

MS NLI.10, fol. 49v(48v), 25v, 28v Draft details

{ms, 49v}

1. Michan's: Bloom &? woman
Arrive Alf Bergin: Breens pass.

Arrival Bloom

Arrival John Wyse Nolan

Arrival JJ O'Molloy, Ned Lambert

Arrival Cunningham, Power

{ms, 025v}

You lend me 10 |a(or |bevenb| 5 frs)a| francs so that I can pay for the whisky which I have just stood you. If not, be damned.

in Frank Budgen's hand

{ms, 028v}

In answer to yours of today's date I regret that owing to pressure of previous Engagments the maximum sum is not possible.

I shall however be pleased to advance you the 5 francs on the same terms as before

in Joyce's hand

The curse of a lopsided God light sideways on your inebriated and unbalanced personality

yours affectionately


in Frank Budgen's hand

Sir Horace Rumbold presents his Compliments to Mr Joyce and suggests that he shall go to Hell