
zFolio Society

MS NLI.Quinn 14 Draft details

{ms, 014}


(in |3green3| mountain shoes, puttees, |3green3| silverbuttoned coat |3Alpine hat3| & sport skirt |3places her heel |aon & grinds it intoa| his neck.3|) |3Will you ever? Leopoldina!3| Feel my entire weight. |3Footstool, the throne of my glorious |aglisteninga| heels |aso glisteninga| in their proud erectness3|

|3Leopoldina Bloom3|

|3(enthralled)3| I promise never to disobey


If you do tremble inº anticipation of punishment |3heel discipline |asoon to be inflicteda|3| What you longed for has come to pass. Henceforth you are unmanned and mine. Now for your punishment frock. You will shed your masculine garments.




(points to her whores) You will be wigged, painted and powdered as they are. |3Tape3| Measurements will be taken next yr skin. You will be laced with cruel force into vicelike corsets|3, the absolute outside edge3|. Your figure restrained in nettight dresses |3and pretty pretty petticoats3|. You will feel the pullpull of the skirt. The |3lovely3| frilly feel of laces round your bare legs will remind you …..


I tried |3them hers3| on only once. In Holles street. |3We were hard up. I washed |athem her thingsa| to save the laundry bill.3|


The sins of the past are coming against you, Leopoldina!




You will wear 20 button gloves newpowdered with talc |3with |adelicatelya| scented fingertips3| |3For such things knights of old laid down their lives3| (he laughs) My boys will like to see you. |3So ladylike.3| |3The scanty skirt |awith peep of white showinga| is a potent weapon3| |3and cobweb hose with the long straight and cobweb stockings with the long straight seam trailing up beyond the knee appeal to some the better instincts of the man about town.3| Bring all your powers of fascination to bear on them. |3What else are you good for? |aCan you do a man's job?a|3|


Eccles street.


(laughs) There is a man in possession there|3, you forget3| a. A man, no eunuch.


Moll …..


A man and men. Their heelmarks will be on the carpet you bought in Wren's. Thei In their romping they will deface the little statue you carried home |3in the rain for art3| for art' sake. They will spit in your tenshilling fender from Hampton Leedom's. Pages will be torn from your handbook of astronomy to make them pipelights. |3You are out of it, old bean.3|


(weeps) Let me go. |3Ten & six.3| I will return.


|3Too late.3| You have made the bed and others must lie in it. You are out of it, old bean.

