
1st draft, November 1938, IV§5 draft level 0

MS British Library 47488 119-120, 126 Draft details

Soft morning, city! I am |aleaffy Leafyºa| speafing. |aLifp!a| Folty and folty |athey all have falled all the nights have being fallingº ona| to long my hair. Not a sound, falling. The woods are so fond. always. It is for our my golden wending. Come Rise up, Rise up, man of the hooths, you have slept so long! I am Leafyº, your golden, so you called me, exaggerator! Here is your shirt, the day one, come back. The stock, your collar. Also your double brogues. I want to see you looking fine for me. |saYou make me think of a seaman I once. Or an earl was he, at Lucan?º Or, no,º it's the Iren duke's I mean. Come and let| The childer are still fast. There is no school today. |saThem boysº |sbare isºsb| so contrairy. |sbHe'll Heel trouble and he'll heel heal| And her, you wait. But let them. |sbWe've light| Slopsº andº the slut too.ºsa| It's Phoenix, dear. It is the softest morning that I can ever remember me. The trout will be so nice at brookfest. |saWith unread a cut of roly polony after. To bring out the tang of| Am I not Are my not truly? Only you must buy me a new girdle too. Come.º Give me your great big hand for miny tiny. We will take our walk before they ring the bells. Not such big steps. It is hardly seven mile. It It is very good for health in the morning. It seemsº so long since. As if you had been long far away. You will tell me some time if I can believe its all. You know where I am bringing you? You remember? Not a soul but ourselves. We might call on the Old Lord, what do you say? He is a fine sport. |saHis door always| Remember to lift your take off your white hat, eh? |saWe |sbmight cansb| sit |xwe usx| down on the heathery benn, me on you. To scand the arising. Ourselves alone at the sigh site of| |saAnd watch would the letter you're wanting be comingº may be. That I pays for with me dreams. Scratching it and patching at with a prompt of aº primer. Basedº on traumscrapt from Maston,º Boss. After rounding his
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world of ancient days. Carried inº a caddy or screwed and corked. Onº his mugisstosstº surface. (+Blob.+) Withº a bob, bob, bottledy bob. sa| |sxYou must build our villa there and we'll cohabit respectable. You're not so giddy nowº any| |saOnly don't start your games of last night again. For the lovesº of the sins! |xAnd before Beforex| the naked| I am so exquisitely pleased about the lovely dress I have. You will always call me Leafy, won't you? Queer grand oldº Finn, if I knew who you are! I will tell you all sorts of stories, strange one. About every (+simple+) place we pass |abya|. It is all so often and still the same to me. |saIf I lose my breath for a minute or two, don't speak, remember. |sbIt's thinking of| I'll begin again in a| Look! Your blackbirds! That's for your good luck. How glad you'll be I waked you!º My! How well you'll feel!º For ever after. First we turn a little here and then it's easy. I only hope |xwholex| the heavens sees
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us. |xFor I feel I could faint.x| |saHereº weir, reach, island, bridge. There! That's what cockles the hearty!sa| A bit beside the bush and then a walk along the
