N16 (VI.D.1): Duce of Dug Door Paris

Missing notebook: May-June 1925.
Manuscript reconstructed from partial copy Notebook details
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(a)
The Duce of dug door
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(b)
gin the trying to govern / white
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(c)
H in royal oak
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(e)
is to near
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(f)
he came
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(g)
spear he said — by 2 murders
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(h)
bad notices
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(i)
with no 6 Irish
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(j)
while an old
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(k)
I might see you
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(l)
the leader
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(m)
a blond
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(n)
a pretty day
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 1(o)
made several
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:123(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(a)
1 paid them
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(c)
why do you cry
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(d)
wet tree
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(e)
Any students
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(g)
an announce
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(h)
in a time
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(j)
look for quartz
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(k)
kallisteion / beauty contest
The kernel of the myth according to this story is a kallisteion or beauty contest. When the gods were assembled at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Eris, Strife, threw among them a golden apple. J.E. Harrison, Mythology (1924) 89
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(l)
plus — klia — Dionian
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(m)
Note: ALP's sign is upside down.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 2(n)
interrupt the puceen
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:124(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(a)
laugh to it
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(b)
Ir letter must
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(c)
A C Shawl
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(d)
What is the price?
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(e)
I chambre no 7.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(f)
à 1 personne
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(g)
I ought to be arranged
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(h)
a minute
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(j)
H lasses at serfs / who prints his / ballad
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(k)
copysit at Monte / di Pricti
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 3(l)
makes Ei ndth
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:125(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(a)
In office's time
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(b)
a day little better
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(c)
I ran after T to / tell him — / and (charged)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(d)
to maternity
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(e)
a man with / a check workcoat
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(f)
coherer / syphon recording
The many devices, the electro-magnetic receivers, tape machines, coherers, syphon recorders and the thousand and one electrical machines produced at the time for these purposes, have practically all gone. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 13
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(g)
sound reg, / noise irr.
Sound, the regular oscillation, and noise, the irregular oscillation, of the air, fare really the beginning and end of wireless as it is known to the public to-day. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 14
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(h)
will of its own
This means that we must have quite a big movement on a diaphragm of large size, and a large diaphragm is made to move by the electrical oscillation, itself not very accurate; naturally, if it is heavy, like a poker or anything else, it has a will of its own, and therefore it continues to move when the wireless oscillation has told it to stop. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 17
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 4(i)
Eau de Cologne
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:126(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(a)
like a creaking board
If a hero says “Good-bye” to a heroine with a kiss like a creeking board, in the middle of a twenty-reel drama, instead of improving upon the effect of your imagination, which tells you that it is real, and which acts the scene for you better than it can be shown in life or sound, it would be like putting up a blackboard across the screen with the words written upon it, “this is not real it is only a fake.” A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 28-9
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(b)
wireless station
So the greatest effects we shall soon see from wireless and sound are these: we shall be able to speak to people all over the world by relaying and a combination of land-line and radio; we shall easily be able to connect our office with a wireless station on the coast, radio across the Continent, and then connect by land-line to another office on the other side of the Atlantic. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 30-31
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(c)
heard A miles away before B at end of room / collodion balloon
Remember that if I am addressing a man by wireless who is one hundred miles away, someone who is listening on a telephone will hear my voice before I am heard at the end of the big hall where I am speaking, because the velocity of sound is only 1100 feet per second, and wireless, like light, travels much faster. Sound can also be actually refracted. Just as the old-fashioned jeweller used a globe of water to concentrate the light upon his work, so will a collodion balloon filled with carbon dioxide, the ordinary gas product of average combustion, act as a lens for sound, which can be actually focussed by these means. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 20-21
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(d)
frequencies gridded out
The infinitesimal movements of this aluminium coil will reproduce speech up to about 40,000 periods per second in oscillatory speed, yet speech is well recognisable if all frequencies over 4,000 per second are gridded out. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 26
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(e)
makes voices harsh
Unfortunately, from the business point of view, the long distance re-production effect is usually satisfactory even when re-broadcasted upon telephones, and for business purposes it is immaterial whether the voice that records the profit or loss is harsh or pleasant. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 29
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(f)
ear varies after meal
It is the science of wireless that is beautiful; it is the possibilities that are wonderful; but to talk of pure sound and to judge of it by the human ear which varies after every meal, is like measuring the amount of current passing through an electric-light bulb by feeling its heat with the hand. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 33-4
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(g)
what can be coded can be decoded color t.b.a.
Supposing two people had been able to converse privately and with absolute secrecy from other “listeners in,” then we should not mind trusting all our messages to Radio. At present, what can be coded can be decoded, and we are not entranced by the idea of entrusting our pennies to the winds of Heaven and the vagaries of a thunderstorm. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 36-7
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(h)
short wavelength
Now wireless, if I may apply the word here, is very like light in many ways; it is capable of refraction and shadow effects; it travels at the same speed, and if the wave-lengths of wireless could be sufficiently shortened to become visible a new, and possibly effective, method of transmitting wireless light and even power. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 48-9
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(i)
It is more than likely that, in the far future, the proper study of oscillatory theories, the proper investigation of the spectrum only very partially explored by a few, will lead us to a better understanding of the nature of life, and will help us to appreciate the theories of electrical sonics. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 40
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 5(j)
T introduced / the incl I of leaving ~
Vision at a distance is, therefore, very necessary as our inclination for travel decreases and its comfort increases. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 47
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:127(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(a)
Silen / v travel
Vision at a distance is, therefore, very necessary as our inclination for travel decreases and its comfort increases. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 47
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:128(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(b)
T asked give / alsad / why dog fell / t and L' at full of moon ~
There was a time when we made appointments to meet our friends at the full of the moon, but now we say at “10 o'clock, and I can only give you two minutes.” A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 48
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:128(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(c)
~ radio sight
In the future we shall probably say, “Meet me at 10.2.1-5 sees., and do not keep me waiting.” To do this we must have radio sight. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 47-8
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:128(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(d)
a wireless light
Now wireless, if I may apply the word here, is very like light in many ways; it is capable of refraction and shadow effects; it travels at the same speed, and if the wave-lengths of wireless could be sufficiently shortened to become visible we should probably find ourselves with a new, and possibly effective, method of transmitting wireless light and even power. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 48-9
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:128(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(e)
pit — it — iti / italics
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(f)
There is a still more rapid method of transmitting a photograph: it is to allow the light from an ordinary lamp to pass through a spot upon the negative and then to a selenium cell. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 54
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:128(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(g)
— — neon
The electro-magnetic theory of light and the phenomena exhibited by the neon tube, present many opportunities. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 60
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:128(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 6(h)
X cnvcts' / sdl on
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:128(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(a)
Another property, and a feature of great importance from the aspect of television, is that of retentivity. A.M. Low, Wireless Possibilities (1924) 56
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(c)
Humphrys / Justice of the Peace
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(d)
Suffocating heat on / a deafening noise
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(e)
code with code
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(f)
When are you / going
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(g)
Going to Kifters
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(i)
Suicide inconnu
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(j)
X rays preda / identity
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(k)
gamma — pentente
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 7(l)
lira 5xv
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:129(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(a)
looking for candles
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(b)
does England know / earth is round
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(d)
get with / beasts of prey / (cf. horse / nativers)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(e)
I sits on floor
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(f)
was little nun
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(g)
T answer p 40
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(h)
q. p 11
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 8(i)
G.A (You're like / a waiter
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:130(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(a)
H Capital
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(b)
H the Spook
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(c)
Spook speaks
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(d)
Vico and Nede
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(g)
He comes
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(h)
wreath of roses
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(k)
H dun poor tax
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(l)
D I cd only see / his face
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 9(n)
I'm his mestraat
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:131(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(a)
paternity / traced by / microscope
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(d)
A helps up
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(e)
tran OV
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(f)
Olga boatsong
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(h)
to supply frdu / teeth H
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(i)
D feet
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(j)
government / by experts
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 10(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:132(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(b)
D found / himself / with
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(d)
H coccus Ex
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(f)
His Eminences / Cardinal Mc. / Gillycuddy and / Cardinal / Crowpatuck
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(h)
Mars speaking
If Mars, millions of years older than ourselves, has arrived at such a stage of advancement that it can think of transcending its own boundaries, it may make some attempt at communication, but the attempt might take the form which to us would be quite unrecognizable. Some observers thought that the persistent thunderstorms and magnetic disturbances experienced during the last opposition over wide areas were signs of such an attempt, but the coincidence may have been quite accidental. E.E. Fournier d'Albe, Quo vadimus (1925) 89-90
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 11(k)
consult dead oracle ~
I determined, however, to confirm this intelligent forecast by consulting Tantalus himself. To consult the oracle of a dead hero, it was, I knew, only necessary to undergo the process of ‘incubation,’ a sort of camping out on his tomb, in the skin of a sacrificial beast; and fortunately the tomb of Tantalus had just been discovered in Phrygia by the archaeologists of the British School at Athens. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 8
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:133(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(a)
~ skin of beast / at tomb
I determined, however, to confirm this intelligent forecast by consulting Tantalus himself. To consult the oracle of a dead hero, it was, I knew, only necessary to undergo the process of ‘incubation,’ a sort of camping out on his tomb, in the skin of a sacrificial beast; and fortunately the tomb of Tantalus had just been discovered in Phrygia by the archaeologists of the British School at Athens. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 8
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(b)
caries, baldness, atrophied toes
If we have improved on them [early Man], it has probably been only in such minor matters as resistance to the microbes of the many diseases which flourish among dense populations under slum conditions. Against that probability have to be set such certainties as that our toes and many of our muscles are being atrophied and that we are getting more liable to caries and baldness. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 21
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(c)
language, writing
In the first place. Language not only extends enormously the possibilities of co-operation and common action, but also renders possible the consolidation of customs and their preservation by oral tradition. In the next place, Writing enables a society to record all that it considers worth remembering. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 25-6
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(d)
D lanpizza
xxxx F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 00
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(e)
logic = examinable nonsense
Logic has been just examinable nonsense for over two thousand years. The present economic chaos in the world has been indirectly brought about by the policy adopted by the professors of economics forty or fifty years ago, to suit their own convenience. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 32
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(f)
Adam Smith / Wealth of Nations
So soon as the professors had retired from it, every economic heresy and delusion, which had been exposed and uprooted by Adam Smith, at once revived and flourished. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 32
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(g)
Nor was it so very long ago that, in order to save the Mathematical Tripos at Cambridge, it had to be recast, because it had degenerated into an intellectual jig-saw puzzle, wholly unrelated to the applications of mathematics to the other sciences. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 133
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 12(h)
Iceland — settled by unbridled individualists
It is probable that the social history of Iceland, settled as it was by unbridled individualists who would not brook any form of organized government, might throw some light on this process of taming the individual. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 37
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:134(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(a)
So society, as at present organized, is always dying off at the lop, and proliferating at the bottom, of the social pyramid. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 44
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(b)
C frittered away
The children of the rich are tempted to live for ‘society’ in the narrower sense, which means frittering away one's life on a round of vacuous amusement; and they rarely resist the temptation. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 46
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(c)
on bottle? C
Also babies brought up on the bottle, which has an irresistible attraction for microbes of all sorts, are apt to be less healthy than those nourished in the more primitive manner. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 45-6
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(d)
Charles II / H
Since the merry days of King Charles II, very few noble families of royal descent have been added to the peerage. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 51
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(e)
H blowing about / what he did
Our civilization, therefore, carries within it the seeds of its own decay and destruction, and it does not require high prophetic gifts to predict the future of a race which goes the way marked out for it by such perversely suicidal institutions. It cannot improve, but must degenerate, and the only question would seem to be whether the decadence of Man will leave him viable as a biological species. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 51
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(f)
We start with a pretty shrewd suspicion that certain types, say the feeble-minded, the sickly, the insane, are undesuable, and that no good can come of coddling and cultivating them: we similarly are pretty sure that certain other types, say the intelligent, healthy, and energetic, are inherently superior to the former. We try, therefore, to improve and increase the better types. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 63
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(g)
I am much less inclined to put my trust in the advance of pharmacology than Mr Haldane and Mr Russell! Hitherto new drugs have only meant new vices, sometimes (like cocaine) of so fascinating a character as to distract the whole police force from their proper function of repressing crime. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 75
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(h)
H opium
I am much less inclined to put my trust in the advance of pharmacology than Mr Haldane and Mr Russell! Hitherto new drugs have only meant new vices, sometimes (like cocaine) of so fascinating a character as to distract the whole police force from their proper function of repressing crime. F.C.S. Schiller, Tantalus (1924) 75
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 13(m)
E H la A
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:135(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(a)
Ghost of J.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(b)
I'm blest if / I can see
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(c)
K. and S. Olaf. / 1015 - 1030
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(d)
Haroldson / 995 29⁄
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(f)
a Pecenese
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(g)
Dibl Clergyman
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(i)
on the
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(k)
a post
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 14(l)
he! dates!
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:136(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(a)
the ‘prière’
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(b)
Major Gen. / Shrapnel
Until 1915 the soldier's business was to push or throw pieces of metal at the enemy. Various devices had been employed for throwing them fast or far, and some of them threw other pieces on arrival at their destination, thanks, in the main, to the genius of the unforgotten Major-General Shrapnel. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 5-6
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(c)
Callinicus 8th cent. greek fire
It is true that early in the eighth century A.D. the appropriately named Syrian Callinicus had prolonged the life of the Eastern Roman Empire for another 750 years and saved a large part of Christendom from Mahommedan domination by his invention of “Greek fire,” an inflammable liquid which was, however, later superseded by gunpowder. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 6
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(d)
rule of thumb
For example, we can arrange carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms in patterns which constitute the molecules of sugar, glycerine, or alcohol at will. This is called chemical synthesis. We have been doing it by rule-of-thumb methods for thousands of years, and are just beginning to learn a little about it. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 17-8
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(e)
Poison gas / lachrymatory gas
Chemical warfare had been so far foreseen by statesmen that in 1907 the signatories of the Hague Conference agreed to renounce the use of projectiles the sole object of which was the diffusion of asphyxiating or harmful gases. They were thus debarred from using lachrymatory gas, the most humane weapon ever invented; but permitted to discharge gas from cylinders on the ground, an exceedingly cruel practice. This regulation was well meant, but the path to August, 1914, was paved with good intentions. In 1914 none of the great powers had made any preparation for poison-gas warfare, and it was not till April 22nd, 1915, more than eight months after the beginning of the war, that the Germans began its use J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 7
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(f)
poison mask
For, after a given area has been well sprayed with dichlorethyl sulphide from bursting shells for some time, it is death to occupy it without a mask, and the vapour may blister the skin, while anyone touching the ground will be certain of a very serious blister. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 26
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(g)
mustard gas / blisters
The fourth group, of blistering gases, contains only one substance used during the war, dichlorethyl sulphide, or “mustard gas.” This is really a liquid, whose vapour is not only poisonous when breathed, but but blisters any part of the skin with which it comes into contact even. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 13
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(h)
the enemy (he)
Mustard gas is a very different thing. It was never used to force a decision by breaking the enemy's lines, but to cause him casualties and deny him the use of ground. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 26
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 15(i)
C collects / signatures
Chemical warfare had been so far foreseen by statesmen that in 1907 the signatories of the Hague Conference agreed to renounce the use of projectiles J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) ?7
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:137(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(a)
Elizabeth / Montesombrt
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(b)
penny babies
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(c)
C skin irritant
It is, to my mind, far more probable that skin irritants may be discovered which are even more unpleasant than mustard gas. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 40
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(d)
a shoot
The Turks were seldom capable of organizing a combined attack by any number greater than a battalion, or a shoot by anything larger than a battery. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 51
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(e)
anti-gas mask ~
We were threatened with gas bombs during the war, and certain London pharmacists made very large sums by the sale of alleged anti-gas masks. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 33
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(f)
~ amulet C
It could be, and was, urged at the time that as the carrying of these curious objects [alleged anti-gas masks] seemed to calm the civilian population in a moment of national emergency, they served a useful purpose. The same argument has been brought forward on behalf of amulets and other pious frauds sold in the name of religion. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 33
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(g)
olet C
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(h)
no odour besides
The insidiousness of hydrogen arsenide has, however, so alarmed chemists that a tradition persists of a man having been killed by a single bubble of it, while they are so afraid of smelling carbon monoxide that it is generally stated to be inodorous. Besides errors due to this cause, there were errors of arithmetic. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 54-5
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(i)
offensive gm / salient / respirator H
On the nights of March 11th to March 14th, 1918, just before the great offensive of March 21st, the Germans fired 150,000 mustard gas shells into the villages and valleys of the Cambrai salient, an area of about twenty square miles, the same as that of central London. This caused 4,500 casualties, of whom only fifty died (all of them because they took off their respirators too soon). J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 55-6
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(j)
But very soon familiarity bred contempt, or even liking, for aeroplanes dropped sheaves of pamphlets explaining how any soldier tired of the war could become a casualty without danger either of death or detection by allowing earth contaminated with mustard gas to touch the skin or the clothing. A good many wound-stripes were earned by this simple and up-to-date method, though, as we had the superiority in the air and the German soldiers were both more tired and more confiding than our own, the German casualties from this cause were probably still greater. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 61
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(k)
But let us tell our civilian population before and not after they are attacked with blistering gases that the blisters produced are considerably less dangerous than measles. It was predicted during the war that the survivors of lung-irritant gases would get consumption, while those burned by mustard gas would develop cancer. This has not happened, but it is the sort of rumour that easily starts. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 61-2
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(l)
worse for gas color t.b.a.
None of us was much the worse for the gas, or in any real danger, as we knew where to stop, but some had to go to bed for a few days, and I was very short of breath and incapable of running for a month or so. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 68-9
Note: See also N17 (VI.B.9):015(a).
N16 (VI.D.1): 16(m)
Harrison ~
The success of our respirators was largely due to one man, Harrison, whose name is insufficiently known to his countrymen. He was an analytical chemist, and author of that admirable and too little read work Secret Remedies (published by the British Medical Association). J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 71
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:138(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(a)
~ Secret Remedies / (B M A)
The success of our respirators was largely due to one man, Harrison, whose name is insufficiently known to his countrymen. He was an analytical chemist, and author of that admirable and too little read work Secret Remedies (published by the British Medical Association). J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 71
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(b)
prussic blue
And, though I have seen a good many scientific experiments on animals, I have never seen one which, so far as concerns the pain given, I should object to having performed on myself. That this attitude is not unusual would appear from the following experiment described by the director of the Porton experimental ground, in which he wished to compare the effects of hydrocyanic (or prussic) acid gas on himself and a dog. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 75
Note: Prussian blue: a deep-blue pigment.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(c)
evilly imputed
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(e)
Schlacht ohne Morgen
The Germans would probably have tried, as they tried in 1914, to bring about a “Schlacht ohne Morgen,” a battle on reversed fronts modelled on Cannae. The fighting would probably have been about as severe as at Cannae, and men would have been fighting in close order, ten or twenty deep, along a hundred-mile front. No doubt it would have been over sooner, but the losses would probably have been just as great. J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 79
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(f)
denounce it / (Helicuse)
But I have no sympathy whatever for Mr. Facing-both-ways when he says that, though he is prepared on occasion to fight, he will not use these nasty new-fangled weapons. Of course I am not suggesting that we should violate or prepare to violate the Washington Agreement on this subject. I do, however, believe that we ought to denounce it at the earliest possible opportunity J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 82
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(g)
high explosive
Such are the facts about chemical warfare. They will not be believed because a belief in them would do violence to the sentiments of most people. They will not be promulgated, as there is no money to be made out of them. (Chemical manufacturers make both high explosive and mustard gas, and the former more easily.) J.B.S. Haldane, Callinicus (1925) 83
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(h)
find us / on mantelpiece
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(i)
Williamshe queen
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 17(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:139(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 18(a)
Mammary gland precedes external sex organs
The medical student seldom stops to consider the significance of the presence of the mammary gland in the male. … the gland is already present when the external sex-organs are indistinguishable. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 9-10
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:140(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 18(b)
male father of girls
The male is the father of girls as well as of boys, it is therefore nevessary to provide both father and mother with a complete sexual outfit of either sex is to provide equal shares to the making of their progeny. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 12
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:140(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 18(c)
Mammary Apparatus of Mammalia by J.P. Hill
The Mammary Apparatus of the Mammalia, with Introduction by Prof. J.P. Hill, London, 1920 C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 12note [reference]
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:140(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 18(d)
Human Embryology / Arthur Keith
Sir Arthur Keith in his delightful work Human Embryology and Morphology (4th Ed. 1921) says … C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 11
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:140(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 18(e)
my cousin the bear
We are led to consider that while we inherit through our non-human ancestors many of the features (more or less portrayed in our living non-human cousins), we also have had impressed upon us … the features of our immediate predecessors, namely our own parents. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 14-15
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:140(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 18(f)
In such forms, for instance as the jellyfishes, the brain-skin layer does not differentiate into its two component parts … C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 17
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:140(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 18(g)
embryo lies on — shield
The area is known as the embryonic shield, because it is on it that the embryo is afterwards laid down. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 17
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:140(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(a)
Kevin turned away from frown
Let there come someone who, with an angry face, speaks to it [an infant] in harsh tones. The smile disappears, the features contract into an expression of pain, and, beginning to cry, it turns away its head, and makes such movements of escape as are possible. What is the meaning of these facts Why does not the frown make it smile, and the mother's laugh make it weep ? C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 21-22
Note: Joyce seems to use the name Kevin or theletter K todfesignate ‘infant’
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(b)
the parent offers sweetmeat
Let us now examine the same faculties, viz. sorrow and joy under different conditions, and see how the Brain machinery is called forth into action. The child trips over the door-mat and falls in its eagerness to reach the sweetmeat held up in the parent's hand at the other end of the room. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 24-5
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(c)
plural fusions ~
Such must he distinguished from the monsters of medical science, which include many forms of arrest of development, and plural fusions. One genuine aberrant form of kitten has come under my notice, in which the face was long and pointed and the eyes open at birth. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 28n
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(d)
~ eyes open at birth
Such must he distinguished from the monsters of medical science, which include many forms of arrest of development, and plural fusions. One genuine aberrant form of kitten has come under my notice, in which the face was long and pointed and the eyes open at birth. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 28n
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(e)
W.S. fa / march's will do / C rhymes to / remember
… here Sir Francis Darwin draws a striking analogy in saying: “This is precisely paralleled by our own experience of memory, for it often happens that we cannot reproduce the last-learned verse of the poem without repeating the earlier part. [Each] verse [is] suggested by the previous one and acts as a stimulus for the next. The blurred and imperfect character of the ontogenetic version of the phylogenetic series may at least remind us of the tendency to abbreviate by omission what we have learnt by heart. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 30-1
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(f)
eyebrain of hawk
This I say because the brain of a hawk may be well described as an eye-brain, the sense of sight being developed altogether out of proportion to the other senses C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 36
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(g)
a friend (she)
A friend staying on a visit, who has a passionate love for animals, took a great fancy to my pet, and this was strongly reciprocated. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 36
Note: The author refers to his (female) hawk as ‘she’.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(h)
la donna è mobile
Note: La donna è mobile (Woman is fickle) is the Duke of Mantua's catchy canzone from the opening of act 3 of Verdi's opera Rigoletto (1851).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(i)
Kestrel coop
On approaching her coop with a hard black felt hat on my head, she [the kestrel] never lecognized me, and exhibited considerable dread of my presence I cannot say that I have quite discovered the reason, but it would appear that she conjured up in her mind a vague mental picture of something animate or otherwise which she had probably once upon a time seen and which frightened her C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 37
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 19(j)
male done hatching
… in fact he [the male pigeon] showed distinctly that he did not intend to allow her [the female] to leave the nest until it was time for him to take on his share of incubation. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 39
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:141(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(a)
Arm of Nor
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(b)
Lion and Olap
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(d)
a domestic pest
The moment I heard this I placed the saucer of milk on the floor and thus after some difficulty I succeeded in developing a permanent double call-note in this domestic pet [cat]. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 41
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(h)
flei, man / gift, child / penis
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(i)
penis his
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(j)
Coshs chds
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(l)
man appendice ~
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 20(m)
~ to penis
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:142(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(b)
I Soils not
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(d)
gifts to / doctors
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(f)
— stick
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(h)
not plastic / enough
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(i)
dog (she)
The dog had acquired a permanent love for her master she longed for petting and caresses. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 43
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(j)
cyclopean monster (camera lens)
In regard to the faculty of Imagination occurring in wild beasts confined behind prison bars, it is quite amazing to observe what may or may not present itself as a fetish I placed a reflex camera with a large telephoto lens close to a cage tenanted by a lion and a lioness. The camera was slung from my shoulders. I had hardly commenced to manipulate the instrument when the animals, becoming conscious of the uncanny stare of a Cyclopean monster (lens), instantly stampeded, performing a series of catherine-wheel actions round their den, C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 48
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(k)
SS. Pram / (Fram)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(l)
paddyeddy— ?
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 21(m)
Representative / ⁄new India
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:143(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(a)
Lief Ericksen
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(b)
5000 (U.S.A)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(c)
Sesqui —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(d)
tan bufli
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(f)
One locks / other's neck
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(g)
lunged with destructive purport
Let the hawk appear in swooping flight with destructive purport (and very cognisant indeed are the small birds of this movement); let the cat prowl and crouch along the hedgerow or dare to come out on the open with the glare of hunger in its flashing orbs, then the air becomes filled with the loud, ringing, defiant battle-cries and alarm-notes of blackbirds, thrushes, finches, buntings, warblers, and others, each and all of which boldly mount on wing to assail the feathered brigand, or fearlessty dash down, mob, and so harass the prowling feline that cover is gladly sought without further delay. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 60
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(i)
crows attack cripples
The Grey (or Hooded) Crow robs eggs, steals nestlings, and attacks and pulls to pieces disabled creatures often much larger than itself. And yet (as I have seen and elsewhere described) a slender defenceless Redshank may forage amid the seaweed alongside his powerful companion without the least fear of being attacked. It is true that the Crow confines his attacks to nestlings and cripples albeit, considering the Crow's strength and opportunities of attack, it is remarkable with what amicableness the two species forage together to satisfy a common want. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 61
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(j)
mob the hawk
Far from this being the case, there are several hours of the day in which litte birds combine into a flock, and enjoy mobbing the Hawk C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 62
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 22(k)
Even Gd. (Repid)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(a)
wild beast before dinner, tame after
From its leisured flight I am satisfied that the Hawk enjoys the sport and audacity of his minor companions, any one of which he can so easily pick up after a short pursuit when hunger calls his destroying instincts into action. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 63
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:144(l), VI.C.02:145(a), VI.C.02:145(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(b)
pet days
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(c)
(hr. Smphn
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(d)
a complemt / of 10 men
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(e)
a confirmation
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(f)
fly swatter
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(g)
ev. electr
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(h)
hotair hay
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(k)
not in best / health
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(l)
light of the sea
N16 (VI.D.1): 23(m)
5 cent / 5 gr / 5 cur caned)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:145(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(c)
oblate Spheroid
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(d)
S. Thomas
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(f)
Ren stood
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(g)
Your chaufifer
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(h)
yes you toshed if not
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(i)
Assumater ofac
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(j)
1 given gold
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(k)
— frog man
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(m)
capacity theatre / full
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 24(n)
Blank Hr pp
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:146(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(a)
writer by —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(b)
H the —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(c)
He —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(d)
Hav —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(h)
Hypo Chlore
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(i)
H2CE3 Not cancelled
Note: See also N09 (VI.B.1):017(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(j)
H f menu
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(k)
Rebus de Khi
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(l)
S.S. within?
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 25(m)
Eyesalt / Eysolt / Eyolt
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:147(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(a)
L Wisk — hour
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(b)
a pull at yrself
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(d)
— P-W-MY
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(e)
4 W to my
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(f)
com Rospack
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(h)
H. Civil Eng.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(j)
He chose
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(l)
of course?
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(m)
don't know
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(n)
but — +
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 26(o)
I trust I may be / pardoned
To return to consider the faculty of Imagination. I have made reference to this in the case of the Dog, and perhaps may be pardoned if I briefly do so again, as at this juncture such a reference will help us to lead up to what directly follows regarding the origin of the conception of the Supernatural. C.J. Patten, The Passing of the Phantoms (1925) 71-2
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:148(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(a)
God-devil split 2
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(b)
Animism / Totemism
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(d)
They [blank] stones
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(e)
(Cena) of J-X
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(h)
γ of Sutherland
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(j)
brother didn't
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(l)
to stroke the / hand
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(m)
perfect little cad
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 27(n)
a [blank] and true death
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:149(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(a)
Sunday conchey
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(b)
die soleil
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(e)
Shields and snames
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(g)
xxxx Irish Independent (19 May 1925) 6/4
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(h)
artesian wells
xxxx Irish Independent (19 May 1925) 6/4
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(i)
to harbour
xxxx Irish Independent (19 May 1925) 6/4
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(j)
Thomas Witford
xxxx Irish Independent (19 May 1925) 6/7
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(k)
xxxx Irish Independent (19 May 1925) 6/7
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(l)
sex lectures to I etar 18!
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(m)
H my
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(o)
maiden name
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(p)
Some modification of our present marriage-arrangement is inevitable, and concubinage seems quite a probable solution. D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 7
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(p)
N16 (VI.D.1): 28(q)
finishing school
They do not teach mothercraft or physiology in finishing schools for gentlemen's daughters, and it is no part of the duty of gentlemen's wives to reproduce their kind. Perhaps there is comfort in that. D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 20
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:150(q)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(a)
be frank about it
Quietly, and without mention of the fatal word “sex,” the spinster feminists, by emphasis on health and vigour, built up a generation of young women who were to be frank about other desires besides eating and drinking. D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 27
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(b)
laid to —
We are to blame in that we have not learned to bring forth our children without pain, those children whose brows bear the marks of obstetric instruments that were used to spare their mothers, and whose lips have not been laid to those inhuman mothers' breasts. D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 9
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(c)
a prey of divers
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(d)
colours Crode
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(f)
eacht Rosti
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(g)
King Ina 712
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(h)
law of calcar
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(l)
pure mathematics
Professional people, scientists, artists, research workers, pure mathematicians, as well as skilled engineers, are, indeed, the salt of tlie earth, and the community that fails to produce them and give them scope is doomed in this modern world. D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 60
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(m)
K teaches / old men
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 29(n)
refuses food to / give it away
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:151(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(a)
pregnant W cursed and beaten by H for her fertility
Frequently she is cursed or beaten by her husband for her fertility. D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 63
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(b)
I will not breed
[suggested by context of need for limiting births] D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) [passim]
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(c)
To feed an industrial population in a small island is a peculiar and special problem and one demanding expert care and advice. Food must come long distances and must “keep.” D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 66
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(d)
H minus 1 chromosome
We might, on grounds of science perhaps, advance this claim, urging that, since a female being needs one more chromosome for its creation than a male, it must, therefore, be of higher importance. D. Russell, Hypatia (1925) 71
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(e)
So arise and —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(f)
J little food sex
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(g)
S. to Son
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 30(h)
beaucoup / plus jeune
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:152(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(a)
how the C God / his stripes
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(b)
C trespassed
It [psychology] has learnt to suspect, when people hurry over an incident in their recollection or think, because it was so trifling, that it slipped their memory that through the small orderly commonsense reclaimed garden of the mind has passed a trespasser from the hinterland. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) ?12
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(c)
in the flat, yes
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(d)
Sunday best
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(e)
Sunday sort
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(f)
halted C
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(g)
sitting on the top / of the world
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(h)
World' and event / to bed
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(i)
back to haven
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(j)
L claims for / H
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 31(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:153(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(a)
warden of Keblr.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(d)
Sover. grace
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(e)
python / bought in ~
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(f)
~ frivolity
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(g)
H me / — ven in!
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(h)
M knocks to H
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(i)
Dublin tropics
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(j)
700 (Rousseau
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(l)
le douanier
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 32(m)
The subscribers / reslves to hear
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:154(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(a)
Quasi similar
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(b)
Viking drunk / focs way into / temperance hall
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(c)
Mrs Cliveters
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(e)
Night as Day
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(f)
ACb Histry
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(g)
Presbyterian Churches of Christendom / Ogilvie / (A & C Black)
Note: A reference to James Nicoll Ogilvie, The Presbyterian Churches of Christendom (London: A. and C. Black, May 1925). See also: reference in notebook at N17 (VI.B.9):124.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(h)
laid too poor / fo flerke
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(i)
four bros name Mr / Connell
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 33(j)
a special
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:155(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(b)
a purpisd
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(c)
made a set / on him
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(d)
C gi'e
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(f)
fast filling flint / artifacts
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(h)
Norse pilgrims / to Rome
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(i)
girl gurka
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(j)
— / re food 1 PH
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 34(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:156(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(a)
C hnd mark / on wall
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(b)
Arabs and men
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(c)
used by black
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(d)
oftener to whistles
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(e)
Nice 325 KD
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(g)
puzzle / myself
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(h)
a races
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(i)
Rimes rare v
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(j)
round towers / V norse
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(m)
grow —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 35(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:157(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(a)
Assyrian motive
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(b)
But with the rise of the Minoan culture we enter a world of vigorous fashion. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 44
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(c)
palace town
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(d)
Sir John Harrington invents WC (Minoan)
This was a period when men took regularly to making up their complexions, and with a sharpened perception (which drove that typical Elizabethan, Sir John Harrington, with his almost Minoan figure, to reinvent the Minoan's masterpiece, the water-closet), evidently attaining a keener sense of surfaces, they decided that if they could not shave clean, as they evidently could not, if one may judge by Holbein's careful painting, they had better trim, starch, and iron their beards and moustaches. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 100
Note: Sir John Harrington, The Metamorphosis of Ajax describes the water closet.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(e)
organism develops / in instability
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(f)
Anatolic / tophsend
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(g)
Elk H
One stage further back we come across the giant antlerage of the Irish Elk and the tail of the Japanese cock, both secondary sexual characteristics of such exuberance as to endanger the survival of the animal on which they have grown. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 60
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(h)
V mixed men
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(i)
serbes youth
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(j)
pidge buts
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 36(k)
There is not room here to trace fully the strange progress from the hermaphroditic archaisms, through the somewhat too animal athleticism of Polycleitos to the Farnese Hercules. As art goes toward Rome, the age of beauty is advanced. Greece itself showed progressive signs of infantilism, turning from the intermediate sex to sexless youth, and finally to an inane exuberance of prize babies, the first froth of putti-cherub senile sentiment. The work of this amazing people at the height of their power reveals an obsession with the idea of youth which is already morbid. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 61
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:158(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(a)
H how
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(c)
Egypt- stad
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(d)
card hovel
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(e)
H mufti / toga
The same sterilising standard affected Roman costume: it developed, as it was bound to do, as military and official dress. The Greek could only advise “Take off your clothes and be nice and natural.” The Roman had no objection to watching a Greek exhibit himself, but he remained wrapped in his toga. The Greek, as Juvenal remarked, could turn himself into anything, changing even his sex, but the Roman felt he was a more stable type and was proud of his inadaptability. The toga does evolve a little: it becomes ‘contabulated,” it is true, but too soon it was the garment for official receptions—indeed many provincials only wore it at funerals. When something more active was required, you could always get into military dress. Augustus adopted that as his ordinary costume. A military court always feels that it is rather bad taste to be seen about in mufti. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 68-9
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(f)
card walls-
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(h)
Cockfight / in Meath
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(j)
4 old maides stolen
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(l)
this porter is excellent
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 37(o)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:159(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(a)
glance at Ama
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(b)
I her train
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(c)
dining coats
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(d)
no lappet
The common jacket has neither coat nor lapel. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 65
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(f)
The edges of the robe are affected by flamboyance, twistly stiffly, and the pagoda-pattern, architecturally a common-sense construction, gives rise to a fantastic mitre. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 65
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(h)
p firepistols
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(i)
xxxx D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 67
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(j)
Gundulf the Weeper
… and into such models of decayed imperialism they breated the new energy, and the immense, heavy arcades such as Gundulf the Weeper D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 70
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(k)
interpretes C
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(l)
produces Gothic
xxxx D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 73
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 38(m)
Empress Matilda
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:160(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(a)
Queen Blanche
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(b)
1175 Gothic
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(d)
pampostie — romanesque
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(e)
solleret — Gottin
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(f)
sebeton ape Tudor
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(i)
gym (naked)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(j)
body glove
Nature had already given man such legs that the Psalmist had definitely, as a true Semite, to declare that their Maker did not delight in them. The tailor could only unveil as on him worked the imitative passion to translate in terms of his own art the invention of the architect. Tights sweep clean up to the apex, round the athletic arch of the thighs, to the trunk borne like a tower above the crossing. The tunic, to display this, the final organic architecture, shrinks into the jupon, a body-glove, and the build of man, though his flesh be covered to his palms and chin, is more visible to every eye than ever since the closing of the Gymnasium. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 86-7
Note: body-glove
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(k)
So, under steadily flattening vaults, shallower mouldings—this is the period of the caveto—sparser, more mechanical ornament—witness the square and the ‘Tudor’ foliage—through windows of stiffened mullions and, by order of the specialised glazier, ever more inorganic design, man may be seen inventing this fantastic hat, the ‘Chaperon,’ whose fashionable points were remnants of its past uses, and to match it a gown, the houpelande, to accentuate his figure. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 90
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(l)
Lanes hat
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(m)
Easter Cloak
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(o)
in undress
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 39(p)
Ram, ties wig
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:161(p)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(d)
bath orator
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(e)
minor shrine
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(f)
her cylinders Y / withers
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(g)
Meanwhile our clothes, ordinary civvies, are still with us; and as all the conventional arts save this one have vanished, it remains with the unique anthropological interest which belonged to the Tasmanian. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 118
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(h)
Meanwhile our clothes, ordinary civvies, are still with us; and as all the conventional arts save this one have vanished, it remains with the unique anthropological interest which belonged to the Tasmanian. D. Heard, Narcissus, an Anatomy of Clothes (1924) 118
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(i)
a priest's bros.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(j)
thunder loud
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(l)
m. ph.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 40(m)
Singlesuit Sms—
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:162(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(a)
immerse and lean
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(c)
Donato Branasto
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(f)
Rollier Heliotherapie
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(j)
clouded cane
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(l)
her Drought
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(m)
4e cleic
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 41(n)
aided in / discharging the firearm
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:163(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(a)
C King becomes / church's servant / gave a most / ungodly show
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(b)
Family Hold Back
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(c)
Jeanacht (sugar)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(d)
Eiffel Tower
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(g)
silver oar
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(h)
covered with cypress
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(i)
puny war
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(k)
3 hoppen
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 42(m)
releazed contents
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:164(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(a)
in dollop
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(c)
ar litam
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(d)
C devil's
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(e)
a stock line
[…] but, if all the world wanted them plain, they would be a stock line and you could have them for half the money. H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 18
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(g)
drago (o)n T
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(h)
Su. offs up and / talks with ordls
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(i)
eat heart gift of tongues, fr / droullons of D
Eating its heart confers peculiar qualities, notably fertility and the gift of tongues, and the draconite or precious stone which lies embedded in its forehead has incredible properties in the way of medicine and magic, but only if you catch the animal alive and remove the stone without otherwise injuring it. H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 27
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(j)
draconite +
Eating its heart confers peculiar qualities, notably fertility and the gift of tongues, and the draconite or precious stone which lies embedded in its forehead has incredible properties in the way of medicine and magic, but only if you catch the animal alive and remove the stone without otherwise injuring it. H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 27
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(k)
George S of Fish (eater)
George (a child of supernatural birth, induced by his mother's eating a peculiar fish) H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 36
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 43(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:165(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(a)
fur 1ste nacht
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(b)
eat saltpetre
and the means adopted by them for achieving their pious purpose may be the eating of fish, fruit, barleycorn, eggs, saltpetre or a dragon's heart. H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 41
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(d)
Mand 7 fish
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(e)
fatten eals 7-girl / born
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(f)
cooked heart
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(g)
slavey's child
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(h)
farm time-
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(k)
three minor)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(l)
a quean
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(m)
East Ireland Comp.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(n)
A Insglass
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 44(o)
Isis (water)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:166(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(a)
birth due to thunderstorm
The savage mother, finding herself with child, would attribute her condition not to a “commonplace event which took place perhaps many months before”, but to a recent thunderstorm or other striking phenomenon to which all could bear witness. H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 62
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(b)
So Isis ruled alone for a while, and then in her own inimitable fashion, gave birth to the water-god Osiris, and between them in due course they produced the warrior Horus, who in the fullness of time became the avenger of Osiris, when the powers of darkness slew him. H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 62
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(c)
made ivre / with ale
xxxx H.F.S. Stokes, Perseus (1925) 66
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(d)
gypsie's volunter / for barging job
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(e)
T pavement / actmt
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(f)
H C D A / I in box sels dron
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(g)
play A K divorce
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(h)
Isolde, Yseult / Ysets Yates
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 45(i)
dell irlandse al / snol
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:167(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(a)
O Orch , Aud / S + O, O + A, A + S, / S2, O2, A2
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(b)
public embron / at T & I
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(d)
bright —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(e)
the man
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(f)
Roll of Honour
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(g)
“meet in heaven”
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(h)
“he's very doubtful
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(i)
There are nine worthies
“It is notoriously known through the universal world,” writes Caxton in his preface to Malory's Morte Darthur, “that there be nine worthy” kings and “the best that ever were,” and that the “first and chief of the three best Christian and worthy” is King Arthur. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 1
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 46(j)
Arthur / Charlemagne / Godfrey of Boulogne
Arthur alone of “the Nine Worthies” had not had justice done to him in his own country. The other two Christian “worthies,” Charlemagne and Godfrey of Boulogne, had been adequately celebrated abroad, and Caxton himself had contributed to spread the latter's fame in England. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 8
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:168(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(a)
6½ smile 7
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(b)
12£ look
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(c)
Arnuph. S —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(e)
Burgomesters D.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(f)
Naomi Mara
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(h)
Arthurus, Artor
The Latin Artôrius and the god's name, which we have treated as early Brythonic Artor, genitive Artoros, would equally yield in Welsh the familiar form Arthur. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 12
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(i)
virgin on shoulder
Then Arthur fought against them in those days, together with the kings of the Britons, but he himself was leader in the battles. The first battle was at the mouth of the river Glein; the second, third, fourth and fifth on the river Dubglas, in the region Linnuis; the sixth on the river Bassas; the seventh in the wood of Celidon, that is, Cat Coet Celidon; the eighth at the castle of Guinnion, when Arthur bore the image of the holy Virgin Mary on his shoulders, and when the pagans were put to flight and a great slaughter made of them through the might of our Lord Jesus Christ and of Holy Mary his mother. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 15
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(j)
Arth. coic 500
[original reading to be decoded] W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 00
Note: Possibly refers 6th century, conjectured date of Arthur.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(k)
prenorman A / ppi— O / post— D
When we come to examine the remaining chronicle literature of the pre-Norman period, we find no mention of Arthur's name, and nothing but the briefest allusion to the campaigns in which he is supposed to have fought.
30: The meagreness of the pre-Norman Arthurian records winch have been here reviewed stands in significant contrast to the amplitude and the range of the Arthurian matter which we find in the romantic productions of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 27
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(l)
Vortimer, —gern
When he (Vortimer) died, the British strength decayed, and all hope fled from them; and they would soon have perished altogether, had not Ambrosius, the sole survivor of the Romans, who became monarch after Vortigern, quelled the presumptuous barbarians by the powerful aid of the warlike Arthur. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 32
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 47(m)
denial of Art's / return = Death
Later on in the same centurv, as Alanus de Insulis records, 2 belief in Arthur's “return” was so firmly held in the country districts of Brittany that a denial of it might have cost a man his life. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 31
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:169(p)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(a)
Arth and Modred / M & T
When he (Arthur) was about to cross over the Alps, an envoy said unto him, ‘Modred, thy nephew, hath set thy crown upon his own head with the assistance of Cheldric, king of the English, and hath taken thy wife unto himself.’ W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 34
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(b)
To begin once more with H
To begin once more with Caxton, the preface to the Morte Darthur states that of the “noble volumes made of Arthur and his noble knights” there “be many in Welsh.” Caxton was, here, either drawing upon his imagination or speaking with imperfect knowledge. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 37
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(c)
and that is all
In one poem the bard tells us that he “has been where Llacheu, the son of Arthur, was slain” and that is all; in another, evidently a late poem, we hear of “Arthur's host” or “retinue” (teulu Arthur); while in a stanza, already alluded to, in “The Songs of the Graves,” we are told that his grave is unknown. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 40
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(d)
Rape of the cauldron of K of Hades
One of the exploits achieved in the course of these voyages was, apparently, the rape of a cauldron belonging to the King of Hades, and the whole poem, according to Rhys, “evidently deals with expeditions conducted by Arthur by sea to the realms of twilight and darkness.” W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 44
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(e)
Arthur SS Pridwen / 3 freights / 7 return
It refers to various expeditions made by Arthur and his men, in his ship Pridwen to certain mysterious regions oversea. Definite names enough are given to the different places visited—Caer Sidi, Caer Rigor, Caer Vandwy, and so on,—but the places themselves remain quite unidentified. “Three freights of Pridwen,” sings the bard, “were they who went with Arthur “on these expeditions;” seven alone were we who returned therefrom. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 43-4
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(f)
xxxx W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 00
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(g)
Kulhwch & Olwen
The last two poems here referred to have several features in common with what is, probably, the oldest of the Arthurian prose tales in Welsh,—the story of Kulhwch and Olwen. That story also tells of the rape of a cauldron, belonging not, indeed, to the King of Hades, but to one Diwrnach, who lived across the sea in Ireland; Arthur went in quest of it, with a small retinue, in his ship Pridwen, and brought it home “full of Irish money.” W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 44
Note: See also N54 (VI.B.45):125(e).
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(h)
Sh. is with / a small retinue
The last two poems here referred to have several features in common with what is, probably, the oldest of the Arthurian prose tales in Welsh,—the story of Kulhwch and Olwen. That story also tells of the rape of a cauldron, belonging not, indeed, to the King of Hades, but to one Diwrnach, who lived across the sea in Ireland; Arthur went in quest of it, with a small retinue, in his ship Pridwen, and brought it home “full of Irish money.” W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 44
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:170(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 48(i)
Glewlwyd of the mighty grasp color t.b.a.
The winning of Olwen,—hard enough though it appears in the story, which is mainly concerned with the long series of laborious tasks imposed upon Kulhwch as conditions of gaining her hand—is made “easy” through Arthur's intervention. The hero starts by duly presenting himself at “the gate of Arthur's palace,” and he there meets with the porter, Glewlwyd of the Mighty Grasp, who conveys to Arthur the news of his arrival. W. Lewis Jones, King Arthur in History and Legend (1914) 46
Note: See also N54 (VI.B.45):125(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(c)
Society Street
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(d)
Peruvian guano
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(e)
under the influence / of meat
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(f)
I's rhymes
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(h)
That's catahuc
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(i)
I shd like to / shake hams
Tom Hill, Tubberneing, Gorey, writes: “Last June I had a cow with a TERRIBLY SWOLLEN BAG, quite twice normal size. I gave her three drenches of CATALINE (she was almost dry); the milk came back to her usual quantity, and is as good a cow as ever.—That's CATALINE!
P.S. I should like to shake hands with the clever inventor. I milk 80 Cows. Connacht Tribune (30 May 1925) 5/4
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(j)
perennial and Italian / ryegrass
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(k)
meadow fesene
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(l)
own brother
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 49(m)
Queen's birthday
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:171(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(a)
red clover
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(c)
Great Man's Bay
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(d)
the lining of / her face
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(e)
You had a very / good news
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(f)
that particular man
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(g)
room the
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(h)
Coachman in / the Chapel
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(i)
held the crown / of the road
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(j)
in the shade of the old appletree
Houses, as well as every other commodity (including labour, rooms, etc.), have increased in value, and it is unfair to single them out as the only one article to be exempted from the law of supply and demand. It is amazing the short leases upon which houses were formerly built—and no tin-pot building either—like the would-be architects we see in Salthill to-day with the door up on the top of a stick. Michael Angelo or Sir Christopher Wren are only in the shade of the old apple tree. Connacht Tribune (16 May 1925) 7/5
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 50(k)
Those old houses had no coloured paper slates like the new houses in Claddagh nor had they fake beaver-boards, sound-conducting walls to substitute a thing called plaster. A house is a jewel. If it is good, it is always worth its own money. If fake, it is unpledgeable—a dead loss. Some of those short leases to which I refer were even on lives. My mother's lease lapsed on the death of the Duke of Clarence and King Edward VII. Connacht Tribune (16 May 1925) 7/5
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:172(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(a)
lease lapses ~
Those old houses had no coloured paper slates like the new houses in Claddagh nor had they fake beaver-boards, sound-conducting walls to substitute a thing called plaster. A house is a jewel. If it is good, it is always worth its own money. If fake, it is unpledgeable—a dead loss. Some of those short leases to which I refer were even on lives. My mother's lease lapsed on the death of the Duke of Clarence and King Edward VII. Connacht Tribune (16 May 1925) 7/5
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(b)
~ on death of duke of Clarence
Those old houses had no coloured paper slates like the new houses in Claddagh nor had they fake beaver-boards, sound-conducting walls to substitute a thing called plaster. A house is a jewel. If it is good, it is always worth its own money. If fake, it is unpledgeable—a dead loss. Some of those short leases to which I refer were even on lives. My mother's lease lapsed on the death of the Duke of Clarence and King Edward VII. Connacht Tribune (16 May 1925) 7/5
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(c)
Terra Firma ~
It would only be common justice to protect the townsmen of Ireland who permanently developed their little bits of the Terra Firma of their country as well as the ranchers who only temporarily developed theirs, at least to extend their leases in perpetuity or, better still, a right to purchase at a generous price, particularly when no State assistance is sought, the right to enjoy the product of their parent's brain, brawn and sweat which in many cases impregnates the railroad sleepers of America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and who spent their last shilling in building Ireland. Connacht Tribune (16 May 1925) 7/5
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(d)
~ — Cotta
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(h)
re (tins)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(i)
H & A
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(j)
dings of walls
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(l)
A netherland
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 51(m)
Notes Knocks / against the / roof of his / mouth
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:173(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(a)
H & E
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(d)
little brown people
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(e)
C footprints / on walls of / time
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(f)
I1 and I2
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(g)
as she was is / — — sght to be not / ideal, real
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(h)
H & A undigested
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(i)
preen ~
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(j)
~ = T H2CE3
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(k)
four part
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 52(l)
L on X
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:174(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(a)
SS. Pompios Pos
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(b)
Longfellow's Club
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(c)
omake life easily / for the call
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(d)
4 acres v Yorks
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(e)
Battle of the Kiss
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(g)
gam ward
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(i)
H trumpeted / by prawns
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(k)
birch cudrel
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 53(n)
bun Crawley
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:175(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(a)
Spelman (fiddle)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(e)
mitt —
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(f)
I write on / book of Sky
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(g)
pokes =
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(h)
in the open / water
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(i)
CEd made a city / Newcastle / under Lyme
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(j)
beach season
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(k)
— on sea
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(l)
Sniper man
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 54(m)
Sun Parlvs
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:176(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(a)
that's not / inscribed to
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(c)
see whiting of
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(d)
his go free
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(e)
map to / unseen land
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(f)
L.W sunbath
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(g)
garden soldiers
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(i)
K allowed to / say mass -in / 11 m
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(j)
Robert the Devil
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(k)
/ Arletta
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(l)
William I
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(n)
escape flood
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 55(o)
church time
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:177(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(a)
E boracum
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(b)
H Bad Hll
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(c)
ties with Ems
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(d)
H dunderduf
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(e)
H got sh. mdley
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(f)
leaves duke
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(g)
C the raspbery / century
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(h)
York and Lancs
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(i)
Tristram Armouris / and John de Conrey
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(j)
1177. battle of / Bloody Shear
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(k)
Hoolte v Dane
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(l)
12 August
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 56(m)
(S Lawrence
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:178(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(a)
I at gown / fight / I and / shot him
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(b)
tries plants G.
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(c)
SP civis Carwealln
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(d)
10 fop
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(e)
H renews vows
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(g)
bulbs (stand)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(h)
bugs (bullows)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(i)
that's riding / him
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(j)
anxious to put / in touch with / metic
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(k)
4-C curiosity
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 57(l)
Crowd of / alleged smiles
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:179(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(a)
4 miracles
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(b)
SP (H group / name
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(c)
Clement of / Alexandria
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(d)
not S
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(e)
She It
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(f)
Old Sen. Poland
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(k)
X 4 frohaner
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(l)
S and demi / concierge
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(o)
camping talk
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 58(p)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:180(p)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(a)
rum rond
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(b)
the 4 hocks
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(d)
14⁄X⁄3373 Bl
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(e)
Mayer — mod
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(f)
no time
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(g)
cum babe on / hop
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(h)
dresses / in ticebark
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(i)
Bristol of Cliff
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(k)
wash yr. fat / away
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(m)
Hear! Hear! / Hear! Hear!
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 59(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:181(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(a)
C star himself
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(b)
C without / a church
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(d)
800 gly
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(g)
trespass on / Crown ( and / in Chamber
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(h)
weeping / holes
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(i)
for my purpose
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(j)
a balboy
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 60(k)
ground / convenient / to assthroat
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:182(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(b)
has not yet / come and is / doubtful of her will
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(i)
You like cold
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(j)
spon tumboed
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(m)
London lady
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 61(o)
pull bacon
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:183(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(a)
Highest / Commo / Elderusas
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(c)
a bobbeary
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(e)
Debit and Credit
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(f)
H's sons
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(h)
Dublin — Play / Dahblin's plage
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(j)
skut level
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 62(l)
a guardman / in's bearskin
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:184(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(a)
antifacts / ipsofact
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(b)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(c)
pyrite mirror
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(d)
a first shut
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(g)
I was not thinking / about anything in / particular and I / got in there for no / special reason
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(h)
to sass
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(i)
Humphry Powell
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 63(j)
St Dubl. park
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:185(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(a)
park's amenities
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(b)
blow up Nelson
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(c)
unaided dupe
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(d)
H sets O / satellites / constellation
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(e)
crape ring
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(g)
birds nest
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(i)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(j)
mercury star
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(l)
forestal laid
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 64(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:186(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(b)
boiled leather
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(d)
imagining / the worst
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(e)
spied upon / from darkened / room
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(f)
shadow boxing
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(g)
Snedon Mill
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(i)
lanrdly bleash
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(j)
a few
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(k)
but believe in love
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 65(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:187(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(a)
find of sewage / on hetch
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(b)
clean tiders
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(c)
unheated with
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(d)
Sun Gold
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(f)
clive line buckled
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(g)
heavily dozing
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(h)
umpire asleep
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(i)
S On stepladder
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(j)
given out
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(l)
Sum up
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 66(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:188(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(a)
Saw eclipse / in pail
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(b)
capt. regul / frigate
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(c)
Waterson / — horse
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(g)
Mark and Frank / M and T
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(i)
inquest on memory
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(k)
On find
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 67(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:189(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(a)
buy his ears
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(b)
Vol. of Sculland
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(c)
Grov. Lodge / pale blue
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(d)
— Mists
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(e)
dark blue and red
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(f)
grad lodray
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(g)
n ” ” (VI)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(i)
uncouth hills
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(j)
H and A box
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(k)
T and I stay
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(l)
t and i children
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(m)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(n)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 68(o)
Clak ½ ten
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:190(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(b)
crook at wall
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(c)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(d)
bed star
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(e)
go up
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(f)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(g)
he wps h—
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(h)
hold the right
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(i)
Then [blank] / best
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(j)
my [blank] / coming
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(k)
it is — il y a
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(l)
H iceberg
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(m)
bullet went north
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(n)
S. Antonio Allabour
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(o)
Holy sunglasses
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 69(p)
Reine Pédauque
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:191(p)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(a)
Pieds d'Oie
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(b)
oc and oil
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(c)
Berthe aux grands Pieds
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(d)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(e)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(f)
demoiselles de / Cherbrg chez / Elles
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(g)
Silver goatee
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(i)
come at home
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(j)
for dinner
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(k)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 70(l)
health engine
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:192(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(a)
brought to mind
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(b)
Shofted dids
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(c)
great white piss
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(d)
the doctor / means
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(e)
lend = boge
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(f)
Sun glow
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(g)
air was
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(h)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(i)
live a pun
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(j)
One  (n) is
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(k)
what 8
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(l)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(m)
head towr
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(n)
6 cans not
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(o)
ant' word
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 71(p)
done frequently / latest
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:193(p)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(a)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(b)
angels leap / where mortals
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(c)
speak broken / heaventalk
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(d)
Kindness repent
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(e)
to do her any / whim
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(f)
logded on the / corner
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(g)
He will give / hours
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(h)
reconstruct / Houses
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 72(i)
He / troubles Gd. / with an
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:194(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(a)
Great chance
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(b)
a must book
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(c)
He tells
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(d)
People sang
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(e)
when will have
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(f)
lodged Sweets
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(g)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(h)
a board
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(i)
accru with
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(j)
We now / may forget
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(k)
a dick wallet
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(l)
gives a
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(m)
on the prase
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(n)
my inn
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(n)
N16 (VI.D.1): 73(o)
flesh = better / than that one
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:195(o)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(a)
leave the had
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(b)
I am going (I go)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(c)
How and when
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(d)
is to prefer
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(e)
every chamber / uptaken / by her
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(e)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(f)
the David Copperfield
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(f)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(g)
a lovely weather
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(g)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(h)
iron and coal
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(h)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(i)
a gr ter fire
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(i)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(j)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(j)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(k)
in the meaning of
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(k)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(l)
a held
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(l)
N16 (VI.D.1): 74(m)
for ) 500 gr
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:196(m)
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(a)
the whole Germany
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:197(a)
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(b)
he shall not be them
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:197(b)
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(c)
Can a latin (is not)
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:197(c)
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(d)
the Sherwood / rider—
Raphael transcription: VI.C.02:197(d)
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(e)
hurriedly color t.b.a.
A new site [for a proposed relocation of Nelson's Pillar], if any, is a matter that cannot be hurriedly decided upon, and consultations between different departments will be necessary before anything definite can be arranged. …. Irish Times (3 June 1925) 7/1
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(f)
Saturn's Ring System ~ color t.b.a.
[Astronomical notes for June. SATURN'S RING SYSTEM.] …. THE STARS:— At midnight on June 1st; 11 p.m. on the 15th; 10 p.m. on the 30th. Scorpio, Ophiuchus, and Hercules are on the Meridian. The great red star, Antares, the ‘Red Star of Scorpio,’ glows low on the horizon a little West of South. … The Milky Way, though hardly visible in the midsummer twilight, starts from the horizon immediately below the Pole, between the stars of Auriga and Perseus, traverses Cassiopeia, Cygnus and Aquila, to pass out of sight of our latitudes in a specially brilliant knot, or, rather, cluster of knots, in Sagittarius. … Just outside the ring, and faintly visible to the naked eye, is ‘Messier 11,’ sometimes called the ‘Wild Duck’ Cluster. Irish Times (3 June 1925) 9/4-5
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(g)
~ Ophiuchus / low on horizon / faintly visible color t.b.a.
… Scorpio, Ophiuchus, and Hercules are on the Meridian. The great red star, Antares, the ‘Red Star of Scorpio,’ glows low on the horizon a little West of South. … The Milky Way, though hardly visible in the midsummer twilight, starts from the horizon immediately below the Pole, between the stars of Auriga and Perseus, traverses Cassiopeia, Cygnus and Aquila, to pass out of sight of our latitudes in a specially brilliant knot, or, rather, cluster of knots, in Sagittarius. … Just outside the ring, and faintly visible to the naked eye, is ‘Messier 11,’ sometimes called the ‘Wild Duck’ Cluster. Irish Times (3 June 1925) 9/4-5
N16 (VI.D.1): 75(h)