SD1 (VI.A, handwriting D, part 1): Scribbledehobble Paris

Facsimile edition: James Joyce Archive vol. 28, ed. Danis Rose.
Print edition: James Joyce's Scribbledehobble (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1961), ed. Thomas Connolly.
Manuscript: Buffalo VI.A 1-47, March 1931 Notebook details

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 1

SD1 (VI.A): 1(a)
scribbledehobble, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 1(b)
I'm feeling so funny all over the same, all through a girl & I don't know her name, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 1(c)
goosey, Not cancelled
SD1 (VI.A): 1(d)
nice bit of fluff ~ Blue
Note: Bit of fluff (slang): girl.
SD1 (VI.A): 1(e)
~ on the shelf,
SD1 (VI.A): 1(f)
smiled me a smile, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 1(g)
geste revàle l'inconnu, Blue
Note: See also: N42 (VI.B.31):bfr(d). French geste revèle l'inconnu: gesture reveals the unknown.
SD1 (VI.A): 1(h)
Greeks believe thunderbolts form mines, gehinnon, sheol, unterwelt, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 1(i)
SD1 (VI.A): 1(j)
gamaliel = teacher of Jesus,
SD1 (VI.A): 1(k)
H claps at sermon,
SD1 (VI.A): 1(l)
funny without being French,
SD1 (VI.A): 1(m)
drunk again for a change,

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 2

SD1 (VI.A): 2(a)
H ear of Dionysius, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 2(b)
play tinpan,
SD1 (VI.A): 2(c)
new name when entering Islam, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 2(d)
they were on that sea 300 years, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 2(e)
get no good of her, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 2(f)
she's within, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 2(g)
leave off codding,
SD1 (VI.A): 2(h)
there was a wish on him for spuds, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 2(i)
SD1 (VI.A): 2(j)
semi-double octave
SD1 (VI.A): 2(k)
Db 2nd class,
SD1 (VI.A): 2(l)
3 waves of I = Thoth, Ruri, Cleeva, Blue
Note: Irish tonn Rudgraighe, tonn Tuaithe, tonn Chlíodhna: three of the ‘Four Waves of Ireland’ [points on the Irish coast].
SD1 (VI.A): 2(m)
dogscare = nightmare 50 years after,
SD1 (VI.A): 2(n)
most attractive kicking,
SD1 (VI.A): 2(o)
add pearly teeth,
SD1 (VI.A): 2(p)
truf trifid tongue, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 2(q)
coronach, Orange
Note: Irish corónach: funeral dirge.
SD1 (VI.A): 2(r)
SP dove without gall, Orange

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 3

SD1 (VI.A): 3(a)
dulcarnon = horned, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 3(b)
47th prop of Euclid or Alexander's 2 horn heads, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 3(c)
putty (colour),
SD1 (VI.A): 3(d)
natural rejection, Orange
Note: Natural selection.
SD1 (VI.A): 3(e)
to pulfer turnips, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 3(f)
when is Versailles going to be gone to, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 3(g)
spinney, Blue
Note: Spinney: (OED) a small wood or copse, esp. one planted or preserved for sheltering game-birds.
SD1 (VI.A): 3(h)
scrawdy bacon,
SD1 (VI.A): 3(i)
SD1 (VI.A): 3(j)
stooks of sheaves,
SD1 (VI.A): 3(k)
slave with bored ear,
SD1 (VI.A): 3(l)
Sitric the Blind,
SD1 (VI.A): 3(m)
SD1 (VI.A): 3(n)
less a man than man, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 3(o)
scratch himself to death,

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 4

SD1 (VI.A): 4(a)
SD1 (VI.A): 4(b)
Let nothing make thee too regretful / Or fretful / Be still / Paul Fleming
SD1 (VI.A): 4(c)
welldressed ideas, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 4(d)
stockyard whip,
SD1 (VI.A): 4(e)
parthing ope,
SD1 (VI.A): 4(f)
I hearsaid,
SD1 (VI.A): 4(g)
tobacco is like the soul in sin, / fair without & foul within, / so think of that when you smoke tobacco,
SD1 (VI.A): 4(h)
for how much would you walk to Barcola, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 4(i)
Florrie is the only girl I love,
SD1 (VI.A): 4(j)
good milker, Orange
Note: MS only. The second usage taken from the first.

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 5

SD1 (VI.A): 5(a)
lad under 10 stone,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(b)
2 bullets entered his back,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(c)
252 miles of streets, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 5(d)
not taking anything but claret,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(e)
bu W. burns hairs on leg,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(f)
devil lets bad men live because sure of them.
SD1 (VI.A): 5(g)
W., pews in Locarno bank,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(h)
seedfruit level, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 5(i)
pope on bicycle,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(j)
made a god of his mouth,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(k)
a musical man,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(l)
fortyish, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 5(m)
go away & don't be silly, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 5(n)
I happen to know,
SD1 (VI.A): 5(o)
a bit for the beast,

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 6

SD1 (VI.A): 6(a)
great spoons,
SD1 (VI.A): 6(b)
reeraw, Orange
whilst trying with pious clamour to wheedle Tipperaw raw raw reeraw puteters out of Now Sealand (see FW 111.01) James Joyce, “Work in Progress”, transition 5 (August 1927) 19
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 6(c)
peajacket, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 6(d)
my hat, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 6(e)
cheer up, we'll soon be dead,
SD1 (VI.A): 6(f)
W cleans ear hairpin,
SD1 (VI.A): 6(g)
the special power priests have W,
SD1 (VI.A): 6(h)
smokes a whole box of matches, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 6(i)
W the thing is, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 6(j)
Irish colleen in heaven sings Barney, take me home again, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 6(k)
selfmade world, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 6(l)
arschlochfinger gesicht,
SD1 (VI.A): 6(m)
W go in twos ~ Orange

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 7

SD1 (VI.A): 7(a)
~ to doctor
SD1 (VI.A): 7(b)
Is was a woman of 3 cows,
SD1 (VI.A): 7(c)
where are they now,
SD1 (VI.A): 7(d)
can that / sobstuff, Orange
Note: Can that sobstuff (American slang): cut out the sentimentality. This notebook unit was probably taken from, rather than being the source of, the same expression in FH-vii (NLI FH-1r), which see.
SD1 (VI.A): 7(e)
T whinges, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 7(f)
O treasoro,
SD1 (VI.A): 7(g)
sit in her lap, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 7(h)
Is reads on floor,
SD1 (VI.A): 7(i)
don't point,
SD1 (VI.A): 7(j)
sneakers, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 7(k)
SD1 (VI.A): 7(l)
you can't believe a word he writes, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 7(m)
no meeting is as foreseen, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 7(n)
read serial in train, Orange
Note: MS only

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 8

SD1 (VI.A): 8(a)
H can't hear self eat
SD1 (VI.A): 8(b)
H made of clippings, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 8(c)
D a lot of unexciting trousers, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 8(d)
that's all I've got to say,
SD1 (VI.A): 8(e)
wholly probable (holy parable) Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 8(f)
not particularly,
SD1 (VI.A): 8(g)
H never argues while eating,
SD1 (VI.A): 8(h)
T reads his nails, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 8(i)
brought up on superlatives, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 8(j)
go to meet girl meet other marry, Orange
Note: MS only

Page: SD1 (VI.A) 9

SD1 (VI.A): 9(a)
giggly chair,
SD1 (VI.A): 9(b)
H eats cap on head,
SD1 (VI.A): 9(c)
ask W sense of word = 0, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 9(d)
annuals (flowers), Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 9(e)
SD1 (VI.A): 9(f)
K salutes nun,
SD1 (VI.A): 9(g)
D is saluted,
SD1 (VI.A): 9(h)
James Barnacle, human clock,
SD1 (VI.A): 9(i)
fiddle Nero,
SD1 (VI.A): 9(j)
Tossy Madden, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 9(k)
SD1 (VI.A): 9(l)
she bore my sufferings so patiently,
SD1 (VI.A): 9(m)
fed on parrishes food,
SD1 (VI.A): 10(a)
Skaal! by Hek!
SD1 (VI.A): 10(b)
quid vobis videtur? Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 10(c)
extra omnes,
SD1 (VI.A): 10(d)
golden bell,
SD1 (VI.A): 10(e)
glorious name of Irish goose,
SD1 (VI.A): 10(f)
H pissed a wall by three O'Ryans Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 10(g)
H likeness to A, Blue
  • FW unlocated
SD1 (VI.A): 10(h)
burst out of his trousers with stupidity,
SD1 (VI.A): 10(i)
church closed on Sunday,
SD1 (VI.A): 10(j)
E all read same book,
SD1 (VI.A): 10(k)
C navel
SD1 (VI.A): 11(a)
D pargoleth,
SD1 (VI.A): 11(b)
Hosty's ballad wrapt round a barrel,
SD1 (VI.A): 11(c)
mì fa venìr la pénna d'oca,
SD1 (VI.A): 11(d)
I trees too beautiful for her to listen, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 11(e)
put back watch, Blue
Note: Not in 1939 text.
SD1 (VI.A): 11(f)
if you fall don't wait to get up,
SD1 (VI.A): 11(g)
School for Stendhal,
SD1 (VI.A): 11(h)
K afraid to phone & find a W in his room,
SD1 (VI.A): 12(a)
I takes off shoes at her dinner, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 12(b)
T's whisper heard in Pekin, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 12(c)
what saying? Blue
Note: Entered by Sheet i-9(e)
SD1 (VI.A): 12(d)
stitching them up,
SD1 (VI.A): 12(e)
mon petit,
SD1 (VI.A): 12(f)
she can move,
SD1 (VI.A): 12(g)
jokes about false teeth,
SD1 (VI.A): 12(h)
the way he walks with his legs
SD1 (VI.A): 12(i)
C listens to hear his own mistakes, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 12(j)
Skeezy Lally good & tired,
SD1 (VI.A): 12(k)
Kathleen's ~ Orange
Note: See also: SD1 (VI.A):013(a), continuation of this unit.
SD1 (VI.A): 13(a)
~ mind a jackdaw's nest, Orange
Note: See also VI.C.13:003(h).
SD1 (VI.A): 13(b)
J tears up letters Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 13(c)
others work or woo for T, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 13(d)
write T & I in Eden,
SD1 (VI.A): 13(e)
S.P in 19—
SD1 (VI.A): 13(f)
shouting with the heat,
SD1 (VI.A): 13(g)
D eat all barring carrots,
SD1 (VI.A): 13(h)
D my lagging loves,
SD1 (VI.A): 13(i)
SD1 (VI.A): 13(j)
SD1 (VI.A): 13(k)
ever think of me as a mother or father?
SD1 (VI.A): 13(l)
blackleaded chest, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 13(m)
pas pendus,
SD1 (VI.A): 13(n)
diamond sculls,
Note: See also: N17 (VI.B.9):046(a)
SD1 (VI.A): 14(a)
backslapper gladhander, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 14(b)
song in a train, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 14(c)
heat baptismal water,
SD1 (VI.A): 14(d)
a little shawl,
SD1 (VI.A): 14(e)
T teaches her to talk,
SD1 (VI.A): 14(f)
Leo W,
SD1 (VI.A): 14(g)
SD1 (VI.A): 14(h)
hair in queer / mood, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 14(i)
H & A discuss / the past, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 14(j)
left foot / hindmost, Orange
Note: II.2 reference MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 14(k)
was she / thin or was she ~
SD1 (VI.A): 14(l)
~ she fat / as a hen in the ~ Orange
Note: See also: SD1 (VI.A):015(a) for continuation of this unit.
SD1 (VI.A): 15(a)
~ forehead, Orange
Note: See also: SD1 (VI.A):014(l) for first part of this unit.
SD1 (VI.A): 15(b)
give to drink to shirt, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 15(c)
face full of flesh Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 15(d)
change her tunic, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 15(e)
afraid she'd drop her sweat in the batter,
SD1 (VI.A): 15(f)
H crawls with lice, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 15(g)
to cat an anchor,
SD1 (VI.A): 15(h)
merciful hour,
SD1 (VI.A): 15(i)
C admires secretly Blue
  • FW unlocated
SD1 (VI.A): 15(j)
girl is pained by other's slighting,
SD1 (VI.A): 15(k)
dimity, Orange
From velveteens to dimities is barely a fivefinger span (FW 067.28) James Joyce, “Work in Progress”, transition 3 (June 1927) 45
Note: MS only. See also: N25 (VI.B.15):198(k), the source for FW 067.28.
SD1 (VI.A): 16(a)
duck, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 16(b)
SD1 (VI.A): 16(c)
shellroad, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 16(d)
wellheld, Pencil
  • FW unlocated
SD1 (VI.A): 16(e)
SD1 (VI.A): 16(f)
shaved by corpse barber,
SD1 (VI.A): 16(g)
the cock shrilled, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 16(h)
give a wide berth,
SD1 (VI.A): 16(i)
SD1 (VI.A): 16(j)
anfractuosities, Blue
Note: If location correct, transferred via Sheet vii-10(d). This word also appears in the prototext (I.4:1.3), entered too early to come from this section of the notebook.
SD1 (VI.A): 16(k)
dayfall, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 16(l)
bismillah, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 16(m)
zealously ~ Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 16(n)
~ young,
SD1 (VI.A): 16(o)
curiously shy,
SD1 (VI.A): 16(p)
SD1 (VI.A): 16(q)
wraparound skirt, Not cancelled
SD1 (VI.A): 16(r)
it is foretold of him how, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 16(s)
Jehovah ~
SD1 (VI.A): 17(a)
~ loves fried steak,
SD1 (VI.A): 17(b)
C pain in lost limb (innocence), Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 17(c)
hungerbrood, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 17(d)
ilkaboy, milkamaid,
SD1 (VI.A): 17(e)
redheaded Italian dagodevil,
SD1 (VI.A): 17(f)
do you mind with whom you did sleep,
SD1 (VI.A): 17(g)
lean on your lentils, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 17(h)
timekiller, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 17(i)
SD1 (VI.A): 17(j)
no waste,
SD1 (VI.A): 17(k)
John key pure ~
SD1 (VI.A): 17(l)
~ sonogog Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 18(a)
SD1 (VI.A): 18(b)
his ha hangout,
SD1 (VI.A): 18(c)
SD1 (VI.A): 18(d)
started scratch,
SD1 (VI.A): 18(e)
blubber nordseafisk,
SD1 (VI.A): 18(f)
wire in hat to stand up,
SD1 (VI.A): 18(g)
dragonfly Orange
Note: Entered by Sheet i-9(f)
SD1 (VI.A): 18(h)
spiders walk along reeds, Blue
Note: Entered by Sheet i-9(f)
SD1 (VI.A): 18(i)
luciphare, Blue
Note: Lucifer.
SD1 (VI.A): 18(j)
throw stones after zug,
SD1 (VI.A): 18(k)
K you didn't think I saw,
SD1 (VI.A): 18(l)
crinoline trees,
SD1 (VI.A): 18(m)
see stars from bed, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 19(a)
SD1 (VI.A): 19(b)
virgin thrown open to public,
SD1 (VI.A): 19(c)
slumber suit,
SD1 (VI.A): 19(d)
you're through, I'm true, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 19(e)
mother of instinct,
SD1 (VI.A): 19(f)
one word borrows another, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 19(g)
SD1 (VI.A): 19(h)
catsmeat column,
SD1 (VI.A): 19(i)
towel on his head, Orange
Note: Not in 1939 text.
SD1 (VI.A): 19(j)
Airyanna & Bluebart, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 19(k)
pottage ~
SD1 (VI.A): 20(a)
~ Esau,
SD1 (VI.A): 20(b)
sea of murmuring ~ Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 20(c)
~ depths,
SD1 (VI.A): 20(d)
sea of ark,
SD1 (VI.A): 20(e)
by me, I suppose?
SD1 (VI.A): 20(f)
SD1 (VI.A): 20(g)
tie on his toupee, Blue
Note: Not in 1939 text.
SD1 (VI.A): 20(h)
cigar clerk,
SD1 (VI.A): 20(i)
a most dismal drunk,
SD1 (VI.A): 20(j)
SD1 (VI.A): 20(k)
SD1 (VI.A): 20(l)
big bug, ark sea fog, fog sick man, man say God, God see fog.
SD1 (VI.A): 21(a)
[Handwriting ‘A’ material]
Note: See also: SA (VI.A):0021(a).
SD1 (VI.A): 22(a)
SD1 (VI.A): 22(b)
SD1 (VI.A): 22(c)
I'd be surprised if he had,
SD1 (VI.A): 22(d)
blue trout musclemans,
SD1 (VI.A): 22(e)
waybash R, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 22(f)
bottle was in back porch,
SD1 (VI.A): 22(g)
royal pair, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 22(h)
SD1 (VI.A): 22(i)
fulgaration, Orange
Note: Entered by Sheet i-3(h) to Sheet i-27(r) to Sheet i-31(b). Latin fulgar: any reflected flash; a flash of lightning; a thunderbolt.
SD1 (VI.A): 22(j)
a smuggler for life, Blue
Note: Struggle for life.
SD1 (VI.A): 22(k)
A logs came up all standing, Orange
Note: Entered by Sheet i-3(b) to Sheet i-27(n) to Sheet i-28(g).
SD1 (VI.A): 22(l)
unchartered rock, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 22(m)
let loose dove when Q passes,
SD1 (VI.A): 22(n)
perfect ~
SD1 (VI.A): 23(a)
~ like an unknown lover,
SD1 (VI.A): 23(b)
cell bridges,
SD1 (VI.A): 23(c)
K of Sp—'s daughter,
SD1 (VI.A): 23(d)
under influence of a bhang,
SD1 (VI.A): 23(e)
betweenly Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 23(f)
in another place,
SD1 (VI.A): 23(g)
SD1 (VI.A): 23(h)
SD1 (VI.A): 23(i)
at Belshazar's,
SD1 (VI.A): 23(j)
finster oh allhorn,
SD1 (VI.A): 23(k)
SD1 (VI.A): 23(l)
Prendregast, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 23(m)
married to writing, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 24(a)
SD1 (VI.A): 24(b)
inured to,
SD1 (VI.A): 24(c)
spellbound, Orange
SD1 (VI.A): 24(d)
addressed girl's school H,
SD1 (VI.A): 24(e)
D the elder,
SD1 (VI.A): 24(f)
C ran away at 6, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 24(g)
love is unhappy round I's neck,
SD1 (VI.A): 24(h)
H burns will,
SD1 (VI.A): 24(i)
flood abates,
SD1 (VI.A): 24(j)
European High Commissioner,
SD1 (VI.A): 24(k)
Dopple Q C
SD1 (VI.A): 24(l)
human chain extends, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 24(m)
bore ~
SD1 (VI.A): 25(a)
~ a daughter,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(b)
expurge trade, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 25(c)
tuck shop,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(d)
the Maid,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(e)
why did you look,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(f)
C broke parole amice,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(g)
I remember you saying (il y a 2 ″)
SD1 (VI.A): 25(h)
capsized hat,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(i)
SD1 (VI.A): 25(j)
sums about apples, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 25(k)
abbaco, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 25(l)
Hosty sings about pub,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(m)
SD1 (VI.A): 25(n)
discontinuous orbit,
SD1 (VI.A): 25(o)
soccer, soggart,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(a)
shyly bawn, Blue
Note: Anglo-Irish bawn: white, fair.
SD1 (VI.A): 26(b)
rustic brogue,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(c)
marriage with arrow,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(d)
good & pretty,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(e)
set seine on fire,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(f)
I hate him,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(g)
SD1 (VI.A): 26(h)
Brian H,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(i)
archabbot lums,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(j)
a gas consumer, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 26(k)
four arms H,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(l)
100,000 souls,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(m)
upper 10,
SD1 (VI.A): 26(n)
Trinidad shell cocoa, Orange
Note: MS only
SD1 (VI.A): 26(o)
H has a block at Morgen's & a hatache ~ Blue
Note: Entered by Sheet i-9(g). J. Morgan, Dublin hat manufacturer. German Morgen: morning.
SD1 (VI.A): 27(a)
~ all the afterlunch, Blue
SD1 (VI.A): 27(b)
Kappa Piedersen, Blue
Note: Entered by Sheet i-9(g). Kapp and Peterson, Dublin pipe and tobacco traders.
SD1 (VI.A): 27(c)
Arth the Onely,
SD1 (VI.A): 27(d)
cobbler bulk,
  • MS BL 47478-243v
  • JJA 52:152 Usage
  • Draft: II.2§4.1 Orange
  • Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(e)
    John's Lame & Jamesy's gait, Blue
    • FW unlocated
  • MS BL 47477-96
  • JJA 51:148 Note: Transferred to Sheet i-9(h). Cf. FW 521.13f, entered earlier (draft 8, late 1928).
  • SD1 (VI.A): 27(f)
    the more he grows on one,
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(g)
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(h)
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(i)
    tealofts, web goods, Blue
    Note: German Webwaren: textiles.
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(j)
    gantry H,
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(k)
    the pens,
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(l)
    marble mantels, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 27(m)
    boulter's bull,
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(a)
    reindeer pelt, Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(b)
    aubrey mon,
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(c)
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(d)
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(e)
    traffic tower,
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(f)
    grand total, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(g)
    mother of a bitch,
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(h)
    humpy rumpy rigsdag dumpy,
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(i)
    sheets & sheets of rain, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(j)
    weather bitten, Blue
    Note: Weatherbeaten; frostbitten.
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(k)
    now in nationel cruet stand, Not cancelled
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(l)
    bulrushes Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 28(m)
    H orders clean hands for dinner,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(a)
    dept of the Liffey,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(b)
    stand for any W after Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(c)
    the Tarara boom decayed, Blue
    Note: Songtitle, Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay.
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(d)
    D give I to E,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(e)
    J.S runs away after J.J.
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(f)
    This is ~
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(g)
    ~ the book of D. D's book, Orange
    • FW unlocated
    Note: FW 020.15f was inserted at an earlier draft level (I.1:2A.1)
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(h)
    hip artillery,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(i)
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(j)
    1 rock Mt,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(k)
    east side,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(l)
    skins rug,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(m)
    try a rival blush with,
    SD1 (VI.A): 29(n)
    sits for E Dublin
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(a)
    walk on my shadow,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(b)
    dangerous customer,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(c)
    wish columm,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(d)
    our species,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(e)
    member of party,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(f)
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(g)
    a span of oxen Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(h)
    H says all came out of 1 egg,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(i)
    work of several fathers,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(j)
    Jonathan Bowdler,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(k)
    peacock skirt,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(l)
    coloured heels,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(m)
    how many bees in bonnet,
    SD1 (VI.A): 30(n)
    teter ~
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(a)
    ~ la nuit,
    Note: See also: SA (VI.A):0031(a) for handwriting ‘A’ material on this page.
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(b)
    made this reply, saying,
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(c)
    Aged father,
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(d)
    Kerry eagle,
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(e)
    thus did say in his gore,
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(f)
    a daughter of Daniel O'Connell,
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(g)
    singing likeness Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(h)
    lollapalooser Blue
    Note: Lollapaloosa (U.S. slang): wonderful.
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(i)
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(j)
    C idea of happiness to cease to be, Blue
    • FW unlocated
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(k)
    I speak low,
    Note: Copied from N04 (VI.B.25):009(a)
    SD1 (VI.A): 31(l)
    Dublin soup,
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(a)
    the film folk, Blue
    Note: Entered by Sheet i-9(i)
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(b)
    Pop mineral water papers,
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(c)
    trading punches,
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(d)
    eyes follow you,
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(e)
    Note: See also N01 (VI.B.10):066(e).
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(f)
    Kevin's chapel pro-cathedral,
    Note: Copied from N04 (VI.B.25):013(a)
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(g)
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(h)
    his advent, Blue
    • FW unlocated
    Note: Transferred to Sheet i-9(j)
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(i)
    his stainless soul,
    SD1 (VI.A): 32(j)
    Saturday finest,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(a)
    humouring incident,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(b)
    it is her that goes,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(c)
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(d)
    W wants present back,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(e)
    treaty stone oath,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(f)
    don't let tomorrow pass,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(g)
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(h)
    beroft berobbed,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(i)
    hole of her face,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(j)
    pounded mummy cure,
    SD1 (VI.A): 33(k)
    peers gloveless when H.M in Lords, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(a)
    John Whiglton built / gingerbread,
    Note: Copied from N04 (VI.B.25):023(a)
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(b)
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(c)
    I learns Dalcroze but / drops umbrella, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(d)
    H thermometer on window,
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(e)
    erects 3 trees 2
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(f)
    I begs 2 makes, Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(g)
    for a wing, Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(h)
    no more tay for sugar the cosey, Orange
    Note: MS only. Copied from N04 (VI.B.25):027(a)
    SD1 (VI.A): 34(i)
    she was tearing (mad), Blue
    Note: This notebook unit was probably taken from, rather than being the source of, the same expression in FH-vii (NLI FH-5r), which see.
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(a)
    disease from mummy,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(b)
    attached a weight to his neck,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(c)
    noble character,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(d)
    ivorine surefast,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(e)
    clothes hung out to salute tram,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(f)
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(g)
    masculine headgear,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(h)
    sorting bell,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(i)
    four foil windows,
    SD1 (VI.A): 35(j)
    Note: See also N01 (VI.B.10):107(f).
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(a)
    goody, Blue
    Note: Goody: a children's supper dish; a sweetmeat.
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(b)
    house built tween dusk & dawn,
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(c)
    parrot speaks old tanga,
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(d)
    give a ruling,
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(e)
    sham battler,
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(f)
    struck off head drank his blood head on pole,
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(g)
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(h)
    cacique (chief),
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(i)
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(j)
    found 5 goats,
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(k)
    live rough, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 36(l)
    looked his last upon her, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(a)
    H excited, yawns,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(b)
    starred form,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(c)
    dory (little boat),
    Note: See also N08 (VI.B.6):078(j)
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(d)
    pressing a concealed button,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(e)
    3 went to Unity College,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(f)
    described as different,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(g)
    forward in pig, calf at foot,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(h)
    pick up enemy noise,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(i)
    amazon greenstones,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(j)
    orage fertilises because the electricity fixes free N for plants,
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(k)
    jade loinstone, Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(l)
    increscent moon, Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(m)
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(n)
    cursing saint, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(o)
    treegrown girl, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 37(p)
    Singabed cries before sleep, Blue
    Music: He who sings in bed will cry before he sleeps. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 16
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(a)
    feed either cat or mice,
    He who will not feed his cat, let him feed his mice. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 22
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(b)
    duck proud in rain,
    Proud are ducks in the rain. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 23
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(c)
    thick head & thin butter, Blue
    A mother-in-laws slice of bread and butter— thick bred and thin butter. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 25
    Note: There is also the saying: ‘Thick bread & thin butter, Is only fit for the ducks in the gutter’, quoted in Charlotte Mary Yonge's The Stokesley Secret (1874).
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(d)
    hold at edge of knife,
    To keep at the edge of the knife (to keep on short allowance). T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 26
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(e)
    borrowed so much he had 0 to pay,
    Hateful is he who borrows so much that he has nothing to pay. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 28
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(f)
    sleep in a green bed,
    To sleep in a green bed (in a field). T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 33
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(g)
    advice of pillow,
    The advice of the pillow. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 33
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(h)
    forgetful walks twice as much,
    The forgetful are apt to have two journeys. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 40
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(i)
    little grey nuns, Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(j)
    no fuss or muss, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(k)
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(l)
    today is thine whose tomorrow, Orange
    To-day is thine, whose to-morrow? T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 55
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(m)
    child's hiccup growth,
    A child's hiccup, growth; an old man's, weakness. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 56
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(n)
    cat plays only 1 year,
    A cat will not play after she is a year old. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 66
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(o)
    like a bark to the tree,
    Proverbial similes: Like the bark around the tree. T.R. Roberts, The Proverbs of Wales (1909) 92
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(p)
    green tees verted,
    SD1 (VI.A): 38(q)
    H cleans fingers ~
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(a)
    ~ on wall of W.C,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(b)
    chilled beef,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(c)
    heat bends tramline,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(d)
    pushed rt. hon bart in side,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(e)
    port cradle,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(f)
    throw salt on grill fire,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(g)
    10 turns in 10 minutes,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(h)
    after you with me, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(i)
    ear needs tuning,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(j)
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(k)
    footer, wingman,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(l)
    classics (oaks, derby),
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(m)
    consonant shift due to Mt air,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(n)
    speed of speech modern,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(o)
    I plague on vowels,
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(p)
    wedge in lip = no eff.
    SD1 (VI.A): 39(q)
    words little pronounced change ~
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(a)
    ~ less
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(b)
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(c)
    earwigs carry away dead,
    (FW 79.16) … to carry, as earwigs do their dead James Joyce, “Work in Progress”, transition 4 (July 1927) 49
    Note: See also N09 (VI.B.1):130(d).
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(d)
    H reads guests' letters,
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(e)
    bath copper,
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(f)
    gave him best,
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(g)
    horses never on terms with leaders,
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(h)
    locomotive inn, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(i)
    his number went up,
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(j)
    depth charge bombs, river ~ Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(k)
    ~ of the rhine
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(l)
    angels are crying: Doris is unhappy, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(m)
    brain matter escaped,
    SD1 (VI.A): 40(n)
    did ~
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(a)
    ~ you ever try putting yr head in a gas oven,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(b)
    born by wowser,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(c)
    if I did right I'd,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(d)
    a lolly stick,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(e)
    cricket in tophats,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(f)
    Laffian B Gay,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(g)
    canopy of bed with figures of killed adultresses,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(h)
    mirror reflects variously,
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(i)
    SD1 (VI.A): 41(j)
    divinity that shapes their ends backview them how ~ Orange
    Note: See also: SD1 (VI.A):042(a) for continuation of this unit.
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(a)
    ~ we will, Orange
    Note: See also: SD1 (VI.A):041(j) for first part of this unit.
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(b)
    pulled revolver out of her mouth,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(c)
    war correspondent,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(d)
    love ditto,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(e)
    soda fountain,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(f)
    single ankle hose,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(g)
    H to write out 30 times,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(i)
    W talks while H —,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(j)
    history told by parrot Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(k)
    cabbage in trill it,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(l)
    H scarp,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(m)
    cambered stones,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(n)
    6 years constitute highway,
    SD1 (VI.A): 42(o)
    stealing ~
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(a)
    ~ offal from a blind cur,
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(b)
    have some shame,
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(c)
  • MS BL 47477-97
  • JJA 51:186 Usage
  • Draft: II.1§6D.0 Blue
  • Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(d)
    H.M's guests,
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(e)
    J to H sire, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(f)
    silk to knee,
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(g)
    soldiers band sings,
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(h)
    N floats on drink,
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(i)
    stoolball, Blue
    • FW unlocated
    Note: FW 129.29f derives from N38 (VI.B.32):018(e). Stool-ball: an old country game somewhat resembling cricket, played chiefly by young women, or, as an Easter game, between men and women for a ‘tansy’ as the stake. The ‘stool’ was the wicket.
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(j)
    squire of —,
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(k)
    monks sell yew to archers, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(l)
    either be crowned or hanged, Orange
    Note: MS only
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(m)
    sola (hat),
    SD1 (VI.A): 43(n)
    old Pam (Palmerston)
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(a)
    Know what I have come about?, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(b)
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(c)
    director of goats,
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(d)
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(e)
    chin plasters,
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(f)
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(g)
    poetry on wheels,
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(h)
    Lear gave to scape legacy duty,
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(i)
    growler (cat),
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(j)
    decode, Blue
    Note: Entered by Sheet i-9(l)
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(k)
    reading of part,
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(l)
    crooked stick & grey goose quill,
    Note: Copied from N04 (VI.B.25):133(a)
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(m)
    not as good as paid for,
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(n)
    keep a house over her,
    SD1 (VI.A): 44(o)
    nested coffin,
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(a)
    groceries, Blue
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(b)
    one statue visits other,
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(c)
    give pocket a rest,
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(d)
    dispensation to marry,
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(e)
    apostle's lent (Ascension to Whitweek |afollowed by 3O days indulgencea|)
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(f)
    Mary's lent (1-25 March June),
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(g)
    saint carry pipkin,
    Note: Copied from N04 (VI.B.25):143(g)
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(h)
    Mgr Kevin,
    Note: Copied from N04 (VI.B.25):144(c)
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(i)
    franks & bag[andes],
    the Franks, the Burgundians Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (ed. unknown) 390
    SD1 (VI.A): 45(j)
    where his horse passed no grass grows,
    It is a saying worthy of the ferocious pride of Attila, that the grass never grew on the spot where his horse had trod. Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (ed. unknown) 396
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(a)
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(b)
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(c)
    the faster,
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(d)
    il traversera,
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(e)
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(f)
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(g)
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(h)
    fluvio frigido,
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(i)
    ponte sontis,
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(j)
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(k)
    impedimenter poleorcetique
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(l)
    storks leave Aquileia, Blue
    XXXV reports that Attila, about to relinquish his siege of Aquileia, observed a stork and its family about to leave her nest in a tower in the walls and deduced from this that the tower must be unmanned, breached the wall at that place and destroyed the city. Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (ed. unknown) 394-5
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(m)
    time fights for him,
    SD1 (VI.A): 46(n)
    pope Leo & Attila Mincius
    xxxx Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (ed. unknown) 399
    SD1 (VI.A): 47(a)
    after afraid of animals names, Blue
    Note: See also: Sheet i-9(n), Sheet i-27(i) and N42 (VI.B.31):122(d)
    SD1 (VI.A): 47(b)
    Humia, Hildico, eats in a wooden platter,
    xxxx Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (ed. unknown) 366
    SD1 (VI.A): 47(c)
    foul traducers, Orange
    SD1 (VI.A): 47(d)
    counting noses,