
1st draft, October-November 1925, III§4F draft level 0

MS British Library 47482a 30-37 Draft details

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|aA cry, off.a|

|a|bTellb| me |bus something.b|a| Where are we at all?

Interior of |ahome dwellinga| on outskirts of city. Ordinary bedroom set. |a|bPink Salmonb| wallpaper.a| |aRight Back |bcentreb|a|, empty |aIrisha| grate. |aLeft wall, |bRight Northb| wall with window, practicable |bno curtain, blind drawnb|. South wall.a| Bed for two. Chair for one. Woman's |aclothes garments |xcharged againstx|a| on chair. Man's trousers, collar with tie on bedknob. Sm Man's |acorduroya| coat on nail, wall right. Woman's gown on ditto, ditto left. Small table near bed, front. |aLighteda| lamp without globe |apracticablea|, newspaper, Saint Andrew's tie, |aglass tumblera| etc on table. Time: about four a.m.

Man with nightcap in bed, fore,. Woman with curlpins, discovered. |a|bunread Sidelongb| Point of view.a| First position. |aDismiss. Male partly masking female. Domicy.a| Man looking round, beastly expression, |afishy eyes,a| exhibits rage. Woman looking up ruddy blond, large
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build, any age. Woman, sitting up, looks at ceiling: |ahaggish |bblank haggishb|a| expression, |abeaky peakya| nose, exhibits fear: |asallow |bwelshrabbit welsh rabbitb|a| tint, undersized, |aany noa| age.

Cry. So, off.

By the sinewy forequarters of the mare Pocahontas, you should have seen how that |alittle smarta| sallowlass |ajusta| hopped |a|baroundb| ita| out of |abed bunk |blike old mother mesopotomacb|a| and in one, five and, nine, she was |agone off, left,a| and the lamp with her and |abiglimbs largelimbs |bprodgeringb|a| in the gloom of her wake.

|aThe house |bAny porterhouse This old burghb|a| looks a thing incomplete but it will be fine |ahead of portera| when it is finished. The arkwright put in a staircase, certainly: it has only one step to |atake be steadya| but all the more |atheya| are |atheya| going upstairs |atiltopa|. Tell me something. The Porters |aso to speaka| are very nice people, are they not? Very. Mr Porter, (|abehind heavy man, asterna|, in mackerel shirt) is an
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excellent |afather forefathera| and Mrs Porter, (leading |alady, |bahead apoopaheadb|a|, in |asaffron bun saffronbuna| nightdress) is a most kindhearted |amother messmothera|. They care for nothing except what is |aporter in porterosea|. One can see |athata| they come of a very old family by their costumes. I think I begin to divine your |apoint meaninga| somehow.

Here are two rooms on the upstairs, on the fork side and the knife side. Whom are they for? Why, for little porters, to be saved. Who Ah, so? Who sleeps in number one? A pussy. How sweet of her! Has your pussy a name? Yes, indeed, and she is named Buttercup. How very sweet of her! And what an excessively charming name |ato forsakea| now that I come to drink of it, |aa cups cupa| fulled with butter. Alone? Alone what? I mean does
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|asleep do asleepa| with herself? She is never lonely for she can always look |aat blanka| and talk |ahandsa| to her little playfilly |awhen she is sitting down on the |bfloor |cplush ploshc|b| mata|. O she talks, does she? Ah Biddles es ma |aplikplak plikflaka| ah plek wat |amaa| Biddles. A nice light baritone she |ahas will havea| but I much prefer |athe hera| name |aof Buttercups in buttercupsa|. So do I, much. She strikes |athe onea| onlooker|a, at least,a| as a beautiful promise, more so than Selina or Teasy or Fauna or Flora.

And who sleeps in room number two? The two birds. O, I see. Of what age are |athey your birdiesa|? They are |atwins |btwins of age to come of twinning age as sure as ever they will be bornb|a|, you see|a, and. Anda| they seem to be |asoa| greatly attached |aas 2 maggotsa| to each other |a|bas 2 maggotsb|a|, I think I notice, do I not? You do. Kevin is |athe farther away on the leesidea|. Do not you waken him. He is happily |aasleep tosleepa|, |alikea| the little angel he
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looks |asoa| like
, and his mouth is semiope as if he were blowdelling a |abugicle bugiglea|. O, I adore the |aprofanea| music. He is too adorable really. |aThat boy will blow out beautifully out.a| I guess I have seen someone like him in my times, guess I met someone |adifferenta| who must have been like what he will probably |abe becomea|. But hush! I beg your pardon, sincerely I do. The other twin, you see, has been crying in his sleep, |athe little devil what a wretcha|. |aThere are tears on his pillowcase.a| That is Jerry |aYou will know his namea| but you cannot see what he has in his hand because I have not told you. He is quite one
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|ato bea| of the |ablake blakesa| tribe by already. Blake? Whatever do you mean with blake? With blake I mean ink. O, I see |anowa|. |aYou will never know |bperhapsb| all that you did not |bsee knowb| that you saw. Perhaps saw.a| |aThey Buta| are two |averya| nice little |aporters porterinesa|, |ain as fora| my opinion, indeed. |a|bBoth unreadb| were born so.a| Adieu, for |athe present these presentsa|, kerryjevin!

What is the view which now takes up second position, tell it, please? You notice |ait ina| that |away rerewaya| because the male |aimposition entail |bpartiallyb|a| masks the |afemale the famcoverta|. It is |asoa| called |ameseedi |bfor its discordb| the meseedoa|. Do you ever hear the story |aof abouta| Helyus Croesus, |aonly gold and white Elephant in our zoo that white and gold Elephant amid our zooparka|? You astonish me by it. Is it not that we have here from back|a, woman permitting,a| a profusely fine birdseye |aviewa| from |abeauhinda| this park? |aIt Finn's parka| has been much the
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admiration |aof many alla| of the |astrangers stranger ones|b, Greekish & romanos, who arrive tob|a| here. The road |ain downa| the centre |abisects |b(see map)b| bisexesa| the park which is said to be the largest of its kind in the world. |aTowards Ona| the right |aprominencea| |ayou see |bremark confronts youb|a| the |ahandsomea| viceregal lodge while|a, |bturning to turn web| the other |bsupreme piece ofb| cheek,a| exactly opposite is the equally handsome chief secreatory residence. The black & blue markings indicate the presence of |asylvan belts sylvious beltingsa|. |aGrassrides |b|chereabouts herearoundc|b| lend themselves out for rustic |bcavalry cavalriesb|.a| |aSome Anya| pretty deers are to be caught |ainsidea|. |aA |bunread |cdaisy a dandelionc| nowb| shows the site where a first murder took formerly |ba theb| first murders |btook were wanted takeb| place. |bSome |cAn Somec|b| hystorical |b|cleaves |dleavings leavesdroppingsd|c|b| may also be |bgathered garneredb| up with |b|cSirc| Shemusb| Swiftpatrick, at archfieldchaplain of Saint Lucan's.a| At the lowest end |a|bmark |cis do not fail to see and to point to yourselfc|b|a| a depression, called the Hollow. It is often quite |agloomy gloamya| and gives |atoa| bad thoughts to the head but the band of the
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Metropolitan |aPolice plays in Policingforcers bassoons intoa| it on |aSatursday afternoons windy Woodensdaysa| their wellsounding |atones wolvertonesa|. Why do you |aunreada| begin to tremble at this moment when I am to place my hand |aon your |bof our |cfriendship |dtrued| friendshapesc|b| upon thya| knee to mark well what you I say. |aYou Say? Thou sayest?a| In Amsterdam |ahe met there livesa|... But how? You are trembletting like a |averya| jerry! O, keep silence! I have heard her voice somewhere |aelse else's |bbefore meb|a| in these ears that |aare now are fora| mine.