in that county for ever. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 33
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(d)
doubts in the marital breast Red
What credit does a man deserve, who tells us plainly, that the facts set forth in the King's proclamation were not the true motives on which the pardon was granted? and that he wishes that those chirurgical reports which first gave occasion to certain doubts in the royal breast, had not been laid before his Majesty? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 52
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(e)
Remember Red
Remember, my Lord, that you continued your connexion with Mr. Wilkes long after he had been convicted of those crimes, which, you have since taken pains to represent in the blackest colours of blasphemy and treason. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 58
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(f)
arms of faded beauty Red
The security of the royal residence from insult was then suffticicntly provided for in Mr. Conway's firmness, and Lord Weymouth's discretion; while the Prime Minister of Great Britain, in a rural retirement, and in the arms of faded beauty, had lost all memory of his Sovereign, his country, and himself. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 63
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(g)
I will not adduce Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(h)
a deluder Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(i)
dead sea Agendath Red
Note: See Sheet 14.013(ab) and Sheet 14.020(bh).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(j)
Loves Old Sweet Song Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(k)
15/6 Milly b. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(l)
Bullock harbour Red
Note: Also missing draft 4.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(m)
the Irish youth
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(n)
interjacent Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ab); see also UN7 (V.A.2):028(ae) for UG 17.1511.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(o)
~ [brown]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(p)
engross attention Red
You will say, perhaps, that the situation of affairs at home, demanded and engrossed the whole of your attention. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 79
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(q)
morals Red
Is this the man who dares to talk of Mr. Wilkes's morals? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 82
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(r)
debauched his wife Red
Is there not a single mark of shame set upon this man, who has so little delicacy and feeling, as to submit to the opprobrium of marrying a near relation of one who has debauched his wife? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 83
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(s)
opprobium [sic] Red
Is there not a single mark of shame set upon this man, who has so little delicacy and feeling, as to submit to the opprobrium of marrying a near relation of one who has debauched his wife? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 83
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(t)
consist better with Red
His arguments consist better with the little he has assumed, than with the principles he professes! Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 85
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(u)
reprehensible at puberty Red
Charles Townshend took some care of his education at that ambiguous age, which lies between the follies of political childhood, and the vices of puberty. The empire of the passions soon succeeded. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 89
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(v)
stuff that comes away from you Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(aa)
restore you to health Red
what antidote can restore him to his political health and honour, but the firm sincerity of his English subjects. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 161
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ab)
repository Red
If I understand your character, there is in your own breast a repository, in which your resentments may be safely laid up for future occasions, and preserved without the hazard of diminution. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 173
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ac)
public papers Red
In many of the public papers, you have been called, in the most direct and offensive terms, a liar and a coward. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 168
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ad)
Be it so Red
You seem to think the channel of a pamphlet more respectable, and better suited to the dignity of your cause, than that of a newspaper.—Be it so. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 113
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ae)
it ill becomes him Red
I think it ill becomes the royal dignity to have the debts of a King provided for, like the repairs of a country bridge, or a decayed hospital. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 7
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(af)
Coition illusion of strength Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ag)
Wander from the point Red
But, Sir, I am sensible I have followed your example too long, and wandered from the point. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 116
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(t) for UG 14.770.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ah)
unfledged profligate Red
Had they belonged to the unfledged race of ensigns, who infest our streets, and dishonour our public places, it might, perhaps, be sufficient to send them back […] Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 200
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ai)
decorum Red
For my own part, I do not pretend to understand those prudent forms of decorum, those gentle rules of discretion, which some men endeavour to unite with the conduct of the greatest and most hazardous affairs. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 240
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(aj)
children cry in Holles Street Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ak)
before this nobleman escapes out of life
I hope, indeed, the day of impeachments will arrive before this nobleman escapes out of life; […] Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 186
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(al)
If … if . . the duke is guilty
If exact order, method, and true economy as a master of a family; if splendour and just magnificence, without wild waste and thoughtless extravagance, may constitute the character of an avaricious man, the Duke is guilty. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 174
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(am)
respectable lady: Red
I very sincerely applaud the spirit with which a lady has paid the debt of gratitude to her benefactor. Though I think she has mistaken the point, she shows a virtue which makes her respectable. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 157
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(an)
it imported him Red
He persuades them to conduct him to the Tilt-yard in St. James's Park, under some pretence of business, which it imported him to settle before he was confined. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 197
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ao)
quit, infest
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ap)
domestic servant Red
The amiable Marchioness, shocked at such brutal, unfeeling avarice, gave the value of the clothes to the Marquis's servant, out of her own purse. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 193
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(aq)
LB kiss a skivvy, drawn from the lowest strata of society, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ar)
Far be it from Red
Far be it from me to insinuate the most distant reflection upon the army. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 201
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(as)
the most distant reflection Red
Far be it from me to insinuate the most distant reflection upon the army. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 201
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(at)
tenants at will Red
Are these glorious privileges the birthright of the people, or are we only tenants at the will of the Ministry? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 203
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(au)
it is indeed highly yr. interest Red
It is, indeed, highly your interest to maintain the present House of Commons. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 214
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(av)
second nature Red
Even Mr. Rigby's countenance fails him. He violates his second nature, and blushes whenever he speaks of you. Perhaps the noble colonel himself will relieve you. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 216
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ba)
the noble colonel Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Even Mr. Rigby's countenance fails him. He violates his second nature, and blushes whenever he speaks of you. Perhaps the noble colonel himself will relieve you. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 216
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bb)
unhappy man Red
Unhappy man! what party will receive the common deserter of all parties? Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 247
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bc)
discharge his piece Red
It was thought a daring expression of Oliver Cromwell, in the time of Charles the First, that if he found himself placed opposite to the King in battle, he would discharge his piece into his bosom as soon as into any other man's. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 129
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bd)
Where is now that … ? Red
Where is now that firmness, or obstinacy, so long boasted of by your friends, and acknowledged by your enemies. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 247
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(be)
he affected ~ Red
[from Gibbon, Decline and Fall:] Constantius sat alone on a lofty car resplendent with gold and precious gems; and, except when he bowed his head to pass under the gates of the cities, he affected a stately demeanour of inflexible and […] of insensible gravity […] Their repeated acclamations expressed their joy at beholding, after an absence of thirty-two years, the sacred person of the sovereign; and Constantius himself expressed, with some pleasantry, his affected surprise that the human race should thus suddenly be collected on the same spot. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 282
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bf)
~ with some pleasantry Red
[from Gibbon, Decline and Fall:] Constantius sat alone on a lofty car resplendent with gold and precious gems; and, except when he bowed his head to pass under the gates of the cities, he affected a stately demeanour of inflexible and […] of insensible gravity […] Their repeated acclamations expressed their joy at beholding, after an absence of thirty-two years, the sacred person of the sovereign; and Constantius himself expressed, with some pleasantry, his affected surprise that the human race should thus suddenly be collected on the same spot. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 282
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bg)
a gracious prince ~ Red
[Constantius] proceeded from Milan to Rome along the Æmilian and Flaminian ways; and, as soon as he approached within forty miles of the city. the march of a prince who had never vanquished a foreign enemy assumed the appearance of a triumphal procession. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 282
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bh)
conqueror who had never Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[Constantius] proceeded from Milan to Rome along the Æmilian and Flaminian ways; and, as soon as he approached within forty miles of the city. the march of a prince who had never vanquished a foreign enemy assumed the appearance of a triumphal procession. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 282
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bi)
eloquent historian of nature Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[from Gibbon's Memoirs:] His choice is approved by the eloquent historian of nature, who fixes our moral happiness to the mature season […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 284
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bj)
accouchement Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bk)
lying fallow plughshare Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bl)
couched in terms Red
At that time, he drew up the heads of an engagement, which he gave to me, with a request that I would couch it in terms so cautious and precise, as to leave no room for future quibble and evasion; Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 134
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bm)
quidnuncs Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bn)
seedfield nearer home Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bo)
milksop Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bp)
dupe Red
Health, fortune, tranquillity, and private connexions, I have sacrificed upon the altar of the public; and the only return I received, because I will not concur to dupe and mislead a senseless multitude, is barely, that they have not yet torn me in pieces. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 112
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bq)
fee simple Red
The fee-simple is in us. They cannot alienate, they cannot waste. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, ix
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(br)
Walpole French
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bs)
bedchamber Red
Whatever be the real views and doctrine of a court, the Sovereign should be taught to preserve some forms of attention to his subjects; and, if he will not redress their grievances, not to make them a topic of jest and mockery among lords and ladies of the bedchamber and ladies of the bed-chamber. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 249
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bt)
sublime Porte Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bu)
fond of travelling severest
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(bv)
engagement (battle)
Mr. Horne enlarges with rapture upon the importance of his services; the dreadful battles which he might have been engaged in, and the dangers he has escaped. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 141
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ca)
peevish asperity Red
When we speak of the firmness of government, wc mean an uniform system of measures, deliberately adopted, and resolutely maintained, by the Servants of the Crown; not a peevish asperity in the language or behaviour of the Sovereign. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 4
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cb)
ties of nature Red
But ties of this tender nature cannot be drawn too close; and it may possibly be a part of the Duke of Bedford's ambition, after making her an honest woman, to work a miracle of the same sort upon your Grace. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 75
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cc)
he … . . for him nor Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cd)
~ [Monogebirist]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ce)
four per cents ~ Red
Lord North had fortunately the means in his possession of reducing all the four per cents. at once. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 23
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cf)
~ all at once
Lord North had fortunately the means in his possession of reducing all the four per cents. at once. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 23
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cg)
stagnant & ineffective Red
In the dull, unanimated existence of other princes, we see nothing but a sickly, stagnant water, which taints the atmosphere without fertilizing the soil. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 26
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ch)
~ we are arrived at
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ci)
grazing lands Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.035(ai).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cj)
~ heaven … earth … secret rivers
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ck)
Junius says this! who Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Junius says this! Who yet imagines that he has written two years under that signature (and more under others) without being detected Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), II, 121
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cl)
sorites Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.024(av) and Sheet 14.042(k). See Goldsmith p.598, for: The disputes among the learned here are now earned on in a much more compendious manner than formerly. There was a time when folio was brought to oppose folio, and a champion was often listed for life under the banners of a single sorites.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cm)
dedale Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cn)
time was Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ac).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(co)
~ end
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cp)
I durst [go] never
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cq)
~ -- U U -- U --
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cr)
widow's mite [v.i.] Red
Note: See Sheet 14.038(ao) and UN4 (NLI.5A):019(ap).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(cs)
~ Besides
Oxen of the Sun: sector 37(ct)
~ I played, I am, I —

Oxen of the Sun sector 38

BL Add MS 49475-14r(left) JJA 12:034
(Herring Oxen-16) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(a)
sick or whole Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(r).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(b)
pumproom Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
“Humphry Clinker” … To his niece Liddy, on the contrary, everything looks rose-coloured. The Downs, with the furze in full blossom (it was late April), are delightful; the waters are most agreeable (‘so pure, so mild, so charmingly mawkish!’); and the ships and boats going up and down the Avon under the windows of the Pump-room make ‘an enchanting variety of moving pictures.’ Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 36f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(c)
cut bob Blue
“Humphry Clinker” … ‘Yesterday morning, at the Pump-room,’ he goes on, ‘I saw a broken-winded Wapping landlady squeeze through a circle of peers, to salute her brandy-merchant, who stood by the window, propp'd upon crutches; and a paralytic attorney of Shoe-lane, in shuffling up to the bar, kicked the shins of the chancellor of England, while his lordship, in a cut bob, drank a glass of water at the pump.’ Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 39
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(s) for UG 14.497.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(d)
place of worship Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
“Humphry Clinker” … York Minster gives him opportunity for a discourse upon the comfortless and ill-ventilated condition of places of worship in general; and he leaves Scarborough (the then new-fashioned bathing-machines of which are described with some minuteness by Jerry Melford) in consequence of an unfortunate mistake made by Humphry, who, seeing his master ‘dipping,’ imagines him to be drowning, and thereupon rescues him with more vigour than dexterity. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 46
Note: But see UN4 (NLI.5A):030(ec).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(e)
John Dory Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
“Humphry Clinker” … When he dines with Mr. Bramble he is regaled with his (and Fielding's) favourite John Dory, which, however, to his inconsolable chagrin, is cruelly mangled, and 'even presented without sauce.' Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 39
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(f)
deserted village Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
“Mr. Cradock of Gumley” … But Cradock was only twelve years junior to the author of the ‘Deserted Village’; and their relations were probably more unconstrained. Most of Cradock's anecdotes have been adopted by Goldsmith's biographers. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 218
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(g)
“Humphry Clinker” … The substantial tradesman, who was wont to pass his evenings at the alehouse for fourpence half-penny, now spends three shillings at the tavern, while his wife keeps card-tables at home; she must likewise have fine clothes, her chaise, or pad, with country lodgings, and go three times a-week to public diversions. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 42
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(h)
abigail Red
“Humphry Clinker” … The gayest places of public entertainment are filled with fashionable figures; which, upon enquiry, will be found to be journeymen tailors, serving-men, and abigails, disguised like their betters. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 42
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(i)
Mr Commissioner Smollett Red
“Humphry Clinker” … Thence they travel along the Clyde to Dumbarton, cross Leven Water, and so reach Mr. Commissioner Smollett's oak-bosomed house of Cameron at the south-western extremity of the loch. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 49
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(j)
fuddled Red
“The Journal to Stella” … Many others pass and re-pass Congreve (quantum mutatus!), a broken man, but cheerful, though almost blind from ‘cataracts growing on his eyes’; Prior, with lantern jaws, sitting solemnly at the ‘Smyrna’ receiving visits of ceremony, or walking in the Park to make himself fat, or disappearing mysteriously on diplomatic expeditions to Paris; grave Addison rehearsing ‘Cato,’ and sometimes un-Catonically fuddled; Steele bustling over ‘Tatlers’ and ‘Spectators’ and ‘governed by his wife most abominably, as bad as Marlborough’; ‘pastoral Philips’ (with his red stockings), just arrived from Denmark; clever, kindly Dr. Arbuthnot, ‘the queen's favourite physician,’ meditating new ‘bites’ for the maids of honour or fresh chapters in ‘John Bull’; young Mr. Berkeley of Kilkenny, with his ‘Dialogues against Atheism’ in his pocket, and burning ‘to make acquaintance with men of merit’; Atterbury, finessing for his Christ Church deanery. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 9f
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.044(m).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(k)
~ rasp
“The Journal to Stella” … He tells you when he buys books at Christopher Bateman's in Little Britain, or spectacles for Stella on Ludgate Hill, or Brazil tobacco (which Mrs. Dingley will rasp into snuff) at Charles Lillie the perfumer's in Beaufort's Buildings. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 10f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(l)
plaguily Red
“The Journal to Stella” … Later on he exasperates his master so much by keeping him waiting, that Swift is provoked into giving him ‘two or three swingeing cuffs on the ear,’ spraining his own thumb thereby, though Arbuthnot thinks it may be gout. ‘He [Patrick] was plaguily afraid and humbled.’ Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 12
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(n) for UG 14.672. Cf. Swift, “And the doctor was plaguily down in the hips.”
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(m)
gentleman's gentleman Blue
“The Journal to Stella” … After this he takes to the study of Congreve, goes to the play, fights in his cups with another gentleman's gentleman, by whom he is dragged along the floor upon his face, ‘which looked for a week after as if he had the leprosy; and,’ adds the diarist grimly, ‘I was glad enough to see it.’ Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 12
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(t) for UG 14.495.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(n)
cast of countenance Red
Note: The Oxen use was deleted at missing draft stage 4, and the Eumeus use might not have come directly from the notesheet.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(o)
boon Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(p)
perennial Red
“The Story of the Spectator”, … Neither Addison nor Steele, it is true, ever excelled the ‘first sprightly runnings’ of the ‘Tatler,’ and it may be doubted if either afterwards produced anything that really rivals Mr. Bickerstaff's ‘isit to a Friend’ or (in its kind) the perennial ‘Ned Softly’ of the earlier paper. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 187
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(q)
a footman (virtuous) who Blue
“Richardson at Home”, … At school, where he was noted for his edifying stories, one of his playfellows endeavoured to persuade him to write the history of a footman (virtuous) who married his mistress; and he had not attained the mature age of eleven before he addressed an admonitory but anonymous epistle to a backbiting widow of fifty, who had distinguished herself more by the severity of her precepts than the assiduity of her practice. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 22
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(u) for UG 14.895.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(r)
circumspect Red
“Richardson at Home”, … Finally, in the right foreground, his left hand in his breast, his right steadied upon his cane as a precaution against giddiness, is the little figure of Richardson, shuffling along, circumspect and timorous, as he describes himself to his dear Miss Highmore. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 28
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(s)
shed a pint of tears Blue
“Richardson at Home”, … When a lady confesses to have shed a pint of tears (for this is the precise liquid measure specified) over one's work, a certain curiosity is perhaps excusable, and, as time went on, Richardson obviously grew anxious to make his Incognita's personal acquaintance. Austin Dobson, Eighteenth Century Studies (1914), 31
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(v) for UG 14.565.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(t)
progress various & doubtful
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(u)
maintained & improved advantage
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(v)
voice of — was heard / to urge, to restrain, to push Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(aa)
High school Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ab)
prerogative Red
They call upon him to make use of his lawful prerogative in a case which our laws evidently supposed might happen, since they have provided for it by trusting the Sovereign with a discretionary power to dissolve the Parliament. Anon, Letters of Junius (1824), I, 265
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ac)
any the least colour Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ad)
look daggers [Nausicaa] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied to UN7 (V.A.2):015(aj); see also UN4 (NLI.5A):047(g).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ae)
retrospect Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(af)
[Whose] are [not] of Elia Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ag)
quit Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ah)
SD drunk [hears] rain Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(aa).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ai)
coxcomb Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.039(ae).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(aj)
finicking Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ak)
eulogy Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(al)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(am)
oftentimes Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):005(ba) for UG 13.294.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(an)
by by by
Oxen of the Sun: sector 38(ao)
widow's mite (Naus) Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 14.037(cr) and UN4 (NLI.5A):019(ap)

Oxen of the Sun sector 39

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) left margin
Month 7

Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(a)
skip Red
I found myself so much the better for my own lecture, that I neither ascended the steps like a victim to justice, who was to part with life upon the topmast; nor did I mount them with a skip and a couple of strides, as I do when I fly up, Eliza! to thee, to meet it. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 174
Note: See also Sheet 14.028(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(b)
Monsieur Moore Red
I PERCEIVED that something darkened the passage more than myself, as I stepped along it to my room; it was effectualty Monsieur Dessein, the master of the hotel, who had just returned from vespers, and with his hat under his arm, was most complaisantly following me, to put me in mind of my wants. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 27f
Note: Multiple uses of Monsieur in A Sentimental Journey.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(c)
complacent Red
I PERCEIVED that something darkened the passage more than myself, as I stepped along it to my room; it was effectualty Monsieur Dessein, the master of the hotel, who had just returned from vespers, and with his hat under his arm, was most complaisantly following me, to put me in mind of my wants. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 27f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(d)
bosom Red
In saying this, he presented his to me with one hand, as he took mine from me in the other, and having kissed it, with a stream of good nature in his eyes he put it into his bosom, and took his leave. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 44
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(e)
I had wrote Red
I had wrote myself pretty well out of conceit with the désobligeante; and Monsieur Dessein speaking of it with a shrug, as if it would noways suit me, it immediately struck my fancy that it belonged to some Innocent Traveller, who, on his return home, had left it to Monsieur Dessein's honour to make the most of. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 28
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(f)
cherish, Red
and, though it may seem ridiculous enough to a torpid heart, I could have taken her into my arms, and cherished her, though it was in the open street, without blushing. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 40
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(g)
~ trip
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(h)
My God! Just Heavens! Red
My God!” cried the monk, with a warmth of asseveration which seemed not to belong to him, “the fault was in me, and in the indiscretion of my zeal,” the lady opposed it, and I joined with her in maintaining it was impossible that a spirit so regulated as his, could give offence to any. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 43f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(i)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(j)
a world of Red
He stopped however as soon as he came up to us, with a world of frankness, and, having a horn snuff-box in his hand, he presented it open to me. “You shall taste mine,” said I, pulling out my box. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(k)
whispered Caution Red
Every dirty passion and bad propensity in my nature took the alarm as I stated the proposition. “It will oblige you to have a third horse,” said Avarice, “which will put twenty livres out of your pocket.” “You know not what she is,” said Caution; ”or what scrapes the affair may draw you into,” whispered Cowardice. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 49
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(l)
But she had glided off unperceived, as the cause was pleading, and had made ten or a dozen paces down the street by the time I had made the determination; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 50
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(m)
the cause was pleading
But she had glided off unperceived, as the cause was pleading, and had made ten or a dozen paces down the street by the time I had made the determination; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 50
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(n)
c'est bien comique … c'e.b.c. Red
C'est bien comique—'tis very droll,” said the lady smiling, from the reflection that this was the second time we had been left together by a parcel of nonsensical contingencies. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 58
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(o)
there wanted nothing Red
There wants nothing,” said I, “to make it so, but the comic use which the gallantry of a Frenchman would put it to; to make love the first moment, and an offer of his person the second. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 59
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(p)
Lord!” said I, hearing the town clock strike four, and recollecting that I had been little more than a single hour in Calais&. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 64
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(q)
clapping hands ~ Red
“I declare,” said I, clapping my hands cheerily together, “that was I in a desert, I would find out wherewith in it to call forth my affections: Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 65
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(r)
~ cheerily Red
“I declare,” said I, clapping my hands chearily together, “that was I in a desert, I would find out wherewith in it to call forth my affections: Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 65
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(s)
popped Red
I popped upon Smelfungus again at Turin, in his return home, and a sad tale of sorrowful adventures had he to tell, “wherein he Spoke of moving accidents by flood and field, and of the cannibals that each other eat—the Anthropophagi:” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 66
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(t)
I declare Red
I declare,” said I, clapping my hands chearily together, “that was I in a desert, I would find out wherewith in it to call forth my affections: Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 65
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(u)
Peace be to her ~
Peace be to them! if it is to be found; but heaven itself, was it possible to get there with such tempers, would want objects to give it; every gentle spirit would come flying upon the wings of Love to hail their arrival; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 67
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(v)
~ was it possible (if it were) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Peace be to them! if it is to be found; but heaven itself, was it possible to get there with such tempers, would want objects to give it; every gentle spirit would come flying upon the wings of Love to hail their arrival; nothing would the souls of Smelfungus and Mundungus hear of, but fresh anthems of joy, fresh raptures of love, and fresh congratulations of their common felicity. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 67
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(aa)
that I do most sadly (want) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
“ A servant! That I do most sadly,” quoth I. “Because, Monsieur,”" said the landlord, “there is a clever young fellow, who would be very proud of the honour to serve an Englishman.” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 69
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ab)
La Fleur … came in Red
The landlord delivered this in a manner which instantly set my mind to the business I was upon, and La Fleur, who stood waiting without, in that breathless expectation which every son of nature of us have felt in our turns, came in. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 72
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ac)
he retired à ses terres Blue
That the honour of beating a drum was likely to be its own reward, as it open'd no further track of glory to him—he retired à ses terres, [to his estates; euphemism for desertion] and lived comme il plaisoit à Dieu—that is to say, upon nothing. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 73
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ai)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ad)
Pshaw! said he Red
“Pshaw!” said I, “and do not one half of our gentry go with a humdrum compagnon de voyage the same round, and have the piper and the devil and all to pay besides? Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 74
Note: See Sheet 14.080(ae).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ae)
coxcomb Red
With all this, La Fleur had a small cast of the coxcomb; [fool] but he seemed at first sight to be more a coxcomb of nature than of art; and before I had been three days in Paris with him, he seemed to be no coxcomb at all. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 77
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.038(ai).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(af)
desire the landlord to Red
bid him fasten all upon the chaise, get the horses put to, and desire the landlord to come in with his bill. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 79
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ag)
wiped his eyes Red
La Fleur kissed all their hands round and round again, and thrice he wiped his eyes, and thrice he promised he would bring them all pardons from Rome. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 79
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ah)
crust in wallet Red
—“And this, said he, putting the remains of a crust into his wallet,— Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 94
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ai)
bless him with 3 sons Red
It had pleased heaven, he said, to bless him with three sons, the finest lads in all Germany; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 96
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(aj)
The postillion pointed to the hill—I then tried to return back to the story of the poor German and his ass; but I had broke the clue, and could no more get into it again, than the postillion could into a trot. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 100
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ak)
picture in black ribbon Red
I look'd at the picture she had tied in a black riband about my neck, and blush'd as I looked at it. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 104
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(al)
kneeling down upon the ground Red
“Eternal fountain of happiness!” said I, kneeling down upon the ground, “be thou my witness— […] Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 104f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(am)
treated him with Red
La Fleur had laid hold of it, and, in order to do honour to his master, had taken him into a back parlour in the auberge and treated him with a cup or two of the best wine in Picardy ; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 105f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(an)
I put it to you, ~ Red
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):022(bi) for UG 15.947; see also Sheet 14.013(av) for UG 14.1586.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ao)
~ gentle reader
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ap)
inconceivable Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.014(ag); recopied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(aj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(aq)
slicked his hair Red
[…] a ship is not so long a rigging, as a young gentlewoman a trimming up herself, against her sweetheart comes […] no so gracious an aspect in Nature's storehouse as […] a young man that is her suitor; composed looks, composed gait, clothes, gestures, actions, all composed; […] they are beyond all measure coy, nice, and too curious on a sudden. 'Tis all their study, all their business, how to wear their clothes neat, to be polite and terse […] No sooner doth a young man see his sweetheart coming, but he […] ties his garters, points, sets his band, cuffs, slicks his hair, twirls his beard, &c. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 67, Burton
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.013(ck).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ar)
cordial waters Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.025(v) for source text.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(as)
but of this hereafter
Note: See also Sheet 14.025(ab) for source text.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(at)
beck Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 14.024(ar) for source-text.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(au)
But to return Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 14.024(ba) for source-text.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(av)
household word Red
[…] which step by step have come down, not debasing themselves in this act of becoming popular, but training and elevating an ever-increasing number of persons to enter into their meaning, till at length they have become truly a part of the nation's common stock, ‘household words,’ used easily and intelligently by nearly all. Richard Chenevix Trench, An Anthology of The Study of Words(1851), 160
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):006(an). See also Sheet 14.012(f).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(ba)
ennobling profession Red
Note: De Quincey (Theological Essays): “Whilst a great rival nation is pursuing the ennobling profession of arms.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(bb)
congratulated with Red
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.022(ac).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 39(bc)
dry nurse Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ak); see also Sheet 14.003(l).

Oxen of the Sun sector 40

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) bottom left

Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(a)
puny child of clay |adusta| Red
Alas, I said to myself, how does pride attend the puny child of dust even to the grave! Even humble as I am, I possess more consequence in the present scene than the greatest hero of them all: they have toiled for an hour to gain a transient immortality, and are at length retired to the grave, where they have no attendant but the worm, none to flatter but the epitaph. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 421
Note: See also Sheet 14.058(at) for UG 14.327.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(b)
glorious incentive Red
If adulation like this (continued I) be properly conducted, as it can no ways injure those who are flattered, so it may be a glorious incentive to those who are now capable of enjoying it. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 421
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(c)
revile the living Red
These answerers have no other employment but to cry out Dunce and Scribbler, to praise the dead, and revile the living; to grant a man of confessed abilities some small share of merit; to applaud twenty blockheads, in order to gain the reputation of candour; and to revile the moral character of the man whose writings they cannot injure. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 422
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(d)
born so far from home
Bless me! can this be the gentleman that was born so far from home? What an unusual share of somethingness in liis whole appearance! Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World,d p 424
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(e)
Bless me! Red
Bless me! can this be the gentleman that was born so far from home? What an unusual share of somethingness in liis whole appearance! Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 424
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(f)
perpetual anastomosis Red
They walked hand in hand wherever they appeared, shewing every mark of mutual satisfaction, embracing, kissing, their mouths were for ever joined, and to speak in the language of anatomy, it was with them one perpetual anastomosis. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 430
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(g)
luckless Red
Besides the combinations of these voices, which I could hear altogether, and which formed an upper part to the concert, there were several others playing under-parts by themselves, and endeavouring to fasten on some luckless neighbour's ear, who was himself bent upon the same design against some other. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 173
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(h)
I want patience Red
The men will laugh at him, the ladies will pity him; and all that his warmest friends can say in his favour will be, that the poor good soul has never had any harm in him. I want patience, interrupted I; what! are there no private chastisements for the wife; no schools of penitence to shew her folly; no rods for such delinquents? Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, 433
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(i)
~ … what? Red
The men will laugh at him, the ladies will pity him; and all that his warmest friends can say in his favour will be, that the poor good soul has never had any harm in him. I want patience, interrupted I; what! are there no private chastisements for the wife; no schools of penitence to shew her folly; no rods for such delinquents? Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, 433
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(j)
laudable fortitude Red
Since our Persons are not of our own Making, when they are such as appear Defective or Uncomely, it is, methinks, an honest and laudable Fortitude to dare to be Ugly   The Spectator (n.d), No. 17 (Tuesday, March 20, 1710), p 97
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(k)
Grand Turk ~ Blue
Note: Copied to UN7 (V.A.2):025(aw). Possibly inspired by next unit, but cf. The Spectator No. 14, p 83: A Turk drank me off two Bottles of Wine
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(l)
~ — Cairo
[…] in your Voyage to or from Grand Cairo   The Spectator (n.d), No. 17 (Tuesday, March 20, 1710), p 99
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(m)
queerity Red
That no Person whatsoever shall be admitted without a visible Quearity in his Aspect, or peculiar Cast of Countenance   The Spectator (n.d), No. 17 (Tuesday, March 20, 1710), p 100
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(n)
gibbosity Red
That a singular Regard be had, upon Examination, to the Gibbosity of the Gentlemen that offer themselves, as Founder's Kinsmen   The Spectator (n.d), No. 17, (Tuesday, March 20, 1710), p 100
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(o)
a cloud of witnesses Red
There was no resisting such a cloud of witnesses; the prior was condemned; and he who had assisted at so many burnings was burned himself in turn. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 187
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(p)
shrilling cock
— no sounds were heard, but of the shrilling cock, and the deep-mouthed watch-dog at hollow distance Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Vicar of Wakefield p 678
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(q)
What … time only can discover
what turn these debates may take, time only can discover. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 410
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(r)
Not less severe than beautiful Red
“Peace, Asem,” replied the Guardian, with a countenance not less severe than beautiful, “nor forfeit all thy pretensions to wisdom; the same selfish motives, by which we prefer our own interest to that of others, induce us to regard our country preferably to that of another. Nothing less than universal benevolence is free from vice, and that, you see, is practised here.” Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 180
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(s)
repaired to Red
I was pressed, without loss of time, to repair to Comercy. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 269
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(t)
rendezvoused Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 40(u)
then only … when
Some men of fortune and universal benevolence propose the proper objects; the wants and the merits of the petitioners are canvassed by the people; neither passion nor pity find a place in the cool discussion; and charity is then only exerted when it has received the approbation of reason. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 440

Oxen of the Sun sector 41

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) bottom centre

Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(a)
ladylike man Red
Such is the killing creature who prostrates himself to the sex till he has undone them; all whose submissions are the effects of design, and who to please the ladies almost becomes himself a lady. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 416
Note: See also Sheet 13.017(ch) for UG 13.618, and UN7 (V.A.2):015(d) for UG 13.265.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(b)
approached the goblet Red
So saying, instead of a libation, he applied the goblet to his lips, and confirmed his sentiments with a ceremony of the most persevering devotion. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 408
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(c)
debauching Red
As for the magistrates, the country justices and squires, they are employed first in debauching young virgins, and then punishing the transgression. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 415
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(d)
bonze Red
In every country, my friend, the bonzes, the brachmans, and the priests, deceive the people; all reformations begin from the laity; the priests point us out the way to heaven with their fingers, but stand still themselves, nor seem to travel towards the country in view. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 417
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(e)
royal exercitation Red
Our distresses are great; but Madame Pompadour continues to supply our king, who is now growing old, with a fresh lady every night. His health, thank heaven, is still pretty well; nor is he in the least unfit, as was reported, for any kind of royal exercitation. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 411
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(f)
we are positive when we say Red
We are positive when we say that Saunders M'Gregor, who was lately executed for horse-stealing, is not a Scotchman, but born in Carrickfergus. Farewell! Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 412
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(g)
put a period to his life Red
he was going to plunge into the lake beneath him, and put a period to his anxiety. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 178
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(h)
to sot
He continued to doze and sot, and tell a tedious story Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 184
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(i)
It is only among the poets we hear of men changing to one delight when satiated with another. In nature it is very different: the glutton, when sated with the full meal, is unqualified to feel the real pleasure of drinking; the drunkard, in turn, finds few of those transports which lovers boast in enjoyment; and the lover, when cloyed, finds a diminution of every other appetite. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 481
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(j)
parish beadle Red
[…] yet I soon died for want of a drop of something comfortable, and fairly left my body to the care of the beadle Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 185
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(k)
How finely contrasted is the level plain that lies beneath me, with yon awful pile that hides its tremendous head in clouds Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 177
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(l)
Allah Blue
The Maribous compose hymns in praise of Allah. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Essays, p 213
Oxen of the Sun: sector 41(m)
Such an one
My Lord Swamp would give ten thousand guineas for such an one; but as I sometimes pleasantly tell him, I always love to keep my prospects at home, that my friends may see me the oftener. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 502
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.008(ah).

Oxen of the Sun sector 42

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(a)
quit the field Red
A poor prince who is weak in cavalry, and whose whole infantry does not exceed a single man, had best quit the field, and signalise himself in the cabinet, if he can get up into it: I say up into it, for there is no descending perpendicular amongst 'em with a “Me voici! mes enfans!”—“Here I am, whatever many may think.” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 114f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(b)
seek, seek …
“Alas, poor Yorick!” cried I, “what art thou doing here? On the very first onset of all this glittering clatter, thou art reduced to an atom: seek, seek some winding alley, with a tourniquet at the end of it, where chariot never rolled, or flambeau shot its rays; there thou mayest solace thy soul in converse sweet with some kind grisset of a barber's wife, and get into such coteries.. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 115f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(c)
très volontiers, most w- Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Tres volontiers; most willingly, said she, laying her work down upon a chair near her, and rising up from the low chair she was sitting in, with so cheerful a movement and so cheerful a look, that had I been laying out fifty louis d'ors with her, I should have said, “That woman is grateful.” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 120
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(d)
have the obligingness Red
“I am just going to send him,” said she, “with a packet into that quarter; and, if you will have the complaisance to step in, it will be ready in a moment, and he shall attend you to the place.” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 122
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(e)
Would to God Red
Woulds to heaven! my dear Eugenius, thou hadst passed by, and beheld me fitting in my black coat, and in my lackadaisical manner, counting the throbs of it, one by one, with as much true devotion as if I had been watching the critical ebb or flow of her fever: Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 123
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(f)
hand her to her coach Blue
She was at the top of the stairs; and seeing no chichesbee near her, I begged to hand her to her coach; so we went down the stairs, stopping at every third step to talk of the concert and the adventure. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 134
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(an) for UG 14.795.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(g)
tut Red
Tut!” said I, “are we not all relations?” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 155
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(di) for second ‘tut’.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(h)
pooh Red
“Then certes,” replied he, “you'll be sent to the Bastile or the Châtelet au moins.” “Pooh!” said I, “the King of France is a good-natured soul; he'll hurt nobody.” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 158f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(i)
Mercy on the gouty Blue
“Make the most of it you can,” said I to myself, “the Bastile is but another word for a tower, and a tower is but another word for a house you can't get out of. Mercy on the gouty! for they are in it twice a year. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 162
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(ao) for UG 14.1139.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(j)
beshrew Red
Beshrew the sombre pencil,” said I, vauntingly, “for I envy not its powers, which paints the evils of life with so hard and deadly a colouring. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 163
Note: See also Sheet 14.024(bc).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(k)
sorites Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.024(av) and Sheet 14.037(cl). See Goldsmith p.598, for: The disputes among the learned here are now earned on in a much more compendious manner than formerly. There was a time when folio was brought to oppose folio, and a champion was often listed for life under the banners of a single sorites.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(l)
heyday, Red
I was interrupted in the heyday of this soliloquy, with a voice which I took to be that of a child, which complained it could not get out. I looked up and down the passage, and seeing neither man, woman, nor child, I went out without farther attention. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 163f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(m)
polished Red
“And the master of my hotel,” said I, as I concluded it, “will needs have it, Monsieur le Count, that I shall be sent to the Bastile; but I have no apprehensions,” continued I; “for, in falling into the hands of the most polished people in the world, and being conscious I was a true man, and not come to spy the nakedness of the land, I scarce thought I lay at their mercy. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 190
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(n)
swain Red
“Peace to thee, generous swain! I see thou walkest off with anguish, but thy joys shall balance it; for, happy is thy cottage, and happy is the sharer of it, and happy are the lambs which sport about you.” Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 269
Note: See Sheet 14.058(al).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(o)
heart begins to bleed Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
—but here my heart begins to bleed— But here my heart began to bleed, and I was forced to go on with another part of the portrait. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 167
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(p)
of a sedate look Red
He was about forty-eight, of a sedate look, something approaching to gravity. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 181
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(q)
affecting (ed) Red
I was going to begin with the millions of my fellow-creatures born to no inheritance but slavery; but, finding however affecting the picture was, that I could not bring it near me, and that the multitudes of sad groups in it did but distract me, Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 166f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(r)
conjecture Red
But permit me to conjecture Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), p 65
Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):007(cj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(s)
suffice it Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(t)
tante belle cose Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):013(t)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(u)
mille compliments Blue
As the poor fellow could not present himself empty, he had loaded himself in going upstairs with a thousand compliments to Madame de L— on the part of his master; added a long apocrypha of inquiries after Madame de L—'s health ; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 106f
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(am) for UG 14.746.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(v)
for his pains
I do not think Monsieur le Duc de Choiseul is such an enemy to mirth, as to send me back, crying for my pains. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 191
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(aa)
(blushing,) Red
as for the nakedness of your land, if I saw it, I should cast my eyes over it with tears in them; and for that of your women,” blushing at the idea he had excited in me,” […] Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 193
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ab)
justiciary Red
As the passport was directed to all lieutenant-governors, governors, and commandants of cities, generals of armies, justiciaries, and all officers of justice, to let Mr. Yorick, the King's jester, and his baggage, travel quietly along, […] Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 202
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ac)
my brains
I toss'd and turn'd it almost all night in my brains to no manner of purpose; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 228
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ad)
reasons good & cogent Red
The worst fault which divines and the doctors of the Sorbonne can allege against it, is, that if there is but a capful of wind in or about Paris, 'tis more blasphemously “Sacre Dieu'd” there, than in any other aperture of the whole city; and with reason good and cogent, messieurs,—for it comes against you without crying “Garde d'eau;” and with such unpremeditated puffs, that, of the few who cross it with their hats on, not one in fifty but hazards two livres and a half, which is its full worth. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 236f
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(q) for UG 14.706, and Sheet 14.082(j).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ae)
to do the same by
When I had finished the butter, I threw the currant leaf out of the window, and was going to do the same by the waste paper; but stopping to read a line first, and that drawing me on to a second and third, I thought it better worth; so I shut the window, and, drawing a chair up to it, I sat down to read it. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 233f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(af)
fiacre Blue
There is a long dark passage issuing out from the Opera Comique into a narrow street; 'tis trod by a few who humbly wait for a fiacre [Hackney coach] or wish to get off quietly o'foot when the opera is done. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 245
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(al) for UG 14.492.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ag)
gone off by damps
It was in the old French of Rabelais' time; and, for aught I know, might have been wrote by him: it was moreover in a Gothic letter, and that so faded and gone off by damps and length of time, it cost me infinite trouble to make any thing of it. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 234
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ah)
little fume of a woman Red
“And what would you do then, Monsieur?” said she, rising hastily up. The notary's wife was a little fume of a woman, and the notary thought it well to avoid a hurricane by a mild reply. “I would go,” answer'd he, to bed. “You may go to the devil,” answered the notary's wife. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 236
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ai)
a capful of wind Red
The worst fault which divines and the doctors of the Sorbonne can allege against it, is, that if there is but capful of wind in or about Paris, [… Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 236f
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(v).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(aj)
Almighty director of every event Red
The notary dipped his pen into his ink-horn. Almighty director of every event in my life! said the old gentleman, looking up earnestly, and raising his hands towards heaven; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 241
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ak)
artless disorder Red
I touched upon the string on which hung all her sorrows: she looked with wistful disorder for some time in my face; and then, without saying anything, took her pipe and played her service to the Virgin. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 364
Note: See also Sheet 14.035(aj) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(al)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(am)
A shoe coming loose from the fore-foot of the thill-horse, at the beginning of the ascent of Mount Taurira, the postillion dismounted, twisted the shoe off, and put it in his pocket, as the ascent was of five or six miles, and that horse our main dependence, I made a point of having the shoe fastened on again as well as we could; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 270
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(an)
~ his story
and the old gentleman^^ turning a little more towards the notary, began to dictate his story in these words:— Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 242
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ao)
in good earnest Red
He had not mounted half a mile higher, when, coming to a flinty piece of road, the poor devil lost a second shoe, and from off his other fore-foot; I then got out of the chaise in good earnest; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 271
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(u) for UG 14.783.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ap)
rose up to meet Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
The old man rose up to meet me, and with a respectful cordiality would have me sit down at the table; my heart was set down the moment I entered the room; so I sat down at once like a son of the family; Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 272
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(aq)
at the age he was then of
The old man had since fifty years ago been no mean performer upon the vielle; and, at the age he was then of, touch'd it well enough for the purpose. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 275
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(ar)
full 2 hours Red
it wanted full two hours of completing before a passage could any how be gained: there was nothing but to wait with patience, 'twas a wet and tempestuous night: Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1888), 278
Oxen of the Sun: sector 42(as)
small clothes Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 43

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) bottom right

Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(a)
the happiest turn to science,
Nature was never more lavish of its gifts than it had been to her, endued as she was with the most exalted understanding and the happiest turn to science. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), The Bee, p 322
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(b)
an heathen
we should never have been able to judge of what religion was Hypasia, were we not informed, from other circumstances, that she was an heathen. Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), The Bee, p 322
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(c)
imagined his life to be …. & that
At this very juncture five hundred monks of Mount Nitria, imagining the life of their chief to be in danger, and that their religion was threatened in his fall Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), The Bee, p 323
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(d)
Such was X …, glory of her own sex & astonishm. of ours Red
Such was the end of Hypasia, the glory of her own sex and the astonishment of ours Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), The Bee, p 323
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(e)
set the table in a roar
[…] but the story of Taffy in the sedan-chair was sure to set the table in a roar Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 447
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(f)
I was for returning Red
I was for going on without taking any notice Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 446
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(g)
I shudder to think Red
I should shudder but to think of that! Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Vicar of Wakefield p 628
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(h)
abridged in its commerce Red
By this means the mother country, being abridged in its commerce, grew poorer Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 444
Oxen of the Sun: sector 43(i)
without cunning to protect or … Red
Thus shoved from shore without ill-nature to protect, or cunning to guide, or proper stores to subsist me in so dangerous a voyage Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Citizen of the World, p 447

Oxen of the Sun sector 44

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(a)
sparks Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(b)
delivered himself of Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(c)
I owe him for Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(d)
expatiate Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(e)
May this drink Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(f)
As I look to be saved, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(g)
Young blood Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(h)
pot of ale Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(i)
suds Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(j)
seminary Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(k)
scouring Brush Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(l)
low fellow Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 44(m)
fuddled Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.038(j).

Oxen of the Sun sector 45

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) right margin sideways

Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(a)
Babytalk Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(b)
Deborah, my life, Red
and Deborah, my life, grief, you know, is dry,let us have a bottle of the best gooseberry wine to keep up our spirits, Oliver Goldsmith, Complete Works (n.d), Vicar of Wakefield, p 657
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(c)
my dear mamma Red
Note: Deleted at missing draft 4.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(d)
this, you'll say
[from Cowley:] But this, you'll say, is work only for the learned, others are not capable either of the employments, or divertisements, that arrive from letters. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 231
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(e)
[on Augustan prose] South, a man of great eloquence and even rather antique in his use of phrase and figure, expressly belabours and condemns the rhythmical splendours of Taylor, and himself employs hardly anything but a balanced parallelism of cadence. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 228f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(f)
stop gap Red
[from Cowley] […] a very small portion of any ingenuous art will stop up all those gaps of our time, either music, or painting, or […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 231
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(g)
man in gap Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(h)
accuse him to have wanted
[from Dryden:] Those who accuse [Shakespeare] to have wanted learning, give him the greater commendation […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 232
Note: See also Sheet 14.025(bf)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(i)
[from South:] […] till his fall, it [his understanding] was ignorant of nothing but of sin; or at least it rested in the notion, without the smart [sting] of the experiment. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 234
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(j)
rarities ~
[from South:] All these arts, rarities, and inventions, which vulgar minds gaze at, the ingenious pursue, and all admire, are but the reliques of an intellect defaced with sin and time. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 235
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(k)
~ vulgar mind —, the ingenious — and all — Red
[from South:] All these arts, rarities, and inventions, which vulgar minds gaze at, the ingenious pursue, and all admire, are but the reliques of an intellect defaced with sin and time. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 235
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(l)
a power upon the earth Red
[from Halifax:] […] all the power upon the earth can never extinguish her [Truth]; she has lived in all ages […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 235
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(m)
gentle gales
[from Temple:] […] for the mind of mind is like the sea, which is neither agreeable to the beholder nor the voyager in a calm or in a storm, but is so to both when a little agitated by gentle gales […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 236
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(n)
squabble in womb Red
[from Swift:] There is a person styled Dr. Bentley, who has written near a thousand pages of immense erudition, giving a full and true account of a certain squabble, of wonderful importance, between himself and a bookseller . . George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 243
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(o)
[from Swift:] Further, I avow to your highness that with these eyes I have beheld the person of William Wotton, B.D., who has written a good sizable volume against a friend of your governor […] replete with discoveries equally valuable for their novelty and use […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 243
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(p)
Supreme Being Red
[from Bolingbroke:] His religion is not founded […] on a sense of that obedience which is due to the will of the Supreme Being […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 258
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(q)
if he be any artist
[from Shaftesbury] The magistrate, if he be any artist, should have a gentler hand, and instead of caustics, incisions, and amputations, should be using the softest balms, and, with a kind sympathy, entering into the concern of the people, and taking, as it were, their passion upon him, should, when he has soothed and satisfied it, endeavour, by cheerful ways, to divert and heal it. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 256
Oxen of the Sun: sector 45(r)
some poet Blue

Oxen of the Sun sector 46

BL Add MS 49475-14v(left) JJA 12:036
(Herring Oxen-14) loose

Oxen of the Sun: sector 46(a)
herds of waves Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 46(b)
oof Red
Note: Slang (sometimes “ooftish”): money.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 46(c)
her hereafter

Oxen of the Sun sector 47

BL Add MS 49475-14r(right) JJA 12:035
(Herring Oxen-13) right margin
Month 8. This Sheet (13) carries two texts, that in the centre (page 50) was written early and circled by Joyce; this text, entered in the margins, was written only later.

Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(a)
[how] herself is dreading Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(b)
white ~
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(c)
link in chain of beings ~ Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(d)
and self Red
Nor does the loss of our black game prove the only gap in the Fauna Solborniensis; for another beautiful link in the chain of beings is wanting, I mean the red deer […] There is an old keeper, now alive, named Adams, whose great grandfather […] grandfather, father, and self, enjoyed the head keepership […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 210, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(e)
but he farther adds Red
But he further adds that […] they [the herd of red deer] were reduced to about fifty head […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 210, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(f)
now [)] 30 yrs. ago that Red
It is now more than thirty years ago that his highness sent down a huntsman, and six yeoman-prickers […] ordering them to take every deer in this forest alive […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 210, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(g)
devoted deer: law ~
When the devoted [selected] deer was separated from his companions, they gave him, by their watches, law, as they called, for twenty minutes; when, sounding their horns, the stop-dogs were permitted to pursue, and a most gallant scene ensued. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 211, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(h)
a most gallant scene Red
When the devoted [selected] deer was separated from his companions, they gave him, by their watches, law, as they called, for twenty minutes; when, sounding their horns, the stop-dogs were permitted to pursue, and a most gallant scene ensued. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 211, White
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ah) for UG 14.1203.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(i)
Waltham chase Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
And, therefore a late Bishop of Winchester, when urged to restock Waltham-chase, refused […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 211, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(j)
a vast spring
[…] the parent hind rushed out of the brake, and taking a vast spring with all her feet close together, pitched upon the neck of the dog, and broke it short in two. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 212, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(k)
For some time after they appear, the Hirundines [Swallow family] in general pay no attention to the business of nidification [nesting] […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 212, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(l)
wonderfully unequal faculty Red
Thus [by nest-building in impossible conditions] is instinct a most wonderful unequal faculty, in some instances so much above reason, in other respects so far below it! William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 215, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(m)
what [??] [??] from Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(n)
hot stifled innyard
[…] they [martins] bred for many years in vast abundance in a hot stifled inn-yard, against a wall facing to the south. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 215, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(o)
with the readiest precaution Red
Because we call this creature [the tortoise] an abject reptile, we are too apt to undervalue his abilities […] Yet he […] has so much discernment as not to fall down a haha; but to stop and withdraw from the brink with the readiest precaution. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 217, White
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(p)
fell stillborn from the press ~
Never literary attempt was more unfortunate than my Treatise of Human Nature. It fell dead-born from the press, without reaching such distinction as even to excite a murmur among the zealots. But being naturally of a cheerful and sanguine temper, I very soon recovered the blow, and prosecuted with great ardour my studies in the country. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 195, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(q)
recovered the blow Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Never literary attempt was more unfortunate than my Treatise of Human Nature. It fell dead-born from the press, without reaching such distinction as even to excite a murmur among the zealots. But being naturally of a cheerful and sanguine temper, I very soon recovered the blow, and prosecuted with great ardour my studies in the country. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 195, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(r)
My appointment ~
My appointments during that time made a considerable accession to my small fortune. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 195, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(s)
made accession
My appointments during that time made a considerable accession to my small fortune. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 195, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(t)
Such is the … that Red
Such is the force of natural temper, that these disappointments made little or no impression on me. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 196, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(u)
My opinion (Who ought not to) Red
In the same year was published at London, my Inquiry concerning the Principles of Morals; which, in my own opinion (who ought not to judge on that subject) is of all my writings […] incomparably the best. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 197, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(v)
I was, however, I confess discouraged Red
I was, however, I confess, discouraged […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 198, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(aa)
tolerable, & but tolerable Red
[…] the more early part of the English History, which I gave to the public in 1761, with tolerable, and but tolerable success. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 199, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(ab)
prefer a request to Red
[I retain] the satisfaction of never having preferred a request to one great man, or even making advances of friendship to any of them. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 199, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(ac)
accepted of it Red
[…] but on his lordship's repeating the invitation, I accepted of it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 199, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(ad)
resiled from Red
The more I resiled from their excessive civilities, the more I was loaded with them. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 200, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 47(ae)
reckon upon a speedy dissolution Red
I now reckon upon a speedy dissolution [of a disorder of the bowels]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 200, Hume

Oxen of the Sun sector 48

BL Add MS 49475-14r(right) JJA 12:035
(Herring Oxen-13) bottom

Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(a)
upon what considerations Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(b)
Lady Lizard's [daughter] was looking over some hoods and ribands, brought by her tire-woman [lady's maid] […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 169, Pope
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(c)
in [what] place soever Red
The reader must understand that I treat the least instances or remains of ingenuity with respect, in what places soever found, or under whatever circumstances of disadvantage. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 169, Pope
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(d)
Most men anywise eminent Red
In a word, though most men anywise eminent, have found reason to complain of calumny, I never was touched, or even attacked by her baleful tooth […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 201, Hume
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(e)
To express my notion of the thing Red
To express my notion of the thing in a word: to say more to a man than one thinks, with a prospect of interest, is dishonest […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 168, Pope
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(f)
[charged] upon the great Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(g)
freshest news Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(h)
~ megrims Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.059(ab).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(i)
beat a retreat Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(j)
When I first cheapened my lodgings, the landlady told me, that she hoped I was not an author […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 184, Johnson
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(k)
a short meagre man Red
At last, a short meagre man, in a tarnished waistcoat, desired to see the garret […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 185, Johnson
Note: now 14.888
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(l)
I like them (spaghetti: Eng) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(o)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(m)
to revert to — to conclude Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(n)
to those … . I would say to them Red
To those who are resolved to be Critics in spite of nature, and, at the same time, have no great disposition to make much reading and study, I would recommend to them to assume the character of Connoisseur, which may be purchased at a much cheaper rate that that of a Critic in poetry. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 226f, Reynolds
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(o)
sharp antidote of disgrace Red
Little did I dream […] that she [Queen of France] should ever be obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 237, Burke
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(p)
difficulty Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(q)
testiness Red
[…] but [their great vivacity] hurries them [women] into testiness upon the least opposition to their will […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 174, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(r)
unaccountable muskin Red
[…] but the Half-Swearers, who split, and mince, and fritter their oaths into gad's bud, ad's fish, and demme, the Gothic Humbuggers, and those who nickname God's creatures and call a man a cabbage, a crab, a queer cub, an odd fish, and an unaccountable muskin, should never come into company without an interpreter […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 241, Cowper
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(s)
overgrown children Red
They are, in short, overgrown children […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 174, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(t)
strong animal spirits, ~ Red
People of strong animal spirits, warm constitutions, and a cold genius […] are most irascible animals, and very dangerous in their wrath. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 174, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(u)
warm constitut. & a cold genius Red
People of strong animal spirits, warm constitutions, and a cold genius […] are most irascible animals, and very dangerous in their wrath. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 174, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(v)
create themselves wits Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(aa)
scrupulously tender if rank Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ab)
light under a bushel Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ac)
To express my notion of the thing in a word: to say more to a man than one thinks, with a prospect of interest, is dishonest […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 168, Pope
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ad)
by intercepting the — Red
When Diogenes received a visit in his tub from Alexander the great, and was asked […] what petition he had to offer; ‘I have nothing,’ said he, ‘to ask, but that you remove to the other side, that you may not, by intercepting the sunshine, take from me what you cannot give me.’ William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 187, Johnson
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ae)
1000 vicissitudes till ~ Red
[…] [time's] depredation is continued through a thousand vicissitudes of tumult and tranquility, till, having lost all, we can lose no more. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 187, Johnson
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(af)
having lost all, we can lose no more Red
[…] [time's] depredation is continued through a thousand vicissitudes of tumult and tranquility, till, having lost all, we can lose no more. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 187, Johnson
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ag)
they are a little hasty, it is true. ~ Red
They [passionate people] are a little hasty, it is true; a trifle will put them in a fury […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 172, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ah)
trifle will Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
They [passionate people] are a little hasty, it is true; a trifle will put them in a fury […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 172, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ai)
redoubled the enclamatio of the mournful & applauding Senate Blue
It was inscribed on his colossal statues, and repeated in the redoubled acclamations of the mournful and applauding senate. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 244, Gibbon
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(m)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(aj)
- the name —- & the spirit, of Romans Red
The nation […] was dissolved into the common mass of mankind, and confounded with the millions of servile provincials, who had received the name, without adopting the spirit, of Romans. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 244f, Gibbon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ak)
Singular, he again muttered to himself, Red
Singular, he again muttered to himself, if there be two who can do a deed of such derring-do! William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 259, Scott
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(al)
broke her mind Red
Joseph Hebblethwaite, of the Willows. He broke his mind to me this morning, saying that he though it best to speak with me […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 264, Southey
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(am)
Did he? No, fair reader Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(n) for UG 14.1070.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(an)
Joseph — of — Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Joseph Hebblethwaite, of the Willows. He broke his mind to me this morning, saying that he though it best to speak with me […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 264, Southey
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ao)
clapping his hand so as to produce a sonorous token of satisfaction Red
‘Well said, Deborah!’ cried the Doctor: clapping his hands so as to produce a sonorous token of satisfaction. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 265, Southey
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ap)
Not but what we have Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(aq)
I was
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ar)
premature Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(as)
to auspicate Red
If we are conscious of our station, and glow with zeal to fill our places as becomes our situation and ourselves, we ought to auspicate all our public proceedings on America with the old warning of the church, Sursum corda! William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 236, Burke
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(at)
choler rising ~ Red
The moment they [the passionate] felt their choler rising, [had they real good nature] they would enjoin themselves an absolute silence and inaction […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 172, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(au)
enjoin themselves Red
The moment they [the passionate] felt their choler rising, [had they real good nature] they would enjoin themselves an absolute silence and inaction […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 172, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(av)
in their behalf Red
I know it is said in their behalf, that […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 172, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(ba)
outrageous furioso Red
The most outrageous furioso does not give a loose to his anger in presence of his sovereign, or his mistress; nor the expectant heir in presence of the peevish dotard from whom he hopes for an inheritance. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 173, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(bb)
extravagancy Red
There is in the Menagiana, a very pretty story of one of these angry gentlemen, which sets their extravagancy in a very ridiculous light. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 173, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(bc)
dotard Red
The most outrageous furioso does not give a loose to his anger in presence of his sovereign, or his mistress; nor the expectant heir in presence of the peevish dotard from whom he hopes for an inheritance. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 173, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(bd)
late ingenious Dr Monro Red
Nay, I have been assured by the late ingenious Doctor Monro, that […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 173, Earl of Chesterfield
Oxen of the Sun: sector 48(be)
fund Red
If those who pretend not to be mad, but who really are so, had the same fund of good-nature, they would make the same application to their friends, if they have any. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 173, Earl of Chesterfield

Oxen of the Sun sector 49

BL Add MS 49475-14r(right) JJA 12:035
(Herring Oxen-13) bottom right

Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(a)
Gad's bud Red
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(aa) for UG 14.808.
[…] but the Half-Swearers, who split, and mince, and fritter their oaths into gad's bud, ad's fish, and demme, the Gothic Humbuggers, and those who nickname God's creatures and call a man a cabbage, a crab, a queer cub, an odd fish, and an unaccountable muskin, should never come into company without an interpreter William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 241, Cowper
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(b)
I must acquaint you Red
[…] but as I must acquaint [tell] them, that they will hear the last of me on this day fortnight […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 242, Cowper
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(c)
were not often bloody Red
[…] in the amphitheatre his [Commodus'] victories were not often sanguinary […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 244, Gibbon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(d)
tumultuary election Red
By their tumultuary election, a Syrian, a Goth, or an Arab, was exalted to the throne of Rome, and invested with despotic power over the conquests and over the country of the Scipios. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 245, Gibbon
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(e)
From the inn-yard came a hackney chaise […] the perch tied in two places, the iron of the wheels half off, half loose, wooden pegs for linch-pins, and ropes for harness. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 250, Edgeworth
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(f)
trice Red
He was in his seat in a trice. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 251, Edgeworth
Note: See also UN7 (V.A.2):023(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(g)
it will burst anon Red
[…] it [the storm of battle] will burst anon in all its fury. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 252, Scott
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(h)
clothyard shaft
The archers […] shot […] so ‘wholly together,’ that no point at which a defender could show the least part of his person escaped their cloth-yard shafts. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 255, Scott
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(i)
foul craven, did he blench?
Foul craven!’ excalimed Ivanhoe; ‘does he [the Knight of the Fetterlock] blench from the helm when the wind blows highest?’ William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 256, Scott
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(j)
antiquarian (Scott)
Dear Sir Walter Scott and myself were exact but harmonious opposites in this:- that every old ruin, hill, river, or tree, called up in his mind a host of historical or biographical associations […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 261, Coleridge
Oxen of the Sun: sector 49(k)
cake & orange
In the gradual desuetude of old observances, this custom of solemnising our proper birthday hath nearly passed away, or is left to children, who reflect nothing at all about the matter, nor understand anything in it beyond cake and orange. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 274, Lamb

Oxen of the Sun sector 50

BL Add MS 49475-14r(right) JJA 12:035
(Herring Oxen-13) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(a)
mettlesome Red
[John L—] would mount the most mettlesome horse he could get […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 282, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(b)
grandam Red
Children love […] to stretch their imagination to the conception of a traditionary great-uncle, or grandame, whom they never saw. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 279, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(c)
[…] why, to comfort me, must Alice W—n be a goblin? William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 279, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(d)
dream children
[Title] Dream children: a reverie William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 279, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(e)
Relieve pentup Red
but […] [John L—e] had too much spirit to be always pent up within their boundaries […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 282, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(f)
having us to the house Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Then I told how good she was to all her grandchildren, having us to the great house in the holydays […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 281, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(g)
I hold with Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
I hold with the Persian. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 278, Lamb
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):013(r) for UG 14.866.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(h)
put me in thought of Red
The blast that nips and shrinks me, puts me in thought of death. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 278, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(i)
Development of egotism in LB
In the meantime I am alive. I move about. I am worth twenty of thee. Know they betters! &c William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 279, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(j)
They do not seek Lavinian shores
My household gods plant a terrible fixed foot, and are not rooted up without blood. They do not willing seek Lavinian shores. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 277, Lamb
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(k)
~ no man in's sober senses
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(l)
Haines = dope Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.085(x).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(m)
happened along Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 50(n)
enceinte Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 51

BL Add MS 49475-13r(left) JJA 12:030
(Herring Oxen-12) left column
Month 8 placenta

Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(a)
betook himself Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(b)
peels off Red
Note: Slang: divests.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(c)
caloric Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(d)
duck Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(e)
collar the leather Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(f)
now, alas, a thing of the past Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(g)
l.b.w. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(h)
What tack
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(i)
itinerant vendor Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.028(s) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(j)
breather Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(k)
Aristotle's masterpiece Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(l)
declare misery Red
Note: Evidently an expression used in cardplay (bridge), expressive of a weak hand.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(m)
odd trick, suit,
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(n)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(o)
lead from a tenace (mistake)
Note: Tenace (Whist): A combination of two cards of any suit, consisting of the next higher and the next lower in value than the highest card held by the other side (used esp. in phr. ‘to hold the tenace’).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(p)
|aubi [consistum]a|
Note: In left margin.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(q)
2nd hand plays low Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(r)
pardner Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(s)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(t)
~ penny map
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(u)
fall of the trick
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(v)
Note: An early name for the card game of whist.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(aa)
Pass. rubber.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ab)
(mis)deal, shuffle pocket
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ac)
cut (R) deal (L) eldest hand
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ad)
LB depressed Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ae)
mutilation Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(af)
threw up sponge
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ag)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ah)
Man & woman instruments of spermatozoon Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ai)
LB & servant (Abram & Agar) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(aj)
Many daughters proof of fecundity / [many] sons [proof of] -non-
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ak)
only daughters (rare)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(al)
parthenogenesis — sea hedgehog
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(am)
inhibitory lobes, cerebral cortex
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(an)
2nd m. notocorda, formation of cartilage knobs in membrane Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Il sistema scheletrico, nei vertebrati, e primitivamente rappresentato dalla corda dorsale o notocorda. […] Passando per lo stadio cartilagineo, si trasformeia piu tardi in colonna vertebrale ossea. Nell' uomo, e verso il principio del 2o mese […]
[The skeletal system in vertebrates is primarily represented by the backbone or notochord. […] Passing through the cartilaginous stage, it later turns into a bone spine. In man, and towards the beginning of the 2nd month ... ] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 73
Note: notochord: a cartilaginous skeletal rod supporting the body in all embryonic animals.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ao)
4th m. closure of verteb. col.
[…] soltanto al 4o mese e terminata la condrificazione degli archi membranosi, ed in conseguenza soltanto a questa epoca si ha la chiusura del canale vertebrale.
[.. only at the 4th month the conduction of the membranous arches is finished, and consequently the vertebral canal is closed only at this time.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 74
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ap)
at 60 yrs interdiscal gelatinous blobs of corda dorsale [??]
Soltanto al 60o anno questa sostanza diviene fibrosa, e della corda dorsale non si ha piu alcuna traccia. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 75
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(aq)
triple segmentation U U U protoverteb & verteb.
Fig 41. - Schema che dimostra il modo di alternarsi dei corpi vertebrali v, con le protovertebre pv.
[Scheme showing the way in which vertebral bodies alternate v, with I protovertebrae pv.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 75
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ar)
2nd m. reduc. no of verteb. tail piece
Verso la fine del 2o mese incomincia la ossificazione della colonna vertebrale cartilaginea, che dapprima si fa nelle ultime vertebre dorsali per estendersi poi in due direzioni opposte.
[Towards the end of the 2nd month, the ossification of the cartilaginal spine begins, which is first done in the last dorsal vertebrae and then extends in two opposite directions.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 75
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(as)
welding of atlas & epistrophe
[…] poiche il corpo dell' atlante […] si salda al corpo dell' epistrofeo […]
[... because the body of the atlas ... is welded to the body of the epistrofeo ... ] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 77
Note: Ital., epistrofeo, axis vertebra
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(at)
2nd m. formation of thoracic ribs, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Durante il secondo mese della vita embrionale incominicia nell' uomo la lora condrificazione. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 77
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(au)
~ other processes
o processi costiformi […] [costiform processes] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 77
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(av)
only hunchback
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(ba)
~ yr. spud: Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bb)
Costello, big head. Red
Note: Cf. 14.855ff.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bc)
~ [boned att]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bd)
2nd Sternum fused from 2
[…] lo sterno. Verso la fine del secondo mese le coste incominciano ad ossificarsi da un punto che si mostra al lora angolo posteriore.
[The sternum: towards the end of the second month the surfaces begin to ossify from a point that appears at their rear corner. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 77f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(be)
6th ossific of stern.
L'ossificazione dello sterno avviene In modo indipendente, e moito piu tardi che la ossificazione delle coste. Non incomincia che al 6o mese della vita fetale […]
[The ossification of the sternum occurs independently, and it is later than the ossification of the ribs. It does not begin until the 6th month of fetal life] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 78
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bf)
double monsters, if striction of blastoderm lobe only
Secondo alcuni, la produzione di una mostruosita doppia si ha per la formazione nella blastodermica di due macchie embrionali […]
[According to some, the production of a double monstrosity occurs due to the formation in the blastodermal of two embryonic spots ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 79
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bg)
peripheries equal & unequal Siam. twins
[…] nelle mostruosita doppie una forma eguale […] [... in double monstrosities an equal form ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 79
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bh)
If parassite twin connected only with autossite by placenta may die (feto papiraceo): ~
Le forme inegualmente sviluppate si distinguono in due gruppi, secondo che il parassita e piu o meno incorporato dall' individuo bene sviluppato, che prende il nome di autossita, oppure e in rapporto con esso soltanto per la placenta. In quest' ultimo caso il parassita puo morire presto per mancata circolazione, e, venendo compresso dall' altro, puo farsi tanto piatto da meritare il nome di feto papiraceo; oppure e acardiaco […]
[The unequally developed forms are divided into two groups, according to whether the parasite is more or less incorporated by the well developed individual, which takes the name of autossite, or is related to it only by the placenta. In the latter case the parasite can die early due to lack of circulation, and, being compressed by the other, it can become so flat as to deserve the name of papyrus fetus; or acardiac …] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 81
Note: Autosite: that part of a double fetal monster that nourishes both itself and the parasitic twin.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bi)
~ usually acardiacs. Not cancelled
Le forme inegualmente sviluppate si distinguono in due gruppi, secondo che il parassita e piu o meno incorporato dall' individuo bene sviluppato, che prende il nome di autossita, oppure e in rapporto con esso soltanto per la placenta. In quest' ultimo caso il parassita puo morire presto per mancata circolazione, e, venendo compresso dall' altro, puo farsi tanto piatto da meritare il nome di feto papiraceo; oppure e acardiaco […]
[The unequally developed forms are divided into two groups, according to whether the parasite is more or less incorporated by the well developed individual, which takes the name of autossite, or is related to it only by the placenta. In the latter case the parasite can die early due to lack of circulation, and, being compressed by the other, it can become so flat as to deserve the name of papyrus fetus; or acardiac …] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 81
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bj)
foetus in foetu Red
Possono trovarsi rinchiusi in una delle davita del corpo del gemello bene sviluppato e vengono allora denominati: foetus in foetu.
[They may find themselves enclosed in one of the branches of the body of the well developed twin and are then called: foetus in foetu.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 81
Oxen of the Sun: sector 51(bk)
teratomi: compl. in part of twin
Queste inclusioni sono piu specialmente rappresente da produzioni, in forma di tumori […] Vengono allora distinte col nome di teratomi.
[These inclusions are more especially represented by productions, in the form of tumors ... They are then distinguished by the name of teratomas.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 81
Note: Teratomi: mixed tumours sometimes producing monster.

Oxen of the Sun sector 52

BL Add MS 49475-13r(left) JJA 12:030
(Herring Oxen-12) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(a)
guinea to a gooseberry Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(b)
touch Red
Note: See Sheet 14.075(aa).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(c)
spot that fancy Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.075(s).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(d)
Beat to the ropes Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(e)
any old time Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(f)
cookies Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(g)
papoose Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(h)
timepiece Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(i)
gumboots Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(j)
paranoic bachelors Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(k)
Dusty Rhodes Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(l)
nickel Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(m)
women who die pregnant Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(n)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 52(o)
i tappeti bollivano

Oxen of the Sun sector 53

BL Add MS 49475-13r(left) JJA 12:030
(Herring Oxen-12) right margin sideways

Oxen of the Sun: sector 53(a)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 53(b)
Muscles from vertebrae follow structure evolution
Ma piu specialmente lo sviluppo delle estremita ci dimostra il legame esistente fra la evoluzione dello scheletro e quella del sistema muscolare.
[But more especially the development of the extremities shows us the link between the evolution of the skeleton and that of the muscular system.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 100
Oxen of the Sun: sector 53(c)
3 arcs
Note: The three arcs of embryonic circulation.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 53(d)
osso [foide ossofrats] begin 9 m ends at 50 yrs.
[…] osso foide. La ossificazione di queste parti incomincia verso la fine della vita fetale, ed il saldamento delle grandi corna al corpo non avviene che al 40o o 50o anno della vita.
[The ossification of these parts begins towards the end of fetal life, and the welding of the large horns to the body does not occur until the 40th or 50th year of life. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 98
Oxen of the Sun: sector 53(e)
agnatia (no chin) = defective reunion of maxillary buttons on medial line / one (ear) can hear what other says Red
La mancata riunione dei due bottoni mascellari inferiori sulla linea mediana e molto rara […] Puo mancare anche l'intiera mandibola (agnatia) […]
[The failure to meet the two lower maxillary buttons on the midline is very rare ... The entire mandible (agnatia) may also be missing ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 96

Oxen of the Sun sector 54

BL Add MS 49475-13r(left) JJA 12:030
(Herring Oxen-12) bottom sideways

Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(a)
blood islands: ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Verso il secondo giorno di incubazione, dalle cellule del foglietto medio (cellule mesenchimali) che corrispondono alIa parte piu interna dell' area opaca, cioe all' area vascolosa; si formano degli speciali ammassi (che hanno il nome di isole sanguigne) i quali poi unendosi fra loro costituiscono dei cordoni (cordoni vascolari) […]
[Towards the second day of incubation, from the cells of the middle tissue (mesenchymal cells) which correspond to the innermost part of the opaque area, that is, to the vascular area; special clusters are formed (which have the name of blood islands) which then joining together constitute cords (vascular cords) ... ] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 109
Note: Blood islands: knotlike enlargements in the cellular cords.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(b)
~ cordoni
Verso il secondo giorno di incubazione, dalle cellule del foglietto medio (cellule mesenchimali) che corrispondono alIa parte piu interna dell' area opaca, cioe all' area vascolosa; si formano degli speciali ammassi (che hanno il nome di isole sanguigne) i quali poi unendosi fra loro costituiscono dei cordoni (cordoni vascolari) […]
[Towards the second day of incubation, from the cells of the middle tissue (mesenchymal cells) which correspond to the innermost part of the opaque area, that is, to the vascular area; special clusters are formed (which have the name of blood islands) which then joining together constitute cords (vascular cords) ... ] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 109
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(c)
4th m. — all red corpuscles
I globuli sanguigni dell' embrione sono piu grandi che nell' adulto, e fino al 4o mese, anche nell' uomo, sono tutti nucleati e tutti rossi.
[The blood cells of the embryo are larger than in the adult, and up to the 4th month, even in humans, they are all nucleated and all red.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 110
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(d)
heart descends fr. brain
(Il cuore) […] e situato poco al disotto della vesciola cerebrale, e dicende successivamente per andare a situarsi […]
[(The heart) ... is located just below the cerebral vesciola, and subsequently descends to situate itself ..] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 110
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(e)
tube, middle swell, curve L.
I primi rudimenti del cuore sono rappresentati da cellule speciali che si dispongono presto in modo da formare un tubo, dapprima independente affatto dai vasi. I primi suoi cambiamenti consistono nel farsi un poco piu dilatato nella sua parte centrale e nell' incurvarsi verso sinistra.
[The first rudiments of the heart are represented by special cells that are arranged early so as to form a tube, at first independent of the vessels at all. The first changes consist in becoming a little more dilated in its central part and in bending to the left.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 111
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(f)
S (3 wk.) ~
Questo stadio del cuore a due sole cavita, che e transitorio nei vertebrati superiori, ci rappresenta il cuore dei pesci.
[This stage of the heart has only two cavities, which are transitory in the higher vertebrates, and represent the heart of the fish.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 112
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(g)
~ 2 cavities (fishheart) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Questo stadio del cuore a due sole cavita, che e transitorio nei vertebrati superiori, ci rappresenta il cuore dei pesci.
[This stage of the heart has only two cavities, which are transitory in the higher vertebrates, and represent the heart of the fish.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 112
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(h)
2 ventric. (reptile heart) 7 wk Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Vengono cosi a distinguersi due ventrcoli, che per due orifizi distirrti comunicano con la cavita auricolare (cuore dei rettili).
[Thus two ventricles stand out as two distinctives orifices that communicate with the auricular cavity (heart of the reptiles).] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 112
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(i)
5 aortic arch & div. of aortic bulb = arteria polmonare (little developed)
Il 5o arco aortico a destra si oblitera completamente, mentre a sinistra resta unito a quello dei due canali resultanti dalla divisione del bulbo aortico, che comunica con il ventricolo destro, e forma insieme con esso il tronco dell' arteria polmonare (p). Ma queste arterie sono pochissimo sviluppate durante la vita fetale, […]
[The 5th aortic arch on the right completely obliterates, while on the left it remains united to that of the two channels resulting from the division of the aortic bulb, which communicates with the right ventricle, and together with it forms the trunk of the pulmonary artery (p). But these arteries are very little developed during fetal life, ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 114
Note: Arteria polmonare (Ital.): pulmonary artery.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(j)
Getting out they breathe Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(k)
veins 2 fused = heart
Si crede anzi da alcuni che il cuore, primitivamente, non sia altro che un rugonfiamento venoso resultante dalle fusione delle due vene onfalo-mesenteriche.
[Indeed, it is believed by some that the heart is primarily a venous swelling resulting from the fusion of the two onphalo-mesenteric veins.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 115
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(l)
1st calf vitelline circulation
... l'apparecchio della circolazione vitellina o prima circolazione.
[the apparatus of the calf circulation or first circulation] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 115
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(m)
interembryonic veins (double perfect)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(n)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(o)
lymph ganglion 4-5 m
I gangli linfatici non si trovano prima della meta della vita fetale.
[Lymphatic ganglia are not found before the second half of fetal life.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 120
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(p)
2nd spleen — fin 9 m Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] milza. Questa incomincia a manifestarsi nell' uomo fin dal 2o mese ... Nel corso del 9o mese acquista dei vasi e delle fibre connettivali.
[spleen. This begins to manifest in man as early as the 2nd month. During the 9th month he acquires vessels and connective fibers.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 120
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(q)
3rd wk. 1st [rud.] of limbs Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
I primi rudimenti delle membra si staccano dai lati del corpo, a livello della linea che rappresenta verso la 3a settimana il limite delle lamine viscerali […]
[The first rudiments of the limbs detach from the sides of the body, at the level of the line that represents the limit of the visceral lamina towards the 3rd week] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 100
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(r)
5 [blank] arm & hand Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Alla 5a settimana gia puo distinguersi nei rudimenti corrispondenti alle estremita superiori, il segmento corrispondente alla mano […]
[At the 5th week, the segment corresponding to the hand can already be distinguished in the rudiments corresponding to the upper extremities] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 100f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(s)
6 wk fingers
[…] ed alIa fine della 6a settimana si mostrano i solchi destinati a distinguere Ie varie dita.
[... and at the end of the 6th week the grooves destined to distinguish the various fingers are shown.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 101
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(t)
4 m arm & forearm Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Soltanto nel 4(o mese potra scorgersi la distinzione del braccio e dell' avambraccio […]
[Only in the 4th month will the distinction of the arm and forearm be seen] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 101
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(u)
feet a little later Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] nelle inferiori, ma un poco piu tardi in queste ultime.
[... in the lower ones, a little later in the latter.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 102
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(v)
foot & arm divers ways
... 1'estremita inferiore esegue un movimento perfettamente opposto […]
[.. the lower extremity performs a perfectly opposite movement ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 103
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(aa)
7 wk clavicle 1st posit of ossif
[…] la clavicola […] Il suo punto di ossificazione e il primo a comparire nello scheletro umano e si mostra gia nella 7a settimana.
[the clavicle ... ossification point is the first to appear in the human skeleton and is already showing up in the 7th week.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 103f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ab)
ossificat of thigh 15 d before birth Blue
[…] l'ossificazione dell' epifisi inferiore del femore, il cui nucleo incomincia ad apperire 16 giorni avanti la nascita.
[ossification of the lower epiphysis of the femur, whose nucleus begins to appear 16 days before birth.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 104
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ct)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ac)
brain, 2 lamine cefaliches unite, capsule, elongation of precordial flexion cause pilasters & chambers of brain (2 m)
Sviluppandosi dorsalmente, le lamine cefaliche vengono a circoscrivere la parte piu anteriore del tubo midollare, quella cioe che e destinata a formare l'encefalo, e si saldana poi insieme sulla linea mediana per formare una vera capsula […] Quando tal capsula si e completata, quella sua porzione che si trova in avanti alla notocorda e vien detta appunto per questo precordale, aumenta molto di volume dal lato dorsale e forma una specie die volta […] pilastro anteriore […] pilastro posteriore.
[Developing dorsally, the cephalic laminae circumscribe the most anterior part of the medullary tube, the part that is destined to form the brain, and then weld together on the midline to form a real capsule ... When this capsule is completed, the portion which lies forward of the notochord and is called for this reason the precordal, increases in volume on the dorsal side and forms a kind of vault ... anterior pillar ... posterior pillar.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 83f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ad)
3 m. ossif. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
La condrificazione del cranio si fa entro il 2o e 3o mese […]
[The skull is condrified by the 2nd and 3rd month] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 84
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ae)
1 m. 3 arco, bronchiale eye, nose,
Essaminando un embrione umano dell' eta da 3 a 4 settimane (fig. 49 e 50) si distinguono sulla faccia laterale dell' 'estremita cefalica 3 o 4 archi branchiali […] Fig. 49. - occhio […] bottone nasale interno […]
[When examining a human embryo from 3 to 4 weeks (figs. 49 and 50), 3 or 4 branchial arches are distinguished on the lateral face of the cephalic extremity ... Fig. 49. - eye ... internal nasal button ... Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 89
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(af)
4 & 5 m (ear hammer & anvil) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Il martello e l'incudine, che doppo essersi formati vanno sempre piu ad infossarsi entro la parte della fessura branchiale dalla quale resultera la cassa del timpano, si ossificano verso il 4o o 5o mese.
[The hammer and the anvil, which, after having formed, go deeper and deeper into the part of the branchial fissure from which the gable case will emerge, ossify towards the 4th or 5th month.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 92
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ag)
harelip ~ Red
Poiche la mancata riunione di alcuna di queste suture e accampagnata da imperfetta formazione del labbro superiore, a costituire il quale gli stessi bottoni prendono parte, ebbe tale deformita il nome di labbro leporina.
[The missed union of any of these sutures is accompanied by imperfect formation of the upper lip, to which the buttons themselves take part, and this deformity is called a cleft lip.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 95
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ah)
~ bad palatal suture
Poiche la mancata riunione di alcuna di queste suture e accampagnata da imperfetta formazione del labbro superiore, a costituire il quale gli stessi bottoni prendono parte, ebbe tale deformita il nome di labbro leporina.
[The missed union of any of these sutures is accompanied by imperfect formation of the upper lip, to which the buttons themselves take part, and this deformity is called a cleft lip.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 95
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ai)
pressure of amnios on face ear, jaw, buccal
In alcuni casi, come causa della formazione del semplice labbro leporino si e trovata l'adesione dell' amnios con la faccia.
[n some cases, as a cause of the formation of the simple cleft lip, the adhesion of the amnios with the face has been found] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 96
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(aj)
if 1st arco arrest aprosopia Red
Talvolta lo sviluppo del primo arco branchiale puo tanto arrestarsi, da lasciare una grande fessura che interessi tutta la porzione mediana della faccia, determinando quella mostruosita che ha il nome di aprosopia.
[Sometimes the development of the first branchial arch can be arrested, leaving a large crack that affects the entire middle portion of the face, determining the monstrosity that has the name of aprosopia.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 96
Note: Only ‘aprosopia’ (meaning ‘facelessness’) is crossed through.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(ak)
1 polygonal
Questo, che rappresenta il primitivo orifizio buccale […] di una forma quasi poligonale […]
[This, which represents the primitive buccal orifice ... of an almost polygonal shape ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 90
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(al)
2 m. lachrym & palate
[…] (al 40o giorno) per un solco diretto quasi trasversalmente, che e detto solco lacrimale […] le ossa palatine […]
[... (at the 40th day) for a furrow directed almost transversely, which is called the lacrimal furrow ... the palatine bones ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 91
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(am)
second m: nasal [suture]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 54(an)
joined internatalia

Oxen of the Sun sector 55

BL Add MS 49475-15r(left) JJA 12:038
(Herring Oxen-20) left column
Months 8 and 9; placenta

Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(a)
night before performance Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(b)
laid in the clay Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(c)
prize, halted him
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(d)
army parlance Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(e)
say! Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(f)
no 1 on the gun Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(g)
old crone Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(h)
Doady Red
Doady, Dora's pet-name for David. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), passim
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(i)
wipe (handker) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
She took out an old black silk handkerchief and wiped her eyes. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), 37
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(j)
Sir, to you. Red
Sir, to you!’ said Mr. Creakle. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 95
Note: Said in departing: good day to you!.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(k)
this here place Red
My sister she wrote to me the name of this here place. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 98
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(l)
weary weary while Red
It is not really long, in weeks and months; but, in my usage and experience, it is a weary, weary while. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 729
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(m)
done the good deed Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(n)
Well done, thou good, & faithful servant Red
Now there is a solemn hush, which we have brought from home with what is resting in the mould; and while we stand bareheaded, I hear the voice of the clergyman, sounding remote in the open air, and yet distinct and plain, saying: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord!’ Then I hear sobs; and, standing apart among the lookers-on, I see that good and faithful servant, whom of all the people upon earth I love the best, and unto whom my childish heart is certain that the Lord will one day say: ‘Well done.’ Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 124
Note: Matt. xxv. thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(o)
fought the good fight Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(p)
Universal Husband Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(q)
I remembered Who wept Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
I have remembered Who wept [Jesus] for a parting between the living and the dead. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 721
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(r)
in such case
In such a case [of a disputed will], he said, not only were there very pretty pickings […] Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 358
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(s)
in all the bloom of womanhood Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(t)
was the reply Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
‘Now,’ said the milkman to a very youthful servant girl. ‘Has that there little bill of mine been heerd on?’

‘Oh, master says he'll attend to it immediate,’ was the reply.

Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 379
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(u)
cock his pistol
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(v)
[U] did Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(aa)
God, [how] Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ab)
fruit of their lawful embrace Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ac)
she had manfully helped Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ad)
break all before him Green
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ae)
with the old shake of her curls Red
‘I don't know,’ she said, with the old shake of her curls. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 731
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(af)
Very, very happy Red
‘I was very happy, very.’ Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 732
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ag)
O, Jip, it may never be again Red
“O, Jip! It may be, never again! Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 733
Note: Jip is the name of their dog.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ah)
knock the ashes from yr. pipe Red
He knocked the ashes out of his pipe. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 690
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ai)
risk of her life to save her life Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.004(ae).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(aj)
Stipendiary magistrate
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ak)
convulsions of laughter
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(al)
share her joy Red
Sharers in their honest joy, as we have been!” Charles Dickens, David Copperfield (1907), p 323
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(am)
when all things are now falling [sic] Red
In such a time did another St. Gregory, the first Pope of the name, when all things were now failing, when barbarians had occupied the earth, and fresh and more savage multitudes were pouring down […] Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Prospects”, 242
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(an)
he is now filled with wine Red
In his proud feast, when he was now filled with wine, he sent for the gold and silver vessels which belonged to the Temple at Jerusalem, and had been brought to Babylon on the taking of the holy city […] Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Neglect”, 28
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ao)
cut off from the earth Red
His hour came: one more sin he did, and the cup overflowed; vengeance overtook him on the instant, and he was cut off from the earth. Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Neglect”, 29
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ap)
timbrel & the harp Red
They take the timbrel and the harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Purity”, 75
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(aq)
he rises up Red
[…] they believe, they realise the existence of those rare servants of God who rise up in the Catholic Church from time to time like Angels in disguise. Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Saintliness”, p 94
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ar)
~ abjure
[…] so I defy thee, and abjure thee, O enemy of man! Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Neglect”, p. 39
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(as)
falls in with Red
He lives in the world, and believes nothing about the Sacraments, nor puts any trust in a Priest, if he falls in with one. Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Neglect”, 36
Note: See Sheet 14.012(n) above for UG 14.448.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(at)
lie under wrath Red
[…] but St. John was in the beginning of his existence a partaker of Adam's curse; he lay under God's wrath, deprived of that grace which Adam had received and which is the life and strength of human nature […] Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Purity”, 64
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(au)
a cultivated mind
I have had a conscience; I have a cultivated mind; I am well versed in science and art […] Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Neglect”, 39
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(av)
suffered her to come : let her come Red
And he, the proud Pharisee, suffered her to come, so that she touched him not; let her come as we might suffer inferior animals to enter our apartments, without caring for them […] Cardinal Newman, Discourses addressed to mixed congregations (1902), “Purity”, 75f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(ba)
nothing as it seems, there of … Red
Nothing, as it seems, there of notable goodness or beauty A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 412, Ruskin
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bb)
Mark this. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bc)
think of it well Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
And yet, think of it well A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 412, Ruskin
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bd)
gorgeous Not cancelled
[…] all the gorgeous flowers that beam in summer air A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 412, Ruskin
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(be)
Go out Red
Go out, in the spring time A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 389, Ruskin
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bf)
seed of the herb
He gave them the seed of the herb A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 412, Ruskin
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bg)
my lord general Red
My Lord General accordingly is in his reception room this morning. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 388, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bh)
put off his hat Red
[…] and so 'rose up, put off his hat, and spake A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 389, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bi)
punctual B— Red
Though punctual Bulstrode and certain others are there A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 388, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bj)
snapc snaphanc snaphances
[…] grim musketeers enter, with bullets in their snaphances A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 390, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bk)
giving him sharp language Red
[…] giving him and others very sharp language, though he named them not A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 391, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bl)
flooding gloomily, clamorously out Red
They all vanished; flooding gloomily, clamourously out A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 391, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bm)
their ulterior goal Red
[…] to their ulterior business, and respective places of abode A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 391, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bn)
thou art other than ~ Red
O, Sir Harry Vane, thou with thy subtle casuistries and abstruse hair-splittings, thou art other than a good one, I think! A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 391, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bo)
~ a good one I think
O, Sir Harry Vane, thou with thy subtle casuistries and abstruse hair-splittings, thou art other than a good one, I think! A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 391, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bp)
All being gone out Red
All being gone out, the door of the House was locked A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 391, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bq)
Yup Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(br)
guy Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bs)
thunderation Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 55(bt)
Stand by Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 56

BL Add MS 49475-15r(left) JJA 12:038
(Herring Oxen-20) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(a)
shiver my timbers Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(b)
or the 4 square Keep of Granson Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[from Ruskin] […] and the crests of the sable hills that rose against the evening sky received a deeper worship, because their far shadows fell eastward over the iron wall of Joux, and the four-square keep of Granson. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 398
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(c)
in thunderblue serration / dark with rolling impendence / lulled by flowing of wave Red
[from Ruskin] […] Far above, in thunder-blue serration, stand the eternal edges of the angry Apennine, dark with rolling impendence of volcanic cloud […] In hope and honour, lulled by flowing of wave, around their isles of silver sand […] lay her dead. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 399
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(d)
within a minute's race Red
[from Ruskin] - and Thames shore within three minutes' race. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 399
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(e)
its gates were angelguarded long ago Red
[from Ruskin] […] Eden, when first its gates were angel-guarded long ago. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 395
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(f)
Godlike & My Father's Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[from Carlyle] The Universe is not dead and demonical, a charnel house with spectres, but godlike and my Father's. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 367
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(g)
Paraguay tea ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[from Carlyle] Paraguay tea could be boiled at eventide, by fire of scrub bushes, or almost of rock lichens or dried mule dung […] each soldier lay at night […] all steadily snoring […] Canopus and the Southern Cross glitter down George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 369f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(h)
all steadily snoring ~ Red
[from Carlyle] Paraguay tea could be boiled at eventide, by fire of scrub bushes, or almost of rock lichens or dried mule dung […] each soldier lay at night […] all steadily snoring […] Canopus and the Southern Cross glitter down George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 369f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(i)
[from Carlyle] Paraguay tea could be boiled at eventide, by fire of scrub bushes, or almost of rock lichens or dried mule dung […] each soldier lay at night […] all steadily snoring […] Canopus and the Southern Cross glitter down George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 369f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(j)
sooty hell Red
It is work for a God. Sooty Hell of mutiny and savagery and despair can, by man's energy, be made a kind of Heaven; cleared of its soot, of its mutiny, of its need to mutiny; the everlasting arch of Heaven's azure overspanning it too, and its cunning mechanisms and tall chimney-steeples, as a birth of Heaven; God and all men looking on it well pleased. Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1909), 305
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(k)
noble every soldier in it Red
The enormous, all-conquering, flame-crowned Host, noble every soldier in it; sacred, and alone noble. Let him who is not of it hide himself; let him tremble for himself. Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1909), 305
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(l)
flunkeyhood Red
That loud inane Actuality, with millions in its pocket, too ‘possible’ that, which rolls along there, with quilted trumpeters blaring round it, and all the world escorting it as mute or vocal flunkey,— escort it not thou; say to it, either nothing, or else deeply in thy heart: 'Loud-blaring Nonentity, no force of trumpets, cash, Long-Acre art, or universal flunkeyhood of men, makes thee an Entity; thou art a Nonentity, and deceptive Simulacrum, more accursed than thou seemest. Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1909), 303f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(m)
wellremembered Red
The train of the procession consisted of the priests in long white vestments, close from head to foot, distributed into various groups, each bearing, exposed aloft, one of the sacred symbols of Isis—the corn-fan, the golden asp, the ivory hand of equity, and among them the votive ship itself, carved and gilt, and adorned bravely with flags flying. Last of all walked the high priest; the people kneeling as he passed to kiss his hand, in which were those well-remembered roses. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 6, p. 107
Note: Copied from page 8 of Buffalo VIII.B, a selection of quotations from Pater that Joyce had earlier made.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(n)
habitmakers Red
The habit-makers made a great sale of the spoil of all such furry creatures as had escaped wolves and eagles, for presents at the Saturnalia; and at no time had the winter roses from Carthage seemed more lustrously yellow and red. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 12, p. 211
Note: Copied from page 10 of Buffalo VIII.B, a selection of quotations from Pater that Joyce had earlier made. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(br).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(o)
perhaps Red
The urns of the dead in the family chapel received their due service. They also were now become something divine, a goodly company of friendly and protecting spirits, encamped about the place of their former abode—above all others, the father, dead ten years before, of whom, remembering but a tall, grave figure above him in early childhood, Marius habitually thought as a genius a little cold and severe. […] Perhaps!—but certainly needs his altar here below, and garlands to-day upon his urn. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 1, p. 10
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(p)
Our Lady Red
From a comfortless portico, with all the grotesqueness of the Middle Age, supported by brown, aged bishops, whose meditations no incident could distract, Our Lady looked out no better than an unpretending nun, with nothing to say the like of which one was used to hear. Walter Pater, Imaginary Portraits (1896), 147
Note: Copied from pages 11-12 of Buffalo VIII.B, a selection of quotations from Pater that Joyce had earlier made.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(q)
yonder Red
Meanwhile Psyche, lost in soul, wandering hither and thither, rested not night or day in the pursuit of her husband, desiring, if she might not soothe his anger by the endearments of a wife, at the least to propitiate him with the prayers of a handmaid. And seeing a certain temple on the top of a high mountain, she said, “Who knows whether yonder place be not the abode of my lord?” Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 5, p. 79
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(r)
must needs Red
On the other hand, the world of perfected sensation, intelligence, emotion, is so close to us, and so attractive, that the most visionary of spirits must needs represent the world unseen in colours, and under a form really borrowed from it. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 9, p. 148
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(s)
comely Red
For Cornelius, returning from the campaign, to take up his quarters on the Palatine, in the imperial guard, seemed to carry about with him, in that privileged world of comely usage to which he belonged, the atmosphere of some still more jealously exclusive circle. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 10, p. 169
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(t)
You saw Red
You saw the brow of one who, amid the blindness or perplexity of the people about him, understood all things clearly; Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 12, p. 190
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(u)
a grove of Red
Psyche, in those delicate grassy places, lying sweetly on her dewy bed, rested from the agitation of her soul and arose in peace. And lo! a grove of mighty trees, With a fount of water, clear as glass, in the midst; and hard by the water, a dwelling-place, built not by human hands but by some divine cunning. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 5, p. 65-6
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(v)
uniform, serene, [aliving] Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(aa)
with much real Red
For indeed all Rome was ready to burst into gaiety again, as it awaited with much real affection, hopeful and animated, the return of its emperor, for whose ovation various adornments were preparing along the streets through which the imperial procession would pass. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 11, p. 177
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ab)
alert Red
The lad of six years, looking older, who stood beside her, impatiently plucking a rose to pieces over the hearth, was, in outward appearance, his father—the young Verissimus—over again; but with a certain feminine length of feature, and with all his mother's alertness, or license, of gaze. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 13, p. 218
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ac)
disengage Red
And so the abstract apprehension that the little point of this present moment alone really is, between a past which has just ceased to be and a future which may never come, became practical with Marius, under the form of a resolve, as far as possible, to exclude regret and desire, and yield himself to the improvement of the present with an absolutely disengaged mind. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean (1911), ch. 8, p. 139
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ad)
shaven space Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ae)
running forward to Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(af)
it behoves Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.064(ae)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ag)
that highest in him quality Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.064(af)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ah)
injocund Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ai)
a plan was by them adopted Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.064(ag)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(aj)
I fear lest what was excellently begun you may not so well end. Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.064(ai)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ak)
Me a great doubt holds Red
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.064(ah)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(al)
jackanapes Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(am)
~ 6 hours shift
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(an)
cockerel Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ao)
~ clever Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ap)
threnes Red
Note: Threne: a song of lamentation.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(aq)
laudanum for Haines Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ar)
mighty hard ticket
“Old Laban Simpkins that lived 'round here one time,” he said, “was a mighty hard ticket.” Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 223
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(as)
how come you so Red
Well, one evenin' Labe was comin' home pretty how-come-you-so, and he fell into Jonadab Wixon's well. Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 223
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(at)
most anything Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
I never knew him to be without it afore; but a feller's li'ble to forgit 'most anything a night like that was. Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 211
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(au)
rake over the coals
“Why, for leavin' you and her alone so when you come to the house. You see, I never thought but what you'd both like it, and 'twa'n't till she raked me over the coals so for doin' it that I realized how things was.” Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 239
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(av)
ship long of me Red
Let him sign reg'lar articles and ship 'long of me for that time. Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 243
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(ba)
by gum Blue
By gum!” exclaimed the enthusiastic “able seaman.” Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 256
Oxen of the Sun: sector 56(bb)
P.D. spent good money colouring. Cure for red nose. Drink like — till it turns adelaide Blue
Note: Appears to be draft material, composed from UN4 (NLI.5A):037(bh) and UN4 (NLI.5A):037(ap), or a note to replace ‘puce’. ‘Adelaide’ = light purple colour, usually of a garment.

Oxen of the Sun sector 57

BL Add MS 49475-15r(left) JJA 12:038
(Herring Oxen-20) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 57(a)
catch aholt Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 57(b)
durnd Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 57(c)
blob Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 58

BL Add MS 49475-13v(right) JJA 12:033
(Herring Oxen-11) top left
Months 1 and 3

Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(a)
where you slep las night Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.074(f).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(b)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(c)
worms fecund piss.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(d)
beaver & visor Red
Note: For ‘beaver’ see also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(i) for UG 14.162; for ‘vizard’ see UN5 (NLI.5B):007(j), and Sheet 14.004(be) for its use in the drafts.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(e)
amongst Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ai)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(f)
whilst Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(g)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(h)
kirtles, Red
An hundred ladies, lusty in to weeds, / As fresh as floweris that in May up spreads, / In kirtles green, withoutyn kell or bands A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 46, Dunbar
Note: Kirtles: Short jackets, or petticoats.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(i)
born like Crookback feet 1st & toothed Red
Richard, the third son, […] was in wit and courage equall with either of them, in body and prowess far under them both, little of stature, ill-featured of limbs, crooked-backed, his left shoulder much higher than his right, hard-favoured of visage, and such as is in states called warly, in other men otherwise, he was malicious, wrathful, envious, and from afore his birth ever froward. It is for truth reported that […] he came into the world with the feet forwards, […] and (as the fame runneth) also not untoothed A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 54, More
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(j)
~ deep dissimuler,
He was close and secret, a deep dissimuler. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 54, More
Note: Dissimuler has given way to the Frenchified “dissembler”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(k)
[…] with brooches and aglets of gold upon their caps A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 57, More
Note: Aglets, or aiglets, points or tags, as at the ends of fringes, et cetera.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(l)
dame Venus Red
And to dame Venus, lovis mighty queen, / They sang ballàds in love A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 47, Dunbar
Note: See also Sheet 16.013(bf)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(m)
homily Red
As ye have it very well declared and set forth in the homily A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 63, Latimer
Note: Homily, a plain familiar discourse on a religious subject.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(n)
You landlords, you rentraisers, I may say you steplords A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 65, Latimer
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(o)
Some to be masters and rule others, which never yet began to rule them self A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 70, Ascham
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(p)
what = why
Alas, what need you be so boisterous-rough? A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 135, Shakespeare
Note: What = why: as if elliptical for “for what”. The form is very common in Old English.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(q)
entire Red
[…] he shall find him more politic than Lewis the twelfth of France, and more entire and sincere than Ferdinando of Spain. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 143, Bacon
Note: Entire is synon. with “sincere”. Fr. entier, Lat. integer, from in (not) and root tag (in tangere, to touch). Lit. untouched, of integrity.)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(r)
wink at it Red
[…] yet the common wealth, having the glass of knowledge in every man's hand, doth see such uncomeliness in it, and yet winketh at it A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 72, Ascham
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(s)
To weet what wight so loudly did lament A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 101, Spenser
Note: Weet, learn, come to wit (come to know).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(t)
guise Red
Their hearts she guesseth by their humble guise A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 102, Spenser
Note: Guise, French form of “wise,” manner. Joyce mistakes the nuanced sense of this word.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(u)
one of these —- an
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(v)
fain Red
[…] fawn upon her countenance fain A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 102, Spenser
Note: Fain, pleased, joyful: modified from ancient faegen, by softening of g.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(aa)
minim Red
To make one minim of thy poor handmaid, / And underneath thy feet to place her praise […] A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 107, Spenser
Note: Note. Minim: a very little song.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ab)
by this hand Red
I'll keep them, by this hand. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 118, Shakespeare
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ag) for UG 14.1141.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ac)
hereof Red
The reason hereof is an admirable facility which music hath to express and represent to the mind […] A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 109, Hooker
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ad)
swashbuckler Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ae)
cry you mercy Blue
I cry you mercy A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 118, Shakespeare
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):015(bl) for UG 12.1607.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(af)
much admirable Red
All which things being much admirable, yet this is most, that they are so profitable, bringing unto man both honey and wax. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 78, Lyly
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ag)
gotten Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ah)
passing Red
[…] not so poor by the barrenness of the soil (though in itself not passing fertile) as by a civil war. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 82, Sidney
Note: Passing fertile. In full, “passing (what is) fertile”, “passing (a soil that is) fertile”. We should now say, in prose, “surpassingly fertile”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ai)
a sequel
[…] using the counsel of a sequel A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 78, Lyly
Note: Sequel, follower (Lat. sequi, to follow), one of the king's retinue.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(aj)
chanceable Red
[…] not speaking (table-talk fashion, or like men in a dream) words as they chanceably fall from the mouth, but poising each syllable of each word by just proportion according to the dignity of the subject A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 83, Sidney
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(as) for UG 14.538.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ak)
concent Red
[…] and therefore art they called the Muse's birds, because they follow not the sound so much as the consent A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 77, Lyly
Note: Consent, or concent, harmony, blending of sounds. From Lat. concentus, from concino. from con (together) and cantum (to sing). ‘Consent,’ from con and sentio (feel), is easily confused with ‘concent’.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(al)
swains Red
What lady would not love a shepherd swain? A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 86f, Greene
Note: See Sheet 14.042(n).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(am)
For kings have wars and broils to take in hand A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 87, Greene
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(an)
noncorrosive sublimate ([hell]) Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(ai).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ao)
chivalry (cycl. [rows])
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ap)
no more but Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(aq)
stayed for Red
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(al) for UG 14.501.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ar)
Darby & Joan Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(as)
of Christian walking Red
[…] as that the whiff of every new pamphlet should stagger them out of their catechism and Christian walking […] A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 178, Milton
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(at)
puny Red
[…] if he be not repulsed or slighted, must appear in print like a puny with his guardian and his censor's hand on the back of his title to be his bail and surety that he is no idiot or seducer. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 175, Milton
Note: See also Sheet 14.040(a) for UG 14.831. Puny, minor, infant, youngster. Now used only as adj.: small, feeble. Fr. puiné (youngster).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(au)
cide Red
Greater decapitations were frequent in Elizabethan authors; “cause for because, “cide for “decide”, “joy'd for enjoyed”, “longs” for “belongs”, &c. So “story” is just “history” without its head. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 179 note
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(av)
poor four us
[…] a hundred upon poor four us A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 128, Shakespeare
Oxen of the Sun: sector 58(ba)
chuff Red
No, ye fat chuffs; I would your store were here! A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 126, Shakespeare
Note: Chuffs, burly men, swollen with gluttony and drunkenness; coarse burly fellows.

Oxen of the Sun sector 59

BL Add MS 49475-13v(right) JJA 12:033
(Herring Oxen-11) top right

Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(a)
to quite
Who well it wards and quiteth cuff with cuff A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 98, Spenser
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(b)
North. pl. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(c)
it (red)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(d)
incontinent Red
Unto the place they come incontinent: / Whom when the raging Saracen espied, / A rude, misshapen, monstrous rabblement, / Whose like he never saw, he durst not bide. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 101, Spenser
Note: Incontinent, immediately, forthwith. Lit. not holding together (Lat. in-con-tinentem), or within bounds; hence without check or stop—at once.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(e)
iron sides
And through their iron sides with cruel spies / Does seek to pierce A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 98, Spenser
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(f)
blubber Red
There find the virgin doleful desolate, / With ruffled garments and fair blubbered face A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 101, Spenser
Note: See also Sheet 14.008(n).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(g)
gently grinning Red
And, gently grinning, shew a semblance glad / To comfort her, and, fear to put away, / Their backward bent knees teach her humbly to obey. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 101, Spenser
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(h)
S— self Red
And old Sylvanus self bethinks not what / To think of wight so fair A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 103, Spenser
Note: Sylvanus self is in accordance with ancient usage. The possesive form “Sylvanus' self” is later. Cf. below, “Venus self”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(i)
clean contrary Red
[…] whether it resemble unto us the same state wherein our minds already are, or a clean contrary […] A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 109, Hooker
Note: “Clean” is adv.; it has the same form as the adj., through the falling away of the inflectional termination.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(j)
deluthering Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):023(ca).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(k)
popinjay Red
Out of my grief and my impatience / To be so pestered with a popinjay A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 113, Shakespeare
Note: Popinjay: parrot, a prating coxcomb or fop. Old English popigay […] The n has crept in
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(l)
dehort us
Ah my Philautus, if the wasting of our money might not dehort us A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 75, Lyly
Note: Dehort, dissuade, warn or advise not to (do something).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(m)
imp in love
This is therefore to admonish all young imps and novices in love A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 76, Lyly
Note: Imps. “Imp” is orig. a graft, shoot, slip; hence offspring, child,
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(n)
curious Red
How curious we were to please our Lady, how careless to displease our Lord! A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 75, Lyly
Note: Curious, careful, painstaking, solicitous. From Lat. curiosus, from cura (care). “Curious” is contrasted with “careless”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(o)
be plucked down Red
And if such a one by chance be chosen […] as is bad, then is there such civil war and dissension that, until he be pluckt down, there can be no friendship A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 78, Lyly
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(p)
lift(ed) Red
Of stature tall, and straightly fashionèd, / Like his desire, lift upwards and divine A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 88, Marlowe
Note: Lift, for “lifted”. In Elizabethan poetry, the “ed” of p. part. of weak verbs is often conveniently dropped.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(q)
viands Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
His viands sparkling in a golden cup A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 87, Shakespeare
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):023(bv)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(r)
think — what require
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(s)
spermacetic ointment Red
And telling me the sovereign'st thing on earth / Was parmaceti for an inward bruise A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 114, Shakespeare
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bc) for UG 14.601. Parmaceti, spermaceti, a fatty matter obtained chiefly from the head of a certain species of whale. From Gr. and Lat. sperma (seed) and Gr. ketos (sea-monster).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(t)
indenture (appr) Red
Shall we buy treason? and indent with fears, / When they have lost and forfeited themselves? A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 114, Shakespeare
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(au) for UG 14.552. Indent, compound, bargain; lit. to notch like the teeth (Lat. dentes) of a saw. When an indenture (contract of apprenticeship) was drawn, the copies for the contracting parties were inscribed on the same piece of parchment, and then separated by a tooth-like cutting, so that they should correspond when compared.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(u)
yale Red
Yedward for Edward. Cf. ‘yale’ (ale), ‘yarbs’ (herbs) &c. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 123 note
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(v)
angerly Red
I will not stir, nor wince, nor speak a word, / Nor look upon the iron angerly A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 135, Shakespeare
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(aa)
this day morning Red
[…] there be four of us here have ta'en a thousand pound this day morning A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 85, Shakespeare
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(ab)
megrim Red
[…]planet-struck was one of the headings of the bills of mortality, along with “apoplexy and meagrim”, “suddenly”, &c. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 155 note, Jonson
Note: Repeated Sheet 14.048(h).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(ac)
I sent thee late
I sent thee late a rosy wreath A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 161, Jonson
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(ad)
dinged Red
[…] every acute reader, upon the first sight of a pedantic license, will be ready with these like words to ding the book a quoit's distance from him. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 175, Milton
Note: Ding: strike, push, fling, dash, hurl.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(ae)
[…] the hide-bound humour which he calls his judgment A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 175, Milton
Note: Hide-bound, skin-bound, morbid, diseased. A morbid tightness of the skin characterises cewrtain forms of disease, in animals, especially horses, cows &. So trees are said to be ‘hide-bound’ when their growth is impeded by closeness and firmness of the bark.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(af)
more sounder
More sounder too A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 86, Greene
Note: Such double comparatives are now avoided.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(ag)
mainly Red
Such breath of shoulders as might mainly bear / Old Atlas' burden […] A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 88, Marlowe
Note: Mainly, with main (as in “might and main”), power, might; by Sheet strength. “Main” is the old “maegan” softened, from magan (may).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(ah)
jolly Red
Full jolly knight he seemed, and fair did sit / As one for knightly josts and fierce encounters fit. A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 97, Spenser
Note: Jolly, Fr. joli, handsome, and thus excellent, capable.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(ai)
pitch Red
[…] 'twixt, his manly pitch, / A pearl more worth than all the world, is placed A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 88, Marlowe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 59(aj)
Not lapt in lead, but in a sheet of gold A. F. Murison, Selections from the Best English Authors (1907), p 90, Marlowe

Oxen of the Sun sector 60

BL Add MS 49475-13v(right) JJA 12:033
(Herring Oxen-11) bottom left

Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(a)
amnios protects fetal urine at end in it
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(b)
Menopause — involution of uterus Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cq) for UG 14.970.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(c)
OG's aunt going to write Si. D Blue
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):016(ac) for UG 9.552.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(d)
Mr B. dearest Papli Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(e)
I'm off Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(f)
fifteen yester. [Turn] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(g)
colt Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(h)
cloven hoof Blue
A conceit there is, that the devil appeareth with a cloven hoof; Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Enquiries), p 400
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bv)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(i)
blinking the facts Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(j)
referred marriage of O'Hare Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(k)
[purgue] dell' umanità (N. [Maceh].)Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(l)
foundling, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(m)
~ mistake, didn't intend,
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(n)
another pair of trousers Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(aj) for UG 15.2093f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(o)
they sticked not to
Christians abhorred this way of obsequies, and though they sticked not to give their bodies to be burnt in their lives, deetested that mode after death. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urn), p 290
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(p)
fasciations, ~ Red
able to break the fasciations and bands of death [to rise from the dead] Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 292
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(q)
~ bands, Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
able to break the fasciations and bands of death [to rise from the dead] Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 292
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(r)
agreeable unto Red
But that they embraced not the practice of burning, yet entertained they many ceremonies agreeable unto Greek and Roman obsequies. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 292
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(s)
eugenics: ~ Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(t)
~ sterilize wastrels
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(u)
simple pleasures of the poor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(v)
Tolstoy, Kreutzer Sonata Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Tolstoy published a risque novel, Kreutzer Sonata in 1889.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(aa)
Miss O'B. No's headache Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ab)
thy son shall come from afar. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ac)
infanticide WC Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Possibly copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):019(bn) for UG 14.1261. See also UN4 (NLI.5A):004(al) for UG 6.346, and Sheet 14.021(l) for UG 14.962.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ad)
airy fairy Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ae)
~ paddy whack Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(af)
~ scratch
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ag)
terra Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Cf. Thomas Browne (Errors), p 285: the terra or insipid earth remaining
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ah)
get his hole, down wind, — tools, soft pitch
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ai)
~ with rare [virus]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(aj)
gradient of 1 in 9 Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ak)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(al)
~ runner up
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(am)
- for 5 wickets Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(ak).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(an)
~ “rev” Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ao)
brake Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 14.023(ai).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ap)
past 1st sleep in Persia
[Thomas Browne] The huntsmen are up in America, and they are already past their first sleep in Persia. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 192
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(aq)
abbreviature / exantlation / equable catachresis
I doubt whether I myself, a good many years ago, did not make unwise concessions in admitting exceptions to Browne on the score of Latinism and of catachresis of words […] when he substitutes ‘clarity’ for ‘clearness’, when he pours upon the vulgar head the perhaps to it doubtfully precious balms of ‘abbreviature’ and ‘exantlation’; even when he has such traps for the unwary as ‘equable’ in the sense of ‘equitable’ […] he is not only manipulating the xena, the ‘strange’ words which strike the sense […] but is actually and deliberately adding to the sonority and harmony of his phrase. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 182 (on Thomas Browne)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ar)
acies of the eye
[Thomas Browne] And therefore Providence hath arched and paved the great house of the world, with colours of mediocrity, that is, blue and green, above and below the sight, moderately terminating the acies of the eye. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 183n
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(as)
Moses his man Red
[Thomas Browne] […] common counters sum up the life of Moses his man […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 185
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(at)
nativity Not cancelled
[Thomas Browne] Job, who cursed not the day of his life, but his nativity […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 185
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(au)
diuturnity Not cancelled
[Thomas Browne] Now since these dead bones have already outlasted the living ones of Methuselah […] what Prince can promise such diurnity unto his reliques […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 184
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(av)
night of prebeings Not cancelled
[Thomas Browne] Pious spirits who passed their days in raptures of futurity, made little more of this world, that the world that was before it, while they lay obscure in the Chaos of pre-ordination, and night of their fore-beings. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 190
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(ba)
entelechy / to be
[Thomas Browne] To be content that times to come should know there was such a man […] was a frigid ambition in Cardan: […] who cares to subsist like Hippocrates' patients, or Achilles' horses in Homer, under naked nominations, with deserts and noble acts, which are the balsam of our memories, the Entelechia and soul of subsistences. To be nameless in worthy deeds exceeds an infamous history. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 190
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(bb)
ghost of a rose Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[Thomas Browne] Nor will the sweetest delight of gardens afford much comfort in sleep; wherein the dulness of that sense shakes hands with delectable odours; and though in the bed of Cleopatra, can hardly with any delight raise up the ghost of a rose. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 192
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(bc)
Milton — kick up again
It is one of the faults in style of most writers of this period, from Milton downwards, that they neglect this precaution, and worse than neglect it—conducting a phrase to an almost dying close, and then, as it were, rudely kicking it up again with an unexpected appendix. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 193
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(bd)
who [blank] whither. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
But who knows the fate of his bones, or how often he is to be buried? who hath the oracle of his ashes, or whither they are to be scattered? George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 195
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(be)
—s [blank] —eth Red
Observe the dexterity of this: “As charity covers, so Modesty preventeth […]” where it may be observed that if both verbs in the first clause had the -s or both the -th, the rhythm would have been not a little inquinated […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 198
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(bf)
embryo philosopher Red
A dialogue between two infants in the womb concerning the state of the world, might handsomely illustrate our ignorance of the next, whereof methink we yet discourse in Plato's den, and are but embryon philosophers. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 334f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(bg)
septuagint Red
Although, if we steer by the conjecture of many, and septuagint expression, some trace may thereof be found even with the ancient Hebrews, not only from the sepulchral treasure of David, but the circumcision knives which Joshua also buried. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 302
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(bh)
assuefaction Red
[Thomas Browne] Forget not how assuefaction unto anything minorates the passion from it; George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 199
Oxen of the Sun: sector 60(bi)
gardens before gardeners
[Thomas Browne] Gardens were before gardeners and but some hours after the earth […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 196

Oxen of the Sun sector 61

BL Add MS 49475-13v(right) JJA 12:033
(Herring Oxen-11) lower right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(a)
Note: Pecunia (Latin): money.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(b)
Note: Pygarg (‘white-rump’): 1. A kind of antelope mentioned by Herodotus and Pliny. 2. The osprey or sea-eagle.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(c)
divide hoof
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(d)
& chew the cud Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.015(ai).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(e)
adventure to set her foot
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(f)
Gordon Bennett Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.007(k); see also Sheet 16.022(ae) above for UG 16.1241.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(g)
Childs murder Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.068(a).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(h)
wrongfully condemned Red
Note: See also UN6 (NLI.4):014(cu).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(i)
law of tendency
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(j)
~ Messedaglia
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(k)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(l)
men. colonization
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(m)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(n)
bottom of reason Red
Now as all customs were founded upon some bottom of reason […] Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 286
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ap) for UG 14.526.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(o)
moist relentment Red
Some being of the opinion of Thales, that water was the original of all things, thought it most equal [equitable] to submit unto the principle of putrefaction, and conclude in a moist relentment [dissolution]. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 287
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(p)
conclamation Red
But whether that mournful burthen, and treble calling out after Absalom, had any reference unto the last conclamation, and triple valediction, used by other nations, we hold but a wavering conjecture. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1862), (Urns), p 292
Oxen of the Sun: sector 61(q)
Origen, mark time

Oxen of the Sun sector 62

BL Add MS 49475-13v(left) JJA 12:032
(Herring Oxen-10) left column
The month before conception

Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(a)
I hate (≈) [blank] I hold (course)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(b)
ego = push / act
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(c)
remit = l.s.d. / [wind]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(d)
Itus .
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(e)
~ I think that yes Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(f)
that fool one was obliged to loose
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(g)
never from him was one able to loose
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(h)
deserves to be praised Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(i)
it was not able to be persuaded to [her] that …
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(j)
to her nothing already then and thenceforward was able to be molestful. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(k)
Among the Romans to those badly their affairs waging it was accustomed to be interdicted Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(l)
Trieste was begun to be besieged Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(m)
That she by him suddenly to be [loved] [blank] had |abeena| begun she felt Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(n)
This they felt chiefly except among good friendship not to can be Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.013(j) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(o)
So I have recd. cleanliness, to women, hardship to men, to befit Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(p)
Hannibal huge desire |aurged impelleda| on of Tarentum to be captured Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(q)
It is of a wise state … Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(r)
I [so] [loving].: Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(s)
~ there is need Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(t)
O thing not merely in being heard foul but even in being Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(u)
it is difficult in being said Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(v)
the thing so [has] itself Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(aa)
carrying in a car Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ab)
envy among one another Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ac)
recd. her in to that domicile Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ad)
Her they saw mother Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ae)
Pres — Propino hoc tibi / pauper sum. fateor
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(af)
She receives habitual / hist. pres. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ag)
didici = ho appreso
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ah)
inchoative Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ai)
si Brutus conservatus erit, vicimus Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(aj)
perf. logic. aorist. gnomic Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ak)
use imperfect Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(al)
[quos] — los qui Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(am)
[praesens] [corratus] = vendo una coza Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(an)
durvia repente [mutarerant] imperator [mutatus] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ao)
ventus, veniendus (pass. part of intrans. verbs) it was (to be) come Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ap)
e perituram (adj.) Sallust. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(aq)
le cose tenute (things being held) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ar)
evolution Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(as)
gasteropods Red
Note: Gasteropoda: a class of molluscs, including the snails, limpets, etc.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(at)
she shivers Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(au)
Woman 9 yrs island conceives (Livy) / 〃 look at W. 〃 (Virgil) Red
Note: See also U84 14.244
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(av)
consanguineous — Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cb) for UG 14.975.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ba)
sterile Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cc) for UG 14.1424.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bb)
~ to cover Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bc)
fertility : : no of privations
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bd)
~ ablation Red
Note: Ablation: the action of taking away.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(be)
spermatozoa — upstream contr. gravity Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):005(au). See also Sheet 14.062(br) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bf)
electric discharge kills sperm Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bg)
brown nipple Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bh)
~ hymen Red
Note: Hymen: the god of marriage, represented as a yoiung man carrying a torch and veil. Here, anatomical: the virginal membrane.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bi)
worms fertile piss
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bj)
You to say this?
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bk)
~ many zoa boys Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bl)
~ after règles boys (∴ gens girls) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ca)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bm)
~ azote diet Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):003(ai).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bn)
Young hopeful Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bo)
~ pothecary, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bp)
~ spit Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bq)
(Loeb [ch.] genesis)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(br)
for sperm no gravity Red
Note: See Sheet 14.062(be) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bs)
~ 10 her teetee (not — claret) Red
Note: Tee tee (TT): tea totaller (abstaining from all alcohol).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bt)
conjugation Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bu)
~ hard to breathe, Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(bv)
~ full
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ca)
Sir A Horne Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cb)
matriculation Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.013(ba).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cc)
1m dog = |aforma| child
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cd)
Sacred Pen[itentiary] of [J.C.] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ce)
2m. soul Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cf)
2m clavicle, ~
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cg)
~ lower jaw Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ch)
features, limbs, ~
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ci)
~ soul Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cj)
~ 6m hymen
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(ck)
7m8 live
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cl)
3m sex
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cm)
4m feto
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cn)
5m move
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(co)
scissors & knife
Oxen of the Sun: sector 62(cp)
tripe & cowheel~ Red
[…] surrounded by a company of hackney-coachmen, chairmen, drayman, and a few footmen out of place or on board wages, who sat eating shin of beef, tripe, cow-heel, or sausages, at separate boards, covered with cloths which turned my stomach. Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 44 (73)
Note: In lower margin.

Oxen of the Sun sector 63

BL Add MS 49475-13v(left) JJA 12:032
(Herring Oxen-10) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(a)
I start tomorrow Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(b)
ut potero, explicato
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(c)
quicquid egero continuo [suis] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(d)
respiravero, vita [videto]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(e)
scriptum sum Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(f)
epistolary style
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(g)
how far forward? Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(h)
punch Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(i)
wom. 30 - 38 breeder
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(j)
M.P. red [wom] [he] grey
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(k)
[wom.] eleph. (Pliny & Voltaire)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(l)
~ cronion v.i. Red
Note: See Sheet 14.063(q) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(m)
flagellary movt. tail. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(n)
fusion pronuclei Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(o)
headfold — feto Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(p)
tailfold — annex Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(q)
☼ — cronion Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.063(l) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(r)
amnion sack Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(s)
whiteflowers acid kills sp. Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):005(at)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(t)
fucked in [sleep]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(u)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(v)
syringe fuck ([hypsorp]) Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(cs) for UG 14.970.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(aa)
bog Latin Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 63(ab)

Oxen of the Sun sector 64

BL Add MS 49475-13r(right) JJA 12:031
(Herring Oxen-9) left column
The months before conception; placenta

Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(a)
To such a pitch had it gone that Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(b)
Envy possessed certain
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(c)
this splendour of mine. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(d)
Who is he whom … ? Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(e)
lutulent Red
Note: Lutulent: muddy, turbid.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(f)
vinolent Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Vinolent: tending to drunkenness.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(g)
that high mind's humility in him I knew Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(h)
there is no shame in you
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(i)
You are daring excessively Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(j)
No more odious crime is there to me Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(k)
No man's lot bitterer Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(l)
Emolument Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(m)
~ Rarely
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(n)
of evils Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(o)
all things being favourable Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(p)
there is in him
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(q)
In memory yare worth much
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(r)
whatsoever things Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(s)
or certainly to none
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(t)
You wit I hold very little [blunt] about what best is to be learnt Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(u)
in that one case Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(v)
It is not why we shall wonder Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(aa)
Who nothing of any kind has learnt Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ab)
Many ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ac)
~ … and [those] indeed
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ad)
in doctrine erudite, ornamented Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ae)
it behoves Red
Note: Repeated at Sheet 14.056(af).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(af)
that highest in him quality Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.056(ag).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ag)
a plan was by them adopted Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.056(ai).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ah)
Me a great doubt holds
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.056(ak)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ai)
I fear lest what was excellently begun you may not so well end. Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.056(aj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(aj)
the genius he had received from nature
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ak)
He did nothing not suitably commodious Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(al)
Whatever he did with ——- [and] wisdom Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(am)
to which-
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(an)
whether … . it is not |ahe ignoreda| clear Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ao)
was provided valiantly Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ap)
this work not only not — but even
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(aq)
So distantly removed from . . that Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ar)
whom [blank] they would
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(as)
Nothing in it of gravity Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(at)
that no-one you, that you no-one, can [use]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(au)
in every public work it is to be considered Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(av)
terrestial orb Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(ba)
with sapience endowed Red
Note: Entire unit possibly entered as draft 2 was being copied to (missing) draft 3.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bb)
concealed from them were not
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bc)
part of wisdom
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bd)
what pertains to Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(be)
that no age be silent about your praises
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bf)
not solely for the copiously moneyed Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bg)
scarcely & not even scarcely Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bh)
not sufficiently Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bi)
cogitate the [country] to relax mind Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bj)
tumescent Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 64(bk)
aspect of the most [diverting] spectacles Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 65

BL Add MS 49475-13r(right) JJA 12:031
(Herring Oxen-9) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(a)
grame crawlers Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(b)
lovesome Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(c)
for that
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(d)
cessile air Red
Note: Appears in a poem by the Scottish poet Alexander Hume: “The massiue earth reposis still, / Suspended in the cessil eire” [yielding air]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(e)
horrid imprecation Red
Reduced to this extremity, I cursed my simplicity; uttered horrid imprecations against the treachery of Horatio; and, as I became every day more familiarised to the loss of innocence, resolved to be revenged on the sex in general, by practicing their own arts upon themselves. Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), (145)
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ab) for UG 14.839.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(f)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(g)
harkee Red
Harkee, Mr Lavement,” said the captain, “I am a man of honour and I believe you too much of a gentleman to be offended at the civility I show your wife.” Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 60 (118)
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(ae) for UG 14.356. See also UN5 (NLI.5B):019(bh).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(h)
decamp Red
By the time he got a new scarf-skin, his character was become so notorious, that he thought it high time for him to decamp; and his retreat he performed in one night, without beat of drum, after having robbed his own servant of every thing that belonged to him, except the clothes he had on his back. Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 63 (154f)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(i)
prandy Red
When he had fed heartily on his homely fare, he filled a large cup, made of a cocoa-nut shell, with brandy, and drinking it off, said “prandy is the best menstruum for onion and cheese.” Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 81 (168)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(j)
cot Red
Cot [God] have mercy on my senses! Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 82 (171f)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(k)
cheese Red
Then he lauched out into the praise of good cheese, of which he gave the analysis. Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 82 (172)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(l)
the true fold Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(m)
bilbo Red
I told him, that the debt amounted to eleven pounds, besides the expense of the writ. “An that be all,” said he, “you shan't go to the bilboes this bout.” Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), (153)
Note: Bilbo: a sword noted for the temper of its blade.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(n)
up to the present time Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(o)
[Jawal] forms on egg
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(p)
cellular division Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(q)
it = he / she Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(r)
proliferent Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(s)
emission of globes Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(t)
race heredity acquired
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(u)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(v)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(aa)
ovul. [blank] 1) form. nutrid
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(ab)
sp. [blank] 2) segment
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(ac)
ovocita Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(ad)
~ hermaphrodite Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(ae)
globes = elimination of male = monosexual Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(af)
defunctive music Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(ag)
trentals Red
Note: Trental: a set of thirty requiem masses, said on the same day, or on different days; (loosely) an elegy or dirge.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(ah)
repugnance Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 65(ai)
[greengowned] [fumble]

Oxen of the Sun sector 66

BL Add MS 49475-13r(right) JJA 12:031
(Herring Oxen-9) top sideways

Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(a)
Madden backs Madden Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(b)
shortcomings Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(c)
bisons Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(d)
ladies Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(e)
wooden legs / (run in family)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(f)
wonder is how [comes off so well] Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(g)
serve (fuck) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 66(h)
fam. resembl. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated

Oxen of the Sun sector 67

BL Add MS 49475-13r(right) JJA 12:031
(Herring Oxen-9) bottom sideways

Oxen of the Sun: sector 67(a)
Here's fine dicipline on board, when such lazy skulking sons of b—s as you are allowed, on pretence of sickness, to lollop at your ease, while your betters are kept to hard duty! Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 101 (218)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 67(b)
[…] a table well stored with bumbo and wine.
[footnote] bumbo is a liquor composed of rum, sugar, water and nutmeg. Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 100 (216)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 67(c)
I vear ~ Red
Dick, without removing his eyes from the object that terrified him, replied, “O vathher, vather! here be either the devil or a dead man. I don't know which o'en, but a groans woundily.” Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 109 (237)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 67(d)
~ here be
Dick, without removing his eyes from the object that terrified him, replied, “O vathher, vather! here be either the devil or a dead man. I don't know which o'en, but a groans woundily.” Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 109 (237)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 67(e)
I had the mortification to see from my cabin window, six or seven thrown overboard every day, who died of the same distemper. Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 100 (214)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 67(f)
ruminating Red
But as I lay ruminating, my passion insensibly altered; I considered my situation in quite another light from that in which it appeared to me at first. Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 109 (236)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 67(g)
do his baisemoins Red
“Dr Ranter, pray do the doctor's baisemoins [sic] to the lady, and squire her hither.” Tobias Smollett, Roderick Random (1915), 137 (304)
Note: Baisemains: respects (from baisemain: a kiss of the hand).

Oxen of the Sun sector 68

BL Add MS 49475-13r(right) JJA 12:031
(Herring Oxen-9) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(a)
Child's murder = Bush Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.061(g).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(b)
doc. Red
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(v) for use in the protodraft; see also Sheet 14.002(d) for UG 14.1482.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(c)
~ Crusoe
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(d)
blue lookout Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(e)
matres familiarum Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(f)
[swanee] [river] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(g)
Tom Rochford invent Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: See also Sheet 12.002(o) and UN4 (NLI.5A):023(bt).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(h)
vitelline membrane
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(i)
econ. balance Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 68(j)
you [left]

Oxen of the Sun sector 69

BL Add MS 49475-13r(right) JJA 12:031
(Herring Oxen-9) loose

Oxen of the Sun: sector 69(a)
hoi polloi Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 69(b)
schedule time Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.023(e); recopied to Sheet 14.075(v) for UG 14.1553.

Oxen of the Sun sector 70

BL Add MS 49475-12v(left) JJA 12:028
(Herring Oxen-6) main column
Months placenta, 9, 8 and 3

Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(a)
nurse ought to count sponges in peritoneal cavity Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(ab).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(b)
Bull minotaur Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(c)
O.G. knows which side his bread is buttered (LB)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(d)
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):011(h).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(e)
[drawing of menorah] neir Elohim: le gerre: phalli
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):011(k).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(f)
Lampetie. Phaethusa
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):011(m).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(g)
Ul. goes alone interior: sleep(?) Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):012(b)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(h)
LB alone Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):012(g)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(i)
Ireland: pontine marsh Red
Note: Copied from UN3 (VIII.A.5):017(h); see also Sheet 14.085(e) and Sheet 15.018(cd).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(j)
LB [laid] on [fire] of [??][Knough] [rose] Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(k)
S. Joseph patron of unhappy marriages Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(l)
He picked up the crumbs that fell from the table
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(m)
Glory Allelujerum, oo-oojerum! Red
Note: Popular variant of “Glory Alleluia” or “Glory, hallelujah”, especially in the Southern U.S. during the Civil War.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(n)
And so say all of us: Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Toast at birthday parties, etc,: “For he's (she's) a jolly good fellow, and so say all of us!”
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(o)
there's 11 of them. Red
Note: See Sheet 14.001(cj) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(p)
the 1st said (SD) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(q)
O.G. — Kinch, have you any children / SD I am the eternal son. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(r)
SD By the way have you the lamp, the watch, the key Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(bd).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(s)
long [hopeful] lord.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(t)
Keep a watch on the clock (Dixon) Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(ac)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(u)
Leave it to yr own honour Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.087(al). See also UN5 (NLI.5B):001(ce) for UG 12.753.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(v)
Lenehan — Telliagraphic boy Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.084(f). Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(ak).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(aa)
Drunkard sings with hat back, funnel mouth
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):015(l).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ab)
Elizabeth Westbrook making Claddagh shawl in DBC Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):016(aa). Recopied to Sheet 14.085(f).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ac)
south & mouth
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ad)
old age regressive metamorphosis Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):032(eb).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ae)
More in room four hostile [against incomer] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(af)
|a(J.C.a| Foreskin in Calcata, Rome to quicken pregnant women. Resurrected with or without? [Raynalous] S.J. holds he had. but of finer earth. Salmeron S.J. calls it carnal bridal ring for his spouse the church. Is it in eucharist? at last supper he had it not. |a∴ noa| Risen yes ∴ yes Rocca, see of H.H., the chief eunuch, deserves 4th degree of latria not hyperduly. hair toenails & clothes. after end of world? Constellation? Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):025(b)-UN1 (NLI.3):025(c)-UN1 (NLI.3):025(d)-UN1 (NLI.3):025(e; recopied to Sheet 17.037(o) for UG 17.1203f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ag)
departed into incorruptible eon ~ Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):013(al). Transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(h).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ah)
~ when god of Karmic law wished to kill him. Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):013(al). Transferred to text via Sheet 14.085(g)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ai)
SD = vow of involuntary poverty Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):013(ae).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(aj)
Lords of Moon members of orangecoloured shipload from planet A of lunar chain declined to assume the etheric doubles which men incarnated by the goldenhaired egos from planet B & the rosy ones from C. Red
Note: Copied from UN1 (NLI.3):014(j); probably entered via Sheet 14.085(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ak)
doldrums: Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(al)
oil of [peserpenae]: Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(am)
parasangs Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(an)
LB sets watch right Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(ad)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ao)
survival of fittest, grandparents. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ap)
Postnatal not sent over
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(aq)
Male & female zoa? / — — ova Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ar)
Evolution, body residence of germcells (plasm immortal) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(as)
Dr. Meldon Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(at)
under all the circs
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(al)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(au)
for reasons which have |anota| since transpired Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(ba)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(av)
Timothy of the battered naggin Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(bh). (Obscure cricket reference.)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(ba)
Cornerboys [arguing] round pub Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(bn). See Sheet 14.020(o).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(bb)
Ulysses projects envy at each chapter Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(cq).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(bc)
|amothera| Church sacrificing |agetsa| baptism & funeral Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.001(bb) via Sheet 14.020(aj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(bd)
Mead drinkers Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 70(be)
Molly put inside vest on Rudy dead Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.003(ad). Original unit specifies Weiss's sister-in-law (not Molly).

Oxen of the Sun sector 71

BL Add MS 49475-12v(left) JJA 12:028
(Herring Oxen-6) right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(a)
son dentist Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(b)
Cuffe's meadow auction Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(c)
corking fine Red
Note: Possibly from the correct source of the Billy Sunday piece (see Sheet 14.004(ak) above).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(d)
gospeller Red
Note: Possibly from the correct source of the Billy Sunday piece (see Sheet 14.004(ak) above).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(e)
Yank to glory Red
Note: See Sheet 12.011(bu), and Sheet 14.004(ai) above for UG 14.1584f. Most likely from the correct source of the Billy Sunday piece (see Sheet 14.004(ak) above).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(f)
which he had eyed in the daytime and found the place where by laid them Red
One time they particularly proposed robbing a watch-maker of three gold watches, which they had eyed in the daytime, and found the place where he laid them. Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. II, 21
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(g)
Egan's Hop bitters Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.003(n); recopied to Sheet 14.087(am). See also UN6 (NLI.4):005(b) for UG 5.389.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(h)
a little moved but very handsomly Red
The constable told him, a little moved, but very handsomely, "I know my duty, and what I am, sir; I doubt you hardly know what you are doing." Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. II, 71
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(i)
carry her
I may keep a prisoner when I am charged with him, but 'tis the law and the magistrate alone that can discharge that prisoner; therefore, 't is a mistake, sir; I must carry her before a justice now, whether you think well of it or not. Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. II, 74
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(j)
~ about her lawful occasions Red
“No, sir,” says the constable, “I am not rude; you have broken the peace in bringing an honest woman out of the street, when she was about her lawful occasions, confining her in your shop, and ill-using her here by your servants; […] Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. II, 75
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(k)
nauseate the man Red
[…] and then to observe the poor creature preaching confession and repentence to me in the morning, and find him drunk with brandy and spirits by noon, this had something in it so shocking, that I began to nauseate [dislike] the man more than his work, and his work too by degrees, for the sake of the man; so that I desired him to trouble me no more. Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. II, 123
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(l)
swear harm
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(m)
took on so Red
But she cried and took on, like a distracted body, wringing her hands and crying out that she was undone, that she believed there was a curse from heaven upon her, that she should be damned, […] Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. II, 132
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(s) for UG 14.726.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(n)
impudent mocks Red
[…] and as for carrying them to the Door to look at them, the Maids made their imputent Mocks upon that, and spent their Wit upon it very much; told the court that I had looked atem sufficiently, and approved them very well, for I had packed them up, and was a-going with them. Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. II, 134
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(o)
vicar of Bray Red
Note: See also Sheet 12.002(v), and Sheet 14.001(n) for UG 14.280f.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(p)
law of probability? (Weissmann) Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 71(q)
[law of] anticipation (Rudy) Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 72

BL Add MS 49475-12v(left) JJA 12:028
(Herring Oxen-6) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(a)
bull / Br. china / shop Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(b)
bully / beef Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(c)
we two, / he said / will seek the kips Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(d)
Young Man in Cape Horn Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(e)
Lusk Midwifery Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(f)
eggnogg etc. Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(g)
quick with child Red
Two other indictments being brought against them, and the facts being proved upon them, they were both condemned to die. They both pleaded their bellies, and were both voted quick with child; though my tutoress was no more with child than I was. Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (edition unknown), vol. 11, 14
Note: See also Sheet 14.028(v). Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(l) for UG 14.169.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(h)
yearns Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(i)
to learn her
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(j)
LB let myself in for this. Well? Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(k)
Woman looks at man after adieu Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied to Sheet 14.085(j)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(l)
SD objects to English abroad Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(bb).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(m)
SD address letters Paris. Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(r); recopied to Sheet 15.018(bc).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(n)
Caraway seed to carry away Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(ab).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(o)
corruption of minors Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.002(am).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(p)
Richmond hospital ~ Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.003(c), which see, and transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(an). According to the Dublin newspapers of the time, on 16 June 1904 a Mr T.W. Hamlet (not otherwise to us of note) attended a meeting to select a chairman for the Richmond Asylum.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(q)
~ T.W. Hamlet Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.003(c), which see, and from there to Sheet 14.087(ag) and Sheet 14.087(ao). According to the Dublin newspapers of the time, on 16 June 1904 a Mr T.W. Hamlet (not otherwise to us of note) attended a meeting to select a chairman for the Richmond Asylum.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(r)
the word x was a Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(s)
languages Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(t)
stap my vitals Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(u)
drove her trade Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(v)
more money than forecast Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(ab)
lay together Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(ac)
went for her husband Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 72(ad)
put to it Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 73

BL Add MS 49475-15r(right) JJA 12:039
(Herring Oxen-17) left column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(a)
Sea [slang]
SEA WORDS AND PHRASES [Title] Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), fcv, 1
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(b)
armstrong halloring Red
ARMSTRONG. Arm in arm, “they came hallorin' down the street armstrong.” Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 1
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(c)
oily Red
BARM-SKIN. The oil skin, or “oily”, which covers the fisherman's berm or bosom, and reaches to the “petticoats” of the same material, covering the lower man. Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 1
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(d)
knife becket
BECKET. A sheath; knife-becket. Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 1
Note: a rope scabbard
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(e)
betty betty
BETTY. To be over nice in putting things to order. “He go betty, betty, bettyin' about the boat like an old woman.” Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 2
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(f)
black meat
BLACK MEAT. Cured bacon. Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 2
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(g)
fanny about
FANNY ABOUT. A light variable wind fannies about. Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 4
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(h)
Horry war Red
HORRYWAUR. [There follows a long explanation that explains this as a malapropism of “Au revoir”.] Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 6
Note: Horry: vile, foul
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(i)
query. Red
Fitzgerald adds ‘query’ after several possibly doubtful words. Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), passim
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(j)
sneaking regard Red
OLD. Old Nick (which by the way, is our most familiar name for him, &c., and implies a sort of sneaking regard, as if he wasn't quite so black after all, as painted.) Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 8
Note: See also Sheet 16.001(bj).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(k)
SHREEP. To clear away partially; as mist, &c. Edward FitzGerald, Sea Words and Phrases (1869), 10
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(l)
for he swore a round hand Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(m)
impregnated Red
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(eg), UN6 (NLI.4):013(ac) for UG 14.972, and Sheet 14.081(j) for UG 14.1407.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(n)
chestnut blossoms Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(o)
yeast Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(p)
Meredith the bread Red
LIZZIE ANN. Oh, yes! I don't deny. There's Willie Meredith now, son of Meredith the Bread. Wears a box-hat every Sunday, so they do say. J. O. Francis, Change, a play (1914), 102
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(q)
Lewis bach Red
  • Ulysses unlocated Herring NS 246.16: Lewis ?boch
GWEN [taking parcel]. What is it, Lewis? [Opening parcel.] Well, tan i marw, it's a chicken! Oh, Lewis bach, and you so busy making such grand speeches! How did you remember, boy bach? J. O. Francis, Change, a play (1914), 25
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(r)
Lloyd George Red
  • Ulysses unlocated Herring NS 246.17: Lloyd George
Once we were tremendous Catholics. We've also been tremendous Calvinists. Once we fought in the last ditch for Charles Stuart and the Divine Right of Kings. Now we are in the advance guard of democracy, and Lloyd George is our great man. J. O. Francis, Change, a play (1914), xi
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(s)
contrive to Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(t)
acid / alkali Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(u)
move a motion Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(v)
cooked bread Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(aa)
cuss Red
THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP. […] Kentuck looked foolish and embarrassed. Something like a blush tried to assert itself in his weather-beaten cheek. “The d—d little cuss!” he said, as he extricated his finger, with perhaps more tenderness and care than he might have been deemed capable of showing. He held that finger a little apart from its fellows as he went out, and examined it curiously. Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 49
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ab)
tickle nipple abort
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ac)
precious glad Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ad)
loins Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ae)
cock won't fight
MLISS. […] “Want her yourself, do you? That cock won't fight here, young man!” Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 40
Note: This phrase is also listed in Baumann.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(af)
all serene Blue
THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP. […] “How goes it?” said Kentuck, looking past Stumpy toward the candle-box. “All serene!” replied Stumpy. Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 50
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ag)
handed in his checks Blue


Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 77
Note: Slang: Handed in his checks, died.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ah)
madam Red
[Madame appears 13 times in the book.] Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), passim
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ai)
skunk Red
MIGGLES. […] “Extraordinary d—d skunk!” roared the driver, contemptuously. “Come out of that, Miggles, and show yourself! Be a man, Miggles! Don't hide in the dark; I wouldn't if I were you, Miggles,” continued Yuba Bill, now dancing about in an excess of fury. Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 80
Note: This term also appears in Limehouse Nights as follows: ‘Ar, you can skulk, yeh little copper's nark, but yer in for it now. What d'I tell yeh I'd do? Answer, yeh skunk, answer! Come on!’ (p. 265). To skunk off: to slip away surreptitiously.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(aj)
help me get tea
MIGGLES. […] But Miggles's laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence.

“Come,” she said briskly, “you must be hungry. Who'll bear a hand to help me get tea?”

Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 85
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ak)
sorrowful tail
Note: Repeated at Sheet 14.074(s)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(al)
going it some Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(am)
I reckon Red
MIGGLES. […] I reckon he spent all he had. And one day—it's six years ago this winter—Jim came into my back-room, sat down on my sofy, like as you see him in that chair, and never moved again without help. Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 90
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(an)
apostate's creed Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ao)
chokey Red
choker: […] choakee, chokey. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 29
Note: Chokey (slang): prison.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ap)
catched Red
Note: Repeated on Sheet 14.015(ab).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(aq)
cowslips Red
cowslip […] theatre slang. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 38
Note: ‘Cowslip’ was the name of the dairymaid in John O'Keefe's comic opera The Agreeable Surprise (1781).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ar)
scrum Red
scrum […] scrimmage; Rugby — Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 199
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(ap).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(as)
copper's nark
The Sign ofthe Lamp […] She had scarce any friends, for she was known to be a copper's nark; thus came the fear in her step and the challenge in her eyes. Thomas Burke, Limehouse Nights (1917), 135
Note: Nark: police informant.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(at)
a spell ago Red
“Where in tunket is my terbacker?“ he asked, after finishing the round of pockets and preparing to begin all over again.

“I see it on the top of the clock a spell ago,” said Captain Perez.

Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 3
Note: Spell, a period, a good while.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(au)
where in tunket Red
Where in tunket is my terbacker?“ he asked, after finishing the round of pockets and preparing to begin all over again.

“I see it on the top of the clock a spell ago,” said Captain Perez.

Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 3
Note: Tunket: (slang) Hell.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(av)
clam fritters
“What started you talkin' about the grave, Perez? Was it them clam fritters of Jerry's?“ Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 6
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(ba)
abaft Red
Talk! I never heard a' woman talk the way she can! She'd be a good one to have on board in a calm. Git her talkin' abaft the mains'l and we'd have a twenty-knot breeze in a shake. Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 7
Note: See also Sheet 14.009(cg)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bb)
real fine! Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bc)
1 dime Red
“There! There she is! The Nup-ti-al Chime. A Journal of Matrimony. I see a piece about it in the Herald the other day, and sent a dime for a sample copy. It's chock-full of advertisements from women that wants husbands.” Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 12
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bd)
sartin I do Red
Captain Eri looked at the advocate of matrimony for a moment without speaking. Then he said: “Do you really mean it, Perez?”

Sartin I do.”

Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Cap'n Eri: A Story of the Coast (1904), 13
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(be)
did the donkey work
Square Measure […] Orange Prince did the donkey work for five furlongs. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bf)
a strong order Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Square Measure […] The chief attraction was the Doveridge handicap, for which Lord Derby's Dauegolt was a strong order. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bg)
entered into the picture
Square Measure […] At half way Mr. Reid Walker's sea green jacket entered into the picture. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bh)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bi)
stripped a credit Red
Remarkable Double […] Bred and trained by himself at his Co. Meath establishment, St. Pam stripped a credit to him. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bj)
barring Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bk)
up to you Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bl)
break Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bm)
jubilee mutton Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bn)
[Garn] Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bo)
scabbard Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 73(bp)

Oxen of the Sun sector 74

BL Add MS 49475-15r(right) JJA 12:039
(Herring Oxen-17) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(a)
Seedy & ~ Red
Got (= I have got) an awful cold, bin (= I have been) to five balls, can't (= one cannot) refuse, y'know (= you know). Getting (= I am getting) seedy and washed out. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxii
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(b)
~ washed out Red
Got (= I have got) an awful cold, bin (= I have been) to five balls, can't (= one cannot) refuse, y'know (= you know). Getting (= I am getting) seedy and washed out. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxii
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(c)
afeard Red
afeard Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxiii
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(d)
ax Red
ax Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxiii
Note: (Dialectical) To ax (or axe): to ask.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(e)
und der Plural childer Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxiv
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(f)
he've slep Red
he've = he has; slep = slept Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxv
Note: See also Sheet 14.058(a).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(g)
of they sailors. Red
I be one of they sailors, who think 'tis no lie. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxvi
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(z)
namow Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
woman namow [example of backslang] Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxxv
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(h)
his n Red
hisn = his U 14.1501: 'Seed near free poun on un a spell ago a said war hisn. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxvi
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(i)
most wonderfullest Red
bei Shakespeare treffen wir den doppelten Superlativ: this was the most unkindest cut of all (J. Cæsar). Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxvii
Note: See also Sheet 14.004(at) and Sheet 14.024(t).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(j)
bricky Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
bricky (= bricklayer)’ Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxvii
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(k)
soaker Red
soaker von soak u.s.w. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxvii
Note: Soaker: a habitual drunkard
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(l)
nine pound Red
Ben Jonson: give him nine pound Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxvii
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(m)
See? Red
see? oder d'see? statt do you see? Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxix
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(n)
Crikey Red
crikey Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 40
Note: Crikey: [a corruption of Christ] an oath.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(o)
stunned like Red
she seemed stunned like (= like stunned) Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxviii
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(p)
polis Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(q)
got any chink? Red
got any chink? haft du Moneten? Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxix
Note: (Slang) Chink (chinkers, or jink): money, ready cash (as in “to buie it the cheaper, haue chinkes in thy purse”).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(r)
a pushing Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
'oo are you a-pushin' of? (statt whom are you pushing?) Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxix
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(s)
sorrowful tail Red
sorrowful tale statt three months in jail Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxxvi
Note: Repeated at Sheet 14.073(ak)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(t)
a [roaming] Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bs)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(u)
I suppose Blue
'She'd a Grecian “I suppose” (I suppose = nose Nase.) Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxxvi
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bt) for UG 15.1971, and use in proto-Circe.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(v)
storm & strife
storm and strife = wife Weib Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xxxvi
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(aa)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ab)
Poldy bloom Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ac)
duds Red
dudes, clothes [and elsewhere] U 14.1575: 'Whisper, who the sooty hell's the johnny in the black duds?' Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xl
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ad)
Rome boose Red
Rome bouse, wyne [and elsewhere] Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), xli
Note: Wine.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ae)
down with the dust
to down with the dust Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), cxiii
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(af)
tell a cram Red
tell-a-cram statt telegram Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), cxiii
Note: (Slang) Cram (or crammer): a lie.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ag)
trumpery insanity Red
trumpery insanity statt temporary insanity Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), cxiii
Note: Copied from UN2 (VI.D.7):007(aw) and Sheet 12.007(aw).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ah)
Dutch oven Red
Dutch oven Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), cx
Note: A ‘Dutch oven’ is when you fart in bed and pull the covers over your partner so he or she smells it.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ai)
my avuncular relative Red
avuncular ‘co. — relation’ Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 6
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(aj)
bilker Red
bilker Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 12
Note: (Slang) Bilk: a swindler (especially one who cheats cabmen, or prostitutes, out of money owed to them).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ak)
like old Billio. Red
Billio ‘like old —’. Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 12
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(al)
bookies Red
bookie Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 16
Note: Bookie, a bookmaker (taker of bets).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(am)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(an)
break from off
break ‘— from the off’ Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 18
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ao)
brismeela Red
brismeela[hebr.] beris hamilo’ Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 19
Note: The bris milah “covenant of circumcision” (Yiddish pronunciation) is a Jewish religious male circumcision ceremony performed by a mohel on the eighth day of the infant's life.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ap)
buckled Red
buckled Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 20
Note: (Slang)To buckle: to unite in matrimony.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(aq)
brolly Red
brolly Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 19
Note: Brolly, an umbrella; the term was first used at Winchester, but was subsequently adopted at both Oxford and Cambridge universities.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ar)
this bunch Red
bunch Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 21
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(as)
buster Red
bust, buster Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 22
Note: A buster (slang) is rightly a small new paunch-filling loaf; the term was later applied to anything of unusual dimension or severity (“in for a buster” was said of one determined on a spree).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(at)
nix Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(au)
Golly Red
Golly ‘by —!’ Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 77
Note: Golly! a contraction of By Golly! (euph.: By God!). Also at UN4 (NLI.5A):021(bi).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(av)
our Jenny Red
MUCK-A-MUCK. […] On his way to Donner Lake, rumours of an Indian uprising met his ears. “Dern their pesky skins, ef they dare to touch my Jenny,” he muttered between his clenched teeth. Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 151
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(ba)
got on terms with
Square Measure […] Inside the distance Spring challenged, but failed to get on terms with Miserable. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bb)
took it up
Square Measure […] After going half way, Isauria took it up, followed by Night Bell colt. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bc)
— — running
Square Measure […] After going half a mile Natuminor took up the running. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bd)
out of the —
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(be)
Remarkable Double […] My Land's defeat in the Stand Plate was a bit of a facer for those who laid the odds on this much-talked-of five years old. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bf)
spurt Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bg)
hot order Red
Remarkable Double […] it was on his reputation of the long ago that he was such a screamingly hot order yesterday. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bh)
paddock Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bi)
into his stride
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bj)
in [the] straight
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bk)
bare socks Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bl)
astounding Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 74(bm)
Culpepper to — Red

Oxen of the Sun sector 75

BL Add MS 49475-15r(right) JJA 12:039
(Herring Oxen-17) loose

Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(a)
dead cert Red
cert ‘that's a dead —’ Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 27
Note: A dead cert (or certainty): that which is sure to occur.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(b)
I'm about Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(c)
ad lib Red
ad lib Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 2
Note: Colloquial form of ad libitum: as much as one likes.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(d)
MLISS. […] “I come here to-night,” she said rapidly and boldly, keeping her hard glance on his, “because I knew you was alone. I wouldn't come here when them gals was here. I hate em and they hates me. That's why. You keep school, don't you? I want to be teached!” Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 9
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(e)
tight Red
THE IDYL OF RED GULCH. […] That night, while seated at supper with her hostess, the blacksmith s wife, it came to Miss Mary to ask demurely if her husband ever got drunk. “Abner,” responded Mrs. Stidger reflectively, “let's see! Abner hasn't been tight since last 'lection.” Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 112
Note: Tight (slang): drunk (as in “In about half-an-hour they were as thick as thieves again, and the tighter they got, the lovinger they got”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(f)
want it bad Red
TENNESSEE'S PARTNER. […] And now, what's the case? Here's Tennessee wants money, wants it bad, and doesn't like to ask it of his old pardner. Well, what does Tennessee do? He lays for a stranger and he fetches that stranger; and you lays for him and you fetches him; and the honours is easy. Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 101
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(g)
bestest Red
THE IDYL OF RED GULCH. […] “It is natural,” she went on, rapidly, in a voice that trembled strangely between pride and humility,—“it's natural that he should take to you, miss, for his father, when I first knew him, was a gentleman—and the boy must forget me, sooner or later, and so I ain't a goin' to cry about that. For I come to ask you to take my Tommy,—God bless him for the bestest, sweetest boy that lives,—to—to—take him with you.” Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 120
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(h)
tootsy Red
tootsies Heinrich Baumann, Londinismen (Slang und Cant) (?1903), 255
Note: Tootsie (slang): a foot, specially of women and children (as in “Towards her two tootsies … she gazed with a feeling of fear … But her hose were well veiled from man's sight.”
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(i)
come a home Red
The Chink and the Child […] Well … he took her home to his wretched room.

“Li'l Lucia, come-a-home … Lucia.” Thomas Burke, Limehouse Nights (1917), 25

Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(j)
lou'll Red
The Father of Yoto …] “Nonono, Malligold,” he murmured, while they raptured, “Malligold lou shall not go. Lou shall stay with Tai Ling. Oh, lou'll have evelything beautiful, all same English lady. Tai Ling have heap money lea and lou shall have a li'l room. … Blimey les … clever doctors … les.” Thomas Burke, Limehouse Nights (1917), 50
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(k)
all same Red
The Father of Yoto …] “Nonono, Malligold,” he murmured, while they raptured, “Malligold lou shall not go. Lou shall stay with Tai Ling. Oh, lou'll have evelything beautiful, all same English lady. Tai Ling have heap money lea and lou shall have a li'l room. … Blimey les … clever doctors … les.” Thomas Burke, Limehouse Nights (1917), 50
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(l)
heap good Red
The Bird […] Oh, Captain no burn me to-day, Captain. Sung Dee be heap good sailor, heap good servant, all same slave. Sung Dee heap plenty solly hurt Captain. Thomas Burke, Limehouse Nights (1917), 183
Note: Heap good (slang): very good.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(m)
d Come in door Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(n)
Tarnally dog gone my shins if this aint the puttiest chance yet Red
MUCK-A-MUCK. […]Eternally dog-gone my skin ef this ain't the puttiest chance yet.” Bret Harte, Tales of the West (1913), 149
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(o)
drew level Red
Square Measure […] before another furlong had drawn level. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(p)
drew away
Square Measure […] At the distance Rigolo challenged but Natuminor drew away, to win by two lengths. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(q)
jady Red
Square Measure […] but I fear that Mapledurham must be termed jady, as she had every chance to win and was well treated. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Note: Jade (slang): a term applied contemptuously (originally [Chaucer] to a horse that is overridden).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(r)
told its tale Red
Remarkable Double […] the going told its tale where many of the runners were concerned. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(s)
fanc[y] Red
Remarkable Double […] [horse was] fancied Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Note: Racing slang: ‘fancied’, expected to win. See also Sheet 14.052(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(t)
flattered ~
Remarkable Double […] A well-backed candidate, Kanowna, flattered until half a mile from the finish, when he compounded. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(u)
~ compounded
Remarkable Double […] A well-backed candidate, Kanowna, flattered until half a mile from the finish, when he compounded. Freeman's Journal (17 April 1920), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(v)
schedule time Red
Note: Copied from Sheet 13.023(e) via Sheet 14.069(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(aa)
free (touch kicking) Red
Note: See also Sheet 14.052(b). Sporting term.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(ab)
— kick
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(ac)
LB & bumblebee Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(ad)
Maledicity Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 75(ae)
under [low] skunk Red
  • Ulysses unlocated

Oxen of the Sun sector 76

BL Add MS 49475-15r(right) JJA 12:039
(Herring Oxen-17) bottom left

Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(a)
coito interrotto Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: interrupted coition
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(b)
mezzo ritiro
Note: withdrawal in middle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(c)
coit. intermet (8 dys before & aft. not) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(d)
pessario Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: pessary
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(e)
spugna Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: sponge
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(f)
Note: absorbent
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(g)
Fr letter Red
Note: condom
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(h)
Note: prophylactic
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(i)
ovuline Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(j)
irrigate Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 76(k)
powder Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated

Oxen of the Sun sector 77

BL Add MS 49475-15v(left) JJA 12:040
(Herring Oxen-18) main column
Months 1 and 9; placenta

Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(a)
King Jesus Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(b)
shout salvation Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(c)
an Ingersoll Green
Note: See Sheet 15.049(l)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(d)
addicted to Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(e)
caudle Red
Note: Transferred to text via Sheet 14.087(ah). Caudle is a warm drink (ale and spices, say) for the sick.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(f)
Harvey — magnetic developed by touch of sperm ~
Fabrizio - acua (sic) seminalis e mentre da Harvey veniva ammessa una forza magnetica che la donna avrebbe sviluppato col tatto spermatico, da Fabricio di Acquapendente e da altri, si parlava di una speciale aura seminalis, che, svolgendosi dallo sperma, avrebbe bastato a fecondare.
[While Harvey proposed a magnetic force that the woman would develop with the spermatic touch, Fabricio di Acquapendente and others spoke of a special aura seminalis, which, unfolding from the sperm, would have been enough to fertilize.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 20
Note: William Harvey (1578-1657), first described the circulation of human blood.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(g)
~ Fabrizio — acua seminalis
Fabrizio - acua (sic) seminalis e mentre da Harvey veniva ammessa una forza magnetica che la donna avrebbe sviluppato col tatto spermatico, da Fabricio di Acquapendente e da altri, si parlava di una speciale aura seminalis, che, svolgendosi dallo sperma, avrebbe bastato a fecondare.
[While Harvey proposed a magnetic force that the woman would develop with the spermatic touch, Fabricio di Acquapendente and others spoke of a special aura seminalis, which, unfolding from the sperm, would have been enough to fertilize.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 20
Note: Geronimo Fabrizio (1537-1619), an Italian surgeon and embryologist.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(h)
womb — seduction — she knows ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
L'utero eserciti una specie di aspirazione sullo sperma […] Tal fatto spiegherebbe quella sensazione speciale di cui parlano molte donne quando asseriscono che un coito e feconco.
[The uterus exerts a kind of aspiration on the sperm ... This fact would explain that special sensation that many women talk about when they assert that coitus has led to impregnation.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 20
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(i)
~ also fruitful debauch
L'utero eserciti una specie di aspirazione sullo sperma […] Tal fatto spiegherebbe quella sensazione speciale di cui parlano molte donne quando asseriscono che un coito e feconco.
[The uterus exerts a kind of aspiration on the sperm ... This fact would explain that special sensation that many women talk about when they assert that coitus has led to impregnation.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 20
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(j)
Meetpoint, ovary, tube, womb Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
L'incontro dell' uovo con il nemasperma puo avvenire in punti molto vari del canale genitale: Sull' ovaja, nella tuba, nella cavita uterina.
[The meeting of the egg with the nemasperma can take place in very various points of the genital canal: on the ovary, in the tube, in the uterine cavity.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 21
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(k)
nemasperm head on Red
[nemasperm head on: Fig. 10] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 22
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(l)
one wins race Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Ma fra tutti uno ... si distingue per essere piu prosslmo alla superficie dell'uovo.
[But of all one ... stands out for being closer to the surface of the egg.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 22
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(m)
Cone [rises] (attraction, concept. bub)Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(n)
posthumous child Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(o)
[Sirks = disciple] Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(p)
different appearance of nurse Callan Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(q)
male pronucleus & female do fuse )--( Red
Allora i due pronuclei (maschile e femminile) si vanno incontro con una certa rapidita.
[Then the two pronuclei (male and female) meet with a certain rapidity.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 23
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(r)
2 spermatozoa = monster. Red
Si crede che quando piu nemaspermi penetrino in un uovo, si producane delle monstruosita
[It is believed that when more than one spermatoza penetrate an egg, a monster is produced] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 23
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(s)
Best time 2nd. half after menstr. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated ???14.1232
la fecondazione sia piu sicura quando l'accoppiamento avviene nella 2a meta del tempo che intercede fra una mestruazione e l'altra.
[fertilization is safer when mating takes place in the second half of the time that elapses between menstruations.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 17
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(t)
when egg not fecundated menstr. angry. Red
E da credere che quando l'uovo che ne esce non vien fecondato, il sangue si diriga alla mucosa, e che questa degenerata dia luogo ai mestrui.
[It is believed that when the egg is not fertilized the blood goes to the mucous membrane, and this gives rise to menstruation.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 16
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(u)
regression of follicola, wrinkles, corpo luteo, yellow Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Il follicolo di Graaf […] subisce un processo di regressione […] la parete del follicolo si tumefa […] corpo luteo.
[The Graafian follicle ... undergoes a regression process .... the follicle wall becomes swollen ... corpus luteum.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 16
Note: The corpus luteum is a reddish yellow mass of endocrine tissue forming on the rupture of the Graafian follicle in the mammalian ovary.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(v)
3 & 4 months max. regress leaves scar on ovary Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Al 3o o 4o mese della gravidanza il corpo luteo ha raggiunto il suo massimo sviluppo […] regredendo, finche lascia nell'ovaia una cicatrice che si manifesta nella superficie di quest'organo.
[In the 3rd or 4th month of pregnancy, the corpus luteum has reached its maximum development ... regressing, until it leaves a scar in the ovary that manifests itself on the surface of this organ.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 16
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(aa)
Empedocles of Sicily Red
Ad onore degli antichi devesi dire che l'idea dei due seml (maschile l'uno e fimminile l'altro) necessarii alIa fecondazione la troviamo in Empedocle (548 av.C.) ed in Ippocrate (460) […].
[To the honor of the ancients we must say that the idea of the two contributions (masculine and feminine) necessary to the fertilization can be found in Empedocles (548 B.C.) and in Hippocrates (460) …]. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 18
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ab)
Averroes — conception by bath, air, will Red
Averroe afferma che una donna pua ingravidare nel bagno, ed anche per forza di immaginazione o per mezzo dell'aria.
Averroe states that a woman can get pregnant in the bathroom, by force of imagination or by means of air. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 19
Note: See also Sheet 14.013(as).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ac)
Redi: omne vivum ex ovo
Francesco Redi […] e formulo il noto detto “omne vivum ex ovo”. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 19
Note: Francesco Redi (1626-1679), an Italian physician who observed the effects of maggots on meat.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ad)
Easter egg.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ae)
preformation, male only encourages minute complete embryo Red
embrione si riteneva da tutti che questo gia si trovasse rinchiuso nell' uovo con ogni sua parte, in piccolissime dimensioni, e che l'elemento maschile si limitasse a farlo svolgere. Tale teoria fu detta teoria della inclusione dei germi, o della preformazione.
[it was commonly believed that the embyo was already contained in the egg with all its parts, in very small dimensions, and that the male element was limited to making it play. This theory was called germ inclusion theory, or preformation.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 19
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(af)
Eve 700 mill germs in ovary (Haller) Red
Alcuni (Haller) […] calcolato che i germi inclusi nelle ovaje di Eva dovevano ascendere a 700 millioni!
[Some (Haller) ... calculated that the germs included in Eva's ovaries were to rise to 700 million!] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 19
Note: Abrecht von Haller (1708-1777), a Swiss anatomist.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ag)
ovulists (Eve) — animalculists (Adam)
Dopo la scoperta del nemasperna, i seguaci della teoria delle preformazione si divisero in ovulisti, i quali seguitarono a dare tutta l-importanza all'uovo, ed in animaculisti, i quali asserivano essere l'elemento maschile (spermatozoo) l'embrione in miniatura. Per questi ultimi era Adamo che aveva in se i germi di tutta l'umanita.
[After the discovery of nemasperna, the followers of the preformation theory divided into ovulists, who continued to give all the importance to the egg, and into animaculists, who claimed to be the male element (spermatozoon) the miniature embryo. For the latter, it was Adam who had within himself the germs of all mankind.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 19f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ah)
Epigenesis (Wolff) modern
la teoria della preformazione cadde per opera di Gasparo Federigo Wolff […] Egli fu il padre della teoria dell epigenesi.
[The theory of preformation was overthrown by Gasparo Federigo Wolff ... the father of the theory of epigenesis.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 20
Note: Jaspar Friedrich Wolff (1733-1794), a German anatomist, founder of modern embryology.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ai)
as it transpired subsequently Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(aj)
oval Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ak)
acid kills sperm Red
tutti gli acidi infatti, anche se molto diluiti, li uccidono Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 9
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(al)
aspermatism Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
aspermatismo Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 10
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(am)
a spermatozism Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
aspermatozismo Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 10
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(an)
egg. an & veg. pole
polo animale il primo e polo vegetale l'altro Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 5
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ao)
egg — male & female content (epicene) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ap)
12 days trip from ovary to womb after left follicle Red
il tempo che l'uovo impiega nell'attraversare la tuba, […] che nel 12o o 14o giorno. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 15
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(aq)
gravidanza abdominale ~ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
E va in ostetricia col nome di gravidanza addominale.
[And it goes into obstetrics with the name of abdominal pregnancy.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 24f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ar)
~ — ovarica / — tuberia vera / tubo-abdominale / — — — uterina
Se l'uovo rimane nel follicolo dopo fecondato, il suo svolgersi da luogo a quella abnorme gravidanza che vien detta ovarica […] II decorso dell'uovo fecondato puo arrestarsi anche lungo la tuba falloppiana […] ed in tal caso, se l'arresto avviene nella parte centrale della tuba, si ha la gravidanza tubaria vera; se presso l'orifizio abdominale, la gravidanza tubo-uterina.
[If the egg remains in the follicle after fertilization, its unfolding gives rise to that abnormal pregnancy which is called ovarian ... The course of the fertilized egg can also stop along the fallopian tube ... and in this case, if the arrest occurs in the central part of the tuba, true tubal pregnancy occurs; if at the abdominal orifice, tube-uterine pregnancy.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 24f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(as)
migrazione interna Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
La gravidanza tubaria si puo avere anche per effetto di migrazione interna, cioe quando l'uovo, giunto per una tuba nella cavita dell'utero.
[Tubal pregnancy can also occur due to the effect of internal migration, that is, when the egg has reached a tuba in the cavity of the uterus.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 25
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(at)
Hippocrates — ~ Red
Ippocrate credeva che il sesso fosse già prestabilito e che doll' ovaja di destra uscissero uovi destinati a produrre maschi, e dalla sinistra femine. Tale opinione fu seguta da Galeno, il quale credeva di aver trovato che l'ovaja di destra è più calda che quella di sinistra.
[Hippocrates supposed that sex is already determined beforehand, and that eggs from the right ovary will produce males, eggs from the left females. This opinion was followed by Galen, who believed to have found that the right ovary is warmer than the left.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 25
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(ba)
~ r. ovary males ~ Red
Ippocrate credeva che il sesso fosse già prestabilito e che doll' ovaja di destra uscissero uovi destinati a produrre maschi, e dalla sinistra femine. Tale opinione fu seguta da Galeno, il quale credeva di aver trovato che l'ovaja di destra è più calda che quella di sinistra.
[Hippocrates supposed that sex is already determined beforehand, and that eggs from the right ovary will produce males, eggs from the left females. This opinion was followed by Galen, who believed to have found that the right ovary is warmer than the left.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 25
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bb)
~ Galen 〃 〃 warmer
Ippocrate credeva che il sesso fosse già prestabilito e che doll' ovaja di destra uscissero uovi destinati a produrre maschi, e dalla sinistra femine. Tale opinione fu seguta da Galeno, il quale credeva di aver trovato che l'ovaja di destra è più calda che quella di sinistra.
[Hippocrates supposed that sex is already determined beforehand, and that eggs from the right ovary will produce males, eggs from the left females. This opinion was followed by Galen, who believed to have found that the right ovary is warmer than the left.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 25
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bc)
Henke lie if left to have males Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
L'Henke nel secolo passato consigliava alle donne che volevano aver femmine a mettersi durante l'accopiamento sul late destro, e se volevano aver maschi sul lato sinistro.
[In the past century, Henke advised women who wanted to have females to sit during the mating on the right side, and if they wanted to have males on the left side.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 25
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bd)
[choice] of sex: difference of age, health
altri han voluto trovare la cagione della formazione del sesso nella differente eta fra il padre e la madre, nel tempo dell' accopiamento relativo ai mestrui, nel diverso stato di salute dei due genitori, ed in altre circostanze.
[others wanted to find the reason for the formation of sex in the different age between father and mother, in the time of mating related to menstruation, in the different state of health of the two parents, and in other circumstances.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 25
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(be)
sheath of dorsal cord
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bf)
dorsal — vita di relazione / ventral — intestinal
La cavita che intercede fra il foglietto fibro-cutaneo ed il foglietto fibro-intestinale viene a separare il corpo dell' embrione in due parti, delle quali la dorsale e destinata a dare origine a tutti gli organi della vita di relazione: e la ventrale e esclusivamente intestinale. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 48
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bg)
annessi embrionali (amnios, corion, ombeli., allantoid)
[…] annessi embrionali. Alcuni di questi si originano dagli stessi foglietti embrionali ed altri dall'utero materno. I primi sono rappresentati: dall' amnios, dal corion, dalla vescicola ombellicale, e dall' allantoide; gli altri dalla decidua e dalle sue modificazioni […] la placenta.
[.. embryonic annexes. Some of these originate from the same embryonic sheets and others from the maternal uterus. The former are represented by the amnios, the chorion, the umbilical vesicle, and the allantoid; the others from the decidua and its modifications ... the placenta.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 49
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bh)
— uterini placenta
[…] annessi embrionali. Alcuni di questi si originano dagli stessi foglietti embrionali ed altri dall'utero materno. I primi sono rappresentati: dall' amnios, dal corion, dalla vescicola ombellicale, e dall' allantoide; gli altri dalla decidua e dalle sue modificazioni […] la placenta.
[.. embryonic annexes. Some of these originate from the same embryonic sheets and others from the maternal uterus. The former are represented by the amnios, the chorion, the umbilical vesicle, and the allantoid; the others from the decidua and its modifications ... the placenta.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 49
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bi)
chiusura completa 8th week / Suture
Nell'embrione umano, la chiusura completa delle pareti del corpo, fino all'ombellico, si trova all' 8a settimana .. In certi casi essa manca e si hanno dei vizi di conformazione rappresentati da fessure situate sulla linea mediana […]
[In the human embryo, the complete closure of the walls of the body, up to the navel, is found at the 8th week. In some cases it is missing and there are vices of conformation represented by cracks located in the midline] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 52
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bj)
amnios 6th m 1l. 9th m ½l. (defend swallowed)
Normalmente il liquido amniotico va aumentando soltanto fino al 6o mese, alIa quale epoca reggiunge la misura di 1 litro; dal 6o mese diminuisce, sino a misurare soltanto ½ litro al termine della gravidanza. Il liquido amniotico serve principalmente a difendere il feto; ma forse serve anche per nutrirlo, poiche viene da esso deglutito.
[Normally the amniotic fluid increases only up to the 6th month, at which epoch the quantity of 1 liter reaches; from the 6th month it decreases, until it measures only 1/2 liter at the end of the pregnancy. (V 52) The amniotic fluid serves primarily to defend the fetus; but perhaps also serves to feed it, since it is swallowed by it.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 52f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bk)
LB in bath (amnios) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bl)
1 m. allantoid prolongation
E verso la fine della terza settimana o al principio della quarta, che il connettivo ed i vasi dell'allantoide si insinuano nelle villosita della sierosa di Baer […]
[And towards the end of the third week or at the beginning of the fourth, that the connective tissue and the vessels of the allantoid insinuate themselves into the villosites of the serous of Baer] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 56
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bm)
deciduously ~ Red
Fu detta caduca o decidua perche viene espulsa nell'atto del parto; da alcuno ebbe anche il nome di membrana Hunteriana.
[It was called deciduous or deciduous because it is expelled in the act of childbirth; from some it also had the name of Hunter's membrane.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 58
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bn)
~ Hunter's membrane,
Fu detta caduca o decidua perche viene espulsa nell'atto del parto; da alcuno ebbe anche il nome di membrana Hunteriana.
[It was called deciduous or deciduous because it is expelled in the act of childbirth; from some it also had the name of Hunter's membrane.] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 58
Note: Sir John Hunter (1728-1793), a Scottish surgeon of wide anatomical interests.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bo)
~ deciduas Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
che la decidua [that decides it] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 59
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bp)
placenta 1 lb, l 20 c, h, 4 c. Red
Al completo suo sviluppo ha un diametro fra i 15 ed i 20 cent. ed un spessore da 3 a 4 cent. che e maggiore nel centro e va gradamente diminuendo alIa periferia; pesa circa 500 gr.
[When fully developed, it has a diameter of between 15 and 20 cm. and a thickness of 3 to 4 cm. which is greater in the center and gradually decreasing on the periphery; weighs about 500 gr. Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 61f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 77(bq)
egg descending clothes itself in decidua Red
  • Ulysses unlocated

Oxen of the Sun sector 78

BL Add MS 49475-15v(left) JJA 12:040
(Herring Oxen-18)right margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(a)
embryo 1st asexual Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(b)
segmentation (morula)
Alla prima segmentazione succede presto una seconda nelle nuove cellule formate, poi una terza, […] fino ad aversi un ammasso sferico di cellule che vien detto morula […]
[At the first segmentation a second occurs soon in the new cells formed, then a third, ... until there is a spherical cluster of cells which is called a morula] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 29
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(c)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(d)
cavity — blastopore Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
(cavita del segmentazione) […] mentre gli elementi vitellini vanno aggruppandosi in un punto della periferia corrispondente al blastoporo ora nominato.
[(segmentation cavity) ... while the calf elements are grouping in a point on the periphery corresponding to the blastopore] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 32
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(e)
ectoderm / endoderm Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Ipoblasto od endoderma. Epiblasto od ectoderma. […] ectoderma ed endoderma
[Hypoblast or endoderm. Epiblast or ectoderm. … ectoderm and endoderm] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 32, 40
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(f)
blastopore Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
II blastoporo Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 42
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(g)
2 [rises] — 3 gaps Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Anche nell'amphioxus l'endoderma forma due ripiegature e conseguentemente tre depressioni
[Also in amphioxus the endoderm forms two folds and consequently three depressions] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 42
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(h)
intestinal Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
glandolare dell' intestino [glandular of the intestine] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(i)
nervous canals Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
un canale che rappressenta l'abbozzo del sistema nervoso centrale […]
[a canal that represents the outline of the central nervous system ...] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 78(j)
muscula [tunics]
lamina muscolare (sic) [muscle layers or plates] Giulio Valenti, Lezioni Elementari di Embriologia (1893) 47

Oxen of the Sun sector 79

BL Add MS 49475-15v(left) JJA 12:040
(Herring Oxen-18) left margin

Oxen of the Sun: sector 79(a)
Oddman / & / Ove
Oxen of the Sun: sector 79(b)
Glad he didn't frig in bath Blue
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):005(ab) for UG 13.786.

Oxen of the Sun sector 80

BL Add MS 49475-15v(right) JJA 12:041
(Herring Oxen-19) main column
Months 8 and 9; placenta

Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(a)
combustion of heretics Red
He was rather urgent, indeed, on the combustion of the heretic Michael Servetus some years past W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 47
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(b)
Who supposes it? Red
Who supposes it? Whatever is mild and kindly is there [in the New Testament] W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 46
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(c)
Reminder of my errors (SD to Lynch) Red
They remind me of my own family W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 50
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(d)
Mightily Red
They are mightily disagreeable when by nature one is not cruel. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 93 and passim
Note: Repeated at Sheet 14.025(av).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(e)
I wish it may Red
Dashkof. I wish you always may. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 89
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(f)
Sosimenes Red
Epicurus. On the contrary, they were brought hither this morning. Sosimenes is spending large sums of money on an olive-ground, and has uprooted some hundreds of them, of all ages and sizes. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 280
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(g)
You have spoken of Red
Porson. I suspect, Mr. Southey, you are angry with me for the freedom with which I have spoken of your poetry and Wordsworth's. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 161
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(h)
How bland art thou and Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
O sweet sea-air! how bland art thou and refreshing! Breathe upon Leontion! breathe upon Ternissa! bring them health and spirits and serenity, many springs and many summers, and when the vine-leaves have reddened and rustle under their feet! W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 299
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(i)
to pry into Green
He discovers a wart, he prys into a pore; and he calls it knowledge of man. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 310
Note: See also Sheet 16.007(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(j)
an apoplexy Red
England, like one whose features are just now turned awry by an apoplexy, is ignorant of the change she has undergone, and is the more lethargic the more she is distorted. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 148
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(k)
Do you not think it? Red
Boccaccio. He won her fairly; strangely, and on a strange table, as he played his game. Listen! that guitar is Monna Tita's. Listen I what a fine voice (do not you think it?) is Amadeo's. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 62
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(l)
greatly more — Red
I wept because another was greatly more wretched than myself. I wept at that black attire—at that attire of modesty and of widowhood. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 82
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(m)
posies Red
What pains have I taken to find out the village-girls who placed their posies in my chamber ere I arose in the morning! W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 43
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(n)
Away! Scamper! Red
Peter. Away and bring it: scamper! All equally and alike shall obey and serve me. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 29
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(o)
good strong cheese
Hark ye! bring the bottle with it: I must cool myself—and— hark ye! a rasher of bacon on thy life! and some pickled sturgeon, and some krout and caviar, and good strong cheese. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 29
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(p)
Accuse me, rebel. Accuse me, traitor Blue
Peter. Accuse me, rebel! Accuse me, traitor! W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 27
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(bu).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(q)
mad romp that she is Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(r)
As for that grassmonger, he shall eat this rasher of bacon with me this blessed night, or I'll be damned. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 119
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(s)
Painful to be born Red
Lord Bacon conjectures that it may be as painful to be born as to die. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 247
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(t)
Never will she Red
Gaulish Chieftain. My party slew him—indeed I think I slew him myself. I claim the chain: it belongs to my king; the glory of Gaul requires it. Never will she endure to see another take it. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 2
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(u)
worth ten such Red
Hannibal. What! when Marcellus lies before me! when his life may perhaps be recalled! when I may lead him in triumph to Carthage! when Italy, Sicily, Greece, Asia, wait to obey me? Content thee! I will give thee mine own bridle, worth ten such. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 2
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(v)
Yes, yes
Gaulish Chieftain. And these rubies and emeralds, and that scarlet—
Hannibal. Yes, yes. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 2
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(aa)
that moment Red
Hannibal (to the Surgeon). Could not he bear a sea-voyage! Extract the arrow.
Surgeon. He expires that moment.
Marcellus. It pains me : extract it. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 3
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ab)
say you this
Hannibal. Afraid as you are of falsehood, say you this! W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 4
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ac)
I have spoken too much: let me rest. —
I have spoken too much: let me rest; this mantle oppresses me. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 4
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ad)
in either case
The time may come, Hannibal, when thou (and the gods alone know whether as conqueror or conquered) mayest sit under the roof of my children, and in either case it shall serve thee. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 5
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ae)
Pshaw, man! Red
Elizabeth. Pshaw! give me the paper: I forewarned thee how it ended,—pitifully, pitifully. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 9
Note: See also Sheet 14.039(ad).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(af)
Hannibal. Whither would you be lifted? Men are ready. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 5
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ag)
why thinks Red
Marcellus, why think about them? or does aught else disquiet your thoughts? W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 6
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ah)
Men are ready
Hannibal. Whither would you be lifted? Men are ready. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 5
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ai)
obligated Red
The moneys are given to such men, that they may not incline nor be obligated to any vile or lowly occupation; W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 7
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(aj)
I —— thanks
Marcellus. He would have shared my fate—and has not. Gods of my country! beneficent throughout life to me, in death surpassingly beneficent: I render you, for the last time, thanks. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 6
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ak)
What then?
The keeper of my privy-seal is an earl: what then? W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 10
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(al)
propensely Red
Those are the worst of suicides, who voluntarily and propensely stab or suffocate their fame, when God hath commanded them to stand on high for an example. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 10
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(am)
here's a game
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(an)
knight errant Red
Fontanges. I have read a great way in a romance he has begun, about a knight-errant in search of a father. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 72f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ao)
that answer — Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ap)
and this, being —, renders
Epicurus. The scent of them is so delicate that it requires a sigh to inhale it; and this, being accompanied and followed by enjoyment, renders the fragrance so exquisite. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 280
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(aq)
Account to me for —
Leontion. No, nor offended. I will tell you presently what it contains. Account to me first for your choice of so strange a place to walk in: a broad ridge, the summit and one side barren, the other a wood of rose-laurels impossible to penetrate. The worst of all is, we can see nothing of the city or the Parthenon, unless from the very top. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 279
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ar)
O no Leontian Red
Ternissa. O no, Leontion! the story is very true. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 281
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(as)
what god Red
Leontion. But those feathers, Ternissa, what god's may they be? since you will not pick them up, nor restore them to Caläis nor to Zethes. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 286
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(at)
boisterous Red
Feed unto replenishment your quieter fancies, my sweetest little Ternissa! and let the gods, both youthful and aged, both gentle and boisterous, administer to them hourly on these sunny downs: what can they do better? W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 286
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(au)
make light of smthg (Lenehan = burn)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(av)
That, said master of shop, was once Red
‘That,’ said the master of the shop,was once a leading merchant in our town’ Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1909), 37
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(ba)
[??] why, yes. Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(bb)
Rudy = Mulvey
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(bc)
leave yr mother an orphan Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(bd)
In yr. ear! Red
Fontanges. […] Others have said that I am the most beautiful young creature under heaven; a blossom of Paradise, a nymph, an angel; worth (let me whisper it in your ear—do I lean too hard?) a thousand Montespans. W. S. Landor, Imaginary Conversations (1913), 71
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(be)
Wanting that (it) has wanted all
I have wanted only one thing to make me happy; but wanting that have wanted everything. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 299, Hazlitt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(bf)
drooping weight of thought Red
Haydon's head of him [Wordsworth] […] is the most like his drooping weight of thought and expression. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 302, Hazlitt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 80(bg)
imagination has a body to it
In the outset of life […] our imagination has a body to it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 300, Hazlitt

Oxen of the Sun sector 81

BL Add MS 49475-15v(right) JJA 12:041
(Herring Oxen-19) right column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(a)
Perhaps the greatest, says Teufelsdrock Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Perhaps the most remarkable incident in Modern History, says Teufelsdröckh, is not the Diet of Worms […] [but] George Fox's [the first Quaker] making to himself a suit of Leather. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 330, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(b)
chaffering & other racketing Red
For what end were their [the Clergy's] tithes levied and eaten; for what were their shovel-hats scooped out, and their surplices and cassock-aprons girt on; and such a church-repairing, and chaffering, and organing, and other racketing, held over that spot of God's earth, — if man were but a Patent Digester, and the belly with its adjuncts the grand Reality? William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 331, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(c)
commodious all-including case (suit) : Red
Let [some artist paint] George Fox on that morning, when he spreads-out his cutting-board for the last time, and cuts cowhides by unwonted patterns, and stitches them together into one continuous all-including Case [coat], the farewell service of his awl! William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 332, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(d)
ragman Blue
Thy elbows jerk, as in strong swimmer-strokes, and every stroke is bearing thee across the Prison-ditch within which Vanity holds her Workhouse and Ragfair, into lands of true Liberty: were the work done, there is in broad Europe one Free Man, and thou art he! [descriptive of George Fox] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 332, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(e)
& no third Red
Two men I honour, and no third. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 333, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(f)
besoiled Red
Venerable too is the rugged face, all weather-tanned, besoiled, with its rude intelligence […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 333, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(g)
in thee lay a godcreated ~ Red
For in thee [the toil-worn craftsman] too lay a god-created Form but it was not to be unfolded; encrusted must it stand with the thick adhesions and defacements of Labour: and thy body, like thy soul, was not to know freedom. Yet toil on, toil on, thou art in thy duty […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 333, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(h)
toil on, labour Red
For in thee [the toil-worn craftsman] too lay a god-created Form but it was not to be unfolded; encrusted must it stand with the thick adhesions and defacements of Labour: and thy body, like thy soul, was not to know freedom. Yet toil on, toil on, thou art in thy duty […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 333, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(i)
it is open? Red
It is open to the blue sky?’ said the old man. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 317, Shelley
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(j)
impregnated Red
I feel its [the sun's] clear and piercing beams fill the universe, and impregnate the joy-inspiring wind with life and light […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 317, Shelley
Note: See also UN4 (NLI.5A):021(eg), UN6 (NLI.4):013(ac) for UG 14.972, and Sheet 14.073(m).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(k)
to partake it. Red
[…] [the Coliseum] destined to partake [share] their immortality [Nature's creations; that is, by falling into ruin] […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 318, Shelley
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(l)
to make outlive the grave those
It is thine [God's will] to unite, to eternise; to make outlive the limits of the grave those who have left among the living, memorials of thee. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 320, Shelley
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(m)
it is rare that I encounter
I live a solitary life, and it is rare that I encounter any stranger with whom it is pleasant to talk […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 322, Shelley
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(n)
emaciated Red
His form, which, though emaciated, displayed the elementary outlines of exquisite grace, was enveloped in an ancient chlamys […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 314, Shelley
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(o)
pretty constant ~ Red
Their tables were elegantly, some of them sumptuously spread; and they lived in a pretty constant interchange of entertainments […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 324, Lockhart
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(p)
glances of motherwit Red
Among such prosperous gentlemen, like himself past the mezzo cammin, Scott's picturesque anecdotes, rich easy humour, and gay involuntary glances of mother-wit, were appreciated […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 324, Lockhart
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(q)
not so — not so
To such men he [Scott] seemed commonplacenot so to the most dexterous masters […] not so to Rose, &c. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 325, Lockhart
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(r)
Mr & Mrs Skene, Mr Wm [M- ~ Red
Mr. and Mrs. Skene of Rubislaw were frequent attendants [guests at Scott's house] […] to say nothing of such old cronies as Mr. Clerk, Mr. Thomson […] and last, not least, William Allan, R.A. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 327, Lockhart
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(s)
cronies ~
Mr. and Mrs. Skene of Rubislaw were frequent attendants [guests at Scott's house] […] to say nothing of such old cronies as Mr. Clerk, Mr. Thomson […] and last, not least, William Allan, R.A. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 327, Lockhart
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(t)
William Allan R.A. Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Mr. and Mrs. Skene of Rubislaw were frequent attendants [guests at Scott's house] […] to say nothing of such old cronies as Mr. Clerk, Mr. Thomson […] and last, not least, William Allan, R.A. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 327, Lockhart
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(u)
cut & come again Red
A huge brown loaf flanked his [Scott's] elbow, and it was placed upon a broad wooden trencher, that he might cut and come again with the bolder knife. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 328, Lockhart
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(v)
of a different description Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Huddleston […] was brought up the back stairs by Griffinch, a confidential servant, who, if the satires of that age are to be credited, had often introduced visitors of a very different description by the same entrance. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 347, Lord Macaulay
Note: See also Sheet 14.086(i).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(aa)
You and I Red
The tale is in every Englishman's mouth; and you and I […] are never tired of hearing and recounting the history of that famous action [Waterloo]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 350, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ab)
used all men
[…] for he [the Duke of Marlborough] used all men, great and small, that came near him, as his instruments alike […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 354, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ac)
[…] the lines of the dauntless English infantry were receiving and repelling the furious charges of the French horsemen. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 350, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ad)
if he joked she smiled
If he frowned, she trembled. If he joked, she smiled and was charmed. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 351, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ae)
reverently ~ Red
A pretty sight it was to see […] Esmond long remembered how she looked and spoke, kneeling reverently before the sacred book, ther sun shining upon her golden hair until it made a halo about her. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 352, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(af)
~ a pretty sight it was to see ~ Red
A pretty sight it was to see […] Esmond long remembered how she looked and spoke, kneeling reverently before the sacred book, ther sun shining upon her golden hair until it made a halo about her. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 352, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ag)
~ before the sacred book Red
A pretty sight it was to see […] Esmond long remembered how she looked and spoke, kneeling reverently before the sacred book, ther sun shining upon her golden hair until it made a halo about her. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 352, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ah)
harked him on Red
[…] [Marlborough] shrieked curses and encouragements, yelling and harking his bloody war-dogs on and himself always at the first of the hunt. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 354, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ai)
a fond woman Red
[…] [Marlborough gladly] told a lie or cheated a fond woman, or robbed a poor beggar of a half-penny […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 354, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(aj)
particularly large & wide (bread) Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ak)
work at it, by heaven Red
Know what thou canst work at; and work at it, like a Hercules! William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 335, Carlyle
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(al)
bandog [a ferocious hound] Red
Doubt, Desire, Sorrow, Remorse, Indignation, Despair itself, all these like helldogs lie beleaguering the soul of the poor dayworker […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 335, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(am)
botch Red
Of an idle unrevolving man the kindest Destiny […] can bake and knead nothing other than a botch. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 336, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(an)
remarkablest Red
Hast thou looked on the Potter's wheel,—one of the venerablest objects […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 335, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ao)
life essence celestial ~ Red
Labour is Life: from the inmost heart of the Worker rises his god-given Force, the sacred celestial Life-essence breathed into him by Almighty God […] Knowledge? The knowledge that will hold good in working, cleave thou to that […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 336, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ap)
cleave to Red
Labour is Life: from the inmost heart of the Worker rises his god-given Force, the sacred celestial Life-essence breathed into him by Almighty God […] Knowledge? The knowledge that will hold good in working, cleave thou to that […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 336, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(aq)
on Dublin stone there Red
O brave Sir Christopher […] thy monument for certain centuries [Saint Paul's Cathedral], the stamp ‘Great Man’ impressed very legibly on Portland-stone there! […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 337, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ar)
dew moisture Red
[…] blessed dew-moisture […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 338, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(as)
[Percutiam] pastorem
Note: Latin: I shall slay the shepherd
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(at)
Barbara was there Red
The King [Charles the Second] sate there chatting and toying with three women, whose charms were the boast, and whose vices were the disgrace, of three nations. Barbara Palmer, Duchess of Cleveland, was there, no longer young […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 340, Lord Macaulay
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(au)
the learning of Vossius, the wit of
The learning of Vossius, the wit of Waller, were daily employed to flatter and amuse her [Hortensia Mancini]. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 341, Macaulay
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(av)
Predial servitude indeed […] has always been the great bar to improvement. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 295, Hallam
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(ba)
march, pagus
Several manses composed a march; and several marches formed a pagus, or district. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 296, Hallam
Note: See also Sheet 14.025(bd)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(bb)
Amelia, Agnes Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[…] and Amelia was praying for George, who was lying on his face, dead, with a bullet through his heart. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 351, Thackeray
Oxen of the Sun: sector 81(bc)
brevier Red
Note: Breviary: a brief statement, epitome; (R.C.Ch.: the book containing the Divine Office for each day, which those in orders are bound to recite. [Brevier is the name of a type font, in size between Bourgeois and Minion.]

Oxen of the Sun sector 82

BL Add MS 49475-15v(right) JJA 12:041
(Herring Oxen-19) mid-column

Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(a)
rap out oath Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(b)
faggot Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(c)
ingot Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(d)
quotation Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(e)
Ha! ~ Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(f)
tumultuously eddy ~ Red
[from Carlyle] […] round some Schreckhorn, as yet grim-blue, would the eddying vapour gather, and there tumultuously eddy, and flow down like a mad witch's hair […] Or what is Nature? Ha! George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 366
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(g)
mad witch's hair
[from Carlyle] […] round some Schreckhorn, as yet grim-blue, would the eddying vapour gather, and there tumultuously eddy, and flow down like a mad witch's hair […] Or what is Nature? Ha! George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 366
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(h)
I who … looked in
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(i)
I know not Red
Somewhere, I knew not where — somehow, I knew not how — by some beings, I knew not whom […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 312, De Quincey
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(j)
cogent Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Reasons equally cogent […] William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 294, Hallam
Note: See also Sheet 14.042(ad) for UG 14.1278f, and UN5 (NLI.5B):007(q) for UG 14.706.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(k)
toft, ~ Red
A house with its stables and farm-buildings, surrounded by a hedge or enclosure, was called a court, or, as we find it in our law books, a curtilage; the toft or homestead of a more genuine English dialect. One of these, with the adjacent domain of arable fields and woods, had the name of villa or manse. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 296, Hallam
Note: Toft: a homestead.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(l)
march ~
Several manses composed a march, and several marches a pagus, or district. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 296, Hallam
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(m)
A house with its stables and farm-buildings, surrounded by a hedge or enclosure, was called a court, or, as we find it in our law books, a curtilage; the toft or homestead of a more genuine English dialect. One of these, with the adjacent domain of arable fields and woods, had the name of villa or manse. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 296, Hallam
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(n)
unworn heart, untired feet
I returned home, and soon after set out on my journey with unworn heart, and untired feet. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 299, Hazlitt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(o)
outset Red
In the outset of life […] our imagination has a body to it. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 300, Hazlitt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(p)
at variance with
[Wordsworth possessed] a convulsive inclination to laughter about the mouth, a good deal at variance with the solemn, stately expression of the rest of his face. William Peacock, English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (1903), 302, Hazlitt
Oxen of the Sun: sector 82(q)
crib Red
Note: Copied to UN5 (NLI.5B):007(aj) for UG 14.1383.

Oxen of the Sun sector 83

BL Add MS 49475-15v(right) JJA 12:041
(Herring Oxen-19) bottom left

Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(a)
historian of Rome ~ Red
[from Macaulay] There the historian of the Roman Empire thought of the days when Cicero pleaded the cause of Sicily against Verres, and when, before a senate which still retained some show of freedom, Tacitus thundered against the oppressor of Africa. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 372
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(b)
voluptuous ~ Red
[from Macaulay] There | appeared | the voluptuous | charms | of her | to whom the heir | of the throne | had in secret | plighted | his faith. | George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 372
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(c)
— ∪ —   — — / — ∪ —   — ∪ ∪ —
[emphasis marks on above] — | — ∪ | ∪ ∪ — ∪ ∪ | — | ∪ — | ∪ ∪ ∪ — | ∪ ∪ — | ∪ ∪ — ∪ | — ∪ | ∪ — | George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 372
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(d)
There [blank] There [blank] There Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
[from Macaulay] There the Ambassadors of great Kings and Commonwealths gazed with admiration […] There the historian of the Roman Empire thought of the days when […] There appeared the voluptuous charms of her to whom the heir of the throne had in secret plighted his troth. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 372
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(e)
anker of rum Red
[from Macaulay] Then came great cheeses, casks of beef, flitches of bacon, kegs of butter, sacks of pease and biscuit, ankers of brandy. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 373
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(f)
provender ~
[from Carlyle] In the knapsack of each soldier was eight days' provender, dried beef ground into snuff powder, with a modicum of pepper, and some slight seasoning of biscuit […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 369
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(g)
modicum ~ Red
[from Carlyle] In the knapsack of each soldier was eight days' provender, dried beef ground into snuff powder, with a modicum of pepper, and some slight seasoning of biscuit […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 369
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(h)
— what not Red
[from Carlyle] Had he not left much behind him in the Pampas — mother, mistress, what not […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 369
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(i)
Neither X nor Y was wanting Red
[from Macaulay] Neither military nor civil pomp was wanting. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 371
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(j)
female loveliness Red
[from Macaulay] There were gathered together, from all parts of a great, free, enlightened, and prosperous empire, grace and female lovliness […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 372
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(k)
Siddons — surpassing stage
[from Macaulay] There Siddons, in the prime of her majestic beauty, looked with emotion on a scene surpassing all the imitations of the stage. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 372
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(l)
salted cowhide Red
[from Macaulay] A very small quantity of grain remained, and was doled out in mouthfuls. The stock of salted hides was considerable, and by gnawing them the garrison appeased the rage of hunger. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 373
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(m)
favours Red
Yet most great novelists have had rhythmical complexions—“favours” in the old sense—more or less their own, after fashions which should be very well known to their readers, but which would be difficult to illustrate satisfactorily here, unless we could give a chapter, and a very long one, to them. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 376
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(n)
&mdash ∪   &mdash ∪
[emphasis marks over the syllables ‘pinion’ and ‘Virgil’ in the quote ‘opinion about Virgil’.] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 389
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(o)
opinion about Virgil
To my ear there is also a curious community of note with the passage above cited from Thackeray on the Ionian ruins: […]
| Perhaps | this is | the reason of | the mediaeval | opinion | about Virgil, | as of a prophet | or a magician; | his single | words | and phrases, | his pathetic | half-lines, | giving utterance, | as the voice | of Nature | herself, | to that pain | and weariness, | yet hope | of better | things, | which is | the experience | of her children | in every | time. | George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 388f
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(p)
thinks very fine & imitates, or he thinks,
Let us consider, | too, | how differently | young | and old | are affected | by the words | of some classic | author, | such | as Homer] or Horace. | Passages, | which to a boy | are but | rhetorical | commonplaces, | neither better | nor worse | than a hundred | others, | which any | clever writer | might | supply, | which he gets | by heart | and thinks | very fine, and imitates, | as he thinks, | successfully, | […] George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 388
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(q)
Well done
Here, not only is the composition, both in dream and description, extremely well done, but the rhythmical setting is consummate and almost unique. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 314
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(r)
our side
| There is | a sickliness | in the firmest | of us | which induceth us | to change | our side, | though reposing | ever | so softly ; | yet, | wittingly | or unwittingly, | we turn | again j soon | into our old | position. George Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm (1912), 336
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(s)
[Whig.] Memory, discovering the obvious
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(t)
appeal to precedent
Oxen of the Sun: sector 83(u)
rule of thumb

Oxen of the Sun sector 84

BL Add MS 49475-15v(right) JJA 12:041
(Herring Oxen-19) bottom upside-down

Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(a)
mole on breast Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(b)
What way? Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(c)
6 medicals Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(bk).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(d)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(e)
female catheter Blue
Note: Copied to Sheet 15.018(bm). UG 9.24 entered too early to come from this notesheet.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(f)
telegram Red
Note: See Sheet 14.070(v) for UG 14.1515
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(g)
M. MacLir Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(h)
ovoblastic Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(r) for UG 14.728.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(i)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(j)
Note: Intussusception is a common abdominal emergency affecting children under 2 years old. It happens when one part of the bowel slides into the next, much like the pieces of a telescope.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(k)
female egg
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(l)
stamina Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(m)
inkle Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(n)
orchid Blue
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(o)
gestation Red
Note: See also UN5 (NLI.5B):007(r) for UG 14.728.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(p)
medical officer Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(q)
put a different complexion on the whole transaction Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(r)
ventripotent Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(s)
contempl. statues Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(t)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(u)
pollen Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(v)
Blumenbach Red
Note: Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840), an anthropologist.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(aa)
nisus formativus Red
Note: Nisus: basic impulse.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(ab)
albino Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(ac)
~ mule Red
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(ad)
hot woman no children
Oxen of the Sun: sector 84(ae)
father sterilize Red
  • Ulysses unlocated

Oxen of the Sun sector 85

NLI.11A-6v (MS 36,639/11/A)

Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(a)
[Stephen -] [Gogarty -] Lynch [Madden] | Crotthers [Costello -] [Bannon] [Lenehan -]
Note: Joyce first lists those present in the room: ; then, using a sketch of an oval table, graphically marks their respective seats. He revises this twice as indicated below (from 12 o'clock, clockwise). Stephen is in each case seated at the bottom end of the table. Dixon is further out, as if a little behind the rest of the company. In the top left corner of the page Joyce has listed a number of units drawn directly and ecclectically from the Oxen sheets. These are transcribed below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(b)
1: Bannon Lynch Dixon Costello |aBannon Lenehan Blooma| Stephen |aBloom Lenehan / Gogartya| Madden Lynch Crotthers Gogarty.
Note: Crotthers is linked by a line to (as directly facing) Lynch; Madden to Costello, and Bloom to Lenehan.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(c)
|aLynch Maddena| |aMadden Lyncha| Bannon Dixon Gogarty Lenehan Stephen Bloom Costello Madden Crotthers
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(d)
Lynch Bannon Dixon (as before) Gogarty Lenehan SD Bloom Costello Madden Crotthers.
Note: In this final arrangement Stephen is at the bottom, facing an empty space. Lenehan is to his right facing Bloom to his left. Gogarty is to the right of Lenehan, facing Costello to Bloom's left. Dixon stands back, on Gogarty's side of the table. Lastly, Bannon, to the right of Gogarty faces Madden, to Costello's left, whereas Lynch, to Bannon's right, faces Crotthers, to Madden's left.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(e)
have made it a pontine marsh (OG)
Note: See also Sheet 14.070(i) and Sheet 15.018(cd).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(f)
Since Eliz. Westbrook knitted Claddagh shawl
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(ab).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(g)
God of karmic law, Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(ah) for insertion at UG 14.1166f (NLI.11E-2).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(h)
departed into incorruptible eon Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(ag) for insertion at UG 14.1169 (NLI.11E-2).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(i)
Lords of moon orangecoloured shipload from planet of lunar chain, declined to assume etheric double. They were then incarnated by the goldenhead egos from Orange
Note: Probably copied from Sheet 14.070(aj) for insertion at UG 14.1170f (NLI.11A-8). From “God to egos from” linked and designated “S.D.”.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(j)
Woman looks at man after adieu (Lynch) Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.072(k)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(k)
that was the Roman wont (O.G.) Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.005(r) for insertion at UG 14.1139 (NLI.11A-8).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(l)
With Archer up (Len) Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.007(m) for insertion at UG 14.1129 (NLI.11A-7).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(m)
ran out freshly (Len) Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.006(ai) for insertion at UG 14.1129 (NLI.11A-7).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(n)
patriot of solar system O.G.
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.004(ah)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(o)
Victory due to Lane (Len) / 4 winners yesterday / 4 — today (Len) Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.021(a) for insertion at UG 14.1136 (NLI.11A-8).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(p)
won in a canter (Len)
Note: See UN2 (VI.D.7):004(g). Copied from Sheet 14.021(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(q)
towards end in close order (Len) Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.021(c) for insertion at UG 14.1132 (NLI.11A-7).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(r)
run home,
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.021(d) for insertion at UG 14.11631 (NLI.11A-7).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(s)
1 length (Len)
Note: Copied from Sheet Sheet 14.021(e).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(t)
J.C. saved Mary Magdalen (Cost)
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(u)
For the oaks? (O.G.)
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(c).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(v)
a capful of wind Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.042(ai) for insertion at UG 14.1119 (NLI.11A-7)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(w)
Haines, toothache,
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.036(o).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(x)
~ dope
Note: See Sheet 14.050(l).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 85(y)
reason just at your elbow
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.031(c).

Oxen of the Sun sector 86

NLI.11B-1 (MS 36,639/11/B)

Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(a)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(b)
astute Orange
Note: See also Sheet 14.086(af) below
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(c)
calculated Orange
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(d)
capacious [r]ent Orange
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(e)
deserves condign punishment
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(f)
acme female
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(g)
f turnips
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(h)
field decimated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(i)
of the worst description Orange
Note: See also Sheet 14.081(v) above.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(j)
in imminence
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(k)
innate depravity
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(l)
limited pr[in]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(m)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(n)
pamper to
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(o)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(p)
commenced Orange
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(q)
spare him a moment
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(r)
so strange a man
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(s)
any living man Orange
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(t)
I am mistaken Orange
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(aa)
I shall have great pleasure
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ab)
I expected to have heard
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ac)
speaking with the student he
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ad)
seldom or ever
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ae)
scarcely — than
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(af)
as tall or tallet than you Orange
Note: See also Sheet 14.086(b) above
right margin
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ag)
individual Orange
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ah)
virtual Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ai)
neither — were
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(aj)
last two Orange
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ak)
myself Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(al)
never has & never will
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(am)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(an)
like wine is promised
Oxen of the Sun: sector 86(ao)
& which Orange

Oxen of the Sun sector 87

NLI.11B-1v (MS 36,639/11/B)

Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(a)
due to misconception Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.031(k) for insertion at UG 14.1176 (NLI.11B-2).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(b)
with the clerk who the man that stopped the boy had called to
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.030(a).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(c)
displode Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.011(a) for insertion at UG 14.1433 (NLI.11B-11).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(d)
Dr Diet & Dr Quiet Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.011(h) for insertion at UG 14.1402 (NLI.11B-11).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(e)
moonshiny Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.025(l) for insertion at UG 14.1408 (NLI.11B-11).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(f)
Deine Kuh Trübsal melkest Du. Nun trinkst Du die süsse Milch des Euters. Orange
Note: Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra, Erster Teil, Die Reden Zarathustras, V. “Von den Freuden und Leidenschaften”: [Thus Spake Zarathustra, First Part, Zarathustra's Discourses, V. Of Joys and Passions.] Aus deinen Giften brautest du dir deinen Balsam; deine Kuh Trübsal melktest du - nun trinkst du die sü{w}G{/w}e Milch ihres Euters. [Out of your poisons you brewed your balsam; affliction, your cow, milks thou: now you drink the sweet milk of her udder.]
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.025(af) and completed.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(g)
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.024(as).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(h)
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.024(ap).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(i)
dear sir Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.023(ch) for insertion at UG 14.1448 (NLI.11B-12).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(j)
innocent as babe unborn Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.023(cl) for insertion at UG 14.1190 (NLI.11B-2).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(k)
death nothing to do with life, depends on cells, [??]
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(k).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(l)
kismet, know hour of death
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(l).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(m)
Ours is ruddy birth. SD spits
Note: See Sheet 14.001(af) and Sheet 14.001(ag) above. From Swinburne's ‘Genesis’, in Songs Before Sunrise (1871), stanza 9: “For the great labour of growth, being many, is one; One thing the white death and the ruddy birth; […]
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(n)
unclean poet (big job keep body clean) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(ad) and Sheet 14.001(bu).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(o)
greylunged, Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(bj) for insertion at UG 14.1244 (NLI.11B-4).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(p)
dust, adenoids, Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(bl) for insertion at UG 14.1244 (NLI.11B-4).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(q)
Mead, aristocrats Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(aw) for insertion at UG 14.1467 (NLI.11B-13).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(r)
Connery, throw down,
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(s)
pass Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(cr).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(t)
Sinbad the Sailor
Note: Not located in BL sheets.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(u)
chap swallowed bluebottle
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(bf).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(v)
papal benediction Not cancelled
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(p) for insertion at UG 14.1445f (NLI.11B-12).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(w)
Designing females Not cancelled
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(an) for insertion at UG 14.1456 (NLI.11F-1).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(x)
Metchnikoff: climacteric
Note: See also Sheet 14.020(ap), and Sheer 15.009(v) for UG 15.2590. Elie Metchnikoff studied ageing; the ‘male climacteric’ was likened to the female menopause. See also Sheet 14.022(j).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(y)
Go & preach
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.020(as).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(z)
bamboozle ~ Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.022(af) for insertion in proto only (NLI.11B-14).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(aa)
~ incog
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.022(ag).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ab)
Sponges in peritoneal cavity Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(a) for insertion at UG 14.1263 (NLI.11B-4).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ac)
watch on clock Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(t) for insertion at UG 14.1452 (NLI.11B-12).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ad)
LB sets watch Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(an) for insertion at UG 14.1469 (NLI.11B-14).
Column right
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ae)
Hugh Hyacinth, the Mac D, prince of Coolavin [7] 8/2/1904
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.003(b).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(af)
8 beatitudes Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(ck) for insertion at UG 14.1454f (NLI.11B-12).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ag)
T.W. Hamlet Blue
Note: Originally copied from Sheet 12.003(c), which see. See also Sheet 14.072(q) above and Sheet 14.087(ao) below.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ah)
caudle Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.077(e) for insertion at UG 14.1468 (NLI.11B-12v).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ai)
Mr O'Linn
Note: Not located in BL sheets.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(aj)
Sargent pictor Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Not located in BL sheets.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ak)
telegraphic [boy] Blue
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(v) for insertion at UG 14.1515 (NLI.11B-14). See also Sheet 14.084(f).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(al)
leave to yr honour Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.070(u)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(am)
Egan's hop bitters Orange
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 12.003(n) and Sheet 14.071(g). See also UN6 (NLI.4):005(b) for UG 5.389.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(an)
Richmond Hosp ~ Blue
Note: Originally copied from Sheet 12.003(c), which see, and from there to Sheet 14.072(p) for insertion at UG 14.1549.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 87(ao)
~ T W Hamlet Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Originally copied from Sheet 12.003(c), which see, and from there to Sheet 14.072(q), and Sheet 14.087(ag) above.

Oxen of the Sun sector 88

NLI.11B-6v (MS 36,639/11/B)

Oxen of the Sun: sector 88(a)
laughs at funerals (SD) Blue
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.001(ar).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 88(b)
What heart is & what it suffers
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.003(m)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 88(c)
called you from Paris?
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.003(n).
Oxen of the Sun: sector 88(d)
polite & terse
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.013(ci)
Oxen of the Sun: sector 88(e)
insult over him Orange
Note: Copied from Sheet 14.024(u) for insertion at UG 14.1352 (NLI.11A-8).

Oxen of the Sun sector 89

NLI.11B-18 (MS 36,639/11/B)

Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(a)
Bull ♉ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(b)
Scorpion ♏ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(c)
Watercourse ♒ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(d)
Fishes ♓ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(e)
Ram ♈
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(f)
Twins Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(g)
Balance ♎
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(h)
Virgin ♍ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(i)
Lion ♌ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(j)
Archer ♐
  • Ulysses unlocated
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(k)
Crab ♋ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(l)
Goat ♑ Red
  • Ulysses unlocated
Note: Ticked.
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(m)
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(n)
♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(o)
S Kilk & Son / 5 Clock House / Pat. Nost. Row / L. SC
Oxen of the Sun: sector 89(p)