

MS Buffalo V.A.8 24-23, NLI.10 25 Draft details
, NLI 36,639/10 (NLI.10)

{ms, 025}

(U84 1008-1014)


There entered a |1noble and grave hero hero of stature tall & personable, of white face and withal somewhat ruddy1| of the tribe clan of the O'Molloy's, his Majesty's counsel learned in the law, and with him the prince and heir of the noble house of Lambert.

— Hello, Ned.

— Hello, Alf

— Hello, Jack

— Hello, Tom

(U84 1084-1140)

— How did that swindle case go off? Were you round there?

— Remanded. Yes, I was.

Bloody jewman it was called himself James Wought alias Saphiro alias Spark and Spiro, put an ad in the papers saying he'd give you a passage to Canada for one quid. What? Course it was a barney. Swindled them all, skivvies and baddhochs from the county Meath, ay, and his own kidney too. J.J. was telling there was an ancient Hebrew Zaretsky or something got badly landed. Put on his hat to swear in the witness box

— Who tried the case?

— The recorder.

And on the sixteenth day of the month of the oxeyed goddess, ruler of the heavens, the daughter of the skies being then in the first quarter, the lady moon, the learned judge whose Frederick the Falconer, repaired then to the halls of justice.
{ms, 024v}
|1Andº there sat Master Courtenay, sitting in his own Chamber, and master Justice Andrews, sitting without a |ajury Jurya| in the |aprobate court Probate Courta|, weighed well |a& pondered in the matter of the will propounded and testamentary disposition of real & personal estatea| the |aclaim Claina| of the first |achargeant Chargeanta| on the |aproperty Propertya| |aopposing probate gave redea| |ain the matter of of the real estatea| Jacob Halliday, |avintner Vintnera|, deceased, versus Livingstone |aof unsound minda| and another. And to the solemn Court of Green street came Frederick|aunread, thea| Falconer.1|
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And there |1dight in the garb of justice1| he sat toº
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|1preside at (?) administer the law of the brehons at1| the commission to be holden in and for the county of the city of Dublin. And there sat the noble sinhedrim of the twelve tribes of Erin, for each tribe one man, there being in all twelve good men and true. And he |1bade conjured1| them that they should well and truly try and true |1deliverance Deliverance1| make in the |1issue Issue1| joined between their |1sovereign lord Sovereign Lord1|, the King, and the |1prisoner Prisoner1| at the |1bar Bar1| and true |1verdict Verdict1| give according to the |1evidence Evidence1| so help them God and kiss the Book. And they rose |1in their seats1|, the twelve of Erin, and they swore by the Name of Him that is from everlasting to do His Rightwiseness. |1And |athey the minions of the law straightwaya| led forth |afrom their donjon keepa| |aa malefactor one whom the sleuthhounds of |bthe Law justiceb| had apprehended |bin consequence of information receivedb| & they shackled him hand & foota| and they arraigned him there and preferred a charge against him. |aFor Anda| he was a Malefactor. |xNor would they take of him bail or mainprise butx|1|

(U84 12.1096-1102)

Poor old recorder, says Alf. You can bamboozle him up to the two eyes.

— He has a heart as big as a lion, says Ned Lambert. Tell him a tale of woe |1about a |asicka| wife and ten children & arrears of rent1| and, faith, he'll weep on the bench. And if the poor bugger is had up by a loan society or a moneylender, by God, the bloody jewman is safe if the recorder doesn't put him in the dock.