
Comparison of 1939 and 2010 texts II.2§9

Emendations by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon

Key:  (f391939 text 2010 textf10)

RM38 lm118 Thanks eversore much, Pointcarried! I can't say if it's the weight you strike me to the quick or that red mass I was looking at but at the present momentum, potential as I am, I'm seeing (f39rayingbogeys raying bogeysºf10) rings round me. Honours to you and may you be commended for (f39our yourºf10) exhibitiveness! I'd love to take you for a bugaboo ride and play funfer all if you'd only sit and be the ballasted bottle in the porker barrel. You (f39will wellºf10) deserve a rolypoly as long as from here to tomorrow. And to (f39hell heelºf10) with them (f39driftbombs drift bobsºf10) and bottom trailers! (f39If my maily was bag enough I'd send you a toxis.f10) By Saxon Chromaticus, you done that lovely for me! Didn't he now, Nubilina? Tiny Mite, (f39she shieºf10) studiert whas? (f39f207ºf10) With her (f39listeningin listening-inºf10) coiffure, her dream of Endsland's daylast and the glorifires of being presainted maid to majesty. (f39f207fºf10) And less is the pity (f39for. Forºf10) she isn't the lollypops she easily might be if she had for a sample Virginia's air of achievement. That might keep her from throwing delph.f208 lm119 As I was saying, while retorting thanks, you make me a reborn of the cards. We're offals boys ambows.f209 (f39And ifº my bag was bigº enough I'd send you a toxis.ºf10) lm120 For I've flicked up all the crambs as they (f39crumbed crumbledf10) from your table um, singing glory allaloserem, cog it out, here goes a sum. So
{f39, 305}
read we in must book. It tells. He prophets most who (f39Iºf10) bilks the best. (f39f210ºf10)

RM39 And that salubrated sickenagiaour of yaours have teaspilled all my hazeydency. Forge (f39away aheadºf10), Sunny Sim(f39.!ºf10) Sheepshopp. Bleating Goad, it is the least of things, Eyeinstye! Imagine it, my deep dartry dullard! It is hours giving, not more. I'm only out for celebridging over the guilt of the gap in your hiscitendency. You are a hundred thousand times welcome, old wortsampler, hellbeit you're just about as culpable as my woolfell merger would be. In effect lm121 I could engage in an energument over you till you were republicly royally toobally prussic blue in the shirt after.f211 Trionfante di bestia! And if you're not your bloater's kipper may I never curse again on that pint I took of Jamesons. Old Keane now, you're rod, hook and sinker, old jubalee Keane! Biddy's hair. Biddy's hair, mine lubber. Where is that Quin but he
{f10, 234}
sknows it knot but what you that are my popular (f39endphthisis endphthisisisºf10) were born with a solver arm up your sleep(f39.?ºf10) lm122 Thou in shanty! Thou in scanty shanty!! Thou in slanty scanty shanty!!! Bide in your hush! Bide in your hush, do! The law does not aloud you to shout. I plant my penstock in your postern, chinarpot. Ave(f39!.ºf10) And let it be to all remembrance. Vale. Ovocation of maiding waters.f212 For auld lang (f39salvy salveyºf10) steyne. I defend you to champ my scullion's praises. To book alone belongs the lobe. Foremaster's meedf213 will mark tomorrow when we are making pilscrummage to whaboggeryin with
{f39, 306}
staff, scarf and blessed wallet and our aureoles round our neckkandcropfs where as and when (f39Heavysciusgardaddy Heavysciugardaddyºf10), parent who offers sweetmeats, will gift uns his Noblett's surprize. It is a matter of ours. lm123 With this laudable purpose in (f39loud ability loudabilityºf10) let us be singulfied. Betwixt me and thee hung cong. Item, mizpah ends.

RM40 But while the dial are they doodling dawdling over the mugs and the grubs? Oikey, Impostolopulos?f214 Steady steady steady steady steady studiavimus. Many many many many many manducabimus.f215 We've had our day at triv and quad and writ our (f39bit bitsºf10) as intermidgets. Art, literature, politics, economy, chemistry, humanity, &c.

(f39ºf10) lm124 Duty, the (f39daughter Daughterºf10) of (f39discipline Disciplineºf10),

(f39f10) lm125 (f39the Theºf10) Great Fire at the South City Markets,

(f39f10) lm126 Belief in Giants and the Banshee,

(f39f10) lm127 A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place,

(f39f10) lm128 Is the Pen Mightier than the Sword?

(f39f10) lm129 A Successful Career in the Civil Service,f216

(f39f10) lm130 The Voice of Nature in the Forest,f217

(f39f10) lm131 Your (f39Favorite Favouriteºf10) Hero or Heroine,

(f39f10) lm132 On the Benefits of Recreation,f218

(f39f10) lm133 If Standing Stones Could Speak,

(f39f10) lm134 Devotion to the Feast of the Indulgence of Portiuncula,

(f39f10) lm135 The Dublin Metropolitan Police Sports at Ballsbridge,

(f39f10) lm136 Describe in Homely Anglian Monosyllables the Wreck of the Hesperus,f219

(f39f10) lm137 What Morals(f39, if any, (if Any)ºf10) can be drawn from Diarmuid and Grania? f220
{f10, 235}

(f39f10) lm138 Do you (f39approve Approveºf10) of our Existing Parliamentary System?

(f39f10) lm139 The Uses and Abuses of Insects,

(f39f10) lm140 A
{f39, 307}
Visit to (f39Guinness' Guinness'sºf10) Brewery,

(f39f10) lm141 Clubs,

(f39f10) lm142 Advantages of the Penny Post,

(f39f10) lm143 When is a Pun not a Pun?

(f39f10) lm144 Is the Co-Education of Animus and Anima Wholly Desirable?f221

(f39f10) lm145 What Happened at Clontarf?

(f39f10) lm146 Since our Brother (f39Johnathan Jonathanºf10) Signed the Pledge (f39or orf10)

(f39f10) lm147 (f39the Theºf10) Meditations of Two Young Spinsters,f222

(f39f10) lm148 Why we all Love our Little Lord Mayor,

(f39f10) lm149 Hengler's Circus Entertainment,

(f39f10) lm150 On Thrift,f223

(f39f10) lm151 The Kettle-Griffith-Moynihan Scheme for a New Electricity Supply,

(f39f10) lm152 Travelling in the Olden Times,f224

(f39f10) lm153 American Lake Poetry,

(f39f10) lm154 (f39the Theºf10) Strangest Dream that was (f39ever Everºf10) Halfdreamt(f39.,ºf10) f225

(f39f10) lm155 Circumspection,

(f39f10) lm156 Our Allies the Hills,

(f39f10) lm157 Are Parnellites Just towards Henry Tudor?

(f39f10) lm158 Tell a Friend in a Chatty Letter the Fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant,f226

(f39f10) lm159 Santa Claus,

(f39f10) lm160 The Shame of Slumdom,

(f39f10) lm161 The Roman Pontiffs and the Orthodox Churches,f227

(f39f10) lm162 The Thirty Hour Week,

(f39f10) lm163 Compare the Fistic Styles of Jimmy Wilde and Jack Sharkey,

(f39f10) lm164 How to Understand the Deaf,

(f39f10) lm165 Should Ladies learn Music or Mathematics?

(f39f10) lm166 Glory be to Saint Patrick!

(f39f10) lm167 What is to be found in a Dustheap,

(f39f10) lm168 The Value of Circumstantial Evidence,

(f39f10) lm169 Should Spelling?

(f39f10) lm170 Outcasts in India,
{f10, 236}

(f39f10) lm171 Collecting Pewter,

(f39f10) lm172 Eu,f228

(f39f10) lm173 Proper and Regular Diet Necessity For,f229

(f39f10) lm174 If You Do It Do It Now(f39.,ºf10)
{f39, 308}

(f39f10) lm175 Delays are Dangerous.

(f39RM41f10) Vitavite! Gobble Anne: tea's set, see's eneugh! Mox soonly will be in a split second per the chancellory of his exticker.

(f39RM41rf10) lm176 Aun

lm177 Do

lm178 Tri

lm179 Car

lm180 Cushf230

lm181 Shay

lm182 Shockt

lm183 Ockt

lm184 Ni

lm185 Gegf231

(f39f10) RM42 lm186 Their feed begins.


{f10, 237}


(f39f10) With our best youlldied greedings to Pep and Memmy and
(f39f10) the old folkers below and beyant, wishing them all very
(f39f10) merry Incarnations in this land of the livvey and plenty
(f39f10) of preprosperousness through (f39allºf10) their coming new yonks

jake, jack and little sousoucie
(the babes that mean too)