
Comparison of 1939 and 2010 texts

Emendations by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

Key:  (f391939 text 2010 textf10)

{f39, 555}
{f10, 432}

What was (f39thaas thassºf10)? Fog was whaas? Too mult sleepth. Let sleepth.

But really now whenabouts(f39.?ºf10) Expatiate then how much times we live in(f39.!ºf10) Yes?

So(f39,ºf10) nat by night by naught by naket(f39,ºf10) in those good old lousy days gone by(f39, (f10) the days, shall we say?(f39,ºf10) of (f39Whom whom,ºf10) shall we say?(f39)ºf10) while kinderwardens minded their twinsbed, therenow theystood, the sycomores, all four of them, in their quartan agues, the majorchy, the minorchy, the everso and the fermentarian(f39,ºf10) with their ballyhooric blowreaper, titranicht by tetranoxst, at their pussycorners, and that old time pallyollogass, playing copers fearsome, with Gus Walker, the cuddy, and his poor old dying boosy cough, esker, newcsle, saggard, crumlin, dell me, donk, the way to wumblin(f39.,ºf10) (f39Follow followºf10) me beeline and you're bumblin, esker, newcsle, saggard, crumlin(f39.,f10) (f39And andºf10) listening(f39. So, soºf10) gladdied up when nicechild Kevin Mary (who was going to be commandeering chief of the choirboys' brigade the moment he grew up under all the auspices) irishsmiled in his milky way of cream dwibble and onage tustard and dessed tabbage, (f39but soºf10) (f39frighted frightiedºf10) out when badbrat Jerry Godolphing (who was hurrying to be cardinal scullion in a night refuge as bald as he was cured enough (f39unerr underºf10) all the hospitals) furrinfrowned down his wrinkly waste of methylated spirits, ick(f39,ºf10) and lemoncholy lees, ick(f39,ºf10) and pulverised rhubarbarorum(f39,ºf10) icky(f39.:ºf10)
{f39, 556}

(f39Night nightºf10) by silentsailing night while infantina Isobel (who will be blushing all day to be(f39,ºf10) when she growed up one Sunday, Saint Holy and Saint Ivory, when she took the veil, the beautiful presentation nun, so barely twenty, in her pure coif, sister Isobel, and next Sunday, Mistlemas, when she looked a peach, the (f39beautiful bountifulºf10) Samaritan, still as beautiful and still in her teens, nurse Saintette Isabelle, with stiffstarched cuffs(f39,ºf10) but on (f39Holiday, Christmas holiday, christmasºf10), (f39Easter easterºf10) mornings(f39,ºf10) when she wore a wreath, the wonderful widow of eighteen springs, Madame Isa Veuve La Belle, so sad but lucksome in her boyblue's long black with orange blossoming weeper's veil)(f39,ºf10) for she was the only girl
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they loved, as she is the queenly pearl you prize, because of the way the night that first we met she is bound to be(f39, f10) methinks, and not in vain(f39, ºf10) the darling of my heart, sleeping(f39,ºf10) in her april cot, within her singachamer, with her greengageflavoured candywhistle duetted to the crazyquilt, Isobel, she is so pretty, truth to tell, wildwood's eyes and primarose hair, quietly, all the woods so wild, in mauves of moss and daphnedews, how all so still she lay, neath of the whitethorn, child of tree, like some losthappy leaf, like blowing flower stilled, as fain would she anon, for soon again 'twill be, win me, woo me, wed me, ah weary me(f39!,ºf10) deeply, now evencalm lay sleeping(f39;:ºf10)

(f39now nowthºf10) upon nacht while in his tumbril (f39Wachtman wachtmanºf10) Havelook (f39seequeerscenes, Seequeerscenesºf10) from yonsides of the choppy, punkt by his curserbog, went long the grassgross bumpinstrass that henders the pubbel to pass, stowing his bottle in a (f39hole boleºf10) for at whet his whuskle to stretch ecrooksman, sequestering for lovers' lost propertied offices the leavethings from allpurgers' night, og gneiss ogas gnasty, kikkers, brillers, knappers and bands, (f39handsboon handshoonºf10) and strumpers, sminkysticks and eddiketsflaskers(f39;:ºf10)

wan fine night and the next fine night and last (f39find fineºf10) night while (f39Kothereen Kathareenºf10) the Slop in her native's chambercushy, with dreamings of simmering my veal astore, was basquing to her pillasleep how she thawght a knogg came to the dowanstairs dour at that howr to peirce the yare and dowandshe went, schritt be schratt, to see was it Schweeps's mingerals or Shuhorn the (f39posth poshtºf10) with a tillycramp
{f39, 557}
for Hemself and Co, Esquara, or them four hoarsemen on their apolkaloops, Norreys, Soothbys, Yates and Welks, and, galorybit of the (f39sanes in hevel Sanes in Hevelºf10), there was a crick up the (f39stairkiss stirkissºf10) and when she ruz the cankle to see, galohery, (f39downand she downandsheºf10) went on her knees to blessersef that were knogging together like milkjuggles as if it was the wrake of the hapspurus or old (f39Kong Kingºf10) Gander O'Toole of the Mountains or his googoo goosth she seein, sliving off over the sawdust lobby out of the backroom, wan ter, that was everywans in turruns, in his honeymoon trim, holding up his fingerhals, with the clookey in his fisstball, tocher of davy's, tocher of ivileagh, for her to whisht, you sowbelly, and the whites of his pious eyebulbs (f39swering swearingºf10) her to silence and coort(f39;:ºf10)

each and every juridical sessions night whenas goodmen twelve and true at (f39fox and geese Fox and Geeseºf10) in their numbered habitations tried (f39old wireless Old Wirelessºf10) (f39over boord overboordºf10) in their juremembers(f39, andºf10) whereas by reverendum they found him guilty of their and those imputations of fornicolopulation with two of his albowcrural correlations on whom he was said to have enjoyed by anticipation when schooling them in amown, mid grass, she sat, when man was, amazingly(f39,ºf10) frank, for their first conjugation(f39,ºf10) whose colours at standing up from the above were of a pretty carnation but, if really 'twere not so, of some
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deretane denudation with intent to excitation, caused by his retrogradation, among firearmed forces proper to this nation but apart from all titillation which, he said, was under heat pressure and a good mitigation without which in any case he insists upon being worthy of continued alimentation for him having displayed, he says, such grand toleration, reprobate so noted and all(f39,ºf10) as he was, with his washleather sweeds and his smokingstump, for denying transubstantiation nevertheless in respect of his highpowered station, whereof more especially as probably he was meantime suffering genteel tortures from the best medical attestation, as he oftentimes did, having only strength enough, by way of festination, to implore (f39(or I or (Iºf10) believe you (f39havef10) might have said better) to complore(f39,ºf10) with complete obsecration(f39,ºf10) on everybody connected with him the curse of coagulation for, he tells me outside Sammon's in King Street(f39,ºf10) after
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two or three hours of close confabulation, by this pewterpint of Gilbey's goatswhey which is his prime consolation, albeit involving upon the same no uncertain amount of esophagous regurgitation, he being personally unpreoccupied to the extent of a flea's gizzard anent eructation, if he was still extremely offensive to a score and four nostrils' dilatation(f39,ºf10) still he was likewise, on the other side of him, for some nepmen's eyes a delectation, as he asserts without the least alienation, so prays of his (f39faullt faultºf10) you would make obliteration but (f39asºf10) for our friend behind the bars, though like Adam Findlater(f39,ºf10) a man of (f39highºf10) estimation, summing him up to be done, be what will of excess his exaltation, still we think with Sully there can be no right extinuation for contravention of common and statute legislation for which the fit remedy resides, for Mr Sully, in corporal amputation: so three months for Gubbs Jeroboam, the frothwhiskered pest of the park, as per act one, section two, schedule three, clause four of the fifth of King Jark, this sentence to be carried out tomorrowmorn by Nolans Volans at six o'clock shark, and may the yeastwind and the hoppinghail malt mercy on his seven honeymeads and his hurlyburlygrowth, Amen, says the (f39Clarke; clarke:ºf10)

niece by nice by neat by natty whilst (f39amongst mongstºf10) revery's happy gardens nine with twenty Leixlip yearlings, darters all, had such a ripping time with gleeful cries of what is nice (f39toppingshaun Toppingshaunºf10) made of made for and weeping like fun, him to be gone, for they were never happier, huhu, than when they were miserable, haha(f39;:ºf10)

in their bed of trial, on the bolster of hardship, by the glimmer of memory, under coverlets of cowardice, (f39Albatrus Albertusºf10) Nyanzer with Victa Nyanza, his mace of might mortified, her (f39beautifell beautyfellºf10) hung up on a nail, he, (f39Mr Urºf10) of our (f39fathers Fathersºf10), she, our moddereen (f39ru rueºf10) arue (f39rue arueºf10), they, ay, by the (f39hodypoker hokypokerºf10) and (f39blazier brazierºf10), they are, as sure as (f39dinny Dinnyºf10) drops into the dyke …

A cry(f39,ºf10) off.
{f10, 435}

Where are we at all? (f39and Andºf10) whenabouts in the name of space?

(f39ºf10) I don't understand. I fail to say. I dearsee you too.

House of the (f39cederbalm circulationºf10) of mead. Garth of Fyon. Scene and property plot. Stagemanager's prompt. Interior of dwelling on outskirts
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of city. Groove two. Chamber scene. Boxed. Ordinary bedroom set. Salmonpapered walls. Back (f39centreºf10), empty Irish grate, Adam's mantel, with wilting elopement fan, soot and tinsel, condemned. North, wall with window(f39,ºf10) practicable. Argentine in casement. Vamp. Pelmit above. No curtains. Blind drawn. South, party wall. Bed for two with strawberry bedspread, wickerworker clubsessel and caneseated millikinstool. Bookshrine without, facetowel upon. Chair for one. Woman's garments on chair. Man's trousers with crossbelt braces, collar(f39,ºf10) on bedknob. Man's corduroy surcoat with (f39seapenºf10) (f39tabrets and taces, seapanf10) nacre buttons(f39, tabrets and tacesºf10) on nail(f39, wall rightºf10). Woman's gown on ditto(f39, ditto leftºf10). Over mantelpiece picture of Michael, lance, slaying Satan, dragon with smoke. Small table near bed, front. Bed with bedding. Spare. Flagpatch quilt. Yverdown design. Limes. Lighted lamp without globe, scarf, gazette, tumbler, quantity of water, julepot, ticker, side props, eventuals, man's gummy article, pink.

A time.

Act: dumbshow.

Closeup. Leads.

Man(f39,ºf10) with nightcap, in bed, fore. Woman, with curlpins, hind. Discovered. Side point of view. First position of harmony. Say! Eh? Ha! Check action. Matt(f39.!ºf10) Male partly masking female. (f39Domicy.ºf10) Man looking round, beastly expression, fishy eyes, paralleliped homoplatts, ghazometron pondus, exhibits rage. Business. Ruddy blond, Armenian bole, black patch, beer wig, gross build, episcopalian, any age. Woman, sitting, looks at ceiling, haggish expression, peaky nose, trekant mouth, fithery wight, exhibits fear. Welshrabbit teint, Nubian shine, nasal fossette, turfy tuft, undersized, free kirk, no age. Closeup. Play!

Callboy. Cry(f39,ºf10) off. Tabler. Her move.


By the sinewy forequarters of the mare Pocahontas and by the white shoulders of Finnuala(f39,ºf10) you should have seen how that smart sallowlass just hopped a nanny's gambit out of bunk like old (f39mother Motherºf10) Mesopotomac and in eight and eight sixtyfour she was off, door, knightlamp with her, billy's largelimbs prodgering
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after to queen's lead. Promiscuous Omebound to (f39Fiammelle Fiammellaºf10) la Diva. Huff! His move. Blackout.

Circus. Corridor.

Shifting scene. Wall flats: sink and fly. Spotlight working (f39wall cloths wallclothsºf10). Spill
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playing rake and bridges. Room to sink: stairs to sink behind room. Two pieces. (f39Haying Kayingºf10) after (f39queue qeueºf10). Replay.

The old humburgh looks a thing incomplete(f39,ºf10) so. It is so. On its dead. But it will pawn up a fine head of porter when it is finished. In the quicktime. The castle arkwright put in a chequered staircase(f39,ºf10) certainly. It has only one square step, to be steady(f39,ºf10) yet notwithstumbling are they stalemating backgammoner supstairs by skips and trestles tiltop double corner. Whist while and game.

What scenic artist! It is ideal residence for realtar. By hims ingang tilt tinkt a tunning bell that Limen(f39,ºf10) Mr(f39,ºf10) that Boggey Godde, be airwaked. Lingling, lingling. Be their (f39maggies magicsºf10) in all. Chump, do your ephort. Shop! Please shop! Shop ado (f39please! O ado please shop! O please shop.ºf10) How hominous his house, haunt it? Yesses(f39,ºf10) indead it be! Nogen, of imperial measure(f39,ºf10) is begraved (f39beneadher beneatherºf10). Here are his naggins poured, his alladim lamps. Around the bloombiered, booty with the bedst. For them whom he have fordone make we newly thankful!

Tell me something. The Porters, so to speak, after their shadowstealers in the newsbaggers, are very nice people, are they not? Very, all fourlike tellt. And on this wise(f39,.ºf10) Mr Porter (Bartholomew, heavy man, astern, mackerel shirt, hayamatt peruke) is an excellent forefather and Mrs Porter (leading lady, (f39a poopahead apoopaheadºf10), gaffneysaffron nightdress, iszoppy chepelure) is a most kindhearted messmother. A so united family pateramater is not more existing on papel or off of it. As keymaster fits the lock it weds so this bally builder to his streamline secret. They care for nothing except everything that is allporterous. Porto da Brozzo! Isn't that terribly nice of them? You can ken that they come of a rarely old family by their costumance and one must togive that one supped of it in all tonearts from awe to zest. I think I begin to divine so much. Only snakkest me truesome! I stone us I'm hable.
{f39, 561}

To reachy a skeer do! Still hoyhra, till venstra! Here are two rooms on the upstairs, at forkflank and at knifekanter. Whom in the wood are they for? Why, for little (f39Porter porterºf10) babes(f39,ºf10) to be saved! The coeds, boytom thwackers and timbuy teaser. Here is onething you owed two noe. This one once upon awhile was the other but this is the other one nighadays. Ah so? The Corsicos? They are numerable. Guest them(f39.!ºf10) Major bed, minor (f39bickhive beddiesºf10). Halosobuth, sov us! Who sleeps in now number one, for example? A pussy, purr esimple. Cunina, Statulina and Edulia, but how sweet of her! Has your pussy a pessname? Yes, indeed, you will hear it passim in all the noveletta and she is named Buttercup. Her bare name will tellt it, a monitress. How very sweet of her and what an excessively lovecharming missyname to forsake, now that I come to drink of it filtred, a gracecup fulled of bitterness. She is dadad's lottiest daughterpearl and brooder's cissiest auntybride. (f39|shA
{f10, 437}
more intriguant bambolina could one not colour up out of Boccuccia'sº Enamen|º
f10) Her shellback thimblecasket mirror only can show her dearest friendeen. To speak well her grace it would ask of Grecian language(f39,;f10) of her goodness, that legend golden. Biryina Saindua! Loreas with lillias flocaflake arrosas! Here's newyearspray, the posquiflor, a windaborne and heliotrope; there miriamsweet and amaranth and marygold to crown. Add lightest knot unto tiptition. O Charis! O Charissima! (f39|shA more intriguant bambolina could one not colour up out of Boccucia's|ºf10) Would one but to do apart a lilybit her virginelles and, so, to breath, so, therebetween, behold, she had instantt with her (f39handf10) (f39handmade madeºf10) as to graps the myth inmid the air. Mother of moth! I will to show herword in flesh. Approach not(f39,ºf10) for ghost sake! It is dormition! She may think, what though little doth she realise, as morning fresheth, it hath happened her, you know what, as they too what (f39two Iºf10) dare not utter. Silvoo plush, if scolded she draws a face. Petticoat's asleep but in the gentlenest of her thoughts apoo is a nursepin. To be presented, Babs for Bimbushi? Of courts and with enticers. Up, girls, and at him! Alone? Alone what? I mean(f39, our |shstrifestirrersh|,ºf10) does she do fleurty winkies with herself(f39.?ºf10) Pussy is never alone, as records her chambrette, for she can always look at Biddles and talk petnames with her little
{f39, 562}
playfilly when she is sitting downy on the ploshmat. (f39Doth |shDolly weepssh| she is hasting. |shWill Dally bumpsetty 'tis for tubtimesh|.ºf10) O, she talks, does she? Marry, how? Rosepetalletted sounds. Ah Biddles es ma plikplak. Ah plikplak wed ma Biddles. A nice jezebel barytinette she will gift(f39, this strifestirrer,ºf10) but I much prefer her missnomer in maidenly golden lasslike gladsome wenchful flowery girlish beautycapes. (f39|shDulcidelicatissima!sh|f10) So do I, much. (f39|shDulce delicatissima!sh| Doth |shDolly weepssh| she is hastings. |shWill Dally bumpsetty it is tubtimesh|.ºf10) Allaliefest, she who pities very pebbles, dare we not wish on her our thrice onsk? A lovely fear! That she seventip toe her chrysming, that she spin (f39blue to scarlad blaa to scarlachºf10) till her (f39temple's templarºf10) veil, that the Mount of Whoam it open it her to shelterer! She will blow ever so much more promisefuller, blee me, than all the other common marygales that romp round brigidschool, charming Carry Whambers or saucy Susy Maucepan (f39of orºf10) (f39Merry merryºf10) Anna Patchbox or silly Polly Flinders. Platsch! A plikaplak.

And(f39,f10) since we are talking amnessly of (f39brukasloop bunkasloopº andºf10) (f39crazedledaze crazdledazeºf10), who doez in sleeproom number twobis? The twobirds. Holy policeman, O, I see! Of what age are your birdies? They are to come of twinning age so soon as they may be born to be eldering like those olders while they are living under chairs. They are(f39?f10) (f39and Andºf10) they seem to be so tightly tattached as two maggots to touch other, I think I notice, do I not? You do. Our bright bull babe(f39,ºf10) Frank Kevin(f39,ºf10) is on heartsleeveside. Do not you waken him! Our farheard bode. He is happily to sleep, limb of the Lord, with his lifted in blessing, his (f39buchel bachalºf10) Iosa, like the blissed angel he looks so like and his mou is semiope as though he were blowdelling on a bugigle. Whene'er I see those smiles
{f10, 438}
in eyes 'tis Father Quinn again. Very shortly he will smell sweetly when he will hear a weird to wean. By gorgeous, that boy will blare some knight when he will take his dane's pledges and quit our ingletears, spite of undesirable parents, to wend him to Amorica to quest a (f39cashy cushyºf10) job. That keen dean with his veen nonsolance! O, I adore the profeen music! Dollarmighty! He is too audorable really, eunique! I guess to have seen somekid like him in the (f39story book storybookºf10), guess I met somewhere (f39somelam somelambºf10) to whom he will be becoming liker. But hush! How unpardonable of me! I beg (f39youºf10) for your venials, sincerely I do.
{f39, 563}

Hush! The other, twined on codliverside, has been crying in his sleep, making sharpshape his inscissors(f39,ºf10) on some first choice sweets fished out of the muck. A stake in our mead. What a teething wretch! How his book of craven images! Here are posthumious tears on his intimelle. And he has pipettishly bespilled himself from his foundingpen(f39,f10) as (f39illspent ill spentºf10) from inkinghorn. He is jem job joy pip (f39poo paaºf10) pat (jot um for a sobrat!) Jerry Jehu. You will know him by (f39name namesºf10) in the capers but you cannot see whose heel he sheepfolds in his wrought hand because I have not told it to you. O(f39,ºf10) foetal sleep! Ah, fatal slip! (f39the Theºf10) one loved, the other left, the bride of pride leased to the stranger(f39.!ºf10) He will be quite within the pale when with lordbeeron brow he vows him so tosset to be of the sir (f39Blake blakeºf10) tribes (f39bleakf10) while through life's unblest he rodes (f39byºf10) backs of bannars. (f39Bleak!ºf10) Are you not somewhat bulgar with your bowels? Whatever do you mean with (f39sourºf10) bleak? With pale blake I write tintingface. O, you do? And with steelwhite and blackmail I (f39ha'scint scentºf10) for my sweet an anemone's letter with a gold of my bridest hair betied. Donatus his mark, address as follows. So you did? From the Cat and Cage. O, I see and see(f39.!ºf10) In the ink of his sweat he will find it yet. What Gipsy Devereux vowed to Lylian and why the elm and how the stone. You never may know in the preterite all perhaps that you would not believe that you ever even saw to be about to. Perhaps. But they are two very blizky little portereens after their bredscrums, Jerkoff and Eatsup, as for my part opinion indeed. They would be born so, costarred, puck and prig, the maryboy at (f39theºf10) Donnybrook Fair, the godolphinglad in the (f39Hoy's Hoey'sºf10) Court. How frilled one shall be as at taledold of Formio and Cigalette! What folly innocents! Theirs (f39whet whatºf10) pep of puppyhood! Both barmhearts shall become yeastcake by their brackfest. I will to leave (f39af10) my copperwise blessing between the pair of them, for rosengorge, for greenafang. Blech and tin soldies, weals in a sniffbox. Som's wholed, all's parted. Weeping shouldst not thou be when man falls but that divine scheming ever adoring be. So you be either man or mouse and you be neither fish nor flesh. Take. And take. Vellicate (f39nyche! nijche!ºf10) Be ones as wes for gives for (f39gives getsºf10) now the hour of passings sembles quick
{f10, 439}
with quelled. Adieu, soft adieu, for these nice presents, kerryjevin(f39.!ºf10) Still tosorrow!
{f39, 564}

Jeminy(f39,!f10) (f39what Whatºf10) is the view which now takes up a second position of discordance, tell it(f39,ºf10) please? Mark! You notice it in that rereway because the male entail partially eclipses the femecovert. It is so called for its discord the meseedo. Do you ever heard the story about Helius Croesus, that white and gold (f39elephant Elephantºf10) in our zoopark? You astonish me by it. Is it not that we are commanding from fullback, woman permitting, a profusely fine birdseye view from beauhind this park? Finn his park has been much the admiration of all the stranger ones, (f39grekish greekishºf10) and romanos, who arrive to here. The straight road down the centre (see relief map) bisexes the park which is said to be the largest of his kind in the world. On the right prominence confronts you the handsome vinesregent's lodge while, turning to the other supreme piece of cheeks, exactly opposite, you are confounded by the equally handsome chief sacristary's residence. Around is a little amiably tufted and man is cheered when he bewonders through the boskage how the nature in all frisko is enlivened by gentlemen's seats. Here are (f39heavysuppers — 'tis for daddies heavysupperdaddies'ºf10) housings for hundredaires of our super thin thousand. By gum, but you have resin! Of these tallworts are yielded out juices for jointoils and pappasses for paynims. Listeneth! 'Tis a tree story. How olave, that firile, was aplantad in her liveside. How tannoboom held tonobloom. How rood in norlandes. The black and blue marks athwart the weald, which now barely is so stripped, indicate the (f39presence prepresenceºf10) of sylvious beltings. Therewithal shady rides lend themselves out to rustic cavalries. In yonder valley, too, stays mountain sprite. Any pretty dears are to be caught inside but it is a bad pities of the plain. A scarlet pimparnell now mules the mound where anciently first murders were wanted to take root. By feud fionghalian. (f39|shTalkingtree and sinningstonesh| |shTalking tree and sinning stonesh|ºf10) stay on either hand. Hystorical leavesdroppings may also be garnered up with (f39sir Sirºf10) Shamus Swiftpatrick, (f39Archfieldchaplain archfieldchaplainºf10) of Saint Lucan's. How familiar it is to see all (f39these thoseºf10) interesting advenements with one (f39snaked's anaked'sºf10) eyes(f39.!ºf10) Is all? Yet not. (f39Hear one's.ºf10) At the bodom fundus of this royal park, which, with tvigate shyasian gardeenen, is open to the public till night at late, so well the sissastrides so will
{f39, 565}
the pederestians, do not fail to point to yourself a depression called Holl Hollow. It is often quite guttergloomering in our duol and gives wankyrious thoughts to the head but the banders of the pentapolitan poleetsfurcers bassoons into it on windy (f39woodensdays Woodensdaysºf10) their wellbooming wolvertones. Ulvos! Ulvos!

Whervolk dorst ttou begin to tremble by our moving pictures at this moment when I am to place my hand of our true friendshapes upon (f39thee thyºf10) knee to mark well what I say? Throu shayest who? In Amsterdam there
{f10, 440}
lived a … But how? You are tremblotting, you retchad, like a verry jerry! Niet? Will you a guineeser? Gaij beutel of staub? To feel, you(f39?!ºf10) Yes, how it (f39trembles, tremules,ºf10) the timid!(f39!ºf10) Vortigern, ah Gortigern! Overlord of Mercia! Or doth brainskin flinchgreef? Stemming! What boyazhness! Sole shadow shows. (f39Tis 'Tisºf10) jest jibberweek's joke. It must have stole(f39.!ºf10) O, keve silence, both! Putshameyu! I have heard her voice somewhere else's before me in these ears still that now are for mine.

Let op. Slew musies. Thunner in the eire.

You were dreamend, dear(f39.!ºf10) The pawdrag? The fawthrig? (f39Shoe! Shoo!ºf10) Hear are no phanthares in the room at all, avikkeen. No bad bold (f39faathern fauthernºf10), dear one. Opop opop capallo, muy malinchily malchick! (f39Gothgorod father Gothgorodfatherºf10) godown (f39followay fallawayºf10) tomollow the lucky load to Lublin for make his thoroughbass grossman's bigness. Take that two (f39piece pieceeºf10) big slap slap bold (f39honty hintyºf10) (f39bottomsside bottomsideºf10) pap pap pappa(f39.!ºf10)

Li ne dormis?

S! Malbone dormas.

Kia li krias (f39nikte? nokte?ºf10)

Parolas infanetes. S!

Sonly all in your imagination, dim(f39.!ºf10) Poor little brittle (f39magic nation magicnationsºf10), dim of mind! (f39Shoe Shooºf10) to me now, dear! Shoom of me! While elvery stream winds (f39seling eelingºf10) on for to keep this barrel of bounty rolling and the nightmail afarfrom morning nears.

When you're coaching through (f39Lucalised Lucalizodºf10), on the sulphur spa to visit, it's safer to hit than miss it(f39, stop. Stopºf10) at his inn! The hammers are telling the cobbles, the pickts are hacking the saxums, it's snugger to burrow abed than (f39ballet ballotºf10) on broadway. Tuck in your
{f39, 566}
blank(f39.!ºf10) For it's race pound race the hosties rear all roads to ruin and layers by lifetimes laid down riches from poormen. Cried (f39unions onionsºf10) to chip, saltpetre to strew, gallpitch to drink, stonebread to break(f39,ºf10) but it's bully to gulp good blueberry pudding. Doze in your warmth(f39.!ºf10) While the elves in the moonbeams, feeling why, will keep my lilygem gently gleaming.

In the sleepingchambers. The court to go into half morning. The four seneschals with their palfrey to be there now, all balaaming(f39,ºf10) in their sellaboutes and sharping up their (f39penisills peniscilsºf10). The boufeither Soakersoon at holdup (f39tent sticker tentstickorºf10). The swabsister Katya to have duntalking and to keep shakenin dowan her droghedars. Those twelve chief barons to stand by duedesmally with their folded arums and put down all excursions and false alarums and after that to go back now to their runameat farums and recompile their magnum chartarums with the width of the road between them and all harrums. The maidbrides all, in favours gay, to strew sleety
{f10, 441}
cinders on their falling hair and for wouldbe joybells to ring sadly ringless hands. The dame dowager to stay kneeled (f39downºf10) how she is, as first mutherer with cord in coil. The two princes of the tower royal, daulphin and deevlin, to lie how they are without to see. The dame dowager's duffgerent to present wappon, blade drawn to the full(f39,ºf10) and about wheel without to be seen of them. The (f39infant infantaºf10) Isabella from her coign to do obeisance toward the duffgerent, as first futherer with drawn brand. Then the court to come (f39in to intoºf10) full morning. Herein see ye fail not!

Vidu, porkego! Ili vi (f39rigardas. Returnu, rigardas! Returnu,ºf10) porkego(f39. Maldelikato! maldelikato!ºf10)

Gauze off heaven(f39.!ºf10) Vision. Then. O, pluxty suddly, the sight entrancing! Hummels! That crag! Those hullocks! O Sire! So be accident occur is not going to commence! What have you therefore? Fear you the donkers? Of roovers? I fear lest we have lost ours (non grant it!) respecting these wildy parts. How is hit finister! How shagsome all and beastful! What do you show on? I show because I must see before my misfortune so a stark (f39pointing pole pointingpoleºf10). Lord of ladders, what for lungitube! Can you read the verst legend hereon? I am hather of the missed. Areed! To the (f39dunleary Dunlearyf10)
{f39, 567}
(f39obelisk Obeliskºf10) via the (f39rock Rockºf10) vhat myles knox furlongs(f39;:ºf10) to the (f39general's General'sf10) (f39postoffice Post Officeºf10) howsands of patience(f39;:ºf10) to the Wellington (f39memorial Memorialºf10) half a league wrongwards(f39;:ºf10) to Sara's (f39bridge Bridgeºf10) good hunter and nine to meet her: to the (f39point Pointf10), one yeoman's yard. He, he, he! At (f39that whatºf10) do you leer, a setting up? With a such (f39unfettered unbuttonedºf10) belly? Two cascades? I leer (O my big, O my bog, O my (f39bagbone bigbagboneºf10)!) because I must see a buntingcap of so a pinky on the (f39point. poink!ºf10) It is for a true glover's (f39greetings greetingºf10) and many burgesses by us, greats and grosses, uses to pink it in this way at (f39tet-at-tet tet-a-tetºf10). For long has it been effigy of standard royal when broken on roofstaff which to the gunnings shall cast welcome from Courtmilits' Fortress, umptydum dumptydum. Bemark you these hangovers, those streamer fields(f39,!ºf10) (f39his Hisºf10) influx. Do you not have heard that, the queen lying abroad from fury of the gales(f39,f10) (meekname mocktitles her Nan Nan Nanetta)(f39,ºf10) her liege of lateenth dignisties shall come on (f39their bayºf10) tomorrow, (f39Michalsmas Michaelmasºf10), mellems the third and fourth of the clock, (f39there to theretoºf10) all the king's aussies and all their (f39king's kin'sºf10) men, knechts tramplers and cavalcaders, led of herald graycloak, Ulaf Goldarskield? Dog! Dog! Her lofts will be loosed for her and their tumblers broodcast. A progress shall be made in walk, ney? I trow it well, and uge by uge. He shall come, sidesmen accostant, by aryan (f39jubilarian Jubilarianºf10) and (f39on orºf10) brigadier-general Nolan or and buccaneer-admiral Browne, with — who can doubt it? — his golden beagles and his white elkox terriers for a hunting on our littlego illcome faxes. In blue and buff of Beaufort the hunt shall make (f39their bayf10). It is poblesse noblige. Ommes will grin through collars when each (f39riders ridesºf10) other's ass. Me Eccls! What (f39cats' killings catskillingsºf10) overall!
{f10, 442}
What popping out of (f39guillotened guillotinedºf10) widows! Quick time! Beware of waiting! Squintina plies favours on us from her rushfrail and Zosimus, the crowder, in his surcoat, sues us with souftwister. Apart we! Here are gantlets. I believe (f39itºf10), by Plentifolks Mixymost! Yet if I durst to express the hope how I might be able to be present. All these peeplers entrammed and detrained on bikeygels and troykakyls and those puny farting little solitires! Tollacre, tollacre! Polo north will beseem Sibernian and Plein Pelouta will behowl ne yerking at lawncastrum ne ghimbelling on guelflinks.
{f39, 568}
Mauser Misma shall cease to stretch her and come abroad for what the blinkins is to be seen. A ruber, a rancher, a fullvide, a veridust(f39,ºf10) and as (f39crerdulous ceredulousºf10) behind as he was before behind a damson of a sloe cooch. Mbv! The annamation of evabusies, the livlianess of her laughings, such as a plurity of bells! Have peacience, pray you! Place to dames! Even the Lady Victoria Landauner will leave to loll and parasol, all giddied into gushgasps with her dickey standing. Britus and Gothius shall no more joustle for that sonneplace but mark one autonement when, with si so silent, Cloudia Aiduolcis, good and dewed up, shall let fall, yes(f39,ºf10) no, yet now(f39,ºf10) a rain. Muchsias grapcias! It is (f39how sweet howsweetºf10) from her, the wispful, and they (f39are ereºf10) soon seen swopsib so a sautril as a meise. Its ist not the tear on this movent sped. Tix (f39sixponce sixpounceºf10)! Poum! Hool poll the bull? Fool pay the bill. Becups a can full. Peal, pull the bell! Still sayeme of ceremonies(f39,. O,ºf10) much much more! So pleaseyour! It stands in Instopressible how Meynhir Mayour, our boorgomaister, thon staunch Thorsman(f39,ºf10) (our Nancy's fancy, our own Nanny's Big Billy), his hod hoisted, in best bib and tucker, with Woolington bottes over buckram babbishkis and his clouded cane and necknoose aureal, surrounded of his full (f39cooperation coorporationºf10) with fixed baronets and meng our pueblos, restrained by chain of hands(f39,ºf10) from pinchgut, hoghill, darklane, gibbetmeade(f39,ºf10) and beaux and laddes and (f39bumbellye bumbellyºf10), shall receive Dom King at (f39broadstone barrow Broadstone Barrowºf10) meet a keys of goodmorrow on to his pompey cushion. Me amble dooty to your grace's majers! Arise, (f39sir Sirºf10) Pompkey Dompkey! Ear! Ear! Weakear! An allness eversides! We but miss that horse elder yet cherchant of the wise graveleek in cabbuchin garden. That his be foison, old Caubeenhauben! 'Twill be tropic of all days. By the splendour of Sole! Perfect weatherest prevailing. Thisafter, (f39swift's Swift'sºf10) mightmace deposing, he shall (f39aidress addressºf10) to His Serenemost by a speechreading from his miniated vellum, alfi byrni gamman dealter etcera zezera eacla treacla youghta kaptor lomdom noo, who meaningwhile(f39,ºf10) that illuminatured one, Papyroy of Pepinregn, my Sire, great, big King(f39,f10) (his scaffold is there set up, as to edify, by Rex Ingram, pageantmaster)(f39,ºf10) will be poking out with his canule into the arras of
{f39, 569}
what brilliant bridgecloths and joking up with his tonguespitz to the crimosing balkonladies(f39,:ºf10) here's a help undo
{f10, 443}
their modest stays with a fullbelow may the funnyfeelbelong. Oddsbones, that may it! Carilloners will ring their gluckspeels. Rng rng! Rng rng! S. (f39Presbutt-in-the-North Presbytt-in-the-Northºf10), S. Mark Underloop, S. Lorenz-by-the-Toolechest, S. Nicholas Myre. You shall hark to anune S. Gardener, S. George-le-Greek, S. Barclay Moitered, S. Phibb, Iona-in-the-Fields with Paull-the-Aposteln. And audialterand: S. Jude-at-Gate, Bruno Friars, S. Weslen-on-the-Row, S. Molyneux Without, S. Mary (f39Stillamaries Stillamarriesºf10) with Bride-and-Audeons-behind-Wardborg. How chimant in effect! Alla tingaling pealabells! So a many of churches one cannot (f39pray own's hear one's ownºf10) prayers. 'Tis holyyear's day! Juin jully we may! Agithetta and Tranquilla shall demure (f39umclaused upclausedºf10) but Marlborough-the-Less, Greatchrist and Holy Protector shall have open virgilances. Beata Basilica! But will be not pontification? Dock, dock, agame! Primatially. At wateredge. Cantaberra and Neweryork may supprecate when, by vepers, for towned and travalled, his goldwhite swaystick aloft ylifted, umbrilla-parasoul, Monsigneur of Deublan shall impart to all. Benedictus benedicat! To board! And mealsight! Unjoint him this bittern, frust me this chicken, display yon crane, thigh her her pigeon, unlace (f39andºf10) allay rabbit and pheasant! Sing: Old Finncoole, he's a mellow old saoul when he swills with his fuddlers free! Poppop array! For we're all jollygame fellhellows which nobottle can deny! Here be trouts culponed for ye and salmons chined and sturgeons tranched, sanced capons, lobsters barbed. Call halton eatwords! Mumm me moe mummers! What, no Ithalians? How, not one Moll Pamelas? Accordingly! (f39Play actors Playactorsºf10) by us ever have crash to their gate. Mr Messop and Mr Borry will produce of themselves, as they're two genitalmen of Veruno, (f39Senior seniorºf10) Nowno and (f39Senior saniorºf10) Brolano (finaly! finaly!), all for love of a fair penitent that, (f39a ayºf10) she be broughton, rhoda's a rosy she. Their two big skins! How they strave to gat her! Such a boyplay! Their bouchicaulture! What tyronte power! Buy our fays! My name is novel and on the Granby in hills. Bravose! Thou traitor slave!
{f39, 570}
Mine name's Apnorval and o'er the Grandbeyond Mountains. Bravossimost! The royal (f39nusick musickºf10) their show shall shut with songslide to nature's solemn silence. Deep Dalchi Dolando! Might gentle harp addurge! It will give piketurns on the (f39tummlipplads Tummlipladsºf10) and forain dances and crosshurdles and dollmanovers and viceuvious (f39pyrolyphics pyrolyphiesºf10), a snow of dawnflakes, at darkfall for Grace's Mamnesty and our fancy ladies, all assombred. Some wholetime in (f39theºf10) hot town tonight! You do not have heard? It stays in book of that which is. I have heard anyone tell it jesterday (master currier with brassard(f39,f10) was't(f39?ºf10)) how one should come on morrow here but it is never here that one today. Well(f39,ºf10) but remind (f39to tuºf10) think(f39,ºf10) you where yestoday Ys Morganas war and that it is always tomorrow in toth's tother's place. Amen.
{f10, 444}

True! True! Vouchsafe me more soundpicture! It gives furiously to think. Is rich Mr Pornter, a squire, not always in his such strong health? I thank you for the best, he is in taken deal exceedingly (f39herculeneous herculaneousºf10). One sees how he is lot (f39stoutlier stroutlierºf10) than of formerly. One would say him to hold whole a litteringture of kidlings under his aproham. (f39He!ºf10) Has handsome Sir Pournter always been so long married? O yes, Lord Pournterfamilias has been marryingman ever since so long time in Hurtleforth, where he (f39appeer appeersºf10) as our oily the active, and, yes indeed, he has his mic son and his two fine mac sons and a superfine mick want they mack metween them. She, she, she! But on what do you again leer? I am not leering, I pink (f39you yourºf10) pardons(f39.!ºf10) I am highly (f39sheshe she sheºf10) sherious.

Do you not must want to go somewhere on the present? Yes, O pity! At earliest moment! That prickly heat feeling! Forthink not me spill it's at always so guey. Here we shall do a far walk (O pity(f39!ºf10)) anygo khaibits till the number one of (f39sairey's Sairey'sºf10) place. Is, is. I want you to admire her sceneries illustrationing our national first rout, one ought ought one. We shall too downlook on that ford where Sylvanus Sanctus washed but hurdley those tips of his anointeds. Do not show ever retrorsehim, crookodeyled, till that you become quite crimstone in the face! Beware! (f39guardafew! Guardafew!ºf10) It is Stealer of the Heart! I am anxious in regard you should (f39everthrown overthrownºf10) your sillarsalt. I will dui sui, tefnute!
{f39, 571}
These brilling waveleaplights! Please say me how sing you them. Seekhem seckhem! They arise from a clear springwell in the near of our park which makes the daft to hear all blend. This place of endearment! How it is clear! And how they cast their spells upon, the fronds that thereup float, the bookstaff branchings! The druggeted stems, the leaves incut on trees! Do you can their tantrist spellings? I can lese, skillmistress aiding. Elm, bay, this way, cull dare, take a message, tawny runes ilex sallow, meet me at the pine. Yes, they shall have brought us to the (f39water trysting, watertrystingºf10) by (f39hedjes hedgesºf10) of maiden (f39ferm fernºf10), then here in another place is their chapelofeases, sold for song, of which you have thought my praise too much my price. O ma ma! Yes, sad one of Ziod? Sell me, my soul dear! Ah, my sorrowful, his cloister dreeping of his monkshood, how it is triste to death, all his dark ivytod! Where cold in dearth. Yet see, my blanching kissabelle, in the under close she is (f39allso all sof10) gay, her kirtles green, her curtsies white, her peony pears, her (f39nistlingsloes nistlingsloef10)! (f39I Oºf10), pipette, I must also quicklingly to tryst myself softly into this (f39littleeasechapel. little easechapel!ºf10) I would rather than Ireland! But(f39,ºf10) I pray, (f39make! make so!ºf10) Do your easiness! O, (f39peace ppeaceºf10), this is heaven! O, (f39Mrºf10) Prince of Pouringtoher, whatever shall I pppease to do? Why do you so lifesighs, my precious, as I hear from you, with limmenings lemantitions, after that swollen one? I am not sighing, I assure, but only I am soso sorry about all in my saarasplace.
{f10, 445}
Listen, listen! I am doing it. Hear more to those voices! Always I am hearing them. (f39Horsehem Hoarsehemºf10) coughs enough. Annshee lispes privily.

— He is quieter now.

— Legalentitled. (f39Accesstopartnuzz. Accesstopartnzz.ºf10) Notwildebeestsch. (f39Byrightofoaptz. Byrightofcaptz.ºf10) (f39Twainbeonerflsh. Twainbeoneflesh.ºf10) Haveandholdpp.

— S! Let us go. Make a noise. Slee …

(f39— Obstructionwayszz. Beautofusion. Claimtopossessk.ºf10)

— Qui... The (f39gir liºf10)...

— Huesofrichunfoldingmorn. Wakenupriseandprove. Provideforsacrifice.

— Wait! Hist! Let us list!

For our netherworld's bosomfoes are working tooth and nail overtime: in earthveins, (f39toadcavites toadcavitiesf10), (f39chessganglions, cheeseganglions,ºf10) (f39saltklesters, saltklosters,ºf10)
{f39, 572}
underfed: nagging firenibblers (f39knockling aterman knocking aftermanºf10) up out of his hinterclutch. Tomb be their tools(f39.!ºf10) When the youngdammers will be soon heartpocking on their betters' doornoggers: and the youngfries will be backfrisking diamondcuts over their lyingin underlayers, spick and spat trowelling a gravetrench for their fourinhand forebears. Vote for your club!

— Wait!

— What(f39!?ºf10)

— Her door!

— Ope?

— See!

— What?

— Careful(f39.!ºf10)

— Who?

(f39⇒ Cant ear! Her dorters ofe? Whofe? Her eskmeno daughters hope? Whope? Ellme, elmmeº, elskmestoon! Soon!ºf10)

Live well! (f39Iniivdluaritzas! Inûvdluaritzas!ºf10) Tone!

(f39f10) (f39Cant ear! Her dorters ofe? Whofe? Her eskmeno daughters hope? Whope? Ellme, elmme, elskmestoon! Soon!ºf10)

Let us consider.

The procurator Interrogarius Mealterum (f39presends persendsºf10) us this proposer.

Honuphrius is a concupiscent exservicemajor who makes dishonest propositions to all. He is considered to have committed, invoking droit d'oreiller, simple infidelities with Felicia, a virgin, and to be practising for unnatural coits with Eugenius and Jeremias, two or three philadelphians. (f39Honophrius Honuphriusºf10), Felicia, Eugenius and Jeremias are consanguineous to the lowest degree. Anita(f39,ºf10) the wife of (f39Honophrius Honuphriusºf10), has been told by her tirewoman, Fortissa, that Honuphrius has blasphemously confessed under voluntary chastisement that he has instructed his slave(f39,f10) Mauritius, (f39a widower,ºf10) to (f39urge facilitate their neighbourf10) Magravius, a commercial(f39,ºf10) emulous of Honuphrius, to solicit the chastity of Anita. Anita is informed by some illegitimate children
{f10, 446}
of Fortissa with Mauritius (the supposition is Ware's) that Gillia, the schismatical wife of Magravius, is visited clandestinely by Barnabas, the advocate of Honuphrius, an immoral person who has been corrupted by Jeremias. Gillia(f39,f10) (a cooler blend, D'Alton insists)(f39,ºf10) ex equo with Poppea, Arancita, Clara,
{f39, 573}
Marinuzza, Indra and Iodina, has been tenderly debauched (in Halliday's view)(f39,ºf10) by Honuphrius, and Magravius knows from spies that Anita has formerly committed double sacrilege with Michael, vulgo Cerularius, a perpetual curate(f39,ºf10) who wishes to seduce Eugenius. Magravius threatens to have Anita molested by Sulla, an orthodox savage (and leader of a band of twelve mercenaries, the Sullivani)(f39,ºf10) who desires to procure Felicia for Gregorius, Leo, Vitellius and Macdugalius, four excavators, if she will not yield to him and also deceive Honuphrius by rendering conjugal duty when demanded. Anita(f39,ºf10) who claims to have discovered incestuous temptations from Jeremias and Eugenius(f39,ºf10) would yield to the lewdness of Honuphrius to appease the savagery of Sulla and the mercernariness of the twelve Sullivani(f39,ºf10) and (as Gilbert at first suggested)(f39,ºf10) to save the virginity of Felicia for Magravius(f39,ºf10) when converted by Michael after the death of Gillia, but she fears that(f39,ºf10) by allowing his marital rights she may cause reprehensible conduct between Eugenius and Jeremias. Michael, who has formerly debauched Anita, dispenses her from yielding to Honuphrius who pretends publicly to possess his conjunct in thirtynine several manners (turpiter! affirm ex cathedris Gerontes Cambronses) for carnal hygiene whenever he has rendered himself impotent to consummate by subdolence. Anita is disturbed(f39,ºf10) but Michael comminates that he will reserve her case tomorrow for the ordinary Guglielmus even if she should practise a pious fraud during affrication which, from experience, she knows (according to Wadding)(f39,ºf10) to be leading to nullity. Fortissa, however, is encouraged by Gregorius, Leo, (f39Viteilius, Vitelliusºf10) and Magdugalius, reunitedly, to warn Anita by describing the strong chastisements of Honuphrius and the depravities (turpissimas!) of Canicula, the deceased wife of Mauritius, with Sulla, the simoniac, who is abnegand and repents. Has he hegemony and shall she submit?

(f39Translate Translakeºf10) a lax, you breed a bradaun. In the goods of Cape and Chattertone, deceased.

This, (f39lay readers layreadersºf10) and gentilemen, is perhaps the commonest of all cases arising out of umbrella history in connection with
{f39, 574}
the wood industries in our courts of litigation. D'Oyly Owens holds (though Finn Magnusson of himself holds also) that so long as there is a joint deposit account in the two names a mutual obligation is posited. Owens cites Brerfuchs and Warren, a foreign firm, since disseized, registered as Tangos, Limited, for the sale of certain proprietary articles. The action(f39,ºf10) which was at the instance of the
{f10, 447}
trustee of the (f39heathen church emergency Heathen Church Emergencyºf10) fund, suing by its trustee, a resigned civil servant, for the payment of tithes due(f39,ºf10) was heard by Judge Doyle and also by a common jury. No question arose as to the debt for which vouchers spoke volumes. The defence alleged that payment had been made effective. The fund trustee, one Jucundus Fecundus Xero Pecundus Coppercheap, counterclaimed that payment was invalid(f39,ºf10) having been tendered to creditor under cover of a crossed cheque, signed in the ordinary course, in the name of Wieldhelm, (f39Hurls hurlsf10) (f39Cross crossºf10), voucher copy provided, and drawn by the senior partner only by whom the lodgment of the species had been effected but in their joint names. The bank particularised, the (f39national Nationalf10) (f39misery Miseryºf10) (now almost entirely in the hands of the four chief bondholders for value in (f39Tangos), Tangos, Limited),ºf10) declined to pay the draft, though there were ample reserves to meet the liability, whereupon the trusty Coppercheap (f39negociated negotiatedºf10) it for and on behalf of the fund of the thing to a client of his, a notary, from whom, on consideration, he received in exchange legal relief as between trusthee and bethrust, with thanks. Since then the cheque, a good washable pink, embossed D you D (f39No noºf10) 11 hundred and thirty 2, good for the figure and face, had been circulating in the country for over thirtynine years among holders of Pango stock, a rival concern, though not one demonetised farthing had ever spun or fluctuated across the counter in the semblance of hard coin or liquid cash. The jury (a sour dozen of stout fellows all of whom were curiously named after (f39doyles Doylesºf10)) naturally disagreed(f39,f10) jointly and severally, and the belligerent judge, disagreeing with the allied jurors' disagreement, went outside his jurisfiction altogether and ordered a garnishee attachment to the neutral firm. No mandamus could locate the depleted (f39whilom Whilomf10) Breyfawkes as he had entered into an
{f39, 575}
ancient moratorium, dating back to the times of the early barters, and only the junior partner Barren could be found, who entered an appearance and turned up, (f39upon a notice of motion and after service of the motion by interlocutory injunction, add woman in,ºf10) among the male jurors (f39to be,ºf10) an (f39absolete obsoleteºf10) turfwoman(f39,f10) originally from the proletarian class(f39,f10) with still a good title to her sexname of Ann Doyle, 2 Coppinger's Cottages, the (f39Doyle's Doylef10) (f39country Countryºf10). Doyle (Ann), (f39add woman in, upon a notice of motion and after service of the motion by interlocutory injunction,ºf10) having regretfully left the juryboxers, protested cheerfully on the stand in a long jurymiad in re corset checks, delivered in (f39doylish, Doylish,ºf10) that she had often, in supply to brusk demands rising almost to bollion point, discounted Mr Brakeforth's first of all in exchange at nine months from date without issue and, to be strictly literal, unbottled in corrubberation a current account of how she had been made at sight for services rendered the payee-drawee of unwashable blank assignations, sometimes pinkwilliams (laughter) but more often of the (f39crème-de-citron, crème-de-citron,ºf10) vair émail paoncoque or marshmallow
{f10, 448}
series, which she, as bearer, used to endorse, adhesively, to her various payers-drawers who in most cases were identified by the timber papers as wellknown tetigists of the city and suburban. The witness, at her own request, asked if she might and wrought something between the sheets of music paper which she had accompanied herself with for the occasion and(f39,ºf10) this having been handed up for the bench to look at in camera, Coppinger's doll, as she was called(f39,f10) (annias, (f39Mack Erse's MackErse'sºf10) Dar, the adopted child)(f39,ºf10) then proposed to jerrykin and jureens and every jim, jock and jarry in that little green courtinghousie for her satisfaction and as a whole act of settlement to reamalgamate herself, tomorrow perforce, in pardonership with the permanent suing fond trustee, Monsignore Pepigi, under the new style of Will Breakfast and Sparrem, as, when all his cognisances had been estreated, he seemed to proffer the steadiest interest towards her, but this prepoposal was ruled out on appeal by Judge (f39Jeremyf10) (f39JeremyDoyler, Doylerºf10) who, reserving judgment in a matter of courts and reversing the findings of the lower correctional, found, beyond doubt of (f39treuson treasonºf10), fending the dissassents of the pickpackpanel, twelve as upright judaces as ever let down their thoms, and, occupante extremum
{f39, 576}
scabie, handed down to the jury of the Liffey that, as a matter of tact, the woman they gave as free was born into contractual incapacity (the Calif of Man v the Eaudelusk Company) when, how and where (f39mamy's Mamy'sf10) (f39mancipium act Mancipium Actºf10) did not apply and therefore held supremely that, as no property in law can exist in a corpse(f39,f10) (Hal Kilbride v Una Bellina)(f39,ºf10) Pepigi's pact was pure piffle (loud laughter) and Wharrem (f39would couldºf10) whistle for the rhino. Will you, won't you, pango with Pepigi? Not for(f39,ºf10) Nancy, how dare you do! And whew whewwhew whew.

— He sighed in sleep.

— Let us go back.

— Lest he forewaken.

— Hide ourselves.

While hovering dreamwings, folding (f39around, round,ºf10) will hide from fears my wee (f39mee neeºf10) mannikin, keep (f39by myºf10) big wig long strong manomen, guard my bairn, mon beau.

— To bed(f39.!ºf10)

Prospector projector and boomooster giant builder of all causeways woesoever, (f39hopping offpoint hoppingoffpointºf10) and true terminus of straxstraightcuts and corkscrewn perambulaups, zeal whence to goal whither, (f39wonderlust wanderlustºf10), in sequence to which every muckle must make its mickle, as different as York from Leeds, being the only wise in a muck's world to look on itself from (f39beforehand beforelandºf10); mirrorminded curiositease and would-to-the-large which bring hills to molehunter, home through first husband, perils behind swine and
{f10, 449}
horsepower down to hungerford, prick this man and tittup this woman, our forced payrents, Bogy Bobow with his cunnyngnest couchmare, Big Maester Finnykin with Phenicia Parkes, lame of his ear and gape of her leg, most correctingly, we beseach of you, down their laddercase of nightwatch service and bring them at suntime flush with the (f39nethermost nethernmostºf10) gangrung of their stepchildren(f39,:ºf10) guide them through the labyrinth of their (f39samilikes semilikesºf10) and the alteregoases of their pseudoselves(f39,:ºf10) hedge them bothways from all roamers whose names are (f39ligious ligionsºf10), from loss of bearings deliver them; so they (f39keep kreepºf10) to their rights and be ware of (f39duty frees dutyfreesºf10), neoliffic smith and magdalenian jinnyjones,
{f39, 577}
mandragon mor and weak wiffeyducky, Morionmale and (f39Thrydacianmad Thrydacianmadeºf10), basilisk glorious with his weeniequeenie, tigernack and swansgrace, he as hale as his ardouries, she as verve as her veines(f39;:ºf10) this prime white arsenic with bissemate alloyed, martial sin with peccadilly, free to lease hold with first mortgage, dowser dour and dipper douce, stop-that-war and feel-this-feather, (f39norsebloodheartened horsebloodheartenedºf10) and (f39landsmoolwashable lambswoolwashableºf10), great gas with fun-in-the-corner, grand slam with fall-of-the-trick, solomn one and shebby, cod and coney, cash and carry, in all we dreamed the part we dreaded, corsair coupled with his dame, royal biber but constant lymph, boniface and bonnyfeatures, (f39nazil nazelf10) (f39hose noseºf10) and river mouth, bang-the-change and batter-the-bolster, big smoke and lickley roesthy, humanity's fahrman by society leader, voguener and trulley, humpered and elf, Urloughmoor with Miryburrow, leaks and awfully, basal curse yet grace abunda, Regies Producer with screendoll Vedette, peg of his claim and pride of her heart, cliffscaur grisly but rockdove cooing, (f39hodinstag Hodinstagºf10) on (f39fryggabet Fryggabetf10), baron and feme: that he may dishcover her, that she may uncouple him, that (f39one noneºf10) may come and crumple them, that they may soon recoup themselves: now and then, time on time again, as per periodicity(f39;:ºf10) from Neaves to Willses, from Bushmills to Enos; to Goerz from Harleem, to Hearths of Oak from Skittish Widdas(f39;:ºf10) via mala, hyber pass, heckhisway per alptrack: through (f39landsvague lands vagueºf10) and vain, after many mandelays: in their first case, to the next place, till their cozenkerries: the high and the by, both pent and plain: cross cowslips yillow, yellow, yallow, past pumpkins pinguind, purplesome: be they whacked to the wide other tied to (f39hustings, husthings:ºf10) long sizzleroads neath (f39arthruseat arthurseatºf10), him to the derby, her to toun, til sengentide(f39,ºf10) do coddlam(f39;:ºf10) in the grounds or unterlinnen: rue to lose and (f39ca canny ca'cannyºf10): at shipside, by convent garden: monk and sempstress, in sackcloth silkily: curious dreamers, curious dramas, curious (f39deman demonºf10), plagiast dayman, playajest dearest, plaguiest dourest: for the strangfort planters are prodesting(f39,ºf10) and the karkery felons dryflooring it and the leperties' (f39laddos laddsºf10) railing the way, blump for (f39slogo Slogoºf10) (f39slee Sleef10)(f39.!ºf10)

{f10, 450}

Stop! Did a stir? No, is fast. On to bed! So he is. It's only the
{f39, 578}
wind on the road outside for to wake all shivering shanks from (f39snorring snoringºf10).

But(f39.,ºf10) Oom Godd his villen, who will he be, this mitryman, some king of the yeast, in his chrismy greyed brunzewig, with the snow in his mouth and the (f39caspian Caspianºf10) asthma, so bulk of build? Relics of pharrer and livite! Dik Gill, Tum Lung or (f39Macfinnan's MacFinnan'sºf10) cool Harryng? He has only his (f39hedcosycasket bedcosycasketteºf10) on and his (f39wollsey woolseyºf10) shirtplisse with peascod doublet, also his feet wear doubled width socks for he always must to insure warm sleep between a pair of fullyfleeced bankers like a finnoc in a cauwl. Can thus be Misthra Norkmann that keeps our hotel? Begor, Mr O'Sorgmann, you're looking right well! Hecklar's champion ethnicist. How deft as a fuchser schouws daft as a fish! He's the dibble's own doges for doublin existents! But a jolly fine daysent form of one word. He's rounding up on his family.

And who is the bodikin by him, sir? So voulzievalsshie? With ybbs and zabs? Her trixiestrail is tripping her, vop! Luck at the way for the lucre of smoke she's looping the lamp! Why, that's old (f39missness wipethemdry Missness Wipethemdryºf10)! Well, well, wellsowells! Donauwatter! Ardechious me! With her halfbend(f39,ºf10) as proud as a peahen, allabalmy, and her troutbeck (f39quiverlipe quiverlipsºf10), (f39ninya-nanya ninyananyaºf10). And her (f39steptojazyma's sleptuajazzyma'sºf10) culunder buzztle. Happy tea area, naughtygay frew! Selling sunlit sopes to washtout winches and rhaincold draughts to the props of his pubs. She (f39tired triedºf10) lipping the swells at Pont Delisle till she jumped the boom at Brounemouth. Now she's borrid his head under Hatesbury's Hatch and loamed his fate to old Love Lane. And she's just the same old haporth of dripping. She's even brennt her hair.

Which route are they going? Why? Angell (f39sitter Sitterºf10) or Amen Corner, Norwood's Southwalk or Euston Waste? The solvent man in his upper gambeson withnot a (f39breth breathºf10) against him and the wee wiping womanahoussy. They're coming terug (f39forºf10) their diamond wedding tour, giant's (f39inchly inch byºf10) elfkin's ell, vesting their characters vixendevolment, andens aller, athors err, our first day man and your dresser and mine, that (f39Luxuumburgher Luxumburgherºf10) evec cettehis Alzette, konyglik shire with his queensh countess, Stepney's
{f39, 579}
shipchild with the waif of his bosun, Dunmow's flitcher with duck-on-the-rock, down the scales, the way they went up, under talls and threading tormentors, shunning the startraps and slipping in sliders, risking a runway, ruing reveals, from (f39Elder Eldorºf10) Arbor to La Puirée, eskipping the clockback, crystal in carbon, sweetheartedly(f39. Hot, hotºf10) and cold and electrickery with attendance and lounge and promenade free. In spite of all that science could boot or art could eke. Bolt the grinden. (f39Postpone no bills. Thrive slowly.ºf10) Cave and (f39can caneºf10) em. Single wrecks for the weak, double axe for the mail, and quick queck (f39quack quocksºf10) for the radiose. Renove that bible. You will never
{f10, 451}
have post in your pocket unless you have (f39brasse brassºf10) on your plate. Beggards outdoor. Goat to the Endth, thou (f39slowguard Slowguardºf10)! Mind the Monks and their Grasps. Scrape your souls. Commit no miracles. (f39Postpone no bills.ºf10) Respect the uniform. Hold the raabers for the kunning his plethoron. Let leash the dooves to the cooin her coynth. Hatenot havenots. Share the wealth and spoil the weal. Peg the pound to tom the devil. My time is on draught. Bottle your own. Love my label like myself. Earn before eating. Drudge after drink. Credit tomorrow. Follow my dealing. Fetch my price. Buy not from (f39dives Divesºf10). Sell not to (f39freund Freundºf10). Herenow chuck english and learn to pray plain. Lean on your lunch. No cods before Me. Practise preaching. Think in your stomach. Import through the nose. By faith alone. Season's weather. Gomorrha. (f39Salong Solongºf10). Lots feed from my tidetable(f39. Oil's, oilsºf10) wells in our lands. Let (f39earwigger's Earwigger'sºf10) (f39wivable wifableºf10) teach you the dance(f39.!ºf10)

Now their laws assist them and ease their fall!

For they met and mated and bedded and buckled and got and gave and reared and raised and brought Thawland within Har danger(f39,ºf10) and turned them, tarrying(f39,ºf10) to the sea and planted and plundered and pawned our souls and pillaged the pounds of the extramurals and fought and feigned with strained relations and (f39broke all banks and hated theº sights of one another andºf10) bequeathed us their ills and recrutched (f39cripples cripples'ºf10) gait and undermined lungachers, manplanting seven sisters while wan warmwooed woman scrubbs, and turned out coats and removed their origins and never learned the first day's lesson and tried to mingle and managed to save and feathered foes' nests and fouled
{f39, 580}
their own and wayleft the arenotts and ponted vodavalls for the zollgebordened and escaped from liquidation by the heirs of their death and were responsible for congested districts and rolled olled logs into Peter's sawyery and werfed new woodcuts on Paoli's wharf and ewesed Rachel's lea and rammed Dominic's gap (f39and struck rock oil and forced a policemanºf10) and looked haggards after lazatables and rode fourscore oddwinters (f39and struck rock oil and forced a policemanºf10) and collaughsed at their phizes in Toobiassed and Zachary and left off leaving off and kept on keeping on and roused up drink and poured balm down (f39the dustyfoot and tramped the world over to the court of pye powderºf10) and were cuffed by their customers and bit the dust at the foot of the poll when in her deergarth he gave up his goat after the battle of Multaferry. Pharoah with fairy, two lie(f39,ºf10) let them! Yet they wend it back, qual his leif, himmertality, bullseaboob and rivishy divil, light in hand, helm on high, to peekaboo durk the thicket of (f39slumbwhere Slumbwhereºf10), till their hour with their scene be struck for ever and the book of the dates he close, he clasp and she (f39and sheºf10) seegn her tour d'adieu, Pervinca calling, (f39Soloscar Solosearºf10) hears(f39.ºf10) (O Sheem! O Shaam!), and gentle Isad(f39,ºf10) Ysut (f39gag, gay,ºf10) flispering in the (f39nightleaves nightleaves'ºf10) flattery,
{f10, 452}
dinsiduously, to Finnegan, to sin again and to make grim grandma grunt and grin again(f39,ºf10) while the first grey streaks steal silvering by for to mock their quarrels in dollymount tumbling.

They near the base of the chill stair, that large incorporate licensed vintner, such as he is, from (f39former formorºf10) times, nine hosts in himself, in his hydrocomic establishment(f39,ºf10) and his ambling limfy peepingpartner, the slave of the ring that worries the hand that sways the lamp that shadows the walk that bends to his bane the busynext man that came on the cop with the (f39fenian's Fenian'sºf10) bark that pickled his widow that primed the pope that passed it round on the volunteers' plate till it croppied the ears of Purses Relle that kneed O'Connell up out of his doss that shouldered Burke that butted O'Hara that woke the busker that grattaned his crowd that bucked the jiggers to rhyme the rann that flooded the routes in Eryan's (f39isles isleºf10) from Malin to Clear and Carnsore Point to (f39Slynagollow Slynagollovºf10) and cleaned the pockets and ransomed the ribs of all the listeners, (f39leud lewdºf10) and lay, that bought the ballad that Hosty made.
{f39, 581}

Anyhow (the matter is a troublous and a peniloose) have they not called him at many's their mock indignation meeting, vehmen's vengeance vective volleying, inwader and uitlander, the notables, crashing libels in their (f39sullivan's Sullivan'sºf10) mounted beards about him, their right renownsable patriarch(f39?,f10) Heinz (f39cans everywhere Cans Everywhere,ºf10) and the swanee her ainsell and Eyrewaker's family sock that they smuggled (f39to forºf10) life betune them, roaring (Big Reilly was the worst)(f39:ºf10)

(f39f10) (f39free boose for the man from the nark, Free boose for the Man from the Nark,ºf10)
(f39f10) (f39sure, he never was worth a cornerwall fark, Sure, he never was worth a cornerwall fark,f10)
(f39f10) (f39and his banishee's And his banisheeºf10) (f39bedpan she's a quareold bedpan she's a quer oldºf10) (f39bite of a tark: bite of a tarkºf10)

(f39f10) as they wendelled their zingaway wivewards from his (f39find me cool's Find Me Cool'sºf10) moist opulent vinery, highjacking through the nagginneck pass, as they hauled home with their hogsheads, (f39axpoxtelating, axpoxtolatingºf10) and (f39claiming claimandºf10) cowled consollation, sursumcordial, from the bluefunkfires of the dipper and the (f39martian's martians'ºf10) frost?

Use they not, our (f39noesmall neosmallºf10) termtraders, to abhors offrom him, the yet unregendered thunderslog, whose sbrogue cunneth none lordmade undersiding, how betwixt wifely rule and mens conscia recti, then hemale man all (f39unbracing umbracingºf10) to omniwomen(f39,ºf10) but now shedropping his hitches like any maidavale oppersite orseriders in an idinhole? Ah, (f39dearo! Dearo, dear! dearo, dearo, dear!ºf10) And her illian! And his willyum! When they were all there now, matinmarked for lookin on. At the carryfour (f39with. Withºf10) (f39awlus plawshus Awlus Plawshusºf10), their happyass cloudious! And then and too the trivials! And their bivouac! And his monomyth! Ah ho! Say no more about it! I'm sorry! I saw(f39.,ºf10) I'm sorry! I'm sorry to say I saw!
{f10, 453}

Gives there not too amongst us (f39cismarinesºf10) after all events (or so grunts a leading hebdromadary) some togethergush of stillandbutallyouknow that, insofarforth as(f39,ºf10) all up and down the whole concreation (f39say, anyºf10) efficient first gets there finally every time(f39,ºf10) as a complex matter of pure form, for those (f39excess excessesºf10) and that pasphault hardhearingness from their eldfar, in (f39grippes gripesºf10) and rumblions, through fresh taint and (f39old sourºf10) treason, another like that alter but not quite such anander and stillandbut one not all the selfsame and butstillone just the maim and encore emmerhim may always, with a little difference, till the latest up to date so early in the morning, have evertheless been allmade amenable?
{f39, 582}

Yet he begottom.

Let us wherefore, tearing ages, presently preposterose a snatchvote of thanksalot to the huskiest coaxing experimenter that ever gave his best hand into chancerisk, wishing him with his famblings no end of slow poison and a mighty broad venue for themselves between the devil's punchbowl and the deep angleseaboard, that they may gratefully turn a deaf ear clooshed upon the desperanto of willynully(f39,ºf10) their shareholders from Taaffe to Auliffe(f39,ºf10) that will curse them below par and mar with their descendants, shame, humbug and profit, to greenmould upon mildew over jaundice as long as ever there's (f39aºf10) wagtail surtaxed to a testcase on (f39enver everºf10) a man.

We have to had them whether we'll like it or not. They'll have to have us now then we're here on (f39theirspot their spotºf10). Scant hope theirs or ours to escape life's high carnage of semperidentity by subsisting peasemeal upon variables. Bloody certainly have we got to see to it ere smellful demise surprends us on this concrete that down the gullies of the eras we may catch ourselves looking (f39forward forewordºf10) to what will in no time be staring you larrikins on the postface in that multimirror megaron of returningties, whirled without end to end. So there was a raughty … who in Dyfflinsborg did … (f39With withºf10) his soddering iron, spadeaway, hammerlegs and … (f39Where whereºf10) there was a fair young … (f39Who whoºf10) was playing her game of … (f39And andºf10) said she you rockaby … (f39Will willºf10) you peddle in my bog … (f39And andºf10) he sod her in Iarland, paved her way from Maizenhead to Youghal. And that's how (f39Humpfrey Humphreyºf10), champion emir, holds his own. (f39Shysweet Shy sweetºf10), she rests.

Or show pon him now, will you(f39! |shDerg rudd face should take patrick's|,ºf10) Hokoway, in his hiphigh bearserk(f39!?ºf10) Third position of concord(f39!. Luk!º |shDerg rudd face should take patrick's|ºf10) Excellent view from front. Sidome. Female imperfectly masking male. (f39Redspot Red spotºf10) his browbrand. Woman's the prey! Thon's the dullakeykongsbyogblagroggerswagginline (private judgers, change here for (f39Lootherstown Looterstownºf10)! (f39Onlyromans onlyromansºf10), keep your seats!) that drew all ladies please to our great mettrollops. Leary, leary, twentytun nearly, he's plotting (f39kings Kingsºf10) down for his villa's
{f10, 454}
extension! Gaze at him now in momentum! As his
{f39, 583}
bridges are blown to babbyrags, by the lee of his hulk upright on her orbits(f39,ºf10) and the heave of his juniper arx in action, he's naval(f39,ºf10) I see. Poor little tartanelle, her dinties are chattering, the (f39strait's straitsºf10) she's in, the bulloge she bears! Her smirk is smeeching behind for her hills. By the queer quick twist of her mobcap and the lift of her shift at random and the rate of her gate of going the pace, two thinks at a time, her country I'm proud of. The field is down, the race is their own. The galleonman jovial on his bucky brown nightmare. (f39Bigrob Bigbrobºf10) dignagging his (f39lylyputtana lilyputtanaºf10). One to one bore one! The datter, io, io, sleeps in peace, in peace. And the twillingsons, ganymede, garrymore, turn in trot and trot. But old (f39pairamere Pairamereºf10) goes it a gallop, (f39a gallop,ºf10) a gallop. Bossford and phospherine. One to one on!

O, O, her fairy setalite! Casting such shadows to Persia's blind! The man in the street can see the coming event. Photoflashing it far too wide. It will be known through all Urania soon. Like jealousjoy titaning fear; like rumour rhean round the planets; like (f39china's China'sºf10) dragon snapping japets; like rhodagrey up the east. Satyrdaysboost besets Phoebe's nearest. Here's the flood and the flaxen flood that's to come over helpless (f39Irryland irrylandºf10). Is there no-one to malahide Liv and her bettyship? Or who'll buy her rosebuds, jettyblack rosebuds, ninsloes of (f39nivia Niviaºf10), nonpaps of (f39nan Nanºf10)? From the fall of the fig to doom's last post every ephemeral anniversary (f39while. Whileºf10) the park's police peels peering by for to (f39weight weighºf10) down morrals from county bubblin. That trainer's trundling! Quick(f39, pay! Payºf10) up!

Kickakick. She had to kick a laugh. At her old stick-in-the-block. The way he was slogging his paunch about, elbiduubled, meet oft mate on, like hale King Willow, the (f39robberer robererºf10). Cainmaker's mace and (f39waxened waxendºf10) capapee. But the tarrant's brand on his hottoweyt brow. At half past quick in the (f39morning mormingºf10). And her lamp was all askew and a trumbly wick-in-her, ringeysingey. She had to spofforth, she had to kicker, too thick of the wick of her pixy's loomph, (f39wideºf10) lickering jessup the smooky shiminey. And her duffed coverpoint of a wickedy batter, whenever she druv behind her stumps for a tyddlesly wink through his tunnilclefft bagslops after the rising bounder's yorkers, as he studd and
{f39, 584}
stoddard and trutted and trumpered, to see had lordherry's blackham's red bobby abbels, it tickled her innings to consort pitch at (f39kicksolock kicksoclockºf10) in the morm. Tipatonguing him on in her pigeony linguish, with a flick at the bails for lubrication, to scorch her faster, faster. Ye hek, ye hok, ye hucky hiremonger! Magrath he's my pegger, he is, for bricking up all my old (f39kent Kentºf10) road. He'll win your toss(f39, andºf10) flog your old tom's bowling(f39,ºf10) and I darr ye, barrackybuller, to break his duck! He's posh. I lob him. We're parring all Oogster till the empsyseas
{f10, 455}
run googlie. Declare to ashes and teste his metch! Three for two will do for me and he for thee and she for you. Goeasyosey, for the grace of the fields, or(f39,ºf10) hooley pooley, cuppy, we'll both be bye and (f39by byeºf10) caught in the slips for fear he'd tyre and burst his dunlops and waken her bornybarnies making his boobybabies. The game old merrimynn, square to leg, with his lolleywide towelhat and his hobbsy socks and his wisden's bosse and his norsery pinafore and his gentleman's grip and his playaboy's plunge and his flannelly feelyfooling, treading her hump and hambledown like a maiden wellheld, ovalled over, with her crease where the pads of her punishments ought to be by womanish rights(f39,ºf10) when, keek, the hen in the (f39doran's Doran'sºf10) shantyqueer began in a kikkery key to laugh it off, yeigh, yeigh, neigh, neigh, the way she was wuck to doodledoo by her gallows bird (how's that? (f39Noball noballºf10), he carries his bat!)(f39,ºf10) nine hundred and dirty too not out, at all times long past conquering cock of the (f39morgans Morgansºf10).

(f39Cocorico!ºf10) How blame us?

(f39f10) (f39Cocorico!ºf10)

(f39f10) Armigerend everfasting horde(f39.!ºf10) Rico! So the bill to the bowe. As the belle to the beau. We herewith pleased (f39returned returnºf10) auditors' thanks for those and their favours since safely enjoined. Cocoree! Tellaman tillamie. Tubbernacul in (f39tipherairy Tipherairyºf10), sons, travellers in company and their carriageable tochters, tanks tight (f39anne thynne Anne Thynneºf10) for her (f39contractations contrectactionsºf10) tugowards his personeel. Echo(f39,ºf10) choree chorecho! O I you O you me! Well, we all unite thoughtfully in rendering gratias, well, between loves repassed, begging your honour's pardon for, well, exclusive pigtorial rights of (f39herehear Herehearºf10)
{f39, 585}
fond (f39tiplady Tiplady,ºf10) his (f39weekreations wekreationsºf10), appearing in next eon's issue of (f39the Neptune's Centinel and Tritonville Lightowler The Neptune's Centinel and Tritonville Lightowlerºf10) with(f39,f10) well(f39,ºf10) the widest circulation round the whole universe. (f39Echolo choree choroh choree chorico! Echoho choroh choree chorico!ºf10) How me O my youhou my I youtou to I O? Thanks furthermore to modest Miss Glimglow and neat Master (f39Mettresson Mattressonºf10) who so kindly profiteered their serwishes as demysell of honour and, well, as strainbearer respectively. And a (f39cordiallest cordialestºf10) brief nod of chinchin dankyshin to(f39,f10) well(f39,ºf10) patient ringasend(f39,ºf10) as prevenient (by your leave)(f39,ºf10) to all such occasions, detachably replaceable (thanks too! twos intact!)(f39.,ºf10) (f39As asºf10) well as his auricular of Malthus, the promethean (f39paratonnerwetter paradonnerwetterºf10) which first ((f39Pray prayºf10) go! pray go!) taught love's lightning the way (pity shown(f39!f10)) to(f39,f10) well(f39,ºf10) conduct itself (mercy, good shot! only please don't mention it!). Come all ye goatfathers and groanmothers, come all ye markmakers and piledrivers, come all ye laboursaving devisers and chargeleyden dividends, (f39firefinders firefendersºf10), waterworkers, deeply condeal with him! All that is still life with death inyeborn, all verbumsaps yet bound to be, to do and to suffer, every creature, everywhere, if you please, kindly feel for her! While the dapplegray dawn drags nearing nigh for to wake all droners that drowse in Dublin.

{f10, 456}

(f39Humperfeldt Humpenfeldtºf10) and (f39Anunska Annuskaºf10), wedded now evermore in annastomoses by a (f39ground plan groundplanºf10) of the placehunter, whiskered beau and donahbella(f39.,ºf10) Totumvir and (f39esquimeena Esquimeenaºf10), who so shall separate fetters to new desire, repeals an act of union to unite in bonds of (f39shismacy schismacyºf10). O yes! O yes! Withdraw your member(f39.!ºf10) Closure. This chamber stands abjourned. Such precedent is largely a cause to lack of collective continencies among Donnelly's orchard as lifelong the shadyside to Fairbrother's field. Humbo, lock your kekkle up! Anny, blow your wickle out! Tuck away the tablesheet!(f39!ºf10) You never wet the tea! And you may go rightoway back to your Aunty Dilluvia, (f39Humprey Humphreyºf10), after that!

Retire to rest without first misturbing your nighboor, mankind of baffling descriptions. Others are as tired of themselves as you are. Let each one learn to bore himself. It is strictly requested
{f39, 586}
that no cobsmoking, spitting, pubchat, wrastle rounds, coarse courting, smut, etc, will take place amongst those hours so devoted to repose. Look before behind before you strip you. Disrobe clothed in the strictest secrecy which privacy can afford. Water non to be discharged coram grate or ex window. Never divorce in the bedding the glove that will give you away. Maid Maud ninnies nay but blabs to (f39Omama mamaf10) ((f39O,ºf10) for your life, would you!)(f39:ºf10) she(f39,ºf10) to her (f39bosom besomºf10) friend who does all chores (and what do you think my Madeleine saw?): this ignorant mostly sweeps it out along with all the rather old corporators (have you heard of one humbledown jungleman(f39,f10) how he bet (f39byrn-and-bushe Byrne-and-Busheºf10) playing peg and pom?): the maudlin river then gets its dues (adding a din a ding or do): thence those laundresses (O, muddle me more about the maggies! I mean bawnee Madge Ellis and brownie Mag Dillon). Attention at all! Every ditcher's dastard in (f39Dupling Dupelingºf10) will (f39let usf10) know (f39about itºf10) if you have paid the mulctman by whether your rent is open to be foreclosed or aback in your arrears. This is seriously meant. Here is a homelet not a hothel.

That's right, old (f39oldun Oldunºf10)!

All in fact is soon as all of old right as anywas ever in very old place. Were he, hwen scalded of that couverfowl, to beat the bounds by here at such a point of time as this is for at sammel up all wood's haypence and riviers argent (half back from three gangs multaplussed on a twentylot add allto a fiver with the deuce or roamer's numbers ell a fee and do little ones) with the caboosh on him opheld for thrushes' mistiles yet singing oud his parasangs in (f39cornish Cornishºf10) token: mean fawthery eastend appullcelery, old laddy he high hole: pollysigh patrolman (f39Seekersenn, Seekerseen,ºf10) towney's tanquam, crumlin quiet down from his hoonger, he would mac siccar of inket goodsforetombed ereshiningem of light turkling eitheranny of thuncle's windopes. More, unless (f39we heºf10) were neverso wrongtaken, if he brought his boots to pause in peace, the one beside the other one, right on the road, he would seize no
{f10, 457}
sound from cache or cave beyond the flow of wand was gypsing water, telling him now, telling him all, all about ham and livery, stay and toast ham in livery, and buttermore with murmurladen, to
{f39, 587}
waker oats for him on livery. Faurore! Fearhoure! At last it past! Loab at cod then herrin or wind (f39thin thenºf10) mong them treen.

Hiss! Which we had only our hazelight to see with, cert, in our point of view, me and my auxy, Jimmy d'Arcy, hadn't we, (f39Jimmy jimmyºf10)? — (f39Who whoºf10) to seen with? Kiss! No kidd, captn, which he stood us(f39,f10) three jolly postboys(f39,ºf10) first a couple of (f39Mountjoys mountjoysºf10) and nutty woodbines with his cadbully's choculars, pepped from our (f39Theoatre Theatreºf10) Regal's drolleries puntomine, in the snug at the Cambridge Arms of Teddy Ales while we was laying, crown jewels to a peanut, was he stepmarm, old noseheavy, or a wouldower, which he said, lads, a taking low his Whitby hat, lopping off the froth and whishing, with all respectfulness to the old country, (f39tomorow tomorrowºf10) comrades, we, his long life's strength and (f39cuirscrween cuirkscrweenºf10) loan to our allhallowed king (f39( Lawd lengthen him!)f10), the pitchur that he's turned to weld the wall, (f39(Lawd lengthen him!)ºf10) his standpoint was, to belt and blucher him afore the hole pleading (f39churchal churchaleºf10) and submarine bar yonder but he made no class at all in port and cemented palships between our trucers, being a refugee, didn't he, (f39Jimmy jimmyºf10)? — (f39Who whoºf10) true to me? Sish! Honeysuckler, that's what my young lady here, Fred Watkins, bugler Fred, all the ways from Melmoth in Natal, she calls him(f39, when hef10) dip the colours, pet, (f39when he andºf10) commit his certain (f39questions questionºf10) (f39vivaviz vizavizºf10) the secret empire of the snake which it was on a point of our sutton down, how was it, (f39Jimmy jimmyºf10)? — (f39Who whoºf10) has sinnerettes to declare? Phiss! Touching our Phoenix Rangers' nuisance at the meeting of the waitresses, the daintylines, Elsies from Chelsies, the two legglegels in blooms, and those pest of parkies, twitch, thistle and charlock, were they for giving up their fogging trespasses(f39,ºf10) by order which we foregathered he must be raw in cane sugar, the party, no, Jimmy (f39MacCawthelock MacCawthelickºf10)? (f39Who whoºf10) trespass against me? Briss! That's him wiv his wig on, achewing of his maple gum, that's our grainpopaw, Mister Beardall, an accompliced burgomaster, a great one among the very greatest, which he told us privates out of his own scented mouf he used to was, my lads, afore this (f39wineact Wineactºf10) come, what say, our (f39Jimmy jimmyºf10) the chapelgoer? — (f39Who whoºf10) fears all masters! (f39Spiss!ºf10) Hi, Jocko Nowlong, my
{f39, 588}
own sweet boosy love, which he puts his feeler to me behind the (f39beggar's beggars'ºf10) bush, does Freda, don't you be an emugee! Carryone, he says, though we (f39marooned maroomedºf10) through this woylde. We must spy a half (f39and halfºf10) a hind on (f39honeysuckler Honeysucklerºf10) now his old face's hardalone wiv his defences down (f39during durinºf10) his wappin stillstand, says my Fred, and Jamessime here which, pip it, she simply must, she says, our pet, she'll do a retroussy from her point of view ((f39Way wayºf10) you fly! (f39Like likeºf10) a frush!) to keep her
{f10, 458}
flouncies off the grass while paying the wetmenots a musichall visit and pair her fiefighs fore him with just one curl after the cad came back which we fought he wars a gunner and (f39his corkiness His Corkinessºf10) lay up two bottles of joy with a shandy had by Fred and a fino oloroso which he was warming to, my right, (f39Jimmy jimmyºf10), my old brown freer? — (f39Whose whoseºf10) dolour, O so mine!

Following idly up to seepoint, neath kingmount shadow(f39,ºf10) the ilk for eke of us, whose nathem's banned, whose hofd a-hooded, welkim warsail, how (f39di' didºf10) you dew? Hollymerry, ivysad, whicher and whoer, Mr Black Atkins and you tanapanny troopertwos, were you there? Was truce of snow, moonmounded snow? Or did wolken hang o'er earth in umber hue his fulmenbomb? Number two coming! Full inside! Was glimpsed the mean amount of cloud? Or did pitter rain fall in a sprinkling? If the waters could speak as they flow! (f39Timgle Tingleºf10) Tom, (f39pall pullºf10) the bell! Izzy's busy down the dell! Mizpah low, youyou, number one, in deep humidity! Listen, misled peerless, please! You are(f39,ºf10) of course. You miss him so, to listleto! Of course, my pledge between us, there's no-one (f39Noel noelºf10) like him here to hear. Esch so eschess, douls a doulse! Since Allan Rogue loved Arrah Pogue it's all (f39Killdoughall Killdroughallºf10) fair. Triss! Only trees such as these(f39,ºf10) such were those, waving there, the (f39barketree, the o'briertree, the rowantree, the o'corneltree, the behanshrub near windy arbour, the magill o'dendron more Barketree, the O'Briertree, the Rowantree, the O'Corneltree, the Behanshrub near Windy Arbour, the Magill O'Dendron Moreºf10). Trem! All the trees in the wood they trembold, humbild, when they heard the stoppress from (f39domday's erewold Domday's Erewoldºf10).

Tiss! Two pretty mistletots, ribboned to a tree, up rose liberator and, fancy, they were free! Four witty missywives, winking
{f39, 589}
under hoods, made lasses like lads love maypoleriding (f39and dotted our, dotting Harold's crossºf10) green with tricksome couples, fiftyfifty, their (f39chiltren's childern'sºf10) hundred. So childish pence took care of parents' pounds and many made money the way in the world where rushroads to riches crossed slums of lice and, the cause of it all, he forged himself ahead like a blazing urbanorb, brewing treble to drown grief, giving and taking mayom and tuam, playing milliards with his three golden balls, making party capital out of landed selfinterest, light on a slavey but weighty on the bourse, our hugest commercial emporialist, with his sons booing home from afar and his daughters bridling up at his side. Finner!

How did he bank it up, swank it up, the whaler in the punt, a guinea by a groat, his index on the balance and such wealth into the bargain, with the (f39boguey bogeyºf10) which he snatched in the baggage coach ahead? Going forth on the prowl, master jackill, under night and creeping back, dog to hide, over morning. Humbly to fall and cheaply to rise, exposition of failures. Through Duffy's blunders and MacKenna's insurance for upper ten and lower five the band played on. As one generation tells another. Ofter the
{f10, 459}
fall. First(f39,ºf10) for a change of a seven (f39days days'ºf10) (f39license licenceºf10) he wandered out of his farmer's health and so lost his early parishlife. Then ('twas in fenland)(f39,f10) occidentally of a (f39sudden suddom,ºf10) six junelooking flamefaces straggled wild out of their turns through his parsonfired wicket, showing all shapes of striplings in sleepless tights. Promptly whomafter in undated times, very properly a dozen generations anterior to themselves, a main chanced to burst and misflooded his fortunes, wrothing foulplay over his fives' court and his fine poultryyard wherein were spared a just two of a feather in wading room only. Next, upon due reflotation, up started four hurrigan gales to smithereen his plateglass housewalls and the slate for accounts his keeper was cooking. Then came three boy buglehorners who counterbezzled and (f39crossbugled crossburgledºf10) him. Later on in the same evening two (f39hussites hussyitesºf10) absconded through a breach in his bylaws and left him, the infidels, to pay himself off in kind remembrances. Till, ultimatehim, fell the crowning barleystraw(f39,ºf10) when an explosium of his distilleries
{f39, 590}
(f39deafadumped deafandumpedºf10) all his dry goods (f39downºf10) to his most favoured sinflute and dropped him, what remains of a heptark, leareyed and (f39letterish lotterishºf10), weeping worrybound on his bankrump.

Pepep. Pay bearer, sure and sorry, at foot of ohoho honest (f39policist policiestºf10). (f39On Oºf10) never again, by (f39Phoenis Phoenixºf10), swore on him Lloyd's, not for beaten wheat, not after Sir Joe Meade's father, thanks! They know him, the covenanter, by rote at least, for a chameleon at last, in his true falseheaven colours from ultraviolent to subred tissues. That's his last tryon to march through the grand tryomphal arch. His reignbolt's shot. Never again! How you do that like, Mista Chimepiece? You got nice yum (f39plemyums. premyums?ºf10) Praypaid my promishles(f39.!ºf10)

Agreed, Wu Welsher, he was chogfulled to beacsate on earn as in hiving(f39,ºf10) of foxold conningnesses but who, hey honey, for all values of his latters, (f39was,f10) integer integerrimost, (f39wasºf10) the formast of the firm? (f39At Byºf10) folkmood hailed, at part farwailed(f39,.f10) (f39accwmwladed Accwmwladedºf10) concloud, Nuah-Nuah, Nebob of Nephilim! After all(f39,ºf10) what followed for (f39apprentice apprentice'ºf10) sake? Since the now nighs nearing as the yetst hies hin. Jeebies, ugh, kek, ptah, that was an ill man! Jawboose, puddigood, this is for true (f39a oneºf10) sweetish mand! But Jumbluffer, bagdad, sir, yond would be for a once over our all honoured (f39christmastyde christmastypeºf10) (f39easteredman easteredmanxºf10).

(f39ºf10) Fourth position of solution. How johnny! Finest view from horizon. Tableau final. Two me see. Male and female unmask we hem. Begum by (f39gunne Gunneºf10)! Who now broothes (f39oldbrawn oldbawnºf10). Dawn! The nape of his nameshielder's scalp. Halp! After having drummed all he dun. Hun! Worked out to an inch of his core. More! Ring down. While the queenbee he staggerhorned blesses her bliss for to feel her funnyman's functions(f39.ºf10) Tag. Rumbling.

Tiers, tiers and tiers. Rounds.