
Textual development Typescript to Errata

Compiled by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

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What |6course parallel courses6| did Bloom and Stephen follow returning?

(3Starting united |6both6| at normal walking pace from Beresford (errPlace placeºerr) they followed in the order named3) Lower and Middle Gardiner streets and Mountjoy square, west(3. Then: then, at reduced pace3), |6each6| bearing left, Gardiner's place by an inadvertence as far as the farther corner of Temple street(3. Then|6, north6|: thenº, at reduced pace with interruptions of halt3), bearing right, Temple street, north, as far as Hardwicke place. |3Approaching, disparate, at relaxed walking pace3| (3They they3) crossed |6both6| the circus before George's church diametrically, the chord in any circle being less than the arc which it subtends.

Of what did |8they speak the duumvirate deliberate8| during their itinerary?

Music, literature, Ireland, Dublin, Paris, friendship, woman, (3prostitution,3) diet, the influence of gaslight or the light of arc and glowlamps on the growth of adjoining |7paraheliotropic7| trees, (3exposed corporation emergency dustbuckets,3) the Roman catholic church, |7ecclesiastical celibacy,7| |6the Irish nation,6| jesuit education, careers, the study of medicine, the past day,º |8the maleficent influence of the presabbath,8| Stephen's |6breakdown collapse6|.

Did Bloom discover (3common factors of3) similarity between their respective (3like and unlike3) reactions to experience?

Both were sensitive to artistic impressions,º musical in preference to plastic or pictorial. Both preferred a continental to an insular manner of
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life(3, a cisatlantic to a transatlantic place of residence3). Both indurated by early domestic training and an inherited tenacity of |7heterodox7| resistance professed their disbelief in many |7accepted religions orthodox religiousº7|, national, social and ethical doctrines. Both admitted the alternately stimulating and obtunding influence of heterosexual magnetism.
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Were their views on some points divergent?

Stephen dissented openly from Bloom's views on the importance of dietary and civic selfhelp while Bloom dissented tacitly from Stephen's views on the eternal affirmation of the spirit of man in literature. |6Bloom |errassently assentedºerr| covertly to Stephen's rectification of the anachronism involved in assigning the date of the conversion of the Irish nation to christianity from druidism by Patrick son of Calpornus, son of Potitus, son of Odyssus, sent by pope Celestine I in the year 432 in the reign of Leary to the year |7288 2607| or thereabouts in the reign of Cormac MacArt |7(† 266 a.d.)7|,º suffocated by imperfect deglutition of aliment at Sletty and interred at Rossnaree.6| The collapse which Bloom ascribed to gastric inanition and certain chemical compounds of varying degrees of adulteration and alcoholic strength|3, accelerated by mental exertion and the velocity of rapid circular motion |ain a relaxing atmospherea|,3| Stephen attributed to the reapparition of a matutinal cloud |4(perceived by both |aat froma| two different points of observation, Sandycove and Dublin)º4| at first no bigger than a woman's hand.

Was there one point |6on which their views6| were equal and negative?

The influence of gaslight or electric light on the growth of adjoining |8paraheliotropic8| trees.

Had Bloom discussed similar subjects during nocturnal perambulations in the past?

In 1884 with Owen Goldberg and Cecil Turnbull |3at night |aon public thoroughfaresa| between Longwood avenue and Leonard's corner and Leonard's corner and Synge street and Synge street and Bloomfield
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(errAvenue avenue
ºerr)3|. In 1885 with Percy Apjohn |3in the evenings|8,8| reclined against the wall between Gibraltar villa and Bloomfield house in Crumlin, barony of Uppercross3|. In 1886 occasionallyº with casual acquaintances |3|aand prospective purchasersa| on doorsteps, in front parlours, in |a|73(sup)r(sup)d third7| classa| railway carriages of suburban lines3|. In 1888 frequently with major Brian Tweedy and his daughter Miss Marion Tweedy, together and separately |3on the lounge in Matthew Dillon's house in Roundtown3|. Once in 1892 and once in 1893 with Julius |v3(Juda)v3|º Mastiansky|3, on both occasions in the parlour of his |6(Bloom's)6| house in Lombard street, west3|.

|6What reflection concerning the irregular sequence of dates 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1892, 1893, 1904 did Bloom make before their arrival at their destination?
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He reflected that the progressive extension of the field of persona individual development and experience was regressively accompanied by a restriction of the converse domain of interindividual relations.

As in what ways?

From inexistence to existence he came to many and was as one received: existence with existence he was with any as any with any: from existence to nonexistence gone he would be by all as none perceived.6|

What actionº did Bloom make on their arrival at their destination?

At the housesteps of |3the f 4th of the equidifferent uneven numbers,3| number 7 Eccles street|8,8| he |8put inserted8| his hand mechanically into the back pocket |6of his trousers6| to |8get obtain8| his latchkey.

Was it there?

It was in the corresponding pocket of the trousers which he had worn on the day but one preceding.
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Why was he doubly irritated?

Because he had forgotten and because he remembered that he had reminded himself twice not to forget.

What |7were |8was were8|7| then the |7alternatives |8alternative alternativesº8|7| |3before the|8, premeditatedly (respectively) and inadvertently,8| keyless couple3|?

To enter or not to enter. To knock or not to knock.

|8His Bloom's8| decision?

A stratagem. |3Resting his feet on the dwarf wall,3| |3He he3| climbed over the area railings, compressed his hat on his head, grasped |3the lower parts of two rails two points at the lower union of rails and stiles3|, lowered his body gradually by its length of five feet nine inches and a half to within two feet ten inches of the area pavement|6',6'|º and allowed his body to move freely in space by separating himself from the railings and crouching in preparation for the impact of the fall.

Did he fall?

By his |3body's known3| weight of |8ten eleven8| stone and four |6ounces pounds6| in avoirdupois measure, as certified by the graduated machine for periodical selfweighing in the premises of Francis Froedmanº, pharmaceutical chemist of 19 Frederick street, north, on the last feast of the Ascension, to wit, the twelfth day of May of the
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|8bissextile8| year one thousand nine hundred and four of the christian eraº |8(jewish era five thousand six hundred and sixtyfour, mohammadan era one thousand three hundred and twentytwo), golden number 5, epact 13, solar cycle 9, dominical letters C B, Roman indicationº 2, Julian period 6617, MXMIVº8|.

Did he rise uninjured |3by concussion3|?

|3Regaining new stable equilibrium3| |3He he3| rose uninjured though |8shocked concussed8| by the impact, raised the latch of the area door by |3the exertion of force |aat its |6free arm freely moving6| |6flange6|a| and by3| leverage |3|8of the
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first kind8| applied |ato its free arma| at its fulcrum3|,º |3entered gained |6retarded6| access to3| the kitchen through the |3subadjacent3| scullery, ignited a lucifer match by friction, set free inflammable coal gas by turning on the ventcock, lit a high flame which, by regulating, he reduced to quiescent candescence and lit finally a portable candle.

|3Where was Stephen meanwhile? What discrete succession of images did Stephen meanwhile perceive?3|

Reclined against the area railings he perceived through the transparent kitchen panes a man regulating a gasflame |6of 14 CP6|, a man lighting a candle |7of 1 CPº7|, a man removing in turn each of his two boots, a man leaving the kitchen holding a candleº.

Did the man reappear elsewhere?

After a lapse of four minutes the glimmer of his candle was discernible through the |6semitransparent6| |8semicircular8| glass fanlight over the halldoor. The halldoor turned gradually on its hinges. In the open space of the doorway the man reappeared without his hat, with his candle.

Did Stephen obey his sign?

Yes, entering softly, he helped to close and chain the door and followed softly along the hallway the man's back and |3listed feet and lighted3| candle past a lighted crevice of doorway on the left and carefully down a turning staircase of more than five steps into the kitchen of Bloom's house.

What did Bloom do?

He extinguished the candle by a sharp |3ejection expiration3| of breath upon its flame, drew two spoonseat deal chairs to the hearthstone, one for Stephen with |7his its7| back to the area window, the other for himself when necessary, knelt on one knee, composed in the grate a pyre of crosslaid resintipped sticks and various coloured papers and irregular polygons of best Abram coal at twentyone shillings a ton from the yard of
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Messrs Flower and M'Donald of |37 143| D'Olier
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kindled it at three projecting points of paper with one ignited |8wooden lucifer8| match|8, thu thereby releasing the potential energy contained in the fuel by allowing its carbon and hydrogen elements to enter into free union with the oxygen of the air8|.

Of what similar apparitions did Stephen think?

Of others elsewhere in other times who, kneeling on one knee or on two, had kindled fires for him, of Brother Michael in the infirmary of the college of the Society of Jesus at Clongowes Wood|8, Sallins,8| in the county of Kildare|6,:6| of his father, Simon Dedalus, in |6the an6| unfurnished room of his first residence in Dublin, number thirteen Fitzgibbon street|6,:6| of his godmother Miss Kate Morkan in the house of her dying sister Miss Julia Morkan at 15 Usher's Island|6,:6| |8of his aunt Sara, wife of Richie (Richard Goulding) in the kitchen of their lodgings at 62 Clanbrassil street,8| of his mother |8Mary, wife of Simon Dedalus,8| inº the kitchen of number twelve North Richmond street on the morning of the feast of Saint Francis Xavierº 1898|6,:6| of the dean of |6Studies studies6|, Father Butt, in the physics' theatre of university College, 16 Stephen's Green, northº |6,:6| of his sister Dilly (Delia) in his father's house in Cabra.

What did Stephen see on raising his gaze to the height of a yard from the fire towards the opposite wall?

|3Under a row of |65 five6| coiled spring housebells3| (5A a5) curvilinear rope|8,8| stretched between two holdfasts athwart across the recess beside the chimney pier|8,8| from which hung four smallsized square handkerchiefs folded unattached consecutively in adjacent rectangles and one pair of |6grey Lisle6| ladies' |6grey6| |8stockings hose8| |6with Lisle suspender tops and feet6| in their habitual position clamped by three erect wooden pegs two at their outer extremities and the third at their point of junction.

|3What did Bloom think of their different ages?

That neither could Stephen now have his age then nor he then Stephen's now.3|

|7What did Bloom see on the range?

On the right |a(smaller)a| hob a blue enamelled saucepan: on the left (larger) hob a black iron kettle.7|
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|7By what act did he solve the problem? |~What was his next act |8blank What did Bloom do at the range?º8|~|7|

He removed the saucepan to the left hob, rose and carried the iron kettle to the |6tap and6| sink in order to |6draw water tap the current6| by turning the faucet to let it flow.

Did it flow?

Yes. From Roundwood reservoir in county Wicklow|3,3|º |3capable of containing of a cubic capacity of3| 2400º million gallons, |3percolating3| through |3an a subterranean3| |s8acqueduct aqueducts8| of filterº
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|3of single and double pipeage |aconstructed at an initial plant cost of £5 per linear yarda|3| by |7way of7| |3the Dargle, Rathdown, Glen of the Downs and3| Callowhill to |3the 26 acre relieving reservoir at3| Stillorgan, a distance of 22 statute miles, and thence|3, through a system of relieving tanks,3| by a gradient of 250 feet to the city boundary at |3Eustace bridge, upper3| Leeson street |3bridge,3| though from prolonged summer drouth |3and daily supply of 12½ million gallons3| the water had fallen below the sill of the overflow weir for which reason the borough surveyor |8and waterworks engineer, Mr Spencer Harty, C.E.,8| on the instructions of the waterworks committee had prohibited the use of municipal water for purposes other than those of consumption |3im (|aenvisaginga| the possibility of recourse being had to the impotable water of the Grand and Royal canals as in 1893)3| particularlyº as the South Dublin Guardians|6,6| notwithstanding their ration of 15 gallons per day per pauper supplied through a 6 inch meter(err,ºerr) had been convicted of a wastage of 20,000º gallons per night by a reading of their meter on the affirmation of the law agent of the corporation, Mr Ignatius Rice, |8solicitor,8| thereby acting to the detriment of another section of the public, selfsupporting taxpayers, solvent, sound.

What in water did Bloom, |6waterlover,6| |6carrying water drawer of water, watercarrier6|, returning to the range, admire?

Its universality|6,:6| its |4democratic4| equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level|6,:6| its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's |6projector, |8projector projection8|:6| its unplumbedº profundity in the Sundam trench of
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the Pacific
exceeding 8000º fathoms|6,:6| the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard|6,:6| |4the independence of its units|6,: the variability of states of sea:6|4| its |8hydrostatic8| quiescence in calm|6,:6| its |8hydrokinetic8| turgidity in neap and spring tides|3,: its subsidence after devastation:3| |3its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic|6,:6|3| |8its climatic and commercial significance:8| its preponderance of 3 to |6it 16| over the dry land of the globe|6,:6| |4its indisputable hegemony |7extending in square leagues7| over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn|6,:6|4| |8the multisecular stability of its |aprimevala| basin: its luteofulvousº bed:8| its capacity to |3dissolve and3| hold in solution all soluble substances including millions of tons of the most precious metals|6,:6| its slow erosions of peninsulas and |~5islands, its persistent formation of~|5|º |4|~5homothetic islands, peninsulas and~|5|4| downwardtendingº promontories|6,:6| |4its alluvial deposits|6,:6|4| its weight and volume and density|6,:6| |3its |amajesty in quiesence, imperturbability in lagoons|6, atolls, andº6| highland tarns|6,:6|a|3| its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones|6,:6| its vehicular ramifications in continental
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lakecontained streams
and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents|8,º gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses8||4,:4| its violence in seaquakes |3and,3| waterspouts, |3Artesian wells, eruptions, |4torrents,4| |aeddies, freshets, |4spates,4| |7groundswells,7| |bwatersheds, waterpartings, geysers,b| cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms|4:,4|a| inundations, deluges, cloudbursts|4,:4|3| |4|6its subsidence after devastation:6|4| its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve|6,:6| its secrecy in springsº |8and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and8| exemplified by the well by theº hole in the wall at Ashtown gate|8, saturation of air,º distillation of dew8||6,:6| the simplicity of its composition, two |3constituent3| parts of hydrogen with one |3constituent part3| of oxygen|6,:6| its healing virtues|6,:6| its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea|6,:6| |4its menace to life and property in leaks4| |3its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on shipboard|6,:6|3| its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing |3plant life, vegetation|6,:6|3| |8its infallibilityº as paradigm and paragon|~:º~| its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail:8| its strength in rigid hydrants|6,:6| |4its variety of forms in loughs and bays |aand gulfsa| and bights and guts |aand lagoons and atolls and archipelagosa| and sounds and fjords and minches and |8tidal8| estuaries and arms of sea|6,:6| its
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solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes|6,:6|4| its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, |4turbines, dynamos,4| electric power stations, |4bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills|6,:6|4| its utility in canals, rivers, if navigableº, |4bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills,4| |4floating and graving docks|6,:6|4| |3its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides |4or watercourses falling from level to level4||6,:6|3| its submarine fauna and flora |8(anacoustic, photophobe)8| numerically, |3if not literally,3| the inhabitants of the globe|6,:6| its ubiquity as |6it constituted constituting6| 90% of the human body|6,:6| |3its the3| noxiousness |3of its effluvia3| in |3lacustrine3| marshes, |3faded flowers,3| pestilential fens, |3faded |8flowers flowerwater8|,3| stagnant pools in the waning moon.

Having set the halffilled kettle on the now burning coals,º why did he return to the stillflowing tap?

To wash his soiled hands with a partially consumed tablet of |6Barrington's6| lemonflavoured soap|7,7| to which paper still adhered|7|8,8| (7|bought thirteen hours previously for |8threepence fourpence8| and still unpaid for|7)|8,8|7| in fresh cold neverchanging everchanging water and dry them, face and hands, in a long redbordered holland cloth passed over a wooden revolving roller.

What reason did Stephen give for declining Bloom's offer?

That he was hydrophobe, hating |3total partial3| contact by immersion |3or total by submersion3| in cold water|8,8| |6(6|his last bath having taken place in the month of
{u22, 626}
October of the preceding year
|6)6|,º disliking the |8acqueous aqueous8| substances of glass and crystal, distrusting aquacities of thought and language.

What impeded Bloom from giving Stephen counsels of hygiene and prophylactic |6with to which should be added6| suggestions concerning a preliminary wetting of the head and contraction of the muscles with rapid splashing of the face |6and neck6| and thoracic |6and epigastric6| region in case of sea or river bathing|7,7| |6the parts of the human anatomy most sensitive to cold being the nape, stomach and thenar or sole of foot6|?º

|3Aquacity. The incompatibility of aquacity with the erratic originality of genius.3|
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|3What additional |8didactic8| counsels did he similarly repress?

Dietary: concerning the respective percentage of protein and caloric energy in bacon, salt ling and butter, the absence of the former in the lastnamed and the abundance of the latter in the firstnamed.

Which seemed to the host to be the predominant qualities of his guest?

Confidence in himself, |aa reciprocal an equal and oppositea| power of abandonment and recuperation.3|

What |3concomitant3| phenomenon took place in the vessel of liquid |3on the by the agency of3| fire?

The phenomenon of ebullition. |4Fanned by a constant updraught of |aair ventilationa| between the kitchen and the chimneyflue|6,6| ignition was communicated from the faggots |aof |bprecombustibleb| fuela| to polygonous polyhedral masses of bituminous coal, containing in compressed mineral form the foliated |6fossilised6| decidua of primeval forests which had in turn derived their vegetative existence from the sun, primal source of |6energy heat (radiant)|8, transmitted through omnipresent luminiferous diathermanous ether8|6|.4| |6Convected heat Heat (convected)6||4, |6a mode of motion6| developed by such combustion,4| was constantly and increasingly conveyed from the sourceº of calorification to the liquid contained in the vessel, being radiated through the uneven unpolished dark surface of the metal iron, in part reflected, in part absorbed, in part transmitted, gradually raising the temperature of the water from normal to boiling point|6, a rise in temperature expressible as the result of an expenditure of 72 thermal units needed to raise 1 pound of water from 50° to 212° Fahrenheit6|.
{u22, 627}

What announced the accomplishment of this rise in temperature?

A double falciform ejection of water vapour from under the kettlelid at both sides simultaneously.
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For what personal purpose could Bloom have applied the water so boiled?

To shave himself.

What advantages attended shaving by night?

A softer beard|6,:6| (3a softer brush if intentionally allowed to remain from shave to shave in its |6agglutinated6| lather|6,:6|3) |3a softer skin if |aunexpectedlya| encountering female acquaintances in remote places at incustomary hours|6,:6|3| quiet reflections upon the course of the day|6,:6| a cleaner sensation when awaking after a fresher sleep since matutinal noises, premonitions and perturbations, a clattered milkcan, a postman's double knock, (3a paper read|7,7| reread while lathering, relathering the same spot,3) a shock, a shoot, with thought of aught he sought though fraught with nought might cause a faster rate of shaving and a nick|6,6| on which incision plaster with precision|6,6| cut and humected and applied|6,6| adhered:º which was to be done.

|3Why did absence of light disturb him less than presence of noise?

Because of the surety of the sense of touch in his firm full masculine feminine passive active hand.

What quality did it |6(his hand)6| possess but with what counteracting influence?

The operative |asurgicala| quality but that he was reluctant to shed human blood even when the end justified the means., preferring, in their natural order, heliotherapy, |6medical therapeutics psychophysicotherapeutics6|, osteopathic surgery.3|

What |6were the contents lay under exposure on the lower,º middle and upper shelves6| of the kitchen dresser |6when,º6| opened by Bloom?

On the lower shelf five vertical breakfast plates, six horizontal breakfast saucers on which rested inverted breakfast cups, a moustachecup, uninverted, and saucer of Crown Derby, four white
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goldrimmed eggcups, an open shammy purse displayingº coins, mostly copper, |8and8| a phial of aromatic |8(violet)º8| comfits |8and a red bettingticket8|. On the middle shelf a chipped eggcup containing pepper, a drum of table salt, four |3conglomerated3| black olives inº |3oily oleaginous3| paper, an empty pot of
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Plumtree's potted meat, |3a an oval wicker basket bedded with fibre and containing one3| Jersey pear, a halfempty bottle of William Gilbey and Co's white invalid port, |3half disrobed of its swathe of coralpink tissue paper,3| a packet of Epps's soluble cocoa, five ounces of Anne Lynch's choice tea at 2/- per lbº in a crinkled leadpaper bag, a cylindrical canister containing the best crystallised lump sugar, two onions, one,º the larger, Spanish, entire, the other, smaller, Irish, bisected |8with augmented surface8| and more redolent, a jar of Irish Model |6dairy's Dairy's6| cream, a jug |3of brown crockery3| containing a naggin and a quarter of soured |4adulterated4| milk|4, converted by heat into water, acidulous serum and |asemisolidifieda| curds,4| which added to the quantity subtracted for Mr Bloom's and Mrs Fleming's breakfasts|v4,v4|º made one |7imperial7| pint, the total quantity originally delivered, two cloves, a halfpenny and a small dish containing a slice of fresh ribsteak. On the upper shelf a battery of jamjarsº of various sizes |8and proveniences8|.

(3What attracted his attention lying on the apron of the dresser?

Four polygonal fragments of two lacerated scarlet betting tickets, numbered 8 87, (588 6 8 865).

What reminiscences temporarily corrugated his brow?

Reminiscences of coincidences, truth stranger than fiction, preindicative of the result of the Gold Cup flat handicap, the |8official and definitive8| result of which he had read in the Evening Telegraph|6,6| late pink edition, in the cabman's shelter, at |6Butt's Butt6| bridge.

Where had previous intimations of the result, effected or projected, been received by him?

In Bernard Kiernan's licensed premises 8, 9 and 10 Little Britain
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street|7,:7| in David Byrne's licensed premises, 14 Duke street|7,:7| in O'Connell street lower, outside Graham Lemon's when a dark man had placed in his hand a throwaway (subsequently thrown away), advertising Elijah, restorer of the church in Zion|7,:7| in Lincoln place outside the premises of F. W.º Sweny and Co (Limited), dispensing chemists, when, when Frederick M. (Bantam) Lyons had rapidly and successively requested, perused and restituted the copy of the current issue of the Freeman's Journal and National Press which he had been about to throw away (subsequently thrown away), he had proceeded towards the oriental edifice of the Turkish and Warm Baths, 11 Leinster street, with the light of
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inspiration shining in his countenance and bearing in his arms the secret of the race, graven in the language of prediction.

What |4collateral modify qualifying4| considerations allayed his perturbations?

The difficulties of interpretation since the significance of any event followed its |6occurence occurrence6| as variably as the acoustic report followed the electrical discharge|6,6| and of counterestimating against an actual loss by failure to interpret the total sum of possible losses proceeding originally from a successful interpretation.

|6His mood?

He had not risked, he did not expect, he had not been disappointed, he was satisfied.6|

What satisfied him?

To have sustained no positive loss. To have brought a positive gain to others. Light to the gentiles.3)

How did Bloom prepare a collation |3for a gentile3|?

He poured into two teacups two level spoonfuls, four in all, of Epps's soluble cocoa and proceeded according to the directions for use printed on the label|4, to each adding |6after sufficient time |8for infusion8|6| the
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prescribed ingredients |8of for diffusion8| in the manner and in the quantity prescribed4|.

What |8supererogatory8| marks of special hospitality did the host show his guest?

Relinquishing his |8symposiarchal8| right to the moustache cup of imitation (8crown Crown8) Derby presented to him by his only daughter, Millicent |6|7(Milly)7|,6| he |6drank from substituted6| a cup identical with that of his guest and served |8extraordinarily8| to his guest and, in reduced measure, to himself|4(err,err)º4| the |6viscous6| cream |8usually ordinarily8| reserved for the breakfast of his wife Marion (Molly).

Was the guest conscious of and did he acknowledge these marks of hospitality?

His attention was directed to them by his host jocosely and he accepted them seriously as they drank in |8jocoserious8| silence |8Epps's massproduct, the creature cocoa8|.
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|3|aWas there a mark Were there marksa| of attention hospitality which he contemplated but suppressed?, reserving |ait thema| for another |aand for himselfa| on |aaa| future |aoccasion occasions |6to complete the act begun6|a|?

The reparation of a fissure of the length of 1½ inches in the right side of his guest's jacket. A gift to his guest of one of the four lady's handkerchiefs, if and when ascertained to be in a presentable condition.3|

Who drank more quickly?

Bloom, having the advantage of ten seconds at the |3start initiation3| andº taking|8, from the concave surface of a spoon along the handle of which a steady flow of heat was conducted,8| three sips to his opponent's one|6, six to two, nine to three6|.
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What cerebration accompanied his |8frequentative8| act?

Concluding |3by inspection but erroneously3| that his silent companion was engaged in mental composition he reflected on the pleasures derived from literature of instruction rather than of amusement as he himself had applied to the works of |8William8| Shakespeare more than once for the solution of difficult problems in imaginary or real life.

Had he found their solution?

In spite of careful and repeated reading of certain |3classical3| passages, aided by a glossary, he had |3not3| derived |3imperfect3| conviction from the text|3, the answers not bearing in all points3|.

What lines concluded his first piece of original verse written |6by him, potential poet,6| at the age of 11 in 1877 on the occasion of the offering of three prizes of 10/-, 5/- and 2/6 respectively (4for competition4)º by the Shamrock, a weekly newspaper?

An ambition to squint
At my verses in print
Makes me hope that for these you'll find room.º
If you so condescend
Then please place at the end
The name of yours truly, L. Bloom|8.8|

Did he find four separating forces between his temporary guest and him?

Name, age, race, creed.
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What anagrams had he made on his name in youth?

Leopold Bloom




Old Ollebo, M.P.
{u21, 751}

What acrostic upon the abbreviation of his first name had he |7(kinetic poet)7| sent to Miss Marion Tweedyº on the 14 February 1888?º

|8Poets Poets8| oft have sung in rhyme
|8Of Of8| music sweet their praise divine.
|8Let Let8| them hymn it nine times nine.
|8Dearer Dearer8| far than song or wine.
|8You You8| are mine. The world is mine.

|3What had prevented him from completing a topical song |a|7(music by R.G. Johnston)7| on the events of the |byear past, or fixtures for the actual, yearsb|a|, entitled If Brian Boru could but come back and see old Dublin now, commissioned by Michael Gunn|a, lessee of the Gaiety Theatre, |8South Anne 46, 47, 48, 49 South King8| street,a| and to be introduced into the |7sixth sixth scene, the valley of diamonds, of the7| second edition |7(30 January 1893)7| of the |7grand annual7| Christmas pantomime |6Sinbad the Sailor6| |a1896 |71897 |8(8|written by Greenleaf Whittier, scenery by George A.º Jackson and Cecil Hicks, costumes by Mrs and Miss Whelan|err,ºerr| |8under8| |a|8(8|produced |bby R.º Sheltonb| 26 December 1892|8)8|a| |8underº8| the personal supervision of Mrs Michael Gunn, ballets by Jessie Noir, harlequinade by Thomas Otto|8.)8|7|a| and sung by |6Fay Arthurs Nelly Bouverist6|, principal |aboy girla|?

|6Oscillation Firstly, oscillation6| between events of |4local imperial4| and of |4imperial local4| interest, the |8anticipatedº8| diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria |4(born 1820, acceded 1837)4| and the |8posticipated8| opening of the new municipal fish market|6: secondly6|, apprehension of opposition from extreme circles on the questions of the respective visits of Their Royal Highnessesº the duke and duchess of York (real)º and of His Majesty |4King4| Brian Boru (imaginary)|6: thirdly6|, a conflict between professional etiquette and professional emulation concerning the recent erections of the Grand Lyric Hall on Burgh Quay and the Theatre Royal in Hawkins Street|6: fourthly,6| distraction resultant from compassion for |6Fay Arthur's Nelly Bouverist's6| non-intellectual, non-political, non-topical expression of countenance and concupiscence caused by |6Fay Arthur's Nelly
{u22, 632}
Bouverist's6| revelations of white articles of |anon-intellectual, non-political, non-topicala| underclothing
{u21, 752}
while she (|6Fay Arthur Nelly Bouverist6|) was in the articles|6: fifthly6|, the diffi rhyming and difficulties of |a|brhyming and the selection ofb| appropriate music and |bselection ofb| humorous allusions on from Everybody's Book of Jokes (1000 pages and a laugh in every one)|6: sixthly6|,a| |athe rhymes,º homophonous and cacophonous,a| associated with the names of the new lord mayor, Daniel Tallon, the new high sheriff, Thomas Pile and the new |6solicitor-general solicitorgeneralº6|, Dunbar Plunket Barton.3|

What relation existed between their ages?

16 years before in 1888 when Bloom was of Stephen's present age Stephen was 6. |6Sixteen 166| years after in 1920 when Stephen would be of Bloom's present age Bloom would be 54. |3In 1936 when Bloom would be 70 and Stephen 54 their ages initially |aas in the ratio ofa| 16 to 0 would be as 17½ to 13½, the proportion |adiminishing increasinga| and the disparity diminishing |4according4| as |6arbitraryº6| future years were added(err,ºerr) for if the proportion existing in 1883 had continued immutable|6, conceiving that to be possible,6| till then |a1904a| when Stephen was 22 Bloom would be 374 and in 1920 when Stephen would be |a38a|, as Bloom then was, 38 Bloom would be 646 while in 1952 when Stephen would have attained the |a|6postdiluvian maximum maximum postdiluvian6|a| age of 70 Bloom, being 1190 years alive having been born in the year 714|7,7| would have surpassed by 221 years the maximum antediluvian age, that of |7Methusaleh |8Methusalem Methusalah8|7|, 969 years, while|7,7| if Stephen |aattained would continue to live until he would attaina| that age in the year 3072 a.d.|7,7| Bloom would have been obliged to have been alive 83,300 years, having been obliged to have been born in the year 81,396 b.c.3|

What events might nullify these calculations?

The cessation of existence of both or either, the inauguration of a new era or calendar, the annihilation of the world |3|aand consequent extermination of the human speciesa|, inevitable but impredictable3|.

|3Had Bloom and Stephen met before that day? |aWhat How many previousa| encounters proved their preexisting acquaintance?3|

|3Twice Two3|. The first |3time3| in the lilacgarden of Matthew Dillon's house,º Medina
{u21, 753}
Villa, Kimmage road, Roundtown, in 1887, |ain the company of |6his Stephen's6| mother,a| Stephen being then of the age of 5 and reluctant to give his hand in salutation. The second |3time3| in the coffeeroomº of Breslin's hotel on a rainy Sunday in the January of 1892, in the company of |6his Stephen's6| father and |6his Stephen's6| granduncle, Stephen being then 5 years older.
{u22, 633}

Did Bloom accept the invitation to dinner given |6then6| by the son and afterwards seconded by the father?

Very gratefully, |6appreciatively with grateful appreciation6|, |6sincerely with sincere appreciative gratitude6|, |6regretfully in appreciatively grateful sincerity of regret6|, he declined.

Did their conversation on the subject of these reminiscences reveal a third connecting link between them?

Mrs Riordanº, a widow of independent means, had resided in the house of Stephen's parents from 1 September 1888 to 29 December 1891 and had also resided during the years 1892, 1893 and 1894 in the City Arms Hotel owned by Elizabeth O'Dowd of 54 Prussia street where,º during parts of the years 1893 and 1894,º she had been a constant informant of Bloom who resided also in the same hotel, being at that time a clerk in the employment of Joseph Cuffe of 5 Smithfield for the superintendence of sales in the adjacent Dublin Cattle market on the North Circular road.

Had he performed any special corporal work of mercy for her?

He had sometimes propelled her on warm summer evenings, an infirm widow of independent, if limited,º means, in her |3convalescent3| bathchair with slow revolutions of its wheels as far as the corner of the North Circular road opposite Mr Gavin Low's place of business where she had remained for a certain time scanning through his onelensed |6binocular6| fieldglasses unrecognisable citizens on tramcars, roadster bicyclesº |3equipped with inflated pneumatic tyres3|, hackney carriages, tandems, private and hired landaus, dogcarts, ponytraps and brakes passing from the city to the Phoenixº Park and vice versa.
{u21, 754}

Why could he |8then8| support that his vigil with the greater equanimity?

Because in middle youth he had often sat observing through a |3glass boss rondel of bossed glass3| of a multicoloured pane the spectacle offered with continual changes of the thoroughfare without, pedestrians, quadrupeds, velocipedes, vehicles, passing slowly, quickly, evenly, round and round and round the rim of a round |6and roundº6| precipitous globe.

What distinct different memories had each of her now eight years deceased?

The older, her bezique cards and counters, her Skye terrier, her suppositious wealth, her lapses of responsiveness |3and incipient catarrhal deafness3|: the younger, her lamp of colza oil before the statue of the Immaculate Conception,
{u22, 634}
her green and maroon brushes for |8Charles Stewart8| Parnell and for Michael Davitt, her tissue papers.

Were there no means still remaining to him to achieve the rejuvenation which these reminiscences divulged to a younger companion rendered the more desirable?

The indoor exercisesº, formerly intermittently practised, subsequently abandoned, prescribed in Eugen Sandow's Physical Strength and How toº Obtain It which, designed particularly for commercial men engaged in sedentary occupations, were to be made with mental concentration in front of a mirror so as to bring into play the various families of muscles and produce successively a pleasant rigidity, a more pleasantº relaxation and the most pleasant repristination of juvenile agility.

Had any special agility been his in earlier youth?

Though ringweight lifting had been beyond his strength and the full circle gyration beyond his courage yet as a High Schoolº scholar he had excelled in his stable and protracted execution of the half lever movement on the parallel bars in consequence of his abnormally developed abdominal muscles.
{u21, 755}

Did either openly allude to their racial difference?


What |6did Bloom think that Stephen thought, reduced to their simplest |8reciprocal8| form, were Bloom's thoughts about Stephen's thoughts6| about Bloom |8andº |errBloom's thoughtsºerr| about Stephen's thoughts about Bloom's thoughts about Stephen8|?

He thought that he thought that he was a jew whereas he knew that he knew that he knew that he was not.

What|6, the enclosures of reticence removed,6| were their respective parentages?

Bloom, only |8born8| male |8transubstantial8| heir of Rudolf Virag (subsequently Rudolphº Bloom) of Szombathélyº, |6Vienna, Budapest,6| Milan, London and Dublin and of |3Margaret Ellen3| Higgins,º second daughter of Julius Higgins (born Karoly) and Fanny Higgins (born Hegarty). Stephen, eldest surviving male |8consubstantial8| heir of Simon Dedalus of Cork and Dublin and of Mary, daughter of Richard and Christina Goulding (born Grier).
{u22, 635}

Had Bloom and Stephen been baptised|6, and where and by whom, cleric or layman6|?

Bloom |6(6|three times|6,)6| by the reverend Mr Gilmer Johnston M.A., alone,º in the protestant church of Saint Nicholasº Without, Coombe|6(err,;º9)6| by James O'Connor, Philip Gilligan and James Fitzpatrick, together, under a pump in the village of Swords(err,;ºerr) and by the reverend Charles Malone,º C.C., in the church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar. Stephen (once) by the reverend Charles Malone, C.C.,º alone,º in the church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar.

Did they find their educational careers similar?

|6Bloom had |8If Stephen had been Bloom he Substituting Stephen for Bloom Stoom8| would have6| passed successively through a dame's school and the high school|8:.º8| |6Stephen |8if Bloom had been Stephen he Substituting Bloom for Stephen Blephen8| would have passed successively6| through
{u21, 756}
the preparatory, junior, middle and senior grades of the intermediate and through the matriculation, first arts,º second arts and |8arts8| degree courses of the |6royal6| university.

Why did Bloom refrain from stating that he had frequented the university of life?

Because of his |6fluctuating6| incertitude as to whether this observation had |7or had not7| been already made by him to Stephen or by Stephen to him.

What two temperaments did they individually represent?

The scientific. The artistic.

What proofs did Bloom adduce to prove that his tendency was towards applied, rather than |6to towards6| pure, science?

Certain possible inventions of which he had cogitated when reclining |8on his back8| in a state of |8supine8| repletion to aid digestion, stimulated by his appreciation of the importance of inventions now common but once revolutionary, for example, the |6aeronautic6| parachute, |3the reflecting telescope,3| the |6spiral6| corkscrew, the safety pin, |3the mineral water |8syphon siphon8|,3| the canal lock |6with winch and sluice|8, the suction pump8|6|.

Were these inventions principally intended for an improved scheme of kindergarten?

Yes|6, rendering obsolete popguns, |aelastica| airbladders, games of hazard, catapults6|. They comprised astronomical kaleidoscopes exhibiting the twelve
{u22, 636}
constellations of the zodiac from Aries to Pisces,
|6miniature mechanical orreries,6| arithmetical gelatine lozenges, geometrical to correspond |8to with8| zoological biscuits, globemap playing balls, historically costumed dolls.
{u21, 757}

What also stimulated him in his cogitations?

The financial success achieved by Ephraim Marks and Charles A.º James, the former by his 1d(5.º5) bazaar at 42 George's streetº, southº, the latter at |6his6| 6½d(5.º5) shop and world's fancy fair and waxwork exhibitionº at 30 Henry (errStreet streetºerr), admission (56d |86d. 2d.8|5),º children 1d(5.5);º and the infinite possibilities hitherto unexploited of the modern art of advertisement if condensed in triliteral |8monoideal8| symbols|8, vertically of maximum visibility |a(divined)a|, horizontally of maximum legibility |a(deciphered)a| and8| of magnetising efficacy |8to arrest involuntary attention, to interest, to convince, to decide8|.º

Such as?

K. 11. Kino's 11/- Trousers.

House of Keys. Alexander J. Keyes.

Such as not?

Look at this long candle. Calculate when it burns out and you receive gratis 1 pair of our special non-compo boots,º guaranteed 1 |6Candle candle6| power. Address: Barclay and Cook, 18 Talbot streetº.

|3Bacilikil (Insect |6powder Powder6|)|5.5|

Veribest (Boot Blacking)|5.5|

Uwantit (Combined |6Pocket pocket6| twoblade penknife with corkscrew, nailfile and pipecleaner)|5.5|

Such as never?3|

What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat?


With it an abode of bliss.

Manufactured by George Plumtree, 23 (errMerchant's Merchants'ºerr) quay, Dublin, put up in 4 ozº pots, and inserted by Councillor Joseph P. Nannetti, M.P., Rotunda Ward, 19 Hardwicke streetº, under the obituary notices and anniversaries of deceases. The name on the label is Plumtree. A plumtree in a meatpot, registered trade mark. |3Beware of imitations.3| |6|7Plumtree Peatmot. Trumplee. |8Moutpatº. Plamtroo.8|7|6|
{u21, 758}
{u22, 637}

Which example did he adduce to induce Stephen to |3comprehend deduce3| that originality|3, though |aproducinga| its own reward,3| does not invariably conduce to success?

His own ideated and rejected project of an illuminated showcart, drawn by a beast of burden, in which two smartly dressed girls were to be seated engaged in writing.

What suggested scene was then constructed by Stephen?

|6A solitary Solitary6| hotel in |6a6| mountain pass. Autumn. Twilight. |6A fire Fire6| lit. In |6a6| dark corner |6a6| young man seated. |6A young Young6| woman enters. Restless. |7Solitary.7| She sits. She goes to |6the6| window. She stands. She sits. Twilight. She thinks. On solitary hotel paper she writes. She thinks. She writes. She sighs. Wheels and hoofs. She hurries out. He comes from his dark corner.º He seizes |6the6| solitary paper. He holds it towards |6the6| fire. Twilight. He reads. |7Solitary.7|


In sloping, upright and backhands|6,:6| Queen's Hotelº, Queen's Hotel,º |v3Queen's Hotel.v3| Queen'sº Ho …

What suggested scene was then reconstructed by Bloom?

The Queen's Hotel, Ennis, countyº Clare(err,ºerr) where Rudolph Bloom (Rudolf Virag) died on |6the evening of6| the 27 June 1886|6, at some hour unstated, in consequence6| of an overdose of |6monkhood monkshood6| (aconite) |6selfadministered6| in the form of a neuralgic linimentº composed of 2 parts of aconite liniment to 1 of chloroform liniment |6|7(7|purchased |aby him at 10.20 a.m.a| on the afternoon morning of 27 June 1886 at the |adrapery store medical halla| of Francis Dennehy, 17 Church street, Ennis|7,)7| after having, though not in consequence of having, purchased |aat 3.15 p.m. on the afternoon of 27 June 1886a| a new boater straw hat, extra smart |7(after having, though not in consequence of having, purchased at the hour and in the place aforesaidº the toxin aforesaid)º7|, at the general drapery store of James Cullen, 4 Main street, Ennis6|.º
{u21, 759}

Did he attribute this homonymity to information or coincidence or intuition?


Did he depict the scene verbally for his guest to see?º

He preferred himself to see |7another's face7| and listen to another's words by which potential narration was realised and kinetic temperament relieved.
{u22, 638}

Did he see only a second coincidence in the second scene narrated to him, described by the narrator as A Pisgah Sight of Palestine or The Parable of the Plums?

It, with the preceding scene and with others unnarrated but existent by implication, |3to which add essays on various subjects |7or moral apothegms (e.g. My Favourite Hero or Procrastination is the Thief of Time)7| composed during schoolyears,3| seemed to him to contain in itself and in conjunction with the personal equation certain possibilities of financial, social, personal and sexual success, whether |3specially collected and selected as model |8pedagogicº8| themes |4(of cent per cent merit)4| for the use of preparatory and junior grade students or3| contributed in printed form, following the precedent of Philip Beaufoy or Doctor Dick or Heblon's Studies in Blue, to a publication of certified circulation and solvency or employed verbally as intellectual stimulation for sympathetic auditors|3, tacitly appreciative of successful narrative and confidently augurative of successful achievement,3| during the increasingly |6long longer6| nights gradually following the summer solstice |7on the day but three following, videlicet, Tuesday, 21 June |8(S. Aloysius Gonzaga)8|, sunriseº 3.33 a.m|8.8|, sunset 8.29 p.m7|.

Which domestic problem as much as, if not more than, any other frequently engaged his mind?

What to do with our wives.
{u21, 760}

What had been his hypothetical singular solutions?

Parlour games (dominos, |6bézique,6| halma, tiddledywinks, |6spilikins, cup and ball, nap, spoil five, bezique, twentyfive, beggar my neighbour,6| draughts, chess or backgammon): embroidery, darning or knitting for the policeaided clothing society: musical duets, mandoline and guitar, piano and flute, guitar and piano: legal scrivenery or envelope addressing: biweekly visits to variety entertainments: commercial activity |6as pleasantly commanding and pleasingly obeyed mistress proprietress6| in a cool dairy shop or warm cigar divan: the clandestine satisfaction of erotic irritation in masculine brothels, |7state-inspected state inspected7| and medically controlled: |3social visits, at regular infrequent |apreventeda| intervals and with regular frequent |apreventivea| |8superintendance superintendence8|, to and from female acquaintances of recognised respectability in the vicinity:3| courses of evening instruction specially designed to render |7liberal7| instruction agreeable.

What instances of deficient mental development in his wife inclined him in favour of the |6(6|lastmentioned|6)6| |6(6||7eighth ninth7||6)6| solution?
{u22, 639}

In disoccupied moments she had more than once covered a sheet of paper with signs and hieroglyphics which she stated were Greek and Irish |6and Hebrew6| characters. She had interrogated constantly at varying intervals as to the correct method of writing the capital initial of the name of a city in Canada, Quebec. She understood little of political complications, internal|3,3| or |3balance of power,3| external. In calculating the addenda of bills she frequently had recourse to digital aid. |8After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment,º exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall.8| Unusual polysyllables of foreign origin she interpreted phonetically or by false analogy or by both: metempsychosis (met him pike hoses), aliasº (a mendacious person mentioned in |3sacred3| scriptureº).

|7What outweighed compensated in the false balance of her intelligence for these and such deficiencies of judgment regarding persons, places and things?
{u21, 761}

The false apparent parallelism of all perpendicular arms of all balances, |aproveda| true by construction. The counterbalance of her proficiency of judgment regarding one person, proved true by experiment.7|

How had he attempted to remedy this state of comparative ignorance?

Variously. By leaving in a conspicuous place a certain book open at a certain page|7,:7| by assuming in her|6,6| when alluding explanatorily|6,6| latent knowledge|7,:7| by open ridicule in her presence of some absent other's ignorant lapse.

With what success had he attempted direct instruction?

She followed not all, a part of the whole, gave attention with interest, comprehended with surprise, with care repeated, with greater difficulty remembered, forgot with ease, with misgiving |3remembered reremembered3|, |3repeated rerepeated3| with error.

What system had proved more effective?

Indirect suggestion implicating |8self interest self-interest8|.º


She disliked umbrella with rain, he liked woman with umbrella, she disliked new hat with rain, he liked woman with new hat, he bought new hat with rain|7. She, she7| carried umbrella with new hat.
{u22, 640}

Accepting the analogy implied in his guest's parable which examples of postexilic eminence did he adduce?

Three seekers of the pure truth, Moses of Egypt, Moses Maimonides, author of |6More Nebukim More Nebukim6| (Guide of the Perplexed) and Moses Mendelssohn of such eminence that from Moses (of Egypt) to Moses (Mendelssohn) there arose none like Moses (Maimonides).
{u21, 762}

What statement was made, under correction, by Bloom concerning a fourth seeker of pure truth, by name Aristotle, mentioned|8, with permission,8| by Stephen?

That the seeker mentioned had been a pupil of a rabbinical philosopher, name uncertain.

|3Were other |8anapocryphal8| illustrious sons of the law and children of a |achosen selecteda| or rejected race mentioned?

Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn (composer), Baruch Spinoza (philosopher), Mendoza (pugilist)|8,8| |7Ferdinand Lassalle (reformer, |8duelist duellist8|)7|.3|

What fragmentsº of verse from the ancient Hebrew and ancient Irish languages were cited with modulations of voice and translation of texts by guest to host and by host to guest?

By Stephen: suil, suil, suil arun, suil go siocair agus suil go cuin (walk, walk, walk your way, walk in safety, walk with care).

By Bloom: kifelochº , harimon rakatejch m'baad l'zamatejch|8.8| (thy temple amid thy hair is as a slice of pomegranate).

How was a glyphic comparison (3made3) of the phonic symbols of both languages (3made in substantiation of the oral comparison3)?

|v3By juxtaposition.v3| Onº the penultimate blank page of a book |8of inferior literary style,8| |8entitled entituledº8| Sweets of Sin (produced by Bloom and so manipulated that its front cover came in contact with the surface of the table) with a pencil (supplied by Stephen) Stephen wrote the Irish characters for gee, eh, dee, em, simple and modified, and Bloom in turn wrote the Hebrew characters ghimel, aleph, daleth and (in the absence of mem) a substituted qophº, explaining their arithmetical values |6of as ordinal and cardinal numbers, videlicet6| 3, 1, 4,º and 100.
{u22, 641}

Was the knowledge possessed by both of each of these languages, the extinct and the revived, theoretical or practical?
{u21, 763}

Theoretical, being confined to |7some certain grammatical7| rules of |7grammar accidence7| and syntax and practically excluding vocabulary.

What points of contact existed between (5between5) these languages and |3between3| the peoples who spoke them?

The presence of guttural sounds|8, diacritic aspirations, epenthetic and servile letters8| in both languages|7,:7| their antiquity, both having |errbeenºerr| taught on the plain of Shinar 242 years after the deluge in the seminary instituted by Fenius Farsaigh, descendant of Noah, progenitor of Israel, and ascendant of Heber and Heremon, progenitors of Ireland|7,:7| their |6vast6| archaeologicalº|6,6| genealogical |6and,6| |8hagiographical, exegetical, homilectic, toponomastic,8| historical and religious literatures comprising the works of rabbis and culdees, Torah, Talmud |7(Mischna and Ghemara)7|,º |7Massor,7| Pentateuch, Book of the Dun Cow, Book of Ballymote, |7Garland of Howth,7| Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: (3the isolation of their |8synagogical and ecclesiastical8| rites in ghetto (S. Mary's Abbey) and masshouse (Adam and Eve's tavern): the proscription of their national costumes in penal laws and jewish dress acts:3) the restoration in Chanahº David of Zion and the possibility of Irish political autonomy or devolution.

What anthem did Bloom chant partially in anticipation of that |3multiple|6,6| ethnically irreducibleº3| consummation?

Kolod balejwaw pnimah
Nefesch, jehudi, homijah.

Why |6did he not conclude was the chant arrested at the conclusion of this first |~8distych distichº~|8|6|?

In consequence of defective mnemotechnic.

How did |6he the chanter6| compensate for this deficiency?

By a periphrastic version of the general text.
{u21, 764}

In what common study did their mutual reflections merge?

The increasing simplification traceable from the Egyptian |8epigraphic8| hieroglyphs to the Greek and Roman alphabets and the anticipation of modern stenography and telegraphic code in the cuneiform inscriptions (Semitic) and the virgular |8quinquecostate8| ogham writing (Celtic).
{u22, 642}

Did the guest comply with his host's request?

Doubly, by appending his signature in Irish and Roman characters.

What was Stephen's auditive sensation?

He heard in a profound ancient male unfamiliar melody the accumulation of the past.

What was Bloom's visual sensation?

He saw in a quick young male familiar form the predestination of a future.

|7What were Stephen's and Bloom's quasisimultaneous volitional quasisensations |aof concealed identitiesa|?

Visually, Stephen's: The traditional figure of hypostasis, depicted by Johannes Damascenus, Lentulus Romanus and Epiphanius Monachus as leucodermic, sesquipedalian with winedark hair.

Auditively|8,8| Bloom's: |8blank The traditionalº accent ofº the ecstasy of catastrophe.8|7|

What future careers had been possible for |8him Bloom8| in the past and with what exemplars?

In the church, Roman, Anglicanº or Nonconformist: exemplars, the very reverend John Conmee S.J., the reverend T. Salmon, (5DD D.D.5), provost of Trinity college, Dr Alexander J. Dowie. At the bar, English or Irish:º exemplarsº, Seymour Bushe, K.C., Rufus Isaacs, K.C. On the
{u21, 765}
, modern or Shakespearean: exemplars|6:,º6| Charles Wyndham, high comedian, Osmond Tearle († 1901), exponent of Shakespeare.

Did the host encourage his guest to chant in a modulated voice a strange legend on an allied theme?

Reassuringly, their place,º where none could hear them talk,º being secluded, reassured, the |4prepared decocted4| beverages|4, allowing for |6subsolid6| residual sediment |6of |8a mechanicalº mixture,8| water plus sugar plus cream plus cocoa6|,4| having been consumed.
{u22, 643}

Recite the first (major) part of this chanted legend?

Little Harry Hughes and his schoolfellows all
Went out for to play ball.

And the very first ball littleº Harry Hughes played
He drove it o'er the jew's
º garden wall.
And the very second ball little Harry Hughes played
He broke the jew's windows all.

{u21, 766}

How did the |4host son of Rudolph4| receive this first part?

|8With unmixed feeling.8| Smiling, a jew, he heard with pleasure and saw the unbroken kitchen window.
{u22, 644}

Recite the second part (minor) of the legend.

Then out thereº came the jew's daughter
And she all dressed in green.
“Come back, come back, you pretty little boy,
And play your ball again(5.5)

“I can't come back and I won't come back
Without my schoolfellows all.
For if my master he did hear
He'd make it a sorry ball(5.5)

She took him by the lilywhite hand
And led him along the hall
Until she led him to a room
Where none could hear him call.

She took a penknife out of her pocket
And cut off his little
(errhead head,
And now he'll play his ball no more
For he lies among the dead.

{u21, 767}

How did the |4host father of Millicent4| receive this second part?

|8With mixed feelings.8| Unsmiling, he heard and saw with wonder a jew's daughter, |4Millicent (Milly),4| all dressed in green.
{u22, 645}

Condense Stephen's commentary.

One of all, the least of all, is the victim predestined. Once by inadvertence, twice by design he challenges his destiny. It comes when he is abandoned and challenges him reluctant and, as an apparition of hope and youth, holds him unresisting. It leads him to a strange habitation, to a secret infidel apartment, and there, implacable, immolates him, consenting.

|4Why was the host (victim predestined) sad?

He wished that a tale of a deed should be told of a deed not by him should by him not be told.

Why was the host (reluctant, unresisting) still?

|8blank In accordance with the law of the conservation of energy.8|4|

Why was the host |4(secret infidel)4| silent?

He weighed the possible evidences for and against ritual murder: the incitationsº of the hierarchy, the superstition of the populace, |7the propagation of rumour in continued fraction of veridicity,7| the envy of opulence|6:,6| the influence of retaliation, the sporadic reappearance of atavistic delinquency, the mitigating circumstances of fanaticism, hypnotic suggestion and |s8sonambulism somnambulismºs8|.

(5From which |8(if any)8| of these mental or physical disorders was he not totally immune?

From hypnotic suggestion: once, waking, he had not recognised his sleeping apartment: more than once, waking, he had been for an indefinite time incapable of moving or uttering sounds. From |s8sonambulism somnambulismºs8|:
{u21, 768}
once, sleeping, his body had risen, crouched and crawled in the direction of a heatless fire and, having attained its destination, there, curled, unheated, in night attire had lain, sleeping.5)

Had this latter or any cognate phenomenon declared itself in any member of his family?

Twice, in Holles street and in Ontario terrace, his daughter Millicent (Milly) at the ages of 6 and 8 years had uttered in sleep an exclamation of terror and had replied to the interrogations of two figures in night attire with a vacant mute expression.
{u22, 646}

What other infantile memories had he of her?

15 June 1889. A querulous |7newborn7| female infant crying to cause and lessen congestion. A child renamed Padney Socks she shook with shocks her moneybox: counted his three free |6moneypenny6| buttons,º one, tloo, tlee: a doll, a boy, a sailor she |6threw cast6| away: blond, born of two dark, she had blond ancestry, remote, a violation, Herr Hauptmann Hainau, Austrian army, proximate, a hallucinationº, lieutenant Mulvey, British navy.

What endemic characteristics were present?

Conversely the nasal and frontal formation was derived in a direct line of lineage which, though interrupted, would continue at distant intervals to more distant intervals toº its most distant intervals.

What memories had he of her adolescence?

She relegated her |3hoop and3| skippingrope to a recess. On the duke's lawn|6,º6| entreated by an English visitor|6,6| she declined to permit him to make and take away her photographic image |7(objection not stated)7|. On the South Circular road in the company of Elsa Potter, followed by an individual of sinister aspect, she went half way down Stamer street and turned abruptly back |7(reason of change not stated)7|. On the vigil of the 15th anniversary of her birth she wrote a letter from Mullingar,
{u21, 769}
county Westmeath, making a brief allusion to a local student |7(faculty |aand yeara| not stated)7|.

Did that first division, portending a second division, afflict him?

Less than he had imagined, more than he had hoped.

What second departure was contemporaneously perceived by him similarly,º if differently?

A temporary departure of his cat.

Why similarly, why differently?

Similarly, because actuated by a secret purpose the quest of a |3new3| male |3(Mullingar student)3| or of a healing herb |3(valerian)3|. Differently, because of different possible returns to the inhabitants or to the habitation.

In other respects were their differences similar?

In passivity, in economy, in the instinct of tradition, in unexpectedness.
{u22, 647}


|7Inasmuch as7| |7Leaning leaningº7| she sustained her blond hair for him to ribbon it for her |7(cf|8.8| |aornamental neckarchinga| cat)7|. |7Moreover,7| |7On onº7| the free surface of the lake in Stephen's green amid inverted reflections of trees her uncommented spit, describing concentric circles of waterrings, indicated by the constancy of its permanence the locus of a somnolent prostrate fish |7(cf|8.8| mousewatching cat)7|. |7Again,7| |7In inº7| order to remember the date, combatants, issue and consequences of a famous military engagement she pulled a plait of her hair |7(cf|8.8| earwashing cat)7|. |7Furthermore,7| |7Silly sillyº7| Milly, she dreamed of having had an unspoken unremembered conversation with a horse whose name had been Joseph to whom (which) she had offered a tumblerful of lemonade which it (he) had appeared to have accepted |7(cf|8.8| hearthdreaming cat)7|. |7Hence, in passivity, in economy, in the instinct of tradition, in unexpectedness, theirº differences were similar.7|
{u21, 770}

In what way had he utilised gifts |6|7|8(8|1) an owl, 2) a clock(err)err)º7|,6| givenº as matrimonial auguries|6,6| to interest and to instruct her?

As object lessons to explain: 1) the nature and habits of oviparous animals, the possibility of aerial flight, certain abnormalities of vision, the secular process of imbalsamation: 2) the principle of the pendulum, exemplified in bob, wheelgear and regulator, the translation in terms of human or social regulation of the various positions of |8clockwiseº8| moveable indicators on an unmoving dial, the exactitude of the recurrence per hour of an instant in each hour|7,7|º when the longer and the shorter indicator were at the same angle of inclination, videlicet, 5 5⁄11 minutes past each hour per hour in arithmetical progression.

In what manners did she reciprocate?

She remembered: on the 27th anniversary of his birth she presented to him a breakfast moustachecup of imitation crown Derby porcelain ware. She provided: at quarter day or thereabouts if or when purchases had been made by him not for her she showed herself attentive to his necessities, anticipating his desires. She admired: a natural phenomenon having been explained by him toº her she expressed the immediate desire to possess without gradual acquisition a fraction of his science, the moiety, the quarter, a thousandth part.
{u22, 648}

What proposal did Bloom, diambulist, father of Milly, (5sonambulist somnambulist5), make to Stephen, noctambulist?

To pass in repose the hours intervening between Thursday (proper) and Friday (normal) on an extemporised cubicle in the apartment immediately above the kitchen and immediatelyº adjacent to the sleeping apartment of his host and hostess.

What various advantages would or might have resulted from a (errprolungation prolongationºerr) of such anº extemporisation?

For the guest: security of domicile and seclusion of study. For the host: rejuvenation of intelligence, vicarious satisfaction. For the
{u21, 771}
hostess: disintegration of obsession, acquisition of correct Italian pronunciation.

|3Why might these several|aeventualities |bprovisionalb| |6contingency contingencies6|a| between a guest and a hostess not necessarily preclude or be precluded by a permanent |acontingency eventuality of reconciliatory uniona| between a |6boy schoolfellow6| and a jew's daughter?

Because the way to daughter led through mother, the way to mother through daughter.

To what |7inconsequent polysyllabic7| question of his host did the guest return a |amonosyllabica| negative answer?

If he had known |athe latea| Mrs Emily Sinico, accidentally killed at Sydney Parade railway station|6,6| 14 October 1903.3|

|8What inchoate |aconsequent corollarya| statement was consequently suppressed by the host?

A statement explanatory of his absence on the occasion of the interment of Mrs Mary |errGoulding Dedalus (born Goulding)ºerr|, 26 June 1903, vigil of the anniversary of the decease of Rudolph Bloom (born Virag).8|

Was the proposal |8of asylum8| accepted?

Promptly, inexplicably, with amicability, gratefully it was declined.

|8What exchange of money took place between host and guest?

The former returned to the latter, without interest, a sum of money (£1-7-0), one pound seven shillings sterlingº, advanced by the latter to the former.8|
{u22, 649}

What counterproposals were alternately advanced, accepted, modified, declined, restated in other terms, reaccepted, ratified, reconfirmed?
{u21, 772}

To inaugurate a |6prearranged6| course of Italian instruction, place the residence of the instructed. To inaugurate a course of vocal instruction, place the residence of the instructress. To inaugurate a series of static, semistatic and peripatetic intellectual dialogues, places the residence of both speakers (if both speakers were resident in the same place),º the (errShip Shipºerr) hotel and tavern, 6 Lower Abbey street (W. and E.º Connery, proprietors), the National Library of Ireland, 10 Kildare street, the National Maternity Hospital, 29, 30 and 31 Holles street, a public garden, the vicinity of a place of worship, a conjunction of two or more public thoroughfares, the point of bisection of a right line drawn between their residences (if both speakers were resident in different places).

What rendered problematic for Bloom the realisation of these mutually selfexcluding propositions?

The irreparability of the past: once at a performance of Albert Hengler's circus in the Rotunda, Rutland squareº, Dublin|8,8| an intuitive particolouredº clown in quest of paternity had penetrated from the ring to a place in the auditorium where Bloom, solitary, was seated and had publicly declared to an exhilarated audience that he (Bloom) was his (the clown's) papa. The imprevidibility of the future: once in the summer of 1898 he (Bloom) had marked a florin (2/-) with three notches on the milled edge and tendered it in payment of an account due to and received by J. and T.º Davy, family grocers, 1 Charlemont Mall, Grand Canal, for circulation on the waters of civic finance, for possible, circuitous or direct, return.

Was the clown Bloom's son?


Had Bloom's coin returned?

{u21, 773}

Why would a recurrent frustration the more depress him?

Because at the critical turningpoint of human existence he desired to amend many social conditions, the product of inequality and avarice and international animosity.
{u22, 650}

He believed then that human life was infinitely perfectible, eliminating these conditions?

There remained the generic conditions imposed by natural, as distinct from human law(3, as integral parts of the human whole3):º the necessity of destruction to procure alimentary sustenance|6,(err;:º9)6| the painful character of |6the ultimate functions of |aseparatea| existence,6| |8the agonies of8| birth and death|6,:6| the monotonous menstruationº of simian and (particularly) human females extending from the age of puberty to the menopause|6,(err;:º9)6| inevitable accidents at sea, in mines and factories|6,:6| certain very painful maladies and their resultant surgical operations, innate lunacy and |6congenital6| criminality, (3decimating epidemics|6,:6|3) catastrophic cataclysmsº which make terror the basis of human mentality|6,:6| seismic upheavals the epicentres of which are located in densely populated regions|6,:6| the fact of vital growth|6, through convulsions of metamorphosis,6| from infancy through maturity to decay.

Why did he desist from speculation?

Because it was a task for a superior intelligence to substitute other |7|amorea| acceptable7| phenomena in theº place of |6those the |7less acceptable7| phenomena6| to be removed.

Did Stephen participate in his dejection?

He affirmed his significance as a |6conscious rational animal proceeding syllogistically from the known to the unknown and a6| conscious rational reagent between a micro and a macrocosm |8ineluctably8| constructed upon the incertitude of the void.

Was this affirmationº apprehended by Bloom?

Not (3literally, verbally3) |6substantially. Substantially6|.
{u21, 774}

|8What comforted his misapprehension?

That as a competent keyless citizen he had proceeded energetically from the unknown to the known through the incertitude of the void.8|

|7In what order of precedence, with what attendant ceremony was the exodus from the house of bondage to the wilderness of inhabitation effected?

Lighted Candle in Stick

borneº by


Diaconal Hat on Ashplant

borneº by

{u22, 651}

With what intonation secreto of what psa commemorative psalm?

The |857th 113th8|, modus peregrinus:º In exitu Israelº de Egypto:º domus |8David Jacob8| de populo barbaro.7|

|8What did each doº at the door of egress?

Bloom set the candlestick on the floor. Stephen put the hat on his head.

For what creature was the door of egress a door of ingress?

For a cat.8|

What spectacle confronted them when they, first the host, then the guest, emerged silently, doubly dark, (3from obscurity3) by a passage from the rere of the house into (3the penumbra of3) the garden?

The heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit.

With what meditations did Bloom accompany his demonstration to his companion of various constellationsº?
{u21, 775}

Meditations |4of evolution4| increasingly vaster: |7of the |amoona| invisible |amoona| in incipient lunation, approaching perigee:7| of the infinite lattiginous scintillating uncondensed milky way, |4discernible by daylight by an observer placed at the lower end of a cylindrical vertical shaft 5000 ft deep sunk from the surface towards the centre of the earth|6,:6|4| of Sirius |7(alpha in Canis Maior)7| |79 107| lightyears |7(57 bi |a57,000,000,000,000,000,000 57,000,000,000,000ºa| miles)7| distant and in volume 900 times the dimension of our planet|6,:6| of Arcturus|6,:6| |8of the precession of equinoxes:8| of Orion with belt |7and sextuple sun theta7| and nebula in which 100 of our solar systems could be contained|6,:6| of moribund|6, and6| of nascent new stars such as Nova in 1901|6,:6| of our system plunging towards the constellation of Hercules|6,:6| of the parallax or parallactic drift of socalled fixed stars, in reality evermoving (5wanderers5)º from immeasurably remote eons to infinitely remote futures in comparison with which the years, threescoreº and ten, of allotted human life formed a (3period parenthesis3) of infinitesimal brevity.

(3Were there obverse meditations |4of involution4| increasingly less vast?

Of the eons of geological periods recorded in the stratifications of the earth|6,:6| of the myriad minute entomological |6organic6| existences concealed in cavities of the earth, beneath removable stones, in hives and mounds, of microbes, germs, bacteria, |6bacills bacilli6|, spermatozoa|6,:6| of the |4incalculable4| trillions |7of billions7| of millions of |6imperceptible6| molecules contained |4by cohesion of molecular affinity4| in a |4single4|
{u22, 652}
|6,:6| of the universe of human serum constellated with red and white bodies, themselves universes of void space constellated with other bodies, each|6, in continuity,6| its universe of divisible component bodies of which |6each6| was again divisible in divisions of redivisible component bodies, dividends and divisors ever diminishing without actual division till, if the processº were carried far enough, nought |6nowhere6| was never reached.3)

Why did he not elaborate these calculations to a more precise result?

Because some years previously in 1886 when occupied with the
{u21, 776}
problem of the quadrature of the circle he had learned of the existence of a number computed |4to a relative degree of accuracy4| to be of such magnitude |4and of so many places4|, e.g., the 9th power of the 9th power of 9, that|6,6| (3the result having been obtained,3) 33 closely printed volumes of 1000 pages each of innumerable quires and reams of India paper would have to be requisitioned in order to contain the complete tale of its printed integers (3|4of units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions4|, the nucleus of the nebula of every digit of every series containing succinctly the potentiality of being raised to the utmost kinetic elaboration of any power of any of its powers3).

Did he find the |7problem problemsº7| of the inhabitability of the planets and their satellites |4by a race|6,6| given in species|6,6| |7and of the possible |asocial and moral redemptiona| of said race by a redeemer,7|4| easier of solution?

Of a different order of difficulty. Conscious that the human organism(3, normally capable of sustaining an atmospheric pressure of |416 194| tons,3) when elevated to a considerable altitude in the terrestrial atmosphere suffered (3with arithmetical progression of intensity|6,6| according as the line of demarcation between troposphere and stratosphereº was approximated|6,6|3) from nasal hemorrhage, impeded respiration and vertigo, when proposing this problem for solution, he had conjectured (3as a working hypothesis |4which could not be proved impossible4|3) that a more (3ancient3) |6|7adaptible adaptable7|6| and differently (3anatomically3) constructed race of beings might subsist otherwise under Martian, Mercurial, Veneral, Jovian, Saturnian, Neptunian or Uranian |4sufficient and equivalent4| conditions, though |6an apogean6| humanity |6of beings created6| |4in varying forms |7withº finite differencesº resulting7| similar to the whole and to one another4| would probably there as here remain inalterably |6and inalienably6| attached to |7vanities, to7| vanities of vanities |7and to all that is vanity7|.
{u22, 653}

|7And the problem of possible redemption?

The minor was proved by the major.7|
{u21, 777}

(3Which various features of the constellations were in turn considered?

The various colours significant of various degrees of vitality (white, yellow, crimson, |6dark red vermilion, cinnabar6|)|6,:6| their degrees of brilliancy|6,:6| their magnitudes revealed up to and including the 7th|6,:6| their positions|6,:6| the waggoner's star|6,:6| Walsingham way|6,:6| the chariot of David|6,:6| |4the annular cinctures of Saturn|6,:6|4| the condensation of spiral nebulae into suns|6,:6| the |7interdependant interdependentº7| gyrations of double suns|6,:6| the |6independant independent6| synchronous discoveries of Galileo, Simon Marius, Piazzi, Le Verrier, Herschel, Galle|6,:6| the systematisations attempted by Bode and Kepler of cubes of distances and squares of times of revolution|6,:6| the almost infinite compressibility of hirsute comets and their vast elliptical egressive and reentrant orbits from perihelion to aphelion|6,:6| the sidereal origin of meteoric stones: the Libyan floods on Mars about the period of the birth of the younger astroscopistº |6,:6| the annual recurrence of meteoric showers about the period of the feast of S. Lawrence|6, (martyr,º 10 August):6| the monthly recurrence known as the new moon with the old moon in her arms|6,:6| the posited influence of celestial on human bodies|6,:6| the appearance of a star |7(1st magnitude)7| of exceeding brilliancy |7dominating by night and day7| (a new luminous sun generated by the collision and amalgamation in incandescence of two |6non-luminous nonluminous6| exsuns) about the period of the birth of William Shakespeare over delta in the recumbent neversetting constellation of Cassiopeia|7, and of a star (2nd magnitude) of similar origin but |~of~|º lesser brilliancy which had appeared in and disappearedº from the constellation of the Corona Septentrionalis about the period of the birth of Leopold Bloom and of other stars of (presumably) similar origin which had (effectively or presumably) appeared in and disappeared from the constellation of Andromeda about the period of the birth of Stephen Dedalus, and in and from the constellation of Auriga some years after the birth and death of Rudolph Bloom, junior, and in and from other constellations some years before or after the birth or death of other persons7| |7a7| |69 |7nine7|6| |7years' wonder7||6,:º6| the attendant phenomena of eclipses, solar and lunar, |8from immersion to emersion,8| abatement of wind, |4transit of shadow,4| taciturnity of
{u21, 778}
winged creatures, emergence of nocturnal or crepuscular animals
, |7(errpersistance persistenceºerr) of infernal light,7| obscurity of terrestrial waters, pallor of human beings.3)
{u22, 654}

His |6(Bloom's)6| logical conclusion|7, having weighed the matter and allowing for possible error7|?

|7That it was not a heaventree, not a heavengrot, not a heavenbeast, not a heavenman.7| That it was a Utopia, |6(there being no known method from the known to the unknown|7,:7|6| |4an infinityº renderable equally finite by the suppositiousº apposition of |61 one6| or more bodies equally of the same and |7of7| different magnitudes|7,:7|4| |3a mobility |8of illusory forms8| immobilised in space, remobilised in air|7,:7|3| a past which possibly had ceased to exist |7as a present7| before its |4probableº |errfutureº9|4| spectators had entered |4actual4| |7present7| existence.

Was he more convinced of the esthetic value of the spectacle?

Indubitably in consequence of the reiterated examples of poets in the delirium of the frenzy of |6love attachment6| or in the abasement of rejection invoking |6resplendent ardent sympathetic6| constellations or the frigidity of the satellite of their planet(5?.5)

Did he then accept |4as an article of belief4| the theory of astrological influences |4upon sublunary disasters4|?

It seemed to him as possible of proof as of confutation and the nomenclature employed in its |3semelographical selenographical3| charts as attributable to verifiable intuition as to fallacious analogy: the lake of dreams, the |8seas sea8| of rains, the gulf of dews, the ocean of fecundity.

What special affinities appeared to him to exist between the moon and woman?

Her antiquity in preceding and surviving successive |6tellurian6| generations|6,:6| her nocturnal predominance|6,:6| her satellitic dependence|6,:6| her luminary reflection|6,:6| her constancy under all her phases, risingº
{u21, 779}
and setting by her appointed times, waxing and waning|6,:6| the (3forced3) invariability of her aspect|6,:6| |4her indeterminate response to inaffirmative interrogation|6,:6|4| her potency over effluent and refluent waters|6,:6| |4her power to enamour, to mortify, |ato invest with beauty,a| to render insane, to incite to and aid delinquency|6,:6|4| the tranquil inscrutability of her visage|6,:6| |3the terribility of her isolated dominant |aimplacablea| resplendent propinquity|6,:6|3| her omens of tempest and of calm|6,:6| the stimulation of her light, her motion and her presence|6,:6| the admonition of her craters, her arid seas, her silence: her splendour, when visible|6,:6| her attraction(3,3) when invisible.
{u22, 655}

What visible luminous sign attracted Bloom's, who attracted Stephen's,º gaze(5.?5)

In the second storey (rere) of his |6(6|Bloom's|6)6| house |4The the4| light of a paraffin oil lamp with oblique shade projected on a screen of roller blind supplied by Frank O'Hara, window blind, curtain pole and revolving |6shutter6| manufacturer, 16 Aungier street.

How did he elucidate the mystery of an invisible |7|~attractive~|º7| person, his wife Marion (Molly) Bloom, |4indicated denoted4| by a visible |7vigilant splendid7| |v3luminousv3| signº, a lamp?

With indirect and direct verbal allusions or affirmations: with subdued affection and admiration: with description:º with impediment:º with suggestion.

Both then were silent?

Silent, each contemplating the other in both mirrors of the |8reciprocal8| flesh of |7|8his nothis theirhisnothis8|7| fellowfaces.

Were they indefinitely inactive?

At Stephen's suggestion, at Bloom's instigation both, first Stephen, then Bloom, in penumbra urinated, their sides contiguous, their organs of micturition reciprocally rendered invisible by manual circumposition, their gazes, first Bloom's, then Stephen's, elevated to the projected luminous and semiluminous shadow.
{u21, 780}


The trajectories of their, first sequent, then simultaneous, urinations were dissimilar: Bloom's longer, less irruent, in the incomplete form of the bifurcated penultimate |6alphabetical6| letter who in his ultimate year at High School (1880) had been capable of attaining the point of greatest altitude against the whole |7concurrent7| strength of the institution|6,6| 210 scholars: Stephen's higher, more sibilant, who in the ultimate hours of the previous day had augmented by |7diuretic7| consumption an insistent |6vesical (errvescical vesicalº9)6| pressure.

What different problems presented themselves to each concerning the invisible audible |3collateral3| organ of the other?

To Bloom: the problems of irritability, tumescence, rigidity, reactivity, dimension, sanitariness, pelosity. To Stephen: the problem of the sacerdotal integrity of Jesus circumcised (|81 1st8| January, holiday of obligation to hear mass
{u22, 656}
and abstain from unnecessary servile work) and the problem as to whether the divine prepuce, the carnal bridal ring of the holy Roman catholic apostolic church, conserved in Calcata, were deserving of simple hyperduly or of the |74th fourth7| degree of latria accorded to the abscission of |3such3| divine |3excrescences as3| hair and toenails.

(3What celestialº sign was by both simultaneously observed?

A star precipitated with great apparent velocity |6across the firmament6| from Vega in the Lyre above the zenith beyond the stargroup of the Tress of Berenice towards the zodiacal sign of Leo.

How did the centripetal remainer afford egressº to the centrifugal departer?

By inserting the barrel of an arruginated male key in the hole of an unstable female lock, obtaining a purchase on the |6handle bow6| of the key and turning its wards from right to left, withdrawing a bolt from its staple, pulling inward spasmodically an obsolescent unhinged door and revealing an aperture for free egress and free ingress.
{u21, 781}

How did they takeº leave|7,7| one of the other|7,7| in separation?

Standing perpendicular at the same door and on different sides of its base, the lines of their valedictory arms, meeting at any point and forming any angle less than the sum of two right angles.3)

|7What sound accompanied the union of their tangent, the disunion of their (respectively) centrifugal and centripetal hands?

The sound of the peal of the hour of the night by the chime of the bells in the St church of Saint George.

What echoes of that sound were by both and each heard?

By Stephen:

Liliata rutilantium. Turma circumdet.
(errJubilantium Iubilantiumºerr) te virginum. Chorus excipiat.

By Bloom:

Heigho, heigho,
Heigho, heigho.

{u22, 657}

Where were the several members of the company which with Bloom that day at the bidding of that peal had travelled from Sandymount in the south to Glasnevin in the north?

Martin Cunningham (in bed), Jack Power (in bed), Simon Dedalus (in bed), |8Ned Lambert (in bed), Tom Kernan (in bed), Tom Kernan (in bed), Ned Lambert (in bed),º8| Joe Hynes (in bed), John Henry Menton (in bed), Bernard Corrigan (in bed), Patsy Dignam (in bed), Paddy Dignam (in the grave).7|

Alone, what did Bloom hear?

The double reverberation of retreating feet |7on the heavenborn earth7|, the double |6twang vibration6| of a jew's harp in the resonant lane.
{u21, 782}

Alone, what did Bloom(8,8) feel?

The cold of interstellar space, thousands of degrees below |7freezing point or7| the |3absolute3| zero of Fahrenheit, Centigrade or Réaumur: the incipient intimations of proximate dawn.

|7Of what did bellchime and handtouch and footstep and lonechill remind him?

Of companions now in various manners in different places defunct: Percy Apjohn (killed in action, Modder River),º Philip Gilligan (phthisis, Jervis Street hospital), Matthew F. Kane (accidental drowning, Dublin Bay), Philip Moisel (pyemia, Heytesbury street),º Michael Hart|~,~|º (phthisis, Mater Misericordiaeº hospital), Patrick Dignam|~,~|º (apoplexy, Sandymount).7|

What prospect of what |7phenomenon phenomena7| inclined him to remain?

The disparition of three final stars, the diffusion of daybreak, the apparition of a new |3young sun solar disk3|.

Had he ever been a spectator of |7that phenomenon those phenomena7|?

Once, in 1887,º after a protracted performance of charades in the house of Luke Doyle, Kimmage|6,6| he had awaited with patience the apparition of the diurnal phenomenon, seated on a wall, his gaze turned in the direction of |7Mizrach,7| the east.

He remembered the initial paraphenomena?

More active air, a matutinal distant cock, ecclesiastical clocks at various points, avine music, the isolated tread of an early wayfarer, the visible diffusion
{u22, 658}
of the light of an invisible luminous body, the first golden limb of the resurgent |3sun |asolar disk suna|3| perceptible low on the horizon.

|3Did he remain?

With deep inspiration he returned, retraversing the garden,
{u21, 783}
reentering the passage|7,7| |6reclosing the door6|. With brief suspiration he reassumed the candle, reascended the stairs, reapproached the door of the front room, hallfloor, and |6entered reentered6|.3|

What suddenly arrested his ingress?

|8His The8| right temporal lobe |7of the hollow sphere of his cranium7| came into contact with a solid timber angle where, an infinitesimal but sensible fraction of a second later, a painful sensation was located in consequence of antecedentº sensations transmitted and registered.

Describe the alterations effected in the disposition of the articles of furniture.º

A sofa upholstered in prune plush had been translocated from opposite the door to the ingleside near the compactly furled Union Jack (an alteration which he had frequently intended to execute)|6,:6| the blue and white checker inlaid majolicatopped table had been placed opposite the door in the place vacated by the prune plush sofa: the walnut sideboard (a projecting angle of which had |6momentarily6| arrested his ingress) had been moved from its position beside the door to a more advantageous but more perilous position in front of the door: two chairs had been moved from right and left of the ingleside to the position originally occupied by the blue and white checker inlaid majolicatopped table.

Describe them.

One: a squat stuffed easychair,º with stout arms extended and back slanted to the rere, which|7,7| repelled in recoil|7,7| had |7then7| upturned an irregular fringe of a rectangular rug and |7now7| displayed on its amply upholstered seat a centralised diffusing and diminishing discolouration. The other: a slender splayfoot chair of glossy cane curves, placed directly opposite the former, its frame from top to seat and from seat to base being varnished dark brown, its seat being a bright circle of white plaited rush.
{u21, 784}

What significances attached to these two chairs?

Significances of similitude, of posture, of symbolism, of circumstantial evidence, of testimonial supermanence.
{u22, 659}

What occupied the position originally occupied by the sideboard?

A vertical piano (Cadby) with exposed keyboard, its closed coffin supporting a pair of long yellow ladies' gloves and an emerald ashtray containing four consumed matches, a partly consumed cigarette and two discoloured ends of cigarettes, its musicrest supporting the music in the key of G natural for voice and piano of Love's Old Sweet Song (words by G. Clifton Bingham, composed by J.L. Molloy, sung by Madam Antoinette Sterling) open at the last page with the final indications |6ad libitum ad libitum6|, |6forte forte6|, pedal, |6animato animato6|, sustainedº pedal, |6ritirando ritirando6|,º close.

With what sensations did Bloom contemplate in rotation these objects?

With strain, elevating a candlestick: with pain|7,7| feeling on his right temple a contused tumescence: with attention, focussing his gaze on a large dull passive and aº slender bright active: |7with solicitation, bending and downturning the upturned rugfringe:7| with amusement, remembering Dr Malachi Mulligan's scheme of colour containing the gradation of green: with pleasure, repeating the words and antecedent act and perceiving through various channels of internal sensibility the consequent and concomitant tepid pleasant diffusion of gradual discolouration.

His next proceeding?

From an open box on theº majolicatopped table he extracted a black diminutive cone, |61 one6| inch in height, placed it on its circular base on a small tin plate, placed his candlestick on the right corner of the mantelpiece, produced from his waistcoat a folded |8typed letter page of prospectus (illustrated) entitled Agendath Netaim8|, unfolded the |8folded letter same8|, examined it
{u21, 785}
superficially, rolled it into a thin cylinder, ignited it in the candleflame, applied it when ignited to the apex of the cone till the latter reached the stage of rutilance, placed the cylinder in the basin of the candlestick disposing its unconsumed part in such a manner as to facilitate total combustion.

What followed |3this operation3|?

|3From3| Theº |3truncated conical3| crater summit of the diminutive volcano emitted a vertical and serpentine fume redolent of aromatic oriental incense.

What |7homothetic7| objects, other than the candlestick, stood on the mantelpiece?
{u22, 660}

A timepiece of striated |3Connemara3| marble, stopped at the hour of 4.46 a.m. on the 21 March 1896, matrimonial gift of Matthew Dillon|6,:6| a dwarf tree of glacial arborescence under a transparentº bellshade, matrimonial gift of Luke and Caroline Doyle|6,:6| an embalmed owl, matrimonial gift of Alderman John Hooper.

What interchanges of looks took place between these three objects and Bloom?

In the mirror of the giltbordered pierglass the undecorated back of the dwarf tree regarded the upright back of the embalmed owl. Before the mirror the matrimonial gift of Alderman John Hooper with a clear melancholy wise bright motionless compassionate gaze regarded Bloom while Bloom with obscure tranquil profound motionless compassionated gaze regarded the matrimonial gift of Luke and Caroline Doyle.

What composite |3asymmetrical3| image in the mirror then attracted his attention?

The image of a solitary |3(ipsorelative)3| mutable |3(aliorelative)3| man.
{u21, 786}

Why solitary |3(ipsorelative)3|?

Brothers and sisters had he none.
Yet that man's father was his grandfather's son.

Why mutable |3(aliorelative)3|?

From infancy to maturity he had |3ressembled resembled3| his maternal procreatrix. From maturity to senility he would increasingly |3ressemble resemble3| his paternal procreator.

What final visual impression was communicated to him by the mirror?

The optical reflection of several inverted volumes |7|anot improperlya| arranged |aand nota| in the order of their common letters7| with scintillating titles on the two bookshelves opposite.

Catalogue these books.

|3Thom's Dublin Post Office Directory 1886 Thom's Dublin Post Office Directory, 1886.3|
{u22, 661}

Denis Florence M'Carthy's |3Poetical Works Poetical Works3| |3(copper beechleaf bookmark at p. 5).3|

Shakespeare's |3Works Works3| (dark crimson morocco, goldtooled)|3.3|

|3The Useful Ready Reckoner The Useful Ready Reckoner3| (brown cloth)|3.3|

|4The Secret History of the Court of Charles II The Secret History of the Court of Charles II4| (red cloth|3, tooled binding3|)|4.4|

|4The Child's Guide The Child's Guide4| (blue cloth)|4.4|

(33) (3The Beauties of Killarney (wrappers)3)

|4When We Were Boys When We Were Boys4| by William O'Brien M.P. (green cloth, slightly faded|3, envelope bookmark at p. 2173|)|4.4|

|4Thoughts from Spinoza Thoughts from Spinoza4| (maroon leather)|4.4|

|3|4The Story of the Heavens The Story of the Heavens4| by Sir Robert Ball (blue cloth)(5.5)

Ellis's |4Three Trips to Madagascar Three Trips to Madagascar4| (brown cloth, title obliterated)(5.5)

|4The Stark-Munro Letters The Stark-Munro Letters4| by A. Conan Doyle, property of |6the6| City of Dublin Public Library, 106 Capel Street, lent 21 May (Whitsun Eve) 1904, due 4 June 1904, 13 days overdue|a, (a|black cloth binding, bearing white |7letter-number letternumber7| ticket|a)a|.
{u21, 787}

|4Voyages in China Voyages in China4| by “Viator” (recovered with brown paper, red ink title)|4.4|3|

|4Philosophy of the Talmud Philosophy of the Talmud4| (sewn pamphlet)|4.4|

(errLockart's Lockhart'sºerr) |4Life of Napoleon Life of Napoleon4| (cover wanting, marginal annotations, minimising victories, aggrandising defeats of the protagonist)|4.4|

|4Soll und Haben Soll und Haben4| |8by Gustav Freytag8| (black boards|3, |8Gothic characters,8| cigarette coupon bookmark at p. 243|)(5.5)

|7|8Hardiman's Hozier's8| History of the Russo-Turkish War (brownº cloth, |82 volumes,8| with gummed label |8on,8| Garrison Library,º Governor's Parade, Gibraltar, on |areverse versoa| of cover).7|

|7Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland by William Allingham (second edition, green cloth, gilt trefoil design, previous owner's name on recto of flyleaf erased|8).8|7|

|4A Handbook of Astronomy A Handbook of Astronomy4| (cover, brown leather, detached, 5 plates, antique letterpress long primer, author's footnotes |6pica nonpareil6|, marginal clues brevier|6, captions small pica6|)|4.4|

|4The Hidden Life of Christ The Hidden Life of Christ4| (black boards)(5.5)
{u22, 662}

|4In the Track of the Sun In the Track of the Sun4| (yellow cloth, titlepage missing|8(err,ºerr) recurrent title intestation8|)(5.5)

|4Physical Strength and How to Obtain It Physical Strength and How to Obtain It4| by Eugen Sandow (red cloth)(5.5)

|4Short but yet Plain Elements of Geometry Short but yet Plain Elements of Geometry4| written in French by F. Ignat. Pardies and rendered into |3English Engliſhº3| by John Harris D.D. London, printed for R. Knaplock at the |3Bishop's Biſhop's3| Head,º MDCCXI, with dedicatory |3epistle epiſtle3| to his worthy friend Charles Cox, |3esquire eſquire3|, Member of Parliament for the burgh of Southwark and having ink calligraphed statement on the flyleaf certifying that the book was the property of Michael Gallagher, dated this 10th day of May 1822|7,7| and |3requesting requeſting3| the |3finder perſon who should find it3|, if the book should be |8lost loſt8| or go |3astray aſtray3|, to |8restore reſtore8| it to Michael Gallagher, carpenter, Dufery Gate, |8Enniscorthy Enniſcorthy8|, county Wicklow, the |8finest fineſt8| place in the world.
{u21, 788}

What reflections occupied his mind during the process of reversion of the inverted volumes?

The necessity of order, a place for everything and everything in its place: the deficient appreciation of literature possessed by females: the incongruity of an apple incuneated in a tumbler and of an umbrella inclined in a closestool: the insecurity of hiding any secret document behind, beneath or between the pages of a book.

|7Which volume was the largest in bulk?

|8Hardiman's Hozier's8| |8History of the Russo-Turkish War History of the Russo-Turkish War8|.7|

|8What among other data did the second volume of the work in question contain?

The name of a decisive battle (forgotten), frequently remembered by a decisive officer, major Brian Cooper Tweedy (remembered).8|

Why, firstly and secondly, did he not consult the work in question?

Firstly, in order to exercise mnemotechnic: secondly, because after an interval of amnesia, when,º seated at the central table, about to consult the work
{u22, 663}
in question, he remembered by mnemotechnic
the name of the military engagement, Plevna.

|8What caused him consolation in his sitting posture?

The candour, nudity, pose, tranquilityº, youth, grace, sex, counsel of a statue erect in the centre of the table, an image of Narcissus purchased by auction from P.A. Wren, 9 Bachelor's Walk.8|

What caused him irritation in his sitting posture?

Inhibitory pressure of collar (size 17) and waistcoat (5 buttons),
{u21, 789}
two articles of clothing superfluous in the costume of mature males and inelastic to alterations of mass by expansion.

How was the irritation allayed?

He removed his collar, with contained black necktie and collapsible stud, from his neck to a position on the left of the table. He unbuttoned successively in reversed direction waistcoat, trousers, shirt and vest along the medial line of irregular incrispated black hairs extending in triangular convergence from the pelvic basin over the circumference of the abdomen and umbilicular fossicle along the medial line of nodes to the intersection of the sixth pectoral vertebrae, thence produced both ways at right angles and terminating in circles described about two equidistant points, right and left, on the summits of the mammary prominences. |7He unbraced successively each of six minus one braced trouser buttons, arranged in pairs, of which one incomplete.7|

What involuntary actions followed?

He compressed between 2 fingers the flesh circumjacent to a cicatrice in the left infracostal region below the diaphragm resulting from a sting inflicted 2 weeks and 3 days previously (23 May 1904) by a bee. He scratched imprecisely with his right hand, though insensible of prurition, various points and surfaces of his partly exposed|6,6| wholly abluted skin. He inserted his left hand into the left lower pocket of his waistcoat and extracted and replaced a silver coin (1 shilling), placed there (presumably) on the occasion (|err10 17ºerr| October 1903) of the interment of Mrs Emily Sinico, Sydney Parade.
{u21, 790}
{u22, 664}

|3Compile the budget for 16 June 1904.

                        Debit                         Credit
(err£. S. D.£. s. d.ºerr) (err£. S. D.£. s. d.ºerr)
1 Pork kidney … 0. 0. 3 Cash in Handº 0. 4. 9
1 Copy Freeman's Journal 0. 0. 1 Commission recd. Freeman's Journal 1. 7. 6
1 Bath and Gratificationº 0. 1. 6 Loan (Stephen Dedalus) … |71.11. 01. 7. 07|
Tramfare … 0. 0. 1
|81 In Memoriam Patrick Dignam … 0. 5. 08|
2 Banbury cakes … 0. 0. 1
1 Lunch … 0. 0. 7
1 Renewal fee for book … 0. 1. 0
1 Packet Notepaper and Envelopesº 0. 0. 2
1 Dinner and Gratificationº 0. 2. 0
1 Postal Order and Stampº 0. 2. 8
Tramfare … 0. 0. 1
|41 Pig's Foot … 0. 0. 4
1 Sheep's Trotter … 0. 0. 3
1 Cake Fry's Plain Chocolateº (50. 1. 00. 0. 15)
1 Square Soda Breadº 0. 0. 44|
1 Coffee and Bunº 0. 0. 4
Loan (Stephen Dedalus) refunded … |71. 11. 01. 7. 07|
Balance … |41. 3. 5|81. 1. 6|err0. 16. 60. 17. 5º9|8|4|
——— ———
£ |73. 3. 3 2. 19. 37| £ |73. 3. 3 2. 19. 37|
{u21, 791}

Did the process of (5disvestiture divestiture5) continue?

Sensible of a benignant persistentº ache in his footsoles he extended his foot to one side and observed the creases, protuberances and salient points caused by foot pressure in the course of walking repeatedly in several different directions, then, inclined, he disnoded the laceknots, unhooked and loosened the laces, took off each of his two boots for the second time, detached the partially moistened right sock through the fore part of which the nail of his great toe had again effracted, raised his right |errfootºerr| and, having unhooked a purple elastic sock suspender, took off his right sock, placed his unclothed right foot on the margin of the seat of his chair, picked at and gently lacerated the protruding part of the great toenail, raised the part lacerated to his nostrils and inhaled the odour of the quick, then,º with satisfaction,º threw away the lacerated |8unghial |errunguial unguicalº9|8| fragment.
{u22, 665}

Why with satisfaction?

Because the odour inhaled corresponded to other odours inhaled of other |8unghial |errunguial unguicalº9|8| fragments, picked and lacerated by Master Bloom, pupil of Mrs |3Jowett's Ellis's3| juvenile school, patiently each night in the act of brief genuflection and nocturnal prayer and ambitious meditation.

In what ultimate ambition had all concurrent and consecutive ambitions now coalesced?

Not to inherit |8by right of primogeniture, gavelkind or borough English,8| or |6posses possess6| in perpetuity |6an6| extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres, roods and perches|3, statute land measure |8(valuation £42)8|, of grazing turbary3| surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor, on the other hand, a terracehouse or semidetached villa, described as Rus in Urbe or Qui si sanaº|8,8| but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped |32 storey3| dwellinghouse of southerly aspect, |6surmounted by vane |aand lightning conductora|,6| |7connected with the earth,7| with porch covered by parasitic plants (ivy or Virginia creeper), |3halldoor, olive green, with smart carriage finish
{u21, 792}
and neat doorbrasses, stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable,3| rising, if possible, upon a gentle eminence |3with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet |6over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures6|3| and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground, |3at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset |6hornbeam6| hedge of topiary cutting,3| situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis, within a time limit of not more than 15º minutes from tram or train line(err,err)º (e.g.,º Dundrum, south, or Sutton, north, both localities equally reported by trial to resembleº the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for |8phthysical phthisical8| subjects), the premises to be held under feefarm grantº, lease 999 years, the |v3messuages messuagev3| to consist of 1 drawingroom |3with baywindow (2 lancets), thermometer affixed3|, 1 sittingroom, 4 bedrooms, |6bathroom (hot and cold),6| |62 servants' rooms,6| tiled kitchen with close range and scullery, lounge hall fitted with linen wallpresses, |4fumed oak sectional bookcase containing the Encyclopaedia (errBrittanica Britannicaºerr) and New Century Dictionary,º4| |3transverse |aobsoletea| medieval and oriental weapons,3| dinner gong|3, alabaster |aclock lampa|, bowl pendant, |6vulcanite automatic telephone receiver with adjacent directory|8,8|6| mantel timepiece |abmantel guaranteed timekeeper, with cathedral toned chimes handtufted |6Axminster6| carpet with cream ground and trellis border, |blootable loo tableb| with pillar and claw legs, hearth with |6massive6| firebrasses and ormolu mantel |6chronometer6| clock, guaranteed timekeeper with cathedral chimea|,3| |4barometer with hygrographic chart,4||6and6|
{u22, 666}
comfortable |6lounge settees and6| corner fitments|6, upholstered in ruby plush with good springing and sunk centre, three banner Japanese screen6| |4and cuspidors4| |3(club style, |acoffee rich winecoloureda| leather, gloss renewable |awith a minimum of laboura| |awith by use ofa| linseed oil and vinegar)3| and pyramidically prismatic central chandelier lustre, |4bentwood perch withº fingertame parrot (|aselect expurgateda| language),4| |3embossed stucco ceiling with crown embossed mural paper at 10/- per dozen with transverse swags of |ared carminea| floral design and top crown frieze, staircase, three |6continuous6| flights at |6successive6| right angles, of varnished |6cleargrained6| oak|a, treads and risers, |6newel,6| balusters and handrail,a| with steppedup panel dado|6, dressed with camphorated wax6|:º bathroom, hot and cold |6supply6|, reclining and shower:3| water closet |6on mezzanine provided
{u21, 793}
with opaque singlepane oblong window,6| |6with6| tipup seat, |4bracket lamp, brass tierod andº brace, armrests, footstool4| |3and artistic oleograph on inner face of door|4: ditto, plain: servants' apartments with separate sanitary and hygienic necessaries for cook, general and betweenmaid (salary, |6rising by biennial unearned increments of £2, with comprehensive fidelity insurance,6| annual bonus |6(£1)6| and retiring allowance |6(based on the 65 system)6| after 30 years' service)º4|,3| |6pantry, buttery, larder, refrigerator,6| outoffices, coal and wood cellarage with winebin |3(still and sparkling vintages)3| for distinguished guests, if entertained |3to dinner (evening dress)3|, |4carbon monoxide4| gas |8supply8| throughout.

|6What facilities of transit were desirable?

When citybound frequent connection by train or tram from their respective intermediate station or terminal. When countrybound velocipedes, a chainless freewheel roadster cycle with side basketcar attached, or draught conveyance, a donkey with wicker trap or smart phaeton with good working cob.6|

What additional attractions might the grounds contain?

As addenda, a tennis and fives court, |6a shrubbery|7,7|6| a glass summerhouse with tropical palms, equipped in the best botanical manner, a rockery with waterspray, |4a beehive arranged on humane principles, oval |aflowerpots flowerbeds in rectangular grassplotsa| set with eccentric ellipses of scarlet and chrome tulips,º4| |6blue scillas, crocuses, polyanthus, sweet William, sweet pea, lily of the valleyº (bulbsº obtainableº from sir James W|8.8| Mackey (Limited)º wholesale and retail seed and bulb merchants and |anurseryman nurserymena|, agentsº for chemical manures, 23 Sackville streetº, upper),º6| an orchard, |3a3| kitchen garden and |3a3| vinery, |3all3| protected against illegal trespassers by glasstopped mural enclosures|3, a lumbershed with padlock for various |6inventoried6| implements3|.


Eeltraps, lobsterpots, fishingrods, hatchet, |7steelyard,7| grindstone, clodcrusher, swatheturner, carriagesack, telescope ladder, |610 tooth rake,6| washing clogs, haytedder, tumbling rake, billhook, paintpot, brush, hoe and so on.4)
{u22, 667}

What improvements might be subsequentlyº introduced?

A rabbitry and fowlrun, |3a dovecote, |6a |abotanicala| conservatory,6| 2 hammocks (lady's and gentleman's),3| a sundial shaded and sheltered by
{u21, 794}
laburnum or lilac trees, |3a an exotically3| harmonically accorded Japanese tinkle gatebell |3affixed to left lateral gatepost3|, a capacious waterbutt, |6a lawnmower with side delivery and grassbox|7,7|6| a lawnsprinkler with hydraulic hose.

|6What facilities of transit were desirable?

When citybound frequent connection by train or tram from their respective intermediate station or terminal. When countrybound velocipedes, a chainless freewheel roadster cycle with side basketcar attached, or draught conveyance, a donkey with wicker trap or smart phaeton with good working |7solidungular7| cob |7(roan gelding|a, 14 hºa|)7|.6|

What might be the name of this |7erigible or erected7| residence?

Bloom Cottage. Saint Leopold's. Flowerville.

Could Bloom of 7 Eccles (errStreet streetºerr) foresee Bloom of Flowerville?

In loose allwool garments with Harris tweed cap, price |68(sup)s/6(sup)d 8/66|, and |6useful6| garden boots |3with elastic gussets3| and wateringcan, (3planting aligned young firtrees, |6syringing, pruning, staking|7,7|6| sowing hayseed,3) trundling a weedladen wheelbarrow without excessive fatigue at sunset amid the scent of newmown hay|6, ameliorating the soil, multiplying wisdom, achieving longevity6|.

What |3mental occupations |6syllabus of intellectual6| pursuits3| |6were was6| simultaneously possible |3|6as mental occupation6|3|?

Snapshot photography, comparative study of religions, folklore relative to various amatory and superstitious practices, contemplation of the celestial constellations.

What lighter recreations?

(3Outdoor: garden and fieldwork, cycling on level macadamised causeways, ascents of moderately high hills, natation in secluded fresh water and unmolested river boating |6in secure wherry or light curricle
{u21, 795}
with kedge anchor6| on reaches free from weirs and rapids (|6summer period of estivation6|), vespertinal perambulation or equestrian circumprocession with inspection of sterile landscape and contrastingly agreeable cottagers' fires of smoking |6peat6| turves (|6winter period of hibernation6|). Indoor:º3) |6discussion in |atepida| security of unsolved historical and
{u22, 668}
criminal problems
: lecture of unexpunged unexpurgated exotic |7erotic7| masterpieces:6| |6House house6| carpentry with |8a8| toolbox containing hammer, awl, nails, screws, tintacks, gimlet, tweezers, bullnose plane and turnscrew.

Might heº become a gentleman farmer |3of field produce and live stock3|?

Not impossibly, with 1 or 2 stripper cows, 1 pike of upland hay and requisite farming implements, e.g., an end-to-end churn, a turnip pulper etc.

What would be his |3civic functions and3| social status among the county families and landed gentry?

|7Successively Arranged successively7| |3in ascending |7powers of7| hierarchical order3|, that of gardener, groundsman, cultivator, breeder, and at the zenith of his career, resident magistrate or justice of the peace with a family crest and coat of arms and appropriate classical mottoº |3(Semper paratus), duly recorded in the court directory (Bloom, Leopold P., |aM.P., P.C., K.P., L.L.D. (5(5)honoris causa(5),5)a| Bloomville, Dundrum) and mentioned in |7court and7| fashionable intelligence (Mr and Mrs Leopold Bloom have left Kingstown for England)3|.

What course of action did he outline for himself in such capacity?

A course that lay between undue clemency and excessive rigour|3,3||7:7| the dispensation |3in a heterogeneous society of arbitrary classes|7, incessantly rearranged in terms of greater and lesser social inequality,7|3| of unbiassed |3homogeneous indisputable3| justice, tempered with mitigants |3of the widest |apossiblea| latitude3| but exactable to the uttermost farthing |6with confiscation |7of estate, real and personal,7| to the crown6|. Loyal to the
{u21, 796}
|3core highest |6constituted6| power in the land,3| |3with actuated by3| an innate love of rectitude his aims would be the strict maintenance of public order, the repression of many abuses though not of all simultaneously |7(every measure of reform or retrenchment being a preliminary solution to be contained |8by fluxion8| in the final solution)7|,º the upholding of the letter of the law (common, statute and law merchant) against |6all traversers |ain covina| |7and trespassers7| acting in contravention of bylaws and regulations, all resuscitators |7(7|by trespass and petty larceny |aof kindlings|7)7|a| of venville rights, obsolete by desuetude,6| all |6orotund6| instigators of international persecution, all perpetuators of international animosities, |7all menial molestors of domestic conviviality,7| all |6recalcitrant6| violators of domestic connubiality.
{u22, 669}

Prove that he had loved rectitude from his earliest youth.º

To Master Percy Apjohn at High School in 1880 he had divulged his disbelief in the tenets of the Irish (protestant) church (to which his father |7Rudolph Rudolf7| Virag(5,5) (5(5)later Rudolph Bloom(5),5) had been converted from the |7Israelitish Israelitic7| faith and communion in 1865 by the Society for promoting Christianity among the jews) subsequently abjured by him |6in favour of Roman catholicism6| at the epoch of and with a view to his matrimony in 1888 |6in favour of Roman catholicism6|. To Daniel Magrane and Francis Wade in 1882 during a juvenile friendship (terminated by the premature emigration of the former) he had advocated during nocturnal perambulations |8the political theory of colonial |a(e.g. Canadian)a| expansion and8| the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin, expounded in The Descent of Man and The Origin of Speciesº. In 1885 he had publicly expressed his adherence to the collective and national economic programme advocated by James Fintan Lalor, John Fisher Murray, John Mitchel, J.F.X. O'Brien and others, the agrarian policy of Michael Davitt, the constitutional agitation of Charles Stewart Parnell (M.P. for Cork City), the programme of peace, retrenchment and reform of William Ewart Gladstone (M.P. for Midlothian|7, N.B.7|) and, in support of his political convictions, had climbed up into a secure position amid the
{u21, 797}
ramifications of a tree on Northumberland road to see the entrance
|7(2 Februaryº 1888)7| into the capital of a demonstrative torchlight procession |7of 20,000º torchbearers, divided into 120 trade corporations, bearing |a2,000 2000ºa| torches7| in escort of |7Viscount the marquess of7| Ripon and |v3(honest)v3|º John Morley.

How much and how did he propose to pay for this country residence?

As per prospectus of the |8Irish Civil Service Industrious Foreign Acclimatised Nationalised Friendly Stateaided8| Building Society (incorporated 1874), a maximum of £60 perº annum, being 1⁄6 of an assured income, |3derived from giltedged securities,3| representing at 5% simple interest |6a on6| capital of £1200º |3(estimate of price at 20 years' purchase)3|,º of which 1⁄3 to be paid on acquisition and the balance in the form of |8annual8| rent, viz,º £800 plus 2½% interest on the same, repayable quarterly in equal annual (5rates5) |6instalments6| until extinction |6by amortisation6| of loan advanced for purchase within a period of 20 years, amounting to an annual rental of £64, headrent included, the titledeeds to remain in possession of the lender or lenders with a saving clause envisaging forced sale, foreclosure and mutual compensation in the event of protracted failure to pay the terms assigned|6,6| otherwise the messuage to become
{u22, 670}
the absolute property of the tenant occupier upon expiry of the period of years stipulated.

What rapid but insecure means to opulence might facilitate immediate purchase?

A private wireless telegraph which would transmit by dot and dash system the result of a national |6han equine handicap (flat or steeplechase)6| |7of |v83 1v8| or more miles and furlongs7| won by an outsider at odds of 50 to 1 at 3 hr(5.5) 8 m(5.5) p.m(5.5) at Ascot (Greenwich time) the message being received and available for betting purposes in Dublin at 2.59 p.m(5.5) (Dunsink time). |3The unexpected discovery of an o an object of great monetary value (precious stone, |7black Mauritius postage stamp valuable |aadhesive or en impressedºa| postageº stamps (7 schillingº, mauve, imperforate, Hamburg, 1866: 4 pence, rose, blue paper,
{u21, 798}
perforate, Great Britain, 1855: 1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, Luxemburg, 1878)º7|, antique historical dynastical ring, unique relic) in unusual repositories or by unusual means: from the air (dropped by an eagle in flight), by fire (amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice), in the sea (amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict), on earth (in the gizzard of a (errcommestible comestibleºerr) fowl). A Spanish prisoner's donation of a distant treasure of valuables |aor |8specie or8| bullion lodged with a solvent banking corporation 100 years previously at 5% compound interesta| of the collective worth of £5,000,000º stg (five million pounds sterling). A contract with an inconsiderate contractee for the delivery of 32 consignments of some given commodity in consideration of cash payment on delivery per deliveryº at the |ainitiala| rate of ¼d(5.5) to be increased automatically constantly in |athea| geometrical progression of 2 ((5¼d, ½d, (err¼, ½, ¼d., ½d.,º9)5) 1d(5.5), 2d(5.5), 4d(5.5), 8d(5.5), 1s(5.5) 4d(5.5), 2s(5.5) 8d(5.5) to 32 terms).3| A prepared scheme based on a study of the laws of probability to break the bank at Monte Carlo. A solution of the secular problem of the quadrature of the circle, |7government7| premium £1,000,000º sterling.

Was vast wealth acquirable through industrial channels?

The reclamation of dunams of waste arenary soil|6,6| proposed in the prospectus of Agendath Netaim, Bleibtreustrasse, Berlin, W. 15, by the cultivation of orange plantations and melonfields and reafforestation. The utilisation of waste paper, fells of sewer rodents, human excrement possessing chemical properties, in |6the6| view of the vast production of the first, vast number of the second and immense quantity of the third, every normal human being of average vitality and appetite producing annually|8, cancelling byproducts
{u22, 671}
of water,8| a sum total of |83 cwt 80 lbs. (mixed animal and vegetable diet),8| to be multiplied by |84,235,000 4,386,035º8| the total population of Ireland according to theº census returns of 1901.

Were there schemes of wider scope?

A schemeº to be formulated and submitted for approval to the harbour commissioners for the exploitation of white coal (hydraulic
{u21, 799}
power), obtained |7by hydroelectric plant7| at |4peak of tide at4| Dublin bar or |4at head of water at4| Poulaphouca or Powerscourt |7or catchment basins of main streams7| for the economic production of |8500,000º W.H.P. of8| electricity. A scheme to enclose the peninsular delta of the North Bull at Dollymount and erect on the space of the foreland|7,7| used for golf links and rifle ranges|7, an asphalted esplanade with7| casinos, booths, shooting galleries, hotels, boardinghouses, readingrooms, establishments for mixed bathing. A scheme for the use of dogvans and goatvans for the delivery of early morning milk. |3A scheme for the development of Irish tourist traffic |ain and around Dublina| by means of petrolpropelled riverboats, |aplying |8in the fluvial fairway8| between Island bridge and Ringsend,a| charabancs|a, narrow gauge local railways,a| and |4coastwise4| pleasure steamers |4for coastwise navigation4| (10/-º per person per day, guide |8(trilingual)8| included)º.3| A scheme for the repristination of passenger and goods traffics over Irish waterways, when freed from weedbeds. A scheme to connect by tramline the Cattle Market (North Circular road and Prussia streetº) with the quays (Sheriff street, lower(err,ºerr) and East Wall), |3parallel with the Link line railway laid |a(in conjunction with the Great Southern and Western railway line)a| between the cattle park, Liffey junction, and terminus of Midland Great Western railway,º 43 to 45 North Wall, in proximity to the terminal stations or Dublin branches of Great Central |6railway Railway6|, Midland Railway of England, City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, Lancashire andº Yorkshire |6railway Railway6| Company, Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet Company, Glasgow,º Dublin and Londonderry Steam Packet Company (Laird line),º British and Irish Steam Packet Company, Dublin and Morecambe Steamers, London and North Western Railway Company, Dublin Port and Docks Board Landing Sheds and transit sheds of Palgrave, Murphy and Company, steamship owners, agents for steamers from Mediterranean, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and Holland and for Liverpool Underwriters' Association,3| the cost of acquired rolling stock for animal transport and of additional mileage operated by the Dublin United Tramways Company, limited, to be covered by graziers' fees.
{u21, 800}
{u22, 672}

|6Was it possible to contract for these several schemes? |aPresupposing Positinga| what protasis was would the contraction for such several schemes become a natural and necessary apodosis?6|

Given |4a guarantee equal to the sum sought,4| the support, by deed of gift |6and transfer vouchers6| during donor's lifetime or by bequest after donor's painless extinction, of eminent financiers (Blum Pasha, Rothschild, Guggenheim, Hirsch, Montefiore, Morgan, Rockefeller) possessing fortunes in 6 figures, (5ammassed amassed5) during a successful life, and joining capital with opportunity the thing required was done.

|3What eventualityº would render him independent of such |6aliorelative6| wealth?

The independent discovery of |6an ipsorelative a6| goldseam of inexhaustible ore.3|

For what reason did he meditate on schemes so difficult of realisation?

It was one of his axioms that similar meditations or the automatic relation to himself of a narrative concerning himself or tranquil recollection of the past when practised habitually before retiring for the night (errallievated alleviatedºerr) fatigue and produced as a result sound repose and renovated vitality.

His justifications?

As a physicist he had learned that of the 70 years of complete human life at least 2⁄7, viz,º 20 years are passed in sleep. As a philosopher he knew that at the termination of any allotted life only an infinitesimal part of any person's desires has been realised. As a physiologist he believed in the artificial placation of malignant agencies chiefly operative during somnolence.

What did he fear?

The (errcommital committalºerr) of homicide or suicide during sleep by an aberration of the light of reason, the incommensurable categorical intelligence situated in the cerebral convolutions.
{u21, 801}

What were habitually his final meditations?

Of some one sole unique advertisement to cause passers to stop in wonder,º a poster novelty, with all extraneous accretions excluded, reduced to its simplest and most efficient terms not exceeding the span of casual vision and |3possessing congruous with3| the velocity of modern life.
{u22, 673}

What did the first drawer unlocked contain?

A Vere Foster's handwriting copybook, property of Milly (Millicent) Bloom, certain pages of which bore diagram drawings,º marked Papli, which showed a large globular head with 5 hairs erect, 2 eyes in profile, the trunk full front with 3 large buttons, 1 triangular foot: 2 fading photographs of queen Alexandra of England and of Maud Branscombe, actress and |6professional6| beauty: a Yuletide card, bearing on it a pictorial representation of a parasitic plant, the legend Mizpah, the date Xmas 1892, the name of the senders: from Mr &º Mrs M. Comerford, the versicle: May this Yuletide bring to thee, Joy and peace and welcome glee: a butt of red partly liquefied sealing wax, obtained from the stores department of Messrs Hely's, Ltd|8.8|, 89, 90,º and 91 Dame street: |8a box containing the remainder of a gross of gilt “J” pennibs, obtained from same department of same firm:8| an old sandglass which rolled containing sand which rolled: a sealed prophecy |a(never unsealed)a| written by Leopold Bloom in 1886 concerning the consequences of the passing into law of William Ewart Gladstone's Home |6rule Rule6| bill of 1886 (never passed into law): a bazaar ticket,ºº 2004, of S. Kevin's Charity Fair, price 6d(5.5),º 100 prizes: (3an infantile epistle, dated, small em monday, reading: capital pee Papli comma capital aitch How are you note of interrogation capital eye I am very well full stop new paragraph signature with flourishes capital em Milly no stop:3) a cameo brooch, property of Ellen Bloom(5,5) (born Higgins), deceased(3,3): (3a cameo scarfpin, property of Rudolph Bloom (born Virag), deceased:3)º 3 typewritten letters, addressee, Henry Flower, c/o P.O. Westland Row, addresser, Martha Clifford, c/o P.O. Dolphin's Barn: the |6transliterated6| name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reversed alphabetic |8cipher, crypt crytogram (errboustrephodontic boustrophedonticºerr) punctated |aquadrilineara|
{u21, 802}
cryptogram (vowels suppressed)8| |8Nzigsz Xoruuliw, Wloksrmh Yzim N. IGS./WI. UU. OX/W. OKS. MH/Y. IM8|: a press cutting from an English weekly periodical Modern Society, subject corporal chastisement in girls' schools: a pink ribbon which had festooned an Easter egg in the year 1899: two partly uncoiled rubber preservatives with reserve pockets, purchased by post from Box |8320 328|, P.O., Charing Cross, London, W.C.: 1 pack of 1 dozen creamlaid envelopes |3and feintruled notepaper, watermarked3|, now reduced by 3: some assorted Austrian-Hungarian coins: 2 coupons of the Royal and Privileged Hungarian |6lottery Lottery6|: a lowpower magnifying glass: 2 erotic photocards showingº a) buccal coition between nude (errsenorita señoritaºerr) |3(|afull face, eyes direct rere presentation, superior positiona|)3| and nude torero |3|ablank (fore presentation, inferior position)ºa|3| b) anal violation by male religious (fully clothed|3, eyes abject3|) of female religious (partly clothed|3, eyes direct3|), purchased by post from Box |8320 328|, P.O., Charing Cross, London, W.C.: a press cutting
{u22, 674}
of recipe for renovation of old tan boots: |8a 1d a 1d.º8| |6adhesiveº6| stamp, lavender, of the reign of Queen Victoria: a chart of theº measurements of Leopold Bloom compiledº before|8,8| during and after 2 |7months' months ofº7| consecutive use of Sandow-Whiteley's pulley exerciser|6,6| |6(6|men's 15/-, athlete's 20/-|6,)6| viz,º chest 28 in and 29½ in, biceps 9 in and 10 in, forearm 8½ inº and 9 in, thigh 10 in and 12 in, calfº 11 in and 12 in: 1 prospectus of Theº Wonderworker, the world's greatest remedy for rectal complaints, direct from Wonderworker, Coventry House, South Place, London E.C.,º addressed |v3(erroneously)v3|º to Mrs L. Bloom with brief accompanying note commencing |v3(erroneously)v3|º: Dear Madam.

Quote the textual terms in whichº the prospectus claimed advantagesº for this |4thaumaturgic4| remedy.

It heals and soothes while you sleep, in case of trouble in breaking wind, assists nature in the most formidable way|6,6| insuringº instant relief in discharge of gases, keeping parts clean and free natural action, an initial outlay of 7/6 making a new man of you and life worth living. Ladies find Wonderworker especially useful, a pleasant surprise when they note delightful result like a cool drink of fresh spring water on
{u21, 803}
a sultry summer's day. Recommend it to your lady and gentlemen friends, lasts a lifetime. Insert long round end. Wonderworker.

Were |6their there6| testimonials?

Numerous. From clergyman, British |6Naval naval6| officer, wellknown author, city man, hospital nurse, lady, mother of five, absentminded beggar.

How did absentminded beggar's |7concluding7| testimonial conclude?

What a pity the government did not supply our men with wonderworkers during the South African campaign! What a relief it would have been!

What object did Bloom add to this collection of objects?

A 4th typewritten letter received by Henry Flower |8(let H.F. be L.B.)8| from Martha Clifford |8(find M.C.)8|.º

What pleasant reflection accompanied this action?

The reflection that, apart from the letter in question, his |8magnetic8| face, form and address had been favourably received during the course of the preceding day by a wife (Mrs Josephine Breen, born Josie Powell),º a nurse, Miss Callan (Christian name unknown),º a maid|8,8| Gertrude|8,8| (Gerty|6), (,6| family name unknownº).
{u22, 675}

What possibility suggested itself?

The possibility of exercising virile power of fascination in the notº immediate future after an expensive repast in a private apartment in the company of an elegant courtesan, of corporal beauty, moderately mercenary, variously instructed, a lady by origin.

What did the 2nd drawer contain?

Documents: the birth certificate of Leopold Paula Bloom: an
{u21, 804}
|8assurance8| policy of |6£100 £5006| in the Scottish Widows'º Assurance Society,º intestated (errMilicent Millicentºerr) (Milly) Bloom, |8payable coming into force8| at |821 258| years |8as with profit policy of £430, £462-10-0 and £500 at 60 years or death, 65 years or death and death, respectively, or with profit policy (paidup) of £299-10-0 together with cash payment of £133-10-0, at option8|: a bank passbook issued by the Ulster Bank, College Green branch showing statement of a/c for halfyear ending 31 December 1903, balance in depositor's favour: £18-14-6 (eighteen pounds, fourteen shillings and sixpence, sterling), net personalty: |8certificate of possession of £900, Canadian 4% (inscribed) government stock (free of stamp duty):8| dockets of the Catholic Cemeteries' (Glasnevin) Committee, relative to a graveplot purchased: a local press cutting concerning change of name by deedpoll.

Quote the textual terms of this notice.

I, Rudolph Virag, now resident at n°º 52 Clanbrassil street, Dublin, formerly of Szombathely in the kingdom of Hungary,º hereby give |3notice3| that I have assumed and intend henceforth upon all occasions and at all times to be known by the name of Rudolph Bloom.

What other objects relative to Rudolph Bloom (born Virag) were in the 2nd drawer?

An indistinct |errdaguerrotype daguerreotypeºerr| of Rudolph Virag and his father Leopold Virag executed in the year 1852 in the portrait atelier of their (respectively) 1st and 2nd cousin, Stefan Virag of Szesfehervar, Hungary. An ancient hagadahº book in which a pair of hornrimmed convex spectacles inserted marked the passage of thanksgiving in the ritual prayers for Pessach (Passover): a photocard of the Queen's Hotel, Ennis, proprietor, Rudolph Bloom: an envelope addressed: To My Dear Son Leopold.
{u22, 676}

|8What fractions of phrases did the lecture of those |errfour fiveºerr| whole words evoke?
{u21, 805}

Tomorrow will be a week that I received … it is no use Leopold to be … withº your dear mother … that is not more to stand … to her … all for me is out … be kind to Athos, Leopold … my dear son … always … of me … das Herz … Gott … dein …8|

What reminiscences |7of a human subject suffering from progressive melancholia7| did these objects evoke in Bloom?

An old man,º widower, unkempt ofº hair, in bed, with head covered, sighing: an infirm dog, Athos: |6veronal aconite6|, resorted to by increasing doses of grains and scruples as a palliative of recrudescent neuralgia: the face in death of a |3septuagenarian,º3| suicide by poison.

Why did Bloom experience a sentiment of remorse?

Because in immature impatience he had treated with disrespect certain beliefs and practices.


The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal:º |7the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract, perfervidly concrete mercantile |acoexreligionists coexreligionist excompatriotsa|:7| the circumcision of male infants: the supernatural character of Judaic scripture: |8the ineffability of the tetragrammatonº:8| the sanctity of the sabbath.

How did these beliefs and practices now appear to him?

Not more rational than they had then appeared, not less rational than other beliefs and practices now appeared.

What first reminiscence had he of Rudolph Bloom (deceased)?

Rudolph Bloom (deceased) narrated to his son Leopold Bloom (aged 6) a retrospective arrangement of migrations and settlements in and between Dublin, London, Florence, Milan, |6Vienna, Budapest,º6| Szombathely with statements of satisfaction (his grandfather having
{u21, 806}
seen Maria Theresia, empress of Austria, queen of Hungary), with commercial advice (having taken care of pence, the pounds having taken care of themselves). Leopold Bloom (aged 6) had accompanied |6this these6| narrations by constant consultation of a geographical map
{u22, 677}
of Europe (political) and by suggestions for the establishment of affiliated business premises in the various centres mentioned.

Had time equally but differently obliterated the memory of these migrations in narrator and listener?

In narrator by the access of years and in consequence of the use of narcotic toxin: in listener by the access of years and in consequence of the action of distraction upon vicarious experiences.

What (erridiosyncracies idiosyncrasiesºerr) of the narrator were concomitant products of amnesia?

Occasionally he ate without having previously removed his hat. Occasionally he drank voraciously the juice of gooseberryº fool from an inclined plate. Occasionally he removed from his lips the traces of food by means of a lacerated envelope or other |8accessible8| fragment of paper.

What two phenomena |3of senescence3| were more frequent?

The myopic digital calculation of coins, eructation consequent upon repletion.

What object offered partial consolation for these reminiscences?

The endowment policy, the bank passbookº, the certificate of the possession of scrip.

|7From what reverse of fortune did these supports protect their possessor? Reduce Bloom by cross multiplication of reverses of fortune, from which these supports protected him, and by elimination of all positive values to a negligible negative irrational unreal quantity.7|

|4Successively, in descending helotic order|6,:6|4| |4Mendicancy: that of the sandwichman, distributor of throwaways, nocturnal vagrant, maimed sailor, blind stripling, bailiff's man.4| Poverty: that of the
{u21, 807}
outdoor hawker of imitation jewellery, the dun for the recovery of bad and doubtful debts, the poor rate and deputy cess collector |3, the3|. |4Mendicancy: that of the |afraudulent bankrupt |bwith negligible assetsb| paying ¼d.º in the £,a| sandwichman, distributor of throwaways, nocturnal vagrant, |7insinuating sycophant,7| maimed sailor, blind stripling, |asuperannuateda| bailiff's man|a, |7marfeast, lickplate, spoilsport, pickthank,7| eccentric public laughingstock seated on bench of public park under |7discarded7| perforated umbrellaa|.4| |3Destitution: the inmate of Old Man's House (Royal Hospital), Kilmainham, the inmate of Simpson's Hospital for reduced but respectable men permanently disabled by gout or want of sight. Nadir of
{u22, 678}
misery: the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper.3|

With which attendant indignities?

The |3unsympathetic3| indifference of previously amiable females, the contempt of |7muscular7| males, the acceptance of fragments of bread, the simulated ignorance of casual acquaintances, the latration of illegitimate |7unlicensed7| vagabond dogs, the infantile discharge of |3decomposed3| vegetable missiles|4, worth little or nothing, nothing or less than nothing4|.

By what could such a situation be precluded?

By decease |4(change of state)4|:º by departure |4(change of place)4|.

Which preferably?

The latter|6, by the line of least resistance6|.

What considerations rendered itº not entirely undesirable(5.?5)

Constant cohabitation impeding mutual toleration of personal defects. The habit of independent purchase increasingly cultivated. |6The necessity to counteract by impermanent sojourn the permanence of arrest.6|
{u21, 808}

What considerations rendered itº not irrational?

The parties concerned, uniting, had increased and multiplied, which being done, offspring produced and educed to maturity, the parties, if not disunited |6for increase and multiplication6| were obliged to reunite |3|6for increase and multiplication6|,º which was absurd,3| to form |6by reunion6| the original couple of uniting parties, which was |3absurd impossible3|.

What considerations rendered it desirable?

The attractive character of certain localities in Ireland and abroad|3, as represented in general geographical maps of polychrome design or in special ordnance survey charts by employment of scale numerals and hachures3|.

In Ireland?

The cliffs of Moher, the windy wilds of Connemara, lough Neagh with submerged petrified city, the Giant's Causeway, Fort Camden and Fort Carlisle, the Golden Vale of |7Tiperrary |8Tiperary (errTiperrary Tipperaryº9)8|7|, the islands of Aran, the pastures of royal Meath, Brigid's elm in Kildare, the Queen's Island shipyard in Belfast, the Salmon Leap, the lakes of Killarney.
{u22, 679}


Ceylonº (with spicegardens supplying tea to |6Tom Thomas6| Kernan|6, agent for Pulbrook, Robertson and Co, |a2 Mincing Lane, London, E.C.,ºa| 5 Dame streetº |a, Dublina|6|), |8the temple of Jerusalem (where meeting was convened from year to year) Jerusalem, theº holy city |a(with mosque of Omar and gate of Damascus, goal of aspiration)a|8|, the straits of Gibraltar (the unique birthplace of Marion Tweedy), the Parthenon (containing statues ofº nude Grecian divinities),º the Wall street money market (which controlled international finance), the Plaza de Toros at La Linea, Spain (where O'Hara of the Camerons had slain the bull), Niagara (over which no human being had passed with impunity), the land of the Eskimos(5,5) (eaters of soap), the forbidden country of Thibet (from which no traveller returns), the bay of Naples (to see which was to die), the (5dead Dead5) |6sea Sea6|.
{u21, 809}

|6Under what guidance, following what signs?

At sea, septentrional, by night the polestar, located at the point of intersection of the right line from beta to alpha in the Ursa Majorº produced |7and divided externally at omega7| and the hypotenuse of the rightangled triangle formed by the line alpha omega so produced and the line alpha delta of Ursa Majorº. On land, meridional, a bispherical moon, revealedº in imperfect varying phases of lunation through the |arere posteriora| interstice of the imperfectly occluded skirt of a carnose negligent perambulating female, a pillar of the cloud by day.6|

What public advertisement would divulge the occultation of the departed?

£5 reward, |3lost, stolen or strayed from his residence 7 Eccles street,3| missing gent about 40, |3answering to the name of Bloom,º Leopold (Poldy),3| height 5 ftº |88| inches, full build, olive complexion, may have since grown a beard, when last seen was wearing a black suit. Above sum will be paid for information leading to his discovery.

|3|aBy what name What universal |7denomination binomial denominations7|a| would be |ahe known his |7as entity and nonentity7|a|?

Assumed |aby anya| or |aknown toa| none. Everyman or Noman.

What tributes his?

Honour |aand giftsa| of strangers, the friends of Everyman. A |4bride nymph4| immortal, |6Beauty beauty6|, the bride of Noman.3|
{u22, 680}

Would the departed never nowhere nohow reappear?

Ever he would wander|8, selfcompelled,8| to the extreme limit of his cometary orbit, beyond the fixed stars and variable suns and telescopic planets, astronomical waifs and strays, |4to the extreme boundary of space(5,5)4| passing from land to land, among peoples, amid events. Somewhere imperceptibly heº would hearº and |3somehow reluctantly|8, suncompelled,8|3| obey the summons of recall. |4Disappearing Whence, disappearing4| from the constellation
{u21, 810}
of the Northern Crown
he would somehow reappear reborn above delta in the constellation of Cassiopeia and after incalculable eons of peregrination return an |7estranged7| avenger, a wreaker of justice on malefactors, a dark crusader, a sleeper awakened, with financial resources |3(by supposition)3| surpassing those of Rothschild or |errofºerr| the silver king.

|4What would render such return irrational?

An unsatisfactory equation between an exodus and return in time through reversible space and an exodus and return in space through irreversible time.4|

What |7play of forces, inducing inertia,7| rendered departure undesirable |4and irrational4|?

The lateness of the hour, |3rendering procrastinatory|8,:8|3| the obscurity of the night, |3rendering invisible|8,:º8|3| the uncertainty of thoroughfares, |3rendering perilous|8,:º8|3| the necessity for repose, |3obviating movement|8,:8|3| the proximity of an occupied bed, |3obviating research|8,:8|3| the anticipation of warmth (human) tempered with coolness (linen)(err,ºerr) |3obviating desire and rendering desirable|8: the statue of Narcissus, sound without echo, desired desire8|3|.

What advantages were possessed by an occupied, as distinct from an unoccupied bed?

The removal of nocturnal solitude, |4the superior quality of human (mature female) to inhuman (hotwaterjar) calefaction,4| the stimulation of matutinal contact, the economy of mangling done on the premises in the case of trousers accurately folded and placed lengthwise between the spring mattress |3(striped)3| and the woollen mattress |3(biscuit section)3|.

What past consecutive causes|6, before rising preapprehended,6| of |4accumulated4| fatigue did Bloom, before rising, silently |4enumerate recapitulate4|?

The preparation of breakfast|8, (burnt offering):8| |6intestinal congestion and premeditative defecation|8, (holy of holies):8|6| the bath|8, (rite of John):8| the funeral|8, (rite of Samuel):8| the advertisement of Alexander Keyes|8,
{u21, 811}
(Urim and
{u22, 681}
Thummim):8| the unsubstantial lunch|8, (rite of Melchisedek):8| the visit to museum and national library|8, (holy place):8| the bookhunt along Bedford row, (errMerchants Merchants'ºerr) Arch, Wellington Quay|8, (Simchath Torah):8| the music in the Ormond Hotel|8, (Shira Shirim):8| the altercation |8with a truculent troglodyte8| in Bernard Kiernan's premises|8, (holocaust):8| a blank period of time including a cardrive, a visit to a house of mourning, a leavetaking|8, (wilderness):8| the eroticism |8produce produced8| by feminine exhibitionism|8, (rite of Onan):8| the prolonged delivery of Mrs Mina Purefoy|8, (heave offering):8| the visit to the disorderly house of Mrs Bella Cohen, 82 Tyrone street, lower|7,7| and subsequent brawl |7and chance medley7| in Beaver street|8, (Armageddon):8| nocturnal perambulation to and from the cabman's shelter, Butt Bridge |8(|sapeace offering atonementsa|)8|.

|7What |8selfimposed8| enigma did Bloom about to rise in order to go so as to conclude lest he should not conclude involuntarily apprehend?

The cause of a brief sharp unforeseen heard loud lone crack emitted by the insentient material of a strainveined timber table.

What |8selfinvolved8| enigma did Bloom risen, going, gathering multicoloured multiform multitudinousº garments, voluntarily apprehending, not comprehend?

Who was M'Intosh?7|

|3What |8selfevident8| enigma pondered with |4sporadic desultory4| constancy during 30 years did Bloom now, having effected |anaturala| obscurity by the extinction of artificial light, silently suddenly comprehend?

Where was Moses when the candle went out?3|

What imperfections in a perfect day did Bloom, walking, |3|~charged with collected articles of recently disvested male wearing apparel,~|3|º silently|3, successively,3| enumerate?

A provisional failure to obtain renewal of an advertisement, to obtain a certain quantity of tea from Thomas Kernan|6,6| |6(6|agentº for Pulbrook, Robertson and Coº, |65 Dame (errStreet streetºerr), Dublin, and |727|6| Mincing Lane, London(err,ºerr)
{u21, 812}
E.C.|6)6|,º |6to certify the presence or absence of posterior rectal orifice in the case of Hellenic female divinities,º6| to obtain admission (gratuitous or paid) to the performance of Leah by Mrs Bandmann Palmer at the Gaiety Theatre, |646 |8to, 47, 48,8| 496| South |6Anne King6| street.
{u22, 682}

What impression of an absent face did Bloom, arrested, silently recall?

The face of her father, the late Major Brian Cooper Tweedy, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, of Gibraltar and Rehoboth, Dolphin's Barn.

|7What recurrent impressions of the same were possible by hypothesis?

Retreating, at the terminus of the Great Northern Railway, Amiens street, with constant uniform acceleration, along parallel lines meeting at infinity, if produced: along parallel lines, reproduced from infinity, with constant uniform retardation, at the terminus of the Great Northernº Railway,º Amiens street, returning.7|

What |3miscellaneous effects of female3| personal |3objects wearing apparel3| were perceived by him?

A pair of new inodorous halfsilk black ladies' |8stockings hose8|, a pair of new violet garters, a pair of outsize ladies' drawers of India mull, cut on generous lines, redolent of opoponax, jessamine and Muratti's Turkish cigarettes and containing a long bright steel safety pin, folded curvilinear, a camisole of batiste with thin lace border, |erra anºerr| |6short6| |7blue7| |6silk petticoat accordion underskirt of blue silk moirette6|, all these objects being disposed irregularly on the top of a rectangular trunk, quadruple battened, having capped corners, with multicoloured labels, initialled on its fore side in white lettering B.C.T. (Brian Cooper Tweedy).

What impersonal objects were perceived?

|3A commode, one leg fractured, |atotallya| covered |awith bya| square cretonne cutting, apple design, on which rested a |8lady's8| black straw |aladies' |8lady's8|a| hat.3| Orangekeyed ware, bought of Henry Price, basket, fancy goods,
{u21, 813}
chinaware and ironmongery manufacturer|6,6| 21 |8to, 22,8| 23 Moore streetº, disposed irregularly on the washstand and floor,º and consisting of basin, soapdish and brushtray (on the washstand, together), pitcher and night article (on the floor, separate).

Bloom's acts?

He deposited the articles of clothing on a chair, removed his |8other remaining8| articles of clothing, took from beneath the bolster at the head of the bed a folded long white nightshirt, inserted his head and arms into the proper apertures of the nightshirt, removed a pillow from the head to the foot of the bed, prepared the bedlinen accordingly and entered the bed.
{u22, 683}


With circumspection, as invariably when entering an abode (his own or not his own): with solicitude, the snakespiral springs of the mattress being old, the brass quoits and pendent viper radii loose and tremulous under stress and strain: prudently, as entering a lair or ambush of lust or adders: lightly, the less to disturb: reverently, the bed of conception and |6of6| birth, of consummation of marriage and |6of6| breach of marriage, of sleep|6, and6| of death.

What did his limbs|7,7| when gradually extended|7,7| encounter?

New clean bedlinen, additional odours, the presence of a human form, female, hers, the imprint of a human form, male, not his, some crumbs, some flakes of potted meat, recooked, which he removed.

If he had smiled why would he have smiled?

To reflect that each one who enters imagines himself to be the first to enter whereas he is always the last term of a preceding series even if the first term of a succeeding one, each imagining himself to be first, last, only and alone(err,ºerr) whereasº he is neither first nor last nor only nor alone |3in a series remounting originating in and repeated to infinity3|.
{u21, 814}

What preceding series?

Assuming Mulvey to be the first term of his series, Penrose, Bartell d'Arcy, professor Goodwin, Julius Mastiansky, John Henry Menton, Father Bernard Corrigan, a farmer at the Royal Dublin Society's Horse Show, Maggot O'Reilly, Matthew Dillon, Valentine Blake Dillon (Lord Mayor of Dublin), Christopher Callinan, Lenehan, an Italian organgrinder, an unknown gentleman in the Gaiety Theatre, Benjamin Dollard, Simon Dedalus, Andrew (Pisser) Burke, Joseph Cuffe, Wisdom Hely, Alderman John Hooper, Dr |6|aJames Francisa|6| Brady, Father Sebastian of Mount Argus, a bootblack at the General Post Officeº, |6Edward Hugh (8E.8)6| (Blazes) Boylan |3and so each and so on |ato no last terma|3|.

What were his reflections concerning the last member of this series and |6last late6| occupant of the bed?

Reflections on his vigour (a bounder), corporal proportion (a billsticker), |6business commercial6| ability (a bester), impressionability (a boaster).
{u22, 684}

Why |6for the observer6| |6this last quality impressionability in addition to vigour, corporal proportion and commercial ability6|?

Because he had observed with augmenting frequency in the preceding members of the same series the same concupiscence, inflammably transmitted,º first with alarm, then with understanding, then with desire, finally with fatigue, with |3alternate alternating3| symptoms of |8epicene8| comprehension and apprehension.

With what antagonistic sentiments were his subsequent reflections affected?

Envy, jealousy, abnegation, equanimity.


Of a bodily and mental male organism specially adapted for the superincumbent posture of energetic human copulation |3and energetic
{u21, 815}
piston and cylinder movement3| necessary for the complete satisfaction of a constant but not acute concupiscence resident in a bodily and mental female organism|8,8| passive but not obtuse.


Because a nature full and volatile|7,7| in |8her its8| free state, was alternately the agent and reagent of attraction. Because attraction between |8agents and reagents agent(s) and reagent(s)º8| at all instants varied, with inverse proportion of increase and decrease, with incessant circular extension and radial reentrance. Because the controlled contemplation of the fluctuation of attraction produced, if desired, a fluctuation of pleasure.


In virtue of a) acquaintance initiated in September 1903 in the establishment of George Mesias, merchant tailor and outfitter, 5 Eden Quay, b) hospitality extended and received |3in kind, reciprocated and reappropriated in person3|, c) comparative youth subject to |3influences impulses3| of ambition and magnanimity|3, colleagual altruism and amorous egoism|7, d) racial extraracial attraction, intraracial inhibition, supraracial prerogative|8,º e) an imminent provincial musical tour, common current expenses, net proceeds divided8|7|3|.


|4As asº natural as any and every natural act |aof a nature expressed or understooda| executed in natured nature by natural creatures in accordance with
{u22, 685}
his, th her and their natured natures|a, of dissimilar similaritya|.4| As not (5so5) |6as6| calamitous as a cataclysmic annihilation of the planet in consequence of a collision with a dark sun. As less reprehensible than theft, highway robbery, cruelty to children and animals, obtaining money under false pretences, forgery, embezzlement, misappropriation of public money, betrayal of public trust, malingering, mayhem, corruption of minors, criminal |6liber libel6|, blackmail, contempt of court, arson, treason,º felony, mutiny on the high seas, trespass, burglary, jailbreaking, practice
{u21, 816}
of unnatural vice, desertion from armed forces in the field, perjury, poaching, usury, intelligence with the king's enemies, impersonation, criminal assault, manslaughter, wilful and premeditated murder. As not more abnormal than all other parallelº processes of adaptation to altered conditions of existence, resulting in a reciprocal equilibrium between the bodily organism and its attendant circumstances, foods, beverages, acquired habits, indulged inclinations, significant disease. As more than inevitable, irreparable.

|3Why more abnegation than jealousy, less envy than equanimity? Why less jealousy th Why more abnegation than jealousy, less envy than equanimity?

From outrage (matrimony) to outrage (adultery) there arose nought but outrage (copulation) yet the matrimonial violator of the matrimonially violated had not been outraged by the adulterous violator of the adulterously violated.3|

What retribution, if any?

Assassination, never|3, as two wrongs did not make one right3|. Duel by combat, no. Divorce, not |3yet now3|. |3Exposure by mechanical artifice (automatic bed) or individual testimony (concealed |aoculara| witnesses), not yet.3| |3Suit for3| |3Damages damages3| by legal influence |4or simulation of assault with evidence of injuries sustained (selfinflicted)4|, not impossibly. (4Hushmoney by moral influence, possibly.4)º If any, positively, connivance, introduction of emulation |3(material, a prosperous rival |aadvertisinga| agency |aof publicitya|: moral, a successful rival agent of intimacy)3|, depreciation, alienation, humiliation, separation protecting |6the6| one separated from the other, protecting theº separator from both.

|3By what reflections did he|7, a conscious reactor against the void of incertitude,7| justify to himself his sentiments?

The preordained frangibility of the hymen:º |athe presupposed intangibility of the thing in itself: |4the incongruity |aand disproportiona| between the |aprolonged selfprolonginga| tension of the thing proposed to be done and the selfabbreviating
{u22, 686}
relaxation of the thing done:4| the fallaciously
{u21, 817}
debility of the female:ºa| the muscularity of the male: the variations of ethical codes: |6the natural grammatical transition |aby inversion involving no alteration of sensea| of |aa an aorista| preterite proposition (parsed as |amasculinea| subject, monosyllabic |7onomatopoeic onomatopœic7| transitive verb and with direct |afemininea| object) from the active voice into a its correlative |aaorista| preterite proposition (parsed as |afemininea| subject, auxiliary verb and quasimonosyllabic |8onomatopoeic onomatopœic8| past participle with complementary masculine agent) in the passive voice:6| |4the continued product of of generations seminators by generation: the continual produce production of semen by distillation:4| the futility of triumph or |4protestation protest4| or vindication: |7the inanity of extolled virtue: the lethargy of |8solid nescient8| matter:7| the apathy of the stars.3|

In what final satisfaction did these antagonistic sentiments and reflections|7,º reduced to their simplest forms,7| converge?

Satisfaction at the ubiquity in eastern and western terrestrial hemispheres|6, in all habitable lands and islands|a,a| explored or unexplored |a(the land of the midnight sun, the islands of the blessed, the isles of Greece, the land of promise)a|,º6| of adipose anterior andº posterior female hemispheres, redolent of |6milk and honey and of6| excretory sanguine and seminal warmth, |7reminiscent of secular families of curves of amplitude, insusceptible of moods of impression or of contrarieties of expression,7| expressive of mute immutable mature animality.

The visible signs of |3satisfaction antesatisfaction3|?

An approximate erection: a solicitous adversion: a gradual elevation: a tentative revelation:º a silent contemplation.


He kissed the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump, on each plump melonous hemisphere, in their mellow yellow furrow, with obscure prolonged provocative melonsmellonous osculation.
{u21, 818}

The visible signs of postsatisfaction?

A silent contemplation: a tentative velation: a gradual abasement: a solicitous aversion: a proximate erection.

What followed this silent action?

Somnolent invocation, less somnolent recognition, incipient excitation, catechetical interrogation.
{u22, 687}

With what modifications did the narrator reply to this |6interrogations interrogation6|(5.?º5)

Negative: he omitted to mention the clandestine correspondence between Martha Clifford and Henry Flower, the public altercation at, in and in the vicinity of the licensed premises of Bernard Kiernan and Co, Limited, 8, 9 and 10 Little Britain street, the erotic provocation and response thereto caused by the exhibitionism of Gertrude (Gerty), surname unknown. Positive: he included mention of a performance by Mrs Bandmann Palmer of Leah at the Gaiety Theatre, |646 |8to, 47, 48,8| 496| South |8Anne King8| street, an invitation to supper at Wynn's (Murphy's) Hotel(err,ºerr) 35, 36 and 37 Lower Abbey street, |8a volume of peccaminous pornographical tendency entituled Sweets of Sin, |aanonymousºa| author a gentlemanº of fashion,8| a |atemporarya| concussion caused by a falsely calculated movement in the course of a postcenal gymnastic display, the victim (since completely recovered) being Stephen Dedalus, professor and author, eldest surviving son of Simon Dedalus, of no fixed occupation|8, an aeronautical feat executed by him (narrator) in the presence of a witness, the professor and author aforesaid, with promptitude of decision and gymnastic flexibility8|.

Was the narration otherwise unaltered by modifications?


Which event or person emerged as the salient point of his narration?

Stephen Dedalus, professor and author.
{u21, 819}

What limitations of activity |3and inhibitions of conjugal rights3| were perceived by listener and narrator concerning themselves during the course of this intermittent and increasingly |3more3| laconic narration?

By the listener a limitation of fertility inasmuch as marriage |6have had6| been celebrated |err2 1ºerr| calendar |errmonths monthºerr| after the 18th anniversary of her birth (8 September 1870), viz,º 8 October, and consummated on the same |3date3| with female issue born 15 June 1889, having been anticipatorily consummated on the 10 September of the same year and complete carnal intercourse, with ejaculation of semen within the |7natural7| female |7natural7| organ, having |8last8| taken place 5 weeks previous, viz,º 27 November |61894 18936|, to the birth on 29 December |61894 18936| of second (and only male) issue, deceased 9 January (err1895 1894ºerr), aged 11 days, there remained a period of |69 106| years, 5 months and 18 days during which carnal intercourse had been incomplete, without ejaculation of semen within the natural female organ. By the narrator a limitation of activity, mental and
{u22, 688}
corporal, inasmuch as complete mental intercourse between himself and the listener had not taken place since the consummation of puberty, indicated by catamenic hemorrhage, of the female issue of narrator and listener, 15 September 1903, there remained a period of 9 months and 1 day during which,º in consequence of a preestablished natural comprehension in incomprehension between the consummated females (listener and issue), complete corporal liberty of action had been circumscribed.


By various reiterated |6feminine6| interrogation concerning the |6masculine6| destination whither, the place where, the time at which, the duration for which, the object with which in the case of temporary absences, projected or effected.

What moved visibly above the listener's and the narrator's invisible thoughts?

The upcast reflection of a lamp and shade, an inconstant series of concentric circles of varying gradations of light and shadow.
{u21, 820}

In what directions did listener and narrator lie?

Listener(err:,ºerr) S.E. by E.:º Narrator(err,ºerr) N.W. by W.:º on the |653° |753th 53rd7|6| |3parallel3| of latitude, N.,º and |6 6th6| |3meridian3| of longitude, W.:º at an angle of 45° to the terrestrial equator.

In what state of rest or motion?

At rest relatively to themselves and to each other. In motion being each and both carried westward, forward and rereward respectively, by the proper perpetual motion of the earth through everchanging tracks of neverchanging space.

In what posture?

Listener: reclined semilaterally, left, left hand under head, right leg extended in a straight line and resting on left leg, flexed, in the attitude of Gea-Tellus, fulfilledº, recumbent, big with seed. Narrator: reclined laterally, left, with right and left legs flexed, the |6index indexfinger6| and thumb of the right hand resting on the bridge of the nose, in the attitude depicted inº a snapshot photograph made by Percy Apjohn, the childman weary, the manchild in the womb.
{u22, 689}

Womb? Weary?

He rests. He has travelled.


Sinbad the Sailor and Tinbad the Tailor and Jinbad the Jailer and Whinbad the Whaler and Ninbad the Nailer and Finbad the Failer and Binbad the Bailer and Pinbad the Pailer and Minbad the Mailer and Hinbad the Hailer and Rinbad the Railer and Dinbad the Kailer and Vinbad the |7Gailer Quailer7| and Linbad the Yailer and Xinbad the Phthailer.
{u21, 821}


Going to dark bed there was a square round Sinbad the Sailor |6rok's roc's6| auk's egg inº the night of |6the6| bed of all the auks of the |6roks rocs6| of |7the7| Darkinbad the Brightdayler.
